#maybe make a little series for all the dinobots?
random-fandom1984 · 3 months
Hello! If it's okay to request Can you do the reactions/interactions of TF earthspark to a pod full of sparkling beans?
thank you!
Okay, let's do this!
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(I also made a little headcannon about Elita-1, and it's been a while since I started watching the series so I don't know if it would seem like she would do that. I'm not doing the Terrans because I don't have the mental will to do them. And I'm only going to be doing ones that I can actually think of.)
Elita-1, Optimus and Megatron
I feel like if these three were put in charge of taking care of a rouge sparkling found in the woods, they would all co-parent. Elita is the mom, Optimus is the dad, and Megatron is the papa.
Optimus would obviously teach the little one what's right and wrong and would give them a light scolding if they did something bad. I mean, it's a sparkling, they have no awareness of what they're doing.
Elita-1 would teach the little one to fight in self-defense, and somehow actually works? Like, if one of Mandroid's bots tried to take the sparkling, the little one would body slam, the elbow, and all types of wrestling moves. Meanwhile, Optimus and Elita are in the corner, watching this go down. He turns to her and asks, "Did you have them watch W.W.E.?" Meanwhile, Elita just has a proud, smug smile, hands on her hip plates, proud of the little one.
And Megatron would teach the little one about morals and ideals. Considering that he was a warlord that hurt and killed many innocent lives, who is now a better person; he has experience going down a dark road and doesn't want them to come across it and go down that same path that will on bring pain and misery to not just everyone around them, but also themselves once they've acknowledged what they've done.
Sorry, excuse me, older brother coming through-
He's a good older brother figure and is not afraid to admit it! He does gets annoyed when the Terrans, Mo, and Robby tease him for it.
He's very excited about what their alt-mode's gonna be. Maybe an ice cream truck!
When he sees the sparkling somehow fighting, he's kinda surprised before he recognizes those moves and his face turns into a -_- and asks, "Elita let them watch the W.W.E. again?"
Cool aunt, all the way.
Will spoil the sparkling and teach the little one some moves other than the ones in the W.W.E. that Elita-1 let them watch. They need to learn real moves, such as martial arts!
She finds it cute how the little one wouldn't cry when they fall to the ground, but instead stubbornly get back up with some cute honks with a determined face, causing her to cover her smile and hold back laughing at how cute this is.
Will visit the Malto's frequently just for the little one.
I see him as the wise uncle.
He always gives out words of advice and they work, for example, Jawbreaker.
He'll be gentle with the little one but would be aggressive to those who intend to harm or use the sparkling for evil and/or greedy purposes. He does not want them to go through what he went through in the Bot Brawl in Philidelphia.
Doesn't really care about the sparkling biting him, he just sees it as the little one letting out their inner Dinobot, and it's not like it'll hurt him; he can barely feel it.
The fresh-out-of-jail uncle because of his experiments.
I can see him more like his G1 version around the sparkling. So, if he's doing an experiment and the little one is around, make sure someone will nab the sparkling before it explodes in Wheeljack's face.
Had the things on the side of his head glow every time he speaks because the sparkling enjoys it.
Unknowingly a bad influence with the amount of times they watched him perform experiments only for them to blow up.
New sparkling acquired. Kids, you now have a younger-
Feels like this is a blessing from Primus because of what happened to Rumble. Because of that, he's overprotective of the sparkling, and so are the other Minicons: Frenzy, Laserbeak, Ravage.
He now has something to fill in the part of his spark that died with Rumble's death.
When the sparkling accidentally hurts themselves, Soundwave will feel a sense of guilt as he's trying to heal them up. He's supposed to protect them, but they ended up getting hurt and he feels like he should've done better. But if someone tries to hurt the sparkling, all hell breaks loose. Soundwave and his minicons will hunt down the person who hurt the little one and tear them a new one.
Isn't really emotionally attached at all.
He does take care of them, but will raise them to be strong because, to him, the weak should serve the strong, and he will not raise a weakling. He is also glad that the sparkling isn't a disgusting hybrid like the Terrans.
He would even perform experiments on the sparkling, such as chemical enhancements to make them stronger than the traitorous Megatron.
Would pull a Mother Gothel and manipulate the little one as they grow up that what he's doing is for the greater good and that they are the key to that future.
Unlike Shockwave, he does get emotionally attached and cares for them like a parent should.
He doesn't want them to live in fear because of GHOST thinking that the sparkling is affiliated with him because he's considered a Decepticon, which is why he decided to make the hologram avatars so they can hide and be safe.
Gave, even made, some toys for the little one that will enhance parts of the processor so they can be an intelligent individual just like their Sire.
At the end of the Missed Connections episode, he gave them to Nightshade so then they would be out of GHOST's hands. Believing that he was captured by GHOST, I think that he would stay there for the sake of the one he considers his own. When in custody, he would never mention anything about his sparkling for their safety.
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princesstarfire1234 · 3 months
Random ideas for a hypothetical Scavengers (mini) series
So I made a google doc a few nights ago and filled it with random ass ideas for how a cartoony likely-episodic Scavengers series could go... It was around the same time I wanted to get to animating a Scavs-related thing but no promises there or to this ever becoming more than rambles
Anyways... heres an unorganized collection of my silly thoughts:
POST-WAR!! War’s over, Autobot-Decepticon alliance is great and dandy for everyone except of course the folks who got left behind and forgotten by respective High Commands and have had to make their own dealings in space to get thru life and shit; focusing on the daily struggles of your average low of the low genericons/bots, the Scavengers
Optimus and Megatron are definitely married (trust); we go the IDW MTMTE route but instead of Megs off on a quest with Roddy and gang, he’s with Optimus and they both publicly surrender/call truce or whatever on-video and agree to help repair cybertron instead of squabbling, sending a message to all cybertronians taking refuge amongst the stars blah blah blah its time to go home (pilot should open with this i think, set the worldview up straight from the beginning)
It could either be set in the slums of like some populated city or smthn, like maybe Dead End of Kaon or smthn OR… now consider… Set NOT on Cybertron, literally anywhere BUT Cybertron; the Scavs wander space, at least every few episodes or so would be set in a different planet or smthn, having them do their usual shenanigans and (failing) their supply/scavenging runs, as well as the occasional star station too for like a pit stop i guess; there’d be atleast one episode where they go to earth probably
Main characters (scavs duh, but lemme write some shit down here rq):
Krok - the dutiful, ever-patient (one can of engex away from losing it) leader of the Scavengers; he’s the one that usually has the single functioning brain cell
Crankcase - the skillful pilot of the crew’s beloved Decepticon-hijacked Autobot vessel, always in a sour mood, think TFA Ratchet but up the old man crankiness to 500; really good at fixing things (mechanic)
Spinister - a little stupid… all the stupid actually… but he’s got things rattling in there too, don’t worry! The Scavengers’ medic; would probably be Cybertron’s greatest surgeon if it weren’t for everything else
Fulcrum - Defunct?? Rejected?? Something-class Decepticon, a bit of a coward, found in a dumpster by Misfire; he’s a technician too! Score!
Misfire - ideas are about as good as his aim (which is not at all); the really really talkative and social one; rejected Rainmaker/Seeker (bro didnt pass Decepticon Academy, rip)
Additional members that get added to the crew later on!
Grimlock - resident Dinobot and the only Autobot on the crew (for now or smthn idk), thinking of either having them find him during the pilot episode or a bit later on?; i think Krok would definitely have a thing where he’s super wary of him until a big character development episode thing happens like in MTMTE #46
Nickel - hmmm idk yet.. Maybe a former high ranking decepticon officer whose position has been stripped from her the more fucked up and bad the faction ended up becoming because she was very vocal about its problems til the current day? (I just don’t think her being connected to the DJD would work here womp womp)
Flywheels (unsure) - some mech that tagged along with them during one random shenanigans episode
MP3 / or some other new human character (unsure) - they have an episode where they go to Earth and befriend silly human… may or may not keep them, maybe they could be an honorary Scavenger but only appears sometimes or stays on Earth but keeps in touch with the Scavs (look I just think having a human on the crew would be kinda silly and funky for the dynamic)
Meanies to the crew (weekly bad guy):
Novastorm - leader of the Rainmakers; has beef with Misfire
Skullcruncher- Krok hates his guts; he’s the TFA Sentinel to Krok’s TFA Prime, probably served together on like whatever the equivalent of a Warworld ship would be in this
Raiders??? Space pirates??? Idk but I’d def make em be related to Spinister’s past or smthn (this was inspired by some fanfic I read a bit ago, I think Fool’s Paradise on AO3)
Needlenose? (Spin trusted him, betrayed copter boy :((( or smthn)
Scorponok - probably the biggest threat of the show (ofc not in universe), but he’d be like IDW Scorponok in that one Scavs issue, all kinda silly and dramatic but def a threat, he kinda reminds me of Dino/BW Megatron a bit
DJD (absolutely unsure, maybe a passing mention or not at all) - would probably have to sillify them a bit (a lot, idk how the hell Cyberverse managed it with Tarn)...
There's more in the doc but they're not fully formed ideas yet... My countless hours scrolling the Scavengers tags on tumblr have also given me ideas for certain kinds of episodes that could happen but again, nothing concretely written down yet
If I have the energy or remember this, I'm def gonna be updating it with some more ideas cuz whether this becomes real or not, its fun!! Maybe I could write it as a fic one day or if someones wants to idk
Okay bai bai for now, I gotta eep 👋
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OK (lots of) thoughts about tf Rise of the Beasts (spoilers below)
I'm just gonna put these thoughts as bullet points bc there's no real rhyme or reason to the flow of these thoughts . THAT SAID I watched the movie Friday night and have been stewing on some things, and reading some other people's thoughts, so thought I'd throw my own together here
OVERALL I thought it was a fun movie, and mostly good - like, I'd go back to watch it maybe 1-2 more times at the theatre. On discount ticket days or smth. That said, unpopular opinion, I don't think it was AS GOOD as people have been hyping it up to be (but I really WANTED it to be that good)
And like, I can probably tell y'all now that the things bugging me are probably nitpicky, but were bothering all the same. For instance,
Mirage - I *adored* him as a character. He was SO SWEET and fun and has SUCH FUN RELATIONS with the humans, and it's extremely enjoyable to see other Autobots forming those human relations outside of Bumblebee. BUT. Why... Mirage? There are DOZENS of other characters that could have fit this bill without having to give a total personality change to an existing character (thinking of Smokescreen, Jazz, Tracks, Hot Rod, either of the Lambo twins, even Blurr ... all of these characters can fit a youthful / pranking / kind of reckless speedster profile that cares about their appearance and is slightly anti-authority but heart of gold enough to go against Prime's wishes in a charming way). It's not *bad* to see Mirage like this, but again .... it just threw me a little bit. It also makes me curious as to what this means for characterization in the future. Again, I really liked him, thought he was super sweet, and obviously his abilities were super cool to see on screen!
I'm also extremely conflicted on having Unicron & co as the big bads for this movie. I've seen some mixed opinions on this as well, and generally agree that having Unicron as a looming presence and not actually destroyed at the end of the film was handled well. HOWEVER - and this is probably coming form my own wishes, seeing as it was called Rise of the Beasts, and REALLY just wanting to see more Beast Wars characters - I think they could've gone a different route with the antagonists that wouldn't have felt so grand life and death
Actually, tangent here, I think that was one of the things that actually had me feeling disappointed with the movie. I think I went in with expectations and standards close to what I felt after watching the Bumblebee movie for the first time. And the conflict in Bumblebee isn't some grand end-of-world threat (as seen on the screen - sure it's a looming possibility etc etc but), it's a small cast and a very personal conflict in that sense. ROTB returns to having huge stakes, larger cast of characters that can't ALL get a chance to shine, but imo not a large enough cast to take on a threat like UNICRON
So like. I'm glad that it wasn't directly Unicron, and instead got to see his power play out through Scourge and his team.
But still, I think it would've been cool to have our antagonists be those from Beast Wars as well (although I admit that I'm not super familiar with the series both tv & comics but STILL. I think it would've been cool to see Dinobot and Inferno and shit). I think this would've been SUPER COOL to see the Maximals shine even more!!
They all had such cool designs, and I really loved Primal & Air Razor. I wish we could've had more of Cheetor and Rhinox ;-;
I was actually annoyed with the resolution of the warp bridge explosion to send Unicron back 😭 particularly since it was ESTABLISHED that an explosion would have the FORCE OF A SUPERNOVA -- a fucking SUPERNOVA MY FRIENDS Earth should be PERISHED in an explosion like that!! The opening of the bridge portal to Unicron could explain SOME of the force being applied back through the opening but for the Earth to not really experience any of the damage, AND FURTHERMORE FOR NO GRAVE INJURIES TO COME TO PRIME, PRIMAL, OR NOAH/MIRAGE IN SUCH CLOSE PROXIMITY....
Just. If you're GOING to prop up something as a danger, and have an action posed as a non-viable solution to the problem (and have a good alternative ie. the passcode!), but then ultimately have to go back to explosion -- it should be held up as impactful as stated!! Like listen I KNOW we go into movies with the expectation that our friends on screen will be okay BUT OPTIMUS SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN ABLE TO GET OUT OF THAT THAT EASILY. It also, imo, feels like it weakens Primal's oath to him in his sacrifice.
Also side note I actually did quite like the humans & the interpersonal relations happening - between Noah, his brother, Elena, and with the bots - I wish there was a bit more of it even! In concept, ex-military man who values family over the country & archeologist intern, BOTH POC, are FASCINATING CHARACTERS TO HAVE AND PLAY WITH. I think there's a lot of potential.
ALL OF THIS ASIDE. I thought it was a fun movie, I'm hopeful for what the franchise will bring. I'd REALLY LIKE for Travis Knight & Studio & Bee movie writers to come back on future movies (getting to the credits of this film and realizing it was Bay, Spielberg, and NOT writers from the Bee movie actually felt like that explained a LOT for where my disappointment and story inconsistencies were coming from)
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justmenoworries · 1 year
Did you like my first controversial take? Good. Here's another.
EarthSpark spoilers under the cut!
I think in season 2, Hashtag, Nightshade and Jawbreaker should leave the Malto farm.
My biggest grievance with the Terran cast has always been the lack of individual development. Apart from the episodes where the Malto triplets get their altmodes, we've gotten very little to characterize them further and what we got wasn't nearly enough imo.
And I think this problem is mostly caused by the show's insistence that the Terrans have to be a family unit at all times. They cannot have anything to themselves. Even their minds are constantly linked. If one Terran sets out on an adventure, it's basically law that the others have to follow.
Which, to be honest, reads as extremely co-dependent and unhealthy to me. Yes, family is important, but you shouldn't tell kids that you have to give up your individual identity to be part of one. Even the most close-knit family doesn't and shouldn't have to do absolutely everything together.
Apart from that, for a show that has Cybertronian and human co-existence as one of its major plotlines, the Maltos seem very isolated. They almost never interact with humans that aren't their adopted family. When they do it's one-off characters that we never see again. Heck, the Terrans' interactions with other Cybertronians isn't exactly plentiful either.
And that's a damn shame cause there's a lot of potential there!
Which brings me back to the beginning of my post.
With the defeat of Mandroid in the season one finale and G.H.O.S.T. being officially over now that Croft is dead, there's really no reason for the Terrans to hide away anymore.
What if Nightshade went to search for Tarantulas? What if they followed up on their minor plot-lines from "Missed Connection" and "Home" and became a small town's superhero, looking out for human and Cybertronian citizens alike? Heck, what if they wrote their own book series, inspired by their adventures with their family and friends?
What if Hashtag decided to go see the world, actually visit the places she's only gotten to see through the internet before? Maybe make a vlog of her travels? Make new friends, both human and Cybertronian?
What if Jawbreaker decides to go look for other Cybertronians like Grimlock, who struggle with fitting in, who might need a helping hand to get used to their new life on Earth? Maybe him and Grimlock could recruit other Dinobots to that cause?
A neat side effect of that would also be the reduction of the character bloat that sadly started to set in mid-season 1. The show did a pretty good job juggling focus episodes when Thrash and Twitch were the only Terrans around (though if you wanna be nitpicky here, it seems the writers loved Twitch a little more than Thrash) and the cracks really started to show after "Age of Evolution".
Additionally, it would help flesh out EarthSpark's world more if we weren't tied to Witwicky the whole time. We got a little bit of that in "Home", but overall the world still feels pretty... empty. We've only gotten to know about a handful of characters and they were all stationed in the same town in the same small corner of the globe. If the Malto triplets left the nest, so could we, the viewers.
That's just my personal take though.
Feel free to give your own!
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fancoloredglasses · 1 year
The (rebirth, death, and) rebirth of Optimus Prime (The things an Autobot has to do to generate toy sales!)
[All images are owned by Hasbro, Marvel, and Sunbow Productions. Please don’t sue me]
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When Hasbro wanted to release a new line of Transformer toys and remove ones that weren’t selling as well, they came up with a reason for the change in the lineup for their advertising the animated series.
There was just one problem: the kids didn’t want to see Optimus Prime die (this is why, when G.I.Joe: the Movie was later released, Duke was merely critically wounded and not killed)
For those who have been long-time fans of Transformers in its many media representations, you will no doubt notice that Optimus Prime dies...a lot. Now, I’m not being cynical or anything, but his deaths (and later resurrections) seem to coincide with a new version of Optimus in the toy line.
In fact, Optimus died not once, but twice in the 80s animated series. So let’s turn the clocks back to the 1980s (or, in the series continuity, to the far-flung future of 2006) and cover 2 episodes (one in two parts)
If you would like to watch the first episode, it’s available on Pluto TV.
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We open on a space battle, and the Autobots are losing. Meanwhile the Decepticons (led by Galvatron) have launched missiles that destroy the ship!
Fortunately, the Autobots launch a shuttle before the missiles connect. On the ship is the Usual Cast (Rodimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, Arcee, and Kup) along with Spike and Daniel Witwicky. With no communications and little air for the humans, Rodimus makes the executive decision to investigate an anomaly on their scanners, which appears to be some sort of space station.
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Unfortunately, the Decepticons find it as well.
Kup identifies the station as a tomb for the Autobots who fell in the Cybertron War.
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Daniel reads off the names of the toys that are not being restocked Autobots who have died (mostly in the movie) when suddenly…
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(Optimus has looked better)
Daniel immediately runs screaming back to the others. Rodimus takes Daniel to investigate Optimus’s resting place…
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…only it’s empty!
Rodimus then hears the Decepticons approach and rush to defend the dead. Unfortunately, the Autobots are outnumbered and they fall back into the tomb.
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So now we’re dealing with zombie robots?
Having seen a ghost, Galvatron orders the Decepticons to retreat. So maybe the Autobots should move their base there?
With the Decepticons driven off, Optimus asks about the Matrix of Leadership, which Rodimus happily hands over (despite Ultra Magnus’s protests)
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Only Optimus doesn’t seem to want it. Instead, he’s working on building a ship to leave the Tomb. However, Rodimus won’t take no for an answer.
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So Rodimus just wanted to go back to slacking off, eh? However…
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Optimus attacks the Autobots! He then sets the self-destruct and flies off, putting the tomb on a course for a sun!
Meanwhile, Optumus has flown to Cybertron, giving a bullshit story about what happened to the others, blaming the Quintessons. The Autobots immediately mobilize to attack.
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Uh-oh. It turns out that Optimus coming back from the dead was part of a Quintesson plot to destroy the Autobots!
Meanwhile at the tomb…
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The Autobots quickly build their own ship and escape before the tomb is destroyed, setting off to Cybertron. Unfortunately, their jury-rigged ship has issues trying to land when they get there.
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After crashing landing on Cybertron, the Autobots are informed by the Dinobots the Optimus has taken everyone to attack the Quintessons (and yet they left Snarl and Sludge?)
As the Autobot fleet approaches the Quintessons’ base, they receive a message that Hot Rod and the others are en route and to stop the attack, but Optimus pushes onward.
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As the Autobots approach, the Quintessons begin phase one of their trap.
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About that time, Rodimus Hot Rod and the others arrive and try to halt the attack.
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Unfortunately, whatever the Quintessons did to Optimus causes him to disbelieve and orders Hot Rod’s ship to be destroyed.
Fortunately, everyone abandons ship before it blows up. Even better…
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...Perceptor gets visual proof that Hot Rod’s message was genuine!
As the rescue teams retrieve their wayward Autobots, the Quintessons discuss phase two: forcing the Autobot fleet toward a massive bomb that will destroy it!
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Inside the Autobot flagship, Hot Rod tells the Autobots to halt the attack, then goes to take command from Optimus.
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It’s almost like Optimus didn’t want leadership foisted on him by some punk kid who didn’t wanna grow up.
Unfortunately, despite not wanting command, Optimus fights back.
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Never heard that complaint before.
Somehow, Hot Rod manages to subdue Optimus and takes back the Matrix, upgrading to Rodimus Prime once again.
The others manage to find Rodimus and informs him they’re abandoning ship and the rest of the fleet is retreating. However…
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Optimus takes command of the flagship and flies it straight for the bomb, detonating it so it can’t be used against the Autobots again.
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And so we got a tease as to the return of the best-selling greatest Autobot of the era.
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This in and of itself would be a cruel joke on the part of the writers, but when this episode re-aired later, a voice-over was added…
(Thanks to inthepark002)
Oh, now THIS is too much! How many times are they gonna break our hearts?!
Let’s find out as we move to the final two episodes of season 3, which is a two-part episode. If you would like to see the first part, it’s available on Roku.
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We open with a test flight of a spacecraft capable of withstanding high temperatures (you remember CNN covering this back in 2006, right?) when they see…
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…another spaceship about to collide with an asteroid. They scan for life and discover…
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Not again!
The pilot (Gregory) has a flashback to a fight between Optimus and Megatron that disfigured him.
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Gregory’s co-pilot (Jessica) tries talking sense into him as she suits up to attempt to save Optimus (how? It’s not like you can carry him to safety!) Despite his better judgement, Gregory follows.
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I guess they’re doing to drag him to safety. They tie a cable abound Optimus and somehow (I know he’s weightless, but his mass is still a few thousand times that of the pilots combined!) drag him out of the ship before it collides (wouldn’t it be easier to put booster rockets on the ship to redirect its course?)
After the collision…
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The humans’ ship is covered in some sort of red dust. Oh well, time to head back to Earth.
Back on Earth, it’s discovered that the “dust” is actually some sort of spore. They test the spores on some lab rats (seriously? I mean, I know that’s what lab rats are for, but you don’t even try running any sort of tests on them before introducing test subjects?) and discover…
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The mice become aggressive when exposed. What’s more, the spores are passed from one to another by touch! They need to destroy that shit right away!
Unfortunately Jessica is the only one who realizes that, but before she can talk sense into the others…
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Their lab falls under attack from the Terrorcons (each sold separately)!
Fortunately, the Technobots (also sold separately) arrive to defend the lab. Both sets of Transformers combine making the battle Abonimous vs. Computron (in case you were wondering why you needed to buy them all)
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Unfortunately, the Terrorcons get what they came for, destroying the lab in the process (despite the Technobots’ best efforts)
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And Jessica is injured! Jessica’s father (Mark) blames the Technobots (technically all Transformers, but the Technobots are the handy scapegoats)
Then Gregory (who, if you recall, also has an irrational hatred for All Things Transformer) comes up with an idea Jessica would not condone…
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Gregory intends on somehow using Optimus’s body to spread the spores to the Transformers so they destroy one another (he does realize the Transformers are already trying to destroy one another, right?)
Eventually, Mark receives work that Jessica is awake. However…
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…he’s not too happy that his daughter is now a cyborg.
When Mark and Jessica return to the lab, Gregory announces he’s been unable to revive Optimus (there they go again, getting our hopes up!)
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Jessica manages to talk them out of melting Optimus down, but only so they can tell the Autobots where he is so they can be infected. They somehow get Jessica to go find an Autobot, despite her protests.
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Jessica finds Ultra Magnus, who take her to Rodimus Prime.
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Once Rodimus hears “Optimus”, he’s deaf to everything else (including Jessica warning that it’s a trap). He mobilizes the Protectobots (say it with me…”Each sold separately”), who merge into Defensor, as well as the Arielbots (you know the drill) who merge into Superion, and every other Autobot (including those who don’t combine…collect them all!)
Wow, Rodimus is going a bit overkill for two humans, isn’t he?
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…Rodimus’s mobilization does not go unnoticed.
Ratbat returns to Soundwave, who plays back everything that happened in the last scene.
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Looks like we may see the lab trashed again, only this time it will be the humans’ fault.
Later, the Autobots arrive at the lab as Rodimus lays out his plan to retrieve Optimus’s body.
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You should’ve thought of that before you let Ratbat snoop.
Rodimus and Jessica enter the main lab while the rest of the Autobots sneak around back (they’re three stories tall and you expect them to be stealthy?) However…
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…is in the front lab, meaning…
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(Thanks to chatguy)
Infected with the spores, the Autobots turn the back lab into a demolition derby! Eventually, they break free of the lab, forcing the uninfected Autobots to escape.
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Fortunately, Rodimus got Optimus’s body first (how the hell did he get Optimus up there? He has no arms in vehicle mode!)
Jessica leads Rodimus to the loading dock, however…
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…Galvatron has other plans. Unfortunately for him…
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…the infected Autobots have still other plans! With his troops infected by the spores, Galvatron retreats after Rodimus warns him what’s happening.
Meanwhile, the cops have arrived to try to stop the infected Superion (GOOD LUCK!) Fortunately, the Autobots are doing their best to help…
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…but Superion infects Defensor! Jesus, this is turning into a zombie movie in a hurry!
Rodimus returns with Optimus to see if Wreck-Gar can do anything.
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Then Optimus remembers that the Quintessons revived Optimus before, so he contacts Sky Lynx.
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So Sky Lynx is off to the far reaches of the galaxy (his words, not mine) to retrieve a Quintesson (exactly how fast are those engines that he’ll get there and back before the zombie virus spores infect the planet?)
Rodimus then realizes that Autobot City is also a Transformer: Metroplex, so he shuts Metroplex down as the infected Autobots arrive!
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Rodimus flees as Ultra Magnus tries to infect him.
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Fortunately, Rodimus isn’t alone as Wreck-Gar lassos Ultra Magnus before he can infect Rodimus. However…
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…and with a touch, Wreck-Gar is infected! Then…
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Well, that’s all she wrote, I guess.
And if you think the spores would be happy with rats and Transformers…
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…you’d be wrong. I hope Mark and Gregory (remember them?) are proud of themselves.
What’s worse…
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…it’s spread to deep space as well! Fortunately for that Quintesson, Sky Lynx has arrived and offers a ride in exchange for Optimus’s life.
Later, the Quintesson is making sure Optimus is fully functional before restoring power, then asks how they’ll deal with the spores.
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You guys put a lot of faith in an Autobot who has a major martyr complex.
Finally, all is ready.
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Well, that’s not ominous at all! But there’s still the spores to deal with, so let’s get to the conclusion, also available on Roku.
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Sky Lynx gives Optimus a rundown on what happened in the previous episode.
Fortunately, not all of the Autobots were infected by the zombie virus spores, but unfortunately most are injured.
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Not much of a force, especially since they can’t touch anyone infected. Optimus drafts the Quintesson for repair duty.
Eventually, repairs are made, but Bumblebee needed a complete overhaul.
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Optimus re-christens Bumblebee “Goldbug” (available now!)
Unfortunately, Optimus needs the Matrix of Leadership to come up with a way to beat the spores, and that’s currently in Rodimus’s possession (and given the last time he handed it over, Rodimus wouldn’t be too happy to do so again even if he wasn’t infected with murder spores)
Jessica offers a possible solution: coat Optimus with the alloy Mark and Gregory (remember them?) developed (remember that?). Since it’s heat and radiation resistant, it might protect Optimus from the spores (hey, I’ve heard worse BS Hail Mary plays). However, the Decepticons have the alloy following their raid in part 1. Guess it’s road trip time! However, Jessica wants to come along. After a bit of debate, Optimus reluctantly agrees.
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Meanwhile on the planet Charr…
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…Galvatron is having issues controlling his infected followers.
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Then the Autobots arrive to offer a truce with Galvatron. Together they drive the infected Decepticons back. Optimus explains they’re here for the alloy the Decepticons stole.
Galvatron leads the Autobots across a giant web. As Galvatron flies across…
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…a giant spider attacks (wait, isn’t Sky Lynx with them? Can’t he fly everyone across?) However, the Autobots make short work of it.
Later, giant leeches drop from the ceiling!
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After some coercing, Galvatron makes short work of the leeches (and this is why Optimus won’t tell him why they need the alloy; otherwise Galvatron might’ve left them to rust)
Unfortunately, the infected Decepticons have caught up…
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… and infected the others! Only Jessica, Optimus, Galvatron, Sky Lynx, and Steeljaw are left!
They reach the alloy, but Jessica accidentally reveals the plan to Galvatron!
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Guess the truce is over, but Galvatron is still outnumbered.
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Y’know, for someone who was once voiced by Mr. Spock, Galvatron doesn’t think very logically.
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…the infected Transformers have arrived and infect Jessica!
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…who infects Galvatron (serves him right!)
Sky Lynx and Optimus escape with the alloy.
Once coated, Optimus sends Sky Lynx out to find Rodimus (y’know, there are flying Transformers. Isn’t Optimus worried one of them will infect Sky Lynx?), eventually finding him.
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(silver-plated Optimus Prime sold separately)
Optimus tries to talk sense to Rodimus, but…
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After shooting at Optimus, Rodimus TRANSFORMS AND ROLLS OUT! Optimus gives chase, cornering Rodimus in a junkyard. However…
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So much for Sky Lynx!
Optimus finally subdues Rodimus and takes back the Matrix as Rodimus returns to being Hot Rod (collect them all!)
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Now that Optimus has the Matrix, he sends his consciousness into it to find an answer.
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Meanwhile, the infected have arrived, looking for Optimus.
Inside the Matrix, Optimus has found his answer.
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Unfortunately, the ancient Autobots realized no one being had enough wisdom, especially as spread as it is now. Optimus realizes he’ll need the entirety of the Matrix to defeat the spores.
(Thanks to sleeperagent)
Once everyone is back to normal, Mark and Gregory apologize for what they did (so they committed bio-terrorism and nearly destroyed the galaxy and they get off with an “I’m sorry”? He’s got a career in politics!)
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And while the war isn’t over, Galvatron is willing to thank Optimus for what he did to save the Decepticons. (Wait, what happened to Optimus’s silver plating? Did he have to give the alloy back?)
Furthermore, the Matrix was drained from saving the galaxy, so it’s up to the Autobots to fill it again going forward.
This would’ve been a great series finale, but there was a miniseries that was technically season 4 so Hasbro could sell their new Head Masters line to the kids.
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sparrowsabre7 · 1 year
Rise of the Beasts Concerns
So we're now a scant 3 weeks away from "Rise of the Beasts" and I wanted to just layout some concerns I had.
Overall the Michael Bay Transformers are my guilty pleasure movies. With the exception MAYBE the first movie, they're dumb, obnoxious, and trying parse out the interconnected plot would make you go insane as to how any of Megatron's 5 schemes throughout the series can coexist. But that being said, I find all of them - except "The Last Knight" - entertaining.
Nonetheless, "Bumblebee" was a huge step forward in terms of better writing, pacing, and characterisation, and while ostensibly a remake of the 2007 film, it was a positive new direction for the series.
What I'm seeing from "Rise of the Beasts" has me worried they did not take any of those lessons forward. Much as it looks like the Maximals will actually be featured more integrally to the plot vs how the Dinobots were used in "Age of Extinction", I still think they will be largely left without much characterisation, save Primal.
However, my bigger concern is what the trailers show of the final battle. Instead of heading down the "Bumblebee" route of smaller, more personal stakes - ideally in my mind having the antagonists be the Beast Era Predacons or similar - they seem to have not only gone back to the HUGE WARZONE BATTLE finale of Bayverse 1 through 5, but they have doubled down by shoving Unicron into the mix. Yes, Unicron - sort of - played a role in the Beast Wars s1 finale, but he's largely divorced from Beast lore. Furthermore, as well as the 'peril fatigue' settling in over countless end of the world scenarios (which it's worth pointing out, was fairly rare in both G1 and Beast Wars outside of season finales), introducing an antagonist as famous and powerful as Unicron seems like a misstep when the film is a prequel to TF2007.
I am also a little wary of the human characters. Anthony Ramos in particular seems to be channeling the same kind of sweaty, motormouth, reluctant hero energy as Shia LaBeouf from TF1-4. Who was fine enough for those films but I want to see more than what we already have out of the human characters if they insist on continuing to feature them prominently in these movies.
Not really narrative related but I also don't like that Prime has a face again. Now, I actually was one of the few people to like him having a face in the Bayverse, I think it's a cool design. The problem here is that they kept the same face, more or less, but the head is different. It was designed to fit on a long thing face and had extra greebling over the cheeks to accentuate that shape. Here it's slapped on his G1 aesthetic redesign and doesn't fit with the boxy square head, especially without the cheek thingies.
I really hope I'm proven wrong, really, so badly, but I am going to go in with very low expectations, if only to protect myself from harm.
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Happy Together
No one asked for this, but I’m the one in control of the aux cord on this blog and I wanna indulge myself with some cute Dinobot shenanigans
Sludge (G1) x Bot!Reader (sfw)
2672 Words
Everyone and their creator knew that the Ark’s med bay was understaffed. Ratchet was the only one qualified enough to consider a doctor, so mechs tried to help out however they could. Being in the war for the better part of your life, you had picked up what medical knowledge you could in order to aid your comrades; you couldn’t offer much, but you tried to help Ratchet as much as you could. Normally this translated into running errands, taking basic vitals, or doing some patch work.
It was all hands on deck in the med bay today. A particularly nasty skirmish sent so many bots your way that anyone in non-critical condition was asked to sit on the floor. You were scurrying about between them, jotting down names and conditions on your datapad. Even the thick platted Dinobots hadn’t come out of the fight clean. The aspiring team medic, Swoop, was one of the few permitted a seat on an exam table, Wheeljack working to reattach his wing. He was the only Dinobot that you had ever really spoken to, being in and around the med bay so often. He was an excitable and enthusiastic young bot, not something anyone would be able to tell with the way his vocalizer was whining static.
His brothers had tried valiantly to remain with him in the med bay but were shooed out by Wheeljack; there were just too many injured bots for them to be taking up all that space. Only Sludge was allowed to stay, waiting to get patched up with the other mechs on the floor. You were saving him for last, not overly eager to face him; his intimidating size dwarfed most bots and the Dinobots weren’t well known for their friendly dispositions.
Eventually, you could put it off no longer. You tried your best to exude confidence and professionalism in your EM field as you approached. Sludge took notice, straightening up from tracing absentminded patterns on the floor panels to send a curious look your way. Oh Primus, he was sitting down and you barely even reached the top of his chassis.
“So, uh, you’re name’s Sludge, right? I’m Y/N.” He gave a hum in response, nodding his head in agreement that yes, his name was in fact Sludge. “Can you show me where you’re hurt?” He nodded again, moving his right pede out for you to inspect. What you could make out as his alt dino casing was shredded, jagged metal torn and fraying out from the wound.
“Right next to big explosion. Took out him Swoop. Lots of shrapnel, tore off wing and hit me in side.” He turned slightly and gestured to the kibble on his back. “More here.” You gestured for him to turn fully so you could inspect the damage as you jotted down his abridged account on your datapad. He was lucky his plating was so thick, as the force of the explosion probably would’ve hit major energon lines in any other bot. Most of his damage was superficial, deep as it was, though the shrapnel had managed to nick a few minor energon lines.
“There wouldn’t have been an explosion in the first place if it wasn’t for you ditzy dinos!” You finished jotting down the damage before looking sharply in the direction of the whiny outburst. Of course it was Huffer. “If you hadn’t given us away, none of us would be in here!”
“We’re all on the same team, Huffer,” you said with a wave of your servo. “So stop harassing patients or I’ll turn off your vocalizer.” A resounding laugh sounded from behind you.
“You must have a glitch in your memory core, Huffer,” said Hound. “The Dinobots gave us away by saving your tailpipe!”
“I could’ve taken care of it!”
You left the two to their bickering, patting your patient on his knee plating to get his attention. “You’re not too badly damaged. Since I got to you last for diagnostic, I’m gonna go ahead a patch you up first, okay?” You offered Sludge a kind smile, trying to provide better bedside manner than Huffer. He took it, returning your smile with one of his own and moving to expose the damage on his leg more as you fished around subspace for your welder and some titanium patches.
It certainly wasn’t the last time you saw Sludge. He had a knack for denting his plating, either over the course of sparing with his brothers or while out in the field. You would’ve thought that he’d just get Swoop to take care of it, but more and more frequently he would be stopping by the med bay; he said he liked how much quieter it was there than in the retrofitted cave the Dinobots had claimed as their own.
It was almost laughable how intimidating you found Sludge when you first met. He had a gentle spark, reserved and well-intentioned. Sure he didn’t have the fastest processor, but you couldn’t keep up with Perceptor either; and what was a smart mech worth if they weren’t also kind? You’d much rather spend time with Sludge than Shockwave. It didn’t hurt that he was a good listener, too. Despite what other Autobots might suggest, he had a good memory, asking for updates on personal projects that you had mentioned offhandedly the last time you saw him. And he had a creative mind! Swoop had been talking to you about how Sludge had recently taken up two-dimensional etching and drawing. And he had a handsome face, delicate touch when getting your attention, and –
Wait what? Hold on, were you…did you have a crush on Sludge? Oh Primus, this was just what you needed in the middle of a war. Still, you could do worse. And the spark wants what the spark wants… So what, maybe you did have a crush on him. You might as well try and see where it goes; in this war you had to make what joys you could.
“Is it just me or does Y/N look like they’re trying to court somebot?”
It was gossip time in the empty corridor, two mechs making good use of the late hour and lack of nearby audio receptors to concern themselves with the lives of others.
“You just noticed? Yea, I caught em in the wash polishing like it was going out of style,” Cliffjumper gave a short laugh at the memory. “You’da thunk I’d caught em sneaking extra rations with the way they bolted outta there.”
“Any ideas who the lucky mech is?” Powerglide didn’t give the minibot a moment to answer before continuing. “I overheard from Doc Ratch one of the Dinobots has got a lil crush; maybe we’ve got some love-birds on base?”
“Primus, I hope not. No one deserves to have a dumb dino on their tail; they’re so stupid and clumsy, they’d wind up melting the poor bot down! Honestly, I think Y/N deserves better than getting slagged by Slag.”
“You’re just jealous you aren’t getting any,” the plane sniped.
“Powerglide, I’m just a realist. I can’t help that your processor is full of that romantic scrap.”
“Cliffjumper, I can’t help that you have an incurably abrasive personality.” Powerglide gave the Porsche a hearty pat as he began walking further down the hall. “Come on, maybe we can get Ratch to fix that personality component of yours! Or at least we can sit down; my struts are killing me!”
“I do not have an abrasive personality, you silicon sanded showboat!”
Neither took notice of the saddened giant on the other side of the corridor, watching the retreating mechs from around the corner.
Sitting in one of the metal booths stuck to the far wall of the Rec Room, you found yourself thinking it all through. Lost in the swirling liquid of your energon cube, you wondered if you had been reading the situation wrong. You thought that Sludge had reciprocated your feelings, but he hadn’t really responded to your efforts. He never mimicked your attempts at posing or polishing. Maybe he was just unaware of Cybertronian flirting? It would make sense, as he was made on Earth, but even then you would’ve thought someone would take pity on him and explain your efforts. It wasn’t like you were being subtle, even in non-Cybertronian terms. You even got advice from Carly, trying to figure out how she’d won over someone as oblivious as Spike. You tried to be as obvious as possible, complimenting his skills and appearance and inviting him to recreational activities. But even then, he would look flustered and come up with some reason to turn you down. Maybe he was just trying to let you down on amicable terms, ignore your advances but maintain your acquaintanceship. Maybe he-
“Hi! Room here to sit?”
The scratchy voice startled you out of your reprieve; you must’ve really been in your own processor not to notice the dinobot flyer approaching.
“Oh, Swoop! Yeah, of course, take a seat,” you gestured across the table. It was almost humorous watching him try to squeeze himself into the clearly too small booth; being the smallest dinobot still made him one of the biggest Autobots. Finally situating himself, he flashed you a mischievous smirk and his optics flashed in mirth. “How’s it going?”
“Good! Had to get out of Dino Den, though; too loud for reading when Grimlock and Slag fighting.” He emphasized his point by producing an anatomical datapad and setting it on the table.
“Well that’s too bad,” you said. “How’s everyone else doing?”
“Him Snarl hog TV all day, watching Nurse Whitney.” His tone held a slight annoyance at the distraction it must’ve posed to his own studying; you knew he was quite fond of the show, and probably found it near impossible not to be watching it. His optics lit up in sudden remembrance, a squawk making its way past his vocalizer as he straightened his posture. “Sludge work on project! Big art project!”
“Yes! It pretty, very pretty! Him Sludge good at art. Best Dinobot, maybe even best Autobot! And good at other things too!” Swoop emphasized his point by holding aloft a digit, helm held high with a self-assured expression. “Him strong, very strong! Last fight, him take out twenty, no, thirty Decepticons! Him good at keeping others safe, protecting. Oh, and him best fisher of Dinobots! Good provider! Patient and quiet and-”
“Wait, what’s fishing?”
“Fish earth animals, live in water. Humans and Dinobots like catching fish, very fun and -”
It was hard not to notice the lumbering form of Sludge entering the Rec behind the chatty Pteranodon. His sweeping optics seemed to stop in the direction of your booth (though you suppose it would be hard not to notice Swoop, what with his crest and loud voice), his optics seeming to blink out for a second. Swoop continued on, oblivious to his brother’s presence.
That is until Sludge began stomping his way over. You quickly grabbed onto the table, thankful that it was bolted into the wall as the ground shook under his weight. It wasn’t often you were reminded of his tremorous step, but it seemed that whatever had gotten under his plating was enough for him to have forgotten the virtue of gentle pedes. You didn’t expect to see his normally soft features so soured, mouth drawn into a tight line and optics darkened into a furrowed glare. With his massive stride, it didn’t take long before Sludge reached you. His servo came to rest behind Swoop, the back of the booth’s bench groaning under his weight as he leaned down, optic to optic with his brother.
“What you Swoop think you do?” His voice seemed edged with a nervous worry.
“Me just talking to Y/N,” Swoop answered, flashing the Brontosaurus the same mischievous smile he had given you earlier. “You know they want go fishing? Me say you should take them!”
“Yeah,” you interjected, ignoring the fact that you had never discussed joining the Dinobots on their fishing exploits. “I think it sounds like fun!” You couldn’t help the eagerness that steeped into your EM field, hopeful that you might finally get an opportunity to spend some true quality time with him outside of the occasional med bay visit.
Sludge seemed to soften a bit at your reply, gifting you with a gentle smile before his brow furrowed. His smile turned to a slight pout as his gaze drifted down, seeming to be a bit lost in thought. He exvented sharply, lugging Swoop out of his seat and maneuvering the now indignant mech around to carry him under one arm. Ignoring his squirming brother, he turned to you with a sad smile that he tried to mask with a projected air of confidence in his EM.
“Me Sludge think on it. Would be fun. Uh, him Ratchet ask to talk to him Swoop, so we see you Y/N later.” With the lame excuse, he turned to leave the Rec. With a loud squawk, Swoop made his opinion on the matter known.
“No! Him Sludge like Y/N! Like whole bunch!” That seemed to stop the brontosaurus dead in his tracks, grip loosened enough in shock that the loud flyer was able to transform out of his grasp. He seemed stuck in place as his processor caught up with the situation. In contrast, you and Swoop seemed to be a flurry of movement, standing up from your seat in the booth as the Pteranodon perched himself on the back of the bench.
“Really?” Your response, lackluster as it might’ve been, was all you could dumbly muster up at the revelation.
“Yes, him won’t shut up about it! ‘Oh, them Y/N so nice, very sweet. Pretty face, pretty smile. Feel like me Sludge melt when they look at me. So smart, so kind.’” Swoop’s impression left quite a bit to be desired, but that was the last thing on your mind, your gaze drifting to the gentle giant in question as you took in his words. Sludge had sheepishly turned halfway towards you, optics firmly locked to the ground and servos fiddling together nervously. “Us Dinobots try talk to him about anything, him always distracted or drawing you.” That seemed to catch Sludge’s full attention. “Him have big project now, draw y-” A large servo suddenly came to rest on the Pteranodon’s beak, clamping it shut before anything too embarrassing could be shared. You craned your helm up to look at Sludge, his cheek plating positively painted with the glow of his optics and lips drawn into a pout.
“Sludge, is that true? Do you really like me?” His optics bashfully locked on the ground again, answering you with a soft nod. He dared a glance at your face before averting his gaze again. “You know, I like you a lot too.” That seemed to win his attention, finally maintaining some real eye contact. He nodded again with a hum and you frowned. “You knew? Why didn’t you say anything?” That stung, knowing that he was aware of your advances all along and hadn’t done anything. Especially when he apparently liked you too.
He opened his mouth before closing it, brow furrowing. You gave him a moment to formulate his thoughts.
“You Y/N deserve better than Sludge.” He spoke slowly, thinking hard on his words. “Deserve someone smart and not clumsy or stumbly. Deserve someone not hurt you.” You frowned at that.
“Sludge, you are one of the gentlest mech’s I know. You haven’t hurt me yet and I don’t think you will,” you said, stepping closer to him. “And in any case, I think I would know better than anyone else what I deserve. I think I deserve to be happy and getting to spend time with you makes me happy. You make me happy. Do I make you happy?”
“Then let’s be happy together.”
“SQUAWK! Let Swoop go! No want to see smooches!”
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baebeyza · 3 years
Ideas/concept in each Transformers series that you liked that are either written terribly, wasted potential and needed to be written in depth?
Okay, say GO! note: I love most of these shows and most of what I nitpick here isn't to say that I hate what we got + doesnt include RB and RBA
G1: I love Galvatron's and Cyclonus' dynamic and loved how the show was self-aware about the fact that Galvatron was crazy, and I would love to see this written with more depth and getting further into Cyclonus' motivation for staying at Galvs' side Headmasters: It's always about Sixshot- I love him so much but always gotta say that his development only really started in the last four episodes - would have loved it if we had gotten some inclination about his more gentle character before that!
Super-God Masterforce: I am of the opinion that Masterforce is a great show with great writing and great characters and don't have much to talk about here. Anyway, I absolutely adored Godbomber and the entire concept behind him - he's a drone who gets controlled through Ginrai's chokon-power (human energy) and acts whatever Ginrai wants him to do. What I found so nice about him is that he emotes! :D And he does react to other people, even if his reactions are all based on Ginrai's will. He doesn't have a voice, so he has to get his point across in other ways and seeing him do that is a delight ~ It made him feel like a character instead of just a drone with no personality and it would have been so awesome if more detail was put into that. Minerva treated Godbomber like a person and I'd have loved to see more of that!
Victory: There is a lot I loved about this show that just didn't really come into fruition - this post should explain it! Beast Wars: I fucking love Megatron cloning his ex Dinobot to get himself a new henchman, anddüde - wouldn't it have been nice to see it be acknowledged how creepy that is? Maybe get more into the reason why he has this need to clone Dinobot? Megatron obviously wanting his ex back, but his ex wont come back, so he creats a version of his ex that is just what he wants to him to be...weird housewife creepy romance novel style??? Beast Wars 2: Hm, tbh the stuff I liked about this show was well done! Can't think of anything here
Beast Wars Neo: Same as BWII, I just cant think of anything here that I loved that was done badly. The shows are simple! One thing I would have loved to see more of is Big Convoy's past as a lone wolf. We got bits and pieces but a little bit more couldn't hurt!
Beast Machines: I loved almost every idea in this show and somehow none if it was done in a way I truly enjoyed x'D 1. The premise nature vs techno 2. Blackarachnia trying to save Silverbolt 3. The whole concept of using existing sparks for new bodies, creating new people 4. Megatron splitting himself in half 5. Plantformers Apart from the Plantformers, all these were great ideas but the way the show executed them was depressing and weird.
RiD01: You know me people, I fucking love Ultra Magnus and Optimus being brothers in this and I would have given everything for more depth between them! Just a flashback to how they were before Ultra Magnus went JerkMode would have been gold QuQ
Armada: I loved the conclusions at the end, absolutely hated everything before the conclusion tho Energon: Love Shockfleet/Mirage being in fucking love with Galvatron, wish Galvatron had acknowledged it once qvq
Cybertron: Almost the same as Energon - I loved Chromia/Thunderblast having a crush on Megatron and wished they had done something with it. They could have gone full Decepticon Queen with her with evil romance, but Megatron has the same amount of communication and social skill as a brickwall.
TFA: I loved the 2 minutes of Cyclonus and hated that he never showed up again-
Cyber Mission: So, there is this episode in which Bee and Ironhide are sparring and Ironhide saves a flower from being squished under them and is like "we must protect life". Bee says that the flower aint sentient tho, but Ironhide says "this one is."
WHAT THE FUCK DO MEAN A SENTIENT FLOWER EXISTS ON EARTH??? Why to they drop this thing and then never do anything with the concept-!
TFP: I feel like Ultra Magnus is kinda missed potential and wished they'd have done more with him, he could have had great dynamics with the rest, but was just used for Wheeljack angst.
GO!: Man they got this Predaking character (I love Predaking) and he's just so generic...and they didn't even make him bishie and pretty like the original characters for this show qnq
RiD15: I loved Steeljaw but they did him dirty by just never allowing him to be the show's threat! He mostly just got pushed aside and used by other people. (still sexy tho, his german voice be like WOOOOO-)
Prime Wars: I loved the plot of this, loved what they did with Megatron and it was such missed potential to not make him Prime at the end! QnQ It would have fit so much! Nothing against my monkuh Primal, but come on! Megatron was right there-!
Cyberverse: Loved Roddy as leader and was kinda disappointed when he was done after Prime showed up again. My boy deserved at least an award or something.
WFC: You know me, I loved the stuff between Megatron and Magnus, but it is a shame that we just never got to see how they were pre-war. And not just those two, them, Optimus and Elita as well. I like the plot, just wish we got backstory.
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thenightmaregrrl · 3 years
Why TFA Optimus Prime Is My Role Model
I think my strong moral code came from my role model.
Optimus Prime.
I know it’s weird, me, a 19 year old girl has a giant robot from outer space that turns into a semi truck is my role model. More importantly, the incarnation of Optimus in the TV show ‘Transformers Animated’.
Normally, Optimus is depicted as the bastion of good and justice, this all around good guy, this wise sage who gives great advice when needed, his nickname is “Robot Jesus” for a reason.
TFA Optimus is not like that, he’s young, inexperienced, emotional. His back story is that he was once a cadet at Cybertron’s version of West Point who was expelled because he and two friends went to an off-limits planet full of alien spiders that led to the ‘death’ of his friend Elita-1 and he took the blame for it despite being the one telling them to go back and that it was a bad idea.
In the show, Optimus tries to be a hero. But his version of a ‘hero’ was what we depict in Hollywood action movies. Not a person who goes above and beyond to do the right thing because it is the right thing, not for fame, glory, money, praise.
In Animated, I noticed that Optimus showed emotions, in the original 1984 cartoon he’s an amazing leader who is caring and determined who is willing to crack a joke or two. In the Michael Bay movies he’s this battle hardened warrior who saw his world crumble around him and had to stay strong for his people and often lashed out at his opponents, shooting first and asking questions almost never. In Prime, he’s stoic, serious, calm, almost unreadable.
In Animated’s season 1 finale, Optimus finds out Prowl and Bulkhead lied to him about what happened to the Dinobots, he exploded, yelling at them and calling them malfunctions, you see he is stressed out because Decepticons are closing in, the Allspark is unguarded, they have no way to call Cybertron for help. This was the first time I saw him angry, visibly angry.
In the second episode of season 2, “Return of the Headmaster”, Optimus has to help his “friend” Sentinel Prime get his body back from the villain known as the Headmaster. It’s one of my favorites for one specific reason.
Optimus Prime laughs.
Now when I first watched Transformers Animated at 12 years old, I never heard him laugh before, maybe a chuckle here and there, or a smile, but never a full blown laugh. The reason he laughed was because he found Sentinel, missing his body, only his head.
Sentinel is a boisterous, egotistical, haughty, and stubborn Autobot. He never admits his faults or when he is wrong, he thinks he’s in the right all the time and isn’t afraid to use shady tactics to climb up the social ladder. In the series finale, we learned that Sentinel threw Optimus under the bus and placed the blame solely on him during the trial.
Optimus in Transformers Animated and I have similar personality traits.
We’re both humble, well intentioned, good hearted, we’re always there for our friends, when I get angry I become snappy and loud. When I get sad I try to keep it in and not be a burden to others, similar to him. He and I can get pretty witty and sarcastic.
Another reason I think TFA Optimus is my role model is because of my life situation at the time.
In 2014, I was in 6th grade, I was beginning to develop depression due to severe bullying from my classmates and having little to no friends at the time. My lifelong pet Nicholas passed away. And people who I thought were my friends at the time turned out to be liars and only hung out with me was because I was a subject of pity for them. Because of my bullies, I developed thoughts of hurting myself and had tried but never followed through while also developing severe anxiety.
I soon remembered a memory I had when I was 5. I remembered accidentally coming across the episode "Along Came A Spider", I thought it would be a good idea to rewatch it to see if it would make me feel better. I was desperate for something to make me smile or laugh since at that point in my life it was hard for me to get out of bed in the morning.
As I watched it, I immediately latched onto Optimus, finding him my favorite character. And as I got older, I began to connect parts of my life to his story in Animated.
Optimus being expelled=Me entering my new school as soon as I left my elementary school.
Sentinel= My ex "friends" in elementary school who only hung out with me out of pity while also abandoning me for my harshest bully and an ex friend I had to cut contact with because he touched (non sexually) my little brother without his permission and gave excuses while playing victim instead of apologizing.
Earth= My middle/high school.
The repair crew= The true friends who actually cared about me and were there for me as I was there for them.
Even now, I still try to live up to his example every day. I've had my ups and downs, like my high school graduation, getting accepted into college, my hospitalization due to an unalive attempt, me dropping out of college due to my mental health crashing to the point of almost relapsing. Like he did in his story.
This might not be me at my best at writing, but it's from the heart.
Thank you for reading,
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taiblogcomics · 3 years
Scorpion Reign
Hey there, marvelous food dreams. On that note, happy Thanksgiving also. Maybe this will go up on time! Maybe it'll be a little late. It's a holiday, who knows~? That's the fun! Speaking of fun, though, we got one more issue of MLP/Transformers to review~
Here's the cover:
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This one's probably the least "I would hang this as a poster on my wall" of the lot. This one is much more a comic book cover than a poster, if you get what I'm saying. Rather moody, too. Look at everyone's expressions. Twilight: horrified, possibly resisting. Fluttershy: completely taken over, scowling and unlike normal. Megatron and Pinkie: no change. Anyways, hope you like purple~
So, what was the best team-up last time? Why, it was Spike and Grimlock, right? I think this one's really the only one that's a reunion between the series, so I'm glad it's this pair. Yes, Spike and Grimlock have met up again, each with friends now to change up the story a bit. Spike's brought Smolder, and Grimlock has the rest of the Dinobots with him. I guess Smolder's done hanging out with the rest of the Student Six so she can be in this issue. It's never explained, so I don't think the writers were communicating with each other~
Anyways, Smolder shows off what she can do, impressing the Dinobots. Honestly, it's probably not, like, hard to impress the Dinobots, they seem like a simple bunch. But impressed they are, given that Smolder has a lot of power in a tiny package. Grimlock insists that Spike is also similarly impressive, since he has wings and can breathe fire as well. Spike replies that he's only still learning to fly, and his fire is mostly for telecommunication. And that's about all he can do. Grimlock thinks Spike might be selling himself a bit short, but he's not impressing the Dinobot.
No time for that, though, as suddenly they're attacked by one of King Sombra's mind-controlled servants. It's Superion, helpfully pointed out as an Autobot Combiner and one of the most powerful Transformers there is. See, Spike, you're also capable of spouting exposition! Grimlock immediately takes charge, ordering Smolder to take Spike to safety, and for the Dinobots to go on the attack. Alas, individually the Dinobots are too small to really make an impact on Superion. Just before he can shoot them with his gun, though, Smolder returns and throws off his aim by breathing fire in his face.
It's but a mere distraction, though, and he slaps Smolder aside. Spike's fortunately in a good position to... well, not quite catch her, but at least break her fall. Spike continues with his exposition train: it seems Combiners like Superion have a difficult time staying together. Imagine all the Student Six having to agree together, and now make it way more complicated. It's Sombra's magic that's mostly keeping them focused. So if the two dragons can disrupt that focus, they can disrupt Superion's form altogether.
And so it goes. Smolder flies in holding Spike, and Spike just spouts out all the facts he's been learning about the Transformers back at the individual members of Superion (e.g. suggesting Air Raid would rather be flying). Spike must've been reading one of those character guides they used to publish. Anyway, it works, and Superion collapses into its individual parts. Split among five robots, Sombra's mind control can't remain in place, and the Dinobots are suitably impressed with Spike's ability to defeat an opponent with mere words. A happy ending all around~
So now we come to the crossover's finale. It's time to catch up with the rest of the main characters, and we do just that. Optimus Prime is scoping out Twilight Sparkle, and he reports back that what Sombra's attempting is a much more dangerous and impressive army than they had expected. Optimus and friends try to take this reconaissance back to the others, but they're soon stopped as Sombra claims his prize. You see, what they were digging up... was Scorponok. One of the Titans buried beneath Cybertron. And Sombra has just seized control. You may all proceed with crapping your pants in terror~
But while King Sombranok, as he's dubbed himself, brags about having the power to conquer two worlds, the cavalry turns up. Spike and the three Mane Six that aren't under Sombra's control lead in their respective robot friends. All of them taunt Sombranok, claiming that while he was working mostly on controlling this world, they instead set about understanding each other. This gives them much more power than the one he's attempting to control. The ponies and Transformers know how to combine their strengths, and I do mean that literally.
See, they've got exo-suits. These allow the ponies to actually transform like robots. Rarity becomes a tower shield, Applejack a warhammer, and Rainbow Dash a two-headed axe. They end up wielded by Shockwave, Arcee, and Starscream respectively. Spike comes in too, and his suit lets him turn into a gun, which Bumblebee picks up to defend himself. Using the pony weapons disrupts the connection to Sombra's mind control, and they quickly free Twilight and several Transformers. And of course, it's Starscream who takes a swipe at Megatron with Rainbow Dash Axe. Even in the midst of battle, he's always on point~
When Twilight, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie are all freed, they get some extra suits that they had the foresight to make. Flutters is another shield, Pinkie's a party cannon, and Twilight is a sword for Optimus. And it's really Optimus who saves the day. See, he knows it's the power of friendship that will win the day. And he and Megatron were friends once. Both of them are willing to put aside their differences to battle Sombranok, and that's powerful enough magic to charge their weapons to the ultimate level. This united force blows up Scorponok and defeats Sombra's mind control over everyone.
With the battle won, Optimus muses whether they're about to start another. But no. Megatron appreciates that Optimus fought for his freedom today, and he will extend the same courtesy to the Autobots. Just for today, of course. Freedom is the right of all sentient beings, even bitter enemies (or former friends). Of course, however, he will not excuse Starscream's treachery in striking him in the battle just now, and chases the plane off with some laser fire. Always the same with those two~
And so the ponies' adventures on Cybertron come to a close. Optimus apologises for Megatron, since this is the second time he's caused them trouble. Twilight replies that it was really Sombra's fault this time. Megatron decides magic is too disruptive for the kind of order he's seeking, and assures Twilight he will not pursue Equestrian magic any further. However, if ponies wish to visit Cybertron again for less disruptive means, do so deliberately as a cultural exchange... Well, he's not into it, but he wouldn't stand in anyone's way. And as the comic closes, somewhere far away, a mysterious being muses on the power of these magics... A Quintesson, setting up a possible third sequel~
Much like the first, this was a fun crossover. It was good of them to switch it up, change the location and the nature of the villain, it really added to the story possibilties. This one lending itself to more obscure characters while the main cast (on both sides) were busy also really makes this one enjoyable. My only real gripe is that the Grimlock/Spike story is the only one that really follows up on the previous miniseries. While Rarity’s team-up with Knockout was a delight, it’d’ve been nice if she’d gotten to see her old friend Arcee too. Ah, well. Definitely wouldn’t say no to another crossover like this one is teasing~
Speaking of crossovers, while we’re finally done with my current backlog, we will be seeing ponies again, and hopefully soon. There’s two more issues of the main series to go, and there might be another miniseries featuring a very different sort of team-up with a popular ‘80s property as well...~
But for now... I know it’s Thanksgiving and all, but I am not thankful. Next week, we return to the New 52, because we still have a handful of Teen Titans comics to go~
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itcamefromthetoybox · 3 years
Tyrannosaurus FLEX
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“Transformers: Kingdom,” the third part of Netflix’s “Transformers: War For Cybertron” trilogy dropped recently, which, of course means my favorite thing: new toys! Every season of the seriesvand every part of the Transformers franchise as a whole exists to sell toys, so it should come as no surprise that new Transformers figures were released around the time of the new season. I managed to get my hands on one such figure, a Target exclusive toy of a character named T-Wrecks. He was about $50, so let’s see if he’s worth the price tag.
First, let’s talk about who this guy even is. So back in that ancient decade known as the 1990’s, Transformers, having died down in popularity by a lot, returned to the small screen in a big way with the show “Beast Wars,” which featured Transformers that turned into various animals. The series was a big hit and is still worth watching, even if the animation hasn’t exactly aged well. The show was such a hit that the producers made a sequel series, “Beast Machines,” which was set on the Transformers’ home planet, the metal world Cybertron. This series was, to put it mildly, not as successful and more than a little controversial with the fans. However, it did spawn a crapload of new toys, including a sub-line of toys called “Dinobots,” which was a collection of all the “Beast Wars” toys that turned into prehistoric animals, including several that had only been previously released in Japan. Each figure was repainted into a new character, with a figure of main villain Megatron, specifically his t-rex body from the show’s first season, repainted into the new hero T-Wrecks.
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Ladies and gentlemen, your obscure character of the year!
Just as how the original T-Wrecks was a repaint of Beast Wars Megatron, so too is this figure a repaint of the the new figure of Beast Wars Megatron released for “Transformers: Kingdom,” so a lot of what I say figure can be applied to BW Megatron as well, since the only difference between the two toys is the paint job. If you think of it that way, you’re getting two reviews for the price of one! With that in mind, maybe I can take a vacation. Actually, what with the deadly pandemic surging up again and my chronic illness, maybe I should hold off on any vacation plans for the time being.
Personally, I really like how this figure looks. The paint job is based off the original toy from the year 2000, but changes some stuff up to stand on its own. So if you have the original figure, you can totally buy this one too and feel justified when you claim you totally didn’t buy the same toy twice. The colors on this guy make it very clear that, even when transformed into a t-rex, that this is a toy, and a pretty kickass one, at that. If you’re looking for a realistic-looking toy dinosaur, this probably isn’t the figure for you, but honestly, the color scheme’s so stylish, that who gives a crap if it’s unrealistic? T-Wrecks’ torso, thighs, and only forearm are a nice shade of gunmetal grey, which causes the metallic grey around his neck to stand out. Most of the dinosaur parts on his body are the color of clay, with purple stripes. This gives his dinosaur mode a color scheme that, much like various poisonous frogs, screams danger. It’s very cool and a big sign that this character was created in the year 2000 to appeal to kids. Also, he is freaking huge, and I love it. Like, this is the size I want a leader of giant robots to be.
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Everybody walk the dinosaur!
But nothing in life is perfect, and there is one weird little flaw with T-Wrecks’ paint job. I mentioned earlier that he’s a repaint of BW Megatron. Well, there was supposed to be one very big change between his figure and BW Megatron’s. T-Wrecks was actually supposed to have a different head, one where he’s exposing his teeth in a way that says “I’m here to turn into a giant robot and kick ass, and after about 10 minutes of figuring out how to turn me into a dinosaur, I’m already a giant robot again.” The new head is featured on his box and his instructions, but the figure itself has BW Megatron’s head, which has a closed mouth. The closed mouth is painted to look like it’s open with the teeth out, and it can fool casual observers, but I’m an obsessive nut job with nothing else going on, so I looked close enough to notice. The effect, upon closer observation is less “let’s kick Predacon ass,” and more “I’m trying out some new lip gloss before we hit the club.” I kinda wish I hadn’t looked too closely, because now, I can’t unsee it. Like many mediocre white dudes, I am damned by my own hubris.
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Gaze not into his luscious lips, lest ye be undone!
Articulation-wise, T-Wrecks is great. He’s very posable in both molds, and even his tail is jointed for posing. This is true for both modes. His dinosaur neck is designed to be positioned without causing the neck to break up, via the use of soft plastics and spring-loaded panels. However, this articulation does come at a minor price, The spring-loaded panels can get in the way when transforming T-Wrecks. Also, they don’t go flush against him in beast mode, which is a minor pet peeve.
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He needs a good dermatologist for that skin breakup.
Transforming T-Wrecks is more of a chore than it should be, honestly. I don’t mean in that transforming him is a puzzle. Transformers being a puzzle is half the appeal. I mean that getting his legs into position took some serious elbow grease, to the point where I was worried I was going to break him. Those legs were stuck and did not want to cooperate. I am not looking forward to that fight again. Other than the legs, though, he does transform in a pretty straightforward way. One hand being the dinosaur head and the other having his tail on it make it pretty clear what goes where. Just expect him to put up a fight, and note that in robot mode, he ends up with a backpack.
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Nothing to say here. Carry on.
Now, there are two other issues I want to address here. One’s a little thing, and the other’s a bit bigger and really cheesed me off. Let’s do the small thing first, so I don’t spend the rest of this paragraph glaring in frustration at my computer. I do that enough when I read the news. The mouth to T-Wrecks’ dinosaur head does open and close, so the dinosaur can bite and the robot can do the laser-firing pose BW Megatron does. There’s even a space inside the mouth that is clearly meant for a laser blast to plug into. However, neither T-Wrecks nor BW Megatron come with anything to put there, so it’s basically just a gun nozzle in a dinosaur’s throat. Like a teenager’s poster of a model on their wall, it’s there to look pretty and not do anything else.
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Well, this looks awkward.
That brings us to the bigger issue. A lot of T-Wrecks’ body is covered in softer plastic, mostly the dinosaur parts, like his t-rex teeth, tail, and various areas on his back and neck. The issue here is that plastics like that tend to get permanently deformed if left bent for too long, like, for example, the way the toy comes packaged. Because of how the tail is transformed for T-Wrecks’ robot mode, the soft plastic flaps on the tail are bent in a way they don’t like very much, which can leave a permanent bend to them. Same for some of the areas on his torso and neck. This is a problem because the toy is packaged in robot mode, so you’re probably gonna have this issue right out of the package, meaning that there are areas of T-Wrecks’ beast mode where his skin will not be flush and will fold upward, like plastic surgery gone wrong. If you look at the pic below, you can see it already happening around the neck. I tend to mostly keep my Transformers in robot mode, so I’ve accepted this is my figure’s fate, but just keep that in mind if you’re the sort of person it would bug.
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Developing skin conditions at the ripe old age of 20 minutes.
This figure’s meant more for the collectors and older kids. He’s an obscure character who has a transformation that’s like a puzzle, so younger kids or easily frustrated adults would hate him. The bending plastic’s an issue and makes me question the $50 price tag, but if that won’t bother you and you want a big-ass Maximal hero to throw down with the forces of evil, then this is a good figure to go with.
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devils-yui · 3 years
Yui Talks/Hyperfixates On:
Beast Wars
Part 2 of my little series I’m making and am I gonna be consistent with the names? Maybe, since I’m too lazy to chance my previous one.
You can check out my previous one with Transformers: Prime
But I’m gonna hop directly into it and remember I respect your opinions on the show itself I’m just providing little tidbits of things I like and notice
And this does contain spoilers
• First of all okay wow— the animation and design kind of punched me while re-watching it since I remembered as a kid that that was my idea of peak animation.
• the theme song: “BEAST WARS!!” *epic guitar riff* I love that. It’s so stupid but in a good way
• The intro to how it starts in the first episode is— so funky— and I know animation was like to a limit back in the old days— (and considering this was made in the 90s) but the ships when they were crashing look like someone picked up a toy model of both the ships and are just moving them manually, very slowly, to a green-screened Earth.
• The explosions are “incredible”. They remind me of Deltarune explosions so much—
• my brain understanding and trying to focus the fights are just:
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(Two of these gifs combined)
• already saying it, I love Dinobot with all of my heart and I’d die for him
• But on the other end, he’s kind of like a little fucking bloodthirsty— which then again I don’t mind. If he wants to go ape-shit (considering that he’s like got a utahraptor alt mode), then he can go ape-shit I guess
• He reminds me of both Dreadwing and Starscream except with Dreadwing’s form of honour being a little— different(?) kind of. He’s like a tolerable Starscream to me.
• I am going through a love/hate moment with Terrorsaur and Waspinator
• Terrorsaur— I don’t know why but half of my brain says that man— right there— is fruity. Just a little
• Rhinox is literally carrying half of the Maximals in this war also— why the absolute hell does his rhino alt mode have sharp teeth. I just want to know why.
• Rattrap may be a bi-icon but if given the opportunity I’m chucking that bastard like this:
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• Megatron sounds like if Robbie Rotten had a deeper voice, I don’t know why my brain decided that
• Scorpinok looks like a SoundCloud rapper— and at best a bulldog or a pittie. No you cannot change my mind
• Arachnid scares me, not like in a genuinely terrifying way just an uncomfortable “eeehh…” way
• Tarantulas too. I thought he was like a simp for the first several episodes for Arachnid and tbh most of the Predacons were. I was getting so many mixed signals about their relationship
• also there have been— so many times. That I’ve seen these characters get incredibly close like LITERAL several inches away from each other’s face, within kissable distance. It’s definitely given me more moments at times of watching where I can literally become hoarse just from saying, “KISS ALREADY!!”
• Optimus Primal in this series still has that Prime dad vibe but he most indefinitely has the “dad that has favorites” vibe.
• Cheetor is— so annoying to me. Maybe it’s that little brother vibe but— I don’t— I can tolerate him but whenever he talks I’m just—-
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• The plot armor for the Predacons is— so fricking thick— these people could like— fall apart like Lego pieces and look absolutely destroyed upon recognition but in the next episode after taking a bath in the mason jar
I mean ahem— the restoration pools. they’re perfectly fine.
• Dinobot’s chompers and snarls: 💗💘💞💕💝💝💘💖💘💞💘💘💓💓❤️💝💞 (can’t a man appreciate some good teeth? Okay wait no that sounds creepy—)
• Also I’m most indefinitely gonna keep that headcanon in my mind, that he is most indefinitely a cannibal. HE ATE HIS CLONE?? HOW DO YOU NOT CALL THAT CANNIBALISM??
• Dinobot’s soliloquies are great to listen to. I enjoy them a lot
• Silverbolt and Arachnid’s relationship is.. iffy for me.. Along with Tigatron and Airrazor’s too, I respect those who ship it but I don’t see it— they (Airrazor and Tigatron) probably had time like— off screen to develope that relationship but ehh. Also Silverbolt’s ‘nice guy’ attitude with the “I can’t hit her she’s a lady!” rule kills me inside. Dude, this lady you’re talking about has manipulated people, kicked your comrade’s ass without hesitation, and most indefinitely has committed crimes. What. Are. You. Taking about.
• Inferno might be one of my other favorite characters, since I do find it funny how he calls Megatron, “Queen” but he’s kinda y’know *bonk bonk* in the head. Insane, is what I’m saying but I do love me some unhinged characters,
• Rattrap’s transmetal vehicle mode— his wheels— look like cola bottle caps.
Other info:
• I’m still watching it but you can come back to see if this part has changed… but yeah that’s it
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I'm watching Beast Wars again for no reason and so you all have to hear me talk about it.
If I was personally given Rights I would first use them to erase Cheetors weird crush on Blackarachnia because it literally adds nothing to the plot or the characters. Instead I'd take full advantage of my personal headcanon and make Cheetor desperately want a big sister because I am always a slut for Found Family. Like, that scene with Una ?"Aw, she wants to be you!" Like c'mon viewing him reaching out to Blackarachnia because he desperately wants some semblance of a relationship is a lot more wholesome when it isn't romantically coded. Cheetor is Lonely, so horribly lonely, and so young seeming in comparison to the rest of the cast. He hasn't lost that love for the stars or spiraled into cynicism just yet, and I would much rather explore the ways he tries to reach out to his bitter, jaded teammates. And maybe he's left wanting, maybe he gets tired of being lonely, and maybe he fucks up trying to be like them because "he tried to prove himself." And maybe that scene where Optimus, Silverbolt, and Rattrap reach out to him has a little more weight because it isn’t just Cheetor trying to be an adult, but a Cheetor that tried to be them and post Feral Cheetor has real fucking consequences and isn't just a cool upgrade.
I want that episode where Rattrap finds out they spat on Dinobot’s memory by making him into a "dishonorable" clone and goes ballistic. I want him to find the memories Dinobot stowed away and be conflicted. Is it Dinobot without the spark? Could he live with only a shade? Would Dinobot even want that? I want him to try and fail and be utterly distraught over the whole damn thing. I want him to be angry every time he sees Dinobot 2. I want Rhinox to try and fail to comfort him. I want Cheetor to sit with him, neither speaking but both knowing they're in this fucked up mess together now. CONSEQUENCES. WHERE ARE THEY. GIVE THEM TO ME.
I also just really want Blackarachnia to have closer bonds with the team??? Idk, I'm vibin well enough with her and Silverbolt but tbh I'd really just like her to have an episode where she's hanging out with someone else and Isn’t A Complete Rude Person. I think that's something I actually really vibed with in Beast Machines (although my memory there is still pretty fuzzy, I'll probably have to rewatch that to say for sure) Blackarachnia could actually work with the team in a friendly and occasionally sweet way. She was capable of a blunt and angry sort of kindness. Should that happen right away? Nah of course not, she needs to get comfy with her shiny new Dumbfuck Teammates. But there’s no real Solid Connections there other than Silverbolt, which is purely romantic. (Once again I emphasize Cheetor and Found Family)
Rhinox just needs more in general. If I had to guess the reason he was made a villain in beast machines was because he is only Meh as a Developed character after Blackarachnia shows up and takes over tech wise, not to mention rattrap is also pretty damn techy when he wants to be.(it was also probably to increase tension since his whole deal is being diplomatic but that's a separate thing) Sort of an issue when you make them scientists but don't have them specialize in anything and, more importantly, have a weakness in anything. If your character is simply the backup scientist when the other one is out of commission u gotta problem. Rhinox is stagnant personality wise, I can’t honestly say anything about him changes in the whole series. He has functionally gained nothing from this perilous journey, no real trauma, no bonds he didn't already have with the team, not even an upgrade in form. Isn’t rattrap supposed to be his best friend???? SHOW ME MORE THEN. Seriously if this show had let me have Rights I’m not saying I wouldn’t have loved if we had actually Really Dug In to a character arc or something about Rattrap and the concept of Honor vs Loyalty but that’s exactly what I’m saying lets talk about that. Season One Rattrap they played with this a little (After the whole early on “I would not send someone to do something I would not do myself” and “double agent rattrap” WHICH NO ONE WOULD EVER BELIEVE IF THAT HAPPENED ANY LATER THAN IT DID SINCE RATTRAP IS SO ANTIPRED) and the whole Dinobot thing really wedged it in (”But at least you know where he stands”) AND THEN FROM MY SHODDY MEMORIES OF BEAST MACHINES ITS PLAYED WITH EVEN MORE WHEN HE FUCKING GOES TO MEGATRON BECAUSE EVERYONE WAS BEING A LITTLE BITCH TO HIM 
Where was I going with this? uhhhhhhhhhhhhh oh yeah LISTEN Rattrap and his morals are Very Fascinating and I really wished there was more about that. Like, he gives no shits about Doing What’s Right or Being A Good Person, but he rewards friendship and loyalty and not getting him killed by miles. And despite his Hatefest Dinobot he was actually really... shocked? Offended??? about Dinobot handing over the disc because you’re an asshole but you’re also our asshole what fuckery is this did all our arguments mean nothing to you. And then attempting to join Megatron in BM because he might be Evil and it might be Bad Moral Conduct but fuck morals his teammates were being shitty friends. Is that petty of him? Maybe, but if the maximals had been evil but still genuinely kind and caring towards Rattrap I don’t believe he would ever leave for a second, not for all the Morals or Its The Right Thing To Do in the world. And that’s why darkfics that still use Found Family are the best! The End.
All the characters would actually be the size of their animals because goddamit I want a tiny Rattrap that has to be carried around by the others while he screeches indignantly. Or at the very least make him just a little smaller. Just a bit. And maybe they all have a big Sleep Pile. I like physical affection and cuddling and things no I don't care if they're robots no I don’t take criticism. Dinobot would have feathers fight me.
Optimus has died, been tortured, and painfully grew to like 3 times his size why doesn’t he have ptsd someone give him a hug.
Could we have waited for Airrazor and Tigatron to get kidnapped???? We should have gotten more for them. Let me see them more often. LISTEN THEY’RE VERY CUTE I LOVE THEM SHUT UP. 
Silverbolt is fun, but suffers from the same problem as Blackarachnia where all you really remember about them Relationship wise is the one they have with each other. Who does Silverbolt like best among the maximals, who does he like the least? And if I'm erasing that weird Cheetor crush thing then their interactions probably have a lot less tension so... what else do they have.
Depth Charge is an unrepentant asshole and I love him. He is so hostile but it doesn’t stop him from begrudgingly helping out on occasion. He also gave Optimus some backstory??? Like not as much as my greedy Character Loving hands would have wanted but GIVE ME.
Other Stuff:
Nothing will ever be as funny as Optimus being like “Evacuate the base you’re all gonna die” and Rhinox grabbing his fucking plant
Blackarachnia Craves Power 
Cheetor suffer from Bad Bondage multiple times throughout the series, but specifically during the web I remember Tarantulas leaning over him and thinking “wow this is kind of... date gone wrong vibes??? What the fuck”
Rattrap and Dinobot: *Spot each other from any distance* Miracle Hatemance has entered the chat
Why is Megatron wearing roller skates. Who did this. Why.
“Spider/Bird dog is hetero nonsense” - everyone who has to bear witness to them ever, including me the viewer
Tarantulas is completely done with any attempts to seduce him. Ever.
Airrazor tries so hard to be cool and hip oh my god she is a complete dork i love her
please be nice to Waspinator he’s trying his best
Rhinox: exists
Me: hello yes sir I love u wise mentor sir
Holy shit Dinobot’s death scene is a gut punch. Rattrap honestly is what makes this scene perfect. I have never seen him so respectful or emotional is a way that wasn’t meant for comedic relief.
That scene, man
Tigatron’s speech about bringing beast mode and robot mode together is like foreshadowing to beast machines. Or it isn’t. Idk. Would have been really nice if they, yknow,
bothered to bring up literally anything from the previous series to beast machines
 (yes its been awhile since I’ve seen Beast Machines, but I do remember that being my primary complaint.)
This series is so cheesy but Thundercats is still cheesier so its fine
Rattrap was canonically a miner at some point apparently.
The ‘Everyone is blind’ episode was always one of my favorites and it never gets old
Upon rewatching the series I have concluded Cheetor is Babey. Which is weird because I didn’t think much of him from what I remember. Shift in perspective I suppose. They really made Rhinox farting the thing that saves the day, huh. What even was season one.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh in conclusion:
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Rattrap is my new religion apparently
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nekkyousagi · 4 years
Beast Wars Transformers - Season 1 - Favorite Moments
Kind of a summary of a few of my favorite bits of episodes from the second half of the 1st season. This post is long enough, so I might do a separate one of my thoughts about the characters.
Episode 6: Power Surge - Terrorsaur is definitely the Starscream of this show. He’s an idiot...but hey, I give him credit for being the first to actually K.O. Megatron.
Episode 10: Gorilla Warfare
Really painful watching Optimus being forced into a berserker mode by some strange device.  And baby boy Cheetor being the little voice of reason in his mind, ‘please big bot, don’t give in, don’t let it take over you!’ *sobbing*
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I got a bit emotional as he went battle crazed and stormed the Predacon base. And then Megatron has the gall to mock him as he was like ‘Ooh, look what you can do with your moral compass turned off. it suits you.’ Reminded me a lot of how Megatron at the end of Armada was like...’Oh Optimus, you put on the hero act but you really do enjoy battle and killing don’t you? muahaha!’ OH IT STINGS!
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“Gorilla warfare suits you. The old Optimus would’ve never made it this far.”
And then after Optimus is rid of the device and in recovery, how super tsun Dinobot was at his bedside when he awoke. OOOH that was a cute moment!!!! Awwwww! Dinobot has a tough hide, but he really does respect Optimus and...gosh it’s adorable! He’s so TSUNDERE!!!! I kinda love him.
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Episode 12: Victory - Haha nice plan Megatron, but you are a jerk. They finally have a chance to leave and you ruin it. Also Dinobot you idiot tsun just go home with them! We’ll work out the kinks later! Who cares if your a Predacon ughhhh this stupid...! Optimus going back for him was typical good leader thing to do. But of course Megs gotta ruin things, again. I knew it was too early to be worried, since it’s only episode 12, but wow, seeing Optimus fall and get left behind was heartbreaking. Uggghhh! And Megatron appears to ruin things AGAIN but then Rhinox is like “NOT TODAY” and shoves Megatron down the hatch tube like a BOSS and then Optimus comes flying up to the rescue and STOPS THE SHIP FROM CRASHING WITH HIS BARE HANDS AND HIS ROCKET BOOSTERS, WHILE ‘NOT-SUPERMAN-THEME MUSIC’ FANFARE STARTS PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND???!!! OMG OPTIMUS ARE YOU SUPERMAN?! *I AM CRYING* XXDDD
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Episode 13: Dark Designs - So I took this as basically the Beast Wars version of a “Synthen episode”...but instead, it’s the calm and level-headed Rhinox getting reformatted into a Predacon and instead of his peace-loving self is replaced by a battle ready warrior,  and he totally trashes the Predacon base, again, LIKE A BOSS. I’m really starting to like Rhinox.  He packs a punch! Even Megatron was like...’oh, I seem to have underestimated him, yessssssss.’ Never underestimate the doctor / engineers!
Episode 14: Double Dinobot - was basically this
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Episode 15: The Spark - I had read somewhere that it was this episode where the idea of a Cybertronian “spark” first appeared. That before this, Cybertronians were either born from the pure metal of the planet or were given personalities from Vector Sigma, while their bodies were just...built. And it was interesting to see how they played out this new form of life origin. Plus, a new character, Air Razor. I was surprised...actually I’m not sure if I’ve heard of her before. But it’s nice the good guys finally get a flier...besides Optimus. Her design reminds me of Hawkgirl from the old Justice League cartoon I grew up watching.
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[ Also, I started noticing this running gag that some of the Predacon goons will get blown apart but don’t...die?! They can just be rebuilt but if one of the Maximals gets a broken joint, or disrupted energy circuits, it’s doom for them! How does this work? Or is it just a corny gag because it’s a kid’s show...???? ]
Episode 19: Call of the Wild - It was really interesting seeing the Cybertronian Maximals dealing with their beast forms. How the animal instincts were taking over their minds! But Tigatron, I love that zen loving tiger bot, he helps them to be one with their animal forms and use it to their advantage, like he learned to!
But the BEST PART in this whole episode was Megatron going on the hunt while being carried on this THRONE like a Jungle Queen?? OMG!!
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I thought Megatron in TFPrime was extra, no, THIS has to be the most EXTRA AND DRAMATIC Megatron I’ve ever seen! He is killing me!!! XDDD
Episode 20: Dark Voyage - Ok, this was another ‘Rhinox is actually a good leader’ episode, no doubt. But it was kinda upsetting to see poor baby, boy Cheetor get strangled by some giant Titanoboa, leaving his shoulder busted and then he says...’I feel cold.’ I was like, NO CHEETOR DON’T DIE, SWEET BABY! Save him!!!!! But it was a great tactic for Rhinox to remind everyone of their battle training and visualize a grid in their mind so they could target attacking fliers, even though none of them could see. Great strategy but whoo, that was too close! Let’s not risk the child anymore, my poor heart can’t take it!
Episode 21: Possession - Starscream...returns?????!!!!!! Maybe I should’ve watched the rest of G1...? I am so lost! XDD
Episode 23: Law of the Jungle - Ok, that was really sad. I think I’m really getting attached to Tigatron. (TAT) Also, Inferno is so feral with his flame throwers and his crazy laugh! Wow...he even got Terrorsaur to slip and say “The Royalty.” LOLOL This episode had a deep message and some lore thrown in. I do wonder if later on in this series, they’ll explain why, and at what point, the factions names were changed from Autobots and Decepticons to Maximals and Predacons? If they’re descendants and fight for the same reasons and motives? But gosh, it’s really depressing that the war has gone on for that long...so very, very long. Like it never, ever ended. [I’m supposing this story is in the G1 timeline, given how the spark of G1 Starscream appeared.] Tigatron made a really important point, even though ultimately he decided to keep fighting. Some really sobering lines mixed in here...hmmm!
Episode 24: Before the Storm
“Yes, my Queen!” “Ughhh, I wish he wouldn’t call me that.”
MY QUEEEEEEEN!!! Ok, this is what you guys meant about Inferno. Omg I love it tho! What a good little loyal soldier ant. *muffled snorting laughter*
A truce? What are you up to Meg?
Oh...oh god. He’s having a spa day?
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Have to look your best before conquering the universe. God, I love this Megatron. I’m crying he makes me laugh so much!
Wow...plot is happening!!!! IT’S HAPPENING!!!!! oH MY!
EPISODE 25 & 26: Other Voices - Wow, things took a nosedive for the worst. Who are these aliens, really? That projection gave me a heart attack, but it wasn’t real. Ok I know our heroes are getting out of this, there are 2 more seasons, but how?? Oh...plans align on both sides! But...BUT!!! OH NO!!! No no noooo! What a terrible cliffhanger to end the 1st season! How dare they end it like that?! I can hear all the 90s kids wailing in anguish~! Having to wait months to find out what happened?! Optimus, dear, you do have a terrible track record. What next...??? On to SEASON 2!!
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mincedliveblog · 3 years
Kingdom Ep2 
I was like “why flashback” but oohh its to establish Blackarachnia as a little liar. I see :3
Wait why did Thundercracker say to Dinobot that they caught one of his “Maximal pals” spying - how do any of the Decepticons know about Dinobot’s wavering loyalties? Did BW Megs just announce that to them upon introduction lol
Wow OP really asking the Preds to not rescue their teammate and look for the allspark first instead huh. Bold ask from someone who not only lost it in the first place but did so at the potential expense of their entire planet. Primal right to be pissed off with this guy.
The way Bumblebee has to make the appeal and only after the BW crew mentions they are the last five (six) of TWO HUNDRED GUYS... 
And then OP still only gives them a strike team. AND drops an annoying “have faith” line. Primal did you maybe wanna wail on this guy again. 
Pretty sure when Primal says “Thanks for the backup” its supposed to be read as sincere but I’m choosing to read it as annoyed at how OP was being condescending about the whole thing. The voice acting is bad enough that I can do what I want.
Okay as much as I’ve been smack talking the voice acting BW Meg’s little “yess” when yelling at Dinobot was not the worst I’ve heard. Also lol @ Dinobot being like “I’ve always been loyal to you” honey we SAW the flashback scene when you tried to talk Blackarachnia into helping you give the disk back. Do you not remember that. 
Dinobot: “I have to follow orders.” *zaps Airazor* Okay first off 1) Megatron at no point ordered you to do that. He was just zapping her for fun two minutes ago and 2) HES NOT EVEN THERE IN THE ROOM HE LEFT. NO ONE IS THERE DINOBOT. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO REASON TO DO THAT. 
BW Megs making all these anime “Uwha” noises like bruh
Okay I SWEAR im not trying to be down on the Beast Wars stuff being any different from the original considering I lit the past two series up for just copying their tf homework assignments but having BW Megs be kind of a kissass at worst and just genuinely loyal to OG Megs at best is... an interesting choice. 
Wheeljack and Rhinox working together to power the Ark back and Wheeljack being small next to Rhinox uwu
“The planet’s wildly varying terrain has been proving hard to navigate for some of us” says Arcee, while in robot mode. Girl did you even try to you know. Transform. The maximals look to be running over 3ft hills at best. I bet Elita One wouldn’t have this problem.
 Speaking of, where is she I wonder... are they going to cut back to her at any point? Missing the smartest girl in the room.
The allspark just being this floating Navi looking thing... again I’m not going to look back at the wiki but uh. Pretty sure it didn’t used to be like that.
IT BECAME MANGUS’S HEAD OKAY. Then quicksand... then Megatron is in the Nemesis’s captain’s chair and wakes up and rips the Matrix off? Okay. What am I missing. Was that a Matrix dream?
Dinobot explaining their time travel plan and its like whoosh right over my head. Its not going to make sense I’m not even going to try and make it make sense. 
Airazor [referring to Predacons vs Maximals] “It doesnt have to be binary” we stan a gender non-conforming queen
Haha jokes but really she is in a pretty traditionally feminine role... gets kidnapped... strong empathy... using emotions to sway others... I don’t actually remember hardly any of her personality from beast wars other than how she dates Tigatron so maybe its a carryover... sorry girl. 
“Starscream is a ghost” says Dinobot. Haha get it. Like G1, where he’s a ghost. Can’t believe it took this long. 
Also but where did Starscream get the cloaking he is using actually... feel like I missed that. 
Dinobot really choosing to team up with Starscream and Blackarachnia. Honey. Also unclear on how much Dinobot knows about the future and like timeline affects and whatnot... like I said I can tell the show isn’t going to get into it in a way that makes sense so I’m not gonna think too deeply about it.
Okay but the entire team just waiting outside while rattrap snuck in... and then getting captured... I gave OP shit but you know what I take some of it back. They didn’t need all those guys lol.
THE REAL ASTROTRAIN IS LIKE FOUR FEET BEHIND THE DISGUISED MIRAGE I don’t remember alot about Scorponok either but was he really that dumb? Sorry dude.
Rattrap’s button bit / the mention of the Predacon’s having the “high ground” / Arcee’s sigh as the Predacon’s came down the hill: slight chuckles for all different reasons.
Optimus busting all dramatic out of the brush to turn the tide of battle where did you even come from my dude.
ALRIGHT PRIMAL PLAYING 5D CHESS AND HAVING ORDERED AIRAZOR TO BE CAPTURED LMAO. The funniest is Prime just going “Hmmm” like you KNOW he’s thinking “fuck that was a good idea. devious. damn. wish i did that.”
Okay and now the matrix is back on Megatron’s chest... literally what was that scene where he threw it off huh? 
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firebirdtransam68 · 5 years
Transformers: Superlink References I Noticed
Most Trans-fans watch Transformers: Armada and Energon and see them as a completely different universe with little to no G1 references (and some Star Trek, Star Wars, and Pokémon references peppered into the trilogy), besides seeing them as some of the worst Transformers media; I saw Transformers: Micron Legend and Superlink that have a lot of G1 references, as well as being some of the most underrated and underappreciated Transformers media.
Superlink, especially, have many references from The Transformers: The Movie (1986) as well as parts of the original series, including Season 3, and a few callbacks from its predecessor, Micron Legend (Superlink is its sequel, after all).
The following G1 movie references I saw from Superlink include:
- The show brought back original characters from Micron Legend (including Ironhide, Sandstorm, and Shockwave), and then killed them off before even half-way into the series
- Megatron comes back as Galvatron; with not only a new body (which is a huge callout from the 1986 movie), but a different voice actor/seiyuu, as well
- Some of the original characters (especially Sandstorm, Ironhide, and Shockwave) were reformatted via Unicron’s power into completely different characters that are not as memorable
- Rodimus Prime (called Rodimus Convoy) makes an appearance, even though this Rodimus was not originally Hot Rod
- Springer (called Sprung in Superlink; which means the same thing) also makes an appearance
- A few scenes featuring Rodimus and Galvatron fighting each other is quite a big reference to the final battle in the 1986 film
- My least favorite Transformer: A Quintesson (Alpha Q)
- The animation is different than it was in Micron Legend; much like how the animation for The Transformers (1984-1987) was animated by Toei Animation, while the 1986 movie was animated by AKOM (and its style is a little different, as well)
- A completely different soundtrack specifically for the anime is used without reusing the Micron Legend soundtrack
- While songs like “The Touch,” “Dare,” and “Instruments Of Destruction” played at least once in The Transformers: The Movie, the intro and outro songs (“Taiyo no Transform” and “Calling You,” respectively) featured during certain episodes, especially in epic moments featuring fight scenes
- Not only is Kicker Jones a reference to Daniel Witwicky (a young tagalong human who is friends with the Autobots), he is also a composite character with G1 Hot Rod by behavior/attitude (he is quite impulsive, and wants his friends to not give up and fight for what is right)
- The female Transformer, Ariel, is a reference to G1 Arcee, since there was already an Arcee in Micron Legend
- There is a really fast Autobot; for Generation One, it is Blurr, and not only does he go fast, he even talks fast, as well; for Superlink, it is Wing Saber, who is quite an energetic Transformer to begin with (Episodes 26, 28, and the TV special are some well-known examples displaying his speed)
- Unicron looks a little more like his G1 counterpart than he did in Micron Legend
- Both the 1986 film and Superlink have their dark and silly moments, including beloved characters being killed off and Unicron causing destruction, and some slapstick moments regarding the Transformers
There are also some references from the original G1 TV show, as well:
- In both the G1 show and Superlink, an Autobot was killed off, and was reformatted into another, yet very similar, Autobot that is more well-known to many Trans-fans; respectively, they are Orion Pax (now Optimus Prime) and Wing Dagger (now Wing Saber); coincidently, both of their voice actors also voiced Ironhide (both Optimus Prime and Ironhide were voice by Peter Cullen in Generation One; Wing Saber and Ironhide were voiced by Koji Yusa in the original Unicron Trilogy)
- The G1 transformation sound effect is in the show!
- Many Transformers are based on their G1 counterparts, including Inferno, Wheeljack, Skyfire (almost), Omega Supreme, and Lazerwave (his G1 counterpart is called Shockwave, but since there is already a Shockwave in the Unicron Trilogy, the Decepticon’s name is Lazerwave, much like his Japanese version)
- Although they are not the same character, Superlink’s Red Alert and G1 Mirage share a very similar alt-mode, which is a blue Formula One race car
- The Shadowhawk Terrocons almost resemble G1 Lazerbeak; the Command Jaguar Terrocons resemble G1 Ravage; and the therapod Terrocons are called Dinobots (although, some may say they are a reference to Beast Wars’ Dinobot)
- The combiners made appearances in the show, including Buildron (a reference to G1 Devastator, but since there was already a Devastator in Micron Legend, the Decepticon combiner is called Buildron), Bruticus (whose individual combiners even kept their G1 names), and Superion (an Autobot combiner); there are also a few moments with Superion and Omega Supreme, as well, much like in Generation One
- One word: Energon (except, in G1, it is Energon Cubes; Superlink has Energon Stars)
However, being a Mecha anime show, Superlink also has references to other Mecha shows, including Voltron (as well as Beast King Golion and Armored Fleet Dairugger XV, due to the Grand Force (Prime Force) serving as Optimus Prime’s (or Grand Convoy) arms and legs), Gundam, and even the Brave Saga (including Brave Police J-Decker, in which I am also watching).  The Brave Saga, in particular, are referenced in Superlink, including the following:
- Once the Transformers Superlinked (combined) with one another, we see close-ups of their combining sequence, they call out their forms, strike a pose, and then the battle begins; special mention goes to Optimus Prime/Grand Convoy, with his Super Mode/Hyper Mode (with the Grand Force), Wing Convoy mode (with Wing Saber), and Omega Convoy mode (with Omega Supreme)
- While the Transformers shout, “TRANSFORM!” the Brave robots shout, “CHANGE!” once they transform into their vehicle mode or robot mode
- Both the Transformers and the Brave robots are emotive, and have had many humanized moments, as well
- Since the Transformers and the Brave robots are sentient and can talk, they also have different personalities that makes them what they are as characters
- Both Transformers and the Brave robots have a human companion who fights alongside them
- Both franchises have their awesome, funny, heartwarming, terrifying, and heartbreaking moments that makes their target audiences attached to their works
I could list more references and callbacks that I noticed in Transformers: Superlink, but I will leave it at that, and maybe you can also find references in the show, as well.
Also, as I have mentioned, I am currently watching Brave Police J-Decker, and I have completed 12 episodes, so far; the robots are very similar to Transformers, it has their awesome, funny and heartbreaking moments that motivate me even more to continue the series until the grand finale, and I already got a favorite character since Episode 1, Deckerd, the main Brave Police robot, and the main human character’s companion; and a really cool vehicle mode (also, I discovered another really underrated seiyuu, Toru Furusawa; he also made a brief appearance in Transformers, but he is mostly well-known in the Brave Saga; in fact, he is so underrated that DeviantArt does not have a single stamp or fan art based on him (at least not yet); so, for any anime and seiyuu fans, I would suggest giving this voice actor more recognition, as well).
That is all I will be saying for now.  Stay tuned for more posts.
This is FirebirdTransAm68 signing out.
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