#maybe knocks him TF out instead
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thydonutart · 2 years ago
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AU in which Heimdall attempts to use his sword as a sword.
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misto713 · 10 months ago
crossover idea: scumbag system vs. anastasia
SQQ successfully completed his 'suicide', LBH is devastated and clutching his corpse, SQQ makes his 'escape' into the growing mushroom body... except SQH made a liiiitle mistake:
SQQ's new body didn't take 5 years to grow, no no. It only took like a month. But, maybe due to the rush, maybe due to the fertiliser, maybe because SQQ blew up his own golden core right before his 'death'...
SQQ lost his memories during the soul transfer.
So now Shen Yuan, a freshly deceased 20-something with no System found himself in the world of his most (loved)hated novel as some random NPC. After all, not like he could recognize his new face (face being a mix of SY and SQQ), neither does he have a not-so-friendly eldritch abomination / System in his head to tell him who he is. And upon first waking, he has crawled out of soil like some knock-off zombie with no personal belongings so no hints there either.
Shen Yuan assumes he's some random rogue cultivator and starts to make a life for himself.
Luo Binghe is slowly going crazy, losing himself to his mourning, as his underlings get more and more frantic because Sad Binghe has a tendency to spread his 'sadness' around and makes the demons bloody feel his displeasure, when Sha Hualing gets a wonderful, bright idea:
If her boss misses his Shizun so much, why don't they try to find a replacement for him? One that looks just like the dearly departed old man. Oops, that didn't work. But that's ok, let's find someone who looks and acts like the Lord of Qing Jing Peak.
Discount SQQ: "Binghe, it's me! Shen Qingqiu!"
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Sha Hualing & Mobei-Jun: "..."
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And then?
Then they stumble across unsuspecting SY who wandered into the demonic planes in search of fun(dangerous) critters whose sketch and description he can add to his growing bestiary.
And man, this guy might not look exactly like Shen Qingqiu, but he acts like him. So much that even even they start to sort of believe it might be his weird reincarnation or something. Even the family name is the same!
They have to bring this guy to Emperor Luo. Maybe this guy won't get killed on spot and their boss will freaking chill for a minute.
Cue Shang Qinghua nervously biting his nails in the background and wondering why his Bro doesn't recognize him, or anyone else.
Luo Binghe, after exchanging three sentences with 'discount sqq', doesn't quite believe it's his (amnesiac) Shizun, but decides to keep him around anyway as he rides hard on nostalgia train. He can always use this guy as a teething toy and body pillow as he waits for a hint on how to get to the Holy Mausoleum to resurrect his real Shizun.
And Shen Yuan? Wonders what sort of fresh hell this is and whether he fell into some weird PIDW fanfic instead of the original because why is the blackened protagonist hugging the scum villain's corpse and why tf is he gay??
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sky-is-the-limit · 6 months ago
Saw you're accepting asks, so I'm sending this instead of going to therapy! A toxic situationship of mine is now love bombing and gaslighting me into getting back together and despite my better judgment, I'm weak and pathetic enough to be seriously considering it. How would the tf141 react? The tf can be platonic and/or unrequited feelings (readers? Cause lord knows im not loveable but thats to be unpackes another day). Sorry, I'm spiraling 🙂‍↔️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↔️🙂‍↕️
How Task Force 141 would react to you considering going back to your toxic situationship:
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Captain Price:
John would take a straightforward approach. He’d sit you down with a cup of tea, holding your hand as he tells you, ''You deserve better than this, love. Real men don’t treat women that way.'' He’d remind you of your worth, letting you know that no one with any decency would ever put you through such torment. He’d then mention, almost casually, that he had a word with your situationship earlier when he was about to knock at your door—strongly suggesting the guy won’t be bothering you again if he values his hands.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick:
The poor guy would struggle with his emotions, finding it hard to stay calm. ''Are you serious? After everything he’s done?'' He’d ask, pacing the room in frustration. He’d urge you to see that there are better men out there, men who’d do anything for you, who would kill and die to be with you—men like him. The words would slip out, revealing more than he intended but he’d be too worked up to care about holding back.
Johnny “Soap” MacTavish:
He wouldn’t hold back his anger. ''I’ll just take him out, then!'' He’d exclaim, half-joking but serious enough to make you worry. He’d rant about how the world would be better off without that guy, throwing out threats left and right. You’d have to calm him down but his reaction would make it clear just how much he cares about you and how serious he is about keeping you away from someone who doesn’t deserve you. If sweet, easygoing Johnny is this furious, maybe it's time that you listen to him.
Simon “Ghost” Riley:
Simon wouldn’t hold back. "Have you lost your damn mind?" He’d ask bluntly, not sugar-coating it. He’d lay it all out, questioning what’s left of your self-worth if you go back to that coward. His words would be rough but they’d come from a place of concern, wanting you to see the reality. He wouldn’t just stop at words, though. Later, he'd find the guy and pin him against the wall, spitting out a dark promise, "If you even think of contacting her again, I’ll send you back to your mother in a casket."
Note: You're not weak or pathetic, you're strong enough to realise that you deserve better. Don't take him back, your feelings are not a charity. Find within you the dignity and self-worth that you posses cause no man has the right to make you feel that way. Please, choose yourself for once. Picture the child you once were, they don't deserve this. One day you will be loved so much that even the though of him will make you repulse, that is, if you even remember him. He's not worth your love, you are.
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lookingforcactus · 18 days ago
Just finished Veilguard and I mostly enjoyed it but am also frustrated with the unrealized potential, and part of that is that there's just not much story there, especially compared to Inquisition.
Story not in the general sense but in the technical writerly sense of "how much actual plot is there to go through/how much change (of whatever kind) happens narratively over the course of the game.
Of course this makes sense what with the game going through development hell and having to restart several times and oh yeah being like 50 hours shorter than Inquisition...
cough but I digress
Anyway some story options (and especially choices that MEAN SOMETHING) that I would have loved to see in a world where Veilguard actually built on the games that came before it:
Solas still has agents and minions and spies. Why tf did they get rid of those. I mean that's a rhetorical question, as I assume they just didn't have TIME (or approval, cough) for that kind of complexity
Solas is not trapped in Fade prison. That just felt like a kind of heavy-handed excuse to avoid said complexity and have to write less convoluted of a plot
Elgern'an and Ghilan'nain still get out and you've still got a (wayyyy more precarious, because he's still acting in the world) enemy-of-my-enemy deal with Solas. Or maybe there's a lot of plot before you can prove to him that you're even worth having a precarious enemy-of-my-enemy deal with. That would be interesting and make it feel like "earning the respect of the Dread Wolf" is something you actually EARN and not just the result of a couple of dialogue options.
Relatedly, Cyrian is working for Solas, not Anaris. Which I think may actually be the original intent of Cyrian's character, because genius Dalish elven siblings where one is working for the Veilguard and one is working for Solas is just so much juicier and more interesting in every way than the stuff that happened with Anaris and went literally nowhere
Different plot for Varric. Actually would be a lot more narratively heavy to let Solas kill him and let the player/Rook know about it from the beginning. In order to signal "Oh shit this is serious" and to give a lot more narrative tension to the question of whether you should even try to save Solas from himself (which imho should be a big ongoing source of tension, and it's unfortunate in Veilguard that it's mostly not)
That DOESN'T mean no blood magic, though. Instead, consider: Rook didn't shed blood at the ritual site, but Neve or Harding (whoever you pick to knock down the statue with you) still did. One of the big questlines then becomes that there's a spy inside the Veilguard, because Solas is getting intel he shouldn't have, and you have to figure out who. Eventually it's revealed to be Neve or Harding acting unknowingly under blood magic, which also gives some nice consequences to making that choice at the beginning, besides "Oh one of them now has a facial scar." (This is honestly where I thought that plot was going for a while, and it would have been cool. Also lets you have some very interesting themes around Solas and control/slavery/blood magic/hypocrisy)
Speaking of spying, you should have a spymaster, even if you want to keep the core organization small to avoid spies you should still have agents and a spymaster, why in the world would you not have one given that your enemy certainly does. This opens up a lot of Plot and Story as well.
Anyway I think it would have been really cool to let players choose to recruit the Iron Bull as spymaster if he didn't betray you in Trespasser, or Leliana if she didn't become Divine. After all they're both experienced spies and even better actually know Solas which is a big tactical (and story advantage). If neither of those are available, new OC time
Also, more Dorian involvement! Dorian as another advisor in addition to Bull (if you get him, or a new OC if you don't). Also then you get Dorian/Iron Bull stuff going on if neither of them was romanced by the Inquisitor, which would be super fun. Are they extremely married or old flames or extremely divorced? Lots of fun options.
Also you SHOULD get to go to a big fancy political party in Minrathous the same way you do in Val Royeaux in Inquisition. This should be related to Dorian's plotline and also anti-slavery stuff, because holy fucking shit did the game decide to gloss over that completely. You could get a lot of story out of Dorian and the Shadow Dragons as people who actually go around freeing people from slavery and shit!! Especially given Solas's history!! Why is this not a huge theme???
Lots of blood magic at the Tevinter party, also, because blood magic should be a lot more plot-relevant imho??? Especially considering how all-encompassing/powerful we see it as in Aelia's plotline, etc.?? Maybe there's a Venatori coup to use blood magic to control the Archon. (You should also get to MEET the Archon.) Maybe Dorian or Rook/the Veilguard gets framed for using blood magic to murder a bunch of important people. Like there's a lot of possibilities.
Speaking of controlling people...the Inquisitor is still running the fight in the south, with a couple of cameos....
UNLESS you had the Inquisitor drink from the Well of Sorrows, in which case they should be forced to act as one of Solas's main lieutenants, because that would be cool and messed up as shit, and that plotline should have some consequences
Relatedly the ancient elves are still around sleeping/frozen in pockets and Solas is waking them up and recruiting them. Lets you have a cool compromise ending where Solas stops tearing down the Veil but DOES still bring back what remains of his people, into modern Thedas - a whole new world
And in terms of ancients, the Titan magic plot actually goes somewhere besides "Harding has stone powers." Maybe Solas is trying to recruit dwarves by saying he'll end the oppressive power of humans over everyone (just you know...with a lot of secret collateral damage...) and Harding has to expose him? Maybe somehow the Titans' essences/magic get weaponized to match Solas's power, in a big thematic loop of his own past misdeeds coming for him once again?
Which makes a great part of a big thematic/plotline of how, in order to get Solas to stop voluntarily (which I agree should be a possibility but think should also maybe be a bit harder to manage than I think it is in the game rn?), you have to convince him that people who aren't ancient elves are all actually still people, and that still matters, and he may have done a lot of good once in fighting the slavery and tyranny of the rest of the evanuris, but he sure is acting a lot like them right now...because he's ultimately a product of that time and culture and not nearly so different as he wants to think
There's just a lot of possibilities for all of this that would have been a lot more clever and interesting. Especially if they hadn't super nice-ified the world.
You could have an actual thematic plotline about whether Solas is kind of right and a lot of stuff should be burned down - except of course that the realm he's trying to revive wasn't actually any better, and for all he claims to admit that, he's in denial about it himself too...
Anyway yeah I'm just having that writerly feeling where the wasted potential is actually kind of painful, so I wanted to dump some thoughts. Might write fanfic about some of this at some point but idk if there would be an audience. Thanks if you bothered to read this far at all lmao
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sevs-corner · 4 months ago
Tf 141: Mafia AU! - Ch 2: Mini Epilogue
{A/N: I might make this a regular thing 'cause I love character development} Link below to the 2nd Chapter :DD
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Graves never knew he could laugh that hard.
It was like he got left hooked by that hooker again. Swift and out of nowhere- knocked him out of his knickers really. (Yes, he did wake up without it after being knocked out cold.)
It was said so nonchalantly and off-handedly like it was natural for you to assume that he was the 'boogeyman incarnate.'
He was just so amused by you blatantly and ever so confidently insulting him, right in front of his face.
He was quite surprised himself, usually- if someone had insulted him right in front of his face- a barrel would instantly be between their eyes, or a quick flip of his knife would find itself lodged right besides one of their ears-- whichever he was in the mood for really.
But you.
The glaring exception that he stumbled upon when he just wanted to do a quick smoke at his favorite spot at the bakery.
Before he even entered, he heard murmurs echoing, waking him out of his tired stupor and sobering himself up as he prepares to- potentially- make contact.
It might be that stupid cat that hates him whenever he goes to this spot, but with all the clearly pronounced non-cat like "meows-" he guesses it would be a person, playing with that ridiculously hedonistic cat. (He knows that plump white cat gets spoiled by Nonna and Nonno when they see 'em.)
So he rounds the corner, silently, steps carefully calculated with the intent of dodging anything that would make a sound.
Yet he pauses, taking a better look at you.
‘Who the hell were you?’
Why was there a stranger at his Nonna and Nonno’s place? There was no way you were a thief, judging from the looks of your outfit and how utterly careless of a job you did if you ever infiltrated this place.
Also…why a bakery? Were… you that hungry?
Maybe… he could provide a better source of income for you, instead of living the live of an unruly street rat.
Even if you were a new face, you had to know the rules of the street.
So he asks, and just like that cat- you jump and unceremoniously land on your ass. Yewouch.
He keeps the grimace to himself, keeping his guard up as you seem to…
be intimated?
by him???
What is going on.
Now, he definitely has to get your ID and papers from the border patrol at the edges of the city. There was no way that someone from this city would act like this, especially if they have been out and around.
He wanted- no... that wasn't right... needed to know who you are.
You were like an itch at the back of his head that he couldn't scratch. Whether you were a threat or not, a new person in town never bode well for the families.
His gut tells him that he discovers a new cog in this creaky old machine he call his home.
So, he follows you through the back door, but was unfortunately stopped by that dreaded cat that was waiting for to lower his guard enough to assault him from the shadows.
He definitely needs his vengeance on that cat.
Once he gets away, he slicks back his hair in a huff as he went in and watch you absent-mindedly wash your hands.
"mio figlio*!" {A/N: Italian for "my son"}
He turns and smiles, "Nonna! I miss you!" opening his arms for a hug but all the old woman did was click her tongue and cross her arms.
"I'm surprised you didn't call me old hag," she sends an unimpressed look to him who reacted sheepishly, "why are you here?"
He pouts, "'cause I missed you and Nonno obviously."
"sure," she deadpans, "you're always welcome here son."
"I know that."
She irks at his confidence and proceeded to lift her foot, aiming for him until she sees at the corner of her eye- you, washing your hands for the umpteenth time now.
Connecting the dots and seeing where her son just came from, she smirks and lowers her foot.
"So you met cara?"
He raises his brow and nods, "did you find your new housekeeper from out of town?"
Seeing as how you had the bakery's apron on, he knew that you worked here, as well as the point that you looked a little too comfortable in the well-guarded space of Nonno. (Nonno's kingdom is the kitchen and anything the light touches in that space, anything outside of it is out of his control.)
Hence he charted it up to you being affiliated to either of the hags, and since Nonna just freely strolled up to him-- he'll take his chances.
But she shrugs, making him frown.
"Just came in last night," she begins explaining, "with John and his boys."
Graves sighs, another factor he did not want to think about at the moment.
"John's friend then?"
She shook her head again, making his creases grow deeper. If you weren't related to John, then how did you get to this place? By accident? This spot is so secluded in already desolate part of town, there was no way you came here intentionally. So, he continues gathering information from Nonna.
"Poor cara bumped into Kyle and was so sick that she couldn't get up," Nonna sympathizes, "had to let her stay for the night and let Johnny take care of her 'till the morning."
"Johnny?" He asks a bit astounded, "took care of a stranger?"
She raised her brow, "you think he did it willingly?"
He lets out a short laugh, "you're right."
"She's been cleaning her hands for the 10th time now," Nonna points out, "I think she still haven't sweated the sick off."
He looks at you, and-- lo and behold, you still were, eyes clearly in a daze as you stare at the wall, hands in an endless cycle of washing and drying off.
"You still say that?" He smirks at her shrug.
"Its true."
Graves watches his Nonna turn around to leave, only to get pinched by her again after scrutinizing your hand washing technique. (A++ for thoroughness.)
"Go and snap cara out of it," she nudges his signature mug in his hand, giving his Nonna a thanking smile while she just rolled her eyes- knowing that he could handle the situation that is you.
And so he does, and your reaction is as skittish as ever, even more so than that blasted cat-- maybe he should just call you 'micia.' {A/N: Italian for cat/kitten}
Although your quips immediately erased that thought, how DARE you call him-- a what?
'a boogeyman incarnate?'
First it was a tombstone (he knows that fairly well) but this?
This is new.
And... he doesn't quite mind the light, fuzzy feeling in his chest when he got it.
A new refreshing face you are indeed, making him feel things he hasn't before.
So he tries to explain, why he was so apprehended before you left, despite the wheezes that seemed to be never ending.
He wants it to stop but it feels like he walked into a room filled with laughing gas, and it was quite... addicting.
Now he finds himself staring at you, working both the front and back of the bakery like it was a routiened thing ingrained in your brain. Maybe you waited tables before? You looked experienced, both in terms of service and communicating with customers.
He had half a mind to listen to his Nonna's rant about Nonno and the state of this place, but the other half was on you.
You with the messy hair, a food-stained apron, deep bags on your eyes, frame quite frail, hands shaken-- yet a smile stayed so bright like the sun above you in the alleyway.
Now he genuinely wonders how you found yourself here.
Were you like him? Needing a place to call home?
He hums, letting his thoughts spiral until it lands on you again. The you that snapped out of your rhythm and talked with a snark to John and his gang, quite similar in the manner that you did with him- making him grin quite a bit.
Nonna sees this and smirks, patting Graves' shoulder before standing and calling out to you.
He sees the color pop in your eyes, sparkling in wonder as you ask what Nonna wanted before it fully opens in shock at her words. He knew that the old hag likes messing with her kids.
Wanting to know what you were so shocked about, he approached the table with a smirk, a nod in greeting to the others while you were still in a panic, shakily holding onto Nonna's shoulders as you begged her for an explanation.
"Why don't you finish the lunch rush first, cara?"
So you resigned and nodded, having no choice but to comply to finish that part of the list. One ticked off, another tick to do.
As you finish that part of your shift, albeit more slowly now as fewer people entered and finished off their plates, you did a final check up and removed your apron with a relieved sigh.
Sitting with the rest, right in the middle of Suds and Nonna, as you held onto your own mug of cuppa.
You first listen in to the conversation, letting them lead the conversation as you think of ways of how to convince Nonna to give you minimum wage.
Even if it was a single bill for an hour- you'd take it. You just needed to start somewhere, and you would use this stumbled-upon-opportunity to the utmost possible way.
Once the conversation redirects to you and your situation, you took a sip and decided to explain what happened last night.
"That apartment's been run down for years..." Gaz, who you now learned was the kind man who took care of you last night, mentioned softly-- hands fidgeting above the table as he glanced at you and Price- the big boss man- nervously.
"Aye," Soap- you'd like to still call him Suds for fun- agreed with furrowed brow, "ye' said that ya friend lent it to ye' while ya' find a job 'ere?"
You nod, "that's the gist."
"Quite a ways away you are then," Price frowned, "this bakery is at the opposite end from where you need to be, hun."
You groan, sliding further down your seat- thinking of how the unlucky streak you've had has been fucking you up in more ways than Britney has 99 problems.
After a quiet moment of reprieve, you sat up again and down your shot of cuppa courageously.
"I have a proposal."
Nonna gleamed, arms crossed and an ever so present smirk on her face (just like Grieves.)
"Go on then, cara."
You inhaled and nodded, "I know I'm not in a position to ask but while I finish the list, can--"
You hesitated, knowing the heat of their gazes was crawling under your skin and making it itch, but you decided what you had to do-- whether it would to good or bad results thereon.
"-can... can I ask if its possible? Possible to get minimum.. wage.."
She perks up, and this makes you feel that you have to explain more--
"wh-what I mean is that--"
"You want to work here then?" She smiles, her voice soft, quite different from how she's talked to you so far.
You better consider her words now, thinking if it meant what it truly meant.
You nodded and she sighed in relief.
"Good," she pats your arm, "I was starting to feel guilty from how good you were working."
"So you did feel bad!" You glared at the old woman who simply laughs it off, ruffling your hair as your pouted.
"I did, but a job needs to be done."
"And I happen to be here- I know."
You both giggle and finally feel a bit more relaxed, that tension of holding onto that issue now gone quickly as soon as it was brought up.
"What if I contributed to that minimum wage?" Graves suddenly offers and you both turn to him in shock, one in confusion while the other in appreciation.
"I knew I raised you right mio figlio!"
Graves smirks, leaning back onto his chair with his hands in his pockets, "just want to pitch in to the cause."
You huffed, "I'm not a charity case...sir."
He chortles again, knowing that it was hard for you to deny the extra pay as it goes against your morals.
"No, no-" he corrects, "think of it as a son, helping his ma."
He wraps an arm around Nonna's shoulders, making her snuggle into his embrace happily while he looks to the four smugly. He knew that- with this proposal- he'd have more opportunities to... get to know you better per se.
"Then we want to help to," Price proses as well, making Graves throw him a quick pointed glare that earns him the same from the other three.
If he knew John as if he was his brother, then he knew he has a card hiding up his sleeve.
But its still to early to look into that, so he lets it happen.
You, on the other hand, were quite in a predicament of accepting it or not. You still wanted to repay both Price, Nonna, and Nonno (for lodging and food)- but it would be quite awkward if you did so through the means of their own money going back to them.
Although, from the looks of their faces, it seemed like they weren't going to stand down so you nodded- checking in with Nonna if that was alright with her and she simply grinned, an enthused reply of "yes! My sons are the best~!" coming from her.
"So," you cleared your throat, "I start today?"
Nonna thinks about it for a moment, "I don't see why not."
You internally cheer at this.
"Which means you have to know about the family business!"
The table shakes as the men stand in protest, but she pays no mind to it as your focus gets directed to her forcing eye-contact with you by grabbing both your cheeks.
"The family...business?"
"Yes!" you could hear the others scream but you could only hear the next words coming out of her mouth as she whispers...
"we're... a mafia family!"
Hearing this, the color- which is ironic as it is already colorless and pale- drains from your face, making you slump and faint in shock- brain shutting down as you.exe required a self-reboot.
Nonno enters, now pissed off at the mess and was going to ask you until his brows raised in question at his wife, carrying you by the face- was shaking your limb body awake.
Once again, you regret taking the offer of someone trying to 'un-fuck' your week.
A/N: A little long bit this time hehe (i enjoy writing Graves being one of the first charas that gets "enamored" by you, just because he sees you as an oddity in the city. He actually went to visit Nonna that day because he was so tired of his current life, that he needed a change of pace. He was thinking of helping around for a bit before exploring his options but, lo and behold, you appeared and presented a different kind of opportunity of experience he has yet to feel <//3) All of the boiyos are touch-starved and sometimes- in their moments of weakness- they ache for it hehe Thank you for reading! Next chappie will be up soon (im havin too much fun with world building this au)
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shuenkio · 7 months ago
𝐈'𝐦 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐢𝐭? | Ksn.
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Paring: Sunoo x M!reader | Genre: Smut! Very.
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Synopsis: Not only is he upset that you spend less time with him, but the fact he saw a random guy said hi to you and you flash a smile so bright. That's when his inner beast came out.
Cw: jealousy, cumming, cursing (any other else was explicit so bad, read at your own risk)
Non proof read | Eng is not my 1st language
This is a work of fanfiction, do not throw unnecessary tantrums on this nsfw/sfw blog. ©Shuenkio
𝐀𝐍: writing a bias who look like an angel was... Something. Anyway writing smut is still limited because I'm still trying, some awkward part might happen and yeah, I might cringe in the future seeing this. Enjoy reading. ( Request From anon)
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A group project from your professor made you start to spend less time with your lovely boyfriend, Sunoo. Every weekend after your class, you'd often come home at 7 p.m., which is unusual.
Sunoo finds it weird that you're coming home late these past few weeks, till he thought you'd cheated on him. However, who knows, when you went to sleep, he always checked your phone and your account in every corner to make sure you weren't doing anything out of his sight, and it's true you did not have anybody else other than him and a group chat of friends.
After that, he started to realize that you probably keep a distance from him by spending more time with your friends, almost prioritizing them over him. Which made him upset for some reason but was soon replaced by madness mixed with jealousy. You've never smiled at anyone or anybody approaching you, but for today, when coming home after finishing groceries with him, during the time he's paying, he saw a guy coming at you and said, 'hello' Not only that, he thought you'd be creeped out by a stranger's face; instead, a bright smile appeared on your face.
That's irritated him so much; when he saw that, you were changed now. At home. While he was unloading the foods into the fridge, Sunoo saw you lying on the bed as you were making a phone call with one of your friends.
He decided that he'd have to finish all the action you have been taking, throwing him into the edge, which he can't back down now; if he couldn't bang tf out of you tonight, he'd be dead.
"M/n!" The door is opened by a strong pair of arms as he knocks softly on it twice, but you can't seem to pay any attention to him or notice him behind you with your back facing him. The ignorance not only boils him more, but the heat in his body continues to grow like a chemical burn.
You should at least turn your back or respond to him; there's no way you couldn't hear, yet nothing comes out of your mouth. It's all busy chitchatting with your close buddy about nonsense things and group projects. The temperature has reached its limit. The innocent boyfriend, who was like an angel, gentle and bubbly to you, turns 360° at the spot.
His jaw tightened as his gaze was painted black. Without any warning, he closed the door slowly, locked it as he took off his shirt, left him with his sleeveless top on, and made his way behind you.
"Yeah, lol, bye, see you tomorrow." gasps escape as you feel an arm placed underneath your shorts. When you turn around, you see Sunoo completely turned on, and he looks just like he just came out of hell.
"S-sunoo! What are you doing?" Nervously asking, you were about to turn around, but his strong strength left you unmoved.
"You were such a bad boy for these past few weeks, m/n; you left me alone and spent time with your friends instead of me. A lot, no too much. Have you forgotten you have your boyfriend here, desperate for your love?" He explains with a stern tone that all he said was true; nevertheless, you try to deny the fact that you have to complete the group project.
But all the things you've said now are useless; he knows everything, and if you keep denying, there's no reason why you could be able to walk tomorrow, maybe or maybe not.
"Go on, what do you have next? Not only that, the guy I saw earlier at the store looks like a creep, but you still flash your only smile for me to him? M/n, what's this all about?" Get a hold of his control, and while his finger lingers on the entrance of your ass, circle around and attempt to slide in, but he gives you time to explain that the lie would only push more in.
"I—he that guy—he was a friend of mine; we go to the same college." sweating soaks your forehead as you try your best to make your statement. Later, you find yourself crying out in pleasure as you feel a finger slide inside of you.
"Oh really? Hm... I think I've never seen him before. If he were your friend, why have you never told me about him? Most of your friends with whom you interact are all in your contact list, but not him? I know if you did, you'd think I'd be jealous, but unfortunately, I am jealous, by my own sight!!! For now, let's see who's belong to who shall we m/n?"
The innocent is gone, the lamp in your heart making you speechless with no more words coming out to argue with the matter of fact. Ripped off your short away, as he smirked in Maniac, he had never been like this; he used to be a sugar pie gummy bear, but now? A total psycho who's probably fucking the hell out of you tonight.
"Foreplay is dumb; why not get into it, hm? I look like a beautiful cloud, baby boy, but a clout can also be a dangerous cloud when it's raining." Before you can react, a cock spring frees out of his pant, the leaking pre-cum making your dick twitch. Never in your relationship have you seen each other's private parts, but look! It's paler than your thigh. The size might be normal, but what happens if he knows how to...?
"I'm going in, boy. I'll take care of you after these hours." The dark, low chuckle gives you goosebumps, and soon enough, Sunoo slides his cock in, raw! Losing control of himself once he was inside of you. His eyes painted in wide white, listening to your whimpering sound, even turned him on to the edge.
All he wanted right now was to claim you as his. Thrusting in, wasting no more time, with both of your hands locked by him on your back in one hand, he never worked out nor did he have an abs, but he's strong, strong, tbh. The wet liquid of his pre-cum gives him smooth access to push in even deeper. The first time with you was worth it, and he knows you're low-key loving it.
"Shit, why does it feel so good?" Everyone would be moaning, whimpering, or cursing out of pleasure, yet for Sunoo, he's crying out of pleasure. Tears streaming down on his pretty face, with your countless can't-take-it huffs only to make him fasten his pace, Sunoo's balls continue to slap against your balls, mixed with the wet sound you'd often hear in a beat of music. It's so hot and aroused that your body is twirling under his touch, adjusted, and squeezing in his cock, begging for more.
"Sun—Nghuu... I feel strange, faster!!" Wiping his satisfied tears away, he then responded back with both of his hands locking, wrapped around your hip before going all in, one thrust in a first attempt, making his cock disappear suddenly.
Your jaw almost cracks when his tip reaches the most sensitive spot ever in your body, the prostate. Saliva is leaking out of your lips like hunger, as is a massive load of cum shooting out on the bed sheet. When he saw that you were cumming, a weird feeling approached him, like a string intertwined in one, a wave of jolt hitting the shaft of his before he exploded inside of your ass.
It was messy, but it just hit the spot of pleasure. The odor of stain cum began to fill the room, and both of you then collapsed on the bed while still connected with each other.
"It feels good, right, m/n?" Nod to the question as a warm smile appeared on his face. Patting your head out of cuteness.
"Good boy, we're only here once; nobody else interrupts us. You got it? Now let's restore your energy; your trembling is too much." And that is how you know: you will never leave him alone again, ever. All innocent guys are wild, and you can't change that.
"Goodnight 내사랑" 
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Ps: Some requests I might write and some I might decline just because. sometimes I feel horrible when I won't be able to do it, 🥹 surwy to some anon had asked me ><
🗣️Reblog and like is much appreciated ♥
🗣️ Please mind my English! ><
🗣️All crd pics & dividers to the owner.
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megtrns · 3 months ago
hello! i saw requests were open. :>
i feel like you would write for tf! one sentinel very well. pretty blue bastard, always draped in gold but - he does show the capability to be knocked down a peg.
a human, prized by the quintessons as "incentive".. they end up being a bit too entertaining and bring a fake prime to his knees instead.
a/n : hi robolvrr, thank you for being my first request ! thanks for putting your faith in me , i hope i won't let you down with this <3
shades of blue and shame. sentinel (tf one)/reader. (nsfw!)(mdni!)
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as much as you hate to admit it, blue is a nice look on sentinel — electric cobalt accentuated by the streaks of fluorescent gold.
he paints himself like a king, all flashy and bright. which makes him more annoying to you, someone who knows the truth beneath his tower of lies. if the quintessons hadn’t been so kind to you, showering you with riches and keeping you happy, you wouldn’t have agreed to negotiating with him. it speaks volumes on how irritating sentinel was, for the quintessons had passed him on to you, a human initially abducted to better facilitate mediation between them and organic races. and this was the first time you had actually to put in the work, considering that most of the time, the quintessons don’t try to bargain before conquering entire planets.
you had no previous interest in cybertronians. you've seen plenty of impressive alien races in your line of work, the ability to transform and stand sixty feet tall shouldn't warrant even a sliver of special interest from you. but sentinel himself is a whole different conversation: conniving, shrewd, and self-serving to the point of tyranny, those who knew him behind his curated facade feared him. but while you've seen him bask in the sight of soldiers cowering at his pedes, you knew that for sentinel, nothing comes close to the feeling of being adored.
you've seen his optics and how they gleam under the sun as he steps out of his balcony to greet his naive citizens, chassis puffed out and preening as they worship him.
often you wonder how his people would react to seeing him for who he is: this cruel, deceitful pretender full of dirty little secrets. and considering that you've become one of those secrets, it gave you a sense of thrill to know that you could easily expose him: if not for a false saviour, for the mech he becomes when he's under you.
once you've discovered just how pliable the mech is under your touch, what started as a seductive technique to secure more energon for the hive turned into a weapon. you had your suspicions, from how you'd catch him staring at your cleavage (because he thought you were too busy reading the documents in your hand) to the subtle twitch of his fingers every time you furiously curse him.
before you would always have to go the extra mile to chase him down the hallways to yell your threats at him, these days you have the titan mass displaced and writhing beneath you, mouth gagged with the tie you always make an effort to wear for 'work'. with both thighs around his waist, knees pressed against the metal berth so that your cunt remains suspended over his weeping spike, you glide two fingers past the seam of his metal plating to stroke his neck cables: once, twice. he shudders at the contact, optics fluttering shut as his hips impatiently bucked upwards. but you pulled away, dragging a needy cry out of his vocal box.
" we had a deal, sentinel," you warned, ignoring how he jerked at the feel of your fingers gliding down his midsection. " haven't i been nice to you? since you didn't keep up your end of the bargain, maybe i should just leave you like this?"
he let out a sharp whine in protest.
maybe sentinel was also your dirty little secret, because as pathetic as you find the mech, you find your heart racing whenever he eagerly gets on his knees.
sentinel was never meant to rule, he was forged to serve : eager and subservient, all ready for you. his arrogance long forgotten, buried next to his pride.
and truly, there was a certain kind of thrill seeing him like this: eagle-spread with servos chained up to the wall, arms pulled up to either side of his helm, sleek, metal legs quivering against your skin.
you think blue is a nice look on sentinel, but maybe not as nice as desperation.
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wonzzu · 3 months ago
apple of my eye ; l. chan
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genre: fluff
word count: 1.2k
rions post it note: this was purely self indulgent because after i saw a twitter post about someone talking about all of chans moles and they were all i could think about all week and this is the result of that LOL this was also supposed to be around half of the word count but i locked tf in thinking about chan in this scenario and it made me really soft
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chan doesn't struggle with his vision, he has perfect 20/20 eyesight if you will, and the optometrist will always praise him for having a clean bill of health at the end of an eye appointment. so why he currently has your glasses on his head, is a mystery to all really..
hes sat on the couch in the living room, glasses perched on his nose, and taking photos of himself in them. some photos where he's pulling silly faces, like pouting his lips out like a duck and posing with a heart against his cheek– and others where he pulls the glasses down his bridge and showcasing his jawline. the duality of man, specifically of lee chan, is astounding and hilarious to you.
and you would be enjoying this moment of cute selfie taking if the glasses chan were using weren't yours– your glasses that you needed in order to be able to see everything and not traverse your home with everything looking like blurry blobs of color everywhere.
“hey channie, have you seen my glasses by chance… i left them on my nightstand and now they're gone.” you wander into the living room and see his very blurry figure sitting on the couch… doing something you couldn’t make out.
and instead of being the very helpful, kind best friend that he swears up and down he is, he decides to pull a little prank on you.
“mmm.. no i don't think i have, im sorry. did you drop them on the floor somehow? maybe underneath the bed?” he says while stifling a giggle.
“already checked there before coming to ask you.” you groaned and went to take a seat next to chan, your hopes in finding said glasses dwindling by the second and you resign by plopping down next to him, turning your body towards him and pulling your knees up to your chest. and while you may be lacking in the eyesight department, you definitely know what your glasses look like,
“so…. why are they on your face?” you lift your head and look at chan through squinting eyes, partially to try and see his face clearer. he didn't think he would be caught so fast in his short lived attempt at pranking you, he raises his eyebrows and his eyes shift from side to side. “not sure what you’re talking about.. they definitely aren’t!”
he quickly took hold of one of the legs and slid them off his face, holding the pair of glasses behind his head and feigning innocence. you shook your head and snorted through your nose, “you aren't very convincing channie. hand them over.”
chan is not one to give up easily, especially in an attempt to recuperate a prank, “mmm, no!” he scoots down to the other side of the couch, his lips curling into a big smile and giggling as he moves over.
“hey!” you move down the couch as well, extending your arm out and grasping as far in front of you as your arm could reach, and right as your fingers graze the rims of your glasses– he lifts his arm high above his head and laughs, “i’m not making it that easy for you [name]-nie!” he elongates the end of your nickname in a cute way that you can’t help but smile at.
“come on chan, give them up!” his back knocks into the arm rest at the other end of the couch, leaving him with nowhere to go and resorting to keeping his arm as far from you as he could. you prop your arm up with the backrest of the couch and reach over his shoulder and up to his hand with your glasses in them.
in the midst of desperately trying to retrieve your glasses, you don't realize how close you had gotten to chan’s face. the tips of both your noses grazing each other slightly, and the air from laughing breezing over his cheeks and your eyes lock with one another. there’s a beat of silence between you two, the fit of giggles and creaks from the couch falling still.
chan feels the warmth coming off your body, and
the way the air coming out of your nose from your breathing tickles his skin. he notices the way your eyes trace every detail of his face and your eyelashes flutter with every blink you take. his eyes pan downwards to your lips– supple and plush. chan takes note of the way your lips twitch and the way you slip your bottom lip between your teeth as a nervous tic, the proximity between you two making your heart thump in the depths of your chest.
“-the moles you had…”
“what?” it comes out as barely a whisper, as he was too focused on taking in all your features to realize you were speaking.
“i never noticed how many moles you had, channie.”
you take your free hand and use your index finger to mark every spot.
there were the most noticeable ones: one right underneath his left eye closer to his nose, the most prominent of the moles he had. the second one being on his right cheek, an inch or two above the corners of his lips. the third one being right on the apex of his right cheekbone, eye catching and beautiful.
then, there were the moles where you really had to look: the most hidden mole being one that hugs his hairline, slightly covered by the trimmed hairs in the area but visible nonetheless. the second being one that nears his jawline, and the last being near his earlobe on the left side.
you tapped every single mole on his face, connecting them as if they were some kind of constellation unique to only chan’s soft face, like stars decorating milky skin. you let out a small giggle as you connected each mole, down, up, down again, over the bridge of his nose and to the side– tracing an invisible string between each one and ending with your hand cupping his ear, and tapping the final mole against his hairline with your thumb.
with every spot you pointed out, he felt his cheeks burn brighter and his ears heat up. this form of attention was electrifying– with eyes studying his features and every pore and sign of texture being under your scrutiny in the position the two of you were in; your arm still holding you up, his leg hugged in between the both of yours on the couch, your body being fully above his own as his back bent backwards to keep your glasses from your reach–
right– your glasses.
being too concentrated on the way your face brushed against his and the way your eyebrows furrowed together taking in everything that was chan, made him forget how you got in this position to begin with. and of course, right as he noticed–
“you let your guard down channie!” you quickly stretched your arm as far as you could and snatched your glasses from his hand, poking your tongue out at him to tease him. and honestly, he can't be too upset that his prank had fallen through, his heart was too busy trying to beat out of his chest to be concerned about it.
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trashy-tries-writing · 2 months ago
Hiii its me again 🍄 anon! And i got more ideas for Ravine writing!
Ok so what if like we have a scenario where maybe Ravine gets caught off guard, like someone unexpectedly came up from behind him(I honestly doubt that would actually happen but just for the sake if the post lets just say it happens) and Ravine's first instinct/reaction is to grab whoever's behind him and throw them over his shoulder (WWE style-) then proceeds to almost blow there head off with whatever firearm on him at the time.
If it wasn't for whoever got bodied to snap Ravine out of it there would have been a blood soak floor. When said person gets up they ask him what that was about and as per usual, Ravine says nothing but just stares at them before walking away.
I just think it would be funny seeing people like Ghost and Price get bodied/thrown around like it was nothing. And honestly seeing König get decommissioned in seconds would be hilarious! He's probably so used to being feared by everyone/being build like a fuckin truck that having someone casually just flip him would probably throw him for a loop.
Anyways thanks for listening to my dumb rambling again! Ravine always makes me feel better! This is 🍄 anon and ill see you next time!
Also Ravine could do that to me and i would fuckin thank him-
Watching Young Justice League- (or the crash course bc I can’t find full ep.) and realizing they skipped so much stuff. Maybe I should’ve started with comics instead of a TV series. Anyone have recommendations for someone who’s just getting into DC? (I already have like- a character that turns from a normal boy into a meta-human into the moon- I meAN WHAT- Too much fun with angst. I swear I try to write fluff, I swear I am. XD)
Also Spiderman??? So much angst on top of angst on top of angst- Like "Spider-man: No Way Home- WHAT DO YOU MEAN?? PETER MY CHILD OMG 😭 Fuck that I'm gonna make a character where the magic didn't work on him. Fuck u Marvel for making every Spider-man sad 😭 (Anyone wanna read that? 👀👀)
Hi hi 🍄 Anon👋, thank you so much for sharing this because I had so much fun! XD And it's not dumb I love your rambles! Let's just say that it was on a day where Ravine was thinking of the past. Problem solved😌 I hope you enjoy this and see you around 🍄 Anon👋💕 Omg same– WHAT WHO SAID THAT! Also merry christmas everybody! Hope you’re having a wonderful holiday! 💕
He didn’t mean to, he really didn’t. But that didn’t stop his reflexes from working faster than his brain. Ravine should’ve known to stay inside if he was going to be taken over with his thoughts.
Simon Ghost Riley
Ghost had been walking around the base for too long, just trying to find the giant of a man. How is it possible to not know where someone that big was? It’s not like he can hide with his size.
Or can he?
He has a feeling that Ravine can do so much more than he has already shown TF 141, and Ghost was eager to know when that would be.
Ghost blinks when he sees Ravine’s slouched body leaving the weapon room, a box under his arm with mechanical parts sticking out if and his attention stuck to the papers in his other hand.
Of course he would be working on something.
When was he not?
But Ravine was so deeply rooted inside his head, he wasn’t reading the documents or even looking at it correctly when he felt it.
Someone was behind him.
Ravine feels his skin crawl, his mind playing tricks on him and-
Ghost feels gravity leaving him as Ravine yanks him over his shoulder. With his vision upside down, a silent gasp leaves his mouth. The air gets knocked out of his lungs as he lays on the cold ground with his hand in Ravine’s tight grip, his eyes swimming.
“Argh! Ravine, it's me!”
Ravine drops everything as he falls to his knee, hands now softly brushing over Ghost as he sits up. He groans as he leans back on Ravine’s bent knee. Ravine twitches at the contact before lightly placing his hand on his hurt shoulder.
Ghost tilts his head towards Ravine’s chest, he can almost hear his heart beating out of his ribcage from guilt as he tries to catch his breath from being thrown around.
Despite the situation and the physical ache, Ghost finds Ravine’s reactions hilarious. (Don’t tell anyone that.)
Ravine doesn’t know what to do, doesn’t know where to put his other hand as it lingers around Ghost who’s clenching and unclenching his fist, testing if it’s sprained or not by the firm grip Ravine had it a few seconds ago.
Ravine wants to leave, walk away as if he didn’t just hurt his teammate because of his wild instincts.
"What was that-"
Ghost’s shoulder aches and he blinks at the hand mark slowly forming on his wrist.
“-Bloody hell…”
Ravine tenses.
Ravine lifts Ghost up with ease, a little too much ease to the latter's taste as he hurries through the mess of fallen mechanical parts and loose documents.
He calmly walks through the base, getting Gaz and Soap’s attention as they pass the lounge. Gaz’s eyes widen while the water leaks out from Soap’s gaping mouth onto his shirt.
“What- Was that- Did…???”
“Ravine carrying Ghost? Yep definitely was them.”
Price could only stare as Ravine barges into his office with Ghost looking a little too comfortable in his arms as if he could take a nap right there and then.
The captain pulls his lips into a thin line, slowly slurping from his coffee mug as he squints his eyes at them.
“Let me guess…”
“Oh boy.”
Ravine looks down at Ghost who’s leaning his head further into his chest, secretly enjoying the situation and then at Price who stares as if it’s a normal Tuesday.
Later they get told by the doctor that Ghost’s shoulder is injured due to being almost pulled out of his sockets and his wrist was now branded with Ravine’s hand for who knows how many days- weeks even.
Ravine couldn’t face Ghost for weeks- months if it wasn’t for Ghost and Price cornering him like they did the day Ghost met Ravine for the first time.
Ghost has a sense of déjà-vu.
(Sometimes brushes his hand over the purple-bluish bruise and compares his hand size with Ravines.)
John Price
It happened while they were still getting to know each other in the early days when Price found him inside that… room.
He knew he had to tread carefully with the burning man. He was like a wounded animal, cornered with nowhere to escape with his fangs bared at anything that breathed too loudly or at all.
But Price believed they had crossed over that line as Ravine didn’t react when he had to sit down in a room full of people or inside the tiny car he had to fit in to go on missions. (Price voiced out how too soon it was to send Ravine anywhere. But orders were orders.)
Ravine didn’t react to anything at all anymore. A perfect weap- soldier as Shepard liked to call him.
And so when they arrived back to base after another successful mission with Ravine making it so much easier with his fast killing and stealth, Price had only wanted to praise him for his good work.
But maybe, just maybe it wasn’t a smart idea to suddenly come up from behind him right after a tense operation-
Since Price found himself on the ground, his body having been flipped into the air like he weighed nothing as he landed with a loud ‘BANG’ echoing off the walls and on the ground.
Laswell gasped in surprise, jumping from her seat as Ravine took a step back as if realizing now what he had just done.
The gun that he had pulled out from his holster was now lowered instantly. Ravine’s body was tense, freezing still in his spot.
Price gets back on his feet, leaning slightly onto Laswell as he groans, trying to downplay the situation for Ravine.
“Shiiiiiit… You sure know how to use that strength of yours., don't you?"
Silence takes over the room before Ravine vanishes from his sight, quickly marching away from them with nothing to say. It makes Price sigh loudly.
Laswell chuckles underneath her breath. “Well that was a sight.”
“Will not happen again, so enjoy it while it lasts.” Price breathes out, hands on his hips as he bends his back forward with pain. “Damn it, I need to see the medic…I think I broke something.”
He ends up with bruised skin on his back, even fractured bones that puts him out of commission.
Price eyes the doctor, “...Well I’ll be damned.”
Price never thought that he would end up getting slammed into the ground like the enemies Ravine sometimes threw over his shoulder. Luckily for him Ravine didn’t use as much force as he did with them as they were directly knocked out of their consciousness...and then shot to death.
‘Now where is…’
It took a few months for him to finally get a real conversation with Ravine.
He shouldn’t be feeling like this, he really shouldn’t. But König continues to scream into his head, cheeks flared up with his thoughts stuck from the earlier occurrences.
König leaves the training facility, a towel draped over his shoulders as he makes his way to the showers to relax his muscles from the workout. Soon enough his stomach rumbles and he changes his mind of going back to his room to relax.
Rounding the corner, he sees Ravine staring through the window, his arms crossed over his chest, making his back muscle tense.
Feeling a little confident to try talking to the soldier who was just as tall as him, sticking out like a sore thumb in the team with… shorter people, König approaches the quiet man with a small smile.
“Hey Ravine.”
Surprised that the man didn’t react like he usually would when called, König tilts his head as he reaches a hand out.
A startled yelp escapes his lips, the world tilts and he finds himself staring at the swinging lights hanging from the ceiling. His body twitches uncomfortable and aches in pain as confusion swims in his eyes.
With his breath knocked out of him, shock taking over mentally and physically as Ravine slowly releases his steel grip, König tries to choke out something but he could only gasp. 
“…W-Was..?” -…W-What..?
Pain radiates through his left side but as König sees Ravine’s body loom over him, pressure withdrawn from his stomach and arms, and the realization that he had been so easily decommissioned in seconds, has left a new kind of warmth rushing through him.
König slowly rises to his feet, hand shooting up to rub his shoulder. The man stares confused when Ravine is now checking him over with what he guesses is worry, since there isn’t much to find out with his face covered and the silence in his throat.
“I-I’m fine, you just took me by surprise.”
Ravine brushes his fingers over the bruise forming on König’s wrist and König doesn’t know why he suddenly felt he should leave.
“Don’t worry, it’s fine. I er- I’m going to eat now. Yeah…now.”
However, with his food sitting in front of him, fork in hand, König stares silently in front of him, confusing his teammates in the dining hall and creeping others with his unblinking eyes. And just as quietly as he came he robotically goes back to his room.
That’s when he flops down on his bed, face pushed into his pillow, his face reddening when the situation with Ravine finally hits him.
Ravine had swung him over his shoulder like nothing and had pressed his knee down on his stomach, keeping him in place with his arms over his head with a grip that left handprints on him that were bruising.
König was used to being feared and manhandling others- others as in targets to eliminate- but being tossed around like a toy by someone else is-
Both were evading the other’s presence without the other’s knowledge until they were put back together for a mission.
@livinglifebesticanlol @jackiebluh @cumbermovels @agspgrwasb
I hope you enjoyed this! If anyone has any other imagine, scenarios, headcanon, etc. Feel free to send it to me, I love reading what you guys have in mind ❤️
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jimmy-j-james · 2 years ago
- M!reader x TF!141 (more so reader x Soap, platonic style)
- Proofread: Nope (Will be soon)
- Genre: Angst/Comfort (Originally wasn’t gonna be comfort, I was in an angsty mood and it shows)
- Synopsis: M!reader had to come to terms with the fact that new was better than old. Being tossed aside like an older dog when a family gets a puppy. Kicked to the curb and left alone. Of course, a certain ‘puppy’ just wanted the other’s attention and respect..
- Pt. 2
It wasn’t uncommon for people to turn back to their roots. Of course not. But.. for a whole group to regress to the mindset of a child? “Out of sight, out of mind.”, that’s what they say, right?
How stupid did he have to be to not notice? He noticed the first day it started. Soap was happily welcomed to the team, treated with such care and love despite his recent joining. And, much to his disliking, he was left alone.
No one was checking in on him anymore, instead all attention went to the new guy. ‘He wasn’t special’, he’d bitterly think, ‘I was alone too’. Not that anyone cared though, of course not, he was perfectly able to handle himself after all. Instead, they paid mind to their new young and foolish sergeant.
It didn’t end there either. His daily encounters with Ghost were stolen, being replaced with Soap. Training with Gaz? Soap was there instead of him. Smoking with Price? He was there too.
It never ended. And the breaking point, as foolish as it was, was the moment he headed to the mess hall for lunch. The teams regular booth was filled, only his spot taken by the rookie.
He knew it was childish. He could have easily dragged a seat over, but it seemed that no one noticed his lack of appearance anyways. He took it as a word from above. He was better off alone.
He didn’t need them anyways. He was perfectly fine with this new routine. Perfectly capable of fending for himself.
He started avoiding them. Removing himself from their lives as if he’d never been there. His schedules shifted, eating within his room, and locking himself away. He trained late at night to avoid others, slept during his moments of free time.
His new habits proved awful for his mind and body, but they worked. Seemingly so, no one even noticed he was gone. They lived their lives with the new guy. Replaced and forgot him with so much ease it hurt.
It felt suffocating. Knowing the people he thought of as family, felt nothing of similarity. It had him wondering so many things. Thoughts he wouldn’t wish upon his greatest enemies.
It never ended. And irregular habits went to unhealthy in a matter of days. He stopped eating as much. Barely slept. Trained until failure in all aspects.
He took everything out on himself. A shell of a man that used to be. It got to the point that he was without care. Life didn’t seem to matter in the case of ‘life or death’.
In his eyes, death had never seemed so welcoming. Like the arms of a loving parent. Coaxing the words of admiration in a tempting manner.
In a blind sighted manner, he craved the release his demise promised. The satisfaction of feeling wanted, no matter what called upon him.
Perhaps, this is the fate he was meant for? He proved his worth, and was denied any sense of reward. But maybe, maybe death was rewarding enough.
Awaiting his chance of freedom, he lied on his bedroom floor. His phone lied idly, playing music he chose to ignore over his own taunting beliefs.
“Sergeant (l/n)?” That voice, one he’s grown to mindlessly hate, calls through the door. It’s followed by a hesitant knock. “Team’s goin’ out drinkin’, thought ya would wanna come..”
It’s clear by his tone that he’s hesitant, or at most anxious. Likely forced down here by the pity of the other’s.
Perhaps if he remained silent the Scotsman would leave him alone. Lowering the volume of his phone and keeping quiet.
“I.. I know yer in there, if it’s worth anythin’ to ya..” The moment is awkward, but he refuses to give up his moments of peace for a pity party. “Ya don’t have to.. just thought it might be awfully lonely in there.”
“Rather not.” He doesn’t even remember allowing himself to speak, body against mind as he shuffles up to sit.
“Oh..” Another awkward minute of silence. “Is it ‘cause o’ me? I didn’t mean to upset you, however I did so..”
“Don’t you have a ‘party’ to get to?” His tone is bitter in reply, though his truth is sorrowful.
“Ay… can I,” He pauses to hesitate “can I come in?”
The man pauses his self pitying, turning to face the door behind himself. He’s sure the boy would have left by now, though he’s proven determined.
Soap feels awkward, shifting weight between legs as he stands on the other side. The door opens, slowly, but surely, revealing the mess of a man before him.
It’s hard to hide his grimace, scanning over his mutual sergeant with concern. He’s thinner, and paler, with heavy bags beneath his eyes. No expression is shown on his face. A hollow show of what used to be.
“You…” Soap cuts himself before he can speak, though it’s clear the other understood.
A frown tugs lightly at his lips, biting against the skin of his cheek as he avoids the Scots eyes. “Yeah.. whatever…”
“Do.. do ya want to watch a movie?” The request is simple, but proves to be shocking as the other snaps his eyes to Soap’s.
“Aren’t you meant to be drinking tonight?” He muses, expecting the sergeant to remember and run along.
Instead, Soap pushes his way into the room and breathily chuckles. “They ‘on’t need me.” He replies, taking a seat on the messy bed.
There’s a smile on his face as he watches Soap, whether he knows it or not, he’s happy. For once more in his life, he feels wanted. Soap chose his presence over the team’s.
“Can.. can we watch Ratatouille? It’s dumb.. but I always watch it when ‘m upset..” He’d mutter, shutting the door before dropping himself down on the bed.
Soap’s smile grows soft, something he’d yet to seen in the boisterous Scot. “O’ course we can. I’ll get us some snacks, fancy anything specific?”
“Anything works..” He mumbles softly, rubbing against tired eyes as he sets up the movie on his laptop. Soap nods, leaving for the commons room before returning.
Within his arms he carried varieties between chips, candies, and beverages. A goofy smile on his face as he sits himself back beside the other.
With the movie started, and a share of snacks between them, he grows rather exhausted. His eyelids droop and his attention shifts blank. Without thought his head drops against Soap’s shoulder.
The Scot welcomes the other, smiling softly as he shifts them both to lie more comfortably. He was glad. Glad to see that his newly favourited comrade was growing relaxed in his presence.
Like a new puppy and an older dog. Soap worked to grow close to the man he looked up to, and the other worked to better accept the Scot’s company. But, despite their differences, they grew to form a pack, in a sense.
© Copyright @jimmy-j-james, 2023
All rights reserved
do not copy/paste, claim as your own, post on different sites, or translate without prior consent from me
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fabricated-misslieness · 2 years ago
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: earth 42 miles morales x spider gn reader
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ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: the prowler and the spider had an infamous rivalry—the prowler was always improving, and the spider refused to die.
ᴀɴᴏɴ: Earth42! Miles had a s/o who was bitten by a spider as well (maybe just an AU where 1116 Miles didn’t get bitten by the spider or there was another one) and they are both rivals under the masks but literally love eachother without them bc they don’t know each other’s identity?? And some angsty if they were in battle and he was beating them tf up and literally about to kill them and removes the mask and MORE ANGST AHH.
ʀᴇ𝐐: yes ~ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1.4k ~ alternate universe (within alternate universe) where the reader is bit instead of earth 1610 or earth 42 miles
part 2 (crackfic)
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: swearing, violence, blood, near death experience
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ᴍᴀʏʙ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: we had so little of earth 42 miles so personally i dont like him yet but the request is good
You had to hand it to him, he was good. He brought a new little gadget each time to take advantage of one of your weaknesses, which thankfully allowed you to discover them yourself and patch them up; but that didn't take away from the fact that he was inventing these little things so quick, or that he was noticing your mistakes.
The Prowler delights himself in your shocked little eye goggles when you punch him with your powers and it doesn't affect him, "D'ya like that? Can't use your little electricity powers on me anymore."
"Personally, I call it Venom, but I suppose," You pull back, regaining your bearings, cracking your knuckles, "it's too much to ask for a little respect."
"Getting tired?" Prowler closes the distance between you easily with his physics defying boots.
"Not at all." You press yourself onto the wall behind you, climbing on with your hands and feet to prepare for an attack. "Just caught me at the end of my shift, 's all."
You ignore the little comment and aim up to shoot a web towards the ceiling, but then... click. Fuck, you were out of web fluid. He really was paying close attention to you.
You push yourself off the wall instead, diving towards him to topple him over. He dodges with his boots, leaving you to stumble onto the ground. He brings an empowered punch down while you're off your feet, but you roll over to the side, onto your back to dodge.
The ground beside you shatters as his punch lands, incredibly loud. Your ears ring as you hop back onto your feet.
"What's next? Lasers? Cat machine guns?"
"Cat machine guns?" The Prowler laughs, standing straight again. "What are you, nine?"
"Are you not nine? I thought we were the same age." You punch, but he blocks it with his sturdy gauntlets. You hop back before he can counter.
"Oh, you definitely did not." He lunges forward, aiming a punch to your head, but you dodge under and sweep his feet. He falls harshly onto his back, leaving him stunned for a second. You try to take advantage of it, but as you pull back your arm for a punch, your spider-sense warns you of something from behind.
You dodge to the side. As you regain your ground, your feet slip and you fall against the wall. For a moment, as the both of you focus up, you look around the room. What triggered your spider-sense? There was nothing or no one here, no one except for the Prowler.
Speaking of, he stands, clutching his head with one hand; and he's laughing.
"That was one of your tricks, wasn't it?"
Your powers allow you to regain your composure much faster and you take the opportunity to punch him.
The Prowler falters, taking a few steps back but keeping himself on his feet, "You punch like a baby."
"I don't want to kill you." You reason.
"Kill me?" He laughs, "With what, kindness?"
As he stabilizes himself, something else triggers your Spider-sense, and you dodge at nothing again. Another comes from behind and you stumble forward, right into his range. The Prowler punches, and it connects.
"What's up with that, anyway?" The punch knocks you back against the wall and you climb up desperately out of his reach. "You never kill. I always come back."
"It's my one rule."
"No one's asking you to keep it."
Another thing triggers your Spider-sense, then another, different directions, you can't keep up with them at the same time. Trapped in a corner, you let out a burst of Venom to try to decimate them before they can even reach you.
"What a pathetic little Spider."
The Prowler swings up, allowing his gauntlet to burst out with its usual mechanical power... and your Venom. The shock brings you to the ground, where you writhe in its cold tile with a searing pain and aftershocks of electricity. You're pretty sure you broke something–or pulled something, you really can't tell.
"Reusing my Venom?" You snicker with the last energy you have, "Running out of ideas, Prowler?"
"A blabbermouth 'till the end." You can hear the humor in his voice as he brings a punch down.
His hands stays there, atop your head, his other one pins your shoulder to the ground. So this was it.
"I don't suppose," You wheeze out, "my rule applies to you?"
He ignores that comment, staring down at you. The mask tore in the area of one of your eyes.
His mask was always ruthless. It resembled a gas mask, preparing for the worse, but it also projected an image: his narrowed, emotionless eyes. To top it all off, he almost seemed to have the horns of a devil.
"You have nice eyes."
He was about to kill you and he was cracking jokes... he was about to kill you, and you never got to say goodbye to Miles.
"I wonder what you look like." He grabs a hold of your mask harshly with his gauntlet, "Did you ever wonder what I looked like?" and he pulls.
Now, without the mask in the way, you spit blood onto the tiled ground.
Suddenly, he seizes up, like he's frozen in place.
"Don't you think you're dragging this out?"
The Prowler lets go. He falls to his knees beside you, beginning to sob. He gathers you in his arms like you're glass, like he wasn't so hellbent on stopping your heartbeat just a few seconds ago.
Powerless, you simply rest in his arms. "This is a change, isn't it?"
"God, where do you find the strength?" He questions, chuckling a dry laugh. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
"A lot of coffee, let's say."
"Shut up."
The mask on his face disassembles itself, and–oh.
"I'm so fucking sorry." He buries his head into the crook of your weak neck. His sobs make you feel the need to protect him, to kiss the tears that stain his face away, but you can barely move.
You can still, however, heave a sigh of relief. "Look, I'm not dead yet." Though your mouth was lathered in disgusting coppery blood. "Surely my little genius can carry me to safety?"
"Yes." He stands, shell shocked, with you in your arms. You felt so light, so weak, and it was all because of him. "I'm–"
You bring a weak hand to cup his jaw, the highest you could bring it. You can feel the wet tears gathered there. "You can be sorry later."
You examine yourself in the mirror of the Morales apartment–thank that little spider that you've got healing powers–when you hear the front door open, meaning Miles is back with some first aid shit. "Miles, how am I supposed to explain this to my aunt?!" You call.
Miles stumbles towards the bathroom, the rustle of the plastic bag accompanying his footsteps.
He didn't know how you were so quick to forgive all the injuries he'd given you, all the harm he'd caused. He didn't know how you weren't screaming at him, how you didn't want to kill him. He had done you wrong so many times and you weren't even angry.
But when he stops in the bathroom doorway and you turn to him, he sees the look in your eyes. It's the same as always, full of love for him, appreciation for him; like everything good in the world was embodied in him.
New scars were forming on your face, the same that littered his body, the telltale scars of being struck by lightning. "I guess we match now."
He stares down at the rolled up sleeves of his hoodie. He'd never shown them to you, the very scars you caused him unknowingly. They were like lightning up his arms and his legs and his torso, only missing on his face. He was a dangerous storm, and you had dared to love him.
"I love you." He drops the bag and brings you in his arms again.
Your knees give in, for you were still weak, but he had you. He was there to support you, to keep you up. "I love you too."
"I'm sorry." He says again.
"I know." You reply simply. "...you are what keeps me going, by the way. You're the reason I find strength even in the worst of times."
"Te amo, te amo, te amo..." Miles whispers over and over again. (I love you.)
He didn't need to question why you weren't angry with him, so long as you loved him.
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scribble-dribble-writes · 2 years ago
omg hi. this is one of those requests for when miguel gets home from work n is just exhausted from overworking himself but he just can’t sleep and needs ALLLL of your affection in order for him to relax and put all the problems in the world aside and just focus in you and only you💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 but not the one where he just gets home to “fuck his stress away” i don’t really like those they’re boring bc he used u n then he knocks tf out😞😞😞💔💔.
if u do this i love you 2939950382728205 and hope you eat good tonight🫦🫦🫦.
Hahaha thank you for this request! Hope you like it!!
Am I 2939950382728205 loveable now?
Paraíso secreto
Pairing: Miguel o'hara x female reader
Word count: 2800
Warnings: none, sensual tension
You had cleaned up the kitchen, did away the dishes and finally tucked yourself within your blanket to sink back into the cushions of your couch. The television light was all that illuminated the room as you browsed through movies instead of catching up with your favorite shows, because that had to wait till the weekend, upon strict orders from your husband.
It was his sacred routine, to watch them with you and you didn’t want to break his heart by watching them alone. He had been away for a few weeks and it was well accustomed to have such nights with the nature of his work. You didn’t mind when he got busy, you worked around it and kept yourself occupied but sometimes it would catch when you weren’t noticing.
The longing, the solitary routine making you want to run to that phone and call him home.
The movie tiles kept moving and yet nothing seemed interesting. You wanted to hear him say your name. Sighing you tilted your head up, the ceiling looked just as vacant as you were feeling. Your phone lit up next to you, you turned to it instantly, hoping for a message from him. That he was coming home but it was only a notification for tomorrow’s weather.
Cloudy with a high chance of rain.
Great, you thought. Another day with depressing weather that you longed for the sun to come out again.
Where was the warming sun when you needed it?
Where was he when you wanted him?
You stayed up late in the hope that he would return, atleast today but as the clock ticked away into midnight hours, it was clear that you were going to have to make your way to a cold empty bed. But the phone shone in your hand, your finger itching to click on the number with his name on it.
You hovered over it bringing to your senses the warmth of his body, the scent on his skin, the soft touch of his fingers and the velvet brown of his eyes. All of it making you miss him more. Maybe you could ring him just to say that. Maybe you could ring him and he would appear at your front door. But you didn’t. You had signed up for this, the lonely nights and his schedules.
Just as you were about to get up to grab a late night snack, the door beeped open. You froze, the surprise of hearing the sound of his footsteps down the hallway made this moment feel like a dream. And then he called your name, his voice ridden with sleep and his soul tired of having been away.
“In here.”, you responded to him, scared that if you went out to him, he might disappear and all this would turn into a mirage, one of your own mind’s doing.
But he appeared in front of you, his eyes dilating at the sight of you. The tension from his shoulders escaped as he took in a deep breath.
“dios mío, te he extrañado.”, he exhaled and with it walked towards you, to trap you in his arms as he crawled over you. Now unable to move away, he lifted your blanket to get under it.
“Ay my feet will get cold.”, you squirmed while he adjusted himself over you, to rest one arm over your abdomen, the other looping behind your back to then have his head nuzzle into the crook of your chest.
With that he sunk into you, letting go off all the strings that he kept held together. You could see his slow breathing reverberate through the blanket, his warmth encasing you. You relaxed too, running your hands over his back before bringing it back up to pet his hair.
“I’ve missed you too.”, you leaned forward to kiss the back of his head as it peeked up from beneath the blanket. His eyes were closed but beneath it, it was lined with dark circles, he looked exhausted. As you huffed a smile at his neediness, you ran your fingers over his cheek to feel the rough edges of a couple day’s worth stubble. He didn’t smell like the combination of sea salt and bergamot. Instead he reeked of sweat and tarmac.
Where had he been?
“You need a bath.”, you said as you gathered all his hair that had fallen forward to expose his forehead, to try to get him to look at you.
He hummed to agree but refused to move. So you began to stir beneath him only to have his hold tighten. Placing your hands on his shoulder you attempted to push him away but he wouldn't budge.
“Go get yourself cleaned up, big boy.”, you tapped his cheek to wake him up but he nuzzled further and whined.
“Only if you come with me.”, he cribbed not wanting to leave you.
“I’m not the one who’s smelling like a scruffy street rat.”, you laughed. Upon hearing your response, he gasped dramatically.
“A street rat?”, he looked up at you, to which you nodded your head.
“retractate”, he pouted.
“No.”, you said folding your arms.
“Now go and come back soon, I want to cuddle.”, you looked at him with a stern look. To which his eyes narrowed down on you as if he was plotting something.
He got up and you smirked, feeling justified for having gotten him to do what you want. But he sat back on his knees and wrapped his hands around your thighs to pull you up to him. Now in the liberty of his hold, he brought you closer to rub his face into your neck, his hand holding you steady as you fought off giggles. The sweet scent of neroli that was on you was now replaced with the same gunk that was on him. Now sitting back on his heels he gave you a proud smile.
“Now you need a bath too.”, he said as he got up, his fingers wrapping around yours to get you to follow him.
“Fine.”, you rolled your eyes as you smiled giving into his charm.
He turned the shower on, the steam beginning to fill the cold space. He removed his gadgets off him but soon after he turned to you. As though he didn’t want to enter first in the off chance you might slip away. You weren’t certain as to what had gotten into him, usually he would only have the energy to fall asleep. But as his large fingers slid away your night dress with ease, there wasn’t too much to complain about.
He held his hand out, to help you into the tub that also functioned as the shower area, then he got in next and pulled the shower curtains to seal the warmth in.
He stood beneath the shower head, letting the warm water run over him as he closed his eyes, you could tell something was bothering him. So you drew closer, to let the water run over you too.
“Where did you go?”, you asked wanting to know the thoughts that were running in his head.
“Just…”, he sighed, slowly leaning down to rest his forehead on your shoulder, his hand coming to rest in the small of your back.
“work.”, he told you. None of his other projects had drained him to this extent.
“Is it classified?”, you whispered as he reached for the shower gel.
“No.”, he said it with a laugh.
“It’s this boy that's wrecking everything I worked hard to set right.”, he spoke with frustration as he squeezed a dollop of soap into your hands and his.
“He won’t listen to me.”, his brows furrowed.
“Now he’s run off and I don’t know what to do.”, he growled as his claws retracted a little as he rubbed his hands together in anger, the soap generating a lot of leather that now got washed away. But when his eyes found yours, he took a deep breath, as if remembered where he was and retracted his claws.
“Now I’m wasting our time together by rambling about something irrelevant.”, he pursed his lips.
“I'm failing at everything.”, his shoulders slumped.
“At keeping the multiverse together, at being a leader for the society I  created and”, he paused his brows furrowing further as though he had made a mistake.
“at being your husband.”, he said finally as he closed his eyes.
So that was what all this was about.
“I’ve left you unattended and alone and – you stopped his rambling by placing a finger on his lips.
“You’re here now.”, you eased him.
“I do miss you, but moments like these make up for it.”, you lathered the soap into your hands.
“So I don’t want to become another worry that lingers in your mind.”, you spread the soap on his chest, working it up to his neck.
“But I want you to know,” he held you by your chin, making you pause to look at him.
“that you are beyond important than what I do.”, he spoke the words tenderly.
“that every time I breathe I think of you.”, he smiled.
“you linger  in the rhythm of my heartbeat and I am sure you make up a major part of my soul.”, he pulled you closer, you stood on your toes, you were both magnets, drawn to each other infinitely. He kissed you and it was an act of affirmation, for the both of you.
You turned to grab more soap but he seemed to have other ideas, as you turned to him, he had another huge pile of lather in his hands which he dumped on your head. You frowned but the smile on his face warmed your heart, you stood on your toes again to dose his head with shampoo and before he could get a hold of you, you worked your fingers into his hair as the soap dripped down his eyes. Once it was well applied, you styled his hair into a mohawk. Knowing what you had done, he pouted like a child forced to sit still.
He grabbed the hand shower and you were sure it was going to be an act of revenge. It was, he turned on cold water over you. You squealed trying to get it out of his hand but managed to turn it him instead.
“Ay ay ay esta helada.”, he jumped as he turned it off.
You stood in the silence for a second before both of you broke into fists of laughter. As you stood there with soap dripping down your face and while he still sported half a mohawk.
And somehow you had forgotten all the lonely hours you had spent because when he was here, with you. He was the sun.
You finally managed to behave like adults and step out the shower rid of all the dirt and grime. You got into another night dress and he pulled over a pair of shorts. As you stood by the mirror to dry your hair, you found him inspecting the scruff on his face.
“My trimmer’s run out of battery and I can’t manage it with the blade.”, he explained.
The smallest prick and his claws would give into his reflex to cut him. So putting away your towel you took up the blade and motioned from him to sit down on the stool. His eyes tracking you, somehow this gesture had seemed to darken his eyes with desire.
Applying shaving foam over the sides of his face, you inspected his face but you couldn’t shake off the sensation of having his eyes on you, it felt enriching. It was difficult to find the right angle as you stood and as if he could read your thoughts he pulled you up onto his lap. His hands wrapping around your waist as his fingers rested on the rise of your backside.
You held his chin and slid the blade down his cheek as it came away with foam leaving behind smooth supple skin, one you wanted to kiss a thousand times.
“The boy you mentioned.”, you spoke and he hummed.
“he sounds a lot like you.”, you told him
“He isn’t.”, he grunted.
“He’s just scared and alone, go easy on him.”, you shushed him as you got to the end of his chin.
“You still have nightmares about your past, Miguel.”, you reminded him and he remained quite in contemplation.
“Don’t expect a child to have it all figured out.”, you told him and his eyes softened, as if he was guilty.
“I may have chased him across the city in a fit of rage.”, he mumbled but it got your attention.
“Miguel.”, you chided him.
“Lo siento.”, he eased you
“Promise me the next time you see him.”, you pointed the blade at him.
“You’ll protect him.”, you furrowed your brows and his gaze wavered. In his line of work protecting someone meant you risked losing yours. So you added another clause to your statement.
“And come back home to me.”, you said softly as he wiped his face with the towel that was on his shoulder.
“Yes, mi joya.”, he placed a kiss on your cheek.
“ahora vamos a la cama.”, his voice dripped with sleep and comfort.
You each settled onto your respective sides of the bed and finally in weeks, these sheets weren’t going to be cold. You had to braid your hair before you could sleep but he didn’t let you. He grabbed you, to pull you close to him such that your back was pressed into his chest and then breathed in the scent of your shampoo as he placed his nose at the top of your head.
“Let me braid your hair.”, he whispered and you could only say yes as your throat ran dry.
The feeling on his fingers in your hair, tugging it softly as he worked away without seeking any advice. You grew shy at his display of tenderness, suddenly feeling grateful about who he was to you, that he was yours and how he didn’t know that his small gestures let you know of his love.
“Gabriella only preferred ponytails but I’m sure I’ve got this right.”, He spoke as he secured the hair tie to then place the finished braid over your shoulder for inspection.
You ran your fingers over the weave of the braid. It was perfect, just right and your smile had conveyed your satisfaction to him.
Now with some new scheme, he turned behind him to switch of his table light and reached past you to switch of yours as well. To plunge the room in darkness and as your eyes adjusted to the soft light that filtered in through the window, there was longing in his eyes.
“Now with your hair out of the way and my scruffy beard tamed, I can finally do this.”, he had found your cheek in the dim light but it was the hunger with which his lips found yours that knocked the wind out of your system.
His tongue digging in as if he had been starved but then so were you. Starved for his touch, his breath hot against your skin, his heart raging in his throat.
There were no more wounds to heal or worries to dust away. There was only the silence of the night and the freedom to enjoy each other’s presence.
His weight pushed you onto the pillows as his lips travelled down your neck over your collarbone and into your sternum while his hand traced up your leg beneath your dress to the start of your thighs.
His lips mumbling words like they were chants of adoration.
“Te deseo.”, he said breathlessly as he caught his breath and to see him in this light, undone by your, it was beauty at it’s finest.
“Don’t abandon me in the morning.”, you stroked his cheek afraid that you would be alone again.
The funny thing about falling in love with the sun is how it tends to hide away when in pleases or leave you to the mercy of winter winds, till it hears you beg for it to return.
But with him, he lit up your soul, he never let you beg and instead gave freely. With his care and love, there was no doubt, no waiting, when he was here, he left no room for doubt in your mind about where you stood, about what you meant to him.
“Cómo puedo huir?”, he traced his thumb over the rise of your cheek.
“cuando eres mi paraiso secreto.”, he paused, his eyes holding your gaze.
“mi lugar seguro”, he whispered with a soft smile.
“No puedo.”, he shook his head as though it was impossible by all accounts.
“porque eres tú”, he continued as if switching to English would water down his feelings.
“Siempre te voy a escoger.”, he said with certainty.
“Siempre”, he said again as though that was the final truth.
There was no proper response that could match what he had said so you reached up to kiss him, to give him your entirety, body, mind and soul because only he could rule over it justly with all the love you deserved.
He hummed against your lips as if you were the only one capable of intoxicating him.
Your hands found the base of his shoulder blades and his lips found yours.
The rainy weather predicted for tomorrow didn’t matter any more. Because all the warmth you needed, was here, in his arms.
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wichwitchisit-blog · 4 months ago
Spoilers for TF One but it’s out online now so who knows go watch it
AU where Sentinel wasn’t lying when he said he would take Orion Pax and D-16 to his private mine to encourage his miners and they get to live with him at the center of Iacon.
Now obviously they’re pretty stoked to be there with THE Sentinel Prime. It’s a pretty huge honor for this to happen for them so D isn’t letting Orion mess this up. They do they’re encouraging like they did for the rest of the miners and everyone’s working hard because they believe in themselves. Even when Sentinel orders for more energon to be mined because of low levels they still work hard.
Despite D trying to wrangle Orion down, Orion is still set on helping Sentinel find the Matrix. So Orion does his Orion things and causes a huge mess. Sentinel isn’t concerned about the mess, he’s concerned about how deep Orion is digging. That will be a problem if he reaches too far. I mean he almost caught a ride up to the surface. So Sentinel decides to deal with Orion and only Orion. I’m sure the Miners wouldn’t mind only having D and a symbol of hope and encouragement. After all he is the ideal miner and what they all should be like.
Sentinel says he’s going to take the adventures Orion Pax out to the surface for one trip to find the Matrix of Leadership while D-16 holds down the fort and oversees the mines. This is where Darkwing comes in and throws him to sub level 50 like in the original movie. Then the event of the original movie happen with Orion but not D-16 whenever Orion decides to accidentally knock over Steve.
Meanwhile up at the center of Iacon D-16 is being told by Sentinel that Orion was killed by Quintisons, having the only remains they could find being handed to him (He told DarkWing to rip off one of his plates for this lie) and being promised too that there will be justice.
The rest of the movie plays out until they get to The High Gaurd where they don’t recruit them but they still get kidnapped. Aiarchid still kidnaps the good majority of the high gaurd and they are still brought to Sentinel. This time instead of Sentinel being the one to confront them it’s D-16 who confronts them. But don’t worry, he got debriefed by Sentinel before confronting them. All of the High Gaurd of traitors, they betrayed the Original Primes, They work with Quintons, they killed Orion Pax.
Of course when Orion gets to Iacon D-16’s villian ark ends because he sees Sentinels lies but unlike in the original, D gents a fucking break in between learning Sentinels lies so he doesn’t spiral as hard. So maybe this is the good ending? Also the Hight Gaurd return to Iacon and get to live happy lives there. So yeah good ending
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gutzsbie · 1 month ago
I know I already did this but I wanted to make it better and add some other headcanons I had about this idea so here you go! Some are the same as the old one, some have been tweaked and some are new headcanons I wanted to add
•The baby would almost be a carbon copy of Chai with one or two features from his S/O
•He would be a boy dad (idk why but I feel like he would(im not hinting that he had a boy in my tomodachi life what))
•Chai would try to play it cool during the birth (his poor hand) but as soon as he sees the baby resting on his S/O, he would break and maybe cry (happy tears of course)
•He would be kinda nervous about holding the baby but once he holds them he will NOT let them go
•Chai: "Holy crap! I'm a dad now... I'm gonna be the coolest dad ever! And this little dude gonna be the coolest kid ever!"
•With his musical robot powers he would be in charge of both bedtimes and naptimes cause the baby would knock tf out when in Chai's arms
•During his S/O pregnancy the baby would only really kick or move when Chai puts his robot arm on your baby bump
•When he finds out that his S/O's is pregnant he'd be nervous and a little scared about it but after awhile he'll be chill about it, excited even (this might help with his inferiority complex a bit idk)
•Chai would have to take parental classes and read the baby book cause he would be quite clueless about this stuff even though he claims he's a pro with children (sorry Chai but you are a little stupid /lh)
•I think he would be actually pretty good with the baby minus changing the baby's nappy/diaper
•He'd attempt it but he would struggle and eventually cave in and call his S/O for help
•He would LOVE to dress the baby! He'd put them in lots of cool/cute onsies
•He has a matching shirt for him and the baby that has something like "big rockstar" "little rockstar" on it
•If he got one of those baby front carrier things he would constantly wear it and show off the little dude like the proud dad he is
•When the baby is still a newborn he would take them to the hideout to meet the tea-m (of course he'd show the newborn to 808 first)
•His S/O finds Chai asleep either on the bed or sofa snoring with the baby laying on his chest or resting in his arm also asleep (S/O definitely takes a couple of photos cause it's cute)
•When the baby gets a little older Chai would form a little two person band with him playing his guitar and the baby on drums (banging on random toys or kitchen utensils) and/or sing (making noises)
•I can imagine the baby dancing or doing the toddler bounce to Nine Inch Nails or The Glass Pyramids
•The baby would be accident prone like Chai but instead of nearly getting killed they trip on thin air or run into walls even if they're ultra careful (poor baby ^^;)
•Chai would have so many "conversations" with the little dude once they start cooing/making noises and he could put on a slight baby voice like he kinda does with 808 occasionally in the game
•Chai: "Who's my little rockstar huh?"
•Baby: "Ooh!"
•I feel like the baby's first word would either be "dada" or "cat" that's if 808 is there during the moment (it would be funny)
•Chai would be over the moon if their first word is "dada" and maybe brag about it (he's just a proud dad)
•The baby would love 808 simply cause she's a cat and 808 would love the baby too
•Chai would catch 808 cuddled up next to the baby when they're asleep (he'd get a quick photo and show Peppermint cause again it's cute)
•Speaking of the tea-m...
•Peppermint might not want to hold them but she would have the baby rest in their bouncy chair thing next to her desk and occasionally look over to the baby and talk to them
•Macaron would also love the little dude but he'd be extremely nervous holding them cause of how small they are (I mean look at the size of Macaron(huge lad))
•He might call the baby either "little little guy" or "littler guy"
•Korsica would be fine holding the baby but she might be slightly awkward when trying to talk to the baby
•CNMN would hold the baby in a funny way like holding them out away from him and immediately give them a psyhc profile even if they're only still a newborn (it would only say mini-Chai(for now that is))
•As this happens after the project armstrong defect fiasco and when Roxanne returns, she'd be great with them as she obviously has had experience with children and honestly she'd be happy for you both
•Overall I think he'd be a fun dad and love his little dude (^^)
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imhereforscm · 2 months ago
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(my Vasilopita post. That's where Partheno's comment is from)
But yeah. Here it is!!!! @pyxianox 😚💕💕💕
(P.S. Monopoly is my ALL TIME favourite board game. So if I was the MC, murder is not avoidable. We WILL play monopoly!!!)
Everyone lands on his properties.
Now he's swimming in cash.
He wins almost every time.
He uses his monopoly wins to brag during Department meetings. Change my mind.☕☕☕
*cue maniacal laughter, because Zyglavis just landed on his property*
The one who flips the board in a fit of rage.
Spends all his time in jail.
Tf kind of luck is that, baby girl???😭😭😭😭
He's either in jail or always paying taxes and stuff💀💀💀
I would advise exorcism.
*inhuman (he's not human actually) screeching*
Doesn't know math.
So Ichthys and Partheno constantly steal stuff from him.
EVERYONE (even Dui!!!) has stolen cash from him, while he's refilling his glass with milk and he never found out.
Maybe Ichthys brought it up during a fight. Like- "You wanna know something?!? I stole two blues from you when we played monopoly last Saturday!!"
100% ends up crying
Sense of direction so bad, he accidentally moved his pawn the wrong direction.
He thought it would be like a general knowledge quiz about guessing the countries from the flags.............
Spoiler alert: he was, in fact, wrong.
Shadow Dui came out at some point and now Ichthys has a black eye.
The only thing he likes about this game is the cute dog pawn.
Monopoly overwhelms him so much, bro😭😭😭 He doesn't like that game!! Everyone is yelling!!!😭😭😭😭
Hue noticed Teorus' pawn moving backwards, but didn't say anything.
Actually gives Leon a run for his money.
Chooses the hat pawn, cause that's classy.
Actually plays strategically.
Let's not lie to ourselves. He takes monopoly a little too seriously and uses genuine war strategies from history books.
*carefully pulls a green hotel out of his wine, after Scorpio flipped the board and sent everything flying.
I fucking swear—
He's so BROKE😭😭😭
He tried to steal Dui's cash, but he got a black eye from Shadow Dui and now he sticks to only stealing from Teorus.
Pleads for the others to lend him money, because he cannot pay ANOTHER 8601 for Leon's 3 hotels. Ichthys, that's not how the game is played.
He has to sell all of his properties.
Accidentally swallowed two green houses.
Ichthys stole the "you can skip jail time" card from the board game and will now use it every time Scorpio or Zyglavis try to give him extra paperwork as punishment.
Also, now he wants a Finding Nemo edition of monopoly.
He's a friendly player.
Normal amount of paying and receiving money.
He's the one managing the bank, because he's the ONLY one trustworthy enough for the task.
The one who insists on reading the rules flier for the third time.
^ Yes. Leon pissed him off.
His hand is fucking TREMBLING whenever he has to pay Leon ANYTHING.
A piece of him literally dies.
Micromanaging the bank also, despite Leon telling him to shut the fuck up and let Karno handle it. (Zyglavis just offended Leon's wifey. Of course.)
Accidentally got stepped on, when Scorpio tried to grab and strangle Leon.
That's the only thing that saved Leon that night. He slowed Scorpio down.
They wake him up whenever he has to roll the dice again.
Doesn't buy anything.
Doesn't pay anything. Y'all can choke.
Doesn't give a shit.
The only two people with a good emotional state after the game are Leon and him. Leon, because he won and, he, because he didn't even want to play so he doesn't care.
Ichthys was placing houses on his sleeping corpse body, as a joke.
He thinks HE has to pay the BANK 200 every time he crosses the "start", instead of the other way around 😭😭
"Krioff, those are yours....... Have you been doing this for the last 4 rounds???"
He's broke very soon.
He's a buff clumsy baby, so he probably accidentally knocked his houses over.
Sat on his property cards and couldn't find them, so he thought he had no properties and no god ever paid for landing in them.
Doesn't understand the concept of jail time.
"I'm in jail??? Why??? Because I stole two purples from Teorus???" "You did WHAT—"
He likes to read the cards for the gods out loud. It makes him feel special.
He calls the gods owning the properties beside his, his "neighbours".😭🥺🌹
He's too sweet for such a violent game.
The peacemaker, because Dui is having a panic attack in the corner and Karno has given up on his children and husband (Leon).
Has stolen.
Escaped jail while no one is looking.
Stole money from the bank.
AND the other gods.
Stole one of Leon's hotels.
Stole one of Zyglavis' property cards and since he hadn't put a house, he never noticed.
Basically: 60% here for the drama and the violence and 40% committing crimes.
................................................................................................................................................................................................ I want them to play Jenga now
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whatevermakesyoubreak · 6 months ago
🔪❤️‍🔥 a few (lot) of my personal illumi sfw/nsfw headcanons:
> these are strictly regarding my illumi x oc [ft. hisoka and chrollo] fic, sic infit, (which is essentially succession ft. the zoldyck’s & a bit of a romcom starring illumi), so yes— some of these will be ooc & a few of them include lira so if u don’t like her, keep scrolling idk.
- actually has the most unhinged sense of humor. sassy as FUCK but it’s hard to tell because he speaks as if he’s being completely serious. he finds a lot of things funny— especially things he shouldn’t— but just doesn’t express it unless he absolutely cannot keep a straight face anymore. (we all remember his goddamn sea lion laughing face, right?)
- is actually quite dense when it comes to anything besides assassination. not at all stupid, just… dense.
- however, illumi is a man with a plan if nothing else. he rarely if ever will go into a situation with no preparation, research, etc.
- he likes movies! all genres too— anything from thrillers, comedy, art house, classics, horror, romantic comedies, dramas, foreign films, etc— he likes them all, but only if they meet his standards. (i.e, he hates slasher films because he finds them unrealistic, some films are too artsy for him, and he has trouble understanding some romantic dramas). his favorite series is the Hellraiser series— he took lots of inspiration from Pinhead. (the movie him and Lira were watching in chapter 2 was Requiem For A Dream!)
- this motherfucker has a DIRTY mouth. i firmly believe that he cannot form a single thought without there being some form of profanity involved. however, he doesn’t express this unless he feels comfortable around someone, i.e, Lira, Hisoka, his family. he’s a master of code switching when around upper-class people, but goddamn— Kikyo should’ve been washing his mouth out with soap instead of stringing him up tbh.
- that dirty mouth of his carries over to… other areas as well. says the FOULEST, FILTHIEST and NASTIEST things during sex & you wouldn’t expect it at ALL.
- hair pulling and boobs. that is all.
- switch. enough said.
- speaking of sex, he’s hung like a fucking horse & knows it.
- also, that stoic, inexpressive & unemotional exterior of his? yeah, that shatters like glass the second this man gets horny. like he fully gets stuuupid cock/pussydrunk. he can’t even think properly anymore. he’s feral— slurring his words, drooling, begging— you name it, all while saying the filthiest shit. once he’s there, he’s there. y’all don’t wanna hear me you just wanna dance, but he’s a mess. he’s so repressed otherwise there’s no alternative than but to be the epitome of actual depravity.
- when he subs, he is a big baby, whiny, brat boy who wants to be used, bullied, and to also be told how pretty he is. he wants it messy too— as filthy and depraved as possible. he’s a fucking perv lowkey.
- when he doms, he doms— but not in your average ways— he definitely likes manhandling his partner as well as when there’s a considerable size difference (like Lira’s short ass lmao), because he likes the literal primal feeling of control it gives him.
- contrary to popular belief, i think he’d enjoy a bit of attitude as well from his partner— just so he could condescend the fuck out of them— of course. “what happened to, ‘more Illu,’ and, ‘please, Illu?’ I thought you wanted me like this...” could be considered a brat tamer?? maybe??
- as i said, he’s a huge dirty talker, but he’s more patronizing and condescending than outright derogatory. he’s also surprisingly good with giving praise, but if HE’S getting praised? gg’s goodnight & goodbye— that man is now officially whipped.
- he has an oral fixation & is an absolute MUNCH/THROAT GOAT. and he’s sloppppyyyyy with it too omg. (this is literally canon, cuz why tf was he licking those needles???)
- simultaneously has a breeding kink and is TERRIFIED to knock someone up before marriage. oh, illumi.
- a true bisexual, and has no preference. it truly depends on the person for him.
- mommy issues & daddy issues. like… bad. like… the enmeshment and parentification are real with this one.
- genuinely hates his father but can’t admit it to himself. he won’t even allow himself to think that way. it would literally make his brain explode from the cognitive dissonance.
- fairly indifferent towards his mother, but subconsciously latches on to any sort of nurturing/female care he can get due to never receiving it as a child. this shows heavily in the speed of development with his relationship with Lira.
- even though he does not like his father, he appreciates how his father and mother’s relationship functions. he ultimately respects women— perhaps to the point of putting them on a pedestal.
- i think he’s actually a bit of a romantic in the way he wants to do everything regarding his partner(s), especially with how badly he wants children and a family of his own— it’s just very very verrrryyyyy repressed & tainted with darkness and possession. but, once he loves, he loves for life. in his own illumi way, of course.
- he’s a heavy drinker. he’s not an alcoholic, but he definitely drinks more than he should, especially after jobs. prefers scotch on the rocks to anything else, but absolutely will not turn down a fruity/sweet drink either. someone please give this man a pina colada.
- drunk illumi is a menace to society, and he has to consume quite a bit of liquor in order to get there— hence why it rarely happens— but once he’s inebriated, that man is the most unfiltered and clingy bastard there is. there is nothing keeping him from speaking his mind at this point and it’s either offensive or hilarious depending on who u are.
- eats like an amusement park raccoon when he’s away from home. literally no idea how he’s so strong when his diet is 80% sugar, 10% booze, and 10% grease.
- doesn’t actually spend that much time on his hair. uses very high-quality products, but otherwise, he’s just genetically blessed. he can let that shit air dry.
- he DOES care about his hair though— when Lira singed the ends, he was PISSED. he also cares a lot about the rest of his appearance. he likes being called pretty— why wouldn’t he keep up with his looks?
- he likes when she braids his hair. sometimes they wear matching twin french or dutch braids while training. Kalluto is lowkey jealous because his hair is too short to join in.
- he has a skill for applying makeup & wigs on himself and others. before he mastered his abilities, he used to disguise himself the old fashioned way.
- he secretly really wants to dress Lira up like his own personal doll, i.e, do her makeup, hair, pick her outfit, etc. not for any weird control reasons, but genuinely because he thinks she’d be cute. he values his life too much to ever tell her this.
- illumi is actually not the best at hand-to-hand combat. he’s an assassin, not a fighter. his job is to kill, not win. by no means is he unskilled, but when compared to others who ARE masterful close quarters combatants, i.e, Lira, he is only above average. (only ‘above average’ like that’s supposed to be bad lmao)
- has an eidetic memory & pretends to forget things in order to catch people in lies.
- is actually not as socially inept or awkward as he comes off. he’s had to do his fair share of seduction and deception in his line of work, so he knows how to charm people to an extent if he really wants to.
- however… his version of flirting with someone he actually likes is staring at them very hard from across a room. he thinks this is him being obvious btw.
- he likes to watch the clouds in his spare time. literally for no reason. he just finds it relaxing. he also likes the sun, contrary to his appearance.
- he does a lot of things for no reason, tbh. he feels rather lost without having someone to assassinate, due to any drastic sort of individuality being discouraged during his upbringing and never really having developed a hobby, so besides stalking Killua, occasionally entertaining Hisoka, and before he met Lira, he tended to do random things in his spare time on a whim.
- he doesn’t like the ocean, snow, or rain, particularly because he hates being cold and wet at the same time. kind of like a cat. has heated bathroom floors for this reason.
- he doesn’t kill for pleasure. he lacks the sadistic tendencies that people like Hisoka, Lira, & Kalluto have. he simply kills because it’s his job, he likes money, & he sees it as his duty as a Zoldyck.
- he is actually a lot more rational and compassionate than he lets on. compassionate may be the wrong word— he just tries to give his targets quick deaths and doesn’t prefer to see anyone suffer unless they’ve angered him. he also won’t kill anyone if he deems it pointless or isn’t getting paid.
- however— he will do anything, and i mean ANYTHING to get what he wants. very machiavellian in nature when he’s focused.
- he doesn’t consider Lira or Hisoka to be distractions even though they quite literally are. he’s a hypocrite, but we all love him for it.
- his love language is gift giving. he will buy someone he cares about anything they look at for more than two seconds.
- he also values quality time. he will follow Lira around like a cat just saying and doing nothing, only wanting to be around her.
- he wants to get married. like, actually married, not just killing-contract married.
- he also wants children. plural.
- scorpio sun, capricorn rising, cancer moon. (ooooh that moon/rising opposition SHOWS)
- can be somewhat traditional when it comes to gender roles, which is rather ironic given his choice in partner(s). he believes it’s the man’s job to protect and provide, and has no issue doing so, even if it’s done in the most deranged ways.
- he cannot remember the majority of his childhood, only bits here and there.
- ptsd? more like P! T! S! D!
- he likes people that can get under his skin. he enjoys banter.
- notices everything, and i mean EVERYTHING. he is extremely observant, but quietly and carefully holds on to the information/patterns he sees— just in case he needs to use that information against someone.
- he has EXPENSIVE taste— forget designer, i’m talking custom made couture and shit like that. designer to him is like loungewear.
- he actually prefers dogs to cats. he wouldn’t be opposed to having a smaller dog of his own one day, but can’t currently because Mike would eat it. he doesn’t hate cats, however, he just doesn’t like how they all seem to want to play with his hair.
- actually, i think he rather likes all animals. not in a Lira-esque “i love animals because it’s fun to imagine what they’d look like with no skin,” type of way, but actually likes them.
- while he likes most animals, he has an irrational hatred of birds. literally zero reason for this. maybe jealousy?
- he values usefulness and patience in his partners and also finds their homicidal tendencies exasperating, especially Lira’s. he does not want a weak partner, nor a victim.
- when it comes to his relationships, he is very very possessive, to the point where it should be scary. however, Lira is also insane and just finds it sweet.
- while obsessive and possessive, he has absolutely no interest in abusing his partner in any way. the thought itself disgusts him. he didn’t see his father do that to his mother outside of training, so why would he ever do that to his own partner?
- when it comes to his partner, he wants to see them happy and safe, not insecure and miserable. like, he saw Lira get insecure ONE time and almost self-destructed and proceeded to basically glitch in order to change her mood.
- he would rather be alone than with someone who didn’t meet his standards.
- he’s either really good at communication or really fucking bad. no in-between.
- he’s not a big cuddler— he’s the type to just lay his entire body weight on top of someone— but just because it feels nice to him. he doesn’t really care if he’s smothering the other person— if he chose them, they should be strong enough for him, right? he does make an exception occasionally and allows Lira to hold him, but that’s typically for access to her boobs… so. he prefers having her sit in his lap, or alternatively, sitting in Hisoka’s lap himself.
- his hair moves on its own a lot— not only when he’s angry, but also whenever he’s feeling anything intense, i.e. lust, euphoria, etc. it can range from the way it whips around when he’s bloodlusted to just stirring as if he’s standing in a gentle breeze.
- hates wearing shirts at home. he’s in expensive lounge pants and nothing else— maybe a tank top and crewneck sweatshirt if he absolutely has to— but other than that? shirtless lumi always.
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