#mayprompts love
meetinginsamarra · 4 months
mayprompts2024 - a heartfelt Thank You
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This May has rushed by so fast, I can't really believe it. It's been absolutely crazy.
I've been intrigued by the concept of the may prompts again just like I've been last year but I thought I would not get to write much because my IRL May 2024 would be packed with work and well, real life.
But, starting with the first prompt "open", the inspiration just flowed. I managed to write every single day (with one exception due to a medical emergency and I did two prompts the day after so that doesn't really count for me).
Most days, I carved out at least 1.5 up to 2.5 hours only for my writing (I'm slow and I want to make it good) and I really don't know how I managed that but the urge to write was so strong that I had actually no choice but to comply.
I wrote two AU's, the hilarious Bed Shop AU `The Perfect Place' and the tattoo shop AU 'White Pony Tattoo' which is a bit more serious but still fun to read. Both stories surprised myself every day. I am ridiculously proud of these. All is/will be on AO3 and I'll make a masterpost later.
I had a such great time. But it wouldn't, couldn't have been that fantastic fandom experience, the feeling of being - more than ever - part of a community, welcoming and supportive and egging each other on in the very best of ways without all of you.
This month especially have I felt so strongly that you all are my found family. I love you all and the fandom so much and now I can't see the keyboard because I have real tears in my eyes because I've become so sentimental.
Thank you @calaisreno for hosting this event and channeling the writing muses and all of the sentiments connected with it.
Thank all of you who have filled prompts, some provoking utter joy, others deep pain and all the feelings in between. I'm not going to tag people here because I don't want to leave anybody out by accident. I've (hopefully) reblogged all that has been created and also, you know who you are.
Thank all of you who have reblogged my writings and/or interacted with them via comments, emojis or added gifs. It makes me so happy to evoke something with what I come up with. No tagging again, you know who you are as well.
All the love to you, Samarra
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amypihcs · 4 months
AAAAAND i've done it again. Thanks goodness there's the MayPrompts so more fluff will come but here, enjoy some heart wrenching angst. All the blame for this is put on my dear friends @i-dont-talk-for-days-on-end and @tyrannosaurusnacks with who i was chatting of angsty final problem stuff, i love you so much guys! I thank @louieclamlent for having been so kind as to beta it, thank you my dear.
This is based on the fact that SCAN was published in 1891, when Holmes was already 'dead'. Everything proceedes from that!
Enjoy, my friends!
Some tags? @usergreenpixel, @fruitviking, @skyriderwednesday, @rainbow-person, @neverquiteeden, @blistering-typhoons, @uygfiug, @r2y9s-notartblog
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The poem is in the caption. I wrote it for the element May prompt @thoughtconnection tagged by Denise @nobullheart ~ Slide to see the prompt photo. Thank you Denise for the tag! I revisted the fire piece I wrote years earlier. It's a long piece so I wrote a short version for the prompt. The image is a wallpaper I created movement to. Peace all you majestic souls of love and light!🕊🙏💞💞💞🕊 Poem: Golden Fire I am fire that can cause massive destruction. I leave a backlash trail so you can tell my fiery tale. My fiery nature is sometimes provoked, other times, I appear in a cloak. You believe, I am a season. I can burst into flames at any given reason. I am a life of golden fire, I know you do not desire. You cringe at my summer flare ups already making yourself upset to my potential presence. You fear me! Yet, I am warmth. I help you sustain your earthly comfort and zap the shivers in the coldest winters. I can rupture where butterflies roam and flowers bloom. In Spirit, butterflies flutter their wings in my fiery flames. And roses bloom in my golden plumes. You can dance in my golden fire and never choke in my feathers. You won't even burn or wobble in my flames if only you can tame the fear of my fiery squabble. Have you heard of the three men a king casted into the burning fiery furnace? The king was astounded to see four men walking in the midst of my golden fire and did not burn. He was further stunned that the fourth was like the Son of God. Author: Lorenza Palomino @godzillionloveandlight ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you are intersted in reading the story about the king and the three men, you can find it in Daniel 3:16-28 KJV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #goldenfire #mayprompt #element #fireelement🔥 #iamfire #poetryandfire #poetryandteatime #threemen #shadrachmeshachabednego #kingnebuchadnezzar #daneil #kjv31628 #godandfire #godisfire #fieryeyes🔥 #kingandmen #fireislife #fireandmeat #fireandme #fireiswarmth #fireandgold #fireisgolden #donotfearfire #donotfearanything #godiswithyou #loveiswithyou #angelsarewithyou #fearnot #mybrethrens🙏 (at Golden Fire-Rescue) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdRfJE-vqFI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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achronicvoice · 6 years
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[New Post] How I'll be pottering around in the month of May! Remembering my little birdies who have gone to rest, designing my days instead of planning them, and believing in my abilities. I'd love to read about what you'll be up to as well, if you'd care to join me :) "‘Remembering’, after all, is a collection of transient thoughts that shifts with every moment...Every and any beautiful moment is worthy of celebration." Click on my bio for link. . . . . . #achronicvoice #chronicinsta #chronicblogs #spoonie #spoonielife #spoonies #spoonieproblems #invisibleillness #awareness #mentalhealth #chronicillness #chroniclife #chronicpain #disability #selfawareness #selfcare #amblogging #amwriting #selfreflection #mayprompts #maylinkup #linkup #maylinkup #grief #loss #todolists #homeandliving #selfbelief #empathy #humanity
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meetinginsamarra · 5 months
mayprompts 2024, #1
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Thank you @calaisreno for providing the prompts.
tagging some more people @raina-at @lisbeth-kk @totallysilvergirl
"Well, short version, not dead! “
Sherlock says with a flourish and starts rubbing off his fake moustache. Which in hindsight has been an utterly stupid thing to do. And say.
John’s face contorts into something undescribable, being suddenly struck by shock and grief and anger and a cacophonous multitude of various other feelings that Sherlock’s mind is too overwhelmed to decipher and too scared to acknowledge right now.
"Two years," John whispers or hisses, rather, "you let me believe you were dead."
A murderous look emerges from the depth of John's turned-into-ice blue eyes and that one sentiment is easy enough to recognize.
Sherlock shivers as the deadly cold wraps him in an uncomfortable and suffocating blanket. He stands still like the statue of a fool that he apparently is, thinking about how he has fantasized his return to John would play out. How he would come back from the dead and be welcomed by John's wide open arms and then get dragged into a crushing hug. How could he have been so wrong? This has all been a cardinal mistake.
John stands up to face Sherlock, his breathing becomes rapid and shallow and for a split second Sherlock thinks that John is going to hyperventilate.
All the while this woman named Mary stares at them both him with wide open eyes, uttering small squawking noises. Sherlock briefly wonders if these are sounds of indignation over having her proposal interrupted or being surprised by his return before he concludes that he does not care about either possibility and least of all cares about the woman herself.
"Two years," John huffs sharply and Sherlock is once again pinned down by glacier-cold blue eyes, "you let me grieve."
"John, I..."
Sherlock flinches the moment when he sees John's hand clench into a white-knuckled fist. But still, he is caught totally unawares when John suddenly hurls himself at Sherlock, fisting the collar of his tuxedo and makes them both fall to the floor with a loud thud.
The other people in the posh restaurant begin to stare open-mouthed at them like a shoal of morbidly fascinated goldfish.
John comes to lie on top of Sherlock and then Sherlock is caught totally unawares for the second time in mere seconds because instead of smashing his fist against Sherlock's nose John instead smashes his lips against Sherlock's mouth. John snogs the living daylights out of him and only stops when he has to suck some desperately needed fresh oxygen into his lungs.
Sherlocks heart pumps deafeningly loud in his ears and he just lies there, stunned, only able to breathe which is suddenly not boring at all and he stares into John's wetly glistening clear-blue eyes.
"Did you just kiss me?" Sherlock says which means reaching just another level of stupidity.
"Did you just kiss him?" Parrots Mary. This time she is clearly squawking with indignance.
John's sudden smile is like a sun radiating blinding happiness.
"I swore that if I ever get a second chance I’d be open to you."
"What?" Sherlock squawks now, too. Just when he has thought it could not get any more embarrassing.
"Open about my feelings, I mean." John giggles. "I love you, Sherlock!"
"John." Sherlock breathes.
"John!" Mary screeches.
John does not care. "You are never to leave me ever again!" He commands and kisses Sherlock once more with even more fervour than before.
John's lips all over his face again and this surpasses Sherlock's wildest imagination about returning to John by far. His back aches but it is nothing against the electric shocks that John's lips send through his body and down his spine.
This time Sherlock is prepared.
When John's tongue impatiently demands entry, Sherlock embraces John's mouth with his own and welcomes him home with wide-open lips.
Yay, I made the first prompt!
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meetinginsamarra · 3 months
Self-rec Thingy
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
Thank you for the tag @raina-at
It feels like betrayal to my beloved children 😉 to pick five but here we go.
The Perfect Place 
Sherlock needs a flatmate and already has the perfect person in mind. Now he only needs to convince his object of desire to move in and also find out if he desires Sherlock as well.
I am so in love with my second newest fic! Written daily for some of calais_reno's mayprompts 2024, it evolved into a hilarious funny cringefest with pining idiots and snarky comments made by the narrator. I grinned/laughed all the time while writing and people in the comments said they did, too. 10k words.
The Curious Case of the Casablanca Killer 
Deemed a three at best, the case of an invisible burglar in a historic cinema who stole nothing only caught Sherlock’s attention because he was bored. Also, he wanted to do John a favour. In the end, this proved to be a real stroke of luck. Otherwise, Sherlock would have missed an intriguing mystery that quickly ramped up in complexity.
I am very proud of this one! My first real 100% case fic. It took a lot of plotting and about a year to complete. It started as a gift for my friend and beta reader @peageetibbs , a short idea for a murder in a cinema since my friend runs a real cinema with a group of people in real life.
I have imagined that a lot more people would be eager to read this (ngl I am disappointed about its hit count development). Sherlock solves a complicated case, lots of hints and clues, all is logical and an epic chase sequence at the end. Established friendship, no smut. 56k words. Go read!
Learn My Scars 
After being thrown down and strangled, Sherlock leaves John in the restaurant, angry and deeply hurt. When John follows Sherlock to 221b, he learns that Sherlock's scars have not been acquired by “gallivanting around” for two years.
Very proud of this one, too. It has been written under a huge amount of stress. Written for whumptober 2022, it was posted daily for 31 days with sometimes really long chapters of over 2k words. Looking back, it feels like I've written all my spare time and doing little else for six weeks. It was insane and it was great.
It has the most kudos and second most hits of my fics, 38k words.
Sherlock comes home after the hiatus. My S3 fix-it fic starts at the restaurant scene and goes very differently afterwards. Johnlock endgame, lots of hurt/comfort and tales of what happened to Sherlock while being away, including a long part set in the Serbian cell.
The 13th Book 
Summoning a demon was actually quite simple if you could avoid getting killed in the process. Therefore, only the powerful, the desperate or the stupid would attempt it. John Watson was likely the first, definitely the second but hopefully not one of the third kind.
A magical realism AU. Sorcerer John summons a demon, Sherlock. It happens very differently than it's been expected. Not a lot of actual magic but enemies to friends and an epic bromance ensues. Funny moments, no smut. 26k words.
My AU world interweaves with BBC Sherlock universe and incorporates "Inspector Columbo" and "On the run elements" and this is the reason why I've picked the fic for this list. I made real still-life arrangements for each chapter and photographed them. The pics are posted in the fic. I am a bit sad that there are not so many hits on this one.
Wretched and Divine 
Dr. John Watson is on call at the A&E when he attempts to treat a very special patient. Instead he finds himself a very special treat.
My first ever posted fic. The punklock AU different first meeting is still very well-written (so I believe) for a first! It's funny, in character, on point and John is so in for a surprise! 5k words.
I love the punklock theme so much that this one spawned a sequel and I wrote another 3-part series with punk!Sherlock.
Tagging @keirgreeneyes and everone who wants to share (I forgot who's already been tagged).
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meetinginsamarra · 4 months
mayprompts2024, #31 pride
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Chapters 1 to 8 here on AO3
If you like the tattoo AU give it some love on my AO3, please. It would mean a lot to me. TYSM!
Just to give you a heads-up, this AU is not finished with today's prompt.
But it will be tomorrow!
I wrote a longer ending and I don't want to cram all of it in here today. Therefore, there will be a "mayprompt 32 determined". 😊
White Pony Tattoo - Part Eleven (pride)
Have I ever wondered about the shop’s name?
John took his time to think about it. Answering Sherlock’s agitated question correctly was of utmost importance. Not trying to guess what Sherlock might like to hear. Sherlock would probably detect any lie in a matter of seconds anyway.
John did not want to jeopardize the trust Sherlock had shown to him so far by opening up about his troubled past. Therefore, he decided to be completely honest.
“Actually, no. I just thought it was a very catchy name and the design of the running pony was beautiful.” John admitted. “Sorry, if that’s disappointing but it’s the plain truth.”
Sherlock laughed but it was a pained and unhappy sound.
“The White Pony is street slang for cocaine, John.” Seeing the involuntary widening of John’s pupils, Sherlock carried on, his voice dripping with self-contempt.
“Yes, I’ve been a junkie. A full-blown cocaine addict at the age of 22 and when I overdosed the third time I died in the ambulance on my way to the hospital.”
Sherlock’s agitation manifested itself in restless pacing around the tattoo parlour while he talked in rapid-fire mode.
“The reason for my phoenix is not as glorious as the one for yours. It’s neither heroic nor is it noble. It’s just pathetic. The tattoo covers all of the damage the needles inflicted onto my veins but the scars are still below the ink for everyone to see if I let them. Which I don’t. My phoenix is reminding me on a daily basis that I’ve been weak and stupid.”
Sherlock stopped in front of the computer, pulling visciously at his curls and staring wildly at John.
John was baffled by the amount of self-loathing Sherlock felt. If all of the caustic derision and acidic hate in Sherlock’s rant had been directed at John, he would have dissolved into a puddle right on the spot.
Carefully, John got out of the recliner chair and walked up to Sherlock.
“How long have you been sober?” He asked calmly.
“Eleven years since my rehab following the reanimation.” Sherlock snorted. “That doesn’t change anything.”
“Sherlock, believe me, I’ve had my fair share of dealing with addiction. Not myself, but my sister has been an alcoholic since her teens.” John spoke slowly and firmly, making sure that every word found its way into Sherlock’s brain.
“She had multiple tries to get sober and been to rehab. But sadly, she never managed to stay that way. The addiction always claimed her back, sometimes it took two years, sometimes it was just two months.”
Sherlock calmed a bit. Curiously he watched John, listening intensely.
“Yes, you are an ex-junkie.” John nodded. “But the emphasis is on the ex and not on the junkie.” John stepped up very close to Sherlock and fixated him with a stern stare to really drive his point home.
It didn’t work.
Sherlock’s face became hard and in a flurry of motion he pulled the black t-shirt over his head and flung it away onto the ground.
On part of Sherlock’s chest and over his right shoulder, John saw a masterfully tattooed realistic head and neck of a pony.
“But that’s exactly it, John! The cocaine will never leave me!” Sherlock exclaimed and slowly turned so that John could see his back. It was covered with the body of a running pony.
“The White Pony is always running behind my back, following me everywhere. It looks over my shoulder, watching and waiting that I’ll cave someday and invite it back into my life.” Sherlock spat furiously.
The total lack of understanding sparked John’s ire. “You totally misunderstood what I’d meant to say. How can you be so fucking thick?”
John’s voice raised in volume. “My sister, Sherlock, she never made it. Nine months after I’ve returned to London, she died of alcohol poisoning and acute liver failure.”
John fought back the stinging sensation in his eyes.
“So don’t you dare,” John poked his index finger right into Sherlock’s chest who immediately flinched over the silent rage in John’s eyes, “to think that you’re weak. Eleven years of sobriety is a fucking long time, Sherlock.”
Another poke.
“You had to be strong to resist the siren call of substance abuse every time when life got difficult again and obstacles have turned up.” John poked the chest once again, forcefully and this time it was intended to hurt.
“You have been strong and you have achieved perfection in what you do!” A vicious double poke followed.
“You should be fucking proud of yourself, God dammit Jesus Christ holy shit!”
tagging some people @totallysilvergirl @peageetibbs  @lisbeth-kk @raina-at @calaisreno
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The poem is in the caption. I wrote it for the element May prompt @thoughtconnection tagged by Denise @nobullheart ~ Slide to see the prompt photo. Thank you Denise for the tag! Your wind poem truly inspired me to revisit the elements (earth, water, wind and fire) poetry I wrote years earlier. The wind and fire pieces are long, so I decided to write short versions. I will post the fire poem in a few days. The image is a wallpaper I brought movement to. Peace all you majestic souls of love and light!🕊🙏💞💞💞🕊 Poem: Winds of Change There are many things I can do to show you I am true. Not to make you blue, but to give you clues. I dance in twists and twirls, even in whirlwinds that creates tornadoes. You can say I am winds of revival. It is my nature to bring winds of winter. I can blow in all directions, some might call me winds of destruction. I invite you to take a closer look at my core and see that I am not winds of war. You may also call me winds of change and you can see, I am not deranged. Change is good and I am part of its agenda. I swirl at the four corners of the world and my disciples are lightening, thunder and rains galore. We are blessings to the narrative of awakening. You already know Mother Earth can shake you to your nucleus. We are no different! Our current is simply obscurant. There are moments, we go dormant. Yet, we are very coherent to ensure your revival to your purpose and your true nature. Despite the agenda of change, we love you and are honored we are part of the chain to help you awaken to your divine essence. Author: Lorenza Palomino @godzillionloveandlight #windsofchange #mayprompt #mayprompts #mayprompts2022 #elements #wind #windsofwinter #windsofwar #windsofrevival #windsofglory #truenature #divineessence #trueessence #quintessence #withoutgod #wearetrapped #forever #egossinisterprison #alllifeforms #areblessings #poetryofheart❤ #poetrytoawaken #poetry #poems #poetryforthesoul🌸 #poemsforhealing #poemsforher #poemsforhim #poetryisgod #poetryandnature (at Elements) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdOBrJeLnPt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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A few years ago, I captured this photo at Half Moon Bay. I used PixaMotion to bring some movement to the glisten body of water. I thought the flying bird would be a nice touch. The poem for the element prompt @thoughtconnection tagged by Denise @nobullheart is in the Caption. Thank you Denise for the tag! Slide to see the prompt photo. I love and appreciate all four elements. I chose water because she has been a profound and inspiring source in my life since my NDE in 2001. She has inspired me to write majestic poetry of her love, joy, peace, freedom, unity and her glisten beauty. This piece is in one of my unpublished manuscripts. Peace all you majestic souls of love and light!🕊🙏💞💞🕊 Poem: Water The beauty of her glisten reminds me of Heaven. The body of water, cleansing and pure. Flowing from God's throne, a sight to behold. She has much love to give in all her majestic ways. On the seashore of Half Moon Bay, I dance on white sands, like a child at play. My eyes transfix on her sparkling face and is as pleasing as the Spirit of grace. Her roaring waves speak loud and clear as I love to hear. Her cool mist moistens my lips and her whispering breeze swirls around my hips. Her cool molecules feel refreshing under my feet so tender and sweet. I love every paritcle of her glisten body and the sense of unity. She is a majestic source to know, like God's heart of gold. Author: Lorenza Palomino @godzillionloveandlight #water #mayprompt #elements #waterelement #earthelement #fireelement #windelement #poetrypromptschallenge #glistenwater #sparklywater #shesparkleslikediamonds💎 #inheaven #sheislove #sheisjoy #sheispeace #sheisunity #sheisfreedom #sheismajestic #inallherwateryways #watermolecules #waterparticles #waterways #waterwaysireland (at Water) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdEq7qyv1Yf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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A few years ago I captured this photo at Half Moon Bay. I used PixaMotion to bring some movement to the glisten body of water. I thought the flying bird would be a nice touch. The poem for the element prompt @thoughtconnection tagged by Denise @nobullheart is in the Caption. Thank you Denise for the tag! Slide to see the prompt photo. I love and appreciate all four elements. I chose water because she has been a profound and inspiring source in my life since my NDE in 2001. She has inspired me to write majestic poetry of her love, joy, peace, freedom, unity and her glisten beauty. This piece is in one of my unpublished manuscripts. Peace all you majestic souls of love and light!🕊🙏💞💞🕊 Poem: Water The beauty of her glisten reminds me of Heaven. The body of water, cleansing and pure. Flowing from God's throne, a sight to behold. She has much love to give in all her majestic ways. On the seashore of Half Moon Bay, I dance on white sands, like a child at play. My eyes transfix on her sparkling face and is as pleasing as the Spirit of grace. Her roaring waves speak loud and clear as I love to hear. Her cool mist moistens my lips and her whispering breeze swirls around my hips. Her cool molecules feel refreshing under my feet so tender and sweet. I love every paritcle of her glisten body and the sense of unity. She is a majestic source to know, like God's heart of gold. Author: Lorenza Palomino @godzillionloveandlight #water #mayprompt #elements #waterelement #earthelement #fireelement #windelement #poetrypromptschallenge #glistenwater #sparklywater #shesparkleslikediamonds💎 #inheaven #sheislove #sheisjoy #sheispeace #sheisunity #sheisfreedom #sheismajestic #inallherwateryways #watermolecules #waterparticles #waterways #waterwaysireland (at Half Moon Bay, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdEpxmSvhLr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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