#maybe i'll just throw the rough rough rough draft of that story at you when you're here
shadowofroses · 6 months
story idea maybe series I'm thinking of right now...
Jujutsu Kaisen x Trigun
No pairings, Reader just has a fictional crush on Vash. Gojo and Reader is Platonic at least yet, I'm still plotting it out and wanted to share this part so far. No idea when I'll get around to put it online however. I've seen way too many fanarts with both Gojo and Vash together lately. and it's helping to fuel this, a very rough draft cut and paste. Reader has hair I'm trying to remember to make note of that.
But Something got you curious as you gazed off into Gojo’s direction who was sitting right beside you. “What is it? Popcorn in my teeth?” He instantly went to lick around his teeth to see if he could find the kernel.
However you shook your head. “No….I have a question….might be a dumb one. But, Have you ever, attempted to like jump universes with your Limitless before? Or Attempted to jump into a universe where Digimon or Pokemon were real?” or stated throwing out an example.
Gojo hummed. “I played with the idea before, but as you brought up…” He raised his hands and wiggled his fingers in response. “A total misuse of Cursed Technique! OOOOOOO~~”
You picked up a throw pillow and threw it at him, which didn’t hit him of course, he caught it with his hands and laughed. “har har, I was just curious, cause well, your Limitless is well Limitless in theory…”
He moved to hug your throw pillow to his chest as he leaned forward on it In thought. “I….think you are a bad influence on me.” He stated to flick your forehead causing you to huff a little.
“ME a bad influence on YOU?” you rolled your eyes. “Was curious.”
“Didn’t you know Curiosity killed the cat?”
You lightly chuckled. “Satisfaction brought it back.”
Gojo pressed his sunglasses up with a finger as he paused in thought. “I think so…However I doubt I’d be able to bring you with me…but only one way to find out, and they can’t get mad at me if I’m doing sciency things. Worse comes to worse I’ll say something curse -like happened and I dealt with it.” He moved to point at one of your Vash figurines. “instead of Digimon or Pokemon, how about your Beloved Vash…comes here?”
Your brow furrowed for a moment. “Wait a second...you gotta think of the conse…..”
you barely got out what possible consequences that might cause to the Trigun universe, or to the modern day world. When a blue flash happened. Your eyes crossed as a blond man in a long red jacket ended up landing upside down on your couch crying out “OW!” especially when his gun went flying and landed on his ass as he landed.
“Dammit Satoru, I was speaking hypothetical!” you went off to lecture him, “what is this going to mean for his universe that he is missing, what’s it going to do to ours?!”
Gojo how ever pouted and went over to pinch Vash’s cheeks together “But look how adorable he is!” causing Vash’s eyes to cross and lightly blush. “Besides! This is great! He’s never seen Earth or the Ocean? This is perfect we can show him around!~” Gojo then grinned, “Lets take him to the Zoo! All the Sea animals will blow his mind! Then we can send him back!”
You felt like pulling out your hair even if your heart skipped a beat seeing Vash in the flesh. "Satoru...this is a 150 year old man….”
“Independent Plant Man.” Gojo Corrected which made Vash’s eyes narrow in shock. Wondering how he knew.
“We are not treating him like a fucking child that we are babysitting, sugaring up and sending him back home hyper!”
Gojo’s eyes widened at that. “OH! True, we need to get him some sweets."
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runawaymun · 9 months
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WTH I need to know more about this??? SHSBDBHA (If you want to share, of course)
okay so long story short, my hisfic novel that I'm currently querying agents for was almost left unfinished. I almost gave up on it.
The main character, in my grand fantasy of 'if this ever went to film' (as one naturally does), would be played by Alex Kingston.
A few years ago (five, six?), when I was on the verge of giving up and throwing the whole thing out, my best friend and (now) platonic partner bought me tickets to comic con, and tickets for a signing with Alex Kingston, and I thought -- what the hell, I'll bring a printed out copy of the manuscript and ask her to sign it, and then I can look at it and maybe it'll motivate me to finish the damn thing. I did not go with the intention of giving it to her. It never crossed my mind.
I was a huge bundle of nerves obviously. We strategically positioned ourselves in the back of the line in the hopes that we wouldn't be rushed along, since there would be nobody waiting to have their stuff signed after us. I slid the manuscript on the table and she just kind of looked at it, paused, and then looked again, and then looked up at me in disbelief
(it was a THICCC bundle of pages, all neatly typed up etc.)
And I had to sort of awkwardly, very nervously explain that she was one of my favorite actresses, and that I was writing a book, and that I had always envisioned that if it ever got to film, I'd want her to play the main character, and could she please sign it? It would mean so much.
She lit up and went "Wait, can I have this?"
and she was like "My husband's a writer, I know how it goes. There! I have something to read on the way back!"
And she put it in her purse, wholesale.
Anyway it was mortifying and exhilarating, and boy did it motivate me to finish editing the damn thing, because Alex fucking Kingston is walking around in the world somewhere with the rough draft and I just can't let it exist like that in its only form. I feel like I owe it to her now to finish it and get it published. She's the whole reason I didn't give up on writing.
Also she is INCREDIBLY sweet IRL. Big mom energy. I love her. Also same Comic Con, John Barrowman got loose from his security detail and agent and was just running about the con somewhere saying hi to fans. William Shatner was also there, and loudly, flatly denying requests for handshakes. It was wild. Matt Smith was there too, and you always knew where he was because there would be a public outcry of screaming, squealing fangirls whenever anybody caught sight of him.
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writeblrgarden · 4 months
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Meet Sparrow, who got tenth place in our grow a plant event in november! Sparrow goes by he/him, xe/xim, and it/its, and you can find them at @theglitchywriterboi. He also loves making potatoes and fries (please share). Xe has been writing for his whole life, primarily fantasy, but delving a bit into horror.
Tell us about the WIP you'd like to talk about today.
I'll be talking about Deaths Diner It's book one/five in a multiverse series. Four people who are living some how make their way into the waiting room [basically when you die, you go there, get sorted, go to your proper afterlife], so a few of the residents have to help them make it out alive. Unfortunately, 2/4 of the people needed to properly help them are unavailable. They have to find them before the 4 living die, w/o getting found out by the ruler of the land.
Describe your writing process. Do you like to plan everything or are you more spontaneous?
I have a loose idea of what I want to happen [sometimes it's as vague as "I want the end to be sad. Anything else, idk" & sometimes as much as I know the exact ending, but maybe not how to get there]. So mostly spontaneous w/ the occasional vague plan [though w/ The Obscure Ones series I do have a bit more of a specific idea, though not super planned out, there's still a decent amount of thought in it]
What have you found to be the most challenging and/or rewarding about writing?
All of it - it's easy to spit out words, but it's hard to make it good. Or at least good enough for me to want to share it & consider publishing. But the most rewarding part is having the final story there in front of me & seeing peoples reactions !!!
Below the read more is more of our conversation with Sparrow
What inspires you to write?
Other writers & my love for their stories & going "Omg I wanna make someone feel like this !!!" & also I just love seeing my ideas come to life
Share some advice for other writers.
Write for you !!! At least the first few drafts. Ofc listen to the feedback of your alpha &/or beta readers when the time comes, but when writing make a story YOU want to read, not a story you think will be on the NYT best seller list. It might be ofc, but don't try to make it [in the sense don't throw in things just to try & grab an audience, even if it doesn't work [or you don't actually like it. Make it good yeah, but don't try & hit all the popular book notes at the cost of the story making sense or you liking your own story]
What do consider your writing strength?
Idk personally, but I've been told people like the way I write characters & character dynamics
What has been the nicest compliment you've received or what has been the toughest criticism you've received?
One of my mutuals said this: "and your writing is so so cool. I mean to read more of it so please add me to your taglist because I really would love to see more! I just love the vibes of your wips, they're like grungy nostalgic kind of, and you really nail descriptions in such a cool way and your dialogue sounds hella real and flows so well. The settings are so cool they're so immersive and I haven't even read much but 👀👀👀👀👀" & it still makes me so !!!!
What do you love the most about writing?
The process - discovering what happens while writing it, meeting the characters while writing them.
✨ Sparrow also provided a link for a rough draft of xir wip, which you can read here!
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crystalsnow95z · 7 months
Kk, I know it's rlly weird and specific, but I had this idea
1 of the members cooked a meal for Hobi cuz hes been too busy working on a song and hasn't been leaving his studio much to eat, and he gets food poisoning from it, but he down plays it until he gets back home trying to shower and gets so sick one of the older members need to help him wash up. I rlly love your stories w/the gentle washings ♥︎
I put my Playlist on shuffle and the first voice I heard would be who cooked for him. The first song to pop up was like crazy, making Jimin our cook.
Tw: emeto
Hoseok listens to the chorus for the sixteenth time after tweaking it once more, still feeling unsatisfied with it. There's something missing, but I don't know what.. maybe I need more adlibs? Or drums? I don't know..
Hoseok sighs, throwing his headset onto the desk and leaning back in his chair, running his hands through his hair. "This is so annoying..why can't I get it right? I wanted a demo by the end of the week.. I'll be too busy.."
Hoseok's stomach gurgles uncomfortably, reminding him that he hasn't eaten since breakfast. He picks up his phone, seeing three missed calls from Jimin. Aish, I was supposed to meet up with him a while ago..
Hoseok checks his messages, seeing two texts from Jimin.
Are you still in your studio?
Have you been in there since after our recording session Hyung?
Hoseok quickly replies to his messages, hoping Jimin isn't upset at him for forgetting about him.
I'm so sorry Jiminah, I completely lost track of time. If you still want to practice I'm still in my studio.
Jimin is relieved when he hears his phone go off seeing the notification of Hoseok messaging him back. He's overworking himself.. he got up early to work before practice and went right to the studio after we recorded the rough draft of the b side tracks..
Stay there, I'll meet up with you in the studio. I made us dinner since I figured you'd forget. Are you hungry?
Hoseok only takes a minute to reply back to him, making Jimin smile.
I'm starving. I only had rice and coffee today.. You're an angel. I love you.
Jimin gathers up the containers of food he prepared and puts them in his backpack, calling Hoseok to keep him company on his walk to the company building.
"Jimin." Hoseok uses a deep voice when he answers smiling when he hears Jimin hold back a giggle.
"J-hope.." Jimin mimicks him, pulling his hat farther over his face when he leaves the studio. "How are you? Is the song going well?"
"I'm so frustrated. I just can't seem to get this song right. I know what I want in my head, but I can't seem to replicate it.. I don't know if I can make it work.." Hoseok shares his concerns with the younger member.
"Maybe you need to take a break from it, hyung. It's not like you have a time limit or anything. You're gonna spread yourself too thin with the new group album dropping next month."
The two stay on the phone until Jimin reaches Hoseok's studio, the older member greeting him with a hug. "I'm sorry i didn't meet up earlier."
"I told you Hyungie, it's no big deal. I'm not worried about it, I'm only worried about you working so hard that you aren't eating properly." Jimin scolds him when he hears Hoseok's stomach growling.
"I know, I know.. I'm sorry. I totally lost track of time. Thanks again for making food.." Hoseok watches eagerly as Jimin pulls out containers from his bag.
"Do you want me to go warm it up for you hyung?" Jimin asks, but Hoseok was already picking up a container. "Guess not.." Jimin giggles, watching Hoseok eat his home-cooked meal. "Is it good?"
"Yeah, the meat is super juicy and the sauce is so good..i love it." Hoseok takes another bite. "After we eat I'll help you master the choreography. Okay?"
"Don't rush hyung. Enjoy your meal. We can always change it to tomorrow. I just wanted to be sure you ate. Hobi-hyung you're making a mess.." Jimin smiles fondly, getting a tissue to wipe some sauce from Hoseok's chin. I would've made more if I realized how hungry he'd be.. I'll just eat some rice and let him have the rest..
"No Jimin-ah, you need to land on your right leg. Like this." Hoseok demonstrates the part that Jimin messed up, his stomach sloshing from the quick spin biting his lip.
"Ah, I get it.. okay, okay.. let me try it one more time." Jimin restarts the song, quickly moving into position. Hoseok doesn't join in for this round, opting to watch while sitting against the mirror, wrapping his arm around his aching middle.
Why do I feel so sick? I was fine earlier.. just a little tired..was the chicken too greasy? Did I eat too much?
Hoseok quietly burps to try to ease the pressure in his stomach, but it only made him feel worse, a sour taste filling his mouth. He tries to stand to get water, but moving only made the nausea worse. Please..I don't want to throw up..
"Hyung i think I did it.. perfect this time!" Jimin pants, going to the camera to turn it off when he noticed Hoseok didn't do it. "Hyung?"
Hoseok turns his head to look in the direction Jimin's voice came from. "I'm sorry Jiminie, I spaced out for the last bit..I'm sure you did great."
"Are you okay Hyung?" Jimin takes a seat next to Hoseok, rubbing his shoulders. "You look pale.."
"Yeah, yeah, I'm just tired, and I think I ate too much.. my stomach hurts.. I shouldn't have binged like that.. dancing after eating probably didn't help." Hoseok rubs his hand across his bloated belly, ignoring the nausea that bubbled up inside it. "Show me the practice video."
"You aren't feeling well?" Jimin frowns, forgetting all about the choreography. He places his hand on Hoseok's forhead, then his own relieved when he doesn't feel any difference."When did you start feeling sick?"
"Um.. When we were practicing the chorus.. the jerking movement before the jump..The movement made my stomach flip.. I think it's because I'm actually full, and I usually practice on a mostly empty stomach. It's no big deal."
"That was an hour ago Hyung. You should've told me.. we can always practice later if you aren't feeling well..you don't have to force yourself." Jimin scolds him softly, guilt making his own stomach flutter uncomfortably. I should've noticed something was wrong..I could've had him home resting by now..
"It's not a problem, Jimin-Ah. It wasn't a big deal. I'm fine I just need to sleep it off." Hoseok reassures Jimin, putting his hands in his hoodie pockets to be able to rest his palms on his stomach without Jimin noticing.
"I'll call us a cab.." Jimin gets himself some water while he waits for the company to answer, offering it to Hoseok after taking a drink.
Hoseok's stomach churned at the thought of adding anything else inside of it, pushing the bottle away with a little head shake. "I'm good..I just want to get some fresh air.."
"Sure Hyung. We can wait outside.." Jimin gently leads Hoseok outside, letting Hoseok lean against him while they walk. "You should shower and get to bed as soon as you get home.."
"Yeah... I will..don't worry.. I'm feeling a bit better now.." Hoseok lies, trying to get Jimin to relax. I hope i don't throw up in the taxi..
Hoseok sits in the shower, letting the water cascade down his back. He finished washing ten minutes ago, but his stomach refused to settle. I hate throwing up, but I can't keep fighting it..
Hoseok gets to his feet, using the wall to balance himself, the nausea hitting him like a freight train. The chicken Jimin prepared for him comes up all at once, spraying out of him, hitting the shower tiles. Sh*t...
Hoseok feels his stomach clenching again, another mouthful of sick coming up. 'Hyung.." he whimpers, falling to his knees when they buckle underneath them, tears stinging the corners of his eyes when he feels his stomach lurching again, the thick bile splashing around him. "Hyung!" Hoseok calls desperately as he tries to rise to his feet again, wanting to escape the smell that only made him feel worse. Hoseok forces himself to his feet and leaves the shower, kneeling on the ground in front of the toliet, gagging up another thick mouthful of sick.
"Hobi? Are you calling.. Aiggo.. Hoba.." Jin turns off the shower and gets a towel, draping it over the shivering rapper. "It's okay baby, hyung will take care of you.. I'm going to dry you off okay?"
Hoseok gripped the toliet seat, his body trembling with effort to keep sitting upright. "Hyung.." he whines as stomach pushes up another thick mouthful into the toliet. "It hurts.."
"It's okay, it's okay.. hyung is here now, just relax and let it happen, you'll only feel worse if you try to fight it baby.." Jin gently wipes the towel across Hoseok's body to dry him.
"I want it to stoo-urp..." Hoseok whines as he burps up another mouthful of sick, reaching for Jin's hand.
Jin rubs his thumb across his knuckles. "Hoba.. your hair is still coated with soap.. we'll have to rinse it.."
"I just want.." Hoseok's words are stopped by another heave, only foamy saliva coming up.
"I know, I know.. it'll be over soon, and then we'll get you cleaned, dressed and in bed. Okay?" Jin gently scratches Hoseok's spine, feeling the tension in his muscles as another heave comes.
"Is that Hoseok-hyung?" Jimin asks when he hears the sound, his stomach dropping when he sees he was correct.
"Jimin-ah get him some pajamas so we can get him dressed and in bed when he's settled down please?" Jin quickly sends the younger member away, knowing Hoseok wouldn't want Jimin seeing him like this.
"Yes hyung.." Jimin hesitates to move, eyes glued on the trembling rapper. Hoseok's face was completely hidden by the toliet bowl, Jin's hand on his chest holding him up.
"Jimin go." Jin uses a stern tone to get the younger moving. "And bring a water bottle too."
Jimin doesn't make Jin ask a third time, quickly going into the kitchen to get a water bottle.
"Is that Hoba in the bathroom?" Yoongi asks, making Jimin jump.
"Aiish! Hyung don't sneak up on me like that!" Jimin, close the fridge, sighing."It is.. Hobi-hyung said he wasn't feeling well earlier because he ate too much, but maybe it was the food i made.."
"He hasn't been eating much lately trying to prep for the new album.. he probably just overdid it. You're a pretty good cook Jimin-ah." Yoongi comforts Jimin, putting a hand on his shoulder. "You should bring the water to Hoba.. it sounds like he's settled down.."
"I..I'm done.." Hoseok whispers, falling backwards into Jin's chest, panting heavily. His muscles burned with each breath,overworked from the ordeal. "I'm...sorry..i..I.."
"Shh..Shh Hobi.. don't apologize to me.. just focus on catching your breath okay?" Jin speaks softly, wiping some soap from his forehead before it could drip into his eyes, careful to not make Hoseok have to move. I need to wash him.. hopefully he can stay up long enough..
"But..you're..s..s..soaked.." Hoseok says through chattering teeth, pulling the towel Jin draped over him closed for warmth.
"I don't care. It's just water." Jin hugs his shivering dongsaeng close to his chest. "Just take deep breaths..relax Hoseok-ah..it's okay.."
"I got a pair of pajamas and water hyung." Jimin enters the bathroom, the tightness in his chest loosening when he sees Hoseok stopped."Here Hobi-hyung.. take a bit of water, wash your mouth out." Jimin holds the water by his lips, letting him get a mouthful to swish around, the sickly member spitting it into the toliet. "Do you need any more help?"
"You can try to clean the shower up for Hobi. If you can't do it, it's no big deal. I'll get it after Hoseok catches his breath." Jin didn't want to let Hoseok go, and Jimin knew it.
I can't be squeamish now..hyung needs me..it's not a big deal..
"No, no I can do it." Jimin takes a deep breath, holding his breath as he opens the shower door, gagging at the sight, an acid tang filling his throat. He closes his eyes turning on the shower to try to wash as much as possible down the drain. "I'm okay."
"I'm sorry Jiminie.." Hoseok's voice comes out as a raspy whisper.
"No hyung, it's not your fault.." Jimin rejected his apology, speaking in a soft tone. It's mine..
"Finished.." Jimin says removing his gloves and throwing them in the trash, tying up the bag. His stomach fluttered uncomfortably, feeling nauseous from the smell that still filled his nostrils despite the fact he cleaned all the traces of sick.
"Thanks Jimin-ah.." Jin gently pokes Hoseok's cheek, the sickly member dosing off while waiting. "Baby I need you to move for me."
Hoseok sleepily blinks groaning when he tries sitting up. "I'm cold and it hurts to move..."Hoseok whimpers, feeling his muscles burning. "Hyung.."
"I know.. I know.. just bear with me a little longer, and you can sleep.. Jimin-ah, could you do one more thing? At the end of my bed, there's a heated blanket. Could you get it and plug it in for Hobi?" Jin asks softly, helping Hoseok move to the shower floor, removing the shower head.
"Of course. I'll get it." Jimin leaves, relieved to be given another task, taking the trash with him.
"I'm going to turn on the water okay?" Jin warns, not wanting to frighten his dongsaeng with the sound of the water. He checks the temperature before covering Hoseok's eyes, gently removing the soap from his body. "You're doing good Hoba.. just keep your eyes closed okay?"
Jin washes all the soap from his hair, then gets a bit of soap to wash the sweat that covered Hoseok, moving his hand across Hoseok in small circles. "Don't fall asleep.."
Hoseok tries to take shallow breaths to try to prevent further agitating his sore muscles. I don't think i could right now...
"Now one more rinse.." Jin sprays the water over his body once more before turning it off, removing his wet shirt before going to help Hoseok out of the shower.
The warm water felt nice on his chilled skin, but as soon as Jin turned it off the trembling started up once more. "C-Cold.." He whispers, hugging onto Jin.
"I know baby.. I'll get you a heat pack after we get you settled in bed.." Jin brushes Hoseoks hair away from his face, getting the towel to dry Hoseok as quickly as possible. "We're almost done baby.."
Hoseok nods, letting Jin dry his hair.
"Do you think you can sit up so I can get a shirt on you Hoba?"
"Yeah, yeah..I got it.." Hoseok slowly moves off of Jins chest, leaning against the shower door while Jin unfolds the button up, leading Hoseok's arms into the holes. "I'm sorry I'm being a burden.." he whispers while Jin works the buttons into their proper holes.
"Don't say such nonsense. You're not being a burden. You just need a little help, that's all." Jin sits Hoseok on the toliet, drying his legs."Let's finish getting you dried and dressed. I'll lay with you until you fall asleep."
Hoseok thought it was over after the one time, but he was wrong. Beads of cold sweat covered his body as his stomach cramps up, leaving his head swirling when he tries to sit up, wrapping his arm around his bloated middle as a wet burp comes, leaving a nasty film coating his mouth.
"J-jimin-ah.." Hoseok tries to call for his roommate, but his voice comes out as a small whimper. He knew if be tried to stand whatever was left in his stomach would come back up. "Jiminie.." he tries louder, the urgency in his voice waking up Jimin.
"Hyung..whats wrong?" Jimin's voice comes out as a raspy whisper, turning to his side to face Hoseok's bed.
Hoseok tries to speak, but he feels the bile pushing its way up his throat, his stomach releasing a high-pitched gurgle. "Nm..." he presses his palm over his mouth as another burp comes whimpering when he swallows down the sick that filled his cheeks. "Sick..Jimin-ah.."
Jimin instantly gets up when he hears the desperation in Hoseok's voice, blindly feeling for the trashcan in the dark, crawling onto Hoseok's bed when he finds it placing it in front of Hoseok just in time for him to heave into it.
Jimin runs his hands through Hoseok's hair, pulling it back so Hoseok wouldn't have to suffer through another shower. "It's okay, it's okay.. I'm here.. " he tries to say soothing things, his heart sinking when he hears the soft whimper followed by the splash of sick onto the plastic bag inside the bin.
He continued to dry heave despite the fact earlier he emptied everything he had in his stomach, nothing coming up but strings of foamy saliva.
Jimin goes behind Hoseok, letting him use him as support until his stomach settled down once more. "Are you done Hoba?"
"Mhm.." Hoseok hums deeply, clearing his throat. "I'm okay now.."
"Is there anything I can do to help? Do you want the heated blanket on? You want some water? Or-"
"I want to stay like this for now.." Hoseok whispers, turning on his side. He could hear Jimin's racing heart and feel his unsteady breathing on his forehead as he tried to calm down too. Being here with me is enough..
"I'll stay here all night if that's what you want.." jimin uses his sleeve to wipe the sweat from Hoseoks forehead. "But you have to let me lay down too okay?"
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deerlacyswriting · 9 months
So, I've been working on a rather large writing project that I'm keeping under a curtain for now. I want to be confident in its state and direction before I release anything, and right now everything is still kinda fluid and not quite set in stone just yet. That said, it is exhausting, and I wanted to throw together something kinda easy to get more accustomed to HDG writing.
So, there's.... this... thing.
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Yes. That is a HDG and Titanfall crossover fic. More HDG than Titanfall. I promise I'm cooking. Think something along the lines of the intimacy of giving up your bodily control to another, and also polyamory stuff that's hard to describe here.
Yes, of course there's going to be a healthy portion of transhumanism and also there will be a transgender character.
Yes, there will be spiritual elements that will make absolutely zero sense now but will hopefully be really cool for anyone who reads this when I finally finish my big project.™ (and myself, duh)
Yes, the main character is a Tone model. I have a thing for girls with abnormal senses. No, it's not gonna be smut. Kissing, intimacy, maybe (probably). But boobs? no way.
I can see you guys salivating at the mouth over there in the back. No, I'm not going to write them fucking. Stop doing that. Wipe your mouths.
I'll have something to release in a few days, and this story should be done in a week or two tops. I'm not letting this one get out of hand into a full novel like my big project.
Thanks, and see you soon,
P.S. Here's a little sample, things are still in rough draft mode so spelling errors abound.
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scknight05 · 6 months
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by the always amazing and wonderful @tizniz
Here's another little snippet from the same story as last week.. WHICH I FINALLY GAVE A NAME TO!! lol Hoping to get some more work done on what I've got so far, and then do a little editing to make it pretty and maybe I'll finally start posting over on Ao3 if anyone is interested in it. Just a short post today... I may have went a bit overboard last time! Again, this is all just a rough draft so it's not gonna be perfect.
“Good to see you awake, kid.” Bobby said as he placed his hand affectionately on Buck’s leg. “Apparently you thought it was a good idea to see if your head was harder than a support beam. And surprisingly you lost that contest.” Bobby’s comments brought a welcomed laugh to almost everyone gathered around Buck’s side. A disapproving cough came from the doctor as she crossed her arms and just glared. “That beam came out of nowhere and when you went down…I thought we lost you for a second there, Buck.” Ravi uttered nervously. “But we didn’t!” Bobby quickly added, throwing his arm around the younger man. “Thanks to Ravi here.” “You should’ve seen him Buck.” Eddie was beaming with pride as he glanced over at Ravi. “Don’t let his size fool you, he picked you up like it was nothing and carried you until I was able to get to him.” “Don’t over sell it Eddie, I only carried him for about ten feet before you helped me the rest of the way.” Ravi added with a chuckle. Buck winced as he tried to remember the events that were being relayed to him, but his mind was still in a fog from the pain. Instead he offered a smile to his savior. “Thanks, man. I really owe you.” “How about a hug instead? Can I hug you? I’m gonna hug you since you’re okay.” “Yeah, sure. Bring it in.” Buck said with a smile, lifting his left arm as Ravi practically dove into Buck’s open arm. Ravi gently wrapped his arms around Buck’s chest, careful not the disturb the needle in his right arm.
Gonna tag @warpedpuppeteer and @heroofshield
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tnc-n3cl · 14 days
Fic Author Interview
Thanks for the tag @unmaskedcardinal!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Five although one of them is really a rough draft of another fic.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
264,548! (There's way more on the way though...)
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Amnesiac Hero's Quest (T, BotW AU covering when Link leaves the Great Plateau until just after freeing Vah Ruta (and Mipha), 14 chapters, only finished fic so far) 50 kudos.
Link's Story: Finding Hateno Village (T, BotW AU, pretty much what it says on the tin, Link leaves Kakariko going towards Mt. Lanaryu by mistake and tries to find his way to Hateno Village. This is the one that spawned TAHQ, oneshot, the first thing I posted on AO3.) 21 kudos.
Shifting Tides of Fate (M, BotW AU picking up where TAHQ leaves off, Link and Mipha head to Rito Village to save Revali and free Vah Medoh, 6 chapters posted, WIP) 11 kudos.
The Ballad of Kass (M (originally T), BotW AU starting a week or two before the start of TAHQ, Kass sets out to find Link to fulfil his promise to his teacher, and his sister Kalia tags along. Second thing I posted, kind of the backbone to the whole The Realm Walker saga at this point [cause it intersects with the other stories so I have to time things out carefully], 15 chapters posted, WIP) 8 kudos.
The Tale of the Realm Walker (M, Wind Waker & Twilight Princess sequel with a ton of nods to the rest of the franchise (a LOT of ALttP). Chronologically the first story in TRW Saga, but I'm effectively telling it as an in-universe tale in BotW times, and it's the most recently posted fic of mine on AO3, only 2 chapters posted so far, WIP) 2 kudos.
The first two fics for sure got hit by the kudos bug a while ago. Kudos Georg I guess... Given that they've been up the longest I can see why they've got more than the others.
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! If someone took the time to comment on my fics then I'm going to say something back. I'm am very much here for the community aspect. Even though I may not always comment on something I've read (or art I've looked at).
5. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Well the only one with an ending so far is TAHQ and it's fairly happy. Hm... How to not spoil plans? If it was finished then The Tale of the Realm Walker would be the answer. I'll uh... leave it at that...
6. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
See above, The Amnesiac Hero's Quest.
7. Do you write crossovers?
Not anymore, I had some batcrap insane hypothetical video game ideas that were crossovers, but those have all mostly been tossed. Though I did salvage plenty of ideas from them. The Realm Walker Saga itself came from a LoZ/Final Fantasy crossover, "Project 47" as well. Untitled Castelvania Fanfic Project... Untitled Front Mission Fanfic Project...
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but that'd be pretty cool.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but one of the stories in my Trek fanfic got an editor. Went by the username of USS Da Vinci (IIRC) on Subspace Comms Network (SCN, a now defunct Star Trek and Sci-Fi forum I was on).
13. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I guess Revalink. Or Picard/Crusher?
14. What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
At this point I've more or less made my peace with the death of my Trek and Stargate fics. Do I think about them still? Yes. (I'd give my aliens with the space whale ships Discovery style spore drives... Maybe throw in a Kelpian character or two...) (Had a blast rewatching most of the Ori arc of SG-1 not that long ago...)
15. What are your writing strengths?
Action scenes, quirky humor (I make myself laugh at least), describing what characters are doing in a scene.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Scenery porn. I so rarely mention time of day or anything. I have to really sit down and focus on all that, so lately I've just been hammering out an arc and then going back and fluffing all that up in edits. (Although I am particularly proud of a few scenes in The Ballad of Kass and Shifting Tides of Fate.)
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I actually tried this with a little teaser for my Castlevania fic idea. The scene takes place in Austria so I decided to have the opening few lines be in German then switch to English, cause while I did take a couple classes in college, I don't know nearly enough to write a whole dialog chain. So throughout the little snippet there'd be a German line or two. Used Google translate for things I didn't know, but it was giving me something weird for "My name is..." [Also stared at Google Maps of Graz for HOURS picking locations, even though the fic is set 1,071 years in the future after a society ruining cataclysm... I must have some accuracy!]
I have made up words for fics. I've got 11 whole alphabets for the Avestrens (bird people) in "Project 47" and a handful of words. A handful of Rito words. Back in my Trek fic days I was writing in script format and would just put things like [Cardassian curse] rather than trying to come up with something.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Star Trek, it was script based and set 10 years after Voyager's return from the Delta Quadrant. Multiple spinoffs were planed spanning a period of 50 years. (I had started writing the sequel before finishing the first fic, and wrote a little bit of some of the other spinoffs.)
19. What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
I can't really think of anything. I'd like to do something with my Castlevania or Final Fantasy ideas but I'd need the right mood or inspiration to get anywhere. I'm not much of a shipper to be honest, at least with canon characters I guess? I like making my OC's kiss...
20. What's your favorite fic you've written?
Oh that's hard! The initial version of The Tale of the Realm Walker has a special place in my heart, but gods it's all walls of text! How did I ever keep track of everything?! The Ballad of Kass is a place for me to go nuts with Rito headcanons and have fun with the birbs until I can get the Revali centric fics really going. I'm proud of actually finishing The Amnesiac Hero's Quest (I love moment where Link finally meets Purah and is convinced that there's something in the water in Hateno that makes everyone a weirdo and she put it there. He's getting his red string and nails ready...).
I guess just for semantics sake, since "written" is past tense, I'll go with TAHQ as my final answer (this time around) since it's finished.
No Pressure Tags: @critical-birb, @zeawesomebirdie, @readwritebeawesome
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whatwewrotepodcast · 6 months
WIP Questionaire Tag Game
Thanks @jackiezenauthor for the tag!
On a bit of a The Second Coming run so I'll use that for this.
What was the first part of your wip that you created?
The first chapter? Haha so this is probably the 4th or 5th time we've re-written/re-done this story. The first version was about 120 hand written pages long, spewed out over a few weeks in high school. We then re-wrote the whole thing, it wound up being 150k+ words so we decided to turn it into a trilogy, and that's where we're at. But we very much started at the beginning, with chapter
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Bleeding out by Imagine Dragons. ID is pretty much the soundtrack for this story, and was the main music we listened to while we wrote it and so they're always indelibly tied together in my mind. But this song sort of sums up the vibe really well to me.
3. Who are your favorite characters you've made? Why?
Belial is definitely a fan favourite for us. He was never really meant to be a main character - he was a side character! He was just an NPC! But somehow he ended up becoming vital to the story and then the next thing you know he's a POV character. Belial is such a great character because he's so complex. He's a good person! Kind of! But he isn't afraid to do what needs to be done and if that means doing things that aren't so savoury, he's willing to do that. He's loyal to those he thinks are deserving, he's brave when he thinks it'll make a difference. He's also extremely hot.
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fanbase for your story?
Hmmm interesting. I mean, I don't love the comparison but fans of Cassandra Clare would probably enjoy TSC because it does have similar feels and themes. Potentially also Laini Taylor? Anyone who likes modern fantasy? Maybe Good Omens fans too, though we're not nearly as funny haha.
5. What has been your biggest struggle while writing?
Oh my god the editing. Honestly we are in editing hell right now and it's just excruciating. It's so disheartening to have to throw big chunks of writing in the bin and have to write the scene again because it wasn't quite right.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
There aren't really, which is kinda weird because we're both huge animal lovers.
7. How do your characters get around?(ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
Mostly in Merry's beat up old Kia.
8. What part of your wip are you working on?
Currently doing editing/rewrites on Anarchy, book two of the trilogy, a rough draft of which we spat out during a writing holiday back in 2020 and haven't had time to get back to.
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
We definitely have a couple of good ships, lots of action and great fight scenes, but I think (hope?) the characters are what people will enjoy. We want people to love our characters, to want to know more about them, to spend more time with them.
10. What are your hopes for your wip?
Honestly, publication with this one! We really think it has the chops to go the distance, we just need to find someone willing to take a chance on us. Or, for our podcast to get popular enough that we have a chance to self pub. Whatever works!
Tagging @illarian-rambling @cssnder and @xenascribbles
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sydmarch · 2 years
(Prev 8 Arms anon) I'm sorry to hear you had such a less than pleasant time in the fandom :( I can relate, recently bit the bullet and left all the spidey n doc ock servers I was in. I won't let the internet spoil spider-man for me, as sonething I grew up with. Fully understandable you likely won't continue and I support you on it. I am admittedly curious on what your plans were for it, and wonder if it would be okay to maybe unofficially continue it, or something inspired off it?
thank you anon! i will say the VAST majority of my time spent in the doc ock fandom was great & overall it was one of the most fun fandoms i've been part of and i look back on my time there very fondly.
really it was just a few people who... i guess i can say we had irreconcilable differences of opinion for lack of a better way to put it while remaining vague.. became influential enough in the fandom& main server that i ended up feeling pushed out. really there was just one specific change to the server that was the final straw for me & i left the next day but i won't go more into detail on any of that in public posts LOL
so this ask had me open my google doc of this fic for the first time in ages to get my notes & i realized i had the first half of ch3 written but never posted so i've added that on ao3!
honestly i would be SOOO flattered if you wanted to continue the fic i'd be more than ok with that! can't believe people liked my silly little story that much! as for what i had planned for it i did have some super rough draft notes i'd written up for the remainder of the fic which i'll throw beneath the cut:
basically i had planned for the rest of chapter 3 to be the surgery itself - the actuators operate & otto eventually passes out of course. probably nothing TOO gory since my intention of this fic was to be mostly kink focused & angst at the beginning with a happy ending. so after the surgery he's kind of delirious from pain and in infection and the hospital employee he'd injured ends up finding him, having not been hurt seriously during the break in they followed him back & kind of hovered around a bit watching things unfold for a bit before revealing themselves like "that was a really stupid thing you did, you need antibiotics. no you ARE going to let me help you with this because otherwise you are going to die" & they get to know each other while the oc/reader stand in helps get him back to full health. & eventually he starts to work through some of his issues by having someone else to be close with etc etc. and then of course the feedism stuff too i'd put down a note that there should be a scene where the other character is like "so WHY were you doing something this dumb in the first place" & when otto's awkwardly explaining they get REALLY embarrassed hearing about it but not for the reasons otto thinks. classic feedism fic miscommunication moment yknow. oh & my notes also include a line i planned the other character to say at some point which i think kind of sums up the thesis for how i intend their relationship to end up & that's “you’ve been getting fat because you aren’t taking care of yourself. From now on i want you getting fat because im taking care of you”
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daughterofhecata · 2 years
1, 5, 6, 14, 16, 18 & 37? 😘
[weird writer asks]
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
Yeah, no, I usually use the default, which means "Liberation Serif" in Libre and "Arial" in the cloud programme. I do sometimes change an entire finished fic/chapter into Arial or even Comic Sans for proofreading, because mistakes are sometimes easier to spot in a different font.
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
Uuuh, I don't think so? I mostly have theater superstitions xD except maybe that "this won't take long" will inevitably net a 10k+ multi-chapter.
6. What is your darkest fear about writing?
Probably utter obscurity: something posted and shared not being looked at At All, because if "art is love made public" what remains if no one relates to it in any way? (but also that my personal kinks and grudges and issues are waaaaay too obvious in everything I write xD)
14. Do you lend your books to people? Are people scared to borrow books from you? Do you know exactly where all your “lost” books are and which specific friend from school you haven’t seen in twelve years still possesses them? Will you ever get them back?
I mean. You obviously know (part of) the answer to that one, considering you currently have Time Bomb xD but actually I think I've only ever lent books to my best friend from roughly sixth grade on, and I know at least one came back with tears in the paper cover so... I don't do it too readily. (And also lend books to my mum, my dad and my brother but idk if that even counts)
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
Probably lots and lots of weird scrap paper with notes, because for most of my life I actually had a "folder" filled with actual bookmarks and postcards and similar things that I selected one from for whatever book I read. But lately it's usually been whatever piece of paper I had lying about.
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage.
Er küsste die Knöchel von Skinnys rechter Hand, die immer noch wund und aufgeplatzt waren von einer Meinungsverschiedenheit, in die Skinny zwei Tage zuvor verwickelt gewesen war. Drehte Skinnys Arm, drückte die Lippen sacht gegen sein Handgelenk, fuhr mit der Zungenspitze über die sich bläulich abzeichnenden Adern. Zufrieden registrierte er, dass Skinnys Atem sich ein wenig beschleunigte, dass Skinny ausnahmsweise einmal keine Anstalten machte, sich ihm entweder zu entziehen oder sich betont über ihn lustig zu machen.
Okay, this. This is a snippet from Ripped At Every Edge (the Mafia AU wedding night pwp) (yes I know I shared that exact same snippet before). And it’s like... still in an early stage, kind of. Because I want this to happen so badly - the tenderness, the care, the devotion in Cotta’s every touch. Because I go fucking nuts for this kind of devotion. And the scene just goes on like that, Cotta very carefully undressing Skinny, one piece of clothing after the other, without his hands even going anywhere near Skinny’s dick (again), because his feelings are so much more than that, and he really wants to show Skinny that.
But. And here’s the But. I’m still not convinced this is even remotely in character for Skinny to just... let it happen. They haven’t been together quite long enough for this I’m afraid and aaaaah. May have to scrap the entire plan? Do it again from the top? Give Skinny some witty one-liners, even if they ruin the soft mood? WHAT DO?!
Anyways. That’s the backstory on that.
37. If you were to be remembered only by the words you’ve put on the page, what would future historians think of you?
...that I had a lot of issues. And some interesting kinks. Maybe they'd be intrigued by the unholy amount of unrelated things I just know about for various reasons?
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randoimago · 2 years
May I please request Yukiko and Ann (Persona 4 and 5) with a S/O that's s a writer? Kinda like after typical work they'll spend time trying to write a novel or something? Maybe they don't work only as a writer, instead they spend spare time writing i nthe hopes to one day get published?
Their S/O Is Writing a Novel
FANDOM: Persona 4 // Persona 5
Character(s): Yukiko Amagi, Ann Takamaki
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): This hits close to home, I'll happily write it!
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Yukiko has so many questions for you about your novel. Sure, it's a work in progress, but she still wants to know your plans and what genre and how it's going. If you keep her updating on plot points or characters then she has many questions for those as well.
Honestly with all her questions, it helps flesh out quite a bit as well as helping you with plot holes you might not have noticed.
Absolutely the type to read your rough draft and see a plot twist and immediately ask you if her favorite character is okay. She knows you won't spoil every secret, but she just wants her favorite to be okay.
When hearing you talk about ideas for your novel, Yukiko will gladly tell you some ghost stories she's heard or made up. Just exchanging story for story and maybe her stories spark some inspiration if you ever have writer's block.
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Would make a joke about how you could probably make a good bit of money writing about the Phantom Thief adventures, just changing names and such. 
If you are having writer's block then she'll happily throw out some pretty crazy ideas for fun. Will tell you that it's good to take breaks too so you're not forcing yourself to write.
Is always interested to read your newest draft. She's pretty great with English and grammar in case you want her to do any translating for you or some edits.
Honestly, she might suggest starting a writing blog if you wanted to. Just to get in some practice but also maybe by getting your name out there a bit it'll open up some opportunities.
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worldviewcast · 2 years
Scenes your the new owner/parent to Lux I wanted to know if you had a partner for them or someone you like to ship with them or if you ship them at all. I like making sure I fallow ship canon when it comes to AUs.
Well....I don't really have anyone in mind for Lux, and the information you're trying to draw on is probably a little outdated? Since this is the second inquiry I've gotten about Lux in the last week I'll give you all a bit of a sneak peek of what I got planned for her. :) Yes she does need a new reference sheet, I've just been very busy so consider this a rough draft. But I won't mind giving out a few key details regarding her existence.
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Lux is a Principal of a Capital city in Mainstay, one of the highest education centers of the world and her place of work is an highly political area, the school is sat right next to an international embassy
Lux is the adopted daughter of a m/m relationship, and she lost one of her fathers in a car accident. The same accident caused a permanent crack in her skull that allows her ability/magic to 'seep' through
Her ability is a moderate flame power that burns the same color as her magic
She achieved principal status at a young age due to her tenacity and exemplary behavior and ability to delegate between students, staff, and parents
She still spends lots of time with her adopted father and goes over to his house at least twice a week so they can have dinner together
She does have a rage streak and likes to go to an Elemental Magics Center to let off some steam once in awhile (Basically a place where you can throw fireballs without hurting anyone or property.)
I have not decided on her nationality yet, but I am hesitant to make her a Mainstay native, since the area she lives in is sort of a international center and I'd like to explore and expand on some of the other cultures I'm developing outside of Mainstay ~
If I DO develop a romantic interest with someone for her I'm sure you guys will get some cute ship art, but it will most likely be an OC of some kind. ^^
And there ya go! A little bit of info on Lux!
I do plan on giving her a short spin off comic at some point, but we're not there in the story yet. XD Worldview will have many chapters and she has minor to major roles in a few that I can think of off the top of my head, mostly regarding Juniper and maybe a later chapter involving Finch.
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marriedzukka · 3 years
how tf do you write long chapters.
im writing a zukki fic and i need help
great question lol. I never planned to write something as long as retgmt, it just kind of.....turned into what it is. I think the first chapter is like 5.6k words, the last one I put out was almost 35k words (???????) and by the time it's done it's definitely going to surpass 200k words which is just fucking wild
The chapters keep getting longer because the story kind of morphed into something I never expected...i started out with a goal in mind, but as I really got into it, it became clear that there were certain concepts or ideas that I needed to explore more, so I just kind of...kept writing. And I always think of new scene ideas AS I'm writing, so those inevitably get added in too.
It takes a lot of planning and a lot of work, at least for me. But when I'm able to hit that groove where I've finally figured out what I want a chapter to look like, it's fun for me. Until then it's a lot of throwing random ideas into a google doc and crying until it starts to make sense.
(I don't know if it will help you but if you're curious what my actual, boring, practical process is like, here's that...under the cut bc it got kind of long:)
I work out of a few docs when I'm writing:
outline: general for the entire story/the big picture.
scene ideas: for each chapter, i start out brainstorming scene ideas. Any random idea I get that I think might work, I throw it in here (this doc is usually a MESS lol). What I usually do is keep a list of any specific dialogue, phrases, or concepts that I know I want to use or explore in the chapter. For each individual scene idea, I give it a title so that I can easily refer back to it later (ex: "sokka flare up" or "zuko x azula conversation about [x]"). Most of these ideas are just bullet points but sometimes I'll end up writing bigger portions of the scene here too, almost like a rough draft...just depends. Again...it's a mess.
rough chapter outline: using the titles I wrote for the scene ideas, I try to arrange them into an outline. I think about where the characters are at the beginning of the chapter and where I want them to be by the end of it. All of the scenes I cooked up are just the stepping stones to get there, so I try to organize them in a way that flows and makes sense.
rough draft: using the rough outline I made, I work on drafting the scenes. I usually hop around, writing bits here and there for each one as I get inspiration, taking what I wrote down in the scene ideas doc. This is the hardest part of the entire process for me. It's really hard for me to write at all if I don't know where I'm going with a scene, so until I get the outline really nailed down, writing doesn't usually flow for me.
rough draft 2 (or 3 or 4, etc): I go back and see if there are any concepts, moments, or emotions that I need to elaborate on or show better. Sometimes this requires adding in another scene to really showcase it, or maybe just some expanded dialogue or longer description of inner thoughts/feelings. If I get stuck on a scene, I ask myself: what was its original purpose and is it accomplishing that? does it flow with the rest of the chapter where it is? would it work better from a different character's POV or in a different setting? and I change it accordingly.
Another way to add some length to your chapters is to rewrite a scene from another character's POV. it's a fun exercise but also adds more to the word count! (ex: in retgmt, at the end of chapter 1 when zuko shows up late to the group and they meet for the first time, it's in Sokka's POV. at the start of chapter 2, i wrote about zuko reflecting on that night and why he was late in the first place. this directly tied into the next scene when zuko decides to go to the group early, and runs into sokka again).
After all of that it's just....general editing and final drafting once I'm finally happy with what I've written.
TL,DR: MAKE A PLAN. general story outline > scene ideas > chapter outline > drafts. Break it down scene by scene. Move things around, add more scenes, elaborate where needed, or take things out during the writing process depending on where you want the chapter to end up.
Honestly though...all of that being said, my biggest piece of advice when writing a long story is to take breaks when you need to. Every story is different and sometimes your chapters might be shorter, or they might end up being longer than what you planned. It really just depends.
Writing can be really fun but it can also be really hard too, so go easy on yourself. I'm still learning how to do that.
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cottoncandy-jester · 4 years
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✨lie down darling it's time for a dream✨
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Princess (hajime iwaizumi)
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Okay so..once again I was inspired by someone's random drabble or thought. The person you all are to blame for this trashy horny mess is @iwaizoom
✨Sorry this is late was busy telling gender dysphoria to fuck off and it made me lose inspiration for a few days✨
Sorry it's short was gonna type more but tumblr app said absolutely not and deleted my last two drafts if this
This story contains: public sex, feral iwaizumi, light nipple play, iwaizumi with dick piercings, degrading, light breeding kink
A soft hum escaped you as you walked into the familiar shop that you tend to visit everyday, this time you were on a mission. You were wearing a pair of black leggings and a jacket which wasn't so bad but under that jacket was quite the surprise.
You called out only to see iwaizumi look up at you from cleaning the needles, it wasn't surprising to see you here but he didn't have any other clients today so it was just you two.
"hmm? Whats up princess?"
"I want a tattoo!"
Your words made him quite excited as he already had ideas of what tattoos to give you, he's done small tattoos for you in the past and everytime it gets him excited to know that he will be the one marking you and making your beautiful body into art.
"alright take a seat and tell me what ya want"
Phase one was now in order, you happily skip over to the chair before took a seat and unzipped your jacket while iwaizumi was setting everything up.
"well I was thinking of getting your name, I want it here!"
When iwaizumi looked up his eyes widened as he gulped and watched you feeling his cock harden
You lifted your shirt before trailing your hand to the area sitting right above your chest, iwaizumi's eyes were glued to your chest as he bit his lip to hold back to urge to attack your nipples with his mouth, honestly ever since you got those damn things he has been fucking you like crazy and it was coming to a point where it was like a trigger to him
It was like his mind blanks and next thing he knows he's balls deep inside of you with you shaking under him and begging him to stop before you break, this time he kept from blanking and simply stood up before pointing a shaking hand to the room in the back. He was now sweating as he tried to form words but his mind was filled with different positions to put you in so he could make you scream.
"g-gonna come up with the design in the back sit tight, and get ready"
As son as the words left his mouth he was rushing off while you pulled your shirt down holding back a devilish laugh, honestly his reaction was way too perfect.
When it came to doing the actual piercing, iwaizumi sat in front of you with his knees in-between his legs as his eyes were focused on your tattoo but ever so often his chest would brush against yours and the feeling of your nipples touching his thin tank top made him want to stop and just ravage you
finish the tattoo
Finish the tattoo
He was sweating bullets and once he finished he never wrapped a tattoo faster in his life before slamming the ink gun down panting softly as he glanced at his jeans which showed his throbbing bulge. He couldn't stand that fake innocent smile you gave him as you tried to pull your shirt down only for him to rip his gloves off before yanking your shirt right off before he reached out and gropes your chest with his thumbs rubbing along your nipples
"ah! hajim-"
"shut the fuck up, you nasty girl"
You felt a chill go down your spine while a feel of arousal hit you right in between your legs, he was definitely pissed off and that only made you more horny. You immediately reached for his bulge only to feel him slap your hand away before he leaned forward resting his hands at your hips while his tongue replaced his hands now trailing his tongue along your breasts but also being mindful of your new tattoo
"you thought you were so cute strolling in here and practially shoving your tits in my face knowing what I'll do, god you piss me so off when you act like a needy slut"
His voice was deep as he moved one of his hands to shove it down your pants now feeling your wet hole that begged for him to feel it, the slick feeling made him smirk as he trailed his lips down your stomach, he slipped your underwear to the side only to plunge two fingers deep into your wet cunt.
"why is the princess so wet, were you hoping to piss me off like this?"
Iwaizumi now pumped his fingers faster in and out of as he watched your lustful expression as you squirmed around lightly. He simply pulled back only to hear your panicked and needy whines with a light scoff as he licked the juices off his fingers while watching you whine and babble about how you needed him.
Honestly he felt the exact same about you, he didn't have the time for foreplay or any of that like he usually did so it wasn't quick before he was throwing his clothes off and doing the same to you, his cock pressed against your wet cunt as he rubbed the piercings against your slick pussy.
All ten silver balls starting from the base with and ending just below the tip with just an inch of space in between each piercing got soaked in your juices which only fueled his lust more to the point where he just couldn't help but shove himself into you.
"fuck- how do you always stay so tight baby, we've been fucking almost every day and yet your cunt is still milking my cock like this"
As he pushed deeper he watched as you would shudder everytime his piercings rubbed against your inner walls, the sight of you enjoying that always made him chuckle.
"ah..you like my piercings? Yeah baby I love yours too, such sexy little things"
He wrapped a hand around your throat and added light pressed as he shoved his cock as deep it would go before glaring down at you, his cold eyes alone could make you cum but you knew why he was pissed off.
"you know what to call me princess, now say it"
A single word was enough for him to start sloppily thrusting in and out of you with little to no mercy, he leaned down kissing and biting along your breasts but made sure to avoid touching your new tattoo though he did have the sadistic idea of cumming all over it but he figured he should wait til it was healed for him to do that
"ah daddy! P-please-"
"hmm? What do you want, babydoll? You're almost crying so badly you must need something good"
He glanced up at you as he pulled back now pulling your legs over his shoulder as he deeply thrusts into you with an unsteady breath.
"p-please fill me with your hot cum! I want to have your babies"
Now iwaizumi is normally not the type to go absolutely crazy during sex unless you pissed him off enough to engage in angry sex which has happened before but this, oh this was different and before he knew it he was ravaging your poor cunt giving you animalistic thrusts as he thought about your stomach swollen with his baby, that would prove that you are all his plus he did want kids with you.
"if that's what you fucking want baby, I'll pump a baby into you and get you pregnant, our baby. God you drive me so damn crazy you want me to breed you? Yeah you fucking do you naughty girl, be my little pregnant wife. "
Iwaizumi was now kissing your inner thigh as he roughly slammed his hips into you letting out a shaky breath as he felt you tighten against him, a feeling he knew all too well.
"is the little slut going to cum? Do it then baby. Coat this cock with your slutty pussy juice and scream out for daddy!"
"ah! Daddy- please please please-"
Iwaizumi couldn't help but chuckle at your crazy begging and sobbing, his eyes landing on your breasts bouncing with each rough thrust he gives you, those damn piercings would be the death of him.
As he felt his climax approaching he was now like a savage animal breaking you with his harsh thrusts and wrapping his hands around your neck starting to squeeze it but of course not too tightly but just enough for you to feel the rush if adrenaline.
"cum for me pretty girl! Cum for daddy like I know you want to!"
His demand and slamming into you one final time made you squirt all over the chair and his cock. The sight alone drove iwaizumi to his own climax now filling you up and watching as your body twitched and shook under him.
As you both started to come down from your highs he just realized how messed up the chair was, from the sweat and cum to the claw marks gifted from you during this little session.
A wave of annoyance hit him as he glared at you with a light scowl, damn you! He couldn't really stay mad for long and he simply pulled out before kissing the top of your head.
"oi, get dressed we are going home alright?"
As he moved to get dressed he could hear a comment from you that made him pause and feel his cock harden all over again.
"i-i should get my clit pierced, yeah hajime?"
Okay so maybe another round wouldn't kill you both, after all shop was closed and you two had all the time in the world.
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twdeadfanfic · 3 years
Even when fics don't get comments or reblogs, shot outs in fic Rev lists or whatever, there's people reading... Like me! Sometimes I read then again at night after a sad day 💚 (Green heart for Murphy... Hoping you wrote for Connor too)
That's nice to know.
But yeah it's sad when you see the fics in your dash getting shouts out and comments and all that, while it seems you can't write anything that people like anymore. Especially like people who I interacted with since forever and I don't anymore.
Then again I pissed off everyone in the Daryl writing fandom except like 5 people so it's my fault 😅
By this point I write for 3 people, or it feels like it. But for those 3 people, I'm trying to write an end for Outsider and to not drop Irish Luck (you read that one I guess? I'm sorry that I can't get into Connor! He's attractive though... I just really wish to interact in the chapters with people that read it).
So yeah, I read some spoilers this morning that got me into writing mood but then my activity was so dead that the mood kind of died because... What for? Everything I'll write will get systematically ignored by 3300 of my followers (I don't think non followers would get any interest in it, also a high percent of followers follows just because I reblog fics not for my own but why don't follow the original posters) , and the people who will not ignore it, 90% won't enjoy it, not even the people who used to like my things can get into what I write anymore, I guess something changed, maybe with my struggle to still love Daryl I can't write him anymore (and I guess I'm not enough into Murph to write him properly)
I used to be like hopeful, if I write this thing, maybe they'll like me again? But it was dumb and now I know better.
I don't know. Now it feels funnier to play Sims and make silly storyline there with crazy Sim stuff than putting effort in writing an actual thing.
Which it's bad because in my work I have to speak in english a lot and writing would be a good practice so I tried to get into it again, but the lack of interaction really turns off my ideas and makes me not want to get bothered into writing an actual story when I can just write random scenes in drafts without they needing to make sense.
But yeah, I feel this blog is dead even if I tried to come back.
Anyway I'll try to finish Outsider. Also tomorrow I want to post some of those no context no effort drafts that I threw together (just for the spoiler mood, got inspired to throw those drafts together, regret it now, but I'm mean so I'm posting it anyway and pushing it in all your faces haha)
I also have some rough drafts of a sequel for Hot Cocoa in which teacher reader (kind of pregnant), Daryl and nephew Dixon face the apocalypse together, some sort of rewrite, but I'm not very sure what I will do with those.
I'm not sure what I'll do with Irish Luck either, sorry! But if you read the last chapter you know that Murphy and reader aren't making it easy for me haha... Maybe I should change him for Connor lol.
I should crochet a green heart for the imaginary MacManus that live in my head.
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cozy-the-overlord · 2 years
17 22 24 37 38 for the writing asks maybe?
Ahhhh thank you!!
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
Ooooooooh ... there's so many wips I could choose from lol, but I'll go with the multichapter I've been trying to work on for the past year (rip).
Basically, it's an AU where Loki escapes the Sanctuary in between Thor 1 and Avengers and ends up crashing into a Krylorian farm on a remote planet, badly injured and with no memory of who he is or what happened. I'm really excited for this family-- I've had so much fun coming up with their personalities and relationships with each other and Loki and how each of them will play into the story. I don't know if I want to go into too much detail about them yet because I'm kind of superstitious about sharing details about my writing when it's still in very rough stages of development, but I'm super excited about these characters and this world.
22. How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists. What tools do you use? Notebooks? Binders? Apps? The Cloud?
Oh gosh ... I am organized in that I know exactly where everything is, but I don't think a single other person would be able to follow lol. I tend to keep ideas for stories/rough brainstorming on my notes app in my phone-- when I finish the story I move the note to a separate folder so I don't get too confused. I also have my cheap notebook that I use for brainstorming and rough drafts, which I try to label and date for every one but I often end up forgetting. I print out every story I write so that I can read through and edit with a pen-- I find I'm more likely to notice mistakes if I'm not looking at the same Word Doc I've been staring at for the past three months-- and so I have a big filing cabinet where I keep those printed copies, organized by fanfic and original stuff. That's also where I keep loose notes for stories--stuff that I've scribbled or doodled on a random sheet of paper and whatnot (I can't just throw out old school notebooks when the semester is over-- I have to go painstakingly through each page to make sure I haven't written ideas or story notes in the margins). However, I can't take that giant monstrosity on a plane, so when I'm on campus I have a chaotic system of folders for various stories and ideas that I have to go through and organize when I come home for the summer. Then of course there's my notebook addiction-- I have a million notebooks strewn about me at any given moment and random story stuff written in each one. And this isn't even broaching my problem with word docs, which I always give terrible, unhelpful names that I can remember while I'm in the process of writing but seven months later when I'm trying to find it again it's completely lost.
24. How much prep work do you put into your stories? What does that look like for you? Do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?
I'm a heavy outliner. It depends on the nature of the story, of course, but usually I make detailed, scene by scene outlines that I tend to follow to the letter (for the most part). I get distracted with other story ideas pretty easily, and so to stay focused I need to have something providing me with a direction. I actually really enjoy outlining-- brainstorming and coming up with ideas is probably my favorite part of the process, although I do really enjoy the actual writing part too, so it's hard to say. Editing is definitely my least favorite lol.
37. If you were to be remembered only by the words you’ve put on the page, what would future historians think of you?
That I was one depressed bitch
38. What is something about your writing process YOU think is Really Weird? If you are comfortable, please share. If you’re not comfortable, what do you think cats say about us?
I am very active while I'm writing. This is honestly true for every aspect of my life, but I can't sit still for very long periods of time. So while I'm writing, I'll suddenly just stand up, pace back and forth a little bit while muttering to myself (I talk to myself a lot when I'm writing too), then rush back and type something without sitting down. Half the time I don't realize that I'm doing it-- I've only become more aware of it as my roommate has pointed it out
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