#maybe it's time to take my delulu pills
yinorii · 2 months
tl;dr: orv anime leads to game, i am coping and cooking
see, i woke up today and had a revelation about the orv anime.
yes, it's going to bring in a lot of people i wouldn't want to touch with a ten foot pole because that just happens when it happens when a good series gets an anime. but ALSO it means that the possibility of an orv game, or a collaboration with a game is infinitely more possible.
you see, solo levelling got a game a bit after the anime came out. admittedly, i've tried it and i don't love it, but the same could theoretically happen for orv, since the fandom is already popular enough.
(is the game likely to be good? probably not?? but like, the thought of an orv game is...)
secondly, the possibilities of game collaborations, even if orv doesn't get a game, is also significantly increased. most games that do collaborations are either with other games or popular anime.
(coping that one day one of the games i love will do a collaboration with orv, or that orv will come out with a banger game,, like dungeon meshi is doing a collab with arknights and i WOULD DIE for an orv collab for arknights, like genuinely die and soul ascend and i)
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ihatedtoadmit · 8 months
The Windows To My Soul [6]
pairing: OT8 x fem! reader
genre: soulmates, fluff, crack
warnings: Please read the 'Summary' of this series, all are listed there!
word count: ~3.5k
summary: Everything comes crashing down, and somehow the explanation for it makes sense to your jumbled brain.
author's note: Since I had this written already and I'll get busy, I'm feeding you guys with a double update. Please don't forget to take your delulu pills, unlike me.
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All rights reserved. Please do not steal, repost or feed my work into AI. Thank you!
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The next time my eyes opened, I was alone on the couch, the room plunged into darkness.
For a few seconds I just laid there, blinking at the dark ceiling, not knowing why I woke up so suddenly. I wasn’t particularly thirsty, my bladder wasn’t full and not even my leg was cramping viciously, as if it was out for my blood.
But then the pain registered in my brain.
It was that same, dull ache in my ribcage, just amplified twofold. It was a miserable constant throughout my whole chest, pulsing with every heartbeat, as if the two synced up and became one. Not only that, but it gradually started seeping into my left arm and neck, as if it was a slow working poison.
I sat up slowly, my back cracking along, something I had sadly grown used to after a few years. One of my hands raised up to my chest, just above where my erratic heart lied, massaging the area fruitlessly.
Why did I have such a useless, shitty body? It broke down every chance it got, ruining my little happiness in life constantly.
I sighed, carding a hand through my hair and swinging my feet over the edge of the couch, just sitting there, zoning out in the pitch black room. The pain was bad, maybe even worse if I was honest with myself for a second or two, but I could tolerate it if I really tried.
So tried, I did.
I quietly shuffled around the room after standing up, holding my arms out in front of myself as a safety precaution, knowing how clumsy I could get sometimes. I could hardly see anything, with the windows being completely covered and all. But thankfully, I somehow made my way to the front door without tripping over anything -a miracle in itself, mind you-. Now it was time to search for my bag and– ah, there it was. Fishing my phone out of it, I turned on the flashlight and used it to find my little sketchbook and pencil case I usually took with myself on my travels. They were similar to my headphones: something I couldn’t live with, their presence providing me with a blanket of safety.
Having successfully located and retrieved said items, I quietly sneaked back to the living room and sat down on the ground at the coffee table, knees popping and cracking as I bent them to be by my side.
I could use my phone's flashlight to doodle around no problem, so that was what I decided to go with. But only after ensuring my mask was on and my headphones were sitting over my ears snugly, then connecting the device to my phone via Bluetooth and disabling ambient awareness after I had retrieved it from the same lil coffee table. I needed to blast music into my ears, to not let any thought form or process in my mind, lest they consume me alive.
Lines formed on the paper as I was listening to Volcano by Han on repeat, soon turning into little skzoo figures goofing and fooling around. Some were tiny, held in a hand safely, while some were bigger, more backpack-sized. Scenarios that never happened were imagined on the paper, along with ones that were recorded and put up onto the internet. Sometimes, a ninth animal could be seen amongst them, as I was unable to stop myself from drawing my own character, even in the presence of the boys.
Time flew by without me noticing, my goal reached as I could shut the thought of misery and pain out of my head.
But then someone grabbed my shoulder, causing me to let out a small scream and throw my pen away into the 4th dimension.
I jerked my head to their direction instinctually, connecting eyes with Chan, someone who was rightfully looking surprised and maybe even scared. There was definitely a little scared in there. I quickly took my headphones off, the loud music only heard for a second before it automatically paused -pros of having smart headphones- and I immediately apologised to the startled male.
"Naur, naur, it's okay, sorry for startling ya. When did you wake up? It's still pretty early in the morning." "Oh, not too long ago." - I lied, not wanting to be a bother still. "I see. But still, you should go back to sleep if ya can."
I gently shook my head at his proposal, the ache in my body too great to ignore and enter the lands of dreams.
He hummed in response, yet his eyebrows furrowed slightly for just a second. I noticed them, even as he masked it with a light smile and changed the topic to what I had been doing, eyes already scanning over my pages filled to the brim with loose-lined sketches.
Realising I was literally drawing their stuff, skzoo, I quickly shut my notebook closed, embarrassed enough to consider digging myself a hole somewhere. I couldn't show it to them, no, never. Besides, they were mere sketches, nothing too spectacular.
Despite all those thoughts circling in my head, Chan whined and begged me to show him, having probably already seen it was related to his idol group. But I didn't budge, not even as he poked my sides and decided to tickle me in the earliest hours of the day.
Like, damn, he really fucking tickled my sides. The man showed no mercy, even though he knew what state I was in, having been the one who kept putting ice packs on it.
And I was just left there, wheezing and dying as silently as I could, not wanting to wake the others up in my losing battle for air.
But as luck would have it, they soon started waking up and decided to join us anyway. Well, him, really, as I was the victim of the two aussies now, left completely at their mercy.
Thankfully, the two soon stopped, probably due to my still very much injured arm and allowed me to catch my breath. And I did, desperately inhaling as much as I could as I laid there on my back, my breath hitching with every sharp pain that could be felt in my chest. It was as if a searing hot metal was pressed into my skin, the feeling moving in a strangely rule-abiding pattern. I shut my eyes closed, jaw tightly held together as I rolled over, not wanting to be seen grimacing, the feeling now slowly ebbing off and easing up a tad.
Soon the initial shock wore off and I could quickly sit up, my face not showing any signs of discomfort even as the hurting place now felt raw and throbbed relentlessly in sync with my racing heartbeat.
"Don't get me wrong, I would never pass on a good tickle session, but what was the occasion?" - Felix asked, laying partly on top of Chan, the two acting calm thankfully. "Oh yea, Eevee doesn't wanna show me her art. Even though I saw a Bbokari in there too." - Chan casually replied, having the gall to even pout, as if he didn't just release the little devil on me.
I stared at him incredulously, feeling wounded and betrayed.
Sure enough, Felix whipped his head over to my direction, eyes glinting with something I couldn't quite identify, yet it still caused a shiver to run down my spine. Without a second of a doubt I lunged at my sketchbook, holding it close to my chest and scrambling off of the floor before the man could take it from me.
He was very, very close to it though.
The sunshine incarnate pleaded with me, his voice turning whiny and higher pitched than usual, but it didn't work on me. I continued to run, run to my little bag and hide my little sketchbook in there, out of anyone’s desperate reach.
Somehow, by some miracle, I succeeded, zipping it back up right as Felix slammed into me.
Good thing I was already sitting, otherwise I would have fallen to the ground with full force. I would not have appreciated that.
"But Eeveeee, lemme seeee, pleaseeeee!!" "Naur." "Eeeveeeee, please please pleaseeee?" "F-felix-..." "Come on, pretty please with a cherry on top?"
I could only stare at him, at the famous idol, who had the body of a sculpture crafted by the gods themselves, just… whine and plead to see my shitty art.
"These…are only sketches, Felix. Really not something worthy to be begging for. Ask Hyunjin to draw you some next time."
His expression shifted, eyebrows pulled together and lips set into a slight frown.
"I want to see your art. Not Hyunjin's, Picasso's or anyone else's. Why would you say that?" "Because theirs is better. It's a simple fact."
He put his hands on my shoulders, holding me at arm's length, eyes fixated on me with a fierce fire burning inside.
"Don't say that, ever again. Jesus, you're just like Channie hyung."
His lips were slightly arched down and his nose was scrunched up, but I could only stare and etch the sight into my memory. He looked so genuinely offended at what I had said that I found myself at a loss for words, unable to argue.
Not getting any reaction, he pulled me up by my uninjured hand and led me back to the couch, where everyone else was already sitting, much to my surprise. Jisung's eyes lit up and he beckoned us over, wiggling his way into my lap somehow -only after putting my beloved headphones away, since they were in his stubborn way-. Felix was no better, practically attached to me with how he was hugging me and all.
I looked down at them; they were cheerfully chatting with the others as if this whole thing was completely normal, even though it felt like a fever dream, if anything. Not even the others were that phased by our position, at max you could see amusement dancing on their faces.
It was just so confusing to me, as I looked between the two and the others.
I had no choice but to silently accept it. I guess I had two cuddly cats now or something. Well, technically a quokka and a chicken, if I wanted to be extremely accurate.
"Right, Eevee, we're gonna order some food, eat and then get you checked by a doctor, ‘kay? Is there something you wanna eat in particular?" - Chan spoke up, breaking me out of my short daze. "Oh, uh, no thank you. I'm not hungry." "What, no, you have to eat something!" - Jisung's raised voice earned the attention of the others, heads turning to our direction. "Sungie is right, eat at least a lil bit." - Felix murmured into my ear. "But I'm fine, I usually don't eat breakfast." - I replied, earning some gasps and not so happy grunts.
Before I could even defend myself, Minho sent me the nastiest glare I had ever seen, making me shrink into myself and hide behind Felix and Jisung. Everyone started speaking in korean, while the two in my hold lectured me about the importances of eating breakfast. They were strict and didn't let me speak up, only when relaying my answers about allergies and food preferences to the others.
Yeah, no, these men literally just ordered me food and didn't let me even argue about it.
As Han was listing off all the japanese food he loved the most -mainly for breakfast- and how he wanted me to try them out too, that same, searing pain appeared in my chest. I clenched my jaw shut, teeth grinding together painfully as I tried my best to not show any discomfort on my face. I lowered my head slightly, hoping that Felix and Jisung would shield me from everyone's view.
It hurt.
The feeling radiated and seeped into my arm too, making me unable to pinpoint its source anymore. The limb felt numb, my fingers unable to feel the soft fabric of Jisung's shirt anymore. My breathing wanted to pick up, but I forced it to remain as unchanged as I could, hoping I would succeed.
My pulse was an entirely different beast though.
"Hey, are you okay?"
I looked down at the dark-haired boy in my hold; that now familiar, worried expression sitting on his face.
God damn it me, stop worrying them!
I put on a smile and nodded, hoping to convince him, even though they couldn’t see the expression from the mask that covered half of my face. I hoped to ease Felix’s nerves too with these actions, because he was looking at me the same way, causing the flower of worry to bloom in my chest.
"Your pulse says otherwise. And your hold on me."
Fuck. I didn't even realise I tightened my hold on his waist.
"I'm, uh, I just don't like doctors. I'm nervous about the visit."
It wasn't even a lie anyway, I really did dislike doctors, especially because I would most probably understand nothing from the conversation, since we were in Japan and it was harder to find an english-speaker person here than you would think.
My answer seemed to have placated them, because they settled back against me -the notion of gentle fingers drawing shapes on me not going unnoticed- and continued chatting. I joined in occasionally, whenever they directed a question at me specifically. But otherwise, I was back in my little shell, observing them and zoning out.
Because I was still not okay.
But soon enough, the food arrived and everyone bounded over to the dining table, loudly bickering and joking around. I was dragged there too -quite literally-, finding myself sitting between Minho and Seungmin. How, I had no clue. But their glares and menacing reputation must have had a say in it, if I had to guess.
The table was full of different types of foods, everyone able to find something that fit their taste easily. Before I could even think about what to choose, food started piling up on my plate, my own hands not even fully holding my utensil. Naturally, that meant it was the doing of the two men sitting next to me, Seungmin even explaining what was what innocently. I blinked at him and Minho, confusion most probably sitting on my face.
Nobody did anything about it though, as they just continued on as if nothing was wrong.
With a last, confused and tired blink I nodded back at Seungmin in thanks, picking up my chopsticks and messily eating -this sadly meant i had to pull my mask down to my chin, strengthening my racing pulse-. Messily, because my arm was slightly trembling and while I could use chopsticks, I wasn't a pro at it. And I was nervous as fuck. And also still not that hungry.
But somehow I managed to finish eating, without staining any of my clothes. Okay, well, the hoodie was still mine, something that kept slipping from my mind. The food was divine -i loved japanese food after all-, but I couldn't enjoy it well.
My neck, chest and left arm felt as if they were about to burst into flames and become ash, as if someone was prodding around with a sharp, ablaze rod and then pouring icy water on it afterwards, scarring the flesh permanently.
It felt stifling.
"Hey, you okay there Eevee?" - a soft voice asked from my right, my eyes finding a worried looking Seungmin there. "Oh, uhm, y-yeah, I'm just. Full, yeah, thank you for the food. It was really good. I'll, I'll be right back though."
I waited for a response after I rambled out my answer, gaining a slow nod.
Good enough.
I clumsily stood up, hitting my hip into the chair slightly in my haste, but it didn't matter.
I just needed to get away.
The moment the bathroom door was closed, I wrestled Hyunjin's sweater off and looked into the mirror.
There was a pattern on my chest and left arm, one even barely forming on the sides of my neck.
They were smaller and not connected, but the strange ink glistened on my skin with iridescent colours in swirls and lines, drawing out different, beautiful shapes. One was around my heart and breast, gentle feathers covering the skin and ribs resting beneath. The other was more sharp around the edges, yet the cherry blossoms softened up the picture just right on my bicep.
I had never gotten any tattoos in my entire life.
What the fuck was all this then?!
As I was about to rub at the mysterious ink, the pain flared up and made me dizzy, forcing me to grip the sink with all the strength I could muster up, lest I fell sideways into the bathtub.
Unfortunately, at that exact moment a knock could be heard, my lightheaded self barely registering the sound.
"Eevee, are you alright in there? You've been inside for an awful while…"
Shit, it was Felix.
I quickly gathered up the last wisps of my strength and went to the door, opening it up just enough for me to peek through. I still didn't have a shirt on after all.
"Y-yeah uh… about that. Can I have a weird question?" "Uhm, sure?" "What would you do if tattoos you had never before seen in your life randomly appeared on your skin?" "Huh?"
The man just looked confused and stunned amidst his worry, and rightfully so. I showed him my arm, extending it out through the gap. He gingerly held the injured limb in his tiny hands, running a few fingers over the newly appeared ink in fascination.
Before he could comment on it, I leaned against the nearby wall a bit too loudly, making him look up and let out a loud gasp.
"Eevee, are you in pain?! Hey, talk to me. Look at me, that's it. Where does it hurt?" - Felix asked as he forced himself into the room much to my dismay, taking my head into his hands and looking into my eyes. "My chest and arm…m-my…neck t-too" - it was all I could say without my voice fully breaking, the pain becoming worse and worse with every second. "Alright, okay, sit tight while I grab Chan hyung, okay? Don't go anywhere!"
And with that, he was out of my sight, his gentle warmth leaving as well. The air suddenly felt too thin, too warm and I had no choice but to slowly slide down the wall onto the ground, sitting there with increasingly hazier eyesight. Oh, and I still had my contact lenses in, that definitely didn't help with that situation at all.
A searing pain travelled through my neck, as if my carotid artery was about to burst into tiny pieces, as if its only goal was to leave me bleeding out on the cold tile floor.
It was as if no matter how much I breathed, no air entered my lungs.
Two figures then appeared in my vision, their sentences a bit muffled and far away sounding. But after a few seconds I could make out that it was Chan and Felix, their worry practically palpable in the scorching air.
"Eevee, can you stand? Eevee! Hey, don't fall asleep, stay with us. I'll… I'll carry you now, okay? Hold on tight!" - Chan said, carefully and hastily gathering me into his arms, Felix draping the red hoodie over my vulnerable form.
Chan's steps were short and quick, shouting out things I didn't understand. Felix was running next to him, talking to me, but only half of it was truly registering in my brain, and that was a generous estimation.
Chan's steps suddenly halted, making me look up at him. He was staring ahead, eyes wide and jaw tight. Following his gaze, I was met with an unknown man, formally clothed and dishevelled looking.
He was talking frantically, breath a bit short, as if he was in a hurry. I didn't understand any of it, of course, but I felt like none of the words were directed at me anyway.
Although when I heard someone mutter the word 'Soulmates…?', I looked at them, confused.
It was Chan once again, his eyes darting between me and everyone else.
The conversation kept going, but it was starting to turn into an argument between several people. The others had arrived as well, gathering around us. I didn't get what it was about, not until Felix uttered 'You're our soulmate?' as he looked at me.
Only then did my delirious eyes notice the others' stares, the gesturing at me, Chan's tightening grip on me.
It was so obvious looking back at it.
"How? I'm..."
The last thing my brain registered were arms holding me tightly and panicked shouting surrounding me.
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Taglist: @skzstaykatsy @vampcharxter @linlinaert @yoongibelike
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99 notes · View notes
Could we maybe get some headcanons on what a night with Tim/Masky, Brian/hoodie, or Eyeless Jack would look like? What they’re like before heading off to sleep, what they do as part of their routines, how they get comfortable, etc? 🫶
I love this ask because it lets me be delulu in my love for my three favorite men <3
Warnings: Mostly just fluff/ Mentions of sex in hoodie and EJ's part but no actual sex occurs
Brian/ Hoodie
I think that Brian/ Hoodie gets the most sleep out of these three men. While he does have nightmares about his past that plague him during his sleep he has no trouble falling right back into sleep
I also headcanon this man as an extremely heavy sleeper, like the kind where he Has to sleep with his phone right next to his head so that way he can actually hear when he’s being summoned. 
Probably gets about 7-8 hours of sleep on a GREAT day and about 5 to 6 on average. He is also a morning person but isn’t happy about it.
Like he has no issue being awake early for work, but makes it everyone’s problem that he’s awake until he gets truly awake (which doesn’t happen til 9 am)
I also feel like he cannot stay awake at night for the life of him. Like the only way you could get this man to stay up late for anything is sex tbh
I also feel like Hoodie cannot sleep in for the life of him while Brian will have zero issues sleeping in til 9 or 10 am
This man does not know what a morning shower is. What do you mean ‘Just go to sleep after I get home?’ That’s disgusting! He HAS to shower before he sleeps or he feels dirty. While he wouldn’t judge you for it most times he definitely will (not so subtly) subtly ask if you wanna shower with him. He also probably has a mini skincare routine to wash his face bc it makes him feel Bonita 
I also headcanon that he has a little autism in him (same) and HAS to do these things before he feels comfy enough to sleep. If he doesn’t then he gets a shit amount of sleep and feels like shit the next day.
This man can only sleep if he’s facing you, especially if he is cuddled up next to you. He feels restless if he doesn’t have you or something to curl up into. Probably sleepily mumbles to you about random things before he passes out mid-sentence.  
Has one of those deep-in-his-chest snores that you can only hear against his chest 
Tim/ Masky
Tim definitely gets shit for brain sleep. Like he has to take some STRONG-ass sleeping pills to keep himself asleep for more than 3 hours. Speaking of which, he probably doesn't get more than 5 hours of sleep on a good day because of this. His nightmares accompanied by the looming thoughts of work make it hard for him to truly relax.
He’s NOT a morning person and is a night owl by nature. Mostly because of all of the paperwork that he has to do before his day is truly over. 
This man probably takes naps right after work before he starts all his paperwork so he can get all of his things done. Speaking of this, don’t ever interrupt his nap. He uses this time to decompress from the stress of being Slender’s bitch. Like even Tim is a pissy fuck when he cannot sleep after work.
The most you can get him to do right before bed is to shower if he is particularly gross but most times he just takes all of his dirty clothes off of him and leaves his boxers on and that’s it. 
He is basically the opposite of Brian/ Hoodie when he is about to fall asleep. He cannot sleep facing people, it makes him feel too vulnerable but typically ends up waking up with you cuddled up to him. The closest you could get to him facing you is if he falls asleep on the couch next to you. In which case he just leans on you or lays his head in your lap. 
Once he starts to get sleepy he just straight up stops talking. Like he only answers in grunts and he refuses to speak actual sentences. 
I am in love with him and we’re married so I have a LOT to say abt this fine man
He also has a routine but he is less skincare and more like, I HAVE to check every door three times, take a shower, make sure every pillow is in order TWICE, and brush my teeth. Like he HAS to make sure everything is checked upon before he sleeps or else he either A) feels like he’s not safe or B) is too irritated to fall asleep
I feel like he will refuse to sleep unless your sleep with him. He will just straight up go days without sleeping until his body forces him to.
Like I feel like in general he doesn’t need much sleep at night to function at 100% he really only needs about 4-5 hours AT MOST before he’s ready for the day
Makes sure you are as comfortable as him before he sleeps
He’ll ask you what you need to do before you sleep and will either do it with you or do it himself so that he can spend as much time with you in bed
He probably just spends 5 hours a night sleeping and the rest of the night curiously watching you sleep just because it brings him comfort (And horny sometimes). Watching you be so vulnerable with him that you’d fall asleep by his side brings him comfort (and sometimes a hard-on) 
He sleeps pretty easily and doesn’t really have dreams but when he does they’re nightmares from his past that keep him awake for the rest of the night
Sometimes if they’re really bad he’ll cry in his sleep and kick like he’s running in his dream. This will probably have you awake before he jumps awake from his dream in a cold sweat.
All it takes is to cuddle up by his side and comfort him as you lazily rub his chest before he can be soothingly be coaxed back into sleep
He is like a puppy where he makes grunts or growls and moves a lot from his dreams
Don’t mention it or he will be too embarrassed to sleep in the same bed as you again
I feel like he would have an old dog snore if he’s really exhausted or like a throaty snore regularly 
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its quite strange. im seeing you in my dreams. and i dont know whether to dread falling asleep and waking up in a fantasy where we're together or look forward to it. i quite enjoy spending time with you in the land of dreams, where youre just as infatuated with me as i am with you. part of me says the pang of sadness once i wake up and realise its all a trick of my mind, that you'd never feel the same, that ill never be the one you look at with that love gaze, that ill never be her, is worth those small moments of interaction. but it isnt real. itll never be real. why do i hold onto the hope of you and i, when i know perfectly well it will never come true? but... cant a girl dream? but why do i dream of something that is bound to make me yearn and cry and wish for more when i wake? let me have my moments. let me dream... but im hurting myself with these hopes.
aaand the bell rang so i couldnt continue 😞
okok but srsly i dreamt of him last night and idk if i need to get over him b4 this crush of mine goes too far or enjoy the dreams ☹
(for a hot moment this clown (me) thought you were talking about me and i was like:
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ignore that ^
assuming you're that green flag dude anon?? or talking about a real dude (if you're not and you're talking about some kpop idol pls take your anti-delulu pills you're welcome) he's appearing in your dreams omgg 😭 (that's bc you're thinking about him too much esp when you're about to sleep)
(also i'm stuggling a lot here the T in me is saying talk to him and you'll hate him bc real non-fictional men ew problem solved) BUT i hope you're interacting with him? it's no use crushing on someone and not doing anything about it that's just making yourself miserable. just talk to him, if you continue to find him attractive after you get to know him a little maybe shoot your shot? if he likes you back, yay! if not, then that's your cue to let it be i guess (or fight for it but this isn't the fanfic world it's different here 😭 whatever feels right ig)
or you could continue to enjoy the dreams as long as you don't forget your anti-delulu pills-- crushing on someone from far away is far less disappointing ig but maybe that's just me and my weird ass self-defence mechanism that doesn't even allow me to crush on someone in peace 😭😭
but i'm here if you want to talk about it more! warning tho i only give realistic practical advice, i don't feed delulus😔
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gingerjunhan · 11 months
hii gjh !!
hope you've been taking care of yourself, and taking your delulu pills (cuz I certainly haven't been)
I neeeed to know your thoughts on XDH OT6 with a energetic partner? I don't wanna say they give off total folder retriever puppy vibes, but just like a extroverted bubbly partner?
heart eyes for them, much love
🎲 anon
☆彡 hiiii 🎲anon! Thank you for sending this request in! This is both for you can for my lovely 🧈anon, since you both requested something similar! I hope you both enjoy, and sorry it took so long
word count: 964 | pronouns used: none | genre: fluff, established relationship | cws: (fake) proposal w/ Jiseok, not proofread, lmk if I missed something!
goo gunil
I think Gunil would LOVE an energetic, bubbly partner 🥹
he’s constantly cracking jokes and trying to make people laugh so when you two are together you’re basically laughing nonstop!!
I also do think that since he’s the oldest of the group, having a really bubbly partner would probably put him into Dad Mode™️ sometimes?
yes he loves laughing and goofing off with you but maybe sometimes he feels the need to take the reigns as the “responsible” one
that’s not a bad thing!
it sets up a really good dynamic between the two of you
if he’s in a more “serious” mood you can easily get him out of it
he just loves how bright your personality is :(
you never ever fail to cheer him up when he’s upset, and the same goes for you too!
Gunil and a really giggly partner would have SUCH a good dynamic together- there would never be a dull moment!
kim jungsu
Jungsu strikes me as the opposite of Gunil
while Gunil is typically silly with serious moments, Jungsu is often serious with some silly moments sprinkled throughout
he’s Mom Mode™️, if I may
so I think having an energetic partner would be great for Jungsu!
I mean, c’mon… look at his dynamic with Jiseok…
you would remind him that it’s okay to take a breather and have some fun once in a while!
to me Jungsu is very stoic, and you would definitely be able to crack that facade
I think an energetic partner would bring out a side of Jungsu that not many people would get to see
he definitely lets loose when he’s with you
he would probably be a little more talkative and outgoing!
your bubbly energy would definitely bring out the bubbly energy in him as well
kwak jiseok
you and Jiseok together would be unstoppable in my opinion
once one of you gets going with the jokes it would be hard to stop
truly the happiest couple I’ve ever seen
everything you do is hilarious
never a moment to catch your breath because you will always be laughing
late nights spent between the two of you laughing at literally nothing
the inside jokes the two of you would share would be so intricate and weird that absolutely nobody else would get them
if one of you suggests doing something the other would automatically be down to do it, no questions asked
oh? what’s that? you want to go thrift old, fancy clothes and wear them into a really nice restaurant, maybe even faking a proposal or a birthday to try and con from free dessert out of the chefs? Jiseok is literally running to put on his shoes
you would constantly be there to support one another
you are each other's number one fan
you + Jiseok = the sunniest relationship I’ve ever seen
oh seungmin
Seungmin my love
I feel like you could get him into some trouble
you would be so happy and down to do anything all the time
and I feel like, with a little persuading, Seungmin could be the same way
“I’m sorry, baby, I have work to do.” :(
five minutes later he’s putting his shoes on, ready for an adventure
you just seemed too excited when suggesting going out that he couldn’t say no!!
he would be the black cat to your golden retriever I’ll say it 🤞🏻
he would just be so chill next to you while you’re bouncing off the walls with excitement
but at the end of the day you’re just two nerds /pos
I also think, much like Jungsu, you could bring out a more energetic side of Seungmin!
you work together nicely; you energize him and he kinda chills you out
(until you get excited about something again and he can’t help but to stop and listen because he loves you)
han hyeongjun
I think Hyeongjun could be a little intimidated by an energetic partner at first!
he gives me the vibe that he would be very shy at the start of a relationship
so seeing how bubbly you are he would almost feel the need to try and keep up?
(just give him time okay he’ll get there)
I feel like you would be dragging him by the hand to go out and do ANYTHING but he will happily comply because look at you! you’re just so excited!
once he finally warms up to you and your bubbly antics I think you guys would have a great dynamic!
every now and then he would hit you with one really good comment or joke and you would just light up
I’m sorry but imagine him practicing and you just start shredding on the air guitar to make him laugh
“I’m just like you!”
“You should keep practicing.”
it would probably be more of a teasing relationship, but it’s all in good fun :)
lee jooyeon
oh boy
you two together would be the relationship that would make the others cower in fear
you are both. so. LOUD.
laughing at inappropriate times 💀
having a very niche sense of humor
too much energy 🤝🏻 too much energy
constantly picking on and teasing the others
you basically live in each other’s heads
you swear you can communicate telepathically
granted, Jooyeon can have serious moments, but with you around they are short lived
you make long, elaborate plans with each other constantly
even if you never execute the plans, you still make them
you have planned many cross country trips or made up strange stories together
you would probably have all the same interests because once one of you gets excited about something you instantly have to tell the other all about it, and then they get excited too
not only would you and Jooyeon be partners, but you would also be best friends!! 🫶🏻
taglist: @dazzlingligth , @mini-mews , @mxlly143 , comment to be added!⁎⁺˳✧༚
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cakejerry · 10 months
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i babygirlify jimin in a much more profound and interesting way than the rest of yall.
and ive BEEN a jk anti youre obviously new here
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no thats taehyung
tokyo dome lol
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girl fuck you you were so close to being blocked. do none of yall understand jokes?? do none of yall understand brutal honesty to combat the rest of this delulu pill fandom space??
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literallyyyy the most interesting thing he has ever done was the gender symbol last year?? but other than that, even looking at bts only, there are members who have worn wayyy more gender neutral clothing. but no one questions them because..? because jimin will always be seen as "girly" just because he's beautiful. such bullshit tbh. he has NEVER presented as androgynous, bffr
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well no but i appreciate you. he's very cute from a certain angle and thats it
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when actually it is EYE who knows him best
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girl fuck you you were so close to getting blocked too. you obviously dont know the lore of my blog because THIS IS WHAT I CAME FOR. to catch up with everything in 2024 and then drop them by 2025. stupid bitch.
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you too. getting so pressed that im jokingly hating ON TUMBLR DOT COM. like get a life maybeeee my relationship with jimin is deep and complex and you people would never comprehend it. was fantasizing about being his MOMMY since i was 15 lets maybe not get into the psychology of how i like stuff hmm
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luvvvv himmmmm <333333
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jimin's head is not big it's just closer to the camera is such a big brain take. brain so big it fits just right into jimins ginormous skull
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i literally dgaf
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