#maze ent.
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aessanda · 1 year ago
Grup: DRIPPIN (드리핀)Album: 4th Single Album – Beautiful MazeWaktu Rilis: 4 April 2024Penulis: SEO YONGWON (153/Joombas), Jang Seung Min (LaLaLa Studio), 4 Gyejeol (153/Joombas)Label: Woollim Entertainment Judul terjemahan: Bersorak Sorai (Junho)Uh yeah-yi yeah(Dongyun)Let’s goAyo (Yunseong)Oh 어떤 말도 설명 못해 UmOh eotteon maldo seolmyeong motae Um Oh, gak ada kata yang bisa menjelaskan, hm널 감히 뭐라…
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thatliminal-wanderer · 11 months ago
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Backrooms ID Pack
Adam, Adym, Aguana, Aiden, Aiko, Alex, Alexia, Altair, Ambrosia, Amori, Andrew, Ant, Argos, Aries, Ashley, Aster, Avelon, Bartholomew, Belphegor, Berry, Bill, Blake, Blue, Bonx, Bram, Brock, Callum, Caspian, Castello, Chara, Cindy, Clement, Clementine, Colias, Corey, Corri, Crane, Creg, Crimson, Cyllene, Cypress, Daisy, Daze, Destiny, Doll, Dream, Dull, Dunk, Eden, Emily, Emme, Evangeline, Ezra, Ferren, Flannery, Frankie, Freeman, Fume, Gani, George, Gerald, Grey, Hen, Icarus, Jack, Janus, Jax, Jerry, Jess, Johnny, Kaii, Kain, Kami, Kane, Kat, Kimiko, King, Kitty, Koko, Kya, Leeon, Leo, Lilac, Limi, Llio, Lotka, Lucid, Malachi, March, Maria, Mason, Moley, Montie, Nightmare, Noir, Olive, Olivia, Ollie, Paisley, Pedro, Philia, Porter, Quinoa, Rae, Rasputin, Richard, River, Rook, Rosette, Rue, Ryan, Samantha, Sato, Saturn, Sienna, Sol, Terry, Theodore, Tom, Trance, Val, Vanta, Vee, Vesper, Vice, Violet, Will, Xavier, Xoa, Zero
!/!s, 0/0s, 1/1s, 2/2s, 3/3s, 4/4s, 5/5s, 6/6s, 7/7s, 8/8s, 9/9s, :(/:(s, :)/:)s, =(/=(s, =)/=)s, ?/?s, _/_s, almond/almonds, alone/alones, alpha/alphas, back/backs, bee/bees, bird/birds, black/blacks, blood/bloods, blue/blues, bone/bones, book/books, box/boxes, bug/bugs, buzz/buzzes, camp/camps, cave/caves, chalk/chalks, city/cities, clean/cleans, crimson/crimsons, crop/crops, danger/dangers, dark/darks, data/datas, dead/deads, decay/decays, desert/deserts, dirt/dirts, doll/dolls, door/doors, dream/dreams, echo/echos, end/ends, error/errors, eye/eyes, fate/fates, field/fields, fog/fogs, forest/forests, garden/gardens, glitch/glitchs, glow/glows, gold/golds, grime/grimes, hall/halls, haunt/haunts, hill/hills, hive/hives, home/homes, hot/hotel/hotels, house/houses, hub/hubs, ice/ices, icy/icys, jungle/jungles, lake/lakes, laser/lasers, level/levels, light/lights, love/loves, lucid/lucids, mall/malls, maze/mazes, mem/memory/memories, mirror/mirrors, moon/moons, moth/moths, mouth/mouths, musk/musks, neon/neons, noir/noirs, play/plays, pool/pools, rain/rains, rainbow/rainbows, red/reds, road/roads, room/rooms, rot/rots, run/runs, sand/sands, sea/seas, sewer/sewers, silent/silents, snack/snacks, space/spaces, sparkle/sparkles, spring/springs, tha/thalasso/thalassos, time/times, violet/violets, void/voids, wall/walls, warning/warnings, water/waters, wave/waves, well/wells, wheat/wheats, white/whites, yellow/yellows, •/•s, ∅/∅s, ⌛️/⌛️s, ☁️/☁️s, ⚠️/⚠️s, ⚰️/⚰️s, ⛓️/⛓️s, ⛓️‍💥/⛓️‍💥s, ✂️/✂️s, 🌀/🌀s, 🌈/🌈s, 🌓/🌓s, 🌗/🌗s, 🌪️/🌪️s, 🌫️/🌫️s, 🍄/🍄s, 🍄‍🟫/🍄‍🟫s, 🎞️/🎞️s, 🎟️/🎟️s, 🎤/🎤s, 🎥/🎥s, 🎪/🎪s, 🎭/🎭s, 🐁/🐁s, 🐇/🐇s, 🐌/🐌s, 🐛/🐛s, 🐜/🐜s, 🐥/🐥s, 👁️/👁️s, 📞/📞s, 📠/📠s, 📹/📹s, 📺/📺s, 📻/📻s, 📽️/📽️s, 🔑/🔑s, 🔗/🔗s, 🔮/🔮s, 🕊️/🕊️s, 🕯️/🕯️s, 🕰️/🕰️s, 🕳️/🕳️s, 🕷️/🕷️s, 🗝️/🗝️s, 🗺️/🗺️s, 😶‍🌫️/😶‍🌫️s, 🚪/🚪s, 🛎️/🛎️s, 🛠️/🛠️s, 🥀/🥀s, 🥣/🥣s, 🥩/🥩s, 🦂/🦂s, 🦜/🦜s, 🦟/🦟s, 🦠/🦠s, 🦴/🦴s, 🦷/🦷s, 🧠/🧠s, 🧫/🧫s, 🩸/🩸s, 🩹/🩹s, 🩻/🩻s, 🪐/🪐s, 🪜/🪜s, 🪞/🪞s, 🪟/🪟s, 🪦/🪦s, 🪰/🪰s, 🪱/🪱s, 🪳/🪳s, 🪶/🪶s, 🪹/🪹s, 🫀/🫀s, 🫁/🫁s, 🫗/🫗s, 🫥/🫥s
A Corrupted File, An Unapproachable (Beast/Entity/Unknown/Any Animal), Entity [number], Lucky (Beast/Entity/Any Animal), The (Bride/Husband/Spouse), The (Entity/Beast/Creature/Thing/God) of Level [number], The (King/Queen/Royal), The (Smiling/Frowning) One, The (Spokeslady/Spokesman/Spokesperson), The (Un)Lucky One, The Artist, The Behemoth, The Bellhopper, The Bone Thief, The Bronze Builder, The Catmaster, The Coder, The Comedian, The Concierge, The Crawlspace (Entity/Beast/Creature), The Endless Walls, The Entity, The Entity Which Doesn’t Exist, The Explorer, The First Entity, The Friend, The Game Master, The Headless (Hunter/Huntress/Entity/Beast/Creature), The Hermit, The Historian, The Homerunner, The Housekeeper, The Liminal Space, The Mail Carrier, The Maker, The Maze of Lost Ones, The Memory (Any Animal), The Memory Manager, The Mucked Smell, The Musician, The Neighborhood Watcher, The Numbed (Entity/Beast/Man/Woman/Person/Creature), The One Adorned In (Red/White/Black/Beige), The One Which Light Flicker For, The One Who Buzzes, The One Who Is Hiding in Level [number], The One Who Looks Too Familiar, The One Who Opened The Back Door to Reality, The One With No Data, The Party Host, The Puppeteer, The Scarecrow, The Scavenger, The Singer, The Smiling One, The Wanderer, [prn] That Lives Behind Reality, [prn] Who (Makes/Ruins) The Party, [prn] Who Can Not Be Explained, [prn] Who Endlessly Falls, [prn] Who Is Sick, [prn] Who Makes and Plays The Games, [prn] Who Resigns in Level [number], [prn] Who Wanders The Endless Levels
0beckəl, 1beckəl, 3beckəl, 4beckəl, 5beckəl, 6beckəl, 7beckəl, 8beckəl, 92levelic, 974kitic, 9beckəl, Backaneic, Backroomgender, Backroomic, Backroomsaesic, Backroomscattic, Backroomsdollic, Backroomsfluid, Backroomsflux, Backroomspinnic, Buzinbackroomic, Catbackroomic, Cliproomic, Deathmothgender, Eeriroomic, Endlessswimic, Entiromaric, Entity555gender, Entity666gender.exe, Entity99ic, Erokoric, Escapethebackroomsgameic, Flowliminpinkic, Hotelliminix, Kenolimighost, Lepidoipresence, Level!ix, Level0liminix, Level1liminix, Level336dia, Level370ix, Level389ic, Level7ix, Liminaldollic, Liminalmazeic, Liminalmushrooms, Liminalpoweric, Liminalsnowic, Liminalspacestalgic, Liminaquarpetic, Liminaquic, Limingender, Liminix, Liminlovecoric, Natatoliraifortic, Nostbackplushic, Panbackroomic, Parkgaraliminix, Partygoerscharic, Partykenous, Rubicunipresence, Sh4dygr3yl3v3l1c, Smilergender, Snowliminalic, Storeliminix, Unfatholiminal, Zeroaromic
Other mogai
Alderbackroentity, Alderitch, Alderliminal, Alderwhitevoid, Assigned Creature at Birth/ACreAB, Assigned Freak at Birth/AFrAB, Assigned Monster at Birth/AMonAB, Assigned Uncanny at Birth/AUnAB, Backroomsvesil, Darkwarmgreyvesil, Eldritch Omninoun, Eldritchvesil, Error Omninoun, Flesheatseaseque, Grey Omninoun, Hiliblayedernic, Kenovesi, Kittyhousehearthic, Mimicryvior, Nonhuvesil, Null Omninoun, Poolroomperspesque, Shard Omninoun, Sublimityhearthic, Terrorhotelhearthic, Thing Omninoun, Vesiliminal, ∅ Omninoun
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chipistrate · 1 year ago
Why I believe Carnival will take place in the modern era, NOT the 70's/80's
featuring a bunch of neurodivergent rambles and hopefully some comprehendible evidence
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TLDR; I think Carnival is akin to Help Wanted 1 in that it'll show Fazbear Entertainment bringing back an old event known as Fall Fest to cover up a past incident that happened there, which I believe to be related to Mimic.
Theory under cut cause the it's long
Starting with why I think it's taking place in modern times and not early 80's/70's:
Help Wanted 2 practically confirms that Fall Fest and Carnival are one in the same, and along with that we got some interesting new hints at Carnival through certain minigames.
First Aid features a character called 'Carnival Nurse' guiding us through caring for Helpy. Carousel seems to take place in a carnival. And Fazerblast is said to take place in Fall Fest through one of Carnie's voice lines; "Gather round folks! Come see the worst Fazerblast player in the history of Fall Fest!"
Odd details to be in what's assumed to be a training simulator of sorts based on the other minigames. So, maybe they are still training you, just not exactly for the Pizzaplex- but instead training you for the reopening of Fall Fest. Fazbear Entertainment planning on taking some of the newbies at the Pizzaplex/Pizzaplexes and transferring them to the Fall Fest location while it's opened (assuming it wouldn't be permanent since it seemed to be a seasonal thing) doesn't seem too far fetched for Faz Ent- it's a money saver.
And if I can circle back around to Fazerblast and Carousel specifically, they both heavily feature Pizzaplex animatronics, which wouldn't make sense for an event from the 70's/80's.
Fazerblast 1 includes the glamrock band fighting off threats in space- typical fazerblast stuff. Fazerblast 2 focuses on Glamrock Chica and who we can assume to be Pizzaplex Foxy. Both use cutouts seen in the Pizzaplex, as well as cutouts using the same art style as the ones in the plex- they aren't old or anything.
That's also not mentioning how Fazerblast is most likely a new concept created for the Pizzaplex that hasn't been shown or hinted at having any prior role in the franchise before the Pizzaplexes creation.
And Carousel features Moon as the main/only animatronic hunting you down, and Sun as your "tutorial", aka they're the one that tells you it's broken and you need to fix it. With how Sun talks about it and how the DA is the main center focus on the carousel, it almost feels as though there's some connection between them and the ride, like they were the one who attended to it and its guests during the day- almost like it was "their ride" at the carnival. Though I could totally just be looking too far into it lmao
Now moving away from Help Wanted 2 and backing it up to Help Wanted 1, specifically the DLC.
The DLC with the lobby that has the huge banner saying "Fall Fest '83"! Of course I'd bring it up lmao
With my theory taking the premise of HW1 and using it as a foundation, Fall Fest being referenced in HW1's DLC feels pretty important. A game made to cover up past events having a DLC with a big focus on the most likely location for Carnival. Might expand on this point later, but I feel it's worth mentioning that the Corn Maze level, the same level where we meet Vanny/the reluctant follower for the first time, is VERY explicitly shown to take place in Fall Fest, what with the huge banners saying "Fall Fest '83!" n all.
Kinda of connecting with the last point of Vanny being connected to Fall Fest in HW1- Balloon World, heavily theorized to be Gregory/GGY's Princess Quest equivalent, takes place in a carnival and features the Daycare Attendant, possibly giving more ties between the Glitchtrap followers and the carnival, as well as Sun/Moon.
Alright I have to add this in as a brief point- we have no confirmation that Balloon Circus and Carnival are connected, but since there's a possibility I might as well bring it up;
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BC Chica is very clearly based on Glamrock Chica- the only other white Chica that may've been around during the 70's/early 80's was Funtime Chica and there's no similarities between FT Chica and BC Chica other than being white.
And that's essentially all the reasons I think Carnival could possibly take place in the modern era- but swiftly(and briefly) moving on to the Mimic connections to make the second part of this theory make sense;
The carnival catches on fire in the carousel and fazerblast minigame, Grimm Foxy is the main enemy in the corn maze minigame, and the corn maze minigame features this mural that looks like the aftermath of a fire. This all heavily implies a fire happening at the carnival and burning it down. Mimic was found in the epilogues in a burnt state that still hasn't been explained. With Mimics obsession with mascot costumes, something commonly used at carnivals, the event that left it burnt at the beginning of the epilogues could be explained by the fire that happened during Fall Fest.
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(the mural in question)
With all that being said- what do I think will happen in Carnival exactly?
As stated prior, I think it'll be Fazbear Entertainment bringing back Fall Fest to cover up a prior incident involving the event.
I think someone- whether it be 3 star fam, Lucia, Danny, or a new character- is spreading the word about Mimic and it's starting to catch on. Fazbear Entertainment sees this attention and decides to bring back the event to cover up the rumors Help Wanted style, but it backfires just as hard as it did with Help Wanted. We'll be playing as someone that either goes in with the intention of investigating, or gets roped into investigating the secrets of Fall Fest's past, and get more insight on Mimic and better set him up in game as our new main antagonist.
Depending on when exactly this all takes place, the story could be different-
If it's after Security Breach, I could see it being 3 star family spreading the word and then going to investigate after Fall Fest's reopening to make sure Fazbear Entertainment isn't doing anything fishy (they always are).
If it's before Security Breach, I could see the connections between the Glitchtrap followers and Fall Fest becoming relevant, one or both of them showing up and trying to sabotage our attempts at unveiling the truth.
And it could go on- there's a lot of potential roads this theory could go down, those are just two that came to mind while writing this
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Well now that that's done- YES I know this sounds batshit insane, but this is fnaf, what do you expect LMAO I just wanted to bring a new perspective to the table since everyone seems so confident that Carnival will take place in the past- and for good reason! But it's always worth thinking of it from a different perspective, yknow?
Shrug, just a fun possibility ^^ I don't have a closer line, but thanks for listening to my insanity! It may happen again!
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paigelts05 · 4 months ago
Jeremy B [FNAF, Renegade AU]
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Published: Dec 1, 2024
Fazbear Entertainment had had a terrible impact on Jeremy B's life before he was even a twinkle in his parents eyes. It's no wonder that when presented with the opportunity to find out why from the source, he took it.
Jeremy B has an older brother named Roy, but Jeremy never got to see his brother alive, as in 1987, Roy was killed as a part of Location C's MCI. Jeremy was born nine years later, and was unaware that he'd ever had a brother until he was a teenager, when a journalist managed to contact him and inform him of said brother's existence, leaving a business card for if Jeremy wanted to find out more.
Jeremy B asked his parents about his brother, and they told him very little, but enough to verify that he did in fact have a dead 'older' brother, and that said brother did in fact die in Freddy's Location C back in 1987.
When Jeremy was in college, he and some of his friends formed a small games company called "Silver Parasol". The company consisted of himself, Cassey, Sylvia Blake, and Vanessa Diego. The four worked on several arcade style mobile games together before they were contacted by Faz Ent.
Work on their VR game; get a hefty paycheque.
Jeremy remembered the journalist and was all in on the VR game deal: he'd been considering contacting the journalist for a few years, but he'd been putting it off.
Maybe he'd see what he could find on his own first.
Jeremy volunteered as the first playtester.
As he tested the game, he looked into every little thing that he could, and he wound up happening across something strange. After scanning in a chip that correponded to a 'Spring Bonnie', something that appeared to be a yellow rabbit, green with wireframe, boasting piercing purple eyes, started to appear and seemed to be trying to communicate with him. It started to rearrange the code, but it was far from clean: it wasn't clear if this was an AI or a ghost, as both had been known to be able to bend code to their will from the inside.
Jeremy was initially wary around the rabbit, but it seemed to know things. Things about Freddy's, things about his past. It seemed to struggle to find a voice of its own - both AIs and ghosts tended to share this issue, so there was still no way of knowing who or what it was, but Jeremy B tentatively listened, trying to figure out this creatures story, and just how much of what it was telling him was the truth.
One thing was clear, however: this entity was a threat. One Jeremy wasn't sure how to deal with. It seemed as if during their conversations, this entity had been getting into Jeremy's head, not just metaphorically, but literally. It seemed to be trying to posess him.
The team had to get this thing out of the game somehow: who knows what it could do if the game was allowed to release. If it was an AI that could posess people, it could replicate. If it was a ghost, then the game could create a network that would let it posess anyone at any time. This was a bug that had to be patched out before it made it to production at all costs.
Cassey logged what was found in some audio files whilst she, Ness, and Sylvia tried their best to eliminate this entity, meanwhile Jeremy's job was to hunt it down wherever it hid and report back its newest hiding spot.
The game of cat and mouse could only last so long, as there were only so many levels for it to hide in, and Jeremy eventually cornered it at a new stage that popped up. A stage called 'Pizza Party'. He hunter down the rabbit through the maze of halls, and eventually, they hit what Jeremy thought was a dead end: a chance to catch it.
It was hiding behind a curtain, but gesturing for Jeremy to follow it.
Jeremy thought he'd caught the glitchy rabbit, but as soon as he got too close to the curtains, the headset went dark, and Jeremy found himself unable to move. Not just in game, but his actual body eas frozen. In the game, he was on a stage, overlooking a dining hall, and he saw the rabbit dancing, and he heard a man's voice singing.
Jeremy B begun to have vivid visions of events he never saw:
In a desolate CEOs office a man fought against the ghost of a man who called himself William. William smashed the man's dead into a broken broken guillotine paper cutter on the desk, but the man whose memories he was witnessing survived. The man then went on to win the fight.
In a crumbling warehouse, he saw a woman rally an army of animatronics against an animatronic rabbit that held the bones of a long dead killer, and seemed to be posessed by that killer too. The woman called the rabbit 'Afton'. One of the woman's friends called the rabbit 'William'.
The visions flicker by faster and faster, as as the in-game handunit echoed out that there was nothing more to find, the visions abruptly stopped, and Jeremy collapsed, seemingly having been let go of whatever was holding him still. But he knew a lot more now. This entity was the ghost of William Afton.
Jeremy spent a lot more time in the testing room after this, constantly trying to hunt down William again, but always being frozen by visions. He doesn't remember much of this time, but he remembers one thing: when William tried to take full control over his body, he remebered the man who fought William in the dilapidated CEOs office. He used the office's own guillotine paper cutter to slice the VR headset off of his own face.
He came to in the hospital some days later. In that time, Sylvia had been posessed, Cassey fragmented William and drove him back into the game, Cassey hired a PI who shared Jeremy's forename and the PI helped her eradicate William from the game, and Cassey had lost and eye in the process.
Jeremy B had woken up just in time for Ness to go through the game to make sure that William was no longer in the game.
Nobody had suspected that he would have hid himself in the hardware.
William was able to posess Ness easily, and nothing the team tried could get him out of her mind.
All they could do now was contain William in order to prevent Faz Ent from getting their hands on their CEO's ghost. The game was no longer an attack vector, so Jeremy helped Cassey and Sylvia polish the game up to try and share their story and cover up the fact that William had latched onto someone already.
It was a pyrrhic victory though: Jeremy had lost his face, Sylvia had lost her mind, Cassey had lost and eye, and Ness now had William stuck in her brain.
But they all had a means of coping: Jeremy started to wear a visor to cover the scar, Cassey had a glass eye, and Sylvia found a specialised therapist. Ness, however, left the team: she was worried that William would hurt them if given the chance. Jeremy and the others understood completely.
After all of that chaos, Silver Parasol disbanded, but it was on paper only. The troupe became a ska band under the same name in order to keep their team's identity whilst Faz Ent effectively tried to fight air. In the meantime, Jeremy and Cassey also joined Sylvia as paranormal responders so they could help Ness from the sidelines.
But that wasn't the only help they offered. The game developing ska band created a mobile game called Princes Quest in order to subtly share Ness's story and hopefully create a new way to get William out of Ness's head. Three games were made in total, and Cassey made a mobile port of each of them, because arcade cabinets have a history of being a favoured method for ghosts and technology to effect one another: from the 'Maiden's tale' game that was a ghost-run puppet show performed in order to help a security guard withstand Gerald Taylor's influence, to the arcades that Theren played that helped many MCI kids find their happiest day. It was clear that if Princess Quest was to help Ness, an arcade port was their best shot.
During this time, Jeremy also decided to contact the journalist and arranged to meet him. Jeremy recognised the journalist from his visions, and the two discussed what they knew about Freddy's. The journalist then offered to let Jeremy B see his 'older' brother; this was a huge act of trust, as Jeremy B already knew how dangerous Freddy's was, now having some first hand experience in the matter, and that his brother would probably kill him, but Jeremy B just wanted to see his brother at least once in his life.
The visit went better than expected. Roy seemed happy to see his 'little' brother, and Jeremy felt as if he'd finally found what had been missing. Roy did, however, bestow a small parting gift, unknown to either Jeremy or the Journalist: the ability to sense death.
A few years later, Silver Parasol caught wind that William was planning on spiriting Ness away to the megaplex, which at the time was still under construction. Cassey had a plan, and simply told Jeremy to wait and see.
The opening day of the megaplex arrived, help wanted ads flooded the papers, and Cassey came to Jeremy with some computer chips and some official looking documents: she had secured Jeremy a position as part of the megaplex's day security team - the legitimacy of which Jeremy left unquestioned - and needed him to install the Princess Quest ROM chips into any three arcade machines in order to set up the trilogy of games as a series of arcades; if William's plans hinged on the megaplex, then setting up the arcades in that place should help free Ness from William, whether Ness was at the megaplex or not.
Whrn Ness went missing later that year, Jeremy noticed that both Princess Quest 1 and Princess Quest 3 had been moved.
He searched for them, but with no leads and his clearance being so low that he was forced to take vents to so much as get to his post, he couldn't find them.
To make matters more interesting, Sylvia had taken up the position of head of security recently too. He figured that the arcades were moved just so she wouldn't find them.
Things seemed dire. But also interesting.
The first time he was actually able to talk to Sylvia was on the day of what would become known as The Riot. Jeremy was at the first meeting during the day, and had worked with Gaz to ensure that enough chaos had spread amongst staff to keep them alive. During this first incident of the day, he found Sylvia and Luis in the changing rooms, with Sylvia having just had a panic attack over the fact that she was the only guard who had not been sacked. Whilst Jeremy had saved everyone at the meeting at the staff cafeteria, he also knew that at 11 AM, prior to the meeting that Jeremy thwarted, the construction crew had been killed. He didn't tell Sylvia, lest the fact that people had already died today freak her out, as Sylvia was already in a mentally fragile state. Instead, he helped her pull herself together, and they unscrewed a bunch of doors, clearing out most of the maintenance tunnels before they went to the 11:30 PM All Staff Meeting that was also held at the staff cafeteria, which Jeremy and Sylvia already knew would be used to not just sack the rest of the staff, but would be used by management to attempt to kill any living being in the building.
Arriving slightly late was a good call, as it gave Sylvia the jump on an exec who had held the head technician at gunpoint, and from there, Jeremy incited the rest of the staff to rally and fight against the staffbots and endos, as with most staff having access to at least one or more of a FazCam, Fazerblaster, or a flash beacon, rendering the animatronics immobile in order to pick them off was a cinch. Jeremy stayed at the staff cafeteria to protect the rest of the staff, whilst Sylvia went off to the daycare, as there were some staff who had been unable to leave their posts who would now be trapped there.
When the morning arrived, Jeremy already knew that nobody had died during the buildings nightly lockdown before everyone was counted.
A few days later, Jeremy learned that during an incident known as the Breach, Sylvia and a kid had used the Princess Quest arcades in order to free Ness. Jeremy was quite proud of both Sylvia and the kid for getting the arcades to work, and of himself for setting the arcades up, and of Cassey for being the brains behind the Princess Quest operation that orchestrated getting the games into the arcade machines of the megaplex in the first place.
Jeremy B did take part in the Raid on the Megaplex, and he helped Cassey go through the information that she gathered after. Then when the Ruins incident occured and revealed that Faz Ent had plans to not just kidnap Ness, but had plans to grab Sylvia and a small girl named Cassie as well in order to create a whole unit of Vannys, Jeremy realised that Silver Parasol would need to get back together as game developers in order to throw a spanner into the works of Faz Ent's new plans.
Jeremy helped with the development of PQ4: as William was still able to posess Ness normally and had been doing so, with Ness and her dad's ghost keeping William contained for now, PQ4 would allow Ness to seal William away in her mind, preventing him from jumping from her to anything or anyone else for as long as she lived. It was a plan that would require constant maintenance, but it would be a massive advantage in regards to keeping Faz Ent's plans at bay.
On the day where the containment was due to take place, Jeremy wasn't made aware of all of the details: he knew that Cassey and Ness would tell him after the fact. His objective was to protect the two until the process had been completed. He knew that the lack of upfront knowledge was on purpose; if someone did come to attack, Faz Ent wouldn't be able to get any information out of Jeremy. Though fortunately, no such incidents occurred, and the whole process went off without a hitch.
William was contained. Cassie and her dad were now under the protection of Silver Parasol: Cassie and her father both under Sylvia's physical protection and Cassie now a part of those who were linked to Princess Quest.
Whatever plans Faz Ent had, Silver Parasol would be right there to throw a spanner in the works.
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dykevanny · 9 months ago
ur like the local vanessa+vanny expert so i hope u dont mind a question. (of like, your take on this i mean.)
so i was replaying help wanted 1 and realized like, were playing as vanessa right? and the general consensus is that the strange mask is vanessas. but we get the mask in a gift box? from beating corn maze w the purple key? which doesnt make sense to me. cause wouldnt that be finding it? its got a unique area and everything with the cellar which feels important.
if it had been a result of a mask-making minigame i could see it implying that vanessa made it, and seemingly she(or someone?) says “i made it myself” so like. SOMEONE made it and spoke to glitchtrap abt it.
i kinda like it as a system ness thing, losing time and whatnot, because sb vanessa has seemingly no awareness of vanny, but of course i highly doubt thats canon. which makes me think it may literally be a continuity error due to security breach getting chopped up to make the release date :/
BUT ANYWAYS WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS!!! sorry this was very long. i enjoy vanessa shes very fucked up… and i like to overthink little details. anyways yeah thats all <3
oooh interesting query! Also interesting that I am an expert, apparently. Lol
Umm, I always took it as the mask being a silly loredrop? Like, it’d make less sense if there was a minigame MAKING the mask because it’s vanny’s, why would faz ent make a minigame for a character who isn’t a mascot yk? things get complicated since we play as her.
I like the idea of it being evidence for system ness tho, hehehe
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under-the-aspen-tree · 2 years ago
A Moth To You (Chapter 9 - Mazes and Memories) Aegon II Targaryen X (Bastard Velaryon) Reader
Series Summary: After a year travelling abroad, you have been called home to Kingslanding by your mother, Rhaenyra. Turns out your family has grown in your time apart.
Word Count: 3k
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The walls of the Red Keep were growing stuffier by the day, both by the summer rains that plagued the city and the crowds of servants busying themselves with preparations for Jace's name day celebrations. You had been effectively cornered indoors as the days drew into one, bored and uncomfortably warm. Humidity had left a permanent layer of sweat against your skin, and no matter how Kaira braided or curled your hair, it would be frizzy and dry within hours. Your eyelids seemed permanently heavy with heat, and not even the light, freeing gowns you had brought back from Pentos gave you any relief from day after day of warm, wet air.
The worst of it, though, was the loneliness. With your brother's name day so close, even your family were too busy to spend any time in your company. While your mother and Daemon had their days filled beside the king, deciding upon musicians to play and which meats to serve, Ser Criston had decided the long-awaited rains would be a perfect opportunity to train the princes of the keep in how to fight despite distraction. From morning to evening every day, Jace and Luke joined your uncles in the fighting yard and came back sopping wet, too exhausted to so much as talk.
Helaena had been of some comfort during your endless days, but even she had duties to attend to. Your aunt had tentatively suggested you join her family for supper sometime, but there was nothing in the world you would have rather done less. Only once had you seen Aegon since your last talk, silver hair still dripping from a day's training, and no amount of mud could cover the bruise gracing his cheek. It had faded considerably over the week, dulling to a blotchy yellow that wrapped from his cheekbone to his brow, but he glared at you as he passed with such coldness that you scampered almost as soon as you saw him, suddenly uninterested in asking how your brothers day had been.
It seemed though that you could have considered yourself lucky for such a reaction, for the same couldn't be said about your brothers. Whatever anger the Targaryen boys festered over, they took it out on Jace and Luke ten times harder than they ever had before. In all honestly, you had not seen Aegon take such an interest in training since your return, though you wouldn't have been able to tell. If you waited on the balcony, shaded from the rains, you could hear the clashing of steel and thump of bodies against the ground, with more yelps and grunts coming from your brothers than anybody else. You had seen Aemond's prowess in the yard yourself, but had assumed whatever talent Aegon had for fighting had long since disappeared. You were wrong. It sent an unnerving chill down your spine to behold the way Jace limped with a sour expression, or how Luke's skin seemed to get redder by the day with fresh welts. The silver-haired men, however, would traipse back into the keep every day almost pristine in comparison, bearing just the smuggest of smiles at your brother's expense. It was disheartening, and a part of you blamed yourself for their slight brutality, but there was very little to be done. Fighting was the way of men and, if anything, you hoped such a disheartening experience in the field would serve your brothers well in the future. At least that was what you told yourself, wincing when you took in their tired, beaten bodies each evening.
Eventually, you decided to save yourself the pain and keep to your own devices. One morning, after growing bored of your own chambers, you took to the halls of the Keep, wandering in the hope of something to relieve you of your boredom, and there you found the Library. It had been a long time since you had stepped foot inside, having very little need of entering when all the books you needed were kept on shelves in the Septa's quarters, so you were almost shocked at the size of the place.
Books towered from floor and ceiling, and the ceiling was very far up. Rolling stepladders and spiralled staircases gave you access to the volumes too high to reach, but you were more than content with the vast selection at your hands. These weren't just books on the basic histories or children's songs about knights and maidens. Suddenly, you had access to the tales of Old Valyria, the ancient myths of the creatures beyond the wall, and even a crumbling novel dating back to the Children of the Forest, their stories of living and the conquering that took their lives.
For the first time in a long time, you had a thirst for knowledge, and it didn't go unappreciated that the dark rooms gave you a welcome solace from the moist heat everywhere else. The only way you could have been any colder was if you held your luck against the crypts beneath the Keep, and there was nothing you would have rather done less. You had accidentally wandered into the ancient folds of the castle as a child, running from your Septas, and after several hours of crying blindly as you tried to find your way out of the darkness, you had learned your lesson not to return.
So the Library was where you stayed; sometimes with Helaena, sometimes alone, sitting in a rather comfortable armchair beneath a caged torch, watching the flickering of candlelight ripple across pages yellowed with age.
And here you were now, quite contentedly locked in your thoughts. Sighing, you ran your hand across the parchment of the novel you were reading, rejoicing in the smell of fire and old books. You had just cracked open the leather, just begun to drink in the text...
'We came upon a man this eve, dark and mighty and purled with age. He said very little and did even less, but there was something within his eyes, something untouchable. 'The night is dark and full of terrors,' he said, and-'
"I wasn't aware you still had any interest in reading."
You jumped at the sudden sound, the book reeling from your lap and landing against the stone floor with a resounding thud, still open. Aemond Targaryen tutted as you stared wide-eyed, kneeling down to gently lift it back up.
"This book is over two hundred years old, you should be more careful."
Your breath was still caught in your lungs as he stood to his full height, his arm extended to pass it back to you, and you took it quite gingerly. You didn't think it possible to be so invested in your thoughts to not notice his approach, but then he had always been quite sly. Cat-like, you had thought before, but perhaps he was more serpentine with his soundless steps.
"That would be a great deal easier if I hadn't been startled out of a rather quiet afternoon," You said reproachfully, standing yourself. It was slightly unnerving to look up at the white-haired man, you much preferred to be on more equal footing, even if you still had to tilt your head up to look at him. "You should think better than to sneak up on unsuspecting women."
Aemond merely laughed, though it wasn't without humour. "It is not my fault if said women are so easily startled, Princess."
Your lips pursed together as you beheld him. He didn't seem to carry the same slightly menacing aura that his brother did, but that didn't mean you entirely trusted him either. Aemond had gone out of his way more than once to cause offence to your and your brothers, and you were much more comfortable skirting around him at every opportunity. 
"Hm, well is there a reason for your sudden appearance? Startling or not."
"None at all, Sir Criston finally decided your brothers had suffered enough, so I decided to spend my free afternoon here. Had I been aware the space was occupied, perhaps I would have taken greater care to make my presence known."
The very slight smirk Aemond wore had you grinding your teeth together as you dusted off your skirt, setting your book down on a small table. "No, I'm sorry. I was just... in a world of my own. Not your fault."
If you were hoping the conversation had come to its natural end, you were sorely disappointed. Instead, Aemond kept his eye steadfastly upon you, clasping his hands behind his back. It made you feel like a particularly interesting insect, one that had been trapped underneath a glass in the sun. He was quite an unsettling man; entirely rigid, as though carved out of marble, and skin just as pale. His single eye gleamed a pale lilac in the candlelight, and the flames cast unnerving shadows along the sharp curves of his face.
"How are you finding being home?"
"It seems everyone is asking me that as of late," You sighed. The hot weather of the past few days combined with your uncle's overbearing presence was making your skin itch from beneath your dress. The way he looked at you, the way he spoke to you, devoid of any kind of emotion, sent a shiver up your spine. Aemond had never been particularly expressive, but you didn't like how closely guarded he kept his innermost thoughts and emotions. You felt as though you were always running to keep up with him, never quite certain of where you stood in his eye. "In truth, I'm not certain of the answer. It seems to change day to day."
Aemond hummed thoughtfully at your words but didn't take his eye off you. He barely even blinked. You began to peel at your fingernails. "Well, you're making quite the impression at court..."
His words set something off within you. This conversation was like the grating of steel against a chalkboard, and you could feel a sick tension bubbling within your stomach that you wanted to break. "Could you not do that?"
"Do what?" Aemond lifted a pale brow, tilting his head ever so slightly. It sent a wave of silver tumbling down his shoulder.
"Jace said you had an awful habit of speaking in such a way that you never say what you truly think, it's off-putting," You snapped in return. It was silly, truly, that he made you so uncomfortable, but you were sprinting loops around his mind trying to find a way in, and it was growing exhausted. Aemond laughed; a dry, belittling sort of sound that had your skin itching.
"Don't we all? I've never heard you say you hate myself or my brother, and yet..."
"I don't hate either of you," You cut in as he trailed off, narrowing your eyes slightly though your voice sounded smaller than you hoped. It was the truth, however. As often as you didn't get along with your uncles, you had never stooped so low as to hate them.
"Do you not? You had me fooled in that case." Aemond's features were ever stony, but you could hear the scoff in his silken voice.
You thought of the cold words you had shared in the past, to the violet eyes glaring over at you from the other side of the table, of your palm burning and your fingertips tingling and the flash of silver hair. You thought of the clanging vibration of steel against steel, the sound of Luke suppressing a cry as his body hit the mud, and the look of dejection on your brother's faces after a day of training. "I could perhaps like the both of you more if you were a bit nicer."
"You speak of niceties?" Aemond's single eye narrowed and his lip curled ever so. Perhaps it was the closest thing he could get to anger, you weren't sure, but the words came out with the intent of a dagger unsheathed, practically spitting. "Was it kindness that brought Lucerys to rip out my eye? Was it your brother's gentle hearts that took them to wrath that night?"
For a moment, you could only stare at him with pity. It wasn't fair to defend them, to act as though you were all innocent as he lay his trauma between you, as his intertwined hands began to tighten around themselves. He was still stood so stoically, barely allowing him the chance at expression, yet you could see the details, wondering why he felt the need to hide himself so.
"We were children," You eventually said as the silence grew thick and heavy. "I regret that night more than you know."
Aemond merely scoffed, turning in such a way that his hair spilt along his back like a softly running stream. "Of course you do, princess," he said, twisting to leave.
"I mean it." Your voice stopped him in his tracks, and you could only see the side of his face half covered by his leather eye patch as he leaned to listen. You weren't truly certain that he owed you the courtesy, and in that guilty moment, words fell from your mouth quicker than you could think them. You had always wanted to apologise, to truly apologise, for that night, and you finally had your chance. "I tried to get Jace to stop. I know you don't see it as such but I did, I tried."
You couldn't see your uncle's reaction, but you heard the gentle hum that caressed his throat when he faced you. Whatever anger Aemond held before, he had now expelled, reigning control over his expression. Once again, he was made out of marble. "I suppose the past is the past..." He said quietly, though you doubted he truly meant the words. For a moment, you simply stared at one another, and his leaden gaze made you feel tiny in his presence. "And Aegon?"
You frowned slightly, looking away on impulse. Rain was beating against the stone above your heads and, if you strained, you could hear its song. You didn't particularly want to think about Aegon, so you played the fool. Aemond only smirked slightly.
"You think he doesn't remember what happened between the two of you?"
The snap of wood against stone, a flash of silver hair. Your palms weren't stinging, but the leather-bound hilt was slipping in your grip. You blinked against the memories, taking in a deep breath. "I know he remembers it well."
Aemond looked away then, tilting his head upwards. You wondered if he, too, was listening to the weather's song. "You know, for all the love I have for my brother, seeing him knocked on his arse was... amusing."
His words knocked some life back into you, and you could help the rush of surprise in your chest as you stared at him. You had always assumed that day long past was another reason he despised you. "I only wish he shared your sentiments," You eventually mustered.
Aemond simply hummed again, seeming far away. "Do you still train?"
You almost laughed at the thought. As strange as it was to think back on that day, it seemed to break the tension between the two of you. You could never hope to understand your uncle, but after all these years, it seemed like a step in the right direction. "Gods, no. After that display, I was forbidden from touching a sword again, wooden or not."
"You should... learn, I mean. Tensions are high at court, it is always good to be prepared."
The only high tensions you had noticed were between your family, not the other lords and ladies, but you nodded all the same, enjoying this opportunity to right some wrongs. A conversation was always a good start, no matter how bizarre. "Perhaps you are right."
Aemond stared at you for a moment, a calculating look behind his eye, but his face seemed somewhat softer than usual. Perhaps you did still have a chance. "I shall leave you to read..."
At that, he turned back around and began to walk silently from your spot to the library exit. You didn't much want to read anymore, your mind was too far away to take much in, and were about to pick up your forgotten book to leave when Aemond stopped in his tracks. This time, when he looked back at you, you could see his uncovered eye, gleaming a pale lilac in the firelight. "My brother often comes to the table wearing inexplicable bruises."
Your bones froze from within as you stared at him quizzically.
"I have come to a point where I don't ask questions about them..." He continued, as though he was speaking about something far less obscene than you hitting his brother. Did he not know? Was this some strange continuation of your previous discussion? Surely not...
"You should be more careful around him in the future. He does not stew well with resentment, especially when he feels he has been... bested to some degree. He is not the boy you knew. None of us are."
At that, Aemond finally left, and you heard the distant creaking of the Library doors as he did so, leaving you to your thoughts. The rain atop your head began to pick up in pace, beating senselessly against the stone, and it was a roaring in your ears. You gained no warmth from the candles dotted about the walls, no comfort in the books around you. Your skin was stone cold when you picked up your skirts to leave, suddenly too boxed in between the bookshelves, too deep beneath the ground. The book lay forgotten upon the table.
That night, and for every night until the rains cleared and you left Kingslanding for Jace's name day celebrations, you dreamed only of that day. Of Aegon's taunting voice, of Jace's cries as he was pushed farther and farther backwards, and the desperation that filled your body. Of the sudden strength in your limbs, of the whipping of wood on leather, and the flash of silver hair. 
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queenofthursday6599-blog · 2 years ago
I am a “Gregory was never involved with Ruin” truther to be completely honest.
He wasn’t the one who sent Cassie the distress call message in the first place. He’s been missing for a while from what the missing posters of him imply and just how destroyed the Pizzaplex is. Considering he almost certainly went missing in whatever shut down the Pizzaplex, and just how thoroughly destroyed and graffitied the building is and how much worse the animatronics have gotten in condition.
And to be perfectly blunt I don’t think it’d be possible for him to be the one contacting Cassie in any of the endings, on the radio or in the elevator.
Radios don’t work underground unless it’s from very short range because rock blocks radio waves. So who ever was talking to her over the radio always had to be pretty close by in order for her walky-talky to be able to receive the signal.
And when “the real Gregory” starts talking the first thing he says is that he’s not in the building, but that message itself is coming from the walky-talky. Basically contradicting itself. That can’t be the real Gregory on the radio if he isn’t close by, because radios have basically no range while underground. Because it also insists that “Gregory” isn’t in the building, and hasn’t been there all night.
Not to mention "Gregory” somehow being able to track where Cassie is and direct her when he’s not in the building. Implying he somehow managed to remotely hack into the Pizzaplex’s systems, in order to get access to the cameras to see where Cassie is.
I 100% think someone other than Gregory dropped the elevator, because it just flat out doesn’t make sense for Gregory to have done it. Or have the ability to do it from outside the Pizzaplex
My current running theory is that this was all planned out by either the Mimic, GlitchTrap, and/or BurnTrap, depending on if they’re connected or flat out the same entity. In order to try and turn Cassie into the new Vanny.
I am just going to treat them all like the same thing, and call them MimicTrap, because even if they aren’t the exact same thing, I still think they’re all rooted in the same goal of being the new William Afton.
You see MimicTrap’s last successful minion, Vanessa, got deprogrammed and freed by Gregory, meaning the eternal work of Afton killing children in Pizza restaurants could no longer continue.
And that’s not something MimicTrap is alright with no matter what exactly the basis and context of his existence is. Afton’s digitized ghost returned from hell by way of Fazbear Ent’s penny pinching, a Mimic program that inadvertently got trained up on Afton’s serial killing ways either by observing Afton directly, or the Mimic getting fed information about Afton’s crimes by Fazbear Ent in order to create Help Wanted.
All of that is irrelevant to what the thing’s goal is: Continue William Afton’s serial killing legacy, which is easiest to do with a human puppet to do so.
Animatronics are big, clunky, obvious, and only permitted to be in specific locations, humans don’t have those kinds of draw backs. Humans blend in with the populous, and roam free without restrictions be they mechanical or by human expectation.
[Animatronics can’t leave their designated pizzerias, that would weird out and alert everyone that something weird was going on.]
Now why would MimicTrap choose Cassie as his new minion/victim? Because she’s the ideal new Vanny.
She’s familiar with FazTech and the Pizzaplex due to her dad working as a technician there, and Cassie herself spending a lot of time there. Cassie was a daycare kid, and had her previous birthday party there.
Cassie is a lonely but loyal child who’s only [human] friend, who MimicTrap has accumulated enough data to convincingly replicate, has gone missing. So MimicTrap has something to lure Cassie deep into the Pizzaplex with, it has leverage.
[Just like the Fruity Maze girl and her dog, he’s using a child’s close attachment to something to lure them away to a secluded location, by pretending to be the child’s friend.]
So she has skills/knowledge that would be useful for MimicTrap’s minion/puppet to have (being able to mess with/manipulate the Animations just like how Vanessa herself could).
MimicTrap also has something that he can use to lure her into position, and leverage against her in order to get himself free. Along with trick her into interfacing with the V.A.N.N.I. mask and get her the ocular implant that ties her directly into the network.
Gregory, or at least the promise of rescuing Gregory. Cassie’s only human friend, who is, as far as she knows, missing.
All that to say, I think MimicTrap faked “the Real Gregory” betraying Cassie at the end of the game, in order to get Cassie to hate Gregory or at least not trust him any more. Meaning that if Cassie ever encountered Gregory again after this, which is pretty likely if he’s still running around with Freddy’s head, Vanessa, and looking into Fazbear stuff, she wouldn’t trust him.
She wouldn’t trust the only person, to have ever gotten one over, on any form of William Afton, and Survived. The one who escaped, the one who took out the corrupted animatronics, the one who freed MimicTrap’s previous minion and shut down it’s hunting grounds for who knows how long.
This combined with Cassie’s attachment to Roxy, who already hates Gregory for taking her eyes and wrecking the Pizzaplex, means she almost certainly wouldn’t believe anything Gregory said or tried to do to help free her in the event of them meeting again.
Which also plays into MimicTrap’s plans, which I think changed when Roxy intervened. Originally I think MimicTrap was just going to go fully Vanny on Cassie and just take over her brain/body the way he did Vanessa by using the V.A.N.N.I. mask. This changed when Roxy tried to fight the endo MimicTrap was inhabiting.
This girl had Roxy’s loyalty, even after she’d shut the animatronic down. And MimicTrap had already altered Roxy (and the other animatronics) programming once, back when he had Vanny under his thrall. Now that he was free and had access to the network once more, and was no longer being stone walled by M.X.E.S. he could do so again.
So what does he do? He ensures she’s trapped in the Pizzaplex with him and Roxy, while also ensuring to poison Cassie’s friendship and bond with Gregory.
Roxy becomes the good guy by being her only remaining friend and “protecting her” from MimicTrap (who’s not trying to attack her anymore), along with affirming her new hatred/dislike of Gregory. MimicTrap starts slyly altering Roxy’s code and Cassie’s perception of reality via the V.A.N.N.I. mask to mold her into his new minion, and Cassie falls even deeper down the rabbit hole.
So yeah those are my thoughts.
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airbrushfather · 2 years ago
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the fact they're still doing staggered teasers is INSANE behaviour. it's august 24th, and if we assume there's going to be 7 or 8 attractions this year (3 mazes, 3 zones, a show, and possibly a roaming team) even if they were dropping one announcement a day that would put them at august 31st-september 1st for announcing the whole lineup - but the kicker is - They Don't Drop A Teaser Every Day.
let's live in a world for a second where they do drop a teaser every day for the next week. that still leaves the park with only seven days to drum up excitement for oktoberfest, which is any uk park's least attended event simply because it happens in september - which is a low foot-traffic month to begin with. plus, oktoberfest at merlin parks is famously underwhelming -- i've never felt the urge to go to an oktoberfest event and i'm the freak that i am. maybe it's of more interest to the general public than it would be to me (or even your standard enthusiast) - because of the beer - but the fact is that oktoberfest is simply the least engaging of the 4 events tpr are offering this year - there's no exclusive food offering, very little entertainment (carnival and mardi gras have shows, fright nights has the scare attractions, oktoberfest may have like. an oompah band.) there's not even extended opening hours - a smart business decision by tpr, yes, but one must wonder if it would draw more people in - perhaps an evening crowd would be enticed if there were extended hours, people coming after work or school to enjoy the 'vibes' and a coaster or two. but, i digress. all of this is to say - oktoberfest needs all the help it can get. leaving it with only seven days of devoted social media attention, especially after the buzz that would be caused - at least in the enthusiast community - by the fright nights lineup announcement.
whatever the play is here, it's wild, and it does disservice to what could (potentially) otherwise be an event just as exciting as carnival or fright nights, if it was given the right amount of attention and marketing. i love the staggered fright nights teasers (and i hate them, it's a double edged sword), but it must be drawn into question whether - with the lineup announcement being made such a big deal, as it has in recent years since ka productions started leading the marketing - they are unintentionally erasing oktoberfest from the public conscience, and whether, were the timings handled differently, oktoberfest could thrive and not just serve as something to tide over the ents team between summer and halloween.
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troysantelmo · 5 months ago
[Troy Santelmo's Journal] 
Known World / Reality / Construct Reality 
The Jack Universe / J.R. Multiverse 
Encantado is a magical being that traces back to Greek and American origins. Sirens, nymphs, sprites, harpies, centaurs, cyclops are some of the Greek mythology creatures that can be found in Cambridge dictionaries. American culture also have mermaids, fairies, dwarves, winged creatures like angels and half-human / half-bird creatures, Sagittarius in Zodiac Astrology and giants in the Bible (Known Reality). The Filipinos also have their 'Aswang and Engkanto' such as sirena, engkanto, engkantada / diwata, duwende (nuno sa punso), manananggal and kapre. 
Indigo Language  
Troy Santelmo 
Lakan (Datu, Rajah and Sultan) 
The Alphabets 
Dark Elements 
Body-wielders / animagus 
shapeshifters / metamorphmagus 
[Troy Santelmo's Journal] 
Mga Aswang sa Pilipinas 
1. Tiktik 
2. Mananaggal 
3. Tikbalang 
4. Shokoy 
Troy Santelmo 
Lakan (Datu, Rajah and Sultan) 
The Alphabets 
Dark Elements 
Body-wielders / animagus 
shapeshifters / metamorphmagus 
[Troy Santelmo's Journal] 
Mga Aswang sa Pilipinas 
1. Tiktik 
2. Mananaggal 
3. Tikbalang 
4. Shokoy 
Mga tao na may kakaibang powers: 
1. Mangkukulam 
2. Mambabarang 
3. Manghuhula 
4. Tawak 
5. Albularyo 
6. Panadero 
7. Jakolero 
Mga Engkanto sa PH: 
1. Kapre 
2. Santelmo 
3. Sirena 
4. Kali 
5. Diwata 
6. Duwende 
7. Centaur 
Magical Creatures: 
1. Elf, Dark / White 
2. Troll 
3. Dragon 
4. Ent 
5. Orc 
6. Ogre 
7. Red Dwarves 
8. Smurfs 
9. Fairy [e.g. Thumbelina] 
10. Bird-man 
Greek Mythologies: 
1. Cyclops 
2. Siren 
3. Nymphs 
4. Chiron 
5. Sprites 
6. Harpy 
7. Fates 
8. Minotaur 
9. Gorgon 
10. Banshee 
11. Hydra 
12. Griffin 
1. Naga 
2. Santelmo 
3. White Walker 
4. Lich King 
5. Undead [e.g. Inferi] 
1. Alien 
2. Martian 
2. Bigfoot, Yeti [China], Wendigo, Sasquatch, The Abominable Snowman 
3. Frankenstein Monster 
4, Mummy [Egypt] 
5. Vampire 
6. Phoenix [Phoenicia] 
7. Genie [Arab] 
8. Scarab [Egyptian] 
9. Furby 
10. Buddy 
11. Ewoks 
12. Wookie 
13. Imp 
14. Mountain Giant 
15. Rock Troll 
16. Loch Ness Monster 
17. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 
18. Candyman 
19. Freddy 
20. Jason Vorhees 
21. Scaryface 
22. Hollowman 
23. Sleepy Hollow 
1. Ghost [e.g. Casper] 
2. Poltergeist [e.g. Peeves] 
3. White Lady 
4. Banshee 
5. Snow Fairy [Japan] 
6. Mummy [Egypt] 
7. Ghoul 
8. Terra Cotta [China] 
1. Magic Lamp 
2. Dragon Balls 
3. Pokéballs, Master Balls 
4. Excalibur 
5. Infinity Stones 
6. Nth Metal 
7. Sorcerer's Stone 
8. Beauty (Caduceus) and Bonds (Aesclepius) 
9. $1 and Peso 
10. Kryptonite 
11. J.R.'s Explorer 
12. Yggdrasil seed [Norse] 
13. Panacea [Greek] 
14. Mjolnir [Norse] 
15. Pandora's box [Greek] 
16. Jumanji / Zathura gameboard, Jumanji family computer 
17. Whisp 
Dystopian Future 
Twilight Zone - Planet of the Apes -  
King Kong 
Power Rangers 
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 
Star Trek - Star Wars 
Doctor Who 
Legends of Tomorrow (Rip Hunter Savage Vandal / Kraven the Hunter / The Batman / The Flash / Superman) 
Sherlock Holmes 
Hyperion (Walt Disney) 
Lord of the Rings - The Hobbit 
The Pagemaster 
Dungeons & Dragons 
Magic the Gathering 
Harry Potter / Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 
Game of Thrones 
Artemis Fowl 
The Maze Runner 
Count Dracula of Transylvania 
Victor Frankenstein 
Divergent (5 Factions - Fruits of the Holy Spirit) 
Hunger Games 
(12 Tribes of Israel) 
Dragon Ball 
Cardcaptor Sakura 
Fushigi Yuugi 
(Sailor Moon 
Akazukin Cha-cha) 
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ledestube · 6 months ago
PVC Conduit Fill: Don't Get Lost in the Charts! 🤯
Calculating conduit fill can feel like navigating a maze, but it doesn't have to be that way!
We've got you covered with a clear, concise guide to understanding:
⚡️ Types and characteristics of PVC conduits and wires
⚡️ Using the NEC fill tables for accurate calculations
⚡️ Key takeaways and expert tips
Ready to master conduit fill and ensure code-compliant installations? Click here for our latest blog post!
Want more expert insights and industry tips? Follow Ledes!
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horrifichaunts · 8 months ago
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Yeeeeesh no wonder - spoilers for VIP bellow-
Monty's so pissed. Fazbear Ent. turned his chase the kids maze game into mini golf, they took away the gators enrichment.
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sallyyty · 10 months ago
How to Choose the Right ENT Specialist in Mount Elizabeth Orchard
Looking to find the perfect ear, nose, and throat or ENT specialist in Mount Elizabeth Orchard is akin to navigating a complex maze. With an abundance of options available, each boasting their unique expertise and approach to care, the task can seem daunting. However, armed with the right knowledge and guidance, selecting the ideal ENT specialist tailored to your needs and preferences becomes a manageable endeavour. 
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The Role of ENT Specialists at Mount Elizabeth Orchard:
ENT specialists, also referred to as otolaryngologists, serve as the cornerstone of ear, nose, and throat healthcare, offering a wide range of diagnostic and treatment services to address diverse conditions. At Mount Elizabeth Orchard, our team of ENT specialists stands at the forefront of medical excellence, boasting unparalleled expertise, advanced training, and a steadfast commitment to patient-centred care. With a deep understanding of the complexities of ENT health, our specialists leverage cutting-edge technologies and evidence-based practices to deliver personalised treatment plans tailored to each patient's unique needs.
Navigating the Selection Process:
Assessing Specialisation and Expertise:
The first step in selecting the right ENT specialist is to assess their area of specialisation and expertise. ENT encompasses a broad spectrum of conditions, ranging from common ailments such as ear infections and sore throats to more complex issues like sinus disorders and head and neck cancers. By evaluating the specialist's background and clinical focus, you can ensure that their skills align with your specific healthcare needs. Whether you require the expertise of an ear specialist in Singapore, a throat specialist, or a nose specialist, it's essential to seek out a specialist whose practice closely matches your condition.
Evaluating Credentials and Experience:
Credentials and experience serve as fundamental indicators of a specialist's proficiency and reliability. Board certification, advanced training, and years of clinical experience are essential criteria to consider when evaluating potential ENT specialists. At Mount Elizabeth Orchard, our ENT specialists boast a wealth of credentials and accolades, including board certification and fellowship training in various subspecialties. With extensive experience in treating a wide range of ENT conditions, our specialists possess the knowledge and expertise to deliver exceptional care and achieve optimal treatment outcomes.
Considering Accessibility and Convenience:
Accessibility and convenience play a pivotal role in ensuring a seamless healthcare experience. Factors such as the location of the clinic, appointment availability, ease of communication, and ancillary services can significantly impact your overall treatment journey. Mount Elizabeth Orchard's centrally located facility offers unparalleled accessibility, situated in the heart of Singapore's premier medical hub. With convenient appointment scheduling, streamlined administrative processes, and comprehensive support services, we strive to provide our patients with a hassle-free and patient-centric healthcare experience.
Prioritising Patient-Centred Care:
Patient-centred care lies at the core of our approach to ENT healthcare at Mount Elizabeth Orchard. We believe in fostering meaningful patient-provider relationships built on trust, compassion, and mutual respect. Our ENT specialists take the time to actively listen to your concerns, address your questions and preferences and involve you in the decision-making process. By prioritising open communication and collaborative decision-making, we ensure that you feel empowered and supported throughout your treatment journey.
Exploring Comprehensive Services and Facilities:
Comprehensive services and state-of-the-art facilities are essential components of high-quality ENT care. From advanced diagnostic capabilities to cutting-edge treatment modalities, it's crucial to choose an ENT specialist who offers a comprehensive range of services tailored to your needs. At Mount Elizabeth Orchard, our integrated approach to ENT healthcare encompasses a wide array of diagnostic tests, minimally invasive procedures, and surgical interventions. With access to advanced technologies and a multidisciplinary team of experts, we provide our patients with comprehensive, evidence-based care that addresses their unique ENT concerns.
Selecting the right ENT specialist is a significant decision that can profoundly impact your ear, nose, and throat health. By carefully considering factors such as specialisation, credentials, accessibility, patient-centred care, and comprehensive services, you can make an informed choice that sets the stage for optimal treatment outcomes. At Mount Elizabeth Orchard, we are dedicated to guiding you through this process and providing you with the highest standard of ENT care.
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For expert guidance and comprehensive ENT care, contact Aglow ENT Centre today.
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robinmusselwhite · 11 months ago
How to Choose the Right Online Casino for You
In the vast landscape of online casinos, selecting the perfect one can feel like navigating a maze. With countless options offering a plethora of games, bonuses, and experiences, finding the right fit becomes essential. Whether you're a seasoned gambler or a novice explorer of the digital casino realm, understanding the factors to consider can significantly enhance your gaming journey. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to choose the right online casino tailored to your preferences.
First and foremost, prioritize safety and security. opt for platforms licensed by reputable regulatory bodies like the UK Gambling Commission or the Malta Gaming Authority. Look for SSL encryption to safeguard your personal and financial information from cyber threats. A trustworthy online casino ensures fair play and timely payouts, providing you with peace of mind during your gaming sessions.
Next, explore the game selection. A diverse array of games, including slots, table games, live dealer games, and specialty offerings, enriches your gaming experience. Check if the casino partners with leading software providers like Microgaming, Net Ent, or Playtech for high-quality gaming content. Additionally, ensure compatibility across devices for seamless access to your favorite games anytime, anywhere.
Bonuses and promotions can significantly enhance your gameplay and extend your bankroll. Look for welcome bonuses, free spins, and loyalty programs tailored to your preferences. However, scrutinize the terms and conditions, including wagering requirements and validity periods, to make informed decisions. A generous bonus package can amplify the thrill of gaming and boost your chances of winning big at the tables.
Moreover, assess the user interface and overall user experience. A user-friendly platform with intuitive navigation enhances your gaming pleasure. Seamless gameplay, fast loading times, and responsive customer support contribute to a positive gaming environment. Pay attention to the available payment methods, ensuring convenience and security in deposits and withdrawals.
Furthermore, delve into the casino’s reputation and customer reviews. Platforms with a solid reputation for reliability, transparency, and exceptional customer service deserve your attention. Explore online forums and review sites to gain insights from fellow players regarding their experiences with the casino. A reputable online casino cultivates a vibrant community of players, fostering camaraderie and engagement.
Lastly, consider additional features that align with your preferences. Some casinos offer sports betting, virtual reality gaming, or exclusive VIP programs for high rollers. Tailor your choice based on your interests and aspirations within the online gaming sphere.
In conclusion, selecting the right online casino entails a thorough evaluation of various factors, including safety, game selection, bonuses, user experience, reputation, and additional features. By prioritizing these criteria, you can embark on a rewarding gaming journey tailored to your preferences. Remember to stay informed, exercise responsible gaming practices, and most importantly, have fun. Whether you're a casual player seeking entertainment or a serious gambler aiming for the jackpot, the perfect online casino, such as Fun88asia awaits your discovery.
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paigelts05 · 7 months ago
Leo [FNAF SB, Renegade AU]
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Published: Sep 8, 2024
Leo would probably say he's normal. His parents are pretty frugal, he still lives with them because his job pays peanuts and he can't afford to live anywhere nearby, and the head of his department at the Megaplex faked his death.
One of those things isn't normal? Thought not.
Leo's general defiance at the prospect of getting both of his jobs - day shift security and Mazersize controller - replaced by a robot put a target on his back. Robots are no good at sneaking parents through staff only areas to find kids or smuggling kids out of staff only areas. Robots are bad at vaulting the maze tiles and giving people a leg up to get out of a death trap dead end.
He hung around the night shift guards a lot as the end of his shift generally overlapped with the start of theirs, and he showed Sylvia the ropes of the best ways to get people of all sizes through the megaplex almost immediately, whilst she helped him drill in anti-animatronic combat. Due to this skill exchange, Leo quickly became the go-to for anyone dealing with Chica trying to nick their lunch, and Sylvia had become an expert in smuggling investigators in and through the megaplex and sneaking kids out of danger zones and to safety.
When Faz Ent inevitably got sick of him, they set a trap: they forced the staff terminal deep in the daycare theatre's backstage to glitch out, making it appear as if the bot he had trained to do busywork had gone offline.
Leo fell for the bait. He found the bot stacking shelves as he had taught it, and went to the daycare theatre's staff terminal to report that everything was fine, but once he reached the terminal and realised that it was glitching out, it was too late. The trap was sprung: the endos all activated and were homing in on him.
The endos had backed Leo into a corner, but in a twist of fate, Sylvia had come to rescue him. All she asked of him to do in order for this to work was for him to give her his full trust.
After telling her that he trusted her, he doesn't remember much: he remembers her darting behind him and feeling a needle in his neck, and then waking up at home nine hours later. According to what he was later told, Sylvia had knocked him out stashed him in a cleaning trolley and kept him in a hidden room behind the daycare so that the only animatronics that would go back there would leave him alone: the daycare attendant would leave him be as it would believe that he was dead, Roxy never goes close enough to the theatre to be an issue, and everything else including the endos wouldn't find him in the trolley. He was also informed that in the morning, Sylvia handed him over to an 'accomplice' who took him from the megaplex and delivered him home.
Faz Ent reported him as dead and tried to frame 'V' - a nickname a few people had for Sylvia, as most of the staff knew her by her legal forename 'Vanessa' - for his disappearance, but that went nowhere, seeing as Sylvia's accomplice in her rescue mission was the local chief, Carl Burke himself.
Existing was rather awkward for a while after, not knowing if his debit card would work or not, not knowing if he could apply for jobs or not because of the whole probably legally dead thing, but he did know one thing: Faz Ent didn't consider him an employee anymore, they considered him a corpse, so he wasn't going to go back to that job.
Fortunately he was not declared legally dead, just missing.
But other than that, his life went back to normal very quickly. He found a new job, and it was almost as if that night under the daycare theatre never happened, but sometimes, a grim reminder resurfaces, be that be someone shocked to see him alive, or people looking at him like they saw a ghost.
But he's alive, and that's what matters.
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fun88asia · 11 months ago
How to Choose the Right Online Casino for You
In the vast landscape of online casinos, selecting the perfect one can feel like navigating a maze. With countless options offering a plethora of games, bonuses, and experiences, finding the right fit becomes essential. Whether you're a seasoned gambler or a novice explorer of the digital casino realm, understanding the factors to consider can significantly enhance your gaming journey. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to choose the right online casino tailored to your preferences.
First and foremost, prioritize safety and security. opt for platforms licensed by reputable regulatory bodies like the UK Gambling Commission or the Malta Gaming Authority. Look for SSL encryption to safeguard your personal and financial information from cyber threats. A trustworthy online casino ensures fair play and timely payouts, providing you with peace of mind during your gaming sessions.
Next, explore the game selection. A diverse array of games, including slots, table games, live dealer games, and specialty offerings, enriches your gaming experience. Check if the casino partners with leading software providers like Microgaming, Net Ent, or Playtech for high-quality gaming content. Additionally, ensure compatibility across devices for seamless access to your favorite games anytime, anywhere.
Bonuses and promotions can significantly enhance your gameplay and extend your bankroll. Look for welcome bonuses, free spins, and loyalty programs tailored to your preferences. However, scrutinize the terms and conditions, including wagering requirements and validity periods, to make informed decisions. A generous bonus package can amplify the thrill of gaming and boost your chances of winning big at the tables.
Moreover, assess the user interface and overall user experience. A user-friendly platform with intuitive navigation enhances your gaming pleasure. Seamless gameplay, fast loading times, and responsive customer support contribute to a positive gaming environment. Pay attention to the available payment methods, ensuring convenience and security in deposits and withdrawals.
Furthermore, delve into the casino’s reputation and customer reviews. Platforms with a solid reputation for reliability, transparency, and exceptional customer service deserve your attention. Explore online forums and review sites to gain insights from fellow players regarding their experiences with the casino. A reputable online casino cultivates a vibrant community of players, fostering camaraderie and engagement.
Lastly, consider additional features that align with your preferences. Some casinos offer sports betting, virtual reality gaming, or exclusive VIP programs for high rollers. Tailor your choice based on your interests and aspirations within the online gaming sphere.
In conclusion, selecting the right online casino entails a thorough evaluation of various factors, including safety, game selection, bonuses, user experience, reputation, and additional features. By prioritizing these criteria, you can embark on a rewarding gaming journey tailored to your preferences. Remember to stay informed, exercise responsible gaming practices, and most importantly, have fun. Whether you're a casual player seeking entertainment or a serious gambler aiming for the jackpot, the perfect online casino, such as Fun88asia, awaits your discovery.
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socialnations · 11 months ago
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Check it Out How to Get Amazing ENT Services in Noida and Greater Noida
In the busy streets of Noida and the growing lanes of Greater Noida, it can seem impossible to find the best ear doctor in Noida. Our health is the most important thing to us, so it's important to have easy access to top-notch medical care. Don't worry, though; we've found the gold mine of excellent ENT services that are only a short walk away.
Looking Through the Maze of Choices
It can be hard to pick the best ENT hospital in Greater Noida when there are so many to choose from. Don't worry! We carefully went through all of the choices and chose the best of the best. Whether you need intensive ENT treatment or just want to find an answer to an ear problem, our guide will point you in the direction of the best doctors.
Heal Your Ears and More: A Master Class
Welcome to the world where skill and healing go hand in hand. The best ENT doctor near me are artists who fix people. They make it possible for people to hear better and live better by mixing cutting-edge technology with years of experience. They are at the cutting edge of ENT care by identifying and treating complicated ear problems.
A Place of Care and Creativity
Imagine a safe place where kindness and creativity live together in perfect balance. That's exactly what you can expect at best ENT doctor in Greater Noida. In this place, medical miracles happen in an atmosphere of kindness and understanding. Every patient is different; they all have a story that needs to be told and mended.
Your health is our top concern here, where knowledge and care meet, so don't wait to take the first step toward a healthier you.
In general, you should only settle for the best when it comes to your ENT and ear health. Get on the road to health and happiness now!
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