Scorpio is bae
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💛I'm accepting requests of all genres. 💛No need to be shy with me. I'm a dumbass and you're all welcomed to join my journey in continuing being one. 💛My bae is Scorpy-tsun 💛This account was originally made for memes exclusively, but I still like how this is turning out. 💛All pics used for my profile belong to voltage 💛Let's fangirl together like we're having a big sleepover
Last active 4 hours ago
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imhereforscm · 1 day ago
So... can we get some Louie in uniform 😩🙏
Also reader has a love-hate relationship with him. But he is madly in love with her.
"Hating love"
Genre: fluff
Warnings: Brief MENTIONS of war.
A/N: Did you say....... UNIFORM????? *SLAMS FIC ON THE DESK* HERE IT IS👀👀✨✨✨✨✨✨✨👀👀👀👀 Also, I hope I was able to portray the dynamic you wanted correctly, between Reader and Human!Tauxy 😅❤️❤️ BTW: I gave him "Monet" as a last name. Don't take this as anything canon that I will be doing in every fic!! As in... If you guys want me to give him another last name in some other story, of course I will!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️ I just happened to use that one in this fic! Enjoy!!❤️❤️ (I was listening to "Work Song" by Hozier, while writing this fic 😭✨🌹)
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Carrying a pile of dry laundry in my arms, I returned inside the house from the back garden, humming a carefree tune to myself, my shoes padding softly against the floorboards of the hallway.
I rounded the corner, heading for the master bedroom, where Mr and Mrs Monet reside in, intending to change the bedsheets into the new and fresh ones madam had bought a few days ago from the marketplace.
But my tune was cut short and the laundry slipped through my fingers, when I collided with someone, while keeping my gaze low.
My instincts were a tangled mess of trying to grab the newly washed bedsheets and trying to grab onto something to steady myself.
My fingers curled into rough fabric and grabbed onto a lapel, the laundry caught by one hand that did not belong to me.
I looked up...
"A lovely welcome, I must say," The voice was smooth and gentle, like caramel gliding down the side of his lips and... He smelt like caramel. Caramel with a mix of gunpowder from the battlefield and cologne. And this pair of dark and gorgeous eyes... Are just like I remember them. Deep and all consuming. "my little lady."
I hurried to step away, grabbing the laundry from his hands. "You're back." I said, holding my breath.
He smiled, bending down to pick up his hat and rising back to his full height, readjusting the hat with the shiny crest on his head. "You know," He stepped closer to me and pressed his gloved hand against the doorframe, the black leather material creaking faintly against the wood. "those beautiful wide eyes are my favourite part of coming home."
I cleared my throat and slipped away from him, stepping out of his shadow and clutching the laundry to my chest.
I always try to avoid him, because he messes with my head. He's gorgeous and he's charming, but he's also infuriating. He can see right through me and he knows which words to use every time. To make me smile, to flatter me, and all that it...
Unnerves me. It makes me defensive.
I lose control over my own mind and I hate it. Thus, I do my best to avoid him.
But when he's away with the army... I miss him and I hate myself for just how much i miss him. How much I miss it, when he's not sitting out in the garden, painting. How much I miss it, when I don't see him dripping honey into his steaming tea.
"You'll stay for dinner tonight." He said, guessing it more than questioning it. "Right?"
I gripped the doorknob of the bedroom door tighter, the cool metal digging into the skin of my knuckles.
He was looking so so deeply into my eyes, part of me wanted to fall into his arms and remain there, face buried in his military uniform. Never let him leave with the army again. Never let him go. Only...
Only be honest with him. Love him. Let him love me back.
But was his interest even genuine? Or a means to pass the time and not think about the bloody sights of war? I've doubted him many times, I fear. I still do.
"It's my first day back." He said, his tone gentle and soft, a kind smile on his face, which made him look like the teenage boy I used to go to school with, once again. "And, well, my parents consider you family..." He paused.
Do you? I wanted to ask him. Do you?
"I do too." He replied and I almost lost my composure, my pulse picking up speed. He had answered my unuttered question.
But isn't that what he is anyway? The answer. To everything. To heartache, to loneliness, to dreams, to love... To a warm place to call home, even if that's not necessarily four walls.
"I would like you to be there." He said, his smile broadening and becoming that much sweeter.
I breathed in deeply and nodded. "I guess, I will... Be there." I said, voice quiet. I sighed. "I will be there..."
Red wine sloshed around my wineglass as Tauxolouve poured it and I did not dare to look up, knowing what I'd find.
But once the flow of the alcohol stopped and the aroma caressed my senses, I did. I looked up, as he was setting the bottle down.
His eyes flickered up to me and he smiled, his Cupid's bow begging for me kiss it, feel it with my thumb and feel it on my cheek, like I tend to dream about some nights. He winked.
I hurriedly looked back down at my wineglass and took a sip, locking my feelings away and shielding them with forced indifference. As if I didn't care. As if I wasn't affected.
"My boy," His father spoke. "I'm so happy you're back with us." He reached out and ran a tender hand over his son's hair.
Tauxolouve smiled. "And I'm happy to be back too." His eyes flickered to me discreetly. "With those I love."
"How about a cheer?" Tauxolouve's mother raised her glass, the wedding band on her finger shining under the flames of the candles lighting up the dining room. "To good news."
Everyone at the table raised their glasses in the air and the clicking of the rims was like a song of tiny bells.
The chatter around the table was lively, the words light and bright and Tauxolouve was there...
His chair was once again occupied and his laughter lingered in the air, like the scent of freshly brewed coffee.
He was here and he was safe...
But for how long.
My fingers curled further around the stem of my wineglass and my stomach clenched.
"I heard there's a lovely play tonight." Tauxolouve's mother spoke, her voice warm and mature. "Would you like to go, Louie?"
Tauxolouve's eyes glimmed. "Oh, but of course. You know I'd love to." Tauxolouve's heart will always belong to art. He's a lover of paints and canvases and pictures that feature words you cannot read, but feel.
He's always loved going to watch plays with his adoptive mother too. He loved to join her ever since he was a small boy. And growing up, the people of the town would often see him accompanying his mother to the theater, offering her his arm to hold, like the gentleman he is.
"You'll come too, of course." His mother said to me.
"I don't know if—" I tried to say, gently.
"Come on." He said and hushed me with one look. Two words only. "We may pay you, but that doesn't mean you're a servant here. Please." He said, leaning his forearms against the surface of the table and leaning in. "Come with us? It's a warm night tonight..." He said, almost whispering, as if trying to ensnare me.
I looked down at my wineglass. It was almost full, which meant that alcohol was not to blame for this... "I'll come, if I'm not added weight. I thank you for the invite." ... This answer.
He smiled and leaned against the backrest of his chair again. And I hated myself. I hated my feelings and my mind, that kept obeying my heart. I hated my hands for shaking. I hated my knees for bouncing nervously, my heart for racing.
And most of all... I hate him. I hate him for making me love him so unequivocally. So senselessly. And so... So pointlessly.
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imhereforscm · 2 days ago
HAPPY HOLI!!! ✨️💖💖💖✨️
Hope you have a great day ahead! 💕
I wish i could share some of the sweets with you.
HAPPY HOLI TO YOU TOO!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐
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imhereforscm · 4 days ago
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imhereforscm · 5 days ago
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we are so back chat
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imhereforscm · 7 days ago
So ...
Remember when I said (you know. Like a liar.) that I would post the January fluff fics and the fluffbruary fics.... And then I didn't?
I will still post (some of them) though of course it won't be January.... Or February anymore.
(also, the gods MUST be fucking against me. I'm done. Every time I promise something, everything goes wrong immediately after and I never do it 😑😑)
But anyway.
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Also, Scorpio told me I'm cute in his little note😤💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗😤😤😤😤💗💗💗💗
And I'm also considering adopting another dog or cat........ I already have two dogs "Rabbit" and "Apple" (so rabbit apple hehehehe)
And now I'm thinking of adopting a third one👀👀✨✨✨ But idk what to name it.👀✨ Or if I should get a dog or a cat AHHH IDKKKKKKKK😣😣😣✨💗✨💗✨💗✨
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imhereforscm · 10 days ago
No beta. We die like Ichthys.
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imhereforscm · 11 days ago
Have you ever paid attention
How a summer afternoon you stare at a dried up tree and land that looks like it has never felt the touch of water
Is different from
Staring out of your room in a gloomy rainy weather
Or a dry winter morning
The melancholy you feel in these moments have a different wavelength, a different colour in a different state——
If one's a sorrow that dries your heart up—
Others a sorrow that fills your heart with tears
While the other one sees the last leaf falling
- withchymenace
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imhereforscm · 14 days ago
Why does Zyglavis go through a window in Huedhauts s1 I have so many questions
(i was gonna put this under the first video but tumblr said no)
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imhereforscm · 14 days ago
Opening the Love365 App be like:
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imhereforscm · 14 days ago
That's so real though. My favourite aesthetic, I fear. I eat it up. UNIRONICALLY. Gimme drama. Gimme Hamlet level monologues! >:D
“Everyone’s worried about me..” yeah you’ve been walking around in a daze and sighing like a wife waiting for their husband to come home from his voyage at sea damn
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imhereforscm · 14 days ago
The guys calmly standing over MC as she has her 15 minute death scene calling out for the male lead:
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Actual dialogue:
“can’t we just rip her soul out…?”
“No… this will all be useless if we lose it..”
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imhereforscm · 14 days ago
we’re just this fuckass mortal living off the power of plot and dickmatism
The Dark King looking at us after 30 minutes pass and we’re just this fuckass mortal living off the power of plot and dickmatism:
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“A normal human’s soul would have been expelled the second they drank that potion…. And not even a god would take this long…” you’re telling me bro
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imhereforscm · 14 days ago
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“It’s ok. I’ll take care of you.”
Ever have one of those times when you just gotta finish something you started regardless of countless other responsibilities that you may or may not have?
I have only played the first 3 chapters of his route. Shadui hasnt come in yet but Dui is a sweetie. SO I DECIDED TO EMOTIONALLY WRECK HIM AND HIS FANS INCLUDING MYSELF PLEASE CRY WITH ME..
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imhereforscm · 14 days ago
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“Where is he?!” ————————————–
Remember our Halloween event a couple of weeks back? Coupling with our crossover story, our lovely admin Lulii (@lulii999) has created a CG to go along with it! Thank you guys for being so patient with us! Here’s the first of the Halloween CGs~~~ xoxo Admin Risae
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imhereforscm · 14 days ago
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I’ve been having a lot of Zyglavis feelings nowadays. What with the release of his sequel, more specifically the sprite with his hair down, and his sequel epilogue CG, I’ve been absolutely craving to draw him.
And also, with my extremely wild imagination, I would always think that it’d be so cute if they’d be braiding strands of each other’s hair together. AND SD J IM SO HAPPY WITH HOW THIS TURNED OUT omfg.
Zyglavis & SCM © Voltage Inc
Artwork © Me
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imhereforscm · 14 days ago
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In anticipation of his route coming this month, I just had to draw this dork.
I feel so bad for the people that follow me for the naruto. I promise I’ll get Obito done next, k babs?
As sorry as I may be, that doesnt change the fact that Star Crossed Myth amazing (for an otome game). The character designs, the plot, and the sass in this game are just too beautiful for words.
Ichthys is the type of idiot that literally everybody loves.
His god form’s design, at first I was like, mehhhhhhhhhh, just because of that water scarf thing, but I actually fell in love with it over time. 
And I’m so happy with the way this turned out. I find myself developing my own style now, and that feeling is amazing. I love the way the hair (although it turned out more purple than imagined), the gems, the water fish, and his expression turned out. I feel I captured just how much of a sass butt he is with that expression. 
With that being said, I still have a long way to go. I’ve learned how difficult it is to color water. And the hands could have been handled dealt with better, and the shading on the gold is a bit fishy but meh, I’m happy all the same. ^_____^
Also, I love the “iris blur” feature in photoshop. You know I’m going to abuse that in future pieces.
Sigh, now to get started on the last assignment of the semester. Wish me luck!
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imhereforscm · 14 days ago
Teorus looks like the definition of "Aren't you tired of being nice? Don't you just want to go apeshit?"
But I am sure he can go apeshit sometimes. :')
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