#maybe life is abt love and friend chip
girldriveroscar · 1 month
CRACKS KNUCKLES heres some parasocial nonsense. pls dont take too serious im just being silly.
insp by @inchidentally the 814 essay GOAT… Hi.
Okyeah analyzing this video and recent posts.
So Like. oscar piastri being the normalTm guy whos still w his hs sweetheart, wears graphic tees and beat up af1s and still vacations w the guys he grew up w, who was actually kinda socialized (as well as any other well-off posh kid who’s parents could afford the luxury of fucking them off to boarding school i digress).. but like, he played pranks w the Lads and got congratulatory slaps on the back, his first crushes wer probs navigated in small talk during class and walking together in the halls? generally just a guy who balanced his social life and Career to Some relatively healthy degree so it’s not like Completely foreign to him how to talk to girls and make friends. and so he gets that building an intimate relationship w someone is mostly just hanging out, experiencing new food tgthr, new movies, walking around a new city, he just gives such a NORMAL GUY answer of a perfect date, and i think part of being socialized the way he was gave him the understanding that grandiose gestures of love kinda just come off as disingenuous. oscar jus reads as a guy whos never resorted to showboating bc his introduction to romance was just like anyone else, awkward shuffling and bonding on the weekends over pizza and homework. and even as a formula 1 RACE WINNER GUY W MONEY hiiiiii, he still has such a cute simple recipe for a perf date bc hes been through it. he knows how to court someone bc it worked and its been working!!!
then on the flip u have THE peacock tm, shirt unbuttoned so low might as well forgo it atp, lando norris whos perfect date idea is hi, (wtf.) YACHT. and sex (exhibitionist freak. sorry who said that…) like boyyyy oh my god shakes him by the shoulders u are so not normal. lando norris, who’s always ben a little comfier than his peers growing up. always out of place bc his dads pockets were Open and Ready to ensure he never had to worry about pinching pennies in a spar for some chips after class Yeah and he doesnt even know it bc thats NEVER been his life? yeaaa and add in a dash of Always being on the race track, never rly socializing w. girls or boys who weren’t in direct competition w him, turning 19 and immediately being sized up to his older hyper-masculine charming And sexy teammate. (getting carried away mb)
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lando himself explaining that having to grow up so fast and be a good boy (His words.) prevented him from finding his footing in social settings and only now being able to experience these things at 23/24?!
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i digress now also factor in his (alleged…) favorite movie is a silly romcom?! (also maybe just peacocking tho bc “girls love a guy w a soft side” and lando wld know bc he watched one movie about it…. like srsly u want me to believe the hangover and stepbrothers belong in the same category as Romcom u dont rmbr the name of okk weirdo)
so yea of course a boy who’s never passed notes to his crush in class, never asked anyone to a dance, never pulled pranks w his schoolmates, Understands intimacy thru cheesy romcoms an weekends emptying his dads wallet on flights to wtv racing event. LIKE OF COURSE he thinks romance is wtv he can mimic from A. how his dad showed him love (…$$..) and B. what the movies r saying ! (thats socially repressed twin.) AND THE GAG OF IT ALL!!!! is he thinks he is so suave so playboy, “i have sex and let me announce about it publicly in case u doubted it” when the reality of it is like? dude u are thirst-liking instagram models while oscar is Getting it every night ur such a loser omfg.
just Like. Ugh the juxtaposition of oscar whos so secure in himself in his dad shorts and ANKLE socks and lando who just grew out of his awkwardness in his early 20s and now Needs to slut himself out to make up for lost time.
(AND. the double gag is landos still so obviously not secure abt the fact he Doesnt Really Know what hes doing that every one can see it ouhmygodd lando x chernobyl levels of imposter syndrome u are so complicated and angsty U TEENAGE GIRL. holds a can of diet coke to his lips. there there girl. there there.)
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scoobysnakz · 9 months
heyy girl i think if u haven’t what abt u write a dbf miguel x reader ik i see so many but theyre so gd to read they get me so invested every time🤷🏽‍♀️
summary: you’ve just come home from college for christmas but there’s a stranger in your bedroom
a/n: dbf as in dads best friend or dad boy friend? 😭 i’d do either but for this i’ll do dads best friend bc… yh. also tysm for the request it means sm 😚😚😚 also I guess this is a fic now? Bc I kinda hate one shots bci can never cut down on lore and stuff.
You hadn’t realised how easily college had managed to seep its way into every aspect of your life, pulling you away from both your family and social life, until you came home for Christmas.
Everyone looks so different, your mum is more colourful and chirpy, your father is healthier and your brother is surprisingly mature. But what takes you most by surprise is the lack of silence that has taken them by storm. When you had come home for the summer most of your stay had been filled with an uncomfortable but unfortunately familiar silence following you around but now, you can’t shut them up.
The entirety of the drive home from the train station is full of chatter, and for once they include you. They seem so genuinely invested about you that you don't even question the randomness of their questions, ranging from the journey home and the local shops that surround your campus.
“I heard that there's one of those pretentious, hipster coffee places nearby,” your dad claims from the driver's seat, not bothering to look around at you.
“Vegan?” you offer dryly, unsure of it he knows you work there or not.
“That's it!” he clicks proudly, resulting in both you and your brother sharing a sigh.
Part of you hopes that it’s because of you; that maybe they realised how much they loved you while you were gone and now feel overjoyed at your return. There’s a feeling of doubt floating around in your mind, telling you that this is just a random occurrence, but you push it to the side, wanting to focus on the positive and unrealistic.
Your brother helps you lug your suitcase into the house claiming, ‘It’s the least I can do’ which is surreal coming from someone who hasn’t written to you the entirety of your time away. You hand him your antler clifton all the same, glad you didn't have to carry it across the drive as well as up the stairs.
The warmth from the house welcomes you in, the softness of the heated air a stark difference from the harsh bitterness from outside. The sweet smell of cinnamon and gingerbread candles lures you in so soothingly that you don't even notice the extra pair of shoes neatly paired together with the rest by the front door.
“I'll leave it here,” your brother mutters before sliding across the floorboards towards the living room on the heels of his feet- not as mature as you presumed. You smile half-heartedly with a small nod, jealous of how easily he can dismiss himself.
And suddenly you’re alone again, left to your own devices as your parents go start dinner and your brother now yelling into his mic from the living room. It hurts slightly, moments ago they were all over you, so invested in you and your life that you forgot what they're truly like. It's the way it always been and you're a fool for thinking otherwise.
You scold yourself for being so naive as to believe that they'd changed, that they weren't as self-absorbed as they used to be, before pulling yourself away from your sea of negative thoughts.
You stare at your suitcase, bright white light shining on it from the lamp hanging above your head, and decide to leave it there, too tired to carry it upstairs to your room.
The steps creak under your weight as you slouch up the stairs, one hand idly dragging across the chipped bannister. You can't count how many times your dad’s tried to repaint it, how much money he's spent on overpriced glosses and varnishes, how many hours he's spent sanding the thing down.
As you cross the landing, thick carpet dampening the sound of your steps, you the bathroom door left ajar and the soft heat emanating from it. Which is… weird because both your parents and your brother are downstairs. But you shrug it off, too fed up to care, and drag yourself over to your bedroom, head drooping downwards with fatigue.
Casually, you push your door open, expecting the room to be empty and your bed freshly made as it often is when you come home for the holidays. Except it isn't.
Soft jazz music hums throughout the room, playing from a speaker you can't quite place, and the smell of an intoxicatingly strong aftershave clings to the air. Your walls are still decorated with the wallpaper you had when you left but it's covered in various posters. Some are boring and presumably scientific based on the array of symbols, whereas others are insanely niche but you don't really put too much effort into trying to understand them- you're too distracted by the man standing in the middle of your room, half naked and dripping with water.
He's tall, intimidatingly so, but the soft dimples that form in his cheeks as he smiles down at you soothe your nerves- slightly.
“Hey,” he grins down at you, head now cocked to the side and pats his ear causing water droplets to drip onto your carpeted floor.
You blink at him, completely dumbstruck and unsure of what to do. “What the fuck?” you breathe shakily, palms clamming up as your brain desperately flickers between arousal and fear.
The man’s brow furrows at your anxious tone and his smile falters slightly. “I think I should be the one cursing here,” he jests, tone annoyingly light, “you’ve just walked into my room without knocking or anything.”
“You're room?” you scoff, arms folding across your chest. “You're the stranger here, not me.”
He grins at your attitude, those dimples presenting themselves again. “I’m offended, has it been that long since you've last seen me?” he questions, large hand splayed across his chest feigning offence.
You pause for a moment and let your gaze scan him for a moment. He looks familiar, dark slicked back hair and mahogany eyes that are simultaneously scrutinizing and sympathetic.
“A la mierda, querida, have you really forgotten me?” he teases.
And then it clicks. You feel so embarrassed now, for not recognising him. Miguel, your dad’s best friend who you haven't seen for years, is finally visiting again.
He does look different now, though. He's still tall and his face is as chiselled as ever, though there are creases in his skin from when he's smiled too often or squinted too hard at the sun, but he's bulked up a considerable amount. His biceps look bigger than your thighs, tensing and relaxing with every slight movement and shining with the shower water in the yellow light of the evening sun. In fact, his entire body is covered in muscles, and what you can see of his lower half is toned, covered in dark tufts of hair, yes, but the curvature of each muscle is still visible.
He clears his throat and you realise that you’ve been staring longer than intended, shame burning hot on your neck.
“Sorry,” you mutter, “about not recognising you.”
He shrugs off your apology, which irks you slightly but you push past it, and smile once again. “I look different, old age is catching up on me.”
That's definitely what's different.
> next
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changanomaly · 11 months
Anyways. Dundie imagines and hcs and other things that pop into my brain about them because I think about them a lot and I hope someone out there cares as much about them as I do or likes them a normal amount and would also be as interested in reading this bullet point list I've made
They're very, very queer. I am just unable to tell you in what way but they ARE trust me
Duncan fell first AND harder. Sadie admits to it first.
They're long distance but they both always try to meet up whenever possible- esp Duncan, not that Sadie doesn't try bc she does but! there was this one time in like Christmas break where Sadie got a phone call from prison and it was Duncan telling her that he fit himself in a suitcase and illegally got into her hometown but don't worry he's gonna break out (she ended up getting him out instead)
Sadie (and Katie who she brings along when she can which is often) do Duncan's nails. He's been doing them himself prior and they're chipped and gross looking and are obviously ONE COAT only which they both say is stupid if he's picking BLACK nail polish like smh
I think Sadie, while bringing out his nicer side, brings out Duncan's awkward side just as much. She swoons easily over him but she's equally as unintentionally charming as he is smooth and it catches Duncan off guard.
Duncan grew out his mohawk after the show because at some point Sadie was trying to braid it while they were hanging out in this awkward point between their like friends and their feelings blossoming. She was a bit sad that she could barely make it into a braid and he. HE REMEMBERS!! and it's only barely braidable but it made Sadie sooo happy
Duncan and Sadie both like being little spoon. THEY TAKE TURNS!!
Sadie made him a little friendship bracelet and he's like so attached to it. He made her a skull in return and AUGHH they're so cute
In terms of love language, Sadie's the type to like giving words of affirmation (she really likes expressing herself verbally, always speaks what's on her mind about him and it's often nice, makes cute nicknames) and Duncan's the type to enjoy gift-giving (he's spraypainted her so many murals in random alleyways) (they both love that abt each other btw.)
Sadie calls him various things. "Duncey" sticks, obviously, but she's tried stuff like "pumpkin" and "sweetie" which he seems to like. She calls him snookums sometimes too and he comments on how they sound old and married. She blushes, he blushes, and they stare for a bit before going back to what they're doing.
Duncan tries to respond back by calling her stuff like his "main squeeze", "sunshine" and "charmer". He also lets her call him by his middle name when they're alone. (I think it's Tate. He looks like a Tate.)
Duncan thinks it's kind of corny but sort of endearing but. They do good night and good morning texts (Sadie initiated and he thought it was adorable and they haven't stopped since)
Duncan usually just sends her pictures of his random alley murals but figured out how to send stuff over to her house and mailed her a brick that he spray painted a small mural on for her. She has it on her desk (which she thanks god can hold it).
Sadie always ends up giving him small trinkets she like to make in return. Made him a little skull pin and gave it during Christmas and he's keeps it wherever he goes even when he doesn't wear it.
Duncan tries to tease her all the time and it seldom works and she usually replies in earnest which flusters him real bad. It's so damn cute.
But when he gets her OHO he gets her GOOD. She starts blubbering about and giggling. Which still flusters him so bad.
This especially happens when they watch horror movies together. Sadie's scared of most of them and clings onto Duncan for dear life when they watch it at home and like. He thinks it's so cute aghh!!
Their future domestic life is kind of bliss. They share an apartment, have a cat and a couple lizards and spiders, maybe. Whenever it's the other's turn to cook they always hug em from behind.
Whenever they visit each other or get to meet up they always leave something with the other person by accident. Duncan has multiple of Sadie's jackets and wears them sometimes and keeps forgetting to return them. Duncan usually leaves his shirts but Sadie actually remembers to return them.
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blcssom · 1 year
some yearning/pining plots i’ve been obsessed w/ lately..... 
she’s been watching a lot of slice of life/shojo anime so i don’t wanna hear it :’ ) 
( mutuals only: PLS feel free to dm me if one calls out to u !!! literally i’m ready to read it and weep )
☼ childhood sweethearts reunited except muse a was the one in love with muse b growing up while muse b dated muse a’s best friend !!!!!! like they literally resigned themselves to being the permanent third wheel ( sounding board for both of them, couples therapist, maybe even in their wedding party depending on the muses ??? ) but now muse b and the bestie are divorced/broken up and both seeking comfort and even tho muse a is still friends with the ex they cant help but shoot their shot with muse b ???? right ????
☼ mentor x mentee ship except for the longest time its just the mentee pining while the mentor sees them as more of a kid sibling ???  but then something happens or time passes and suddenly they start to see their mentee as a ~ romantic interest ~ and are v fucked up abt it !!! and maybe the mentee has moved on or maybe they’re still pining but their mentor is as confusing as always xxx
☼ i love a raincloud x sunshine ship where the sunshine muse is positive that they’re slowly chipping away at the ice around raincloud’s heart just for the walls to go up again and discourage them but it iS actually working and lil raincloud is fighting for their LIFEEEEE
☼ ice prince(ss) who thinks they’re incapable of love and the golden retriever who sees the good in them anyway :’ ) obvi with lots of angst with the retriever trying to get them to lighten up and the ice prince(ss) trying to drive them away so they don’t get hurt !!!!!!! we love an angst of misunderstanding
☼ i’m so obsessed w/ the idea of two people who are clearly in love with each other but their pride is getting in the way so they’re trying to get the other person to admit their feelings first………………… idk it just hits y’all the psychological warfare is g o l d !!!!
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wasyago · 1 year
episode 110 spoilers
just like, random thoughts and stuff, mostly bits that i remembered
i sat down to write this i forgot everything oh my god--
in chip's flashback. the black rose pirates following the king to the big sakura tree, and arlin holding baby chip's hand. this. the cutest shit ever, i think i almost cried at the image of this big badass group of pirates and this itty bitty child led gently by his hand. even if i didn't cry before i sure will right now, baby chip you're so dear to me...
QUEEN! they didn't remember anything aughhhhh 😭😭😭😭 and their and chip's little talk about how they're going to put the pieces together :( and their hug :(
whatever drey, finn and earl are doing on the ship... like, what? hello? glad they're having fun tho lol. also wait hold on a second. how did drey answer the call? i mean, probably with his leg or something, if i had to guess. or maybe finn held it up for him. not sure if finn is at it enough to be able to answer the shell by himself, so earl and drey are the only ones who can actually use it. and seing how earl is in a... predicament. hm.
jay saying that when she looks at gillion she sees family. AUGHHHHHHHHHH AUGH AUGH OUGH jay ferin i love you. and this is so important to me not only because like hell yes they're more than friends they're a family, but also for jay of all people, considering her relationship with her blood tied family and how complicated her relationship with this word is.
also girl please do something about your leg, im begging you. the bone is visible, this shit is not going to heal up by itself. i dont know how you're still limping around this must hurt so bad. i guess adrenalin maybe, but still. at least get some bandages or something, i don't know... what is it with jay and her legs actually. she fell off a roof in edison kingdom and landed on a piece of metal that fucked up her leg, and now this.
oh my god niklaus, how could i forget about my babygirl. i mean, what can i say i love this guy. i dont know how many times ive relistened to his intro song, but definitely more than i should've... um. there was a lot of big important lore that i don't have the brain capacity to process rn.... i want to say that niki is the nameless prince and/or the thing trapped in the hole in the sea. because he can only interact with one person at a time by inviting them to his pocket dimension (even with jay it was said that the time around her stopped while she was talking with niklaus), implying that niki is trapped somewhere and this is the only constricted way he can interact with the world. and to answer chip's questions he said he wants freedom more than anything, again implying that right now he doesn't have this freedom. which makes sense, right? but then, the big bad thing was supposedly trapped thousands of years ago (i think?), but niklaus was a world famous pirate lord not so long ago and not trapped anywhere, so.....? idk im probably missing something. can't for the life of me find the moment where they read the nameless prince book so like, whatever.
that moment where jay talked to chip about how she thinks its all her fault and she should've just gave up her arm and leg. and how chip reassures her....... them 🥺🤲 kind of inspired by that post abt chip and jay i reblogged earlier, but these two talking about their emotions and feelings is so dear to me. just, being human with each other and opening up. gill is great ofc, but i feel like for these two its much easier to talk to each other to feel understood and heard. i love them.....
chip is still very much dead and probably won't be resurrected any time soon, so... hooray new undead chip design! but also oh my god my poor boy... forever 19... (also charlie and condi being surprised that chip is only 19. yeah </3) my poor guy my poor baby, he sounds so beaten and depressed in the beginning of the episode, its just breaking my heart qwq...
star and zamia <333 hehe
chip trying to marry igneous. lol. darling chill out, you just got out of one unsuccessful marriage and it didn't teach you anything, you're dead, you're only 19, you've known this guy for like, 2 days? don't get me wrong, godspeed to chip, but cmon man take him out to dinner first or something
and uhhh. the end, that's all i got
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datastate · 5 months
i can't remember if i've mentioned this here, but i've been having. thoughts abt how mr. chidouin's the one who killed qingyuè / kai's mother. maybe it's sort of an honor, in a twisted sense, that it's the godfather that's the one who puts the final nail in the coffin -- but it hardly matters. the death's covered up, dismissed, as all others have been. and that is that.
there is nothing for gashu to return to. their child is the next bargaining chip to keep him locked here under threat without needing to explicitly disclose they killed that 'chinese traitor' and could just as easily kill one with her blood...
but then - what it means later on... dredged up because mr. chidouin's always been curious, hasn't he: he wonders what kai remembers, he wonders how kai languishes, if he does at all. he wonders how much mandarin means to kai, or if he even knows he's chinese. he wants to learn about kai as his friend, but also as the killer. it's that morbid taste of it, of wanting to know what exactly he took away - or if it's he who made kai strong.
because he's proud of who kai's become, he is, as inconvenient as it may be for their assassin to end up unable and unwilling to kill anyone... that doesn't mean se's not strong. & it's just fascinating seeing that play out, seeing how kai clings to the chidouins now and directs his strength into something protective, only accepting destruction when absolutely necessary -- which, with them, provides just enough leverage to justify it. it makes mr. chidouin feel special, seeing someone as strong as kai kneel to love (a love he'd been deprived of; one only chidouin could return... still the murderer, he lifts it from qingyuè's body)
but... kai only kneels because this love isn't fake.
once gashu was convinced to let kai go, to no longer endure the dread of watching his son's tragedy unfold, mr. chidouin instead became his caretaker and embraces that proudly.
so when mr. chidouin dares to ask kai, he's forced to confront the discomfort in his own heart that he'd tucked away and refused to linger on. killing's part of the business, there's no room for regret and you won't make it far if you do, but... hearing the long unheard grief from kai's mouth. something hidden from the only person who could possibly empathize with him, and instead given to the murderer... this desperation to know who he is. it should be perfect, the perfect moment to plant that thought: you're mine. isn't that all that matters? - but it only makes kai retract. & it makes mr. chidouin's heart ache with forgotten remorse.
his mistake is forgetting the value kai weighs each life with. mr. chidouin is unable to envision a world in which that inherent value may tip the scales unfavorably for someone who discards them as pieces. oh, yes, he does acknowledge each life as important - but certain sacrifices must be made.
& yet... while he believes kai's still so naive in this way, he can't find it in himself to blame him.
mr. chidouin was freshly 20 when he pulled the trigger on qingyuè, and he then moved on to meet atsuko & sara as mrs. hiyori dealt with what remained of gashu. he was never forced to deal with the ugly end of death... but kai was exposed too early and thus detached himself. once mr. chidouin - again at fault - wears that wall down... kai realizes he has nothing to grieve, though witness to mr. chidouin's own family, the curiosity aches again to know what only his father knows. (what only mr. chidouin knows.) this desire to mourn and understand who exactly he's grieving never knowing, before he fully accepts the chidouin's as his own with nothing else to linger upon.
it takes patience - but mr. chidouin instead told him: keeping her memory is pointless. (it was nothing but a painful exercise in guilt, that's all he remembers her as before he saw reality as it was. he's saving him. he loves him).
...and when kai's eyes flicker with anger, he truly looks like his mother.
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So, Bishop gets real mad cuz our boi JY0B2 has been behaving like a maniac and refusing orders ever since he went MIA for 3 days and like, are you even aware of how much money he spent on this motherfucker? How much time he invested in turning his mind into mush?? Only for this dumbass with a NUT for a brain get all fussy all over again??? It's diving him crazy. Not happy like, at ALL. He talked back, questioned orders, and even flat out refused to obey basic commands like, I don't know, eat your fucking ration??? To avoid dying??? It was honestly embarassing, and the team had to start treating him like a wild horse.
He'd tried everything, from punishing to bargaining, but nothing seems to work. And with his brain being a nut and all, bringing up his family doesn't even have much of an effect anymore. Specially now that they're all dead. Oh yeah, that. I should talk abt that.
When Bishop FINALLY decided to send people to investigate the Hamato case, they were too late. There wasn't anyone in the locations given by subject JY0B2. And the man he claimed to be persecuting his clan told him the same story, but on the inverse so like. Who to believe. It wasn't his problem so Bishop just left it at that and washed his hands of this case. Japan was out of his jurisdiction anyways and he was already busy with America's mystic shit.
So bringing up his fam wasn't an option, and that was one of his only bargaining chips. He could try and put the hitman through mind conditioning again as a disciplinary action but. The paperwork. Ugh. Not to mention the adaptation time after that.
Meanwhile having a rat as his best friend gave human Yoshi a purpose. He saved little treats for his rodent friend whenever he got fed and told it all about what was in his mind. Which was, admitedly, not much; he was confused most of the time. But it was nice having someone to whisper sassy commentary of daily life to.
At some point human Yoshi remembered he had a soul. Well, half of it. But he still had his spirit whole! And wondered if he could give a piece of it for Yoshi the rat. Because it'd be more fun if his best friend could talk to him aside from understanding. So he did that, gave a small part of himself for the lil rodent. And it worked! He could understand its squeaks!
Yoshi the rat gaining self awareness, picture taken within the process:
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Yoshi the rat felt self awareness for the first time in his entire 1 and a half years of existence. He existed and was perceived. Wowzies. Holy shit, his human looked like crap. Grooming him would be hard work due to his size, but he was persistent. The human chuckled. They'd talk after missions, after experiments, after disciplinary sessions. Yoshi the rat was worried for his friend, so he often spied on that Bishop guy to see if he could find a way to help his human.
The guy was talking about mystic energy harnessing, and Yoshi was surprised when he understood what that meant. Huh. Curious. Well, it was bad. Meant his human would scream and cry again, maybe die, so he better get him the fuck out.
Yoshi's human was stubborn and didn't want to leave, saying that was all he knew, but Yoshi knew better. He had a family waiting for him, far deep in a forest, where sunlight was soft and air was pure. The human seemed to vaguely recall something like that, so he did as Yoshi told him and ran away. Wasn't easy with all the security, but they managed. They hid in the sewers and Yoshi was so very happy to see his family again.
They weren't like him, not since he changed, but he loved them all the same. For a while, things were good. Yoshi the rat and family brought Yoshi the human food and warmed him in cold nights and groomed him if he was too dirty. He started to remember things again, like how to use his power for something other than killing. To nurture and raise, even if it was just a bunch of rats. And day by day Yoshi remembered more bits and pieces of better days, and told those stories to his human, who in turn became more and more enthusiastic about said family. He decided he wanted to find them, to learn why he wasn't there with them.
And because of that Yoshi remembered fire and blood and loss. And he didn't tell his human about those things because he had just started to act like a person again, this would destroy him. But his efforts were in vain as the human wasn't as easy to fool anymore. He decided to go back to the EPF and demand answers, which like, horrible idea, period. But he escaped once, he could escape again right?
WRONG. Bishop got them – yes, them. He finally took notice of the little pest talking the human's shoulder and got interested. Somehow it was as if JY0B2's fragmented mind had been planted into a little creature. Instead of restarting any process of brainwashing Bishop gave the human and the rat to the scientists to figure out what the fuck happened and how to replicate it.
They tried many things, for a long time before the first and only success happened. The human felt a shift in his own soul when his powers were pushed out of little rat Yoshi, causing his small heart to stop.
Hamato Yoshi awakened in wrath, with thirst for revenge. He broke his bounds and killed everything in his sight until he found his friend. He infused everything he had into the rat.
He didn't have a family to return to, a clan to save, a reason to exist. He'd stained his hands in so much blood he would never be able to redeem himself. So he did what he did best and destroyed everything related to the organization that caused him so much pain. Just like with his clan, the destruction of the Earth Protection Force happened through fire and blood.
Unbeknownst to him, however, this rampage didn't affect only those who caused him pain, but also those who were victims very much like himself. Dr. Baxter Stockman, who had been serving as a scientist against his will in a project with a mysterious substance, was inches of completion and possible freedom (haha, he thinks. Boy was about to either get unsubscribed from life or have his contract unwillingly renewed to the EPF). Rat Yoshi's essence had been pulled out in order to be transfered into the creatures Stockman had been working with, as the ooze would amplify the natural potential of creatures and the more potential they had, more would be amplified. When Yoshi the human broke in, the carefully constructed environment got contamined and the process didn't get to finish. One of the ooze samples fell onto rat Yoshi just as Bishop, injured and hanging on by a thread, managed to shoot human Yoshi.
His soul, already broken, split into many splinters, the biggest of them claimed by the rodent, who scattered away from danger with renewed energy.
The missed shots landed on the doctor himself, on some of his experiments, and in flammable substances. An explosion was imminent, everyone had to evacuate. The rat managed to flee.
And after long days of agonizing pain as his bones and organs slowly rearranged, he was something new. He wasn't Hamato Yoshi, and wasn't Yoshi the Rat anymore.
He named himself Splinter.
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baladric · 1 day
i've had a lot of weird big developments in my, like. general Personhood in the last 6 months, but one of the deepest and quietest ones is i've stopped identifying as "a musician" or "a singer." if i'm introducing details abt my personhood now, the first thing i lay claim to is "writer" and the second (if it comes up) is "artist"—and i maybe wouldnt even notice this, except i got my current job thru a friend at my old choir job, so i was introduced to this space as A Musician. and now when i'm actually sitting to chat w a person, i mention the writing, and the art, and often receive "gosh, on top of being a musician?! you do it all!!" and i have this really striking moment of cognitive dissonance. bc god, that's not my word anymore, and god, that would shock the person that i was so deeply. bc i had hung so much of myself on that Word, right? i formed all of myself around a profession that had been hurting me deeply since the age of 8. why was i doing that? why was i clinging to it so fearfully for so long?
and sitting here just now, i realized that i was clinging to that concept of myself because i believed, really and truly, that singing was the only thing that made me valuable.
and now what? 24 years after i slapped "SINGER" on my soul and called it proof of an essential worth that should never have been in question in the first place?
now, i have a job that i was immediately and uncomplicatedly good at, where people immediately and uncomplicatedly valued me simply for being warm and curious. now, i have a collection of weird, wonderful friends who want me around even when i'm miserable, which i know bc they will say "man you are so miserable rn, come over here and be wet and pathetic on my couch and i can feed you." now!! now, it's become stunningly easy to know myself as valuable in my entirety, bc i now do so many things for so many people that have nothing to do with music—and even when i do it clumsily or unhappily, i'm still met with gratitude for trying in earnest.
and like obviously that's all huge and wonderful and astonishing, but the most joyous side effect of all rn is that this sense of inherent worth has finally, finally freed me from the paralyzing doubt i've been mired in about my own original fiction. suddenly, i'm in love with my own ideas, and with the process of refining them. i'm in love with my ever-evolving characters and the stories they're here to tell. i'm in love with my willingness to ride out the bad drafts and the dozens of rerolls for scenes that didn't go in the right direction (my scraps doc for Book is 88 pages; Book is 50). like!! for real? for real!!!! i am making things that i am so emotional about, so proud of, so challenged by, and i honestly didn't think i was capable of that at this point. i thought i'd missed the cut-off somewhere along the way. but i didn't, bc i'm here now, chipping away with whole-hearted determination.
just. im sitting here and marveling at having become, quite suddenly, a person who no longer looks at his life and says, "this experiment is unsustainable." bc i did think that. i said to myself almost daily for about 15 years, in this exact phrasing, "i am an unsustainable person." i very sincerely thought i was going to just cease to exist somewhere along the way, in a very undramatic and inevitable way. how miserable is that? how cold is that? how did i bear that for so long?
idk!!! idk, i am just so fucking proud of myself for being who i am now, and im proud of the past versions of me who gritted their teeth through three decades of grief and doubt and violence to get here, and i'm proud of the hard-won willingness to keep changing when it would have been easier in many ways to set myself in stone—and i'm proud of my fucking WRITING, jesus fucking god am i proud of it, i really really cannot wait to share this story 🥹
ok the end, if you read this i am kissing you on the mouth, and if you didn't, i am still kissing you on the mouth, only it's probably a lot more confusing for you bc you don't know why i'm doing that, anyway remember to get yr covid booster + flu shot, ily
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rottedbrainz · 1 year
So kind of random but do you have any headcannons on Janice's twin sister, or maybe any on the idea of Lips being Zoey's dad (for some reason my laptop won't let me put in question marks). Last one in particular I think is a super neat idea and I think Zoey and Lips's personalities mesh well together!
Oh! Well actually I have been doodling Janice and her sister for the pass few days and I've come up with some headcanons! Not just with them as sisters but also them being older sisters to Lips!
I will be referring to Janice's sister as S because I'm confident that she will get a name sometime in the future.
☆Soo Janice and S have a very strained relationship with one another. I imagine that , though she would never admit it, that S is a little jealous of Janice. Not of the fame; but of her friends, Floyd, and pretty much just the care free life Janice has.
☆ S has a much different life than Janice. While Janice went out and traveled, S stayed close to home for college. When Janice was risking it becoming a musician, S got a safe job. (taking over Rose's beauty business it's totally canon 👀). While Janice was out with multiple partners, S settled and started her own little family. (I've been drawing up some designs for potential kids).
☆ They were color coded twins. S being purple and Janice being yellow.
☆ They had a good relationship growing up, always trying to pull classic twin shenanigans. But just like how all sisters do ,they fight. Now I'm drawing these next few examples from my own life cause I got 3 sisters and these are all true events.
- S was taking a shower and Janice dropped in live fish bait (worms)
- S got mad at Janice one day and while Janice was laying down, S dropped a rock straight on her teeth. Causing Janice's tooth to chip.
- They lock mom out of the car and start trying to drive it.
☆ S and Janice were okay older sisters They loved Lips, but they also liked to laugh at him. I imagine whenever Lips got his lips stuck to the trumpet Janice and S laughed their asses off. But they would always make it up to him by trying to make him feel better.
Now Lips and Zoey. I don't know what made me think of the idea of just dropping a random kid into Lip's life. But I did it and honestly I thought people would have forgotten abt it by now. But let's began.
☆ So Lips has the title of a professor or some sort of doctorates since he gives lectures at universities. So I imagine that he would Zoey having a rock hyperfixation and try to help her get as much information about rocks as possible. He's egard to help her learn about things that she's passionate in.
☆ He loves watching Zoey mess with Elmos head. He thinks it's hilarious that they argue like siblings. Elmos parents aren't to keen on it though and ask Lips to stop encouraging Zoey.
☆ He likes to makes her clothes from his old baggy clothes.
☆ He loves doing activities that would be seen as girly by most. Play dress up, making bracelets, painting her nails, and letting her do his hair." Anything to make Zoey happy" is what he would say whenever anyone questioned why he'd let Zoey do it.
☆ Him and the rest of the band volunteers at Zoeys preschool as music teachers and help teach the kids instruments and music.
☆ Zoey has an old electric Mayhem t shirt that she's wears almost every night as pajamas.
☆ I'm a multi shipper whenever it comes to Lips. So I just see him as a single dad and whenever he does search for a potential partner he always says this "Look I got a daughter and she comes first. If you don't think you can handle it, then I don't think this is gonna work." And most people respect it, other people get pissed.
☆ Also this might be unrelated. But for some reason I see Yolanda and Lips as besties. So I totally see Yolanda being Zoeys God mom and baby sitting her whenever Lips needs to do something.
☆ I'm not quite sure what her relationship with the rest of the band is. All I know is her and Janice have aunt and niece dates.
This was kinda long. Was not expecting myself to have so many headcanons.
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razberrypuck · 1 year
ep 102 liveblog
jehfjegdg thank you for this intro condi
JAHSJWUDHSH "chip, I can't lie, tell him he did good out there"
chip flat out lying so hard it made grizz break character
"because the beyond section is actually navy ran" "whaaaaat D:????? noooooo!!!!"
"its government subsidized fucking mystery cave. fucking sure I guess."
"she told her no" "thanks for listening, gryffon" "no problem"
QUEEN 👏👏👏👏
"okay queen is being based right now" YEAHH YOU GET IT GILL
"can I just insight check queen" JWHWHDHAGDY
jay: I was right to be angry, right? she was kinda making me feel bad about it
gillion: you reacted more than -- MORE than fairly
chip: I have a lot of opinions, none of them matter. I'm not gonna tell you how to feel.
gill giggling at chip going "I'll show you my hidden darkness" we love visible character development he would've gotten ready to throw down if this were early campaign
"no, it's like a metaphor" "a meta for what?"
gillion quietly trying to comfort jay im not okay..............
gillion: I'm just gonna be straight with you guys, if they fucking....murked a god of the undersea or something, or disrupted the natural order of life, I might be up for a little war."
jay and chip immediately being down to join the war on the side of the undersea hello???? they weren't lying these captains really are ride or die
hey actually I want to talk abt how MUCH having gillion be their moral backbone (whether they like it or not) has changed chip and jay. I don't have the words right now but I want to talk about it. you get it.
" 'your face makes it look like a good memory' and I close her hand over the pin" GILLION TIDESTRIDER
gillion's trying so hard to bring jay comfort dude ohh my god. im so emotional over them.
"he's not evil. he's just angry." "and a dick." "and a dick."
"we've got an arlin to find" "well, I was thinking first, maybe we could... see what was going on with edyn" OH CHIP. EVERYONES BEEN GOING THROUGH FAMILY SHIT AND HE KNOWS HOW WORRIED GILLS BEEN OHH HE WANTS TO BRING GILL TO HIS SISTER CHIPPPPPPP
hes a little confused but he's got the spirit
oh chip picked up on gill changing the subject 👀
"okay. I'd like that." STOP GILLION YOU'RE GONNA KILL ME. hes forcing himself to be more open gillion I love you
drey earl stole your bestie
chip and gillion suspicious of queen
give me finn please gillion go see your grandpa
Tumblr media
"the g-paw dap is the nose squeeze" AWH
enza <333
"I dap her up as soon as she comes through the portal" "I give her a refreshing earl juice drink" "I give her a hug and I say hi" enza just join the crew fr they love you
grizz what are you doing.
"I'd like to go whaling" "gillion just looks at you until you stop having the idea" "okay nevermind I don't want to go whaling"
oh jay wants to call ollie :[
the fact that zero could see the whole fight. dude. that's kinda sick.
"did we take you to the BLOCK?????" "ollie I'm happy you're home." jsjdnsfbfj
"they call me uncle rizz ferin" JDJFJSJFHHSH DREY
"I cast protection of evil and sex on myself"
oh they really didn't think about their disguised huh
"we're the boobatross"
blonde chip with big pants, pants elemental, and jeay ferin
lionel starr, jortstorm, and gene applebottom
JULIAN!!!!!!!!!!! JULIAN MY BELOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"lionel starr has never been married he doesn't believe in it"
jahdhdhf amanda I love you
"what do you want me to say to her, I forgot I have the message spell" "move on, he's dead"
gillion head in hands
gillion's better at lying than chip?????
"they don't like you, but you get through"
gill immediately assuming edyn must be mad at him :((((
"happy low-tide to ya"
oh she hasn't come back.
oh she's letting him use her callnch........
please please please
"hiiiiiiii. it's, um... hi, edyn, it's me, gillion. um, just... wanted to give you a call. I know you might've seen the number and thought it was weird. um, but, in case you're by the phone right now and are just letting it ring out or something, 'cuz you thought it was work and are quitting, I'm just gonna scream really loud in case you're somewhere nearby -- [gillion screaming] -- in case you just hear that and you wanna run into the room and pick it up, 'cuz I know you can hear the voice message, um... okay, um, well... I just wanted to tell you that I, um, kinda sorta broke my phone, um... 'cuz I was really scared. and. I know you're okay, but I hope you're okay. um... I know you're out there doing really really big stuff... but... your little brother really misses you, especially lately. and... would give a lot to hear your voice again, um... I hope the gods bring us together soon, and... I just wanted to tell you that chip, jay, and I, and all of the other riptide pirates are sailing into the black sea, and it's, um... it's pretty dangerous stuff. I've got no doubt that we'll come back, and... sooner or later, our paths will cross, I just... I pray that it's sooner. I was... really upset. but. I think I can understand now, if you gave me a chance. And, um... I hope that this is the last message that we leave for each other. love you a medan, edyn. nope. that's nothing. love you a -- love you a m-mu-mi-gh-gu-mm- bye."
his deepest desire is still for gill to see edyn
northern sea. that's where the capital is. she's in the undersea.
"it's like if you found out your plug was a cop, but he's still your plug" I love you gillion tidestrider
"narc to narc" JAHDHWKJF GILLION
"we're the types of characters that would start making noises to comfort each other"
yooo cave song (not normal about how, once again, gillion is the one to start the song stuff)
it's a portal, not an actual gate. interesting.
the black sea is just one massive dead zone isn't it. god.
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iheartmoons · 1 year
asks for you bc i’m bored
fav food?
fav drink?
fav show?
fav subject? (i feel like i already know this one but i might be wrong so)
fav snack?
comfort food?
weirdest food you've ever eaten?
most out of character thing you've ever done?
if you could have an unlimited supply of one thing for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
any phobias?
is there anything you’d wait in line for a week to do, see, or get?
if you could name your brain, what would you name it?
where do you want to travel the most?
you don’t have to answer all of them or any at all if you don’t want to!! they’re very random lmao
you can answer privately too if you’d like <3
OMG HI i should be sleeping but this is more fun:
(strap in bc it turns out that i cant choose anything for the life of me, and i enjoy oversharing)
fav food: i cant….choose. being a basic bitch id say like chicken curry and rice bc idk 🧍‍♂️it’s good. but uhhh i love chinese food generally, like oh man. duck pancakes w the cucumbers and sauces and uh, the noodles and the pork and chicken and dumplings and bao buns (i am aware this sounds terrible to others, but i am drooling)
fav drink: ooh oreo milkshake, or if we’re talking standard drink from the shop, specifically fanta fruit twist (it’s also the colour i would dye my hair btw). my go-to is always generally water tho 🤭
fav show: i cant choose…. maybe like friday night dinner, she-ra, and strong girl bong soon
fav subject: english <3
fav snack: OH um. i love choc chip muffins or choc chip cookies tbh, also brownies!!!!
comfort food: any type of chicken curry and rice
weirdest food i’ve eaten: i really haven’t eaten anything weird. i don’t eat any red meat very often apart from pork, sooo idk. (i’m thinking meat wise here btw) i guess i’d say pig intestines - look it sounds bad, but if you think abt it, lots of people are eating all the other parts of the pig w/o thinking about it. my bro once ate crocodile at a farm once tho which was pretty wild (apparently it tastes like chicken)
most out of character thing ive ever done: see i cant really answer this because i’m just so different in diff situations or w diff people, but i honest to god think that it’s saying i love you to all my online friends. like. id never ever do that in real life. i find it extremely hard to show my emotions, it’s so awkward and uncomfy.
wallpaper: for a moment there i couldn’t decide whether u were asking abt my literal wallpaper or my phone wallpaper…. i’m still unsure… but my lock screen is reg and sirius, and my home screen is the marauders. and if ur asking abt my bedroom, i got lilac walls 🙈
if i had an unlimited supply of smth, what wld i choose: ohhhhhh oh. fuck idk. ummm money??? lmao 😭😭😭 maybe time with my cousin (she’s my fav person and she doesn’t live in the same city + she’s going to uni after next year so my chances of seeing her are slimming)
phobias: the ocean/any big body of water, death (big big emphasis on this one) and ummm like dolls and clowns- actually i’m scared of so many things, the list could go on and on
smth i’d wait in line to see/do/get: i’d wait in line for a hug from mitski tbh
if i could name my brain, what wld i name it: WHAT SORT OF QUESRIONS ARE THESE 😭😭 good lord. id name it the fucking universe. i had this thing when i was younger where i started this universe and kept building characters upon characters until there were hundreds and i knew each of their intricate storylines and id act them out and it was actually bad bc i couldn’t focus on anything else for literal years (there you go, big moons secret - not rlly a secret, i’ve said it before) so yes. there is an entire universe up in my brain probably.
where do you want to travel the most: i wanna go to the south of france + tokyo + venice, but i heard it’s not all that. my fav places that i’ve been to are vietnam and america which r two very different places and i adored them - vietnam more for the food and culture and surroundings, american more bc of family + tourist attractions + theme parks. so. maybe one of those wins.
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fantasmafanta · 8 months
twst apocalypse au
sorry gaymers i'm twstposting again
so i started a yokohama kaidashi kikou inspired (kinda) zombie apocalypse twst au. i'm currently writing it as a fanfic but i'll probs draw a bit for it too. i say its ykk inspired bc it's more "soft apocalypse" bc i love that kind of thing. (though there is some angst/intense shit for you pain lovers out there, mostly in the first chapter but it's also gonna be sprinkled throughout)
uhhh but yeah it's from epel's perspective but i kinda have everyone in it. each dorm has their own post-apocalyptic chill spot/hobby/business. i'm not gonna talk about them all here tho as i want it to be revealed in the fic. may talk abt it later tho.
i'm having trouble with deciding on ships to put in the background. the main focus is obviously their lives during the apocalypse but for some characters i think it can be used for development and for others i just think its fun.
prolly gonna have rooktrey. however, i need help deciding who i want riddle to be with. my multishipper ass is losing my mind over having to pick one. appletart (riddle/epel) would be neat but im kinda ehhhh for this one. then there's riddle/che'nya cuz he shows up later and theres a lot of intereting childhood friends -> lovers stuff there that i can play with + riddle finally being able to enjoy his company. and then maybe riddle/ruggie bc they make me happy and also i think ruggie would do a good job of pushing riddle out of his comfort zone a bit.
considering putting idia with someone cuz they're kinda learning to cope and live their life more in this but also i love the idea of them being able to be happy by themself. but also they'll have a neat dynamic with diasomnia in this so possibly malleus or silver but irdk.
but yeah, if anyone actually took the time to read my rambling here, 1: thank you for your time, 2: pls help me decide what ships to do/dynamics to work with, 3: feel free to leave me some suggestions on what u wanna see in this au, and 4: here's the link to the actual fic. the first chapter is lowkey mid but i'm very excited for the rest of it. also my chapters are kinda long (esp chapter 2 oops) so i apologize if u dont like that. but anyway chpt 2 should come out tomorrow or sunday depending on whether i'm able to work on it while at a sleepover w a friend tomorrow :3
thx again for reading also sorry to chip moots for my bs
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crispysnake · 1 year
I'm obsessed with your modern au, and I won't shut up about it.
Think about the next spring, tho. Keyleth searches all the nurseries for new plants or spends hours during one week or a weekend where Keyleth carefully plants new seeds that will hopefully germinate and give her new plants. Maybe she will enlist Vax or the rest of VM to help her.
Or maybe they all pitch in because they knew how important Keyleth's plants were to her and what it meant to her mental health, and they surprise her with a new seedling each. Keyleth names each one after the person who gave them to her, and sometimes they come over and help her care for the plant.
It doesn't replace the ones she lost, but it helps her accept the loss, especially if her friends are there to help her (it goes without saying that it also works as a metaphor for her grieving about her mom).
no cause Keyleth is So emotionally attached to these plants I was not joking. I think maybe when she moved to Emon, Korrin sent her off with packets and packets of seeds (he is the most country dad to ever happen) so she could always take care of herself. (and he gave her one of Vilyas Calla Lily plants they have been working to keep alive. it also died that winter)
The first thing she bought when she moved in was pots for her plants, for a long time the only other living thing in the apartment with her, was those plants. It always gave her something to take care of even when she was at her darkest. She used so many of those vegetables and herbs to make meals and eventually cooking and sharing those meals with friends. It was just beyond crushing to not only lose something she worked so hard on and spent so much time caring for, but it felt like losing that part of home too:/
yes yes yes that spring vm all chipped in to get the high quality seeds and sprouts for her, I think they all got a little too invested in the germinating and potting process and it became a competition of who's baby plant would sprout first. Scanlans bell peppers won. (I think they used to tease keyeth abt calling her plants her babies but also everytime grog sees her he needs to know how his baby grogs (garlic plant) are doing)
and them doing that did genuinely help her so much, you're right it did become like a metaphor for moving on, shes always going to love those little sprouts that came with her all the way to Emon and her new life but she needed to be embracing and loving the family (and plants) she has here and now.
(plus Vax got Percy's help to build a makeshift greenhouse on her balcony before the next winter. it's almost like a sunroom and it keeps all of them safe and in the sun and it did indeed make her cry)
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hirokiyuu · 2 years
thinking also abt what i was talking abt w/rho re: dyssym stuff in context w/dyssol like............ basically in some way i think for dys, sym seems more.... achievable? which is ironic bc sym is literally An Alien but also like
sym is v much like. a Trope. weird alien who shows up out of nowhere and needs You, The Awkward Protagonist With No Friends And A Chip On Your Shoulder! to help him learn about humanity, which he’s weirdly enamored with, and along the way he shows you the beauty of the world and you Fall In Love! it’s v typical alien/human romance right. there’s smth abt it i think would make like. Sense to dys. guy who reads a lot of holonovels and shit as a kid right
esp bc like..... sym Isn’t human. and for someone who feels like they aren’t really human either, doesn’t it just make more sense for him to fall for an alien? and for that alien to maybe love him in return? and its not like....... he’ll ever have to worry abt sym ever choosing the colony over him right. lmfao. sym is his Secret and his Alien Friend its soooooo
versus sol who is like...... also The Protagonist! but from a very different genre. everyone’s friend! clearly well-liked! marz might be the queen bee but sol’s the one that’s actually popular, who can get along w/anyone they meet if they try, and like...... why would someone like That ever think of someone like Dys as special is the vibe right. it doesn’t make sense
esp like later on w/wrt everything w/the colony like. dys wants to leave it so so badly and when u tell him u’ll come along hes like “dont throw it away for me, u have a whole life here” and like. he doesnt think he does. or that hes part of sols life. its sooooooo
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latejulys · 2 years
stayed up late with my new friend doing uni work and i do NOT feel tired at all
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astranva · 3 years
do you think you could ever write something abt harry getting love boners
Word Count: 951
Category: Fluff
Warning: some strong language
a/n: idk, friend but here’s my take of pure fluff vomit.
There are many scientific breakthroughs.
There are biological, astronomical, neurological, and every damn other-ocal breakthroughs to look back and fawn over.
But Harry was sure that there wasn’t any breakthrough that claimed someone’s heart gets literally bigger every time someone they love does something so fucking lovable.
That might not make sense so let him break this down; have you ever been in a place with someone you’re so in love with, and you watch them talk about something they love? Have you seen their eyes fucking twinkle like the brightest star there is? Have you ever heard them tumble over their words because they’re so excited?
To put it even simpler, have you ever gotten a love boner?
The kind of boner that didn’t include anything explicit – one you wouldn’t hide from everyone and be embarrassed by.
Because that was what Harry got every time he did as little as hear you say “I love you” back.
There you sat, talking to him about all potatoes are mashed to every stomach, with his head on your lap as you massaged his face with serum.
“So your fries? Or chips, whatever you want to call it,” you giggled, “You can taste the difference, but at the end of the day? It’s all mashed.”
Maybe to anyone else, nothing about the setting would be significant.
But your fingers were gentle on his face, taking care of him after a show, talking so gently about your most random thought to help him unwind from the fast-paced night.
If his heart couldn’t double in size, then a love boner is what he got.
“I love you.”
“So you can mash-what?”
“I love you.“
“I love you, too, silly.”
And then you giggled, and he was a goner.
It wasn’t the first time, really.
Harry got love boners quite too often now that he had a name for that feeling.
You’d be lying on bed, asleep and possibly dreaming about whatever crazy thought you always talk to him about when you wake up, but you’d subconsciously make sure any part of you touched Harry as you did; for warmth beyond temperature, for comfort beyond backaches, for shelter beyond walls.
He’d wake up, look at you and smile. Always – unless he was travelling, then he’d frown because he hated being away from you for long.
Call it whatever you want, he was in love.
The first time Harry noticed how you only slept well when you touched him was the fourth time you both slept together. Literally slept together.
The moment he was in bed, you had shifted closer to him, wrapped your arm around his waist, nuzzled your head to his side and slept in under 10 minutes after having had been awake for a hell more.
To Harry, that might have been the first time he got a love boner.
The second time he acknowledged the love boner was when you met his family.
Nerves were thrown out the window the moment you stepped inside the house, Anne and Gemma having treated you as if you had known each other for years.
“Right? They make it sound so easy!” You had exclaimed, laughing along with Anne.
“Exactly! I was telling Gem about it the other day. What do they expect us to do?”
Harry watched as you talked to the two most important women in his life, fitting like a missing jigsaw puzzle.
And he tinkled.
The third time it happened was when he woke up early one day to head over to the studio.
Sure, his heart clenched when you frowned as you slept when he got out of bed, but it did fucking cartwheels when he headed to the kitchen and found that you had prepared him lunch for his tiring day with a little note:
‘i’ll be grabbing you some pastries and salad in the afternoon! good luck today, baby. i love you :)’
There. Love fucking boner.
The fourth time it happened, you were attending one of his shows on his first tour.
You looked emotional; your eyes were tearful, your hands were clutched together, gaze set on him as he greeted the audience.
He had caught sigh of you that night, saw how focused you were on him, how you laughed at his jokes, sang along to his song, and had taken so many photos of him like one proud mom watching her kid play soccer.
He remembers strumming his guitar, eyes set on you with a smile on his face as you looked at him. He had mouthed an “I love you” and you had screamed it back with a blown kiss, and he might have melted there and then.
And it kept happening again and again; moments of when Harry couldn’t comprehend that the butterflies in his stomach, the stupid smile on his face, and complete zoning out were just him falling in love deeper and deeper with you over the most random actions you’d do, Lord forbid you hold a baby.
“Are you listening to me?”
He hummed, closing his eyes as he did before looking up at you, “Do you love me?”
You gave him a look that screamed “are you high?” and sure, he couldn’t blame you but he couldn’t blame himself either.
“Do you?” He repeated softly.
“I love you,” you replied, “So much. I wouldn’t be using my expensive serum on you if I don’t.”
He chuckled, “And I love you,” he breathed out, looking up at you from where he rested his head on your lap, “So much.”
“Where’s that coming from?” You asked with a smile.
Harry shrugged, “Was just thinking about you.”
“You’re whipped.”
“Like fucking cream, baby.”
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