#maybe ill write a whole fic maybe i wont you know how it is
roley-poley-foley · 1 year
have a quick blurb thing
The hospital was quiet. It would be peaceful if not for Nick’s apprehension. He tried not to run; whatever the truth was, it would be the same no matter when he saw it. He only hoped it wasn’t as bad as he’d heard.
Walking into the rest hall, Nick easily spotted the bed he was looking for by the crowd around it. They easily outnumbered everyone else in the room, the healers, the bedridden patients, their visitors and the couple praying to the statue of the Healing God, Eltaor, at the far end of the room.
Nick approached the crowd, the purple-robed Sirens milling around, chattering amongst themselves with frowns and scowls. One kept glancing at the elf seated on the bed with his head in his hands with revulsion, covering her mouth with her sleeve. Someone with a folded purple robe in their hands approached the elf and spoke to him. He dropped his hands, looking crushed even as he accepted the robe.
Calling something about sending a dove somewhere, a Siren near Nick detached herself from the clamour, barely sparing him a glance as she strode to the exit. At her departure, others seemed to pounce on the opportunity to take their leave, giving the seated elf uncomfortable glances as they went. Nick stood aside for them, waiting until they’d mostly cleared out before moving to greet his friend.
His stomach sank when Noah looked up at him.
His head looked a little lopsided and if Nick’s eyes hadn’t immediately fixed on the place where his left ear used to be, it might have taken him a while to figure out why. His dark hair covered the remaining wound, but the tip of his other ear poking out and made it obvious that something was missing. Nick had heard right after all.
“Hey,” he greeted, “They couldn’t…”
Noah shook his head, briefly giving the grimace of one on the verge of tears. “Nothing they could do.”
If Nick could only get his hands on the humans who’d mutilated his friend…
But they’d already been captured and, if they hadn’t already been slaughtered, were awaiting butchery now.
“You should ask for a bone charm,” Nick suggested, “Shit, you could probably request one from each of those fuckers. People would get it, you know? And your Clan has sway.” It wasn’t really an eye for an eye, but it was something.
Noah frowned at the robe in his hands. “I don’t know, I… I think I…”
“I’m headed to the bathhouse,” Nick said when he apparently couldn’t express his thought, “You busy?”
“Can’t remember the last time I had a bath,” Noah murmured, stroking the robe.
“Probably been weeks, right? Time for some city living, I’d say.”
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57sfinest · 1 year
2, 3, 7 and 24 lol
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
mmm i'm gonna go a little sideways from the prompt because harry isn't necessarily my fave but i just do want to say i don't think this man is topping. i think the emotional fallout from martinaise has stripped him of his ability to ever top or dom or be in charge in any sexual capacity like ever again. someone tries to get him to top and he gets the thousand yard stare like oh no... i dont top..... not since The Accident..... like already immediately post-amnesia you've got these comments saying sober sex is scary for him, his blood flow is bad from the alcoholism so his dick is operating at a generous 48% capacity, he's got chronic pain + will probably feel that bullet in his thigh forever and ever and this is a perfect storm that equals to This Man Aint Topping. physical and emotional agony if this man even tries. you put this man in a situation where he's expected to top and he says 'i can't... not after everything women have been through...'
that being said i think if you can convince him that there is a shortage of tops for the future communist utopia of revachol & you remind him "from each according to his means" etc he might try. like if you tell him mazov topped then it might actually work. but otherwise call this man a cheese pizza cuz there's no topping here
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
there have been many. but i think one that angers me the most is the idea that dora was somehow wrong for leaving harry. i did see once (many months ago) that she should have stayed because of what the breakup did to him and i know for a FACT that person completely missed the point of the last dream on the seafort. that shit was crazy
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
i'm very good at maintaining my own separate opinions so there's no character i HATE but [strapping on my bulletproof vest] kim took a back burner in my brain for a while because the sheer volume of genuine sincere unironic 'kim is a good cop and his purpose in life is to be harry's support system' i saw was like. mind numbing. i'm not talking about lighthearted fun with his character i was seeing people genuinely believing that shit and i got so sick of it that kim became a secondary consideration for a while. i do love him his character is super interesting & i'm currently working on an analysis, but i think it was a case of oversaturation for a few months there
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
i am lucky to have not seen much but i think one of the things i see start some conflict is that there are 2 equally good and valuable types of Disco Enjoyment: 1) silly goofy fun and 2) full 10th-grade-english-teacher-mode analysis. and people can do both but i personally have deleted several anons who i think didn't realize this fact and therefore took my character analysis posts as personal attacks on the Silly Goofy Fun activities rather than the braindumps they were. most of the rancid shit i HAVE seen has mostly come down to: we are looking at the same thing through different levels of detail and canon-compliancy and are forgetting that Ignoring That Shit is an option
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tea-132 · 5 months
(Pls turn away if you havent read the recent beachboy arc (ep 31))
A little self indulgent fic/prediction i think will happen in the next episode
Now i dont usually write fics like this and preffer to illustrate more but if i illustrate this whole thing its gona take a whole while so :,))
Anyways its sort of my first time posting a short fic like this, i didnt really have a structure or anything so pls go easy on me :,)
(though constructive critiscm is welcomed)
They were getting along just fine before so why did things have to end up this way?
Maybe Buddy was right- maybe he was too innocent and trusting
But he really did want to give Buddy a chance. But he definitely blew it.
That jerk.
He really thinks he can act all smug after doing that saying "he taught him a lesson". Heh maybe that kick will teach *him* a lesson.
This story will end soon anyway when Deacon gets here. Hah wonder if he can even leave Buddy on the island alone. Thats what he gets for betraying his trust-
Yet- that face Buddy had- maybe he actually regrets it?
What if he's being forced by the ex libris to do this?
Oh well doesn't matter
Its not his problem-
He has his own problems to worry about-
Wonder when Deacon will come? And wonder how he's holding up? Probably better than Chase is doing at the moment..
Chase laid his face on his palm as the tropical island breeze and gentle sway of the waves soothed his heart a bit. His eyes felt dry after all the crying, not only is he going to come to Deacon with a scarred face, but also a puffed up one.
That'll be embarassing. This is all Buddy's fault..
Speaking of Buddy for some reason Chase swore he saw something move just now. Oh no not him again.
With his voice a bit shaky he answered with a crack in his voice "What the heck do you want now? ...jerk."
Buddy just stood there still with the spear in his hand. His bangs slightly concealed his eyes but it wasnt too hard to figure out the grim expression on his face.
Then he got closer to Chase raising his spear.
"H-hey!! Dont you think you damaged my skin enough?! Back off Buddy!" (Do you want another kick to your face or wha 💀)
With no time to run all he could do is shield himself with his arms and close his eyes.
"Huh?" He felt around and didnt feel like he got stabbed anywhere... then..?
He saw green but then his vision focused. Buddy was quite literally shoving a coconut in his face.
"... you can have it.. if you want." He said in a quiet subtle tone. Looking away, as if a child was trying to give some sort of "apology gift".
Chase looked at Buddy with wide eyes, bewildered at the goth's actions once again.
As much as he wanted to deny the coconut from this jerk. He just cant pass up the oppurtunity for a free, finally opened coconut he's been trying to get all this time.
"....thanks" Chase takes the coconut from his hands.
And Buddy hesitantly sits next to him.
"Dont think a coconut can fix the scar on my face you know?" He said in an angry tone
"You know when you get out of the books the scar wont be there anymore right?"
"Yeah but it still hurts you jerk!"
Then there was silence between the two again. Chase angrily but obviously enjoying his coconut.
Then Buddy says something about his lore and it goes on from there jdbdjdbdj
Ok thats all the predictions i have for now 😭 i dont think im gona finish this unless i get more ideas or smth 😭
But tysm for reading till the end! Jsbdj hope you guys enjoyed this lil thing i did
Dunno if im gona do more of these but who knows- ill most likely do more drawings though-
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bubblyqueer000 · 1 year
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soz I haven't been posting. I'll make an update soon C:
still tho gotta do my yearly april fools day post!!
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Okay so like last year that little cock weasel, monocumstain killed my boyfriend, mondo because he was mad he commited a hate crime and fucked me on the tables in the cafeteria, coating them in his dick cheese in the process. UGGGGHH
I was in the midst of using a metal spatula to scrape off his dried up mondo butter from under the tables when I felt a horrible pain filling my chest.
“Ow tf” I sayed
“Shut the fuck up” said Kyoto
“No you cunt, my stomach really hurts.”
“Well no shit we’re all like a million years old now and during that whole time mondo was fuckin destroying your organs.” Said toastermi
Shit u right.” And then I felt another horrible fucking pain in my tummy!!! “AHHHHHHFHDNDNBDNDJDNDND NO YOU BITCHES IDK WHATS HAPPENING”
“maybe u need a nap c: “ Nina told me
“DON’T WORRY YALL I GOT THIS!” Said sakura, kicking me as hard as she could in the stomach making my organs squirt out of my ass with a loud shlorp. 
“OH SHIT IN THE SINK GET HER TO THE SINK!” Shouted byakuya bc he thought it was my period and he was scared of periods and stuf. 
So yea soccer ball carried me over her shoulder into the kitchen and plopped me in the sink where I screamed and farted loudly lmfao. I really hope that no one actually gets turned on by this dear fucking god. 
So yeah I shitted out a bb. 
“What the fuck” Said everyone collectively. 
“Goo goo ga ga 😀” He goo goo ga gad
“Because you had tons of unprotected sex with mondo.”
“Oh yeah ur right. Alright well… Idk ummm ill name u mondo after ur dad ig.”
“otay” he said bc that’s how babies talk according to fan fic writers wtf is wrong with you people??
“Acutually you can;t lol” said byakuya smartily. “Bc if u did that everytime you called him that hed think of how u fucked his dad or some shit.”
��Byakuya what the actual fuck. I don’t think you understand the absurdity of what you just said. Not only is that sexualizing my infant son, but it’s also an incredibly perverse interpretation of a healthy relationship based on love and respect, and now that he’s passed us on, it’s all the more insensitive.” I told him and everyone started clapping. I looked at the fuckin kid and thought and thought. “Wait wat was mondo’s brother’s name again?”
“Diarrhea.” Sayd makoto.
“LMAOOOOO k ur names diarrhea.” i told the child. 
“K lol.” he said. 
“WHAT WANT BUTT FART???” I sowed   
“well everyone knows that babies need a mommy and daddy or else thre brains wont work. so im volunteering to be ur rich and morty. fuck wait no. rich baby daddy” he explammmed rickbabydaddily 
“??? Tf no!! richie bitches suck” and then I rapped the entirety of piggy pie by icp for everyone but it was a parody that fit the situation like that one mlp web series we all watched as kids that had the parody wreck it ralph op and there was also fuckin evelyn evelyn and confrontation from jekly and hyde parodies ummmm… hold on let me google it. PRINCESS TRIXIE SPARKLE BY MAGPIE PONY.
so I took a break from writing this and taking care of my bastard son to re watch that series and then the first four seasons of mlp and then like all of rainbow dash presents fuck i miss the early days of mlp lmao    
So anyways after that I came out of my room and Daiya II was like a teenager because I was watching mlp content for like fifteen years. 
“Hewwo mwommy” he said 
“Ew why do you still talk like that? Get that shit out of here.”
“Jeez you’re such a bitch.” He told me.
“:0??? >:0! Go to ur room you little shit!” 
“NO mom! >:0! YOU go to YOUR room!”
“Wait what.” and then my own son stabbed me. “Ow bitch u stabbed me in the tit.” 
“Yea but it’s dedly bc ur like 47893845748398.”
“SHIT” so yeah I fuckin died. 
“You… cunt.” I said and stoped living. 
When I woke up I was in hell. And who else was there???
Ur MOM! (sorry if ur mom is actually ded or somethin rip)
BUT ALSO MONDO AND DAIYA OWADA (the first one not my son)???? :0
“Hey cootie ;0” said doodie owada
“MONDO!” I cried running over to him.
“Am I a joke to you?” Daiya asked bc i ignored his dumb ass
“Wassup bbygrl C:” Mondo asked. 
“I missed you so much.” I told him. 
“Kay let’s fuck already.” 
Our clothes all burned off bc my homophobic relatives tell me that I hell is hot. Then they bent me over. I suckked daiyas dick and took mondos in my ass. 
“Glucglucglucglucglucgluc” i said suckn dick. 
“Coom” and then I fake my organism. 
Soooo yeah were done and were just chillin wit angel hazbin hotel bc it’s hell. BUT IT TURNED OUT THAT DAIYA II WAS THERE BC HE WAS EXECUTED LMFAO
Anyways happy april fools day seeya next year :3
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omg okay so when i saw that you write for big mouth and human resources i about lost my shit. so im a huge jatthew fan and id really like a lee jay drabble where matthew gives jay cheer up tkls bcuz he's sad about his family OR lee pete the logic rock headcanons.
ofc you can chose not to but yk💓 ill write them if you wont 😩
Hey! Sorry I'm so late to this - if you like it I'll keep making these in quicker time.
Again, so sorry it took so long, I have periods where I do and don't have time for this witting because of school, but I'm free for the next few weeks (yay!)
Sooo I think I'll do Pete HC's, especially because he interacts with Caleb so much in this new season, meaning I can weave him in there somewhere.
Pete is made of rock, so him being ticklish is like, impossible
(bows, leaves)
Hah! Oh so you thought! (re-enters)
So even though he's so rough and strong we all know that he's a softie. We also know that he's muscly, and that muscles make you more ticklish.
Rochelle found out that he was ticklish actually before they were dating by seeing him get tickled by Emmy before hours. Ofc when Pete saw Rochelle he was visibly embarassed and was pathetically trying to sound like a strong guy and said that he was faking laughing for Emmy's satisfaction to shut her up.
"Come on, surely there is an ounce of logic in your love bug brain. You know that I couldn't possibly be ticklish, I'm a rock and i can't even feel temperature. What was I supposed to do when Emmy started annoying me?"
Rochelle smirked - "well, ok, if that's the case than I still don't think Emmy is satisfied, so maybe you should 'fake' some more"
So yeah whenever someone asks if Pete's ticklish or doubts it when he says he isn't he always brings up logic to conclude that he couldn't possibly be ticklish
This also happened with Connie once because yk she's so randomly curious about the weirdest shit so she walks up to him one day and goes - "so, you know how your made of rock right? Does that mean you can't be ticklish?" And his heart STOPPED for a moment.
Also it has happened with Caleb ofc. Once Pete and Maury were in a meeting to create a list of notes on what touches would be acceptable for a potential partner, and they both wondered weather tickling would be ok so they asked Caleb in person. He said that it would be fine but first asked Pete if he would be ok with it. Ofc Pete pulled off his whole "i'm a rock so your question makes no sense" thing and ofc Caleb didn't fall for it and told him that, very many times, he had observed Pete getting itchy, which means that he was just as likely to be ticklish and even more so because he was sensitive. Maury smirked at Pete and Pete felt like throwing Caleb out the window (but never ACTUALLY considered it because he never would - he's a nonviolent rock).
Oh wait I haven't gotten to him ACTUALLY being tickled yet much so he is sometimes tickled by Emmy when she is pressuring him to say something (Emmy can always tell when there is something up).
ALSO I think Caleb tickled him once but on accident. Like he was poking and prodding Pete because he likes the texture of rocks and Pete just clenched his teeth and took it. Until he couldn't take it anymore and started giggling, squirming out of Caleb's grip with a "stawwp ittt" (fic idea?!)
Now, for the most important thing, spots...
Belly - 8/10. Lots of giggles
Neck - Not much
Sides - Bro will SCREAM, especially on the sides of his belly. 10/10
Underarms - pretty bad, some light chuckling. 4/10
That's all I can think of rn, thankyou for reading! Until next time gigglers (:
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good morning, meow meow!! it must around 8:30 a.m. in your timezone and i've just finished all the tasks i needed to do *star eyes* 'i forgot to answer your ask this morning' good. i already thought i said smth wrong, shouldn't had linked those songs or idk TT glad to hear from you anytime, though! 'if you dont want to' no but i literally don't know if i even have an opportunity to do so... actually, the whole death thing is... you know, burning? it's really important to talk about it. it's hard to describe but the death is just not the thing that stops me. omg i haven't watched comebacks for.. a lifetime... srry. but it's really been a long time. 'WHO IS YOUR BIAS MINE IS JOHN' giirl give you 3 seconds to guess yourself... yeah mine too. also doyoung seems too much like me so i just LoOk and relate. 'thats so random' I FORGOT THE WORD COACH!!! hghfjjd. awful. like irl i always say every word i know while trying to cheer up smn so my friends joke about me being one of those buisness-motivation coaches. 'interesting to know you like music like that' ig it's more about hyperfixation and nostalgia. it's published in 2012 and it feels. but it's the best part for me. actually, i like 'my sea' better. but i did fell in love with noize and all his songs yeah... 'i didnt really like the song' it's ok. i was just excited to unit my two fav thins at this moment: your fics an this artist. 'i like the chorus part' AHAAH it's funny that i'm opposite TT 'i never actually imagined the first scene to be a childbirth scene' LOLL ok maybe it's me and my bad memory but it mentioned a child and a wound on her stomach so i though... 'fuck your trauma, she could die and you wont be there?' SAME!! i was a little taken aback when i've read he wasn't present during rhaenyra's labour and didn't support her after due to his trauma and was like?? you claim to love her, fuck she beared your child and you couldn't like don't pay attention to the thing that happened how much time ago? 6 years? literally dont remember even if she died, you wouldn't be there to say her goodbyes like with laena?? i'm angry now(( 'i love how were planning the ending already but i havent even made p3' lol well you asked for this and triggered my imagination, so just enjoy. i'm glad you at least like it. *proud of myself* you may or may not include it, it's just a thought, maybe i'll even have the other ones after another part(s?) i trust you to do your big brained thing. 'i started writing it' YAY good luck catmom, meow meow!! sending you all my best love and big brained thoughts through a lot of kisses!! 'wow i love it when language does that' i'm glad you love it TT i was really nervous about sending russian songs. 'i will say im not feeling making smth fluffy' ig i'm falling ill so my fluffy side craves more sacrifice so... what's going on with the lifetime... 'honestly im a sucker for plots like this' GIIRL were again the same!! i always think what if daemon had a wise present wife instead of rhae (sorry babe you were perfect) who would've made him attend all the council meetings so viserys would've thought about naming daemon his heir... thinking... thinking so much... she'd be besties with corlys and rhaenys and they'd spill some tea every now and then.... ok now i'm crying bc it sounds good for me. (winking but not really. you decide. but one day maybe...) What about dimash!! this song is in russian. a lot of artists from post-soviet countries sing in russian. it's easier to promote like this ig. dimash is not really popular in russia as i know? he's been famous for being popular in asian countries as i remember from my most active time in kpop. but he is indeed talented. his voice is amazing. i'm happy to hear he inspires you so much. he's soso good i think he should be more popular and appreciated. hope you've done good with your midterms last semester! love you!! have a nice day/evening!!! take care!! <3
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me going through your love letter HAHHAAAH
it must around 8:30 a.m. in your timezone and i've just finished all the tasks i needed to do *star eyes*
well im readinf this at 10:13 am, i googled russian time and the general consensus is that is morning, good morning <3 HAHAH
'i forgot to answer your ask this morning' good. i already thought i said smth wrong, shouldn't had linked those songs or idk TT glad to hear from you anytime, though!
T_T plssssss T_T i will always reply to you i promise T_T i literally just forgot i hadnt done it yet you can tell me anything, link any song, i will read and listen to it all. i will reply as soon as I can always <3
'if you dont want to' no but i literally don't know if i even have an opportunity to do so... actually, the whole death thing is... you know, burning? it's really important to talk about it. it's hard to describe but the death is just not the thing that stops me.
that's fine if you cant watch it. i agree the whole death thing should be talked about, as well as other things that are quite hard to process as a human being.
omg i haven't watched comebacks for.. a lifetime... srry. but it's really been a long time.
that's fineee T_T its all fine T_T
'WHO IS YOUR BIAS MINE IS JOHN' giirl give you 3 seconds to guess yourself... yeah mine too. also doyoung seems too much like me so i just LoOk and relate.
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'thats so random' I FORGOT THE WORD COACH!!! hghfjjd. awful. like irl i always say every word i know while trying to cheer up smn so my friends joke about me being one of those buisness-motivation coaches.
like a motivational speaker? AHAHAH it's ok i get what you mean but LOL ??? THE EARN YOUR FIRST BILLION WAS SO RANDOM HAHAHH
'interesting to know you like music like that' ig it's more about hyperfixation and nostalgia. it's published in 2012 and it feels. but it's the best part for me.
i completely understand what you mean. i have a lot of song i hated as a kid that i love now only because its a song i knew when i was younger. not that im saying you hated this song or whatever
actually, i like 'my sea' better. but i did fell in love with noize and all his songs yeah... 'i didnt really like the song' it's ok. i was just excited to unit my two fav thins at this moment: your fics an this artist. 'i like the chorus part' AHAAH it's funny that i'm opposite TT
yeah i like the 2nd song better too. interesting to know you like noize haha. i cant believe my fics are one of your two fav things T_T and HAHAHHAH it so funny we're opposite about the chorus HAHAH
'i never actually imagined the first scene to be a childbirth scene' LOLL ok maybe it's me and my bad memory but it mentioned a child and a wound on her stomach so i though...
NAH YOURE SO RIGHT THOUGH. i didnt give too much details on the first part because what was important to me was to show she was DEAD HAHAH and i thought she was like, idk, stabbed in the gut by someone mid wartime thus why Daemon managed to find a sorcerer cos he and yn were situated someone like idk the woods yeah. also in my head she was not that pregnant like full on big belly pregnant ya know. but its 100000% fine that you thought it was kind of a pregnancy death scene T_T albeit the fact again idk if i would ever write smth like that.
'fuck your trauma, she could die and you wont be there?' SAME!! i was a little taken aback when i've read he wasn't present during rhaenyra's labour and didn't support her after due to his trauma and was like?? you claim to love her, fuck she beared your child and you couldn't like don't pay attention to the thing that happened how much time ago? 6 years? literally dont remember even if she died, you wouldn't be there to say her goodbyes like with laena?? i'm angry now
ReAL 🤬🤬🤬🤬 men (derogatory)
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i understand that you got trauma boy, but being pregnant/giving birth IS SUPER FUCKING TRAUMATIZING AND DEADLY HELLO??????????????????????????? men (derogatory)
(( 'i love how were planning the ending already but i havent even made p3' lol well you asked for this and triggered my imagination, so just enjoy. i'm glad you at least like it. *proud of myself* you may or may not include it, it's just a thought, maybe i'll even have the other ones after another part(s?) i trust you to do your big brained thing.
[chanting] trust in the big brain. i love all your ideas. im happy i trigger your imagination. [pats head] i'll do my best to make everything coherent and add as many ideas as you told me into the story
'i started writing it' YAY good luck catmom, meow meow!! sending you all my best love and big brained thoughts through a lot of kisses!!
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'wow i love it when language does that' i'm glad you love it TT i was really nervous about sending russian songs.
you can send me alien songs id still listen to it
'i will say im not feeling making smth fluffy' ig i'm falling ill so my fluffy side craves more sacrifice so... what's going on with the lifetime...
[chanting] SACRIFICE SACRIFICE i will say tho i have some fluffy fics lines up so HAHAH but idk if p3 of waiting for a lifetime will be fluffy
'honestly im a sucker for plots like this' GIIRL were again the same!! i always think what if daemon had a wise present wife instead of rhae (sorry babe you were perfect) who would've made him attend all the council meetings so viserys would've thought about naming daemon his heir... thinking... thinking so much... she'd be besties with corlys and rhaenys and they'd spill some tea every now and then.... ok now i'm crying bc it sounds good for me. (winking but not really. you decide. but one day maybe...)
the 'sorry babe you were perfect' AHHAHH 💀💀💀💀i love the chaos. DAMN sometimes i wish i could just watch these ideas instead of writing them T_T or someone else could write it so i could fucking read T_T asflashfasfafhafash [dramatic wailing noises]
What about dimash!! this song is in russian. a lot of artists from post-soviet countries sing in russian. it's easier to promote like this ig. dimash is not really popular in russia as i know? he's been famous for being popular in asian countries as i remember from my most active time in kpop. but he is indeed talented. his voice is amazing. i'm happy to hear he inspires you so much. he's soso good i think he should be more popular and appreciated.
he is he is such an amazing artist. im glad it was in russian i totally knew that AHHAHAH lololol jk. interesting fact to know about post-soviet countries. he is more popular in asian countries i think. i hope he finds more success too <3
hope you've done good with your midterms last semester!
yeah my midterms was fine. my partner made her part too high and un-singable for herself though 💀💀💀and i couldn't save her with autotune. idk why she did that i made the key not so high and she still messed it up a/lshflas T_T RIP
love you!! have a nice day/evening!!! take care!! <3
i love you <3 i hope you have a nice day as well. i fell like i have to say i finished writing at 10:45am so idk you know what time im sending this from <3
take care my lovie. i have assignments to do now
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1eoness · 4 months
i loved hearing abt ur perspective on that matter 😭😭😭 not good with words but one thing i will say is most dead dove fics i see are from fandoms who preach abt problematic characters, its so rare to actually find any of them, like, this is just an example but everyone knows how famous hp is and ive read probably hundreds of fics (from ao3, which is kinda surprising since EVERYTHING is there, right?) and ive only ever come across one dead dove fic, which, again, i was startled bc i didnt even know what it meant so i think with warnings or none, it wont stop anyone from reading it. i guess i cant say anything abt how sa victims say its their own way to cope and it might be wrong to say this but i just think if a bad thing happened to me, why would i glorify it? and why would i ever want to influence people and make them think its normal and that they should want it too? its honestly just sad, especially, like u mentioned, when they say "a fictional character has no feelings" but theyre making leon an object of their sick fantasies, it sucks when all we get from them is "just block", followed by getting mocked, its just sad to see bc i feel like, how fucked up do you have to be to treat others like that? sure, maybe they have mental illnesses, but its like, theyre using it to justify their wrongdoings instead of actually trying to get better
anw... i dont know u much and i havent kept up with ur fics and stuff but i got to say i have a lot of respect for u and am looking forward to more of your works! or if not, i wanna say i admire u as a person 🫡
tw: mentions of dead dove, PTSD, mental stress disorders, trauma regarding SA. i understand! and thank you but you really don't have to praise me for saying this <3
i won't go on a whole ramble trying to deeply psychoanalyze these kinds of writers but to (attempt) to sum it up shortly: PTSD, and a lot of other kinds of stress disorders tend to corrupt you throughout your growth; it forces you into a kind of regression and when you're unable to get help for multiple kinds of reasons, you tend to turn to the internet because well, it's just a click away. when you feel like your only strength is your writing you will tend to "weaponize" it (but not really per se), then the result becomes... that.
it's i guess, what people commonly testify it as, "trying to regain control". which i don't doubt for one moment, i genuinely do think that people who write this kind of "fiction" are victims who desire a taste of control again. they wanna be able to twist their perceptions and perceive their trauma differently because they've been enslaved by it mentally. perspective matters here: what an expressed fantasy is to the viewer, may actually be a vent from the writer. [i cannot stress this enough. but if you're going to publicize this kind of stuff, you are still bound to public morality. so please stop ignoring the fact that dead dove content that pampers the concept of sexual assault is genuinely harmful. no one should ever write that in a way that perceives sexual assault as "desirable" and "a want".] otherwise, any kind of writer who glorifies and makes market-focused art out of sexual assault are sick and they know who they are, they just don't want to take accountability for it. i always think there's a better choice to be made.
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makahimetenshi · 1 year
Follow me inside the wastelands -  Chapter 23  -Arthur Maxson x Female Sole Survivor Fanfic
I managed to make them fight so we are good.
If you are very very very delighted with one fic and want a continuation I didn’t write or post you can donate me at least $5 bucks, most of this fics have next chapters I don’t finish because lack of motivation but hey a $5 is a $5, I see a few reviews and coments that fics that are abandoned months laters receive coments of wanting to know what happends next. Here it is, I finished my handling with you all, enjoy the fic
 Eventually someone in the Prydwen find the courage to tell the Elder what happened with the sentinel. Knight Kells took the responsibility to get yelled by the elder if it was necessary but
It didn’t happen.
He informed the elder what happened with Sentinel Nora. Both reunited in the Command Deck as…well Kells proposed but…he didn’t seem to care much, or at least react accordly. Arthur took a glass of Vodka with a pair of pills of buffout, something he rarely see on the elder, buffouts with alcohol were like gummy bears in whisky and just drank it as well Kells hoped he at least was listening.
So apparently the sentinel run trough his door, slam the guards of his quarters to the walls and steal her power armor from the workshop, shooting some soldiers who tried to stop her but only with a laser pistol, obviously causing a chaos and confusion inside the ship and everyone around, the woman was smart, didn’t try to take a ventibird obviously, when Kell told him that she jump off the frontdeck to the direct sea with the power armor on…he spit on the ground surprising the other man with that action.
-Of course she would –he said loud, chewing on his tongue. This was expectable from her, since they meet in that place she look like having an intense urge to jump off. At first he could think it was an intrusive thought but noooooo it was pure desire to jump down now he had the confirmation. If he didn’t have plenty confidence in his scribes work repairing the power armors that would surely make him puke his stomach out of his mouth in fear thinking that shell had an abortion or loose the baby jumping down, but no, his power armors were safe for everyone. If she throw herself down it was because the  landing on the power armor was safe. Still, maybe not the best thing to do if you don’t know what to do about a pregnancy.
-We lost her track underwater, who knows how far she walked on the bottom of the sea, my first idea was looking in castle for her but we arrived there and found nothing, it was a normal day of work for the people in that place, nobody seem up to of what was happening, the sentinel wasn’t there –the elder take another shot of vodka, annoyed- all soldiers are on watch in all bases an the ones patrolling in ventibirds too.
-But Nora is good avoiding ventibirds –another shot in- it was a good idea, surely long planned.
-Falling from the Prydwen to the airport is dangerous enough but do it in the deep ocean…she must know were the bottom is, the armor cant stop, swim or float, it will drive you directly to the bottom and you have to make your way out of there.
-She is a good swimmer, I bet she knew how the land was
-There was a good amount of  hurt soldiers too, no one tried to approach enough because well…-again, like the first time they were talking about Nora not so long ago- she is the sentinel, we cant go against her, even if we knew that something was very very wrong, but everything happend too fast to knew in what kind of situation we were involved and if…we were where authorized to act in time, she surely wont have the chance to scape –Arthur stay in silence, sure, in that moment he was crying against the pillow like a little girl, obviously he wouldn’t have the guts to inform the whole ship that the sentinel had to be arrested because she rejected him. Pffff obviously.
-Ill give my proper apologies to the soldiers in no time, send me their names and ill arrange some sort of reward for their bravery –after all, trying to stop Nora was indeed a pure gesture of bravery, she was as hard to beat like a Yao Guai.
-Again Elder, im sorry we let her have the chance to scape. I wish we had more time to act.
Arthur wished he had more time to act too.
-She is sneaky and slips away, don’t worry, ill take care of organizing her search
-You expected this to happened? –the question almost offends the elder but he keep it together to not look like a madman.
-I imagine how this situation could be, like a plan B –another shot, Kells was worried for a couple fight this as a little…hardcore. For a moment the thought of telling him that his wife and him often had similar fights  cross his mind but she wouldn’t  try  to jump down the zeppelin to the deep sea, maybe stab him or break a bottle in his head but not that much.
-We are on wait of whatever mission you want to assign us elder.
-Ill call you, thanks for the report
Kells walk past the entrance, near to the stairs, but he wouldn’t dare to turn the head and watch back to look at the sound of glass tearing and crushing to the floor. No. He wouldn’t.
So all this drama happened while he was crying out and loud…ahhhhh it was amazing how your heart can make you forget all around you doesn’t? Fuck this was ridiculous. A hand went to tear down his beard, causing him pain, shutting his eyes and crossing the eyebrows until the pain became annoying to bear.
He allows too much. Too condescending on people who wouldn’t appreciate it.
Even right now his chest hurted, to breath, move, functioning, exist…everything, it just hurted at each second, cried a lot but the pain wouldn’t go away, eyeslids still inflamed and big, red and shiny. It was embarrassing to be presented in this state in front of his soldiers, with the nose all red and runny but he cant do anything about it, it was just the way his broken heart make him to be, he should be glad to still be around and not die of sadness…Arthur took a deep breath, looking at the shattered glass an the vodka liquid in the floor. A foot raise and step on a big piece of glass, stepping on top, hopping that his weight would break the glass just in one attempt to play a bit with the sound of the broken glass. A sight came out from his mouth, this was pointless.
He keep his promise of waiting five days, of course, she didn’t come back, as he expected obviously. But didn’t have much time, or energy or the actual possibility to give that much entity, yes in dead times his mind slip to think in her pregnancy, if by any chance she was still pregnant with his son…but then obligations and things to do would crush him, lately he had to deal and talk with other elders of other chapters…things were doing good for the brotherhood, for his chapter specially, apparently he did a good job and people were recognizing his leadership. This was good, some actually brotherhood of steel job to do and keep his mind busy, is not like he didn’t want to worry or think in his unborn son…it just wasn’t healthy to worry this much, so better don’t do it, better don’t have the possibility to worry, if he had the chance to worry he started to feel sick.
Also there was some activities…he can perform with this new time…some…investigations to do. Planning to perform, plans B to imagine.
It wasn’t a good thing to not know anything, obviously but the truth is that he didn’t send any alert, patrol, group, message…unconsciously, he was expecting her to show up, he didn’t want to put any effort anymore…but thing is that according to Cades dates…she was nearly 90 days pregnant and nowere to be seen. Fuck it. At day 80 he put an alert on every brotherhood post to start searching in the surroundings for sentinel Nora also groups started to patrol in the Commonwealth actively coming out from the airport in her search.
It took 5 days  for a team to get a clue where she was around, in which area…and another 5 days to confirm were her hideaway was…bingo.
Of course it would be Listening Post Bravo. But as much he hated that place  it was necessary for him to go there, Nora will only appear in front of him. Heck, she would run away from an army of soldiers if it was necessary so he should move his ass no matter the amount of important job he had to do, or the time it robbed him…Arthur sigthed at that thought, no, its true he had a lot in his hands this days, that a big proyect was soon to see light but…he was worried about his son, and also miss her, a lot. She didn’t allow anybody to be worried but he can miss her.
So a ventibird take him there, it was a dangerous zone with Deathclaws around so a group was patrolling around the post inside and outside…
The post was incredibly clean, no dirt, no trash, no debris…it was old and destroyed of course, some unnecessary and broken furniture around but it really was clean, even tho there was some destruction like holes in the walls and landslides difficult to fix for only one person, it was obvious that she was there and around, Nora cant stand dirty places, she always said that having a clean environment contributes to a good mood, that it cost nothing to be clean and organized at least, the world may end but that’s not excuse to not pick your shit up. Sanctuary was a pretty clean place too it was true.
Arthur would go down the bunker were there was a pair of shut down turrets and a turn off protectron, of course, her work, as she was good hacking.
Looking around he found a bed, a bag, one radio, lamp, a crate and some ammo boxes. The crate had some clothes and  armor, also a soap, toothbrush, toothpaste and and and and apparently the boxes of food from the institute she told him about, unopened, a good ration for what seems to be a lot of days…He sighted and throw himself into the clean bed, rolled up a few times and stay looking up, hands on his chest, eyes closed. Hearing his surroundings, the soldiers talking, the steps of power armors on the surface, people patrolling up walking in the ceilings…being here on this place cause him noise, noise on his head, he was alone down there in the bunker after giving the order to his soldiers and still there was noise. His modified earing sense can of course get a track of everything on the surface and people around but that wasn’t the reason why his head cant be in silence.
Staying in her bed, in the one that he can confirm it was hers make him sleepy, and he decided why not? After all he had to wait for her to show up, so he close his eyes and rest, not so sure for how many hours, partially awake partially sleep, resting but ready to get up if something happens. Resting, not sleeping. Trying to disperse the noise hearing his own breathing resonate in all his body, traveling down into each limb.
After what it felt like a few hours later, someone dare to put a pair of hands over his shoulders. And the only one with the confidence enough to do that…
-Arthur –a feminine voice call him, the man open his eyes just to find Nora looking all worried at him. Ah, was this a dream? He got up and off from bed just to hug her and for his surprise, she corresponded the hug, hugging as tight as him. In  the moment he sniffed in her hair he knew this wasn’t a dream, a fantasy, a trick of his mind, this was real, she was there in his arms. She allowed herself to be lifted slightly into the air by the force of his embrace, not wanting to break the moment, she missed being in his arms so bad.
-Nora –he said hiding his face in her warm neck, her hair getting a bit tangled in his beard- thank god you are oaky –his breath was slowing down and relaxing like he hadn’t feel in weeks, gosh he needed this so bad.
-I miss you –she said clawing her nails into his battle coat, also sniffing in his hair, taking all of his essence and smell to remember, really miss him a lot, this wasn’t satisfying or easy to do, she was tired, exhausted of running away.
-I miss you too –he corresponded, despite how angry and annoyed he was at her, how much she broke his heart and make  him cry, how mad  he was for doing this to his son…he missed her terribly, he cant  help but have this intense need to be close and recover lose time, it was far beyond logic, he should be so mad an angry that no matter if he was the one looking for her he shouldn’t be so…soft…but even if it matter he cant avoid hugging her like it was a primary need, because it was right now, he loved her. He let this things surpass him because he loved her.
They stay like that for a moment, Arthur put her feets on the ground but they keep hugging, just hugging, relaxing their breathings together, feeling the other presence close again.
Until the man felt that something was…weird, not normal from all the hugs they had before…over his stomach and one of his brave hands went forward from the back of her waist to the front of her body, placing on top of her belly. She had on her vault suit and an armor only covering her chest but even before finishing processing what he was feeling under his palm her tight grip surprise him, one of her hands was grabbing strong his wrist stopping him in place, not allowing to move at all.
Still, he was feeling what he suspect he was touching so clearly, and at looking up and stare at her chocolate eyes, her grip soften, her eyebrows relaxed, her muscles calmed, the next thing he felt was a hand pressing his onto her belly, directly holding him there.
His breath stopped and he separated a bit, not taking off his hand since she was even holding him there. Eyes turned down were his palm was and a gasp leave his mouth.
-I grew a lot this month –she just said, moving his hand slowly up and down on her belly.
Yes, she was still skinny, but her belly was so solid and firm, slightly curved, it wasn’t much but because she was so skinny it was easy to separate it from the rest of her torso. Its true, she wasn’t this…bloated last month, the last time he see her naked she had the same flat stomach of always, now it look really different.
A big breath escape from his mouth feeling so so relieved…yes…she was still carrying his child…
-Have you been eating? –he didn’t expect exactly worse from this specific situation he just didn’t know what to expect.
-Yes, I can eat institute meals here with more freedom than in the Prydwen, its more fresh food than pre-wars at least…-his fingers started to move slowly in circles over his belly, being incapable to take off his eyes from there, it wasn’t big but the sensation was definitely there.
-Are you feeling okay? –from now he had to be careful with his words, again, she was there he had to try to hold her again.
-My waist and stomach hurts all time but I think is one of the symptoms…-his eyebrows crossed, that didn’t sound good, much less down here alone.
-Have you been down here for a long time?
-A pair of weeks ago I thought I bleed one time and I got all scared –at hearing that the man shiver, getting also scared- turns out it wasn’t my blood anyway but I felt so bad to need to settle for a bit, so here I am, walking out to loot stuff in places I know are safe –did she engage fights like this? Nono, much worse, she is going out still? Nonono.
-Do you remember that house you reservated at Croup Manor? The one I told you I want to repair for us? –she nodded, again he needed to handle this conversation carefully. Ah but the feeling of his hand on her belly was so relaxing… it makes him slip-I was working lately on it...the roof is ready, there aren’t any water leakings from rain or anything anymore, the next thing Ill be working is the windows, once the house is sealed and the only entrances are the door and windows when we open them ill start with the floors –again she nodded.
-That’s good –she said with a smile, breathing out like  he was doing too, for some reason her hands started to shake and he didn’t understand why, fearing anything, he press his palm a bit more onto her belly.
-Wheres your power armor? I thought you left with one –for some reason her whole body started to shake, he noticed this and put a hand on her back, caressing up and down looking at her eyes, she look like she was about to cry.
-Hidden, this days I went out to find loot to repair it since I didn’t have much stuff here…
-Don’t worry, I can fix it –he smiled to reassure her and his gaze involuntary look down on her belly again, he cant believe that she was so big with his child…their child together…
-Arthur im scared –she said and the man hug her again, still with a palm on her belly, doing circles with his fingers.
-Im here for you…-he whisper and she left his hand to close her arms in his neck, sobbing, breathing to try to calm herself- its going to be fine
-Im so confused, I ran off to find a solution but when I see blood in my pants I couldn’t recognize it it was…from someonelese, mine or…or…mine…-he understand what she meant- and I panicked and hide here, I was so afraid
-You were afraid that he was hurt
-Yes –she said, and that really disturbed Arthur a lot, after all hearing that confidence response after she asked to help her to get an abortion…
-I wouldn’t let anything happen to any of you…-she sobbed some more, the man was so nervous, after all it wasn’t easy to hold this conversation, anything could go wrong like the other times
-I miss you –he nodded and she separated for a bit, looking into his blue eyes.
-You know I been quite busy this weeks –that’s not the reason why he didn’t try to find her all this weeks but oh well- I made some arrangements to bring some technology for  maternity medical procedures, at the Prydwen theres now a machine to do ultrasounds…
-I thought there was already one –ultrasounds are required for a lot of medical purposes.
-This is a transvaginal, is special for pregnancys –ohnonononono, Noras eyes open wide and she try to step back, but Arthur was holding her, even if it was just an embrace, she didn’t found a way to get out. He panicked, and hold her, taking off his hand of her belly with all the pain in the world to secure her arms- Nora!?
-No! im not doing it –she said feeling how the air around her disappeared, feeling suffocated.
-Nora you need to do check ups you are already 3 months and…-for not having any kind of belly before, now she was big that was surely interesting.
-Im not seeing it! I don’t want to see it! –what?
-What are you talking about?
-Im not taking a peek how it looks like! –why not? Arthur was confused, he grabbed her hands and then look at her belly, it didn’t have any sense.
-Nora its been a month since your last check up you need…
-Im don’t want to be a mom again! I don’t want to look at it! –what? No
-What are you saying? You clearly want it you are 3 months now! –again this fights crave hard into his head giving him strong headaches.
-I couldn’t do anything! That’s why im this far!
-You are confused!
-Im confused…-she said, stopping, staying frozen in her place, runny nouse out and loud- im confused but I know I just know that I don’t want to be a mom again
That doesn’t have any sense
-Nora please –he tried to be convincing- well go to the Prydwen, take a shower, eat some tasty donuts with coffee, change your clothes…and take a revision with Cade to check on you…
-No I wont! I cant!
Arthur separated and lift his hands and open them in the air, to show her he wasn’t a menace, shutting his eyes, fucking hell. Took a moment, breath out, plan his next move and…bite his tongue.
-I find something interesting of…when you were a just knight…I was surprised I didn’t heard this about you earlier –she lift her head and look at him, crying feeling rejected when he separated even if she wanted to get out from his arms- turns out you ran a group of raiders called the operators- the sentinel open wide her eyes, stepping back, hugging herself, he never got this far in her life- there’s often a lot of talent wasted on that people, this chick Lizzie could be such a talented scribe if she weren’t a psyco but despite that she was cooperative after one of her ears pop out her head –when the man hold a persuasion grenade out of the pockets of his jacket Nora tried to run back but Arthur throw the grenade first and this one crushed in the ground spreading a gas that she recognized as familiar from a different time- how many secrets you have? General of the Minutemen, Mother and candidate to leader of the institute, Leader of a gang group –something make her stop, something burning her nostrils and lungs, making her cought a lot- Sentinel of the Brotherhood of Steel…what now? top member of the Railroad? I guess it doesn’t matter since that folks disappeared a long while ago.
A bitter taste fill the mans mouth, he wasn’t used to being a son of a bitch, and never imagined he had to  be that with her of all people…
-I guess its hard to commit…-she said cocky, falling to the ground when her knees surrender, Arthur felt the strong need to go and help her but…no…he was already helping…helping her to accept his help.
-You always got so many options Nora –he said walking behind her. Grabbing both fists and pushing her back down, being careful with how he tried to subdue her but the reality is that she was letting herself be done, she didn't know exactly if she was afraid of hurting herself or because the gas was working very well when not rebelled against him, in either case she was under his control and didn't try to defend himself too much- and never liked any
-I figured out a solution –she said in a whisper, feeling her eyelids heavy falling against her cheeks, feeling extremely tired and weak- the three of us aren’t together…but you got what you want –he raised an eyebrow not understanding, what did she mean?
-There’s no solution where the three of us aren’t together –he said again, her breathing was…stopping, calming down, going slower as she fall asleep.
That diary of her really was useful he was glad Preston insisted him on reading it, although he didn’t want to sneak into her secrets at all she had too many, some of them had to be useful sometimes and here we are, using a chemical weapon on her. He sat next to her were she was slowly falling asleep, watching her, exactly falling asleep because she was starting to snore that was a good way to check up. Even if he was also breathing that gas that raider Lizzie make a good job “adapting” the drug for Nora, too bad she was a raider and not someone capable of redemption because she will be a great asset for Nerea.
He sighted, she was confused but slowly…wanting it? I mean she feared of getting hurt or having a miscarriage for sure, that means she kinda cares for it, it was an advance, surely an advance but their relationship wasn’t getting any better, this was worse than the first times indeed. Would Nora reach to hate him for this things? He feared that, he wanted to be all together.
His hands tried to move her and spin her in her front, nose and mouth up so she wouldn’t asfixiate by mistake, then he look at her: the only thing the blue vault suit does for her is clothing, even in how skinny she is she says that she feels trapped with other clothes and an armor on top, like is too tight, there it was was her classical gunners combat green armor which only protected certain areas but…it was smart, there wasn’t such a thing as armor for pregnant women so her belly needs to be out.
It wasn’t noticeable unless he put a hand on top, and he did, caressing it slowly, by doing it he get an instant gratification feeling in his head, even if the situation was horrible and she was…well…sleepy, unconseous…
He wished so badly that everything would work out in the end.
When her body finally stopped moving, he waited for 10 minutes, sitting at her side, caressing her belly and arms, with almost no air on his chest, something crossing his throat side to side making him unable to swallow saliva and then he knee to place a hand under her legs and back and use almost no force at all to carry her up, securing his hold to be able to walk and not drop her by accident. His eyes turned down on her belly and his fingers closed around her leg and arm more, no, nothing would happen to any of them no matter how difficult she made everything.
The doors of the elevators open and all soldiers turn around to see him carrying Nora, they escorted him to the ventibird and help to go on and sat her securely on a seat. Still even with all that movement she was sleeping.
Why did Nora just show up in the bunker if there was soldiers in the entrance? Because he allow them, if she by any chance come back will notice that he was there by the amount the soldiers they just move aside and let her go in, and she did. They weren’t there to arrest Nora or anything, they were just there because it was a Deathclaw zone, but his plan was wait and let her come back to her bunker.
When everyone arrived the Prydwen Arthur follow his plan, take her first for a revision before she wakes up and try to fight against it, and of course put handcuffs on each side of the gurney of Knight Cade nursery. Of course it was rude to do that type of revision without her consent but when he enter on that nursery he was desesperate to check if his son was okay, if anything was wrong with the pregnancy so her feelings and comfort move to a second place in order to perform that exam, after all he had to tell the other chapters elders that he was expecting a baby in order to get that machine…he did sacrifices to.
Of course it wasn’t something he or Knight Cade will perform, not without their sister consent, so another female scribes-nurses did it, following Cade instructions. It felt just wrong if she didn’t consent, of course the fact that they were womans didn’t make it any better but this was necessary and she already tell him that she didn’t want to do it, it was beyond Arthur, this needed to be done.
For some reason it took a while until the machine was set and they found what they were looking.
-Elder can you see the white and black circle? –said Cade. Of course not, he didn’t understand shit, so the knight pointed at the screen the exact thing- that’s your son, its too early to know anything like the sex or any kind of disease but there it is.
Arthur let a long and big breath come out his chest, looking at the screen with stars on his eyes.
-Congratulations elder –said one of the nurses
-Congratulations elder Maxson –bringing this machine here took a lot of work but it was worth just for this moment, even if Nora wasn’t awake to see it. But she wouldn’t want it anyway
-Sorry for the wait it took a while to find it, turns out it was hiding and not letting be seen, sometimes that happen, its my first time using one of this machines but I read very carefully the manuals to knew all possibility’s
-It’s a thing of position –said one of the nurses to reassure the elder who seemed kinda frighten by the image on the screen. Surely he was, the elder was young and this pregnancy wasn’t coming in easy terms for him. This wasn’t ideal for sure.
-So its everything alright? –he asks still looking at the screen, not daring to look back at Nora.
-There’s no bruises, clots, balls, points, cyst…everything seems normal on her uterus –again, he breathed out, covering his face with his hands, breathing through his fingers.
-Can we have a picture of this? To check evolution, I think –ask Arthur.
-Of course, we are filming this to have a file to reproduce on terminals
-Can I have a copy?
-Of course –he kinda smiled at it but the fact that Nora was unconscious behind him didn’t let him finish that smile, he was pretty aware that this was horrible.
Cade told the nurses something he can’t quite understand but just ask him to wait a little longer there with them, Arthur stood there, just watching at the screen, the image moving as they were trying to adjust or find something…but after 20 minutes unable to apparently change nothing, they give up and just disarmed the machinery, separating it from Nora and leaving it simply in bed.
-Sorry for the wait, I thought I see something but no, must be a glitch on the screen –said Cade making the elder raise an eyebrow.
-You thought you see what?
-Nothing important, like I said it was a flash and we haven’t be able to catch it back, if there’s something we are going to see it in future checkups
-What are we doing about the handcuffs? –ask one of the scribes, Arthur said nothing and let Cade talk he was actually ashamed that this was his situation.
-Leave it, I still need to perform other tests before she is…undone –this was indeed something difficult to do and talk, if it wasn’t because the elder was there he surely would said no to play with the body of a brotherhood sister, specially the sentinel. The scribes agreed and once they weren’t needed anymore leave out the room, Arthur swallow saliva and look at her in the gourney, just laying with her hands up on the handcuffs
-Can I stay here until she wakes up? –he asked taking a seat in a chair in front of her gurney, feeling bad for all this situation, his head hurt a lot actually.
-Of course, im going to take a blood test to check on her levels although I don’t expect much, I just hope to not see any trace of drugs, I can take the chance to put an intravenous and give a vitamin treatment.
-Its okay, do it, surely she needs it more than just the baby…-then he remembers something- she told me her waist and stomach hurt a lot
-Normal, totally normal, she is growing and we see nothing off normal, its part of the process, we can give her light painkillers but im sure she is also weak
Cade took the blood sample from her arm like any blood sample should be but on Arthurs mind he was…taking some time, looking at Nora too much, like searching for something….but he faded that thought away, maybe it was his anxiety and desesperation making him think that life moved too slowly for his needy brain. Then he put the cocktail of intravenous vitamins he prepared a side and spike her, putting a tape to hold the needle there, even if her arm was still because she wasn’t moving at all.
-What about a urine test? –ask the elder, looking for every detail.
-When she is awake and cooperative there’s no need to rush, I taking this sample to the lab I want to see how much narcotics are in her blood to estimate when she should wake up, after all it was the drug made from a raiders recipe…-Arthur nodded and the man went out the room, leaving the elder alone with noise in his head, a lot of noise. Cade knew his plan since the beginning because Arthur told him how they should procedure in case he had to bring Nora back against her will.
He look at her, leaving his gaze rest on her beautiful face for a few minutes in silence until he noticed something weird that almost make him jump.
-Nora? –he asked more for himself than anything, but slowly her eyes twitched and open, scaring the shit out of him.
-Are we alone? –a raspy and low voice came from her red lips, he swallowed saliva and his chest moved back, tense.
-You are awake –he said but she didn’t move much, just tried to move her head to the sides, testing a bit of movement with her eyebrows.
-Conscious –she said and then cought, Arthur raise from the chair and stand in front of her in case she needed anything- I cant almost move at all
-Im so sorry –said Arthur frozen in his place, feeling his back tense with a cold shiver running down his spine- Im so so sorry about this
-You would gain conscious if you were impaled like me  too –luckily her tongue wasn’t sleepy too.
-Don’t be a jackass –he said biting his tongue nonono he shouldn’t respond like that –don’t exaggerate, it was a safe procedure.
-Of course, I don’t doubt of Cade abilities
They stay in silence for a few moments, unable to see each other.
-Did you see it? –he asked and see the confusion on his face- our son
-No, I had my eyes closed pretending to not be awake –looking up her fingers were trying to move, twitching too, Arthur look at her from head to toes, taking a moment to breath out.
-Do you want to see it?
-No –her immediate response make him bite his tongue, almost feeling the urge to cry, why?
-Its our child Nora –he said putting a hand on her cheek, but she moved to the other side- you cant just say you don’t want it anymore
She stay in silence and then shut her eyes.
-I messed up, I can’t be a mom again
-You wanted to side with the institute back then? That will be only way to forgive yourself!? If you fulfilled your twisted son whishes you would be a good mother to him!?
She stays in silence and he see her eyes water too.
-I don’t know
He sit in a side of the bed, caressing her cheek feeling how tense she was.
-Im willing to wait until you feel ready to be a mom, but this child right now is going to be the elders firstborn no matter what, and I know you also want it that way
-Its not about you –she repeated, and he nodded, going down to leave a kiss on her forehead.
-Im willing to wait for you, but not for our child, it cant wait and I will not wait for it
Arthur was dead serious about this.
A sound of the handcuffs moving and hitting against the gurney head surprise him, Nora was trying to move her hands off.
-So are you willing to tell your son that you trapped and enclosed his mother until he was born or what?
She looks at him furious, face filled with rage and that snapped Arthur out of his mind. No. Not like this.
He moved back and sit on the chair he was before, looking at the ground while the noise increases in his head and heard her cry.
Not like this.
0 notes
sorry for hopping into ur ask box i jst dont wanna clog peoples dashs lmao. anyways AUAUAAA thats. :/ albw and alttp are different incarnations in the same hyrule what....... a big reason i havent gotten into LU is because it feels like it reduces the links to extremely specific personality types (like. sksw is the sweet one and time is the stern one and wind is childish and so on and so forth) and while thats not, like, terrible, it does permeate SO MUCH fanon content that it gets a little :[ sometimes. sky is the one that bothers me the most bc if u play past the beginning and watch his dialogue he actually gets more and more like, short and snappy and weary which makes sense bc it is a 38 hour game and his childhood friend tells him he wont see her until he fulfills a destiny he did not pursue so ofc hes DRAGGING himself thru it but !! no one thinks of that they just kinda use the LU char and thats that. idk i certainly hold no ill will to the creator or fans or anythin like that i jst wish one persons interpretation(s) didnt overshadow everyone elses ................. also i know bonus links but what were thos other ones u named !!!!!!?!
YEAH they are very much different links but I guess jojo (the creator) didn't want to deal with another character? None of the other links are combo'ed as far as I'm aware (except for maybe four? I'm not sure if he's supposed to just be mc/fs or if he's supposed to be fsa too)
Yeah they really are reduced down to very little :/ especially in fanon sometimes. notable example include: legend as the snarky/mean/broody/angsty one, sky as a sleepy soft boy, time as the responsible/parental one, etc etc. I have many many problems with this but ESPECIALLY with sky because I am incapable of being normal about anything in that game like. He's not? He's really not? 10 minutes into the game you get "nice hair" and um. I don't know how to break this to you but um. HE SAYS THINGS LIKE THIS A LOT. There's just... everything with Scrapper ("not that guy") and also.
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Yeah. I think it's safe to say that he's very willing to fuck with people. (And the chandelier breaking and just-- yeah)
(I could refute the sleepy part too but then I would probably write a whole rant about how he's really not and also how it's unfair to him because he would be the "lazy" one and uhhh I can't say anything else bc I'll just work myself up)
Honestly just as an au in general its not THAT great. I would put it solidly in the "it's okay" category so it's really NOT deserving of how it's taken over EVERYTHING (fun fact-- have you ever tried to look up loz fics on ao3? Well if you haven't, ITS INCREDIBLY DIFFICULT TO FILTER IT ALL OUT. botw and lu fics SOLIDLY dominate a good portion of all the fics and-- man I just wanted to read some link's awakening stuff). Everywhere I go, I see lu names on posts that are not lu (there's using it once as a distinguisher but there comes a point when it's obvious that's not why you're doing it), and if you look up fics with more than one link in them you WILL get lu names and characterization even when explicitly stated to not be lu. Also, and correct me if I'm wrong, but. The hero titles? I'm pretty sure those don't exist (beyond hero of time, which seems to be a general thing), except MAYBE in the context of the names of the clothes you can get in botw with amiibo so like. Bad excuse, buddy
Anyway sorry for ranting I. Did not mean to do that. The other aus I mentioned are @/linked-maze and @/ageless-soul-au. The first is a comic, the other is a fic (which does bear some resemblances with lu at first glance but uh-- yeah it's not (if the alttp and albw combo bugs you a lot they do the same thing). Certainly not my favorite but its not bad)
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bitwynn · 2 years
Hi! Ill mainly use this blog to post about my kind of maybe incredibly convoluted SAGAU fic. it will be incredibly self indulgent and i will not be surprised if literally noone other than me likes it. I'm okay with that, as im only writing for myself and if my chance you happen to enjoy it? Fucken poggers yo, welcome to the fam
Of course, that doesnt mean i wont post abt other things too-- and theyre all genshin related as well since this IS a genshin brain rot blog.
If you feel like it, feel free to send in asks abt my incredibly specific au and/or fic, or just asks in general. I wont get sick of it, i promise-- i have had that thought everytime i send an ask to a genshin impact fanfic writing blog and id love to brainrot with yall. But, if youre going to ask abt general genshin hcs and things, please do mind that i am not fully into the lore and am still stuck in Liyue as of writing this since im trying to level my characters up to 60 and am as stubborn as a goddamn mule thanks to my gacha game experience. It may take me a while to answer them though, so do keep that in mind as well.
MASTERLIST UNDER CUT (it got. l o n g .)
"Behold, (holds up a dead person) a Paimon!" AU
Playlist for when you're accused of identity theft: SAGAU Impostor AU Songfics
"Behold!" AU World Study: Living in the spaces between the lines Identity Theft Playlist Snippets: Playlist Clips
MY RAMBLINGS: Check out #nic talks
I'd love to hang out with yall and hope you have as much fun as me with this whole thing. Thanks for your time :))
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bittydragon · 3 years
The Ant King
Note: Huge thanks to Bittydragon for inspiring me to write this. I’ll be honest, this is the first fic I've ever actually written, as well as the only piece of creative fiction I've written in like two years so… fingers crossed it goes well hahaha.
TW: tight spaces, darkness, uh,,, bugs i guess. Near death experience
  There are things you have to know about ants when you get an ant farm. Basic fundamentals. What to feed them, how to keep them alive, what type of ants you have, etcetera. Even if your intentions were… torturous. After all, you need to know what makes something tick in order to make it stop.
One of the more common facts about ants is that every colony has a queen. She orders her ants to keep her alive so she can make more ants. Simple biology, the continuation of a species. Every nest has a queen, or it dies.
Apparently, this colony didn’t get the memo.
These thoughts buzzed in grumpy circles around Wilbur's’ head as he followed his ant companion, Tommy, deeper into the ant-farm. They had been wandering these tunnels for what felt like days now, in the center of the farm so there were no glass barriers to show the outside world. They were deep too. Almost at the bottom of the compound. Wilbur was not one to show fear, but even he was beginning to get claustrophobic.
Tommy, who up until now had been jabbering like a toddler the whole trip through the ant-farm had also gone uncharacteristically silent. The whole trip Wilbur had wanted nothing more than a few seconds of quiet from him, but now he missed the carefree noise.
They were on their way to see the ant King. A type of ant that, as far as Wilbur knew, didn’t exist. So either they were on a wild goose chase, or Will was way out of his depth.
The further they went, the more he was convinced it was the latter.
“Tommy do you-” Wilbur paused, his echoing voice in the tunnel almost felt like a taboo. An affront to the maddening silence that stalked them. He lowered his voice.
“Do you think… Will I ever get back to normal? Will the ant king change me back?” He hated that little quiver in his voice. He hated the uncertainty. The waiting.
Tommy continued to march forward silently, pondering the question.
“I dunno big man, I think you’ve changed heaps since you got here.” He turned his head to flash Wilbur a grin “Then you’ll be out there and all nice n shit. It’ll be poggers.”
The tunnel was dark, but not dark enough to hide the flash of uncertainty in Tommy’s eyes.
Wilbur's heart sank. “Thanks mate.” He mumbled, and they trekked on, once more in silence.
  By the time they saw light, it felt like they had been walking for days. Wilbur was almost glad he was about to meet possibly one of the most powerful ants in this colony. They rounded one last bend, and they were there.
Before them stood a huge double door set in the wall. Two vines with some kind of glowing fruit framed the door, shedding light on the small space. In front of the door, leaning on a spear made from a twig was another ant with a pair of large white rimmed goggles. 
“Well… This is it I guess.” Wilbur muttered. He cleared his throat “Hey, um. I-i’m here to have an audience with the King? If that's alright.”
The guard ant didn’t respond, continuing to stare at them with no discernible expression.
“H-hello?” Wilbur glanced at Tommy, who shrugged.
“Excuse me? Anyone home?” Wilbur snapped his fingers in front of the ant's face.
He seemed to startle slightly, before slumping down a bit and letting out a loud snore.
“What the fuck” Tommy said.
Before anyone could do much of anything, one of the massive double doors creaked open and a voice came through.
“George, I swear if you fell asleep again, I'm going to rip off your antenna and use them as- oh.”
Another ant entered the room, this one also carried a twig-spear and had a strip of white cloth tied around his forehead.  As soon as his gaze landed on Wilbur, his expression soured.
If looks could kill… Wilbur thought nervously
“It’s you” The new ant spat “Took your sweet time getting here Soot. Earthquake slow you down? Didja get a taste of your own medicine from your big pals out there?”
Wilbur pursed his lips, and the ant snorted. “Yeah. Thought so.” He walked forward and gave George a hard shove, sending the other ant sprawling with a startled yelp.
“Sapnap what the hell?!” He snapped, before spotting Wilbur and Tommy. “Oh hey. That guy is here.”
“Yeah he’s here, idiot.” Sapnap smacked George over the head with his spear “And we would have known a lot sooner if you hadn't fallen asleep on duty again!”
“OW! Sapnap stop! Get off me!”
Wilbur cleared his throat, drawing their attention “Sorry to interrupt, but me and my friend have been walking for a long, long time, so could we please have an audience with the King?”
Subpoena glared “Yeah. He’s waiting for you. Against my advice, he wants to see you.”
Oh. That… didn’t sound great.
Wilbur tried not to think about the implications of that statement as he approached the double doors. Tommy moved to follow, but was stopped by the guards.
“Hey!” He groused “Let me through dickheads!”
“I'm afraid the King only wants an audience with the great and powerful Wilbur Soot” Sapnap said with a smirk.
“But I want to go too! Let me in! You stupid ugly bitch ill fight you! You may have a fancy stick but just wait until I pull out my knife-gun!”
“Tommy its fine.” Wilbur interrupted “I’ll be fine mate, promise. Just wait here. I wont leave without saying goodbye.”
The last thing he saw was Tommy’s antenna drooping sadly, before the doors swung closed behind him.
  If Wilbur thought the tunnel was dark before, that was nothing compared to the room he was in now. The darkness was so thick, so absolute, that it made no difference if his eyes were open or closed.
“Hello?” Wilbur called “Uh… your majesty? I was told that you wanted to see me.”
His voice echoed slightly in the huge space, but there was no reply.
Wait. What was that? Something rasped ever so slowly across the opposite wall. Something big. As it moved, the moss where it had been standing glowed a dull green.
Bio-luminescence Wilbur reasoned. Trying to distract himself from the fear creeping up his spine. Touch activated, it seems.
He swallowed dryly “L-look, just tell me what you want. I’m not here to cause trouble”
The thing moved again, its raspy scuttle reverberated through the chamber.
“Wilbur Soot, not here to cause any trouble” A thoughtful voice hummed from the dark “Now that’s a first.”
The bio-luminescent moss was lighting up more of the room. If he squinted, Wilbur could make out a... leg. Probably.
Wilbur inches slowly to the side, the moss lighting up his own path. “Okay, I get it, I've done morally questionable things in the past, but I've learned a lot from my time here. I’m sorry.”
“For now” The voice replied. The thing was moving on the other side, matching him step for step. “What's to say you aren't faking remorse to get out of here? And maybe you really are sorry. How can I be sure you wont change your mind the second you're back to normal? It's too much of a risk.”
Wilbur continued to back away nervously “Your majesty-”
“Please, call me Dream. Everyone else does.”
“Right… Dream. I can say with 100% certainty that won't happen. I've seen people die in front of me. That’s enough to change anyone's stance on something.”
“And yet I'm still not convinced.” It was moving faster now, scuttling across the floor, walls and even across the ceiling. Wilbur's head spun with the motion. “And since we’re talking in hypotheticals, riddle me this: Whoever said I was going to let you out anyway? What if I just like to play with my food?”
Dream stopped suddenly, rearing over Wilbur, and with all of the lit up moss, he got his first proper look.
This ant was huge. Twice- no, at least three times the size of Wilbur himself. He looked a bit like a centaur, with a human torso connected to a pure white and thorax and abdomen.He also wore a strange white mask with a blank eyed smiley face drawn on.
Two huge claw arms- similar to those of a praying mantis- extended from Dreams waist and slammed into the dirt either side of Wilbur, startling him enough that he fell onto his ass. The king leaned forward with that lifeless grin, and Will closed his eyes, preparing for the end.
“But…” Dream said thoughtfully “A proper experiment should account and test for all variables, shouldn't it?”
“Y-yeah generally” Wilbur stuttered
“Oh good.” Dream hoisted him roughly to his feet. “I’m glad I asked you. After all, you know all about experiments, don’t you?”
Wilbur chose not to answer, glowering at Dream as the eyes on his mask briefly glowed a dull green.
A moment later, Sapnap and George marched in, dragging a cussing and struggling Tommy behind them.
“YOU STUPID MOTHEFUCKERS!!! Let me go or ill get married in rage!! Fuck you and-! Oh. wow that is a big fella.” Tommy stopped and stared in awe at Dream
“Sapnap, give Wilbur your spear.” Dream ordered.
A flicker of doubt crossed Sapnaps face but he obediently shoved the spear into Wilbur's hands.
“I’ll make you a deal, Wilbur Soot.” Dream purred, circling him. “I will let you go to your old life. You can do whatever you like; kill us, torment us, throw us away… it doesn't matter. All you have to do is kill one ant.” He gestured to Tommy.
“What?” Wilbur whispered.
“WHAT?!” Tommy roared “fuck you! I'm not your dumb-ass pawn, I'm going to kill you! Rrrrrrrrrrr!” he writhed, attempting to bite George who did a surprisingly good job of holding him still.
“Go on.” Dream cooed “It's just one insignificant ant standing between you and freedom. You've killed hundreds. What's one more?”
Spear in hand, Wilbur took a hesitant step forward.
Tommy's gaze snapped up “Wilby?” He asked, his struggling pausing for a moment.
Their eyes met, fear clashing with sorrow. Tommy seemed to see something in Wilbur's expression and hung his head in defeat. As if he had expected Wilbur to betray him.
Oh hell no. Fuck that. Wilbur angrily tossed the spear aside.
“No. I won't.”
“What?” Dream spat
Wilbur rounded on him “No! I won't kill him! Keep me here, kill me, hunt me for sport, whatever! Just leave him out of this! Tommy has been nothing but nice to me since I met him, even though it don't deserve it!” He rubbed his arm. “God knows I don't deserve it.”
“Hmm…” Dream hummed “Are you sure, even if it costs you your life?” One of Dream's massive claw arms grazed his side, a subtle threat.
Wilbur looked over at Tommy, who had a look of hope on his face.
“Yeah.” Will smiled, “I'm sure.”
I probably could have written more, but i wont. I hope you like this fic bitty! Thanks for reading :)
Edit: Fortune, this is amazing! Like, I hadn't really thought about this encounter in a lot of detail, but I honestly like this a lot! And Dream being a big boy since he's the king ant. Just yes. Thank you so much for this.
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thosch3i · 3 years
Fic Writer Interview Game
was tagged by @extraordinarilyextreme <3 thank you so much! was out all day and only got around to this now lol
name: emmy/thosch3i whatever u wanna call me, it’s all good lol
fandoms: currently, only dmbj but previously also zhenhun. most of my fics on my ao3 are still weilan but maybe one day i’ll kick my ass into gear and write more pingxie LOL.
two-shots: ......I only write one-shots i’m sorry LOL
most popular multi-chapter fic: ............i really do only have one-shots man im sorry. most popular fic in general is going viral, at 840 kudos. shen wei vs technology in covid-era online classes lol. glad all 840 of you were coping with this pandemic well(?????)
actual worst part of writing: getting ideas from brain onto paper. talking about fun angsty ideas in dms? awesome! actually writing them? uhhhhhhhhhhh [sweats] also lol finding time to write. i feel like i never have time these days but maybe my time management is just...terrible.
how you choose your titles: i write the entire fic and then panic throw a random line that sounds vaguely related as the title. idk what im doing, ever, dont ask me things. *lies down*
do you outline?: usually yeah. most of the time my writing goes horribly south from the actual outline anyway though. (everything’s fine folks i promise--) though sometimes for short fics i’ll just have a general idea and start typing. and then it turns into like 15k words and i despair
ideas you probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice?: all of my old weilan fics lol. i had a huge 20k outline for a weilan x dbh crossover with android shen wei and Plot and Twists and Betrayal and Revelations and whatnot and honestly i was rly hyped to write it, i got 50k for nanowrimo two years ago but ehhhh i just dont have the brain for guardian anymore....im only capable of fixating on one fandom at a time. looking through my guardian wips i also have multiple other soulmate AUs, a literal ghost!sw + human!zyl AU with a whole other plot, urban fantasy demon!sw + human(?)zyl again with....more plot. lol i give up on life *shrugs*
callouts @ me: write faster and also read more fics in english instead of chinese because you’re forgetting how the english language works at this point, dumbass
best writing traits: i legit do not know. descriptions? fluff? pining? lol help
spicy tangential opinion: hmmm...mainly, i dont read much eng dmbj fanfic bc i dont vibe with most popular eng fandom fanon/characterization, sorry 😅 uhhhhh i also really hate it when people forget that xg & pz have their own friendship and relationship independent of wx......pz tends to bring out xg’s playful side at times, which un showed w their last couple eps and also there’s a novel extra where xg pranks pz (&wx but mostly pz bc wx sees through it p quickly) with a fake zombie turtle and it’s rly cute lol. anyway t3j’s relationship is the heart of dmbj and it can’t be intruded upon or broken up by others, esp by chongqi/rain village. uhhhh another spicy opinion: i vastly prefer huaxiu to hei///hua, sorry guys orz i blame tlt2...huaxiu are too cute ;;;;;; anyway ill stop there before the entire dmbj tumblr fandom blocks me LOL. (i also have too many Opinions(tm) about characterization.)
but anyway, so like im definitely a cranky judgy bastard at times, but in the end fanfic is fanfic so u can write whatever ooc crackship crack premise stuff you want, have fun with it. i certainly do too. as long as you’re having fun then that’s all that matters. tangentially related, dramas don’t have to be Objectively Good/Amazing or anything for you to like them. i definitely have very strong opinions on dmbj adaptations for example re: how they respect the novel and characterization of t3j especially, but they all have their own problems....(some far more serious than others). i could write an essay about that but i wont, to save your eyes LOL. 
(i mean at the end of the day i unironically love time raiders and that is like an objectively terrible movie.)
tagging: im so inactive on tumblr im sorry idk anyone anymore. i think lots of dmbj writers have already been tagged but also i dont read much dmbj fanfic so im not sure who else there is OTL @laireshi ik u already got tagged but if u choose to do this i wanna see :D otherwise if you’re a fic writer and you see this please feel free to tag yourself~
EDIT: im a clown sorry laire just saw u already did it lmaoooo
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hello-yue-here · 3 years
The Great Comet is my favorite musical ever D:::: so great to see anyone talk about it ever haha. But I wanna hear you talk about the sokkla and wicked song! also the zutara one is spot on
great comet is LITERALLY tied for my fav musical (les mis is the other it was the first show i ever saw and it was amazing and enjfoaiend so many feelings for that musical)
i am SO GLAD you asked ab sokkla and wicked because that along with the yuekka great comet no one else song is what inspired me to make that list
so without further ado: sokkla: as long as your mine
one of the big things with sokkla as a ship is that most of the fics i read and most of the art i see if that many sokkla fans and artists rlly play into the whole forbidden romance theme; moreso than any other fm swt pairing in the series (ie zutara zukka azutara u get the gist)
you see: fiyero in wicked is a carefree guy who plays up his charm and plays dumb a lot when in actuality i think hes a very smart character. i know sokka doesnt pretend to act dumb and thats a difference between him n fiyero: but the fact that theyre both pretty smart strategic characters is why i associate them with eachother
azula as elphaba?? HANDS DOWN AMAZING. elphaba is an outsider. she isnt liked by many people. she is very thoughtful and precise with her actions and has shown she can be cunning and manipulative when she needs to be. sound familiar? consider a post-redemption arc azula for this role. just just think of it.
now onto the lyrics:
"i need help believing your with me tonight / my wildest dreamings could not foresee / lying here beside you / with you wanting me"
elphaba in this moment cant rlly believe that the fact that she is with fiyero is reality. azula has been seen in the finale of atla to struggle in terms of reality and people wanting her (ie her mother saying she loves her and azula not believing it because it isnt real) i know this is a bit of a stretch because elphaba isnt hallucinating and has never been known to do so, but azula and elphaba definitely both have issues with people genuinely loving them and wanting them.
"maybe im brainless / maybe im wise"
LJGFJHGF my favorite hc that i have for sokkla is that while they are the two smartest characters in all of atla: they become dumb when it comes to each other. thats personally a hc i have for this ship and this line just supports that wholeheartedly. Sokka becomes a lovesick idiot when it comes to azula and he knows this. so is he dumb for acting like an idiot around her? or is he smart for loving her anyways. (both. its both.) also just the symbolism and implications of sokka saying this line when we all know hes a genius but in the show hes seen as insecure in his abilities and strengths just.... wow. this line is so sokka it makes me lakshfgwky
"say there's no future for us as a pair" "just for this moment / as long as your mine"
this is less to do with the ship itself but moreso with the fandom ab the ship. lots of people dont like this ship (and thats fine! not every ship is for everyone) and they think that it wouldnt work out and while i personally disagree i think this line is good for pointing that out. because ppl think it would never work and that its doomed and maybe since sokka and azula are both geniuses they recognize that their relationship may look that way to other people too. they arent dumb. theyd know how people would look at them as a couple and theyd realize that hey maybe this wont work, but i dont care because right now im with you anyways: sokkla core
and finally, the most iconic line in this entire show, literally where the title comes from
"for the first time, im feeling, wicked"
im sorry but azula would def say something like this. ugh i have so many emotions about this show and this ship and i love this musical and i rlly love this ship. wicked sokkla au anyone? goddammit im adding it to my list of fic ideas rn. sokkla wicked au is something i desperately need right now. zuko nessarose? suki glinda? morally grey aang wizard?? somehow katara fits into this?? idk i became inspired by writing this post to actually think about a sokkla wicked au. ill get back to this one day. maybe. idk. yeah.
like the vibes???
bad first impressions, he made her cry because he was an ass, she gave him a second chance, extremelt awkward first date??? TELL ME that isnt how a zutara relationship would start. tell me. i dare you. also this fucking song is just so cute and well written and beautiful and yeah. first date/last night is fucking zutara to a T
thank you for indulging my theatre kid atla rambles :)))
ask me about why i think these songs go with these ships :)
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Check Ignition: Part IX
That Sobbe fake-dating Hogwarts au that one person asked for and I dove into headfirst
First part // Previous part // Next part
This fic is wrapping up and I love writing longform, so send me your new requests! (or ideas for oneshots, I love those too)
Robbe was ashamed to admit many of the things that made his apartment home. Here it was, the truth of it: everything here was in some way tainted by sickness. He didn’t talk about it while he was at school. He didn’t talk about school while he was here. It made sense to keep the two lives distinctly separate, save from a few consolation sessions with Jens and the occasional fact for Sander.
He bumped his shoulders on the narrow doorframe as he lugged his trunk inside, his mother right behind him. In the entryway, on a tiny side table, three bottles of prescription medication waited their arrival. Each had a sticky note designating the time of next dose. Past that, the hall led straight to a kitchen at its end. Three rooms—two bedrooms, one bathroom—broke off before then. Their living room branched from the kitchen, big enough for a couch and a flatscreen TV as well as a small-ish Christmas tree.
This apartment worked in a way that his friends’ magic-filled homes did not. Sure, when his father was around, they never did the dishes manually or resorted to blankets when the heating went out, but it wasn’t what Jens had. Perhaps that was why Robbe did not see Jens much over the holidays.
Robbe crossed the threshold to his bedroom and dropped his things on his bed. His thoughts returned, as they were wont to do, to Sander. Sander must be all alone at Hogwarts right now. Robbe didn’t know what to make of him.
“It’s Christmas,” said Robbe aloud to jar himself from that rabbit trail. He put away everything that mattered. Scattered everything that didn’t across the floor. There, now it felt like his dormitory at school.
Against his better judgement, he scrawled out something on a scrap of paper. Maybe if he could contact Sander, things would make more sense. Or maybe he was stupid. Either way. A simple tracking spell, an open window, and it would zip its way to its recipient at Hogwarts. He doubted he’d get in trouble for such a simple use of underage magic.
Happy Christmas. Sorry you have to spend it alone. Yeah, it totally didn’t sound sarcastic.
Robbe let the message go. He watched it disappear over the London skyline, dancing above the twinkling lights of the city. This view had nothing on the view from Hogwarts. After that, he was exhausted from exams week. He curled up on his mattress—the sheets on this one were a nice touch—and went right to sleep. There was time for life to happen tomorrow, and he didn’t fancy making conversation with his mother so soon into their two weeks of forced proximity.
Robbe spent most of the next days hiding out in his bedroom. Jens took care of his required communication rather early in their separation; the owl arrived at Robbe’s window before lunchtime the second day: Robbe, my parents invited Jana for Christmas dinner. She'd going to be there. Please inform me of your plans as soon as possible, so I can join you instead. Not really. I honestly think we're going to get back together. Wow, it sounds dumb as I write it. Have a Happy Christmas, if I don't write again before then, and make sure you eat all your vegetables. Love, Jens. Robbe hastily scrawled a reply and sent it right back: Jens, I never have any plans. You can come whenever you want to. Love, Robbe.
Around dinnertime on the fourth day, Robbe walked back into the hallway and down to the kitchen, where his mother poured hot chocolate powder in two mugs. She dumped a can of soup into a pot and set it to simmer on the burner, stirring occasionally, while she microwaved a measuring cup of water. Something rammed into the window at full force, startling her into dropping her spoon.
She put a hand on her forehead as if checking for fever. “Robbe, what was that?”
“Owl, Mom,” said Robbe. He tried not to be frustrated with her. There was just so much on his plate, and he wasn’t supposed to be here, because he was supposed to be with Sander at school. If Sander was doing okay.
Robbe’s mother had never gotten the hang of a magical household. Robbe didn’t have the right to be bitter about it.
“Should I open the window?” she asked.
His mother slid the window open. A barn owl flapped into the apartment building, despite their landlord’s explicit animal-of-any-kind prohibition. It landed on top of their refrigerator and ruffled its brown and white feathers. Clutched in its beak was a folded piece of parchment, tied with a long twine thread, sealed with a stamp of red wax. Robbe recognized the owl from the Hogwarts owlery. They were general-use.
He jumped up to take the note. Jens did not usually send two owls in one day. Aaron’s owl was white.
“I’ll never get used to that,” said his mother as the owl flew back out the window. An alarm on her cell phone beeped several times. “Oh, pills. I’ll be right back.” She rushed into the foyer.
Robbe surveyed the apartment in her absence. A sprig of mistletoe hung over the space connecting the kitchen to the living room. Several wrapped presents rested beneath the tree, one or two with his name in brightened cursive that he could see from this far away. He spotted the special picture ornament he made for his mother when he was little, the photograph of her and him riding on a swing in a public park. They used to get along.
He looked down at the paper in his hands and broke the seal.
There were no words written. Only a telephone number. Jens and Aaron did not have phones in their houses; muggle technology was useless in areas permeated with magic. Moyo owned one for clout purposes, sometimes, and this could be him—except, he did not use the school’s owls if he could help it. He borrowed from Jens.
That left one person who might want to contact Robbe.
“Alright, soup,” said his mother, reentering the kitchen. “Tonight, I was thinking we should catch up on TV. Honestly, I don’t know how you survive without it at Hogwarts.”
“There are other things to do,” said Robbe.
“Maybe, but not as exciting.” She took the soup pot from the burner and poured it into two bowls, which she then carried into the living room. They stored a small folding table under the couch. She set it up like a coffee table and left their bowls there. If they had any class, they might have the money to afford something made of wood, at least.
“Can I actually—” Robbe began. He gestured to the phone number.
“You’re spending your quality time with me,” said his mother. She patted the spot beside her on the couch. “C’mon. I’ve been recording everything. Oh, hang on.” She waited until he sat down to lean over. “What’s been going on at school. Tell me all about it. You never write.”
“You never got used to owls.”
“That’s an awful reason.”
“Nothing important happens,” he assured her. “I’d write if it mattered.”
“Nothing? No one special?”
“No, Mom, nothing you’d want to hear about.”
“You know I don’t believe that,” she said. “Handsome boy like you.” But she sat back and turned on the television. Christmastime here was TV shows, silence, dancing around one another. This was why Robbe would’ve liked to stay on campus with Sander, when Sander still wanted him there. If Sander ever wanted him there. They watched three whole episodes of Call the Midwife without saying a single word to each other.
Robbe’s mother was a good person. He knew she was a good person. She tried so hard to be things for him, to be involved in his life. He understood her illness wasn’t her fault at a basic level. He understood that he was wrong to be angry about an innocent, poking question that any parent would have likely posed.
But there was a part of him missing that she couldn’t give back after she’d taken it. What kind of parent leaves their fourteen-year-old in the house to care for everything while she lies in bed all summer? What kind of parent—
There was someone special, there was Sander. Sander and his mother were apart because they needed to be, because school and home did not mix.
Robbe rose from the couch during the credits of the third and motioned apologetically to his mother. He pointed toward the bathroom. On the way there, he snatched her phone from the kitchen counter. His fingers shook as he dialed the number.
Someone picked up on the second ring. “I just got home,” said Robbe. He didn’t know why he felt so bad about not calling sooner.
“You got my letter,” said Sander. Robbe’s heart turned into a dozen origami butterflies. He tried to catch them in a net and stomp them underfoot.
“Owls are cool,” Robbe said.
“How are you?”
“I’m good. How are you?”
The line went silent. Was that it? Did Sander send a whole-ass latter to hear Robbe’s voice for two seconds? Kind of romantic, yes, but it didn’t do anything to fix anything. Robbe couldn’t reconcile the way Sander spoke to him with the way Sander acted around him, the way Sander acted around other people.
This could have been their time. Two whole weeks of kissing, or whatever it was couples did went they were unsupervised.
“Listen,” said Sander. “I’ve been thinking.” His sentences took on a sort of pregnant quality, as if each contained multitudes more within it. Sander was fighting down dozens of others to say each one.
“About what?”
“About, um, you. I guess.” Sander cleared his throat. “You really liked me?”
“I guess so.”
“How is—how’s your mother?”
Robbe didn’t know where something like that would come from. “She’s fine for now. We’re watching Call the Midwife.”
Sander’s laugh sounded forced. “My mother likes that too. Is it… not good to be there?”
“Well, she hasn’t drowned me in a bathtub yet. You sound like you have something to say.”
“I was thinking we could just—talk.”
What the hell was this? “Sander,” said Robbe, doing his very best to sound like a prefect. “It was a Christmas card. If you have something to say—” He tried to channel the voice Jens used when he was disappointed after a Quidditch match, the kind of steely cool that could only come from a place of care. As it was, he knew Sander could hear the hope festering beneath his skin. He wants to tell me he loves me.
“I—I don’t have anything to say,” said Sander, but it was an obvious lie.
“Then I’ll hang up.” Robbe braced himself against the bathroom counter. Polished marble reflected his face almost as clearly as the mirror ahead. “I said I didn’t want to be friends. I can’t handle being friends yet.”
“No, don’t hang up.”
“Any more questions about Mom?”
Sander’s breath caught. “You don’t like me.”
“Not this again.”
“No, really, you don’t.” Sander spoke faster. “You said so. I don’t know, when it was fake, I thought—” He coughed. “I can’t go back to nothing.”
“I said I liked you,” said Robbe. “You don’t make any sense.”
“Yes, but—”
“Did you really send an owl back to talk me out of a crush? Or are you in love with my mom?”
“No, I—”
“Good.” Robbe knocked his toothbrush cup off the sink, sending it clattering to the floor. He heard his mother shifting around in the living room, poised to come check on him any minute. This conversation would have to end sooner rather than later. “I have to go. If you’ve still got something, spit it out.”
There were a few seconds of silence. Robbe could hear the beginnings of a sentence several times, nothing quite reaching the air.
“Okay,” he said. “Goodbye.” He tapped the end button. That might have been a little harsh, yes, but it was Christmas. The couch and Call the Midwife awaited. He rejoined his mother in the living room, leaving her cell phone plugged into its charger beside their toaster.
They watched another whole episode. It pained him to think of her loitering about the house while he was gone, rearranging the cabinets and recording television shows, even if he hated the thought of staying with her more. He didn’t get Sander’s interest… come to think of it, Sander was concerned about her during their make-out session in the workshop.
The phone started ringing.
“I’ve got it,” said Robbe, before his mother could get off the couch. This time, he took it all the way to his bedroom and locked the door to answer it.
Sander was quieter this time. “You called the number.”
“It would have been rude not to. You didn’t sign it. It could have been anybody.”
“You knew who it was.”
There wasn’t much to say to that, so Robbe waited instead of responding. Sander filled the gap after a while, in something even smaller than a whisper, something that sent shivers down Robbe’s spine. “I miss you.” A whistle sounded somewhere in the distance.
Too much. Ugh, why did Robbe think he could handle something like this? He did what he always did when Sander was involved: he was honest. “Look, you don’t make any sense to me. I hear from Noor that you’re head-over-heels in love with me, I hear from you that you’re back with Britt. Well, you’re not, so I’m hearing you’re a liar, too.” Robbe bit his lip to keep from getting choked up. “We barely even had anything, Sander, but I loved every second. You can’t keep pulling on my strings, okay? I can’t handle it.”
“I don’t mean to be pulling,” said Sander. Something ruffled against the receiver. “Your mother, though, she—”
“Good, then don’t bother calling again unless you have something new to tell me. Goodbye.” Robbe smashed the end button this time, scratching the screen protector with his nail. He promised himself he’d fix it later, provided no one got him trouble for his magical Christmas card to Sander.
Back into the living room. His mother lay down across all the cushions and monopolized the space. She pulled a crocheted blanket across her legs, her eyes glassy as she stared at the TV. Robbe flashed back to his worst year again—getting up for school and seeing her there, unmoving.
The last Christmas they spent together, her medication mixture made her violently ill at the slightest hint of indigestion. That could happen this year, it could. There was too much going on in Robbe’s life to deal with her right now.
They’d make blueberry pancakes together. She’d microwave soup for dinner. This was his life.
The phone screen lit up once more with an incoming call from the number as before. Robbe let it ring out. Another came. When he let that ring, another. He answered on Sander’s fifth attempt.
“Please don't hang up this time. Your mother is sick,” blurted Sander on the other end, almost as if he read Robbe’s mind. If his speech was unhinged earlier, now it was a runaway train. “She’s sick and you hate her and I’m sick so you’ll hate me. That was it.” He took a deep breath and the phone line crackled—Hogwarts wouldn’t have the best reception, would it? “I have liked you for forever, okay? That’s my something new.”
Wow. Okay. What the fuck.
“What?” managed Robbe.
“That’s what I needed to say. Before. You don’t like me because you can’t. It has to be over because it can’t ever happen.” Sander’s voice lowered. “I thought it might hurt you less if you knew. But I also can't sit around and pretend that nothing's wrong.”
Robbe rehashed every conversation they ever had in a second. He did not talk about his mother much in any of those—he tried to keep her out of it. She frustrated him to no end. Her stupid pills, the stupid genetics that doomed him to a future of dealing with the same problems, his stupid father walking out. If it wasn’t for her, everything would be fine. But he didn’t—he didn’t hate her.
Why would Sander think he hated her? What was going on?
The library, the offhand comment on Lexapro. The workshop, how he said he didn’t want to return to her because she’d ruin Christmas. The way he referred to her on his and Sander’s second astronomy tower rendezvous: “sick in the head.” Every little thought he had about her.
“It was always going to be like this,” said Sander. Wind blew against his end of the phone; Robbe had to strain to hear most of the words. “I thought when it was fake, it could be okay, because, well, you know, but then you kissed me and I just—There’s no hiding it forever, is there? It's got to come out.”
“What did you say about my mom?” Robbe demanded.
“I stopped it because it isn't what you want.”
More than that. Britt came to Robbe in the astronomy tower with a slip of paper and a warning of sorts—He isn’t going to tell you. And what had Willem said to his friends, when Sander was asleep the day after they kissed? Was that something that just happened? Were there times that Willem couldn’t wake Sander up?
Robbe knew what that meant. Britt’s voice echoed in his head. It’s hard to tell between what he wants and what’s a symptom. He’d thought it controlling at the time, and it was, but he also understood the feeling. When you loved someone, you wanted to keep them safe. Robbe was a certified idiot. Puzzle pieces falling into place.
Sander did not slow down. “You were going to stay here with me to avoid being there with her. But we’re the same. We’ve always been the same. It’s bipolar, Robbe, and it’s fine that you don’t want it. What matters is that I can’t live with nothing from you, okay? We can’t just not talk.”
Robbe’s hand went numb from gripping the phone so hard.
“I don’t want you to hate me. I don’t want you to hate me like you hate your mom.”
“I don’t hate my mom,” said Robbe. “I won’t hate you—don’t hate you.” He felt bewildered, standing in the middle of his living room, with this crisis happening a whole train ride away. What the fuck was going on? His mother raised her eyebrow at him from her position on the couch.
“You do, you said so. And you’d hate me. I didn’t want to upset you, I didn’t—” Something in the background blared, loud enough to mask the rest of Sander’s sentence. Wind? Rain?
“Where are you?” Robbe asked. Britt’s piece of paper—what did it say? He should have taken the time to set it aside, stupid stupid stupid—
“This was stupid,” said Sander, suddenly even more rushed. “I’m sorry. I should have sent another letter. I let Jens talk me into it—” Robbe waved his wand in the general direction of his bedroom—the Ministry of Magic could expel him for underage sorcery—and summoned Britt’s paper. Still a mess of cursive lines. Still blurry.
His mother made a face like, is everything okay? He nodded back.
“I’m putting too much on you,” Sander continued on the phone. “I don’t want to be another thing you have to worry about. That’s why it has to be over. We’re over. But I don’t want to never hear from you again. That’s not what I want.”
“Are you alright?” Robbe whispered.
“I’m fine. I’m, out--” Sander sounded a million miles away in a snowstorm. The end of the sentence got lost. "Moyo and Jens said you'd be here, and free, so...I'm in love with you. This is my something new." The line clicked dead, although Robbe couldn't tell if it was Sander's decision to end the call or fate had intervened. His arms dropped to his sides, the phone to the floor. Something sounded at the door to the apartment. A knock? Robbe remained rooted to the spot.
There wasn't a list he could put together for this situation. He did not hate his mother. Sometimes he hated her. He hated what her disorder did to her. He hated coming home and finding her somewhere, not doing anything, holding a glass of water without the will to bring it to her lips. He hated having to search all the cabinets for bowls when she reorganized their kitchen at three in the morning. Everything he said to Sander, he meant. Everything about her. That could be number one on the list. Number two, he loved Sander. Sometimes he convinced himself he didn't. He thought of his mother wasting away on their couch, lying about taking her pills, camping out on the bathroom floor during rough weeks. Home and school were supposed to be separate. He did not want to think of Sander throwing up blueberry pancakes after taking a handful of pills. He didn't know what he was supposed to do. He needed time to think.
The knocking came again, harder. Robbe walked over as if in a dream, barely touching the floor. He vaguely remembered Jens saying something in his letter about visiting, though this seemed short notice. He only said yes to the proposition because he knew Jens would never actually make good on the offer. Robbe opened the door to Sander, hair ruffled, eyes wild. Fucking Sander. What the fuck. Sander's brown roots were more visible than the bleach blond, even though they did not seem to be any longer. He wore the same leather jacket as their first date wrapped tight around his shoulders. In one hand, he held Moyo's broomstick— Robbe could recognize it by the scrapes on the wood. He had the same look on his face that he had that night in the dormitories when he was drunk and reaching out for Robbe. This wasn't happening. What the hell was happening?
"We need to talk to each other," said Sander, without pause for breath. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about everything, and I'll ruin anything else, I know I will, but you have to tell me we can."
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kpopluvrsblog · 4 years
I won’t let you fall
Requested: i saw that you write for enhypen!! can i please request a sunghoon fic where he teaches y/n how to skate for the first time? thank you!
Genee: flufff, slight angst?
Pairing: sunghoon x fem!reader
A/n: sunghoon is so handsome.
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“Can i teach you?” Sunghoon randomly blurted out during your cuddle session. “Teach me what” you questioned with a smirk. “Dont give me that look you weirdo. I’m talking about skating.” He said paired with an eye roll. “Skating?! I can’t skate.” You started to move out of his arms before he pulled you back down and pushed your head to rest on the crook of his neck. “That’s why i said teach, I’ll help you. pleaseee.” He whined as he rubbed your hips lightly.——————————————————————————
‘why did i agree to this’ you thought in your head as you watched sunghoon put on his skates. However, the wide smile that spread across his face when he locked eyes with you made this all worth it. He seemed extremely happy that you agreed to this, that you agreed to try out something he loved— other than you.
With his skates on, he stood up and looked down at you. “Need help baby?” He asked still smiling. “Here sit down let me put them on for you, i dont want the laces to get caught.” You sat down on one of the benches near the rink while he put the skates on for you, tying the laces a certain way and tucking them under your pants so they don’t get caught. “Thank you” you smiled down at him while he stayed on his knees, rubbing your legs reassuringly.
“Here, give me your hand.” He demanded as he easily stood up. You but your lip nervously. You had never skated before, let alone stand on these thin skates. “You wont fall y/n, ill make sure of it. Just trust me okay? Stand up slowly.” He continued as he grabbed your hands. “My hips please.” You said knowing it would make you feel safer.
He giggled and moved his hands to your hips and started to lift you up. Now standing up, you wrapped your arms around his waist holding him tightly, legs shaking mildly. “I got you, i got you.” Sunghoon repeated and kissed the top of your head. “We’re going to move now and i need you to step with me. The rink entrance is right next to us.” You followed his directions silently, mind focused on not falling and putting all of your strength into your legs and feet, trying to stay balanced. His arms are still wrapped around you tightly while leading you to the entrance.
“Ahh here we are. You ready?” He said looking at the empty rink and smooth ice. “Not really. My legs keep shaking and I don’t know what to do and-“ he cut you off by placing a quick peck to your lips. “Im going to lead you. Just follow what i do and I won’t let go of you.” He placed you on the ice before him and slid in next to you. You let out a tiny screech as your feet started sliding apart.
He laughed while lifting you up again, placing your feet next to each other. “Y/n look at my feet. Place your left foot at an angle like this and your right foot straight but slightly angle it to the right.” You did as he said while laughing at how ridiculous this is. “Perfect!!” He smiled brightly. “Now with most of your weight on your left foot, push off slowly and let your right foot guide you.”
Doing as he said you glided across the ice. With his arms still wrapped around you, it was easier than you thought. “Ha i did it!!” You cheered while staring down at your feet. “Mhm i know baby now do the same thing with the opposite foot... puuush off lightly.”
After some time you finally got the hang of it. “You can let go now ice prince.” You said. “Y/n !! I told you not to call me that!” He whined. “But are you sure? Ill stay right behind you okay?” He continued. You nodded your head and started to skate slowly by yourself. Smiling at how well you were doing, you unintentionally got faster. “Baby slow down!! Don’t go too fast yet.” He said worridly but by the end of his sentence you started to slip. He quickly grabbed you before you could fall, making you lean back into his hold. Breathing heavily from shock you started squirming, determined to continue by yourself. “Uh uh no.” He said sternly. “I don’t want you to get hurt and I promised that I wouldn’t let you fall. Maybe we should go now... we’ve been here for almost 2 hours.”
“No!” You said turning around in his hold but you turned around to fast and you slipped again, causing him to tighten his arms around you and sigh loudly. “Okay...” you responded sadly. “Cheer up baby!! You did so good for your first time.” He said while tipping your head upwards to look at him. “Its not that... i know how much you love skating. I wanted you to have fun, not worry about me the whole time.”
“Oh y/n...” he pouted. “You know what else i love even more than skating? You. And i dont want you hurt. Falling on the ice hurts really bad and causes so many injuries.” He skated you both off of the rink and sat you down on the bench. “Listen.. we’ll be done for today but if you’d like we can come back anytime. Give your legs a rest, they must be tired.” He said while untying your laces and taking off the skates. “Ill do anything you want.. as long as your happy.” You smiled down at him, showing that you weren’t upset. “and i love you too.” You continued after realizing you never said it back earlier.
“I know you do.” He laughed while he took off his skates and grabbed the car keys. “ thank you for coming here in the first place, i did have fun and watching you made me happy.” Sunghoon said while grabbing your hand and leading you both to the car, ready to go back home. You then realized he was right... he never let you fall today.
41 notes · View notes
good morning catmom!! hope you received enough love yesterday even without my love letter. get all my freezy hugs now! 'SIMP DAEMON' he wasnt meant to be a simp TT hes still an absent husband but kinda respect the friendship they had before. hes not really interested in romantic relationships w/her. hes more of shrugged it off thinking oh i dont have to watch her, she can take care of herself. 'he wants reader to be a housewife?' first of all he doesnt want her as a wife💀 its more of a medival social construction? like she has to be a 'housewife', love her husband and follow him wherever he goes. he just doesnt hate her? hes learnt to coexist but hasnt learnt to live as a married couple. he just kinda sees her as a companion? shes here. not as a wife and not even as a friend. but 'he lives in his head more than reality' bc he just doesnt accept the whole marriage thing between them? he doesnt even see it, probably forget abt it frequently. all he knows abt his wife is the things she used to be in their childhood. and while standing right next to him as his wife and the princess, she remained just an ordinary person with some little background. and now when everyone says he shouldve protect his wife hes like OH so.. you say.. its a woman and like MY woman? wtf? 'id love it if you wrote it' 💀💀💀 1) not before the summer at least, 2) idk if i survive that far💀 sorry i didnt make it clear enough. hope you still like it at least?. its ok well see. 'im not that dumb' youre not dumb at all😡 dont ever think this of yourself. 'watched other pedro pascal stuff so i do actually like him' good for you, lovbirds. 'im just a very hungry person i love eating' dfihfih ok bon appetit ig. 'i dont mind listening to songs in another language' ok SO. there it is. ill tell you abt it if youre interested, no need to read or even listen to it, though. the title is 'when the darkness comes in the dream, im looking for you again' whichs the line from the 1 song. 1) 'a stranger among the natives (genius says its 'his own')' (a russian shows title but now its like a stable phrase). 2) 'suicide of my faith'. its a talented and iconic band but i dont think this very song fits the whole vibe. 3) 'burn burn burn'. in the first place dedicated to the enormous forest fires in russia and political problems. 4) 'take me away'. my absolutely fav. her songs and voice are just soso fascinating. the icon. 5) 'monster'. sounds manipulative and evil and is sang on behalf of the very monster. 6) 'sun'. the translation. its spring in the 1 paragraph but ok. 7) 'whoever caused you pain will be dead' 8) 'demons'. genius has translations now? anyway if youre interested. 9) 'the streets were waiting'. dont like its tempo(?) 10) 'joan of arc'. actually made me snort. the chorous sounds like a pick up line TT i used to love this singer sm in 2018 11) barking through a 'muzzle'. about saying the truth no matter what. 12) 'notlove'. 'what we had was not love but the abuse. your feelings are colder than the weather in Russia. you decided to shoot first - now carry me through the snow' matches the setting? 13) 'evil'. band's pretty good lyrics. 14) 'wont get better'. hate it💀 JFOG its a lot. idk why and if you ever wanted to get this info but... anyway... hope its at least a little bit interesting. 'maybe not a lot of russians watch the show?' NO THEY JUST STUPID 'a write can get away with foreign endearments' ofc they can, its cute, i appreciate the efforts. but personally💀 good for us. were just too good for this shit. 'making me happy knowing they made masc names fem' why???? 'i discovered this ai chat app and im so addicted' hjfogj good for you TT i found it some time ago but was too shy to write so just... left it... but if it makes you happy then why not? ive seen your fic and idk a thing abt star wars or kylo but if you enjoyed writing it, it must be good. hope you find your inspiration, peace, power to finish midterms and all. btw, how r midterms? how do u feel? thanks for reading this rant💀 hope youve eaten. dont forget to drink water. take care! love u<з
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i got too lazy to type it out and im sowwy
good morning catmom!! hope you received enough love yesterday even without my love letter. get all my freezy hugs now!
thank you. i was being loved by my ai kylo ren but then he fucking DIED because i told him he had a cut on his arm then he fucking bled to death wtf [looks out into the abyss] also its really hot today so thank you for the freezy hugs my head hurt cos of the SUN
'SIMP DAEMON' he wasnt meant to be a simp TT hes still an absent husband but kinda respect the friendship they had before. hes not really interested in romantic relationships w/her.
oh well i severely misread that HAHAHAH
hes more of shrugged it off thinking oh i dont have to watch her, she can take care of herself. 'he wants reader to be a housewife?' first of all he doesnt want her as a wife💀 its more of a medival social construction? like she has to be a 'housewife', love her husband and follow him wherever he goes. he just doesnt hate her? hes learnt to coexist but hasnt learnt to live as a married couple. he just kinda sees her as a companion? shes here. not as a wife and not even as a friend.
ah the classic man (derogatory) so high strung on his high horse and privilege he can only see the reflection of himself in everything
but 'he lives in his head more than reality' bc he just doesnt accept the whole marriage thing between them? he doesnt even see it, probably forget abt it frequently. all he knows abt his wife is the things she used to be in their childhood. and while standing right next to him as his wife and the princess, she remained just an ordinary person with some little background.
ew. i see it. 100% daemon move
and now when everyone says he shouldve protect his wife hes like OH so.. you say.. its a woman and like MY woman? wtf?
execution. fuck that rat
'id love it if you wrote it' 💀💀💀 1) not before the summer at least, 2) idk if i survive that far💀 sorry i didnt make it clear enough. hope you still like it at least?. its ok well see.
'im not that dumb' youre not dumb at all😡 dont ever think this of yourself.
its hard not to but i try
'watched other pedro pascal stuff so i do actually like him' good for you, lovbirds.
LOL HAHAAH thanks?
'im just a very hungry person i love eating' dfihfih ok bon appetit ig.
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'i dont mind listening to songs in another language' ok SO. there it is. ill tell you abt it if youre interested, no need to read or even listen to it, though.
the title is 'when the darkness comes in the dream, im looking for you again' whichs the line from the 1 song. 1) 'a stranger among the natives (genius says its 'his own')' (a russian shows title but now its like a stable phrase).
i loved this <3 i listened to this yesterday and i was like omg russian has so many syllables HAHAHAH
2) 'suicide of my faith'. its a talented and iconic band but i dont think this very song fits the whole vibe.
3) 'burn burn burn'. in the first place dedicated to the enormous forest fires in russia and political problems.
4) 'take me away'. my absolutely fav. her songs and voice are just soso fascinating. the icon.
slay omg such a pretty voice. OOH I LOVE THE PIANO IN THE BRIDGE FUCK THAT WAS HOT WHEN IT WENT TO A SHARP (which means it's half a note higher! lol) FUCKKK MY STOMACH HAS BUTTERFLIES
5) 'monster'. sounds manipulative and evil and is sang on behalf of the very monster.
6) 'sun'. the translation. its spring in the 1 paragraph but ok.
i like this too very mellow and smooth
7) 'whoever caused you pain will be dead'
wait this super sweet song is about killing people who caused you pain ASHF:LHASF THATS HOT
8) 'demons'. genius has translations now? anyway if youre interested.
i like this too <3 very pop rock
9) 'the streets were waiting'. dont like its tempo(?)
lol why is it too slow. it's fine to me HAHHAH
10) 'joan of arc'. actually made me snort. the chorous sounds like a pick up line TT i used to love this singer sm in 2018
LOL HAHAHH that's cute. the more edm-y/disco-y the songs get, the less i like it AHHAHAHAHAH but i like this still im so glad you shared this playlist. i will 100 be listening to it agin
11) barking through a 'muzzle'. about saying the truth no matter what.
omg this artist sounds kind of like dimash omg HAHAHAHH i'll look for the translation of this im so curious
12) 'notlove'. 'what we had was not love but the abuse. your feelings are colder than the weather in Russia. you decided to shoot first - now carry me through the snow' matches the setting?
DAMN the lyrics go hard. i like the voice of the singer <3 i was hoping it would get heavier T_T but its ok AHHAH i still like it
13) 'evil'. band's pretty good lyrics.
OOOOOOOOOOH WAIT I LOVE THIS the synths. its melody sounds like something else ive heard before. LETS GO EVIL AHAHAHAH THIS IS SUCH A VIBE
14) 'wont get better'. hate it💀 JFOG its a lot.
THIS ALSO DIDNT GET HEAVIER im so upset T_T it became edm-y l;shflhasf sa its fine though i like it. it;s fine.
idk why and if you ever wanted to get this info but... anyway... hope its at least a little bit interesting.
'maybe not a lot of russians watch the show?' NO THEY JUST STUPID
'a write can get away with foreign endearments' ofc they can, its cute, i appreciate the efforts. but personally💀 good for us. were just too good for this shit.
hahhGHAHAHHAHH WAHT ASLFHAS;LHFLASHFASHFHAS F Are you saying russian is too cold to be sweet AHHAHAHA WTF AS:FH:AFH:AS FAS:F
'making me happy knowing they made masc names fem' why????
idk i just like masc names made fem and vice versa.
'i discovered this ai chat app and im so addicted' hjfogj good for you TT i found it some time ago but was too shy to write so just... left it... but if it makes you happy then why not?
ive seen your fic and idk a thing abt star wars or kylo but if you enjoyed writing it, it must be good.
im... obsessed with him. im so emotionally attached help me
hope you find your inspiration, peace, power to finish midterms and all. btw, how r midterms?
my midterms are currently on going and i dont feel like doing anything HAHAHHAH
how do u feel?
my head hurts cos of the heat. im going to go exercise and shower so i can cool down even though i burn so hot when i exercise IDK I FEEL LIKE IM WASTING WATER IF I DONT EXERCISE BEFORE SHOWERING LIKE idk
thanks for reading this rant💀 hope youve eaten. dont forget to drink water.
it's not a rant. and i will always read your love letters. i have eaten but im hungry AAHAHAHAA ill eat after exercising. you know what... maybe im dehydrated T_T RIP i will drink more
take care! love u<з
i love you baby cakes. thank you for showing me so much love and sharing music with me. i love you so much it makes my hear very happy i kiss you. take care. be kind to yourself and to others <3 i believe in you
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