#maybe ill make another if they go canon lol
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lover-of-mine · 2 years ago
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― Annelyse Gelman
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telesodalite · 6 months ago
Random thought, but like, thinking about how the previous possible life/career style differences between Fulcrum and the rest of the Scavengers kinda makes his situation a reverse "my fair lady".
...my fair loser??
Anyways, he lived through the peak of the Decepticon empire in what could be considered a very comfortable, albeit busy, position in the greater military workforce. (Assuming the cons didn't really do a civilian kinda thing, since that seems very unlikely)
By wartime life standards, Fulcrum had to be fairly well off. Especially to achieve the position of managing a whole planet. Not super impressive by the broader Decepticon standard yeah, he's no warlord or conqueror, just the douchebag who looked at your beautiful organic planet, said "ew", and promptly started turning it into a mini-cybertron. But compared to the average soldier? He's got it made.
A master of communication skills via whatever the Decepticon equivalent of corporate speak is. A perfect kiss ass to higher ups. Just firing off e-mails, filing reports, overseeing work sites, giving presentations, just an unassuming, boring, passive, busy guy, etc etc.
And then that's all gone. Poof. That comfortable consistent life out the window in one fell swoop. And he's thrown to the dogs, the dogs being the his own surviving workforce and his commanders, and then the guards of styx, and then the other k-cons, until finally the djd and the scavs.
It's like, bear with me here, it's like someone's comfortable little show poodle having gotten kicked out of the house and left to the streets in the middle of a storm, only to eventually end up matted and bone-thin in whatever the W.A.P equivalent of a rescue home is. But despite the grime and constant trembling, its still someone's pampered little dog at heart, its just now it bites and eats garbage. And it's incredibly amusing in the form of giant robots.
He had a life some Decepticon soldiers could probably only dream of. No threat of death around every corner. A head of command who cared about the wellbeing of his contingent. Food on the table and an actual berth to sleep on every night. So on so forth.
And then he goes through what's gotta be hell to him, really to any mech. And maybe that's a bit of a wake up call that things are about to be very different.
So you've got a guy like him, amidst a group like the scavs. It's like, 'Joined the military because they couldn't afford college vs A business major.' Or something, idk. But it's fascinating.
He's just there, on clemency, looking like death on two legs, and still somehow emitting unassuming guy, with "I know what I'm doing👍" vibes that the others pick up on and rely on when Krok's unconscious.
And it's like, from there he probably falls back on his team manager mindset towards the group once the whole "nervous new guy" thing wears off.
And surely it's to the confusion, if not mildly hackles raising annoyance of Krok, ya know, the designated officer, who is a micro manager, who fought tooth and nail to get his rank and position across trenches and blood baths before life threw him the opposite curve ball, landing him with a warworld job instead of another battlefield after the worst day of his life.
But how does unassuming passive guy respond to fellow authority after some time being a loser amidst losers? With nary a care. He'll just micro manage Krok right back.
Krok's dramatics, quote, "When I want your opinion, Fulcrum, I'll kill myself", surely aren't all that different from dealing with the heads of construction crew's disagreeing with the adjustments he made to their schedules.
And if anything, Fulcrum isn't bothered or intimidated or whatever because he knows him, he knows Krok. More so than he ever knew his own crew's pre-B'lahr. And they all see through each others bullshit. So it's a casual micro management war, because who's really in charge? Nobody. But also Krok, but mostly Fulcrum, until there's the threat of getting shot, then it's Krok again.
I'm losing the point of this ramble. But like, I think the point is that they made Fulcrum worse. They made him worse and that's great. They built him a spine and he promptly bossed them around with it.
He went from vaguely model citizen, (by Decepticon standards), to wanted dead or alive in multiple sectors of the galaxy.
Like, sure he's riddled with anxiety and a fear of dying, but he's also full of some kind of audacity they somehow fueled to their own occasional detriment. And I think it's hilarious.
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ripplestitchskein · 8 months ago
I find the general idea of Stolitz being “toxic” to be fucking hilarious. It’s thrown around so easily like it should be accepted that they fit this definition and….they really, really don’t lol. Like they have a pretty chill and common miscommunication and personal issues interfering with wants and desires conflict. Like I cannot stress how fucking chill it is. They don’t actively hurt one another intentionally, neither are trying to murder the other directly or indirectly, they are not on opposing sides of a larger external conflict save for inherent world class dynamics, they don’t manipulate each other or work against each other, etc. They say hurtful things and argue and are oblivious to the other’s issues but like, in a fairly normal neurodivergence and historical trauma driven way.
They do begin with a mutually agreed upon transactional sexual dynamic, which is often the crux of these “Stolitz is soooo toxic” arguments to the point the really intense anti’s cry SA. A transactional sexual dynamic Blitz was so okay with when it is no longer agreeable to the other party, and they communicate that and change the parameters in a way that gives him full autonomy, he spends half an episode trying to return to that dynamic. Much trauma. Very coerced. 🙄
There is a power imbalance but it only exists in the sense that one person is societally more powerful by nature of his birth and ignorant to it by nature of his upbringing. Stolas does not force Blitz into said transactional sex dynamic by exerting his power or influence so it’s largely irrelevant save for how it impacts Blitz’s personal self worth issues and it is never from a place of malicious intent. Which is what matters in media? Character intent and decisions are literally the crux of the narrative?? Stolas figures out it’s a problem for the type of relationship he really wants to have and corrects it and even goes above and beyond to ensure that Blitz will suffer no fall out from his choice if he decides to not pursue their romantic relationship further. Like, toxic WHOMST? Just, don’t talk to me about toxic until they get hot and bothered about how well the other tried to actively murder them. We have had zero poisonings or major betrayals in this ship and ya’ll throwing around toxic like words have no meaning.
“But he called Blitz his impish little plaything! He thinks of Blitz as a toy! As a sub-species!” Or maybe, just maaaaybe the sexually inexperienced character who is making shit up as he goes along based on his canonically identified incorrect perceptions of what the other wants/likes as well as ignorance of his own power and position thought he was just being sexy and cute? Just maybe? Like can we apply a smidgeon of deductive reasoning based on the sum rather than the parts? As a treat.
It just speaks to what I have observed as probable immaturity/lack of life experience driving a lot of the criticism or straight up vitriol regarding the show’s major conflicts. A very black and white application of moral purity that deems anything not rainbows and sunshine as toxic and where the ultimate goal is some nebulous and frankly hella ableist concept of “healthy”.
A similar thing plays out with regards to Octavia and the classification of Stolas as a “bad parent” because he is pursuing a relationship and has issues of his own to deal with on top of parenting. Heaven forbid a closeted gay man raised in isolation going through some late in life awakenings is not perfectly navigating an ill defined relationship and a divorce and raising a child on top of his myriad of mental health issues. What gets me the most is she’s not even a young child, she’s 17 possibly even 18 at this point in the timeline but the way people act he abandoned an infant at a flophouse to get his rocks off with someone who fears he will smite them down with his incredible Goetian might and if they refuse they’ll be living out of a gutter eating dirt because they wouldn’t perform sexually for him. Instead of the in-universe reality where the most egregious thing Stolas has done is fail to consider his daughters perspective and how this impacts her, made some inappropriate sexual comments really early on in front of her when he was still excited, and forgot, during a major life upheaval, a promise to watch a meteor shower he made to her like a decade ago. He didn’t even forget the promise itself, he just forgot what day it was. Like I forget shit I promised my kids last week much less when they were like 5.
Like there is such a huge disconnect between actual toxic behavior portrayals in media with regards to relationships and parenting, or hell toxic relationships and parents in real life, and what is going on in Helluva Boss. This is ignoring the fact that the actual universe of the show, which is what should be the metric when examining character dynamics not reality, has established real toxicity in both relationships and behavior, and has shown us time and time again how that toxicity contrasts with our characters and their relationships, be it Stolitz or Fizzmodeous or Moxxie/Millie or the parenting dynamics of Blitz & Loona and Stolas & Octavia. We have examples of toxic relationships, and we have examples of toxic parents in this world and we’ve been shown that the relationships of the main characters is in opposition to them.
But even if you were to take the, imo incorrect, position of applying real world considerations to fictional worlds it still doesn’t track as toxic.
Do you realize how many sexual transactions and power imbalances occur in relationships everyday as just a matter of course?
Like “I’ll wear that outfit you like if you do this for me?” Normal, Transactional. Accepted straight couple in a sitcom premise. I would wager “I’ll preform this sex act if you do X” is said in one way or another without anyone batting an eye a hundred times a day. And that’s ignoring the implication that transactional sex is inherently problematic. It isn’t, it’s the coercive aspect that is an issue and even then we get real handwavey about it in reality when the situation isn’t explicitly coercive.
“I’m a police officer/government agent/politician/media influencer/sole household income earner that has the ability to fuck up your entire life/reputation/financial stability just by nature of my job and how well we are getting along” is perfectly fine and normal. No one would suggest that a police office or government agent can only be involved with someone of equal systemic or social power in reality. Do my partner and I have a toxic power imbalance because I am the sole working person in our household and they are a stay at home parent and I hold all the financial power? No, that’s fucking silly.
Not to be all “sweet summer children I grew up in the trenches of toxic” about it but it’s the most baffling part of this fandom that a pretty low key conflict and relationship dynamic, where neither party is actively trying to hurt the other and has approached the entire thing from a place of earnest confusion and ignorance and is working through it in a pretty normal way is classified as “toxic”. Get back to me when they are poisoning each other, have killed several of each other’s loved ones and there is necromancy involved.
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crescenthistory · 4 months ago
hey my love 💓💓 i just wanted to say that i am so infautuated with the way you write and the way you think, i can't seem to get enough. your characterizations hit for me 🤧 i don't know if this request is going to make any sense, but i was wondering if you could share some general headcanons you have for the slytherin gang? like, i want to see more of how your mind works and how you view them. it can be things about them you already actively include in your fics or things you think about but maybe haven't gotten to explore yet? idk, go crazy, we will eat it up regardless 💘
this. this is exactly the kind of ask writers want to get – you've basically just asked me to yap away about my favourite characters, don't mind if i do love<33 and i appreciate your sweet words so much, know that i deeply appreciate and love you mwah
characters: barty, evan, regulus, dorcas, pandora
cw: discussion of abuse (crouch sr., walburga black, students), foster care system, taxidermy/animal death, violence, mental illness, fire, mentions of canon-compliance (though not based around it)
the holy bible of crescenthistory canon for the slytherin skittles !
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this is something i haven't touched upon in any of my writings, but am eager to bring to fruition -> i view barty as eastern european
you give me a dark-haired, thick-browed, chaotic, loud, incredibly welcoming and loyal to those he loves, avid drinker and smoker, i will tell you he is eastern-european
i am not necessarily particular about which eastern-european country, but personally i am partial to romanian
this is partly because it's the nationality that fits best with the rest of my hcs (as it's a romantic language in eastern-europe, surrounded by slavic nations), because i think the stereotypes work well for barty's characterisation while also not putting him too much in a box (unlike for example russian) and i can just see it
romanian pet-names i think he'd use: Dragă (dear), Inimioară (heart), Buburuză (ladybug), Soare (sun), Pisicuță (kitten), mami (lol)
i will also accept polish (known in europe for being high-energy and off the rockers), moldavian (alcohol is part of their blood) and bosnian (good-hearted, explosive temper)
specifically, i think his mother was eastern-european and his father was english; his mother tongue was romanian but they primarily lived in england because of his father, thus he went to hogwarts instead of durmstrang
because he is so fond of his mother, i believe barty feels a rather strong connection to his eastern-european culture and it's definitely something he brings up/jokes about a lot
this all ties into another important hc i have for barty, which is that he is The Polyglot TM -> and provides the reasoning for why (apart from the fact that he is freakishly intelligent)
growing up, his father was neglectful and rarely spoke to barty unless it was to scold him. romanian became barty's native language because he was only ever truly raised by his mother.
thus, i think he struggled with english quite a bit in the start, because he was not exposed to it to the same degree
when crouch senior used barty's lack of fluency in english against him, taunting him, barty experienced his first act of rebellion/spite by ensuring he became so fucking good at english
it was not enough for him to become fluent, he needed to be a master of it, even learning many different accents (which he often pull out for a joke or a party trick btw. suddenly he's just speaking with a heavy derry accent)
both to a) show off and 2) prove his father wrong
as he grew a bit older (all still pre-hogwarts), the thought of being so connected to his father's language kind of soured for him, and to counter act that, he decided to pick up as many eastern-european languages as he possibly could
barty is nothing if not petty, fuelled by spite for his father
thus, he learned russian (very common language in eastern-europe), moldovan (neighbouring country to romania), hungarian (neighbour) and serbian (neighbour)
most of the slavic languages are fairly similar, so once you learn one, it is "easier" to learn the others, especially at a young age
by the time barty started hogwarts, i think he was fluent in 6 languages already, toying with a few others
when he befriended regulus in his first year and found out he was french, his reaction was immediately "oh guess i've gotta learn french now too!"
both to know what regulus was saying and so that the two of them could talk shit together
as a romance language, it was fairly easy for barty as a romanian to adapt to it, which is also how he throughout his time at hogwarts also learned spanish and italian. maybe latin?
barty is intelligent, out-of-pocket, spiteful and loyal; thus he is the epitome of an eastern-european polyglot
i think it's also canon that barty received 12 owls? that is a piece of canon i am 100% compliant with. he is just wired like that, he is the type who does not need to study for it and loves to flaunt that in others' faces
lastly, while i often depict barty as aloof and careless, i view this as the persona/facade he is putting on for protection. i genuinely believe barty is so terribly vulnerable and has some grade A meltdowns during his time at hogwarts
i don't want to say outright that i hc him as someone with borderline, but i will say that my partner has borderline and kins him for that exact reason so. do with that what you will
the only people who truly get to see this is the skittles, you, his mother and james potter on one unfortunate evening (which led to him understanding and respecting barty like never before)
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first and most obvious: twins with pandora
he was born 12 minutes after her, though i don't view them as the type to argue about "oldest"
visually, i have always imagined them to be almost identical (sometimes one of them are hc-ed as trans and they are identical twins, but i think regardless that they have the same face, height and size)
absolutely angelic, ethereal creatures -> all sharp angles (in their faces, sharp teeth, almost fox-like) and large contrasts (dark skin, blonde dreadlocks & very white teeth, big noses and thin eyebrows)
the twins have hetereochromia -> one green eye and one brown and yellow (again with the contrasts)
evan is also a very contrasting figure between his looks and personality; i see him as an incredibly beautiful, almost feminine person who has a primal, stoic personality
the type of face that makes others' jaws go slack while his tightens painfully at their reactions
i have seen others hc that evan is called a "doll" by everyone because of his looks and i think that does something to him mentally over time
it sent him to a quiet, dark place before he found true comfort and belonging with the skittles -> by seventh year, i think they had made it into an inside joke
stoic in the sense that he does not speak before he has thought over his words extensively and his face is in a constant deadpan, not letting anything slip
incredibly observant, finds comfort and joy in watching others. it can be studying human behaviour and social cues, or watching others squirm under his watchful eye, relishing in their discomfort
i believe he was selectively mute for a period of his life and pandora spoke for him (twin telepathy is real with these two)
with the skittles, he was treated as a person of interest for the first time in his life, with particularly dorcas and barty prodding to find out who he is and what he thinks
this is how he grew comfortable with them; he tested the waters and when they liked him even more for all his weird, he let go with them
humour wise, i believe him to be the type that snickers and barks laughters when he is with his select circle
crude, direct, unapologetic, clinical, curiosity-driven, loyal, animalistic
he is not the type to snap, but rather to sit back with his emotions and let them simmer until he channels them into something dark
however, if one of His People TM snaps, he is loyal to a dangerous degree and will be right there with them, going for blood
(which is how he and barty always ends up in fist fights)
barty gave him his first piercings in third year (perhaps to offset the whole "doll" thing at the time) and ever since, evan has been getting more and more
if his body is an angelic vessel, he wants to decorate it as he fucking pleases
oh and i think he curses like a sailor. again with the contrasts between looks and personality
anything unorthodox or "unacceptable" catches his attention -> his mind almost gets hung up on certain concepts or thoughts like a scratched plate
it can vary vastly from things considered "immoral" to things people just look down upon -> e.g. taxidermy vs skating
fascination with creatures (human or animal or fantastical), their bodies (blood, bone, veins, etc.) and behaviour (social interactions, hierarchies, relationships, etc.)
the point is that evan himself has lived as an oddity his whole life, so he pursues oddities in all forms. a sense of belonging and understanding.
preferably does it all with pandora
in a muggle au, evan would either be a tattoo artist specialising in occultist imagery or a biologist within a super niche field of a species he became obsessed with -> same same but different
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i apply the generally accepted headcanon that the black family has french roots and thus french was his mother tongue; he slips into it when deeply emotive (in either end of the spectrum) and he borrows his favourite words that he feels does not have a sufficient equivalent in english
for instance, he calls his love amour instead of just "love" because he feels like the word holds more meaning in his native language
personally, i don't necessarily view regulus as a polyglot -> i think he could learn spanish and italian if he felt like it, but he would rather pursue poetry and music
(though i do believe he has taught himself latin to be That Bitch)
i recently touched upon this, but i believe that regulus is the most exquisite violinist
all sacred 28 children are raised almost as royals with all the "traditional" upper class teachings of learning classical instruments, reciting sonnets, horseback riding (though perhaps a magical creature instead? thestrals?)
both regulus and sirius were taught the piano to begin with, but regulus excelled much quicker than sirius, and mastered the piano incredibly early on
(the boys were heavily pitted against each other and made to compete, and due to their age difference, this was one of the few areas regulus outdid him. i believe regulus always did better than sirius had at his age, he felt as if he was behind because sirius was better than him in the moment. so he absolutely cherished it, and thus made musical instruments a large part of his personality for the first half of his childhood.)
to continue im(proving) himself, regulus decided to try out the violin, and i believe this is the instrument he truly fell for
the violin is a more physically engaging instrument than piano (at least for regulus, pianists don't kill me) -> he has to move his whole body to make the sounds he chases after, he can hold his fingers down on the sharp strings until they bleed, he can clutch the violin in between his chin and shoulder until it bruises
it becomes a much-needed physical outlet for him as well as an artistic one
if we want to get very sad, i picture sirius unable to listen to any music with violins in them in the parts of his life he spends without regulus (for whatever reason)
generally, i view regulus as someone who appreciates the arts as an escape
i believe he also reads and writes poetry -> originally he mostly consumed and replicated the sonnets he had forced down his throat (shakespeare was probably a wizard, right?) but as he grew older and continued, he developed his own style
i think he primarily discusses different manifestations of pain and generational trauma in his works; these are the pieces he is proud of and considers publishing under a pseudonym
but when regulus falls in love, he falls hard and i think it would be impossible for him not to write sappy love poems; these are the pieces he stows away and vows to never share with the world, until he is old and married and healed and finds them once more and walks into the living room to show his partner as they laugh and cry together
i think his most emotive pieces are written in french, his most secretive ones are written in latin and the ones about healing and developing are written in english
i don't feel like i need to dive deep into it, but i obviously believe regulus is a cat animagus
(i think he either did it young simply because he could, or he found out that sirius was an animagus and refused to be upstaged once more, so he did it over the summer after he discovered it)
(because regulus black is what? petty as fuck)
(it's part of what bonded him and barty early on)
i also want to touch upon the fact that i often (though not always, and rarely explicitly) view regulus as transmasc
i might delve more into it one day, but for now i'll just say i think he would use he/they pronouns if given the opportunity
LAST thing i promise: crop tops. slutty waist. thank you!
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without a doubt, i view dorcas as the strongest of the group, maybe even the strongest of all marauders era characters.
this is referring primarily to her magic but also her will power.
her spells have an explosive force to the point where she prefers not to cast healing spells or casual spells, because her magic is too "rough" for it to be suitable. she's a strategist in that sense, often delegating such spells to others. she works on more permanent/solid spells, e.g. putting up wards, hexing objects, any and all battle spells, potions.
she is a proper scholar and a good student who gets top marks, but that is not where her talent or aspirations stem from. she knows her power and she wants to use it effectively and pragmatically.
that goes for her willpower as well. say it with me: dorcas "debate team champion" meadowes. she is blunt and direct and unapologetic about it. she believes there is such a thing as a "correct" opinion and she will tell you as much in a so devastating manner you cannot formulate a response.
(canon-compliant: this is why she was killed by voldemort himself. she went straight from the mckinnons' home to where she knew she would find as many death eaters as possible, and then she just unleashed everything she had. knowing it would kill her, a form of suicide mission. she could not live without marlene, could not take the grief, but she wanted her death to be worthwhile; thus, she let go and single-handedly caused the largest amount of casualties for the death eaters had had in one battle. it was voldemort himself because no one else could.)
most of this stems from a pathological need to prove herself.
unlike the other four skittles who all grew up in abusive homes (although in varying forms), i believe dorcas grew up in the foster care system. which in the uk 70s was not a pleasant experience.
i don't think she experienced many caretakers who were angry/violent, but i don't think they were involved or engaged with her at all. they were just there, she was just there, and that was that.
from her fellow children in the system, she learned both what love and hatred was. the first girl she kissed was a roommate at one of the houses she spent some weeks at. but in the orphanage she spent most time at, she was caught in a severely psychologically harmful environment among the children. there was bullying, there were fights, there was instability.
dorcas was a blurred face in a massive crowd, moving at full speed. she needed to stand out, she yearned to be someone.
so; she began proving herself and she never stopped. academically, socially, capability-wise. which is how she harnessed such massive power. she had to establish a strong sense of self and make it seem to others like she stood with her head held high at all times, even when she was feeling fragile or scared.
i don't think she had a temper like barty's though, nor was she so wrung-tight like regulus. she was not one to snap or shake. she fake-it-till-you-make-it-ed her self assuredness and honestly believes it herself until she is alone.
when she crumbles it is through exhaustion and maybe a few tears that lead to silent sobs. if you don't know to look for it, you would never be able to notice it when she's in bed.
"i'll keep everything bottled up right here thank you" and does so successfully until she is held gently and then she melts
from northern england in my mind. favourite curse word is "bloody" and she overuses it.
because she is confrontational and not afraid to ask the tough question, she is the ideal person to come to when you need to get some real advice. in that sense, she serves the same purpose in the skittles as lily does with the gryffindors. i think the two would bond a lot.
dorcas is really proud of her name. i think she feels a real connection with it and identifies with it – it's beautiful. despite this, she likes the nickname "cas" because it signals a closeness she has yearned for her whole life. as i already have written about a lot, she can and will kill you if you call her "dorc" (the skittles still do ("but it's with a c!").
i would not go as far as to call her a pyromaniac, but she has a fascination for flames. i think she identifies with them a lot, too. she would have many candles lit around her at all time, and plays with the wick and the wax when she's bored.
she likes to read kind of niche, disturbing literature. she likes tropes like "cannibalism as a metaphor for love", "transforming into a bug", "a relationship between a voodoo doll and its maker"
i always believed dorcas' features and voice to be rather soft. i think her voice especially was naturally quite airy and light, which she tried to fight against for years to make it louder and match the power she knows she harnesses and wants to exude. as she heals, she knows she does not need to. she can still command a room with her soft voice and can still lead an army with a soft face.
i feel like maybe one of the most disputed aspects of dorcas is her style? and i'll tell you right now, in my mind dorcas has a light academia meets princess mermaid style. and it is significant. she dresses like she is the president of the debate team and would be the best person to bring on a beach date at the same time. with potentially some witchy/whimsygoth undertones.
in a muggle au i picture dorcas as either being in the un or a professional volleyball player. i don't think i will elaborate.
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nicknames "dora"
everything said for evan regarding looks of course also applies for pandora as his twin -> ethereal, angelic, "doll-like" looks, heavy contrasts in colours and features (including heterochromia and blonde dreads)
i occasionally view pandora as transfem (making her and evan identical twins) and i think their features are quite androgynous, though femme-leaning
when i view her as trans, i think it was evan who picked her name out with a reference to pandora's box
in general, "pandora's box" is a running joke within the friend group. there are no ends to how the term is used; it can refer to her mind, her room, her partner, her bag, etc.
she has had the same wide cloth shoulder bag throughout all her time at hogwarts, that she always patches up by hand using natural elements, and she has hexed it so many times (to have more storage, to not let anyone with ill intentions in, etc.) that it radiates this magical energy you can feel when your hand hovers above it.
pandora's oddities are just as severe as evan's, but partly because she's a girl they're more often brushed off as "whimsical" -> i argue this is a mistake on their part
she is not the flora to evans' fauna; they are both fauna, they are both primal and wild
the reason evan is more violent than pandora is largely because he does it out of loyalty to barty and because he has been shunned in a more aggressive manner due to gender roles. pandora instead can be mentally and magically violent, creating new jinxes that crush someone's psyche in ways previously unheard of, should need be.
she is also primal in the sense that she is a very tactile person -> she touches to understand and learn. she can randomly grab someone's chin mid-conversation or rub at their eyebrows. her friends are not fussed over this whatsoever anymore, carrying on their sentence without any disruption. others, not quite as much.
pandora collects bones and uses them with everything from her magic to jewelry or decor. she has a habit of giving the prettiest bone of whatever creature she is pilfering from to whoever she is happiest with at the moment, kind of like a crow.
she has a deep respect for all fauna and their way of life; she often finds it to be more logical than humans'
pandora thinks on a plane above most other people.
i believe her to be a seer, though not always in the traditional sense. she doesn't necessarily know everything that is going to happen (some of it, sure), but she sees thoughts and feelings that are about to form in the air around her. she sees auras and sounds too.
in fifth year, her and barty make a business out of her giving relationship advice based on the fact that she is a seer. unfortunately, she actually said it as it was, leading to some unhappy customers, leading to barty beating them up. not good for business (but hilarious stories at parties)
she enjoys crystals, tarots, sage and other things we usually associate with spirituality. she enjoys them both for the concept of occultism or otherness, and as actual tools for her more unorthodox approaches to magic. many of her friends don't quite believe it, but it always works when she uses it all on them, so they don't say anything. i think dorcas quite enjoys learning tarot from pandora, while barty makes up fake stories for the cards.
her seer-abilities leads to a lot of miscommunication and is in large part why she talks the way she does. on her own plane, she often misses certain social cues or sarcasms, while others aren't privy to what she bases her worldview on, because they cannot see it.
i have always thought her voice and way of speaking to be very similar to luna's (that's where she got it from). it's airy and light, like she is addressing more than just the people present in the room.
in my fics, i usually make her quidditch commentator for that reason -> people find it entertaining (some in good nature, some in taunting) and her insights in players' mindsets and actions is beneficial
incredibly kind and patient with her friends
i think she has a fascination with mirrors -> both the concept of reflecting back, the idea of distorted mirrors, using mirrors in her magic, etc. her house is full of them.
i often view her as on the aroace spectrum ("i have greater concerns"), but if she is not i think she either:
a) views relationships and situationships in an almost clinical sense; experimenting with quite a bit of detachment, maybe even taking notes of it, yet somehow in an innocent-ish way
b) mates for life. finds one person and goes oh yes this one'll do and stays with them forever. (which i suppose is what she did with lovegood?)
in muggle aus, i think she would work at a funeral home and be that soft, celestial presence that sticks with a grieving 8 year old for the rest of their lives like a loving ghost reminding you that death is natural and grief is loved persevering
on that note, given the option i fully believe she would have become a ghost. the only reason she isn't in canon is because she missed evan and regulus.
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the whole gang
everyone has made out with each other at some point -> have you heard of the term queer platonic? yeah that's them
overprotective in every form of the word. supporting each other in their maniacalisms. a cohesive group to the core.
pandora and regulus are best friends who can talk about the real shit and understand each other on an almost cosmic level
regulus and barty are best friends who are back to back in any situation, ready to be with each other through the worst -> the type who have been close for almost too long and bicker like an old married couple because of it
barty and dorcas are best friends who "will do it if you do it" and end up in the most nidicolous situations together just for the laughs
if barty goes through a breakup, it's dorcas he calls. if regulus goes through a breakup, it's pandora he calls. if evan goes through a breakup, the group splits in half where regulus and pandora stay with him while dorcas and barty goes to kill the breakup-er
regulus is the mum friend of the group, the kind of exasperated mum who sprays her kids with a spray bottle and put them on leashes. when regulus is out of commission, big sister dorcas picks up the mantle in the most chaotic manner you have ever seen (swap the spray bottles for bug smackers and the tired sighs with screeching). pandora is constantly the aloof auntie. evan and barty are babies with no regard for safety (their own or others').
their interests loop together into funny weird little systems
for example: barty finds the dead animal (maybe kills it if we're being honest), evan experiments on its carcass and dissects it, pandora retrieves its bones afterwards and makes jewelry with it
another example: pandora likes creating paint from natural elements, evan likes using it for his skateboard, dorcas likes using it for her paintings and clothes, and barty likes huffing it
on graduation day, pandora handed them all little dolls of each of them that she made herself -> in reference to the "rosier dolls", showing that they were all dolls because they were all family. they looked like a combination of voodoo dolls and babushka dolls, painted, sown and bedazzled with button eyes. they treasured them.
when i write fics where the skittles never got involved with the death eaters at all (which is most of the time), i usually hc dorcas as half-blood and the discrimination she faced is a large part of the reason why they were turned away.
they will vocal stim at the same time together, particularly barty and pandora. it drives regulus mad, while dorcas and evan don't even notice it.
when barty got in fights, evan backed him up and eventually threw him over his shoulder when it was time to stop. if they were fighting someone who deserved it, regulus and dorcas would stand on either side and throw healing spells on the perpetrator/victim, so that the punishment could be prolonged without actually killing someone.
pandora is the only one with veto rights in the group. whether it is to stop an argument, decide who is right, decide what to do or any such thing, it is only her word that is final. it's not always it comes to that, but when pandora's soft voice says "stop" or "yes", that is the end all be all.
many of them were each other's first real hug.
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i love them, your honour
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filurig · 1 year ago
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decided to go fawk it and make it so that nattramn and basilisks are able to hybridise in pareidolia yay!!! more info under cut
as for how its possible, irl clearly these species would be too distant from eachother to hybridise but ok its fantasy and also. i think part of it might be that as basilisk ancestors evolved their odd trait of picking up aspects of other fauna around them during fetal development, it just resulted in their genes being really wack and spontaneous and for some reason that made it so that they can procreate with nattramn again. i think the ancestors shown in the last image for example could not concieve together bcs the basilisk ancestor species had not evolved the wacky genes thing yet.
societally i think it varies on how they're treated. generally hybrids are accepted as parts of their societies, but depending on several factors they can be somewhat alienated. in nattramn society, "basramn" hybrids are generally more well accepted due to a combination of societal and religious reasons. "nattlisks" usually mingle with basilisk communities much easier for similar reasons. the kind of folklore that sprung up surrounding them in these communities may depend on the fact that basramns have an easier time fitting into nattramn society (due to nattramn putting a lot of importance on flight) while nattlisks have an easier time shapeshifting and can usually fit in basilisk communities easier because of it (basilisks celebrate their shapeshifting ability culturally quite strongly), and the folklore sprung up as sort of a "post hoc" justification for potential alienation/embracing of hybrids. because of this this means that union between a basilisk and a nattramn and whether or not its accepted depends on the context bcs of what hybrid it produces. thinking this may be further reinforced with old legends about mythical (or real, potentially) historical figures in their cultures. (have to think more about this)
also i dont think ive mentioned it here but the reason why these hybrids arent TOO uncommon to see is that nattramn and basilisks are closely intertwined, and while its unusual to see a nattramn mingling with basilisk communities, its quite common for basilisk communities to exist within nattramn settlements and their attitudes towards one another are generally amicable/positive.
"nattlisk" and "basramn" are not canon terms for them, and in universe theyre generally referred to either as basilisk, nattramn or harpy depending on what the observer/local culture thinks they are lol. humans especially dont really know the difference - i think maybe nattlisks may be interpreted as some sort of other vätte like a rå or a troll due to their more humanoid look
generally have similar lifespans to nattramn/basilisks, overall they do rather well for being hybrids other than miscarriages (or, well, since theyre egg layers, failed/unhatched eggs) and nattlisks being more susceptible to illness early in life.
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fairykazu · 8 months ago
aita for bothering this guy even though he looks familiar? [ plus an update ] cw: no plot, crackpost, use of kms/kys jokes, mild cursing, technically canon compliant, fudanshi joke / ref masterlist
r/amitheasshole ∙ a few minutes ago imjustagirl aita for bothering this guy even though he looks familiar? i know how the title sounds but i swear it's nothing creepy! i (f18) saw this person with a peculiar hat (m19) and he just looks familiar to me. as if ive seen him before but if i tried to remember, it's like my memory was wiped. so, i tried to ask him if we had met before but he dismissed me, which i could understand since we are technically strangers. but i asked him again on another day and he seemed reluctant. he said that we never met but if thats true-- i know this sounds a little creepy but his handwriting. i saw it before, it's pinned on my board at home. letters written with love disguised as hate and little hearts. i have proof too, ill link it if anyone is interested. so am i the asshole here?
replies: albertlovesbarbara712 ta, you sound unreasonable. it's clear that you have this weird obsession with him and youre probably losing your mind lol rospearia albert you cannot be talking, you literally stalk barbara like your life depends on it albertlovesbarbara712 you dont understand her like i do albertlovesbarbara713 ok who got me banned again?
chronicgambler nta, i was going to say you're the asshole from your title but nvm... wait wdym you have notes from the guy? imjustagirl [OP] like i have this letter from this guy. and it matches up with the guy mentioned chronicgambler on aeons? imjustagirl [OP] on archons. ill show it in an update if anyone else asks
moonflwrscr lwk, ah. imjustagirl [OP] fr? why moonflwrscr idk i just wanted to disagree
winewhiner17 idk i need more updates imjustagirl [OP] alralr
load 200+ more comments?
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r/amitheasshole ∙ a week ago imjustagirl aita for bothering this guy even though he looks familiar? i know you guys have been waiting for this for a long time. but lwk, for a while i was like damn, maybe i am crazy. besides people in the replies do not help either- you guys are like "op, maybe this is all a dream?" but how could it be a dream? when you can't even make up the image of someone else if you haven't seen them before. anyway, here's the picture of the notes. ignore how it makes me look crazy.
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replies: gqqmbler OH MY GOD, I THOUGHT YOU WERE JUST CRAZY. BUT MAYBE YOU'RE RIGHT??? imjustagirl [OP] with the ta comments i got, i was like "damn, maybe im the crazy one." mar7th but youre just a girl gqqmbler real load full thread?
fudasethos waitt...𖦹donotinteractgetoutofmyhouse? yoifire OP BLOCK THIS MAN!!! mehrakisbetterthansomescribesclearly how did you manage to get his reddit? no other person is able to get anything from him fudasethos blackmail :p imjustagirl [OP]𖦹yoifire wdym?
donotinteractgetoutofmyhouse wtf imjustagirl [OP] ummm nothatguy why did you block me? dm me your ig imjustagirl [OP] OH MY GOD???? WTF...(;´д`)
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qoldenskies · 1 month ago
same anon!! i feel validated so yes to everything you said. it was “Taking Care of your Brothers: A Two-part guide by Mikey and Donnie” by Calliopes_Anon that really made me change my perspective on how these two might act, particularly the mikey chapter simply because we get to see him look out for donnie as much as don looks out for him
and i think the fact there even was a mikey pov, much less one as thoughtful and detailed as that one is, helped a lot. because like. i can’t think of another fic envisioning this pre-movie state with a mike that isn’t constantly scared. kinda eye-opening for me lol
and yeah i do like the sorta ‘i don’t know if it can be fixed’ vs ‘i don’t know how it can be fixed’ mindsets from them and gosh i wish they didn’t take such a backseat during the movie bc i would’ve loved to see them have more of a reaction to the other two than just mild concern. i’d like to explore a version of the movie where they are frustrated, dare i say resentful, with their older brothers because ‘yeah raph can argue how much leo’s new attitude and its consequences are affecting the team. but does raph even understand that extent?’ it’d prob be a whole movie rewrite due to the fact it’s so raph and leo heavy, but isn’t that the beauty of fanfic
oh and yes to your point about donnie’s neurodivergence bc as sweet as it is to see him in fics gifting mikey his own noise blocking headphones, mikey would probably yell at them to shut up for five seconds before putting dons on his head for him
would love to see that pre-movie fic of yours one day!!
yeah with the neurodivergence thing i do genuinely feel like it would go the other way around cause like ,,, donnie is SO jumpy in canon. unexpected loud noise will even make him fall over sometimes, which means he's particularly sound-sensitive. and as a person with a trait exactly like that, i cannot handle shouting. at all. even when i expect it, it completely throws me off my game and scares the shit out of me. like i usually write it so donnie already struggles to handle getting yelled at, but i could see being in the proximity of it freaking him out too.
i do think that'd be one of those things that would piss off mikey in particular because as much as they make fun of each other and get fed up with each other, it's such an obvious and easy boundary to respect in his eyes. mikey can definitely handle yelling, even if it upsets him to see them arguing, but he would hate it because donnie very much cannot. he'd probably at least snap at them to stop or go do it elsewhere lmao
and resentment towards something like this kind of depends on just how bad raph and leo's dynamic actually was, because while its pretty heavily implied they've been arguing like this kind of continuously (especially based on their talk before they go on that mission that has them lose the key), raph's "i have to look out for you or you could all end up dead" talk feels like something that's ,,, new? considering how leo reacts to it initially before pretending to brush it off. maybe leo just normally derails the conversation faster, or normally they dont have arguments like this in private lmao
definitely what fic's for ,,,, raph and leo kind of going back to the dynamic they had in bug busters (but reversed, and likely more intense) while donnie and mikey kind of pair off together is a really interesting thing to play around with, especially with how they naturally they just go and stick close to each other in the movie (easy way to connect that to them gravitating towards each other with everything going on), ive just never really seen it in the exact Flavor that id want to see so maybe ill check out the fic you recc'd ,,, gotta expand my tastes fr
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ro-bee · 2 months ago
It's too wrong that I kinda maybe wanna see a "bad ending" pupigoat au? Like we're Goat doesn't find out Kiran's plans until it's too late and Kiran already has the crown back, something something doomed yaouri something something
In my head, there is two ways a tragic version of the pupigoat au could go but I cant decide what route I like the most. One is Kiran getting to the "killing Goat" part of the plan and realizing that it isn't what he actually wanted and wanting to abort the plan but for some reason he can't bring them back (at least until well into late-game, like with Narinder in canon if you choose not to spare him) and he has killed his own children and siblings for this and it was all for nothing and he's free but he's completely alone and it's all his fault... well, at least, he gets to reunite with this siblings (and children, but he already does in the regular timeline, so that's besides the point) in this timeline but not before some 100 to 200 years worth of depression so yay...?
Or the alternative route (in my mind at least), where Kiran actually fully goes through with the plan and it's less "everything sucks forever and Kirander is drowning in depression and self-brought grief" and more Kiran goes full self-gaslighting mode as he sits alone for thousands and millions of years as he slowly waits for life to grow back to what it once, dulling himself with "This is what I wanted, its all going according to plan. Once the plan it's finished and life is back, then I'll be happy and it'll all been worth it" as he totally 100% absolutely doesn't slowly become kinda insane and not all mentally there in his own denial, deeply buried grief and genuine complete loneliness (as he is not just without everyone he once care about, this version is literally the only bring left for quite a fucking while). This timeline is just every trauma TOWW gets in his/their imprisonment times 100 billion so good times.
(Sorry for this insanely long ask, I just love your au and character so much and I'm very biased towards tragic endings and alternative versions of stories that reveal aspects and facets of characters that we could never get in their regular form. I hope you like my insanity and mental illnesses as much I liked writing it lol)
Long anon 🔥🔥🔥🔥♥♥♥♥
We can absolutely have a bad ending because of course!!! We have one in original game why not having one here >:)
My favorite for now is the first one you wrote because think about it... Kiran bringing goat back because of regrets and loneliness but he does that for last... First he takes care of his siblings and the pups but things don't go as he planned, his siblings still hate him, they don't have their crowns anymore but that doesn't mean they will make kiki's life easier... And the pups? What if they don't come out right...? What if now they're doomed to a cursed life or worse now they also hate him because they realized how selfish his plan was 👁👁
So as a last resort he brings back goat but that only makes things worse for him because at best he now has to live with a killing machine that hates his guts (why best? Because at least they can talk when they fight) and at worst an empty shell of someone that he once loved
Incurable catatonic goat... Uhg ouch
Anyway you sent me another ask let me go answer that really quick 🏃‍♂️
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swordsmans · 2 months ago
yayayay thank you for the tag, @acewithapaintbrush !! this is so fun
words posted:
53,241 - not bad! a far cry from 2023's 200k+, but it was a rough year so im pleased i managed that much.
additional words written:
13,532 - zine pieces and a WIP, but this is only counting prose. if u know anything about my writing process... i fear this number is much larger but im not dredging that up
one piece, babbeeyyy
highest kudos + highest hit one shot:
highest kudos: the heart is just an organ, the "crew encounters a DF that temporarily suppresses zoan powers" fic
highest hits: step 2: survive anyway, the second half of the "zoro finds out about luffy's poison immunity and subsequent 10 year life loss" fic
new things i tried:
not new, per se, but i definitely went a bit "mask off" with my roots re: horror this year. step 2 and everything rots in the sun were my darkest fics in years i think.
fic i spent the most time on:
by purely 2024 standards, i think i worked on both step 2 and everything rots in the sun for about the same amount of time (~5 months each). if we're going by fic tho then definitely step 2. that took 8 months to write.
fic i spent the least time on:
the heart is just an organ lol. while i was technically kicking the idea around for 3-ish months, actual prose-to-posting time was 4 days.
favorite thing i wrote:
ohh tough question, because everything i wrote this year is a "favorite" for different reasons. i think i'll always be extremely proud of step 2 though (and both step 1/step 2 in general tbh), but everything rots was a feat unto itself.
its very interesting to look back on the two fics i bookended the year with, bc theyre both extremely dark but they have sort of... opposite theses. step 2 is about being unable to focus on the joy of something thats alive because you know it will die, and everything rots is about doing everything you can to cling to the possibility of joy even though you know in the end, itll mean death.
favorite things i read:
how dare you make me choose!! i read so many wonderful fics by so many incredible writers this year, but theundiagnosable's impiety duology is one of those stories i keep thinking about. its a very tangentially/loosely-canon luzo au thatll just flay you alive.
writing goals for 2025:
i actually dont have any real plans to write much in 2025 beyond maybe 2-3 small fics, so we'll see what the future holds. it might be a quiet year tho. (watch--ill say this and then post another 90k beast in july like i did in 2023 or smth. surprise us both)
new works:
ive gooottt some smut ive been batting around. finally. we'll see where that goes :3c
i tag...!!! @the-furthest-city-light, @ghostlandtoo, @toxinspired, and @thychesters~!
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icyowl · 1 year ago
Idk if your taking request if not discard! lol but uh >< could we get some Vash & Wolfwood A/O/B head canons? What do you think their second genders would be? and how would they be w reader?
A/B/O Headcanons (Vash, Wolfwood)
Pairings: Wolfwood x reader, Vash x reader
A/N/: always up for ABO. Always.
As my bio says, I'm not open for requests per se, but if an ask strikes my fancy, I might get inspired!
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An alpha through and THROUGH
very growly. It's deep and slow and rumbly and he loves using it on others or using it on you and catching you off guard. He smells the effect it has on you through your scent glands and his eyes key in on the tiny shaking it puts in your knees. You alright there, ankle biter? Lookin' a little unsteady he says with a wicked grin. Even the cigarette bounces with mirth.
Whatever class Wolfwood was going to be, the experiments done by the Dr. turned him into an alpha. It's done on purpose because alphas are more goal-oriented and driven, and because its pretty easy to keep them in line with a steady dose of hard-core suppressants. Getting Wolfwood to detox from them was definitely an exercise in building trust. The ensuing rut you had to help him through was. . . intense, to say the least.
Puts out his cigarettes when you're around. Just because he can cancel out the ill-effects by drinking his vials doesn't mean he has to subject you to it.
Say his first name nice and softly with some of those omega hormones pushing out into the room and watch his whole shoulder line gradually slump until he's putting his head on your shoulder and licking the oils from your scent glands.
Look, its fact that at some point he will use himself as a human shield to keep you safe because, again, he's got those vials to help him recover. The first time he got, for all intents and purposes, murdered in front of your eyes was a horrifying experience. Even after he'd made a full recovery (another mildly disturbing moment when he seemingly came back from the dead just as quickly as he joined it), you'd lost many nights worth of sleep. When he found out, you had a long discussion about his ready-fire-aim tendencies.
It came as no surprise you began to have nightmares. Try as he might, he wasn't good at consoling you at first. It took time for Wolfwood to realize slapping you on the back like some bro and telling you the vials taste like candy wasn't the way to make you feel better.
Has gotten your group thrown out of a number of establishments after holding a man at gunpoint for so much as flirting with you. Very clearly used the moment as an excuse to show off in front of you.
Definitely gives you the talk about worrying about yourself before others or before you make stupid choices that might put you in harms way. Gets you a gun of some kind, something manageable, and maybe it won't obliterate some of the things that are coming after you but it'll give you a chance to get away or at least buy time until he can get there.
“Whatever Blondie does, you do the opposite, you hear me?”
Also chew you out if/when you put yourself in danger. Doesn't matter why. He'll get in your face and yell and interrupt you at every turn. “I don't care that you were saving some kid! Drop kick him out a window for all I care! The next time you do something like that, I'll kill you myself!”
Loves showing off your relationship in front of others. Favorite thing to do is, whenever you go to sit by him in a public place, his arm snakes around you (whether its your arm or waist or a part of your clothing) and simply yanks you to his lap.
This man. This man would not touch a healthy relationship with a ten-foot pole. Like, we can agree his most stable relationship is with his gun, right? So totally expect him to be a little lost when it comes to taking care of you emotionally. It never occurred to him how many days had passed without him scenting you; just figured you were dealing with something or had a change in hormones when you began to smell sour.
On your end, you're freaking out. There has to be a reason why he's not doing it. Is he over you? Do you smell bad? Is something going on in his life you don't know about? Is there someone else? How do you bring it up without sounding accusatory? Should you just drop it?
When you finally lean in and just go for it, fisting his shirt and burrying your nose under his chin, nestled right up against his pulse, and purr, he does nothing for several seconds. Meanwhile your heart is skittering wildly. What you don't realize is you've positively short-circuited this poor man. Could his heart always beat like this? So fast, so erratically? A low rumble escapes him and encases you in an embrace.
He realizes this is the first time he's ever purred.
could legit be any class. I'm sure most of y'all see him as an omega, but for funsies I'll make him an alpha for a change!
Like, come on, you can't tell me those canines from the last episode scream anything else but alpha. Plus, we all know how determined he can get. Just imagine that you're the one he can't turn his instincts away from, you're the one that makes him feel the most like a regular person, you're the one that elicits such a visceral reaction from him.
Three words: PRO TEC TIVE. If you got with him hoping to break him of his savior mentality, you've gotten with the wrong person. His habits include but are not limited to: keeping watch every time you sleep (even at the risk of his own lethargy), repositioning you to where he perceives to be the safest spot (picking dining tables closest to an exit, putting himself between you and strangers, ensuring an unobstructed path to you and his gun, etc.), scenting your clothes every morning before you wake to keep other alphas from bothering you, smiling in such a way that he shows off his canines to anyone that bothers you, and coming up with lame excuses to get you away from anyone that bothers him. Vash is mostly polite about it, but you know what't up. Nuzzle into him and watch him melt into you and purr gently.
Yo his glyphs pulse when his alpha instincts come to the surface. Defending you from another alpha? Needing to scent you to feel calm? You got him riled up? All those will do it and its sometimes been a close call to hide it from strangers. You love it when it happens in the dark of a room and he literally lights up the space.
Seeing you in his jacket sends a shiver up his spine and makes his pupils expand considerably. He's soooo attentive to you. The slightest change in your scent due to your emotions — whether they be fear or jealousy or loneliness — and he's on you, nuzzling into your scent glands to try and calm you and offering to get you someplace private for a scenting session. Don't be surprised if he completely ignores your protests and excuses the two of you from the rest of the group.
One time he was so caught up in the moment of battle, so fearful when he saw a gun aiming for your chest, that his cybernetic hand grabbed for your arm and yanked you aside. It almost hurt him as much as if you'd been shot when he realized his fingers left dark bruises on your skin, and he'd carelessly flung you into a bookshelf where you'd knocked the back of your head against the corner, causing wet blood to rush into your hair and face.
He refused to touch you for days after that. Thankfully, in the dead of night, long after everyone else had gone to bed, you found him leaning bodily against the wall at the end of the hallway, resisting his hormone-fueled delirium on sheer willpower alone, and were able to convince him to give in to the bond. Oh how he wanted to scent you and be scented, how his oil glands wetted themselves feebly, desperate to touch your scent glands. You had enough when he tried to escape you again; one gentle press to the gland on his wrist and he finally gave in — pupils expanded, eyes glossed over, canines descended. Vash pinned you against the wall, chuffing and nuzzling while you tried to keep your head on straight. His pheromones were positively overwhelming.
Vash reverently touched the bandage on your head and the bruises on your arm, apologizing with whines and whimpers. The poor man could hardly speak with the hormones buzzing through him, but he tried to convey the pain he felt at hurting you, even unintentionally. You soothed the guilt with gentle words and a steady stroke to the gland on his neck.
Because of his biology, he has a very unique scent. It's clean and fresh and everyone takes notice. You've had to fight off a few omegas during your time together. My man's totally clueless.
Like, he can smell you're frustrated, but why? Those ladies were just helping him get directions to the next town? Oh, they were holding his arm as they pointed to the horizon? He never noticed. They were just being nice. Why were you glaring at them? Whatever the reason, he can tell you need his pheromones and floods the space with them accordingly.
Sooooo hesitant when it comes to marking you, or really even allowing his mouth anywhere near your supple skin. He doesn't trust himself not to lose control or get carried away. Vash knows what being bound to him would mean; the danger, the running. To him, it's no different than painting a bullseye on you. It takes time, and a lot of trust and coaxing, but eventually he gives in to the trance tugging at his brain. Eventually, he gives himself over to it. His nibbling teeth and laving tongue don't leave your skin for some time.
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patchiko · 11 months ago
comic!jason todd x m!indie rock singer/guitarist reader
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cold weather - glass beach
1:08 ──⚬──── 2:18
⇆ ◃◃ ıı ▹▹ ↻
🪐⁠☆゚⁠.⁠*⁠・⁠。゚ warnings ; sfw (none)
🪐⁠☆゚⁠.⁠*⁠・⁠。゚ contents ; hc’s totally not based off glass beach lyrics haha thats so cheesy whaat lololo…
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I love the way you make me feel when I’m staring at my screen.
At 4AM, trying not to fall asleep
And you hit me up just to see if I’m OK
literally how the crushes form for both sides
jason has like an inner psyche where he just fuckin knows when youre awake
if you ask him he’ll probably say something stupid like ‘i can hear your (guitar)/(voice)’ and he’s nowhere around you
and his heart throbs whenever you two stay texting for waayy tooooo loonggg, starts cheesing and shit
average jason todd text
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When I keep you up sending Mamegoma Lines
You know it's shit like that that makes me wanna be alive
he responds through his helmet while he’s kicking ass
it gets so common to a point where he ends up having a full blown convo w/ you using those stupid fuckin stickers
bug him late at night !!
he’ll tell you to gts but he’d be lying if he says it doesn’t make his heart melt when u send him these little fucks.
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So I'll call in sick again just to spend the day with you
100% he’ll call a day off to hang with you
whether its showing up to your show then hitting a bar, 100%,
i need jason todd in a relationship where he just drops everything for his s/o,
fuck the mission!! he wants to listen to those fucking vocals for an hour or you shredding ur guitar!!
he’s fucking around in an arcade with you till 11pm
hes a little ass at mario kart, better with motorcycle games,
he has the most fun with the halo ones or the walking dead ones
weirdly good at the multiplayer pacman games
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Wanna say I think it's so gay that we really both feel the same way
That I feel like we're more than just friends
It took too long to realize
I didn't miss the cold weather, I just missed you
Jason was never homophobic and or totally against the idea of him being gay
i dont think he was ever in a gay relationship b4 you two
bc most of the vigilante guys he met were trying to fight him or absolute dick heads,
n’ most of the male figures in his life weren’t the absolute best.
so there wasn’t tooo much room for crushing on a guy too easily
if you’d ask him abt his sexuality its smthn like ‘i think im straight but i dunno what if im not.’
heres how i think it starts ;)
you’re preforming at a bar, n’ ofc jason todd can admit when a guys cute/attractive, any guy could do that
and maybe its ur guitar or your vocals but he cant stop watching (he convinces himself its your talent which is reasonably not gay)
maybe one coincidence leads to another and you two chat and go out at times, he pulls up to your shows more.
and the whole time he thinks he’s just acknowledging that your a very attractive person,
notthin crazy to admit ya homie has mad kisssble lips after starin at them for a sec too long. lol. haha. hm.
and i think the thought really hits him when he’s out of gotham for a mission. and he’s craving your presence
he texts you but you dont respond, fuck right you have a show and the timezone difference—
n he gets fuckin, ANTSY and SAD.
he tries to smoke a cig to fuck off
but he cant stop thinking about that one night where he brings you to his favorite rooftop view of the city,
how those sly stupid jokes slip from your mouth like honey,
the way you glance at him and the moonlight on your skin
how he got that random need to just lean into your lips
'Cause I don't need the cold weather like I need you
And I don't need the sweater weather I just need you
Na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na
Fuck! Hahahaha
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hes unlabeled your honor.
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syndrossi · 6 months ago
I love the idea of the twins born earlier with Jon becoming Viserys's heir and betrothed to Rhaenyra - in that situation, I can see Rhaegar being betrothed to Laena, and Rhaegar and Jon vowing that their children will marry each other. But in that case, if Aemma still dies and Viserys still remarries Alicent, and has Aegon, would there be another Dance of the Dragons? Cause a son comes before a nephew/brother, by all the laws - but also a daughter comes before an uncle, and Jaehaerys still named Baelon heir, so maybe the rule is just 'the King can choose his own heir', which makes sense as the King is an absolute monarch. And people would look at Aegon, either a child while Jon is grown, or a drunken whoremonger rapist while Jon is a war hero and the greatest swordsman alive and rides Vermithor and probably has children with Rhaenyra by then, and go - yeah, we're following Jon.
Also, I love the idea of Baelon getting to hold his twin grandsons and take them up on Vhagar! Also, since this is not a reverberate AU, and so Daemon doesn't know their names, what are the best he names Jon Baelon, and Rhaegar Aemon?
Also, what's your timeline for Resonant, and how is it different from both F&B and HOTD?
I don't know if it's strictly true that a daughter comes before the king's brother, at least for the Crown. Daemon was Viserys's heir despite Rhaenyra's existence until Viserys explicitly broke with tradition and named Rhaenyra his heir. Though I expect it was broadly true that daughters come before a lord's brother+nephews. Heck, the Great Council heard all kinds of claims, so clearly, standard male-preference primogeniture wasn't in play.
A few things I could see happen, since Jon and Rhaegar would be around 6 after Baelon's death:
If the boys are thought to be TPTWP by Jaehaerys, he explicitly names Daemon his heir, passing over Viserys, which many lords could see as wise anyway, given Viserys's and Aemma's struggles to have a son, and Viserys's only child is betrothed to the likely future king anyway. The Great Council never occurs.
If the boys' nature is unknown and Viserys is named heir by the Great Council, once he later comes to learn of their prophecy vibes, Viserys himself may very well stop trying to have children and Aemma lives. Daemon is named Viserys's heir.
#2 but Aemma dies later, either of an unplanned pregnancy or illness. Viserys is smart and doesn't want to complicate the inheritance puzzle, so he doesn't remarry.
#3 but Viserys thinks with his other brain and marries Alicent. Assuming the king has absolute power to name his heir, he's not going to change that just because he has sons now. Otto still schemes, but as you said, Jon will be having children much earlier than Aegon with Rhaenyra, and THOSE children will have dragons (as will Rhaegar's and Laena's). Otto's in a tough position, especially with Jon's popularity, and because lol patriarchy, Rhaenyra is also very popular since she's not in line for the throne but is gracious and beautiful and doesn't have the bastardry rumors blackening her rep. You can also bet Rhaegar has been using this time to build alllll the alliances with houses that would have aligned with the Greens originally
On the subject of Resonant's timeline, the TL;DR is that Rhaenyra's partway between HOTD and F&B in age and did have a friendship with Alicent. Since she's older, her sons are born about three years earlier than in F&B canon, putting them closer in age to Aegon and Aemond. I generally use F&B dates, but shifted as needed to account for Rhaenyra's differing age. And Rhea dies a year later than in canon.
Resonant itself takes place in 116AC, and it is currently the 12th day of the 8th moon.
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kibblbread · 6 months ago
Yeah it’s optimus x megatron, sorry not sorry i want to explore their relationship as lovers instead of friends/brothers because I’m a hopeless romantic although i may or may not do that eventually too???
Anyway this fic is being dubbed the Transformers one alternate timeline fic! You can look at the basic premise by clicking the embed link 🔗
You can call it whatever you want the nickname is mostly for me lol
Anyway here is more headcanons and basic outlining for my writing if anyone is interested. I know what its like to be in a small fandom with hardly any fic content for your personal otp 🙃 cries in redhood fandom
So lowkey I want there to be roles within the relationship, I just don’t want to type cast or define either Megatron or Optimus by assigning Top & Bottom. Like people they’re complex and often switch in accordance to what the other needs.
I noticed D16 throughout the movie was a bit more easily stressed and anxious while Orion usually tried to stay more level and optimistic. Pax truly is a good leader. However D16 definitely is also very capable of taking charge, especially when he starts getting fed up with a specific circumstance cough, cough. D16 is very emotional though, and allows that to fuel his motivation and in turn his actions as well.
In my fic I plan to make alt Megatron emotional too! He’s protective and a bit impatient but he’s happy with routine and the mundane of everyday. Also still a nerd and is actually very kind/gentle to not only Optimus but the citizens! Well, outside of the gladiator ring at least.. Megatron never truly gets used to younger bots idolizing him like he does a past Prime. Yes he does become a gladiator, kinda like in the tfp continuity but in this timeline he is still leader of the high-guard as it operates under Optimus Prime’s will. Think basically Cybertron’s army for lack of better terms!
Optimus does his best to be hands on as possible but thats kinda difficult as he is essentially Cybertrons assigned leader and protector. Most operations under his own orders go without the bot ever truly getting to be involved. However, he still takes just about any scrap of time he can to spend with Megatron. It’s pretty obvious to anyone that sees them interact that they’re whipped for one another lol.
Some kinda pivotal moments (spoilers ig??? They’re not too bad though i hope) 🤞🏾
A proposal from Optimus to alt Megatron. It’s pretty early in the fic, and will probably be after I’ve set the stage and done some world building.
Alt Megatron taking on an aircraft form for his transformation! It was just easier for him while leading High-Guard operations but his size, lol, the difference between them is so cute. I’m gonna have so much fun writing
Sentinel being marched through the mines like Megatron originally set out to do. Optimus wasn’t exactly happy about it but never questioned or interfered despite Sentinel’s pleading
Both Megatron’s being partial to holding grudges and indulging in rage. Although alt Megatron has trouble controlling other emotions as well, his mood is contagious for better and worse tbh. Both versions of their auras are captivating and fill any room no matter how big.
Canon Megatron trying to kill alt Optimus on sight because that boy ready to square up 🤭
Shockwave figuring out the switch situation and switching things back without even consulting anyone, spoiler alert — he fucks up
Megatron being disgustingly cute with either Optimus in either timeline because he’s dangerously persuasive and sincere
Yeah that’s really all i got for now. It’s very otp centric but obviously Ill flesh out the others to an extent later.. or not idk if I’ll complete this project or not. But it’s maybe gonna be around 10-15 chapters???
Wish me luck and we’ll see how it goes 😝
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zai-doodles · 8 months ago
Yeah!! Please rank the spirit dresses!
ok ok ill try to not ramble too much but this will def be long lol
im not perfect by any means and these r just my opinions so idk don't kill me ig, if u disagree u can say that but be polite
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ok put down ur pitch forks and let me talk-
its not a BAD design aesthetically or in concept, I've seen ppl say its kinda leaning into a like, spy vibe or something and I really like the sunglasses and horns!
BUT capricorn never read as a spy to me?? maybe its just me but he always came off as more of a butler parody especially w the tailcoat he gets in this screenshot
i think both capricorn and the stardress suffer from not having a very visually distinct concept so when put together its barely feels like they match at all, its its v clear that putting lucy in a skimpy dress took priority over making a cool design that connected to the story
i dont even love my redesign for this dress anymore bc I feel like I just need to redo Capricorn first to give him a stronger concept then deal w the dress later
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this is blasphemy i know but PLEASE HEAR ME OUT
this one is way more personal preferance so if u disagree that's so chill there's just too many things w this dress that bother me
I hate the hair, i really do like grown women w pigtails is already a pet peeve of mine bc its so male gazy to me but combining that with the bikini top and super short skirt just annoys me
and let me say again THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH LIKING THIS but in the larger context of this being the AQUARIUS dress it just doesn't read like her at all!! Sure she has a bikini but she also has v ling hair!
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where capricorn suffers from too little visual concept aquarius has so much of it!! The gold to me reads v fancy and royalty esque which makes sense for her personality, just changing the hair to something more like what aquarius has would do wonders I feel like
plus i hate the green-
my first redesign ever was this dress bc it annoyed me soooo much
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this fit is fine, just boring
but virgos design is also boring and the one interesting thing, her chains, NOT being part of the star dress or alluded to makes me angry
also pigtails so it loses points
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again its fine but its boring, mainly bc aries' design is also boring so-
idk i wish they went more bo peep with it cuz I feel like that could have been cute
also more fucking pigtails-
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if any fit deserved to have horns its this one TAURUS IS A BULL-
anyway this fits is also fine but damn they could have gone so much harder w the cowgirl thing
i do still stand by my redesign for this stardress bc I think it fits canon without redoing taurus
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she should have a nose ring its just facts-
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love the concept and idea! kinda meh execution
its fine ig but its also like gemini don't look anything like this? which makes this another one were I feel ud have to rework gemini to give them more visual cues u could take
the headdress specfically confuses me since the wiki says its a Kokoshnik but after looking at the wiki for that I found nothing in the history that makes that make sense for this fit?? like concept wise??
its only so high up bc i respect that they did something different and creative with this dress and the way they split the colors on the dress itself is cute, just wish they went more magician or even jester w it
the only pigtails im kinda ok w bc symmetry
(when i say more magician i did it this way:
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its cute, i wish the tail was bigger and I see v little reason for the fit to be skin tight when scorpio himself literally has a half skirt thing going on
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i still like this so here, as u can see I liked the idea with the hair and headband combo I just wish they had pushed it further
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again, cool concept, weird execution?
this one is the only one i feel that THRIVES from not taking any visual cues from the spirit bc honestly his design just sucks I'm sorry ik its supposed to be funny but its just stupid to me idk
however even if i like thaty they did something different AND gave her the bow and arrow, it annoys me still that nothing about the fit reads equestrian or archery? there's SO MANY historical fits they could have used as inspo for this and they just chose not to and that's lazy to me idk
also also i hate that for a while bc of the way the manga was colored it looked like she was fully just wearing underwear bc of the white fabric with nothing on her thighs like that's dumb he's a horse u WANT something there to protect that area when riding
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its cute, it matched loke design AND personality wise, wish there were more lion elements but overall v cute
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i already talked abt my thoughts on this dress here so yeits just good AND the pigtails r ok bc they r meant to mimic cancers silhouette which I really like
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elsweetheart · 2 years ago
maybe tomorrow you’ll know
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🎀 summary: when your girlfriend ellie can’t make it to patrol, you take her slot and go with joel. your father figure comforts you when you get overstimulated.
🎀 an: trying out the diary entry kind of cover picture ?? idk if it looks cute or not but idk what else to put so there . another ldr song title lol … this fic is kinda odd ,, kind of a weird ending and idk if i like it. feels kind of ooc. oh well !! ppl requested it. this is a prequel to this fic and a late sequel to this one !!
🎀 warnings: implied acknowledgment of neurodivergence from joel ?? joel is a little nicer / more healed than he is canonically,, reader gets overstimulated and upset ,, mentions of daddy issues lol ,, mentions of grief ,, i think that’s it ??
It wasn’t unlikely that common colds and flu’s swept Jackson this time of year. It was the pollen from the trees, or maybe the sap, or something like that. Ellie had explained it you a while back but you were more focused on her freckles than the scientific explanation of illness, so the information was kind of buzzing around loosely at the back of your brain.
Ellie, who’s immune system seemed to be made of gold in other departments was hit by the cold. She had the runt of it, red nose, sore throat, awful mood. The one upside was you swanning around looking after her, but that one upside was accompanied by several downsides— as per mentioned, really shitty mood, and the God awful medicine that Maria had cranked out to those hit by the illness.
That left very few people to go on patrol, and you being the helpful angel that you were signed up without second thoughts. You, who had very little patrol experience — your talents thriving more in the gardening area or barn. The shell shock Ellie experienced from hearing you’d signed up didn’t last long thankfully, when you’d rushed to tell her that Joel told you that he’d accompany you. She relaxed a little, if she was going to feel that you were safe in anyone’s hands, it would be Joel’s.
She was honestly feeling much better, the headaches and most of the sniffles had gone away by the time the day of your patrol rolled around, but the antibiotic she was still unfortunately taking made her drowsy for the better part of the day — so for safety reasons, she wasn’t able to up and snatch your patrol slot like she’d so cunningly planned.
She’d watched you get ready, watched you pull on your jeans and a tight white t—shirt. She could tell you were trying to look ‘practical’, outfit removed of any frills and decoration like it usually would garner to seem more Ellie-esque, apparently manifesting her courage and skill to support you on the patrol. It was sweet, but she worried for you, and kept having to remind herself that Joel would be there, Joel would be there, Joel would be there. Nothing was going to get you. She didn’t let this show of course, flashing you a winning smile before you left, helping you tighten your backpack straps and kissing the nervous line between your eyebrows. “Go get ‘em, patrol girl.” She was as cool as ever.
You’d spotted Joel waiting by the gate, and your own nerves settled into a quiet hum in your chest at the sight of him. He looked unafraid, as usual — but when did he ever look afraid? His worn brown jacket was a familiar sight, and you smiled— giving him a sweet wave when he noticed you emerging.
“What, Ellie not here to send you off?” He smiled, in his gruff Joel way as soon as you were in hearing distance.
“She’s on strict doctors orders to rest and stay in bed.” You recite proudly, the two of you sharing a chuckle of disbelief at the fact that someone had managed to tell Ellie what to do. Who else would it be?
“Alright Kiddo, up you get.” He aided you onto his horse, wedging himself in the front saddle. You weren’t offended that he hadn’t trusted you with your own horse today, in fact you felt safer like this.
Joel liked spending one on one time with you, like the time you introduced him to skincare. He found you to be rather seraphic in nature — a glow of purity and light heartedness in an otherwise dark world. He was the most happy to see that you and Ellie were dating, as he found your ways to rub off on her. He’d notice the way she would actually think twice or hesitate before snapping at someone, always making sure to check for you first to gauge your emotions. Ellie was gentler than before, her jagged edges buffing themselves down as to not catch you on its spikes. In fact, Joel had notice everyone that had the grace of being around you had softened up slightly and not in a bad way, you were your own little patch of sunshine. The sugar in the tea that was Jackson.
Which is why he was happy to let you wear yourself out with words, burbling about some funny incident that occurred earlier on in the week with Jesse — Joel chuckling along due to the expressive nature in which you told the tale, glancing at the shadow in the snow of your arms waving about wildly in gesture as you did so despite the older man not facing you.
“I don’t know how you got this much energy so early in the mornin’.” He chuckled with an amused shake of his head. You sat with this for a moment, staring out at a gaggle of birds flapping about causing ruckus in the tree top. You wondered if the birds knew the world has ended, and exhaled through your nose at the thought — leaning forward to rest your cheek to Joel’s back. You suppose you were a little tired, not having much sleep from the night before.
“Changed your tune.” He hummed, a little more quietly. The sun had only just come up, and you felt the adrenaline of leaving past the gates beginning to seep out, your eyes feeling puffy and dry from perhaps lack of sleep.
“You reminded me I am a little sleepy.” You yawned and he chuckled, steering the horse round a bend making your fingers dig into his jacket just a little more. You stayed this way for a while, the two of you plodding along on the horse as Joel took mental note of routes and watched for foot prints and such. Your peaceful reverie was broken by the terrifying groan that could only belong to clickers. Your head snapped up, heart clenching in that dreaded way but Joel didn’t seem to react in the slightest. His back continued to slowly expand and deflate with his slow breaths as the two of you located the small gaggle with your eyes. He drew his weapon, a knife with a thick handle and slid off the horse.
You felt slightly vulnerable as he stepped away, weary of his feet crunching in the snow as he stalked towards the screeching clickers ambling around amongst themselves. Perhaps it really had been a long time since you’d been past the gates, as your gut tensed up as you watched Joel brutally take down the small group. You didn’t quite notice that you were clutching at your jacket, jaw tense and eyes wide until he started trudging back towards you slightly lost of breath. His eyes caught yours and gave you a curt nod to signify he was okay, watching you for a moment longer as you uncurled your hands letting your jacket free from its clammy grip.
“Been a while since you been out here, huh.” He slung himself back onto the horse with a quiet grunt of exertion.
“Yeah. I’m super out of practise, it’s bad.” You shook your head fearfully, eyes boring into the mangled figures staining the snow red as you passed them, flinching when one of their legs twitched ever so slightly.
“You’re alright. S’the people who aren’t infected you gotta watch out for.” He remarked. You stayed silent, pensive at this comment that slightly set you on edge and he added “Don’t get many o’them round here though. We’d know about it.” to soothe your anxiety.
Perhaps you’d been spoiled a little with your working hours at Jackson, because being on patrol was more demanding and time consuming than you’d have thought. Some parts were nice, like chatting with Joel when you got to sit on the horse— but the rest of it was a lot more physically challenging than you were used to. Being hoisted up onto walls, climbing over fences, Joel was giving you quite the workout in comparison to your usual quiet and peaceful days. Your backpack had grown heavier from being filled with useful items you had found to bring back home — and it was beginning to make your shoulders ache, weighing you down uncomfortably.
The sky was aglow with a breathtaking abendrot, the day been and gone having been travelling around with Joel all day. You’d mentally clocked out around 2 hours ago, feeling the exhaustion push you past your limits. You never wanted to be in a bad mood with Joel — so you hid it, but you were starting to feel a little shitty. A close run in with the infected made your ears ring from Joel’s gun shooting a little too close to your ear— the annoying humming sound making it hard for you to concentrate. All of the physical exertion made you hot and clammy beneath your layers, but it was too cold without them. You could feel your hair sticking to the nape of your neck, getting tangled in the back of your necklace bringing it taut against your skin leaving a thin chain print indent against it. You could feel a pebble rattling in your shoe that you couldn’t get out, your knee was grazed slightly from a stumble trying to get away from a clicker, and you could feel the blood from the injury sticking to the inside of your jeans. Worst of all, you could feel a slight tickle at the back of your throat — the start of what could be the cold Ellie had.
“You listenin’?” Joel glanced round at you, on top of everything — he had decided now was the time to launch into a long and detailed story. You loved when Joel told stories, it was usually a moment of comfort or bonding — but you couldn’t help but feel irritated at the fact you could barely hear him, ringing in your ears seeming to grow louder.
“Huh? I— ugh, i can’t—” You stressed, fingers prodding inside your ears trying to wiggle the blockage out. Your face was screwed up slightly, overwhelmed by the feelings and sensations you were experienced. The man craned round slightly, taking a look at you.
“Y’alright?” He gave you a once over and you simply huffed, deciding that you didn’t care about the Jackson chill anymore as you practically fought your jacket off your body, immediately going back to sticking your finger in your ear trying to unplug it to escape the incessant ringing. You groaned agitatedly, not noticing your jacket dropping off the back of the horse and into the snow as you continued your pressurised ministrations. It all had seemed to hit you at once, your face heating up as you felt your heart rate pattering against your chest. “Kiddo?”
“What? I— I don’t know I don’t feel good I’m— I hurt myself and i’m getting sick and — everything is too much and —” You exploded, cutting yourself off as you burst into tears. You were frantically, nearly wailing as you grappled with yourself like you were covered in tiny ants. Joel frowned, quickly steering his horse beneath an old bridge and parking up, jumping off — hoping you didn’t fidget your way into falling off. You slid off the horse by yourself, pacing for a moment as you cradled yourself before sliding down the wall.
“Hey, kiddo. Look at me.” His movements was slow, purposeful. He didn’t freak out, he never did. Just slowly coming to squat infront of you, knee’s clicking with the gesture. You pulled your face from your hands, face hot and sticky now which only seemed to worsen your reaction. “You’re panickin’.” He observed. You nodded, unsure of what to say as you scrubbed your face, trying to rid of the feeling of your sticky tears. “Be gentle. Gonna hurt yourself.” He spoke even quieter as you did so, weary of hands rough swiping.
You leant back on the brick, letting your eyes flutter shut as you sucked in breaths. Joel took the time to look around, checking that there were no unwelcome visitors approaching. “Y’alright.” He soothed as you continued breathing. After a moment, you whined quietly into your hands.
“Too many feelings and sounds.” You shook your head, embarrassment creeping up the back of your neck. Joel probably thinks I’m insane, spoke the loud moth’s buzzing around from ear to ear.
“I get it.” He drawled, shrugging and sliding up beside you to sit, drawing his knees up. “We’ll sit here ‘til they go away.”
You went to complain, knowing he probably just wanted to get back, you were only holding him up — “Joel—”
“We’ll sit here, ‘til they go away.” He repeated with determination, turning to look at you seriously. You glanced at him, nodding before you closed your eyes once more — focusing on your breathing.
What did you find relaxing? The gentle breeze that fanned over your face as you sat and caught your breath, caressing the overly warm places on your body and soothing you as evening crept in. The thought of Ellie back in Jackson, the domesticity of it, thinking about how she was probably laying on her bed resting wearing her warm grey hoodie, tongue poking between her lips in concentration as she doodled in her diary. A butterfly sketched with a chewed biro, your profile drawn in the margins. The sound of birds tweeting as they settled in their nests for the evening, rustling their feathers slightly and cooing to their babies. Joel beside you, same old worn brown jacket and the deep lines of age embedded into his skin. You could hear his slow breath, in and out. In and out. You matched his speed, and before you knew it you were calm.
“Sorry about that.” You croaked, voice hoarse from your freak out. You didn’t feel hot with irritation anymore, just a slight warmth to your cheeks from embarrassment. “Didn’t mean to have a tantrum on you.” You sniffled, still clearly upset by the occurrence.
“Nothin’ to be sorry about. I think going on patrol just ain’t for everybody.” His deep voice reverberated beside you. The two of you sat for a moment, and you felt him observe you for a few seconds before he pushed himself to stand. He wandered off, returning back a moment later with your jacket that you had chucked off the back of the horse in his hand. He draped around you and you stuffed your arms back in, feeling the chill consuming you a little more now. Standing above you, Joel held out his hand.
You took it and he pulled you up. The sky seemed a shade darker, and a pang of guilt smacked your chest — realising how much time you’d wasted. You started busily dusting yourself down, adjusting your backpack waiting for him to step aside. When he didn’t, you stepped around him.
“Gosh, it’s getting late already— we better get going I’ve wasted enough time.” You released all in one breath. Your voice was strained, odd, like you were still barely holding it together. You turned to Joel, who still stood there and watched you analytically.
“Hey.” He interrupted, as you turned back to him.
He held out his arms, and you didn’t hesitate.
Joel had only hugged you a few times before. From his demeanour, it was clear he wasn’t much of a hugger. Once when your dad left, and once when you had a frightening run in with an intruder. He had been there to comfort you in your lowest moments.
He wrapped his arms around you as you pressed your ear to his chest, hearing the slow and steady thump through his shirt. You let out a quiet sob, shoulders relaxing. You hadn’t realised how badly you just needed fatherly love until this very moment, the hole in your heart slowly but surely being filled by Joel’s presence.
“M’grateful you’re here. You’re the closest thing I have to…” You stopped yourself, deciding it would be too… much to say. You decided it would probably stay unspoken forever — the grief on his behalf too large to mention. You had only hoped he felt your gratitude and love without saying it.
Part of him tensed, but relaxed in allowance after a minute. “I know, babygirl.” He spoke his appreciation. It was quiet, almost like he had hoped that you and maybe even himself wouldn’t hear it. Another moment passed, and he cupped the back of your head, pulling you closer. “Same goes to you.” Your heart was warm when you pulled away, Joel not quite being able to meet your eye — as if processing what he’d just quietly admit to. You didn’t bring it up, and the two of you never discussed it again — climbing up onto the horse and galloping back in the direction of Jackson’s gates with quiet conversation as the sky melted into navy.
You were half asleep by the time you’d gotten back, Joel walking you back to Ellie’s door. Your breakdown had pretty much exhausted you, and Joel decided not to press you on it — silent footsteps in the snow as you reached the porch. Ellie came to the door, welcoming you inside with a kiss on the cheek as you sleepily mumbled to her before toddling inside the house disappearing into the dark hallway.
“How’d it go?” Ellie gave a once over to Joel’s pensive expression.
“Good.” He looked passed Ellie for a moment, to see whether or not you lingered. “Keep an eye on her, yeah?” His brow furrowed slightly and Ellie mirrored the expression, saying nothing as she urged him to continue. “Reckon she… she’s a little … different to you and I. Feels things different. She got… upset. Said she was feelin’ too much. Got all… overstimulated. Think that’s the word anyway. You know me, m’not good with all that stuff but… maybe you can talk to her, Kid.” He shrugged, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Yeah.” Ellie frowned, the syllable coming out in a fog of cold Jackson air. “I’ll ask her… thanks.” She nodded.
“Yeah. ‘Night.” He smiled, turning and plodding away tiredly.
Ellie curled up behind you in the moonlit room, your body was still cold having simply shed your clothes and dropped into the bed. The freckled girl rubbed your arms as she pulled the blanket over the two of you, pressing kisses to the back of your head.
“Missed you today, brave girl.” She whispered and you hummed, hand tiredly closing around her own on your shoulder.
“Missed y’too.”
“Joel told me you got upset. We gotta talk about that tomorrow, you know that right?” Her voice was gentle as she craned around to watch your face in the dark room, dropping a kiss to your cheek. She watched your eyelashes move, a failed attempt to open your eyes and your hand closed around hers just a little tighter.
“Tomorrow. M’okay.” Your voice grew weaker as sleep faded in around you.
“Okay baby. Get some sleep.” She tucked herself in behind you, trying to erase the worry from her mind.
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alectoperdita · 27 days ago
Do you think Kaiba tends to lose his composure around Jou more than when he's interacting with anybody else?
Kaiba dislikes most people and he gets angry a lot but it's usually a calm anger. Or when he raises his voice it's more out of passion (like when he's on one of his "ill be the greatest Duelist in the world" tirades). But with Jou he tends to yell and scream childish things like "shut up!"
Outside of Mokuba getting kidnapped, the angriest we see him is during his duel with Jou after Jou takes control of his BEWD. Even Jou pointed out he acted like he lost his mind in that moment. (I have separate thoughts about this moment I'll put in another ask)
It's funny and great for fic just how much this so-called ordinary person seems to bother Kaiba so much.
Me and other kaijou fans have touched on this in the past, but part of Jounouchi's ability to get under Kaiba's skin specifically, is the opposition of their characters to each other as narrative foils. Kaiba famously cannot stand to lose, equating loss with death. Once you lose, you should be effectively excised from the picture. Losing is a mark of weakness, and Kaiba hates to be seen or made to feel weak after a lifetime of clawing for power and influence for his own and Mokuba's protection.
But you know who loses? A lot? Rather often? Jounouchi. Jounouchi never stays down after each loss, though. Kaiba feels he absolutely should. He should've been able to write Jounouchi off after the first time he lost to him in Duelist Kingdom. But Jounouchi keeps bouncing back. And most infuriatingly (to Kaiba), he comes back a bit stronger each time (even if Kaiba really really doesn't want to acknowledge that fact).
Jounouchi shouldn't amount to anything. That's why Kaiba uses the insults he does for him: small fry, loser, mediocre. It's meant to cement Jounouchi's mediocrity and how he's not supposed to be special. Not like Kaiba, who is "smarter" and had to "work harder" for everything he has (not saying this is objectively true, but I do think canon!Kaiba is willingly blind to Jounouchi's struggles and efforts).
Jounouchi's existence and attitude challenges Kaiba's worldview, and that feels like a personal attack on Kaiba. If he acknowledges Jounouchi's worth, he might have to question his own and the way he has chosen to operate in this world.
And like you said, that culminates in the anime with their duel during Battle City (something that doesn't happen in the manga interestingly). Jounouchi has been hounding Kaiba for a duel for most of the arc, because he's itching to tackle the challenge, for even a chance to maybe make Kaiba eat his own words. Jounouchi fully knows that him losing to Kaiba is a significant possibility, but he doesn't let that dissuade him. He sees his own willingness to face those stronger than himself as an indication of his own progress and something that can help him grow his own strength.
And he finally gets that chance, when Kaiba is arguably at one of his lowest points after losing to Yami Yugi even with all the planning and the power of a God Card on his side.
Kaiba wasn't going into that duel with a sound mind. More importantly, I think part of him did it because he was confident he could beat Jounouchi and it would assuage his ego in some way.
No wonder he loses his mind when Jounouchi steals his beloved ace card. For a moment, it seems he might also lose again to Jounouchi of all people.
You can't tell me that wasn't a contributing factor to him blowing up Alcatraz after that. Emotional meltdown much? LOL.
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