#maybeck and Willa
agentsofmarvel · 1 month
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rip to the kingdom keepers, y’all tried your best 😦
According to the Orlando Sentinel:
Per the Disney Parks Blog, this new land is a "place where poison apples are aplenty and magic potions can ruin your whole day." With all these villains in one place, "happily ever after may feel like just a distant dream."
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i think the fact the the kingdom keepers never got a break in their daily lives is so awful for them. like the hosts were their faces, their names, they acted and dressed based off of the real kids interests. and then these holograms get so famous that these teenagers, from like 13 to 18 don’t get a break.
because it’s not like they’re playing a character or anything, they really are just the dhi. there was no separation between the two during the day. do you think fans blurred the line between what they knew of finn the hologram and what they assumed about finn the hologram?
and there wasn’t any separation at night. where did the hologram stop and the kid start? i think by book seven they didn’t even know
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alwaysakeeper17 · 4 months
Favorite Rankings
Before I begin my re-read of the series, I want to rank some of my favorites and see how it compares after the re-read!
Book Rankings
Disney at Dawn
Disney in Shadow
Dark Passage
Shell Game
Disney After Dark
Power Play
Keepers Rankings
Willa Aneglo
Terry Maybeck
Dell Philby
Charlene Turner
Finn Whitman
Relationship Rankings
Willa + Philby
Maybeck + Charlene
Finn + Amanda
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izzielizzie · 2 years
Saturdays in the Angelo house used to be reserved for freshly baked cinnamon rolls, with cream cheese frosting licked off of fingers before the rolls were even taken out the oven. Saturdays were for board games on the living room coffee table, arguing over mortgaged properties or murder weapons in the billiard room until the cat inevitably got bored and jumbled everything up with a swipe of her tail. Saturdays were meant for family. 
Willa’s oldest brother was the first one to pull away, his job at the supermarket as his excuse. And then, after her father’s accident, Willa’s mother and father were too worried about bills and medicine deliveries to remember to make the rolls. Willa took over the role, with the help of her second oldest brother, but then he started dating a girl who was much more interested in exploring Florida’s restaurants than sitting in the messy kitchen in an even messier house. Willa’s brother closest in age to her, only one year younger, tried. He truly did. But he didn’t have much patience for dough, and soon he started to sleep over at a friend’s house every Friday night. And Willa’s youngest brother just wanted to watch cartoons. 
Eventually, all that is left is Willa and a house filled with the echoes of a once-happy family. Her mother notices, tapping Willa on the shoulder as she watches the yeast bloom in a bowl of warm milk. “Isabella, honey, why don’t you do something with your friends instead?”
Willa isn’t friends with the girls her mother is talking about. Not any more. It’s hard to maintain a relationship with people who see you as the “Disney kid”. So she turns to the people who know her best.
Charlene offers to take Willa to gymnastics practice with her (”You could learn a thing or two about being flexible Willers”) but it only takes fifteen minutes for both girls to figure out that gymnastics isn’t for everyone. 
Finn visits his grandmother every Saturday with his family. He offers her the spare key to his house though, “just in case you need somewhere to go”. Willa thanks him, but she never takes him up on the offer. It’s better to wallow in your own home, instead of someone else’s.
Jess and Amanda aren’t allowed to have visitors, and they certainly aren’t allowed to leave their house. And Philby...well...he hardly even noticed Willa was asking him to spend time together. 
Which leaves Maybeck. Willa likes him, or at least she tries to, but his brazen attitude often leaves her reeling. But Saturdays are a busy day at Crazy Glaze and Jelly needs all the help she can get. So instead of being elbow deep in dough on Saturday mornings, Willa finds herself in the back room, kneading clay to the whir of Maybeck’s potter's wheel. They don’t talk much, not for the first few weeks, but soon Maybeck hesitantly breaks the silence.
“It works better if you knead it in a cone shape.” 
Willa startles a little at the unexpected break in their comfortable silence — because somehow in the past month she has become comfortable with him — but shifts over nonetheless to make room for the much taller boy to demonstrate the correct kneading method. She watches Maybeck more than she watches the clay, marveling at the concentration and care on his face. His guarded expression drops and his worry lines soften until he looks like any other boy. Ease looks good on him, and Willa can’t help but smile. He glances over and catches sight of her staring.
“Wills, I know I’m irresistible, but you’ve gotta focus on the clay, okay?”
Willa laughs, his words a little less annoying now that she’s somehow been reminded that Terry Maybeck is just a teenager trying his best. A little like Willa herself.
For the first time in months, Willa wakes up early the next Saturday to make a batch of cinnamon rolls. She kneads the dough the way Maybeck taught her with the clay, and to her surprise the dough becomes flaky in the oven, the cinnamon, and butter, and brown sugar melting into the rolls in a way they never did before. The smell attracts Willa’s youngest brother, who picks one up on his way to the living room with a grateful smile. She flashes a grin, deciding to let him go instead of calling him back and telling him to please, for heaven’s sake, use a plate. She’ll take the small victory.
Willa packs up six rolls while they’re still hot, and borrows the key to her parents’ car. They won’t be driving anywhere any time soon, and she wants the rolls to still be warm when she arrives at Crazy Glaze. She leaves two for Jelly with a note and brings the remaining four to the back room, where Maybeck already has a streak of drying clay across his cheek. It makes him look young and silly, and Willa feels happier at the sight than she has at anything for a long time. 
The smell of cinnamon and sugar lures Maybeck away from the mug he’s molding, and after carefully preserving it and washing his hands, he settles on a paint-splattered stool across from Willa. 
“These are amazing Wills!” he says after the first bite, his mouth still full. Willa grins at him, the dull emptiness she’s felt since her Saturdays fell apart evaporates with every bite he takes. 
“Thanks. I can teach you how to make them if you want.”
Maybeck gives her a real smile, one that’s all enthusiasm and joy, outlined by cream cheese frosting. “I’d love that.”
“How does next Saturday sound?”
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Apparently it has a title, synopsis, and release date?? Not sure when all this info dropped but dang, I’m excited!
Edit: oh also, Villains Realm? LOVING the title, sounds so cool
Now let’s just hope it actually releases when it says it will (not holding my breath)
Here are some things I’m hoping for in this book:
The parents talking about their fight with Ursula
Some actual continuity with the Fairlies (change Storey’s name back to Mattie PLEASE)
I’m desperate for at least a mention of Wayne (I know he’s probably dead because he’s ancient but c’mon, the people need to know.
Some more crossing over. There didn’t seem to be much in the first book.
Edit: I also wouldn’t mind if the villains “won” in this one, and all the villain’s realms got built. It would 1) fit the title and 2) set up SUPER high stakes for the 3rd book. The KKs jobs would get so much harder with villains parks built
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sailforvalinor · 4 months
One thing that happens a lot early on in the Kingdom Keepers series is that when the team splits up (which happens constantly), Finn and Philby are usually paired up, and it’s not like it’s a surprising move—it’s the classic leader + lancer combo (actually Philby is equal parts Lancer and Smart Guy, which is a fascinating move from a writing perspective, but that’s a post for another time), they bounce off of each other really well, and they get stuff done. Like, it makes a lot of sense. But then the rest of the team reliably and constantly falls apart without them. They run around in circles aimlessly in the rain. Maybeck gets kidnapped. Willa and Charlene almost drown. The series gets better about this as time goes on, but early on it’s just like:
Finn and Philby: *get back and see everything is on fire* “What happened???”
Maybeck, Charlene, and Willa: “You guys are about 85% of our impulse control.”
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lunova-rambles · 2 years
PLEASE my brain just now decided to remember the existence of Kingdom Keepers like hello?? I miss that series so much stop
I saw a post pointing out that they pitted the girls against each other which I HATED but I actually loved the series (its nostalgia, not the blatant sexism and racism hhhh)
One of my best friends in elementary school would let me borrow her books during reading time after she finished them 😂 so I was always reading the one right before hers
I can’t remember which book it was, but my fav segment was where either Charlene or Willa and Philby or Maybeck or whatever (I just remember there were 2 of them) were together going against Jafar I think
That and the cruise ship book are the parts I remember the most lol
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strixxinxiang · 1 year
O1 | Snakes on a Plane (2006)
The Day I Fell In Love
Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:
No Archive Warnings Apply
Kingdom Keepers - Ridley Pearson
Willa Angelo/Dell Philby
Willa Angelo, Dell Philby, Charlene Turner, Finn Whitman, Terrence Maybeck
Additional Tags:
Fluff, High School, Snakes on a Plane (2006) - Freeform, KCAWSBingo23, KCAWSCreativeWriting, Based on a Dolly Parton Song
Writing Bingo 2023
Published: 2023-09-15
Words: 979
Chapters: 1/1
It was just an ordinary day that started out the same old way.
Then Willa looked into his eyes and knew.
VERY SHORT fluff piece as my birthday gift to you ❤️
#KCAWSBingo23 Square O1: Snakes on a Plane (2006)
KCAWS Creative Writing Course
Exercise 5: "Just an ordinary day, started out the same old way. Then I looked into your eyes and knew" - The Day I Fell In Love
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outfits for when you’re in the parks but can’t let people realize that you’re a dhi
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tinybookgirl · 3 years
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“You forgot something: evil never wins in the Magic Kingdom.”
Kingdom Keepers
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xxliteraryladiesxx · 3 years
Disney at Dawn Updated PART 2
1. All the Amanda using the Animal Cams to track the keepers in the part is different.
2. The part on page 208 where Maybeck says a word that "would have one again gotten Finn grounded for a week" "Son of a ___"
has been changed to say "sands of a beach"
3. How Finn and Maybeck find the monkey image from Jess's drawing is changed
4. OH! also when they text instead of the text abbreviations and stuff like "otakers" " u c?" etc is written out with correct spellings and punctuations/capitalization
Which I find lame because they are still in middle school and the text abbreviations still totally would work.
5. The part with Finn and Maybeck running into the Lion King Show Finn is getting info from Amanda on the phone when in the original it seems like she was also running near then because it says "Amanda said into his ear" but I will give this a pass simply because this part always confused me cuz how is she right there to cheer them on etc
6. The interactions Amanda has with the kid who wants to use the camera, and then later when the Kid has the tattoo that points her to go backstage are completely different.
which is how they get the fob is gone. which makes me sad I liked that part where it goes "FEED ME" now Finn and Maybeck go to Pandora and find it in a flower thing. and Maybeck thinks the guy is an OT
8. the ROB CALL
He used to say she plays word games. He now says he would like to take away her pen and paper that she is constantly messing with to create word game letters
9.Finn and Amanda backstage
They yell at each other usually like "Go!' he called out to Amanda" "NO. I am staying" and now the dialogue has them saying things like "Please" and "thank you" while they argue with each other. like what
10. "You can fly?" "I can levitate"
Is gone. why is it and other stuff of Amanda using her power gone.
originally it goes "Your long hair. the way you looked at me" "I was under Maleficen'ts spell' she reminded him"
"And I was under yours' he thought. 'The thing is, as it turned out, there was nothing to be afraid of"
NOW he TELLS HER "As it turned out I liked you"
WHAAAAAAT idk what to think . I yelled at the book
12. Escaping from the Tigers
basically pages of that part is just gone. shorter, and not as interesting. some weird dialogue stuff
13. Maybeck and Willa
SOO MUCH is cut out about their mission. and a ton of the action is changed completely. They no longer have the witty back and forth banter. AND THE BIGGEST THING about 4 pages are GONE with them finding a magnet to destroy the system and hearing footsteps and getting out and having their hug moment where Willa then pushes him away and goes "dont disgust me!" and Maybeck goes "I probably checked w philby before doing that. I hope it doesn't mess things up" never happens
Im sorry but.... what.... why.... what in the world
14. Finn being very unfinn
in an added half page of dialogue when Jess tells about Chernabog and her dream of Finn being swung like a baseball bat by a yeti. she doesnt say Chernabog but Finn argues that Yes sounds crazy and it was surely just a dream and goes "so we all know just for the recorded i nvr said it was good idea"
This is the dialogue changes I was most mad at. Finn would never
Alright that's all I got for you. what do you think about these changes?
I tried to keep this post shortish by only writing the changes I felt most passionate about lol
Now... onto Disney in Shadow
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agentsofmarvel · 2 years
if you haven’t seen the news, disney unveiled a hologram of walt disney for the 100th anniversary:
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does this mean disney now has the holographic technology to make dhi’s???
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ridley pearson writing conflicts between his male characters: genuine conflicts that play to their character flaws and eventually helps them grow as people and are built up throughout multiple books so that they have a satisfying resolution
ridley pearson writing conflicts between his female characters: bitches be crazy 🤭
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The Syndrome (Kingdom Keepers #7.5)
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author: Ridley Pearson # pages: 286  # chapters: 12 start date: March 8 finish date: March 8 rating: 4/5 review: kind of wished I checked how this fit into the Kingdom Keepers series rather than going off of Goodreads. This should have been read after the first book of Kingdom Keepers: the Return.
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izzielizzie · 2 years
who do you ship in the kingdom keepers? is there anyone that you would wish would get with someone outside of the series? cause i wish that ridley would make willa get with a girl that’s into art or something lol
okay so between canon characters my ships are:
finn and amanda
jess and mattie
willa and maybeck
i really love the idea of philby and charlene being single bc they deserve it. also every now and then i'm like hmmm,, jess and willa??? or jess and maybeck?? the three of them are three different forms of artist and i love that trio so much. i def think willa belongs with someone artsy you're so right.
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midnightdreamin · 3 years
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stoppp ridley followed me on instagram!! i guess you can say we’re bffs now
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