#maybe obito goes even more insane?
chocol4tte · 3 months
Angsty OBKK Au where Obito's sharingan is an actual poison for Kakashi and everytime he uses the sharingan, he is shortening his lifespan.
Problem is? Kakashi knows it and still doesn't want to take it out, he goes as far as hiding this information from every single soul for years because despite the pain and weakness that it causes, he will make sure to live long enough for Obito to see the world through his eye, as the only promise he will keep until his dying breath.
Nobody knows of the consequences of the eye, not even a very alive, stalker-ish obito knows about it. In fact, he thought it was just Chakra draining.
Anyway, he doesn't know until Kakashi reaches a point of no return, and obito has now to live with the consequences.
..... so I continued this, here. Enjoy :3
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mixelation · 28 days
here have an "i bet i can make obito even MORE insane" nonsense fic concept
this is multiple fic premises stacked on top of each other for comedic effect. rather than go super in depth for any of them, we rely on fanfic tropes for the reader to fill in the blanks.
kakashi is experiencing some sort of whump fic. he loses a fight and has his sharingan ripped out. one or more other canon characters maybe die in the incident, doesn't matter. point is. obito is like "oh SHIT i gotta go get my eyeball back."
obito goes and hunts down his eyeball for the purpose of sticking it back in kakashi's head. for.... for safe keeping. yeah.
meanwhile, in whatever order of events is funniest, minato has been time traveled to the future and rin has experienced a mysterious resurrection. actually my first idea was "rin reincarnated immediately after her death" so she's now the same age she was when she first died. might be funnier if obito fines her BEFORE the eyeball incident?
i think i will stick minato with one of the other akatsuki pairs for convenience. obito has no fucking clue how that happened. minato is surprisingly amenable because he has no idea what's happening and he doesn't mind a little murder road trip as long as they're not attacking Konoha. so obito isn't in charge of him but he's very Aware
also he's just clutching his/Kakashi's eyeball the whole time
i think the way to progress the Events is Rin gets Menaced somehow (possibly by akatsuki itself?) so now obito, still undercover, is clutching kakashi's eyeball in one hand while he ushers Rin around going "NO NO IT'S FINE YOU'RE FINE I'M PROTECTING YOU" and from Rin's POV she's been randomly kidnapped by some masked lunatic
at some point he and rin inevitably run into minato and obito is just like. SCREAMING internally while they're like "Sensei?!" "Rin??"
i don't know how it ends but i want to make obito lie down on his face and cry at least three times
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eularin · 20 days
I'm sitting there calmly writing my story when out of nowhere my brain says: hey, you like obkk and HP so much, why not sketch out an idea about it?
Me: sure! An obkk in a Hogwarts AU sounds great!
Brain: yes, but how about this: master of death Harry Potter finds post-War 4 Obito wandering in limbo (or in the pure lands alone, he gets distracted and strays too far to the point of getting lost there) and then the two meet, talk, exchange their sad life stories, complain a lot about destiny, the Magical World and the Shinobi World, they talk a lot about the difference between Magic and Chakra and they lose track of time.
They become fast friends (they have a lot in common: both orphans; both were neglected; both were chess pieces in someone else's chess game older than them; both had painful losses in life; both were child soldiers - of course, they also have numerous differences between them.
Harry remained steadfast and loyal through it all and Obito fell and embraced his family's madness)
Obito has to go back to Rin, but he is lost and Harry thinks: why not accompany his new friend back to where he belongs? He also wants to meet this Rin for whom Obito suffered so much that he succumbed to madness and wanted to destroy his home world just to "fix things for everyone".
So they walk together. At some point, the three reunite and Harry makes another friend.
Rin is all friendly, warm-heartedness, but she's also cunning and manipulative (bc she's a ninja, duh). She quickly realizes that there's more to Harry Potter than meets the eye (she's been dead for a long time, she's had time to meet her fair share of other souls in the pure lands, and she's also met those "special" souls who are human but also not. Rin doesn't know exactly why these differences exist, but they do, and that always means something. She sees Harry Potter, she knows he's different. The moment she laid eyes on Obito, she also knew he was different, that he became different - just like Madara, Indra, Ashura, Hashirama, the Sage Hagoromo, the souls of the summoning animals, etc.)
Rin knows that at some point her time in the pure lands will end and she doesn't want to leave Obito alone (or Kakashi), she's a smart girl even if she didn't manage to become a powerful woman. But smartness is also a kind of power, right? (She just wants to see her boys happy)
Anyway, Rin is the one who gives the idea for these two insanely powerful (and lonely) men in front of her to get out of limbo and go "enjoy life."
I'm not sure how the argument goes, but it's all Rin's fault. She's great at manipulating Obito's massive guilt and Harry is really tempted to get to know this weird, violent, broken world of ninjas (please remember he's a 20th/21st century guy) - he's only thinking about it bc of the chakra and the talking animals! That's what he's really interested in. (He doesn't want to be anyone's savior, nor does he have a hero complex. Obito is on the same page)
They just want to go on a tourist trip. That's right. Harry is the foreign tourist and Obito is his guide.
(This is the main idea of my possible future story.)
So there's a huge debate about time (?) or dimensional travel. I'm leaning towards the former.
Rin is like: 😇🤭 ~ seeing his plan working out
Harry is like: 🤔 Hmm, possible? Yeah. Maybe. Let me think
Obito is like: 🤨? Seriously you're considering it? There's nothing good in that terrible, violent world for you to see. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.
Rin is like: Hey! Don't say that Obito! You only cared about seeing the miserable side of the world that you forgot to see the little good things. Oh, Harry! You'll love learning about chakra, our culture! Oh you'll love talking animals!
Harry: Talking animals?
Rin: Yes! Lots of talking animals that use chakra and also fight!
That's it. That hooks Harry. He loves animals and has always wanted to talk to animals other than snakes. (Also, Harry is an Animagus too. I don't know which one, but it definitely has to be an animal that flies; Obito can kind of transform into a Whomping Willow tree, just so you know.)
So the new adventure begins!
Oh! We can't forget about Kakashi. He's going to be a very present character in the story. At first he's a sad and broken ANBU, but soon he discovers that Obito is alive and traveling the world, lost on the road of life accompanied by a very suspicious man. And they're very good friends.
Yes, can you imagine how this is going to go? Kakashi isn't jumping to the right conclusions here. And this is Obito coming back from the dead! Or not coming back, considering that Obito doesn't seem to want to return to Konoha any time soon. Kakashi really isn't acting rationally, please understand his side (he's jealous, suspicious and wants to lock Obito away in a safe place where he'll never get out and get hurt again.)
I'm not sure if this story is supposed to be a M/M/M threesome, but obkk it's a definite couple. Obito is just navigating this weird dynamic (he's learned a lot in his life as a missing-nin, but romance? Sorry, he didn't have time.)
Harry is just trying not to get bitten by his friend's friend.
And Kakashi is just marking his territory without realizing he's marking his territory. (Give him a break! He's been feeling a lot of uncontrolled feelings lately.)
The rest of the people around are having fun at their expense. (That is until Obito or Harry does something totally weird because they are who they are, and Kakashi bites someone for real. 😬 Minato probably won't be laughing anymore)
edit: imagine the reverse: Obito being the tourist in the Wizarding world with Harry as his guide. Obito is fascinated by all things magical but especially dragons. REAL DRAGONS that FLY and breathe fire! Do you really think this possessive, hot-blooded, fire-breathing Uchiha man wouldn't steal a dragon egg for himself? and illegally bring it to the Elemental Nations?
That's it. That's the idea. Now I must resume the incomplete chapter of my other story. 👋🏻
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team7-headquarter · 11 months
Someone should write an au where the Otsutsuki antagonist of turn is obsessed with medic nins.
At first everyone thinks that's just greed or power or something like that. The truth is, some of their children were born sick and the only thing keeping them alive is that, all this time, that Otsutsuki has been kidnapping talented medic nins to take care of them. Well, not always kidnapping. Sometimes the medic nins go willingly, but the desperation of never seeing the children get better has driven the Otsutsuki insane, so now the medic nins either go with them or get killed.
The way it goes, the Otsutsuki watches closely the human world and waits for the medic nins to almost get killed in action. It happens all the time, given that the world is constantly at war and that the best medic nins can't stand to stay behind as their teammates get slaughtered.
It happened to Dan, who got told that either was him or Tsunade after being healed from almost dying. It happened to Rin, who doesn't know the state she left Obito and Kakashi in, but hoped that she'd one day see them again, somehow.
The story can be fairly the same as it is in Naruto (or not, you can mix it with a million other tropes or alternative universes). The whole point is that it is easy to resent the Otsutsuki, until the medics meet their children and see the evidence of the desperation of a parent trying to keep their kids alive, trying to outrun death. They are the most powerful beings in the universe and yet— and yet. Sickness doesn't discriminate or forgive. It comes for the weak or the strong, for gods and humans.
I love the idea that the medic nins can even be manipulated to feel parental love for those kids. Maybe it's genjutsu or something similar. Do they dare turn their back on those who need them? Or should it not matter? It is unfair to cure those who have been living for so long when your loved ones die around before their time, but do you dare to refuse sincere treatment?
Dan and Rin never got married or got children, so I think that's something the Otsutsuki looks for. People unsatisfied with how their romance ended that wish for more. Loving, gentle, but strong of will. Caring, but easy to manipulate because they are truly good at heart.
Imagine dumping that burden on Sakura while she feels she can't reach Naruto or Sasuke, when she desperately grabs onto caring and healing as her reason to be alive. If everyone is okay and if someone must go and if those kids need her and (later) if she can find a way to rescue Dan and Rin and if she has to take their place and—
You can throw Karin in the mix. Sakura saved her life, so should she offer herself in turn? People call her selfish, but why would her life matter less? She never forced Sakura to help her. She is not even that skilled as a medic and she fears those children will drain her completely with a bite.
Kabuto in the background knowing the legends and studying them and setting Sakura on the path to become a medic nin since the Chuning Exams, secretly selling her in his place.
Tsunade can't offer herself in Sakura's place cause Dan already took hers and Shizune's.
Just imagine.
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graveyard-tales · 2 years
Have this idea I’ve been thinking about before sleep. One of those time travel aus. This one with Tobirama and Madara going back in time to when they’re about 13/15. Only they’re in their adult bodies so they’re double. (They didn’t come back the age they died but in their early 30s) Don’t know what name Tobirama goes by but Madara temporarily goes by Obito to his clan in the beginning. 
When Madara comes back he is feeling sorry for himself because his plan for world domination or w/e sucked ass. But feeling a version of himself that hasn’t been so twisted, feeling his little brother alive, feeling Hashirama who is still that weird, hopeful kid, he realizes he has a chance to do things differently and to maybe actually make changes for the better. And then he feels Tobirama’s chakra and is like “maybe revenge is still the answer actually”. 
He thinks he feels the Tobirama he remembers during the fourth war but when he appears it’s just a little 13 yr old that he doesn’t even break a sweat taking down. Madara is going to kill him. He made to kill Sasuke, his own kin, this child means nothing to him. Only when he looks into Tobirama’s soft face and poorly concealed terror and feels the shaking hands gripping his arms, he pauses. Because this isn’t the man who killed his brother, spat and bore his teeth at Madara at every turn and later ruled Konoha. This is a child whose tough act is raw and does nothing to hide how scared he is of the death that awaits him. 
It was all for the children. In the beginning. Because he and Hashirama were tired of seeing their young kin buried. Didn’t want to lose the only brother they had left.  And somewhere along the line they had all lost that. And isn’t this his second chance to do better. To build and mold the dream into something viable. This time around he can protect his brother. This time around he has the power to stop the war long before his brother is cut down. Long before this child before him becomes the cold, lethal weapon he lived and died as. 
So he lets him go with a “remember it was an Uchiha that spared your life” or something and watch bby Tobira run off on shaky legs. 
Only to turn around to see that there is the Tobirama he knows and loathes. (I think Tobirama using his younger self as bait is exactly the fucky kind of thing he’d do.) They don’t even talk, they just start fighting immediately. Madara wins because he’s always been stronger than Tobirama but with Tobirama’s experience and intelligence, (and the fact he’s not inhibited by the Edo Tensei) he certainly doesn’t make it easy for him. Madara has Tobirama pinned and Tobirama questions why Madara didn’t kill the younger version of him and Madara answers truthfully. That this time he’s going to do things right this time and if that means keeping Tobirama as a brat alive then so be it. He then goes on about how he can just kill Tobirama and every inch of him is begging him to but he can’t think of a better punishment than forcing Tobirama to actually work with him to build a better Konoha. 
He also cuts Tobirama’s throat. Not severely but enough that it bleeds and thanks to Tobirama’s low chakra (their fight takes a while) he can’t fully heal it and he’s left with a scar. Just a little reminder that he could kill Tobirama but he chose not to. A more violent version of what he did with little Tobirama essentially. 
Tobirama is like, you’re literally insane but I guess if I have no other choice. So they start planning how to end the war with as little blood shed as possible. First part is to implement themselves back in their clan. 
How does Tobirama do it??? Idk! I’ve only been thinking about this for two nights. 
Madara presents himself as a child born outside the clan who is finding his way back, having heard stories from his mother before she died while he was still a child. He weaves a sob story about how young he was and having to learn to live on his own and it’s only as an adult that he yearns to find community among his clan. Or something. He goes by Obito almost as a joke to himself. And as a little reminder to himself how fucky that whole situation was. 
Thought about Madara and Tobirama flexing their power and just taking over their respective clans. But forcing their own people in submission probably isn’t a good start toward sustainable peace. If I put actually thought into this idea in terms of plot instead of just the relationship between the characters. I would have to figure that out but fuck that rn. 
Also lil Tobirama and lil Madara, when they find out who these adults are, are like ummmmmm, I kind of grow up to be an asshole. Like, they’re happy they’re so powerful but kind of disappointed they’re both like that™.
Aaaaaand that’s all I have for that idea. Other then the fact that as time goes on Tobirama and Madara start fucking and then fall in love or w/e. So this is a slow burn mdtb idea that I’ll probably never write but I will be thinking about this constantly. 
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candyopala · 3 years
Stuck in his ways, Chapter 5
Chapter Summary:  Y/N’s training begins, but not before she discovers one of Obito’s secrets.
Words: 1.7k
Please reblog or like if you enjoy, comments are always welcome <3
5:30 in the morning. It is the sixth time Y/N has woken up. This whole concussion thing has messed up her whole sleeping schedule, she tried her best to get some rest, but to no avail. She ended up sleeping for about fourteen or fifteen hours between small intervals, but she feels worse than before. 
Y/N drags herself out of bed, makes some coffee, and brushes her teeth, the whole deal. Having a constant roof above her head is nice, she has to admit that. Not having to worry about wild animals and the climate is cool, but the warmth of a bed is the best part of it. Tying her brand new bandana on her forehead, she leaves the small apartment and heads to the training grounds on the outskirts of the village.  
She makes her way through the village’s main market, trying to avoid stumbling onto the hundreds of busy people bustling around her. Watching people attend to their duties and following their routines has always been a hobby of hers, she always found interest in seeing people who can afford to do the same thing every day, have some sort of routine. Can she consider herself one of them now? No, maybe not. Ninjas are always doing different missions and whatnot; their routines are as fucked up as a merc’s. Maybe she can become a baker in another life, who knows? 
Around the corner, a hand blocking her way surprises her. At the end of it is a medium height man with his hair tucked into some sort of fabric, with bits of brown hair coming out of the sides. The man holds a toothpick between his lips, accompanied by a smug smile and an attitude that instantly annoys Y/N. 
“’Sup babygirl, how come I’ve never seen you around?”
“I’ve been busy for the last 26 years”
“Busy living in my dreams, I bet”
“Busy fucking you mom, actually”
The sleazy type is the worst in Y/N’s opinion. Nothing disgusts her more than someone who thinks they’re hot shit just because they’re attractive. She pushes him away and keeps on walking.  
“Ouch! Feisty, I like that. I’ll remember ya!” he states as he leaves the scene with a wink and a flick of his toothpick. 
This has to be a joke, what a douchebag.
Going back on her way and observing the people, she closes into a mass of messy short black hair. The man has his back turned to her, but by the jonin vest and height, she assumes it could be… no, wait… it could not be! This man is helping an old lady carry a shitload of groceries, he would never be nice enough to do that. 
Could it be him!?
From afar, she changes angle to try and catch a glimpse of his face. After much difficulty dodging busy locals, she is able to see clearly and… it’s Obito! Obito Uchiha helping a poor old lady carry her stuff, I wish I had a camera on me. She thinks of approaching him, but she decides against it in favor of watching from a distance to see where this goes. 
Turns out the frail woman lives on the other side of town. Obito sure enough has carried all that stuff through the worst climbs Y/N has ever seen on a city. But that was not all: he was being extra nice. He laughed at all her jokes and even smiled back at her. This is grade A entertainment. 
When they finally reach her destination, the old lady pulls out a lollypop and gives it to him. Y/N immediately loses her shit, almost falling from the ceiling she is in because of her fit of laughter. Before she can compose herself, she notices a presence behind her. She was discovered, but who cares? She has seen enough. Obito towers above her, trying to look intimidating, but failing to do so since he has a lollipop on his mouth. 
“First you invade my house, now you’re following me. Are you sure I’m the one who should be called a creep?”
“Well, you’re right. Maybe I’ll start calling you… Granny Simp Uchiha©, how about that?”  
“I hate you”
“Ow, I’m so hurt, oh my god, how could you? But seriously, I didn’t mean to intrude, but when I saw that… I needed to see more to believe it” She states as she breaks into another fit of laughter
“Let’s go, we’re late for training”
“Have you ever been on time a day of your life, though?”
“Never, I’ll probably be late for my own funeral”
“Fair enough. Wait, did you just make a joke that’s not on my expense?”
“Oh no, your dumbassery is influencing me!” He raises his gloved hands ironically
“Shut up”
 They both reach the training grounds at around 7:30, late but not a whole lot, thanks to Obito’s kamui. Obito will have to make some slight modifications on the mission report to avoid Minato’s wrath. After a quick warmup, Obito goes straight to the point: 
“How much do you even know about jutsu?”
“Well… I can do that chakra punch, maybe walk on water and trees or release genjutsu, but that’s all.”
“Not even a clone or some substitution jutsu?”
“So you’re basically an academy student with enough brute force to take down S rank criminals… That’s… odd”
Y/N scratches the back of her head, clearly embarrassed by her lack of training. Obito did not expect to have to teach such basic things. I mean, if he wanted to teach people stuff he would have signed up for a job at the academy. He still cannot believe Minato sensei is putting him up to this babysitting job. 
He needs to do well on this mission if he wants to get back onto the Hokage’s good side and guarantee his position as the next one. This is his second day with Y/N and things have been insane and… fun? No, he should not be thinking like that. Perhaps he should also go talk with Kushina and ask her to convince sensei to let him go from this one; he was always her favorite after all.
“Granny simp? You ok? Did I disappoint you that much?”
Obito fixes his bandana’s position over his left eye, trying to get himself out of his head. He is here now, so he had better get to work. If he can control himself enough not to put her under a nasty genjutsu for calling him that again, that is. 
“Call me that again and I’ll tell everyone that you saw me naked”
“You were not naked, dickhead. And what’s wrong with that?”
“Anyway… we’ll start with some cloning jutsu. Have you ever done any seals?”
“Only one or two”
“Try to copy what I’m doing”
“Hey! Stop doing it so fast!”
She honestly seems to be giving her best, but her hand signs are not quite right and the chakra distribution on her network must be all wrong, judging by her failure in producing something that seems to be remotely human. This takes Obito’s memory back to his old academy days, back when he could not do a single clone properly. He would spend whole nights awake training to achieve something passable. Rin helped him a lot back then. The only thing he has ever taught someone was that sexy jutsu to Naruto. To say Kushina was mad was an understatement. 
“Concentrate your chakra all along your body, not only on your hands”
“Hum… right, can I get a lollipop after this?”
Four hours later and Y/N has finally mastered two basic jutsu: substitution and cloning. She almost passed out several times due to exhaustion, but thanks to some food pills, she is enduring todays training much better. 
Obito has been analyzing her every movement with his sharingan. Looking closely her techniques lack grace, truly a sign of someone who learned everything they know by experience. He needs to fix that too. 
Her endurance is also remarkably low. If she were to fight right now, she could do maybe two or three jutsu before passing out, making her rely solely onto her speed and blade habilities. The girl is more of a samurai than a ninja at this point. Examining her file earlier, he noticed that her chakra reserves are not that low as she has stated before, according to the medical department she has an average quantity of it. She just lacks the ability to use it properly.  
Some very hard work is in order; it could take some months to get her into decent shape. That would be too much time and effort for Obito, there has to be another way of dealing with this mission quicker. 
He did not want to do this, but he will have to talk to Kakashi for some teaching tips. Hell, if he was able to teach anything useful to Naruto he will be able to come up with a routine to help Y/N’s training. 
I just hope he doesn’t decide to bother me about this situation…
After dropping Y/N on her house, with much protest from her part, Obito heads to the village’s café to meet with Kakashi Hatake. He knows that the ninja likes to spend his late afternoons reading his porn books accompanied by some coffee, disgusting stuff if you ask Obito. The coffee, that is. He has no formed opinion on porn books.
Approaching the store, he spots his friend’s mass of upward pointing grey hair. Something is different about him, though. Kakashi is usually… a very apathetic person. The look he gave Obito had chills running the Uchiha’s spine, he looked, well, excited. 
“Obito! I finally found you! Sit down”
Aliens killed him and this is a body double. Or this is one of Gai’s practical jokes. Obito is honestly stumped.
“Are you ok bakashi?”
“Great! So… who’s the girl?”
Great, just awesome.      
“I don’t know what you’re talking about”
“Of course you know, everyone is talking about how you were seen walking up and down with some mysterious gal. I’m so happy for you! Finally you’re going to stop being a sad grumpy bachelor! I’ll call dibs on the position of best-man” and suddenly Kakashi jumps up from his seat, coming closer to Obito’s face “Have you guys done it yet? Did she run away from you and now you need my advice? You could use some techniques from Icha I-”
“What the fuck is wrong with you? Those books are rotting your brain, seriously what the hell?”
“So is it true?”
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bikerboyfriend · 3 years
I love your analysis on naruto!! If you want could you give your opinion/analysis on Itachi and sasuke’s relationship?
thanks :) and...wow okay 😩 I put all my shit about Itachi under the cut bc it got too long (naruto spoilers btw 🤨🤨🤨 for the whole series)
Itachi and Sasuke's entire story is just horrifically sad. What makes me so mad about the ending, is that there is no way that Sasuke could resign himself to Konoha after learning everything about the massacre. Nor would Naruto & Kakashi have ever forced him after learning the truth from Obito. Regardless of what Itachi wanted in the end—HE HIMSELF is like that because of years of manipulation from having served Konoha for 3 years under the ANBU.
So, it's not like what Itachi wants is even...something to fight for🤷🏾‍♂️ there are hundreds of life experiences he didn't go through because he became an ANBU at that age & then immediately defected. He doesn't even want anything for himself, his main goals were peace in the shinobi world & keeping his brother safe.
Sasuke doesn't even know the truth about the massacre until after he kills Itachi and learns all of this alone in a bar somewhere. The greatest conflict lies with Sasuke, because he looked up to and loved Itachi so much and then spent the rest of his life throwing everything away to track down and kill him. He refused to call Itachi his brother or even say his name until they see each other and he spends years conflicting over it.
I think Sasuke, with how smart he is, knew that Itachi just losing his mind and killing everyone made no sense. I also think no matter how bad of a person Itachi tried to make himself in Sasuke's eyes, every single other memory he with Itachi up until the massacre was good. Sure Itachi was distant before the clan's final moments, but he most probably didn't think too much of it when he was younger. Probably partially blames himself for that too. The whole thing just didn't make sense, but he's the only one left and he has to avenge them. And he probably didn't let himself contemplate on these thoughts too much because it'd feel disrespectful to the the clan that lost their lives.
So then upon learning the truth. Tbh, it's no wonder he just lost his mind. Like, I had a lot of things I was gonna say but like, no wonder. Like that one post said, the Uchiha genuinely love eachother to insanity. They feel too much, they think too much & it always leads them to this. I don't think any of them are inherently bad, just victims to how they're treated by others. And what's even more fucked up, is rememeber how Itachi gets re-animated during the war and they meet again, sure he gets some more closure but like...it's not like Itachi has anything new to say. At this point, there's like a very stark change of the way Sasuke sees Itachi. Idk it was real sad...I'm not making sense anymore 😄
SO THEIR RELATIONSHIP. TL;DR ...I think there was just a lot of longing and guilt on both sides. I honestly think, that if Itachi didn't feel so immensely guilty for the clan and dropped the act, he could've calmed Sasuke down when they met again in order to have Sasuke kill him. They loved each other very much and I think it's really sad that they both had to go through this on their own....yk. They missed eachother a lot nd it's really terrible how things turn out 🏃🏾‍♂️
There's a lot to Itachi, but also nothing much because of how short of a life he lived when you think about it. He's severely traumatised and all this trauma he goes through before he even turns 12. Konoha took advantage of that, like they did with any kid there and made him into a weapon. His best friend, the only people who shared and understood his views and sentiments kills himself after a GROWN ASS MAN stole his eye & he gives the other to Itachi. Then Danzo took even further advantage of that and asked a 12 year old to pick between letting his entire clan get killed or allowing him to kill them all and spare his brother. Then he defects and CONTINUES TO PROTECT KONOHA within Akatsuki, all for his brother. Then he dies at his brothers hand.
And doing this, Itachi decides that Sasuke is the one who should punish him for all these actions. Which is.....very bad, Sasuke was maybe 7-9 years old at this time. He's fully aware for his actions, but he has to deal with the guilt somehow and he pushes it all onto Sasuke so he can..."make himself stronger". Which is dumb as hell, but to him it's the best way for Sasuke to come out of the situation stronger. He genuinely thought that this was the best outcome and when Sasuke talks to him during the Great Shinobi War, he's so conflicted at how Itachi could think that was the best option. Idk im just recounting atp 🤷🏾‍♂️ but I think it's just really sad that Itachi thought that's all he could do for his brother & Sasuke very reasonably, ended up like that. Yk...just very twisted 😩 Ok thx for reading this entire mess
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Honestly, and this might sound harsh, but I think I give the series overall a 6/10. Being generous, I’d say it’s maybe a 7/10, but I’m deducting one point because I’m almost positive the only reason I’d rate it that high is because despite all it’s flaws, after watching 720 episodes across two series and 10 movies, you’re just going to be attached to the characters and show regardless of how you feel about it.
I know it’s super popular, or was anyways, and I can absolutely see why, but there were just too many issues that bothered me personally. It’s frustrating because I want to like it, I really do. There’s so many elements at work here that are so just perfectly me that it’s almost weird that I don’t like it, but I don’t. Obviously I liked it enough to spend hours upon hours watching it, but I think I just kept expecting it to get better at some point, and that point never happened.
More about my issues with it below...
I don’t know how to frame this (I never do) so it’s mostly just off the cuff.
I’ll start with the easily dismissible criticisms, the movies. Obviously all but one of the movies are non-canon (and I’ll get to the canon one shortly...), and they’re made by other studios so it’s not entirely fair to criticize the series based on them. I’m far too used to this weird format from Pokemon and their non-canon movies, so it wasn’t a huge deal to me. I will say that, much like the Pokemon films, almost all of the Naruto films followed the same exact format: Naruto goes to a location we’ve never heard of before and will never hear of again and is forced to protect someone abrasive and annoying until the enemy is defeated and they become BFFs that we’ll never see or hear from again.
I’d say, in order from best to worst:
Road to Ninja - Naruto the Movie
Naruto the Movie 2: Legend of the Stone of Gelel
Naruto Shippuden: The Movie 3: Inheritors of the Will of Fire
Naruto Shippuden: The Movie - Bonds
Naruto Shippuden: The Lost Tower
Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow
Naruto Shippuden: The Movie
Naruto the Movie 3: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom
Naruto Shippuden the Movie: Blood Prison
The Last: Naruto the Movie
Yes, you read that right. The one canonical movie I put in dead last. Originally I thought that position was reserved for Blood Prison, which offended me because of just how utterly contrived the plot was and how out of character everyone needed to act to get it moving. But somehow, The Last took last place because of just how bad of a movie it was that for some reason has the audacity to be canon. And look, I know why it’s canon. It’s where Naruto and Hinata ‘officially’ get together and it ‘explains’ some missing plot elements from the series (more on that...), so of course it’s canon.
But come the fuck on, the last movie in the franchise, the one canonical movie, the one that may or may not take place after the Great Shinobi War, I.E. the big final battle of the series, has Naruto going into the fucking hollow earth through a cave portal that takes him to the moon, which is falling because the man on the moon is an incel and hates earth? What kind of methamphetamines were the writers on for that one. The Hinata and Naruto bits were fine, but holy fuck was that plot bad. They may as well have put Naruto in a spaceship and sent him to Mars to fight Martian Shinobi, I mean if we’ve already crossed the line, why not run a marathon beyond it.
The movie was meant to explain away a one-off line made in the series, that admittedly I did sit and ponder whether or not they’d ever explain it, about the Sage of Six Path’s brother, Homura, who went to go live on the moon after they defeated their mother Kaguya. It was mentioned so briefly and only once that I thought for sure it wasn’t ever going to be brought up again. I also wondered where Byakugan came from since we’d gotten an explanation for Sharingan and Rennigan during the series, but never for Byakugan. I actually don’t mind the explanation that it came from Homura’s bloodline, I think that tracks well enough. The man on the moon bit was...odd, but when I thought of how strong Homura was, I didn’t think much of it. I actually thought he somehow was going to still be alive and he’d come down to earth after they defeated Kaguya, but that never happened.
Here’s the rub though, and one of my issues with the series as a whole, which is that the show seemed to keep writing itself into these weird corners where they’d be forced to do something completely nonsensical, purely because they were the ones who wrote them into those corners. It would’ve been simpler to just say all visual jutsu was derived from Kaguya’s power, or the Homura died so there’s no man on the moon, or that Tsunade died so Kekashi needs to become Hokage, etc. They didn’t have to write themselves into these scenarios, but they did anyway and the end result was them having to write complete and utter nonsense to rationalize why they did it in the first place.
Kekashi becoming Hokage doesn’t really make any sense, like at all. They literally bisected Tsunade during the war but willed her back to life when they could’ve just as easily killed her then and there since she’s largely irrelevant to the rest of the series after the war, and then it would’ve made more sense why Kekashi, the man who on numerous occasions said he didn’t want to be Hokage, would then be forced to become Hokage as he’d be the next strongest (eligible) shinobi after Tsunade. I feel like it was all meant to be a payoff to Obito’s dying words to Kekashi which told him to become Hokage, which even then I found myself asking why the fuck would he say that? Kekashi almost was Hokage once before and was so relieved when Tsunade woke up from her coma so he wouldn’t have to.
Also can we talk about how bad that final episode was? I mean don’t get me wrong, it was cutesy as fuck and actually brought a tear to my eye (when Naruto asked Iruka to be his dad I fucking lost it, I won’t lie), but they cut it off before the wedding? Before the aftermath? Before he becomes Hokage? Like I understand Boruto exists, but I don’t feel like that’s a justifiable excuse for ending your long-running series on merely the assumption that he’ll become Hokage in the future. Maybe if the show was a whole 500 episodes shorter I’d be comfortable with it ending on a vague, yet hopeful ending, but when I’ve spent fuck knows how many hours on this series you bet your ass I’m expecting some mother fucking payoff.
Also do not even get me started on Sasuke. What. The. Fuck?!?!? My guy literally just sends a note via carrier pigeon to the wedding? That’s it? Did I just fucking hallucinate the last 720 episodes or wasn’t Sasuke supposed to be like the second main character??? The absolute absurdity.
This isn’t even much of a comparison because it’s so much shorter than Naruto, but it’s all I got in the moment, but imagine if at the end of Return of the Jedi, Han Solo just decides to fucking dip. He’s just not there. He and Chewie hopped into the Millennium Falcon the moment the Death Star was destroyed and just dipped. No longer in the movie, just gone. Didn’t say anything to Luke or Leia, just up and left. That would be insane.
It’s even more offensive knowing him and Sakura end of together. My. Fucking. Gods. This has been the relationship I’d been dreading since the start when it became abundantly clear they weren’t doing even the barest minimum to actually establish a relationship between them. As it is, when I watched The Last, I thought to myself: “Well, Naruto and Hinata’s relationship hasn’t been the most well-developed relationship I’ve seen, but it’s still leagues better than whatever hatchet job they’re going to pull to convince me Sasuke and Sakura end up together”. We didn’t even get the hatchet job. That’s just how little of a shit they gave. They did not even bother pretending to give any explanation as to how I’m supposed to believe they end up together. I’m quite literally just supposed to believe it because I know it will happen. There’s no rhyme or reason to it, it’s just something that is and therefor I must accept it. Absolutely ridiculous. As it stands, the show gave us more reasons why Sakura and Lee should end up together than they did for her and Sasuke. Fuck, I’d even buy Sakura and Inu before I’d buy Sakura and Sasuke.
I could go on, I really could, but it’s late and I’m just looking forward to putting this behind me. At some point, probably not too soon, I will watch Boruto. As it is, my watch schedule is pretty thoroughly booked up for a while. I can’t foresee myself ever watching this again. I know I sound harsh on it, but I wanna reemphasize that I want to like this show. It’s not a show I think is bad period, it’s a good show I think was just done rather poorly. It all felt very off-the-cuff, much like this shitty review. I don’t know what the manga-to-adaptation pipeline looked like when the show was live, but clearly something got fucked up somewhere.  This really feels like the Fullmetal Alchemist to Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, and I can’t help but want Naruto to get the Brotherhood treatment...if such a treatment even exists.
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konohagakureship · 5 years
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House Rivalry! *:・゚✧
My piece for @naruto-magic-week ‘s first day prompt!
plus a few hc and an extra piece under the cut ;)
They are REALLY loud and the teachers probs smack their heads too often! 
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Kakuzu, Itachi and Yahiko are the prefects of their houses. 
Kisame, Hidan and Dei are the aces of Gryffindor’s quidditch team. They are usually together running wild and getting in trouble, not that they are looking for trouble, trouble finds them or that’s what Dei says. 
Sasori and Kakuzu are very bitter with Dei and Hidan all the time, for no reason in particular, but maybe them sneaking into Slytherin’s dorms at least once a day to annoy them hang out has something to do with it. 
Kakuzu and Hidan share their interest in old books. Kakuzu enjoys discovering new things about forbidden magic and dark spells, while Hidan is interested in finding about his family’s dark magic cult. So they are often caught in the forbidden section.
Sasori, Dei and Konan get together some evenings to share their crafts and create ‘art’. After too many trips to the infirmary, Sasori and Konan are now experts in avoiding Deidara’s art aftermaths.
Obito has a dissociative identity disorder. When he’s Tobi he hangs out with the Akatsuki, but when he’s Obito he hangs out with Rin and Kakashi. He likes to help Nagato and Yahiko with their lil garden, and sometimes he invites Zetsu to join them. But when he’s not with any of them, he’s probably chasing after Dei.
Nagato and Yahiko like to do gardening and show their plants and flowers to Konan. The three of them visit their godfather’s hut very often, to help him with his creatures and orchard.
Konan spends most of her time in Hufflepuff’s wing, and only goes to Ravenclaw’s tower to sleep. So she doesn’t have many friends in her house aside from Itachi. Sometimes they like to share some tea while peacefully reading about charms to fold origami paper.
Itachi spends an insane amount of time in the library reading ancient scrolls and cooking books. He also visits the forbidden section more than he should, so he often joins Kakuzu and Hidan in their nocturnal raids. Itachi borrows every book about magical creatures he finds, so he can give them to Kisame, who wants to be a magizoologist.
Kisame is a botomless pit of random and kind of disturbing facts about wildlife and nature in general, and says them out loud when he’s nervous. He used to hate this thing about himself until Itachi gave him a book about magical creatures because “You should not be ashamed of your passions” (though Itachi really just wanted to say “I’m glad I’ve found someone as awkward as me, please keep being awkward”). 
When the Akatsuki gather together they can be really loud, and they are quite the focus of the crowd. Somehow they became friends and now they are ‘the cool kids’ of Hogwarts.
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westanabadguy · 5 years
Ranking The Akatsuki's compatibility with each other
I'm going to be sharing my opinions on how compatible each Akatsuki member is with eachother. This is 100% going off their more canon personalities, and it’s not really what I personally ship if we’re being honest.
This is gonna be hella long, so strap in buckaroos.
I didn’t do Pein, Konan, Zetsu, or Obito, because I don’t really see them being available to most of the Akatsuki? Don’t date your bosses, folks. Well, I mean, I guess you shouldn’t date serial killers and criminals either but uh.
Most compatible with: Itachi
Do I even need to explain this one? This is by far the easiest pick of em all. They worked together for years. You CANNOT look me in the eyes and tell me they didn’t bang a single time. They’re on the road all the time, fighting for their lives as missing nins, it’s a pretty lonely life. You think the fact they they were really the only ones they could trust + the fact that the battled together all the time + the fact that they probably didn’t get to interact with a whole lot of other people didn’t result in at least some attachment? Nah fam.
Least compatible with: Sasori
I struggled with this one, tbh. However, if I had to choose it’d probably be Sasori. I don’t know if Kisame would be too big on Sasori as a whole. He likes long, bloody battles. He likes getting in there and actually using his fists and swords. Very much a brawn guy. Sasori is the exact opposite. He’s cold, intelligent, and calculating. He’s impatient and probably one of the more insane of the Akatsuki. I don’t see them as having anything really in common.
Kinda Compatible with:
I think Kisame would be pretty compatible with the rest of the Akatsuki. Maybe not as life partners, but as fuck buddies? Definitely. He’s a pretty passive guy, doesn’t strike me as the type to really make a bunch of enemies of his colleagues.
Most Compatible with: Kisame
Do I really gotta repeat myself?
Least Compatible with: The rest of the Akatsuki
No, for real. I mean, Itachi hates unnecessary cruelty. He’s a pacifist. I really don’t see him wanting to even touch the rest of the Akatsuki. If I had to pick the absolute least compatible it’d have to be Hidan, but again, I really don’t see him with any of the other Akatsuki. They go against his entire belief system. 
Most compatible with: Deidara
Deidara is as loud and brash as Hidan is, and they’re relatively in the same age range. I feel like Hidan would appreciate the immense destruction of Deidara’s attacks. They also both left their villages because their beliefs didn’t line up with the village anymore, so I’m sure they could relate on that level as well. Deidara is pretty young and impressionable, so who knows, he could be a potential Jashinism candidate?
Least Compatible with: Kakuzu, Sasori, Itachi
Kakuzu goes against everything Hidan believes in. It’d be like mixing oil and water. Sasori barely puts up with Deidara’s shit, and he’s 1000x more impatient than Kakuzu is, you think he’d put up with the constant long sacrifices and blabbering? Itachi hates needless violence, as said above. Can’t see him just putting up with Hidan’s rampant sadism.
Kinda Compatible with: 
I feel like he’d be decently open to messing around with most of the rest of the Akatsuki. Nothing serious, tho. I’m sure he’d be very picky with who he seriously lets into his life. Jashin is supposed to be his ultimate, so he’d have to pick a lover he thought wouldn’t insult Jashin too much, and since there’s no other Jashinists in the Akatsuki... chances are very slim. Just doesn’t strike me as the guy to settle down for any period of time.
Most compatible with: Sasori, Kisame
In all honesty, I really don’t see Kakuzu being interested in really anyone. He’s too old and tired for a relationship. If I had to pick, tho, it’d probably be either Kisame or Sasori. He has history with Sasori, they’re some of the oldest Akatsuki members, and they’re both weathered old men. At the very least, they could bitch about their younger partners all day lol. There might be some tension in the fact that immortality is so important to Sasori, while Kakuzu doesn’t believe it truly exists. But at the same time, I really think that Sasori likes having someone around to challenge his beliefs. I feel like Kakuzu respects strength, and both him and Kisame have been through a lot of similar shit if you think about it. The most important thing about these two: They can survive Kakuzu’s random bursts of anger. Both of them have enough life experience to give Kakuzu a run for his money, and that’s pretty important when you’re tangoing with someone like Kakuzu.
Least Compatible with: Pretty much everyone tbh
Again, I really don’t think Kakuzu would be particularly interested in anyone. He especially wouldn’t be interested in Deidara and Hidan. I figured he’d be slightly more tolerant of Deidara, solely because he’s slightly more respectful than Hidan, but still, don’t really see that happening. 
Most compatible with: Kakuzu, Deidara
They’re both old and grumpy. And immortal. Probably wanna be immortal if you’re in a relationship with one. Especially one that will attempt to kill you occasionally. But for real, they’re both mature, and more importantly respectful and quiet. I don’t see them really grinding on eachother��s nerves very often. It’d be a very quiet, lowkey relationship. There’s something in the fact that Deidara isn’t dead yet that speaks volumes. I do really believe Sasori cares about Deidara to some degree, he’d be dead otherwise.
Least compatible with: Hidan, Itachi, Kisame
Not gonna put up with Hidan’s long ass rituals, Itachi won’t be chill with the whole human puppet thing imo, and he’s a bit too much for Kisame.
Most compatible with: Hidan, Sasori
Deidara’s the last of the 6, so I’ve pretty much talked about him already but uh. Hidan and him have big disaster gay energy. Sasori and him have a long history, and the fact that he hasn’t been decimated speaks volumes.
Least compatible with: Kakuzu, Itachi
Kakuzu would kill him in like 2 seconds. He canonically despises Itachi, so I don’t think they’d get along to well lmao.
Kinda compatible with:
He’d be pretty chill with pretty much everyone imo. I don’t think he’d be particularly closed off to anyone? He’s a very live fast, die hard type of guy so.
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viktormaru · 5 years
I have a doubt in the au where obito and rin are still alive Kakashi is still anbu?! and If his still anbu also passes all that drama that is far from Gai in those years?! and if all that happens, what do rin and Obito think about this? About ignores Gai
OKAY! Here’s my take on how it goes kind of cause i havent truly figured out and This is just my ideas.
In the ai han AU, things go exactly as in canon until the point where Rin dies. In this case Rin Does kind of  die, but the sanbi starts healing her so she doesnt actually. Obito goes on a rampage and at the end of it he swears he sees Rin move/breathe, except guruguru takes him away from the scene before he can be sure, so that’s when he starts rebelling against madara, even with madara doing all he can To keep obito in line.
Rin wakes up half delirious in the aftermath of a bloodbath with obito’s voice in her hand and runs away in fear of the creature sealed inside her and kakashi is found by konoha forces alone.
So rin is running away trying to figure out how to fix her situation (because she doesnt feel compelled to return to konoha anymore, but her seal is still super unstable) and maybe she finds someone to help her, but then things happen and rin really cannot return to konoha (something with danzo going after her?) and she stays in the run until she finally meets tsunade.
Meanwhile kakashi is in anbu and all goes like in canon for him until naruto’s birth. Then i havent figured things out, other than obito tries to sabotage it, fails? And thats when the three of them start being aware that not everyone who they thought was dead truly was (except kakashi thinks he might be going insane jdsjdjds) 
It’s probably some much time until rin finds obito and for her to come to kakashi as well and its messy but they all come together and they rescue obito and yaaaaaay its a mess with konoha elders and thats when kakashi quits anbu but things happen and it all turns out ok in the end i have not planned this enough sidjdefs i need more research
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temarisnara · 4 years
Temari, Shikamaru, Neji, Rock Lee
favorite thing about them: i've written this 3 times!!!! BUT!!!! i love that at the age of FIFTEEN she'd already got the title cruelest konoichi. like. ilu queen. and she's so confident too, like she knows she could wreck anyone's shit, she goes up against MADARA without ever pausing. and i love that whilee on the battlefield she's cruel, as a civillian she's just...lowkey a bitch. like she's scary and people know to fear her but she doesnt actually...bully anyone besides shikamaru. she's also so ride or die for her brothers and i LOVE it.
least favorite thing about them: whatever that ooc mess was that was used to get her and shikamaru together.
favorite line: idk but when she tells madara "don't understimate me!" GO OFF QUEEN
brOTP: gaara and kankuro, 100%. the sand siblings are so fucking good. i could talk all day about them. in the leaf i think she vibes with ino, though she needs Breaks. she didn't like, Get choji at first but the more she got to know him she's like "oh i get it he's just Genuinely Good" and now he's her favorite. i also like to imagine she and karui bonded over not being from the leaf, and also having ino as their sister in law. that's a unique experience okay.
OTP: shikamaru!!!!!!!
nOTP: i dont really have any?? i just can't ship her with anyone but shikamaru, i think he's it for her. temari was never really one to be concerned over romance or anything, it's not something she cared about, and she kind of expected an arranged marriage so she was more focused on Not doing that. but then shikamaru happened and it was like. oh. she actually wouldn't mind spending the rest of her life with him. huh. gross.
random headcanon: i have a lot of Thoughts about temari as a mother. i think that she never planned on being one, just like how she never planned on falling in love. it wasn't opposition, just. her childhood was fucked up, she had no good parental role models, she was much more interested in being a konoichi. but then she and shikamaru got serious and shikamaru is the head of the nara clan and he needed an heir. she agreed to it, in a few years, but shikadai was an oops ! so anyway, temari hated being pregnant lmao which is why they only had shikadai. but once he was born temari is like "oh. i'll kill and die for this child." like shikadai wasn't Real to her until she held him (vs shikamaru, who's been obsessed with that child since temari first started showing). temari actually tried going back to work when shikadai was a year old but pretty quickly she realized "fuck this". temari likes working, a lot, but she also likes being needed and she just likes her kid! so she oversaw all his training from the time he was old enough. it was hard at first, because she's never babied him, but she knew that the training she recieved was uh, not acceptable, so she struggled with what pace was actually okay for his age. hinata and sakura actually helped a lot here- hinata also had Fucked Up training as a child and sakura trained with tsunade who is Insane so they were able to figure out what worked best for their children. GOD THIS GOT LONG. anyway. i love temari and shikadai thank u.
unpopular opinion: i love shikatema so much but she was done so fucking dirty
song i associate with them: hurricane by the fray
favorite picture of them: she always looks so cool
favorite thing about them: god. i hate this but i genuinely love how smart he is and how fucking lazy he is. like how he kept complaing about his match with temari being moved up and then you realize it's because he was relying on the shadows? bitch. he's so cool. and when he pretended to be asleep rather than deal with whatever the fuck orochimaru was doing ESRTYTJU that's when i knew i loved him. but also, i love his development. like he really just wanted to coast through life, didnt want to get involved in anything, just wanted a plain wife and two boring kids. he had absolutely no aspirations. and he never had a ~change of heart~ for his own sake, he just surrounded himself by people who genuinely inspired him and he wanted to be of use to them. l love him!!!
least favorite thing about them: like the misogyny doesn't bother me THAT much because hashtag it could be worse! but it's not good lmao
favorite line: BITCH! "i'm your god" SIR I LOVE YOU. also his line about how he can't die because naruto doesn't have a smart younger brother to help him, and he's the only one capable of being naruto's advisor.
brOTP: ino and asuma are the only Strictly platonic ones but obviously i LOVE his friendships with choji and naruto
OTP: TEMARIIIIIIIII, also choji and naruto.........i'm soft
nOTP: listen. it's not notp but everytime i remember people ship shikaino i'm like "they're siblings???" like no judgement, i have too many fucking ships fandom calls siblings, but their dynamic is SO sibling like to me lmao. also like...shikamaru loves ino and would do anything for her but he does NOT like her ass. you know he avoids her when he's too tired to deal with her bullshit.
random headcanon: LET'S KEEP TALKING ABOUT SHIKADAI. so when shikamaru's dad dies he has a line about how he wasn't around when shikamaru was growing up, and shikamaru obviously doesn't resent him for that, but he does make a concious choice to Not do that. it'd be too easy to get wrapped up in his job, but he won't let himself. he makes sure to make time for shikadai. they play shogi together, and shikamaru is very involved in his training, and even when he's exhausted from work he'll listen to shikadai talk about his day and never show how tired he is. he loves his kid so much, temari makes fun of him for being soft. also when shikadai was a baby shikamaru was lowkey obsessed with him lmao. temari needed Breaks but shikamaru...never really did. even when he was crying he would just hold and bounce him until he calmeed down (also shikamaru was way better at calming shikadai down than temari lmao)
unpopular opinion: listen. is shikamaru misogynistic? yes. but he doesn't like, hate women or think less of them, he just needed to learn that not every woman is as insane as ino. i've seen too many "naruto as vines" videos where it's like shikamaru is like "oh sorry i fell asleep waiting for you to make me a sandwich" like thats not him!
song i associate with them: uh nicotine by P!ATD
favorite picture of them: my header on twitter i guess idk!
favorite thing about them: oh gosh. i genuinely like that he was a fucking angry child. he had every right to be. the hyuuga system is FUCKED! he projected it onto hinata, which wasn't fair to her, but god. he didn't have an outlet and the chunnin exams was his only opportunity to take his anger out on the main branch. anyway i love that after naruto beat his ass he was like "okay maybe i should stop being a prick" and he just. got better. became friends with his team. healed his relationship with hinata. he became so genuinely good
least favorite thing about them: this motherfucker really had me CRYING over him. rude as fuck.
favorite line: i am way too tired to think about this
brOTP: HINATA!!!!!!! also rock lee.
OTP: tenten!
nOTP: hinata. i hate you freaks.
random headcanon: himawari would've been his favorite. like, he loves boruto, that's his nephew, but he's a mini naruto and that's. exhausting. himawari is perfect in neji's eyes though and tenten makes fun of him for it.
unpopular opinion: its' not unpopular but genuinely it's bullshit he died when hinata's dad was RIGHT THERE. like. i will never not be fucking heated that neji died to protect hinata and her dad was just twiddling his goddamn thumbs as it happened. you useless FUCK. god. anyway i also hate that neji's death he just talked to naruto like his speech to naruto was good but we deserved more neji and hinata talking. i also don't like he died for naruhina to happen lmao we've talked about this, someone in the konoha 11 needed to die for naruto to prove obito wrong, and i dont even mind that it was neji, but his death shouldn't have had anything to do with naruhina.
song i associate with them: i dont have one but uhhh i found a neji playlist so i'm gonna say r.i.p 2 my youth by the neighborhood
favorite picture of them: bruh. idc.
rock lee
least favorite thing about them: WHERE'S HIS SCREENTIME KISHIMOTO
favorite line: dude he's so weird i have no idea
brOTP: neji and tenten!!! and GAI OF COURSE. AND SAKURA. 10/10.
nOTP: listen there is GENUINELY nothing wrong with it but i dont vibe with rock lee/tenten.
random headcanon: ok this isn't a real headcanon but i made myself laugh yesterday thinking that orochimaru got bored and cloned rock lee and that's where metal lee came from. anyway real headcanon is he's married to gaara in boruto. thank u.
unpopular opinion: shut up about his and gaara's fight oh my GOD i dont care
song i associate with them: uhhhh idk here have a rock lee tribute
favorite picture of them: what's important is his good heart
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lovestruckay · 7 years
WIP Game
Talk about the WIPs you’re intending to work on this year.
I was tagged by @crimsonriley and this looks like a good opportunity to taunt all my readers lot of fun!
I’m going to tag @vesperlionheart, @shyyynobi, and @beyondthemoor to join in on the fun. And, because I absolutely count WIPs as including art, I’m going to tag @yomi-gaeru, @byelawliet, and @maybe-please! <3
I have a number of WIPs (over a dozen) but there are only a few that are going to be actively worked on this coming year.
MadaSaku, Time Travel AU, Eventually Mature
[FF - AO3]
This is my most popular fic and my main focus as a writer. It’s an AU where Sakura is thrown backwards in time during the battle between Danzo and Sasuke. The majority of the story so far is her amassing a reputation as a miracle healer and as an incredibly powerful kunoichi. I thought it would be more realistic for Sakura to have to survive and eventually thrive in the past before she came across one of the major clans (well, except for the poor Fuma clan). 
The story has already gotten to the point where she meets Madara and Izuna (in a pretty flashy way). This is my pride and joy and it’s a fic I’m very happy to write. I love writing Sakura as this incredibly powerful and indomitable woman who demands respect wherever she goes while simultaneously being this sweet, openhearted healer and friend. And I love writing Madara as being this powerful, intelligent and calculating, yet kind man who people have to work to earn a way into his heart. I always envisioned Madara as being a man who needed a indomitable woman like Sakura to make him happy. A woman who could challenge him yet encourage him at the same time. And this woman would certainly be Sakura.
“But you have blood on you,” she pointed out, taking a step towards him and reaching forward to touch a splatter of blood on the neck of his high collared shirt.
He nearly shivered as her fingertips brushed his clothed collar bone, his sharingan flickering on of its own accord. The world around him became sharp and crisp and the sight of her reaching out to touch him embedded in his mind before his sharingan returned to inactivity in the span of a heartbeat.
“It’s not mine,” he muttered in a tone deeper than normal as he stared at her concerned expression.
He turned his head to face her and could feel heat rising to his cheeks as he noticed how close they were, their noses nearly touching. All he could see of her was her half lidded eyes and her dilated pupils, the black heavily encroaching on the sea green of her irises. She stared right back into his lazily spinning sharingan, her own cheeks taking a red hue.
Uchiha MC
MadaSaku, Outlaw Biker AU, Mature
[FF - AO3]
This fic was actually the beginning of me rejoining the fanfiction world. I had written a couple fics but this was the first one I actually went out and posted. It started as a oneshot but I combined it with a couple other WIPs I had and created this awesome story that I was just giddy to write. It has turned out a long longer than I had anticipated although it has been so much fun to write.
It has just begun to rapidly escalate. The story is a little more than halfway done but there is going to be a lot of incredibly intense and “holy shit” moments coming up that are going to keep everyone on their toes! The story is really at a pivotal moment right now so any snippets will give away what’s going to happen. Sorry!
Untitled ObiSaku
[FF - AO3]
ObiSaku, AU where Obito comes back to the village, non-massacre, Mature
EDIT: I posted this fic while I was doing Sakura Week 2018. It didn’t turn out as absolutely filthy as I had previously planned as another fic (a MadaSaku fic - FF, AO3) I wrote decided to take the whole choking kink. While this fic is still smut, it’s not as dirty as I had originally planned.
This fic is one purely written out of spite. Some random user on AO3 was talking poorly about one of my MadaSaku fics and asked if I was going to do an ObiSaku fic too (because that’s soooooo ridiculous). So I replied with a “you better fucking believe it” and put together an outline for this pure filth with a heaping of fluff and plot.
Some aspects of this fic: Rin will be alive but her, Obito, and Kakashi will be non-romantic best friends. How Kushina and Minato will live and how Minato be Obito’s mentor as he trains him to take over as Hokage. Kakashi will still become the sensei for Team 7 and how Team 7 will split up to train individually, Sakura and Naruto going on journey’s with Tsunade and Jiraiya respectively and Sasuke going with Shisui to train with the Military Police. There will be a lot of self hate, kink self-shame, angst, and a wide age difference.
MadaSaku, alpha omega beta AU, founders era, Mature
This fic was entirely inspired by the “nesting” phenomenon in ABO fics. And the fact I very much wanted to write a MadaSaku ABO fic.
Sakura is the leader of the famous clan of healers, the Haruno clan. The Harunos are close allies of the Uzumaki clan, hailing from the same region, and Sakura and Mito are such close friends they consider each other sisters. It is because of Sakura’s influence that Hashirama puts fourth a peace treaty in exchange for him healing Izuna (much to Tobirama’s horror). When the village if finally founded, there is a meeting where all of the clan leaders that are allies of the Hidden Leaf join together to discuss the future. And this is where Madara and Sakura finally meet and everyone makes the catastrophic (at least for a city block) decision of trying to drag them apart.
There will of course be ABO smut with mating bites, pupping, womb sex, etc. But a huge aspect of it will be Sakura and her “nesting” behavior as she chooses a place to make her nest and have her pup. Very sweet and fluffy.
[FF - AO3]
ShisuiSaku, soulmarks AU, Mature
A cute and kind of funny little one shot made because there is a drastic shortage of ShisuiSakura fics. Depending on how long it turns out being I might break it up into smaller bites. It’ll be a non massacre fic with a healthy amount of angst, some super bad first impressions, some happy endings, Sakura being a badass, Team 7 being bffs, and Hokage Itachi.
Here are a coupe snippets although they are very rough because they are part of the outline and not actual written material.
Shisui didn’t get his soul mark until March 28th when he was eight years old.
He had gone to bed that night with clear skin and woke up that morning with his soul mark written across his left pectoral in a flowing, feminine script. He was excited to learn that he did in fact have a soulmate but the fact that the phrase now inked across his chest was the most random, nonsensical bullshit he had ever read in his short life dampened the feeling. Was his red string connecting him to a psychopath?
He couldn’t think of any other reason as to why someone’s first words to him would be “Pants are not ripe water grass bastard”.
What in the hell does that even mean? Was it some sort of secret code? Was she going to be drunk? Was she insane?
Sakura has had her soul mark since she was born although she didn’t learn this until she was a young girl.
When she had asked her parents why she didn’t have one, at the tender age of five after her friend Ino had shown off hers, her parents had laughed with mirth, given her a hand mirror, and told her to find it. After a solid fifteen minutes of searching and acts of stretching that contortionists would be proud of, she located her soul mark printed in a small, professional script in the crook where her inner thigh met her hip. While part of her had been disappointed it was in a very personal place, a spot she could never show up, she had been overwhelmingly satisfied with the words on her soulmark.
I didn’t know angels had pink hair”.
Other Fics (may or may not get written)
Broken Trust
ObiSaku, Uchiha MC branch off, lots of angst
MadaSaku fic where Impure World Reincarnation is never outlawed and instead becomes a technique for raising “Guardians” to protect the village. Izuna becomes the first guardian and leads to the formation of the village. Madara, Hashirama, Tobirama, all the hokages, Itachi, etc become Guardians and never technically die, instead being treated as well respected protectors
Fighting Dreamers
MadaSaku MMA AU, Sakura “Cherry Bomb” Haruno and Madara “Wildfire” Uchiha
The Chances
MadaSaku soulmark AU, takes place during the war
Three Rejects
NaruSakuSasu, dark fic where the trio runs away from Konoha after suffering through years of abuse and neglect. Sakura is an orphan, stolen from her clan of incredible healers following the massacre of her family. They can only trust each other and only love each other, ends in tragedy for the rest of the world but bliss for them
Wake Up
MadaSaku fic where Sakura, Madara’s wife, is in a coma in the Warring States Era and imagining her life in the future
Like the Ocean
IndraSaku fic where Indra goes on his journey to help the distant village to determine if he would become the next leader of his village and comes across a strange woman on the beach, part of an even stranger clan of healers and mystics who live on the ocean’s edge
I have a new wig from Shippuden Sakura that I’m very excited to try out. I even got a pair of customized boots that are pretty incredible! I even met a Sasuke cosplayer who is so incredibly sweet and is just as into cosplay and Naruto as I am! So you may or may not see me and Sasuke at Anime Matsuri in Houston, TX this year.
747 notes · View notes
phoenixfics · 7 years
Minato the Mind-Reader
On AO3
Summary:  Obito tries to convince his teammates that their sensei is a mind-reader. Kakashi thinks Obito is an idiot, but that he might be onto something. Rin tries desperately to convince herself that her teammates are sane individuals. Minato is just glad that Obito and Kakashi aren’t trying to kill each other for once.
“I think Minato-sensei is a mind reader.”
Obito says this with no preface, with no explanation, just lays it out in the open air like it’s undisputable proof. Like the sky is blue or grass is green, Minato-sensei is a mind reader and their training session, which until now had been quiet, peaceful, and productive, is over.
Rin scrunches up her face in confusion and throws her last kunai. Kakashi flicks his eyes from Rin to Obito and then back to the row of targets. His kunai, of course, are all dead on. Rin’s are clustered together, but towards the bottom of the target. She’s got consistent aim but needs to put a little more power into her throws. And Obito’s- well maybe the three kunai were meant to resemble the tomoe of a sharingan? Somehow, Kakashi doubts it.
Kakashi and Rin step forward to retrieve their knives but stop short at Obito’s voice.
“Guys, I think Minato-sensei is a mind reader.”
Ah. So it wasn’t his imagination.
Rin speaks hesitantly, as she often does to her teammates (probably an attempt to stave off the team’s daily arguments, not that it works). “Uh, Obito, what makes you think Minato-sensei is a mind reader?”
Obito’s eyes light up at Rin’s question and Kakashi scoffs, muttering under his breath as he walks to his target to pull out the kunai.
“I’m glad you asked, Rin!” As if he hadn’t known that Rin would answer any question he asked, if only, unknowingly to him, to keep him from asking it for all eternity. Kakashi can understand Rin’s reasoning. Better to play along than to have Obito rattle on non-stop until Kakashi is driven to homicide.
Kakashi listens to Obito’s theory as he yanks his kunai out of the target.
“He always seems to know where to find us, right? And he always knows when we’re upset, or not feeling well, or angry, and he always knows the right words to say, and he always seems to know what we’re going to say before we say it!”
Kakashi is sure that this is proof that Minato-sensei is an intelligent and good-hearted person, not that he can read minds. Rin seems to be of the same opinion.
“Obito, maybe he’s just really good at reading people’s emotions?”
Obito splutters, thrown off by Rin’s blatant dismissal of his theory. It is a tad more outlandish than some of his other ideas. Kakashi feels the need to jump in before Obito can spend the next hour defending his theory.
“Minato-sensei doesn’t need to be a mind reader to know what you’re thinking, Obito. Your emotions are plastered on your face for the whole world to see.”
It’s like poking a kitten with a stick. Highly entertaining and not the least bit dangerous.
“At least I have emotions, Bakashi!” Obito spits out. “And I’ll prove that Minato-sensei can read minds, just you wait!”
Kakashi shrugs, then walks back to the throwing line, kunai dangling lazily from his fingers. He still needs practice throwing with his off hand, it’s a fraction of an inch off of where it should be, and Sensei won’t be here for at least another ten minutes. No need to waste all of Obito’s energy before the day even starts. They still have a mission later today, after all.
Rin tries to placate Obito as she goes to grab her own knives. “Well Sensei will be here soon, so maybe we can try to get some evidence during the mission?”
Obito stares at her like she just handed him a bag of candy, smile cracking across his face like the rising sun. “Sounds good! I’ll definitely get some proof! Then Kakashi will eat his words!”
Rin mirrors his smile and grabs Obito’s kunai while she’s at it, because it doesn’t look like Obito is moving to get them. He’s plopped himself on the ground, chin in his hands and gazing seriously at the grass, like he’s plotting how to take over the world instead of how to prove that their sensei can “read minds.” Kakashi rolls his eyes and throws his kunai lazily at the target. Dead on again. It really helps imagining Obito’s face on the target.
When Minato arrives to training ground seven his team is uncharacteristically quiet. Obito is sitting on the ground, kunai laying ignored by his side and a pile of pulled up grass in front of him. About ten minutes worth, judging by its size. Rin is stretching against her target, kunai still embedded in the wood. She’s getting better at accuracy, but she’s not putting enough power into her throws, some of the knives are barely hanging on to the wood. And Kakashi is still throwing his kunai. With his off hand, which is interesting but not surprising. Maybe he needs to step up the training a little bit. A bored ninja is a dangerous ninja, after all. But first he needs to deal with this silence. They have a mission today, and can’t afford to start off on the wrong foot. Not that it would be unusual, for his team, but Minato doesn’t want to set a precedent.
“Did you guys have an argument again?”
Obito snaps his head up and gives his teammates a significant look. Minato wonders what it means as he notices Kakashi roll his eyes. Yeah. They definitely had an argument.
“We have B rank supply-run to the northern front. Should take us a few days to get there. We’re going to be meeting at the gate in one hour. I expect to see you there with cheerful grins on your faces, got it?”
There’s a chorus of unusually sullen ‘yes Sensei’s from his kids and he gives them a smile.
“Well don’t sound so unhappy about it, there’s probably going to be some bandits to beat up along the way, and there’s a resort town at the halfway point! It’s practically a vacation!”
His kids do perk up at that. Their last few missions had been tough. The war is still far from over, but things are at enough of a stand-still right that Minato wants to give them a bit of a break while they are still able to enjoy it. And beating up rogue bandits is always a great way to release some tension.
Obito is staring so intently at the back of Minato-sensei’s head as they walk that Rin worries he won’t notice any potential threats until it’s too late.
She’s currently trying to find a subtle way to distract him from Minato’s head and focus on their surroundings as they move further from the village, but Minato-sensei gets there first.
“Is there something on the back of my head, Obito?”
Obito stops walking so suddenly that Kakashi bumps into him and Rin winces. So much for having a nice, quiet mission for once. But Kakashi must not be in a fighting mood today, because he just pushes past Obito with a mumbled “idiot” and keeps walking.
Rin nudges Obito, who seems to have suddenly remembered that Sensei asked him a question, because she can practically see the wheels in his head grinding to life.
“Uh, sorry Sensei, I was just, uh… admiring your hair?”
Kakashi turns around and gives Obito an incredulous look. Obito continues, unnecessarily, and makes things worse. “It’s uh, very nice? Your hair, I mean. It’s the color of daffodils. Uh, not that I notice things like that, er, except I just did…uh…” Obito trails off, his face turning red.
Minato turns around and smiles.
“Well thank you Obito, that’s very nice of you, but maybe you could try to pay more attention to things other than my hair while we’re on a mission?”
Obito turns redder and nods, suddenly looking anywhere but his sensei. Kakashi’s eyes are wide with interest and Rin shudders at the blackmail Obito just handed Kakashi. Kakashi catches Rin looking and he turns his gaze to the tree-lined path ahead of them. She worries that maybe she shouldn’t have encouraged Obito to get proof for his theory right before going on a mission. There’s a fine line between supporting Obito’s theories and making Kakashi lose faith in humanity, and that’s where she tries to operate. It’s a full-time job, trying to keep her teammates on the right side of sanity without them knowing it, especially when they keep trying to push each other to the wrong side, and trying to keep them from killing each other and completing the mission might be too much to ask. She loves them both with all her heart, but sometimes it’s hard to remember why.
It’s going to be a long mission.
The war has driven all kinds of unsavory people out of the woodwork. People who love preying on the weak are abundant in wartimes. It makes Obito sick to his stomach, thinking about all the people who are in danger and need protection but won’t get it because all the shinobi are focused on killing each other. Most at risk from attack are refugees, poor civilians, injured shinobi returning home from the warfront, and weak, unsuspecting genin teams who probably look to this particular group of bandits as a group of war orphans, not trained shinobi who had just spent the morning throwing pointy objects at human sized targets. Obito has never been so glad to see bandits in his life. These bandits look to have never been more scared for their lives. They freeze at the sight of Konoha’s Yellow flash, and Obito grins in anticipation.
Obito never gets tired of watching Minato-sensei in action. He’s nothing more than a yellow blur, throwing kunai with insane precision and always thinking one step ahead of the enemy. It probably helps that he can read minds. And Minato was right that this mission would practically be a vacation. Nothing relieves stress more than kicking ass and taking names.
And that’s what he’s doing. Or trying to do, but Bakashi keeps getting in his way.
“Hey, Bakashi! That guy was mine! I almost had him!”
“Your left side was completely open. I saved you from a stabbed intestine. You’re welcome.”
Obito feels his face heat up in anger. He’s sick of stupid Kakashi and his stupid face and stupid voice always looking down on Obito for not being a genius prodigy like him.
That night they set up camp by a small stream and Minato goes to place some of his hiraishin kunai in strategic spots in case they are ambushed in the night, leaving the kids to make dinner. Kakashi is chopping up some vegetables they had found in an abandoned garden (lots of abandoned things to be found in war time) and Rin is slowly roasting a rabbit over a fire (Rin is good at traps) and Obito is going on about his Minato-is-a-mind-reader theory again (he’s supposed to be fetching water for the stew).
“Obito, the water isn’t going to fetch itself you know.”
“Why don’t you just use a water-jutsu, since you seem to know everything.”
“Because we’re literally feet away from a clean stream and I’m not wasting chakra if I don’t need to.”
“Yeah, okay, but weren’t you listening? I proved that Minato is a mind reader!”
“I must have missed that, sorry, I was too busy doing my job.”
“He knew I was looking at the back of his head!”
“He’s a ninja.”
“And he knew that we argued earlier!”
“Because we always argue.”
“Okay than how do explain earlier when-“
“How’s the stew coming along?”
Minato’s back. Obito scrambles to his feet and practically runs to the stream, pot in hand and face flushed red with embarrassment. Kakashi stares after him.
They’re halfway to the northern front and they stop at a small resort town to sleep in real beds and take real baths and Obito has finally shut up about his Minato the Mind Reader Theory. It’s a good day. The only problem is, now Kakashi can’t stop thinking about Obito’s Minato the Mind Reader Theory. He knows it’s ridiculous, that Minato isn’t really a mind reader, but there’s still something about how quickly he figures everything out that’s sticking in Kakashi’s head like a burr. How does he do it? His sensei is a genius, but so is he, if he’s to believe everyone he’s ever known, so why can’t he figure it out?
Kakashi lets out a groan and sinks deeper into the hot spring.
“Is something wrong, Kakashi?”
It is a little disconcerting how attuned to his teammates emotions Minato-sensei is. Maybe Obito is on to something. Kakashi groans again and dips further into the water. Minato-sensei raises an eyebrow but doesn’t say anything. And then there’s a large splash as Obito practically jumps into the water and if Kakashi could sink further into the water without drowning he would.  
After a while, Minato-sensei leaves to check on Rin and prepare for the last leg of the journey tomorrow, and Kakashi is left alone with Obito and a choice. He can go on pushing aside Obito’s theory, because it’s ridiculous, or he can utilize Obito’s sheer force of will to get to the bottom of this. He closes his eyes, prays that he’s not making a huge mistake, and says, “I think you might be on to something.”
Obito scrunches up his face in confusion, as Kakashi’s words take a few seconds to sink in, and then a huge, shit-eating grin breaks across his face and Kakashi knows he’s made a mistake, that Obito will never let him live this down, but there’s no turning back now.
Something’s up with his kids, and he can’t figure out what. The three of them have been whispering furtively behind his back all day, and he would be ecstatic about this apparent teamwork if it weren’t for the fact that he knows better. They’re plotting something. Something that’s important enough to override the childish rivalry between Obito and Kakashi (he really needs to do something about that). Minato tries to push down any worries about what they could be planning and focus instead on the fact that they aren’t at each other’s throats at the moment. Hopefully it lasts until the end of the mission.
Obito and Kakashi’s whispering becomes more heated as the day goes on, especially when Rin joins him for a quick chat, leaving the boys to argue without her mediating presence. As soon as Rin joins them again, they calm down, and Rin looks pleased at the effect she has on them. She’s wicked smart and clear headed, and Minato is infinitely grateful that he got her on his team instead of a third type-A personality. She’s a good influence on them both.
Rin is smiling. Obito and Kakashi have united for a common goal. It is a little odd that Kakashi of all people has latched onto Obito’s theory, but she’s not one to question a good thing. It’s not entirely without fault, as they’re still bickering furiously at each other, but she’s at least sure that it won’t break out into a fist fight. So that’s something, at least. Right now, Obito is trying to explain how Minato’s supposed “mind-reading” powers work, and Kakashi is countering each statement with common-sense. Rin is glad that she’s not the one that has to do it, she hates seeing the look on Obito’s face when she shuts down his ideas. Irritation is a much easier emotion to handle than heart-break.
“He can hear the thoughts of the people around him,” Obito says.
“So he can hear what we’re thinking right now? He knows that we’re trying to figure him out?”
“…Probably not?”
“That’s great, Obito, I’m so glad that you’ve got it all figured out.”
“…Was that sarcasm?”
“Was that sarcasm?”
They descend into silence while Obito clearly tries to come up with a more rock-solid explanation of Minato-sensei’s supposed powers.
“Maybe it’s like a jutsu! A mind-reading jutsu!”
“…Like the Yamanaka?”
“You forgot about the Yamanaka, didn’t you.”
Rin sees Kakashi raise his eyebrows incredulously and stifles a laugh herself. Obito blushes.
“It’s different!”
“How is it any different?”
“It just is.” Obito pauses, then a smile breaks across his face. “Or maybe it’s not? Maybe Minato-sensei is a secret Yamanaka love-child!”
Kakashi stops in his tracks.
“Think about it! He’s blonde, can read minds, it’s a perfect fit!”
Rin has to agree. That’s a bit of a stretch. Kakashi seems to be taking the insinuation personally, though. Kakashi and Minato-sensei are close, so if anyone would know he would. Rin can see Kakashi’s hands balled into a tight fist and Obito looks about to open his mouth again and it’s time to stop this before they get in a fight. Time to pull out the ace up her sleeve.
“Hey Obito, I think I came up with a way to test your theory!”
“Really? What is it, Rin?”
Rin smiles, then shouts ahead to where their jonin sensei is still walking.
“Hey, Minato-sensei! What am I thinking of right now?”
“You’re thinking that it’s time for Obito and Kakashi to stop trying to prove I’m a mind-reader and focus on the mission!”
Obito and Kakashi’s jaws drop in shock and amazement and Rin smirks. Success.
Approximately 15 years later:
Kakashi’s not an idiot, despite how he may appear to those who haven’t heard of him. He knows when he’s being tailed. Especially when he’s being tailed by three barely even genin kids. Especially his barely even genin kids. They’re not very good in the stealth department, and it’s honestly adorable how hard they’re trying. Any of them might have had a chance on their own, but with all three of them trailing after him there’s far too much whispered insults (from Sasuke), elbow banging (from Naruto), and hushing (from Sakura) for there to be any hope of remaining unnoticed. Do they think he only has one working ear along with the one working eye?
But he lets them tail him anyway. It’s good practice, which they obviously need, and Kakashi is a little curious what they’re tailing him for.
It doesn’t take too long to figure it out. Especially once they blow their cover (Sasuke had bumped Naruto out of a tree and Naruto isn’t particularly graceful at falling) and decide to try a more direct approach.
“Hey Kakashi-sensei! Fancy seeing you! What a coincidence! I didn’t expect you to be here!”
Naruto is loud and eager and scrambling to find an excuse and Kakashi feels a deep and familiar pang in his heart. He forces a smile on his face.
“You didn’t expect to see me here? In the village where we both live? Yes, that is a surprise.”
Kakashi may have laid the sarcasm on a little too thick because Naruto gives him a puzzled look, like he’s trying to parse out what Kakashi said. Sakura and Sasuke are still attempting to remain silent in the tree, though Kakashi swears he can hear them roll their eyes. Feeling a little sorry that he’s leaving the two of them out of the fun he’s having, he calls up to them, mimicking Naruto’s earlier words.
“Sasuke! Sakura! Fancy seeing you here!”
His other two genin seem to have a better grasp at sarcasm because they look a little guilty once they jump down from the tree and land next to Naruto. And Naruto isn’t a complete idiot, because he looks at their faces and Kakashi can see him scrambling to come up with a plan that won’t end up with all three of them in trouble for stalking their sensei.
“Uh, yeah, we uhhhh…hmmmm…errr…” Naruto looks helplessly at his teammates, but neither of them jump in, probably content to let Naruto take the fall if things go south. Finally, Naruto gets around to spitting out some actual words and sputters out, “We wanted to see if you would come get lunch with us! At Ichiraku’s!”
It’s hard to say no to Ichiraku’s, and it’s harder to say no to Naruto, so Kakashi says yes, still suspicious of what they’re after. Naruto gives a not-subtle-at-all thumbs up to his teammates and gives Kakashi a big grin.
“Lead the way, Sensei!”
Yeah, his team definitely needs to work on their subtlety. It’s the work of a few minutes to determine what they’re after. The three of them, even Naruto, have barely touched their ramen. Instead, they keep glancing sideways at Kakashi every few seconds, each time Kakashi so much as twitches a finger. It’s very distracting, and very obvious. Kakashi raises his eyebrow under his headband. So that’s what they’re after. Well they’re not the first, and Kakashi finishes off his ramen with practiced ease before turning to face his kids, eyes crinkled and a smile plastered on under his mask.
“I thought you guys were hungry?”
He’s never seen his team eat a meal so fast.
Kakashi leaves them behind with the bill and a cheery wave, and finds himself five minutes later in front of the Memorial Stone.
“Hey, Obito.”
Kakashi always feels a little awkward, standing here, talking to ghosts. But it’s cathartic, and there’s a part of him that hopes maybe Obito will hear him, wherever he is.
“I think I have to apologize to Sensei. Being a jonin-sensei really puts things into perspective. He put up with so much, dealing with us. I think my kids put our own team to shame, though. I thought trying to prove Minato-sensei was a mind reader was a ridiculous stunt, but Naruto makes you look like an amateur. Would you believe that he tried to convince Sasuke and Sakura that I have buck teeth? Buck teeth!”
Kakashi lets out a little laugh, and imagines Obito doing the same.
“It was nice to see them working as a team for once though. I guess I can understand why Rin and Sensei would put up with all of your crazy ideas, if it meant that we were focused on something other than antagonizing each other.”
Kakashi sighs, his good mood beginning to vanish under a cloud of regret.
“They remind me so much of us, Obito. It hurts, knowing that we were kids like them, once, before the war ruined us all. Before I ruined us all. I hope they never have to go through it. I swear, Obito, I won’t make the same mistakes again. This team is going to stick together.”
There’s no answer, but Kakashi hadn’t expected one.
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madsfoxwritings · 7 years
Fragments, i
Pairing: Hatake Kakashi/Sakura Rating: T Genre: Romance, Fluff Note: One sentence prompt challenge! 
01: Ring
He couldn't help but notice the bite marks around Sakura's third finger on her right hand one day, and felt guilty instantly; Kakashi then decided it was high time he got her a diamond ring.
02: Hero
She wanted to be his hero too, just as he had always been to her and the others – with the green chakra coming out of her hands and forcing life to be returned to him as he bled on.
03: Memory
He laughed heartily whenever he remembered how his pink-haired wife could still managed to punch him though she was weak from the labor – after he had commented on how ugly the purple and red hue of Hatake Obito's skin was.
04: Box
Every Christmas morning whenever Kakashi looked down on the pink hair on his chest and the children running around in the corridors of their family home, he knew Santa Claus didn't need to put his presents in a box or under the Christmas tree.
05: Run
Sakura's first thought was to run when she saw Kakashi advancing on her like a predator to a prey; but she stood her ground and was rewarded with a mind-blowing kiss.
06: Hurricane
None of the guys had the guts to tell the Copy Nin what a gorgeous wife he had in Sakura – they knew their butts were as safe as a cow in a hurricane.
07: Wings
When other people confronted Sakura on why she chose the elusive Copy Nin when she could have had Naruto, she simply replied that Kakashi gave wings to her dreams and hopes when she needed them.
08: Cold
Sakura awoke in the middle of the night, listening to the heavy rain pelting against her window and felt pity for other people who had to endure the cold on their own – until Kakashi pulled her closer to him and all thoughts were drained out.
09: Red
Kakashi never quite liked red lipstick on women; but seeing Sakura in that little black strapless dress and killer high heels and her gorgeous red lips helped him decide that maybe red was a really nice color.
10: Drink
He swore never to touch that drink anymore – the last time he did, he found himself confessing his undying love (with such enthusiasm that Gai was put to shame) to a giggling 22-year-old Sakura.
11: Midnight
She never really believed in fairy tales; but when the clock struck midnight, Sakura was half-afraid that her romantic dance with Kakashi would just disappear into her dreams.
12: Temptation
Kakashi was always proud to admit that he was a man who was resistant to temptations – until he found himself unable to control the insane urge to kiss Sakura right out of her shoes.
13: View
Jiraiya did not have the opportunity to tell Kakashi about the lovely view he had of the latter's pink-haired girlfriend in the hot springs when he felt the younger man give him One Thousand Years of Pain right up his ass.
14: Music
Sakura had a habit of matching melodies to their moments together – but she couldn't find any that could portray the passion she felt in Kakashi's kiss.
15: Silk
The other men knew Kakashi was a potential hen-pecked husband – from the moment he agreed to Sakura's pleadings to buy her a silk kimono.
16: Cover
Onlookers could not help but ask him why he still covered his face even though he had a girlfriend; he never answered – until one day Sakura told them that his face was only for her and they'd better not bother anymore; since then they never asked anymore.
17: Promise
He didn't make any more promises to her, not since the day they both said their lifetime vows because he knew that she knew his love was itself a vow.
18: Dream
He had never dreamed of seeing the day his two precious jewels – Hatake Obito and Hatake Rin – were born, neither did he dreamed of ever marrying the most wonderful woman in his life – Sakura.
19: Candle
To Sakura, Kakashi was like a candle in the wind – he'd sacrifice himself for her sake, and sometimes it made her cry just so he would wipe those tears away.
20: Talent
He always had the gift to make her smile or laugh anytime, and she wondered whether she had the same gift to make him smile or laugh anytime, too.
21: Silence
Contrary to popular belief, Sakura and Kakashi didn't always talk their time away – sometimes they just like to sit together and enjoy the peaceful quietness.
22: Journey
They knew they've come a long way from being just student and teacher to colleagues to comrades to friends and ultimately: to parents of two beautiful children.
23: Fire
Nobody else could see or understand the fire burning in Kakashi's eye, no one except Sakura.
24: Strength
Sakura sometimes wondered why her super-human strength failed her; and concluded that it was that loving touch Kakashi held her with that made her go terribly limp all over.
25: Mask
Kakashi was thrilled right down to his tingling toes when Sakura whispered huskily that he needn't take off his mask during their wedding ceremony, and that he could have it down all the time during their honeymoon.
26: Ice
Naruto once said that Kakashi was as cool as ice, but he changed his mind the moment he noticed his former sensei sweating profusely while watching Sakura dancing sexily at the dance floor.
27: Fall
She couldn't always depend on him to catch her whenever she stumbled, but he made it very clear with that gentle kiss on her forehead that he couldn't bear to see her fall.
28: Forgotten
Genma thought it was going to be hell trying to forget his feelings for Sakura – until he saw the love-light in her eyes when she looked in Kakashi's way, and he decided that some things could be forgotten after all.
29: Dance
Sakura was shocked to know that Kakashi was a skillful dancer, and she blushed harder when she felt him pulling her close as they moved gracefully to a slower tune.
30: Body
Obito and Rin knew it was time to sprint off to Naruto's place – when they heard their parents exchanging innuendos with references to some weird body parts with each other.
31: Sacred
His privacy was even more sacred than ever was before, now that he also had Sakura in bed with him every night they were home from missions.
32: Farewells
She would give him the sweetest farewell when he was to go on missions without her – as a promise to make his homecoming all the more exciting.
33: World
She needn't have to see the world to know that he was one of a kind – who else could make her want him and need him and love him this much?
34: Formal
Sakura was very pleased to see her former sensei in formal attire, and when she told him so, she noticed there was a slight tremor in his voice when he thanked her.
35: Fever
Kakashi realized that his body always started going really warm whenever Sakura gave him the slightest touch; he decided whimsically that she was born to give him fever.
36: Laugh
Genma laughed out loud when Kakashi took him aside, looked at him with a frantic look in his eye and asked him – what did he think Sakura would like for their first wedding anniversary?
37: Lies
Kakashi couldn't understand why she made him sleep on the couch even after he admitted he lied to her about the price of the pearl necklace he gave her – until she told him they needed to save for the baby that was to come.
38: Forever
Tsunade knew that though Kakashi and Sakura would never live forever, the story of their love for each other was even more legendary than the Legendary Sannin themselves.
39: Overwhelmed
Kakashi was probably so overwhelmed by the happy news that his wife delivered their baby boy safely that he gave Genma a huge bear hug that nearly toppled the older man.
40: Whisper
Sakura was more willing to fall asleep after her husband whispered assurance into her ears that he would be by her side the whole time with their baby too.
41: Wait
Now that Kakashi and Sakura are an item, Naruto and other team members have to wait longer than usual – thanks to the couple's impatient "needs".
42: Talk
Sakura found out that she could talk about everything under the sun with her former sensei, and she loved that about him – because he always knew what she was talking about and respected her opinions.
43: Search
Even Gai was so afraid of Kakashi that he insisted on searching for another girl for Lee, just so that Lee would not always end up at the receiving ends of Kakashi's death glares whenever Lee goes near to Sakura.
44: Hope
Sakura hoped that they could quickly bring Sasuke back to the village – so that she could finally prove to Kakashi that she loved him and Sasuke would be just a friend.
45: Eclipse
Whenever she was sad, Kakashi realized that her smile was like the sun eclipsed – no matter how brief the moment of sadness lasted, he would always strive to win back her smile.
46: Gravity
He felt his heart fall right down to his foot as though gravity pulled it harshly down – when he saw the foxy smile Sakura directed at him.
47: Highway
It was either her way or the highway, Sakura had told the kids – so they went to their doting dad instead, much to Kakashi's amusement.
48: Unknown
The hitch in his breath when he caught her eye was an unknown symptom to him, but not to her.
49: Lock
He had half a mind to lock Sakura up in his room so that other men wouldn't have the chance to ogle at her, but he also wanted to show off a little bit sometimes.
50: Breathe
Since the day Kakashi found out what type of shampoo Sakura used, he knew he wanted to breathe in the smell for he rest of his life (though he kept this little secret locked inside).
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kuriquinn · 7 years
Once and Future [7/7]
Title: Sowing Season
Disclaimer & Masterpost
AN: Hah! Finally completed my NarutoWeek2017 fic! Drinks all around! (only, you know, not really, because I don’t drink...)
Kakashi stands on the roof of the Hokage Tower, gazing down upon the village that he is now in charge of.
In the distance, construction has started on Hokage Rock, builders and sculptors etching his face on to the mountain. He’s still not quite sure how to feel about the whole thing – he thinks Obito would have a lot to say on the subject if he were here. As it is, he’s had to deal with Naruto petitioning to have the rock-face carved without Kakashi’s mask.
I’ve got to give it to him, he managed to get a decent following on that front, too. Almost enough people to make it happen.
He smirks to himself, wondering idly if the joke he shares with his former students will ever get old – and then sighs again when it remembers that at least two of those former students are far too occupied with other matters these days to care.
Konoha is a village in transition, with the ruins of the old core being lovingly put back together by its inhabitants. A new business quarter is in the building process on the outskirts, and far above Hokage Rock surveying has already started on another section.
Since the end of the war, migrant workers and refugees have been keen on setting up shop here, lured by the promise of work and raising their children in the same village where Naruto Uzumaki was born. Franchisers and moneylenders are keen to capitalise on this, too. Kakashi personally finds it distasteful, but with the economy still in recovery following Pein’s attack and the War, the village can’t afford to be picky.
A problem for another day, he decides, shrugging his shoulders. He is keen to head home.
It’s rare that he ever gets away from work before sunset these days, and he’s looking forward to eating something that’s actually cooked instead of out of a cup. Either he’ll visit Gai, who has taken up fine cuisine as his latest hobby, or see if Manako wants to go out for a meal. She might not be a fan of cooking, herself, but she has a talent for suggesting the perfect take-out for any occasion.
Honestly, he’s not picky as long as he doesn’t have to make anymore decisions today –
“Lord Kakashi! There you are!” Shizune calls.
So close… Kakashi’s shoulders droop, and he mutters, “Knock it off with the ‘lord’ thing…”
“I know you’re about to leave, but there are a few things we still need to go over first,” his assistant says.
“Can’t it wait until tomorrow?” he asks, trying not to sound like he’s whining. Shizune puts her hands on her hips, and beside her Ton Ton emits an unimpressed oink! and sighs. “Alright, let’s go back downstairs…”
Once he’s firmly trapped – or comfortably seated – behind the desk, Shizune flips open her ever-present notepad and begins to run through the items.
“We’ve just received another two letters from the Raikage demanding information about Sasuke Uchiha,” she tells him.
“Well, that’s slightly below average,” Kakashi remarks mildly. “He must be cooling off.”
“It seems so. Shall we give him the same answer as usual?”
Kakashi nods. “Sasuke Uchiha will face Konoha’s justice, which will take into account all of his actions in the war. As such, there will be no extradition.”
Shizune purses her lips at this. She’s one of the people who considers this a lax handling of the former missing-nin’s case – she took it to heart that he intended to kill her master – but Kakashi knows she’ll eventually get over it.
He’s seen Sasuke go through hell and fall to the worst darkness imaginable before coming back. If Kakashi has to put every part of himself on the line to ensure the kid has a decent shot at a future, he’ll do it. He owes him that much – he owes all of his former genin squad that much.  
“The Mizukage is requesting a private meeting with you,” Shizune goes on eventually, knowing that any commentary on the issue of Sasuke will be ignored. “Something about nectar imports? Which is sort of odd for this time of year…”
“And not really something I handle,” Kakashi says. “That’s more the business sector, isn’t it?”
“I think she’s angling for a date, Lord Sixth.”
Kakashi shudders. “Uh, I’m unavailable. Forever, I think, if I remember how the vows go. Have Shikamaru take that one.”
“He’s not going to be happy about it.”
Shizune checks something off in the notebook. “Iwa’s responding to the query we sent out a few weeks ago, about the Chūnin Exam. They’re onboard.”
“Which means it’s only Kiri and Kumo that haven’t responded yet. Have Shikamaru bring that up when he meets the Mizukage. And while you’re at it, add a note about it to the reply to the Raikage.”
“Right.” Another check. “The Elders want to discuss rezoning the village.”
“And what particularly do they want to discuss?” Kakashi challenges, eyes narrowed.
“It’s the Uchiha compound, isn’t it?”
“To be fair, it’s not so much a compound anymore as a bunch of ruins,” Shizune says nervously, “so I can sort of see their point –”
“We’re not touching it.”
“But Lord Sixth –”
“No one in this village is being rezoned without having a say in the matter, and until the Uchiha clan – such as it is – is able to offer input on the subject, the compound stays.”
“Lord Kakashi, they don’t have to wait on your approval,” Shizune reminds him quietly, “you might as well at least try to salvage part of it while you can.”
“I know they don’t have to wait on my approval. But I also have no intention of supporting a decision that ignores the interests of a member of this village. Sasuke might not care now, but in the future he will. Besides, Naruto will nag me about until he drives me insane,” Kakashi replies. “He’s not about to allow the Uchiha legacy to be erased any further. And knowing him, he’ll end up getting the whole village standing in front of construction crews and protesting in the streets.” He leans back in his chair and folds his arms across his chest. “I can pick my battles. So can the Elders.”
“They’re not going to be happy about that,” Shizune remarks uncertainty.
“And again, I say – tough.”
If he had his way, he’d have removed Koharu and Homura from their positions as soon as he took office. But as he told Shizune, he knows how to pick his battles. Getting rid of the Elders, or the institution that supports them, is something he isn’t equipped for right now. And his goals extend beyond his own simple distrust of them – he intends the next generation of Konoha’s villagers to be safe and unafraid to use their voices.
Not ruled by the machinations of those in the shadows, he decides. If that’s the only legacy he can pass on to Naruto, it’s one he’s totally committed to.
“Uh…moving on. There’s an artist of some sort from Iwa that wants to meet with you. It has something to do with permission he needs to work on some collectable cards? I’m not really sure I understood the message…”
“That doesn’t sound urgent, let’s deal with it tomorrow. Anything else?”
“Captain Yamato sent a clone to speak to you. Updates about his surveillance mission I imagine.”
Kakashi sighs.
“If it makes you feel any better, it’s the last thing on the list and then you can go home.”
“As long as you don’t find anything else for me to do, right?” Kakashi challenges, and Shizune shifts her weight, a guilty expression on her face. “Fine. Send him in.”
As she disappears, Kakashi rubs the back of his head, trying to figure out where the paperwork ends and where his desk begins. In the one corner that isn’t obscured with memos, the photograph of Team 7 offers him a rare reminder of why he bothers with all of this.
Taking the frame in hand, he stares down at the familiar faces, hit once again with the disbelief that they are all still here and alive. He can see any of them at any point if he so chooses (although Sasuke isn’t big on talking these days, which is understandable) and he no longer has to lie awake at night trying to ensure they all survive to adulthood.
Naruto is his usual self once more, resilient as ever. He might be committed to becoming Hokage and enduring Iruka’s private training sessions, but he’s irrepressible as ever. There’s even been some instances of graffiti in the village the Kakashi feels certain he’s responsible for.
Sasuke might not be talkative, but when he does speak it is with candor and a genuine tone of remorse for his actions. Even Ibiki is impressed by the level of cooperation and has even agreed to testify as to Sasuke’s character when it comes time to present his case. It’s a testimony that will go a long way, considering the head of Torture and Interrogation has absolutely no stake in the remaining Uchiha’s rehabilitation.
Sakura isn’t quite back to normal, but whenever she sees him she has a smile at the ready. There was a rough patch in the first month following the end of the war – and a week in the psyche ward that Tsunade refuses to elaborate on – but her work in the hospital keeps her busy. And she’s visiting Sasuke on a regular basis, which is a relief.
Maybe Kakashi’s an old romantic, but there’s something fundamentally wrong with a world where Sakura might not forgive Sasuke. Or where her feelings for him don’t endure. Even knowing that not every story ends happily, and that there is still the possibility of it going wrong, Kakashi continues to bet on them even after all these years.
He has an ongoing wager with Tsunade, who says Sasuke is too damaged for them to ever have a future. The Legendary Sucker is his guarantee that his former students – his friends – will one day be happy.
Now it’s just Naruto who needs to get a clue, he thinks to himself as Tenzou’s clone wanders in.
“Lord Hokage,” he says, bowing.
“Knock it off with the ‘lord’ stuff,” Kakashi grumbles.
“Hey, you wanted to be Hokage –”
“No, I didn’t –”
“ – so now you can be ‘Lord Hokage’ with a vengeance.”
“I should put you on latrine duty…”
“You’ve already got me following around a snake, it wouldn’t be much different.”
“You did volunteer,” Kakashi reminds him.
They smirk at one another, and Kakashi leans backward. “Alright. What’s the news?”
“Orochimaru is back in his hide-out.”
“The one close to Konoha, I gather, considering your presence.”
“Yes. He seems to want to stay close, in spite of his recent trip to Suna.”
“Did you check in with the Kazekage?”
“Yes. Lord Gaara said Orochimaru simply wanted access to some old storage. I managed to get a look at the information he was after first – I think the old bastard wanted me to see it, to be honest – but there was nothing dangerous in it as far as I can tell.”
“Fine. Continue to monitor the situation. I’m surprised Gaara allowed him that much.”
“I think Gaara is giving him a chance,” Tenzō muses, “but then again, Orochimaru is sneaky. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was trying to pull something off under all our noses.”
“Maybe. Maybe not,” Kakashi says, fishing in his slew of papers for a particular memo. Once he finds it, he passes it to Tenzō. “Look at this.”
His former subordinate frowns at the paper. “What is it?”
“That’s a petition sent out by the new council in Oto. They want official recognition as a legitimate shinobi village.”
Tenzō gapes. “Are you actually considering it?”
“It’s a topic of discussion,” Kakashi confirms, taking back the paper. “There would be conditions, of course. Curbing the violence there is a main one. Another is that Orochimaru will no longer have decision-making powers. The fact that they could even demand that without worrying he’d kill them suggests he might be more interested in other things these days. In any case, it will be a long time before anything officially happens.”
He can see that Tenzō continues to have reservations, but he doesn’t air them.
The two of them converse a little longer, but eventually the clone disappears. Either Tenzō has moved out of range, or he no longer has the energy to maintain the jutsu. In any case, Shizune is nowhere to be found and Kakashi doesn’t want to waste another second at the office.
He practically sprints from the Tower to his apartment, and then half-way there thinks better of it.
People know to look for him there, and he just wants a few hours of peace and quiet.
(It’s an indication of how desperate he is, considering there is nothing quiet or peaceful about Manako.)
The tiny flat above the demolition and supply shop is brightly lit when he gets there, suggesting she is still awake. As usual, he bypasses the front door, choosing instead to climb inside through the window. Upon entering, he inhales the mouth-watering scent of food. It seems he was right – somehow, without him even asking her, she’s already brought take-out from their favourite yōshoku restaurant.
He wanders past the spread on the table and into the living room where his partner is curled up on the couch.
She’s wearing nothing but one of his long shirts, boxers and a pair of thick socks, swinging her feet back and forth while she scribbles something on a pad of paper. Probably calculations for a new explosive device or other.
“I don’t care what they say about you, you are a good woman,” he tells her as he falls heavily onto the empty space beside her. He lets his head fall back on the pillow and considers the merits of sleeping now and eating later.
Hot food or cold food…yet another decision…
 “Don’t spread rumours,” Manako tells him. “I just don’t feel like scrounging for food the rest of the week, so I ordered a lot. For leftovers.”
“Oh. Of course,” he allows. “Let me never again mistake your laziness for forethought.”
“Damn straight.”
She pushes away the page of calculations and sits up, appraising him. “You look like crap.”
“I feel like it.”
“The Icha Icha movie is on in fifteen minutes if you want to watch. Might make you feel better.”
Kakashi grunts in agreement. He likes that idea.
“I don’t care what we do as long as I don’t have to think about it. All day long, people bringing me news, expecting me to make decisions – it’s exhausting.”
Manako is quiet for a long moment at this, and he figures there’s a fifty-fifty chance of her mocking him for whining or showing a rare bit of sympathy and offering him a neck massage. He really hopes it’s the latter.
“I guess now’s probably not the best time to tell you I’m pregnant, then,” she says instead.
Kakashi snorts. Figured it would be closer to the first option.
“Yeah, now would not be a good time…”
“Well, too bad,” she retorts, “because I am.”
Kakashi cracks one eye open and glares at her. “Seriously, that’s not funny. I’ve had a long day.”
“Seriously, I’m not joking,” she snaps. “There are about six pee-sticks in the bathroom that can show you how much I’m not joking.”
Silence fills the apartment, and as every second ticks by, it becomes more and more evident that she’s being completely serious.
“So,” she eventually says, arranging herself on the couch with her ankles and arms both crossed, raising an eyebrow at him in challenge, “let’s discuss.”
Yes, it’s a little bit of a cliffy/open-ended ending, but I thought that was appropriate given the flow of the entire fic. It is all about laying the groundwork for the future, so I hope I’ve managed that.
Thank you all for reading! Reviews and concrit are much appreciated - and if you’re feeling generous, I also accept tips through ko-fi (just scroll to the top and click the button!)
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