#maybe this is niche maybe most just like to obey and it just kinda feels good
lucyvaleheart · 8 months
you know, earlier someone had me describe to them what it feels like to obey.
....and as I did so, I realized I've never quite put it into words; that heat that builds in me.... That feeling in my chest-
How does it feel to obey?
It makes me jump, at first. Startled, like a prey animal hearing a rustle in the nearby bush. And then I get this.... Awful burning in my chest... Almost painful; it feels so wonderful, so thrilling....
Being afraid makes it burn so much more... So much stronger, overwhelmingly so.....
..... Sometimes it makes my breath catch in my throat.
Sometimes it'll draw tears from my eyes.
Other times it makes me moan, makes my mind feel all fuzzy....
....all of them feel so terrifying, so humiliating, so good.
...it makes me want more.
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portmantaur · 3 months
actually tho I wonder if there’s anything to the idea of remembering specific cases of feeling wronged as a minor, particularly within the context of schooling/education, is rooted at least partially in said instance being a formative lesson on your place in capitalism/other relevant power structures.
like, I was probably very much being a little teenage shit when I was like “miss I actually cannot find any reference in this classroom dictionary to the act of fighting under the definition of ‘fardels’ even though that is what you just said it means, but here it just says it’s a bundle carried by donkeys usually” and now as an adult, I even recognize that that was probably a deeply embarrassing moment for her not least of all bc I was pretty good at being the Resident Little Shit in her classroom and it is the bitterest pill to have to be like “oh I guess you’re right” to someone you actively dislike
but her response was “I’ve never heard that definition” which was a mind-blowing level of copout to my teen mind, not least of all bc like. then where even did you get the definition you just gave us. & why does you not knowing/hearing about it make it necessarily incorrect. but also.
I was devastated bc, however misguided I was in my behavior, I was genuinely excited to be an active participant in the evolution of this moment of education. I know so very little about most things, but this was a pretty niche thing I knew about bc of my v odd upbringing and hey, now it’s actually useful instead of Just Weird And Maybe Kinda Sad!
But she was entirely disinterested, and even openly offended. She never heard of it, which despite being a kind-of lie to cover up whatever else she was feeling in that moment, was also part of her way of letting me know that the bigger issue at hand was not even that she might be teaching something non-factual to a group of kids whose families were gonna have to drop a little bundle of money at the end of the year so the students could take a test that might give them access to a small amount of college credit, but that I had in a way violated the prescribed dynamic of Superior/inferior that is innate in the USA school system and ultimately reflective of the Employer/employee mindset that you are intentionally being trained into. it wasn’t just that my possible method of correcting her was disrespectful, it was that my assumption that her knowledge was not always and infallibly superior to my own, regardless of our individual histories and experiences, was somehow disrespectful in and of itself. The problem was that I was Child and she was Adult, and even though we are in a space that is technically defined by words like education and learning, my place was never to question or offer (possibly) better information, it was only to obey and accept.
like the last time I vividly remembered this otherwise possibly insignificant moment of my ancient high school days was while I was working in my 20s and we had a big binder in the back called The Communication Book, where normally the office admin or Drs would leave notices/important info and it was staff’s job to make sure we checked the binder for new info before clocking in and then initial whatever new pages were present to show that we had read it. One day, there was an announcement in the binder that changed a room-prep policy for one vet specifically, and it was in direct contradiction to information we had been given before, which confused me and I wanted to make sure I understood - but everyone was busy bc it was a mid-day shift so I just underlined that part of the announcement and wrote in the margins something to the effect of “so not [previous policy], correct?” and figured someone would answer when they could and I would check back before I clocked out since the vet in question wasn’t even working that day.
Within like, half an hour, in the middle of me prepping files up front for our next batch of patients, it was like the whole back of the clinic exploded and one tech even rushed up to the front to confront me and demanded “did YOU write in the communication book?” and I know I had to have looked like a deer in headlights because his tone would have been equally applicable if he had asked me “did YOU commit the ritual sacrifice we just found in the break room?” He even told me later on our way to the train station after work that he felt bad because he could tell by the look on my face I hadn’t “meant anything by it.”
I was thoroughly reprimanded by the office admin, and was told while I was being written up that the owners of the clinic had been informed and wanted to let me go as a result but the office admin apparently “fought for” me to maintain my position. And I tried to accept everything without complaint or objection bc I was deathly afraid to rock the boat even more and lose my job, especially over something that felt so oddly small and specific. But I was kept up at nights for weeks after this, stunned by how similar the two instances felt. What on earth could I have possibly “meant by” what I did beyond what I communicated directly — what possible nefarious intention could I have had beyond the confirmation I was asking for? Why was I being so thoroughly lectured and even punished for an attempt to make sure I was doing my job?
i realized, a little while after eventually "leaving" that job, that this was probably a case of me missing the apparently obvious fact that "communication book" was a piece of corporate-speak, and not, as i assumed, a word that represented the desire for two-way understanding. i had once again violated my role in a system by not recognizing the fact that, no matter what language was being used to dress it up, my place was only to accept and obey. asking questions, even for the purposes of making sure i was abiding by the rules of my employment, was not permitted, particularly in this format. Essentially, I was punished not for my intention or my desire to participate ‘correctly,’ but because I had failed to understand that my place in a system was not defined by the words used to describe it, but by an unspoken concept of expected deference, and I was -particularly- punished for creating a situation that required people to have to address that concept without somehow framing it so exactly.
which is ultimately doubly bizarre to me bc I heard “because I’m the adult” or “because I’m your parent” as a justification for otherwise unjustifiable behavior SO often as a kid that I feel like in both these instances “because I’m your teacher/boss and I say so” would have been a roughly acceptable explanation in my mind. Like, yeah, I still would have been frustrated, but I probably would have just filed it away in my brain as “one of those weird social cue things I will simply never fundamentally understand so I just have to treat it like a Weird Rule I must memorize”
Although I DO think it’s funny that there was a notice in the binder shortly after this that was a “reminder to all staff” that it is not permissible to write anything but your initials in the communication book, which felt like such a weird way to cope with the realization that you probably just should have labeled the binder something to do with Announcements and moved on.
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sakkac · 4 years
self-indulgent rewrite for obey me! detective event
if i could rewrite the detective event for obey me, i would have MC as a rumored great detective like in the original, and diavolo makes the request of them to look for the key, but add that satan is a pissbaby, as subtly as he can be, abt this arrangement. he’s the self-declared greatest detective in all of devildom (ever since ch 11), and suggests that someone may have taken the key, bc diavolo is the prince and everyone besides the transfer students are devils, lmao. no one takes into the idea, and the brothers tire of satan yelling out repeatedly “only one version of the events is ever true!” when they rlly are just looking for a fucking key and not solving a murder this time, so they all gladly help MC instead and elect to ignore/bully satan. mammon eats it up, bc now he can be one of the Accepted Brothers instead of the victim, and get revenge on satan (but, mammon’s insults kind of suck bc hes not used to being on the other end lol). satan temporarily declares himself MC’s enemy as a result, but also somehow, begrudgingly, becomes their partner during the course of the event. at the peak of this, satan still gets to find the feather and puts it in their hair btw. the rest is basically the same, just w more satan acting as a detective instead of Shut Up Mammon, except for the end of the event.
after finding the key and getting the treasure chest as reward, satan asks MC to meet him, alone. he apologizes for acting so desperate, bc he just wanted to be a detective, like inspector adler of “the mid-fall murders,” and got carried away. he admits that he had fun being partners w MC, tho, and asks, if he’s right abt what’s hidden in the treasure chest, if they’d allow him the pleasure of being their plus one. ofc, the brothers all barge in and interrupt, “what do you mean, plus one?? and what makes YOU think you know what’s inside?” MC opens it while the brothers argue, and finds the tea party invite. lucifer laughs and says it’s v like diavolo to do things like this, and suggests the brothers and MC should all go to it together, before everyone starts arguing again. during this time, MC finds satan’s gaze on them and they open their mouth to ask if his hunch was right, but he makes a shushing motion and smiles, and the event ends with that.
tldr if i could rewrite the obey me! detective event, i would make satan 666x more annoying bc he deserves to be seen like that, in addition to the “safest choice” idea devs pin on him
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trashballerina · 3 years
Jojo Fic Recs Part 2 Electric Boogaloo
I am so sorry these are almost all like part 5 centric. I keep on saying its not my favorite part but its the one I read the most fics on. Btw, this means I really like the fic ⭐
and here the link to fic recs part one 
Long Dead Affair by roktavor ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Years after the initial devastating outbreak, undead sightings are on the decline. As a result, Abbacchio's life and livelihood have settled into a miserable lull -
And then a zombie shows up in his living room.
Thoughts: WE’RE STARTING WITH MY FAVORITE LETS GOOOO. This is an on going fic at the moment that is so good. The drama, the comedy, the tension, the slOW BURN. Abbacchio’s characterization is my favorite thing in this entire fic too. The humor is very depressing but funny nonetheless. I immensely enjoy reading this and every update has my wildin out. Go read it (threat)
Purple Haze on the dock of San Giorgio Maggiroe by sorryformyenglish ⭐
Purple Haze hates Fugo. It doesn't obey, It wants to tear him apart. But if Fugo gives his trust to someone, Purple Haze will comply with them. Sadly, it's rare. Fugo's trust is hard to win.
or : from 1998 to 2002, Fugo builds himself, and Purple Haze breaks him.
Thoughts: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. This is so good! The angst, the hurt, the comfort, the hurt again. The beginning familial bonds? Beautiful. Characterization of Bruno and Fugo? Gorgeous. The ending few chapters? Heart breaking but closure. This fic is so Fugo centric and I am here for it. His characterization is so good and has so much pain and real worries. God, it’s so good. Go read it. 
Leone Abbacchio, You Are Loved by  Kimdip
Five times Leone Abbacchio showed his love to his kids, and one time they showed theirs right back
Thoughts: So good. Very wholesome. Much comfort. Each chapter is a different cute one-shot with Abbacchio and the kids. I really love the characterization of everyone. Also, there’s sentient stands and that’s like my favorite niche jojo fic trope ever lol. I did find a few grammatical errors and the way the author breaks up the paragraphs is a little funky, making it a little difficult to follow sometimes, but the content makes up for that. Also Abbacchio has some funny quips and I really enjoyed the dialogue. 
Family Matters by LadyWallace
A chance meeting leads Giorno to cross paths with his mother and stepfather again. After learning he's now the boss of Passione, they plot to use that to their own advantage.
When they hire a Stand user who makes Giorno forget everything from the past year, including his ability to use a Stand, he ends up back in the house he never wanted to see again, suffering in a terrible environment. Meanwhile, the family Giorno doesn't remember is tearing the city apart to find him and bring him home.
Thoughts: YES YES YES YES. I closely followed this story since maybe chapter two and eagerly awaited all its updates. It really made me feel like I was new to fanfiction again. I felt like a giddy preteen awaiting the next update every week and constantly checking my email in case it came early. First angst then comfort. I really liked it. I am really picky about Giorno’s characterization tho and usually find a general distaste for when he’s portrayed to be “uwu I got hurt pls protec me”. This story handles it really well in the beginning but that kinda fades near the end, but the immaculate comfort in the hurt covers for that. Big fan of Abbacchio’s character tho. Also Bruno gets feral rights so that cool.
The Other Side of Life by TBV   ⭐ ⭐
The universe resets and when everything is said and done, Leone is just a cop in Italy who doesn’t say good morning to a fisherman on his way to work. (A Post-Stone Ocean Vento Aureo fanfic, centering around Passione and more specifically Bruno and Abbacchio.)
I really like this fic. I read it over twice. Everything about it is so good. Go read it, it;s so good. Source: trust me.
Call it Selfishness, Call it Fate by BlueWonder  ⭐
“How many times does this make it, Giorno?” “I don’t know.” --- Saving them wasn't supposed to be this hard. It wasn't supposed to take this many tries either.
Thoughts: Very spooky. This is a very long one shot that I immensely enjoyed. Some parts literally had me at the edge of my seat. I was absolutely wilding throughout the whole fic. The general ambience and vibe of the story is very somber and bleak. It’s written very well. The futile situation Giorno is placed only becomes more frightening from the constant motifs and use of repetition. We get a lovely piece of art near the end and an ending I was content with. As the story nears its end, I felt like I was with a new character and that’s for the worst. It’s macabre vibe tho really makes the story. 
Can’t Go Back Now by etymologyplayground
"No, no, he was not the devil. It is just that he was called Diavolo. … Well, maybe he was, I don't know," Giorno says. "Bene, he was the… director? Of Passione."
"Boss," Fugo supplies him. "He was the boss."
Giorno snaps his fingers at Fugo gratefully. "He was the boss. I should not care about him personally except that he made Passione sell drugs, and weapons. That's no good, you know."
Jolyne slides her eyes over to Hermès, who is very resolutely looking at the road. She bites her lip. Jolyne thinks about the dime bag of weed currently sitting in the glove compartment. "Oh, yeah, for sure."
-- Giorno and Fugo visit the Florida crew. Jolyne figures some stuff out about herself, her dad, and Hermès.
Thoughts: Yes, yes, very good. Exactly the content I have been looking for. The Giorno Jolyne friendship is elite. Also, I really love how this fic accurately portrays language barriers. While I love jojo, I always wished there were more language barrier shenanigans. I live for Giorno’s broken English. And the Fugo/Giorno ships slaps so hard. This is a really fun, short read. All the character interactions are gold, like Jotaro and Jolyne fixing their relationship and the begin of Jolyne’s and Hermès’.
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amnachil · 5 years
The College Society Chapter 3 Part 1
I’m late (as always) but here we are ! Chapter 3 now begins ! I counter 13 part, so it will be kinda long, i hope you’ll enjoy the story.
A little summary of the past event :
Our MC Liam, a delirius boy, starts College in a city on the other side of the country. He expects to have a peaceful year far away his old problems with his family and his ex-boyfriend... Little did he know he would go right into the den of a secret community : the hunters.
Now he’s the prey of the most famous of them all, Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey, the Dean’s grandson. Will the very rude and gifted hunter manage to sleep with Liam ? Not so sure, when many problems from the past and from the community arise to stop him.
Liam can count on his friend to support him through everything. Now all he has to do is survive his freshman year the best he can.
Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey Tuesday January 15 – Wednesday January 16
"What do you mean we all have to help you ?"
"Exactly what it means idiot. You're all gonna give me a hand."
The cooking club supervisor sighed. He wasn't happy with Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey demand, but he hadn't the choice. I ejaculated over his whole podgy body, he have to obey. In fact, he made this whole body plump. Anyway, he needed help from these dumbass people. I can't cook thousands of pastries myself ! I need to live my life too ! And by life, I mean I need to fuck at least four times a day.
"What if we don't want to help you ?" asked Pete from his table. "I mean, you hadn't been nice to me even once, I don't know why I should be with you ?"
You scumbag. When did you became so ballsy ? This little fatty was happy because Theo had been back in his bed one time per month or so.
"I'll tell you why you'll help me little whale." whispered dangerously the Dean's grandson. "You know, I wonder what would happen if my dear grandpa came into your flat and found this weed of yours."
This argument had been working since his first year here. All these dummies addicted to drugs ! They were so happy to comply when he mentioned his great father.
"Okay, I'll help." mumbled Pete. "As long as I can bake some goods for myself."
Oh yeah, I bet you need them for your diet. This half-wit probably ignored he was near the limit of Theo's preference. But anyway, Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey had his own goal in mind. Because a man's heart went through his stomach after all.
Things had begun to go well. Since last saturday, Liam started to open. The more sweet food I offer, the more he seems happy. It's good. However, the handsome freshman decided to play it slow. From time to time, when they were alone, he would spontaneously take the blond's hand. But nothing more yet. It's frustrating but it would too easy otherwise I guess. At least, it meant Theo wasn't doing any progress on his own. There was only one problem. Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey wasn't patient. He wasn't born to wait. So he decided to keep his mind busy by any means. Also, this morning, he headed towards the union's student building. He directly ran into this silly Javier. The donkey smiled softly.
"Hi dude." he greeted. "Going to see Summer ?"
"Hell no. Why would I in the first place ? I'm here for you."
"Me ? What's the matter ?"
This little coward already started to panic. Such a pathetic man. He had made a niche for himself in Summer's shadow. She had always took the punch for him. Clever, but not really bold. Poor guy.
"The matter is Barbara. I heard things about her. You were supposed to control her. To watch her. I don't want this bitch to do whatever she wants."
"I did what I can man !" promised Javier.
"And by that you mean sleep with her ? C'mon, I thought you were smarter than that. This blonde bimbo is a power hunter. The more powerful she gets, she more hungry she'll be. The more hungry she's, the more a pain in my ass she'll be. Do you understand this ?"
"Yes. But what should I do ?"
"I want her and her boyfriend back together. It's a nice boy, quiet and sweet. Against his own will, he's dragging her down. He's her human's side."
Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey then left the campus. He had someone to meet for another important matter. Strangely, in the subway, his mind drifted towards Liam. The chestnut lad was more than an idiotic monkey. When they were together, he had this shine in the eyes. The junior knew it was for the food, of course, but... He sometimes felt something. And his touch was softer than he expected. His hands were big, warm. And why the hell Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey accepted to be called Dami ? Nobody ever called him Dami. Except his damned family, one person gave him a nickname, back in time. The only person allowed to. But Liam had took this right. I don't understand this dude at all. Muller was right, he's a true lover. A real innocent, that our perverted society didn't transform. But slowly, he was going to be corrupted. I'm hunting him. I want to bang him. And I'll succeed, like always.
The lad finally arrived at an old house. It was a creepy one, like those old buildings the kids would consider haunted. He knocked at the door and waited. It wasn't like his others meetings. He wasn't here for sex, sadly. My dick could use a good tongue right now, but I'll have to be patient.
"Hi Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey." greeted Deborah while opening. "Long time no see."
He entered in the house and smiled.
"I know you're better outside the campus, but has it to be this far ? You know I hate the subway. I fucked people everywhere in it."
"Two sentences and already we are speaking about your cock. That's impressive."
"Not my fault if my prick is a wonderful topic of conversation."
"Yeah. You're so funny. Anyway, come, I've the list you asked for."
Liam Friday 18 January
When he entered the locker room, late as always, Liam ran into Nick. It was unsual, and for several reason. First, because no one ever showed up at the pool on a friday night. The chestnut lad was used to be alone, or maybe sometimes with Theo. (The ogre was nice to him, so he tried to play it cool). (But he declined eveything which looked like food). Secondly, Nick had said he never intended to swim. He had called himself Laura's assistant. Now I wonder, why he's refusing to swim ? Is he a magical creature ?
"Dude, are you in love with this locker ?" asked his roommate. "Because you're staring it for at least two minutes now..."
"Sorry. I was just surprised. What are you doing here ?"
Nick wrinkled his nose.
"I need your help with a important matter. But it's personnal. Can you keep things for yourself in this imaginary world of yours ?"
"I guess. There are some truth I never said to anyone about the unicorns."
(These magicals creatures had some dark secrets to hide).
"Okay so... I want to lose some weight after all. I don't feel very at peace with myself. And because I don't want to make pointless workout or whatever, I thought it would be a good occasion to learn swimming in the same time. It's a long run plan."
It took some time for Liam to understand the whole thing. Nick wanted to lose weight, okay. Nick didn't like senseless workout, okay. He wanted to learn swimming, not okay. Did that mean he... didn't know how to swim ?
"I never visited a pool or the sea before you dragged me there." explained the raven-haired lad with reluctance. "I never put a foot into water since I'm... afraid of it."
When he said it was personnal... I expected something big but not like this... (Liam thought his friend would reveal himself as a mermaid or something). But in fact, he just was scared by water ? (Maybe it explained why he drank mainly beer).
"The good thing with you Liam is that you don't laugh, tease or mock people." mumbled Nick. "I just don't know if it's because you're stupid or extremely nice."
"Both probably."
They went to the pool. The chestnut lad looked at his friend. For the first time, he saw him with only swimming trunks. Nick was 179 cm (5'10") and probably weighted around 85 kg (187 pounds). The main part of his excess went straight into his belly. It was fleshy, well-padded. Since it was mostly beer's fault, he had only light lovehandles, discretly hanging over his trunks. However, because he also ate a lot of fast food, and christmas had just passed, his upper body had a bit of flab too. The lack of exercice permitted the emergence of little moobs. His arms and legs got some pudge aswell. In a way, Liam found him kinda cute. He wasn't watching people's physic to make his opinion anymore. Before 11th grade, he mostly liked chubby girl. Curves were his turn-on. But then, he discovered his attirance for the same gender. And his ex boyfriend had been quite a twig at first. Liam now based his love interest mostly in function of personality anyway.
"Dude, can you stop looking at me that way ?" asked suddenly Nick.
Liam shook his head. Then, he realised his roommate was talking to Theo. I didn't even noticed him. For someone as impressive as him, he's very discreet. (Or Liam wasn't observant at all). Anyway, the ogre smiled. Damnit, he had sharp teeth.
"Sorry. Anyway, are you ready for your first lesson ?"
The chestnut lad wasn't sure to understand what was going on, but Nick turned towards him.
"I already said everything to Theo. He'll teach me, and you're here to help. Is that okay for you ?"
"Of course."
And I'll also protect you, you can count on me.
Later this night, when they arrived home, Liam felt exhausted. It was almost 11pm, and he was dozy. I'll need to sleep until at least 3am. (3am of Sunday, obviously). They were at their door when suddenly, Rebecca opened her. She let Matthew go out, and then smiled to them.
"Hi neighbors." she laughed. "It's suprising to see both of you out so late."
Nick didn't answer. He just went in as fast as possible. (The lesson with Theo had been difficult...) (He hadn't actually succeeded to go into the water, because he was deeply scared).
"Excuse him." said politely Liam. "It has been a rough day."
"Don't worry, I don't care about all this crap anymore. He doesn't want to talk to me ? His lost. I'm an awesome girl after all."
And she just closed her door. Oh. Okay ? Rebecca changed a lot since September. At start, she was only focused on sport. Then, she had this boyfriend, and started to grow apart from them. And now, she had become a complete stranger. (It was clear : the witch possessed her). (The forces of evil were everywhere, Judy had warned him).
Barbara Saturday 19 January
"Please, you need to do this."
The blond girl raised an eyebrow. She started to feel a bit bothered. Javier was more than insistent. I can guess he has an ulterior motive.
"Barb, please. For me ?"
They had sex once. It's not like if they were a couple. It was Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey's condition to let her become the future head of the student. Take Javier's virginity. This guy... He's ruling this whole university. It's impressive. It reminded her of Raphaël, in highschool.
"I can't go back with Colton." she eventually responded. "He's sweet, attentive and handsome, but he has zero charisma. I mean, he's just a random hot guy in a random university. I don't want this."
It wasn't attractive for her. Some girls loved this, she was sure Colton would soon fine the perfect one for him.
"Are you sure ?" asked Javier again.
"Yes I'm. No more discussion. The meeting is about to begin."
She entered in the student union office followed by the vice-president. Summer was already there. They glared at eachother. I don't like her, she doesn't like me. The king put us in the same room knowing that would happen. Barbara already had undestood this junior's girl would be an obstacle. For now, they had all agreed to appoint her as the next head of the student. But Summer was up to something.
"Welcome everyone." this latter started. "We don't have so much to discuss today. Let's start with the boring stuff."
There were the treasurer, his right arm, the secretary, Javier, Summer and Barbara. They talked about the budget, and some request from fraternities, sororities or clubs. Afterwards, the president went on the main subject of this meeting.
"Now guys. I received this morning a letter from the Dean, Mr. Carrey. He said someone has vandalized the science building. He's very unpleased with this. We have to found the person responsible, and the faster, the better. That'll be all for today, see you on next Saturday."
The freshman girl was pleased with how things were going. Everything is working according to the plan. It had been difficult at start. The college was way more bigger than her previous highschool. But anyway, it wasn't time to think about past. Barbara headed towards the dormitory B, a mixed one. Unlike her ex Colton, she hadn't enough money to literally buy a flat downtown. He's rich, I can't deny this. As for her, she shared a tiny apartment with two roommates. One was a sophomore named Brandon Lee who was studying mathematics. To be honest, even after more than four months together, she didn't know him well. He was often absent, and when there, locked up in his room. The other was an old friend, Jessica Trevor, who dropped university. She was still registered, and allowed to be in the dormitory. But in truth, she worked as a hairdress trainee in town. She was the only one home when Barbara arrived.
"I'm back." this one anounced. "The meeting ended sooner than I thought."
Jessy was watching TV. She barely listened. They knew each other since elementary school. They were at the same highschool until 11th grade. For her last year, Barbara moved in the north. When they had met again in September, they were so happy to be reunited. At least until I discovered we became just too different. Jessy had lost her ambition. She was just a regular chubby girl now. The blonde girl entered in her room and closed the door. I have so many things to think about. She needed to meet the Dean as soon as possible. She wanted to be recognized. She had worked her whole life to be perfect. Good grades, good in sport, always delegate. Until 12th grade, she was ruling her class, even her whole highschool with her partner, Raphaël. They were the king and the queen. Back then, she hadn't realised this. But during 12th grade, she had lived some... striking event. And now, she was ready to be a queen again. And the queen they have right now, this stupid Summer ? I will crush her.
To be continued
A new POV ! Barbara is an old character of The High School Game. She was the class rep, a wise and cautious girl. But she knows what she want, and she doesn’t like Liam in the slightest...
Liam and Dami’s relationship improve, but there is still so many ordeal... And Theo is lurking from the shadow.
Just so you know, the story takes place at the same time than To the Perfection. Watch the dates to see when the events are happening.
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shipinpeace · 8 years
RE: Women and m/m fiction
Continued from this
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@twoblogz​ Thank you for your response and the link. I would like to comment on it and I’d like @anakinsbugs​ to read it as well, because it is directly related to his post. 
Before I begin, let me make this clear: I am glad posts like this exist and people discuss the issues of how gay men are portrayed in the media (both officially released and fan created). We still live in a homophobic world and there is so much that has become the status quo for gay fiction, and the way it affects gay men is a crucial topic to discuss and share. However, discussing issues and attacking other are not the same.
First of all, neither you, not anakinsbugs specify what what fetishizing is and where does one draw the line between fetishizing and representation. Moreover, are gay men allowed to fetishize male/male relationships? If yes, how is that fetishizing different from fetishizing by women if the end result is the same?
The author mentions the women who started the whole slash movement in the 70s. Well if it wasn‘t for them, we don‘t know how long it would take for male/male relationships to get so popular. That (the Kirk/Spock community in particular) was what began slash as a fandom phenomenon and it has played a pivotal role in slash fiction (written by anyone) being so widespread today. 
The author said he was feeling like an outsider in the genre, which is a perspective I never thought about. I wish the genre felt more welcoming towards him, but I still believe this shouldn’t stop him or other male content creators from creating their own stuff. Why not make a tumblr blog where you collect stuff made by men? 
Next he discusses male/male in published literature and points out that most published authors are women and their books get more recognition. Well, it‘s a problem in our society, if books about gay people written by straight people are more popular than the ones written by gay people themselves. Think about it. If the public consumes the former, yet pretty much ignores the latter, would banning the books written by women make the ones written by men more popular? Not while we have homophobia. 
In my discussion with practicalityinpraxis they talk about this exact point:
“When a straight person writes queer characters, even very poorly, they tend to have their work touted and complimented excessively. It’s “avant garde,” it’s “intimate,” it’s “powerful,” it’s “perspective shifting.”
When queer authors write queer characters, it gets shoved off as autobiographical niche fiction that is never given the exposure necessary to turn it into a success.”
And sadly, that’s exactly what’s happening and more people should be aware of it. However, we shouldn’t forget that it’s publishers who make decisions here and their decisions are guided by money.
However, I don’t believe all books written by women show bad or inaccurate depictions. If it wasn’t for some of those books, gay men would barely get any representation at all, because, as the author said, books written by men are less popular, therefore they would still be not as easy to find.
At the same time, a book written by a man can be just as “shallow” as a book written by a woman. As I mentioned in the same discussion with practicalityinpraxis:
“Although I do agree that in essence queer writers are more likely to, as you put it, “fight for the accuracy” of their stories, it doesn’t mean all do. A queer author might agree to water down their work if the editor refuses to publish it otherwise. A queer person might also have internalized prejudice against their own identity, which in turn would make their work unrepresentative.”
Next, the topic of sex is discussed. I agree there’s a huge issue of inaccurate representation when sex is depicted in literature. But what about a gay male author who has never had sex? Would his sex scenes automatically be accurate just because he’s a gay man? Also, don’t gay men have fetishes?
As for safe sex – it is an issue in all sorts of pornographic literature. Written by anyone about anyone. I think (but that’s just my subjective opinion based on nothing but observation) that it is related to the desire for escapism. People may want to emerge in a world that is different from their own, or a world that provides them immediate gratification, neither of which is a bad thing, really. We all need different things to let of steam and we all deserve it. 
Also, what about the barebacking community? Gay men who promote unsafe sex in real life?
And here is it, the reason I keep arguing with people on this topic:
“and when men who love men like myself bring up the fact that maybe you guys should stay in your lane a little and let us take the wheel in a genre entirely dedicated to us having sex with each other, you somehow claim that we are “kinkshaming” you and being misogynist by taking away “the one place where women can explore their kinks without judgement”.”
Should stay in their lane? What does that imply? Does the author want to forbid women from writing gay male fiction? Let’s say he succeeds and women do just that. Then what? Will male/male fiction automatically improve? The depictions become more realistic? Safe sex gets portrayed more often? Fetishizing disappears? Weird kinks disappear? Homophobia disappears?  
First of all, it’s not very likely that published authors will ever care about this, so the people who are most likely to obey this demand are fans. Which means the only thing the author would have accomplished would be bully a bunch of fans into dropping a hobby they love (or might emotionally depend on – people are very complex creatures), stripping them away of the only thing some might consider escapism. And for what? To feel better about himself? 
I know these are harsh words and I’m sorry for being so blunt, but anakinsbugs, please, if you’re reading this, I ask you to consider this possibility no matter how uncomfortable it might feel. I deeply sympathize with your feelings and I wish we lived in a better world, but we don’t. And many people who share your point of view are only one step away from becoming bullies.
The author also adds “the one place where women can explore their kinks without judgement” as it’s something unbelievable and ludicrous, but that’s a reality for most women. They have been shamed for desiring sex for so long, no wonder for some gay sex has become the only safe outlet of their sexuality.
“which is complete and total bullshit because FIRST OF ALL gay people are not your kink.”
And this is something I agree with 100%. When I first read saw him mention “kinks”, I thought he was being general, but if people consider gay sex a kink - it is deeply troubling. Frankly, I haven’t encountered such opinion in a long time, although I wouldn’t be surprised someone still thinks this way. But it’s one of these homophobic remarks we can fight by educating people.
At the end, the author states:
“i need a little more clarification about why it’s such an evil no-no for us to want to represent ourselves or speak for ourselves or tell our own stories. because it kinda seems homophobic that you’re so angry about gbt men wanting to represent themselves.”
“nobody’s saying you can’t be supportive of gbt boys and want to write about them in your stories. but for the love of god, don’t get angry when we want to tell our own stories, and don’t pitch a fit when we express that we’re uncomfortable with being objectified for your own sexual gratification.”
There is a difference between expressing discomfort and policing. Perhaps the author didn’t mean it, but then I’d like him to consider better wording. 
Sorry for making it so long. I’ve put the whole thing under cut so if you reblog it, it won’t spam your blog.
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