#maybe one day i'll actually post about this world man wouldn't that be nice
badkitty3000 · 1 month
What did you think was ooc for Five?
Great question, and I have already covered it a bit in my post here, but I could probably yammer on all day about it, so I'll add some thoughts.
Season 1 -3 Five was focused, determined, manic, arrogant, sometimes mean, violent, out-spoken, and full of love for his family above all. Yes, he insulted them and had no time or patience for their shit, but considering everything he'd been through and what he was up against, there was a reason for it. Season 4 Five? Ok, yeah, I can buy that maybe he was depressed and didn't really know what to do with himself anymore. Myself and others have certainly written him that way a few times. But, damn, he spent like all of season 3 bitching about wanting to be retired and here he could be! He could have played the stock market a few times, bought a little place somewhere, picked up a nice lady at the local Bingo hall and lived his peaceful live he deserved. Instead, he works (inexplicably) for the government and just wanders around with his sad little trenchcoat and CIA-issued pistol and flashlight, taking orders from The Man and just...existing I guess. I could see if they made it so that he joined the CIA to get inside info on Reginald and he had spent the last 6 years quietly plotting to take him down and get his revenge or set the world straight again. But no...he apparently hadn't even tried to look into anything Reggie was doing? Like he was just "*shrug*, it's probably fine".
Five loves his family above all else. We know this. If not, he wouldn't have spent decades alone fighting to get back to them and save all their stupid asses. Now, all of sudden, he just doesn't seem to care? Yes, he's present and has obviously kept in touch. He goes to the birthday party, etc. But there is zero interaction with Klaus, or his nieces, or even Viktor. When at the end, he finally gets some fight back (although for completely absurd reasons) and snaps at Luther, the whole family gasps in shock like this is some new occurence that Five would be mean to them. And he'd said much worse to them before! So, that leads me to believe he just has spent the last 6 years being a completely different person and everyone forgot he's actually an asshole?
And back to the family thing...fighting his brother over his wife? Falling in love with Lila, the same person who: conspired behind his and Diego's back in Season 2, was raised by his villainous boss, was the daughter of two innocent people he killed, tried to kill him with her fists, a frying pan, her feet, a knife, electrocution; and who he tried to kill multiple times as well. Yes, they have had time to heal some wounds and they have a shared traumatic experience with The Handler but come on...he would never! He would never be attracted to her that way. He would never betray Diego that way. And he certainly wouldn't fight him over her, not when she and Diego are married and have kids together. I don't care how many years they were together alone...just no. Best friends? Sure. Lovers? Fuck no.
Physically, where was his prowess? Five is supposed to be the all-time badass assassin, trained in martial arts and weaponry. His body is young at 19-20 years old, and at the peak of his physical fitness. Even without his powers he should be able to kick some ass, or at least try to. And then when he does have his powers, he just doesn't know how to use them correctly anymore? And again, he looks slow and weak in a fight. His solution to taking down the big Bennifer blob thing was to fire an entire clip at long range at it, and then just go "huh...weird that didn't work". Why wasn't he looking around the mall for a weapon? An axe? Something else to fight against it! That's what he does...that's his THING! We were fucking robbed of a Five-centric badass fight scene, when there were so many opportunities for one. Hell, he could have taken down a room full of Keepers with a fucking ballpoint pen while singing along to Abba's Dancing Queen! Why didn't we get that?
Meeting with Reginald. Remember in Season two when Five met with Reggie at the Tiki bar? He sat and had a drink with him, but it was still tension-filled with a lot of emotion there. Then in Season 3, when he was basically like "you're a sadistic lunatic that is going to kill all of us" and got right in his old man's face and told him he was a giant dick? This time...he's just standing around Reggie's house shooting the shit and not even acting like he's mad. That is just not the same guy. I realize this was supposed to be Viktor's fight with Reggie, but they still could have shown Five to have a little emotion there.
So, there you have it. I could probably keep going, but this is way too long as it is. It's just heartbreaking, really. This character that we have all come to love for all of his complexities and faults and heroics was just diminished to a one-dimensional, uninteresting character with no regard for his family. Basically, just undoing three season's worth of plot and character development. And it's not Aidan's fault. He did the best he could with the shit he was given, and I feel sorry for him. For as much as we love this character, Five was his. He made him come to life and there's not many other actors his age that could have pulled that off. So, I'm sad this was his end. They really did him dirty.
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livingbrother · 5 months
LO and it's portrayal of S/A
A rant by someone who just finished EP. 98 and is incredibly furious
Cw: Mentions of S/A, it's effects, too much swearing, ED mention, personal stuff that happened to yours truly, lots of other stuff too, just no idea what to tag it as
Don't read this if you're not mentally doing well, I don't want you getting hurt because of my post, I love you, feel better soon
Boy. Oh fucking boy. I just got through episode 98 of this shit show and, I'll just say, I am beyond furious. Livid, in fact.
For context, I am a survivor or sexual abuse and mental abuse, I have dealt with those who act sort of like Apollo, I was never raped, but I was molested as a child. I, as a survivor, feel nothing but rage at how Rachel portrayed Apollo being a rapist. The way he acts is incredibly unrealistic for an abuser, as somebody who dealt with two abusers with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (I'm not saying everyone who has NPD are villains, I'm just saying what I went through), I see what Rachel was trying, but oh so tragically failed, to do. He tried to control, manipulate, and gaslight Persephone. Only for none of it to work, that's not how ANY of it fucking works!
About her realizing she was raped, um. Excuse me? A lot of victims don't realize they were raped or abused until like, months or years later. I'm glad for the ones who instantly realized it, good for them. Given Persephone's personality and experience with the world, she wouldn't have known it was rape because she's not accustomed to dating and sexual culture. On top of that, she isn't really seen actually distressed when she remembers, oh, and lets not forget that she WAS FUCKING FINE WITH TOUCH AND PHYSICAL FLIRTING DAYS AFTER HER ASSAULT. Let me remind you that I have been through this thing myself, you do not just omg I was just assaulted! time to go let someone touch me! Nonono, you spend years jumping when people touch you, years of moving when someone tries to grab your shoulder, years of pushing someone's hand off your arm, years screaming when you get a hug. And then, maybe from flashbacks, maybe from googling things, you discover you were molested! And then it alllllll makes sense. I understand if she became hypersexual, cause same, but that usually doesn't set in until a good long while.
I also hate how Apollo is written, he should have stayed as a shitty ex boyfriend or whatever the fuck Rachel was gonna make him, he just comes across as a cartoonish villain than an abuser. The man just fucking rubs his hands together and fucking goes I'll get you next time my pretty! I fucking HATE his writing so goddamn much. I understand wanting to make him pushy, egotistical, and insecure, they're some of the hallmarks of the pushy nice guy she was going for. But when it comes to him being abusive, it's like watching a bad joke. Rapists don't usually, you know, CATCH FEELINGS FOR THEIR VICTIM (correct me if I'm wrong), unless it's to lure them back in to hurt them again. She made him so obviously evil it hurts, abusers don't usually act that way, they put on a pretty smile, act kind, and behind closed doors, act shitty. I respect 97-98 for getting that part right, but too many times, too many fucking times Rachel has gotten that wrong. I have dealt with this myself, my mother did this exact thing, she even put on the pretty smile for me so even I, somebody who knew he was being tormented, questioned whether or not I was being abused! We never see this with Persephone! We never see her getting gaslit with this, she never questions her reality! She knows everything that's going on for sure! I know what Rachel was aiming for, and she failed miserably!
God, on top of this, we never really get to see Persephone's PTSD unless the story fuckin says Apollo's here! She's never really fucking affected by her rape, we don't see her jump from touches, refuse sexual advanced from Hades, yeah, sure, we see her afraid of camera flashes, but that's about it!!!!!!!! She never really experiences the effects of s/a! I developed an ED and agoraphobia from my abuse! Where the fuck is that?! That would have been a lot more fucking interesting than the slop we fucking got!
I know I've missed some things, but I need to calm down before I pop a blood vessel. I might revisit this post when I'm less angry, I just needed to rant.
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jorisjurgen · 2 months
World of Twelve dashboard simulator #2
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👁️ katarynadance follow
Freaks may say i want to fuck antonio sadisski from the bontarian boufbowl Love Arrow team. I'm freaks. I mean im freaks. I mean im freaks.
🌌 somethingquietplace
I wouldn't go that far, but NGL, I don't know how one might not develop an affinity for him... Very charming man! He might be the second greatest player after Khan.
Then again, my opinion on who the second greatest player is changes all the time, haha.
🌸 sadidaskickshoe follow
Ehh khan's been dead for centuries....! Let it go. I think he's cool, but thinking nobody will ever be better is crazy...
🌌 somethingquietplace
He developed most of the techniques still used to this day, just so you know. Visit a museum perhaps. It might be helpful?
🎃 sacriblo0ody follow
average khan fan showing how much criticism of his favourite misogynyst he can withstand.
🌌 somethingquietplace
And you're an average 16 year old child with Very Important Opinions trying to educate me nicely.
🧀 cheesefuckersupreme follow
Seeing somethingquietplace and sadidaskickshoe on the same post is kind of terrifying.
#worlds most toxic crossover? #20 callout posts gang real?
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🧀 cheesefuckersupreme follow
Guys they both blocked me ASFHFKDKGJSJ
Do i get a boufbowl fandom badge of honor now????? Did i make it in life?????
🦠 gorebludsac follow
I don't think it's a nice way to post, considering one of them is like neurodivergent and a minor, and the other is tumblr user somethingquietplace (diagnosis self explanatory)
🧀 cheesefuckersupreme follow
I'm sorry yeah i forgot that they're both diagnosed.
#ngl i feel bad kinda for both of them
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🌌 somethingquietplace
I hate adventuring with other people. Just being there and knowing I'll never be their friend. I want to say something, be in the conversation, but I never know what to say, and everyone already knows each other and
Well even when they don't yet know each other, obviously they'll prefer anyone else over me. They'll give up on trying to talk to me.
It's so weird... I hate everyone. Everyone has stupid interests and tastes. Just braindead things. Romance and fucking and fashion. And all of them have normal lives and normal families and once in a while they ask something about mine and I don't know what to say at all. And I want to be liked. Even if I have zero respect for anyone I want to like me. Is it weird?
I guess I'm just sad because I don't have that innate talent to pretend like I care about other people. Or maybe I wish someone actually liked me besides my family.
#delete later #...I really like this ''forbid others from reblogging a post'' function they added recently #When my dad dies I think I will finally kill myself I guess. #not osu #Honestly I can't tolerate anyone at my work. I hate them all and want them dead. #And I can't tolerate anyone close to my age. #They all insult me. Constantly. You know. #So the only people who like me are my family. #Its neverending. I can't take it anymore. #I think me only liking my family might be a self fulfilling prophecy but i don't care. #or so I think.
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🌸 sadidaskickshoe follow
people who post about their family issues on here are weird.... My brother isn't here but just the idea of him seeing anything on my phone makes me so scared to write anything!! 😵‍💫
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🌌 somethingquietplace
I wish people would refrain from obvious vagueblogging about my deleted posts.
#delete later #not osu
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🌸 sadidaskickshoe
people who stalk other peoples blogs are so weird!! I think it's easier to follow one another. Because this is getting embarrassing for us both XD
🌌 somethingquietplace
#Mostly I am following you because you said you liked Khan Karkass. #Even if you don't have good opinions (ones I agree with) on him.
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🦠 gorebludsac follow
A second mad xelor explosive machine has hit the tumblr boufbowl fandom
#those.two.... are mutuals now. #i canrt stop laughing there are tears rolling down my face #remember when kickshoe told me in explicit detail how she wanted me to kill myself #or how quiet typed out whole 40 paragraphs of threats #and ended that post with ''youre wasting my time away from work'' as if hes not termianlly online too #this is historical for me and nobody else
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🪰 maldemal follow
She throw dice on my tabletop til i eacflipcity
🕳️ eviltreeman follow
Collect my Thirsty Branches
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🎭 syxxxxxaenika follow
Bruh someone tried to kill the prince again and missed. How the fuck does a fifth assassin in a row fail at killing the prince of brakmar!!!! I can't live in this stupid country anymore
🌸 sadidaskickshoe
Even if things suck i dont think killing royals is the answer..... 😰
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🌌 somethingquietplace
Was in a store recently. The prices were disgusting, and the worst of all, the Ministry of Moral Purity wants to propose a tax for being negative about the government... Are we in Brakmar now? Is this Brakmar we're in?
I have something very taxable to say but shall refrain.
🎭 syxxxxxaenika follow
Bontarians when something bontarian happens bontarianly in bonta: is this fucking brakmar
unlike you, I have the free speech to wish death on our royalty. I can say freely that I hope the prince of brakmar kills himself.
🌌 somethingquietplace
It's literally so easy to hate you even besides the holier than thou attitude... Your city has lava. Would a good place to live with good people have lava. Would a good place with good people have invented something called "the Brakmarian burial"?
🎭 syxxxxxaenika follow
You can't be saying that white-blue boy
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🪄 pantypervert69 follow
@/xellymelly has been selling re-bought goods from The Mad Xelor. Do NOT buy from her. Not only are they dangerous, they are also wildly past their expiration date. DO NOT USE ANYTHING YOU BOUGHT FROM HER. IT WILL KILL YOU.
🌌 somethingquietplace
If you have items made by The Mad Xelor, Kerubim Crepin from Bonta's Aux Tresors de Kerubim shop has a recycling program for all victims of this scam. He even gives out rewards for all the items you bring in.
I implore you to consider taking the things you bought to him, and making the world a safer place. (And "★bring some magic to your life★")
#not osu #I can personally vouch for this store's quality. It's very well known among some circles around here.
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🚬 pigpigeazer follow
Everyone always jokes about the bad parts of classes but nobody ever talks about how generous the pandawa are, how honest iops are, how lively ecaflips are, and how empathetic sacriers are
🎃 sacriblo0ody follow
literally im always saying that!
🤖 athefogenesis follow
Except it always comes at the expense of mentioning that their religion makes them ignorant, addicts, or drives them to self harm?? We need to bully people who are hardcore about class tenets harder. You're destroying yourself for some all powerful reality-warping creature that doesnt give a shit about you
🤹 lancerclown420 follow
People like you give us atheist classes such a bad name. Everyone and everything in the world has a purpose, both those who follow a deity, and those who follow a primciple and
Actually they're a sufokian supremacist so nvmmmm
🧙 hupperschlongartor follow
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🌌 somethingquietplace
#not osu #delete later #the thing is that. I never stopped hating him for ruining my life. #But the amount of hatred i feel ebbs and flows. Does it make sense? #This is stupid. So stupid... Like #oh nooo papycha... you neglected me as a child to the point of incurable mental diseases... #They would be better off if I was dead honestly #i need me and my dad to die. #I need everyone to die actually
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🦞 foggerfish follow
Apparently there's a big thing going on in demigod history community because Goultard (you know, the 4847372882843 or whatever year old son of Iop) undied again and was spotted somewhere around Astrubian border.
👽 cvt3-r41nb0w follow
MY WEDDING IS BACK ON NOBODY WILL HOLD ME BACK. He already married witches i can be the fourth
🗣️ thedarkwitchfromthatbook-is-gay follow
Isn't he gay
😈 osawhip666 follow
isn't he a mass murderer
🌌 somethingquietplace
Finally a reason to kill myself?
#I have to work with demigods a lot so... #Wish me luck in avoiding him like plague? #I had horrible experiences with him in the past #but talking about it would definitely lead someone to finding out who I am so... #I hope he kills himself and it sticks for once.
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🪐 8lunarcoeur8 follow
I wish people would stop rb'ing quiet's boufbowl gifsets considering the fact hes racist, misogynist, a freak, a bonta apologist (goes with the racism), has a fucking Maid, and likes some really weird things.
At least kickshoe has the excuse of being like a teen but this fucking guy is just something else.
🧙 hupperschlongartor follow
whatd he do? 🥺
🪐 8lunarcoeur8 follow
Says weird things about brakmar (x, x, x, x, x, x, x, and mooooore), is a freak (x, x), and a misogynist (x, x, x) (STOP STANNING KHAN KARKASS) also he's weird about huppermages and self described his class as an antihuppermage and even though it was like 200 years ago hes a wholeass immortal man and also is Still a weirdo about ecaflips.
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🌌 somethingquietplace
RE: the newest cancellation
I don't care about your feelings and I have nothing to apologize for.
#not osu
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🦴 skellythievin follow
Not me honoring sram by stealing bones from the graveyard 😭
🦴 ougigou-woof-woof follow
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🌸 sadidaskickshoe
Yaaa antonio sadisski won as always!! They should put sadidas like him in the hall of heroes for our country ᕙ⁠ ⁠(⁠°⁠ ⁠~⁠ ⁠°⁠ ⁠~⁠)
👯 mirarynnnw follow
He sucks
🌸 sadidaskickshoe
Hi kill yourself :) /gen
#i was banned from using my phone but ill risk it all again to say that nobody will miss you!
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Ok so I was gonna go more in-depth about the timeline and try to figure some things out, but I got a little sidetracked and time got away from me so I might continue this later but for now I need to go to bed. Please enjoy this infodump about the apocalypse in Moth Wizard (my post-apocalyptic fantasy setting) and the origin of magic.
(Content warning: war, religion, death, extinction)
When exactly canon diverges from our timeline is not determined yet since I've currently placed the apocalypse really taking off "sometime in the near future" and I don't know how much of the bad stuff may or may not happen in real life. We live in scary times. Ideally I'd keep it "in the near future" for a while though, like I don't know when (if ever) I'll actually Make The Show, but I'd like for it to still be in the future when I do. It would make the "this could happen to our world" part of the "this could happen to our world and while you individually cannot save us from it, it is entirely in the hands of humans to stop it and turn things around before then" message of the apocalypse, y'know, still apply.
As I mentioned recently in a very excited tag ramble, the apocalypse has several components. I think the main ones are war, climate change, and similar corporate greed consequences like pollution, unsustainable hunting, and destruction of habitats. All of it is human in origin. This is important to me, because if it weren't humans, then it would be Hashem (G-d), and He promised never to do that again after Noah and his family survived the flood. What Hashem did was give humanity the magic that allowed them to survive (and which now fills their world with wizards).
I like to think of this as kind of an inverse of the story of Noah. Hashem did not raise the tides, it was man, and man did not create the means by which life was able to live on, it was Hashem. Are we even now? Probably not, I wouldn't claim to know whether "being even" is even an applicable concept, but I do think that this event thousands of years later changed something forever. A circle has been closed. Life on Earth will never be the same.
I'll uh, definitely consult a rabbi about this at some point though, because I'm mostly making stuff up that sounds right and fits what I have in mind for their world. I'd like to make sure it's at least not actively contradicting anything.
Anyway, so we have the nearish future timeline deviation, I hope, where everything gets worse, billions of people die in world war III and countless species go extinct. Every single country on the planet is either at war or caught in the crossfire. If not for the gift of magic, it would have been the END end of life. How long after this does the story take place? I haven't decided. It's hard to put an accurate number to things.
Let's say hypothetically, magic is introduced in the year 5800, nice round number in the nearish future (a bit over 15 years).
As I've mentioned before, the first people to discover magic were kids probably aged 12-17, because of how the magic system works. To use magic, you need to try and truly believe in it, recklessly, and I don't think anyone is better at recklessly believing in undiscovered magic than teens, speaking as a former teen myself. Too young and the line between make-believe and reality won't be the right shape, too old and they'll have lost faith in undiscovered mysteries. Teens inhabit the sweet spot where the world seems just strange enough that maybe if you really really tried, you could fly.
And suddenly one day, the teens were right.
Sidenote but what I really love about this part of the magic system is that it comes with built-in explanations for why small children are not blowing up cars on accident (it has to be fully intentional and separate from playing pretend), and why not everyone uses it enough to call themselves a wizard (it's hard to believe recklessly and intentionally enough), AND gives good excuse for why anyone desperate enough could do it in a burst of emotion (recklessness is easy if you have nothing left to lose, the exact boundaries of possibility don't seem so important anymore). It's great.
It takes a while for people to believe the kids who discover magic. Obviously this footage going viral on TikTok is faked, and now there's a whole trend about pretending magic is real. And anyone who tries while under the impression that it's fake will of course fail, they don't believe at all. But the news don't have to spread via social media, it's much easier to show people in person. And do you believe it when you see a flying car on the news? You thought this was a reliable source, why would they buy into this obviously fake nonsense? And then you meet your 11-year-old cousin who claims she can make animals talk. You don't believe her, of course, until she points to a squirrel and the squirrel addresses you by name. The world is already in chaos, and now this?
Within a year, I think, it is generally understood that magic does exist. The exact mechanics are still unclear and everyone has their own interpretation, but the fact that some people are genuinely able to do things that until a year ago were definitely impossible is hard to deny now.
Somehow, magic seems to favor saving lives over taking them. This is not actually because magic itself has morals, but because it favors vulnerability and cannot be controlled the way guns can be controlled. Governments try and inevitably fail to create magical armies. You simply can't command someone to use magic. They would need to raise such soldiers from children surrounded by cultish propaganda in order to control their faith to such an extent, which of course they do to all their citizens, that's how they ever got anyone to kill another human on command, but they didn't have the foresight to include "you will be a wizard" in their programming starting 10 years ago. And now they won't get the chance. Their time is about to come to an end.
Oceans rise. Nations fall. The world we know dies screaming.
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yakuzabrainrotlive · 29 days
Okay uhhh big 'thoughts and ramblings' dump for the entirety of chapter 1 and and very early chapter 2! Random tidbits and pondering Majima. I'll put Akiyama in a petri dish and study him in another post tomorrow, it's literally 00:35 as I'm writing this and I wanna be coherent for that one.
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I'm sad they got rid of these adjectives before the item names. I got a "creepy tauriner" before this and it gave me a lil' giggle. What was done to it for it to be creepy? Who knows! It's a small thing, but it's a source of amusement for me.
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I might be wrong, but... I get the feeling that this man has a widespread, dedicated and horny feral fanbase. Idk. Just a hunch.
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I thought we were getting 'Ten years in the joint 2: electric boogaloo' for a second. Thankfully Hana (THE GOAT THE MVP THE LEGEND HERSELF) saved the day.
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Also idk who this man is exactly but he's cute so I think he's gonna be nice and cool and I will love him. Maybe he's Akiyama's Date? He seems fun. I like the look in his eyes. I wanna trust him.
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Oh. THANKS FOR THE REMINDER AND RE-BREAKING MY HEART I GUESS??? Nah but seriously. Did Nishiki really indirectly save this man from homelessness and help him rebuild? Incredible. RIP King.
I did NOT miss the names "Shibata" and "Ueno" being thrown around. I've watched enough Y0 playthroughs to remember them. So... are we finally getting the backstory on the whole thing that cost Majima his eye? ARE GETTING THE SAEJIMA COMEBACK???
Okay I'm probably getting too hyped, they might give the backstory now and bring Saejima back in 5 or 6. He WILL be back, I feel it in my bones! they wouldn't foreshadow it in Y0 if not!! But like... no way they don't give us the tea now.
On the topic of Majima: KAMUROCHO HILLS IS BACK, BABY!! Good for Majima!! I wonder if it's actually Majima and co. featuring Google who's building it or if it's an actual team of pros working under the Majima family. I wouldn't mind seeing the Kiwami 2 design come back, I'm very fond of it🥺
It tickles my brain in a weird way that Majima has actually had more of a presence in the game than Kiryu this far and we're getting Shibata and Ueno stuff. Is this gonna be like... the Majima Game™? Do I dare hope?
I don't see how Kiryu would fit in the equation based on the story this far. But he's very much at the forefront or the cover art, so I'm certain he'll find his role in the game sooner or later. I have faith in the writers. It's just that this far his presence doesn't feel needed. But, then again, I'm in the EARLY-early game.
Also HANA DESERVES THE WORLD. She deserves a raise, she deserves a long vacation, she deserves praise, a healthy amount of sleep and all the good things in this world. We stan Hana in this blog.
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While this is after the two stories I'm posting on valentines day, those can be read as stand alone and are not needed to enjoy this. No cursed smut but it's still a crack fic featuring Samuraiden and Sunsoon
Sundowner wanted to take Monsoon somewhere special for their first date but he wasn't sure which option would be best. He turned on his codec and messaged Sam. "I'm surprised that he even agreed to go out with you. I'll help you but here's the thing. You gotta get blondie to join. Think of it as a double date."
Everyone knew that Jack would rather die than date Sam so he knew he would have to trick the cyborg somehow. "Maybe if I take everyone out for a group event?  Damn it, why doesn't Sam just find someone who's actually interested in em'?" Sundowner was up all night planning but he now had an idea of how to pull this off. He messaged Sam and they discussed on how to proceed.
Everyone was in the office listening to Armstrong's lesson plan. Sundowner rushed in and immediately shoved everything off the table. "What the hell do you think you're doing!?" Before Armstrong could continue all he heard was "CAN'T WAIT! EVERYONE OUTSIDE!" Unsure if there was any danger lurking, everyone decided to evacuate.
Outside of World Marshal was a black van. Sundowner immediately pushed everyone inside, acting as if he was performing a routine army drill. He got in the driver's seat and slammed on the gas. "Mind telling us what's going on?" demanded his boss.
"I just thought you guys all deserved a treat! I'm taking y'all to a theme park. Don't worry about payin' either." Mistral was the first to speak. "Wow, that's very considerate. What's in this for you?" He tried to keep calm and deny the allegations. "C'mon. Can't I do something nice every once in a while?" Everyone then gave him a suspicious look.
"Anyone think we forgot something?" Back at headquarters stood a lonely Khamsin. "Hello? Is anyone there...?" Suddenly he tripped over something. It turned out to be Bladewolf's tail. The man gulped. This would not end up well for him. As Sundowner was driving he remembered that he hadn't picked up Jack and slammed hard on the brakes.
At this point Mistral had made him give up his seat so she could use one of her many pairs of hands to drive responsibly. "Shit!" He then made a secret codec call to the cyborg and prayed that he would receive it on time. Eventually they pulled up to the park entrance. "Twinkle Park? Are you sure this isn't for five year olds?"
He was about to reassure them when a familiar face showed up. "Well if it isn't saucy Jack? What brings you here?" Raiden groaned. "That asshole told me that Sam died and I was invited to celebrate!" Sam looked hurt. "Why must you wound me, my love?" Before a fight broke out, Sundowner got everyone's attention. "Hey, we're all here now so let's just have a good time!" Raiden sighed. "Fine. But I'm not paying!"
Sam said that wouldn't be an issue. As everyone got to the ticket booth, Raiden and Sam were the first to enter, causing a noise to go off. A robotic voice came on. "CUTE COUPLES GET IN FREE!" Jack then started freaking out. "I SAID THIS WASN'T A DATE!" Sam responded by saying that he could either get in for free or pay separately. In the end he chose the first option but swore to the Brazilian that if he attempted anything then he was going to lose more than his arm.
Mistral and Monsoon were next. The buzzer went off yet again and they were just glad they wouldn't be having to pay. This left Sundowner and Armstrong. "Crap! This wasn't supposed to happen!" They approached the booth and the sound didn't go off, causing the man to realize what was happening. Armstrong let out an awkward cough. "I hope you realize that I won't be paying for your actions."
Two tickets were bought with money being docked from the mans pay. "Please just let this be worth it!" Everyone got together and looked at the park map. "All right, we meet back here by 4 PM. I'll pair off with Monsoon so that means Mistral and Armstrong will be together. That leaves Sammy boy and good ol' Jack."
Before Raiden could protest, Sam was dragging him off, hoping to find some sort of love tunnel.  Sundowner turned to Monsoon. "Anywhere you want to go yet babe?" The cyborg thought it over. "What about the drop tower?" While this was happening Mistral and Armstrong somehow wound up at the arcade.
They soon noticed the punching machine. It was currently being used by some lanky teenager who could hardly get the bag to move, giving out a pathetic score. This was getting on Armstrong's nerves. He watched the boy fail a few more times and then told him to go hop on some other machine. He took off his shirt and handed it to Mistral. She got to see his abs though so she was hardly complaining. He raised his fist and punched so hard that the machine exploded. Mistral then handed him his shirt back. "I think we should try something else."
Now it was Raiden and Sam. Raiden had made it a point that if he was being forced on a date then he should be the one to pick the ride. "That makes sense. So where are we going pretty boy?" The cyborg let out a smug laugh. "Let's see what's the fastest roller coaster that they have."
It turns out the tower drop isn't as fun if you've already jumped off of buildings that are higher. "What should we do now?" This was Sundowners perfect chance. "I haven't been on a Ferris wheel in ages! Let's see of it can hold all of my weight!" They than began walking towards the next ride. Now he was panicking internally. "Say something to him damn it!"
"You look different. Did you do something with your hair? Oh wait I know! You're using a new soap!" The cyborg wasn't sure why his boyfriend was asking him these bizarre questions. "You're just smelling the WD40 that I polish my body with..." Well this was awkward. "Hey look, we're almost there!"
Mistral was standing in line with her boss when she noticed her colleague Sam. "Hey, are you guys also going on the rollercoaster?" Raiden smirked. "Why yes. Also the best seats are in the front row." He had no issues with this woman so he decided to do her a favour. "I'll keep that in mind, merci."
As everyone got aboard the ride, Raiden deliberately chose seats near the back. Sam then began to purr. "Oh bonito, you chose this place so we could have some privacy, how romantic!" Raiden was trying not to cackle like a maniac. "That's what you think!" he thought to himself.
Mistral sat near the front and waited for Armstrong to join her but unfortunately he was so large that he required his own seat. He pushed up his glasses and frowned. The only available spot was right behind Sam and Jack. He made his way over and buckled himself in, unaware of the horrors that await him.
Sundowner and Monsoon were now on the Ferris wheel. They soon reached the top and the Alabama man felt compelled to say something. "I can't believe they made a whole theme park modeled after a castle! It makes me feel like some kinda prince charming." Monsoon then turned towards him. "I'm not following. Are you wanting me to dress up as a princess or something?" Shit. This was now even more awkward.
"No, no. What I'm trying ta say is I like ya and I want ya." Before he could continue he was cutoff. "Are you playing from your speakers again?" This was the second time he had an issue with his blu tooth. "Darn it alexa, stop playing so this is love! I'm trying to do something important here!" Monsoon held Sundowners chin. "Did you do all of this just for me?"
The other man blushed. "It was supposed to be a secret!" The cyborg cuddled closer to him. "Who's my little pogchamp?" Sundowner responded "I am." The cyborg grinned. "Good. Now as a reward how about I let you throw these fire crackers at the children down below?" Sundowner was amazed and it took all of his will power not to play tonsil hockey with what was essentially a magnet.
There were screams. It was all over before it started. Raiden knew that Sam would most likely vomit his guts all over the place. Since most of the people were in the front they were safe. This did not apply to Armstrong though. When it hit him he screamed in rage, threatening to take the mans others arm. The ride came to an end and everyone immediately jumped out of their seats.
Armstrong was now coated in filth and was angrier than anyone had ever seen him. "WE'RE LEAVING!" He tried to contact the other two by codec. "WHERE THE HELL ARE THE THEY!" He got everyone loaded into the car and then burst through the gate. Armstrong was driving like a mad man, running over pedestrians and crashing into buildings. "Sir, where did you learn to drive?"
He would chuckle if he were in a better mood. "Mistral and I played a little game called crazy taxi at the arcade earlier!" They were doomed. Armstrong soon drove into part of the building and found Sundowner heavily making out with Monsoon next to the a panel of electrical circuit breakers. Sam gave a whistle and Sundowner tried to yell back that this isn't what it looks like.
"I DON'T CARE WHAT IT IS! GET IN THIS VAN NOW!" The two of them gulped. "Understood." They arrived back at headquarters to find Bladewolf rolling around in a puddle of blood as if he were a puppy. "THAT'S IT, I'VE HAD ENOUGH!" Armstrong was now going to take the mother of all showers. Raiden then handed a towel to Sam and left while laughing.
Mistral then used one of her many arms and picked the Brazilian man up. "Come on, it's time to hose you down." That just left Monsoon and Sundowner. He dipped the cyborg down and leaned in closely. "Now, where were we?" Suddenly Bladewolf came in. He wanted to play tug of war with this spine he somehow found. "FML"
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rhineposting · 7 days
I'm Monnie by the way nice to meet you, genuinely hope I do not bother you at all!
I'm the creator of Charlie The Cursed Phone Guy (not sure if you have or haven't seen him before, but some people are familiar)
If you do know about him, I'm curious on how you'd rewrite him to fit into a more serious narrative since unlike the offical phone guy's he's not made by the factory, a simple bootleg by Henry Miller himself, I'd explain more but wouldn't wanna bother you or make this ask too long, but regardless.
have a nice day! and I just want you to know your recent phone guy posts have been inspiring me, so thank you for that.
Do you mean this guy?
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If yes, then I'm afraid I don't know all that much about him, aside from what you've told me just now, so I'll work with that.
Since Phone Guys exist because the Five Managers were inspired by Henry's work, I imagine him creating a Phone Guy would be a result of a few things combined : lots of free time, a dead body he doesn't know what to do with, curiosity and even more petty disdain towards the Freddy Fazbender's franchise.
You know how Dave says in the third game he installed Breadbear arcade games into the pizzerias to antagonize the company? Yeah, something along those notes. One fun thing about Henry is that in the second game, Dave implies he can be just as silly™ as Dave and Jack, having invented the whole explosives-in-urinals thing. That's a pretty unexplored part of him, imo. So...Him creating a Phone Guy with a child's toy for a head and not an actually functioning phone and then dropping him off at a pizzeria or something seems in line with that.
Not only that, but honestly? He probably would try to create a Phone Guy at some point regardless, just to see if he can do it without using the technology his competitors had since, again, it was based on his work. He's the indirect maker of Phone Guys, in a way. So, what would be stopping him from just making one himself, exactly? He'd find out.
As for where he'd get the body, maybe it'd be a similar case to Steven and Peter where he wound up with an adult witness to his deeds without having somewhere to hide him, so... Recycling the body before it rots and then dropping it off at Fazbender's it is, then!
From there, it could get more sinister, with Charlie being given a purpose by Henry as well, something like having the need to sabotage Freddy's locations by being a terrible worker programmed into him since killing kids is his and Dave's domain - even though it could end up with Charlie being taken to the Factory, where he probably wouldn't just get the cable in his spine cut with a wire cutter like the other, legit Phone Guys on account of being detected as a bootleg and all.
That...Or he could just have no purpose at all. His unlife being with no greater goal in mind. Existing only because a petty, cruel man got bored and then abandoned him on the curb. That'd be pretty tragic as well.
But! That's just my two pennies 🤷‍♀️
Hope you have a nice day, and once again thank you so so much. It means the world to me to hear my work inspires someone.
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senthefen · 6 months
OK SO, Scintilla or Scinty(what her close friends call her) is my Hazbin Hotel OC.
Scintilla was born in 1921 in a low class family so her and her parents had to work a lot to get by. Because of this she had to work as a child. However when she turned 18 her parents found her a rich suitor to marry, if you couldn't guess, she didn't care for this but she did what she had to do to provide for her family. But, it wasn't all bad, her husband may have been a royal dunce but she put up with him, she had money, a gorgeous house, fancy clothes, and the maids were nice. After a few months of this new life, she met a maid named Elise; she was beautiful, kind, and knew how to make Scintilla laugh. They got close rather quickly. People noticed, yes, but no one could've guessed how close. Before Scintilla even knew what was happening, she had had an affair with Elise. This continued for three years. They loved each other with every ounce of their bodies. But Scintilla had enough; why should she have to sneak around with the love of her life? Sure, maybe she was getting a little ahead of herself but living in that house with that man, pretending like she cared, was driving her crazy. So she decided they would leave. They would run away together and they could live the life they knew they could never have in this world. To say Elise was ecstatic over the idea was an understatement. It was decided then. They'd run away and live in the woods somewhere where no one would find them and everything would be just perfect.. only it wasn't. Because who were they kidding? Of course they would be found and where they go and with what money? There was no way Scintilla was gonna let some inferior, trivial things like that get in the way of her life with Elise.
So she killed him.
Her husband couldn't stop them if he was dead. She'd get his fortunes and they'd have all the money they needed. It was perfect. Why wouldn't she kill him? It's not like she ever cared about him. Sure, Elise might be a little upset at first but she'd understand, right? Then again, she couldn't be upset if she didn't know. Then she hears the sirens. Why were there sirens? There shouldn't be any sirens. No one saw. Right? She didn't mess this up, she couldn't mess this up. If the police caught her she'd be killed and she couldn't live with Elise. They couldn't happen. Scintilla ran. She ran as far as she could, letting her adrenaline take over. It's fine. It'll be fine. I'll just say I was at the market then I'll be excused and Elise and I can continue with the original plan. Yeah, it'll work. Once night came Scintilla went back to the manor to clear things with the police and find Elise. When she got back there were police everywhere. She went up to them and asked what was going on. Next thing she knew she was in the back of a police car. Where's Elise? The ride to the station couldn't have felt any longer. [pretend there's a trial and what not here, idk legal stuff. btw Scinty and Elise had separate trials] Elise didn't have anything to do with this. Why won't they listen to at least that?! Who was she kidding, of course no one would listen to her. Why would they?
It was a few nights after the trial ended. She had been found guilty of 1st degree murder. She was set to be put to death via electric chairs in a matter of days. And she couldn't do anything about it. Finally it was the day of the execution. Scintilla sat in the chair as they strapped her in and prepared everything. It was time.
I never got to say goodbye to Elise..
aaaand I'm too lazy to write more. ANYWAYSS that's how they died. Elise was also executed but she got sent to heaven cause she's a sweet heart. Scinty didn't, obviously. and if It wasn't obvious Scinty is based on an electric eel, a play off her death. I didn't expect to actually make this a story so, who knows, maybe I'll post this on ao3 or somethin 🤷 HOPE YOU ENJOYED <3 (side note the ending was longer and frankly better but I forgot to save it and it all got deleted 😭)
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darthsuki · 3 years
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While DMing a completely homebrew DnD campaign absolutely has its difficulties, it DOES mean--between all the elaborate red-string plotting and meticulously created maps that will be 50% skipped because of a single naughty d20--that I can create as many cool graphics of my players' characters as I want and nobody can stop me
(not even myself)
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thedamageofherdays · 3 years
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This week's (16-08-2021 - 22-08-2021) reading log is here. This week's reading log is super duper long and filled with lots of good things (my apologies for the long post, I really could not find a good spot to do a read more). I discovered some new favourites and re-read some old favourites and while I had an intense week personally at least the fics I read were absolutely phenomenal. I do recommend checking out the warnings as some fics are a bit heavier/angstier and you might wanna be prepared. Most of these fics are Stucky but there are a couple of other ships in between.
If you are looking for more fun and/or good things make sure to check out the @marveldisabilitycelebration as well to see all the awesome art, fics, meta, etcetera people created! And while I am mentioning events I am a mod for let me also just quickly mention that sign-ups for the @stuckygiftexchange are still open until the end of the month <3
Favourites are marked with a 🌻 Fics that are only available to AO3 users are marked with a 🔒 and Tumblr fics are marked with a 🍀
🌻 The Bends by dreamsinthewitchouse @dreamsinthewitchouse [Danbeau, side Stucky, 2k words, Teen]
Memory is not a house you can just walk back into after finding the key you thought you’d lost. It’s a thing you wade into and out of, rewriting it as it rewrites you.
It’s not without its rewards, either - recovering a memory about Maria and Monica, about her life, feels better than socking a thousand bad guys in the face, better than all the photon blasts in the world.
Then again, realising there’s still memories she can’t access, even after all this time, feels like drowning in space.
Not the one out there - the one inside her.
🌻 Sweet & Salty by musette22 @musette22 [Stucky, 3k words, Teen]
Idiots in love. That's it. That's the fic.
When life gives you lemons by moonythejedi394 @moonythejedi394 [Stucky, 34k words, Explicit] (11/15 chapters)
Or 13 Terrible Things to Do With Lemons Other Than Making Lemonade
Steve Rogers is a home health nurse. He works for an agency, which assigned him to the aging Winifred Barnes, the one and only Silent Era Hollywood darling. As her needs increased, she requested the agency assign Steve to her full-time. She could pay for it, so she got it. Steve then moved in with her, becoming her caregiver; he cooked, he cleaned, he managed her medications, he made sure she was comfortable.
Winifred's children treated him less than ideally. He was the help, after all. And then Steve had the audacity to go and turn out to be eldest son James Barnes's soulmate. No one saw that coming.
🍀 SamRhodey Tumblr Fic by ipoiledi [SamRhodey, ? words, Teen?]
“Wilson, this is Rhodey; Rhodey, Wilson,” Tony Stark says, and suddenly some six foot tall sexy guy is shoved right in front of Sam, and they both stumble a little, bumping into each other. This is a crowded party. “You guys have things in common, right?” Stark asks. “Uh, Army stuff. Talk about that. I hate wallflowers; stop wallflowering and talk to each other.”
Shorteralls by moonythejedi394 [Stucky, 6k words, Explicit]
The first time Bucky ever saw Steve Rogers, he was struck by how Neanderthal-like his response was. It was immediately followed by a bout of mental scolding. The second time was just about the same. The third time, it was actually appropriate for Bucky to start a conversation with him, at which point he was determined to be the gentleman.
No such luck. Steve Rogers is, always has been and always will be, a relentless flirt. These days, Bucky's Neanderthal-ist feelings about Steve are consensual and highly appreciated. More so now that they're having a baby.
what the fuck are perfect places anyway by tigerlilycorinne [Stucky, 6k words, Teen]
Steve clears his throat and stands. “Well, I should head in. I might want to begin packing.”
Bucky stills. “You won’t,” he says, trying to sound commanding. It only comes out uncertain. “Don’t.”
Steve shakes his head. “Maybe not tonight,” he says, and Bucky knows they’ll be discussing this again soon.
“Then stay. Play… play cards with me or something.”
Steve’s eyebrows jump up, his mouth tugging up in another of his bemused smiles that do things to Bucky’s insides, but he drops his hand from the doorway and steps back into Bucky’s room. Somehow, Bucky feels as if he’s won—not the war, just the battle.
Steve won’t stay forever. But he’ll stay for cards.
Steve and Bucky, on the run after Civil War (with a few alterations to canon), are laying low in Wakanda. But they can’t stay there forever.
🌻 honestly thought i’d be dead by now, but what you can trust is that i need your touch by moonythejedi394 [Stucky, 105k words, Explicit]
Bucky is 37 years old; he’s unmarried, hasn’t had a Sub of his own, is definitely not ripped, comfortable at his job as an Advanced Practice RN at Brooklyn General ER, and just got his Five Years coin from AA.
Steve is 26 years old; he’s unmarried, his last and only Dom has Alzheimer's, he's worryingly muscular, uncomfortable in his job as the government’s poster Alpha for masculinity and strength, and worries more than he should about his BMI.
Unfortunately, Steve and Bucky meet initially in a not-cute moment. Bucky’s tired as shit thanks to the sudden alien invasion that shook New York and Steve is tired as shit because he hasn’t slept more than 20 minutes at a time in – well, since 1936, probably. Bucky’s Alpha instincts get irritated at the sudden presence of another "Alpha" into his territory and Steve’s suppressed submissive tendencies latch onto this grumpy bachelor Alpha and he only suppresses it further.
Bucky’s grumpiness and Steve’s duckling impressionism aside, both of them are a mess. But since both of them are a mess? Their messes seem to fit pretty well together.
Deep Sea Diving by Aida Ronan [Stucky, 5k words, Explicit]
Steve's wallowing in heat-related misery under a shade tree in Central Park when a man walks by in bright red booty shorts and a crop top. RIP Steve Rogers. It was nice knowing you.
honey, make this easy by steebadore [Stucky, 8k words, Explicit]
Bucky likes the way he looks. His silk button up with the tiny gold polka dots feels soft on his skin and is tailored perfectly; no pulling at his chest or belly. His hair falls in shiny dark waves and his skin is smooth and dewy. He looks expensive. He looks taken care of. He looks like Steve’s.
🌻 let's take it back to the start by howdoyousleep @howdoyousleep3 [Stucky, 6k words, Teen]
How it all began.
This sleepwalking through my life. by barthelme [Stucky, 1k words, Explicit]
The internet is an interesting place and when Bucky came home (or, when he came to live with Steve), Steve did a lot of research. Apparently, it’s not safe to wake a sleepwalker. He assumes that waking a sleepwalker with traumatic dreams and PTSD is beyond just being frowned upon.
And he tells himself--has told himself--that this is safer for Bucky. That if he were to stop him and wake him up, that Bucky would be mortified to be slurping on his best friend’s cock. That all of the improvements he’s made would be lost, would be repressed, would be just--
They’d be back at square one.
So he lets Bucky do it.
🌻 the way i've been craving by howdoyousleep [Stucky, 3k words, Explicit]
"Lunch break at 12:30. My office. Hope you’re hungry…"
It’s the ellipsis that sends Bucky’s insides swimming warmly, his heart beating twice as fast against his ribs where he sits in class. Senator Rogers is concise, direct, to the point. Without an ellipsis this is lunch, this is a meeting. With it though?
This is a booty call.
nasty but classy by howdoyousleep [Stucky, 4k words, Explicit]
“No, you don’t have to know the purpose, that doesn’t matter. Nat showed me this challenge where couples drink a lot of wine and get drunk together but they can’t touch each other. And whoever touches the other first has to...has to give the other head.”
🌻 Put It on Repeat, It Stays the Same by giselleslash [Stucky, 20k words, Explicit]
Steve and Bucky have a one night stand that turns into a friends with benefits situation. A weekend snowed in at Bucky’s apartment brings to light how much that really doesn’t suit either one of them.
Greetings to the New Brunette by victoria_p (musesfool) [Stucky, 10k words, General]
"You said he should have a hobby. That it would help."
"I meant, like, knitting or coin collecting. Motocross, if he was feeling antsy. A baby's not a hobby. It's lifetime commitment."
🌻 Rogers & Barnes: Partners by triedunture [Stucky, 10k words, Teen]
Steve and Bucky have to pose as a couple for a mission. Nat insists it really is the only option. She's checked.
The complication: unbeknownst to even Natasha, Steve and Bucky's friendship has been rocky ever since Bucky confessed his tender feelings and Steve left him out in the cold. Can asexual, completely-in-love-with-his-angry-best-friend Steve complete the mission and win Bucky's heart?
(The answer is yes. Yay!)
this will be our year (took a long time to come) by biblionerd07 [Stucky, 4k words, General]
Bucky's therapist is worried he's using Steve as a crutch and wants him to try going on outings without Steve. It wouldn't be terrible, honestly, if Bucky could just manage to open his mouth and say something to Steve.
I'll hold my breath by Little_Lottie (tfwatson) [Stucky, 8k words, Mature]
Sometimes Bucky’s hands flex in Steve's direction. Neither of them knows exactly why, but at least one of them has a hunch.
Bucky touches everything but Steve, even though Steve is all he really wants to touch.
Start from the Beginning by Mumble_Bee [Stucky, 13k words, Explicit]
What about a sex pollen fic where the pollen-ed one doesn’t remember getting hit in the face with a sex flower, and wakes up midway through the depollenating?
Or: the one where Steve wakes up on his back with a stranger buried balls-deep in his ass.
Match by emphasisonem [Stucky, 4k words, Mature]
The situation’s actually kind of funny from the right perspective, Bucky thinks as he reads the message for what feels like the hundredth time. He’s finally matched with a hot, funny guy. Tall and broad and clean cut. An absolutely breathtaking smile. Bucky’s walking wet dream. And he’s good. They haven’t messaged on the app, but Bucky already knows him.
He knows him because Steve Rogers is an art history professor at his university. His art history professor.
Best friends and married since childhood by StuckySituation [Stucky, 1k words, General]
Inspired by @/peterssquill's post in tumblr: "bucky and steve got married on the playground when they were like eight and though neither of them would ever admit it to anyone, even each other, they still consider it official"
~♥~ ♥~ ♥~
“Natasha, stop trying to set me up with every woman you meet, I’m-”
“Too shy? Too scared?”
“No, I’m-”
“Too busy? You’re mostly retired these days, not a good excuse anymore.” Natasha smirks and then drawls: “Or just too gay?”
Steve flushes at that, even if isn’t true -- he’s bisexual, not gay. “Let it go, Nat, I’m not looking for anything. I’m already married, for fuck’s sake.”
Clearly not what she expected. “What.”
Steve grimaces. He didn’t mean to tell anyone that, ever.
“Sorry, can’t talk about it right now!” he says and jumps out of the plane.
Nobody Should Be Alone on a Holiday by emphasisonem [Stucky, 2k words, Teen]
“So, um-” Bucky begins speaking again, pulling Steve from his less-than-work-appropriate thoughts. The brunet has shoved his hands into the pockets of his dark slacks, and he’s shifting from one foot to the other as he smiles shyly. “I have a question for you.”
“Shoot,” Steve grins, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his broad chest. Bucky swallows deeply as one of his hands comes up to pull at the collar of his button-up, and Steve can’t help following the motion of his Adam’s apple.
“I was, uh-” Bucky continues- “That is, I heard you don’t have Thanksgiving plans?”
In which Bucky finds out that Steve's going to be alone on Thanksgiving and invites his coworker to spend the holiday with him.
🌻 It's Been A Long Season Through by thiccbuckybarnes @thiccbuckybarnesfic [Stucky, 49k words, Explicit]
Bucky Barnes is in desperate need of a change in scenery, which is why he makes the foolhardy decision to quit his job, leave his asshole of a fiance, pack up his life, and move to his grandfather’s old farm all within a single day.
He expects confusion, hardship, and maybe even failure. But love? He wasn’t expecting that.
Or, a Stucky Stardew Valley AU that nobody but me wanted and that’s ok.
oh, peach pit, where'd the hours go? by thiccbuckybarnes [Stucky, 10k words, Explicit]
Can't see the forest for the trees.
Or, Steve learns that just because he and Bucky got their happily ever after, it doesn’t mean the past won’t come back to bite them.
I'll find my way by rainbow_nerds [Stucky, 725 words, Teen]
Steve had watched Bucky fall, and nothing had been the same since.
AU-gust day 19: Daemons
special delivery by glim @glim [Stucky, 6k words, Teen]
It's not that Steve's bad at taking care of himself when he gets sick; he just wishes he didn't have to all the time.
At least he can order most of what he needs online. That's some small comfort, that he can have soup and ice cream and everything else brought to his door.
at first chance i'd take the bed warmed by the body by spacebuck @spacebuck [Stucky, 8k words, Explicit]
This close, Steve can see exactly how beautiful his hands are. He’s never really noticed before, or at least he’s never really had a reason to notice, but the man’s hands are large, tanned like he works outside all day. There’s an endearing callus on the heel of one of his palms, and Steve can’t quite work out when calluses became endearing.
Steve pauses the video. Swallows hard. Casts his eyes around for anything that’ll keep his mind off the hands on his screen, off the words inked into those hands, the delicate shape of a bird’s wing, the curling edge of a vine.
He looks down. The name of the channel is right there, blaring the man’s name right into Steve’s brain until it feels like he’s known it all along.
Bucky Barnes.
OR: the one where Bucky's a youtuber who solves puzzles on camera, and steve's smitten and horny
🌻 Rock On! by millesable @marvelousescapism [Clintasha, 700 words, General]
“Hey, Romanoff!”
He lifted his hand, index finger and pinky finger raised, thumb out, all other fingers tucked. Their secret sign; their confession for the world to see, safe in the knowledge that the world wasn’t listening.
“Rock on!”
🌻 You Like the Way I Look by dontcallmebree @iamthe-wo-manwhocan [Stucky, 2k words, Explicit]
Bucky sidles up to him, hand boldly coming to rest on his chest. “What about you, big guy? Care for a dance?” Steve watches Bucky’s eyes twinkle with satisfaction, somehow already knowing he’s got Steve on the hook.
A decade out of the ice, Steve Rogers returns to New York. Reeling from a battle against the Chitauri, a night with the troublesome Bucky Barnes might be just what he needs.
Join the Rebellion by rainbow_nerds [Stucky, 765 words, Teen]
Bucky knew he shouldn't be out after curfew, but he couldn't resist the urge. He didn’t know where he was going, but he knew it was where he wanted to be.
AU-gust day 20: Dystopia
🔒 Five Days in December by mywingsareonwheels @mywingsareonwheels [Evanstan, 4k words, Teen]
“Shit shit shit shit...” muttered Chris to himself, glad that the sound of piped Christmas carols was drowning out his swearing amid the picture books. Most of the store was heaving even though it was Sunday, he’d been recognised at least three times, finding presents for all of his nieces and nephews was proving far more of a headache than expected, and he’d just sent a pile of copies of "Strictly No Elephants" tumbling off the bookshelf.
He scrambled about trying to pick them all up, and then dropped them again as someone bumped right into his backside. He lost his balance, caught himself against a bookcase, and a landslide of "Carter Is a Painter’s Cat" joined "Strictly No Elephants" on the floor. He yelped.
“Ah fuck, I’m so sorry… Chris!”
* * * * * * * * * *
London, December 2021. Amid cats, books, and the cold English drizzle, Chris finds everything he was hoping for and thought he would never have.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Reaching for Fire by dixons_mama @dixons-mama [Stucky, 7k words, Explicit]
Bucky has always felt a fire in his heart (and other body parts) when it came to his boss, Steve Rogers, but he's made sure to never feed those flames. When he finds out about Steve's second job, though, he's tempted to let that fire out.
i've been dreaming of a face like yours by thiccbuckybarnes [Stucky, 3k words, Explicit]
Bucky is about to busy himself with making a small dinner for himself when he stops in his tracks at the figure drinking a cup of coffee in the kitchen, leaning against the counter and smirking at him.
It’s Steve.
“Surprise, sweet boy,” he says before setting his cup down.
Or, PWP reunion sex
🌻 Somewhere, Under Your Skin by thiccbuckybarnes [Stucky, 16k words, Explicit]
Bucky Barnes treats himself to a one-night stand after having a very bad no good day.
The sex is good--great, even. Might be the best sex of his life.
But Bucky wouldn’t have slept with the guy if he had known that he was going to continuously run into him every day for the next fucking month.
Or, a Big Grump Bucky has a hot one night stand with a college kid who is popping up everywhere in his everyday life and he doesn’t know how to deal with it.
(Written for HYBB Bingo Square: Grumpy Bucky)
i've played heartstrings before but not in your key by thiccbuckybarnes [Stucky, 11k words, Explicit]
He glances down, seeing a folded couple of papers, before peering up at Bucky. The older man is biting his bottom lip, making it pretty and red. Steve wants to run his tongue across where his teeth are digging into his flesh.
"What's this?" Steve asks, setting his phone down, emails forgotten. Bucky shrugs and looks away.
"I dunno. You tell me, genius," he says, sounding bratty enough that it makes Steve's dick twitch in his pants. Jesus, there has to be something wrong with him.
Steve glances once more at Bucky, who now has his arms crossed against his chest and is pointedly not looking at Steve, before picking up the stack of folded papers. He opens them, seeing a collection of maybe five or six sheets of paper. His eyes immediately land on the list of familiar words with negative next to each one. -- Or, Steve Rogers is a jealous, possessive little shit that wants nothing more than to mark up his boyfriend and stake his claim. And Bucky knows it. (And he likes it.)
🌻 I'm Home (With You) by BonkyBornes @padfoot-and-the-marauders [Stucky, 2k words, General]
In any other circumstance, the apartment would've been perfect. But it was today, and the fact that he was here meant he wasn’t out searching. He knew they hadn’t had any leads for weeks and he knew Natasha was right; all three of them were exhausted and a break would do them good. It just felt wrong to Steve that he was comfortable while Bucky was still out there—somewhere. Probably cold. Probably hungry.
The knock came again. Sighing, Steve unwrapped his hand from the dog tags and remembered how to move. Cold wind and snow greeted him when he opened the door. The solitary figure was walking down the steps, collar popped against the chill.
“Did you need something?” he called.
The person stopped. They were still. And then they turned. *
Or, the Christmas Steve deserved after Winter Soldier.
The portrait by rainbow_nerds [Stucky, 915 words, General]
Steve Rogers has a Gift. He can help people find their soulmates, all he needs is some art supplies, a quiet place, and eye contact.
AU-gust day 21: soulmates
Maybe A Muse by buckybarnesdeservestobehappy [Stucky, 2k words, Mature]
When Bucky Barnes needs extra money, he’s appalled that his best friends think he should become a model for the art department on campus. Shy, nerdy, and socially awkward, he’s not sure that’s something he feels comfortable doing. Still, he needs money, and he likes the idea of becoming someone’s muse. The problem is he had no idea two things would happen. First, one of the students in the class is exactly his type; second, he has to model nude.
164 notes · View notes
Ace of Hearts
Sam “Ace” Rothstein x Reader
Hi guys! Corny title, I KNOW, but I’m so incredibly happy to finally be posting this. I’ve been working on it since December, and it’s probably the longest thing I’ll ever write! Just to give you a quick rundown: it’s based off of Casino so you’ll see some familiar events and verbiage, but it’s told out of order to fit what I wanted and there’s a new character (Miss y/n). I have worked so so hard on this, so I hope you all love it! Thank you so much!
TW: smut, anything in Casino that triggers you may be in here, violence, injury, drinking, smoking, drugs, death, threats, cheating/affair, divorce, cursing, etc.
Word Count: 17.9k
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"(Y/N)! Good evening, it's nice to see you, hun," Sam says, wrapping his arms around your waist for a hug and giving you a kiss on the cheek, "Looking beautiful as always." You place a hand on his chest, taking in the scent of his cologne; he always smelled good and expensive.
You are at Sam's casino, The Tangiers; he had invited you for dinner, like he does regularly. You and Sam are good friends; you met through Billy, the casino manager, and so Sam invites you to dinner there quite often. When it came to the casino, he was quite the social butterfly: always wanting to show the casino off to people and being extremely hospitable so that word-of-mouth would travel and bring new people in.
"Thank you, Sam, how have you been since I last saw you?" Most people call him Ace, but he had introduced himself you as Sam, for some reason, so it just stuck.
"Really good, actually, I have some news for you," you had become a person that Sam likes to confide in; he trusts you, and he says it's nice to get a woman's perspective.
"And what is that?" you ask with a smile as you head towards your usual table.
"I'm dating someone," he says with a grin, trying not to be too proud of himself.
"Sam! Really? You found a girl?!" you stop, taking his hand, waiting for details.
"Yeah, we just got together a few weeks ago. She's... Well, she's like me, I guess," you both start walking towards the table again, "She's driven and she's got a big presence when she walks in a room. And she's just got this spark; I don't know what it is about her."
"Ah, he must be going on about Ginger," Billy says as you walk up to where he's seated, waiting on you, "yeah, he was starstruck the moment he laid eyes on her."
"She'll be here soon; I'd like you to meet her," Sam says to you. Despite being a very confident man, there were certain people he likes to get approval from; you feel honored to be one of those people.
So, you take your seats at the table, and as promised, Ginger is there only a little while later. You can tell it's her; she is exactly the way Sam described her. Her tall, blonde figure really captures everyone's attention, especially Sam's.
"Hey, gorgeous," Sam greets her, motioning for her to slide into the booth next you him.
"Hi, Sam," she hands him her clutch purse and sits down, giving him a peck on the lips. He goes around and introduces her to everyone at the table including you. She seems like she has a great personality and excellent people skills, but you couldn't help but feel a little jealous that she called him Sam too. You thought you were the only one, but it makes sense considering she is his girlfriend.
After everyone is settled in and food orders placed, Ginger leans forward so she can see past Sam to talk to you. "(Y/N)?" she says kind of quietly.
"Oh, hey!" you reply casually.
"I just wanted to say," she starts, "Sam talks about you a lot; it's nice to finally meet you, and I hope we can be friends. There aren't a lot girls in this business," she says with a bit of a chuckle at the end.
At that moment you both realize Sam is listening in on your conversation.
"Oh, well, thank you, Ginger. Any girl good enough for Sam must be really spectacular; he's a picky man!"
He puts his arm around her, "Spectacular is a good word to describe her." He takes your hand in one of his for just a moment, squeezing lightly and giving you a happy look, proud that you and her are getting along.
• • •
Over the next few months, you see Sam fall madly in love with Ginger. She couldn't deny that he was a very sweet man who gave her respect and anything should could ever ask for, but you could tell she never reciprocated those feelings as much as Sam. You get the feeling that she loved what he could do for her more than the man he was, but then again, maybe she's just slow to fall in love and you're being overprotective of your friend.
You trust Sam and know that even though he's in love, he'll maintain a level head. He treats everything like a business transaction.
As it turns out, that's exactly how he handles their engagement from what he tells you. You had stopped in for a visit at the casino, so he is sitting with you and catching up before he heads back out to the floor.
"Yeah, I told her that I know her feelings haven't developed as quickly as mine, but that if she lets me marry her, she'll be taken care of for the rest of her life, and she won't have to hustle the streets anymore. The love will come, I know it will," Sam explains to you, although it seemed like that last part was for him.
"And she said yes?" you ask.
"Yes. She said yes. She even agreed to have a baby with me." You'd never seen such a happy look in his eyes; Sam had always wanted a family, and it took a long time, but it's finally happening for him.
While this worried you a bit, you press on, "So, when's the wedding?!" you try to joke.
"Oh, well, uh... In a year at least. We want to have the baby first; it was part of our deal."
"What? Sam," you try to make sense of what he just told you, "you don't find it a little odd that you had to negotiate your own engagement, and that you can't trust her to have a baby with you 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 you're married?"
"I mean, it's unconventional, but that's just Vegas."
"No, love is love, no matter what city you're in. You deserve someone who will love you and respect you as much as you love and respect them. Not many people see it, but you have such a big heart, Sam; don't let someone take advantage of it," you place your hands on his, and his eyes glance up at you. You both share a knowing look. As much as Sam respects your opinion, nothing will stop him once he wants something, and he wants Ginger: her trust, her respect, and her love.
You see Sam and Ginger several times throughout their pregnancy, and honestly, they couldn't be happier. Sam is going to have the baby he always wanted, and Ginger is getting all the attention in the world for carrying Sam Rothstein's child. You think maybe this will solve all their problems.
• • •
Just a few months after the baby was born, you received an invitation to their wedding. You had been by their apartment a few weeks prior to visit and meet the baby, and gosh, she was so cute. Sam lit up when he held her; he was so proud of his baby girl, Amy. But Sam hadn't mentioned anything about a wedding happening so soon, although they do have the money to make one happen quickly.
The wedding is very nice, although it's more of a party than a wedding. Ginger is a socialite, so it only makes sense that there would be more attention on the reception than the ceremony.
You go sit with Nicky and his wife Jennifer so that you can hold the baby, while Sam and Ginger cut the cake and share champage. This is supposed to be a happy moment for them, but you can tell something is off. Maybe it's because they don't have baby fever anymore; parenting is not easy, so that's what you chalk it up to.
As you're making faces getting the baby to giggle, you see Sam sneak off into a back room, presumably looking for Ginger. You continue to entertain their baby while you wait for him to come back; you hadn't really gotten a chance to see him all night, and you want to show your support and congratulate him.
As you chat with Nicky, you see Ginger and Sam return from wherever they had gone; only problem is, they went two different directions and Ginger had clearly been crying. That's not normal behavior for newly weds. Nicky takes notice as well and says, "Eh, uh, why don't you go check on him? I'll take the baby."
And so, you hand him Sam's little bundle of joy, and make your way across the ballroom to your friend. He had been pulled into a conversation that he clearly didn't want to be having, so you tap him on the shoulder and excuse him from the group of people. He puts his hand around your waist as you walk off.
"Dance with me," you say simply, and he happily agrees. You knew you'd be able to talk privately because you'd be so close to him on the dancefloor, and it wouldn't look suspicious like if you swept him away to a different room.
"Trouble in paradise already?" you ask him, "You two have been so happy the past few months, what's going on?"
"Well, I guess maybe she realized this is the end of the road, and that I'm the one she'll be stuck with the rest of her life... Whatever the reason, she felt the need to call her pimp, Lester Diamond," he explains, pursing his lips at the end; he was really frustrated and trying not to show it.
"What did she call him for? She doesn't still love him or something, does she?"
"She says she called him to let him know it was over and that she's married now. He was her first love, and the only thing in this whole world she's got a soft spot for."
"Oh, Sam... You don't deserve that; you don't deserve someone that's holding onto their baggage with someone else."
"Well then maybe I should've married someone like you," he says with a small laugh and a look of longing in his eyes. He pulls you even closer to him, and you hold him a bit tighter in an effort to comfort him.
"You shouldn't say things like that on your wedding day," you say quietly next to his ear.
"But it's true. You've got the looks, the personality, a great heart, but for some reason, I only want Ginger, or at least for a while I did." With that, he stares into your eyes for a little while, before kissing you on your jawline and neck a few times.
After a pause, you say, "Well, I hope that was the last time she calls him. You deserve nothing but the best, but I know how much you love her, so I hope you two will find happiness with one other." You decide not to say anything about the way he implied that he wanted to be with you or the way he just kissed you; maybe that would make it worse. That probably isn't how he really feels; he's probably just speaking from a place of being hurt by Ginger. You stop dancing and hug him, "Congratulations on your big day, it was beautiful and glamorous in way that only Sam Rothstein could do."
You both share a laugh and hopeful smiles. His hand finds yours as you start to walk away, and he gives it a squeeze before letting his arm drop to his side.
"Everything okay?" Nicky asks when you get back to the table.
"Yeah, everything's gonna be fine," there wasn't much point in explaining it to him, he had a thing for Ginger, so he would make excuses for her. Plus it wasn't your news to share, Sam trusted that you would keep his secrets, because that's how you'd always been.
You grabbed your things to leave, and you shot one quick glance back at Sam before heading out. He was hugging Ginger, trying to comfort her; that didn't stop the nasty look she gave you when she saw you looking at her man. "Sadly, he belongs to her now," you think as you take in the cool night air outside the wedding chapel, "legally, at least."
• • •
The next several months of their marriage only take a turn for the worse. The issue isn't that they don't understand each other, it's that they're exactly alike: both strong-minded with the will to get what they want. The issue is that the things they want don't align with the other person's goals. Sam wants a successful casino and to have Ginger's love, but Ginger is someone who can't be tamed; she wants money wherever she can get it, and she wants to be the center of attention.
The thing that works on Sam's nerves more than anything is that Ginger just refused to cut ties with Lester Diamond.
"She just keeps- she- she asked me for all this money, and she won't tell me what it's for," Sam is fuming as he vents to you about his wife, "She knows I would give her anything she wants of she'll just tell me what it's for. She won't be honest with me, and that's how I know she's up to no good."
"What do you think the money is for?" you ask, placing your hand on his. He had come over to your house just to visit and have a few drinks. This has become a regular thing since he married Ginger; he relies on your company and your advice.
"Mmm, it's just a suspicion, but I think it might be for that pimp." He rubs his thumb across the back of your hand as he held it.
"I thought she ended things with him, but I wouldn't put it past her to go behind your back. I'm sorry that you can't trust your own wife; I know you value that so much."
"Well, I'm at least glad to know that someone in this world still has values like me. In a town like Las Vegas, everyone is so cutthroat. Sometimes I think you and Billy are the only ones left with a moral compass."
"You have one too, Sam, and a good heart," you pull him towards you, and he lies across the couch to place his head in your lap. He is only casual like this with a few people, but he finds it fun to kick back and relax with you. He looks up at you while you gently comb your fingers though his hair; eventually it will work the gel out of his hair, but you like it when he let his waves hang loose. "What are you gonna do about her giving Lester that money?"
"Hm, I don't know yet," he answers with raised eyebrows and a shoulder shrug.
"What if you let her have the money?"
"So she can give it to that scumbag?"
"Listen, honey," you chuckle at him, "what if you let her have the money, knowing she's going to give it to Lester, but you and Nicky's guys show up with her. Put him in his place, rough him up, that way he won't come begging on her doorstep again. AND she'll see what happens if she tries to give him your money again."
A surprised look appears on his face, "Damn, baby, you been hanging out with Nicky, taking some notes from him? It almost sounds like you hate my wife or something!" You both laugh together.
Your laughter dies off, and you look down at his face in your lap, "I hate the way she treats you." It's the simple truth; he deserves better.
• • •
A few weeks later, you're at a pool party at Billy's place. Las Vegas summers are hot, so pools are basically a requirement out here.
Normally, Sam brought Ginger to these kinds of things; that's just what you were supposed to do, but you had convinced him to come by himself. At first the thought made him uncomfortable, because he knew it would cause another argument at home, but he also just wanted to get away for a while. And so, he left Ginger with a stack of cash, told her to go shopping, and came over to Billy's.
You don't notice Sam when he first arrives; you're in the pool taking to some of Billy's business associates, some you had met before, some you hadn't. One of these guys has made himself really comfortable with you: grabbing at your hips and trying to keep you close to him. You're used to men like this putting their hands on you, and it's normally very casual, but this guy is being more aggressive than you are used to.
He's putting his arms around you and pulling you really close to his chest. You use your arms as a barrier between you and him; it's really more awkward than anything.
"Excuse me?"
You look over your shoulder to see Sam standing at the edge of the pool.
"Yeah?" the guy asks, adjusting his arm around you once again.
"Would you mind if the lady came with me?" Sam asked, pouring on the charm.
"She's fine here."
"Looks like she'd rather be with me" Sam says giving you a coy look.
The guy look at you, then back at Sam, "And who the fuck are you?" he replies, rudely.
"Someone you don't want to piss off." Sam takes your hand, and you free yourself from this other man. Sam helps you out of the pool and snags a towel for you to wrap yourself up in.
"Thank you for that," you tell Sam as you walk over to a table where Billy and his wife are.
"Eh, I'm sorry that he felt he could treat you like that. He'll be taken care of." You know what that means.
There are several people gathered around the table, people Sam and Billy work with at the casino, but they're also friends. Sam takes a seat in one of the lounge chairs and pulls you into his lap. Everyone at the table says their hello's and Sam whipsers to you, "Thank you for inviting me... And suggesting I leave the wife at home." He rubs a hand across your thighs and the other rests on your back.
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This is a crowd that you and Sam are comfortable being close in. You two were always like this before he got with Ginger, so it feels nice to have him close to you again. You gently squeeze at his side, while he lights a cigarette and takes a puff. He offers it to you, but you just smile and shake your head.
"Hey, Billy," Sam starts.
"Yeah, Ace?" he asks, turning his attention to the man next to you.
"You see that dopey ass motherfucker in the pool over there?" Sam asks, pointing with his cigarette between his fingers, "The tall one at the center of that group?"
"Yeah, yeah, I see him. Did he do something?"
"He thought it was okay to make (Y/N) here uncomfortable, and he tried to mouth off at me about it," Sam explains.
"(Y/N), is that true? What did he do to you?" Billy asks you.
"He was just being weird and way too handsy. I tried to get away from him but he would just grab me if I did that. I didn't wanna make a scene though."
Billy turns to look back at the group of guys in the pool, "And all those guys with him just let it happen, huh?" He turns back to you, "It'll be handled. That's unacceptable."
Sam gives your waist a squeeze, and you share a look with him. "You gonna get in the pool at all today?" you ask him, motioning to his outfit: khaki slacks, a button up shirt (unbuttoned a little bit), and a pale pink sports coat.
"I don't know, I'm having a good time right here. You look good in that bikini, baby," he whispers the last part, rubbing his fingers over the string on your back, "it doesn't leave much to the imagination..."
"Just the parts that all you boys want to see," you bite your lip, and you both giggle quietly.
The afternoon goes by with casual conversation as you and Sam lounge back in your chair with you leaning against his chest and your face tucked into the crook of his neck. He keeps his arms around you, as he chats and enjoys some drinks and cigarettes with the guys at the table.
Soon, the sun begins it's descent before the moon comes out, which means the temperature is dropping too. Vegas has some of the hottest days and the coldest nights.
You sit up from your cozy spot against Sam's chest and pluck the cigarette holder from between his lips. He raises his eyebrows at you as you take a drag off of it, then you exhale the smoke at the same time as him.
A warm smile spreads across your face as you return the cigarette to him. "I'm gonna go change," you whisper to him before getting up and heading inside Billy's house.
Upstairs in the bathroom, you take your change of clothes out of your bag and lay them out on the counter. You hear a small knock at the door before Sam enters the bathroom, locking the door behind him.
"Sam? What are you doing?" you ask him.
He walks over and places himself behind you, looking you up and down in the mirror. He wraps his arms around your midsection and rests his chin on your shoulder, making eye contact with you, again in the mirror.
"You're so beautiful," is all he says before one hand travels to your hip, and his lips find your skin. He kisses at your neck slowly but sensually; you close your eyes as your back arches into him. He has you turned on in a matter of seconds; you had never realized you wanted him this bad.
One of his hands slides up your back and pulls the string of your bikini top, untying it and leaving your back bare. Your top hangs on by the knot at the back of your neck.
His kisses grow increasingly sloppy as he becomes more turned on for you. One of his hands cups at the underside of your breast, while the other holds your hips in place. You feel his erection in his pants against your backside, as he unties one of the knots at your hip.
"Sam-" You want him badly, but your conscience won't let you do this. "Sam."
His motions stop and he looks up at you in the mirror. You turn around in his arms so that you can look him in the eyes. With a bittersweet look on your face, you say, "We can't do this. You're married, Sam. We can't do this, especially not in Billy's house."
A look of clarity comes to his eyes as you talk some sense into him. "Yeah, yeah, you're right," he answers. He reaches for a towel and wraps it around your body, as if to cover up the thing that was tempting him. You tie the towel in place and go ahead and remove your bikini, dropping it to the floor. Sam pulls you into a hug, holding your toweled waist tight, "I'm sorry, (Y/N). I'm so sorry."
• • •
The next time you see Sam is just for a normal get-together at The Tangiers. Being the gentleman he is, he treats you as if the incident at Billy's place never happened, and it's best this way; he's one of your best friends after all.
This dinner is anything but normal, however. Ginger had started to catch on to Sam leaving her at home. You got the feeling Nicky was the one who let her in on that secret.
Ginger storms into the casino, making a scene like she always does; she's always been the kind of person you hear before you see when she's angry. Security follows her over as she makes her way to the table with their little girl on her hip. Sam stands up and rushes over to her, in an effort to keep Ginger away from everyone at the table. It doesn't work that well, she continues pushing towards the table as she screams at him about leaving her at home and making her take care of their toddler.
Sam gets the kid from Ginger, and she pushes past him and towards you, "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! YOU PUT THE IDEA IN HIS HEAD TO START SNEAKING AROUND ON ME!"
You sit there, completely taken back. You would try to say something, but you wouldn't get a word in as Ginger is letting you have it.
Sam comes over, grabbing Ginger's arm and pulling her to face him, "What the fuck is the matter with you? What the fuck is the MATTER WITH YOU?! Bringing our kid here at this time of night! Screaming at (Y/N)!" He points at you, "You ain't had nothin' to do with her since you met!! And you wanna come in here and blame your problems on her?!"
You had never seen Sam so angry before, screaming at the top of his lungs like this in front of everyone, in his own casino. There was a pause as everyone waited for what was gonna happen next.
Quietly, Ginger speaks, "Oh my God," her voice cracked like she was about to cry, "oh my God, you're defending her..." She turns to walk away, crying into her hands. Sam quickly hands Amy over to you and runs after Ginger.
Security follows them, and everyone at the table sits in silence as you all listen to Ginger yell and cry at Sam on the way outside, "You never defended me! To anyone! For anything! You've never defended me like that!"
• • •
A few days later, flowers show up at your house with a note from Sam.
"I'm so sorry for the other night and how crazy things have been lately. Let's go out and I'll make it up to you. -S. R."
Attached is a reservation card telling you that you're having dinner with him tonight at a small restaurant you used to go to when Sam first moved out to Las Vegas.
"I'm so glad you actually came. I thought maybe you didn't want anything to do with me after Ginger yelled at you like that."
"Have I ever been the type of girl that would blame you for your wife's actions?" you say greeting him with a kiss on the cheek, "it's good to see you all in one piece; I was worried what she might do to you." You both chuckle and sit down at your table.
"I just- uhh, I just wanted to take you out like we used to do before everything got so crazy. Back when I was still getting used to the desert and Billy introduced me to you; it was just simple... and always fun when you were around. So I just thought maybe we could re-live that for a night," Sam explains his reasoning for bringing you here alone.
"Well I think it'll be fun," you say reaching over and giving his hand an encouraging squeeze, "This place always had great food!" You lean back in your seat, slide your heels off under the table, and prop your feet up in Sam's lap across from you. He raises his eyebrows, giving you a look. "Well you said you wanted it to be like old times!" you exclaim.
After dinner and dessert, you both sit back with your bellies full. The food was so rich and lovely; you both ate so much more than you normally would have, but you aren't in the company of anyone fancy so you cut loose.
"You wanna get out of here? I got somewhere I'd like to take you," Sam asks.
"Ooooh, honey, I don't think I can move, I'm so full!" you groan at him, "Where are we going?"
"Somewhere you took me when I first moved here and I needed some peace and quiet from the city."
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And with that, you let him take you by the hand and lead you out to his car. When you cruise past the strip and out into the dark dessert, you lean on his shoulder and ask, "You're not gonna whack me, are you?"
"Now, I couldn't tell you if I was. Typically the guy you're gonna whack doesn't ask ya, and typically the guy you're gonna whack is a guy," you both laugh. Tonight really had been like old times.
You slide over and lay down, laying your head in his lap. He put his arm across your chest and shoulder as if you were an arm rest, and he looks down at you. "Eyes on the road, Mr. Rothstein!"
"Yes, ma'am" he cracks a smile and looks up like he's supposed to.
Parked just a few miles out in the desert, Sam gets out the car, grabbing a blanket from the back, and tossing it across the hood of the car. He also grabs an extra jacket for you for when it gets cold.
"Alright, get outta the car," he says, looking at you laid across the front seat of his Cadillac.
"Mmmm... but I'm so cozy here," you whine.
Sam grabs you by your feet and drags you across the seat to pull you up out of the car. Once you're on your feet, he grips both of your shoulders and looks you over, "Princess. You're a spoiled princess, you know that?" He grabs your hips and lifts you onto the hood of the car before walking around and hopping up to sit next to you.
"It's been forever since I came out here... Thank you for bringing me," you tell Sam as you lean back on the windshield of his car and look up at the endless sea of stars in the night sky. Out here in the desert, there was no light pollution, and it was such a clear night, it felt like there were a million stars up there.
"Want this?" Sam asks holding up his extra jacket.
You take it from him and bundle up in it. It was warm and smelled like him, like he had worn it recently or perhaps sprayed his cologne on it.
He put his arm around your shoulders; together, you looked up at night sky and talked, occasionally pointing out constellations or planets.
The lower the temperature drops, the more you snuggle into Sam. Every few moments you glance at each other, sometimes making eye contact and smiling at each other.
"Mm, come here," Sam grumbles pulling you into a full-on cuddle.
"Cold?" you joke.
"Nope, you're just too far away," he nuzzles his nose into your hair and leaves a kiss there.
You turn your head to face him, "Sam."
He places his hand on your cheek and sarcastically replies, "(Y/N)."
Your eyes linger on one another's for what feels like several minutes; for a moment, the whole world fell away and it was just the two of you. You both lean in, gently pressing your lips to one another's. You move your lips together slowly and carefully, as if you might break something. The moment lasts a long time, but not long enough.
Sam pulls back to look at you, "I love you."
You open your mouth to protest, but all that comes out is, "I love you, too."
Without another word, you both agree to not discuss it. Whether you liked it or not, things were about to get complicated, so you both just want things to be simple for the night.
• • •
You had always assumed Sam was the kind of man to take a woman to bed quickly in a relationship. Of course, your relationship is anything but conventional; you'd been friends for years, but now it was obvious those feelings of friendship had been something more all along.
You had spent some time together a few times since your outing to the desert. He greeted you with a kiss each of those times you met up, because you made sure to meet in private; word couldn't get out about this, or it would cause trouble with Ginger and the crime family Nicky and Sam were in. The family wouldn't take so kindly to Ginger causing a big scene over Sam's infidelity.
You and Sam also really wanted to take things slow; you didn't want to ruin a good friendship by rushing. So when he came to your house or you met in his office, you spent a lot of time in his arms, kissing him, and not too much more.
But your job right now is to act like none of that exists, like everything is just the way it's always been. You're at a big celebration for Sam; the gaming commission is giving an award to him for being such an important asset in the success of gambling in Las Vegas. Everyone who knows Sam is there; it's his big night!
As events like this usually go, Sam is at a table on a stage at the front of the room. His closest friends are all sat together: you, Billy, Nicky, Ginger, and a few others. On the surface everything is cool, but you know this mix of people isn't good news.
There are rumors floating around that the FBI agents keeping an eye on Nicky had gotten some pictures of him and Ginger together. Sam didn't want to pry into it; he didn't want another reason to be mad with her. Sam had also recently told you that Ginger's mysterious phone calls had started up again, and she refused to tell him who she was calling at all hours of the day. You and Sam both knew what that meant: Ginger is being anything but faithful to him.
It's a lovely dinner, aside from Ginger's remarks. It's almost like she knows about you and Sam somehow. Every time she mentions him, she makes sure to watch your reaction, and she makes several remarks like, "proud to call him my man," and, "so glad he belongs to me," while staring you down.
In an effort to try and make friendly conversation with Ginger, you lean over you her to say, "You know, I think Sam likes girls like us, because we're both like him: social and in the business. We make what he does look glamorous." You give her a hopeful smile.
She cuts her eyes and hits you with, "No, Sam likes a woman like me; we both came from the streets and had to hustle our way into money. Anyone can be a socialite in a nice gown. Some of us have more to show for it."
Upon hearing that, Billy gives Ginger a look of disapproval and puts his arm around you to comfort you. It couldn't be more obvious that she is trying to get a rise out of you, but you won't stoop to her level making a scene like that.
Ginger leans into Nicky, and you don't say much the rest of dinner.
After the award was presented to Sam and it's time to mingle, you work your way over to Sam, stopping to chat with several people along the way. As you approach him, it seems like the two of you only have eyes for each other. He greets you with a big smile spread across his face, a hug, and a kiss on the cheek.
With his hands on your waist, and your hands on his chest, you tell him, "I'm so proud of you. You work so hard, and you've been so good for Las Vegas."
"Yeah, well, Las Vegas has been good to me," he says looking you in your eyes lovingly, and raising his eyebrows briefly.
What you don't realize is that Ginger sees the whole exchange, but she does something very out of character: she keeps her cool... For now.
• • •
"It was... It was the way you looked at her. You didn't have to look at her like that," Ginger sobs into the pillow on her and Sam's bed.
"How did I look at her? Huh? What did I do?" Sam questions her, pacing around their bedroom.
Ginger shifts to look up at Sam with tear-filled eyes, "Like you love her... You looked at her like you love her."
"Ginger-" Sam starts and pauses to keep his composure, "What do you care how I look at her? You me you didn't love me! And I thought I could change you!"
There was a pause before he continued, "You're not making any goddamn sense; I don't know why I'm trying to talk any sense into you. You been drinkin' all the time, and those fuckin painkillers you took have your brain so fucked up right now... I don't even know why I'm trying; it's not worth it."
"You really feel that way?" she asks quietly.
"Feel what way?"
"That I'm not worth it. You really think that I'm not worth it?" she sits up and pushes some of the hair out of her face.
That small bit of love Sam still had for Ginger creeped back up; he couldn't hurt her like that.
He sat on the bed next to her, "No," he says as he pulls her into his chest, "I don't feel that way." He simply holds her as she cries into his shoulder.
• • •
"I guess she's spread herself too thin," Sam vents to you as you lie on your couch cuddling, "I think the drinking and the drugs are a distraction from all the men she's trying to hold down. She's never been able to keep Lester under control, Nicky is getting all kinds of heat on him with the cops in Vegas, and she's realized I don't love her the way I used to, or maybe the way I thought I did."
The last part was mostly directed at himself; Sam is coming to terms with the decision he made when he married Ginger, and he's realizing that maybe it wasn't love at all. After all, lust isn't built on trust and respect.
"Don't blame yourself for falling for her. She said something to me the other night, and as hurtful as it was, it was true."
"What did she say to you?" he asks, sitting up a bit and furrowing his eyebrows.
"Well, uh, I just told her that I think you like girls like us because we're like you, but we make the business more glamorous. And she told me that you would only like a woman like her because you both worked for the success you have, and that means you and her have more to show for it."
"She said that to you?"
"Yeah, but don't worry about it. If you went to her about it, it would only cause you more problems," you try to get him to relax. There was no point in him getting stressed over it.
He sighs and lays back down, holding you tight, "I'm so sorry she said that to you. It's not true. I think her and I understand each other because of our backgrounds, but I think you know I like you just as much, if not more than I ever liked her."
"I thought you might say something like that. That's why I tried to not let it bother me," you look up and kiss him a few times.
He turns you to lay on your back, and he puts his head on your chest. You run your fingers through his hair on the back of his head.
"I wish we could just run away. I made such a mistake starting a life with Ginger. I meant it-" his voice catches a bit, "I meant it when I told you I love you. I wish I could just put her in the past and spend the rest of my days with you."
His voice got so soft at the end of his statement. From this position you couldn't see his face, and you figured there was a reason for that, as you felt some dampness forming on your shirt.
You had never seen Sam cry over anything. In that moment, it made you realize how real his feelings are. Even after all the hell Ginger put him through, it didn't break him as much as the idea of being with you.
He lies there and tries to keep his breathing even, while you wrap your arms around him and hold him. He just desperately needs love and comfort from a woman who really cares about him.
• • •
Sam and Ginger got to the point that they could hardly stand to be around one another, so they take periods of separation from one another, and they trade off who keeps Amy. Although, Sam will admit that he's more at ease when his little girl is with him.
Whenever Sam has Amy, he tries to take at least one day off work every week to spend with her. She's getting to be more of a kid than a toddler now, and she enjoys spending time with her daddy.
Today, Sam invited you along to the park and a for a picnic with Amy; it's what she asked for!
"You look pretty in your little sundress, baby," Sam compliments you, as he pushes his kid on the swing.
"It's nice seeing you dressed down a bit, too. Turns out it isn't the suit jacket that makes you so handsome!"
He was just wearing slacks and a button up shirt: sleeves rolled up, no tie, no sports coat. Oh, and don't forget the sunglasses and cigarette holder.
"Hey, Amy?" Sam calls to his daughter while she swings up and down through the air.
"Yeah, daddy?"
"You wanna go eat lunch, sweetie?"
"No?!" Sam exclaims sarcastically, "You don't wanna go eat your lunch? I packed your favorite."
She shook her head, despite the big smile on her face.
"PB and J's?!" he asks.
She shakes her head again.
Another no.
"Hmmm... How about those cupcakes we picked up from the bakery?"
Her little face lights up and she tries to stop the swing. Sam scoops her up on his hip to carry her over to their picnic blanket. The whole exchange is extremely adorable; you love watching Sam be a daddy to his little girl!
At lunch, surprisingly Amy stays near you. You've been babysitting her since she was a baby, and now she sees you hanging out with her dad a lot; luckily she likes you. It's really important to Sam that you two get along.
"You're gonna make a great mom one day," he says, pulling you out of your thoughts.
"Hmm? And what makes you think I'll be a mom?" you ask him, helping wipe something off Amy's cheek.
"If you stay with me, and if we end up together, you'll be Amy's new mom... aaaand maybe if you really like me, we could have a baby together," he looks down at his hands with a smirk on his face.
You put your hands over Amy's ears, and joke with him, "I think we should probably have sex before you ask me to have your baby! Although, you can trust me to have your baby 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 the wedding."
You let go of Amy's ears, while you and Sam double over in laughter.
"What's so funny?" she asks sassily, sounding just like her dad.
"Nothing, honey, you'll understand when you're older," Sam replies, petting her hair.
"You always say that, daddy. Can I go play?"
"Yes, but stay where we can see you, okay?"
"Okay!" she says, already running off. She's a busy body, just like him.
Sam pulls you into a spooning position and holds you so you can both keep an eye on Amy on the playground.
"So, you want me to make love to you, huh?" he grumbles lowly in your ear, placing some kisses on your neck.
"Mmm... Why don't you come over to my place one night and find out?" you tease at him.
• • •
You assumed tonight would be just a casual night at home, and you appreciate that, because it isn't often you get alone time. You had just gotten out the shower and decided to relax in your robe on the couch for the night.
That all changes when you hear the doorbell ring.
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"Who could that be? I don't think I invited anyone over," you think as you walk to the door.
"Sam!" you exclaim, seeing him on your front stoop, "what are you doing here-"
You're cut off by his lips meeting yours in a fiery kiss. He pushes you into the house and shuts the door behind him all while his lips never leave yours. He pushes you against a wall, grabbing at your hips. When his lips move down to your neck, you gasp out his name.
"Sam! What has gotten into you?" you breathe out, "What is this?"
"Mmm..." He moans, leaving little kisses at your ear, "Ginger and Amy are out of town, and... you told me to come over and make love to you."
"That's not how I said it," you laugh, before letting out a soft moan at his actions.
He reaches over and locks your front door before leading you over to the couch. His lips find yours again, then he gently lays you down, positioning himself on top of you. His hands roam your body, as your lips move with his; his tongue enters your mouth and sends chills across your skin.
You pull away from his kiss to look at him in the eyes, "I know we've been seeing each other and doing a lot of kissing, but I don't want to make you a cheater."
"Baby, it's not about cheating. Ginger and I don't wanna be together as it is; I 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 to be with 𝘺𝘰𝘶."
"Sam... are you sure? You can't go back from this."
"(Y/N), I already told you I love you. There's no going back from that." His hand snakes down to the ties on your silky robe, and pulls them loose. With his legs on either side of one of yours, he presses his hardness into your thigh. As he pulls your robe to the side just a few inches, he places soft kisses on your chest.
He pauses and looks up at you through his lashes. You place your hands on his face and shoulder, and he gives you a smile before he pulls your robe open, leaving you naked in front of him, except for the sleeves on your arms.
Sam kisses your lips lightly, then your cheek, then your neck and chest, where he starts leaving heated love bites. He gently squeezes at your breasts, as he teases them with his tongue and teeth. Soon after, he leaves a trail of kisses down your belly, leaving you with a few nips on your hipbone.
He sits up on his knees, taking your body in: your plump thighs, sensual hips, the way your breathing had become heavy, and obviously your naked parts he had always wanted to see. He moves to place himself between your legs, and he pulls one of them up, hooking your ankle on his shoulder and pressing a few kisses to your calf.
"You're beautiful," he tells you before he turns his attention back to your leg.
Sam really made you feel beautiful, but it was nothing in comparison to the way he looks: his dress shirt unbuttoned a little, shiny suit pants, large erection pressed against the fabric and poking at his waistband, his tight leather belt keeping it tame.
You're pulled from your thoughts by the feeling of Sam kissing your inner thigh; he had worked his way up to the soft, sensitive part of your leg.
He grabs you by your thighs, scooting you up the couch, giving him more room to work. Now he's bent over a bit more, placing sloppy kisses and and nibbles on your thighs as a way to get you to spread them apart. Finally, he gets down all the way, and you feel his hot breath on your center.
Seeing him crouched down on his elbows and knees, head between your legs... It's enough to make you want him. When places a few hot, wet, open-mouthed kisses on your labia, it makes you lose any fight you had to turn him down.
"Oh, Sam..." your hand slides into his hair as his tongue laps at you. He looks up making eye contact with you, and enjoying how flustered you look because of him.
He simply grins to himself and goes back to pleasing you. Your grip on his hair tightens each time he does something that you like, and he's smart: if you like it a lot, he does it over and over and over.
A few times, he moves down, licking at your entrance, testing the waters. When he hears a whine from you, he decides to stop being a tease and presses his tongue in past your lips. Your back arches up off the couch and you take in a deep breath; Sam digs his fingers into your thighs, keeping your hips firmly in place so he can continue swirling his tongue around inside you.
After a few minutes, he has mercy on you and goes back to your clitoris. He doesn't let up too much though. He slides his middle finger into you, slowly, and when he can't go any further, he curls it in a "come here" kind of motion.
"Oh, God," you let out, toes curling in pleasure.
Sam puts his lips on you and pulls your clit into his mouth, sucking on it. Jackpot. Your hand pulls his hair and you throw your head back; you can feel your climax coming. He lets out a low, grumbly moan, and it helps push you over the edge. Your orgasm comes in waves as Sam continues sucking and curling that finger; he's reveling in the feeling of you losing control at his hand.
When he decides you've had enough, he eases his motions to let you down from your high. The way he has total control over you and your body... You had never seen anything like it.
Sam crawls over you until he was face-to-face with you again to kiss you and make you taste yourself on his lips. He wraps his arms around you and picks you up, hands roaming your back as your robe hangs loosely behind you. With your legs wrapped around his hips, he takes you up to your bedroom.
"Can I ask you something, Sam?" you start.
"Of course you can, baby girl," he answers.
"Why would Ginger treat you so badly if you're this good in bed? And we haven't even made it to bed yet," you chuckle at the last part.
"I guess that's more of a question for Ginger than it is for me, but I'd really rather not talk about my wife right now," he says dropping you on your cozy bed. You lay there, arms above your head, your hair and silky robe spread out around you. Sam grabs you by wrapping his large hands around your ribcage and sits you up. It always impressed you how large and strong he is, because he keeps his muscles covered with all those suits. He pushes your robe off your shoulders, "That's better."
You giggle at him and reach out in front of you, giving his aching erection some much needed attention with the palm of your hand. Sam let's out a breath, and you take that as a sign to undo his belt. After opening his belt and unzipping his pants, you pull them down just a little, leaving them hanging on his hips. Your hand finds his member again, rubbing it through a much thinner layer of fabric, "You gonna show me what this thing can do?"
He puts a hand on the back of your head and pulls you to him. Your face nuzzles against his pelvis; you leave a few kisses on his groin and look up at him, "You want me to use my mouth on you?"
His eyes are fixed on yours as his lips pull into a half smile, "No, another time. I can't wait any longer to have you."
And with that, you pulled his pants off of his hips. He quickly works out of his shoes and pants and climbs on top of you.
"Oh, no, Mr. Rothstein! We are not doing this if you have those socks on!" you giggle at him.
He looks back at his feet, "What, you don't think they're sexy?" He turns back to you and kisses you, "I'd fuck you if you were wearing socks," he jokes before reaching back and pulling them off.
When he lays down on top of you, you work on unbuttoning his shirt while he kisses your lips and neck. A few seconds later his shirt is thrown to the floor. He wraps his arms around you as you make out, pressing your bodies together; like this, you can feel his muscles, his warmth, and his love, as if he was the thing you always needed.
His kisses slow down, and he pulls back to look at you, "I love you, (Y/N), and I mean it."
"I love you, too, Sam," you nearly whisper. After a short pause and Sam rubbing your cheek with his thumb, you ask, "Will you take those underwear off already? You're going awfully slow for a man who said he didn't want to wait anymore."
He smiles and shakes his head sarcastically at you, but he sits up on his knees and pushes them off, "Better?" he snarks.
He was sexier than you ever could've imagined. He left a lot to the imagination with all his suits, but like this, you got to take in his loving eyes, messed up hair, soft skin, toned arms, and the chest hair that made a lovely trail down to his large member that's standing at attention for you.
"Come here, sexy," you command.
"Who? Me?" he points to himself, jokingly.
You reach up, and grab his hands, pulling him down on top of you again, "Yes, you."
He lets out an excited moan, kicking his underwear to the floor and snaking a hand down between your thighs. As his fingers tease at your clit, he asks, "You ready, baby doll?"
"Very ready."
That's all he needs to hear before he's pulling your legs up to wrap around his waist, slicking up the head of his cock with spit and a little precum. The next moments are filled with moans from the two of you, as he lines up with your wet entrance and begins to enter you. His hips work slowly, giving small motions to sink into you.
You could tell from the way his hips were bucking lightly that he was torn between taking things slow and fucking into you hastily, right then and there. It's the neediest you'd ever seen him; it's sexy the way you make him lose a bit of that control he always has.
As soon as he's got enough length inside you, he starts rocking into you, eyebrows furrowed in pleasure. "Baby, you feel so good," he says as he buries a hand in your hair and his face in your neck, kissing you. His breathing becomes more intense, and his back arches a bit allowing for some room for him to work his hand on you again.
As if the feeling of his hardness pushing in and out of you wasn't enough, his fingers start making circles on your clit, drawing moans from your mouth. "Oh, God, those noises... You're gonna drive me crazy," he whispers in your ear before leaving a few bites on your lobe.
He moves so he can kiss you and look at your pretty face while he makes love to you. He's so excellent, pleasing your clitoris while thrusting his hips into you. You lean up to leave a series of kisses and nips on his neck and collarbone; your fingernails leaving scratches on his back and hands tangling his normally perfect hair.
"Oh, fuck..." you hear Sam say as he slows down his movements.
"You okay, honey?" you ask, concerned.
"More than okay, baby, I just got close," he answers, looking almost embarrassed. It's hard to tell if the flush on his cheeks is from answering your question or from pleasure.
"You could've finished if you wanted," you say with a warm smile.
"Oh, no. I'm not done with you yet, princess." He sits up on his knees, snaking his arm around your back and gripping your hips to lift you off the bed. His other hand rests on your pelvis, and his thumb flicks over your clit. He starts rocking you back and forth on his dick, "How about that? You like that?"
Judging by your moans and the way your back arches for him, he got his answer. He picks up his pace until he's fucking into you with quick, hard thrusts, and your thighs clap against his belly. His fingers relentlessly try to please you, and it's working: you're coming apart at the seams once again for him.
When you feel your second orgasm coming on, you can't help but also feel a little surprised... but also so turned on that he made a mess of you, twice.
Feeling your orgasm and feeling you tighten around his hard length, Sam loses himself. His hips buck into you wildly as he cums deep inside you. He sits back on his heels, and pulls you up to straddle his lap. He pumps into you a few more times while he holds you close to him, kissing anywhere his lips can reach.
Your lips meet and you kiss him several times, both of you feeling very satisfied. You comb your fingers through his hair, fixing it a little bit; he seems to like that. His arms are wrapped around you, and he just holds you on his lap like that for a few minutes, kissing your chest.
He lays his head against your shoulder, and let's out a deep breath, "Yeah, I'm in love," he giggles and stares up at you with an innocent, happy look.
"Me too," you say quietly, kissing his head with a bit of a sad look on your face.
"Hey!" he gets you to look down at him, "You okay, sweetie?"
"Yeah... I just wish we could be together, and that it wouldn't be so complicated," you tell Sam.
He lays you down on the bed, pulling out of you, then he lays next to you and holds you in his arms, "Me too, baby, me too. I just feel bad because it's my fault we can't be together like we want to."
"Oh, Sam, you know I don't blame you for that. No one enters into a bad marriage on purpose."
"No, but you were always right about her. I should've listened to you, considering I came to you for advice. She never cared about me."
"Yeah, but you cared about her, and you still do," you say with a warm smile, "she's the mother of your child. You have a big heart, Sam."
You wrap your arms around his neck and hold his head against your chest. "I care about you, too," you hear him mutter.
"I know you do. I care about you, too," you whisper, snuggling into him to drift off to sleep in his arms.
• • •
The sex was amazing, but there's nothing like waking up in the arms of someone you love, at least, that's how you feel this morning. The way Sam clings to you, almost desperately, lets you know that while you may not wake exactly like this every morning, you will wake up loved each morning.
As you begin to stir a bit, Sam's arms squeeze around you, not wanting you to leave your comfortable spooning position. He grumbles to himself a few times before finally cracking his eyes open to tell you, "Good morning, beautiful."
"Good morning," you respond, as he lies there with his eyes closed like he may go back to sleep.
He opens his eyes again, slowly, and you feel his hand gently move the covers off of you. You groan when the cool air hits your skin. "God damn, baby, you look so good," his voice rumbles.
"Mmm... You pushed the blankets off me just to tell me I look good?"
"Well, no..." he starts, and he finishes his statement by kissing your shoulder blade and neck, teasing at your thighs, and feeling your breasts. He presses his hips into your backside, letting you feel his morning wood.
"Oooh, someone's happy!" you giggle, pushing your butt back into him to give him some friction.
"I think you meant horny," he slides a hand down, grabbing at your butt before sliding further down teasing between your legs. He slowly runs his middle finger back and forth along your clit and your entrance, getting you wet for him.
"Hey, Sam?"
"Hm?" He mutters between kisses.
"I love you. I wanted to make sure to say it first for once."
He chuckles and continues what he's doing, "And I love you, and I wanna make sure you know this isn't about sex."
"Well, it's a little hard to believe that when you have a finger inside me, but Sam Rothstein is a man who's good on his word, so I'll believe you...just this once," you look over your shoulder, both of you grinning uncontrollably. You reach back and take his member in your hand, stroking it, "However, for the next few minutes, I'd like to make it about sex."
"Mmm, yes ma'am!" Sam exclaims, attacking your neck with sloppy kisses, and repositioning himself to enter you. You both relax into those feelings of pleasure as his warm cock fills you. He grips your hips loosely and thrusts his hips into you almost lazily, but it feels good.
His hand creeps down and grips your thigh, gently lifting your leg up in the air. You both light up with noises, moans, whines, heavy breathing. Within a few minutes, you hear Sam breathe out, "Baby, baby, I'm gonna cum."
You let out a hum, "Cum for me, sweetheart."
Sam pulls you close to him, moving against you with quick, small pumps. You grab his hand, intertwining his fingers with yours, while he holds you tightly. After his orgasm, he slides out of you easily and turns you over to kiss your lips for the first time that morning.
Sam is so needy after sex; he wants to hold you as close as possible and shower you in kisses and affection and sweet words.
"I'm sorry I didn't finish you off, honey," Sam says to you.
"It's okay, sweetie, I'm just glad you felt so good," you hold his head in your hands, nuzzling your nose against his.
He lowers his voice as if someone might hear him, "I'll make up for it in the shower," giving you a little wink.
And he does, because Sam Rothstein is a man who's good on his word.
• • •
Since you and Sam spent that weekend together, you start fucking like bunnies. That is to say: you find time to make love to one another often, especially when Ginger is out of town. You both prefer to do it at your home, but when Sam has Amy, he will sometimes invite you over; you quickly get past sleeping in another woman's bed, because you know Sam's heart belongs to you. Sex for the two of you isn't about getting off; it's one of the many ways you show your feelings for one another.
You both find it very hard to hide your feelings for one another in front of others. You can be so open with one another and your feelings when you're in your little bubble. Despite that, you have to put your feelings aside for The Tangiers charity event tonight. Sam has a lot of big spenders flying in for this event; it's going to bring in a lot of money and a lot of publicity for the casino.
"Hey, baby," you say, sneaking into Sam's office, closing the door quietly.
He's standing by his desk signing a few papers; this is probably the one quiet moment he'll have all night. "Hey, princess," he gives you a cute look, signing a few more papers. You sit in comfortable silence, while you wait for him to finish his work. "Alright," he says, tapping his pen on the final paper, "Bring that sweet ass over here!"
He sits on the edge of his desk and pulls you into a hug, taking in your scent and the way your dress feels against your body. He lets out a relaxed sigh, "I missed you."
It has been few days since you've seen each other. With Ginger being home in preparation for this event, you and Sam decided it was best not to see each other. "I missed you, too," you nuzzle into him.
You feel his hand under your chin, lifting your face so he can kiss you. You kiss slowly at first, letting Sam explore your mouth with his tongue, but things quickly get more heated since it feels like it's been so long since you had each other.
He turns you around, sitting you on his thigh as he leans against his desk. You both crane your necks to keep your lips connected. Sam presses your back against his chest before dipping his hand into your dress, fingers teasing your nipple. You inhale sharply and brace a hand on his hip.
"You like that?" he purrs in your ear.
"Mm-hmm," you hum, leaning your head back against him.
His free hand pulls your dress up and disappears between your thighs, touching you through your panties.
"Sam..." you whine, moving your hand to squeeze at his half-hard length.
"Seems like someone misses me, needy baby," he whipsers to you.
You urge his hands off of you and stand up, facing him, "Now let's get something straight, Mr. Rothstein: I wasn't needy when I came in this office. I patiently waited for you to finish signing things, and then YOU made me needy."
There's a long pause between you before Sam cracks a little smirk and says, "You're sexy when you're mad."
Once you head downstairs to the casino floor, the party is on. Millionaires and billionaires fill the room, enjoying slots, tables, and free champagne. Sam always thought it was funny how rich people love a free handout.
Every business associate that Sam knew was here, plus the rich friends they brought with them. Those of you who spend a lot of time at the casino mingle with the guests who came to spend money; your job is to keep them spending money, because a hefty portion of what the house makes tonight is going to be split between a few charities. It was Billy's idea, saying that a charity event would be great publicity and raise goodwill with the people.
Most of your evening goes by playing table games with people you barely knew, so it's nice to see Billy, a familiar face. You hadn't seen him since you got there.
He hands you a glass of champagne and you find a more secluded place to talk while Billy watches the floor. You see Sam doing the same from his usual spot; Sam sees you and gives you a cute look, scrunching his nose when Billy isn't looking.
Almost on queue, Billy smirks, "So, you and Ace, huh?"
"Huh? What?" you stammer, caught off guard.
"Don't worry, I haven't told anyone. You know my lips are sealed," he has a pleased look on his face, and he gives you a wink.
You sigh and give Billy a knowing look, confirming his suspicions, "How'd you know?"
"Well, I'll admit it took me a while to catch on, because you two have always been close. Sam's been much happier the past few weeks, but I chalked it up to Ginger getting out of his hair with her little vacations. Tonight has been the first dead giveaway: you sneaking up to his office and coming down to the floor together, and the way he's been keeping an eye on you all evening, like he's worried about you getting too far away from him."
If Sam had been watching you like that, you hadn't noticed, but it was endearing. "You should tell him not to blow our cover," you smirk at Billy.
"Oh, I plan on it," Billy leans into you, "Let me tell you a secret, (Y/N). I've always liked you two together, and I think you have always liked one another; maybe you were just too blinded by the Vegas lights to see it... So, I'll keep your secret, because you two deserve to be happy." His hand squeezes your shoulder, and he clinks his glass with yours before leaving you to go stand with Sam so they can watch the floor together.
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As you walk the floor looking for a group of tycoons to mingle with, you feel a hand grab your arm. You turn to see Ginger who is now leading you across the casino floor.
"Hey, girl! Wanna work a table together? Maybe if we put our heads together, we could pull in more money." She is oddly pleasant in her tone of voice, but the way her nails grip your arm gives you a different vibe; however, you don't feel you have much choice in the matter. You are swept off to a table far away from the center of the casino, far away from Sam and Billy.
Unexpectedly, Ginger is nice to you and even jokes with you as you hustle all the rich men gathered around the roulette table, getting them to spend all of their money. When that's over, it's like a switch flips.
She drags you aside away from everyone except a few bouncers, and begins her tirade, "It's you. I know it's you." She's doing her best to remain calm with all of the donors around, but you knew she was high; she was always on something anymore.
"Ginger, what are you talking about?"
"You- your perfume! I smell it... in my bed, on Ace! I know you're sleeping with him!"
You can tell she's getting worked up, and you really don't want her to start yelling. "Now, we don't want things to get out of hand. You know I spend a lot of time with Sam; I've been helping him babysit Amy more since you guys have been more separate. Isn't it possible you smell my perfume around him because of that? You probably smell it on Amy too, right?"
Ginger is frustrated and confused, unable to make sense of things with all that junk in her system, "Yeah, yeah, I guess that makes sense," she pouts.
"Yeah, see? It's okay, everything's okay," you try to calm her down, resting your hand on her upper arm.
"No! Don't touch me!!" she shouts.
"Ginger, don't get excited; we don't wanna ruin the event."
"I don't care what you say; I don't trust you, and I don't trust you with my husband!" she sneers at you, "I have my connections just like your 'Saaam,' and if I find out anything is going on with you and him, you'll be nothing more than one of those holes in the desert these guys like to talk so much about. You're nothing but a whore as it is."
Her face is inches from yours. She had insulted you and threatened your life in a single statement, and clearly she had decided Sam was too personal a name for her husband, since she chastised you for calling him that. You decide to do your worst; you doubt she'll remember this interaction anyway.
"This coming from the woman who can't seem to shake her pimp."
Thankfully the bouncers nearby saw how heated things were getting, and they came over to break it up. They even called Nicky over talk Ginger down. It's pretty bad that even the casino staff knew about Nicky and Ginger, and that bringing Ace over would just make it worse.
But word quickly made it back to Sam about what Ginger had done to you, and so a few days later, he sent her to Beverly Hills with Amy; besides, he only needed her home for that one night at the Tangiers.
• • •
Despite all of his efforts to run a clean joint, it all came crashing down when Sam got word that the FBI had heard all about the casino and the Midwest bosses from that grocery store tap back home. Luckily, they couldn't really bring any heat down on Sam, because he didn't know much; he had been put in Las Vegas to run the casino, and he was even working on getting his gaming license which looked good on him.
Nicky, however, did get a lot of heat. He already had the attention of the Las Vegas police for a number of crimes, and he was the liaison between Las Vegas and and the Midwest bosses.
Sam had already been trying to pull away from Nicky and that meant also pulling away from the gangster business that had made him so successful as a handicapper.
Thankfully with Ginger out of town, you got to be with Sam when he found out about all this. There isn't much he can do, but he knows it's a possibility his whole casino could go under.
In order to cheer him up, you invite Sam to your place for a few days, so he can use your home as a getaway to just relax as much as he can. Despite everything going on, you both actually have a pretty good time. Sam only takes the calls he absolutely has to take which mostly meant Billy, and you both enjoy cooking together, showering together, making love together...
Unfortunately he can't stay for more than a few days or people will start to realize he isn't home, and any calls other than to Billy needed to come from Sam's house, especially any calls to Ginger. And so this morning you head off to Sam's place, so he can call the hotel in Beverly Hills to check on his wife and child.
He gets on the phone and cheerily greets the hotel receptionist before asking to be put through to Ginger's room. His tone quickly drops when he questions, "𝘔𝘳. and Mrs. Rothstein?"
You give him a concerned look as he wraps up the conversation and slams the phone down on the hook. He lets out a frustrated sigh and rubs his chin before he says, "She checked out of the hotel with another man and my kid."
"It's not Nicky, is it?" you ask.
"No, it's not Nicky, I know it's not Nicky; he's got too much heat on him to leave Vegas." That could only mean one thing: Lester.
Sam immediately gets back on the phone calling the police, the FBI agents he'd been in contact with, even Nicky, to try to find where Ginger and this pimp had taken his daughter. The FBI is very gracious in helping track down Ginger and Amy, quickly getting back to Sam with an address and phone number for where they are.
After a phone call with Lester that didn't really go anywhere, Sam is feeling helpless about what to do. He's so furious with Ginger, but he needs her to bring their daughter home. He sinks down into the couch when he looks at you desperately; he doesn't know what to do.
You quickly rush over and curl up next to him, taking the man in your arms, rubbing his shoulders for comfort. "How do I get her home? I just want Amy safe; she's not safe with that pimp, and clearly she's not safe with her mother anymore either."
"You're not gonna like to hear this, but I think Nicky is your best bet to get her back," you suggest.
He simply nods his head as he realizes you're right, then he picks up the phone to call his friend.
• • •
The next few days Sam and Ginger are walking on eggshells. It couldn't be more obvious that Ginger doesn't want to be home, but Sam had to know that Amy is safe. Since Ginger has to be home, Sam even tries being sweet to her again. He had tried to cuddle with her a few times, something they hadn't done in years, but she would just reject him each time, typically leaving the room. Sam is at his wits' end; he doesn't know what else to try with Ginger, what other approach he could take.
One night as Sam is about to leave the casino to head home, you follow him out to his car, "just to talk," you tell him. You hadn't seen him in days and you miss him.
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"Hey, baby," Sam says wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
"Hey, honey. I missed you," you smile at him.
He hums, "I miss you too, and I'm sorry you're in the middle of all this... It's not fair to you."
"It's okay, Sam. You're the one who's in a tough spot here. I'm just here to support you and love you and... make you feel better..." you trail off as you squeeze his thigh, your fingers gracing past his crotch.
"Oh..." Sam says, giving you a cheeky look.
You slide your hand back and forth over the front of his pants, getting him hard, while you lightly kiss at his neck and ear. "You've just been so stressed lately, sweetie; let me help you relax."
When his breathing becomes heavy, you know he's ready for more, "Baby girl, I need your mouth on me, now." He lets out a groan when you open his pants and stroke him through his underwear.
You don't waste much time before you're going down on him, kissing his leaking member before taking it in your mouth. He looks down at you and tries to keep his breathing even; all this came on pretty suddenly so you've got Sam very worked up. He takes your hair in his hands, forming a make shift ponytail to keep your hair out your face. He also likes to watch your face bob up and down on his cock.
You hollow out your cheeks and Sam savors that intense sucking feeling. Between that and your tongue pressing against his tip, he can hardly contain himself. You wrap a hand around the base of his member, pumping what you can't take in your mouth.
Sam's hands push you down making you take as much of him as you can, and his breathing becomes labored, letting out little moans as he climaxes in your mouth.
You take down what you can and lick up any of the rest. You look up to see Sam giving you a look with raised eyebrows.
"I didn't want you to make a mess..." you say with a raspy voice as you wipe your lips.
He simply stares at you, as if he was still trying to make sense of what just happened, before he grabs your hair and pulls you into a rough kiss, tasting himself on your tongue. When he pulls away from you breathing heavily, he says, "Baby, you have no idea how bad I needed that. Thank you." He softens up and pulls you back towards him, this time laying your head in the crook of his neck.
Sam leaves you at the Tangiers and at home, walks into a nightmare: his kid is tied to her bed and his wife is nowhere to be found. Despite the flood of panic and anger that he feels, he keeps his wits about him and calls you to come get Amy; with you is the safest place for her right now while Sam searches for Ginger. You only see him for a quick moment, before he rushes out the door, leaving you to pack Amy a bag and take her to your house for a few days.
Sam knows Ginger is at Nicky's new restaurant; he had called before he left the house. His tires screech to a halt as he rolls up to the place of business.
After a run-in with Nicky at the door and a quiet altercation in the corner booth, where Sam definitely threatened Ginger's life for what she did to Amy, Sam managed to get his wife in the car. On the ride home, oddly, all Sam could think was, "Where does Nicky get off asking 𝘮𝘦 to be civil, when he's the one that always gets heat brought on us?"
It's probably just a temporary distraction from elephant in the room, or car, in this case.
Sam has to admit: he's at his wits' end with Ginger. He'd be lying if he said he hadn't thought about leaving her or kicking her out. But when they walk into the house, and he sees the apologetic look in his wife's eyes, whether honest or manipulative, one thought crosses his mind, "She's the mother of my child."
How could he walk out on her? He had promised she'd be taken care of, and even though he really only meant financially, his big heart wouldn't allow him to hurt her.
She doesn't care what he does; she won't be bothered as long as she gets the money she's promised.
"Come on, honey, let's go to bed," Sam says softly, taking his wife's hand. They take a few steps together before the man stops and turns to her; he places his hands on her sides, seeing if she'll hug him. When she does, sadly, it leaves Sam with a shred of hope for their relationship.
• • •
Sam had been exhausted, so he went to bed with the promise that Ginger would meet him there after she gets a shower. However, when Sam wakes up, seeing the time on the clock and the other half of his bed empty; he's immediately filled with suspicion.
At 3:03 A.M., he finds himself sneaking down the hallway--sneaking... in his own house. He shakes his head and quietly shuffles down the hallway towards the living room, where he can hear Ginger's voice moving at a rapid and excited pace.
"I don't care- I don't care!! I want that fucker dead! I want him dead! And that little slut too!! Sleeping in my bed- No! No, I will not calm down... I want a hit on that bitch, that way he can 𝘩𝘶𝘳𝘵! The same way he hurt me!" Ginger snarls and sobs into the phone.
Sam's heart sank. The thought of losing you--no, he couldn't think about that right now; he simply springs into action, grabbing the phone from Ginger's hands. "Who's this?" he demands to the person on the other end of the line, before slamming the phone down only a second later as Ginger leaps up, practically attacking Sam by pounding her balled up hands against his chest and arms.
"You want me dead, huh? You want me outta the picture?!" his voice booms as she starts to wrestle with him, crying and screaming. "Come with me, come on!" He gets her flailing hands undercontol and drags her down the hallway; Ginger's feet come out from under her, and he just keeps dragging her, both of them yelling at each other.
"I hate you!!! I hate your guts!" Ginger shouts at Sam from where she's laying on the floor of their walk in closet, her face red from crying.
"I know, you evil bitch! What did I ever do to you, huh? I tried to love you and look where it got me..." He slaps a duffle bag down on her lap.
"What's this?" she asks.
He follows it with a pile of clothes, gorgeous, expensive fabrics hitting the floor, "Get your shit, and get out," Sam growls, fire and pain in his eyes.
"You can't kick me out, you can't put me out on the street with no money!!!" She jumps up and starts grabbing expensive clothes.
"Money's all you care about, huh?" he questions, bending down to a shoe box under his clothes; he pulls out all that would fit in his hands, bringing it over to her on the floor. "Is this enough?? You'll probably blow through this in a week!" He dumps the cash in her lap, storming off from her to rip more of her clothes off hangers.
"You can't abandon me!! You told me I'd be taken care of! If you kick me out, I'll go take all my jewelry out the bank!!" she threatens.
He grabs her set of keys, taking her house key off the ring, leaving her with car keys and her bank keys. "And I will not stop you," Sam says, almost calmly.
He knew the key to his millions was still in his desk drawer upstairs, she'd only be leaving with the key to what's hers. He'd been feeling unsure about walking out on her, but Sam made his decision the moment Ginger threatened your life.
• • •
For the next week, you and Sam were waiting for the ball to drop and for Ginger to come storming through that door. But in another way, Sam didn't care; he had you over all the time, even when people came over. He started to put his hands on your waist or even kiss you in front of others. It made you so nervous the first time he kissed you in front of Nicky, but Sam knew what he was doing. Nicky couldn't run to anyone about it, because what Nicky had done was worse in the eyes of the Midwest bosses: sleeping with his best friend's wife, their precious "Golden Jew."
But that isn't the reason Nicky's here right now.
"Ace, they took the bosses in. Arrested every single one of 'em. The FBI knows what's going on, all of it, but they ain't got nothing on me or you, because we don't go in room where they count the money. That doesn't mean they won't question us though."
And boy did they. Sam was already irritated that his name was in the paper every time Nicky went to court for some crime, but now it was coming out that him and Nicky were both being held for questioning for the crime bust in the Midwest.
Nicky pretty much refused to give them anything, but Sam had a reputation with the law and a relationship with the FBI out here. They had helped him get his kid back after all. So, he didn't give them any new information, but he didn't mind confirming certain things they already knew, as long as it didn't incriminate him.
Because of his cooperation, the authorities left Sam alone after a little while. Most of the attention was on Nicky and what his connections were to the Midwest bosses and the casino. Somehow Nicky got himself out of it without getting arrested; Sam had to wonder if it was Nicky's rambling or his threats that did the trick.
Weeks went by, and it was clear that the casino was going down. It wasn't for trying though. Sam fought so hard to keep his precious establishment running, but the place had been riddled with scandals. And even with the bosses facing trial, the powers that be decided to get rid of the whole scam; Sam losing The Tangiers would just be a necessary evil to them.
Sam decided it was a better time than ever to leave the business behind. Besides, he'd never been into crime the way Nicky was; he'd just been pulled into this because he was a money maker.
So as Sam walks out of the casino for the last time, locking the doors to the completely empty building, he lights a cigarette and heads over to his car with only one thing on his mind: going home to you and Amy. Unfortunately, he won't make it home as soon as he would have liked, as his car goes up in flames from a car bomb that must've been rigged while he was inside the casino.
Sam had planned for this kind of thing though, and he had the manufacturers of the vehicle place a special metal plate under the passenger seat, giving him a few valuable seconds to save his life.
You get the call during Sam's ambulance ride to the hospital. At first you're devastated--why would anyone want to hurt your Sam? Before you could find to a conclusion, you quickly snap out of it, getting Amy into the car to get to the hospital.
"Mr. Rothstein-"
"I told you, I don't want-
"Mr. Rothstein, we think it's important that we run this test," the doctor speaks over Sam. Must be an important test for him to interrupt Ace Rothstein.
"I'm fine!" your boyfriend groans, "My arm is burned, but I feel fine."
"But sir, it's possible the adrenaline in your system-"
"Sam Rothstein!" You cut the doctor off, storming in with Amy on your hip.
"Hey, baby!" he holds a hand out towards you.
"Don't you 'baby' me. I know you're not arguing with this doctor, refusing medical advice!! You don't just have yourself to worry about here, you have me and Amy- and I swear to God, Sam Rothstein if you die on me, you'll have more than heaven and hell to worry about! You'll have me to answer to," you finish your rant with a stern look.
His face drops for a moment before a little smirk forms, "You're sexy when you're mad."
Ignoring him, you turn to his doctor, "Run any tests you need to. I'll deal with him." You pat the doctor on his tie.
"Yes, ma'am, Mrs. Rothstein," the doctor says as you walk away, giving them room to do what they need to do.
"Oh, we're not married... yet," Sam explains, scrunching his nose cutely at you.
"Well I'm not gonna be the one to tell her that," the doctor says under his breath.
As they wheel Sam out of the room to take him for some tests, you hear Amy's voice, "Why are you mad at daddy?"
"I'm not mad at daddy," a little chuckle leaves you and you hug the child close to you, "I just love him, and so I had to make him listen to the doctors."
• • •
You pick Sam up just a few days later, perfectly fine, except for some burns on his arm. He sits in the passenger seat of your car with a pile of things from the hospital: his coral pink suit in a plastic bag, burned in a few spots from the bomb, a folder with some information about caring for his burns, a packet full of bandages and prescription ointment, and a large yellow envelope.
"Now, don't be mad," Sam starts.
"What did you do?" you glare at him for a second before turning your eyes back to the road.
"I, uh, got a real estate agent to start looking for new homes for us."
"Sammy, why would I be mad about that? We practically live together already!"
"These homes--they're not in Las Vegas."
"What?!" you practically give him whiplash, pulling the car into a random parking lot. "You wanna leave Las Vegas? Sam, I grew up here..."
He looks down at his lap and back up at you, "I know," it comes out so quietly, "I just don't think we're safe here anymore... I'm not in the business anymore, I'm but afforded the same protections as I used to be. What if they come after you next? Or Amy? Right now, I know enough people that we could get out quietly..."
"Oh, Sam..." You cup his face in your hands, "I'm sorry I reacted like that, I'm scared too, and now I have a kid to worry about. I know she's not mine yet, but if anything happened to Amy-" You have to stop yourself before you cry.
"Here," he says, grabbing the yellow envelope, "I gave some pictures of some houses, and there's one I really like."
Instead of driving your boyfriend home, you sit in the car looking at pictures of beautiful homes, and daydreaming about where how you'll arrange the living room, where you'll put the bed, Amy playing in the backyard.
"Hey, look at this last one," he tells you.
"Is this the one you like?"
"Yeah," his face has a happy, soft smile as he thinks about moving into this house with you; he just knows it's perfect.
"Hmmm... San Diego, huh? 4 bedrooms and a mother-in-law suite. Sam we don't need 4 bedrooms," you look up at him.
He gently places his hand on your belly, "We might."
Your heart just melts... Even if you aren't sure about kids, clearly the thought makes him happy.
"Okay so there's a pool and a lot of grass, maybe we could put a trampoline there..."
• • •
Boxes are scattered all around your new home; you picked the one in San Diego, of course. It's completely perfect.
The movers had dropped off all the big furniture and help you set it up; Sam even got them to help set up Amy's trampoline, and he was so thrilled to surprise her with it. But it will be a few more days before the decorators can come to paint, unpack, and lay out the rest. Nothing but luxury for Sam Rothstein and his "wife."
Right now, Sam is dropping Amy off at the neighbor's house for a play date, so she can get to know the kids in the area. Of course, you two had been sure to meet with this couple first to scope them out, making sure they are safe for Amy to be around.
The plan is to get some unpacking done when your man gets home, but you thought it might be nice to spend some quality alone time together in your new home.
"Honey, I'm home!" Sam chimes at the front door; it makes him so happy to be able to say that. Sam stops at the door to look around for you.
You saunter down the hallway, wearing a black trench coat and bright red high heels, "Hey, sexy!"
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"Mmmm," Sam moans, "I think I should be saying that to you. What's this, baby?"
You stop just out of his reach and untie your jacket, holding it open to show off a new set of candy red lacy lingerie, "Just a little..." you turn around and drop the coat to the floor, revealing a big red bow at the top of your ass, "house warming present." You throw him a sultry look over your shoulder before walking into the kitchen, heels clicking loudly on your new porcelain floor.
Sam pulls his jaw up off the floor and quickly follows, watching as you crawl up onto the marble-top kitchen island. He walks over, appreciating your body by rubbing his hands on your sides, eyes roaming the red fabric hugging your frame. You rake your hands through his hair, and pull him into you, landing his face right between your breasts, which he seems very okay with judging by the way he closes his eyes and starts kissing at them. He wraps his arms around your waist, trying to pull you off the counter.
"Oh no, sir, Mr. Rothstein, you're not taking me to that bedroom. If we're gonna break this house in, we're gonna do it my way. What's that thing you like to say?" You look up acting like you're trying to remember, "There are three ways of doing things around here: the right way, the wrong way, and the way that I do it..."
You practically yank him up onto the counter with you, his legs fumbling with the bar stools to help get him up there. Before Sam can even get his bearings straight, you have his back pinned against the marble, your lips taking his in a passionate, sloppy kiss.
Sam pushes you off of him, breathing heavily, "Damn, baby girl, where's this coming from? Not that I'm complaining."
"Well, my sexy, rich sugar daddy just bought me a nice, new house, and I just wanna thank him," you nuzzle into him.
"Sugar daddy, huh? Is that all I am to you?" he gives you a loving look, both of you smiling at his joke.
"Oh, yes, Mr. Moneybags..." You sit up and stretch a leg across his lap straddling him. As you grind your hips back and forth against his hard on, you both let out some light moans and hot sighs. His belt buckle makes some clinking noises as you unhook it before swiftly tugging it from his belt loops and dropping it to the floor.
Zip! You open his pants and pull them down just a few inches so you can return to grinding against his member through a much thinner layer of fabric. When Sam's fingers snake towards his groin so he can further please himself, he's met with a harsh smack on the hand.
"All the pleasure you feel is gonna come from me, got it?" you tell Sam.
He raises his eyebrows, surprised by this change that's overcome you, but down for the ride--literally. The pressure of his hardness against your clit is a great warm up for you, so you keep at it until Sam has a couple of wet spots on his underwear: one from you and one from his pre-cum soaking through.
At that point, you move off of him enough to pull his pants and boxer briefs down to his upper thighs, his erection springing free. You crawl back on top of him, pinning his wrists to the counter just above his head while you kiss him. You pull away, stroking his chin and swiping your thumb across his lips.
"Ready, baby?" you ask, kissing his cheek lightly.
"I- uhhh, yeah," he breathes out.
"Cat got your tongue, silly?" you giggle.
"No, I just, I've never -uh- had a girl top me quite like this," he explains.
"Oh, um, should I stop?" you ask innocently as you grind against his dick again.
"NO- no. I, um... You shouldn't stop."
The way Sam is fumbling through the conversation tells you that he probably likes the treatment he's being given, and so you move your hips against him a few more times before moving your panties to the side and guiding his member to your entrance. Your boyfriend let's out a low groan when he feels that warm wetness surround his sex; you think that's probably his favorite part of making love.
You start by setting a leisurely pace, knowing Sam will want more, but, gosh, the tease is so satisfying too...
"Please, baby," Sam breathes.
"Please what?" you play dumb.
"Go faster... Please, baby." So predictable of him.
"Mmmm, you mean you don't like when I take my time with you?" You speed up juuuust a little bit, but not nearly as much as he would've liked.
"I thought I was in charge in the bedroom," he groans.
"Well, we're not in the bedroom are we?" You lean down to kiss him, pinning his hands down again, next to his shoulders this time. You continue to hold them down while you pick up the pace, leaving Sam feeling a bit helpless as he can't touch you.
You take a little break from all the bouncing to slide back and forth, achieving a new kind of friction. Sam curls his hips up into you, clearly enjoying the sensation.
"Let me touch you, please?" Of course you're going to give in, but not without hearing him beg a little more. No one has this kind of control over Sam "Ace" Rothstein; no one but you. "Babyyy... Please, you know I like to hold you."
He gets nothing but silence in response, oh, and your hips working even faster, which only serves to make him more needy. "(Y/N), please... please, baby, I wanna hold you so bad."
You let go of his wrists and intertwine your first with his for a moment before his hands move to your face to cup your cheek. Afterwards, his palms smooth over your chest and arms; he's looking up at you: your pretty face, soft skin, the way your hair bounces along with your breasts as you ride him.
His hips become less tame the closer he gets to his climax. He's a man who just can't help himself; he likes to be in on the action, even if he isn't on top.
You lean yourself back, placing your palms on the cool countertop, giving him a great angle to attack your g-spot. Sam's hands roam your thighs until you find your rhythm with the changed position, but once he knows he's hitting the right spots, his fingers dive in to stimulate you from the outside as well. One hand pinches and rubs your nipple while the other sets a dangerous speed on your clit.
Despite you trying to have so much control over him, Sam just knows exactly what buttons to push on you, and you're cumming in a matter of seconds. The way it snuck up on you causes you to bend forward as your orgasm pulses through you.
The man beneath you takes advantage of this by pulling you flush to his chest, bracing his feet on the counter top, and railing up into you as fast as he can. You turn into nothing but a noisy mess as he uses your body to get off.
"Fuck, baby, I'm cumming..." Sam finds his release before he even realizes it; he just feels so tangled up and lost in the pleasure of being with you.
A few seconds later, you both find yourselves lying on the kitchen island, completely limp and trying to catch your breath. Sam lazily rolls onto his side, rolling you onto the marble counter beside him. Goosebumps litter your skin as the cold countertop comes in contact with you. You both lay on the counter, staring at each other before you both brsk out into giggles.
"I can't believe you let me fuck you on this thing," you laugh, patting the marble, "and I can't believe you let me fuck you... Like that. I wasn't being too much, was I?"
Sam tucks himself back into his pants, zipping them up and buttoning them before wrapping an arm around your waist. "What? You being a little dominatrix? No, I don't think it was too much," he nuzzles his nose against yours and gives you a few soft kisses. "But," he starts, "the only woman allowed to have me like that is Mrs. Sam Rothstein..."
"Well, uh- that's not me..." you say, a little confused.
"It could be," he says in a low, soft voice, "Whaddya say? You wanna marry me?"
"Sam-" you start to feel overwhelmed for a few reasons: 1. He literally just proposed to you, but 2. "You're still married, Sam. I couldn't be your wife even if I wanted to!" Tears start to form in your eyes.
"Hey, hey, hey, shhh..." he says, pulling you into a cuddle, "You remember when I flew back to Vegas last week to go close the sale on the house there?"
You sniffle and look up at him, "Mm-hmm."
"Well I ran into one of the judges that used to come by the casino all the time, he was a big spender, but we treated him real nice. He told me he had heard everything from his friends on the force, everything about Ginger and the car bombing. We talked for a while, and he told me to stop by his chambers before I left the city," Sam fishes in his pocket for some folded up papers, "and he gave me this."
He hands you the papers to unfold and look at. "Oh... Oh, Sam! He granted you a divorce. Why didn't you tell me??"
"I wanted to surprise you..." He smiles that charming smile.
"Well, I'm certainly surprised," you hug him by nuzzling into his chest, "I didn't even know you were considering this yet."
"I've been considering it for years, honey," he whispers, kissing you on the temple, "ever since I told you I love you."
You both pause to simply take in the other person for a moment: Sam's clothes all disheveled and your still in your lingerie, cuddling on the stone counter.
"You know I think you're perfect, right? If there was just one thing I could change about you, it would be your last name. So, whaddya think, princess? You wanna try Rothstein on for size?"
The tears quickly return to your eyes, "Yeah, yeah- yes!" You grab his face and start kissing him over and over.
He can hardly pull you off of him for all the kisses, not that he wants to. However, when you decide you're done loving on your fiancé, he apologizes, "I'm sorry I don't have a ring for you right now, but ummm," he reaches for his little pinky ring; it's gold and pink to match his outfit for that day, "you can wear this for now." He slips the piece of metal onto your left ring finger; it doesn't fit that well, but you're honored to wear it.
Sam sits up, sliding off the counter. He stands at the edge of the island, pulling you towards him and wrapping your legs around his waist. He cups your head in both his hands and kisses you softly. "Wanna go to 'break in' the bathtub, Mrs. Rothstein?"
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bored-storyteller · 4 years
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Dear Anon, sorry if I can't do the screen of your request :3 anyway I hope you like it
Warning: mention of violence and blood (nothing too bloody I think)
45- Tokyo Ghoul, Uta x human!Reader
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That's your favorite time of the day. When you sit at the table in the hot cafeteria, with the steam of the sweet boiling drink in your nostrils, the warmth of the discreetly attended but not too noisy environment and your faithful sketchbook open on the polished wooden shelf. The first blank page available looks at you, waiting to become your world, your dreams.
You are particularly lucky today; he is there.
When you entered he was already sitting at the bar, sipping a black coffee. He doesn't come every day, nor does he always arrive at the same time, but when you find him you know he will stay a long time.
You don't know his name - or at least you shouldn't know, it's not nice to overhear conversations - you don't know who he is, you just know that the first time something entered him it made you hold your breath. You don't even know what has caused you so much upset at a simple glance; it's not his extravagant style, it's not his piercings or his intricate tattoos. They are not even his strange and sometimes scary eyes. They are not those caressing, sweet and persuasive ways with which he seems to behave as usual, and not even the calm ironic words he occasionally addresses to the one who serves behind the counter. No, it's none of this, or maybe it's all this, but you don't know it, you can't understand it.
Today he smiled at you. The place wasn't too crowded, and his look had turned to you at the chirping of the bell. How bizarre as a face that threatens so much aggression it is capable of such delicacy.
You wonder if he knows how much your eyes touch him every time you meet him. Maybe yes, but he doesn't really care.
His decorated fingers are absent-mindedly tucked into the handle of the cup, his hair today is gathered in a rather messy half-ponytail. You don't know if he did it on purpose or if he just didn't pay much attention to it.
For a second you get lost following his profile line. His lips are slightly parted, he is listening.
You choose to seize the moment, and your freshly sharpened pencil glides over the slightly textured paper, sketching indefinite sketches. You have plenty of time to improve them.
You don't really remember since you started drawing Uta - as the man in the coffee shop calls him, and for you he is the only reference you can rely on - only, suddenly the block that had taken possession of your artistic skills was suddenly loose. Whoever that man was, you wanted to draw him.
From there, his face started to appear more and more often in your drawings, and from there he started to inspire you, he started to make you imagine.
"Beautiful, he is really beautiful." You thought immediately, and at the beginning it was nothing more. Then, slowly, over time that "beautiful" had extended beyond his physical boundary, also touching his attitude, his voice, his expressions.
You never really talked to him - out of shyness, or maybe not to break that magic - but it's not important. That's okay, you've started to get attached to him, you've begun to hope that he can be okay, that he can be happy, and it doesn't matter who he is or who he isn't. His mere presence has given you so much.
Today it is a coincidence that you and he get up at the same time from your respective seats. He surely didn't notice, and neither did you, as you put your sketchbook back in your bag.
It is not rush hour, and even if you are far away you can see him well. He is so calm, while he keeps his balance clinging effortlessly to the steel tube. His eyes look beyond the glass, although there is little to see. But maybe they see much more? You wonder what he is thinking, what can a person like him think? Who knows how he lives, you wouldn't even know how to attribute a precise age to him.
He is quicker than you to get out, and you are still settling your bill. It's not like you want to chase him, you're not a stalker or a maniac, but he's right in front of you. It is a coincidence. It is also a coincidence when he takes the subway with you.
Your stop passes by, and this time it is no coincidence.
Shinjuku is his station, apparently. Yes, it suits him, it's a suitable environment for him, at least you think. The frenetic lights and noises make the neighborhood alive even in the evening dusk. It is not a bad place to pass the time, it is full of attractions, activities and culture.
You feel a bit dirty following him like this, but it's not something you can really command. You just want to know who he is, your muse. You would like to be close to him, you would like to ask him questions, but at the same time you are afraid. You are afraid of seeing him disappear, scared of you. Who will fill your blank pages if he leaves? But how come you could justify your behavior towards him? Would he ever understand the beauty he represents for your artist eyes?
When he disappears among the people it's not that big of a problem. You don't want to interfere in his business, after all you just wanted to have him close a little longer, at least close to your eyes.
But even if you didn't see him anymore, you didn't regret having extended your trip a little. Tokyo could inspire an artist more than people thought, and your sketchbook is back in your hands, to sketch what came to you - and from time to time to look back at that face that is taking shape more and more. below the details you have come to know by now.
There, in that district of the capital, if you take enough alleys and go down enough steps, you can reach hidden areas away from the eyes of tourists. Sure, they might seem insignificant and at times creepy, but for someone like you the small traditional shop on the corner, or the writing on the wall that would be poorly tolerated in the city center, has such a particular charm, so intense that it makes you imagine stories, and eyes that never existed.
And it is while the graphite of your pencil draws more or less regular shadows on a creature that looks so much like that tabby cat looking for food in the alley, that something makes your blood run cold.
A cry, a cry of terror. It was sharp, scratchy, but immediately suffocated, or rather, broken.
And it is then that looking up to the sky you see the night. It is not the case for someone like you to be in those areas with darkness that has fallen.
And that's why you don't bother thinking about that scream, you just think about going back through those alleys, and as quickly as possible.
But for you the world is bigger than for any human being, and your feet stop, your breath freezes in your chest.
There is no light, you are alone, but taking refuge behind the wall like a mouse, your eyes too used to observing see it immediately.
Him. It's him. Him, and his eyes light up hot. In the light glow of the moon and the flickering artificial lights you can see blood-colored veins that like roots mark his nocturnal sclera up to affect the pale skin.
His arms always dyed with black weaves are now covered in red, as are his hungry lips, his face up to his nose.
You know perfectly well what is happening, you know that that mass of flesh at his feet is a man he has just killed, to devour him.
You know what he is, and it scares you. How could it not? Yet it is precisely that fear that inspires you, that makes you take the figure of him in the dim light. As many details as possible are frantically marked on the paper, everything you need to remember.
"Beautiful" is everything your confused and terrified mind can think as you start running unaware of the fact that he saw you - or rather, he smelled you -, but luckily for you too late. . . .
"I don't know anything about it."
You don't know if actually the case those investigators are investigating is actually the killing - or the post-killing - you witnessed, but it doesn't really matter. Your words come out with such an ease that you are amazed too.
You wonder which god is angry with you for letting you cross their path and their eyes, is it your punishment for asking for help?
Maybe wandering around the back streets of Shinjuku makes you suspicious? Probably. But it doesn't matter, you really don't know anything. You are ready to forget everything in order to protect him. You can not miss it. He is your subject, your art.
You hold your sketchbook to your chest, protective.
"I didn't know there were ghouls in the area… is it really that dangerous?" It's not that you like to lie, but the more you can mislead those people, the more you can avoid danger to him, so don't blame yourself. It's the right thing, it's right that he has the chance to live.
"We don't have precise information, but it would be better not to wander alone in such isolated places, especially if the day is ending."
Looking up at the sky you realize that the sky is slowly turning on the evening colors. Who knows what you really expected. Were you seriously hoping to find him? Maybe Shinjuku was just a stop for him that day. Or maybe you are the cause why you don't come across him anymore, not even at the cafeteria.
“Now that I know, I'll try to be careful. I'll finish quickly and go home right away. "
The man in front of you smiles, his eyes scan the surroundings come to make sure you are safe: "Well, if you see something strange, even a suspicious trace, please contact us."
You agree. He gives you the impression of a good-hearted man, that agent, and you silently thank him as he and his companions walk away from you.
The world is cruel. It is cruel, but you don't even know in what respect, because it can be so cruel and so generous at the same time. So kind and so unfair.
And while in solitude your free mind wanders among those thoughts, something makes you quickly return to the ground, rushes you, crushes you.
A stabbing pain takes you to the right side of your body, like a burning fire throbs and quivers in your torn muscles, starting from the hollow between the neck and shoulder.
You would scream, but you are prevented, because a cold hand presses on your lips forcefully.
You don't really think about what's happening, you don't have time to think. All you can do is wriggle desperately, even though the strength holding you back is far superior to yours.
That pain repeats itself, more overwhelming on the open wound, and this time you can at least turn around in the arms of torture. And everything stops.
His beautiful face, the face you searched for so intensely is there, a few inches from yours. His eyes look at you, they scan you. His tongue licks your blood and his arms tighten you against him to keep you from running away.
Have you ever had him so close? Do not you think. You don't think he has ever looked at you as directly as he is doing right now.
But you don't have time, you have no way of thinking. The blood slips away, your eyesight darkens and your body loses sensitivity with every passing second.
The world is so kind to grant you that closeness, and so cruel to give you so little time to enjoy what you have so desired.
"Beautiful ..." You manage to murmur, and maybe that's really all you want to tell him. Your hand rests cold and delicate on his face, touching his pale cheek. His night-colored tuft lightly tickles your numb knuckles, and his confused gaze is the last thing you see. . . .
How long hadn't anyone caressed him like that? Had anyone ever caressed him like that?
Uta hadn't really looked for you, even though he recognized you, for some reason he just avoided meeting you again. It was the riskiest choice for him, yet he had subconsciously decided to give you that chance, to the little artist in the coffee shop.
But you were there, so close to him, in his domain. He had smelled you, so what could he do?
Yet you weren't behaving like everyone else. He didn't believe he could see such warmth in human eyes, ready to give in to forced sleep, and the bite had been held back. He still feels the sweetness and tenderness of your flesh running down his throat, but he has held back from giving you the coup de grace. A sign of respect for an artist like him? Or just too risky curiosity?
And your hand moved away from him too soon, slumping along his arm with a dead weight.
From your chest your black-covered notebook slips to the ground, you had held it tight all the time despite your injured shoulder.
His pupils scrutinize the object with distrust and curiosity. Probably he should kill you before he feels free to browse, yet now he is there, bent over. His long moon fingers and night-colored interlacing turn the pages with a light and quick gesture.
There are drawings of animals, people, objects. You're good, really good, he likes your style.
But that is not all. He could have foreseen it, he could have suspected since your eyes touched him so much, yet it was as if in his vision this was impossible. Despite this impossibility, one's face looks at him, and turning the page it is still there, only from another point of view. There are drawings of him in every perspective, with expressions that not even he realizes he has - probably no one has ever noticed -; some portraits are detailed, some are colored, some are just sketches that, despite everything, reflect him, while still others are started and never finished, deleted and thrown away as errors.
He is really beautiful.
You even wrote it down. You have written a lot, you have taken note of the details of him.
Uta doesn't know how he actually feels. How is he feeling? He feels a shyness on him that is not his own. Is it embarrassment? Maybe, in part. In part it's confusion, and in part ... how long hasn't someone considered him with the tenderness with which you did? You had watched him from afar for so long, and so intensely.
He obviously understood your interest, every time he greeted you cordially it was a confirmation, but he didn't think there was such a stupid sincerity in your feelings.
As he continues to turn the cream-colored pages, he notices that some pages are torn. He doesn't really give weight to them, he also does it when a work of his does not satisfy him, despite your mistakes being present several times in the notebook.
The last page is still him, he is smiling. He wonders if he really smiles like that. He looks really handsome, and he doesn't know if he's real or your eyes have affected that image to make his face so kind and serene.
A soft sigh blows between his lips as he closes your treasure. Yet, before he can complete the action, something blocks him.
On the bottom, on the hard cover, the internal part reproduces the black of the external facade. He probably wouldn't have noticed anything strange if his eye wasn't used to being attentive.
Sticking his fingers into the crack under that black, he manages to retrieve a slightly protruding sheet, one of the sheets you tore.
On paper, the dark traces form his figure again, but this time something is different. He is different.
He is a ghoul in that drawing. He is bent over his victim, his placid face stained with blood, like his arms. He is imposing above the figure you have represented in the shadow.
Yet despite this, he is not ugly or cruel. You made it beautiful anyway, natural. Yes, you simply grasped his nature, you grasped the beauty in his nature and brought it back to paper, as a work of art.
It's not finished yet, his critical eye saw it well. Maybe that's why you hid it? Why were you dying to complete it during your days, to always have it with you, but were you afraid it would be discovered? Did you tear up so many pages for this? To deprive prying eyes of discovering his nature through your drawings?
Honestly, were you really protecting him, in your own way?
He had distractedly heard you talking to the Doves, and hadn't given it any weight - always because it was impossible, in his eyes - but now, in front of himself so sweetly admired by your shy eyes, he can't help admitting that something it moves in his stomach, like agitated butterflies.
Perhaps it is the interest in having been made a work of art by such skilled hands, or a sense of esteem that overwhelms him when he realizes that he is in front of a skilled artist, or perhaps, deep down, it is a simple motion of affection he can't help but feel for amazing human beings like you. Even while he was killing you, you didn't speak out against him. You are stranger than Tsugumi.
Uta may be crazy, but he is not insensitive, on the contrary, it is his sensitivity that makes him so uncomfortable in the world.
He feels you tremble and suddenly remembers he has you in his arms. He hadn't noticed that he had kept you with such care; your lifeless head, resting on his chest, rises and falls to the rhythm of his breaths.
Look at your suffering face, in his lap you are getting colder and colder and the nectarine blood continues to dirty both your clothes and his.
You can die, but the wounds he inflicted on you are not fatal in themselves - luckily -.
Will you forgive him for tasting your body? Probably yes. He doesn't know you, but he has already understood you, and now he wants to understand more. . . .
The warmth envelops you, all you perceive is a warm and placid relief.
Your clouded mind only asks you one question: "Are you dead?"
You don't really know why you should be, you just know that there is that possibility. Yet, slowly, a physicality settles on you, making you return to earth, away from the world of ideas.
Your fingers barely move and your sensitivity feels warmth and softness. The shoulder burns.
Your eyelids vibrate before venturing to lift again wondering if you really are living.
The light is dim, the environment is unfamiliar to you and yet you perceive something you know, even if you don't really know what it is. A sensation? A smell?
A gentle, light, friendly voice. Maybe it's a bit hypocritical of him, but what does it matter to you? You're probably dreaming, he really killed you and that's your hell. It's not that bad if you can spend your pains admiring him.
His blood-colored and strawberry-colored eyes scan you attentively, there is no threat in his features, only a barely hinted smile, a smile that you adore, and a greeting from him that for some reason makes your rhythm pick up again your heart: "Good morning."
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sosadz · 3 years
Last Mimosa
Adult!Reborn x F!reader
warning(s) - blood, death, angst, hanahaki au
this is my first post on this app and I still couldn’t figure out how tumblr works lol I hope you guys enjoy
1,637 words
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You still remember the feeling when you first realized you love this man. It has been the same since day one. The way he acted like he didn't care, but secretly looked out for you in his own way. The way he sat in the chair of his apartment, admiring the view, slowly sipping his espresso. The way he walked with that charming look of his, the look that make legs go weak. His black eyes that look so cold yet so ravishing. You love all of that. All of him.
You had never accepted the fact that you love this man until a strange flower petal immersed out of your mouth. A mimosa flower.
The deepest secret from the bottom of your heart had revealed itself. One that you had never wanted to acknowledge yourself.
'A Mimosa... What a coincidence.' You sarcastically joke. The Mimosa's meaning is the conjuration of secret love. No one knows that I love you, not even myself until now.
'Is this a blessing or a curse - the Hanahaki disease?'
You and Reborn have enjoyed each other's company and you both like each other, but only in a platonic way. However, this platonic relationship is only one-sided, as you love him romantically. You had made a promise to yourself to never tell him about your feelings, since you didn't want to ruin this precious friendship.
Following your usual routine, you stopped by his office to greet him as always. Whenever you were with him the Hanahaki disease didn't act up much, so you just assumed everything was going to be okay.
You entered the building and walked into his office. There was nothing but a comfortable silence, accompanied by the sound of a coffee machine running and the smell of coffee. Of course it was espresso - just how he liked it. You opened the door to greet him.
"Reborn I-" you felt something coming from your throat. Reborn's gaze turned to you immediately after he heard your voice.
'Maybe I should stop assuming things'
Before he could answer or ask you anything, you quickly ran away from him while trying your best not to let any of the petals fall from your mouth. You felt something wet dripping down your cheeks. Your heart ached, but you had to run away as far as you could. He can't know about your secret, your disease.
When you had reached the rooftop of the building, you let all the petals you had kept inside your mouth flow out. Your heart ached, your mouth started to get dry, your throat was sore and all you could hear was nothing but a constant ringing. It was like your whole body reset itself. Your vision was blurry and you couldn't concentrate on anything but the pain you were feeling.
After thirty minutes, you began to feel better. You wiped away the remaining blood and petals from your mouth and off your clothes.
"Y/n" You heard someone speaking behind you. You knew damn well whose voice that belonged to.
"Oh, I'll be back in a minute don't worry." You tried your best to make your voice sound like you were okay, convincing him that there was nothing wrong. You quickly hid all the fallen petals in your shirt but it was too late. He was the world's best hitman, how could you lie to him without him knowing? You wish he would ignore the fact that you lied to him and just wait for you in his office.
And he did.
He nodded slowly and walked away from you, giving you the privacy you had wished for.
'Why do I feel like this?' You asked yourself. Weren't you supposed to be relieved that he did as you wished for? Why do your eyes feel so warm and watery? Why were you feeling so disappointed? It was like a million knives were stabbed into your heart, but instead it was the Mimosa flower.
Reborn actually knew. He knew everything. He knew you were suffering from the Hanahaki disease, and he knew you were throwing up on the rooftop. He knew that you lied to him. He tried his best to find out who was responsible for causing you to get this disease. He was the world's best hitman, but why can't he find the person you love and help you?
How could he ever find out,
When that person was him all along?
A few days after the incident you decided to visit Reborn again at his office. You stepped inside without knocking. It was just how it was. He always knew it was you who came inside, so he didn't even have to look.
"I just stopped by to say hi and maybe get some free coffee" You jokingly said to him followed by a chuckle. You were desperate to hide all of the sadness blooming inside your chest.
He didn't say anything but handed you a cup of coffee from his table that he had already prepared for you. You took it and gave him a playful smile.
'Maybe I'd stopped loving you if you stopped being so nice to me, Reborn.' You thought to yourself.
"I won't be here for a week, just to let you know." He said while looking at the sky next to him. You knew how much he admired those views. You walked next to him and looked the same way.
"Want me to take care of your office for you?" You asked sarcastically. You knew he never wanted you to take care of his office because he knows you are a mess, and would give him a headache when he came back from his mission.
"As if." He rolled his eyes and adjusted his hat.
"Alright, I'm going to go now. See ya!" You said, putting your now empty cup on his table and walked out from his office. After the door had closed, your whole body started shaking. You were afraid he was going to figure out what was going on with you.
You took time gathering yourself to stand properly again, and walked out from the building.
'I don't have much time left, and I don't think I will last until the time when he comes back. I should find a way to let him know I died happily.' You thought as you let out a deep sigh.
A week later,
Reborn came back just to find you laying in your bed, dressed in the most beautiful way possible. In fact, you were always beautiful. There were Mimosas all over your bed, covering your mouth all the way to your body. Your eyes were closed shut. He was too late. Reborn fell onto his knees, lifted one of your hands to his face and kissed it softly. He felt the warmth in his eyes, and his vision was getting more and more blurry.
Looking over to his right, he saw a letter on your drawer next to your bed. His name was written on it. Although his hands were still shaking uncontrollably, he made his way to your letter and opened it.
Dear Reborn,
Reborn, you know... I really appreciate our friendship. You have made me smile, laugh or even be mad. But in a good way, don't worry. I know you are the world's best hitman but please be careful and take care of yourself. Try drinking a lot of water, not just coffee.
Please know that I died while I was being happy. You have probably already figured out by now what the cause of my death was, and if you figure out who's the reason I got this disease, don't blame him. Be kind to him. All I ever want is for him to be happy because that makes me happy too.
You are a good friend of mine, Reborn.
You always will be. No one could ever replace you. But if someone ever replaces me, that's okay.
I won't be mad at you.
I hope you will remember me. And whenever you ever think of me, I hope it will be the time where I smile or laugh. I don't look nice when I'm crying or sleeping so... Don't.
I will always be with you -
in the skies you had always admired,
in the smell of your espresso.
If you aren't happy I will know.
So be happy. For me.
I love you, Reborn.
Y/n, L/n
He cried, for the first time. The world's best hitman cried, uncontrollably. The grief of losing someone precious to him was too much to handle.
He loved her,
And he couldn't stand seeing her get hurt.
If only he had realized it sooner, you wouldn't be here. Laying in your bed without your soul. You could be happy together with him by your side. He could have helped you, but he didn't. Instead, he spent his entire week going on a stupid mission. The purpose of the mission was actually to find a cure for the Hanahaki disease that you were suffering from. He wanted to save you, and he was so close to doing so. He was so blinded by the end goal that he didn't take into account your current situation. You slipped right through his fingers.
Reborn felt something sharp piercing his heart.
Something was about to come out from his throat.
He coughed.
A white petal came out of his mouth.
It was a Lily petal.
He picked it up and looked into it for a minute and thought: 'A Lily. I wonder if this disease chose a specific flower for me. Is this what you've been feeling this entire time, Y/n?'
He kissed your lips for the last time. But sadly, you never got the chance to kiss him back.
Not anymore.
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terrm9 · 4 years
Father’s Day
Ethan makes sure to celebrate the Father’s Day with his daughter. (Ethan X Chiara X Matilda)
Words count: 4 000
Warnings: two swear words, fluff
Author’s note: I don’t know what happened here guys. I am so sorry, this fic lacks plot and point, depth, quality, this truly is one fluffy piece of shit. I had a good feeling about it when the idea appeared in my brain and then I started to write and nothing seemed right. And I just kept telling myself ‘just keep writing and it will start making sense. It will get better’... and suddenly the fic is finished and it still doesn’t make sense. I was so close to not posting it, but then I thought that sometimes mindless fluff can make my mood better and so maybe it can do some good to you too. Love you all and I promise I won’t be angry or hurt if you hate this:D
Also Ethan is ~47 in this fic, if you thought I wouldn't mention his graying hair, I am sorry but I did
Also also, I didn't find the strength needed for a proof reading this and so I didn't proof read it. If you see a mistake, please pretend you don't see it
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The sun was long set at the time Ethan stepped into the apartment and even though he rationally knew that it was late, he couldn’t quite give up on his hope that maybe Matilda was still up. On the days like this, when more patients came in than out of the hospital and there was so much of a paperwork that he has to bring it home with him, there is nothing Ethan loved more than to put his daughter to sleep and then spend a nice quiet evening with Chiara.
But of course, Matilda was fast asleep – judging by the silence filling the whole apartment – and so Ethan was looking forward to skipping to the part of sharing an evening with his wife.
Chiara didn’t notice him as he stepped into the living room, her nose slightly crinkled as she was filling some papers spread on the dining table, white earpods in her ears.
Looks like I am not the only one to bring work home with me today.
Ethan stopped in his tracks for a moment, just inhaling the familiar scent of Chiara and home and absorbing the picture in front of him. Even after alsmot ten years since he met her for the first time, even though she was his wife now, someone he woke up next to every morning, Chiara still – always – managed to knock the air out of his lungs. How her smile only gained more brightness through the years and how she looked almost like a girl with her hair braided on one side.
Had he been an artist, he would call her his muse.
But he was just a man, a doctor with any artistic words stuck in his throat and so he just kept staring at Chiara and thought, inspiration, that’s what she was, because even the most rational of men could get inspired.
„I can feel you standing there,“ Chiara exclaimed suddenly, putting the earpods off and turning to him with that bright smile.
„My apologies,“ he smiled faintly and crossed the distance between them to give her, what Chiara called ‚a proper greeting‘. He kissed her softly and it only took the feeling of Chiara’s warm body under his hands to ease the tension in him almost completely.
„Matilda missed you tonight,“ Chiara murmured into his chest, not willing to break their embrance.
„As I missed her,“ Ethan sighed. „Did you have an eventful afternoon?“
Chiara chuckled at that, parting from him at last to switch her phone off and leave the work on the dining table.
„Just the usual. The teacher asked them to draw themselves in the future and she couldn’t decide which version of that future she should draw because she wants to be everything.“
Ethan could imagine the conversation very well. Matilda, at the age of five, knew exactly what she didn't want to become when she grows up - a doctor. She kept shifting between wishing to be a travel blogger like her aunt Kyra or a photographer like aunt Alicia. After a weekend spent in Providence, she proclaimed that she could also imagine being a cable repairwoman like grandpa, because grandpa has the coolest coworkers that came over and let her eat chocolate cookies and watch football with them. And if by any unfortunate coincidence she should become a doctor after all, she would definitely be a surgeon like uncle Bryce, because he actually cuts people and that's much more interesting than her parents' job. All they do is talk about the patients.
„I promised her you would take her to school tomorrow. You have rounds in the morning but I can taker over,“ which would only be a service for you, she thought to herself. „That would certainly make her feel better.“
„Was she that sad that I didn’t come home earlier?“
"Oh, she was more sad about the Father's Day program at her school – you know, the one where kids and their dads go together - but I explained her why you had to miss it."
Ethan furrowed his brows, confused for a while.
"Why do I have to miss it?" he asked as he picked Matilda's stuffed llama from the floor.
"It's the Wednesday when you are at the conference in Seattle."
Ethan put the toy on the couch next to Til's favourite blanket and sat down before responding, his voice carrying no sign of hesitation.
"If there's a Father's Day program at her school and she wants me to be there, I'll be there."
Ethan knew all too well why he was so persistent on being there.
He wished he didn’t know, but he did.
Because he knew what it felt like to spend so many of his Mother’s Days programms with his teeth gritted, wishing it could all just end.
He could still remember the first Mother’s Day without Luise, how his teacher walked into the class and told them that they would create nice postcards for their moms and how Ethan’s classmate pointed his finger at him and said: „And what is Ramsey going to do? It’s not fair that he doesn’t need to do anything for the whole hour.“
It was the first time Ethan punched someone.
There was no way, no way, that he would allow his daughter to feel any of those feelings.
His thoughts were interrupted by Chiara, now sitting right next to him, a soft concern visible on her features.
„Alan and Naveen would go with her, you know. She wouldn’t be alone.“
„I am her father.“
„And you are also an author of the study this whole conference is going to be about.“
Ethan knew Chiara was right, just as he knew that she was doing this not because she didn’t want him to attend the programm, rather because she respected and supported his career.
But her arguments were of no use. Ethan’s mind was made up and he only wondered if this is what it felt like, all those years ago, when he pushed Chiara away in order to support her career. The idea of putting career first was making him uncomfortable and all he could do was to think, how did Chiara see it all those years ago?
Or rather, how did he not see it back then?
He had no answers, only his gratitude that she stayed and showed him the world through her eyes.
„Aurora is just as much of an author as me. She can handle the conference without me just fine. You can go with her.“
„Me?“ Chiara asked incredulously.
„Sure. They don’t really care which Dr. Ramsey will come.“
Ethan aged well. More wrinkles circled the corners of his eyes and the grey hair on his temples were not an optical illusion anymore (and Chiara has never found him more handsome than now) and his gaze changed too, the cold blue of his eyes almost forgotten, as his eyes were warm and soft almost all the time he was with his family.
Ethan aged and changed and yet there was a thing that didn’t change in the slightest in these last years. His insufferable stubborness.
And so Chiara knew that he won’t change his mind and that there was no point in trying to and while it warmed her heart to see how in love with Matilda Ethan was, the study was important to him.
Obviously not important enough, however, and Chiara decided not to push him any further. Instead, she asked curiously.
„And what are you going to perform? What if Matilda wants to do something crazy?" Chiara raised an eyebrow.
"Of course she won't want anything crazy. What if it were my father and Naveen taking her?"
Chiara laughed wholeheartedly at his question, because for someone so brilliant, sometimes Ethan was desperately clueless when it came to people around him - and what they were willing to do for their daughter.
"Please, this is Naveen and Alan you are talking about. Matilda could say she wants to sing Hakuna Matata and they would come dressed as Timon and Pumba."
"Ah," Ethan exhaled, obviously only now realizing that Chiara was, indeed, right. And singing - or dancing, for God's sake - was not part of his plan. "Well, she can play some basic compound on the piano, she has learned some already. And I could accompany her on the cello."
Chiara choked on the water she was just drinking, turning to look at Ethan so swiftly, his brows furrowed in a concern for her neck.
"On a what now?"
“A cello. I thought you knew that I used to play the cello as a kid.”
“Of course, but the as a kid part is important. I mean, I played a piano as a kid and now I couldn’t play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star if my life depended on it.”
Ethan laughed, wrapping his arm around Chiara in a half-hug and had to bite his tongue not to tell her that maybe Matilda could teach her, as she already could play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star exceptionally well.
“I might have stopped playing actively when I was ten, but I found a certain sense of serenity in music – and playing – for a long time after that. I-,” Ethan stopped himself, mulling over his next words. It was not like he didn’t want to tell Chiara anything, but talking about his years at med school was not something he did often. “I befriended a music shop’s owner back in Baltimore. He was a nice guy, barely older than me and so very different. He had musical instruments for sale there and as we became closer, he let me borrow the cello and play a little in the back of the shop. It became a thing that helped me clear my head when school became too stressful and it also helped me not to forget how to play. I think Matilda’s level on the piano is very close to what I can remember with the cello.”
Now all he had to do was to find someone who would borrow him the cello.
*** *** ***
Ethan always found it amusing, how his mornings with Matilda differed compared to Matilda’s mornings with Chiara.
He made sure to wake her up earlier than usual, so that they could cook breakfast together and have some time to spare.
Chiara – the person that hated mornings more than eggplants – did all she could to stay in bed for as long as possible. She would rather prepare Matilda’s breakfast in the evening and run to the school than wake up before 6 AM.
And it seemed like Matilda realized this difference quite soon, for all the times Ethan came to wake her up, she knew she could ask him to join her in bed for a few minutes.
"Hey, little Rookie," Ethan whispered, softly stroking Matilda's curls out of her forehead so that he could press a gentle kiss on it. "Time to wake up. We don't want to be late for school."
The little Rookie nickname was first used when Til was perhaps one year old and it made her giggle so hard Ethan kept using it. Chiara found it extremely funny, always pointing out that Matilda was nothing if not Ethan’s exact copy – and she was right. With her big blue eyes and long curly dark hair, there was no doubt that she was Ethan’s daughter. Not that the similarities ended in her physical appearence – she was phenomenally subborn for a five year old (to which Ethan always argued that she could as well inherit that from Chiara) and sarcasm was her second language. She also might have used ‚fuck‘ once or twice and Ethan knew it’s not Chiara she heard that from.
You should call her little Terminator, Chiara always teased and partly, she was right.
But there were many traits and marks of Chiara in their daughter, marks not so visible but unmistakely hers. How Matilda’s smile was always bright and warm and sincere, something only Chiara could pass on. How she came home one day from school and asked Ethan if he could make cupcakes with her, because her classmate loves cupcakes but his parents are too busy to make them for him and so she would love to bring him some to school. How she appreciated the most common of things, like sun shining because it makes her skin warm and also rain falling because she can jump in the puddles. Her genuine curiosity and open heart and just her general need to make people around her feel good.
That was all Chiara’s mark and Ethan loved his two girls so much it sometimes still surprised him. That he was capable of such love.
It also made him want more sometimes. More people to love that much.
„Snuggle time, please?“ Matilda smiled, her eyes still closed and Ethan was prepared, he knew this request would come and so he didn’t even need to check the watch to know that he could lay down next to her, the tiny bed making his position rather awkward.
He snuggled Matilda from behind and between her slow stirs as she began to wake up and his soft kisses put on the back of her head, he whispered how excited he was to attend the Father’s Day program with her.
*** *** ***
Ethan didn’t even need to try hard to persuade Matilda that a piano-cello duet would be better to perform than a dance. She liked the idea from the beginning and after going through her music sheets with Chiara, she happily exclaimed that they could try to learn Hedwig’s Theme together. Her eyes were bright and full of excitement and Ethan knew the decision was already made, because he couldn’t resist that face.
And so they performed and for a girl who was five and her father, who was almost fifty, they did a great job. Seeing Matilda’s pure, unadultered joy and excitement and so much gratitude that her dad could be there with here, was something Ethan would consider one of the best moments of his life forever.
Tillie was almost jumping up and down with the happiness as they watched her classmates and their fathers or grandfathers or mothers in some cases or maybe even uncles perform their numbers. She was clapping hard after every single one and she kept waving at everyone, her smile so wide Ethan thought for a while that she resembled Bryce more than anyone. The thought made him chuckle, because Matilda would love to hear that, as Bryce was her hero and possibly the best person she could spend her sleepovers at.
Ethan could hardly say that he enjoyed being surrounded by so many people, but he sincerely did enjoy spending the day with his kid. He didn’t regret choosing making a fool out of himself in front of bunch of kids instead of the conference. He almost forgot about the conference altogether until Aurora’s call interrupted the bustle full of laughter around them.
She only called him to let him know that all went well and she was off to have a lunch with other diagnosticians that helped with the study.
"Yes, alright. I'll see you on Monday. Good job, Aurora," Ethan put the phone back into his pocket and turned to Matilda.
"I am sorry you missed the conference because of me, dad."
Ethan knelt down so that he could face his daughter, the very same blue eyes he knew from mirrors, looking back at him, wide and curious.
He smiled softly, kissing Matilda's forehead before responding.
"I am not. No conference is that important, and just between the two of us," Ethan lowered his voice and put his best serious face on, causing the mischievous sparks ignite in Tillie's eyes "Conferences are so boring. You saved me from a torture."
She giggled and threw her arms around Ethan's neck, squeezing him as hard as a five years old could.
"Now let's go, I think there's an ice cream that needs to be eaten."
"But daddy you said ice creams are sugar bomb!"
Ethan chuckled at her shocked expression - not sure is it was a genuine one or an act - and took her little hand into his.
"I'll pretend I don't see you eating it."
Matilda squealed and before her ‚no sugar in this house‘ dad could change his mind, she stormed off in the direction of the ice cream truck.
Before she could reach her destination, however, she stopped in her tracks and tugged on Ethan’s sleeve, pointing at the little girl sitting under one of the trees – alone.
„That’s Dorothy! She is my best friend.“
Yes, Ethan remembered Matilda mentioning Dorsey, her best friend, quite often, but he never got a chance to meet her before. The girl was tiny, much smaller than Matilda – which inherited Ethan’s significant height, too – her hair almost white and her eyes similar to Matilda’s, big and blue but not even close to being as bright.
„She doesn’t have a dad,“ Matilda added, her voice much less excited now. „She didn’t want to come here but her mom has to be at work.“
Ethan’s heart tightened at her words, the description of Dorothy’s situation reminding him of his own when he was a kid way too much.
„Why don’t you go and ask her to join us for an ice cream?“ Ethan smiled at Matilda faintly.
Before he could as much as blink, Matilda was gone and in the very next moment, both girls were back, smiling up at him, his own kid widely and Dorothy very shyly.
„Hello, Dorothy,“ Ethan knelt down and smiled at her encouragingly. „I am Ethan. It is my pleasure to meet you, Matilda talks about you a lot.“
„Hello,“ Dorothy muttered, not meeting his eyes and Ethan noticed she was holding Matilda’s hand.
Without any other word, he stood up and led both girls to find an ice cream truck, only half-listening to what they were talking about – enough to recognize that Dorothy was much more open when talking to Matilda, but not enough to register particular words.
Maybe that’s why Matilda’s next question took him off the guard.
„Right, daddy? I was just telling Dorsey that you could be her dad, right? And I would be her sister!“
Ethan’s eyes widened and before he could find the right words – gentle but also firm enough to explain that that’s not exactly how these things work, Matilda spoke again.
„She could come over anytime and we could have sleepovers like the ones I have with uncle Bryce or grandpa and we would play together and I could borrow her my toys, right?“
Ethan nodded and smiled, of course Dorothy is always welcome to stay at our place, and let the topic go, because there was nothing wrong about his daughter having best friend that would come over.
Thirty minutes later, all three of them sat at the grass and ate their ice creams and it was easy to forget the previous converstaions.
*** *** ***
Until he came into his office, a week after the Father’s Day and found Chiara waiting for him, her arms crossed at her chest and her expression unusually stoic.
Before he could ask what was wrong, Chiara spoke.
„Matilda’s teacher just called.“
„What?“ Ethan stepped closer, automatically reaching into his pocket to make sure his phone, wallet and car keys are there and he is ready to leave and pick up Matilda at any moment. „Is something wrong? Is she in trouble? Sick?“
„She is absolutely alright,“ Chiara shook her head sligthly, her face unreadable – something that scared Ethan more than her visible anger. „She just called me to let me know about the rumors going around Matilda’s class these past few days. She thought it would be better if I found out from her rather than from other parents.“
„Rumors?“ Ethan asked, utterly lost and confused.
It took all the willpower Chiara had not to let her facade slip and keep her expression neutral. But teasing Ethan was one of her main hobbies, even after ten years, and so she tried her best.
„Apparently, Matilda and Dorothy Wilkins told everyone that they are in fact sisters. They have different mommies but the same dad – no other than the famous Dr. Ramsey,“ now, it was really hard not to laugh. Ethan’s whole face paled and the confusion was quickly replaced by recognition. „The other kids shared the news with their parents and now those parents talk.“
Ethan didn’t know that Matilda told Chiara about her idea of Ethan becoming Dorothy’s dad the very same evening she shared it with Ethan himself and even though Chiara tried to explain why that idea is not going to work the way the wished it would, Matilda was stubborn. Meaning, Matilda adopted Dorothy as her sister anyway and didn’t mind sharing her dad with her.
„Fuck,“ Ethan whispered, pacing around the office, not really looking up at Chiara.
If he did, he would catch her grinning.
She cleared her throat quickly and added: „Some of the parents came to tell the poor teacher that they appreciate how civil the mothers of Matilda and Dorothy are about the whole thing and that it must’ve taken much strength of our spirits to put out kids into same school.“
She couldn’t anymore. The first chuckle escaped her and when Ethan’s eyes met hers, the mischievous sparks were dancing on full display in her irises, her smile wide and so amused.
Ethan exhaled a sigh full of relief and rolled his eyes and when he looked at Chiara again, she was laughing softly, badly trying to cover her laugh with the hand over her mouth.
The bizarreness of the whole situation and his wife’s reaction made Ethan laugh too and he slumped down on the couch, pulling Chiara with him.
„We should give some kind of explanation, right?“ he whispered when they both calmed down.
„Oh, I don’t know. I am the civil one,“ Chiara smirked smugly. „And with a strong spirit!“
Ethan laughed again at that, thinking about how any kind of rumors about him and Chiara startled him in the beginning of their relationship and how over the years, Chiara managed to teach him to just let people talk.
„She really wants that sibling, huh?“ Chiara broke the silence, poking his side softly.
„Yes, she does,“ Ethan nodded.
„And you would...want that too, right?“ Chiara asked again, this time much more seriousness in her voice.
Both Chiara and Ethan were decided to adopt a child back in the days they believed they would never have their own. After Matilda was born, they didn’t really talk about it anymore – they felt too blessed, too lucky that they’ve gotten her and they were happy.
But the thoughts of adoption never truly left their heads and Chiara knew that especially Ethan considered the option often. She could see him talking to Matilda when she asked for a sister or a brother for her birthday, she saw the dreamy smile as they spoke about little kids.
And it was not like she was against the idea of adopting a child – quite the opposite. She grew up with two siblings and her brother and sister were one of the best parts of her childhood. She wished she could give Matilda the same feeling, the same love she recieved at her age. She just felt like she would be asking for too much, like it would be selfish to want another little human that would make them happy, when they already had one.
Those thoughts were not rational, but they were there and they slowed her decisions down.
„Yes, I would,“ Ethan nodded after a long while, looking straight into Chiara’s eyes.
He would never push her. But he wouldn’t lie either.
Chiara nodded and leaned in to press a soft kiss on Ethan’s mouth, pouring her emotions into it, her excitement with the idea just as strong as her anxiety.
Deep down, she knew that the decision has just been made. That no matter how openly they talked about it or expressed themselves, all three Ramseys wished to share their love and happiness with another soul.
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Folklore [song series]
invisible strings
Modern Day AU! Bucky Barnes x Natasha Romanoff; Steve Rogers x OC!Reader
Plot: Inspired by Taylor Swift’s new album Folklore. The story follows the timeline of Bucky and Elizabeth’s life throughout the years
Word count: 3401
[ a/n: thank you so much for all the love and support. We’re almost done with this series! If I forgot to tag you please let me know! Also the ending is a bit lackluster but decided to save the best one for something special for the last chapter]
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Age: 21
Year: June/July 2015
Location: CA & NY
"Thank-you all for coming and christening our new place," Thor thanks everyone, as he and Loki stood up at the dining table in their lit up backyard.
"Now there's one person I want to thank, my love," Thor said, reaching his hand out to Wanda who was sat to his left, Loki took his seat back down, "My love, I just want to thank-you for being by my side these last two years. I have never been as happy as I am with anyone else. Now I'm not very good with my words, but what I do know is how I feel about you. The love I have for you exceeds anything else."
"So, I just need to ask you this one question," he says, bending down on one knee, holding Wanda's left hand, while holding the ring box in the other, "Will you, Wanda Maximoff marry me?
"Yes," she cried out, throwing her arms around Thor's neck.
Everyone got up to cheer the newly engaged couple.
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Steve and Elizabeth laid naked in her bed, comfortably in each other's presence after the night's activities.
"I can't believe Wanda and Thor are engaged," Elizabeth said, as Steve rubbed her arm as she laid on his chest.
"He's been talking about it for the last year," Steve tells her, "Said he didn't want to scare her off."
"Guess I'm going to have to find a new roommate," she jokes.
"Well actually, I was thinking."
"You better not be proposing to me post sex, while we're naked in bed," Elizabeth playfully jabbed his chest, looking up at him from his chest.
"No, no," Steve lets out a hearty laugh, "Not yet. We still have time for that."
"I was actually thinking, why don't we get a place together. After graduation," Steve suggests.
"What about your job?"
"I can commute," he says, "I'll be done with school in May. You still have law school after graduation, and I have no doubt Stanford is going to accept you into their law program, so you don't have to move."
"What if I don't get accepted?"
"I highly doubt you won't, but if you don't, I'm sure Columbia will snatch you up. And I'd follow you, wherever you go."
"Really?" Elizabeth asked, surprised he would even say that.
"Yeah. There's a lot of architect firms out there, and I'm sure my boss will give me a nice recommendation."
"I couldn't ask that of you Steve," Elizabeth said, getting off of his chest to sit up, grabbing the blanket to cover her chest.
"Which is why I'm offering. I want to do that Liz. This right here," he sits up, and gestures to the both, "This is all I want. So please, if it comes time for that, just let me."
"Okay. Promise you won't resent me?" She asks, feeling overwhelmed with emotion.
"Never," he seriously says, pulling her in for a kiss, and back into his arms.
As they laid in bed, Steve notices Liz is lost in her thoughts.
"Whatcha thinking about?"
"Us, and everything that's lead us to this moment. Like there were some invisible strings leading me to you," she tells him.
"Yeah, you're correct," he ponders.
"Like everything that's happened, happened for a reason. We weren't supposed to be with each other then otherwise we probably wouldn't have made it out of high school."
"You don't think?" Steve asked.
"No, because we wouldn't have been the people we are now. Let's be real here Steve, you and I are not Bucky or Peggy. We're dreamers. Full on happy ending believing people who happened to be with realists at the time. We would've been so naive about the world outside of Brooklyn," Elizabeth says.
"We had never truly experienced pain in the way that we did. If we didn't go through senior year the way that we did, we wouldn't be here. Not specifically together or in California. But we would be stuck in a life where we forced ourselves to be happy. Where we didn't have room to grow. Room to experience a different way of life. We would've been who we were as 16 year olds. And don't get me wrong but that's no way to be."
"I'm glad this happened when it did," she says tilting her head to look at Steve's face.
"Me too," he smiled kissing the top of her head.
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"Wow, my arm is so tired from lugging this ring around," Wanda announces walking into Elizabeth's room where she was packing things into a suitcase.
"Must be so exhausting," Liz teases as Wanda takes a seat on her bed.
"Incredibly," Wanda smiled, "How's the packing going?"
"Good, I have everything I'll need for the next two weeks," Liz tells her, "You guys are flying in two days before Steve's birthday right?"
"Yup! Thor seems to be more excited about Steve turning 21 than he is," Wanda laughs, "Next up will be you next month. Vegas won't be ready for us."
"Thor really is going out for all of our 21st birthdays, is he."
"He's excited we're all legally allowed to drink," Wanda says.
"So," Wanda shifted in her seat, "Are you guys going to the baby shower?"
"Yeah we are," Liz nodded her head, "Things have been better, and Steve really wants to be there for Bucky, and so do I."
"How are you feeling about it all?"
"Honestly, if Bucky is happy then so am I."
"It doesn't bother you even the slightest that he's having a baby with the woman he cheated on you with?"
"No," Liz shakes her head, "We've both moved on and grew from our situation. I'm happy with Steve, truly 100% happy. I know in my heart that Steve is the one."
"Whoa, wait, back that up," Wanda immediately shot up from her spot on the bed, "He's the one?"
"Yeah," Liz bascule smiles, her cheeks turning a slight pink.
"I mean, I knew that you loved him, but I don't think you've ever said out loud that he was the one."
Elizabeth shrugs her shoulders trying to fight off the huge grin that wants to spread across her face, "Well he is."
"Wow, umm this is great news," Wanda says looking around the room.
"What's wrong?" Liz asks taking in Wanda's sudden mood change.
"I just," Wanda coughed, trying to fight back the ball in her throat, her eyes tearing up, "I'm so happy for you. God this ring is making me incredibly emotional."
"Aw Wands," Elizabeth pulled her into a hug.
"You just deserve to be with someone who truly thinks the world of you and would move those worlds for you," Wanda cries in Liz's shoulder, "I just remember you telling me all about the shit you went through with Bucky in high school, and then the crap he put you through freshman year. You were just so over the idea of love. Even with steve you were so cautious, so just to hear you say that he's the one. I'm just so incredibly happy."
Elizabeth hugged Wanda tightly, tears streaming down her face. It meant the world to her to hear Wanda say those things. She felts so incredibly lucky to have a friends like her in her life.
"I better be your maid of honor," Wanda teased pulling away and wiping her tears, "Because you already know you're mine."
"I wouldn't have it any other way."
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"We still need to get a baby shower gift for tomorrow," Elizabeth told Steve as they lounged around his childhood bedroom. Steve was sat at his desk sketching, while Elizabeth laid in his bed reading a book.
"I can do that if you want," Steve offered, not wanting to make Elizabeth uncomfortable no matter how many times she's told him she was fine.
"Somehow I don't think I can trust you getting the correct gift," Elizabeth teased.
"Babies like legos right?" He teased back, getting up to join her on the bed, laying his head down on her stomach.
"We can go together, I still need to get a few things for the party next weekend," she said playing with his hair.
Steve hummed in response, feeling himself getting tired, "A quick little nap and we'll go."
"Sounds good," she smiled at the man snuggled up on her.
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The next day the couple were walking into the Barnes' backyard, hand-in-hand with a gift bag.
They were both instantly greeted by Bucky's mother Winnie.
"Oh you two made it!" She enthusiastically greeted them, pulling them both into a hug.
"Of course. We wouldn't have missed it," Steve smiled at her.
"Thank-you," she turned to Liz and grabbed her hand, "both of you. James really appreciates it. We all do. Especially with everything that has happened, he's going to need his best friends."
"You don't have to thank us," Liz says, "We'll always be there for Bucky. No matter what happens."
"Well thank-you," she smiles, and then turns to Steve, "Steve the men have been sent inside, so you can see your way inside."
"Already getting pushed aside," he jokes.
He placed a kiss on Elizabeth's cheek, "I'll be inside if you need me."
She nodded her head, then glanced around the yard and caught eye contact with an old high school classmate, Natasha's friend, rolling her eyes at the couple.
She cleared her throat, "Where do the gifts go?"
"Over at that table where Rebecca is at," Winnie smiled, and pointed to the table to the right where Rebecca was organizing all the gifts. Liz thanked her and made her way over.
Liz couldn't help but start to feel a bit uncomfortable. She hadn't planned for she and Steve to be separated for the entire party. She didn't really know anyone here, aside from Bucky's family, where things were still a bit awkward after last summer.
Even though things were good between Steve, Bucky, and her, it was still awkward. She and Natasha don't have the best history, they still haven't talked everything out, clear the air. Not that Nat owed Elizabeth a conversation, she just thought that now that things were okay, maybe them two can work on their relationship, for the sake of Bucky. But whenever Liz tried to reach out Nat would just say that she was busy, so she didn't push it. Not with Natasha being pregnant, plus she figured now that she was in town for two weeks that maybe they could get together for a quick chat.
"Hey Liz," Rebecca greeted her, a sigh of relief to see a friendly face.
"Hey Bec," she smiled, hugging the teen.
"God, I'm so glad to see you," Rebecca said pulling back from the hug, "Some of these girls are real bitches."
Liz was taken back for a second hearing Rebecca swear, it's sometimes hard to believe that tiny little toddler is now this young lady about to enter her senior year of high school.
"I'm sure they're not so bad," Liz said trying to give them the benefit of the doubt.
"Really? Because they're looking at you like you just murdered their entire family," Rebecca said.
Elizabeth turned around to see Natasha's friends huddled in a semi-circle around Natasha, all whispering and glaring at her. She turned back around to Rebecca and gave her a force smile.
Rebecca felt bad at bringing that to Liz's attention. Liz was always so nice to her, and even continues to keep in contact with her especially when Rebecca needs any help or advice.
"I can take that," she said trying to change the subject.
"Thank-you," she quietly said, handing over the gift bag to Rebecca.
"They're just jealous," Rebecca tells her, "Even with having my brother's child, Natasha still can't find it in her cold hearted heart to be nice to you."
"She doesn't owe me anything."
"Now that's not true. She owes you a lot, and the least she can do is be nice, especially with my mother throwing her this baby shower and allowing her to live with us until she and Bucky find a place."
"She's living here?" Elizabeth asked, surprised to hear that. Bucky never mentioned Nat living with them, they did know that they were looking at places closer to his job and school.
"Yeah, she moved in probably two months ago, when she really started to show," Rebecca tells her, "Apparently she hadn't told her dad, and once she started showing she had to confess. He kicked her out. Said she was ruining her life."
"That's intense," Elizabeth said.
"Yup. So my mom and Keith are letting her stay until they find a place of their own," Rebecca says, "And as much as I love my brother I can't wait til she's gone. He's an idiot for knocking her up."
"She can't be that bad," Liz said trying to give Nat the benefit of the doubt.
"Trust me Liz, she is. Being pregnant has made her a complete devil," Rebecca stresses, "My mom is way too nice to have that be the mother of her first grandchild."
Before Liz could respond to that, someone came up behind her.
"Oh Becky, I wanted the gifts to be color coordinated," Natasha remarked, with her hand on her belly.
"My mom told me to do it by size," Rebecca rolled her eyes, "And my name's Rebecca."
"But Becky is so cute."
"No it's not," Rebecca argued.
"Hi Natasha," Elizabeth awkwardly greeted, breaking up the conversation.
"Oh hi Elizabeth," Natasha stiffly said, forcing a smile on her face as she rubs her belly, "Didn't think you would show up."
"Oh, well Steve told Bucky we were coming," she explains.
"Of course he did."
"You look pretty," Elizabeth complimented her to try and break the tension.
"I know. I'm absolutely glowing carrying Bucky's child," she replied with a snarky tone.
"I'm really happy for you both."
"Sure you are," she rolled her eyes.
"No, I truly am. That's why I actually wanted to talk to you about. I was wondering if maybe we can get together sometime this next week, to talk," Liz suggests.
"There's no need," Nat tells her, "I get what you're doing. You think that getting on my good graces will put you in Bucky's good graces, but I hate to break it to you, that's not going to happen. I'm trying my best here to be polite to you, but once this baby is born, I'll make sure Bucky no longer makes time for you and Steve. I am his life now, and we don't have space in it for you both."
"Thanks for the gift, hopefully the gift receipt is in the bag," Natasha fake smiled, "Enjoy the party."
"Fix the gifts Becky," she turned to Rebecca enunciating 'Becky', before walking away to go back to her friends.
"Told you she was the devil," Rebecca commented, ignoring Natasha's request.
"Yeah, you weren't lying," Elizabeth turned to look at Nat who was laughing with her friends.
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Steve and Elizabeth said their final goodbyes a couple of hours later, and walked back to their rental car.
"That went well, don't you think?" Steve commented on as he started the car.
"Yeah it did," she lied.
Elizabeth decided it was probably best not to bring it up to Steve. He and Bucky just fixed their relationship, that she was afraid if she told Steve that Bucky wouldn't believe them. She would just have to hope that Bucky wouldn't allow their friendship to take another hit. She had faith that their friendship was stronger than that.
"Do you mind if we made a stop somewhere?" Steve asks her as he pulls away from the curb.
"No, of course not."
"Perfect. We just have to make one quick pit stop before," he says a few minutes later, parking in a parking lot of a cafe.
Steve walked back out of the cafe with a picnic basket.
"What's that for?" She asked smiling as he got in, putting the basket in the backseat.
"Just wait and see," he winked.
15 minutes later they were pulling up to a park.
"A park?"
"Thought we could have an impromptu picnic date," he smiles, "Wait here."
He got out of the car and grabbed the basket from the backseat. She heard him close and open the trunk. He then opened her door.
"Mi lady," he held his hand open for her to take.
"Oh why thank-you kind sir," she giggled taking his hand.
He led her to a nice spot on top of a hill, overlooking the park.
"Can you hold this for me real quick," he asked, holding out the picnic basket for her.
She took it from him as he laid out the blanket. Steve took the basket back and started to unpack the contents and laid them out on the blanket for them.
"A little dinner at sunset," he offered his hand so she can sit down next to him on the blanket.
"This was perfect Steve," she kissed his cheek, as they finished off their little dinner.
"Just thought I'd thank-you for coming with me today," he says wrapping his arm around her, as she leaned into him.
"You don't have to thank me."
"I know I don't, but I want to. I know you say you were fine with today, and I completely believe you, but I also know that even if you're okay with it, it's still can be uncomfortable," he says, "So I just want to show you how appreciative I am of you."
"I love you," she leans her head up to capture his lips with her's.
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Age: 27
Year: 2021
Location: Brooklyn, NY
"Steve whats with the blind fold," Elizabeth giggled in the passenger seat of their rental car.
"It's a surprise," he laughed, "Now just be patient, we're almost there."
"Steve, come on you know I hate surprises."
"You liked the last surprise I gave you," he teased.
"It was a kitten, that's different," she smiled.
"You still loved it," he said, "Plus we're here already."
"Oh that was quick," she said reaching to take her blindfold off.
"Don't," he warned her, "Not yet."
Steve helped her out of the car, and linked their arms together as he led her to the surprise.
"Okay, we're here," he nervously said, he took her blindfold off.
Liz adjusted her eyes after being in the dark for the past 30 minutes. When she opened her eyes, she was greeted with a lantern lit up picnic on top of the hill at the park.
"Surprise," Steve said behind her.
Liz turned around to find Steve down on one knee, with an opened ring box.
"Steve," she gasped.
He took her left hand into his own.
"Elizabeth Carolina Sanchez, words can't even explain how much I am in love with you, but I'm going to try. I don't think i can remember back to a time where you weren't a part of my life, and honestly i don't want to. You've made me so incredibly happy these last almost seven years, and no matter how much I say I'm appreciate of you, i don't think it's ever going to be enough. Getting to wake up to you every day to you smiling at me, honestly i don't think there's a greater thing in the world. I'd give the entire world, if it meant that I got to see you smile every day of my life. I don't ever want to imagine a life without you. You've made me the best person I could ever want to be. There's not a day that doesn't go by where you don't continuously tell me how proud you are of me, and the endless amount of support and love you've given me. There's no one I'd rather spend my entire life with. Start a family with. Be a family with. So, Elizabeth, will you do me the greatest honor of marrying me?"
"Yes," Elizabeth choked out, as the tears streamed down her face. She lunged herself into Steve's arms and kissed him.
"I love you so much," she cried.
"I love you too," he said, pulling her into another kiss.
They pulled away, and Steve placed the ring on her finger.
"I love you," she said again.
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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Today was a pretty good day overall. My allergies are bothering me still but mostly I was in a great mood and things were nice.
I didn't sleep awesome. I woke up a lot. James was putting air in their bike tires and apparently it sounds just like Sweetp throwing up because I woke up right away convinced something was wrong with my cat. But it made me laugh when I realized.
When I got up for real I felt good. I liked my outfit. I have been feeling very cute this week.
I headed out of here. Stopped for breakfast. And got to work at when I thought was on time but it was actually early! Oops. I didn't realize it was a 915 start. Ah well. I just got ready and things were good.
I was very excited to do C, the print position of the cannery. And it was so fun. One of my coworkers set up the chase set up yesterday so I was able to just work on fixing the presses and little fussy things that sometimes get forgotten about.
It was really nice being with my coworkers today. But we found out one of us yesterday tested positive so I think we were all a little on edge about that. Maybe it was okay that I wasn't as included yesterday.
But even though it has us on edge it was still a good time. Jordan was back and he's always down to talk politics. We had a huge conversation about Roe because someone was confused about the trigger laws and it was very gratifying to talk it through with everyone and know we were all primarily on the same side.
The group we had today was excellent. Just really awesome kids. We did have a child with some limits in mobility so we got to use the elevator which was interesting. I am glad to get to test it out so I know how to use it in the future. It's old as hell but it works a lot better then the one we had at ships.
I had a great time with the kids though. All of the printers I had today did a great job. Once I showed them they barely needed me after so I could just do some back up prints. And it was great.
It has been so long since I've done C. The printing and stuff was fine but I haven't done a store in so long. But it was fine. And these kids were so well behaved I barely had to talk over a normal speaking voice. It was great. And even though one child got a little upset I think everyone had fun.
We finished up the program and we cleaned up. I did some oyster cleaning. We did some car parts. I went up to chat with James who had edited my photos for my mini portfolio. And they did such a nice job. And so I was able to submit my application today. This grant and cohort thing would be awesome to get but I also just feel good that I did it. I'll post the portfolio here after this post.
I left at 2 since I had come in early. And I decided I would go to the grocery store that is closing in the shopping center. They are only open for two more days. And everything was about 70 to 80% off.
I drove up there and while there wasn't much, I did get a bunch of canned stuff. I also got gum and candy and ice cream. And a few other things. Like baking stuff. There was for sure a lot of weird stuff because it was like the things you look over normally. But it was for sure weird to see the place so empty. I chatted with an older man about how it felt like the end of the world in here.
But I filled a basket and went to pay. I saved almost $92!! Wild! I spent $35 and got so much.
I went home and ran into Mr Will. Who insisted on carrying my groceries, which were very heavy, upstairs. I was worried about him falling but he wouldn't let me carry one.
I promised I would make him cookies today. And he was like. I thought you forgot about me it's been so long!! But I haven't seen him in forever so I wanted to make sure they wouldn't be old.
So once I got everything away I got to work on my cookies. And I feel very good about them. I made three dozen. One for Mr Will and the others for us and for work.
I cleaned Frenchy's tank. And did some knitting. James was going to go to worked sisters for dinner but when they got there they didn't carry the sandwich I wanted anymore. James insisted on biking to fells point, which is basically on the other side of the city, to get food from Alexanders tavern. I wasn't thrilled that they biked all over the world for a sandwich for me. But I appreciated it.
We had dinner. And played video games. I put faces on the two bears I made.
I hung out with James while they did their podcast. And I chilled in bed for a while.
I got a shower. And now am in bed. I am very tired. And tomorrow is going to be a very busy day. With a 4 row assembly line, which is wild. And then a double cannery. But it will be a good day.
Sleep well everyone. I hope you are all safe. Good night!!
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