#maybe their browsing history or something
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 years ago
I just reread some chapters and I just have to ask, in your opinion, why are Jake and Jerry so scared of my girl Luah😭 What did she do to them
Big Deal Shenanigans: Lua is back
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Jerry slams open the meeting room door, dripping with sweat. "Lua is back!"
Jake blinks, taking a moment to process then he stands up abruptly, chair falling back and hitting the ground with a clatter. "Lua is back?"
Jerry nods. "She's back."
Jason, a split second later, pops his head round the doorway, "Lua's back?!"
Jake confirms it. "Yeah, Lua is back."
"Who's back?" A second head appears around the doorway, Brad this time.
"Lua!" The men chorus.
"Lua?!" The blood drains from Brad's face.
"Who's Lua?"
Four heads simultaneously whip around to stare at Lineman. What a question.
"That's Lua," Jake whispers, as the Big Deal boys peer around the corner, heads stacked on top of one another with Jerry at the tippity top.
Lineman watches her walking down the barren street, suitcase rolling behind her. She looks very normal, all things considered. From the way they spoke about her, he was expecting something of a monster.
He tells the rest of the guys this and they all gasp in shock.
"You have no idea," Jason says as Jake mutters "No idea at all".
"She's a menace," Brad agrees, and the rest of the men nod their heads sagely.
"She can fight, she's not part of a harem, she's fiery," Their boss explains, situated at the bottom of the stack, and down on all fours.
Lineman scratches his head. He doesn't get why any of these are negatives.
"She has a..." Brad tries to suppress a shiver and fails, "a personality."
"Still a plot device," Jerry murmurs and the rest of the men look up at him in confusion, "Sorry," he offers, looking contrite, "didn't mean to break the fourth wall."
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honourablejester · 9 months ago
I’m realising as I browse around that I really love lore when it comes to ttrpgs, games and game worlds. And by that I don’t mean I like to obsessively learn lists of dates and wars, and the names of leaders of factions, I mean …
I like learning weird, juicy details about the worlds of games. I like finding little nuggets that say things about the set-up and culture and assumptions of the world. I like finding fragments of ideas to hang whole story and character concepts off.
I love that in D&D 5e’s Spelljammer, the Astral Sea is full of the corpses of dead gods that you can fully sail up to in your ship. Just. Floating out there. Waiting for you to rock up to them.
I love that in Sunless Sea, the king of the drowned is the way he is because he fell in love with an eldritch sea urchin from space, and successfully married it. His niece is an angry sentient floating mountain whose mother is a goddess-mountain and whose father is a face-stealing humanoid abomination. This is fine and normal.
I love that in Starfinder, there are mysterious bubble cities in the surface of the sun that the church of the sun goddess discovered and cheerfully occupied despite having no idea who the hell built them or for what purpose.
I love that in Dishonored, the entire industrial revolution that has built the empire we’re in the midst of saving or destroying was built on the properties of whale oil harvested from eldritch tentacled whales that live half in the oceans and half in an eldritch void personified in the form of a weird-ass black-eyed shit-stirrer of a deity who was formed from a murdered and sacrificed child. And this is largely a background detail.
I love in the Elder Scrolls that the dwarves up and fucking vanished, as a race, at some point in history and absolutely nobody has any clue what happened to them or where they went, but their technology is so insane that ideas like ‘they time-travelled’ or ‘they erased themselves from existence’ are absolutely on the table.
I love that in Numenera, so many incredibly advanced civilisations have risen and fallen on this world that it’s absolutely littered with bonkers science fiction artefacts that have caused the current medieval-esque society built over top of them to develop in bizarre ways, and also you can find a mysterious artefact that absolutely baffles and delights your character, but that you the player will fully recognise as a slightly-more-advanced thermos flask.
I love that in Fallout, an irradiated post-nuclear apolocalypic hellscape, there’s a cult that worships the god of radiation as they have come to understand it, and they are mysteriously immune to radiation with absolutely no explanation whatsoever. They’re not ghouls, the usual result of fatally irradiated humans with some resistance, they’re perfectly normal humans who can somehow just tank rads all damn day. It could be a mutation, but Lovecraftian gods apparently do also fully exist in this setting, so it’s also possible that maybe they were on to something with this Atom thing.
I love that in Heart The City Beneath, there’s a mass transit train system that they tried to hook up to the eldritch beating god-thing buried under the city so that they could metaphysically chain the stations together more easily, which went horrifically and metaphysically wrong in entirely predictable fashion, and now there’s a whole order of train-knights who have to keep people safe from the extradimensional weirdness magnet the network has become.
That, and all the fantastic little details you can stumble across. There’s a biotech augmentation in Starfinder called an angler’s light that gives you a little angler-fish bioluminescent antenna on your forehead, and it was developed by asteroid miners who needed light but also both hands free for work. In Dishonored there’s a festival that everyone pretends is outside of time so nothing you do during it can be held against you. There’s a god of snuffed candles mentioned in a single line from Heart The City Beneath who has pacifist cannibal priests, and that is literally all the information you get on him.
While things like the history and geography and timeline of a world do also fascinate me, I’m not really here to memorise stuff like that. I’m here to find weird little nuggets of information and worldbuilding and delight in them. Give me funerary customs and weird myths and oddly specific circumstances and baffling little objects and absolutely bonkers cosmological implications. Give me the corpses of dead gods, and aesthetic movements with highly specific backstories, and bureaucratic fuck-ups of titanic scale, and mysterious things that seem to break all other rules of your setting with absolutely no explanation because people in-universe have no fucking clue how they work either. Why are the Children of Atom immune to radiation without ghoulifying? Not a clue, but Confessor Cromwell has been cheerfully standing in that irradiated pond that kills the player character with about 10 minutes of exposure for the last year and he’s still absolutely fine.
I just. I really love lore. I like my settings to have some meat in them, some juicy details to dig into, some inexplicable elements to have fun trying to explain. Particularly that last bit. I feel like a lot of people when building worlds feel like the rules have to be absolute and everything has to have an explanation, but nah. Putting some weird shit in makes everything immediately feel bigger, more real, because we don’t have even half an idea of how our world truly works, there’s always something we just don’t fully understand yet, and you can put that in a fictional world too. Some mysteries, some contradictions, some randomness, some weirdness. There’s a line, obviously, this depends on execution, but a little bit of mystery really does help.
Lore is awesome. And weird lore is even more so. Heh.
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limarkova · 2 months ago
Yandere Batfam x Neglected Reader x Yandere Al Ghuls
Pt 5.
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The library was quiet when you walked in. Since it was still early in the morning many people hadn't shown up yet. Your luck of finding a tutor were slim right now. It was best to start independent so you could tell a tutor what you needed to learn more about anyway.
You wonder the shelves contemplating where to begin. Maybe the computers to look up what fourth grade standards? Didn't those vary though? Okay maybe you should have goaded your 'family' into telling you were the 'boarding school' was supposedly base. Science sounded like a good option. It used a mix of math and reading comprehension.
You had to choose a science fourth grades typically learned, though. Honestly you wished you could just pick any science and say the school had specialized classes. However you didn't know what type of boarding school Bruce claimed you went to. The slightest misstep and your siblings would alert him that something was up.
Being realistic Bruce could send you back at anytime. By playing into his lies, you would appear compliant or like you don't suspect he was involved. That could buy you time. If it seemed like you were truly trying to integrate back into the family and not expose the experiments, he might let you stay for a little longer. Why get rid of someone if their potential as a threat was limited by their ignorance?
For now you need to match the cover story. Whatever books were labeled fourth grade level than. Maybe a few fifth grade books. You had implied that you were doing more advanced work. Maybe you could safely make the claim that you were placed in advance classes. They had been talking about those during your last year at Gotham prep.
The kids section was full of basic cartoon style books. You browsed a few before frowning. Most of the information was the bare bone minimum. Half the books mark 4th grade level only covered surface level knowledge.
You pulled out a book on human anatomy and almost bursted out laughing. The drawings were over simplifications of the organs, nothing compared to how they really looked. Slimy, covered in veins, shades of pink or gray you didn't expect once the blood was removed. That thought brought back a haunting memory. You shoved the book back on the shelf. Medical research would come later.
Grabbing any books that caught your attention, you headed over to a secluded area. Most of the information was basic understand. Yes, you learned some new things and were fairly certain your reading comprehension was ay the appropriate level. But there was nothing involving math. "Maybe a few tutors have shown up or a librarian can help me call one."
Standing back up you wondering over to the librarian desk. No one was there. You yet out a heavy sigh. Oh course they weren't there, that was just your luck.
"Hello, are you looking for something?" You jumped at the sudden voice behind you. Spinning around you saw a woman with long dark brown hair and green eyes. She carried herself confidently but some part of you screamed the she was capable of violence.
"I was looking into what's available in terms of math tutoring. Maybe social studies or history if that's an options." You angled you body away from her.
She laughed slightly more to herself than you. There was a gleam in her eye, like she was impressed by her assessment. "Well you're in luck. I happened to home schooled my own son in math and know a lot of teachers. What do you need to know?"
"Pretty much everything above adding and subtracting." You scowled down at the books in your arms. It they had and hadn't been useful. Maybe you should take advantage of this woman's help. You needed a tutor, it shouldn't matter who it was also long as your family didn't find out. "What’s your name?"
"I'm Talia." She crouched down to your level and held out a hand. You stopped thinking.
The woman mentioned in your mother's diary. It couldn't be. Though she mentioned having a son. No Talia might have been an older flame and Damian's mother had a different name. Maybe you had been to quick to get in a fight with him. Now you couldn't ask him about his mother. What if he sent her to spy on you because you had pissed him off? Not good, really not good.
"I'm (Fake Name)." You gave her the wrong name and watched. If Damian had sent her, she would probably already know your name. So by giving her the wrong one you could figure what she already knew about you. It wouldn't be through her words or actions. No the hints would be subtle. Some kind of disappointment or a sign she felt slighted.
Yet her face remain pleasant. That slight hint of being impressed remaining, "It's nice to meet you. Let's do a few tests so I can see where you are first." Just like that you were swept away into a world of learning.
Talia was beyond impressed with the young Wayne girl. First she correctly identified Talia as a threat. It was obvious by the way she angled herself away from the older woman. How her eyes flicked for the nearest exit, probably a subconscious reaction. Without Talia's weapons or reputation, the girl had pick up on danger.
Next was the wrong name. Said so surely like it truly was her name. The girl shifted so fluidly into the new identity too. Talia would have believed it if she hadn't already done research. Never once did she catch the girl not responding to the name. All without proper training.
However, that all paled in comparison to her true shining trait. The girl's intelligence was well beyond average. She caught trick questions and picked up topics quickly. Talia was willing to bet her intellect could rival Bruce's. Obviously not at her current state, she need guidance to reach that level. Still all the material was there.
"Thank you for the help, today." Her voice was quiet. Movements quick to put away the notebook she had written all of her work in. They had moved from mathematics, to English, social studies, sciences, and the one that she seem the most interested in Criminal Investigation. Damian had taken his father's intelligence but was held back his ego. She didn't have that fault.
Talia smiled, "of course. Will you be returning tomorrow? I would love to continue our lessons. There's a chance I might be able to teach you Arabic."
"Arabic, the language?"
"Yes. I taught my son but well he lives with his father now and I don't get to speak it with him anymore." Talia said the information to get the girl to relax but the opposite occurred.
(Name) bit her lip, "I apologize if this is sensitive to you but what's your son's name?"
"Damian." Talia observed the girl's reaction. Her shoulders tense, body angling again, one deep breath. "Too bad his father turned him against me."
"How?" The girl blinked after saying the word. Her face was too blank to be natural. The information was throwing her for a loop as she tried to make it fit her reality. They would need to work on that.
Talia shook her head sadly, "I'm not a hundred percent certain what he told my boy but I think... I think he made Damian believe that he was in love with me and I broke his heart. Even though it was the other way around when he cheated on me."
Talia watched as the words hit home with the girl. Oh she had chosen the right story to turn her against Bruce. The girl gave her an easy smile that was a smidge too tense in the corners, "Yeah. I'll be here tomorrow. Can I ask one last question?"
"Go ahead." Talia gestured with her hand.
"Do you happened to know any self defense teachers?" Determination morphed her features. It made her come alive in a sense. That fire she saw yesterday back in her eyes and brighter. Confidence shifted her stance into one more sure.
"Oh I know several material arts teachers."
Bruce sat in his car, rubbing his brow. In a little over twenty-four hours since his youngest had shown up at manor things had arguably gotten worst. First the information coming out about (Name) never being at school followed by a full blown investigation by his kids. Than there was what the others had officially dub "The shit list". Damian had become so upset he secluded himself in the barn. Last but certainly not less were the changes the other reported in his youngest.
Dick's last phone call said she was at the library researching for 'school'. They had decided to watch her through the cameras believing space was what she actually need. Yet one thing was clear from the little time she had spent in the manor since coming back. Whatever had happened was traumatic and she was not going to tell them directly. Perhaps whoever had her was now stalking her to ensure she wouldn't cooperate.
Bruce would double the manor's security. He wouldn't fail one of his kids a second time. She hadn't arrived home from the library yet, so Bruce had time to prepare. Taking one last deep breath he exited the car. First stop the Batcave to get an update on investigation.
Bruce might as well have entered a war zone. At least there he would know where to start. Dick and Jason were in a screaming match about who should have been checking in on her. Tim was two steps away from drinking coffee straight from the pot, while pouring over financial records. Barbara looked like she was having an aneurysm. Cass was analysising video footage taking notes on presumably her body language. Duke was being interrogate being Steph on how (Name) acted while the two were out and what she could have been writing in "the shit list."
"Status report." His voice shattered the chaos in a matter of seconds. "Oracle you go first."
"I searched through city wide surveillance feeds and found some video footage from a few days ago. It seems like who ever had her did chase after but..." Oracle, Barbara trailed off. The screen flash to show (Name) being chased by an armed pursuer. In two seconds, she had turned thrown a knife of some kind than ran down an another alleyway. Her pursuer fell to the ground weapon lodged in his throat. "Police reports identified him as James Lenon, a low level criminal with a history of violence. He had a scalpel in his trachea and was pronounced dead on arrival of the scene."
Bruce now understood why Barbara looked ready to have an aneurysm. This footage showed (Name) committing murder. Just to get away from whoever was holding her captive. He could only imagine what might have pushed her to that point. That or she didn't know the guy was dead. It would technically count as self defense either way but not a good sign.
Barbara typed something on her laptop before another video appeared. "Than there's this one." It show (Name) running off screen injured. When she reappeared the injuries were gone, not even a speck of blood. The video ended with (Name) throwing a mangled bullet at the camera. An act of defiance, but towards who.
"Has this video been edited?"
"No. This is the orginial video. Do you think she might actually be a meta?" The room filled with anticipation at that.
Bruce nodded once, "we'll need to test her DNA but the odds are good. Red Robin what do you have?"
"She was telling the truth about her card being stolen. It would seem whoever stole it though knew better than to use it to pay for something directly. All of it's cash withdrawals, the ATMs used are in Gotham though so it's all local. Oracle any updates on ATM footage?"
"Na-da. They're smart, covered their faces with sunglasses and sick masks. Generic brand sunglasses and disposable mask so no identifying markers. They wear them on video until they disappear." Barbara brought several still shots onto the screen.
Bruce nodded to the two, taking in the information. It assumable from the ATM footage alone there were multiple people involved in this. They would need to identify which group had the most to gain.
"Nightwing, Red Hood. What did your investigation of the PO box reveal?"
"They scorched the damn place the night she escaped." Jason dropped a picture of a burnt and destroyed PO boxes on the table. One box in the third row was circled "Also destroyed any mail going to all the PO boxes on that wall. Feds are looking into it since the post office was involved, I couldn't get closer than that."
"The person who orginially opened the box, Marcus Antonio, was found dead last night." Dick placed crime scene photos on the table. A man with a singular bullet wound laid in a pool of blood. There were tipped over and rifled through drawers, books, coffee containers. The scene was mess. "Decided to take a look around. It was a clean hit but catch this. The guy had loads of cash stashed all over the place. GCPD thinks it was a robbery gone wrong since they didn't take all of it and left in a hurry. With what we know, I think it was a targeted attack. They mostly just took the cash they could find, figuring they were going to get cut off"
Tim interrupted, "I second that. All cash withdrawals stopped the day after she escaped. They pulled more than they usually did so the bank flagged the card. It's shut off pending investigation."
Bruce nodded. It was likely that most of the people involved were going to leave Gotham. Cash would be necessary for that. "Any sign of the mail?"
"No but he had a burn bucket in the bedroom." Dick shook his head. Leaning against the table he sighed. "They're getting rid of evidence quickly and have a three day head start."
"She shows signs of hyper vigilance, avoids cameras, and I think she probing us for information." Cassandra looked up from the tablet she was using one.
"Wait, she's probing us for information?" Tim stopped typing on his laptop before throwing his head back and groaning. "She's become one mystery after another."
"At the breakfast table. She was trying to figure out if we read her diary, was gauging how we all reacted to her mentioning school, and was ensuring the debit card got closed out. The roommates she referred to as troublesome were probably the gaurds."
Everyone nodded. Bruce looked to Barbara, "I want a video of breakfast this morning. I need to know exactly what was said. Spoiler, Signal."
"If she doesn't have PTSD I don't know what she has." Steph leaned back in her chair rubbing her eyes. "Though this one wasn't pay any special anytime to her behavior."
"I didn't know I was supposed to. I genuinely thought she was upset because Damian attacked and having to leave 'school' early." Duke ran a hand over his face. "In the hours we spent at the mall, she implied she had to leave school quickly because something really bad happened. That and she's..."
Duke froze, pieces connecting in his head. When he looked at Bruce, horror started to mix with realization. "Was she a Meta two years ago?"
There was a pregnant pause as everyone in the room thought. Bruce shook his, "No. She never showed signs of being a Meta."
"Disappeared for two years, comes back with meta abilities, refers to the thing making her leave as really bad with potentially two triggers for her being needles and the smell of disinfectant." Duke looked at all of them more pieces falling into place. Bruce's eyebrows knitted together. Duke was on to something but for the life of him, Bruce could piece it together? "What was happening two years when she disappeared? Other than that Joker attack."
It finally hit Bruce what Duke was getting at. Two years ago Meta Human traffickers stop looking for ways to find 'product'. Instead they began looking for ways to create new it. There were reports of them doing horrifying things to create new meta humans. It didn’t work because most of them lacked the funding to get the necessary chemicals and equipment.
Yet, with a Wayne kid's debit card that gets weekly deposits. He even gave her a higher amount than the others because she was supposedly aboard. It was possible but there was one missing component for this. "There are no meta humans in my biological family. She wouldn't have the gene to activate."
"And her mother's half of the family?" It was a valid question for Duke to ask. Bruce thought for a second, had her mother had a meta in her family. She mentioned an aunt that was disowned but that was it.
"Spoiler I want you looking into her mother's side of the family." Bruce gave the command before looking across the room again. "Red Hood start looking into Meta Human Traffickers who went off the grid two years ago. Red Robin you're in charge of looking into whoever made those withdrawals. Find out where that cash went. Oracle, look into the two people we've identified as being involved, get contacts, favorite hunts, anything you can. Send that information to Oprhan and Signal. You two are with me in tracking them down."
"What about me B?" Dick gave Bruce a questioning look.
"You're going to talk with (Name) and get her to open up to you." Bruce nodded at Dick, "Go be her older brother."
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dirtyvulture · 4 months ago
Natasha Romanoff x Beefy!Sergeant!Reader*
18+ only read at your own risk
Word count: 3248
Requested by anon: Hi i love your work..you don't have to do this request if you don't want.. i was kind of was wondering since we haven't heard from Sergeant Nat and reader. If we could hear from them? I was thinking since Nat is always the confident reassured one in that universe like maybe something happens where shes not sure where she stand with reader? Like jealous or maybe reader lets one of her military friends borrow her laptop and they use it to watch porn...and nat finds it and thinks its reader. And nat kind of loses her mind in a way that we havent seen. (Not like crazy but for the first time shes like am i enough). And reader is high key oblivious bc she worships nat. Some communication to sort out and then smutty times. Only if you want. If not i look forward to whatever you post yay. 
AN: *Reader has a penis, no pronouns used.
Thanks for the idea, anon! This was a lot of fun to write. :)
This is Part 5 in my Sergeant Beef series. Read the first one here.
“Hey, can I borrow your laptop?” Sam asks, poking his head into your room. 
“Why?” You don’t even look at him, focused on you video game on the tiny television mounted to your wall.
“I dropped mine in the lake, so I had to buy a new one but it won’t get shipped off until later this week,” Sam explains. 
“Okay,” you say, hardly listening to him as you race your little car across the screen to bump the giant soccer ball towards the goal. “It’s in my room on the–”
“I know where it is. Thanks.” Sam whisks in and helps himself. 
“Close the door on your way out!” you call, just in time to hear the door slam behind him. Turning your whole focus back to your game, your fingers mash the buttons to a triumphant win.
A few days later, Natasha is over at your apartment. While the two of you had discussed a thousand times moving in together, you had always stalled or walked around the subject. Natasha wasn’t sure if it was because you were nervous what the public’s perception would be of your relationship, or if you preferred your own private space too much to give it up. Ever since the deployment, you had been more likely to retreat and hide away (even from Natasha) when you were upset or moody. She wondered if it was a side effect of your PTSD, but you never seemed ready for that conversation so she left it alone.
For dinner, you grilled some steaks (setting off the smoke detector in your apartment) while Natasha made a side of mashed potatoes and green beans. Afterwards, you went to take a shower while Natashas lounged around and found a movie on Netflix for the two of you to watch. She sits on the couch, opening your laptop and finding the web browser. She looks up Netflix and then browses through the recommendations on your home page, but none of them pique her interest.
She goes onto Google to search what other people are recommending and wades through a sea of titles and descriptions to find one. Swapping back and forth between tabs, she finds a website with a host of titles and flips back and forth until she finds a movie that is both on the list and currently on Netflix. But in the process, she loses track of the tab and accidentally closes it, silently cursing to herself, before going to check the history to find it again.
But what she finds in the history is not what she had been looking for.
Natasha feels almost scandalized when she sees the words “big busty blondes” in your search history, followed by a list of pornsites. While she knew you watched such videos in her absence, she didn’t know what genre you were into, and now a deep sinking feeling of insecurity fills her. She was not blonde, nor was she particularly busty after the years of hard workouts had shrank some of her assets a little. You always told her she had the perfect body, but now she wasn’t quite sure if she should believe you.
“Nat? Did you pick a movie?” You poke your head out of the bathroom. You’re not wearing a shirt and your wet hair is dripping water down your chest, emphasizing the lines of your muscles. Natasha can see the bullet scar on your ribs from the deployment that almost ended your life. But you walked away with every member of your team alive, and your tale of bravery had become something of a living legend in the community. 
She knows you could have any woman you wanted. She had seen the way the recruits eyed you and how bold the other brass were with you. Before your promotion to sergeant, you were often overlooked and completely ignored. Natasha, perhaps a little selfishly, always considered herself the catch in your relationship: she was one of a handful of female sergeants with outstanding credentials, and looked great in and out of a uniform. But maybe she thought too highly of herself. You had developed into a very competent sergeant, were extremely good-looking, and had the most lovable personality anyone could ask for.
What if you didn’t want her anymore? What if you wanted someone younger, or someone you could start a family with? Natasha hadn’t yet disclosed to you her inability to have children, but if the subject ever came up, she knew you’d need no other excuse to walk away.
“Nat? Did you pick out a movie?” you ask again.
“Yes,” Natasha says. “We can watch Trolls.”
“Okay. That sounds fun.”  
You come out in a sweatshirt with matching gray sweatpants and join Natasha on the couch. Instinctively, you put your arm around her shoulder and she snuggles against you, letting you rest your head against hers.
You seem to enjoy the goofy children’s movie, laughing out loud at the jokes and cheering when the main characters hug by the end. But Natasha can’t focus for a second, still thinking about the search history on your laptop. She didn’t even know if it was something she should bring up, but it was already eating her alive to think that she wasn’t good enough for you.
Natasha didn’t know if she would be able to survive without you. She would have to do everything she could to keep you by her side.
“Give me a sec,” Natasha calls, hurriedly slipping her boots on. She checks herself in the mirror one final time before opening her apartment door to see you.
“Hi, Nat–oh.” Your expression goes flat.
“What’s wrong?” Natasha asks, her stomach twisting in knots. Maybe this had been a bad idea.
“You dyed your hair,” you say, blinking at the short blonde hair she was now sporting.
“You don’t like it?” she asks, her worry growing by the second. She had dropped a significant sum at the salon on base to cut and dye her hair. Perhaps this had been a severe overreaction on her part. 
“Oh. No, um, it looks very nice,” you stutter. 
Natasha is not convinced in the slightest. Her face flushes red and she bites her lip to stop herself from crying in frustration. “That’s okay,” she mutters more to herself than you. “Where are we going again?” she asks, even though she knows every detail of the outing she had planned with you.
“The gym first, then we can get lunch and go grab groceries,” you list off, seemingly oblivious to her awkwardness. 
“Yes, that’s right. Okay, let’s go,” she replies sullenly.
Natasha isn’t sure what else she can do to hold your attention after the hair dying incident. She tries to be extra doting with you, but all of her efforts seem to go completely unnoticed. You only say “thank you” once when she gets you your favorite chocolate bar from the commissary. The next time the two of you are in bed together, Natasha feels like she has to guide you through all the motions and you fuck her with a concerningly low level of enthusiasm. Natasha is convinced you’ve found someone else and just the thought of losing you makes her sick. 
She’s nearly sent over the edge when she finally gets a text from you:
From Y/N: Can you come over tonight? I want to talk
Natasha feels like the rug has been pulled out from under her feet. Sweat breaks out on her forehead and her stomach starts to hurt like she had a bad meal. What if she just didn’t go to see you? Would you really still break up with her over text?
Her body seems to have a mind of her own as she responds:
To Y/N: Ok
“Thanks for coming over,” you say, welcoming Natasha into your apartment. She steps in guardedly, wondering if you’re hiding your new girlfriend under the couch. Or maybe she’s already in your bed. She shuffles down the hallway to subtly peer into your bedroom, which is empty.
“What did you want to talk about?” Natasha isn’t one to dance around the elephant in the room. Besides, she doesn’t want to draw this out any longer than it needs to be.
“Oh. Um…” You sound caught off guard. “Well, I was thinking that–”
“You want to break up with me.” Natasha can’t stop the tears forming in her eyes. She wipes them away, angry at herself for showing such weakness already.
“What? What makes you think that?” Your shock is so genuine, Natasha almost wants to believe you.
Natasha hides her face behind her hand. “I saw it on your laptop last week. The kind of porn you were watching–”
“Porn? I use incognito,” you say. “Unless that doesn’t actually hide things…” you add in a mumble.
“Your search history said you looked up…” Natasha takes a breath. “‘Big busty blondes,’” she repeats, hating the way the words sound off her tongue.
“What?” You sound confused now. “That’s…I don’t watch that kind of stuff. Wait, is that why you dyed your hair blonde?”
“No,” Natasha lies. “But I saw it on your laptop!” she insists, hastily changing the subject.
You pause for a moment, then start shaking your head with a chuckle. “I’m gonna rip him a new one,” you mutter. Then louder, you explain, “Sam borrowed my laptop last week because his was broken. I’m guessing he used it to…you know…” Your expression turns into one of disgust, and Natasha matches it. 
“Oh. So, you’re not into big busty blondes?” Natasha is embarrassingly desperate for clarification.
“No, I’m not.” You take a step towards her and hold out your hands. “But I do have a thing for hot redheads who could totally kick my butt.”
“I know,” Natasha says, taking your hands and leaning up to kiss you. Her lips lift into a smile when you return her kiss with more passion than you had all week, wrapping your arms around her and pulling her flush against you. You dig your fingers into her thighs, lightly rolling your hips, and when she feels your hard bulge against her stomach and all of her doubts are cast away immediately. Her face burns in shame when she realizes how quickly she had jumped to the wrong conclusion. You weren’t going anywhere. You were totally in love with her and wanted no one else.
“Wait, so what did you want to talk about?” Natasha asks, trying to ignore the arousal building in her core as you hump her.
“Oh! Um…” Your face reddens, as if you’re so turned on yourself you forgot why you asked her to come. “Uh…I wanted to ask if…you would like to move in with me? Or if I could move into your apartment? Or we could find a new place together…”
Natasha feels like she’s gotten whiplash from the subject change. She had come here thinking you were breaking up with her, but instead you actually wanted to move in with her? Just when she had thought it was never going to happen.
“Why the change?” she asks.
You shrug your massive shoulders. “We spend so much time together as it is. And I was mostly nervous because you know I have those night terrors a lot, but…” You sigh. “I realized I get them a lot less when I wake up next to you.” Natasha wants to melt in your arms. “And it would be really nice if I got to wake up next to you every day. And eat every meal with you. And–”
Natasha cuts you off with a hard kiss. “Yes,” she pants, groping for the tie on your sweatpants and pulling them down. “Of course I’ll move in with you.”
“Nat,” you whine when she grabs your cock. She feels it throb in her hand and her arousal spikes. As high as her own sex drive was, there was little else that turned Natasha on more than to see how excited you were for her. She pushes you towards the bedroom and you understand without needing words, obediently sitting down on your bed and pulling you on top of her. You grunt when her weight lands on your thighs and Natasha immediately props herself on her knees; sometimes she forgets about the injury on your right thigh that still causes you pain sometimes.       
“Sorry baby,” she whispers while leaning in to kiss your cheek. It had been a long and sometimes frustrating journey to get back to the same level of intimacy the two of you shared after the deployment ambush and your recovery. The medicines you were on had drastically affected your mood (and performance) and there were still some positions you could no longer do because of the strain it put on your body. But Natasha had been patient and gentle with you, even when all she wanted to do was fuck you senseless. Over time your strength and stamina had come back, and Natasha was thrilled you could still please her in bed. 
She leans back and takes her shirt off while you mirror her. You’re almost back to your weight as before the deployment, but the physical therapy has encouraged you to work out even harder, so you are more muscular and toned than before. Natasha eyes your body hungrily, her hand reaching out to trace the scar on your ribs. While she hates the memory attached to your scar, she can appreciate how much more badass it makes you look.
“Nat,” you say, and she breaks out of her thoughts. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes.” She pushes you to lie on your back, rolling her clothed lower body against yours. “Everything is very okay.” Her hands skate across your warm skin, squeezing your biceps before resting on your chest, balancing herself as she rocks back and forth. Even though you’re still wearing boxers, Natasha can feel the hardness of your dick pressing against her butt.
“All ready for me?” she hums, digging her nails lightly into your chest.
“Always,” you respond, rolling your hips to match her rhythm. 
“Hmm.” Natasha contemplates how she wants you today. You almost never call the shots in bed, but you have no problem with Natasha taking control most of the time. She likes how submissive you are to her and your willingness to please her even at your own expense. But she isn’t feeling selfish today and wants you to relax and enjoy too. 
Her body seems to have a mind of its own as she humps along your abs, eventually pushing her panties to the side so you can feel her heat on your stomach. 
“Nat,” you whine, gripping onto her waist to guide her movements. 
“Just let me ride you,” she says, lifting off of you for a moment to remove her panties completely, and the two of you moan when she settles back on you. You flex your abs until Natasha swears she could grate cheese on them. She angles her hips back and widens her legs so she can drag her pussy along the ridges of your abs, smearing her wetness everywhere. “Fuck, you feel so good, baby,” she moans.
“So do you,” you say, your hands tightening around her waist. 
Natasha moves her hips faster, sliding back until she can feel your cock practically poking a hole through your boxers. She’s just warming herself (and you) up and doesn’t want to rush to the main event. But as she hears your whines and feels the tension in your body, all she wants is for you to flip her over and fuck her until she can’t walk.  
“Can you do exactly what I ask you to?” Natasha pants, the building arousal in her stomach almost painful now.
“Yes,” you gasp. “Yes, Sergeant. Whatever you want.”
The use of Natasha’s title makes her pussy clench around nothing. Her body aches for you and she’s done playing around.
“Good. I want you to get on your knees and fuck me,” she demands, abruptly climbing off of you and presenting her backside to you. You scramble to obey, wasting no time lining up your cock with her soaking pussy and pushing in eagerly. Natasha inhales sharply when your length stretches her out, filling her perfectly and reaching places she could never reach with her hand or a toy. When you start moving your hips, she whimpers and moans, gripping handfuls of the bedsheets so you don’t slam her into the headboard.
She spasms around you with every stroke, clenching tightly and trying to draw you in as deep as you can go. Natasha loves to hear you moan, knowing she was the cause of them, and more of her slick leaks out around your cock. 
“Fuck, Nat,” you grunt, your thighs slapping against her butt with every thrust. “You always feel amazing.”
“Harder,” she begs. “I want you to cum when I do.”
“I’ll try,” you respond, your breathing ragged as you start to falter in your rhythm. 
“Fuck, you’re in me so deep,” Natasha moans, wishing that despite your already above-average size, you had more to give her. She lets go of the bedsheets and slips her hand down between her legs, rubbing her clit for added stimulation. “Don’t you dare stop,” she warns, noticing the way your legs are shaking and your thrusts are losing their power.
“I won’t,” you whimper, and Natasha is not convinced you’ll be able to last much longer. Her hand glides back up to her stomach, where she can feel the bulge of your cock through her skin. That alone nearly sends her over the edge, but she has one more request from you.
“Bite me,” Natasha pants, motioning to her right trapezius muscle. Normally, she is very against you marking her during sex because she doesn’t want to worry about hiding them, but now she is panting at the thought of you finally staking your claim on her.
“Bite you?” you say, sounding extremely timid.
“Yes!” she growls, not wanting to repeat herself. “If you don’t bite me, I won’t let you cum.”
You moan and tighten your grip on her waist. Natasha feels your cock throbbing inside her, but she knows you won’t finish without her permission. The bed creaks as your weight shifts and she feels your chest press against her back as you lean over her. She hums in anticipation, feeling your breath across the back of her shoulder. Your teeth graze her skin lightly, your hesitancy obvious. 
“Y/N,” she moans, pushing back into you and squeezing your length. “If you don’t fucking bite me–”
Your teeth suddenly clamp down sharply and Natasha keens, gushing around you and not even noticing you finish inside her. White spots of pure pleasure burst behind her eyelids and she feels cum drip down her thighs. It feels like she’s riding out the high forever, but when she finally unwinds, she feels your weight pressing into her back and a dull stinging in her shoulder. She twists her head to see the clear imprint of your teeth in her skin, the flesh reddening already.
“Sorry if that was too hard,” you say softly, as if you’re embarrassed by following her instructions.
“Nonsense,” she says, reaching behind her to cup the back of your neck. She pulls your head down against hers and nuzzles against your cheek. “Next time, you can bite me harder.”
AN: Sorry to Sam lol
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cherryredstars · 11 months ago
Hey sweetie hoping you're doing well
What about a college au where Miguel is a punk and reader is a smarty coquette? And Miguel is very teasing with her to catch her attention... Very enemies to lovers (with smut)
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, Fluff, Penetrative Sex, Slight Mentions of Bondage
Summary: He loves how you wear your ribbons.
A/N: This request is so cutesy!! I hope you're doing well too, love!
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You hate him.
Which hurts you to say because you really do try your best not to hate anyone. But Miguel O'Hara makes it very easy to hate someone. You're just so tired of him! It's like he makes it his life mission to make you angry. Which makes you even more mad because he likes seeing you angry because he just loves making fun of how you look when you're mad!
He's always trying to annoy you. He finds it hilarious to pull on the ends of your bows, making them uneven and loose. You have to spend well over 5 minutes trying to fix your hair while he snickers about it. He's always pulling you back by tugging on your necklace of the day, maybe even pulling the ends of your styled hair. To him, there is always something nasty to point out about your carefully crafted outfits, let it be the quaint design, the ruffles, or even the freaking soft color of it. He finds some sick enjoyment in messing up your aesthetic notebooks and pens, removing the small decorations off of them when you're not looking or dirtying them with graphite stains. He always has to comment about something. He's making fun of the stuff he sees you liking on social media when he's being nosy. Has to tell you how utterly trash your music taste is as a Lana Del Ray song is sung under your breath. Can't let you have an ounce of peace when you talk about how badly you want the new Sonny Angels collection or looking for a specific Calico Critters set. Don't even get him started about all the pastel, cute items you have saved on Pinterest or on your home decor wish list.
But honestly, Miguel is a sucker for everything about you. He's constantly on his knees every time you walk into the lecture hall wearing your frilly skirts and dresses. Damn near collapses of a heart attack when he pulls on the silky bows in your hair or on your necklaces and the sweet smelling perfume you wear hits his nose. He's itching to steal one of your pens so he can have it everywhere he goes or taking a peak into your notebook to look at the dainty notes you are so concentrated on taking. He likes peering into your ribbon-filled world, trying to understand the 'relatable' posts you like about your favorite things. His browsing history is of the little toys you keep mentioning, an occasional search for room decor breaking the stream of Sonny Angels links. He has that one Lana Del Ray Album that you keep singing saved to his music app, and he much prefers your covers.
He finds luck where you find despair. While he loves the fact your professors always pair you two together because of your smarts, you find dread in knowing you can't escape him throughout the weekdays. You always have a pout on your glossy lips as you reluctantly take your seat next to him, your tote bag falling on the long desks with a thump to further emphasize your mood. It makes him chuckle, seeing your obvious dislike of being around him. It makes his heart skip a beat every time you turn to him, warning him in a low whisper to not get on your nerves today. In turn, he should be telling you not to distract him. He can't count how many times he's stopped paying attention to the lecture because he's watching you reapply your lip gloss or fix your hair from the corner of his eye. He's paralyzed for a good minute when you spray your perfume, leaning his arm the slightest bit out so the smell can cling to his leather jacket throughout the day.
But he finds himself the luckiest when he's walking through your dorm room for a project, taking in the distinct smell of you and a room that looks exactly like your Pinterest boards. He isn't exactly sure how it happens, but one second your notebooks are sprayed out against the covers of your bed, and the next they're a crumpled mess on your floor as he has you pinned under him. Your soft bed sheets have nothing on your skin as his rough hands travel up your legs and arms, pulling down the straps of your dress and untying them from the back. He's never been more in love with your bows than the moment your dress slips off your body to reveal the small bows decorating your underwear. It makes him groan as he slips them off your body, making a mental note to please take them home with him when he's done.
As much as he loves the ribbons in your hair, he can't help but think how pretty you look when your hair falls around your shoulders. He much prefers the look of the silk ribbon around your wrists, making sure the ends are even and the bow is tied in perfect loops. Your glossy lips look divine as they drop open in a moan as he pushes into your tight cunt, obsessed with the way your walls pulsate around his leaking cock. And the way you call out his name in that wobbly tone, so different from the low hisses you usually give him, has him gritting his teeth to will himself not to shoot his load so soon. His mind is as loopy as your bows when he buries his face in your neck, huffing at the smell of vanilla cherry and sweat and sex on your skin. He feels like he's in paradise, and even the low tones of Lana's voice filling the room doesn't take away anything from the moment.
Don't question him when that pink ribbon around your wrists goes missing after this, because there is no way in hell he isn't taking that home with him too.
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Part 2 Part 3
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gloomwitchwrites · 5 months ago
In the Wolf's Maw
Werewolf John Price x Female Reader
Content & Warnings: mild dubcon, knotting, mating bonds, accidental mating, oral sex (female receiving), unprotected piv, creampie, breeding, dominance, protectiveness, possessive behavior, werewolf!Price, shifter!Price
Word Count: 4.2k
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A/N: Requested by @glitterypirateduck for 3.5k Spooky Bingo (Werewolf AU)
Walking home on Halloween night, you’re accosted by three strange men. From the dark emerges a stranger, but one that has been haunting your steps for months. He might be your savior, but there is a deeper hunger within him that needs to be satiated, and only you can satisfy it.
ao3 // main masterlist // 3.5k spooky bingo masterlist
Something walks with you amongst the trees.
It is always near—always close—but never enough for you to glimpse it between the towering bark.
When you first felt the strange presence, you believed it to be human. Your senses awakened in expectation of threatening intent, but now, with the passing of the months, you no longer believe it to be so.
Whether for good or ill, a human would have revealed themselves in some capacity. This must be animal. It has to be. Either curious or cautious but it clearly does not see you as a threat. It is always there though. A phantom. A figure. You've never seen who or what but you sense it.
"You should really take the main road. I don't understand why you insist on cutting through the forest."
"It's peaceful," you reply. "Gives me time to think."
Your friend arches an eyebrow. "You know the stories."
"Myths," you correct. "Not stories."
"Myths always carry a bit of truth."
There are wolves in the forest. But they live deeper, away from the human population. Wolf sightings are extremely rare, and those that claim to see them are often known for being terrible gossips and liars.
The myth that walks with them is that the wolves are not wolves at all.
They are cursed men. Shifters. Werewolves.
It's nonsense.
Scientifically impossible.
The wolves are only wolves. Maybe the one that watches you is one of these wolves?
Possible, but unlikely.
For all you know, you're being watched by a curious scurry of squirrels.
The myth is history drenched, from a time when people needed to explain natural phenomena they didn't understand. It is only stories.
Or so you believed.
It's late in October. Halloween night.
You stayed far too late at the local library, browsing shelves and losing track of time until the librarian, Mrs. Dean, came scouting for you in the basement archive. Down there, you went searching for what hadn't been digitized, seeking stories about these wolves.
Most of what you uncovered were old newspaper articles of missing women and mauled men in the forest. The details were few and relatively unhelpful, but like gum stuck to the bottom of a shoe, there was one consistency in all of them.
The myth, mentioned at the end of every article. Cursed men that shift into wolves. Men in the skin of a predator that hunt women and slaughter their menfolk. You'd think the town had a serial killer, but the articles go back far enough in time that it simply couldn't be the case. Many of the articles cite historical records and reports of the same thing happening over a hundred years ago.
It plagues you on your walk home.
Staying late at the library and taking the path through the forest home takes you away from the roaming families and the angsty teens ready to terrorize anyone who steps in their path. The streets are alive with movement, but you need to collect your thoughts, to consider what you've found and figure out where to look next.
A gentle wind brings a chill with it, sneaking underneath your coat to tease skin. Shivering, you bundle up tighter, the cold bite of air adding a kick to your step. You feel eyes on you, but not your anonymous phantom.
These eyes feel cruel. Malicious.
"What's this?"
Three tall figures in masks emerge from the dark. Like a whisper of wind they appear, skulking toward you, fanning out in a half-moon directly in front of you.
"Cute thing like you shouldn't be out here all on your own." The voice is masculine. Deep. Not one of the local teens. This is someone much older. "There are...wolves about."
The trio saunters forward, the two on the ends splintering off from the man in the middle, slowly boxing you in. There is nowhere to go but behind. Turning tail and running means a chase. You scent their excitement. That is what they're itching for.
"I'm fine. Thank you for the concern," you reply in the blandest voice you can muster.
Don't show fear.
"Need an escort?"
He's not taking the hint, but what did you expect?
Missing women. Dead men.
"No. Thank you."
Squaring your shoulders, you charge forward, intent on walking through the two on the right. In sync, they close ranks, blocking your path.
"Sure about that?"
"We insist."
Your lips part. "I'm—"
A low growl reaches your ears. It is laced with warning, and a sudden surge of energy rushes up to greet you, wrapping around and between your limbs like invisible rope. You know this sensation. It is familiar and unwaveringly comforting.
The two men standing in front of you glance over your shoulder. From behind their masks, their eyes widen with abject terror. Their shoulders tighten with tension, and they freeze like a deer sensing danger.
The growl comes again, and that sensation bleeds into you further, becoming more than just comfort.
It is...ownership.
"What the fuck is that?" whispers one of the men.
They're not focused on you anymore. They're looking beyond you. Behind.
"Fucking run, mate. Run!"
The three men stumble backward, becoming small and insignificant before your very eyes. They shove at each other, not for encouragement, but for distraction. If one should fall, it might distract whatever it is that lurks behind you.
At first, you do not turn. You wait for the pounce—for the growl. But there is nothing. Only silence. Yet those invisible ropes still cling to your body. They still hold tight.
With a baffling sense of calm, you slowly swivel.
There is a wolf. Not a normal one you might see in a wilderness documentary. This one is large, nearly as tall as you on all fours. Its fur is a deep brown. It watches you intently, gaze fixated on nothing else. Even as you take a step away, the creature does not waiver.
It's unnerving, at least, it should be. Yet that comforting familiarity shuts out everything else. It chases away fear and doubt. You know that the natural instinct of any animal facing down a larger predator is survival, but there is nothing that beats within your body that suggests your fight or flight response is on.
It is eerily peaceful. Serene even.
If this sensation did not encompass you as completely as it did, you suspect that you'd be like the trio. Afraid. Terrified.
But just because your sense has left you, that doesn't mean your brain has. It is loud and it is talking.
Do not turn your back. Do not break eye contact. Make yourself big. Make noise. Move backward slowly.
You stretch your arms out wide, puffing your chest, attempting to make yourself bigger. Not like you could ever compare to this beast. You step back, breathe in, preparing a yell.
But just as you do, the wolf shifts. It's not showing its fangs or quickening its haunches. It only watches on, alert and curious. Not aggressive.
There is no submission, though. The wolf does not seem intent on simply walking away. That sensation hugging your body brightens, and a flare of possession surges through you, stiffening your muscles as if you've been turned to stone.
The wolf shifts again. Shakes. Takes a step toward you.
As it does, you hear bones pop and snap. Beneath the wolf, its legs twist and bend beneath it, staggering its forward progress. Its nostrils flare and then the neck snaps as if lurched to the side by some invisible force.
"What the fuck," you mutter, that sense of calm slipping.
The connection is still there, but it's slightly weaker than before. A drop of fear creeps in, and the need to escape starts to bloom in your chest. It widens, that familiarity leaking away to bleed into the earth as the broken wolf shakes and twists some more.
It is just a mass of fur and tangled limbs.
And then, from the pile, the fur splits open, and a human arm emergers, the fingers reaching out, tearing at the dirt.
You need to go, to fucking run.
The phantom threads release you, and your feet find their purchase. You launch yourself backward and away, sprinting as fast as you can. The cold, October air bites at your cheeks. Everything burns.
You know this is just adrenaline. It will fade and you will crash.
Boot slipping on dead leaves, you go stumbling forward, the ground coming up fast. You're jerked to a stop. Halted. Face inches away from smashing into a rock. Glancing down your body, you see...arms. Human arms. Wrapped around your torso. They are muscular and marked with protruding veins, with a dusting of hair along the forearms.
Slowly, you are lifted upward and onto your feet, but the arms remain. Warmth greets you, pressing into your back to chase away the October chill. With it comes a honey-laced scent. It is sweet and lulling, seeping into your pores to flood your senses. This is like before—the awareness of familiarity and possession, but there is a difference in its tone. Beneath it is a wicked teasing, a promise of dominance and pleasure. Like the invisible ropes, it overpowers, wrapping around you to hold you like a blanket.
It is enticing. A pull that calls to you. Something within you reverberates its call, answering back.
The arms around you tighten until you're firmly pressed against the man holding you. That is who it is. Not what. The wolf is gone. This is solid flesh.
This is myth made life.
The lulling sensation settles in, calling to you, telling you to submit.
It would be so easy. So simple.
You push at the man's arms, twisting in an attempt to break free. But your savior turned captor holds firm, allowing nothing.
"Let me go."
The no is a rumble deep in his chest. It vibrates through the pull and into your bones. This is a command, and your body promptly responds, coiling tight.
Glancing over your shoulder, you lock gazes with the man holding you in his arms. You're staring at the face of a man. He is handsome. Older. His skin is lightly coated in sweat and dirt. But the eyes. They are wolf eyes. Completely animal. The rest of him is completely bare. No clothing in sight, and yet he doesn’t appear cold.
His chest heaves slightly, nostrils flaring. This man burst forth from the wolf, but there is still a beastly quality that sings along the pull. This man is somewhere between, lingering between the wolf and humanity.
How you know this isn't entirely clear. There is a link somewhere. A tether. His closeness only makes the awareness grow in strength. Confusion and concern twist together even as the comforting familiarity attempts to soothe your nerves.
"Please," you murmur, not entirely understanding yourself what it is you're trying to say.
The man only sighs. His head dips, and then he inhales deeply as if—
Is he…scenting you?
"What are—"
The question disappears from your lips. Taken from your mouth. The stranger nuzzles your neck, inhaling deeper. One hand descends as the other rises. Along the pull you feel heat, it floods outward from him and into you, going straight to your pussy.
The descending hand slides between your legs, cupping your sex. The other roams up your stomach to your chest, gently learning the curve of a breast through your sweater.
He groans low, and that too reverberates within you. A tingling blooms in your core. There is your own desire, but beside it is another. His.
The stranger's hand slides further between your legs. Back and forth, the pressure building so suddenly and intensely that your pussy clenches.
He inhales again. Growls. "Mine."
That one word is like a slap to the face and a comforting caress. Along the pull, it is a dominating serenity. Outwardly, your freedom rebels, pushing against the idea.
As if sensing the unease, his hold on you releases, but only for a moment. He lifts you effortlessly into his arms, clutching you tightly, strutting forward with purpose in every step. You sense it through the pull, this taut string that has woven its way inside.
"Let me go," you murmur, pressing against his firm chest.
Be calm.
The command comes not from his own throat, but from within your head. It is his voice. Clear and resonate. The moment your brain processes it, all your limbs soften like jelly.
Are you trapped? Have you been possessed?
A part of you firmly clings to this idea while the other part remains completely calm as if this is supposed to happen.
He walks deeper into the forest, and time stretches, the stars through the canopy your only light. The trees thicken, and then the stranger comes to a stop before a group of jagged rocks that juts upward from the ground.
Within the rock, you spy darkness.
An opening. An entrance.
Instinct flares, and the need to escape comes rushing back. Be calm, he says again.
This time, there is no instantaneous softening. Along the pull, something tightens, as if adjusting a belt buckle. A wildness stirs, and the earlier arousal returns, tinged with desperation. Eagerness settles in your chest, but it feels more like his emotions than yours.
The man walks toward the rock. He tilts forward, stepping inside, submerging the two of you in utter darkness. Yet, you do not feel frightened. Each step of his is confident and steady, and as the two of you steadily move forward, a soft white glow begins to appear. It is faint at first. Soft.
Another opening emerges, and before you is an antechamber. In the middle of the rock-laden room is a massive slab of solid, black stone. It stands at waist level, the surface worn from age. Above it is an opening in the cave ceiling. From it, moonlight falls upon the rock slab. An acrid odor fills your nostrils. A brief brush of wind slides against your cheek. Something magical and old stirs. Something primal.
He stops at the rock slab, and then gently brings you down to your feet. Solid ground is comforting. Stable and strong.
The wolf eyes stare back at you. A fire swirls within them. As your gazes’ lock, memory surges down the pull. That familiar feeling returns, and with it, memories of you.
He is the one who has walked with you amongst the trees. He is the one who has been the presence at your back. Keeping you safe. Protected. A sense of duty follows the memory along with a flare of purpose. At the end is dominance and possession. It all slithers around the pull until you feel it in every part of you down to the tips of your fingers.
Maybe all those missing women aren’t missing at all. Maybe they went willingly. Maybe they had wolfish protectors of their own.
You are at ease, your limbs responding of their own accord. You place your hand on his chest, right over his heart. Its beat is strong beneath your palm. He places his hand over yours, gently grasping it. Stepping forward, his head dips, forehead pressing to yours with an intimacy that somehow feels…normal. Like you've known it all your life.
Along the tether, you taste a name.
His name is John.
"John," you breathe, and his hand upon yours tightens.
The distance closes, a radiating heat bursting within your chest as John’s other hand falls upon your hip. It flows outward, warming you down to your toes and into your fingers. John's lips find yours, and it is perfectly blissful. This stranger is not unknown to you. Your soul sings with longing and want.
There is a connection here. Why not seek it?
You return the kiss, grasping the back of his neck, moving in to consume just as he does. John's answer is a deep growl, one that vibrates in his chest. A sharp spike of arousal shoots through the tether, slamming into you at full force.
You gasp. Draw back.
John is partially transformed, fingers morphing into claws. With a groan that is more animal than human, John tugs at your clothes. They surrender under his touch, like a knife through softened bread. There is no ceremony to it. No ritual. You are laid bare before this man. At his mercy. The chilly October air rushes in and then immediately departs, John's body heat chasing it away almost the moment it arrives.
His hands are on your waist, lifting you, planting you atop the stone slab. You want to say something—anything, but all words escape your head and tongue as John spreads your legs wide and places his mouth on your pussy. Sudden surprise becomes languid pleasure.
He is ravenous. Hungry. John leaves no part of you untasted. Your moans echo in the small cave, filling the space with your ecstasy. His tongue delves inside, and then languidly slides upward to swirl and tease your clit. Everything in you tenses, anticipating release.
John's arms hook over your legs, hands splayed wide, gripping your thighs, pulling you closer against his mouth. With your pleasure comes his, rolling across the link in waves. It comes in flashes of images. You glimpse yourself as he sees you, not only in this moment, but in all the moments he's watched you.
Between the desire and need is a hint of loneliness, of an unfilled connection that burrows in his chest and eats away at his heart. This current moment isn't what he intended, but it has all unraveled.
Your grasp for him, fingers threading through his hair, tugging hard as your orgasm burns bright behind your eyelids.
Look at me, comes the command.
You do, and your gazes lock. His nails are still elongated, still claw-like. One pointed tip pierces your skin just as your orgasm bursts. He growls low.
The voice. His voice.
A sense of ownership and dominance enters your consciousness. You feel as if you're incomplete. only a portion of yourself, yet the end is near. It will all end, and you will be fulfilled.
In the hazy aftermath of your orgasm John's tongue traces up the beads of blooming blood. You shiver, blinking to clear away some of the euphoria. John stands between your legs. His hands are still on your thighs, keeping them wide. In full view is his erect cock. There is a slight curve to it, and at the base is a swollen bulge. John squeezes one thigh and your gaze returns to his face. They are still all wolf.
When the wolf fades, what color might they be? The question pops into your head and then quickly fades. His wolfish features are starting to bleed in again. Nose elongating, fur returning, claws lengthening.
"I'm sorry," he says, and his voice a tangled snarl.
With a quickness that startles you, John flips you onto your stomach. His hands are everywhere, spreading you wider. You briefly glimpse him between your legs before he lifts himself up and onto the stone slab, settling behind you. Above you, one half-transformed hand presses against the stone just next to your head. His other finds rest against your waist.
While your own body buzzes with anticipation, you sense an excitement along the tether. John's excitement. Of the act itself but also of a sense of peace.
The head of his cock presses at your entrance. You exhale, relaxing your muscles, welcoming him in. You're wet, and your pussy accepts him with only the slightest resistance. He holds himself there for a moment, simply breathing. Like this, you feel entirely full. It's a snug fit, but it feels amazing, like his body was made for yours and yours for his.
At your admission, John thrusts in earnest. There is nothing slow and sensual about his movements. It is only primal need and utter hunger. His arm hooks under your stomach, and then you're pressed firmly into the rock by his body. You are trapped beneath him, completely at John's mercy.
Each stroke is perfect. Cleansing.
You pant beneath him, almost in time with his own needy groans. The swell at the base of his cock slaps your pussy with each thrust. It doesn't seek entrance, but deep down, you know it will, but for what purpose is unclear.
John's movements become sharper. More intense. His panting increases, and you feel his mouth at your throat. There is a soft press of his lips, then a gentle tease of his tongue. You cannot see him, but you feel the transformation above you.
John is no longer human as his maw opens wide and holds your throat in it as he ruts. His cock swells in your pussy, stretching. The swell at the base prods, and with a final thrust, it pops in. John holds there, growling. His sharpened teeth pierce your skin. You feel the little rivers of blood trail down your throat. With the bite comes understanding. That tether becomes a solid, unbreakable thing.
Mine. She is mine.
Forever mine.
Memories and emotions crash into your skull. You see all of John for who and what he is. A wolf. A shifter. The alpha of his pack.
Within your pussy, you feel a flood of heat. Now you know what the knot is for. His pleasure becomes yours, and you shiver, another orgasm creeping up suddenly and without warning. You clench down on his cock and on his knot. His answer is a pleased growl.
Ever so slowly, the wolf’s massive maw releases your throat. The transformed paw above your head disappears, followed by the weight of him. His cock and knot remain where they are. You feel him shiver. Hear a cracking of bone. You remain perfectly still until the ragged breathing of an animal becomes that of a human.
You turn just enough to glance over your shoulder. Behind you is John. The man, not the wolf. There are no sharp claws. No pointed teeth. The tips of his fingers brush over your skin, becoming full hands that gently caress. There is no harshness. His head tilts up, and for the first time, you're seeing him as he truly is.
Blue eyes. John has blue eyes.
"I'm sorry," he breathes, exhaling deeply, a nervous flutter to his lashes.
"You're still inside me," you reply softly.
He glances down and groans. "Fucking hell. Forgot about that." He flushes slightly. "It'll be a minute."
"A minute?"
He grimaces. "The knot. Still swollen. It'll hurt you if I pull out now."
There is a stretch of silence. John sighs, his hands gentle tapping a rhythm against your ass. "This is...awkward,” he murmurs.
"Is it?" you ask, arching a single eyebrow.
"John," he says sheepishly, extending his hand in introduction.
"I know your name. I heard it through the—"
"The bond," he finishes. "I know." He drops his hand, and places it on your lower back. Using the position, John tests the knot. You wince. It doesn’t want to budge. "Fuck. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for...this."
"It's fine,” you reply, because it is.
You feel light. Content. This man is a complete stranger and yet not. Between you is the bond. There is strength in it, and a comforting embrace that you’ve always wanted but have never found.
"It's not." He sighs. "It's not how I wanted to do this," he mutters. Gripping your hips, John tests the knot. There is resistance but it’s significantly less than before. "Relax your muscles," he says softly.
You inhale, and on the exhale, John withdraws. You whimper from the brief flare of resistance but it isn't painful.
“I forget myself when I’m changed. You were threatened, and I couldn’t resist the impulse to protect you. For the wolf, that meant stealing you away. Completing the bond. But it’s not an excuse.”
You draw your knees up, suddenly realizing how exposed you are.
“You didn’t harm me. Except—”
You reach up and touch your throat. There is no blood or puncture wounds. Just a couple raised bumps that weren’t there before.
“What is this place?” you ask, glancing around.
John’s gaze scans the room, and then returns to you. “A ceremonial space. It’s been here for thousands of years. The wolf brought you here because it knew it would be safe.” He licks his lips in agitation, and then runs his fingers through his hair, tugging at them in irritation. “Could we begin again? Start over?”
“What did you have in mind?”
He places both hands on the stone slab, leaning in close. “I’ll…take you home.” His muscles bunch with tension when he says it. Along the bond, you sense the wolf’s firm refusal of the idea. “I’ll come to you during the day. We can talk.”
You scoot down the rock slab, moving closer to him. The middle of John’s brow furrows with confusion as he watches you. As you cozy up to him, you sense his calm—the relaxing of his muscles. John’s head dips, nostrils flaring slightly as his eyelids close in pleasure.
“My scent is all over you,” he purrs.
A mix of deep desire and contentment wraps you up in its embrace.
“How do you plan on taking me home? You did shred all my clothes.”
John chuckles. “Discreetly.”
@km-ffluv @tiredmetalenthusiast @miaraei @cherryofdeath
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@saoirse06 @unhinged-reader-36 @ravenpoe67 @sageyxbabey @mudisgranapat
@lulurubberduckie @leed-bbg @yawning-grave81 @azkza @nishim
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oozedninjas · 6 months ago
Can we get Donnie with a breeding kink?!😩
WARNINGS: NSFW | 18+ | MDNI | F!Reader | Donnie is 27 and he wants to put a baby in you ♡ | Breeding | slight Edging | General verses
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It amazes him how easily his mind spirals into anxiety when it comes to you. Every little measure has to be carefully calculated and framed to keep him from stumbling out of sync with you—especially with things like this, because, what if you don’t like it? Would you think he’s a weirdo for bringing it up?
Maybe he should let it happen naturally, Donnie thinks, without overanalyzing every detail. But frankly, the thought that he could put a baby inside you is utterly absurd. Improbable. Incoherent, even. Genetic and morphological differences are barriers one can't overcome. Yet… he can’t stop thinking about it.
The idea lodges itself in his mind and he can’t help but revisit it over and over, no matter how much he knows it doesn't make sense; and today, that's all he can think of as he pounds in and out of you, just the way he knows you like it. Steady, fast, hard. The lower half of his plastron grinding over your swollen clit as you cling to him. And he edges you, unable to shake the thought of his mind, not brave enough to let it seep through his mouth.
"Fuck, I wanna come," you manage through staggered breaths, "Please, please,"
He groans, feeling the electric bolts dangerously close to spreading. He grips the sheets, struggling to resist the urge to mention it, and then—
"Put a baby in me,"
It barely registers right after making him come hard and loud. He thrusts as deep as his cock can reach to unload one time after another. He's babbling something about it, but it sounds so choked by pleasure that even he can't discern what it is. He's lost in the sensation of your pretty pussy throbbing as you come with him, and it feels fucking blissful.
You take a few seconds to catch your breath.
"What- what was that? How…" he asks, a bit out of breath.
You let out a little, tired laugh. "I stumbled across your browsing history the other day. You were thinking too hard about it, don't you?"
He hides his face in the crook of your neck, the heat of embarrassment creeping up his neck. Ah, that's right… since you moved together, you use the same computer.
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gotta-winwin · 27 days ago
(𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋) how seokmin falls in love
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⭐ starring: seokmin
💌 genre: fluff | wc: 1.8k
💬 preview: House SEVENTEEN grapples with the idea that their resident bachelor might be in love…as all the signs start to show up.
tw/cw: college au, inspired by the song ‘ when emma falls in love’, lowkey crack!seventeen
🪽fic rating: pg
☁️ masterlist & a/n: this is partly a homage to b0y - every sign you see in this fic has been something he’s done for me - yes, he has a fic with him written all over it. yes, he’s still on thin ice :) anyways...another instalment of our 500 followers event!
p.s thank you so much to @diamonddaze01 for beta reading <33
this is a part of my 500 followers event
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When Seokmin falls in love, it’s fast-- nearly instant, exploding his world with color and song. Everyone around him is greeted by the sudden glare and it’s certainly hard not to notice. 
Seungcheol knew Seokmin had fallen in love when he started extending his bed time. 
Seokmin had always been an avid preacher of sleep early, wake early. He’s up by six in the morning making coffee for the rest of them and in bed by 10pm, his lights dimmed down and a satin eye mask over his face. 
So when it’s already past midnight and Seungcheol could still hear talking from Seokmin’s room, he paused.
“No, it’s great.” 
Seungcheol hovered in the hallway, his ears straining to hear past Seokmin’s closed door. 
“I think you look beautiful.” 
Seungcheol’s eyebrows raise. Seokmin was calling a girl, because no straight man would call a bro beautiful. 
Then Seokmin giggled and Seungcheol decided that was his sign to go to bed.
“No, I’m telling you, he fucking giggled.” 
Jeonghan shook his head, licking the residue of burger sauce off his finger. “Seokmin doesn’t giggle. He laughs, sure, but in a witchy cackle, not a giggle.” 
“It was definitely a giggle.” Seungcheol stood his ground. “I heard him last night when I got home from my shift at the bar.” 
Jeonghan frowned. “Didn’t you work closing? You would’ve gotten home past midnight and we both know Seokmin has never seen that kind of time on a clock before.” 
“That’s exactly my point.” Seungcheol set his cup down on the counter as if to emphasize his point. “He stayed up late on the phone with some girl and he also giggled. He’s in love.” 
Jeonghan shook his head again. “I still think you were just hallucinating. Seokmin doesn’t talk to girls.” 
Seungcheol knew he was right. The last time Seokmin had contributed to House SEVENTEEN’s love life was in elementary school, and anyone knew romances that young were meaningless. “Maybe I was hallucinating. I was pretty out of it last night-- some guy was mucking up the bar and I nearly lost it.” 
Jeonghan shot him a sympathetic smile. “Maybe you heard the ghost giggle.” 
“For the fucking last time-- our house does not have a ghost.” 
“Tell that to Chan, he still sleeps with the small light on.” 
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“Did you hear the thing about Seokmin being on the phone with some girl a couple nights ago?” The word was spreading like wildfire around the house, Joshua being one of the last ones to hear it. 
“Yeah, man.” Soonyoung nodded. “We all heard from Seungcheol last night.”
“How come no one told me till today?” 
Chan shrugged. “You would’ve heard if you had come to beer night-- which you didn’t.” 
“Okay.” Joshua raised his hands in acknowledgement. “But I’ve been noticing some odd things about Seokmin for a while now.”
Joshua had accidentally taken a glance at Seokmin’s browsing history-- that one time he had been in the washroom taking the longest shit and had left Joshua unattended with his phone unlocked. 
“No single guy searches up ‘how to wrap a bouquet’ and ‘best pasta place in town.’” 
Soonyoung slapped Chan on the back. “Bro’s in love.” 
“Then why hasn’t he said anything to us?” 
Joshua laughed. “Maybe because he knows he’ll be teased for it?” Exiting out of his research paper and closing his laptop, Joshua got up to leave. “Got a shift at the library, I’ll see you guys at home.”
He fails to mention the fact that he had spotted flowers sitting in the back of Seokmin’s closet just last night-- a plethora of pink and red roses, carnations and baby breath. 
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Jun liked to keep to himself as often as possible, although he couldn’t help but nose his way into Seokmin’s business when he stepped into his room and realized the place was spotless. 
“You cleaned your room?” He wondered aloud, noticing how the handful of empty cups and the usual heaps of clothes on the floor were gone. 
Seokmin nodded. “Yeah.”
“And you changed your bedsheets?” 
“Yeah…?” Seokmin glanced at Jun oddly from the corner of his eye. “What about it?” 
“Nothing.” Jun mumbled, sitting down on the crisp bed sheets, trying to shake the feeling that something was off about his housemate. “I just haven’t seen your floors this clean since…well, since we moved in.” 
Seokmin shrugged. “Thought I’d get my shit together, y’know?” 
“Yeah. Yeah.” 
Me: something’s wrong with seok. 
Hao (housemate #8): wdym? 
Me: i think he’s dating someone. 
Hao (housemate #8): ykw you might be right.
Minghao had caught Seokmin leaving the library late one night, his bag swung over his shoulder and an unusual pep in his step. He had never seen anyone leave a library looking that joyful, let alone Seokmin, who hated studying and anything scholarly. 
A girl had left with the same glowing look on her face just 10 minutes later. 
Minghao had chalked it up to mere coincidence, a million other reasons running through his head. Maybe Wonwoo had forgotten something at home and had employed Seokmin to get it for him. Maybe Seokmin had finally turned over a new leaf and decided school was worth working hard for. Or maybe, just maybe- Jun was right and Seokmin had been there to meet a girl. 
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“No, you’re not listening to me.” Seungkwan waved his hands in agitation. “I saw Seokmin holding a girl’s drink after class today.” 
“How do you even know it’s a girl’s?” Mingyu questioned through a mouthful of soup, gently balancing a spoonful for Wonwoo, who was standing next to him. “It could’ve just been his.”
“Mingyu’s right, Kwan.” Wonwoo accepted the soup from Mingyu. “Don’t jump to conclusions.”
“It was a venti white mocha, quad shot, 2 shots on bottom, two on top. Almond milk, caramel drizzle.” Seungkwan recited. “Don’t tell me that isn’t a girl drink.”
Wonwoo frowned. “How do you even know all that?”
“Doesn’t matter.” Seungkwan brushed their questioning looks aside. “I’m telling you, Seokmin has a girlfriend.”
“He would’ve told us.” Mingyu defended his friend. 
“No, he wouldn’t.” Wonwoo muttered from the side, knowing full well Seokmin wouldn’t. He might be one of the more naive ones in the group but he was still smart enough to know that information like this was passed around at the speed of light. If he wanted any privacy with this girl-- Seokmin would keep his mouth shut. 
“Maybe we should just ask him.” Mingyu proposed the idea hesitantly. “What harm can it do?” 
“No!” Seungkwan shook his head, hitting Mingyu’s shoulder. “Not until we get more proof.” 
“Guys.” Chan walked in, waving various pieces of white paper in his hands. “I found something.”
Chan had gone through Seokmin’s trash, setting down three crinkled receipts onto the kitchen island. 
One to a fancy restaurant down the street, another for an escape room booking for two, and one for a We’re Not Really Strangers card game. 
“You went through his trash??” Seungkwan shot him a look. “What are you, a raccoon?” 
Chan shrugged. “They say you can really understand a man by looking through his trash.” 
“Yeah, in serial killer movies.” Wonwoo mentioned, although he had leaned down to check out the receipts for himself. “Oh yeah, Seok’s definitely not single.”
“He got the card game for us.” Mingyu offered. “Was talking about it for our next wine night.”
“Okay,” Chan wasn’t ready to give up. “But the restaurant and escape room were definitely dates, right?”
“I’m keeping these as evidence.” Seungkwan gathered the receipts up and folded them into his wallet. “Good job team.”
Wonwoo rolled his eyes. “This is not Brooklyn 99, Seungkwan.” 
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Soonyoung and Vernon made it barely ten steps out of the house before they were both sprayed down with a garden hose. 
Seokmin smiled at them apologetically through their blurred vision. “Sorry, guys. Trying to wash my car.”
Vernon frowned. “Why?”
“Picking up a friend and the car was kind of musty so I thought I’d rinse it down.” 
Soonyoung and Vernon exchanged a knowing glance. 
“A friend?” 
Seokmin nodded, redirecting the water jet to spray against the passenger door. “Yeah, from Physics 200.” 
“What’s their name?” Soonyoung pushed, and Vernon nudged him from behind. They had all promised not to broach the subject. 
Seokmin shook his head. “You wouldn’t know them.” 
“Washing his car to go pick up a friend.” Soonyoung mimicked Seokmin’s lovesick voice in an exaggerated rendition as they walked further up the street. “He’s so seeing a girl.”
Vernon frowned. “Maybe he was just picking up a friend.” 
“Friends other than us?” Soonyoung scoffed. “As if.”
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The boy in question raised his head, pausing the music that was coming from his headphones. “What’s up, Seok?” 
Seokmin slid onto the bench directly opposite him, an imploring look on his face. “I need a book rec.”
Wonwoo blinked, pushing his glasses up with the back of his hand and closing his medical textbook. “You,” he paused, enunciating his words as slowly as possible. “Need a book. To read?”
Seokmin nodded. “Yes, to read. What’s the best book you can give me?”
Wonwoo thought for a moment, as his conversation with Seungkwan and the others resurfaced in his mind. “Seok, are you sure? I don’t think I’ve seen you pick up a book since…middle school.” 
Seokmin let out a huff of annoyance. “Just give me a book, please?”
“Okay, what genre of literature are you looking for?”
Seokmin blanked. “Um…just- a book?” 
Wonwoo sighed, an amused laugh escaping from his lungs. He had been skeptical about the whole ‘Seokmin in love’ theory at first, but now it was becoming increasingly hard to avoid. “Seok, be honest. Is this for a girl or something?”
“Yes.” Seokmin’s shoulders sagged. “I really need her to like me. And she loves reading so-”
“Go pick up Gatsby.” Wonwoo pointed Seokmin towards the section of the library that he knew the book was housed in. “It’ll work if she’s a girl worth chasing.” 
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All this talk about Seungkwan and his silly theory about Seokmin being in love had left Jihoon with no option but to leave the house, too annoyed by all the delusional conversations and Seungkwan imitating Captain Raymond Holt. 
Maybe it was because none of them had ever seen Seokmin with a girl before-- not even remotely interested in one. For the longest time, they had been carrying a bet that he might just not like girls. Or maybe he didn’t like anyone at all. 
“Oh my fucking-” Jihoon dropped his protein shake, the contents spilling over the concrete floor. 
There he was, in the middle of the school courtyard, arms around a girl’s waist, a bright smile on his face. Jihoon watched, horrified, as Seokmin leaned in for a kiss, his lips meeting hers in a passionate embrace. 
Jihoon pulled out his phone to send exactly one message into the groupchat. 
Me: everyone owes Seungkwan $10. 
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five-rivers · 3 months ago
Smoothie Chapter 1
Started a fic based on this post. Enjoy!
The doors of Long Now creaked open in front of Danny, and he walked in, murmuring thanks to Long Now.  The doors closed again behind him, and once they did, Danny could hear the wonderful sound of Observants shrieking for Clockwork to do something emanating from the Viewing Hall.  
He sighed, disappointed.  Most of the time, when he visited Long Now, he didn’t come for any specific purpose, but today he’d hoped to get some help on a history paper (he didn’t even know where to start, and it was a whole ten percent of his grade by itself) and to get a snack (his parents had forgotten to get groceries earlier in the week, and the nearest grocery store had been trashed by a ghost fight, so it was unlikely they’d get any today, either).  With the Observants yelling at him, it didn’t sound like he’d even be able to hang out with Clockwork.  
The Observants would probably throw a fit if they noticed Danny here, too.  He glanced back at the doors, but Long Now had, rather coyly, in Danny’s opinion, not only barred them but maneuvered a pair of large gears and a stout chain over them.  
It looked like Long Now wanted him to stay, anyway.  He looked up.  For some reason, he always felt a little more comfortable addressing the huge clockwork mechanism at the center of the lair as Long Now, even though Long Now was the entire structure around him.  “I don’t suppose you have any snacks I can eat?”
Danny thought he could probably find his way to the kitchen on his own…  But also that it would be a bit rude to wander in and eat Clockwork’s food like that without asking.  If Long Now gave him permission, though…
The gears in the walls moved, sliding open a door on the other side of the entryway.  Danny grinned.  “Thanks!” he said, quietly.  
He followed the movement of gears and chains through narrow hallways until he reached a small, but well-appointed vaguely modern kitchen.  At first, Danny couldn’t see a refrigerator, but then a door swung open invitingly, and Danny realized that Clockwork had a walk-in fridge.  
Cool.  Literally.  
He snickered at his own joke, then stepped up to the doorway.  “It is okay for me to take some of this, right?” he asked.  The door didn’t slam in his face, so he took that as a yes.  He went in.  
Clockwork’s (cavernous) fridge, as it turned out, was as meticulously arranged and organized as the rest of Long Now.  Each kind of food seemed to have its own dedicated and labeled space.  Wandering, Danny read Rampion - Witch’s Garden on the shelf under some salad, Turkish Delight - Charn underneath some odd, long, squarish blocks, and Pomegranates - Stygian Shores.  
He puzzled at the labels for a little while, before he realized that they must be - what did Sam call them? - cultivars.  Cultivars of different kinds of plants.  Ghostly cultivars?  They looked interesting.  Maybe later, he could ask Clockwork if he could bring some to Sam, she liked that sort of thing.  
In the meantime, though…  He looked around at all the fruit on the shelves and a bucket labeled Spirit Ice - Far Frozen and decided.  “I’m going to make a smoothie,” he told Long Now.  
There was a rustle outside the fridge, and Danny peeked out to see that a blender had been deposited on the kitchen counter.  He grinned and went back inside to find his ingredients.  
The ice first, of course.  Then, he needed some fruit.  He started to browse.  What looked good…?  The pomegranates, Sam said they were good for you, and he'd liked them when she gave him some.  Then a bowl of Snow-Ripe Strawberries - Three Dwarves’ Cottage.  The Immortal Peaches - Kunlun looked good.  He'd have to peel and pit them before putting them in the blender, but he'd have to prepare the pomegranates, too, so it wasn't an issue.  Ooh, he wondered how good Orange - Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus tasted for Clockwork to put his name on it.  Although that might just be a coincidence.  Then, Fairy Apples - Autumn Court rounded out his selection.
That was probably enough to make a decent smoothie, but he’d really like some milk, or maybe a banana, to make it thicker.  He scanned the shelves again.  He hadn’t noticed any bananas, but he was sure he’d seen milk.  There!  Looking Glass Milk - Wonderland.  It even looked like whole milk when he sloshed it back and forth in its glass container, which was better for this kind of thing than skim milk.  
He carried his loot back out to the kitchen proper and pulled out a cutting board and knife so he could get everything prepared before he tossed it in the blender.  He’d wash up as soon as he was done.  
First the ice (a little hard to chip into useable chunks, but his own ice powers helped), then he opened up the pomegranate by cutting off the ends and scoring the sides so he could peel them away (and he didn’t make the kitchen look like a crime scene, so take that, Sam).  He brushed off the seeds into the blender.  They looked kind of cool, the little seeds sifting down between the larger chunks of ice.  Then, he plucked the stems off the strawberries and cut them in quarters before dropping them in (that always made them blend a little better when he was at home).  He decided to juice the oranges, rather than dropping in whole slices, since the skin of the sections might not blend well.  That left the apples, which he cored and cut into little chunks, and the peaches, which he dithered over.  He’d never actually peeled a peach before, but although he didn’t mind the fuzzy outside when he was eating slices, he didn’t want the little hairs in a smoothie.  Eventually, he decided to just go for it.  It didn’t matter how mangled the pieces were before they went into the blender, after all.  Finally, he poured the nice, thick milk over the whole thing, filling in all the nooks and crannies.
Danny made sure the blender lid was securely fastened before he started to pulse it.  He’d made the mistake of not checking once before.  Thankfully, any large kitchen mishaps at home could be blamed on the hot dogs, so he’d gotten out of that without getting in trouble.  
Soon, the contents of the blender were a nice, smooth, thick, pink with a few dots of darker colors here and there.  He found a glass big enough to hold the smoothie in one of Clockwork’s cabinets, then poured it in.  
On the other side of the kitchen, a door creaked open, and Danny, holding the smoothie, investigated.  The room on the other side was the cozy little dining room that Clockwork sometimes served Danny tea in.  
“Thanks,” Danny told Long Now again, before finding a seat.  He’d drink his smoothie here, then clean up the kitchen, and if Clockwork was still arguing with the Observants… well, Danny should probably go home at that point…  He sipped his smoothie.  Oh, that was good.  He took another, deeper gulp. 
The smoothie was very good, in fact.  One of the best he’d made, if he did say so himself.  All of the flavors balanced perfectly, and the temperature and texture were just right.  Although they might not be for someone who wasn’t a cold core ghost.  The good thing about having ice powers was that he never got brain freeze anymore.  
Leisurely, Danny drank his smoothie.  He didn’t trouble himself to drink it very quickly.  He wanted to stay long enough for Clockwork to finish with the Observants.  He at least wanted to say ‘hi.’ 
But by the time he finished the smoothie, Clockwork was still nowhere to be found.  He sighed and carried his empty cup back to the kitchen.  What he really wanted to do was find a comfortable place to curl up in and go straight to food coma land, but he really couldn’t leave Clockwork’s kitchen like that.  
He put the blender in the sink to soak a little (he should have done that before, but he’d forgotten), then washed the cutting board and knife.  There were some crumbs in other parts of the kitchen - and those were not from him - and a few places were dusty, so Danny wiped those down.  Long Now helpfully produced a broom and dustpan, and Danny swept the floors as well.  Then, he went back to the sink and started taking apart the blender.  
The door of the kitchen swung open and Clockwork flew in, shoulders tense and tail flicking with agitation.  He made a beeline directly for Danny.
“Oh, hi!” said Danny, raising the pitcher part blender.  “I was just cleaning up–”
“What did you eat?” asked Clockwork.  He didn’t sound mad, exactly, but there was an urgency in his tone that put Danny immediately on edge.  
“A smoothie?”
“With what in it?”
“Um, some of the stuff from your fridge,” said Danny, gesturing with the blender.  “Some milk, ice, and fruit?”
“What exactly?”
“Um,” said Danny.  “Snow strawberries, eternal peaches, a pomegranate, a clockwork orange, fairy apples, and…  I think that was it?  And the milk and ice.”
“Show me what you took,” said Clockwork.  
“Okay,” said Danny.  “I’m sorry, Long Now opened the door, and I asked if it was okay, I didn’t mean to take stuff you were using later…”
Clockwork’s lips had gone very thin, and Danny could see wrinkles spread out from the corners of his eyes and mouth as he aged forward.  
“Sorry,” Danny said again.  
“It is not your fault, but I must see what it is that you ate.”
Danny nodded and went into the fridge.  He pointed out each place that he’d taken something from, even the ice and milk.  He had gotten some of the names wrong, but he was pretty sure he got everything.  
However, with each thing Danny pointed out, Clockwork looked more and more stressed.  Even when Danny had just taken one fruit out of a whole basket.  
“I’m sorry,” repeated Danny, tapping his fingers together nervously.  He didn’t entirely understand what he’d done wrong, but it was clear he’d screwed up.  “I don’t know these cultivars, but I can get you new fruit from the store or something?”
Clockwork turned to him, face grim.  “These labels are not cultivars.  Rather, they are not only cultivars.  They are the places they come from.  These pomegranates from the River Styx are the brothers and sisters of the one that bound Persephone to Hades for half the year.  The apples are the ones that the fae of the Autumn Court use to trap people in their realm.  The orange carried with it some of the Laws of Mechanus, although I do not know how those will behave exposed to the other fruit.  None of these things were for eating.  They are dangerous and powerful things those Realms have given me as gifts.”
“Oh,” said Danny, feeling very small and stupid.  
Clockwork rubbed the bridge of his nose.  “If the Observants had not blocked me, I never would have allowed Long Now to even show you this room.”
“What’s going to happen to me?” asked Danny.  “Should I try to throw up or something?”
“No,” said Clockwork.  “It is far too late for that.  As for what will happen…  If it were only one or the other of them, then the effects would be clear.  There would even be some precedent for eating one then another.  But when you ate them all at once, all blended together…”  He shook his head.  “Regardless, you cannot be left bound.  We will have to negotiate for your release.”
“Release?” asked Danny, feeling queasy.  
“From the obligations you incurred by eating those things.  Some of them, I think, will not be so difficult.  Others…  There are some things I must put into order before we can leave.  Stay here.  And do not sleep.”
Clockwork left the way he’d come, leaving Danny alone in the kitchen once more.  There was something smug about how the door latched itself.  
“You tricked me,” said Danny, reproachfully.  
The ticking in the walls sounded like giggles.  He didn’t receive any other response.  
With nothing else to do until Clockwork came back, Danny finished washing the blender.  
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kawhh · 1 month ago
Ok listen I like stalker stuff and I will not be taking questions at this time. Quinn doing research and preparation before starting your forever (making contact with you). He learns that you're a virgin and takes measures to protect that for you. You buy a vibrator after being goaded by your friends to do something good for yourself since you don't hookup. Quinn during one of his "research trips" to your place takes out the circuitry so that it won't work at all, his hands will be the first to bring you pleasure not some piece of plastic. You buy a new outfit to try and go home with some guy, maybe that will get the ball rolling for you. When you get home from work you notice a rip in it you somehow looked over, and that kills your confidence enough that you stay home.
Safe space here! I'm here every day for stalker!Quinn.
He'd go fucking berserk learning that you have sex toys. You're really going to ruin your innocent with some shit silicone toy? You'd do that to him? Take that away from him? Your innocence is his. He gets to force his way into your tight little perfect cunt. He's the one who gets to stretch you out. To feel his cock squeeze through your walls.
No chance he's letting you keep anything. Not even if it's just for your clit. He wants you overwhelmed with pleasure from him only.
He's ruining the charging ports, stealing cables, whatever he has to do. You'll just think it's defective.
You manage to go on a date without him knowing beforehand? He's following you. He's threatening whoever you're with the minute he can. You go to the bathroom? He's sweeping in, threatening him and forcing him to leave you there. After the date? He's following him home. Needs to send a message. A good enough threat.
You go out drinking? He's hanging around the bar, making the bartender cut you off. He can't have you drinking too much, especially around threats. You might have a moment of weakness. Might take someone home when you're drunk. You'll be vulnerable and he can't be there to protect you yet.
He's checking your browsing history, needing to know if you've been watching porn. Needs to know how corrupted you've been before he's managed to find you. Needs to know what your kinks are. He won't let you do anything about it before him, but it never harms to know.
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winged-self-indulgence · 11 months ago
I just think Ray needs a surprise holiday!
You had it all planned out.
Every meticulous step had been perfectly arranged. Every task on the board carefully categorized, broken down into a series of simple goals that you had ticked off one by one. You were on schedule, on time, on a fucking roll. And you were not going to let anyone stand in your way. No matter the cost, even to your pride, you were going to see this through.
“Star…” Ray blinked down at you, dark eyes half-lidded with exhaustion and that ever-present fondness that never failed to make your knees grow weaker. The hand rubbing the back of his neck lowered to curl over your cheek, almost petting you as though you were a misbehaving cat. “What are you hiding from me?”
“Nothing!” You replied reflexively, and then cringed when one eyebrow went up. Too quick. Usually you were a better liar, but this was Ray. Your boyfriend of several months, and the love of your life for almost as much time. You didn’t exactly want to lie to him, but this was meant to be a surprise! Did anyone know how difficult it was to plan a surprise for a mind-reader?! The meditation, the distractions, the waiting until he was out patrolling before jumping online to do research, finish up preparations, and then hurriedly delete the browsing history on your laptop?
It would all be worth it though, you thought determinedly as you marshaled your willpower and stubbornly stared up at Ray. There was no way you were going to trip up this close to the finish line. By tomorrow morning everything would be finalized.
“Tomorrow morning?” Ray echoed lightly, and you immediately froze in place. Shit, he was catching on. Fine, fine, you could salvage this. As long as he didn’t look into your room– “Your thoughts are very loud, Star.”
“I’m panicking!” You retorted, again too loud and too quick. He snickered at your flustered state while you rushed to regain control. “Um. I mean. There’s nothing in my room, I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
Ray snorted, a laugh escaping him at your obvious attempts. His tall frame cast a shadow over you as he stepped closer, herding you backwards until your spine touched the door of your room. When he spoke again, his voice was laced with something approaching genuine curiosity and anticipation.
“Come on, what's the big surprise you've been hiding from me?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. His eyes pinned you in place.  
"Now, now, Ray. Patience is a virtue, you know," you couldn’t stop yourself from teasing. When he stepped forward again, you placed a hand on his chest to prevent him from advancing further. "Besides, that’s the fun in spoiling the surprise too soon? You’ve waited this long, right?"
“I didn’t know I was waiting before,” Ray grumbled, and then a playful smirk curved his lips. “Besides, I know exactly where the fun is," he quipped, leaning in closer until his breath ghosted over your ear. "Why don’t you let me show you?"
Goosebumps formed across your skin as molten heat flowed through your body, down your spine and to the very tips of your toes. You shuddered at his proximity, your own eyes growing half-lidded as your iron resolve weakened under his tantalizing words. In or out of the blue and yellow costume, Ray was impossibly magnetic. There was no way you could deny the effect he had on you. Once he had compared you both to a binary star system, two objects in space intertwined in a cosmic dance. Destined to either be destroyed or separated for eternity.
You thought that was a rather pessimistic outlook. Maybe you wouldn’t always work things out. Maybe you would argue. Maybe the causes would be internal – your own insecurities and worries, Ray’s trauma, his misanthropy, and over-protectiveness. Maybe they would be external – the NAHA, Double Vision, and other villains. To you though, what mattered was that you wanted to work things out with Ray. He made you happy, and you made him happy, and goddammit you were going to commit to that!
You couldn't let him win this time, not when you had gone through so much effort to orchestrate the perfect surprise. It was time for Evasive Manoeuvres(TM).
Ray, lips already at your throat, immediately paused. He drew back, a deep furrow creasing the skin between his brows. “What the hell is that?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you responded innocently, as the dulcet tones of Jay Park cooing about fat asses transformed into the less dulcet tones of Lil Jon and The East Side Boys. You continued speaking slowly as the lyrics 3-6-9 DAMN SHE FINE, I’M HOPING SHE CAN SOCK IT TO ME ONE MORE TIME played on loop at the forefront of your mind. “I just think my lovely boyfriend should be a bit more patient instead of trying to ruin the surprise I worked very hard on.”
The look he shot you promised swift and punishing retribution, but you stood your ground. You both knew that if Ray really wanted to spoil the game, he had a million ways to do so, up to and including simply picking you up like the aforementioned misbehaving cat.
Kind of like right now. You let out a surprised squeak as Ray tossed you over one shoulder and headed for his bedroom. “Nice try, Star,” he remarked with a low chuckle that you felt acutely between your legs. "But you can't hide your thoughts from me forever. I plan to get it out of you tonight, one way or the other."
Approximately 18 hours later you glared at Ray from the front lobby of the beach resort as the desk worker happily announced that your room had been upgraded to a deluxe suite overlooking the beach. Charitably, he has chosen not to make fun of you, but you still stewed in your emotions as he carried both of your suitcases all the way to the elevator, through the connecting hallways, and into the massive bedroom. You wouldn’t have been able to manage anyway. Your thighs were still so sore that you’d almost missed the flight entirely.
You barely waited for the door to close before you couldn’t hold it anymore. “How did you know?!”
Ray blinked at you bemusedly, and then purposefully lifted a finger to point at himself. “Telepath.”
The pillow you lobbed at him came to a halt in front of his face and remained hovering in place before floating neatly back to the bed. The look he gave you could only be described as shit eating.
“You fucking – ARGH!” You covered your face with another pillow to muffle the mortified screeching. “I really thought I had you! How long have you known?”
“What?!” That had been ages ago, long before I’d even started looking up holiday destinations! “I’ll have you know that meditation is a perfectly normal activity! Why would that be suspicious?!”
Ray hummed thoughtfully, putting a hand to his chin while tipping his head back to stare up at the gorgeously paneled ceiling. “For a few weeks. Around the time you started practicing meditation. It was very suspicious.”
A scoff. “Star, you hate sitting still and not moving. You can’t even watch Netflix without either knitting or playing games on your phone, and I’m supposed to believe you just decided to start the one activity that’s about being calm?”
“Bastard,” you pouted, pulling away when he tried to corral you into his arms for an apologetic hug. “You’re so mean to me. Mean boyfriends don’t get kisses when they ruin surprises from their loving partners!”
“Then maybe little brats shouldn’t try to hide things from their superpowered boyfriends,” Ray snarked back, pinching the sides of your face with one hand and holding you still. The smile on his face was impossibly fond and filled with a heat unmatched by the blazing equatorial sun outside. “Still. This is the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me. Thank you, Star…” he murmured, leaning closer.
Just before your lips touched however, a familiar tune chimed from his phone. The resulting wince was Pavlovian, and you scowled across the room at the phone buried somewhere in Ray’s bag.
He twitched towards it, years of conditioning prompting his body even as it revulsed him, but you were faster. You grabbed Ray by the face and turned his head back towards you.
“I heard there’s a buffet downstairs,” you said. “It’s all you can eat seafood, and there's dessert!”
He blinked at you, attention split for a split second before focusing completely on your face. “Is food all you ever think about?” He chuckled, allowing you to tug him towards the door and out the room. “I should have lured you with free meals.”
“I don’t know,” you hummed playfully, shutting the door firmly on the NAHA and their bullshit. “I think you caught me just fine.”
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eleganzadellarosa · 1 year ago
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pairing: babydaddy!Jaehyun x fem!reader
genre: angst, fluff, smut (MINORS DNI)
warnings: dom!Jaehyun, slight breeding kink, daddy kink, rough sex, make up sex, hair pulling, spanking, manhandling, fingering, oral (f receiving), dirty talk, pet names (baby, my girl, sunshine, baby mama(he literally calls her this once as a joke), baby girl), slight pussydrunk Jae, mentions of underage drinking
word count: 10,373
AN: I wanted to write something for Jaehyun and this plot came to me so I wrote it out :) enjoy and thanks for reading! <3
You: You really fucked up this time Jae
Jae: I don’t know what to say…
You: Maybe sorry? You never actually say sorry
Jae: I’ll be there for you both, you know that
You: Whatever Jae, you know where to send the money
You kept the last text messages you sent each other to read them whenever you felt yourself falling back into an unrealistic fantasy, just to remind you why you broke up in the first place.
You were young, he was young. 19 to be exact. It was freshman year of college and one thing lead to another and you decided to keep the baby. He wasn’t against it but deep down you both knew you weren’t ready for parenthood quite yet. You had 6 years of dating history with him, having met him in your first year of high school. It wasn’t until you got pregnant that his personality changed and it lead him to do stupid things.
“You’re going to be a dad soon Jae, you can’t just act like that’s not a thing.”
“Who said I wasn’t? I’m literally just trying to live my life as a normal 19 year old! We’re not getting this age back so you can’t be mad!”
He didn’t understand at the time and you haven’t spoken to him since you broke up to know if he’s matured in any way. You loved him and you know he loved you, but there was no way you could handle the stress of him changing so suddenly.
“Come on baby, you have to come put your shoes on now” you called from the kitchen as you packed the small lunchbox into a backpack not much larger.
Being a single mom was difficult but you loved your daughter enough to look past all the hardships. You worked your ass off to make sure she went to a good school to get the best education since you didn’t have the luxury of staying home to teach her yourself.
She runs into the living room across from the kitchen and sits on the floor by the front door to slip on her shoes. You smile to yourself when you see she’s getting the hang of putting them on the correct foot.
You grabbed her backpack and your lunch bag and rushed to put your shoes on as well. You checked her outfit one last time before walking out the door.
It was routine to take her inside and to her classroom, making sure she made it safely and to greet her teacher every morning.
“Hi Mia! Let’s all say good morning to Mia!” the teacher waved both her hands to get the kids’ attention.
“Good morning Mia!” they all shouted in unison and a few of them ran up to hug her.
You stopped her to exchange your goodbye kisses before she ran off with her friends. “Thank you so much, I will be back later to pick her up.” You waved to her teacher as you walked toward the door.
“Of course, you have a great day!”
It was also routine for you to make a quick stop at the local cafe for a hot drink before work, usually choosing anything that goes good with two shots of espresso. When you walked in, a mixture of cinnamon, nutmeg and every other fall scent filled the air, making it clear of the changing seasons.
The man in front of you stood tall and browsed the many options on the overhead menu. “Must be new”you thought. Ever since you moved to this small town, you’ve grown used to seeing familiar faces, so someone not knowing what they wanted from the menu in such a popular cafe was strange.
He was handsome from the back. Dark chocolate locks slightly slicked back minus the few strands that fell to the front and a great sense of style. He wore a simple brown turtleneck under a black jacket with black pants and shoes to match. He looked expensive. You stopped staring at him so intensely when he finally spoke up to order.
“I’ll go with the pumpkin spice latte, and add two shots of espresso please.”
Funny, that’s exactly what you planned on ordering. Great fashion sense and good taste? Now you were curious if his face matched his handsome image from the back. To your dismay, he went straight over to sit at one of the corner tables by the window, back turned toward you.
“Hey, great morning we’re having! What can I get ya?” the cashier at the front greeted you as she always does, seeming to always have a smile on her face.
“Uh, I’ll actually order what he did” you pointed in the dapper man’s direction and she nodded her head as she pressed a few buttons on the screen.
“That’ll be $3.75”
You took your card out of your wallet and tapped it against the card reader. You went to sit at your favorite seat and wait for your order to be called.
“Pumpkin spice latte, two shots of espresso!”
You looked up from your phone and watched the barista push two identical cups forward on the counter in the pickup area. As you approached your drink, you looked over to see the man still sitting in his seat. He must not have heard them call out the order, but taking a quick glance at your watch there was no way you had time to be a good samaritan and make it to work on time.
You picked up your latte and walked toward the door, taking one last look back to see if you would witness him getting his drink before you fully stepped out. Surprisingly, he got up from his seat and turned around to go over and retrieve his order. You felt cold, body frozen with your hand on the “push to open” door. Your hands were trembling, drink barely secure in them. Your heart dropped.
There he was, in the flesh. The father of your child and the man you once called “the love of your life”. You moved to this town to start a new life and get away from having possible run ins with him, but seeing as he was standing in the cafe you visited everyday like clockwork, your plan to stay hidden had been ruined. You quickly turned around before he looked in your direction and pushed the door open.
You stared at the road in a daze, driving with your limbs on autopilot. It’s going on 5 years since you’ve seen him last and could have gone the rest of your life without doing so.
You had to admit, seeing him made you realize how much he blossomed more into an adult in such a short amount of time. You missed him, but had to think of the text messages that still sat in your phone today. You could never let yourself fall down that hole again, especially for your daughter’s sake. You hated Mia not knowing her father, but it was best for now that she didn’t get attached to someone who might not stay.
You parked your car in the lot, hands still gripping the steering wheel, your head falling forward on the horn. It was going to be tough getting through your shift today with the anxiety bubbling up in you. What was he doing here anyways? To you, he had no business in this small town. There was nothing too exciting about the place and it seemed to house mostly people 30 and above.
Whatever he was here for, you hoped it was only for today and you didn’t have to go through seeing him on a regular basis.
4 o’clock came sooner than you expected, probably thanks to how unfocused you were all day. Right now your daughter was the only thing on your mind and you wanted to pick her up quickly so she didn’t wait longer than need be.
“Mommy mommy! Look, I got a sticker!” she runs up to you with her arm extended to show you the sticky image on the back of her hand.
“Wooow baby, it’s so nice! Who gave that to you?”
“Mrs. Burgess! She said I did really good on my writing my name today!”
You smiled and patted her on the head, picking her up and planting a kiss on her cheek.
“Great job my Mia, mommy’s so proud! You have to show mommy how you write your name later okay?”
She nodded and wrapped her arms around your neck as you opened the back passenger door for her to sit in her car seat. After strapping her in, you slid in the front ready to get home and end the day.
“Mommy, next week is parent’s day! Everyone made paper flowers for their mommies and daddies.”
“Ooo a surprise for mommy? I can’t wait to see it!”
“Yes! I made one for daddy too so tell him to come too!”
You froze in your seat, taking a peek at her from the rear view mirror. “Mia…daddy’s not here remember?” you swallowed thickly, hoping that she would skip over her mistake and leave the conversation alone.
“Why can’t daddy come this one time? I want to give daddy his flower.”
You were stumped. As much as you tried to prepare yourself for this day, your mouth was sewn shut. You didn’t want to contact him, you didn’t want to see him, you just didn’t want to get hurt again. You weren’t even sure if he had the same number if you did want to shoot him a text. You were the one to break up with him because of his antics and you were also the reason why he had never come to visit. From changing your number to moving to a whole different city, you tried to erase your identity from his memory.
It wasn’t something you wanted to worry about and you hoped your daughter would simply forget by the time next week came around.
The next morning, you went back to the cafe, heart not racing until you look over at where he sat yesterday. Thankfully no one who matched the description sat there now and you considered yourself off the hook. What were the chances he had actually moved to this city and yesterday was one of many days you’d run into each other?
“Hey Emma, same as yesterday please!” you smiled at your normal cashier and went to go sit in your usual spot after you paid.
“Y/N?” The voice sounded unsure, cautious, in disbelief. When you turned around, his eyes matched the tone of the words that left his mouth. “Oh my god, it really is you! You look…good.”
Your mind was going haywire. Jaehyun was standing merely inches away from you, looking just as good as he did yesterday in much more comfortable attire.
“Hey Jae.” you said weakly, “Yeah, you too.”
“I uh…would have paid for your drink if I knew it was you.” He smiled his signature smile. That damn smile and those stupid dimples. It took everything in you to not slap the look off his face. “C-can you talk? It’s been a while.”
Admittedly you didn’t have to be to work for another hour and a half, so you had time since it was only 30 minutes away and traffic was still good. You were indeed curious what he wanted to talk about but didn’t want it to turn out like it did the many times you played it out in your head. It wouldn’t hurt to try though.
“Uhhhh yeah sure.”
He smiled as if he high-fived himself for getting you to agree and he followed you back to your table after grabbing the drinks.
“How have you been? I hadn’t seen you around and now I know why.”
“I’ve been good, just working. And yeah, I’ve been here. How have you been?” You looked down at your cup and let your thumbs play with the sides.
“I’ve been good too. Working mostly, nothing special.”
You nodded your head and gave him a small smile, having the courage to finally look up at him.
“How’s the little one?” he asked hesitantly but you knew it would come out eventually.
“Mia? She’s good. She’s in kindergarten now.”
His eyes widened and the grip on his cup got a bit tighter. You forgot he didn’t know the name you chose since you moved before you went into labor and never got the chance to discuss any of those things.
“Wow, I see I missed a lot…”
“Yeah Jae, you did.”
“Well if you don’t mind, I can change that. I’m actually in the process of moving here in like 2 weeks. I can take her to school some days and watch her too to take something off your plate.”
Fear welled up in your chest at the mention of him taking her since it felt like he would never bring her back. “I’m actually not comfortable with that at all. I’m not sure she needs someone so unstable this early in her life.”
He raised an eyebrow, “what is that supposed to mean?”
“Well I don’t know Jae, I was alone my entire pregnancy so I’m not sure I can trust you to be there for her.”
He looked down and his jaw shifted, mouth hanging from the scoff he let out. “I know what I did was wrong and I’m very sorry about that, but you moved and changed your number before you even had her so what the hell was I supposed to do?!”
You knew he was right but you hated that he dismissed the reason you left in the first place. This conversation was a bad idea just like you thought it would be and you didn’t want it to last any longer than it needed to. You stared at him with a deadpan expression and stood up from your seat. He grabbed your arm and sat you back down.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for that to come across so harshly. I just wanted to be there for the both of you and that wasn’t the easiest thing. I know I made some mistakes but I would never leave our daughter like that.”
“My daughter and I don’t know if I can trust that Jae. I don’t want to see her sad.”
“I promise you I wouldn’t want to see either of my girls sad. Give me your number, I can text you when I get settled in and we can discuss this some more.”
It felt like the energy in the earth shifted while you handed him your phone. That “my girls” shit you completely ignored and had no time to fall for one of his tricks. Why did it have to come to this, you not trusting anything he says?
When you got in your car and drove off, tears streamed down your face. In some way you felt defeated like he broke through the defenses that you so effortlessly built. It was scary, him reentering your life right after your daughter mentioned the parent event at school.
A week passed and you had forgotten all about parent’s day until the morning of when Mia told you “not to forget to tell daddy to come”. She never worried about this man before or maybe you were so stuck on keeping him away that you didn’t notice how much she wanted him around.
Jae: Hey, I just wanted to ask if you could send me some pictures of Mia? I don’t want to go crazy and ask for all of them, but I wanna see her from day one.
You stared down at the text and then looked at the date. According to him at the cafe, he should be here next week and you knew he’d want to see her. You also knew that if you told him about Mia’s flower for him, he’d be over asap. Not yet you thought. Him meeting her would have to wait until he got here and until you were ready. For now, pictures would have to suffice.
Jae: She’s so gorgeous 💕
Jae: She looks a lot like you I think but she definitely has my dimples!
The comparison made you sick. You knew it was his kid but you tried not to see his side of it. Fuck, this was gonna end so badly, you could feel it. One more week, one more week before you had to deal with whatever he threw your way and truthfully you weren’t ready to catch it.
It was time to pick up Mia and attend the parent’s day event. You walked inside the classroom and smiled at all the other parents and teachers that you passed by. Seeing all the couples made you realize just how single you were and you lowkey wished Jaehyun was here to make it not feel so awkward.
Mia’s eyes lit up when she saw you and ran over with your flower in one hand and his in the other.
“Did daddy come too?!”
You chuckled awkwardly and shook your head. She looked up at you for a few seconds before bursting out into tears, shocking you and everyone else in the classroom. You quickly picked her up to shush her but her feelings were hurt and you would be trying to comfort her for a while. Your poor baby, you hated doing this to her but she didn’t know how scary the whole situation was.
Maybe it was only scary for you and she would be just fine with everything if he decided to leave again. You missed him. His presence, his laugh…his dick. The relationship was going so strong and one small mistake messed it all up. Boys are so stupid you said to yourself while you rubbed her back and fought the tears building up in your eyes.
He never told you what day exactly he would be here but when the next week hit, your anxiety increased tenfold. He probably felt so good about himself for knowing you anticipated his call, text or even seeing him in the cafe again. You actually hadn’t seen him since the last time and you guessed it was because he had a few more things to sort out before he moved.
You looked down at your phone when you heard the notification. His name shines brightly on your phone and your palms get sweaty.
Jae: Hey Y/N, I just finished moving all my stuff in. I wanted to take you and Mia out to the park this weekend if you weren’t busy.
There it was. The time you knew was coming but still didn’t fully prepare for. He was once again taking control of the situation and you detest not being able to gain it back.
You: Hey Jae, sure what time and which park did you want to meet at?
He turned his read receipts on for you, so you knew he checked your message almost immediately. He gave you a time and place and said to also let him know if you were down for lunch. You felt the slight warmth in your heart, feeling like you did back when you used to date. This is exactly what you didn’t want to happen. You didn’t want your feelings for him to come back just because he was around again because you knew it would cloud your judgement.
If he messed up again, you would have the pleasure of telling him “I told you so” which gave you something to look forward to. When you got home and told Mia that "daddy wanted to see her", she almost went through the roof with how high she jumped. She even went to school and told all her friends about it. You had never seen her so excited for something and you hoped he didn't let her down.
When the weekend approached, you stood in front of your mirror staring at your outfit for too long. In reality, you weren't really looking at your outfit, you were stuck in another daze not mentally ready for what the day had to bring. You chose something between casual and cute just in case the park got you dirty. An oversized argyle sweater tucked in a pair of light blue jeans. As for your hair, you settled on some loose curls.
"Come on mommy, let's go see daddy!" Mia was already by the door putting on her shoes.
"Are you sure you're ready to see daddy?" you spoke to her as you straightened her clothes and added bows to her two pigtails. If she said no, you would have made up any excuse for her, but seeing how she couldn't sit still while you added her accessories meant that her backing out wasn't an option.
Jae: I'm omw there now, it's not too far from me so it won't take me long.
You: Okay, we're otw too.
You took your last deep breath before walking out the door. When you stepped out the car with Mia, she immediately ran over to get on the slide. You took a seat on the bench across from her, keeping an eye on her around all the other kids. You watched her aimlessly, thumbs twiddling as you waited.
You turned to see Jaehyun walking up to you with a bag in hand. He was dressed in a plain black tee covered by a burgundy cardigan, black jeans and black sneakers. God he looked so good, why did he have to be so damn fine?
"Oh hey." you smiled and waved lightly.
He sat next to you on the bench, knees touching.
"I brought Mia a gift. I'm not really sure what she likes but she always had a bear with her in her baby pics, figured she'd want an upgrade." He reached into the bag and pulled out a small plush rabbit, something you knew Mia would love. He reached in for something else, and pulled out a small box, handing it over to you. "I got you a little something too."
You raised both your eyebrows in shock and grabbed the box from him. You opened it to see a spa voucher for a full body massage and under it was a small dainty necklace with a single diamond on it. You loved simple jewelry liked this and apparently he remembered.
"Oh that's so thoughtful of you Jae, I really love it. Thank you."
He look relieved that he properly guessed what you'd like as a gift. He opened his mouth to say something but got cut off by Mia.
"Daddy! Hi daddy!" she came running over to you both when she saw him sitting next to you.
Your heads shot in her direction and you looked over at him, the biggest smile spread across his face. He opened his arms and she crashed into the hug as he picked her up and sat her on his lap.
"Hi Mia! I'm so glad to see you, you look so pretty!"
"You look pretty too daddy, I'm so happy you came! Since you didn't come to my school, I'm going to give you your flower now!"
He looked over at you confused and you felt guilty for not telling him about the special day. She reached into her bag that sat next to you and pulled out the paper flower similar to the one she made for you. His face brightened and he leaned over to grab it.
"Wow Mia you did such a great job! Daddy has something for you too!"
Her face lights up and she jumps up and down. "Daddy has a gift for me mommy!" You laugh at her excitement and nod your head. She squealed and spun around with the rabbit he gave her and thanked him multiple times in a short minute. She went over to hug him again and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you daddy! She's my favorite!"
He laughed and rubbed her head before she sped off, back to whatever kids she made friends with.
"It's kind of unbelievable."
"What?" you didn't know what he meant but patiently waited for his answer.
"I can't believe we have a kid together and she's already this big. 5 years seems like such a long time."
"It is. A very long time actually." You caught a lump in your throat when you were forced back to the reality of the situation. Seeing him and Mia interact so well together makes you wish you could turn back time and start things off on a better foot. Jaehyun was a great guy and you knew that, but you couldn't forgive him for his immaturity back then.
You sat on top of the toilet, hands shaking and eyes watery looking at the positive result on the pregnancy test. You didn't mean for this to happen and didn't think it actually would happen. It's not like you and Jae never fucked raw, but his pullout game was usually top tier. You both got too caught up in the moment and he came in you with no hesitation. You thought everything would be fine since you immediately went to the bathroom, but the double lines staring back at you told you a different story.
You were scared, not because you didn't want a baby with him but that was a plan you made for years down the line. You were both freshmen in college and this would ultimately throw a few wrenches in both your plans. You knew he would be understanding though and that helped ease your mind some.
You: come over after the game, we gotta talk
Jae: 👀 uh oh babe, don't scare me like this. Is it bad?
You: not exactly...
You: just come over when you're done
There was a knock on your dorm door within the next 10 minutes and you know he stopped the game of basketball he was playing with his friends for you. Your feet dragged you to the door and you opened it, Jaehyun out of breath on the other side. His shirt was missing and sweat dripped off his body.
"What's wrong baby? Is everything okay?" he asked walking in and closing the door behind him.
You hated that the moment couldn't be better than you telling him in the living room of your slightly run down dorm. You grabbed the test out the pocket of your red pajama shorts and held it up so he could see it.
"Jae, I'm pregnant."
His eyes grew to the size of tomatoes as everything sank in and he stood there stiff as a board. You were starting to get nervous when he didn't say anything and wasn't really sure how to handle his reaction.
"Jae say something, you're scaring me..."
"I-oh my god...I mean baby I'm so happy but this is just so sudden."
"You came in me last month Jae, there was always a possibility. And you don't really look happy."
"I know baby, I know, I just didn't think it would actually happen." He pulled you into a hug a rubbed your back. "I'm happy for us, I really am and I know you'll be a great mom."
This all came as a shock to you too so his reaction wasn't far fetched. Everything that followed after is what surprised you. He barely ever spent time with you anymore and he was always out sneaking drinks with his friends. Jaehyun was never a fan of alcohol but the news of your pregnancy seemed to unleash a new side of him and you hated it.
One night a friend of his texted you to come get him because he was so drunk and feeling up on every girl at the party. It was disappointing and embarrassing, his behavior was outta control and he never had an explanation for it. You got to the party and saw him hugged up on some random girl who was taking advantage of the attention. You went over and tapped him on the shoulder.
"Ooooooooh, hey babe. I didn't know you were invited." His eyes were droopy and he slurred every word. He grabbed around your waist from the couch he sat on and leaned his head against your stomach.
You pushed his head off and dragged him by the arm, pulling hard as he resisted.
"Get the fuck off me! Why are you trying to ruin this for me?"
The words came out harshly and you couldn't help but think he wasn't talking about the party when he said "ruin". Most people stopped to look at the fight brewing between you and Jae, and you felt the heat rise in your face. Tears threatened to fall when he shoved you away again and walked off, leaving you to stand in the crowd by yourself.
It was that night you made up your mind that he wouldn't be the partner you thought him to be and you had to move on without him. That's the night the messages were exchanged and you changed your number not long after, not waiting to hear whatever shitty excuse he came up with.
As you sat on the bench with him looking at the daughter that formed from you two, you wanted things to be different. You wanted to be able to lock your fingers with his and know that he was going back to a home you shared.
All of it was as true as a pig flying. As if being able to feel the shift in energy from you, Jaehyun looks over and watches how you watch Mia in a daze, eyes showing sadness he’s never witnessed. He wanted to pull you in for a hug, kiss your forehead and rub your back but he knew the reason behind that sadness was him.
He hated what he did to you and how he acted. Everything was just so sudden and truthfully it scared him. The idea of being a dad but the expectation of being a GOOD dad. He was fucking terrified and he made the wrong decision of trying to drink and party his fears away.
Before he could apologize you were already gone. Dropped out as if school no longer mattered, or most importantly, him. He loved you more than words could describe and he messed it all up, possibly never having the chance of getting it back. Not being able to handle the sorrow you tried to conceal, he suggested you all went for lunch since Mia had been playing continuously for the hour you had been here.
“Come on Mia, let’s go eat with…let’s go eat.” you stopped yourself from referring to him as “daddy” simply because you’re not sure how long this relationship would last and it would feel weird calling him that all of a sudden.
Mia runs over and grabs Jaehyun’s hand and looks up at him with a wide smile. He looks down and returns the smile and tightens his grip. He looked good as a dad and it was something you never doubted, just unfortunate circumstances that made you think otherwise.
“You guys can ride with me and I can just bring you back here to your car when we’re done. Is that okay?” He looks at you as he stands at his car, hand resting on the roof of the driver’s side.
Before you could speak, Mia shouted excitedly that she wanted to ride with him so there was no way you could say no especially since you weren’t ready to have him be alone with her.
He smiled and jogged over to the passenger side where you thought he’d be opening the door for Mia but opens your door instead. You turned around to thank him as you got in, but he was already buckling her in the backseat. It felt weird not being the one to drive around wherever you needed to go but it felt nice at the same time. Being a passenger princess eased your mind some and you felt like a chore had been crossed off your list.
“Everyone buckled in?” He hopped into the driver’s seat and looked in the rearview mirror at his daughter before looking at you and you give him a nod.
You kept your eyes on the road as best as you could but they would occasionally slide over and watch him drive. You rolled your eyes for constantly letting his looks distract you. You couldn’t help but notice how much more toned his body seemed under his clothing, and remembering how your nails would dig into his back while he roughly thrusted into you.
Ugh. You clenched your jaw and shooed the image in your head away, sitting in silence for the remainder of the ride. When he pulled into the parking lot, his arm instinctively reached behind your seat to boost him up high so he could see as he parked. You didn’t expect to blush so hard, but having him this close and smelling his cologne had you sidetracked.
“Daddy you’re a good driver, I’m going to drive like daddy when I get big!” Mia exclaims when Jaehyun opens her door and unbuckles her.
He chuckled and smiled as he picked her up, “Thank you baby, daddy will teach you okay?”
He carries her to the door of the restaurant and opens it for you. When you enter, you can feel his eyes watching you. After sitting down and ordering, there was a slight awkward silence besides the few times Mia would think of something she wanted to tell him. You and Jae ordered pasta and Mia wanted a sandwich.
"Daddy can you cut my sandwich please? It's too big." She pouted as she pushed her plate closer to Jaehyun's side of the table.
"Mia, honey you have to do some things yourself…”
He waved his hand dismissing whatever you just said. “No it’s okay, I’ll cut her sandwich for her especially because she asked very politely, good job Mia.” He patted her head and grabbed her plate.
Just watching their interactions showed you just how much Mia is falling in love with being around him and you can’t help but want to cry. You want this relationship between them to work, you don’t want her to feel the sadness you did. A part of you also wants you and Jaehyun to work but you brushed it off as a rekindling feeling because you haven’t been with anyone like this in a long time.
“How’s your food? I saw this place had good reviews so I’m hoping it lives up to the expectations.”
“Oh, it’s actually really good. I’ve never been here before so it felt nice to try somewhere new.”
“Oh really? How come you’ve never come here?” He leaned forward, chin resting in the palm of his hand, attentive and ready to listen.
You stared at him for a second. Gosh he’s so gorgeous, you see why you started dating him in the first place. But it was this moment now, the way all his attention was focused on you that made your heart flutter and you suddenly felt 19 again. He had always been so good with listening to whatever problems you had and never made you feel like you couldn’t talk to him. You missed that and with the lack of friends in the past few years, it felt good to have an adult to hang out with.
Being a single mother made you have to put in the extra work so you never stopped to make friends. It was your fault but it didn’t help knowing that you were only overworking yourself to keep your mind off of him. You wanted him to hug you, hold you tight and tell you everything was okay. That all the years you spent apart were worth it and necessary.
“Uh, I don’t know. I guess I usually just don’t have time for myself.”
“You don’t hang out with your friends?”
You smiled awkwardly. “I…don’t have any friends. I’ve been working a lot since Mia was born, so I don’t really have time to make friends. And I also don’t have a babysitter nor would I trust a random person to watch her.”
Although he tried to hide it, there was a gloominess in his eyes as he listened to you. "I understand and I'm sorry you went through so much. I'm serious when I say I will always be here for the both of you no matter what. I lov-I care about you and Mia so much and would never do anything else to hurt you. I promise." He grabbed your hand that rested on the table and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
You caught how he almost said he loved you. Did he really or was he just saying that to make you trust him? The feeling felt foreign after so many years and you weren’t sure how to handle it.
“I had fun today daddy!" Mia rushes over to hug him and he picks her up and squeezes her tight.
"Aww I'm so glad you did, daddy had fun too. I'll come see you and mommy again soon okay?" He put her down and watched her run back to you. He walked over to hug you also, hesitating a bit but went through with it when you didn't back away.
It was more like a side hug because he didn't want to make you uncomfortable, but it was a hug nonetheless. You surprised yourself letting him get so close but even with the 2 seconds his arm wrapped around you, it felt so nice to be in his arms again. He was softening the walls you built up and it made you feel stupid for letting it happen so quickly.
"Thank you for taking care of her for so long, you're such a good mother. I'm going to keep my promise to the both of you, I'm very serious about this. You have my number, so don't hesitate to call me and ask for anything. I'm right here and from now on I will always be here."
You bit on the inside of your lip and focused your gaze toward the ground. You weren't sure if you wanted to slap him then hug him or just hug him. You waited this long to have someone by your side to make you feel like you weren't alone in all this but it still made you feel so uneasy, and truthfully it was stressful. You were going to trust him this time and see where it got you, already preparing yourself for the worst.
In the next few weeks, he kept in touch to either check on you and Mia or to ask if you needed anything from him. You were growing soft to him, falling in love with him all over. You felt like you were finally getting the attention you'd been missing all this time and it felt weird knowing it was coming from him.
Today, he was coming over to help with grocery shopping. You told him he didn't have to but he insisted on helping and carrying the groceries in the house so you wouldn't have to move a muscle.
"That's what I'm here for" he said when you told him you'd been doing it by yourself this whole time. "You don't have to worry about that type of thing anymore with me here."
Shopping went well until some jerk decided to hit you with his cart because you stood in front of something he wanted.
Jaehyun went over and shoved him on the shoulder. "What’s wrong with you man?! You couldn't just say excuse me?!"
The man went to shove Jaehyun back but he slapped the guy's hand away before it connected. "Maybe tell your stupid girlfriend to read the room and not stand in front of stuff, asshole."
"Hey man, watch your mouth around my daughter and don't talk about my girl like that.” He took a step closer to the man. “You better apologize before I fuck you up."
A blush painted your cheeks hearing the conversation between the two men. You looked over at Mia whose lip was pouting as she tried not to cry. You hurried to the front of the cart and hugged her against your chest to shush her. They argued continuously and you saw Jaehyun's hand ball into a fist. You went over and rubbed his arm to hopefully ease his anger.
"Jae it's not worth it, people like him don't deserve your time.”
His jaw clenched and his fist unclenched. He goes to turn around and the man says one last thing to tip Jaehyun over the top.
"Yeah man listen to your girlfriend, she's a keeper. If you don't fuck her, I will."
Jaehyun turns around and punches the man in the face, causing him to stumble back against the shelves. Both you and Mia scream and you stop Jaehyun from landing another punch. Security comes to further break up the fight and ask about what happened. Thankfully there were witnesses who vouched for Jaehyun and the guard let him off the hook while escorting the belligerent man out the store.
Jae went back to pushing Mia in the cart and thumbed away her drying tears. "I'm so sorry Mia, daddy didn't mean for you to see him that way. He doesn't like for anyone to say bad things about his girls." He looked up at you and offered an apologetic smile.
Back in the car, you noticed his knuckles slightly bruised as his hand rests on top of the gear shift. You looked up at him and could tell he was still slightly annoyed by the situation from earlier. You placed your hand on top of his and his expression softened.
"Thank you for earlier, for protecting us. I don't want you getting yourself into trouble over anything like that though."
"Y/N I know, I'm sorry. I just couldn't handle him talking about you like that."
"Jae...I'm not even your girlfriend though."
"You're special to me and the mother of my child, so it doesn't really matter." he says as he backs into your driveway. He looks back at you, slightly leaning onto your armrest. "Don't ever think that someone will be able to talk crazy about you in front of me."
You quickly avoided his gaze and unbuckled your seat belt. "I have to get her inside so she can eat and get ready for bed, it's late."
He sighed to himself and pressed the button to open the trunk. "Okay I'll get the bags, just get Mia and open the door for me."
He helped you bring in all the bags and even put the groceries away. This was his first time being in your home and it truly felt odd.
"Daddy, are you going to stay and eat dinner with me and mommy?"
He stopped playing with her and looked up at you, who looked back at him.
"Uh, I'm pretty sure mommy is sleepy baby, maybe another time? You have to get to sleep soon after you eat."
She pouted her lips and looked at you. It wouldn't hurt to have him stay since he was so nice and helpful today.
"No, I'm actually fine and I would love to repay you for your kindness. Stay with us for dinner Jae."
He looked down at Mia and they both smiled. He kissed her forehead and got up to come into the kitchen with you. "Well at least let me help with dinner." He grabbed your waist and slid past you to get to the fridge. "Lemme know what you need and I'll cut, chop or whatever else for you."
For dinner, you made chicken parmesan and caesar salad. He did a lot of the prep work and set the table after. You caught yourself blushing a few times having him stand next to you and from the overall interactions.
"Come on Mia, let's eat!" you had to get her attention since she was fully focused on whatever storyline she made up for her dolls.
"It smells so good mommy, I'm so hungry!"
Jaehyun chuckled and you smiled at her compliments. "Well daddy helped too so you have to tell him that too."
Her mouth formed a small "oh" and her eyebrows stood in shock. "Daddy's a chef!"
You both laugh at her choice of words and get settled at the table, ready to eat. Dinner was a success, everyone had perfectly clean plates and bowls. Maybe it was because you were happy, but dinner just tasted so much better. Maybe you should have him over more often.
"Daddy...do you love mommy?" The sudden question from Mia made both you and Jaehyun quickly look up at her, you almost choking on the drink you were sipping.
"Why do you ask Mia?" Jaehyun is the first to speak up after the slightly long silence.
"Well...you always tell me you love me but you never say it to mommy and mommy never says it to you. But you should love each other because that's just how mommies and daddies are."
He chuckled nervously, unsure of how to respond. He cleared his throat when he felt your eyes on him, waiting to see what he would tell her.
"Yes...I do love mommy. I will always love her so don't you worry okay? Come on, let's go get ready for bed. I want to say goodnight to you before I go."
He got up from the table and took her in the bathroom so she could brush her teeth. You leaned forward, elbows resting on the table. You wanted to pull your hair out. Knowing he still had feelings for you made this so much harder. You loved him too, you know you did and you never doubted it. It was just still so hard to accept that he wouldn't do anything to mess up whatever you had now.
After cleaning the dinner dishes, you went and sat on the couch and opened a bottle of wine you had stored for a few months. You set down your glass and pulled out the cork. You weren't much of a drinker, but tonight you were in need.
You turned around when you heard the door to Mia's room close and saw Jaehyun tiptoeing away from it. He put his finger to his lips to tell you to stay quiet.
"She's asleep, she was so tired." He came around and sat on the couch with you, eyeing the bottle of wine on the coffee table. "Mind if I stay for a drink?"
You shook your head and pointed to the cabinet containing the glasses and he grabbed one before reclaiming his spot on the couch. You both sat in silence having finished your quarter full glasses a while ago. You looked in the direction of Mia's room and looked back at Jaehyun, both of your elbows resting on the back of the couch.
"You mean a lot to her Jae, I can see how much she loves spending time with you."
"What about you?"
The question threw you off guard but you should have expected it after he confessed his feelings at the dinner table. "What about me?"
"Do I mean a lot to you? I know I messed up a lot in the past, but I'm really trying Y/N."
Your eyes met his again and if there was one word that would describe the way he looked at you, it would be genuine. You knew he was telling the truth and you knew he expected an answer.
"I-I...I don't know Jae, honestly this whole thing has been terrifying and I can't help but want to keep my guard up. I've been so alone these past few years that accepting you back into my life scares me so much. I just don't want to be alone again..."
He grabbed your face in his hands and softly kissed your forehead. "I know, I know and I'm sorry. My babygirl didn't deserve that and I really want to make it up to you. Just trust me and let me take care of you and Mia, let me be in your life again. Please."
You felt stuck, stuck in between wanting to hate him and wanting to let him love you, leaning more toward the latter. Perhaps it was the tiny bit of wine in your system, definitely not enough to get you drunk, but enough to give you confidence.
You leaned forward and kissed him, heart beating fast enough to power a machine. When you leaned back, he looked at you with an unreadable expression. The alcohol immediately left your bloodstream and your face burned with embarrassment.
"Jae I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"
He pulls you back into the kiss, hand dragging you in by the waist. He put his all into it and you were starting to feel dizzy. The last time you kissed him was before you had Mia, so to say the kiss had your body heating with lust was an understatement.
He tugged at you and pulled you into his lap, your arms immediately wrapping around his neck. His hands were everywhere, never stopping in one place for too long. He slid his hands under your shirt, playing with your boobs for a quick second before tossing the shirt over your head. He broke the kiss and looked at your chest like a kid in a candy store. You wanted to cover them with your hands, but he slipped a hand behind your back to unclasp your bra before you could.
Your breasts fell free and he wasted no time in letting his lips wrap around your nipple. His hand came up to massage the other one and your hands came up to tangle in his hair. After not being with him for so long, you forgot just how much you missed the sex with him. He was always a giver and always made sure you came even if he didn't. Eventually his hands traveled down your back and landed on your hips. He rolled his hips up into you and you both moaned into the kiss.
You reached down between your bodies and palmed him through the pants he wore. He ground up into your hand and you felt just how hard he was. As you began to fiddle with the waistband, he shifted and eased you down onto the couch as he moved between your legs.
"Shh shh baby, let me take care of you tonight. Let me show you how much I missed you."
He kissed his way down your stomach, placing a kiss on each side of your hip bones. He slipped off your skirt and panties in one go, a string of your arousal sticking to your underwear.
"Fuck, you're so wet..." He bit his lip and dragged a finger through your folds, playing with the slippery mess between them.
He bent down to connect his lips to your pussy. He made a few circles around your clit with his tongue, earning moans from you, before slipping a finger in. You gasped and your hips bucked involuntarily. He moved them faster and faster, holding your thigh down with the hand not in use. You can tell he was enjoying this just as much as you were with his heavy breathing and the way he slightly humped the couch beneath him.
He then used the hand holding down your thigh to rub circles on your clit as his tongue joined his fingers.
“Jae, I’m so close!”
Your legs tried closing but he used his elbows to stop them.
“Cum for me baby, let it out.” The vibrations of his voice sent shockwaves through your nerves.
The simultaneous stimulation sent you over the edge and your toes curled almost cramping your foot. He brought his hand up to his mouth and sucked his fingers clean, never breaking eye contact.
He moved up your body to trap you in another kiss, this time your hand finding a way to his nether regions. You dipped your hands into his pants and into his underwear to stroke his length. He stopped focusing on the kiss for a few seconds and rutted into your hand.
“Jae, please fuck me while my mind is clear.”
He quickly removed everything from the waist down and now you both lay naked on the couch. He tapped his dick on your clit and rubbed it through your folds a few times to get it wet. He eased into you and cursed under his breath. It’s been so long that you forgot just how big he was, stretching you to new lengths but it felt so good.
“Fuck, you’re so big.”
“Did you forget already?” he laughed with his brows furrowed as he concentrated on not cumming too quickly. “Fuck you’re so fucking wet.”
You grabbed onto his biceps as he got balls deep, feeling so stretched and full. You moaned when he started thrusting into you slowly, bucking your hips to match his speed. He grabbed onto your waist and sped up his pace, skin slapping against each other.
“Fuck Daddy that feels so good~” you tried to stop your eyes from rolling back from the pleasure.
“Shit, if you call me that again I might get too rough.”
You looked up at him through hooded lids, his lip caught between teeth as he tried to keep it together. But you didn’t want that, you wanted him to fuck you into an empty headspace. You wanted to forget everything he’s ever done wrong and trust him as he is now.
“Fuck me harder Daddy, don’t hold back.” You wrapped your legs around his waist and you could see the switch in his eyes.
He pulled out of you and flipped you over with ease. Now you laid in a “face down ass up” position ready to take whatever he gave you. He rubbed his hands up and down your body, grinding his dick against your folds.
“Gosh I missed this pussy so much…” He lined himself up and slammed back in making you gasp.
This angle and the speed he chose truly did make you feel like he was fucking your thoughts away. By this time you were basically screaming, not able to make full sentences. He grabbed a handful of your hair and pulled you up as he bent down and whispered in your ear.
“Not too loud, you don’t want Mia to wake up and hear how much of a slut you are.” He tugged on your hair harder and thrust into you harder, your moans getting louder. He landed a slap on your ass and covered your mouth with the other.
“Fuck Jae! I’m gonna cum!” You tried moving your body forward to give yourself some time to breathe, your heart pumping like you were on a treadmill.
The hand over your mouth slid down and wrapped around your throat and he was back at your ear.
“Stop running and take this dick. Let Daddy fuck the stress out of you.” He reached down with his other hand and rubbed harsh circles on your clit. He felt your walls squeeze around his girth and he knew you were close and he wasn’t too far himself. “Cum for me baby, I know you want to.”
“Oh god Jae! It feels so fucking good~”
Your toes were curling, your walls were clenching and your vision was dimming. Your orgasm was approaching quickly and you knew it would be mind blowing. His thrusts were getting sloppier so you knew the way your pussy sucked him in had his head spinning.
“Fuck, where you want my cum baby?”
“Inside Jae, please!” You knew you hadn’t been on birth control in a while but something in you made you feel safe enough to choose the most dangerous answer.
He loved fucking you raw, but getting to also cum inside did something to him. Telling him that seemed to power his thrusts, they were now like he wanted to split you in half.
“Missed Daddy so much you want him to fuck another baby in you?” His hips were starting to stutter, you felt way too good around him. “Fuck, please cum with me, cum all over me baby. God you feel so good around my dick.”
His hand moved from your clit to go up and squeeze your nipple while he bit down on you shoulder. The mixed pain and pleasure pushed you to your orgasm and you squeezing around him pushed him to his, both screaming out each other’s name. He pulled out and watched his cum drip out of you, the sight alone could make him hard again.
Him inching out of you was just as euphoric but your body had no strength to keep itself up for another round. You laid there evening out your breaths with a smile spread across your face. You heard him shuffling around behind you and eventually he came back with a warm towel to clean you up.
He placed gentle kisses down your spine and rubbed where he left a handprint on your ass. “I’m sorry if I was too rough.”
“You were rough, but you know that’s how I like it.” You chuckled and built up enough strength to sit up and look at him. He looked amazing all fucked out and sweaty, you wanted to pounce on him again. “Thank you for helping to ease my mind.”
“I want to do that for you more often, I wanna be your man again Y/N. I’m sorry for everything I said and did to you to make you feel like I didn’t love you anymore. I love you so much and I will spend the rest of my life making sure you know that.”
You quickly wiped the tears that threatened to fall and looked away from him. He pulled you into a hug and rubbed your head and back. You wrapped your arms around him and fully embraced the hug. There was no holding back now, you accepted him and was ready to give him another chance.
“Don’t go, stay with me tonight.”
“Of course baby, I’m never leaving you again.”
Over the next few months, Jaehyun frequented your home, whether it was to run errands with you, drop Mia off from school or just to spend time with the both of you. There were days you also spent nights at his place. The sex was also constant. No matter where or when, he would have you bent over or pinned up against something as he slammed into you.
You loved every second of it, having him by your side on the daily again. He often brought you and Mia around his job to meet his coworkers whenever they had events, even making friends with one of the other families who had kids around Mia’s age. He showed you off like an art piece, one that only he possessed. You were his to keep and everyone else barely had the privilege to look.
“Hey baby mama, so the office is having a party to celebrate the collab of our international partnership and I want you to come with me.” He stood behind you with his arms wrapped around your waist, peppering kisses on your neck as you stood making your cup of tea.
“Haha ew Jae do not call me that. Of course I’ll go baby, when is it?” You turned around and wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him.
He sighed happily. “I will never get tired of your kisses babygirl. It’s next week and it starts at 8 and I know you’re worried about a babysitter for Mia, but Tracy said she could watch her because she didn’t want to go.”
It didn’t hurt to let her watch Mia, this would be the first time you and Jae did something together without her. You thought about it for a few seconds more then nodded your head. He smiled brightly and kissed you again.
The venue was classy and you understood why Jaehyun told you to get so dressed up. You didn’t have anything to wear so he took you shopping the day before to get everything you needed. With him by your side, you felt like a billionaire. You wore a long black draped collar dress that was made with a sparkly fabric, a slit going up your right leg.
Jae loved it on you, bending you over in it when he came to see it on you in the dressing room. Speaking of him, he wore a plain black suit with a matching tie and white button down. He looked good and with the way his hand kept rubbing your ass, you knew he’d take you somewhere later to fuck you.
Everyone commented on how great you two looked as a couple as you walked to your table. The event wasn’t very long so there were only standing tables with drinks and small hors d’oeuvres. His boss stood in the middle of the large open space and tapped the microphone to get everyone’s attention.
“First and foremost I’d like to thank everyone for coming. Today we celebrate the long awaited partnership with Korea in order to expand our company. It is thanks to all of you that we were able to achieve such a wonderful thing and hopefully we continue to grow.” He turns to look in the direction of you and Jaehyun. “We have also gathered here today for something else special, so if you would all please turn your attention this way.”
You were confused and when you went to turn and ask Jaehyun what was going on, you looked down and saw him on one knee. Your eyes widened and you covered your mouth with your hands. You blinked back as many tears as you could while he spoke.
“Babygirl, I know we’ve gone through some rough times, you more than me, but I’m going to continue to keep my promise to you and Mia for as long as I live. You are my sunshine, my rock, my everything and I love you so much. You are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, not as your boyfriend but as your husband. Y/N will you marry me?”
There was no fighting off the tears this time and you nodded your head as you continued to say yes. The whole room filled with cheers as he placed the ring on your finger and stood up to pull you into a kiss. You hugged him tight and his hand rested on the small of your back.
“Yay mommy and daddy are going to get married!”
Shocked, you turn around and see Mia all dressed up. You look up and see Tracy waving at you from the other side and you wave back. Jaehyun picks Mia up and holds her between the both of you.
“See, daddy told you he would love mommy forever.”
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bloomstream · 13 days ago
HIII BLOOM !!!! i was wondering if you could do a lil fluff drabble of you chilling with sero in his room during like a talking stage ?
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⋆˚࿔ the synonyms of epitome
authors note: siri what is a talking stage. seraph thank u for requesting ⸝⸝^ᴗ^⸝⸝ sorry for the wait!!
contains: gn!reader, unestablished relationship, fluff, awful flirting
word count: 1.1k
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“and she was the—“ hanta glanced up at you. his eyebrow lifted as he looked at you through the stray hairs that had fallen from his shaggy— surprisingly well kept —mullet. you could see his jaw lock into a comfortable smile as he propped it up in the palm of his hand.
“epitome.” you nodded in confirmation. 
it was only midday, so you could hear the distant sounds of footsteps and murmurs of conversation coming from the ua lively students outside. you glanced at the blossoming cherry blossom trees out of hanta’s slightly ajar window. the blush dusted leaves fought against the wind, constant rustles confirming its battle. 
you rest your head against the headboard of hantas bed and took it all in. the wind whistled loudly, sharing secrets with the inner shell of your ear. you liked days like this. simple.
“epitome,” hanta copied from the foot of his bed. his pointer finger followed the words in the book mr. aizawa had assigned for your ancient history class too long ago. 
you had already read the book and wrote your review paper on it two weeks ago but when hanta came to you asking if you wanted to read the awfully boring novel together, who were you to say no?
hanta had a way of making everything feel more alive. over the past few months you, and a handful of other people, have taken notice of how much the two of you spend time together— in how much you enjoy his presence. 
he didn’t have to be telling a dumb joke or making fun of something stupid denki had done. something as simple as being by your side while you’re folding your laundry or mindlessly browsing on your phone, was enough to make you feel so unreasonably good. 
there was something special about your relationship with hanta. something that hasn’t been spoken about on surface level. but the signs were definitely there. 
“she was the epitome of beauty.” hanta finished the sentence, he brows knitting together. “epitome.” he said again. he pinned the book onto his bed with one hand and idly fiddled with his ruffled sheets with his other. 
“he’s basically saying she’s the perfect embodiment of beauty.” you said. “he really likes her.”
hanta nodded his head slowly, “but when he talks to her he acts like he doesn't care?” hanta asks, but it’s clearly his question is coming from curiosity and not confusion. 
you let out a short hum in reply and thought of the best explanation. “well.. maybe he feels too nervous when he  talks to her and can’t show his true emotions?” you tap your fingers against the spine of the novel. you hadn’t given the half baked romance trope of the book much thought but hell if hanta was asking, you were suddenly interested too.
hanat scoffed, shifting from his position. “if i thought someone was the ‘epitome’ of beauty,” his words started off strong but seemed to slowly tumble into a declaration of uncertainty. still he went on, “i would talk to them before anyone else could.” he let out an airy breath. “but i guess i don’t blame him for being nervous.” he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. 
you nudged his leg from your spot on the bed, “so what? you see someone you like and immediately ask them out?”
hanta’s eyes flicker to your smirking face,  “i see someone i like and i become their friend.” his eyes fell back onto his bedding. he was really admiring the 100% cotton material. 
“uh huh.” 
“and maybe, eventually, i would ask them out after a couple of years.” he says, his finger making a swirling motion.
“a couple of years?!” you exclaimed, shooting up into a  straightened posture, “you’d make the person you think is perfect wait years for a confession?” you asked, a finger pointed at the tape boy as you suppressed a laugh. you didn’t expect hanta to be so... timid. “who would wait that long?” you asked, genuinely curious.
hanta finally peeled his eyes away from his sheets. his tone indicated that his confidence quickly flooded back, “someone who really likes me too.” he stated, as if it was the easiest thing in the world. 
it was your turn to shift positions now, suddenly feeling like you were under interrogation, when you were really just under hanta’s gaze. your finger fell at his shockingly mature reply. “i guess that makes sense..” you bite your lip.
hanta chuckles at this.
you sighed before you spoke again, allowing your curiosity to get the best of you, “sooo what type of person are you even into?” 
in the couple of years you’ve know hanta he’s never actually had anyone he was talking to, at least not that you know of. and for some reason you felt the need to learn everything about him. it was only natural, right?
hanta shrugged, “someone who can put up with my bullshit.” the book was abandoned now, his idle tracing too, leaving all his attention on you. 
his eyes lit a dangerous fire under you, one that scuffed the surface of your interest. not to the point where it burned, but it left your skin unusually warm. “that leaves your playing field pretty empty huh?” you choose to tease, knowing that if you thought too hard you’d send yourself into a red faced spiral. 
hanta laughed, rubbing his forehead as he shook his head. “not completely empty.” he remarked, something about his words hinting at a subliminal message. “what’s your type then, cerebrito?”
the question caught you by surprise. you hadn’t had time to focus on building romantic relationships with others. you mostly focus on strengthening the relationship you had with your friends, hanta being your strongest. 
“i guess i would like to date someone who can make me laugh. and who likes to spend time with me.” you replied, purposely being broad. hanta had a telling look on his face, making you intrigued to what he was plotting.
hanta nodded, clicking his tongue. “would you like, be into some guy who likes to read boring ass books with you?” he asked carefully, almost like he was ensuring he could play off as a joke if you didn’t answer adequately.
you smiled, ignoring the increase in your heart rate and the sirens blaring in your head. leaning forward, you
force yourself to gently shove his chest, “i would be into a guy who knows what the word epitome means.” you bite back— though it’s more of a playful nip . 
hanta raised a brow and put on a smile, “oh? so you wouldn’t be into a guy who’s the epitome of stupidity?”
he's so stupid. so stupid and so your type. 
“i’m into guys who finish their homework.” you tapped the edge of his copy of the novel. 
hanta settled back into his original position, grinning like he had just won a golden prize. “alright y/n. give this guy a couple of hours and you won’t have to wait any longer.” he brought his focus back to the work below him, “i promise.”
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rookiesbookies · 1 year ago
Oh my God, if you wrote more sex doll!141 I would be thrilled. It's such a good concept and you've executed it wonderfully!! (Personally I'm partial to simon but if you wrote any of the other characters I would still eat it up).
So I’m going to be honest, Simon is a very difficult character for me to right in intimate situations because of how his character is structured. It’s one of the reasons I have trouble flushing out how I write him and why he may be much more varying than my other boys when I write them fic to fic. He’s truthfully the hardest character for me to right and he’s the one I know the most about so I hope this is good.
Masterlist is pinned on profile as always, check out my AU list for more like this. Don’t forget to leave me a comment (i always try to respond) or a request in my inbox (i also try to respond to these when I can), a reblog, or even just a like to let me know what yall want to see!
I gift you, Sex Doll!Simon and his loser!reader as a gift. As always, under the cut.
A doll and his loser 2, electric boogaloo.
When Simon’s lady had ordered him, she had also been drunk. She was ovulating, feeling sorry for herself, and incredibly horny when the ad on whatever porn site she was on popped up for the sex dolls. So she scrolled through the options, noticing the ‘Johnny’ Doll was sold out, but it didn’t matter, one had caught her eye immediately. The doll style they had named ‘Simon’. His mask made her run wild. She noticed how the pants clung to his thighs and wide shoulders and it made her mouth water. She couldn’t even remember what she ordered the next morning between headaches and vomiting but she just assumed it was something she forgot and paid off that credit card charge.
It was days later when the box arrived.
“Big ole box you got there,” her neighbor teased, “need help getting it in, little lady?”
She huffed, she had been trying to push it in for about 20 minutes. “Please,” she whined.
Her neighbor helped get the probably 200 pound package into her room. The box was all scratched, fragile stickers torn. She thanked her neighbor and ushered him out as she began to open the weird box.
The language seemed made up, but she didn’t expect to get the box open and a giant Ken doll to fall on her with a loud thud as the two hit her floor.
“You’re a big bitch,” she groaned as she shoved the doll off her. His eyes fluttered open and she watched him curiously. “Hi.”
She was met with silence. He seemed mute, like his mouth was stuck shut.
Confused and slightly disappointed, she stared down at the doll lying on her floor.
She had expected an interactive experience, a companion that would fulfill her desires, but all she had in front of her was a lifeless figure. Frustration began to well up within her, fueled by the lingering effects of her hangover.She had gotten wasted the night before again.
Frustrated, she decided to give the doll a chance. After all, she had spent a considerable amount of money on it, and maybe there was a way to activate its features. She carefully inspected the doll, running her hands over its smooth, artificial skin and marveling at the intricate details. But no matter how hard she looked, there didn't seem to be any buttons or switches that would bring it to life.
Determined to find a solution, she grabbed her laptop and searched for the website where she had made the purchase. But it was as if the site never existed. It wasn’t in her search history, it wasn’t in her purchase history, she couldn’t even find a number on the box.
Frustration turned to confusion as she scrolled through her browsing history, desperately trying to find any trace of the website that had led her to this mysterious doll. It was as if the entire transaction had been erased from existence.
Feeling a mixture of unease and curiosity, she decided to take matters into her own hands. With the doll still lying motionless on the floor, she sat down next to it and began examining every inch of its body. Perhaps there was some hidden mechanism, some secret activation method that she had missed.
Then she saw the icon on the box between the gibberish writing, something about the lips.
She crouched down and tenderly pressed her lips against the cool, skin textured rubber of the cheek of the robot. In response, his previously stiff body began to move and his facial features softened into a look of happiness.
A surge of excitement coursed through her veins as she realized that there was more to this doll than met the eye. She had stumbled upon something extraordinary, something beyond her wildest dreams. Her hangover instantly forgotten, she eagerly awaited what would happen next.
Slowly but surely, the doll began to move. Its previously inanimate limbs twitched and flexed as if awakening from a deep slumber.
“Hi,” she said softly, running her hand over the mask.
He flipped his mask up over his lips and quickly kissed her passionately.
She let out a squeak as he climbed on top of her.
“So pent up,” he mumbled, kissing down her neck as she giggled. His hands roaming free. “So stiff, I could use a good stretch, love. And it seems based on your purchase of me, you could too.” He said with a teasing tone before pulling off her pants she wore to work.
He began to eat her through her panties, but it was more lip locking with her lower set. He moved her panties to the side and continued his make out session with her labia. His teeth occasionally gently pulling on them. He took his sweet time getting her wet before he did any more. He spit on her then dug in.
Messy, his face covered in her natural lube, mask rubbing against her clit.
She sat there like this for a while but she got too loud so he stretched his long arm so his palm stretched over her mouth, thumb rubbing her cheek as he continued. Her eyes rolling back as he edged her slowly. One, then two, then three times. Her body convulsing as he finally lifted himself, she let out a whine and he shushed her before freeing himself from his jeans.
He got real close to his ear. “How badly.” He commanded.
She whined out pitifully as a plea.
“Good.” He said, throwing a leg over his shoulder before sliding in and thrusting. A fast pace in, a roll of the hips, and slow pull out. He held this pace for so long she began to feel like the sex doll. It was brutal in the most wonderful way.
Toe curling.
Ball smacking.
Pussy dripping.
Best sex of her life.
Her cervix thoroughly bullied.
Her moans muffled and covered by his rough palm.
Her rug covered in sweat, her flooring under it glistening with heat.
When he finally let her come it was like reaching the peak of Everest. She gasped and whined and moaned, almost screamed into his palm. He fucked her through it and came not long after from her body milking his cock.
He removed his hand and cock making her whine, returning his mouth to her cunt to make out with it again.
He cleaned her of his cum before picking her up and running a bath.
“Worth every penny.” Was all her mushed brain could muster.
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pictureinme · 1 year ago
kinktober day xxii. VOYEURISM – edward 'riddler' nashton
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idea from my lovely bf xoxo @standloser word count: ~1.2k tags: both pervy eddie & reader, male masturbation, teasing, somewhat exhibitionism, and they were co-workers masterlist | ao3
Edward’s breath catches at the sight of your bare shoulders– watching from beyond the crack of the locker room’s door. You had just finished your weekly visit to your office building’s gym– a place Edward didn’t even know existed until he decided he wanted to ‘accompany’ you on your way out of work.
You tended to be alone in your late-night excursions here, and that’s what you preferred– time to decompress after getting chewed out by your shared dimwit boss. You and Edward had adjoining desks on the same level at KTMJ, working the numbers of Gotham. The two of you had never actually exchanged words, but you always remembered his coffee order when it was your turn to pick it up– that was more than enough to get him hooked.
His eyes would always dart over your desk, taking in all of the knick-knacks and post-its that cluttered the space– Edward would smile to himself at how easy it was to figure out what you’re like, all while you were none the wiser. All your little intricacies were on full display for him, and, well, you were never the most careful about locking your computer when you left your station. There’s a plethora of secrets that would, more often than not, be considered not safe for work in that drive of yours.
All this to say: Edward felt a certain sense of possessiveness over you, and that baseline primal urge was not something he could resist. That’s how he finds himself ogling at your form, hidden by the darkness of the hallway outside the changing rooms. He hasn’t unzipped his slacks just yet, no– you hadn’t even taken off your sports bra yet.
You weren’t as unobservant as Edward pegged you to be– you were more than aware of his borderline obsession with you. Every time you left your desk to go to the bathroom, you purposefully left your computer available for his perusing– leaving your rather unsavory browser history uncleared. Maybe you didn’t actually browse porn at work, but you liked to leave little breadcrumbs for him– you knew that he couldn’t help but imagine you in such predicaments that you’d search.
Edward needed just a bit of a push in the right direction, so you made sure he knew where you were headed after work so often. 
You knew he was watching your every move, so you decided to give him as much of a show as you could. Agonizingly slow, you peel your bra off your damp body. Edward couldn’t see your breasts from this angle yet, but he still had to stifle a moan at your delicate movements.
He bit his lip as you bent over– the way your leggings fit your curves perfectly was almost too much. Edward felt his cock twitch at the immediate thought he had of grabbing your hips, pulling you back onto his hardness over and over– grinding against your clothed behind until he came all over the taut fabric.
You pulled the leggings down slowly, and he quietly whined as he saw your panties. At this point, Edward knew he was close without even having to touch himself.
Acting as if you didn’t hear the pathetic noise from just beyond the cracked door, you stand up straight and turn to face the floor-length mirror before you. Edward swiftly pulled out his cock from the confines of his now too-tight work pants as soon as he finally saw your bare breasts on display. He watches through lidded eyes as you trace the curves of your body, idly wondering if you checked yourself out like this often– did you touch yourself in front of a mirror as well?
Seating yourself on the bench, your closed legs still hide your arousal– if you showed him, would he notice how wet you were from all of this? How badly you wanted him to take you right then, lack of pleasantries exchanged aside?
You could see that familiar glint of his glasses in the dark, and you knew you had him wrapped around your finger. He stares at your perfect thighs, just waiting for the moment when you’d tear them open– he knows it’s greedy, but he needs to see all of you. You can hear that obvious, yet quiet, sound of Edward pleasuring himself, and you hold back a smirk as you open your legs.
He whimpers, stuttering in his ministrations, as he sees what he believes to be a patch of wetness on your grey panties– were you wet? How fucking lucky did he get? Edward’s mouth hangs open as his wrist feels as though it may cramp from just how fast he’s going. Peering down at himself for a moment, he sees that familiar bead of precum and makes no hesitation to spread it over his reddened tip– only making him closer to that depraved orgasm he so needed.
Edward watches as you move your hands down your legs, seeming like you may be about to pull your work pants back on– he couldn’t waste this opportunity so lovingly presented to him. The sounds increase, both from his movements and his voice, and you betray yourself– you catch that glint in the dark through the reflection.
It was only for a split second, and Edward knew there was definitely no way you could see him, but despite it all– he spilled all over his hand, as well as the tiled floor. His breath, harsh and ragged, would’ve made his presence more than obvious to you, had you not known already– Edward wasn’t as covert as he’d like to think.
As he hears your shuffling in the locker room, he zips himself back up and quickly grabs a crumpled tissue from his jacket pocket– wiping the evidence from his hands. Glancing down, he sees the rest of it on the floor but ultimately decides to just wipe it away with his shoes. Edward leans against the wall, chest still heaving with every breath.
“Oh, hey, Edward!” You stepped out of the locker room, your sudden presence causing him to stand up straight. “I didn’t know you went to the office gym!”
He stutters, wiping his sweaty palms on his jacket, “I, well… yes? I do now, yes…”
You smile politely, the satisfaction of seeing him so frazzled was more than enough, “That’s great, I thought I was the only one using it!”
“Mhm…” Edward looked as if he’d seen a ghost, but he couldn’t deny the tightness slowly returning in his slacks, “It’s, uh… extremely underutilized, yes.”
“You must’ve had a good workout, huh? You’re all sweaty!” You begin to walk past him, swinging your work bag over your shoulder. “Sucks that they don’t provide us with showers too, right?”
He continues to try and stutter out a response as you make your way to the stairwell, but all he can muster out is a pathetic ‘yup,’ long after you have left.
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t00thpasteface · 8 months ago
me: (browsing youtube recommendations afterwatching a brief history video) huh, i should watch this video on common misconceptions about the 1950s just in case to make sure i don't say anything completely fucking braindead in my MASH fic. i mean, i don't have any love for that era, and i've certainly read plenty about it before, but hey, maybe i'll learn something new
the video: our first common misconception is that the 50s were a peaceful time. in 1950,
me: (looks at the camera like i'm on the office)
the video: [...] the korean war is often called the "forgotten war." however, two decades after it ended,
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