#the funny thing is that things are very much on fire on Finn and Philby’s end. like there is very much the same amount of fire. the
sailforvalinor · 4 months
One thing that happens a lot early on in the Kingdom Keepers series is that when the team splits up (which happens constantly), Finn and Philby are usually paired up, and it’s not like it’s a surprising move—it’s the classic leader + lancer combo (actually Philby is equal parts Lancer and Smart Guy, which is a fascinating move from a writing perspective, but that’s a post for another time), they bounce off of each other really well, and they get stuff done. Like, it makes a lot of sense. But then the rest of the team reliably and constantly falls apart without them. They run around in circles aimlessly in the rain. Maybeck gets kidnapped. Willa and Charlene almost drown. The series gets better about this as time goes on, but early on it’s just like:
Finn and Philby: *get back and see everything is on fire* “What happened???”
Maybeck, Charlene, and Willa: “You guys are about 85% of our impulse control.”
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