#maybe since it's not gonna be only one book anyway I should start with something easier
syb-la-tortue · 2 months
Sigh. I do very much miss your pirate stuck art, although I also miss cosplaying, haven't really had a chance since the pandemic, and nothing in this world will part me from my captain karkat cosplay lol...anyway, you mentioned in a previous post that you might put your art together and repost it somewhere, and/ or post more lore regarding pirate stuck...what about a digital artbook of sorts? Like something people could pay a fee to download? That way you'd be somewhat recompensed for the tedium of having to reupload everything. I know I'd be willing to pay, and I feel like I'm not the only one. Lol also a friend's son got us to start watching one piece and I blame part of the fact that it's begun to grow on me on you. Ps, you might not remember me, I've been off Tumblr for years.
I do remember you!! :3 at least your username is vividly familiar to me as one I saw often back in the day in a way that gives me positive feelings toward you~
doing a digital artbook thing (or like, many artbooks) that people could download for a couple bucks is pretty much what I have in mind of doing, I just,,,,,, have to do it,,,,,,, a very hard project to start when I keep thinking of the little hurdles in the way u_u like all the piratestuck lore! which I'd love for it to not be lost to the void but as it is it only exists as dozens of asks scattered through hundreds of posts that I to be fair are saved in a sort of backup but not easily searchable @_@
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a-b-riddle · 5 months
Part Three
Warning: If you don't like Taylor Swift, you're not gonna like this chapter that much, homie. But So Long, London is so fitting for this drabble series. (I guess a series since it's longer than a drabble at this point)
Can’t stop thinking about reader just trying to move on
You had to remind yourself several times not to check in with the guys. It had almost become second nature doing something big like this. But going to another country…
Not that they would care. You told yourself. It was for the best that way.
The expo went better than you expected. You didn’t believe that there would be a line out the door of eager readers wanting to read your book, but you got a decent amount. More than a few told you they couldn’t wait to read it. Several asking for photos and asking questions on any future books, a spin-off or even continuing the series.
When one a particular large group of girls your age asked for a group photo, you could have cried. They were had found each other in an online book club. You had given them your book several months ago. All copies signed with a note thanking them for taking the time to read what you had poured your heart into.
You had spent a large chunk of your free time talking to them. Bonding more so as women than over your book.
"Have you listened to Taylor's new album?"
It had only been out for two days and you had been able to avoid it like the plague. You didn't need to even listen to 'So Long, London' to know it would fucking gut you. So you would enjoy your time in the states. Save the listening experience for when you were packing up their stuff.
They had posted and tagged you before continuing on with the rest of the expo. You had reposted the photo to your own social media. Or at least one attached to the pen name you had crafted. You only had twelve thousand instagram followers, but it was something.
The first day was much like the second. You had attended several Q & A sessions with a panel of more experienced authors and managed to go to a few meet and greets. Before you knew it, it was time to pack up shop.
The agent the publishing house had assigned to you had stuck with you for most of the day. You were able to pick her brain a bit about new ideas for possible future plot lines and her thoughts. Overall, the trip was great.
Not only were you able to make great connections and take a lot back home with you to reference, but for a few days you forgot what waited for you back home. Or rather what wasn't waiting for you.
By the time your plane landed back in London you could barely hold yourself up. You left the expo, went straight to the hotel to shower, pack and head to the airport.
Your flight was delayed. Your luggage was taking forever to get onto the belt. It was only seven, but fuck if you weren’t ready to just call it a day. Tomorrow you would have to start again. Opening up the shop. Coming back to an empty flat. Maybe start gathering up the items the boys had left behind.
Should you give them in separate boxes or just one giant one and let them sort it out themselves? It was easy to discern whose sweatshirt and t-shirts belonged to who, but when it got to things like socks and chargers...
They could sort it themselves.
You could drop it off at Kyle's when you knew he would be at the gym. He was good at avoiding you anyway.
It wasn't until you stood in your apartment did it hit you.
You were alone.
For the first time in over a year you couldn't call one of them over to soothe that ache of loneliness.
For the first time in over a year, you had to relearn how to handle just being alone.
You usually showered at night. Washing away the grime of the day before settling into bed. But today was a new chapter. You woke up wanting to start it on a good note. Plus you went straight to bed after getting home so you still had a bit of airport funk on you.
It had been a week. One official since you had sent that text nailing the coffin shut. You had touched base with your friends who didn't bat an eye at you dating four men at once. They liked them, even if Simon scared them. You didn't give them the details of the breakup or the cause. You were pretty private in your problems and if you wanted relationship advice, you would seek an unbiased unopinion.
You had a good group of friends, but the moment you told them that you were well and truly heartbroken, they would insist the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else. Something you were nowhere near ready for.
So you needed to look like you had your shit together. You put on a dress that was feminine and, most importantly, comfy as fuck. An A-line floral frock paired with a light sweater and some white trainers. You knew a few of your friends would be stopping by for tea so you need to look like you were taking the separation well. Even if you were barely holding it together.
With makeup and perfume on, you started the early morning stroll to your shop.
You loved openings. Starting up the register and selecting the playlist for today. Picking out the essential oil to put in the diffuser even though you mostly stuck with a lavender and vanilla blend during the spring months.
For the morning you stuck with a Taylor Swift Instrumental playlist you had found initially for studying, but you liked the peaceful feeling it brought. Even when it covered the most gut wrenching songs.
You had started to collect the online orders that had accumulated over the last week. Sending out the e-mails alerting to your patrons that their orders were ready for pick up. Luckily you weren't set to receive a delivery until tomorrow.
It was eight and everything was set. Although not many people came to a bookstore at eight in the morning, it really didn't bother you opening up that early considering you were the only employee that was on the payroll. It gave you the possibility of making money, but mostly you spent the morning reading or writing.
You flipped the sign over from CLOSED to OPEN. Ready to start take on the day.
You had turned the kettle on in the back room when your friends had stopped by around lunch. You always said it was just tea, but you always had an array of snacks on standby for you all to munch on.
Meredith was complaining about what a dick the new client at the law firm was being. An absolute slime who had been married to his wife for almost twenty-five years before he decided to fuck his twenty-two year old assistant.
Tabitha didn't want to talk about work. To her, her career in tech was just a paycheck. She did what she needed to do and left when she was done.
You talked about the expo and how your book. Although neither of them really read, they had promised that they would read your book. You didn't hold your breath. They had reposted your posts as well as making ones of their owns in celebration of you. Words of praise about your dedication and hard work.
You realized that even though they couldn't give you the support you needed as readers, they supported you blindly. You could have written absolute garbage, but they would still support you.
You talked about how many people liked your book and wanted pictures and to sign their copies.
Then came the question you had been rehearsing since you had texted them a week ago. They both shared a look before Meredith finally asked.
"How are you holding up?" You gave a half-smile and a shrug. So perfectly rehearsed in your head you were ready to deliver your lies lines.
"I'm fine," you lied. "It was just fading so there isn't much of a difference, I guess." Not necessarily a lie. "We just wanted different things and were on different paths in life." Not a lie. "It's for the best." You weren't sure if that last one was a lie or not just yet.
They both shared a passing look before returning their gazes back to you. "You know you can come to us about this stuff." Tabitha's hand reached across the table, placing a hand on top of yours.
"It wasn't going to work out." You added. "Situations like that don't and I should have known better."
"A situation?" Meredith asked. "When have you ever called it a situation?"
"It always was one."
"I love you enough to call bullshit." She raised her eyebrow at you, crossing her arms over her chest. "You loved them and you need to stop pretending this is easy."
"You're a divorce lawyer, Mere," You reminded. "You see marriages fall apart every day."
"I do. I get to see from across the table how a woman is still willing to take her cheating arse of a husband back. So the fact that you went from on cloud nine with all of them to not even talking about the break up is concerning to say the least."
"Tabitha," you looked at your only ally left. "A little back up would be nice."
"I'm with her on this one." She confirmed. "You loved them. Not that I cared, but if you weren't talking about books or the shop, you were talking about them. What you did, where you went. How they fucked you."
"I think I'll miss that part the most." Mere sighed. "I lived vicariously through you."
"You know you could actually date people." Tabitha suggested.
"I'd rather live with chronic carpal tunnel than a man." You almost choked on your tea. If you were wearing pearls you would have used the comedic relief of clutching them to break the awkwardness of the current topic of conversation.
"That should be put on a t-shirt." You suggested
"I wouldn't mind it on a welcome mat to be honest." Tabitha added.
"But in all seriousness, cut this bullshit." Meredith gave you an sympathetic smile. "We're here. Good, bad and ugly."
You returned her smile. "I know."
You had closed up shop for the evening. Your lunch had gone longer than expected so now you were left doing the dishes and clean up during closing. You were setting the last cup on the drying rack when you heard the front door chime.
You must have forgotten to lock the door when you turned the sign.
“I’m sorry!” You apologized, making your way out of the back break area and to the front of the store. “We’re-”
“Closed.” He said, locking the door behind him. “I saw the sign.”
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tootiecakes234 · 7 months
I just know you would receive “gifts” from Katsuki all the time. They’d be little things to make your life easier that you didn’t even know you needed.
You like to read at night to unwind, but sometimes it’ll be a really good book so you want to stay up reading it. The thing is you don’t wanna bother Katsuki cuz you know he has a strict bedtime. This means often times you’ll stay a little longer in the living room reading as to not bother him.
One night you’re getting ready for bed when you see a box next to your bed.
“Hey Kat, is this yours?”, you say loud enough for him to hear you in the bathroom.
He peaks his head out the door and says, “No, I ordered it for you.” And then goes back to what he was doing.
You sit on the edge of the bed and open it up. It’s a reading light with a dampener so you can adjust the brightness.
He comes dragging his little slippered feet towards his side of the bed.
“Now you can keep your ass in bed. Tired of waking up and you being asleep on the couch. I’m an old man, I can’t keep carrying you to bed.”
You look at him with a bright smile on your face.
“You know you can just say, you like me being in the bed with you while you’re sleeping. You know, because I’m your big bad protector and I make you feel safe.”
“There is no talking to you sometimes you know that?”
It’s winter time and you always have your gloves on because you HATE your fingers being cold. The only problem is of course you have to remove said gloves to use your phone when you’re out and that SUCKS.
You’re out with him one day and you’ve been texting back and forth with Mina because her and her girlfriend are in an argument and she of course comes to you about it.
You are always there for your friend so you’ve been removing and putting on your gloves over and over again until Katsuki can’t stand it anymore.
You’re outside on a bench waiting for him while he runs into some shop when he comes back out he snatches your phone out of your hand.
“What the hell? I’m usin-“ you start shouting at him.
“ give me those shitty gloves and put these on. I’m sick of watching you struggle.”
When you look down you see a pair of gloves in your favorite color.
“How are these any different from the ones I have now, Mr. Know-it-all”
He smirks at you, “These gloves are thicker than those thin ones you use AND they work on smart phones.. so yea. I do know it all.”
“Oh…. Well thanks I guess” you murmur lowly.
“Now you can talk Racoon eyes through her mental breakdowns without getting frost bite in your fingers.”he says then hands you back your phone. “She deserve better than that idiot anyways. Don’t why she keeps putting up with it.”
Katsuki is leaving for a mission today and you’ve been so gloomy. He gonna be gone at least 3 days, maybe even the whole week.
You’re been wrapped around him like ivy since you woke up this morning.
“Listen woman, I have to go. You do this every time.”he says with his arms wrapped around you waist pulling you even more flush against him.
“You should clone yourself or something. Who am I gonna cuddle with now?? And who is gonna cook for me?? I’ll die of starvation before you get back. Is that what you want. To come home to a dead girlfriend???”
“You are so damn dramatic. Cuddle with the damn plethor of plushies you have in my goddamn bed. And as far as food… you won’t starve. You’ll just eat out everyday and I’ll come back to you complaining you’ve gained weight when you look the exact same.”
“I do not.”, you start to object.
“Yes you do. Which is why I made a few meals and froze them.” He says all smug, cuz he knows that would surprise you.
“You what??” You ask looking up at him with wide eyes.
“There’s a pot pie and dumplings. I even stored a lasagna in there.” Then his phone buzzes letting him know his ride is downstairs.
“Ok I gotta go. I love you.” And he bends down to give you a deep kiss. “Be safe. Call Eiji if you need anything and try not to burn the house down before I get back.”
“I love you too. Come back to me in one piece please.”
He smiles at you, “always”
He kisses you one more time and then heads to the car.
You go directly to the fridge to see the frozen meals he left you. And not only are the packages all neatly but he’s left the heating instructions on top for you.
To say there were tears shed would be an understatement.
Katsuki Masterlist
Tags: @dreamcastgirl99 @xxvendettaxx @justbepeace @moonpieshawdy @theloveofnagiseishiroslife @mintsbubbletea @darkstarlight82 @anon-mouse223 @b134ch-m4h-ey3z @i-literally-cant-with-this @flowerbedbaby @kit-katsukii @blaize-hewwo @sweetblueworm @tippy-toes @superlegend216
Let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list in the comments💕
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lamnwar · 5 months
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"Hey, babe."
"Do you think we can get a dog?"
Taiga raises an eyebrow at you, facing your pleading eyes, that look on your face he only sees when you ask for him to take you out on a nice dinner.
"Are you serious, babe?"
"Dead serious."
He stares back, thick eyebrows torn in confusion at your sudden request, and one that makes no sense at all since...
"I'm scared shitless of them."
You laugh, a blatant mockery of your boyfriend and his irrational fear of dogs. You've been aware of it for a long time now; from the way he goes the opposite direction of anyone walking their dog on the street and how he stays on his guards every time you hang out at Tetsu's. The sight never fails to amuse you. Can it get more ridiculous than seeing a buff, giant man like your boyfriend shitting his pants in front of a creature which's not even a quarter of his size?
"Come on Taiga, we'll get a small one, maybe something chill like... a corgi?"
"Can't we get a cat?" he replies, still not convinced by, what is to him, an absurd demand.
"I'm allergic, you know that."
He sighs. He doesn't get it - where this sudden demand comes from or what even is the necessity for you to get a pet. As far as he's concerned, the two of you are well enough. So, what more can you seek? Is his company not enough to keep you from loneliness?
"What do you need a dog for, anyways?" he mumbles, a slight childish pout on his face.
You don't reply instantly, your gaze travelling away from his adorable face. The reason for your request is not a mystery to you, yet voicing it out scares you. It's just painfully embarrassing.
"Maybe you'd like a bigger breed? Should we get a German shepherd?"
He clicks his tongue, turning your face towards his, "Answer my question."
You remain silent, still not looking his way. It's not like Taiga would judge you for your reason behind this seemingly random request, but it's more that you don't like what it may reflect of you.
"Hey, babe. Not gonna judge, I'm just trying to understand. Y'know, depending on the answer I might actually be open for negotiation."
You laugh softly, a breathy sigh coming out of your lips as you finally speak, voice little.
"I... I want company so I don't feel alone when you're not home."
Your answer surprises him at first; eyebrows raised as he ponders what you mean by that. For all he knows, he's at home quite often, safe for the few times when he has to play abroad. Taiga's routine, overwise, is constructed so he gets to spend the most time with you. Morning in your arms, making sure he's home to cook a delicious diner for you every evening, and even going to occasionally pick you up earlier just so he has more hours to spend with you. And you are fully aware of it, which makes you feel terrible for being so clingy. You literally have no excuse, when your boyfriend is Taiga Kagami.
"It's stupid, I know." You groan, hiding your face in the palms of your hands.
"Nah pretty, I get it."
Strong arms pull you towards your boyfriend's warm chest. He keeps you there, in a soft embrace as you feel his laugh rumble in his torso.
"I'd become a househusband if it meant spending all my days with you. So I get it."
"Yeah? Because there's that and also..." you pause, gathering your thoughts. "I wanna take care of something."
This time, though, he doesn't get it at all. You could mean anything by that statement, and for all he knows, it might have everything to do with him, or not. You grimace, not expecting to open up that much from what started off as a rather simple request - well, simple in your book, that is.
"I don't get to take care of you, since you're so independent. But I wanna care for something, have someone be dependent on me. Is that crazy?" you laugh in embarrassment, "shit, my shrink would probably put that on my mommy issues."
In all honesty, Taiga doesn't really know how to respond to that. It's not really that he's at lost for words, as much as he simply cannot comprehend what you are feeling.
He wishes he could though, and after a few minutes of silent reflection, he eventually does. Taiga grew up to be self-sufficient, and ever since you started living together, he's unknowingly started taking care of you, too. It's just a second nature to him, something he does without thinking about it too hard.
"That's why you want a dog, huh? well, I would rather have you take care of me" he says, a tinge of jealousy in his voice.
"Envious of our non-existent dog already, Taiga?" you chuckle.
"Honestly? Yeah."
He sighs, bringing you closer to him as he buries his face in the crook of your neck. You're a bit stunned by the sudden demonstration of affection, but your fingers automatically find his hair, twisting his red locks between them.
"I didn't know you felt like that, babe. But I don't want you to get a dog either. If you wanna take care of someone, take care of me."
You laugh softly, "then start needing me a bit, you do absolutely everything by yourself, s'not fair!"
He pulls away, looking at you curiously. Well, you're not entirely wrong, he clearly doesn't need you to clean after him, cook for him, or do anything of that sort. He even takes care of the spiders and other insects! So really, he doesn't need you for that. But at the same time, he'd argue that you're omitting one crucial thing which just you can tend to.
"Are you stupid? I still need your kisses. Want me to be more needy for them? I could absolutely do that!" he leans in again, face so close that you feel like he's taking your air all for himself. "Kiss me, I'm begging."
You stare back in surprise, flustered by his sudden request. Yet, some part of you feels warm by hearing these words. Maybe you do crave him begging for you, for anything that only you can provide.
Your lips find his softly, drawing a hum of satisfaction out of your boyfriend. If he's being a 100% honest with himself, he'll gladly admit craving your touch more than anything else. He leans in, grabbing the back of your neck almost in desperation, almost as if he wants to gobble you in. You giggle, pulling away and leaving a playful pat on his hair. Lovestruck eyes stare at you, making your heart bloom in a thousand of flowers.
"See? No need for a dog. I'll always need you for kisses."
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justfonnsblog · 11 months
Things that you two do from the moment you started dating.
Headcannons, Izuku ft. Y/n
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There's no doubt that at first Izuku was pretty shy, but you could still feel how happy he was to now be in a relationship with you. How? By the little gestures he'd do for you.
Like buying you your favorite drink or little snack, it might not look like alot, but when he shyly walked over and gave it to you with that soft smile, it was worth way more to you.
Now that you guys have been going out for a moment, Izu got comfortable around you...Like now he's way more clingy and you think it's a.d.o.r.a.b.l.e.
Not that you aren't either.
If it's not you holding onto his arm or his hand.
It's him always needing to either hold hands with you, touch your back gently or hug you everytime he sees you. It gets worse as you guys get older and his confidence grew (but anyways).
You sometimes will spoil him, just like he does with you, buying a snack or drink that you know he likes. Most likely something with All Might on it. If not some of his merchandises.
Like he has a book about heroes, he has one dedicated only to you, what you like, dislike and everything. And at first he didn't know—but now you've showed him—, you made a notebook just like his but about HIM. From his normal side to his hero. You only showed him because one day he was feeling down and bringing himself down and you wanting him to realize how great and sweet he is, showed him—with embarrassed flush— but a proud expression.
People seeing that might think you two are creepos, but you are just deep in love and so obsessed—in a cute, sweet way—that you want to remember everything about the other.
For you two, the best date is either going to study together, especially about heroes, do some spare training or simply cuddle in one of your dorms while watching a movie....Even though we both know you both are mainly focused on each other.
After a few months of dating, February arrived, you nervously holding onto the matching rings you got for both of you. You didn't know if he'd be comfortable with it. You waited till the end of Valentine's Day to talk about it to him, showing the two jade colored rings with a shaky hold.
You just don't know how important that is to him, he was extasic. Like. He always wears it, mostly forgetring to take it off every night. Always falling asleep as he looks at it with a smile, a small kiss on it as he thinks of you and have the best dreams. Especially after a long hard day.
If he's training or working, he puts it on a necklace so he always has it with him, holding you close to his heart in a way. And so do you, since the day you saw him do so. What can I say, the people you love always inspire you.
When people think that only men should give flowers to their love, you are the one who sometimes go to his dorm when he's not there and puts some flowers in his flower vase. And when he comes back, he sees it and it never fails to make him feel all bubbly and send you a small “Thank you sweetie. I love them ❤”, And the next day you find a bouquet of flower laying on your bed with a small message with his handwriting "DATE♡´・ᴗ・`♡" on it with a date and time.
It's all about the little things they say. People also say that a couple would be "awestruck" only for like a month or two, but you guys even after that are still acting like a new couple. Writing some little love notes and little doodles, and sneaking throwing it at each other during class—unless it's All Might's of course— smiling like idiots as you glance at each others before focusing back on the teacher speaking or whatever you guys where doing.
You nicknamed him in your phone “My little Broccoli🥦❤” while he has you nicknamed as “My little Sunflower❤🌻”. And that ain't gonna change, maybe to “Hubby Broccoli” and “Wifey Sunflower” as you two grow older.
Sharing is lovez right? You always share your food with him and Izuku will happily give you some of his. Even though most of the time he ends up finishing your food since he has more appetite than you. But he's a strong hero and he needs all those calories to fight and have lots of energy, so you will always gladly help him with that.
It had become a routine for Izuku to try and find a shirt to wear only to end up seeing you wearing it later that day. He doesn't mind it, on the opposite he loves seeing you in his clothes...Makes him feel like people will know that you are his. Only his.
When Deku merchandise started being sold, you were always quick to be one od the first ones to have them. And so now your rooms are full of his things, just like Midoriya with his All Might collection. Don't forget that he has your merchandises too. Not gonna lie, he might like that as much as All Might's—if not more—ahem.
When it would get cold, you two always have one long arse scarf so you both can share it and be closer to each other. And Izuku always make sure your hands are never cold by either having your hand in his pocket, holding it with his own, or by giving you his gloves if you didn't yours with you.
You might not want to admit it, but you both are a bit of clums when it comes to each other...Especially when you try to impress(at the beginning of your relationship it was the WORST). Sometimes you both get nervous and simply become a little mess and embarrass yourself instead. Either it is by saying bye and walking into a wall or door frame since you or him weren't looking at where you were going, sending a love text to his/your mother, tripping on your own feet or even messing up his or your name from being too excited or hyped about something you/he wanted to tell him/you.
He would try to go talk to Aizawa at one point so he could change place and sit by you, even if he knew the class was placed in a alphabetical order.
You are not one to spend aimlessly, until... it comes to your boyfriend. If you are out with some friends or on your own and see something you think would fit Izuku or that he'd like, without hesitation you go in and buy it.
While he will always go out of his way to buy a snack or a little something you like and give it to you directly or place it on your bed, wrapped up with a small note. Especially if you had a bad day or you are on your period. ♡
Playing with each other's hair is just so calming and comforting for both of you. You might gently play with his hair as he study or he might be found playing with yours when you're talking with your friends.
There's no stopping you two cuties.
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Thinking about how Kipps is everything an adult supervisor should be and it’s those exact reasons he cannot live with himself being one... this was just supposed to be a post of contrasting block quotes and it’s still mostly that but I added a bit of commentary/context:
“The adult supervisors had zero psychic sensitivity and, since they were mortally afraid of going anywhere near an actual Visitor, never ventured far into a haunted zone. Instead, they hung around on the sidelines, being old and useless.” 
- Lucy in The Creeping Shadow
Kipps, meanwhile, during the Guppy escapade:
“The one exception was Kipps, who sat cross-legged in the kitchen, drinking hot chocolate and reading a newspaper. He didn’t have sufficient Talents to do psychic exploration.”
(emphasized because he’s actually in the home, none of Lucy’s adult supervisors have ever done that -- also he’s staying out of the way) 
Later, he makes an official suggestion in his capacity as Fittes observer, but when the actual psychic kids reject it, he goes along with their plan anyway. Not only that, they’re actively trying to draw out Guppy and Kipps helps: 
“Lockwood inserted his crowbar into a narrow space between a countertop and the cupboard below.  ‘Kips and I will start,’ he said. ‘The rest of you keep watch”  ....After a bit, he moved back and let Kipps take over with the mallet.
And then :
“We have to go and help him, Kipps,” I said.  Kipps didn’t seem to have moved since Lockwood had left the room. His face was white. He gathered his wits. “Yes. We must. Come on.”
He doesn’t end up having to do anything because George finds the Source a moment later but he’s willing! He can’t see the ghost but he’s gonna go help Lockwood fight it! 
I don’t have my copy of Screaming Staircase with me to double check so I’ll edit this later-- I can’t remember if Lucy asking Jacobs to come into the house and offer advice is in the book or a show addition, but it’s such a contrast!!! 
And then, of course, these are all the reasons that Kipps ends up resigning-
“I just had a realization,” he said when we were on the train and rocking slowly through the south London suburbs. “After the Guppy job. I mean, there we were-- in a house possessed by a wicked and powerful entity, and you all were running around like madmen-- fighting, screaming, being fools-- but dealing with it... I was just a fifth wheel. I couldn’t see it, I couldn’t hear it... I was too old to do anything useful. And that’s what being a supervisor is: it’s a life of sending others out to fight and die. I’ve known that for a while, but it took you to make me realize I couldn’t bear to continue with it.... it was probably another dumb decision... like agreeing to come along with you today. Lockwood says he wants my expertise, but I’m not sure what I can contribute aside from standing around like a fence post. Maybe I can make the tea.” 
which like wow! The acceptance that he no longer has Talent, that his leadership can no longer continue to the way it used to -- which is exactly what an adult supervisor should do -- be there for input, listen to the psychic kids, advise and support-- it’s what Kipps does !  
we very frequently see Kipps actively engaged with his Team in Whispering Skull and Hollow Boy- obviously he has a Prideful streak, he’s pompous and makes mistakes, but we generally see him trust his team and do his best as a Leader. Again, don’t have my copies with me so can’t make the point further in those books, but also remember the reason he falls into hot water with Fittes in the first place is he goes a little rogue-- and the reason for that is because none of DEPRAC or the other Adults know what’s going on with the Chelsea outbreak, and, in the wake of his agent’s death, Kipps doesn’t want to lose anyone else to arbitrary nonsense (there’s something here in direct contrast to Marissa but maybe I’ll expound more in another post) -- instead, he trusts a Talent he actually knows and makes the best choice for his team members 
Which is all to say-- Kipps is a good adult supervisor, but the system isn’t made for good adult supervisors 
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onyourowndaisymae · 2 months
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"are you plannin' to fuckin' scram anytime soon, or am i gonna have to run you off myself?"
your fingers still over the spine of a thick tome, stiffening at the sudden snarky comment from the other side of the library. the air is thick with his irritation as you turn to face him.
jude jazza sits opposite the bookshelf you're browsing. his ankles are crossed and propped up on the coffee table in front of him, just narrowly avoiding a mug you suspect is his (and also notice he's neglected to use a coaster underneath). the large, luxurious coat usually draped across his shoulders is instead neatly tossed over the back of the velvet loveseat. a small light illuminates the corner of the library he's in. in his hands is novel with the title obscured.
all in all, it appears the wicked businessman had come to the library to read in peace, something you unknowingly ruined by daring to enter the common area.
"uhh... sorry." the words feel heavy and dumb in your mouth. his glower from across the room pinned you in place. "i didn't... realize you were... in here."
"well, now ya do. so get the hell out of here. i'm trying to enjoy my afternoon."
as if to assert his point, jude slumps back a little further into the cushions, readjusting his feet until the heels of his polished shoes thump loudly against the wood underneath them. his eyes don't leave your stilled figure. if looks could kill, you'd be gasping for air-- all for the crime of intruding upon his afternoon.
you quickly turn back and begin to fumble with the bookshelf. you were grabbing... what, again? what was the name of it? all of the spines, with their foiled titles and fancy script, seemed to blend together with the pressure mounting in the room.
"what are ya even lookin' for, anyways?"
crass and nosey, it seems. still, though, it's in your best interest to stay on his good side.
"... i'm doing some research on the fairytale curses. i figured i'd start with william, since he's open to discussing his curse with me. so i'm looking for any information here about the queen of hearts curse."
jude snorts, loudly, and shakes his head. before you have time to ask him what could possibly be so funny about the mundane and arguably studious task you've been trying to do since entering the library, daggers fly from his mouth.
"look at ya, workin' so hard on that dumb ass job victor gave ya. fairy tale keeper, was it? fuckin' ridiculous." another amused snort. "looks like he found the most gullible broad for the job."
anger starts to build in your chest, and that smug grin on his sallow face makes you want to pluck a book off the shelf and spill that mug on his new shoes with one well-timed throw. you swallow hard and turn back to the shelves wordlessly. through your hazy gaze, you spot a title you'd been searching for. god, he makes you so mad. crown is an organization founded and ruled by bastards. yet most of them had been surprisingly pleasant and even kind to you in your temporary stay-- jude jazza was clearly the exception. he had fun pissing you off. unfortunately for him, he wouldn't get the satisfaction of getting under your skin today.
you snatch the book from its dusty hiding spot and tuck it into your arm, before turning on your heel and stomping off without acknowledging his taunts.
but you spot something interesting on your way out: the title of the book in jude's hands. a nonsense word upon first glance, but as you're wandering the halls in an attempt to clear your head, the word starts to make sense. rumpelstiltskin. that old, creepy fable about the man and the spinning wheel? it was not at all the book you'd expected such a grimy man as him to be reading, yet you couldn't think of anything else it could be. a small chuckle escapes your lips despite yourself.
... maybe you're not the only one interested in fairy tales after all.
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a/n: inaugurating my blog's ikevil content with this horrible, horrible man. my type of mean men should be studied
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ohbo-ohno · 3 months
this is probably such a strange ask to receive and for that i’m sorry but bo, i really just want to say thank you. i have had a cnc/noncon/dubcon kink for a very long time, but for so long it was a massive festering source of shame and guilt for me. i felt like there was something wrong with me, especially because even though i felt that way i didn’t want to stop reading or fantasizing about it. i followed your blog probably around a year to a year and a half ago, and since then you’ve played a huge part in helping me reconstruct the way i think about it. in your casual posting and your writing and the things about it that you’ve reblogged i’ve come to realize there isn’t anything wrong with me and that not only is this kink common, it’s not shameful and it’s not wrong to have it— fantasy is just that. fantasy. and it’s okay.
this probably doesn’t mean much coming from an anon from tumblr dot com but in a way, your writing and the way you approach cnc outside of writing has truly healed a part of me that i thought would continue to fester for my entire life. it’s not a horrible, shameful thing for me anymore, and i don’t feel like i’m secretly and evil or terrible person. like honestly, your help in un-learning to feel that way about myself in just one area of my life has helped me improve my feelings about myself overall, and maybe this is a bit parasocial but in part i feel like i owe that to you. learning to accept myself wholly is a process that is going to take my whole life, i’m sure, but thanks to you i’m just that little bit closer. thank you.
a study in 2009 found that 62% of women have had a rape fantasy, a 2018 study found that two-thirds of women in the study had rape fantasies and half the men surveyed reported having rape fantasies. while twitter and tumblr might try to convince you otherwise, rape fantasies/noncon is nooooot abnormal lmao. it might be uncomfortable to realize you like fantasies like that at first, but you are farrrr from the only person to feel these things and get off on certain scenarios
i actually felt crazy guilty when i first started engaging with noncon erotica or dark romance too. i'd read something and really enjoy it but force myself to give it a negative review because it felt wrong to give a positive review of a book that depicted smth so terrible. i think i changed when i read clown in a cornfield and gave it a high rating lmao - i don't feel guilty giving a good review to a book about highschoolers getting murdered by clowns, why should i feel guilty about giving a good review to a book about a woman getting kidnapped and stockholm syndrome-d? that's silly.
anyways, im so so glad my blog helped you get more comfortable!!!!!! not a single person i know irl knows about this blog (i hope) so for me there's no point in not reblogging the stuff i want to. i like to think the audience i've cultivated here isn't gonna stone me for the exact posts/kinks they followed me for in the first place lmao
anyways, im so glad my blog has helped you out!!! that's actually really really nice to hear, and makes me feel better about the kind of stuff i reblog/post sometimes haha. wishing you all the best babe!!!!
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ifidiedinadream · 3 months
since your requests are open..
What about something with tommi/aleksi where one or both of them are doing porn? it could be that one of them is the actor and the other a subscriber, or that they both do a video together (maybe aleksi is doing content and brings his bf tommi in for a video for the first time or something like that)
went for camboy!tommi x subscriber!aleksi for this one because i dont think ive ever read camboy!tommi 👀👀
also on ao3
Aleksi has never booked a private show before.
He tried making himself look decent by taking a shower first; he’s wearing a button up shirt instead of one of his usual tees, and he put eyeliner on because it usually earns him a lot of compliments (and a generous amount of pussy) (and dick) on his night outs.
Tapio seems like the kind of guy that could be into it.
Aleksi starts the camera before it’s time so he can assess the way he looks on video. The black dye is washing out but his hair doesn’t look too brown on camera. He makes sure his tattoos are visible (especially the one on the neck), because they make him feel attractive. He also makes sure the camera gets a nice view of his crotch area from where he’s sitting.
Should he be hard already?
Aleksi isn’t sure, they didn’t really discuss these things via email. Maybe Tapio didn’t think it was the first time. Maybe Aleksi should’ve asked.
His hands are sweaty and he dries his palms on his pants. Tapio joins the meeting.
“Hello, Aleksi.”
Seems like Tapio dressed up for the occasion as well; he’s wearing a white shirt and got a haircut (his hair was longer when Aleksi watched his stream yesterday), but everything else looks the same as always. Aleksi wonders whether that’s his actual bedroom or a studio.
“I wasn’t expecting you to look like this.”
Is it supposed to be a compliment? Aleksi doesn’t investigate, he lets himself believe it is, because Tapio is massaging his cock through his pants and it’s lovely to think he’s doing it for Aleksi and Aleksi only.
This is my fantasy and I paid for it.
“Yeah? Big bear likes what he sees?”
“Hell yeah he does. You’re gonna make it so easy for me today.”
Aleksi tries not to think that Tapio must be saying this to all his clients, instead lets the praise guide the hand in his pants. He wraps his fingers around the head of his cock, gently tugging the foreskin down.
“Strip naked for me?”
Tapio’s large hands come to undo the first button of his shirt, then the second, and it’s very slow; more and more chest hairs peek out from the light fabric, and without even thinking about it, Aleksi copies the gesture, his own touch focusing on the center of his chest where the hair is denser.
Tapio gets rid of the shirt and fumbles with his belt. The idea of seeing his huge cock soon makes the blood run right into Aleksi’s dick, and when Tapio doesn’t take his underwear off, Aleksi fights the urge to put his legs in a weird position and settles to tapping his foot against the leg of the desk.
“I’m curious to see yours, pretty emo boy. Should I expect some metal and ink down there too?”
Aleksi isn’t sure if he likes the teasing. He should probably tell Tapio but he kind of wants to see where this goes. Also his dick is fully hard by now, so whatever he’s doing works.
“Actually, just a little one right here.”
Aleksi gets rid of his pants and boxers and lifts his cock up, revealing the lorum piercing at the base of his dick, right where it meets the balls. He smirks at Tapio’s slightly wide eyes. Maybe he really does think Aleksi is hot after all.
“Not bad. Really.”
Aleksi strokes his cock, his hand is right there anyway and Tapio’s dick is looking huge through his underwear. It’s hot.
“Wouldn’t you like a taste of it?”
It’s my fantasy, so he will say yes.
Tapio hesitates. He gets the rest of his clothes off, eyes never leaving Aleksi’s dick and where the piercing reflects light. Tapio is so big and it makes the muscles in Aleksi’s thighs clench.
“I wish I was there so I could lick the piercing before sucking you off.”
Aleksi’s gut twists; since he discovered Tapio’s streams a few weeks ago, he’s always fantasized about him bending Aleksi to his pleasure, but feeling desired by his own favorite performer is another thing entirely.
“I’m sure you’d suck me really good…”
“I’d fuck you later, of course.”
Aleksi snorts. “Of course.” He watches Tapio jerk off for a moment, huge hand on his even bigger dick. “I could ride you. That’d be fucking hot.”
“Would you be able to take it, emo boy?”
“Fuck yeah.”
Aleksi’s words are breathy, the hand on his cock too good; he imagines it’s Tapio’s hand on him, stroking him while Aleksi is bouncing on his dick.
“I bet your hole is pretty tight.”
“You’d love it.”
Tapio lets go of himself. He bites his lips together, eyeing Aleksi like he’s the one performing. Aleksi definitely likes the attention.
“Do you wanna see me cum?” Tapio asks.
“Yes, please. I wanna see you cum for me.”
“Then play with your piercing. I wanna see your pretty fingers toy with it.”
Aleksi breathes out. The piercing made that area very responsive, and the idea of pleasuring himself right there is enough to make his cock twitch. Aleksi obliges without further ado.
He tugs at the bead at one end of the horizontal bar, and the one on the opposite end almost gets sucked into the warm skin. The skin between the small metal beads is so sensitive and just running the pad of his finger there, in a slow circular motion, threatens to make him cum in mere seconds.
Only then does Aleksi realize he should be keeping his eyes open; he’s so entranced in his pleasure that he almost forgot Tapio is right there, watching him, getting off of the sight of Aleksi playing with himself.
Tapio looks like a fucking sex god. His broad chest is flushed, his expression focused, brows furrowed and lips pursed; he’s working his cock hard and rough, and the sounds he’s emitting are low and guttural.
With a sight like this, and most importantly, with Tapio’s lustful eyes fixed on him, Aleksi can’t keep from coming for much longer. His touch on his pierced skin is heavenly and one more stroke with the other hand tips him over the edge. Aleksi comes on himself, his seed warm and generous on his tummy and hand, his hips bucking into his fist as waves of electricity pervade his body. Tapio seems to be close too, so Aleksi forces his eyes open, waiting for him to come for Aleksi and Aleksi only.
Tapio spills only a moment later. His cum is thick and creamy and Aleksi wishes he could lick it off his body. He’s watched him do this many times, yet this is the best of them all.
This is my fantasy, and it’s perfect.
They look at each other through the screen, sprawled in their seats with heavy eyes. Aleksi desperately wants to see something human in Tapio – did he really like it, is he looking at me like that because he likes me, am I special, but then the meeting automatically shuts itself off at the end of the session (Aleksi booked Tapio for half an hour).
Aleksi sighs, looks down at the mess he’s made. He needed this, but he kind of wishes Tapio had stayed for longer. He finds strange comfort in the fact that Tapio has his email address.  
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asura22zoro · 7 months
In Mako's defense, I don't think we should blame the whole love triangle fiasco solely on him
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www . reddit . com/r/legendofkorra/comments/j42qua/in_makos_defense_i_dont_think_we_should_blame_the/
A lot of things came into play for that triangle to happen but it just so happens that Mako's need to NOT disappoint anyone (but ending up disappointing everyone) is a huge factor.
Let me just point out that whenever Mako initiated a kiss to either Korra or Asami, it was never while he's "officially" dating the other. If anything, it was often the girls who would kiss him first while knowing he's dating the other, which they both know that it is their fault too.
In Book 1, he just simply confessed his feelings for Korra while also pointing out the fact that he couldn't act on those feelings because he's dating Asami (whom he also has feeling for but possibly not to the same degree as with Korra). But Korra kisses him anyway.
In Book 2, Asami kissed him first at her warehouse when the guy is simply cheering her up and saying he believes in her even when she doesn't believe in herself. At the time, he just broke up with Korra. Sure, it was pretty recent and he's trying to not dwell too much into that by busying himself with police work but can you blame the guy for giving up trying to put up with Korra's spitfire?
Then of course, we know what came after when Korra and Mako saw each other again and Korra's memory was wiped.
Now, notice how Asami pretty much didn't try to make a move on him again after that? Even after he and Korra broke up the second time (for good)?
I think Asami pretty much realized that Mako's too not into disappointing anyone and too emotionally awkward to pursue a relationship with again. Because not only would it be awkward but going from one girl to a other twice could ruin their dynamic as a team as well as her friendship with Korra, both of which she cherish.
So, yeah, both girls ended their romantic relationships with him. (Or in Asami's case, the possibility of it.)
And this sets up to what I like most about their relationship with each other after, especially in Book 3.
Now in Book 3 starts between three of them with Korra and Asami witnessing how Mako treats their interactions like a land mine, like any moment some hard feelings might come up, and how much he wants to avoid that from happening.
Hence why he declined Korra's offer to have him live in Air Temple Island and both ladies' help with the investigation.
What Mako doesn't realize is that there's zero to no hard feelings between the two because they pretty much had an idea that both of them made a move on him while he was dating either one of them.
Asami for sure knows that Korra kissed Mako in Book 1 and Korra probably had an idea that something happened between Asami and Mako while she was away and felt embarrassed that she kissed Mako right in front of her and everyone who knew about their break up. Probably why she laughed when Asami admitted that she DID kiss him.
Because both women knew they had feelings for Mako and that the dude also reciprocates those feelings and thought "Yeah, that was awkward but maybe we can bond over that fact instead of being at each other's throats because we're also at fault and if there's a female version of bros before hoes, Mako is that emotionally awkward hoe and we won't let his people-pleasing ways get between our vibe."
( or I would put
So they both poke fun at Mako's awkwardness to loosen him up. None of that "you hurt her and you hurt me, and now you're gonna pay for it" revenge plot. I guess Mako picked up on that during their airbending performance because he wasn't uncomfortable around those two since. And I guess Mako finding out that they got away safely from the Earth Queen's airship and out of the dessert reassured him their team dynamic is still intact.
The Korra-Mako-Asami love triangle is not exactly what I would call toxic.
Fucked up? Yes. Messy? Yes. Toxic? No.
Maybe it would be toxic if, say, Mako actively pursued both women while he was in a relationship with either of them without any inhibitions or conscience to stop him from acting out his feelings for both. Like, literally cheating on them.
Instead the canon love triangle is just a clusterfrick of three developing young adults emotionally stunted by dead parent/s, becoming a parent, parental issues, and basically being sheltered for more than a decade in the middle on an icy nowhere with limited contact to the outside world.
reddit comments
Ngl I chuckled at "Mako is that emotionally awkward hoe" lmao.
After reading some of the comments... people still don't get it. The point isn't that Mako is innocent, he is far from it. But so many people just pretend like the girls didn't have an active part in the drama, especially Korra. ALL three are to blame, even if we say not equally, then Asami is still the one carrying the least of it.
If the writers had given more spotlight to Mako or at least equally as much as they did to Bolin, it would've been more apparent but I think Mako's core flaw was that he was often very indecisive in anything that wasn't bending related (he was acknowledged as talented af by Amon), or keeping his brother's ass alive. We see him mostly going with the flow, which is a problem.
But in the end he without a hesitation decides that he is willing to sacrifice himself to bring Kuvira down by overloading the spirit bomb.
As for his stick in the butt. It's for a reason. He watched his parents get killed by a firebender (missed opportunity to make him conflicted about his talents as a firebender imo). He and his brother were oprhaned and became homeless and he sacrificed a lot to keep Bolin alive. They joined a gang and I would assume that he carried most weight there, since he wanted Bolin to retain more of his innocence than he did. Their life, for Mako, didn't start turning upwards until they got to leave the triads and move into the probending scene. He shielded Bolin from a LOT in those years more than likely, just to allow him to remain his cheerful self.
So basically, Mako sacrificed his own innocence so Bolin could have his. Him being less animated, more no nonsense and more serious, makes sense because he HAD TO BE to keep themselves alive.
( I edited a few parts that I disagreed with out
so people wouldn't assume I agreed with those takes
to be frank the b2 breakup was due to their mutual flaws not incompatibility neither of them were ready for a relationship with anyone. it was asami and korra who were incompatible with each other while makorra overcame those mutual flaws
I never really thought of korra and asami as becoming friends until b3 ( before you go but asami said she liked korra you dont need to be friends with someone to like themq
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writingseaslugs · 2 years
Savanaclaw: Reader Who's Scared of Storms
Ahhhhhh I’m starting to see a trend…just cuddles. They solve all the world problems and I refuse to be silenced on this matter.
Disclaimer: All characters in this series is aged up. For more information about my version of this world and the type of reader you can expect, please do a quick read of THIS post.
Heartslabyul | Savanaclaw (You’re Here) | Octavinelle | Scarabia | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia
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Reader Who’s Scared of Storms
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Leona Kingscholar
The Spelldrive game that you were planning on going to was canceled due to weather complications. Leona was annoyed since he was prepared and was going to just mope around in the gardens when he noticed you hiding behind some plants. You clearly weren’t expecting a storm to be hitting anytime soon and were grabbing alchemy ingredients when it all happened. Due to the garden area having a greenhouse aesthetic, you could see everything and became scared instantly and crouched down. Leona took five seconds to put two and two together.
He says it’s a stupid fear to have, but he will still pick you up and take you away from his favorite napping spot. He’ll bring you to one of the empty and dark classrooms. It was better than nothing, and you couldn’t really see much of the storm there anyway. He’ll just lay down with you still in his arms, trapped and squished against his body. It’s like a weighted blanket, and you won’t think too much when one of his arms is pressed over your ear as he falls asleep like that. Better to just sleep out the storm than try to stay conscious and deal with it.
If you call him and he picks up, he’ll be annoyed, judging by how it’s the middle of the night. He’ll suggest you just come to Savanaclaw since he is already in bed. Eventually, he’ll give in, especially if he hangs up and you keep calling him. Expect a grumpy lion to be crawling into your bed while telling you how troublesome you are. He’s the big spoon that night, and you’re just gonna have to deal with it. At least he’s warm, and his snoring will block out some outside noise.
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Ruggi Bucchi
Ruggie got this far in life by being able to read people like a book. He’s going to notice how tense you are when it begins raining on campus. It’s not even a storm, just rain, but he notices it’s almost like you’re preparing for the first crack of thunder to go off. He’ll be snickering as he comes up beside you and asks if you’re really scared of storms. Don’t act too surprised; it was obvious…or so he says. Once you admit it, he’ll tell you to head inside because your body’s instinct was right, and a storm will blow through in the next hour.
Ruggie is basically a big brother to every little cub where he’s from, so he’s more than used to dealing with people scared of storms. Not to mention his home was never really sturdy, and any small noise could be heard…almost like Ramshackle. So he’ll be trying to make you laugh the entire time, maybe using his signature spell to make you do something silly. He won’t stop until you're clutching your stomach from laughter and more relaxed with the storm.
His ringer is on for you and Leona only, so he’ll receive your text in the dead of night and roll over to read it. He doesn’t even prepare to go over; he just goes. He’ll show up at your doorstep, dripping water and asking for a towel and something warm to drink. Dragging you to the couch with him as he sleepily drinks tea and possibly falling asleep while cuddling with you. If you manage to get to bed, he’s asleep as soon as his head touches the pillow.
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Jack Howl
After classes, you were just walking back to Ramshackle when Jack paused and looked off into the distance. That’s when you hear him comment that he hears thunder in the distance and you guys should hurry back to the dorms. Then he’ll see how scared you look and know right away what the cause is. He’s pretty intuitive to you and will offer to go back to Ramshackle with you, so you weren’t deal with it alone. He won’t make fun of you at all; he’s well aware that everyone has to be scared of something. He still sees you as one of the bravest people he’s ever met.
He knows that being picked up can be calming for someone, so anytime there’s a storm, he’s lifting you into his arms and going off somewhere, so you don’t have to worry about stumbling whenever you see or hear something. He’ll be sitting with you the entire time, maybe telling you stories from his childhood or of the great seven. He’ll also offer to watch movies with you, telling you he’ll be staying with you until the storm is over, no matter how long that’ll take.
A good boy who hears a storm rolling in and is preparing to be with you. Ramshackle is more comfortable for you since it’s your home, and he’d rather the people from his dorm not see you in such a frazzled state. He’ll be at your doorstep and be ready to cuddle up with you for the night. He’ll even grab the thickest blanket and throw it over the two of you, hiding under it with you. Even if he overheats a bit, it’s worth it if you can manage to fall asleep.
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ash5monster01 · 1 year
Perfect To Love Part 15
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x FemReader!PlusSize
Warnings: fluff, mentions of bullying, body image issues, fat shaming, angst, trust issues, language.
Summary: Beth Walker was used to living in the shadows. She had only one friend and anyone else who paid her mind usually bullied her for her size. So she learned to keep her mouth shut, her head down, and her heart closed because she had to accept the fact that she would be nothing more than the fat girl to people. That is until Robin decides Beth needs more in life and that might just include a boy who she never would’ve thought could see her for who she truly was.
word count: 2,453
Part 14 ←→ Part 16
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Sunday Beth’s family had left for New York and she hadn’t received anymore contact from Steve or Robin. In their defense she was somewhere in another state and she hadn’t given them a number they could call like she planned on. She wanted the space anyway, she was still heartbroken, and a week back with family at her favorite place on earth was enough of a distraction as any. Yet Thanksgiving break was over before she knew it and she was back in Hawkins filled with people who had all hurt her. She knew her parents wouldn’t let another missed day of school fly so when Monday rolled around she had no choice.
Beth knew what would happen. The whispers, stares, and disgusted looks would come back because they probably found out her and Steve were never actually together. The harassment would start and Colin would thrive in it. All while she did her best to avoid Robin who was in so many of her classes. She wished she never got comfortable in the first place because now she’d have to spend the rest of her senior year as the girl who got fooled by the popular guy twice. What an idiot she was for thinking she ever had a chance.
“Hey Beth!” Beth’s ears perked up, a confused look on her face as Chrissy Cunningham flashed a smile and wave her way.
“Hey Chrissy” she muttered back and before she knew it many people had started their hellos, asking how her break was, and Beth realized not a single one of them knew she was played by Steve. Hell they probably thought they were still together.
“Hey, you’re back” Beth flinched as she heard the familiar voice behind her locker. Slowly she shut it close just to look at Robin who gave her a sheepish smile.
“Yeah” Beth finally muttered, eyes glancing down the hall to her classroom.
“We missed you, we had no way to call” Robin started to say but Beth just shook her head, trying her best not to look at the sad look on her friends face.
“Kind of the point” Beth muttered and Robin sighed, her head dropping down. She didn’t mean for this to happen, she just wanted to do something nice for her.
“Beth please, I’m really trying here” she whispered and Beth just sighed, unsure what to say to the one person she trusted more than anyone.
“Robin I just can’t, you guys really hurt me” Beth told her, the bell ringing filling the hallway. She just wanted to go to her first period study hall and be left alone.
“What do you want me to do Beth, I’m trying to fix this” Robin pleaded and Beth sighed, clutching her books to her chest.
“There’s nothing you can do, nothing to change the fact that you thought so little of me that I needed Steve to fake date me so I could have a life” Beth sneered, anger bubbling up inside her chest. She had never been mean before but maybe now she should be, after all it was her best defense against all of the kids who bullied her.
“That’s not what happened” Robin shook her head, ready to cry again over losing her friend.
“I’m gonna be late” Beth ignored her, stomping off down the hall so she could sit and read her book like she had intended on doing. She didn’t feel the need to fight with them any more. She didn’t have the energy.
“Hey where were you Friday?” Nancy asked once Beth was sat in the desk beside hers. Ever since Nancy had been helping her out they opted for sitting near each other in classes.
“I um, I wasn’t feeling well” but Nancy could see it on her face, the heart break and the turmoil and she knew all signs pointed at Steve.
“What did he do?” she quietly asked and Beth felt her heart ache over the fact Nancy got to know her well enough she could tell. Maybe it wouldn’t be long before all the kids in school could tell too.
“He was only spending time with me because Robin asked him to so people would stop harassing me” Beth whispered and Nancy sucked in a sharp breath as the tears burned behind Beth’s eyes. “Please tell me you didn’t know”
“I swear Beth, I had no clue. I’m so sorry” Nancy said, a hand reaching out to squeeze her own and Beth sucked in a shuddered breath. Avoiding tears at any cost.
“It’s okay, I should’ve seen it coming” and Nancy wanted to tell her that wasn’t true, that their intentions couldn’t of been that bad. Yet the Steve she had met all those years ago could’ve easily done something like this. She had hoped he had changed but maybe he never did. When at the same time she had helped when Robin asked and didn’t that make her apart of the problem too?
After first period Robin made sure to leave Beth alone for the rest of the day, even brushing off Vickie when she asked about it in band practice. She spent most of the day racking her brain on how to make it up to her. Yet she kept coming up short. Even if you explained it Robin still asked Steve to hangout with Beth to make her life easier. That was the only part of the story she couldn’t change. That broke her heart but not as much as it did when she had to hold Steve back from running to her in the parking lot. They both had a shift at Family Video, it was normal for him to pick her up before, and seeing the tears form in his eyes over seeing Beth for the first time in over a week was heart breaking.
“I already tried, you won’t get anywhere” Robin told him and Steve sighed, no longer fighting against her grip as they watched the Escort weave out of the parking lot.
“I miss her so much Robin” Steve whispered and Robin felt the tears prick her eyes again. She was the big screw up here, she put Beth in a position of feeling used and Steve in the position of having his heart broken all over again. Two of her favorite people and she had hurt them both. She knew she had to come up with a plan and fast.
That was how she ended up outside Beth’s house after her shift was up. Telling Steve she wanted to walk home to clear her head. She stared at the spot Steve had used to climb up to Beth’s window, it entirely daunting and threatening her with injury but Robin was willing to make that sacrifice. So she shook the nerves out of her hands and did her best attempt at swinging her leg onto the rail like Steve did. She knew it was wobbly, her moves careful and nervous as she steadied herself on the beam and grabbed at the edge of the canopy. She wasn’t nearly as strong as Steve but her determination caused her to use everything she had to pull her body weight up. Just as she got her waist to catch on the edge of the canopy her hand slid against a shingle, slicing it open and stinging in pain. She quickly hissed, fighting harder to ease herself up as the shingles scraped against her now open wound. Once fully sat upon the canopy she assessed her injury, a three inch long slash, bright red blonde seeping quickly out of it. On instinct she closed her hand tightly and leaned forward to knock on Beth’s window.
When the curtains flung open an angry look was on Beth’s face, probably expecting to see Steve but her face instantly softened as she realized it was Robin before becoming firm again. Robin patiently waited as she unlocked the window and slid it up, allowing the cool winter air in. “You’re the last person who should be attempting roof climbing”
“You’re not wrong” Robin told her, ignoring the pain as she offered her injured hand out to her. Beth instantly went into protective mode, no longer caring about her feelings towards the girl as she ushered her inside.
“Oh my God Robin, please all of you start using doors again” Beth rushed out, moving her towards her bedroom door and tugging her into the bathroom across the hall. Beth locked the door as Robin plopped onto the toilet lid.
“We had to improvise, you wouldn’t even open them to talk to us” Robin said as they now sat alone in the bathroom, the vanilla candle burning on the counter, the whole thing melted from his long it had been burning. Allie kept candles everywhere and Robin realized quickly how much she missed being here.
“What was so important you decided to become a gymnast for the evening?” Beth ignored the comment, pulling a first aid kit out of the medicine cabinet and turning the sink on to wash out her wound.
“An apology actually” Robin said as Beth carefully put her hand under the stream of water, washing away the blood and making Robin wince in the process.
“I don’t want in apology” Beth muttered, turning off the sink as she grabbed some peroxide to pour on the wound. Robin outwardly whimpered as the medicine hit her cut, it instantly bubbling as it killed any possible infection.
“You deserve one though” Robin said as Beth started to blow on the wound, cooling it down and easing the pain from the peroxide. When she didn’t speak Robin figured it was best to just start talking.
“I’m so sorry I put you in this position. I never asked Steve to fake date you, in fact I never even planned on asking him anything. We were just at work one day and I was so angry because of how the kids were treating you in school. I was talking about Colin and as I looked at Steve saying all this I remembered how he used to act like Colin and before I could even think it through I was suggesting he spend time with you so Colin would lay off” Robin spoke quickly, barely breathing because she didn’t want to be interrupted. Beth showed no emotion as she squeezed some Neosporin on the wound and began to wrap it up. Robin waited a beat, waited to see if she said anything, and when she didn’t she began to panic and talk even more.
“That’s why I invited you to movie night and Steve liked you, just like the rest of the kids did. Who by the way had no idea I had asked Steve anything. After that nothing was planned, Steve really did fall for you and I’m not just here to apologize but I’m here to defend him” this brought Beth’s attention to her as she finally tied off the bandage on her hand.
“He’s a big boy, he doesn’t need to be defended. He made his own choices” Beth said, hands on her hips as Robin cradled her injured hand to her stomach.
“You defend your friends Beth and even though you’re my best friend he is too. Nancy breaking up with him crushed him. It changed him, made him better, but still broke him entirely. Since I’ve met him he has tried to date again, tried to give it a second chance, but nothing stuck. That was until you” Beth sucked in a sharp breath, not expecting this response from Robin. Robin realized her words were working so she kept going.
“Look Steve may not have seen you in school, bumped into you at a party, saw you walking down the street, and asked you out. I get that, but once you showed up he did see you, and he really did fall for you. So that’s why I’m here Beth because as much as I owe you an apology I also have a duty as a best friend to make sure his heart doesn’t get broken again” Robin said, almost panting from how hard and quickly she was defending herself and all of them.
“I want to believe that Robin, and that’s not to say you’re lying. I’ve just never been in the position to break somebody’s heart and I never thought I would be, especially Steve Harringtons heart” Beth told her, tears forming in her eyes because she wanted to believe every word Robin was saying, to feel like she was the girl who deserved that kind of love. Yet how do you erase years worth of self doubt that made it so she could never believe someone could love her as much as she loved them?
“I know Beth, so take your time but I can’t take being shut out by you anymore. I love you Beth and if I have to spend the rest of my senior year without being your friend then it isn’t worth it” Robin earnestly told her, tears pouring down her cheeks and Beth hiccuped at sight. She had never had a friend close enough to tell her they love her.
“I love you too Robin, it was killing me not getting to see you” Beth told her, her own tears spilling over as she lunged to hug the girl. Both of them sat there, embracing as they allowed the tears to stop.
“Can I stay?” Robin asked once they pulled apart and Beth chuckled before nodding, wiping the backs of her hands against her cheeks.
“Absolutely, I have to tell you all about New York anyway” Beth told her and Robin stood with a smile as they went towards the door. “I should probably tell my parents you’re here”
“Can we leave out the part of me injuring myself while climbing the roof?” Robin asked and Beth laughed, eyes red from her tears. Tears she was now done crying.
“Unlikely, Alan would probably think he was losing it if you come downstairs with me and he doesn’t remember you going up them” Beth told her and Robin laughed as well, thinking of giving the tough man an existential crisis over her sudden appearance.
“Fine but if he starts making jokes I’m out of here” Robin said and Beth just laughed, walking towards the stairs.
“You know better than anyone that he’s going to make jokes about it” Beth told her and Robin groaned as the began to go down the steps. She was ready to be teased though, she had missed Alan and Allie as much as she missed Beth.
“They’re called stairs Robin, look it up!”
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Taglist: @kindablackenedsuperhero @rinarecommends @starryeyedpoet17 @crustless-toast @loverofmarsss @alexa-33 @bethanysnow @middle-of-the-earth @princessadriana4-blog @mochminnie @legendaryhumandiplomatgoop @a-lil-bit-nuts @i-came-as-bostonian @krazyk99 @thunderstomp-and-tequila @cumslutforaemond @futuristicbirdtraveler @unholyhuntress @crushculture03
Comment if you want to be added to the taglist :))
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kamiko1234 · 3 months
*Yapping Ahead*
(Listen I know I'm putting too much thought and getting way too invested in a book series for kids. Just bare with me for a second)
Okay I am done with BOTL and WOW, the gods and camp are really begging Luke/Kronos on their knees to just- obliterate them all. Because like were they REALLY just doing NOTHING !? Okay to be fair with them, I AM a big agitated because I'm still sort of reeling from Luke but STILL.
Those people JUST had their camp invaded. They KNOW that stuff's getting serious. I mean people DIED there just now. AND IN RESPONSE TO THAT THEY DO BLOODY NOTHING. Like did I miss something? Are they for real? I understand the concept of licking your wounds after a battle like that- BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN JUST GOING ON LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED. Maybe, oh idk- START TO FORM A COUNTER ARMY!? ATTEMPT TO DO COUNTERSTRIKES!? TRY TO STRENGHTEN YOUR POSITION WHO HAS ALREADY BEEN INVADED ONCE!? Let me remind you that Luke/Kronos is out there with a fully formed army including a viable command structure, good training and allies in form of actual minor GODS. ALL THE WHILE ALSO HAVING ALREADY STARTED LAUNCHING ATTACKS. All this and the camp does NOTHING of value! Sure I mean they are sort of training demigods, and even if we say they can't launch attacks themselves for some reason- them doing nothing is just stupid. Atleast start to get these kids used to army strategy and genuinely monster fighting OUTSIDE off capture-the-flag or whatever else they are playing. Maybe also, ikd- INTERROGATE CHRIS!? Like maybe they did and is just wasn't mentioned but- that man was in the army. He should know valuable info and you don't even so much as CHECK of he knows anything!
Listen I do NOT care if he had a "change of heart" or "deserves a second chance". This is a purley objective statement here but that guy was an ENEMY. He already switched sides ONCE. THERE IS NO REASON FOR YOU GUYS TO TRUST HIM AT THIS POINT OF TIME, AND EVERY REASON TO HAVE HIM LOCKED UP AND INTERROGATED SOMEWHERE.
I know this is a kid's series but please, Rick. Atleast mention Chris getting question. Don't make your main good guys look like morons compared to the baddies.
Or someone please tell me I missed something of the books because so far it looks like any semblance of battle smarts left CHB with Luke 💀 Also am I the only one a bit irked between the few months timeskip at the end between the Battle and Percy talking with Annabeth? 'cause like, I feel this is a conversation they (logically speaking) should have had a few weeks at MOST after the whole thing going down in the story, NOT a few months after. This too is just a personal ick but, I do not like what they did with Chris. With him joining up with camp just like that? Yeah, no. He betrayed them before. That means he must have had atleast SOME grievances with how things were run. And now he's just back again a "redemtion arc" (that isn't even really an arc if we are honest, it's just there) and no further focus!? It's not like anything got BETTER. I mean sure it was cool to see Dionysus acctualy grieve his kids and be a bit nicer to Percy.
DOESN'T MEAN THAT LUKE DIDN'T HAVE A FUCKING POINT EITHER. Like, idk. I'm just disappointed, as of now I'm just hoping we'll see more of Chris and see the demigods and Luke delved more into with the last book.
The only thing I genuinely pray doesn't happen is that they'll start to demonize the demigods who joined Luke and Luke himself. I'm really nervous since Chris seems to be treated like a "redeemed" villain, ignoring the fact that they all had valid point and valid reasons to go against Olympus. The gods and Camp Halfblood are both objectively horrible as a whole. The system in itself is flawed and I'm pretty sure even stacked against the demigods. I'm gonna be real I see no real reason to expect any real loyalty from Demigods nor do I see any reason why they should keep dying for what's basically a blood mill that couldn't care less. The Demigods who joined Luke are not evil. Luke is not evil. The gods are not good people. If these books start to pretend that Luke and his allies are wholly evil I WILL flip a table. Ngl I have little mind for much else of the bunch of things that happened in the story. Maybe I'll make a second post where I'm talking about other stuff, maybe I won't. I'll see, if I don't feel free to ask. As always I ask to mark spoilers in any replies or reblogs you may make so I can avoid them, thank you ^^
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shallyne · 4 months
The Diary of Feyre Archeron Ch 9
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Chapter nine! So exciting! Some relief from the insanity of the past chapters. I hope you enjoy! Full Fic on AO3
Words: 1.1k
June 15th
Dear Diary, 
I still haven't burnt it. I will, I need to. I do, I know. I will. Soon. 
Although, the worst of the cases for Amarantha, Tamlin and Rhysand's father is over. It's been a hectic few months but we managed.
I have started therapy, too. It's been ROUGH but absolutely necessary. I'm glad Elain and Nesta pushed me into this direction, it's…I don't know how to explain it. I just feel so grateful for my sisters. We definitely had a rocky road and a fair share of fights over the years but when we needed it, we were there for each other, through our worst times. 
Since the accident, that's what I'm calling it now, Rhys and I have not spent one day apart. If it's work or just hanging out, he is there. Another wonder of the past months that I am infinitely grateful for. I have missed him a lot. I forgot how much of a rock he was for me. 
Something is definitely different between us now, though, but I am not mad about it. We became adults. He is some kind of criminal mastermind now (can you believe I say that casually? I would have RAN nine years ago!!) and I, well, I don't know what I am but I will find out. It's going forward, in baby steps. But baby steps are still steps! 
June 18th
The nightmares were bad again last night. After turning and tossing after an especially nasty one I called Rhys in the middle of the night. He actually picked up. That's insane, he should have been asleep. What did he even do at 3am? He refused to tell me. Not because he doesn't trust me but because he wants to focus on me. His words. It's kind of cute, right? 
I asked him to tell me about constellations because he LOVES astronomy, he's always getting super nerdy about it. 
For a moment I imagined him polishing his gun while telling me all about Orion and I kind of, I don't know, it was very attractive. It shouldn't be, right? That's wrong. That's SO wrong. 
I shouldn't get wet at the thought of him doing crimes. 
But I do. 
I should feel bad about it. 
But I don't.  
Haters can die mad about it. A wise woman once said “Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate”
Anyways, I'm going to meet Rhys in an hour, I have to go now. 
June 19th
Nesta said Rhys and I are going on dates. Romantically. That's so not true! We are not going on dates. Romantically. I'd KNOW if we were going on dates. Romantically. This is absurd! And Elain agreed with my sister!! We never gave any signs that we would even date. He kisses my forehead to calm me down, nothing romantic about it. I enjoy it, yes, but that's a ME problem. And we only hold hands to not lose each other in crowds or to keep my hand warm. I get cold hands easily, even in summer. And we hug frequently but that's what friends do. They hug. People hug all the time. 
Nesta just gave me the Sure, Jan look and went back to reading her book while Elain stayed silent. 
Fine, if they want to think we are going on dates (romantically) then I can't stop them but this is not the truth! 
Rhys will also think it's ridiculous when I tell him over dinner later. 
Anyways, I can't decide if I should put on my wine red lipstick or my crimson lipstick. I'll decide on a whim when I'm done curling my hair. 
June 20th
What. Is. Happening. 
I don't know what is happening. 
Something is happening. 
Something GREAT is happening. Something amazing and equally terrifying. Oh god, it's definitely happening. I don't know what's happening. No, I know. I know what is happening but I just can't believe it. Maybe I'm still in that coffin and I am about to die and this is just a daydream and–
God no we're not going down that route. I definitely have to talk about this in therapy. But I digress. 
Okay, so, Rhys and I met for dinner yesterday and I told him about my argument with Nesta about her saying we go on dates (romantically) and he got that weird look, like, I was so sure he was about to agree with me that it's ridiculous. Spoiler, he didn't. He agreed with NESTA. He thought, well no, he hoped we were going on dates (romantically). I was flabbergasted. Absolutely shocked. I think I freezed for a moment, I'm not sure. Why was so sure about these dates not being romantic? I don't even know! I wore the sluttiest lipstick I have, that I bought for our dates. I'm so blind, oh my god. 
Anyways, he asked me if we are dating. I said yes. I cried. In the middle of the fanciest restaurant in velaris. I am dating Rhysand. This feels like a dream. And we kissed! I swear this was the most swoon-worthy kiss EVER. I'm blushing just thinking about it, I feel like a damn teenager. 
But, Rhys and I are only dating for now. I am not ready to throw myself into anything just yet and Rhys was, of course, respectful of my boundaries. We didn't have sex yet, either. I thought about it but I couldn't. Not yet. He said he's waiting as long as it takes. 
It was the perfect evening. 
June 28th
I just came from therapy and I have to write this. There is something I have to do and I will do it tomorrow. I am nervous. So god damn nervous about it but it's time. I feel ready, finally. So, it is time and I will do it no matter how hard. I will also ask Rhys to come with me, my therapist said I should take someone with me that I trust and I trust Rhys. With my whole life. I want him to be with me when I do this step and if I'm being honest, I need him to be with me. 
There is this quarter in Velaris, a quarter I never stepped foot into because I couldn't. There were times when I stood close but turned around, I never was quite ready. It's called the Rainbow, it's the Artist's quarter of the city, which Velaris is actually quite famous for. There's all kinds of arts strewn throughout the whole quarter, everyone finds their place there and there is also an art school people dream of attending, it's quite famous. 
I never took a look at it, or anything. But I want to. So badly. 
And I will. 
With Rhys. (I hope) 
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Feysand Taglist:
@captain-of-the-gwynriel-ship @starfall-spirit @rhysiedarling @corcracrow @sydney-fae25 @tothestarsandwhateverend @aayo-whatt @dreamlandreader
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navree · 6 days
I saw your post and got super worried because I assumed it was the artist I've loved since they started here on tumblr. So, I went on the dreaded 🐦 app and low & behold, stan culture ruins things once again! Kinda glad I wasn't around during the heyday of GOT because it must've been absolutely insufferable! 😖😖😖
Fandom during GOT's prime must have been insane already, but I do think it's gotten worse in recent years. There used to be the unspoken rule of "if you've got nothing nice to say don't say anything at all" that appears to have completely vanished from fandom spaces. Cuz if I see a post with an opinion I don't like/agree with, or fanart of a character I don't care for, or fic of a ship that I dislike, I'm not gonna leap down OP's throat about it. I'm just gonna scroll, maybe vague post about it on another app (I've vague posted about some dumb Twitter opinions on here on occasion), and then move on. But this idea that, if someone doesn't like the same things you like, they're not only morally reprehensible but personally committing some kind of wrong against you specifically is insane. It's more than that trend I've mentioned about trying to equate fandom with morality, it is, as I said in the tags of that post, something that reeks of insecurity. There's a bunch of people in varying fandom spaces that feel that their own opinions simply must be validated, because their opinions are correct, but it's not enough for them to think it, other people need to think it too.
And it's an issue that has dominated Team Black in HOTD specifically. Cuz I'm not seeing it from Rhaenicents, from Greens, even from show casuals. It's diehard Team Black and primarily TB book purists at that who find Rhaenicent fanart (especially ones that take Emma D'Arcy's actual appearance into account), or Team Green posts, or even regular posts expressing any sort of appreciation for Team Green actors or sympathy for some of the characters (especially Alicent or Helaena) and just lose their minds. Insult the poster or the artist, deride actor's appearances, weaponize actual political language to support their point despite no real tangible thread of connection ('killing Lucerys is basically femicide' omegas aren't a real thing and killing that boring ass boy is not, in fact, femicide, there are actual femicides happening in the real world right now, focus on those), and get hopping mad at the fact that these varied posts exist. It's greed to an almost biblical proportion tbf, it's not enough that most show casuals agree with their opinions, that most people with both book and show knowledge are on their side, that the narrative of the show supports their views (in the Jaehaera art thing specifically, that canon dictates she's gonna die and that Daenaera and Aegon are gonna be married and have a reasonably happy married life). Everyone needs to be on their side, nobody had better dare have opposing views to their's. And if those opposing views exist, well then those people have earned all the nastiness that's gonna get thrown their way for having those opposing views.
Like, you're that insecure? You need everyone to agree with you in order to hold fandom opinions? You can't just like something for your own reasons and ignore people who don't agree? Other people, people who don't even know you exist, hold that much power over you? Team Black, are you guys really so pathetically weak?
Anyway, fuck people who tag butch Rhaenicent art with snippy "Daemicent!!!" quote tweets, fuck people running TG fanartists off of social media because you can't handle drawings, fuck people going up to actors and saying vile shit to them based on their characters, fuck everyone who tries to be an asshole about Olivia's looks or TGC's looks or Phia's looks, and fuck stan culture. Everyone's who's so deranged about their fictional opinions that they act nasty to real human beings should simply find the nearest noose and hang themselves by the neck until dead, the world will be an infinitely better place and no one will miss them.
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urfavnegronerd · 9 months
percy jackson brain-rot as i begin the books again
as someone whos hopelessly devoted to the workings of rick riordon i absolutely never understood percabeth
they're literally 12, children, CANNOT LEGALLY DRIVE OR CONSENT TO SEX at the end of the og series (chalice of the gods) and niggas really out here shipping the fuck outta them
shit dig hard enough on a03 and there's prolly smut of the two of em
never understood it, like i get a cute lil mutual pining thing where they both like each other but a whole ass ship never made sense. like no, the two don't make babies. why? CUZ THEYRE BABIES THEMSELVES
okay to clear things up cs people are in the comments saying i don't know what a ship is (i'm literally a fanfic writer on here but okay)
i'm just saying that these are literally little kids in middle school. i'm not saying that middle school kids don't have relationships, but it's still weird. and from, i'm boutta geek out about this incredibly obscure topic i'm sorry, a developmental standpoint middle grade children are nowhere near psychologically ready to be in a relationship which is why it's extremely rare to see couples who have been together since middle school (that one episode of abbott elementary). if you go on tiktok and look for people who broke up with someone they were in a relationship with from middle school- high school, those breakups are traumatic
all breakups are traumatic in some way, but there have been several people who have developed traits of borderline personality disorder because they broke up with someone they had been romantically involved with since middle school.
also let's not forget how warped your view on intimate relationships go (fucking. imma say it the way you think about fucking is skewed). the people i've spoken to who broke up with their middle school partner in their older parts of high school have recounted just how awful their view on sex was, some have even pondered if they were asexual because they couldn't picture themselves up under anyone else.
like i get it, it's cute to see little kids who like each other, but most of this fandom are of age to drive, to study for the SATS/gsces, some are able to legally drink in the united states, or applying to college. these are little baby children that high school students and young adults should not be playing match maker for. ALSO WALKER SCOBELL IS IN MIDDLE SCHOOL/ HIS FIRST YEAR IN HS HE WAS BORN IN 2009.
i get it, we all have head canons, but shipping two middle schoolers who a) may or may not have started puberty b) did not stay at one school for too long c) don't know trig formulas d) may or may not have had their first period/ voice dropped/ you get the picture.
i don't understand percabeth as a whole romantic ship, but mostly as a fluffy little middle school flirty thing (prolonged eye contact, stealing hats, asking if they can hug/kiss at a certain time, etc.)
i love love love the concept of seaweed brain and wise girl, smartwater, percabeth, whatever, I THINK THEY'RE ADORABLE but i don't understand the draw of why people feel the incessant need to make it extremely romantic. like why why whyyyyyyy. can we js let them be kids, because lets be real a lot of the newer additions to this fandom only know about the show (and its okay we love you guys anyway its just that some of us have read the books too, its not required for you to love the show that you need to read the books) and are already talking about 'annabeth and percy need to just kiss already' no they don't. cs percy just lost his mom (i know something you dooonttttttt) and our cutie patootie annabeth is still lowkey a mystery (i'm guessing?? idk i haven't watched the show yet i think im gonna pirate it soon or smth, im js assuming because idk what point the show is at in relation to the first book), etc. can we maybe not make them a whole ass ship until the show is in relation to the last few books of the series. lets js let them be kids for now.
AND THIS IS NOT TO SAY THAT I DIDN'T LIKE WHEN THEY WERE AN ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIP IN THE LATER BOOKS OKAY ITS NOT TO SAY THAT im just saying that i didn't understand the concept of percabeth within the first few books because it was a little wonky to really really want two twelve year olds to be in a relationship. they're cute when its in the last few books but come on yall. lets not ship them yet. also report any smut you see of them that's not cool or rick riordon approved.
theyre still babies, even if some of the fandom has read all of the books and others didn't.
does this make sense?
rae <3
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