#Jess lockheart
deathandthesoul · 11 months
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The Lockhearts Valter (Banu Haqim Antitribu) Lukas (Toreador Antitribu) Jesse (Socially Banu Haqim Antitribu Smoothie of prev 2's vitae)
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The John Does Aidan (Volgirre) Rafael (Volgirre) Wes (Hecata/Giovanni)
Picrew link
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tinybookgirl · 3 years
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“You forgot something: evil never wins in the Magic Kingdom.”
Kingdom Keepers
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juliethebibliophile · 5 years
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The Kingdom Keepers on Instagram– Summer 2019
(a companion/sorta sequel to this post ) 
Tom Holland as Finn (yes I changed his FC cause Tom Holland has better pictures for me to steal than Nick Robinson)
Sean Berdy as Philby
Maia Mitchell as Willa
Olivia Holt as Charlene 
Aubrey Joseph as Maybeck
Auli’i Cravalho as Amanda
Katherine Reis as Jess
And a whole bunch of random people from Pinterest!!!
(and yes I’m apparently implying that they all went to Disneyland together this summer. The headcanon happened by accident)
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doodleasouarus · 6 years
Follow me on instagram 
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solain-rhyo · 4 years
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cosmicclownboy · 2 years
It would be a 1000% in character for Max to keep that secret but the concept of Michael still being clueless about Alex in 4x08 is a level of messed up I can't even contemplate. They're doing Alex so dirty this season and no amount of narrative made up by the fandom on why Tyler wasn't shooting explains any of it.
I know it's meant to be only a couple of days in canon but it's so beyond stupid how this show is behaving.
We have Maria acting as if her mom didn't die a day ago doing investigating with Dallas.
Isobel spends episodes/days saying how much she loves Anatsa to being absolutely fine with not being with her in a day or two? And don't get me wrong yall know I am down for Kybel but they didn't show Isobel recognising that Anatsa wasn't her person all the pov was her begging and being sad about keeping secrets from her. But it's okay now cause she exposition dialogued it into canon and now she can kiss Kyle?
In the span of a day Clyde is now getting along with Michael and okay with Bonnie loving Earth.
Bonnie knows what music festivals and stuff are despite her not knowing a lot about earth a couple of days ago. Did she ingest the internet?
Michael thinks Alex is obsessed with his work and wouldn't reply to messages when we've seen them talk whilst Alex is at work. And the only time he didn't was when the lockheart machine was causing him to hallucinate.
After multiple episodes of whinging to not give over the crystals Michael gives the crystal to Clyde who then gives the entire thing to Michael after being at his throat for days.
The weather balloons and skin that were so important are now unimportant.
Liz's class of students....
Rosa's not mentioned literally the sibling to two main characters AND IS A MAIN CHARACTER.
An alien tree was grown in a barn and no one noticed nor is anyone in any of these barns they are always empty.
Max conveniently knows how to separate hand prints despite no training and da blue flame thingy.
Liz saying that Maria can't see Mimi since when did she have the ability to communicate with the dead? And if they can feel each other why didn't Mimi notice until she was dying? And wouldn't she have foresaw her losing her powers?
Why wasn't Mimi ever offered the cure either?
How are the Valenti's now all alien protectors for decades when Jim was working with Jesse for years and only turned to protector right at the end?
If the new triad knew all about Jones why didn't they know he had a son? And why do they want him dead if he has the capabilities that Jones has.
Tezca ain't been on earth long why does she have a tattoo? When did she have the time?
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ashesandhalefire · 3 years
okay but why didn’t they spread this hallucination plot over like three episodes for the maximum unhinged psychological drama effect
michael and alex get actual development in the first half of the season and are back together by 3x06 no i won’t justify or explain just know that i’m correct. we cut the vision plot and anything else that wasted time and accelerate the lockheart machine and jones because those are the ones that are a) semi-interesting, b) purposeful, and c) relevant
we actually see michael or alex asking each other out on their very first real in-public date because that’s a big fucking step for them and i think it’s dumb that we got told it happened in some dialogue
it can be that it wasn’t going to be for another day or two because hello they have other priorities like kyle, who is mentioned every other sentence in my version of s3 because everyone in this town loves him and is horribly repentant over how they’ve underappreciated him <3, and max, who is also unconscious while a sexy maniac borrows his body
anyway they spend time apart working on their respective side plots and that is okay! because we’re getting indications that they’re thinking about each other either from direct mentions or glances at texts or dumb little post it notes from each other that they keep on their desks
and we actually get to see that conversation with sanders because michael being able to confide in someone about this is a big fucking deal and again i didn’t deserve to be told about it in some throwaway dialogue like it wasn’t a scene that had the potential to shatter me
alex is working on the lockheart machine in the meantime and he genuinely thinks that he’s accessing an alien visual guide for the machine because it’s nora! nora is good! nora can’t be evil! and she’s generally unhelpful and speaks like a guide he doesn’t understand how to use properly and then he notices the project shepherd insert and thinks - oh! duh! - she’s corrupted! but technology is his thing and he’s going to figure this out, so he keeps working
and we get a scene of him going to visit kyle, who is safely being cared for at deep sky, where their scientists are working on waking him up under ramos’s constant, intense, unyielding supervision, which coincidentally alleviates the confusion of “why is this coma patient in a random barn” and “why has nobody noticed alex sitting around for two days even though all the walls are glass”
and alex gets to have a little self pep-talk with kyle about how he’s nervous and how he’s trying to resolve the machine issue before it becomes a problem like everything always does, and he also gets to be a little teary and say that he misses working with kyle and that he wonders if maybe he hadn’t been distracted by deep sky things and if they had stayed a team if kyle would’ve still been in so much trouble now
so alex feels guilty and helpless and he goes hard into solving the machine, and he does something - he moves the turquoise closer, he turns a knob, he prods at the project shepherd insert a little too hard - and suddenly the nora that he’s talking to is a little different. she’s a little more personable. she’s kind. she’s friendly. she still doesn’t have a lot of super helpful answers for him because she’s still kind of corrupted. but he doesn’t mind talking to her.
we can still get the same “how’s the office honey” convo because that was cute, but i think alex should be surprised when michael calls because he hasn’t realized how long he’s been working. he didn’t realize that his safety window expired. he didn’t even hear the alarm. he didn’t realize he turned it off. and nora is there the whole time, just smiling and being fond, and alex swears that he won’t forget their date and hangs up.
the music starts playing again, and nora tells alex that there was no music on the planet where she lived, and then alex gets caught up in telling nora about michael because for a second he forgets that she’s not nora. that she’s just a visual manual. she’s not actually michael’s long-lost alien mother that alex accidentally got killed when he brought two civilians along on a recon mission
but she likes alex, which is appealing in a way he can’t explain. she thinks he’s smart and she believes he’s going to solve the machine and she likes knowing that he’s been trying to take care of michael. he leaves deep sky to do other plot related things in town, to visit kyle, whatever, and when he comes back, she’s there and she’s smiling and she’s so happy to hear about her son. her beautiful son that obviously loves alex very much and who alex has worked very hard to protect
but she doesn’t like that he hasn’t always been successful
she doesn’t like that alex was the one that put michael in jesse’s crosshairs, and she doesn’t like that alex didn’t have the foresight to think twice before bringing michael to the shed, and she doesn’t like that he’s made michael feel like he was ashamed of him, and she doesn’t like that he lied about having the console piece - that he tried to trap michael just like every other manes man was always trying to do - and she doesn’t like that he got her blown up. that she lived all those years, that she survived the worst that jesse manes had to offer, that she had hope of escaping and finding her son, all until alex came along. and even after that, alex didn’t learn. even after getting nora blown up, alex still tried to trust his father, still took the console piece back and got himself kidnapped and made it so michael had to build a bomb that would kill what was left of his family just to save alex from his father
and now it becomes clearer that alex’s progress with the machine isn’t really progress. it’s still turning off and on at random. he can’t reach the project shepherd piece. nora isn’t speaking to him kindly anymore, and her clothes are tattered and her hair and face are dirty.
she prods at him again about the ways he has put michael in danger, and alex argues back that he has worked very hard to make sure nothing his father did could touch michael. he looks tired, frazzled
and nora thinks this is especially amusing because maybe the one thing that alex should be making sure isn’t touching michael is himself. maybe alex himself is the one manes weapon that he hasn’t considered.
and the conversation devolves into the same fight and comes to the same conclusion - that alex fears his capacity for love is not enough to overcome his father’s capacity for hate
and alex knows that she isn’t real. she isn’t real, she isn’t real, she isn’t real. she’s a hallucination, she isn’t real
but she doesn’t need to be real to tell the truth, alex. she doesn’t need to be real to be right. all it means for her to be a hallucination is that alex has known the truth all along, that deep down alex has always known that he isn’t enough, that he’s broken inside, that michael is better off without him.
and - oh, look! - the balcony door is open
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larenoz · 3 years
There Has To Be Three - Updated
Originally posted as part of @rnmmarchformeta but updated to reflect some new additions. Only three eps in and already enough for an update!!
From the very beginnings of the show, symbolism related to the number three has been present.
The most obvious example of this is the mysterious symbol seen throughout the show. We see it displayed in the town lights when the power returns after Max causes the blackout. It has recurred so often in their lives that both Max and Michael have it tattooed on their bodies.
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It is initially described in terms of being a beacon. In 1.09 Songs About Texas, Max sees the symbol on the flyer for the Indigenous faith healer, Arizona. It’s here that Max learns about the way the symbol mysteriously forms near certain people, and its link to the silent woman on the reservation.
We later learn that in addition to its role as a beacon, the symbol is used as a lock. It is the Pod Squad placing their hands on their respective circle on the symbol that unlocks Mr Jones’ cell.
And again, we see the number three associated with a lock and key on the box used to house Tripp’s diary left to Patricia.
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But is the power of the design intrinsic or is it what the design represents?
Does the symbol in fact represent an important cultural or biological concept for the race of aliens to which Max, Isobel, and Michael belong? Join me dear readers on my journey into the “aliens need to be in groups of three to form stable relationships and be happy” head canon.
Could it be possible that the aliens only function successfully when they form relationships, be they romantic, sexual, platonic, sibling etc when it contains three people?
We see many different groupings of people, that don’t seem to work properly until they are together or that when fractured, bad things happen.
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Pod squad - Iz, Michael, Max
Science Bros - Liz, Michael, Kyle
Family - Liz, Rosa, Arturo
Family - Liz, Rosa, Kyle
Friends - Liz, Maria, Alex
Barn Crew - Nora, Louise, Roy
The Parents - Mimi, Jim, Jesse
Manes Men - Alex, Flint, Greg
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In 2.05 we are given an answer by Max:
“The thing is, there has to be three. Okay. There’s always three. Until the end.”
“Cause it’s all broken without three.”
This is confirmation from canon that at least for the Pod Squad, three is the magic number.
The question then becomes was Max talking only about their specific situation or is it indicative of the wider cultural/biological alien imperative?
In terms of the Pod Squad, even though they are together physically, emotionally they are distant. The events surrounding Rosa’s death break the trust within the group and the closeness they had before that event is lost. It’s only once those secrets are out in the open and they begin to repair their relationship as a group, that they each start to heal their other relationships as individuals. Obviously, there are other events impacting their individual circumstances but the point holds.
Could this within its full cultural manifestation be that triads are the norm for the aliens? And that the 2.06 threesome is them unwittingly falling into the cultural norms of Michael’s society?
Does the threesome between Maria, Alex and Michael happen because they were already the most likely (basically people who are all outsiders in some way and therefore already breaking societal norms) to be open to unconventional relationship structures and therefore more open to acting on the drive towards a triadic group?
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Originally posted by rosaortecho
Like for Kaliz, Kyle provides that balance, cause Max isn’t great at setting boundaries with Liz.
And even with Alex, Maria and Liz, their friendship was broken until they all came back together.
Even in non-romantic/sexual situations the characters tend to work better in groups of three. It isn’t until Kyle, Liz and Michael all start working together that they start making headway on healing Max and it’s only when they all contribute something equally (Liz regrowing the heart, Michael making the pacemaker and Kyle conducting the surgery) that they finally succeed.
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I like that alien culture isn’t just a replication or mirror of our world. And that the differences provide a lens for us to examine our own cultural defaults. - eg monogamy (which historically hasn’t always been the default even in the West). Canon has explicitly questioned the assumption that the aliens experience sexuality in the same way as humans. Michael says in 1.11 Champagne Supernova:
“Oh, we are literally aliens, and you’re gonna hold me to some outdated binary of sexuality?”
And Isobel in 2.07 Como La Flor:
“I mean, what does an alien care about human gender constructs?”
It isn’t such a stretch to suggest that how their society structures its intimate and familial relationships is also different than humans? If aliens aren’t monosexual by default, it’s highly possible they aren’t monogamous by default either.
While allegory plays an important part in the storytelling of the show, I wish that they would also take advantage of their sci-fi setting to explore other aspects of the aliens’ culture. Use the sci-fi genre to explore how they are different as much as how they are the same as humans. The story so far has given us so many elements that could be used as a what-if starting point for exploring different possible experiences. For example, how The Expanse has shown that as humanity expands into space different distinct culture develop. In the show, we see the exploration of a polyamous Belter family that Drummer finds herself in - the #PolyamBelterFam
Realistically, we aren’t going to see this. Even though hey even went as far as having portraying a canon threesome but stopped short of fully exploring the potential of this event by giving us a fully realised polyamorous relationship.
Nevertheless, I don’t think we’ve seen the last of the “three” symbolism and it’s going to be interesting to see if it gets developed further.
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Update 11 Aug 2021 (Post S3 Ep 3):
So only three eps in and we already have new "There Needs To Be Three" content. Let's start with the most obvious!!
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Our introduction to the home planet of the Pod Squad gives us this image of the night sky with Three Moons!! Which are sort of in the same configuration as the lock symbol?
In the dialogue of the show, Isobel actually uses the term "Triad" to describe the pod squad:
"Okay, you're right. We've all been hiding things from each other. And it has to stop.
We're not strong unless we're together. It's like you said; there has to be three. We're a triad."
(text courtesy of Saadiestuff transcripts)
In S3 Ep 3 we see Michael coming to possession of some enhanced turquoise. He ends up giving pieces to Alex, while Isobel also gets a piece. Both Michael and Alex use their pieces to boost or interact with some alien technology, while Isobel's piece enhances her empathic power.
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This one is purely theoretical at this point, but what about the Lockheart Machine and Jim's Radio - is there a missing third machine to complete a machine/circuit?
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legxllyblxndc · 4 years
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gen 2 || parents 
nicholas gellar - science teacher - married to isabella fontaine - father of logan gellar and jeremiah and lorelai gellar-fontaine
felicity montgomery - performer (currently playing lucy in anastasia) - in a relationship with declan swift - mother of megara and chip montgomery & jesse fontaine 
marissa reynolds - social worker - married to james reynolds - mother of francesca hunt and katherine reynolds
grace hayes - artist - divorced/in a relationship with gabe saracen - mother of elias, jude and alba hayes
florence mcdonald - MP for the conservative party - married to tommy morley - mother of serena and fleur morley
link horowitz-costella - owner of the saracen/costella coffee shop - married to emilie costella-horowitz - father of evelyn and gomez costella-horowitz
finley masters - waiter - married to madeline masters - father of ava masters
elijah abrams-lockheart - nursary teacher - married to joshua lockheart-abrams - father of minnie and wyatt abrams-lockheart
theo chase - surgeon - married to edie chase - father of barney and maggie chase
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Soulmate AU Part 3
A/N: This part is short sorry, it shows how much Jesse and Jester get along at this point. Might post part four later this week if I’m up to it, I’m tired but have a lot of time. Hope you enjoy!
Summery: Jester confronts Jesse about finding out about who his soulmate is. It goes about as well as one can expect when you tell an extremely homophobic person that they’re destined to be gay.
Word Count: 952
TW: Homophobia, slurs, implied child abuse, panic attacks, mentioned bullying, cursing/cussing
Getting Jesse alone was difficult for Jester, he often surrounded himself with friends that would warn him of her presence, or turn on him in an instant if she said something to bring down his reputation. She didn’t understand why being in that world was so important to Jesse, when they first came to school he made real friends and Mother seemed perfectly happy with that. Something must have changed but Jester didn’t know what and bothering Jesse about it was more trouble than the information was worth. Unlike what her brother thought Jester never specifically targeted him for bullying. Sometimes Father wanted more information on one of his little friends, or a subtle threat or help to their family’s business, so she’d follow them around and do as asked. Normally they were mad at Jesse too afterwards, at least at first. If Jesse ever caught wind of what she was doing he was quick to attack and rally the rest of his friends, and sometimes Malcolm and Elena, against her. She always got the task asked of her done, but sometimes came out worse for wear anyway. But nothing they did would be worse than Father’s punishments. The nurses at Learn To Be were top-notch, they could have anything healed in days and it was a mostly pleasant process. Father would deny doctors or only have her healed to the point of being stable, leaving the pain and marks for weeks to come. She wanted to avoid both types of pain though and that was why getting Jesse alone was the worst. She followed him subtly whenever she was free and baited her time. It was at night right before curfew that she caught him separating from his friends, claiming something about the dorms bathrooms being too crowded at night. She let him finish his business in the bathroom before stepping in front of him as he walked out.
“Dear brother I come bearing wonderful news!” She made sure her smile was genuine and tried to not let it spread too wide. He had called her creepy enough in the past that she practiced many times in the mirror how to have a subtler smile.
“What the hell!” Jesse just about jumped out of his skin at her appearance and breathed heavily for a moment as he fixed imaginary wrinkles in his shirt. “Fuck off Jester-- you’re going to make me late for curfew.” He tried to brush past her but she stepped in his way again. 
“No one checks section one anyway, it’s fine! Besides, don’t you want to hear what I’ve figured out?” She drawled trying to get him to willingly stay around. When he tried to brush past again she ignored the ache in her chest. “I found your soulmate Jesse,” she called out before he had gotten too far. He stopped, turned around, and for a moment she saw their father instead of him. She took a step back and tried to keep control of her breathing. She scolded herself mentally for falling for a trick of the light. Jesse did look murderous though, eyebrows scrunched down and lips pulled up to show off bright white teeth in the darkness. It occurred to Jester that she was still struggling to breath a bit, and that her hand was slightly shaking. She wasn’t scared of her brother but she was starting to become more afraid as time went on. He must have been manipulating her emotions, she wondered if it was on purpose. Either way she had played his game before and she had years of experience covering up emotions. She just needed to keep breathing and not give away how badly he was affecting her.
“You don’t talk about him, you don’t talk to him, and you definitely don’t talk to me about him, ya got it? Don’t even think about bringing up soulmates around me again, okay!” He stepped towards her with each word and he spoke so clear that spit sprayed from his mouth. Jester felt waves of fear crashing into her lungs and she was barely breathing, her mind had a hard time remembering it wasn’t in any actual danger no matter how many times she reminded it, it just kept screaming run. Still she could still stand on her own and inhale a bit of air, and that was all she needed.
“Too late, Malcolm Lockheart knows,” and with that Jesse decided to be cruel. Her chest burned and she couldn’t support her legs. Everything in her head was warning her of a danger she couldn’t see. She curled in on herself so she could be protected but everything was too hot that way yet she couldn’t stop shaking. Tears ran free from her eyes coming out as fast as they could as she hyperventilated. She could barely hear Jesse’s ranting over her own breath, but it was there, and his voice all too similar to Father’s for her.
“Goddamnit Jester! Now that faggot will never leave me alone. No one knows about my situation but you just had to go and fucking ruin me didn’t you! He better not make a move or I’ll give him and you a heart attack I swear to God!” She could hear him come closer and she tried to quiet herself down, pretend she wasn’t really there, but of course he knew. “You’re so fucking pathetic, no wonder your soulmate stopped talking to you.” With that statement he walked off, and the fear ebbed away until it was finally gone. Jester stood up, brushed herself off, and walked to her dorm. No monitor caught her, and she had gotten both of the boys aware at least.
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deathandthesoul · 1 year
I was gonna make the Lockhearts (Valter, Lukas, Jesse) former Black Hand but I had a funnier idea that ties into why they left the Sabbat and Miami to go spend 30 years orchestrating a Camarilla takeover in an Anarch city elsewhere
They got snubbed for Black Hand membership (that they jumped at out of boredom) for being "too soft" due to their consorting with mortals (running a criminal organization with willing, enthusiastic members) and they fucked off out of pettiness to go show them how "soft" they are with blackjack and hookers as Camarilla leaders and enforcers
Imagine being the descendant of a Seraph and getting snubbed because you're a cult leader who can't blood bond people without giving them agg damage so you gotta ensure loyalty manually (actually being a good leader). Grave insult to Valter
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anamneseverge · 4 years
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It’s yet again time to announce the results of this month’s activity check! Under the cut is a list of characters who were dropped this activity check. If you're seeing your muse on the list, it means that you were either unable to make activity or didn't turn in an activity form at all. 
Characters dropped can be reapplied, however these applications are on a first come, first serve basis. We have also updated the Triggers list in accordance to members that are no longer in the group. If we have accidentally removed one of your triggers, please don't hesitate to message us to let us know. 
Additionally, we have updated the password on our RULES page.
✵ anamnese mod team
Alfyn Greengrass [Octopath Traveler]
Ange Ushiromiya [Umineko]
Anniliese “Annie” Caffalle [Original Character]
Ari [Okage: Shadow King]
Cadfael Lockheart [Original Character]
Caesar Antonio Zeppeli [JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure]
Chiaki Nanami [Danganronpa]
Clementine [The Walking Dead]
Cynthia [Pokemon]
Daisukenojo “Beat” Bito [The World Ends With You]
Ermes Costello [JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure]
Garrett Hawke [Dragon Age]
Genesis Rhapsodos [Final Fantasy]
Hajime Hinata [Danganronpa]
Hazel Rainart [RWBY]
Hige [Wolf’s Rain]
Holly Hawthorn (OC) [RWBY]
Jeralt Reus Eisner [Fire Emblem]
Jesse Faden [Control]
Jessica [Arknights]
Joe Tazuna [Your Turn To Die]
Kaede Akamatsu [Danganronpa]
Kaito Momota [Danganronpa]
Karen Aijou [Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight]
Keigo Takami [My Hero Academia]
Kuro Harai [Hypnosis Microphone]
Larxene [Kingdom Hearts]
Lea [Kingdom Hearts]
Leon [Pokemon]
Leon Kennedy [Resident Evil]
Louis Amamiya [Code Vein]
Lucas [Mother]
Lucina [Fire Emblem]
Maika Kouzuki [Original Character]
Makoto Naegi [Danganronpa]
Medea (Caster) [Fate/]
Mirio Togata [My Hero Academia]
Miu Iruma [Danganronpa]
Natalie Feldman [Original Character]
Ozpin [RWBY]
Pyre Hygge [Original Character]
Sans [Undertale]
Sen Shimizu [Original Character]
Shigeru “Green” Oak [Pokemon]
Sombra [Overwatch]
Sun Wukong [RWBY]
Tamaki Amajiki [My Hero Academia]
Tanjiro Kamado [Kimetsu no Yaiba]
Tseng [Final Fantasy]
Tsumugi Shirogane [Danganronpa]
Yasuo [League of Legends]
Yuri Leclerc [Fire Emblem]
25th Bam (Jyu Viole Grace) [Tower of God]
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juliethebibliophile · 6 years
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The Kingdom Keepers on Instagram, 2019
(also known as I need to stop being given snow days because I always just spend the whole day making fandom edits that literally no one asked for)
Nick Robinson as Finn
Sean Berdy as Philby
Maia Mitchell as Willa
Olivia Holt as Charlene
Aubrey Joseph as Maybeck
Auli’i Cravalho as Amanda
Katherine Reis as Jess
(and a bunch of random people from Pinterest)
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Roswell, New Mexico (S3E7)
Bro the freaking intro with Jones sitting in the fire symbol was wild. Finally, Evil Max is show his colors. We learn that there is a significance to March 11, 1969. We know that was the day the Lockheart machine first fired. But why? And what does evil Max want with it. Also the boot maker returns as a plot point? Who could have guessed. Why do we keep bringing up Jesse? Let that man burn in hell. And we found Kyle?? His uncle actually had his which is wild. I’m glad he’s alright though. Hope whatever he got drugged with is curable. And Gregory throwing a fundraiser for Maria is the sweetest thing ever!! We love to see it. Meanwhile in her mind she’s in trouble. I love how Isobel is trying to protect Rosa. They sticking together and I love that for them. And then her coming to the rescue at the end. Go Rosa! Also, who could have foresee he was the dictator?? And Michael’s dad???? Big props to the person who called it in class. This makes some very interesting family ties. Does that mean like Max is technically Michael’s dad too? Freaking bonkers. 
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cvillanx · 3 years
ok so its my oc's in a nutshell
rex creation: I WaNnA Be in thE ARmy eVeN tHo iM UnDeraGeD, i am dieing? SUNSHINEEEEEEEEEEE
Daniel ace: supposed to be emo? I'm pretending i like rex, oK? #i just killed my best friend lmao.
Jesse and George jace: feral and pls stop i don't wanna be here, yaku and lev, super tall and super short, pls don't kill me and the killer, ✨bullied✨
eytan blight: #pls no, i'm only here cause George wont stop making Jesse cry, #i don't have a backstory cause the creator thinks i'm only a side character ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but i someone did try to kill me before is that a backstory?
deluxe lockheart: so underrated, how come i don't draw him anymore?, MASKKKKK, so he was based off dream from the smp and Zane from ninjago, first robot made eyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, wHaT Is lOVe?
Charli Dusk:
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wisepoetry-blog1 · 7 years
Beware Male Feminists
Kyle Payne https://thecurvature.wordpress.com/2008/08/26/final-thoughts-on-kyle-payne/
Hugo Schwyzer https://studentactivism.net/2012/01/04/paternalistic-feminism-hugo-schwyzer/
Still doing harm https://studentactivism.net/2012/01/22/hugo-schwyzer-is-still-doing-harm/
Extra info http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-college-resign-20131009-story.html
Extra info https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2013/02/27/community-college-forces-professor-bar-public-class-adult-film-star
Onision http://onisiondrama.tumblr.com/post/79402071084
Allegations http://chaseagainstonision.tumblr.com/post/88514543151/the-whole-story-behind-the-rape-allegations
Underage pics http://www.wetheunicorns.com/news/onision-underage-website-naked-pictures/#aegHXM78dSllpdoK.97
Jian Ghomeshi https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2014/11/28/jian_ghomeshi_did_not_ask_for_consent_accusers_say.html
Acquitted https://beta.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/jian-ghomeshi-found-not-guilty-of-sexual-assault/article29377074/?ref=http://www.theglobeandmail.com&
Jezebel ask the question - Hart Noecker http://jezebel.com/what-happens-when-a-prominent-male-feminist-is-accused-1683352727
Shives calls out un-named male feminist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBARa7xK85Y
Sarah Nyberg http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2015/09/11/leading-gamergate-critic-sarah-nyberg-claimed-to-be-a-pedophile-apologised-for-white-nationalism/
Trolling http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2015/09/15/sarah-nyberg-in-shock-admission-yes-i-claimed-to-be-a-pedophile-but-i-was-just-trolling/
Promise Delon Redmond http://theralphretort.com/repulsive-anita-sarkeesian-has-a-convicted-pedophile-as-her-twitch-moderator-1029015/
Hannibal the victor https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/3qqsbq/leading_male_feminist_hannibalthevictor13_turns/
Jarrod Davis http://sexoffender.publicrecordrepository.com/36/69/366909-jarrod_m._davis.pdf
James Deen https://mic.com/articles/129345/there-s-a-huge-problem-with-the-concept-of-the-male-feminist#.MjaBgueNu
Richard Carrier https://the-orbit.net/almostdiamonds/2016/06/20/summarizing-current-allegations-richard-carrier/
Unseen Perfidy http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2016/08/10/crash-override-network-twitter-anti-harassment/
Devin Faraci, Pussygrabber https://variety.com/2016/film/news/devin-faraci-birth-movies-death-sexual-assault-1201885262/
Sunil Patel https://archive.is/lEF8d
Mo Fathelbab http://theralphretort.com/male-feminist-claimed-alt-right-harassed-allegedly-accused-rape-12020016/
Michael-Jon Matthew Hickey http://www.nbcnews.com/business/consumer/fake-adult-entertainment-agency-sued-deceptive-business-practices-n700931
Fake Porn agency http://www.oneangrygamer.net/2017/01/anti-gamergate-journalist-matt-hickey-sued-by-attorney-general-for-fake-porn-agency/20669/
Jamie Kilstein https://archive.fo/PFW3M
Booted https://www.dailydot.com/irl/jamie-kilstein-male-feminist-abuser/
Skeptic Feminist http://www.craveonline.co.uk/design/1263931-skeptic-feminist-youtuber-arrested-murdering-female-co-host
Randy Stair http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4584406/Four-people-shot-dead-murder-suicide-supermarket.html
Trans https://heatst.com/culture-wars/pennsylvania-market-shooter-identified-as-transgender-woman-who-hated-all-men/
Christopher John Goldberg https://archive.is/xQKrO
Child pornography https://archive.is/G5wEI
Nick Robinson https://segmentnext.com/2017/08/11/polygon-video-producer-fired-over-allegations-of-asking-woman-for-nudes-on-twitter/
Stuart Campbell https://www.oneangrygamer.net/2017/08/anti-gamergate-critic-stuart-campbell-arrested-for-harassment/37848/
Dan Broadbent https://archive.is/LrLvw
Preys on women https://archive.is/Ko6uP
Andy Signore http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/honest-trailers-creator-andy-signore-accused-sexual-abuse-1046574
Feminist agenda https://twitter.com/andysignore/status/734760500366446593
20 women http://variety.com/2017/digital/news/honest-trailers-creator-andy-signore-fired-for-egregious-and-intolerable-sexual-behavior-1202583996/
Michael Hafford http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2017/10/17/multiple-women-allege-abuse-by-vice-male-feminist-contributor/
Sam Kriss https://www.facebook.com/notes/monitoring-the-lefts-support-for-r-pe-culture/metoo-and-sam-kriss/1518056408275666/
Admits fault https://medium.com/@samkriss/today-an-allegation-of-sexual-harassment-and-aggression-was-made-against-me-and-i-want-to-address-ecc1739d85a2
Dropped by Vice https://archive.fo/ZUaR3
Defending himself proves the point https://www.cataloguemagazine.com.au/news/male-journalists-response-to-metoo-allegations-is-the-perfect-example-of-the-problem
Shane Vader https://twitter.com/shanevader/status/920730084444602368
Shane Vader https://twitter.com/shanevader/status/891524246417092608
Shane Vader https://twitter.com/mombot/status/921755773251629056
Intersectional femnist https://twitter.com/shanevader/status/662486118605148160
Ed Eames https://www.facebook.com/djamilayasmin/posts/10155143451243562
Rupert Myers http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2017/10/19/male-feminist-writer-fired-by-gq-magazine-after-woman-accuses-him-sexual-assault.html
Lockheart Steele http://variety.com/2017/digital/news/vox-media-lockhart-steele-fired-sexual-harassment-1202595146/
Matt Myers https://archive.is/afSVd
Gamergate https://storify.com/m_m_myers/gamergate-s-left-wing-credentials
Denial https://archive.is/GwJHf
Sam Biddle https://www.dangerandplay.com/2017/10/21/sam-biddle-of-the-intercept-accused-of-masturbating-in-front-of-coworker/
War with Gamergate https://www.recode.net/2014/10/22/11632146/adobe-distances-self-from-gawker-after-writers-gamergate-tweet
Fredrik Virtanen https://www.rt.com/news/407615-assange-critic-rape-allegations/
Neogaf http://comicbook.com/gaming/2017/10/22/neogaf-down-owner-sexual-assault-/
Implosion http://mashable.com/2017/10/23/neogaf-sexual-harassment-controversy-tyler-malka/#fLGiZ.XTaiq1
archive https://archive.is/zuFb9
Refugee server already down https://www.voat.co/v/NeoFAG/2204720
Kotaku coverup https://www.oneangrygamer.net/2017/10/gamers-attack-kotaku-claims-covered-neogafs-sex-scandals/42488/
Nazi return http://mashable.com/2017/10/24/neogaf-tyler-malka-statement/#uRH4trsKlgqt
Users in revolt https://kotaku.com/neogaf-reopens-users-revolt-1819790736
Morgan Marquis-Boire https://www.theverge.com/2017/11/19/16675704/morgan-marquis-boire-hacker-sexual-assault
Feminist https://twitter.com/headhntr/status/188707130222723073
Feminist https://twitter.com/headhntr/status/236874676696141824
Jordan Chariton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2J0Td0-bjK8&feature=youtu.be
Sue https://web.archive.org/web/20171123010218/https://www.politico.com/story/2017/11/22/jordan-chariton-young-turks-lawsuit-firing-259363
Shawn Thomas Weixelman https://www.dangerous.com/38196/male-feminist-pedophile-complains-judge-sci-fi-objectifies-women/
Justin Georges Stephen Coulombe https://www.dangerous.com/39338/twitter-virtuous-pedophile-enderphile-charged-with-sexual-assault-and-child-pornography/
Virtuous pedos https://www.thecut.com/2017/02/salon-shouldnt-have-unpublished-its-pedophilia-article.html
TJ Miller https://www.dangerous.com/39193/male-feminist-comedian-tj-miller-accused-brutal-sexual-assault/
Max Landis https://www.dangerous.com/39542/zoe-quinn-accuses-bright-dirk-gently-netflix-screenwriter-max-landis-rapist/
Problematic male comedian http://www.sheknows.com/entertainment/articles/1077959/why-we-should-feel-sorry-for-patton-oswalt
Patton Oswalt's observation https://archive.is/JWcWt
Laurie Penny's observation https://twitter.com/PennyRed/status/670778099089457153
Macktivist http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=macktivist
Suspicious of male feminists https://medium.com/@alicengrey/i-m-suspicious-of-male-feminists-and-you-should-be-too-441055a2e614
Not dating another male feminist https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/oct/19/why-i-wont-date-another-male-feminist
Wary of dating male feminist http://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/news-and-views/opinion/why-im-wary-of-men-who-call-themselves-feminists-20160312-gnhlpf.html
Beware the male feminist http://www.thecrimson.com/column/femme-fatale/article/2017/3/23/hu-beware-male-feminist/
Left-wing men are sexist https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/aug/14/men-on-left-sexist-labour-womens-rights
Jess Phillips https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/left-wing-men-are-worst-sexists-of-all-says-labour-woman-mp-dt32vjc3v
Creeps are feminist https://www.buzzfeed.com/janecoaston/even-the-creeps-are-feminists-these-days?utm_term=.afnmq9zOxV#.pvbwolGp1r
Listen and Believe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ah8mhDW6Shs
We should believe rape claims https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2014/12/06/no-matter-what-jackie-said-we-should-automatically-believe-rape-claims/
Do we believe yet? https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/17/us/retro-sexual-harassment.html
Hillary Agrees http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3741760/Hillary-Clinton-s-website-removed-promise-believe-sexual-assault-survivors-emergence-Bill-Clinton-Juanita-Broaddrick-historic-rape-allegations.html
Broadway http://deadline.com/2017/10/broadway-reacts-to-weinstein-reports-1202185492/
Get intersectional with it! https://immanentforms.wordpress.com/2015/08/04/ask-listen-believe-how-to-be-a-white-ally/
Believing Women https://www.themarysue.com/brie-larson-believing-women/
Old question http://theantifeminist.com/are-all-male-feminists-sex-predators-paedophiles-or-worse/
Jordan Peterson Male feminists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBK8QktuViw
Female liars http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1211104/Think-men-unfaithful-sex-A-study-shows-WOMEN-biggest-cheats--theyre-just-better-lying-it.html
False rape allegations http://metro.co.uk/2017/09/27/the-myth-that-false-rape-accusations-are-common-is-dangerous-and-damaging-6956067/
low conviction rate http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/100000-assaults-1000-rapists-sentenced-shockingly-low-conviction-rates-revealed-8446058.html
pity fuck http://archive.is/x6fQC
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