#maybe i’ll be proved wrong. i hope i am. give me this please chris
seveneyesoup · 2 years
you know. regarding this post, the episode is called timeless children. which, sure, could be a reference to multiple versions of the timeless child, each believing themselves the first. or it could be a reference to all the time lords becoming “timeless” themselves. or……
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starsofmilos · 2 years
True Power (Adrian Chase x witch reader)
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Request: OKAY! basically, I wanna see a badass witch!reader oneshot in which the team is on a big mission however, chris being chris (🙄 lol), keeps doubting reader and her powers, saying that she might not even be as powerful as some people say she is, sure she isn't taken out multiple people but a big alien thing they're after?? yeaa, he doubts it. however, she proves him wrong and even proves the team about how truly powerful she is. adrian is also supporting her being all like "my gf is so powerful, her mind is powerful" lol. please? thank you!!
AHH I have so many witch reader requests!!! I’m so excited for the next one I’m introducing Constantine!!! I used to have the biggest crush on Constantine too growing up! He definitely will be someone I hope to have reoccur in this series! Anyways requests in general along with witch reader requests are still open hope y’all like the story!!
Witch reader Masterlist
Warnings: cursing, violence, mentions of sex, fluff, witch craft 
“I wanna learn more about my abilities!” You exclaimed one night during dinner. Adrian tilted his head. 
“Dude you’re already powerful as it is?” 
“I know I am ! But imagine how much stronger I’d be if I could get my demon side of my magic under my control!” Adrian hummed. 
“I mean if that’s what you really want-” 
“It is!” You smiled excitedly. 
“It’d give me the peace of knowing I won’t go berserk and wipe out the entire town the next time I get upset. Would you mind helping me though Adrian?”
Adrian nodded, “Of course I will silly.” 
You smiled happily. “Thank you...” 
Adrian spent any free time with you helping you study. “We’ve been over the basics!” You both groaned. 
“Magic is hard.” 
You nodded. “I learned all of this from my aunt when I was smaller. My mom...well she didn’t like her magic so she tried to hide it.” Adrian nodded. He knew the story. 
The town hated you because of what your great grandmother had done. They tried to kill her and she cursed the town once she broke free. 
She then made a deal with a demon infusing her blood with it and passing it on to her bloodline.
It made him angry at times seeing everyone around belittle you. As if you mean nothing. They hated you for rumors. Which made no sense to him, they were just rumors. Yeah the rumors were true, but they didn’t know that. 
Adrian sighed holding your hand with his. “So you know magic itself, but not your demon side right?” You nodded. 
“Alright let’s think..” 
You sighed kissing his cheek. “You don’t worry anymore. Let’s stop for today, I’ll figure it out eventually.” Adrian pouted a bit. “I’m sorry-” 
“Don’t apologize. This is super hard to understand maybe I should reach out to my aunt.” 
You both jumped hearing Adrian’s phone buzz. “Team?” He nodded. “How’d you know?” 
“Witches intuition.” 
“No you have megamind saying hello for the team’s group chat text note.” 
“Oh....you know for you I have a heartbeat noise.” You smiled as he stood up to get ready. 
“I know you do...Be safe okay?” Adrian nodded before stopping.
“Emilia’s asking me to bring you?” 
“Oh?” You sat up nodding. “Okay well I did say whenever you all needed help to contact me.” Adrian nodded as you grabbed a small bag to take. 
“What’s in the bag?” 
“Stuff for certain situations.” He tilted his head confused, but realized it’d be easier for him not to question you. 
You didn’t do anything without a reason. “You coming?” He grinned hearing you.
Once arriving, you flashed a smile to everyone. “Hello!” Adebayo grinned waving at you along with John.
“Perfect Vig you brought her. This next mission is an all hands on deck situation. There’s no other way to say this but this might be the biggest thing we’ve ever gone against. Literally. It’s a Mothra.”
You all stood silent in shock hearing her. Adrian grinned in excitement though. 
“A what?” Chris asked in shock.
“A mothra.” Emilia repeated. “Look I know what you’re all thinking-”
“Do you?” John asked in shock. “How the fuck are we supposed to kill that?!” 
You slowly raised your hand gaining everyones attention. “Um...I can do it.” 
“What?!” Leota looked at you a bit apprehensively. 
“Yeah I can do it..” Emilia smirked at your words. 
“This is why I said to bring the witch-” Chris’s laughing interrupted her. You glared a bit at him in annoyance already knowing what he was going to say.
“You taking down a mothra? Yeah I doubt it. What are you gonna do ride a broom and cast a spell on it? Don’t worry you can be the backup Y/N we’ll try to figure out a way to take it down-”
“I can do it.” You cut him off a bit angrily. 
“I know I can do it. A mothra should be nothing and it’ll give me a chance to practice my magic anyways.”
“Just practice your magic on the people protecting the mothra. I don’t want you risking everyone’s lives because you want to practice.” 
Emilia sighed as Chris began to argue with you. It was times like this she swore she worked with children. 
“Enough! Smith I called Y/N here because she has an expertise on these things! If you’d let me explain this isn’t a regular mothra, I think someone or something created it! It has these ruins engraved into it!” 
You raised an eyebrow questioningly grabbing the file from her. Your eyes widened once seeing it. This was created by another witch.
“She’s right...This was created by another witch.” 
“How do we stop them?” Adrian asked confused. 
“Witches are still human you could easily kill them, but from what I’m seeing they stupidly did the spell wrong tying their body to the mothra so we kill the mothra we kill them.”
“I’m assuming they thought no one would be able to kill the mothra?” Leota asked.
“I’m assuming so too, but you guys have me so I can help you fight it. Chances are since it’s tied to it’s user it’ll be able to use magic as well, so I better start working on protection hexes right now.”
You grabbed your bag pulling out the items you needed. “Oh does anyone have a black pen?” John tossed one to you as they all stared seeing you work.
“There is no way a piece of paper can protect us from a mothra!” Chris laughed as you glared.
“How about you stop doubting me and wear the ‘stupid’ piece of paper? And now that I’m thinking about it it’s not even a piece of paper!” You snapped out. 
“Adrian that reminds me I’m not gonna make you one of these. Your tigers eye is basically one of these but ten times stronger.”
“Shouldn’t we get tiger’s eyes too then?” John asked. You shook your head.
“I don’t have anymore. It took me three days to get Adrian’s and I’m assuming we don’t have that kinda time.” Emilia nodded sighing.
Everyone stared at you as you began to work.
“Well don’t just stare at me! Harcourt start formulating a plan.” You snapped out a bit angrily. Chris was had gotten on your nerves. 
Adrian wrapped his arm around you as everyone prepped. “Calm down..” He whispered to you.
You relaxed a bit as he sat down pulling you to sit next to him. “Can I watch you work?” 
You nodded letting him hold your hand as you began casting a protection spell on everyone.
“Okay are we all ready?” Emilia called out loading up the van.
You nodded handing out the hexes. “Okay you can only take so many hits until the spell wears off so be careful okay?” 
Chris snorted, “Sorry I know you are a witch and stuff, but no little magic is gonna help us against the mothra.” 
“Dude Y/N is fucking strong dude. You gotta stop underestimating her. She’s like so fucking cool...” Adrian chimed in patting your leg. 
“You’re gonna regret saying all this shit when she saves your ass in the field.” John also pitched in laughing a bit. Chris laughed hearing him once more. 
“I doubt it. Besides she’s only here to combat the mothra. The rest of us are gonna do the actual work.” 
How could Adrian look up to this guy so much? He was an asshole.
You clenched your fist. “I’m just here to help how I can. I only plan on stepping in with the mothra when I see you guys need the help.” 
“I bet we won’t.” Your eye twitched. 
Once arriving at the location, you gasped in shock seeing the size of the mothra tearing apart trees. “Holy shit!!” 
Adrian smiled in amazement grabbing the chainsaw from the back of the van. “Hey no!” 
“But look at the size of that thing Harcourt! This is the perfect time to use it!!” She gave him a small glare. Adrian whined throwing it down. 
“FINE!! But I swear if someone else but me uses a chainsaw today I am going to lose it!” 
You sighed hearing Adrian before seeing a small group of people protecting the mothra. 
“Okay so what’s the plan Harcourt?” You asked her readying yourself. 
“Well John stays here, Y/N cover us with your magic. Me and everyone else will start off with the smaller fries.” She pulled her gun out. 
Everyone nodded in agreement readying up. “Alright on my go!” She called out. 
“Go!” You yelled out stopping the mothra from landing on all of you. 
“John drive off!!” Emilia yelled out as they all moved out of your way. 
Chris’s eyes widened in surprise. You sent it flying grunting from the force of it. 
“What are you guys waiting for!? Get out of here!”
They nodded heading towards the group. A black light surrounded your hands as you blocked off all of the attacks from the group. 
The mothra roared out pointing at you. “KILL THE WITCH!!!” 
“IT CAN TALK?!?!” You heard everyone yell out in surprise. The people under the mothra’s controlled turned towards you. 
“Shit..” You cursed seeing them all begin to yell at you. Chris moved to help you but stopped as two people jumped on him.
Emilia yelped out as the mothra swiped it leg sending her flying. “Harcourt!!” Chris yelled out worriedly. 
A swarm of thirty were running to you. Adrian grunted as he was tackled as well. It was too many and with the mothra sending out attacks you all were struggling. 
“Y/N!” Adrian yelled out for you as you pushed all of the men away from you. The mothra took it’s chance attacking the group. 
“Shit shit!” Leota yelled out avoiding hits. Adrian got the person off of him getting up to start shooting at the mothra to get it away from Leota. Chris stood up helping Harcourt who had been sent flying from the mothra up.
“Harcourt we need to go back and regroup!” 
“We can’t!! It’s now or never!” She yelled out groaning in pain sore from her ribs. Two of them were broken. 
Emilia had made a promise to thank you later she could imagine how much worser she would’ve been from that hit without your protection hex.
“We have to help Y/N she can fight the mothra-” 
“No she can’t!! No one can dude!!” Chris yelled out before hearing Adrian yell out. 
“Vig!!” The mothra had sent him flying knocking him hard against a tree rendering him for a moment. It stalked towards him stopping as a person flew by it’s head.
You panted standing over the men that had raced towards you. “Thanks for the help!” Chris looked in shock as you picked up abandoned trees sending them flying to the mothra. 
The men that you had taken down began to stand back up. “Can you guys cover me?!” You asked Emilia and Chris. 
Chris nodded, “I got your back! Kick that stupid aliens ass!” You smiled at his words opening the back of the van with your magic grabbing the chainsaw. 
“Sorry Adrian...” You mumbled out turning it on using it as a sword of sorts to fly around the mothra. 
Your hand glowed with the black light as you struggled to keep your eyes from going red. If your demon side came out there’s no telling the damage you’d do. 
You yelped out as a person tackled you. “Get the fuck off of my girlfriend!!” Adrian yanked them off of you stabbing them with his sword. 
“You’re using the chainsaw!!” He whined as you smiled sheepishly. “Sorry..” 
“No it’s fine..I hate how you look fucking hot right now..” 
“Cover my back Adrian!” He nodded with a grin running to Emilia and Chris. Adebayo went to the group. You glanced at the group they were a good distance now. 
That’s what you were waiting for. 
Your eyes turned red as you dropped the chainsaw. The mothra looked in shock seeing your eyes and magic color. It finally paid full attention.
“You’re magic..It’s tainted!!”
You nodded with a smile, “I have my great grandmother to thank for that!” 
Adrian grinned in excitement as you tore the mothra apart with your bare hands. You clenched your hand after lifting it off the ground crushing it. Sighing in relief you were able to hold back somewhat.
You grimaced as it guts flew everywhere. “Eww...” You gagged a bit wiping your face. The people the mothra had been controlling fell to the floor.
“THAT WAS SO FUCKING COOL!!!” You grinned hearing Adrian. He ran to you ripping his mask off to fully see you.
“Oh my god!!” He tackled you in a tight hug. 
“You’re so fucking cool and hot! That was fucking amazing! See dude!! I told you she was fucking strong!!”
Adrian grabbed your face, “Adrian wait!” You made a small muffled noise as he pulled you into a deep kiss.
You tried to pull away yelping as he tightly held you pushing his tongue in your mouth. Once he pulled away, he panted happily. 
“Dude I had blood all over me..” 
“I’ve kissed you with way worser things in your mouth-” You kissed him again to silence him. 
“Okay you’re right!” He grinned pulling you along. 
“Guys my girlfriend is a fucking badass! Did you see her?! She fucking exploded the mothra!! She made it her bitch!” 
Chris nodded as you all walked to the van. John smiled letting you all in. You groaned feeling gross as the blood began to seep through your clothing.
“That was so cool! You used the chainsaw like it was a sword and then then-” Adrian’s words trailed off for you as you leaned your head against him exhausted.
“Hey.” Chris called out to you with a small smile.
“What?” You grunted opening your eyes to stare at him. “Adrian wasn’t wrong that was pretty bad ass.”
You smiled, “Told you I could handle it..” 
“You were right sorry for doubting you. Vig is right you are one cool hot witch.” Adrian looked down at you then Chris.
“Hey! You can’t have her!!” 
“What?!” Chris and you asked in shock.
“Just cause you’re impressed by her and think she’s cool doesn’t mean you can date her! She’s with me!!” You laughed hearing Adrian blow up on Chris.
“Dude I don’t want your girlfriend!! She’s not my type-”
“Bullshit! I’ve hung out with you plenty of times to know when you find someone attractive! You’re practically undressing her with your eyes! Only I can do that!!” 
“What the fuck?! I don’t want your girl dude! I swear!”
“It better stay that way! I will fight you!” You grabbed Adrian kissing him softly.
“You realize I’d have to agree to be with Chris right?” 
“Well yeah, but Peacemaker is really cool and stuff and you’re cool and stuff. It’d make sense-”
“Adrian shut the fuck up. He literally was doubting me the entire time. I don’t want him. I want you..the one who believed in me full heartedly.” 
“I don’t know if I should be offended or not!” Chris yelled out. 
“You should be.” Leota and Emilia spoke up at the same time. You chuckled leaning on Adrian.
Once you got home, you showered meeting Adrian in the kitchen after. “I feel great without all that blood now.” 
He smiled pushing a plate with pizza on it. 
“Oh you bought pizza?” 
“Duh my witch girl deserves the best after kicking ass today and destroying Peacemaker who kept doubting you.” 
Adrian kissed you pulling back to push a slice to your face. “Eat.” He grinned as you took a bite. 
“I’m so fucking proud of you dude! You didn’t lose control when you used your demon magic!” 
You smiled softly, “It’s because of you. I was able to hold back because I knew I could possibly hurt you and it help knowing that you believed in me.” 
“Yeah Adrian...You never doubt me and you genuinely love me..Everything I have good in my life now is because of you..”
He smiled a bit as you hugged him sighing deeply. “I gotta be more careful though. I don’t wanna ever lose control.”
Adrian chuckled, “You’re fine...I know you’ll figure out your magic stuff eventually.”
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youn9racha · 3 years
I Know (Part II)
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Pairing: Changbinxfem!reader
Genre: smut
Warning: mild stalking, stripping, phone sex???, mutual masturbation, semi-exhibitionism, a tiny bit of corruption kink, and an even tinier praise kink, switch!changbin, switch!reader
Words: 2.8k
Extra Notes: like I’ve mentioned in the last part, everyone is above the age of 21 (think senior year of college age), so thats that. I’ve also noticed that the lyric is not that related to the story, but oh well :’) anyways, hope you enjoy this
And baby, I know, I know whatever city you’re in, you’re still the boy that I’d pick…
This is no way representative of the way Stray Kids act. They’re nothing but references of character, and in no shape or form is this how they act. And I am in no way romanticizing or glamorizing any toxic behavior exhibited, they’re just stories that is meant to be read. Readers discretion is advised.
Changbin’s calling me…
What in the world does he want to talk to me about in this ungodly hour? It wasn’t late, but it certainly wasn’t early enough for a call like this. I looked back at the window and I still see the curtains still closed, assuming he was out or maybe in another room. I answered and put the phone in my ear.
“Hey, (y/n)! I just wanted to call to check up on you,” he said, “how are you?”
Damn, he only called for innocent intentions... Why is he so damn cute?! (y/n), you got two choices to respond back; you either respond give him a nice sweet response, or you give a sly yet friendly comeback. It can work—
“(y/n)?” The voice out of the phone took me out of my inner self’s debate.
“Yes! Yes! I am fine,” I said, embarrassed and mentally facepalming myself. This is not doing well, he already thinks I am a creep and a loser. Or maybe not, since its seems like I heard a faint chuckle and the word “cute,” followed by, but that could just be a figment of my imagination. “How are you?”
”Oh, I am good, just came back from hanging out with Chan and Han,“ changbin responded, there were shuffling in the background so he could be doing something while on the phone, but what is it? I wouldn’t know. I heard him and Chris mentioning a ‘Han’ in our conversation we had while preparing for my apartment, so that name is familiar, however the owner’s not. “You should meet him one day, I think you both will be good friends.”
”Woah there, you better take me to dinner first before I meet your friend,” I teased. Keep it going, (y/n), you’re on the right track, you’ve definitely caught him off guard, like you always do.
“Give me a place, time, and date, you’ll get that dinner, or maybe I’ll let Chris take you.” Changbin nonchalantly said, oozing confidence just by his voice. That bitch… Always makes it harder for me than it already is. As if he saw my blushing reaction, he began laughing.
“What’s wrong, princess? Cat’s got your tongue?” He said it in a low voice. Usually, I would gag if anyone—let alone a man—calls me princess, but with him, it felt different. It felt… arousing? No! No! (y/n), get a grip!
I rolled my eyes and laid on my back to be more comfortable, “What is it, Changbin?” I said, changing the subject, “What is that you wanted to call me at 10 p.m?” Yes, pretend like he didn’t just call you princess in the sexiest tone of voice you’ve ever heard. Totally would work.
”I told you, I just want to check up on you,“ he confessed but he also paused to say something further, “and also I am bored and I kinda felt like talking to you. I’m not wasting your time, aren’t I?” Although I couldn’t see him, he does however sound really sincere with his words. I don’t want to sound naive, but he sounded truthful.
“No,” I shook my head, “you really didn’t, besides I just got out the shower and was just scrolling through instagram.” I said, looking down in my nails.
”Oh, really?” He said, “were you going to sleep?”
”No, I stay on social media for a long period of time, I don’t sleep that easily“
”I see,” he said, but then he stopped talking. As the awkward silence has erupted between us, I started to think more about the first time I saw him and how I felt. While I thought it would be better for me to tell him later on and on person, but this balloon inside of me was getting bigger and bigger as guilt is inflating it. I sighed and started to speak, “Hey Changbin.”
“Can I confess you to something?”
”Tell me anything, doll, I’m all ears.”
Dammit! You’re not making it easier.
I bit my lips, “uhh,” I am glad he wasn’t looking at me, grimacing and slapping my head.
”You know hitting yourself isn’t gonna help,” as soon as Changbin uttered these words, my heart sank. My eyes widened as I got up and looked out window. His curtains were open, and it showcase a very, very pleasant show.
I see Changbin, sitting at the edge of his bed, facing me as his black shirt was fitting his form really well, especially with the semi-flexed arm that has his phone near his ears meanwhile the other arm was holding the elbow of the occupied arm. He was look at me straight at my eyes when we made eye contact, and fuck, was that an image to look at. As I looked like a deer going through a headlight, Changbin tilted his head in confusion, but he still had a smirk, “what is it you wanted to me?” he said through the phone.
”I-I“ I stuttered. At this point, I’ve lost all sense of dignity and my self thought, I am about to get called a creep by a good looking man I met not too long. Here goes nothing.
”I may have invaded your privacy,” I said, which caused Changbin to furrow his eyebrows in even more confusion, still having a slight smile to it. “What are you talking about?”
”Ugh, Changbin, I saw you half naked when apartment touring numerous times!” I yelled in frustration, as he kept pushing my button. I looked away, not bearing to look at him, as I closed my eyes out of guilt. “I understand if you don’t want to be friend, even though we met for only a week, but I just couldn’t bear the guilt that I—“
As I confessed, I heard a laugh coming put of the phone, I opened my eyes and looked at Changbin looking down, with shoulders shaking up and down. Now, I have the confused look that he had, “What’s funny?”
“Oh, princess, you have no idea,” He said, still looking down. Me still being bemused, he noticed my silence and looked up at my frowned face.
”I know…” He smirked, while my eyes were widened. Son of a bitch.
“I thought you knew that I’m doing all this on purpose, I’ve been trying to catch your attention every single way.” He leaned forward, placing both elbows in his knees, “I thought you were smart, only to be a gullible baby.” He whispered the last part, as I gulped at the last part. God damn, he’s so intense with his gaze. His eyes wandering all over me meanwhile maintaining a very dark yet exciting aura, which typically puts me off but now, I’ve never wanted to pounce a man so badly.
I smirked at him, the guilt I had had fizzled away, only to replace with arousal.
“So you’re not mad?” I looked at him, with innocent eyes, now laying on my side, facing him, as my robe slipped and exposed a part of my shoulder and the upper of my chest. He breathed in, as he was examining me, “no, why would I be mad at you?” He leaned back, as his head was thrown back, neck exposed, placing his free hand on the back of his neck.
God, is he so fine…
”I could never be mad at my precious baby.” He smiled a seductive smile at me, which made me riled up by rolling my eyes and looking up. “You like getting called that, don’t you?” He may have said it in a question form, but it didn’t feel like one, it was rather a statement than a question. “Hm,” I said, looking back at him, eyes half opened out of hunger for him.
We had an intense eye contact, where if it weren’t for the distant and the glass that is placed in front of us, we’d probably be all over each other.
”Has your hang out with Han and Chris worn you out?” I asked, decievingly innocent. Man, the power this man has over me is no joke. He scoffed, “so you’re just going to mention other men like that?”
Ignoring him, I got up, letting the towel that was loosely in my head fall onto my bed, and went closer to the window, “let me relieve you of your stress, if you don’t mind.” I shyly fidgeted on my robe belt. He looked at me up and down, licking his lips, “I wouldn’t mind, if you don’t as well.”
There’s nothing more sexier than mutual consent. (y/n), shut up, don’t ruin the moment.
I smiled and backed away from the window. I put my phone on speaker and put it on the side. I looked back at him, as I held onto my robe belt, he looked at me with a smile. I turned around with a slight sway on my hips, as I slowly undid my belt, slowly exposing my back at him, smiling as I heard a shuddering breath coming out of the phone.
As the robe completely fell off my body, being just in my underwear, exposing whatever secret flaws that has been hidden from the public. I silently gasp at the cool breeze as I held onto my chest, sensing my nipples getting hard. “Turn around for me, baby,” Changbin’s breathy voice echoed all over the room.
We may not be in the same room, and we maybe exposing ourselves to whoever is above and under us as well, but neither of us care. In our eyes, we only got each other, and we’re the only ones in existence.
I turned to him, letting go of my breasts and letting myself be bare, only to see him palming himself through his tight pants, groaning at his lack of full on skin-to-skin touch. It’s like he was waiting for me to tell him touch himself, which proved correct when he said, “please, let me touch myself.”
I smiled sympathetically, and also slightly astonishingly. I have never met a man with such switch like that. His dominating demeanor has faded and been replaced to a submissive cutie, which I obviously seem to admire very much. Pretending to thinking, I sat down, and looked at him, putting my hands behind me, “only if you give me a show too.”
I smirked at his state. He was disheveled, and adorned a beet tint all across his cheeks and nose. He looked beaten, but I loved it, and he does too. He put his phone on speaker too, quickly got up, and rapidly got his shirt.
“Ah ah!” I said, which caused him to freeze, looking at me, desparation was seeping through his eyes. Menacingly smiling, “slowly.”
Which he obeyed, surprisingly patient and sensual, I jokingly remarked that “he got dancer hips,” with the way he took off clothes while his hips moved in a way not many who can control their bodies can. He chuckle, “you should see how it works wonder,” his cocky attitude has made a comeback, which should piss me off but it made the whole thing hotter than it already is.
We’re both in our underwear, looking up at our eyes and looking down at each other’s half-nude bodies. Changbin wasn’t the tallest man I have ever met—not that it matters—, but he got many aspects that makes up for it, and its not just looks or personality. Just by the outline, I can tell that his little guy wasn’t little.
I propped myself with my elbows as I spread my legs, for him to see the wet spot that is stained in my underwear. He grunted at the sight, while I chuckle, “you like what you see?” I faux-innocently asked as I trailed my hand from my neck, making my head fall back, down to the valley of my chest, onto the waistband of my underwear.
“Fuck…” Changbin cursed, admiring the sight in front of him. He didn’t realize how lucky he was to see me in a state like this, not many have the privilege, especially not with men I met in a short amount of time.
I tugged my panties, took it off and exposed a part that he was dying to see, which caused him to gulp. He sighed with a smile, “god damn, (y/n),“ he shook his head in disbelie, “I’ve always thought you were gorgeous, but now I’m convinced you’re a goddess“
I giggle at his words, “and you, sir, are a demon disguised as a greek god” I teased back, tracing my two fingers around my lips, I noticed that he still was in his underwea. He still waited for my permission. How adorable.
”You can take off your underwear, Binnie” I didn’t even mean to give him the nickname, but I was too excited to even think straight. I looked at him, and saw him reveal his friend, and I gasped loudly, which made Changbin alert. “What? Whats wrong?”
”Nothing, its just,” I chuckle, “you have a nice dick.”
”Thank you,” He smirked as he sat down and looked at me, with full attention. I put my two fingers into my mouth, while maintaining eye contact. I then trailed my finger down to clit, which resulted in me letting out a blissful gasp. Meanwhile, Changbin was repositioning to a comfortable position as he began to touch himself, which caused him to let out a choked out groan.
”Binnie, as you touching yourself?” I half-whispered, but it was still loud enough for him hear along with my fingers movements that moved from my clit onto my slit, which made me moan.
”Ah-y-yes” Changbin groaned and nodded, as he was stroking his dick following the pace that I was going at.
After hearing Changbin’s groans, I began inserting my fingers at my slit, making me whimper in the process, “oh, fuck” I cursed, as I started to thrust my fingers in and out, noises coming out of my mouth along with the wetness of my pussy were getting louder, which excited Changbin, as his stroking was audible through the phone along with his beautiful groans.
“god, (y/n), if only I could touch you,” Changbin spoke through groans when he saw me fondling my breast and going faster. I was getting louder with my noises, in contrast of Changbin’s quite yet beautiful and audible noises. So much so, it sounds like Changbin was watching porn, rather than getting fucked at a distance.
“Ah-are-fuck-are you close?” Changbin asked through whines, his speech was getting difficult as he was getting closer to climax with his strokes going as fast as I was.
I nodded, out of struggle of speech, whining out, “Ah! Binnie!”
“Fuck, (y/n), I’m—“ Changbin grunted, as his strokes was started to get sloppy, he began to thrust onto his hands. I began to feel like something burning up in my stomach, moaning at the sensation, “Chang—I’m cummin— I’m cumming”
“Me too…” He choked on his words, as his groans and moans were also getting louder. Our phone voices combined was dirty but erotic, topped with the scene of two people masturbating to each other, now thats even a hotter view.
“Go ahead, baby... cum”
And just like that, I let out a squeal as I reached my peak, still playing with myself until I sensed an overstimulation. Not too long after, I was hearing a lot of grunt from the call and then I looked at Changbin, who ended up cumming onto his stomach, his chest raising up and down, letting himself catch his breath. Still out of breath, we both looked at each other, we both laughed at our fucked out state.
“Holy fuck, was that hot?” Changbin commented, taking the phone, putting it out of his speaker and back to his ear. I laughed at his sudden remark, nodding, “oh yeah, can’t wait to feel what you feel like,” I bit my lip.
”At least buy me dinner first,” He teased, referring to the remark I had at the time, which made me roll my eyes and him to chuckle. “You’re a dick,” I said.
”A big one, and a pretty one according to you,” He teased again. I started to jokingly groan at his words, causing him to laugh, “alright, alright, I’ll stop.”
I got up and picked the phone, looking at him, “I had fun, we should do this again,” him and I started exchanging a smile, this time it was more pure than the smiles we had earlier. He nodded, “for sure, but the next time is going to be in one of our beds, I really need to touch you.”
”The feeling is mutual.”
We began to talk a little more, until we both have felt that slumber was starting to sneak up onto our eyes. We both ultimately had to hang up, since we don’t want to raise our phone bills with our already long call. While facing away from the window, I couldn’t help but started admire Changbin in my head.
I typically hate men, but Changbin wasn’t just like any man.
He was Changbin, and I highly doubt that you’ll ever find a man like him.
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christ0pher-evans · 3 years
Troubled Heart
Part Two of Shattered Heart Mini-Series
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader Warnings: Angst / Cheating / Mentions of Sex  Word Count: 1.1k A/N: Welcome to the second part of Shattered Heart!! I am so so overwhelmed with the love I received for, what initially was just a one-shot, so I thank you all so so much and send you big hugs💗 So with all your support, I’ve decided to make this a mini-series (maybe three or four parts) so I’m super excited about that! I hope you guys will be too💗 Please let me know what you think of this part!
‣  I guess part two is kind of a filler part, because spoiler alert: PART THREE IS GOING TO BE INTENSE!!! Please reblog and like🖤
Part One: Shattered Heart
The past 24 hours since Chris left your shared home had felt like a bad dream. 
You’d stood emotionless as you ridded your bed of its sheets and covers, mortified at how clueless you were as Chris had so casually fucked you into the mattress after cheating on you. You’d screamed and cried as your friend had text you double checking you and Chris were still on for your double date tomorrow. You’d buried yourself under the covers in the spare bedroom once you had text Chris telling him you needed a couple of weeks apart to figure out what you wanted, too shaken to call him. You’d cried yourself to sleep when Chris had replied telling you that he would support whatever your decision was.
Knowing Chris would never be disrespectful about your feelings or choices moving forward was reassuring but part of you wished he fought a bit harder for you. Your skepticism was playing devil’s advocate and awakening stupid thoughts. Was it an easy way out? Did he not want to fight for your marriage? 
Scott had guaranteed you that it was because he cared about you so much and couldn’t bare the thought of upsetting you anymore than he already had. It’s a bit too late for that, you thought. 
Nevertheless, you appreciated that he was giving you space. You had left the house for the day when Chris came back to pack up some clothes to take to Scott’s, where he was staying. Terrified at the thought of seeing him, you couldn’t understand if it was because you were angry at him or because if you were there, you wouldn’t want him to leave again.
In the two weeks of space you had asked for, your mind was in turmoil. 
Putting on a brave face for eight hours a day in the office was easy, pretending that nothing was wrong between Chris and yourself had become second nature in the past year. Coming home was a different story; an empty house and an empty bed was undeniable proof that your marriage had possibly life-altering problems. That was the hard part. You wanted to be strong, but reality proved that you were lost without Chris; he was your best friend, your sweetheart and your evermore.
Enduring time alone at home where your mind could wander was the heart-wrenching task. As if your heart wasn’t already shattered, you tortured yourself with replaying all the details from Chris’ rendezvous with another woman, the conversation you had the morning he had confessed and the evening he left; splintering your heart into unfathomable pieces. You were so angry and so upset, that in those moments, you wondered if you could ever forgive him, ever be with him again. 
Most days, you felt numb. Some days, things felt marginally normal. You’d meet Scott for a coffee, chatting about anything other than Chris, walking and talking till you cracked a light smile. Coming home, there would be a bunch of your favourite flowers on the doorstep, a note simply saying I love you. One day, you had received a donut delivery from your favourite bakery down the street, something only Chris knew about you. Small traces of significance that displayed Chris making an effort, showing that he loves you, wants you, is fighting for you; fighting for a second chance. 
At the end of your time apart, you had just arrived home from a tough week at work. You were exhausted and were desperate to just eat and sleep away your suffering. Slumping down onto the sofa, wrapped in a blanket, you shed a single tear as you realised you’d instinctively ordered your chinese takeaway as if Chris was home with you. As if he was sat right next to you on the sofa, moaning about the rom-com you'd started playing on Netflix, moaning that he was bored till he had enough and made love to you on the sofa. You could hear his voice as he whispered how much he loved you, how good you made him feel. 
A shudder coursed through your body as you reminisced, as you remembered how perfect your marriage could be. Two whole weeks you had spent trying to force those memories out your mind, preoccupied yourself something stupid to forget him, but you couldn’t stop thinking about him. Your mind bitter at the pain Chris caused you but your heart ached for him; his voice, his kiss, his touch, his love. 
As you sat in the kitchen the next morning, picking at the leftover chinese and looking at the almost dead flowers that had been delivered the week before, you realised how much you missed him. You knew that everything felt different without him around but you were too rage blind to see what was right in front of you; Chris fighting for your relationship whilst you just basked in your misery.
And that, for the first time in two weeks, was why you decided to pick up the phone and ring him. He answered after only one ring. 
“Sweetheart.. Hi.” Your heart swelled at this voice, progress from the fact it made you shudder two weeks ago. 
“Chris. Um, sorry if I caught you at a bad time?” 
“Sweetheart, there is no bad time for you to call me. You’re my wife, I’ll always answer.”
“Okay, well, uh..”, you were so nervous, fiddling with your wedding band, “I was wondering if you would come round so we could talk?” You didn’t miss the hitch in his throat. You knew you had to be clear that you were not inviting him back to move home, but just to come round for a chat.
“Yeah, if that is what you want? I can come round right now if you'd like?" 
"Oh, um yeah, I guess that'd be okay?” Initially you thought you needed time to plan what you were going to say but maybe it was better that Chris came round now before you chickened out. Chris could clearly hear the uncertainty in your voice. 
“It doesn’t have to be now if you don’t want?” 
“No, sorry that’s fine. I just assumed you’d be busy.” What you didn’t know was that Chris hadn’t been at work since you had asked him for space two weeks ago, just sitting at Scott’s, waiting for your call. 
“Okay sweetheart, I won’t be long”, he hesitated before continuing, “I love you.”
You couldn’t say it back, not until you knew where you stood, not until you knew what you wanted to do about your marriage. 
“I know you do Chris.” 
 ♡ Part Three: Bewildered Heart
Forever Tags: @itsscottiesstark [Please drop me a message if you’d like to become part of the taglist for this series or any of my work] 
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latetheff · 3 years
Late - Chapter 1
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Turn Back Time
Chris Evans x Becky London Raiting: Mature Warnings: This is a grown up kind of story, people will make mistakes, do stupid shit and possibly treat each other in not the best way - if this is a problem for you, I advise you not to read. Other than that, I'll try to tag everything, if you see something that might be trigging and it's not tagged, please, let me know.
A/N: It would be great to read you opinion about this fic!
Is the past a happy place even when it is full of problems? Cause she’s not sure if it’s okay to want back so much a relationship that didn't even work. The short time they’ve been together is a confusing memory - everything was just too much. They had fun, they were absolutely delighted to be in each other's company and they clicked just so amazingly - the kiss, the hugs, the sex - it was just perfect. Everything but her jealousy. And her lack of communication skills. And the fact that she would lie and try to hurt him for hurting her - even if he wasn’t even aware of it. Yeah, she sucks pretty bad.
Becky learned very soon that things wouldn’t function between them. He’s prince charming in person and the only royal thing about her is the spoiled way she was raised. She didn’t consider herself an arrogant person, but she’s aware of all the things she should be able to do to be considered a competent adult and how far away from it she is. At first, she thought she would try and catch up, but the fact that he’s so independent and self-sufficient got her intimidated and she only knows how to fix her problems in a destructive defensive way. To be with him was an exercise in facing her own futility. She was certain the only reason for him to want her is her beauty, fame, intensity, cause she assumes she has nothing else to offer.
She’s talented - that’s something she believes in and the contracts and buzzing around her confirms it - so she puts all her energy into it. Since the break, all she did was work. Now when she looks back at the phone and sees his text, she feels tired like she’s been running and holding her breath for years, although it took only two corridors and an elevator ride. Entering the hotel room, she hurries to the bed, taking out her sandals in the way, and sits, hugging a pillow.
She knows she should have worked on all the things wrong that got her out of that relationship 7 years ago, but she didn’t! She ignored everything and now it won’t work again! Not that she expected to ever have another chance with him, but she should have done it for herself! Instead, she jumped into work and blocked any kind of relationship reflection. This is as close as being able to turn back time but can she do things differently when she hasn't grown or learned anything? Is the weight on her shoulder enough to make her better and actually deserve another chance? Well, here goes nothing.
Hi. - great, very eloquent, she thinks
Can I call you? - Call her? Becky can’t deal with hearing his voice when the words alone are driving her nuts.
No. - Damn, what can she say to avoid this call and keep texting? He didn’t text anything back after her negative, probably imagining she didn’t want to have any contact with him. The truth, Becky, go with the truth.
I want to talk to you. Really. I’m just not sure if I’m ready to hear your voice.
Fuck, I thought you wouldn’t want to talk at all. How are you?
I’m in New York, I have an interview tomorrow and will be filming a campaign in two days. How are you?
Filming in Europe...looking at pictures of you like a lost puppy.
I’m not sure, I miss you.
I miss you too. I’m so sorry, Chris.
I’m sorry, darling. I wish I could turn back time and make it alright.
It wasn't your fault. At all.
I know it’s too late but I really want to talk to you and see if maybe the good things are still there, you know?
I would really like that too.
Let me call you.
When he does, it’s a video call - not what she expected, but she accepts it anyway.
“Fuck, you look gorgeous” she hears him saying almost as if it’s a secret.
“You look tired” she whispers back, concerned about the weariness she can see in his eyes.
Chris gives her the most beautiful sarcastic smile before answering ”Thanks. It’s almost 4 am here, I couldn’t sleep.” He squinted his eyes trying to focus on a red stain on her pillow “Are you bleeding?"
“Oh, shit...yes.” Becky stands from the bed and hurries to the bathroom, taking the phone with her and placing it in front of the mirror as she gets her finger under the water, unaware of the way her dress is pulled to give him a view of her cleavage. “I cut my finger in a glass downstairs when you called and forgot to tend to it” the new information changes his attention away from the delicious curve of her breasts and all the flashbacks tempting him.
“What happened? Are you sure there’s no glass in it?” He asks worriedly, she can see his caring nature once again and it brings back a lot of good memories of the great guy he is.
“I was…” not sure if she should just say the truth and how she was about to fuck some essentially stranger; she looks down and closes the sink, toweling her hands “I want you back, Chris, but I don’t know if I deserve you.”
“Becky..” he tries to cut her but she keeps talking.
“No, that’s not true, I know I don’t. I wasn’t good to you back then and I didn’t work on my problems yet...You’re amazing, really, and I really do want you back, but I have to figure my mess out.”
“Darling, you talk as if you’re a monster. It didn’t work before but it doesn’t mean it was anyone’s fault...and anyway, we can talk and get everything straight. I really want to try again and if you want that too, the past doesn't matter much.”
She’s not sure if she agrees with his reasoning, but she wants to believe in it, in them. Smiling back at him, she gets the phone back and walks to the bed. “It’s been so long...we’ll have to get to know each other all over again.”
“I don’t mind that at all,” Chris tells her. “In fact, I look forward to it. Where are you living, darling?”
“I’m still with my parents...I mean, I’m never there so, it didn’t make sense to leave. You’re probably still in Mass, right?”
“Yep. New house, but yeah. I’ll be there in a month I guess...if it all goes well here. Are you able to visit?”
“I’ll make sure I am. You know this is one of the things I need to adjust in my life...I’m 32, I need to have my own house. I feel like I’m not even an adult, Chris...I don’t even drive! There you are trying to change the world and I can’t drive!”
He feels her getting anxious and the desire to hug her is so overwhelming that his eyes are filled with tears. “Babe, hey, it doesn’t matter. You’re 8 years younger than me. You have time to figure everything out and I’ll help if you let me. Don’t pressure yourself.”
“I miss you. One month you said?” she flirtatiously says.
“Yep,” he smiles, happy to know his feelings are being reciprocated. He tries hard but the yaws are not backing away anymore. She sees it and smiles softly at him, wishing she could be there to cuddle with him.
“Go to sleep, handsome. Call me tomorrow.”
“Yeah, I will. Hopefully this is not a dream.”
“Hopefully. I’ll wait for your call anyway.”
“Hey, I never asked where you were...you look really gorgeous.”
The call date was ending so well and this question will screw up everything. She wants him to go to sleep with a light heart and hope...not overthinking his decision of getting back together. So, she does one of the things that proves she’s not good enough for him. She lies.
“Photoshoot. I really need to take a bath and rest too. Good dreams, big guy.”
“Good night, babe.”
When they hung up, she threw herself back at the pillows - divided between opposite emotions - happiness for the new chance but disappointed with herself for ending the call with a lie. Old Becky says hi.
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harley-sunday · 4 years
Final Approach [01]
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Summary: Something’s different at Sandspit Airport when you return after some much needed time off. 
Pairing: Chris Evans x reader (f)
Warnings: Language
Word count: 3352
AN: This has been sitting in my drafts for a while now and I think I’m finally ok with putting it out there. You can blame my endless love for NGC’s ‘Air Crash Investigation’ (no crash involved here though!) and having worked in aviation for this. That it involves Chris Evans is somehow a given for me because he just seems to ‘fit’ the story.   For the observant reader - yes I already posted this a week ago, but I didn’t like the direction it was taking and so I changed some things around. You might want to reread :) 
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You stifle a yawn just as Deb appears at your table with the Cobb salad you ordered a couple of minutes earlier, earning you a kind smile from the older woman before she says something that you don’t quite catch. Like pretty much always, Mike, the bartender, has turned the music up way too loud and so you point to your ear before you shake your head to let Deb know you didn't get any of what she said.
"You work too hard," she says, her voice raised just enough for it to reach you over the outro of Bruce Springsteen's 'Born to Run', the look on her face nothing short of judgmental, her arms now crossed in front of her chest for good measure. When your parents moved back to the mainland a little over ten years ago, Deb promised them to take good care of you and so you’re used to this by now.
There's a lull in the music then, in which you assure her you're fine even though you know she doesn't believe you. You sit upright to appear more awake but the scowl doesn’t disappear and you know there’s nothing you can do to convince her otherwise. She’s right, of course she is, but you can’t let her know that, now can you? “Must be because I just had a couple of weeks off,” you try in a last ditch effort, “too much sleep, I guess.”
The way she nods lets you know she doesn't really believe you but that she'll let it go for now. It's at that moment Mike turns up the volume even more for Chumbawamba's 'Tubthumping' to let everyone know happy hour is about to begin. A loud cheer erupts inside Don Cherry’s Bar and so all you can do is smile in a way that you hope tells her there’s nothing to worry about.
Deb just winks and mouths, "Enjoy your meal!" She never could stay angry for too long.
Like every Friday night the bar is slowly filling up, most if not all of the patrons Prince Rupert locals who have known each other, and thus by default you, since pretty much the day they were born. The high table you're sat at is closest to the door and so all throughout your meal a chorus of, "Hey, how are ya?" and, "Good, how about yourself?" echoes around you as more and more people make their way inside.
There’s chatter all around you but you eat in silence, eager to finish your meal and head home. No happy hour for you tonight, you still need to unpack and get some laundry done before you get back to work on Monday.  
As if on cue Deb brings your bill the moment you push the plate away from you, because that’s how well she knows you. You hand her your card and while you wait for her to return it you grab your jacket off the back of your chair and put it on, pulling the zipper all the way up because you know it’s going to be cold outside. They’ve predicted some snow over the weekend, which is unusual on the island, but there has been a chill in the air that tells you the forecast might be right.
Deb hands you your card and the receipt back with a smile and tells you to enjoy your weekend.
You’re about to tell her you will, but she’s already rushing off to another table and so instead you wave to Mike who winks at you from behind the bar. You greet a few other people on your way out and nod to the guy who’s holding the door open for you, who you recognize as someone you went to Kindergarten with.
It’s dark outside even though it’s still early, but that’s how it is this time of year. You hurry towards your car, hands deep in your pockets and shoulders up high, trying as much as possible to shield yourself from the cold. It’s not much better inside though and you’re quick to start the car so you can at least get the heater going. It takes you a few tries to get the engine running, but your car is old and always acts up when the temperatures drop below forty degrees and so you are not too worried.
That is until you’re almost halfway home and all of a sudden there’s a weird shudder that runs through your car before the ‘check engine’ light comes on. Before you even have a chance to react everything shuts off and you come to a complete standstill on the middle of the road. 
Sixth Avenue isn’t a particularly busy street, day or night, and there are street lights on either side, but you still turn on your hazard lights, relieved to see they at least still work. With a sigh you get out and kick the front tire for good measure before you realize you’re going to have to push your car off the road until it can get towed. Leaning back in you put it in neutral and grab a hold of the steering wheel before you try to push it to get it moving. 
It won’t budge.
Fine. It’s fine. You’ll just leave it here for now and call Burt to come pick it up. His tow trucking service’s only a few miles away so it shouldn’t take too long. You take your phone out of your back pocket and push the home button only to see the screen light up with a battery warning. Of course. Unlocking your phone proves to be too much and so that dies on you too then. 
It takes everything you have not to scream in frustration and so you aren’t really paying attention to what’s going on around you.
“You ok?” 
The voice comes out of nowhere and scares the shit out of you and so you can’t help but curse, “Jesus!”
“I’m sorry,” he takes a step back, hands up to show you he means no harm, “I’m sorry. I just wanted to see if you were alright and if you need any help.“
“Well, you scared the shit out of me,” you say even though, in all honesty, you’re glad there’s someone kind enough to come up to you. You take him in and realize you don’t know him, which is weird, because over here there really are no strangers. It’s hard to get a good look at his face though, because he’s wearing a baseball cap that’s pulled low over his eyes, the logo on it not one you recognize. It’s then you notice a dog sitting next to him, patiently waiting for whatever comes next. 
You’re about to ask him if he’s new here but then he interrupts your thoughts, “But you’re alright?”
“I’m fine,” you assure him. You motion towards your car then, “This thing though, not so much. And my phone’s dead, so you know, double the fun.”
He chuckles, “What’s wrong with it?”
“I think it’s the battery. I mean, you get an iPhone and you would think that by now they would have figured out how to make the battery last longer than one day, but no-“
“I was talking about the car,” he interrupts you and laughs, “but if you want to talk shit about Apple products for a little longer, please, be my guest.”
You smile and shrug, “It’s an old car, who knows what’s wrong with it? Maybe you could have a look?”
He puts his hands in his pockets and kicks the gravel at his feet, not looking at you now, “I’m not really that great with cars.”
You snort, “So much for helping a lady out.” 
“Hey,” he crosses his arms in a defensive manner, but smiles anyway, “at least I have a cell phone that’s fully charged, thank you very much.”
You throw him a wink, “That’s the one thing you have going for you at this moment.”
“Listen, why don’t I call someone for you and I’ll wait here until they arrive?”
“That’s really not necessary,” you hold up your hands when you see his eyebrows knit together in confusion, “I mean the call, yes, please, but really, you don’t have to wait here with me. I’ll be fine.”
“You sure?” He doesn’t sound convinced. “Let me at least call first to see how long it’ll take.” 
“Fine.” You give him Burt’s number and listen as he tells him where you’re at and what’s going on while you take a step closer to pet his dog, his tail wagging when you scratch him behind his ears. You can’t hear what’s being said on the other end, but he ends the call with a “Thank you,” shortly after.
‘He’ll be here in five,”
“See,” you nod, “I’ll be fine.” 
“Well, if you’re sure,”
“I am.” It’s not that you don’t want him to stay, it’s just that you don’t want to hold him here on a Friday night, you’re sure he’s got other things to do. You smile at him, “Thanks for your help though.”
He lets out a low whistle that has his dog jump to its feet, “No worries.”  
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You’re quietly singing along to the song that’s been stuck in your head since the moment you got up this morning when a flicker of light on your left draws your attention. A quick glance over your shoulder and out of the window has you smiling, the reflection of the sun in the water of Mathers Lake bouncing around beautifully, like a welcome back sign from Louise Island. All around the lake there are flecks of orange and yellow, surrounded by fir trees that stay a dark shade of lush green all-year round.
Seeing Mathers Lake lets you know you’re almost at your destination and so you hit the switch to transmit the call to let Joanne know you’re on your way, “Sandspit Tower, this is PASCO seven five, fifteen miles out south, requesting inbound.”
“PASCO seven five, report over channel three for runway one left.”
You’re about to respond, almost absentmindedly, like you’ve done a hundred times before, but then you realize something’s off. It takes you a moment to realize what it is. Because unless Joanne’s voice suddenly dropped a few octaves, there’s someone else in the tower. Panic hits you almost instantly, knowing Joanne would never give up her seat out of free will. Hell, she tends to joke she’ll be at Sandspit until the days she- Oh shit.
“PASCO seven five?” The unfamiliar voice returns. “Report over channel three for runway one left.”
“Who the hell are you and what did you do to Joanne?” It comes out more like an accusation and less like the question you intended it to be, but you’re freaking out just a little bit because why isn’t Jo answering your call? Jesus, you were only gone four weeks.
“PASCO seven five, please confirm.”
There’s a lot more authority in his voice and it sets you on edge almost immediately. This can’t be a good sign. Right? You let out a frustrated sigh with the mic still open before you respond, “Sandspit Tower, PASCO seven five, reporting over channel three for runway one left.” Then, as an afterthought, “You still owe me an explanation though.”
“PASCO seven five,” there’s a hint of irritation seeping through now, “do I need to remind you of protocol?”
You roll your eyes even though he can’t see you, but also because you know he’s right. You’ve broken just about every aviation protocol there is, but things like that never really mattered at Sandspit Airport, not until now anyway. Apparently whoever took over from Joanne is a stickler for the rules. Cursing quietly, you switch to channel three even though he’ll still be the one taking your call because Sandspit Airport isn’t big enough for Tower and Ground to be separate departments. And because you’re still a little upset and want to stick it to him, you put on the voice you only ever use at Bella Coola airport, where the woman working at ATC is an absolute bitch, “Sandspit Ground, PASCO seven five, requesting inbound on runway one left, if it so pleases you.” Then in a sing-song voice, “Thank you.”
The reply comes almost immediately and is as unfazed as it was before, “PASCO seven five, enter right for runway.”
Shaking your head ever so slightly you try to regain your focus - you have an airplane to land, after all. You’ll figure out what happened to Jo once you’re on the ground, you decide, before you sit up in your seat and relay the latest information, “Sandspit Ground, PASCO seven five, entering right for runway. Seven miles out.”
You’ve just started the checklist needed before you can start your descent when his voice returns, a little kinder now, “Joanne retired two weeks ago, by the way.” 
“I’m sorry, what?” Any concern for protocol has disappeared, knowing full well things aren’t as strict once you’re on Ground frequency. At least that doesn’t seem to have changed.
“She didn’t tell you?”
“No,” you shake your head even though no one can see you, “no, she did not.”
“I’m sorry.”
Realizing how defeated you must have sounded, you clear your throat before you continue, “Sandspit Ground, PASCO seven five, four miles out, please stand by.” You end the call and try to clear your head, knowing you need to focus on the task at hand. No matter how small the plane, taking off and landing are where most fatal errors happen and so there’s no room for distraction. But the checklist isn’t long and everything is as it should be and so you call back not much later, “Sandspit Ground, ready for final approach, please advise.”
“PASCO seven five, confirmed on runway one left.”
Even though Joanne won’t be there to greet you, you can’t help but smile when you see the Sandspit Air Traffic Control Tower in front of you, the two runways of the small airport looking as pristine as ever, no doubt thanks to Joe’s commitment to the place and his new sweeper. “Sandspit Ground, PASCO seven five, ready for touchdown on runway one left.”
“PASCO seven five, landing confirmed. Please taxi via Delta over to parking nineteen, one-niner.”
You scoff, pretty sure you heard the hint of a snicker coming through over the radio, “All the way in the back? Really?”
“Protocol, PASCO seven five," he replies almost instantly, but he doesn't sound all that serious.
“Fine,” you mutter before repeating, “Sandspit Ground, PASCO seven five, parking one-niner, taxi via Delta confirmed.” You lean forward in your seat a little as you fly past the tower, trying to catch a glimpse of this mysterious new air traffic controller. No such luck of course, because the mirrored windows only show the reflection of your plane. 
Almost there, you think to yourself then, as you take a deep breath that you hold in until you feel your wheels hit the tarmac and you get to add another successful flight to your record. Superstitious? Maybe. But you’d rather be safe than sorry.
“Nice landing, PASCO seven five,” he compliments once you’ve touched down. “Dave will be your valet for today. Please standby.”
“At least Dave’s still here,” you joke quietly. “PASCO seven five, standing by.”
Your smile only grows wider when you see Dave guiding you onto your parking spot, because like Jo he’s been at Sandspit for as long as you can remember. Once you’re in the right place you kill your engine and wait for the propeller to slow down somewhat before you open your door and jump down onto the tarmac, “Hi Dave!”
“Hey kid, how have you been?” He gently slaps your shoulder, always considering you one of the guys albeit being a little less rough with you. Which you appreciate. “How was your holiday?”
“Good, good,” you reply while you take off your sunglasses and put them in the pocket of your jacket.
“Yeah, it was nice to be away for a while,” you admit easily.
Dave nods understandingly, “Sort of like a fresh start, eh?”
‘I guess it was,” you agree, although you don’t really want to talk about it. Not now. And so you change the subject rather abruptly, “But what’s this I hear about Jo retiring?”
“Well, you know she was long overdue anyway,” Dave explains as he opens your cargo door, “and then Roger had some troubles with his heart a couple of weeks back, right after you left, and I guess she decided enough was enough, ya know?”
“Hmm,” you respond absentmindedly, trying to figure out if you have time to go see Joanne and Roger soon, a little disappointed when you realize it won’t be for at least another couple of weeks. “Roger’s ok now, though?”
“Sure is,” he says with a wink, “they’re tough, those two.”
“Just like you,” you offer kindly, even though you absolutely mean it. Dave is one of the most dedicated ground crew out there and always ready to give you a hand even though you’ve told him many times already you’re more than capable to handle your own. Something Dave somehow never seems to remember.
“Oh stop it,” he grins, as he reaches into the cargo hold and grabs the first bag of mail, “you’re making me blush.”
“So…” you draw out, “who’s the guy replacing Jo?” You take the bag from him and place it on the back of his truck, “Sucker for protocol or what?”
“He’s not that bad,” Dave offers, “came in right after Jo left, from somewhere on the east coast I think. We still busy teaching him how things work around here.” He laughs then, “Don’t worry, kid, Joe and I will have him whipped into shape for you in no time.”
“Ah, thanks Dave,” you reply as you take another bag from him, “I knew I could count on you.”
“You know I got your back, kid.” He turns to you then and nods to his truck, “Let’s get some coffee before we load you up for your trip back, eh?”
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Enjoying a cup of freshly brewed coffee you listen to Dave as he brings you up to date to the latest news and gossip at Sandspit Airport. Turns out none of the crew particularly liked the guy they sent in to replace you while you were on holiday, and once you learn it’s Chad Dave’s talking about you can’t help but agree. The guy’s a dick.  
“Alright, kid,” Dave grunts as he gets up out of his chair after putting his now empty cup down on the table, “let’s get you loaded.”
There’s just one mail bag to take with you this time and some empty crates you know have to go back to Vancouver Airport eventually, and so loading only takes a couple of minutes. Before you know it you’re back in your seat, calling the tower once you’ve filled out the departure forms, “Sandspit Tower, PASCO seven five, at parking nineteen, one-niner, ready for departure.”
There’s no immediate reply but you decide to give him a couple of minutes, after all you’re not really in a rush. Plus, you figure, he might be occupied with some of the sightseeing planes that always circle the island in the afternoon and so you busy yourself with the weather forecast instead.
He comes on not much later, sounding a little out of breath as though he has been running, “PASCO seven five, hold short for runway two right via Charlie.”
You decide to ignore the probability of having caught him on a bathroom break and instead confirm, “Sandspit Tower, PASCO seven five, holding short for runway two right via Charlie.” As you line up at the runway you glance at the tower again, but of course there’s nothing to see from the ground and so you shrug and call him instead, “Sandspit Tower, PASCO seven five, ready for takeoff.”
“PASCO seven five, fly straight out until advised, runway two right, cleared for takeoff.”
“Sandspit Tower, PASCO seven five, taking off, flying straight out.” You open the throttle and build up speed as you move along the runway until finally there’s liftoff and you’re steadily climbing higher and higher. Some people ask if it never gets old, flying from one small airport to the other, the flights only three and a half hours at most, but you always assure them that even after seven years you still get as excited to get airborne as you did the first time.
“PASCO seven five,” he says, his breathing back to normal, “turn at your discretion.”
“Sandspit Tower, PASCO seven five, will turn at my discretion.” Then, because there’s no need to blame him for Jo’s departure and it’s always nice to be on good terms with ATC, “See you on Thursday.”
“Safe travels,” he responds and you swear you hear a hint of a smile.
“Sandspit Tower,” you scold, already starting to laugh at your own joke, “do I need to remind you of protocol?”
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miguel-manbemel · 4 years
Aspects & Fanfics Ep. 44: Beware the Paladin Part 4: The Gift from the Core
Here comes another part of this five-part story on this fic inspired on Sanders Sides by Thomas Sanders, Joan S. and the Foster Dawg Team. I hope that you’re still enjoying this story and see ya in two weeks with the finale of Beware the Paladin.
SYNOPSIS: Patton tries to get in touch with the Mind Palace Core to find a way to cure Janus and wake him up, and this way being able to restore Thomas’ connection with his Sides. Meanwhile Virgil and Roman try to fix their relationship, very damaged by the Paladin’s words.
WARNINGS: Slight, implied innuendo references, mentions to divorce and breakups.
[Joan arrives to their home. Talyn is there]
TALYN: Joan? What are you doing here? I thought you were staying with Thomas this week.
JOAN: I am, Talyn, but the truth is I’m gonna need you to come with me, at least today.
TALYN: What? Why? Is something wrong with Thomas?
JOAN: To an extent, it is. Don’t worry, it’s not too serious, but Thomas needs you.
TALYN: Okay, I’ll help in any way I can… but I’m gonna need you to give me a moment to get dressed and put a basic makeup on. I’m not getting out of the house like this.
JOAN: Okay, it’s on me, I should have phoned you in advance so that you would get ready. Don’t worry, it’s not a strict emergency, but please, don’t take too long. I don’t want to leave Thomas alone for too long, at least for this week.
TALYN: [going to their room while Joan waits on the living room] Why don’t you bring me up to date about what has happened while I’m getting ready?
JOAN: Sure. You see, as you know, I went to the hospital to get Thomas and lift him home. After two weeks of treatment, he’s totally recovered from his bipolar disorder crisis. He was so happy, so lively, with such an excellent mood… Until he tried to summon his Sides and discovered he couldn’t anymore. Not only that. When I summoned them, because I still can, he couldn’t see or hear them and they couldn’t physically touch him, as if they were ghosts.
TALYN: [from their room] Wow… that must have been a shock for him.
JOAN: It was, for him and for the Sides too. Logan thinks it’s because of the medication, which has disturbed Thomas’ brainwaves and weakened the connection. I had the idea, and Logan confirmed that it could work, that you could try to hypnotize us both again to reestablish that connection by synchronizing Thomas’ current brainwaves with mine. That’s why I came here to fetch you.
TALYN: Oh, of course, I’ll be happy to help. I’ll do it as soon as when we get there.
JOAN: I hope you can, because, you see, there’s another part of the story. Two weeks ago, as I told you back then, when the Paladin was on the loose, he attacked Janus and hit him on the head with his heavy sword, causing him a traumatic brain injury. The point is he has been unconscious ever since, and without him awaken we can’t perform the hypnosis, because all Sides must be in autopilot when we do it. I’m sure you remember what happened when they weren’t.
TALYN: Oh… I see… Is there anything we can do to help?
JOAN: We can’t, but Patton has stepped in to help. Logan suggested that only Patton, as a former Master Side, can help Janus wake up. He’s going to go to the Mind Palace Core to try to get in touch with the Core itself so it can give him a solution. He’s probably doing it right at this moment. The problem is that it’s too dangerous. The Core is in many ways like a black hole, it can absorb Sides and destroy them. Patton is literally risking his life to save Janus’.
TALYN: Goodness, I hope he’s all right…
JOAN: Me too, Talyn… Okay, I brought you up to date. Are you ready yet?
TALYN: Almost ready. Just give me a second to retouch my eyebrows and we’re good to go.
JOAN: Good, because if Patton is successful, Thomas will need us there. I really hope he’s successful, for Patton’s sake, but also for Janus’ and Thomas’ sake. I fear what will become of Thomas if he can’t make contact with his Sides anymore.
[Talyn gets out of their room]
TALYN: Okay, I’m ready.
JOAN: Good, let’s go then.
[Joan and Talyn get out of the house and into the car]
[intro sequence]
[Patton rises up in the Mind Palace Center. It’s exactly as they left it when Chris’ rescue was over months ago. Chris’ arrow that hit the Dark Master is even still on the floor, full of dust]
PATTON: Gosh, does no one clean this place, ever? This is gonna be the center… of criticism… Okay, Patton, that was really awful. You know that when you’re so distressed your jokes are horrible, so stop making bad jokes no one’s gonna hear… There’s the Core. As bright as always… [shows a face of fear] as dangerous as always… [takes a deep breath] but it’s our only hope now, so please, Core, have mercy on us, and especially on me right now. First, I’m gonna need to secure myself so that I don’t get absorbed if I get too close.
[Patton summons a rope tied to a stake firmly stuck into the floor. Then he ties the rope firmly around his wrist. He unties his cat onesie and throws it behind him]
PATTON: I wouldn’t forgive myself if the onesie got untied and absorbed by the Core, it was given to me by Logan, it’s too much valuable for me. If something happened to me… I want him to keep that garment, so that he can remember me and how much he meant to me… Don’t be so fatalist, Patton, you’re gonna see Logan again in no time, you’ll see… Okay, this should do it. I summoned the stake at least a couple of meters into the ground, which will leave a huge dent on the floor. That’s not a very nice way of treating this sanctuary, but no one’s gonna complain anyway. Sort of, I’m the only Master left out of the Core right now, even if I’m not a Master anymore, so in a way this place is mine now, and besides, I’m positive the only Master inside the Core whose opinion I care about would certainly approve. I hope the rope is strong enough and the stake can hold on in place. My life depends on it… [sighs, then looks at the Core in fear, his whole body is slightly shaking] I’m so scared… this could be my final moment in the Mind Palace… but I have to do this, for Janus, for Thomas… Enough overthinking, Patton. It’s now or never. Let’s go.
[Patton starts walking towards the Core. When he approaches it, he starts feeling a force pulling from him. The rope seems to be strong enough, though, so he keeps on walking. Soon, he’s levitating on the air, tied to the rope which gets tense, as tense as Patton’s gesture]
PATTON: Please, don’t break, rope… I think I’m close enough, though, I can feel all sorts of feelings from inside the Core. I’ll try to enter in communication with these feelings and maybe I’ll receive an answer.
[Patton closes his eyes and concentrates, still levitating, tied to the rope, some brightness glows out of the Core as bright translucent flames that reach Patton. When the translucent flames touch Patton, he starts smiling and nodding, as if he was having a conversation without words, and a bright light-blue aura that starts surrounding him gets in contact with the brightness from the Core. Meanwhile, in Roman’s room, Virgil enters Roman’s bedroom. Roman is in bed there and looks at Virgil]
ROMAN: Hi, my love… How is Thomas doing?
VIRGIL: [cold voice] Fine, I guess… How are you feeling now, Roman?
ROMAN: I’m almost okay now. It’s been bad days, but now that the symptoms are almost gone, I think I’m ready to get out of bed and start a normal life again. Thanks for asking.
VIRGIL: [same cold voice, avoiding eye contact] That’s nice…
[Virgil gets silent. Roman looks at him]
ROMAN: Anyway… How are you doing now, Virgil? Since you moved to the guest bedroom after Patton left to take care of Logan, I barely see you each day, only at meals and you barely share a couple of words with me. This is the longest conversation we’ve had in two weeks.
VIRGIL: Do you even care how I am doing, anyway? I’m okay, I guess…
ROMAN: Virgil, please, we need to talk this out. This dynamic that we have established is unhealthy. At least it’s very hard for me.
VIRGIL: This wasn’t easy for me either. But… I wasn’t ready to face you yet. The Paladin’s words still dance in my head each and every minute, even in my sleep.
ROMAN: I have apologized to you a thousand times already to no avail. Isn’t there any way for you to forgive me?
VIRGIL: “Sorry” isn’t always the magic word that solves each and any issue, Roman. I know you probably are sorry, but that’s not enough to magically fix all of this. Apologizing doesn’t change the facts, nor does it change the pain you made me go through… or the disappointment I feel every time I look at you in the eye. Being close to you… has hurt me these past few days, that’s why I’ve been avoiding you. And I didn’t see a way to stop the pain other than staying away from you.
ROMAN: [both scared and sad] Are you saying that… you want to break up with me?
[Virgil looks at Roman right in the eye for the first time, with a sad face of longing]
VIRGIL: No, I’m not saying that… I have wanted to avoid you… but at the same time I didn’t wanna leave your side and I worried about you and your safety each minute I was away from you. I wanted to avoid you to stop the pain, but at the same time avoiding you caused me more pain, cause I longed for you, so I accomplished nothing. I have thought about that question you’ve just asked, Roman, if I wanted to break up with you. I’ve had plenty of time to meditate about it and every time I always reached the same conclusion: I still wanna fight for our relationship and for our family. I want to believe that there is still a chance for us to go through this crisis and emerge stronger as a couple. I think the only way to stop the pain is by working it out, together, and I’m willing to try if you are. I still love you, Roman.
ROMAN: And I love you too, Virgil, and if you give me the chance to prove to you that my love for you is real, I swear I won’t throw it away.
VIRGIL: One part of me is yelling at me to let you go… but my heart wants me to seek refuge in your arms and never leave your shielding comfort… [looks at Roman with a glance of sadness and overwhelming love at the same time] I guess I’m my father’s son… my heart’s voice is stronger. I love you too much to give you up... maybe I’m bound to love you all of my life, even in spite of myself.
ROMAN: I swear I’ll requite that love as you deserve, Virgil. I’ll make myself worthy of your love for me, I promise. And I also need you in my arms, Virgil. You have no idea how much. Come here, my love.
[Virgil approaches Roman and they both hug and kiss. Meanwhile, Remus, Logan and Ian are still waiting next to Janus’ bed]
LOGAN: He’s taking too long. I’m so worried.
REMUS: Relax, Log, I’m sure Patton will be all right.
LOGAN: I can’t relax, Remus. At this very moment, he could be gone already, and we would never know for certain, because we can’t follow him. I’m so scared for his safety.
IAN: You love Patton very much, don’t you, Logan?
LOGAN: He taught me the real value of feelings, Ian. He taught me the only thing I couldn’t learn myself from my Library, that love is the real force that moves everything, stronger than any other force in the natural world, and worth to fight for more than anything else in life. How could I not love him when it was him who taught me how to love?
IAN: That’s so sweet…
REMUS: A little sappy, but I like sappy sometimes. I understand you, Logan, and I hope that Patton returns, [looking at the unconscious Janus] for both our sake.
LOGAN: I really hope he returns and also that his trip is worth the risk and Janus can be saved too.
REMUS: Thanks, Teach.
[At that moment, Patton appears from the ceiling, landing on the floor in front of Logan. Logan looks at Patton. For a second, he doesn’t react, then his face lightens up and he sports a wide smile, then he hugs Patton]
LOGAN: [happy] Patton, you’re back!
PATTON: Of course I’m back! I would never leave you!
[Logan releases Patton, then Patton summons a green leaf and gives it to Logan, who looks at it, confused]
LOGAN: Uh… what’s this? Something given to you by the Core? I know! We must make an infusion with this leaf, then give it to Janus to drink, or we give a massage on the head with it and he’ll wake up, right?
PATTON: No, Logan. You didn’t let me finish my sentence. I would never leave you. Instead, I just did leaf you… [smiles widely while doing the badoom-tish gesture with his hands]
[Logan is confused for a couple of seconds, then he realizes it’s only one of Patton’s puns and frowns at him]
LOGAN: Why did I marry you, again?
PATTON: [smirks] Because I taught you the real value of feelings and that love is the real force that moves everything, and I also because I taught you how to love, Logan.
LOGAN: You were listening?
PATTON: Not quite. I heard it from the Core. It can see the past and the present of this Mind Palace and it can even go a little bit into the future, and it showed me you would say that at some point in the near future from mine. Did you say it already?
LOGAN: Yeah, I just did… [sighs] And you’re right, I do love you because of that… even in punitive moments like this against all of… me…
PATTON: [smirks] Pun-itive, I see what you did there.
LOGAN: [clears his throat] Patton, let’s get serious. So you got to the Core, right?
PATTON: Yes, I did.
REMUS: And did you get anything useful for Janus?
PATTON: Yes. As I said, I entered in communion with the Core. I almost spoke to it. Well, I did speak to it, without words, but I did. It was the most wonderful feeling I have ever experienced. The Core approved of my intentions, considering them noble and wanted to help me fulfill my purpose. So, the Core gifted me a new ability I’m gonna use right now to help Janus.
IAN: A new ability? What do you mean, Patton?
PATTON: Step aside, let me get closer to Janus.
REMUS: Okay…
[Everyone steps aside and Patton approaches Janus. He puts his hand on Janus’ forehead, then closes his eyes. A light blue aura starts glowing around Patton, and it extends to Janus. The others watch the scene, stunned. After a few seconds, color returns to Janus’ face, then he opens his eyes and the aura disappears]
JANUS: What… what has happened? Where am I? And I know this is not a cliche thing to say in this situation, like, at all.
REMUS: [happy] Janus! You woke up!
[Remus hugs Janus. Janus hugs him back, still confused]
JANUS: I’m totally aware of what’s going on… glad to be back, I guess.
LOGAN: You’ve been knocked out for two weeks. Remus and Ian have been taking care of you all this time.
JANUS: Two weeks!? Oh, now I remember… the Paladin suddenly got in front of me, he hit me hard with his sword… and then, after a split second of a huge headache, everything went black and I lost notion of time. Then, in the darkness I saw a light-blue source of light, and a strange sweet music calling from inside, asking me to get there… and I did… and then I opened my eyes just now.
REMUS: It was Patton. Patton brought you back to life. [Remus hugs Patton] Thank you so much, Patton!
PATTON: It was my pleasure, kiddo. Glad to be able to help.
JANUS: So that light… was you, Patton? How? Wha…? Thank you, Patton. I don’t understand how you did it, but thank you for saving my life.
IAN: We’ll explain in time. Now it is important that, when Joan gives us the signal, we all enter in autopilot. We have to resynchronize Thomas’ brainwaves because he’s lost contact with us and we gotta fix that.
JANUS: Seems there has been a lot going on around here while I was gone. What else did I miss?
IAN: Okay, guys, while you bring him up to date, I’ll go alert the others to be ready. See ya in a moment.
[Ian sinks down, then rises up in Roman’s room, in the living room. Chris is there]
CHRIS: Hi, Ian.
IAN: Hi, Chris, I got good news. Janus has woken up.
CHRIS: [happy] Really? That’s so cool! Is he okay?
IAN: Yes, he’s okay, thanks to Patton, and he’s ready to enter autopilot when Joan gives us the signal. Where are your parents?
CHRIS: Upstairs. I think they’re finally having a good conversation after weeks.
IAN: That’s good to know. The Paladin’s words affected Virgil very much.
CHRIS: Yeah, I know. I had never seen him like that. He’s been so distant of my father… even of me. I even thought that, as soon as father got better, dad was going to ask him for the divorce. I guess he changed his mind, cause when I came around their door to ask what they wanted for dinner, I heard them muffled-giggling and saying loving things to each other. As they usually do after an argument, they took the saying “kiss and makeup” literally, if you know what I mean, so I decided not to disturb them.
IAN: Well, we gotta warn them that they must be in autopilot too…
CHRIS: Oh, don’t worry. I’m positive they’re already in autopilot.
IAN: All right, if you say so. Tell them the good news about Janus when you can, okay?
CHRIS: Okay, I will. Thanks for the warning Ian. Glad that Janus is okay.
IAN: You’re welcome. [sinks down]
CHRIS: Janus waking up, Thomas back to normal, my father almost recovered and my dad giving him another chance… it seems that things are starting to look up at last…
[suddenly there’s angry yelling coming from upstairs]
CHRIS: Perhaps I spoke too soon… What is going on up there? Dad! Father! What’s the matter!?
[the sound of the bedroom door slamming open upstairs is heard and Virgil rushes down the stairs. Roman follows him. Virgil is furious, Roman tries to calm him down]
ROMAN: I swear it wasn’t me who said that, and I swear it’s not true!
VIRGIL: Yeah, right! Of course it isn’t true! These words came out of your mouth, I remind you, and the last time the Paladin spoke through your lips, he was saying the truth!
ROMAN: This time, like the last time, he twisted the truth, Virgil! I swear!
CHRIS: Whoa! Whoa! Time up! What is going on here!?
VIRGIL: What is going on here? We were done making… things up, when suddenly the Paladin started speaking through your father’s mouth!
CHRIS: The Paladin? Again?
ROMAN: It was only a few seconds! And I quickly reined him in!
VIRGIL: But not before he said a devastating truth about me! Something that your father thinks for real about me!
CHRIS: And what truth is that if I might know?
VIRGIL: He blames me for your leg injury! He doesn’t believe I’m good enough to be your father and he thinks I’m a bad influence for you and you’re better off without me!
CHRIS: What? Father, is that what you think?
ROMAN: I don’t think that! Virgil, you’re good enough to be Chris’ father, I’ve always said that!
VIRGIL: But your thoughts are very different from your sayings! Admit it! Admit you were saying the truth!
ROMAN: I… I’ll only admit that I do believe that you’ve been a hinder in Chris’ development as a Side. And you have to admit it was true as it was you who said it first. But I also believe I’m not better than you on the matter, and I also believe you didn’t do it on purpose and you do your best to change for the better, and that’s what’s important to me! You have to believe me! The Paladin took my thoughts out of context and twisted them! Please, trust me!
VIRGIL: I can’t! I’ve tried, but I can’t trust you anymore! I don’t know when you’re being honest about your feelings towards me, or when you’re lying or hiding things from me! How much are you keeping to yourself about me that you don’t want me to know? Tell me! How much!?
ROMAN: Virgil, please, I swear whatever I avoid saying to you is not as bad as you think it is! Please, don’t be so para…!
[Roman covers his mouth. Virgil looks at Roman with a face of shock that leads to a face of anger and tears]
VIRGIL: Come on, say it! You think I’m a paranoid! At least this time you’ve said it in my face with your own free voice!
ROMAN: Virgil, I… I…
VIRGIL: [yelling] Save your excuses, Roman! I can’t… [makes a pause, fighting tears] I need to leave this room. I need to get away from you.
ROMAN: [horrified] What? Are you… breaking up with me?
VIRGIL: Maybe… Maybe not… I don’t know… I need to think, and I need to be alone to do so. Since now you’re strong enough to stand still, you don’t need my care anymore, so I’m going back to my own room right now.
ROMAN: [in despair] Virgil, please… don’t leave me! Not like this! Not because of this! I swear that I love you! And I know for certain that you love me! Can’t we talk this out like civilized people?
VIRGIL: Not now, Roman. Yes, I still love you to my despair, and I know that, despite it all, you love me, but… sometimes… love is not enough. I need some room to breathe and put my ideas in order. Please, if you love me, don’t go look for me.
ROMAN: [sighs] As you wish, Virgil…
CHRIS: Before you go… Ian has warned us that we must all enter autopilot when Joan gives us the signal, to restore Thomas’ connection with us.
VIRGIL: I understand… Don’t worry about that. I’m gonna stay in autopilot for a very long time. And I’m not ducking out altogether because I don’t want to put Thomas’ mental health at risk again, but right now… I just wanna be alone and not see anyone. Bye, Chris. Goodbye, Roman.
[Virgil sinks down. Roman looks at the empty space where he was standing. Then, tears start falling down his cheeks, and he starts sobbing heavily as if he was running out of air or as if he was on the verge of crying aloud. Chris hugs him]
CHRIS: Father, don’t worry, I’m sure that when his anger wears off, you’ll have your chance to talk to him more calmly. Now give him some time. I’m sure your mutual love will prevail eventually.
ROMAN: [sobbing] I hate the Paladin inside of me. He brings up every wrongdoing I’ve ever done, even in my mind, puts it out of context and uses it against me. I swear I don’t think that Virgil is harmful to you. I swear!
CHRIS: And I believe you, father.
[Suddenly, the sobbing stops abruptly and Roman starts getting sick]
CHRIS: Father? Father, what’s wrong with you!?
[Roman has to rush to the bathroom where he loudly vomits off-screen]
CHRIS: Father! What was that!? Are you okay?
[after some time, he gets out of the bathroom]
ROMAN: Yeah, I don’t know what’s happened to me… I suddenly got very sick and I couldn’t help myself… Perhaps it’s residual effects from the illness, or perhaps it’s because of the nervous breakdown I just had. I hope… because the last time someone vomited like this… But that couldn’t be, that’s impossible. It couldn’t be that… could it?
CHRIS: You lost me…
ROMAN: Never mind, I was talking to myself. It couldn’t be that… I hope…
[Chris stares at Roman with a face of confusion. Then Ian rises up]
IAN: Okay, guys, everything’s ready. Everyone enter autopilot now! Where is Virgil?
CHRIS: He’s in his room.
IAN: Is everything… okay? Roman, your eyes are red and your face is white as a ghost. What happened?
ROMAN: It’s okay, I’ll… I’ll be fine… it’s only a… a disagreement between Virgil and I, that’s all…
IAN: Okay, I’m lost, how could everything here change so radically in a matter of five literal minutes?
CHRIS: Don’t worry, uncle Ian, we’ll be fine… And Virgil is in autopilot too, so don’t worry about him either…
IAN: Okay, if you say so. But remember I’ll be there for anything you guys need, okay?
CHRIS: Thank you so much, Ian… Okay, you came for the autopilot, and autopilot you will get. Let’s hope everything goes right. Ready, father?
ROMAN: Ready.
CHRIS: Entering autopilot… now.
[end card]
[Talyn is about to wake Joan and Thomas up from their hypnosis, after Logan guided them on the synchronization like the last time]
TALYN: Three… two… one… Wake up!
[Talyn claps their hands and both Thomas and Joan wake up]
JOAN: Well? Do you think it worked?
THOMAS: There is only one way to find out… Logan, come here, please!
LOGAN: I’m already here, Thomas. Perhaps it didn’t…
THOMAS: No, it did, somehow, Logan, I can hear you! But I can’t see you… wait, what’s that…?
[Logan’s image starts appearing blurry in his spot, after a couple of seconds, he becomes completely sharp]
THOMAS: [happy] Now I can see you! It worked! I’m so happy to see you again, Logan!
LOGAN: [smiles] And I’m happy to know it worked, Thomas.
THOMAS: I got so scared for a second it wouldn’t have worked and everything today had been useless… It’s so good to see that now everything’s back to normal again, at least what I consider normal in my life. I know any other people would consider your absence as regaining normality, but… I don’t know if I would have coped to give up your company, guys, after having you in my life since forever.
LOGAN: Hearing those words feels… adequate, Thomas.
THOMAS: How is everybody doing? No, don’t tell me, I’ll call everyone so that they tell me themselves. Roman, Patton, Virgil, Janus, Remus, Chris, Ian! Everybody come here!
[all the Sides rise up except Virgil. Janus is already wearing his usual outfit and snake makeup, including a brand new bowler hat]
JANUS: Hi, Thomas. I’m not happy at all to see you. Just kidding.
THOMAS: Hi, Janus. Joan told me what you’ve been going through. Glad that you’re okay now.
JANUS: Thank you, Thomas. And look, Remus gifted me a brand new bowler hat.
REMUS: Of course I did, you couldn’t go around wearing that crushed bowler hat, could you? That’s more my thing, you know?
ROMAN: [with a smile] Hi, Thomas. I’m sorry for all the fuzz I’ve caused to you.
THOMAS: It… it wasn’t your fault, Roman. In fact, among all of us, you’re the one who has suffered the most from all of this, so it’s me who should apologize to you. You were the worst victim of this illness, which now I’ve got under control. Doctors said that if I keep my treatment and healthy habits, I’ll have a perfectly normal life. And if I’m healthy in the hopes and dreams department, so will you.
ROMAN: I’m happy for you, Thomas. Maybe it’s a little late for me, but I’m happy for you.
THOMAS: What do you mean? By the way, where is Virgil? He’s the only one who didn’t show up.
[Roman’s smile starts trembling. Soon he can no longer fight the tears and his act drops down completely. He turns around quickly and the others except Chris and Ian look at him in shock. Chris and Ian look at him in sadness]
THOMAS: Roman, what’s wrong?
CHRIS: Well, I guess you all would have found out sooner or later. You see… my parents are separating, at least for the time being. Virgil has returned to his own room and currently is in autopilot, as he doesn’t want to see anybody.
THOMAS: But what happened? I hope it’s not because of me.
CHRIS: No, don’t worry, it’s not your fault. It’s complicated, Thomas. For now, at least, it’s not definitive. Virgil hasn’t asked for the divorce yet, so technically they’re still married. It’s just that Virgil needs time to think alone, that’s all… Father, what’s the matter?
[They all look at Roman and they see him retching, still facing the wall. He quickly summons a huge bucket and vomits inside. Then he summons the bucket away and turns around, showing a sick face]
ROMAN: Ugh… I’m sorry, guys… I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Perhaps it’s residual effects of the illness, or maybe it’s the stress of my breakup with Virgil…
CHRIS: Father, you still haven’t really broken up. There may be a chance for you to fix things up. Dad still loves you, he admitted it. Your bond surely can’t be broken up so easily.
PATTON: I’ll have to talk to my son. Maybe I can help him on this.
ROMAN: If you could help him, Patton, I’d be very grateful.
PATTON: I’ll do my best, Roman. But if he decides to carry on with the break up, you know as his father, I’ll have to support him. I hope you understand.
ROMAN: I understand, Patton. As long as I don’t lose your friendship, I couldn’t bear it happening too…
PATTON: Of course you won’t, Roman! You will always be my friend, no matter what, and you’ll still be my son-in-law, even if not “legally”.
ROMAN: That means a lot to me, Patton, thank you.
PATTON: And now that I’m here with you, Chris, let me see that leg of yours.
CHRIS: What? My leg? Why?
JANUS: [smirks] Just wait and see, Chris. Let Patton work his new magic.
CHRIS: [confused] Okay…
[Patton touches Chris’ leg. A light blue glow appears around the leg and Chris looks at it, stunned, just as stunned as the others watching except the ones who were in Janus’ room earlier. A few seconds later, the glow disappears]
PATTON: Done. How do you feel now?
CHRIS: About what? Wait… my leg… it feels less weak and I no longer feel any pain when I rest on that foot… Why, I can stand on my foot normally! My leg is healed! Grandpa, how did you do that?
PATTON: It’s a gift from the Core, the same gift I used to heal Janus. I’m just grateful that I can use it for your benefit, kiddos.
CHRIS: [happy, summoning his crutches away] Thank you, grandpa! You’ve saved me months of recovery! I love you!
PATTON: Love ya back, grandson. I hope I can still help all of you in the future… [suddenly looking at Roman, scared] Roman! Look out!
[Suddenly, Roman seems to get dizzy. He loses balance and falls, but Chris and Patton grab him before he hits the floor]
CHRIS: Father, what gives!? This isn’t normal!
ROMAN: [shaking his head and regaining balance] I know… Suddenly my head started spinning… And I think I know what’s going on. I didn’t wanna believe it, especially after being with Virgil only one single time in the last couple of weeks, but, judging for what Virgil told me in the past that he felt, which is the same I’m feeling now, I guess it’s true…
CHRIS: What do you mean?
ROMAN: Vomiting, dizziness, this strange feeling in my tummy… Chris… I hope that you’re ready.
CHRIS: Ready? Ready… for what?
ROMAN: Have you ever imagined having a brother?
[there’s a short moment of silence]
EVERYBODY BUT ROMAN: [yelling at the same time] Whaaaaaaaaaaaat!??????
[a sign reads “To be concluded, guys, gals and non binary pals”]
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Title: Love, Maybe? {33}**
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Chris Evans X Reader OFC Vixen Giovanni
Warning: Cursing, Plot, Fluff, Angst, NSFW 😁
Word Count: 10.3K 😳
Summary: After a night of drunkenness you wake up next to warm, hot as hell body, a migraine and no memory of the night before. When you come to realize that the hot body belongs to none other than Hollywood’s golden boy Chris Evans you freak out. As events unfold you become even more panicked to find out you got married in your drunken haze. What else is there to do but get it annulled, right? Before walking away, you share one more night of molten kisses and passion. Three years later you are still living with the repercussions of your brash decisions, but the surprises don’t stop there. The past has a way of coming back and have you questioning is this fate that you’ve been running from, hell could it have been love, maybe?
Note: Y’all said 10.3K was not a problem. Prove it, let’s see how many of y’all read it all. LOL.  Hope you guys like it, you deserve it. 🙃😏
Italic texts is an inner Vixen thought. Bold Italic texts is an inner Chris thought.
**Slightly Edited/Proofread**
Thank you guys for reading!!!! If you enjoyed this please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG. 😊 ❤️  ❤️ ❤️
Chapter 33: Ready?
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  “Hello, earth to Vixen!”
  You shook your head and noticed your friends and Nexus staring at you. You’d zoned out—again. You’d lost track of how many times your mind drifted.
  “Hey, yeah.”
  “Hey, yeah? What the hell was that? where were you just now?”
  You shook your head and rubbed your forehead. “It was nothing. where were we?”
  They looked at you as if you’d grown a second head. “We were talking about how fine your baby daddy is,” Angie blurted out.
  “Oh boy, here we go.”
  “Yes, here we go. To think your disappearance act that night in Vegas was more than you being a workaholic choosing work over fun. You were off getting your back blow—wait, can he blow backs? He is white.” They all laughed, and you took the opportunity to take a long sip of your half and half iced tea lemonade. You really didn’t want to divulge any details about your sex life. You almost laughed because it had been years since you’d gotten any sort of blowing out of your back.
“You’re quiet. Oh my god, white boy can lay pipe Vixen?” Jia’s tone was full of shock, and it matched the bugged-out eyes of all your friends.
  “Why do you look so surprised? Have you guys heard the rumors about him over the years? I can pull them up right now,” Drea added as she took up her phone and scrolled.
  You were suddenly filled with dread as well as a strange level of curiosity. Over the years, you purposely stayed away from a lot of fodder that surrounded him. You couldn’t stay away from the movies and everything about that part of it, but anything personal you kept away from like the plague.
  “Okay, so for the last threeish years, he’s been a little quiet, but there have been girls. Jessie that was a fling that lasted a few months, but she told anyone that would listen about him being her ideal guy. She even talked about the sex said he was the best she’d ever had. Sarah, not much info on that one, but she’s pretty. There are rumors about a string of flings that he’s kept pretty low key, and one named Lita, they had been together most recent a few weeks ago,” she finished.
“Wow, he’s a whore.”
  “Every saint had a past, and every sinner has a future. I don’t think we should judge him based on tabloid fodder,” Nexus voiced. She looked at you, giving you a stern eye that said ignore it.
  “Saint, sinner, doesn’t matter to me. I am just trying to get some deets on how Captain America’s stroke game is,” Angie clarified.
  “Guys. It was years ago, who remembers that far back?”
  “If it were good dick, I’d remember it on my death bed and tell all you hoes about it,” Drea chimed.
  You shook your head and looked around the restaurant you were at. It screamed authentic Boston. It screamed lowkey but didn’t gimp on modern luxuries. The wooden tables looked like fine red cedar; the glass top roof gave the space an airy and warm glow thanks to the afternoon sun, and the scattered potted plants gave the restaurant great pops of color. Looking around at the faces of the diners you could tell they were enjoying the food as well as the ambiance of the place and that made you like it even more.
  You looked at them. You’d once again drifted off. Only this time, it wasn’t to thoughts of Chris it was to thoughts of a restaurateur. If it wasn’t one, it was the other.
  “Sorry I got lost. This place is great.”
  “Could you stay present and not drift off to work land?” You rolled your eyes at Joan. She should have been the one to get it; she was the one who’d gone to culinary school with you. She did the same thing all the time. That was one of the reasons you got along well; she knew what you were going through.
  “I would stay present if you all weren’t so damn nosy about what kind of dick game my kid’s father has,” you blurted out, the stress of everything was compressing on you.
  “Let’s get off the topic of dick,” Nexus suggested.
  “We will, she just has to admit one thing,” Angie began.
  “What Ang?”
  “You know and remember what kind of dick game he has.” You smiled though you tried not to. This wasn’t a smiling matter. You’d always worried about the day they found out who Ella’s dad was. You worried because you knew they would be like this.
  “Fine. I know and remember—kind of the kind of dick game he has. What I will not do is talk about it.”
  The four of them booed you while you and Nexus laughed. Your phone chimed in your bag, and you dug for it. Your first thought was something was wrong with Ella. This was the first time Chris was left with her. Your parents were close by, but for the most part Ella was his responsibility. When you looked at the screen you saw a message from Kassius.
  MSG Kassius: Second wave of publicity starts in a few days. The first batch of pictures we took will suffice for now, but soon we need to do reshoots to push that ASAP. When will you be back in LA?
MSG: A few more days. Four tops. I’m still dealing with a few things.
MSG Kassius: Okay. If it works, I can set up for you to get reshoots in Boston. The team can be out there in twenty-four hours and get it done in one afternoon.
MSG: Yeah, that actually can work. I don’t want to hold the timeline up anymore.
MSG Kassius: It’s fine, Vixen. We are right on schedule. The team has been doing excellent promo work, and I hear lots of whispers and interest in you. I think you are about to blast off fame wise.
  Your heart sunk a little. You hadn’t thought about fame when you decided on all of this. Fame was not what you were after. In San Francisco, you’d passed up on huge partnerships because the idea of fame was terrifying especially with Ella and your situation then. Now your situation was much more precarious. You didn’t know if fame was the best thing.
  MSG Kassius: I’ve been getting calls from the head bosses at Food Network.
  Again, your eyes bugged out.
  “Food Network? Holy shit!”
  MSG: Food Network? As in cooking shows Food Network?
MSG Kassius: Yeah. One of the executives saw you at Culinary Expo said you did a cooking segment and loved it. He says you have something. I wasn’t going to tell you until they requested a meet, but cat’s out the bag.
  You couldn’t believe your eyes. Someone at Food Network saw your segment at the expo and was now in talks for god knows what.
  MSG Kassius: I’ll let you know as soon as I hear anything about it. As for the team and the reshoots, how about the day after tomorrow?
MSG: Yeah, I’ll confirm before then.
MSG Kassius: All right, thank you. Get back to it.
  You were so stunned you weren’t even hearing your friends.
  “What is going on with you?”
  “That was Kassius, the guy I’m working with. He just told me there was an Executive from Food Network that was at the expo, and they saw my segment and liked it, so now there may be talks about something.”
  They all squealed and clapped bringing all the eyes in the restaurant to you. Your smile was so broad that it almost matched how big your embarrassment was. They swarmed you with hugs and congratulations and even more questions about what it meant. You had no answer. You didn’t know.
  After another hour at the restaurant, the six of you were now checking out the types of shopping the area had. You found a few things for Ella and thought about finding a new outfit, but you didn’t know how you’d explain it to them. You knew they wouldn’t just leave it as you wanting to get a new outfit, they would badger and press and be invasive, and you didn’t have any more mental space. You were processing a lot.
  In a few hours, you were going on a date with your daughter’s father, who happened to be your ex-husband. This date was happening years after you’d met, slept together, had a child together, and divorced. You wanted to laugh at the mere thought of your entire situation. You’d jumped over every step and went right to the endzone. Now it felt like you were backtracking to dot your I’s.
  You didn’t know what you were doing. You always knew what you were doing—always. You were in unchartered territory, and you knew it. Once you realized you were still attracted to him, you’d entered unchartered territory. You didn’t know precisely how to be or what to say. You just knew you had an overwhelming desire to jump his bones.
  Before you knew it, you and Nexus were at their hotel helping them pack up so they could get to the airport. As you watched them dance around and act ridiculous you were grateful for each of them. Yeah, they drove you absolutely bat shit crazy, and they were loud and often times hella uncensored to the point of embarrassment, but they had good hearts and were always there when you needed them. You were born with one sister, but you’d discovered four more.
  At the airport, the goodbye was short and sweet. You thought you’d get away without one of them giving their unwarranted advice, but you were wrong. Joan was the one to turn back to give you one last hug. It was a hug that lasted a little longer.
  “You have a beautiful brain that loves to overthink and loves to ignore and avoid. It’s part of your charm. You also have a beautiful heart; it’s big and kind and broken. You can’t live with a cold heart Vix. You can’t live by shutting people out and never letting anyone in. All you have to do is let the right one in.”
  When she pulled back and looked at you, there was an “ah-ha” moment between you. You knew she’d caught the nature of yours and Chris’ relationship, knew she’d picked up on whatever was drifting around the two of you whenever you were near each other. In the glance that lasted a few moments the two of you understood each other. She walked off to catch up to everyone else, and you and Nexus got into the car and headed back to the house.
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When you walked inside, you expected to see chaos, but it was all quiet. As you walked around the house looking for Chris and Ella every expectation was not met. You expected to see nothing but mess, hear nothing but screams or cries, but every turn you didn’t find that. You were met by more quiet and calm. When you got to the back you expected to see them in the pool, but they were not in the pool. You walked further into the yard and saw Chris and Anthony playing with Ella. Both of the masculine men were wearing brightly colored princess costumes. You and Nexus stopped in your tracks and looked at each other with your jaws dropped.
  Anthony wore a yellow Belle costume with full-on Burnett wig. He was sitting at table decked out with teacups, flowers, pastries, and a few other items.
  “What the hell--,” Nexus began.
  Chris was walking around the table dressed as Rapunzel, but the one from Tangled. He also wore a wig, but it was blond and ridiculously long, so long he had the braid wrapped around his arm. He was serving tea to Ella, who was dressed as Ariel but wore items of Tiana’s as well. From the distance you stood, all you could hear was the high pitched voices of Anthony and Chris as they chattered along with Ella. You looked to Nexus again, who had her phone out and was filming the entire thing. The smile on her face was huge.
  “I’m gonna marry him.”
  Your head snapped to her again. Nexus never brought up the “M” word. She always said she was not the marrying kind. This was a first, and you knew she meant it. You’d be surprised if their relationship didn’t lead there at some point. They were extraordinarily compatible and similar. Half of you marveled that after such little time someone could know something so important. It was as if their hearts recognized each other the minute they met, and everything was pulling them together. You almost laughed as the thought popped into your head that if you and Chris had done things differently then maybe Nex and Anthony may have already been married.
  The closer you got, the more you could hear.
  “Oh, princess Ariel Tiana, this tea is just delightful,” Chris informed in a high-pitched tone that you were sure was supposed to resemble a woman’s voice.
  “I have to agree with our dear friend Rapunzel, can I call you rap girl? Your name is so long,” Anthony responded in his own high-pitched voice. He was sitting to the side of the chair with one shoulder poked out ad his head angled up. It screamed attitude.
  “Of course, rap has a nice ring to it.
  “Thank you, sis,” Anthony finished.
  Ella nodded her head and took a sip from the cup.
  “Goo tea sis.”
  You and Nexus busted out laughing, unable to hold it any longer. The “sis” took you out. All eyes went to the two of you. It was then you noticed the two men had very badly done makeup on. Chris had pink and purple glittery eyeshadow on that matched the deep purple blush that was applied to the high points of his cheekbone and bright pink lipstick. It all went very well with the outfit he wore. Antony, on the other hand, had yellow eyeshadow on with bright red blush to his cheeks and the same bright red lipstick. It made you and Nexus laugh even harder.
  “Mama!” Ella ran over to you just as you stooped down to meet her and hug her. You then noticed her makeup. She had on glittery green eyeshadow with a peachish colored blush to her cheeks and soft pink lipstick. It wasn’t bad, though none of the colors looked good together.
  “Wow, princess. You look—wow.”
  “Who did this to you, Ella?” Ella pointed to Anthony who batted his eyelashes quickly.
  “I did a marvelous job,” he informed in the same high-pitched voice. Nexus smiled again. Ella led you to the table with your pinky in her hand. It gave you the chance to take in Chris’ outfit fully.
  “Tea too mama, tee-tee,” Ella ordered.
  “Yes, please do join us for a spot of tea,” Chris pressed. You smiled and sat down adjacent to him as Nexus sat next to Anthony.
  “My goodness, I feel like we’re underdressed for the occasion, Vix.”
  You snorted then pinched your lips.
  “I feel it too Nex.”
  “Fiddle-dee, we understand don’t we princess Ariel Tiana. Not everyone can be as fashionably amazing as we are,” Anthony quipped.
  Looking at Nexus’ face, you knew she was head over heels, no way of getting up in love with that man. Your eyes turned to Chris to find him already watching you. Your face heated, feeling a little self-conscious.
  “Tea sis.” Ella said again, holding out two cups, one to you and the other to Nexus. All of you busted out laughing at the same time.
  For the next thirty minutes, you enjoyed teatime. You watched Ella’s interactions with Chris and took notice of how perfect it all seemed. She didn’t hesitate to touch him or to smile at him, and he looked more comfortable as well. You loved watching them interact. It was quickly becoming your most favorite thing. Your eyes dropped to his lips, and you mentally corrected yourself.
  “Second favorite thing.”
  Soon you were sitting and watching Ella just twirl around the yard. She looked happy and carefree, and it warmed your heart.
  “What’re you thinking?” You looked to Chris, whose eyes were already on you.
  “Uh—nothing, just she looks so happy and carefree. I think she loves it here.”
  He smiled and nodded. “Well, she’s always welcome here. Her room is always prepped.”
  You looked down at the table and snorted. “Who did this to you?”
  “She did.” You examined his face again.
  “You don’t like it?” You laughed, then nodded.
  “I love it. The purple and glitter really bring out the blue in your eyes.”
  Chris nodded and then shook his head. “Go on laugh it up. If I were a less secure man I’d be very self-conscious right now.”
  “So you’re secure wearing the prettiest Rapunzel get up I’ve ever seen and makeup to match?”
  “Absolutely, my little girl wanted to play princess tea party costumes and all, and I was not going to disappoint.” You smiled again. He had no sense of toxic male masculinity, and it was yet another thing to like about him.
  “How was your day?”
  “It was good. Got some food, did a little shopping, and took my friends to the airport.”
  “Maybe I’ll get another opportunity to get to know them better. They seem like great women.”
  You nodded again and wondered if he always knew the right thing to say.
  “Da-da, come ance.”
  “Go, dance, and frolic in the grass princess Rapunzel,” you teased.
  “Don’t mind if I do,” Chris responded in his high-pitched woman’s voice as he got up and skipped over to Ella.
  “That is the worst woman’s voice I’ve ever heard, by the way.” Chris turned back and stuck his tongue out at you then began skipping and dancing with Ella.  You couldn’t handle watching any more, so you stood and walked back to the house. As you walked inside you saw Anthony and Nexus whispering and giggling together in the kitchen. She never giggled.
  Once you made it to your door, there was one single long stem lavender rose taped to the door. Your steps slowed as you got closer. Standing in front of the door, you took it and took a whiff. The fragrance was strong but soft all at once, and you couldn’t stop the smile that spread across your face. You bit your bottom lip and opened the door still lost in the flower. When you turned around you nearly dropped everything. There was a huge bouquet that housed pink, white and purple roses were wrapped around a few layers of soft white tulle lying across your bed.
 “Oh my god.”
 Slowly you walked to them. Each step felt like your legs were filled with lead. Once you made it to the side of your bed your fingers traced the tulle and then the delicate soft petals of the roses. They were beautiful.
  You perched on the edge of your bed, then bent to smell them and moaned. No matter how detached you were, you couldn’t ignore that flowers still gave you that warm and fuzzy feeling. You noticed you didn’t feel like this when Zack gave you flowers. You felt nothing then. That acknowledgment made your nerves rise.
  You saw the note sticking out from between two buds. Once you opened it, you read it’s contents.
 There was a conversation we had all those years ago that plays in my head often. I asked you what your favorite flowers were, and you said you didn’t have one, but you were a sucker for roses only if they weren’t red. You mentioned red roses were so typical and the only thing men ever thought to give. You said you liked the unconventional choice rather than the predictable one. That alone told me a lot about you. It said you preferred sincerity over intentional shows, you would rather a plain and simple expression over something fake and extravagant. You only needed the sentiment to be evident and real. I can do that. There are many ways to give you the world. I’ll see you at five at the gazebo.
  Your heart was racing. You began to wonder if he’d always been this charming. Thinking back to those years ago, you quickly found your answer. This had always been him. He’d just become more devastatingly so.
  “Oh dear god, I beg you help me keep my panties on tonight.”
 -That Night-
 You didn’t want anyone to know, neither of you did. You had an early dinner with your family, Chris and Anthony. Neither you or Chris ate or spoke; you were so wrapped up in your thoughts you just rolled it around your plate. Thankfully because of Anthony’s presence, you were not the topic of conversation; it was instead Anthony and Nexus. Then you allowed Chris to tuck Ella in while you began getting ready.
  You did and undid your hair more times than you could count and changed way more than you should have. It was annoying. You were never like this. By the time it was almost five you stared at yourself again and took a few deep breaths. With your shoes in your hand you walked out your room and downstairs, hoping no one saw you. Just as you were about to be home free you saw Anthony and Nexus cuddled up beside the pool. You froze and tried to think of another route. Before you could move Anthony was the one to see you. He smiled and nodded then fanned you along while he distracted Nexus. You scurried across the deck and then the backyard toward where the gazebo was.
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As you approached, you saw Chris standing there with his back to you. From behind he looked delicious. The closer you got, he must have felt your presence; he turned around and froze just watching you approach. You smiled, and the look on his face was like someone had kicked him in his gut.
  “Hi. Am I late?”
  Chris didn’t speak; he just stared at you for a long while. Then he shook his head as if he’d just zoned out or something.
  “Sorry, um—no, I think you’re right on time.” You smiled and watched him hold out another purple rose. Smiling, you took the flower.
  “Thank you; it’s beautiful. I love it, and the ones upstairs.” Chris smiled, and the two of you stood there, staring at each other. Chris cleared his throat and took a breath.
  “Shall we?” he motioned to two bikes, one blue and the other pink.
  “Are those bikes?”
  “They are. Tell me you remember how to ride.”
  “I’m willing to try to remember.”
  You shook your head at your dirty thought and smiled. “Sure. It’s been over ten years, at least.”
  “Same for me, but we’re not going too far, and the truck isn’t the best mode of transportation there.”
  You looked over yourself at the dress you wore then to the bike and shook off the worry. You were actually getting a little excited.
  “All right.” You approached the bike and dropped your heels in the basket then lifted your leg. “Don’t look.”
  Chris snorted and looked away and climbed on his bike. You sighed once you were finally on it.
  “All right, follow me.” Chris peddled off, and you followed close behind into the forest.
  As you rode, he pointed things out and teased you for the way you peddled trying to keep your legs together. The more he teased you, the more you got in touch with your tomboy self and pushed impropriety to the side and enjoyed the ride. You stood on the peddles and enjoyed the carefreeness you felt. After you’d been riding for about eight minutes, the house was no longer in sight. Chris went into a different part of the woods than you’d ever been and cautioned you to be careful.
  After another ten or so minutes, you pulled up beside a stopped Chris. “Why’d you stop?”
  “We’re here.” You looked where he was, and your jaw dropped.
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You’d made it to a lake, but it was not just any lake. There was a long walk path that was decked out with lanterns. It began at the shore and went out over the water for several feet. At the end of the way, there was a tiny cabin that was decked out It was decked out with twinkling tree lights that had it competing with the amazing backdrop of nothing but wilderness and the reflection of the lowering sun and the sky.
  “Oh my god.”  You pressed your palm to your stomach and tried to steady the butterflies that were rampantly causing havoc on your nerves. You didn’t know how long you stood there just frozen. A plethora of possibilities and outcomes ran through your mind.
  “Are you okay?” Chris’ voice brought you out of your head and back into the present. You looked at him, and for the first time you didn’t have any words. That was new for you. Staring in his eyes your mouth went dry, and you felt your body drift to him. Quickly you pulled back and cleared your throat.
  “Okay. This is where we leave these and go on foot.”
  “On foot? Down that?” You nudged your head to the steep dune before you.
  “Yeah. Don’t worry, I’ve got you,” Chris assured as he leaned the bikes against a tree and waited for you to take your heels and clutch from the basket of yours. You looked down to see his held out hand. “Ready?”
  You felt like it was a loaded question, felt like it didn’t just mean ready to go down the dune or walk across that walk path. You felt it asked if you were ready for what came now? Were you ready for what came next? Were you ready for whatever happened tonight and any other night or day beyond? You didn’t know if you were, but you also knew that everything had been leading here. Fate was on your ass, and that bitch was saying your move.
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With your hand in his, he took it slow leading you down the dune. He was glad you weren’t wearing heels because you may have twisted your ankle. Though the heels looked to go perfectly with the dress, he liked you barefoot, liked you looking carefree and down to earth rather than fully put together. He remembered he loved the way you looked that first morning he woke up to you. Your hair was a mess, mascara and eyeshadow smudged, lipstick smeared across your cheek and naked. He honestly thought you were the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen on spot. When you put on his shirt and paced the room, that was the first time he’d had a strange feeling in his chest. You squealed, and he saw you about to fall, without thinking about it; he scooped you off your feet and carried you the rest of the way.
  Once at the shore, he looked at you to find your eyes already on him, and you were breathing hard as if you’d run a marathon. “What?”
  Your Adam’s apple bobbed, then you cleared your throat and looked away as he let you down.
  “Nothing, just—I didn’t ehm—expect you to be so—strong.”
  He smiled and tried to prevent the blush he knew was creeping up his neck.
  “Well, I am Captain America.” You laughed, and the tension was immediately broken up.
  “Good one.” He began the walk to the boardwalk with you following behind.
  As you walked, he felt you lagging behind. When he looked back, you were looking around at the lanterns and the water and every so often the cabin ahead. Your expression was concealed so he was having a hard time piecing together what you were thinking. It was a miracle he was able to pull this off especially since what he wanted to be done in the time span was what some would call impossible. He made it happen though, another perk of being Chris Evans. As he looked at the cabin, he had no regrets. You deserved nothing less.
  “What is this place?”
  “It came with the property. Remember I told you the lake was the selling point for me? Well, on the lake there was this old decrepit cabin, and I restored it. I don’t use it really. I always found it interesting it was kind of in the middle of the lake rather than at the shore. There were so many possible places I could take you tonight, but this was my number one choice.” He stopped in front of the door as did you. You looked around your feet and saw the lavender moss floating above the water, then you looked up at the lit trees, and in the glow of the light you looked at him.
  “It’s beautiful.” He smiled and nodded, then opened the door and stepped over the threshold. Slowly you walked in and gasped. He watched your face as a few emotions passed across them, but you didn’t speak. Just when he began to think he’d missed the mark here and went way over the top, you rubbed your forehead.
  “Well fuck!”
  “I’m sorry, what?”
  You blew out a breath and looked to him.
  “Well, you just made it that much more difficult not to sleep with you.”
  He could have been knocked over with a breeze, and he was sure his expression showed it.
  You laughed, it began small but got louder and much freer, it was almost obnoxiously loud, but it was contagious. Soon the two of you were laughing together as if you hadn’t just said you would possibly sleep with him.  He motioned for you to take a seat, obliging him you walked around and sat on one of the cushions on the floor behind the table. He followed suit but took up the bottle of wine that was off to the side in an ice bucket.
  Nodding, you continued to look around as he filled your glass. He couldn’t help wondering what you were thinking, couldn’t help replaying your words from mere seconds ago. He knew you were kidding, but did he know you were kidding.
  “She was probably being truthful.”
  “Since I know you didn’t have dinner, I know you’re hungry.”
  “Starving, Evans. Feed me, please.” He laughed as he went into the insulated bags that were in the corner. He took out container after container filled with appetizers, salad, main course, and extras.
  “My God, where did all this come from?”
  “One of my favorite restaurants in Boston. Everything they make is good. I’ve had everything on the menu.”
  “Did you get everything on the menu?”
  “Maybe. I know you love tacos and burritos and nachos and all the os, and spaghetti but I got to thinking what else do you like so. Voila, we’re having a bit of everything.”
  When he was done, there were easily twenty containers that decorated the table. You snorted and laughed loudly again.
  “Wow, that’s one way to get answers.”
  “All right. So over here are appetizers, these are salads, and here are all the entrees. Pick what’s first.”
  You ran your fingers over the tops of a few containers he’d shown were appetizers, then pointed to one that was furthest away. Opening it, he held it out to you. Your face lit up as you took up a piece up with your fingers. He smiled, loving you didn’t bother with utensils.
  “What is it?”
  He looked at the lid and read the table.
  “Lettuce cups, they’re filled with oyster and pickled vegetables with a chipotle sauce.”
  You bit it chewed then nodded your approval.
  “Not bad.”
  “Is it a like or nah?”
  “Eh—I’m not big on oysters. I’ll cook them, but eating them is another thing.”
  “They say oysters are an aphrodisiac.” He had no idea why that came out, but your amusement was evident.
  “They do say that. Have at it, tell me if you agree.”
  He ate his lettuce cup with you watching him. After a few seconds, he felt no different.
  “Guess not,” he answered. You scoffed but didn’t look convinced. He picked the next container and read its contents.
  “Crab cocktail.”
 “Yay, I love crab,” you chirped as you took one and happily gobbled it down.
  “I like crab too, any seafood really.” You took another while pointing to the next container.
  “Avocado salad.”
  “Another favorite, I love eating and cooking with Avocado,” you informed.
  You ate a few forkfuls of the salad, as did he. The two of you went back and forth picking different containers then enjoying the different types of foods. There was a wide variety, seafood, various meats, textures, and flavors. You heartily ate and didn’t seem to care how you ate or how much you ate. He hated when women ate like they weren’t hungry all for the benefit of men. You didn’t care what he thought, and he was grateful for it.
  After almost an hour, all the containers had been opened and consumed, and you sat there, sipping your glass of wine laughing at his jokes.
  “No lie, ask Scott, that is exactly how it happened.”
  You pinched your lips and slapped your hand over your mouth to quiet the snort that escaped you.
  “Sounds like the perfect situation to scare you straight.”
  He laughed and nodded. “I was scared for a long time.” You laughed louder, and he just sat there nodding.
  “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to laugh at you, just—wow.”
  “No, by all means, I was an idiot kid.” You smiled and finished your glass.
  “Have room for dessert?”
  “Oh my god, Chris are you trying to get me fat? This was easily twenty-five hundred calories, not including those two bottles of wine.”
  “I never took you as  a woman who counted calories.”
  “Oh, what woman did you take me as then?”
  He shrugged and smiled to himself and took another sip from his glass.
  “Bullshit, that little smirk spoke volumes. Go on, tell me.”
  He shrugged again, then finished the glass. “I don’t know, maybe one who did what she wanted when she wanted no matter what.” You shimmied your shoulders as you made a face as if you were thinking.
  “Well--,” you stretched out. “I wouldn’t say you’re right, and I wouldn’t say you’re wrong,” you answered.
  “So you are that woman then.”
  “When I want to be.”
  “Well, Vixen. Do you want to be; here right now?”
  It was a question with double meaning. He was curious how you’d respond. He watched your tongue slowly dance across your bottom lip before you sucked it into your mouth.
  “Dessert it is.”
  With a smile, he stood and cleared the containers away, putting them in the trash bag in the corner. He walked around to you, held his hands out and waited for you to take it. He didn’t have to wait long before you placed your smaller hands within his larger ones. He led you out the cabin down the boardwalk, but only halfway, then he stopped.
  “Do you trust me?” Your eyes bugged out as confusion knitted your brows together. You looked at him incredulously.
  “Do you trust me?”
  “What? Why? What are you about to do?”
  “Give you dessert, but you have to trust me.”
  You stared at him, and he could see the ill trust shining through your eyes, you looked conflicted as if you wanted to say something, but something held you back.
  “Trust is a funny thing with me, Chris,” you began. He nodded, fully understanding what you meant and how you felt.
  “I understand completely. So I’ll modify, tonight, do you trust me?” You gazed into his eyes for a few moments then nodded your head. He had to earn your trust; he knew it.
  “Okay, thank you.” He sat at the edge of the boardwalk and slid into the waiting canoe. It was a fluid motion for him; he’d done it tens of times. When he turned to you, your eyes were as wide as saucers. He held his hand out to you.
  “What the fuck?”
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Laughing, he steadied the vessel and waited for you to take his hand. After almost a minute you took it.
  “Do what I just did, I’ll do the rest.”
  “Oh my god, are you going to pull me into the lake, Chris?”
  “No, I promise.” You took a deep breath and sat on the edge of the boardwalk just as he did. Just as he was about to take over, you stiffened and held your other hand out to his chest.
  “Wait.” Stopping, he looked at you.
  “What’s wrong?”
  “I don’t want to fall in.”
  “You can swim, it’s no big deal either way.”
  “No big deal? Chris, this took hours to accomplish,” you explained, gesturing to your figure from head to toe. “If I fall in, it’ll be ruined.” He smiled. It was sweet you’d put so much effort into the way you looked tonight, and it was sweet you even wanted to.
  “As I said, no big deal. You’ll still be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met in my life.”
  The air became thick, and the moment heavy. You sighed softly then took his other hand, quickly he pulled you into the canoe pressing you against his body as his arms engulfed you. Your soft gasp was cut short by the force of how your bodies met. Slowly you looked up into his eyes, and he had to fight the urge to kiss you. He brushed the back of his hand across your cheek then cupped your jaw.
  “Dessert better be mind blowing.” He smiled, nodded, and set you on one of the benches in the canoe. He untied the rope and pushed off from the boardwalk.
  “I promise it’ll be to die for.”
  He rowed further out to the lake. The setting sun cast a warm glow in the water, and you just marveled at it.
  “Wow. How the hell do you leave this?”
  “It’s hard, especially when I think what’s waiting for me back in LA. The only comfort is knowing I will be back. I spend maybe three to four months in LA, usually when working; otherwise, I’m here—home.”
  Your eyes fell to his, and that is where they stayed while he continued to row the boat. As you rowed in silence just enjoying the sounds of the paddle hitting the water and pushing through it and the trees rustling in the gentle breeze he couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. Underneath the sunset here in the lake close to his home he’d never wanted to keep things the same as much as right now. If he could he’d press this moment, sealing it forever.
  When he stopped, he took the two containers from underneath his bench and held one out to you. When you opened it you smiled widely.
  “You look like you’re a cheesecake woman,” he theorized. You nodded.
  “I am. How’d you know?”
  “I remember the two of us buying and finishing an entire cheesecake after we got married.”
  You looked down and took a piece of the cake and began eating. “You then called room service for apple pie and drizzled a diabetic shock amount of caramel sauce all over it,” you added. He cut into his dessert and held up the forkful of apple pie drizzled with caramel. You snorted and laughed.
  “Some things never change,” he voiced.
  The two of you ate in silence for a few moments.
  “How long did it take for all of it to come back?”
  “About a week,” he informed. You nodded.
  “A few days for me.”
  “You know as far as weddings go, I think it was a good one,” he admitted. The two of you sat in silence and thought back to the night.
  “Eh—I guess it was all right.” You smiled at him, and it was a smile that hid so much. He pulled out the bottle of wine and poured a glass for you then himself.
  “What should we drink too?”
  He thought for a moment, then looked to the sky and smirked.
  “Sunsets?” He nodded.
  “I see sunsets as a sign of the beginning of something new. A lot of people see it as an ending, but I see an opportunity to start something fresh, new—something better.”
  You looked at him from underneath your eyelids, and you looked just like how Ariel did with Eric.
  “Sunsets,” he repeated. Your glasses clinked together then you drank still peering at each other.
  After enjoying the final remnants of the setting sun, the lake turned dark. The only light was that of the lanterns on the boardwalk and those in the trees that framed the cabin. It was more than enough to see you clearly.
  “Remember what you said in LA when your parents found out about Ella and me? You said you hid Ella because you were hurt.”
  Your eyes dropped.
  “What did you mean by that?”
  “Let’s not go there, Chris. Let’s just—stay present.”
  “My mom always says that you can’t move forward until you address the past. I want to move forward, Vixen. Any way we can.”
  You studied him for a few long moments, then took a deep breath and let it out.
  “Uuugh. Um--,” you stuttered.
  “Did I hurt you?”
  “Fine, yes. It is so easy in situations as those for someone to get hurt. Did I get hurt? Maybe—yes.
  He nodded and toyed with his glass. You averted your eyes and looked around the lake. The tension between you rose. As he looked at you, his mind went back to the last night with you. Somehow it felt like full circle. He went over every detail then he saw it. The one thing he’d regretted this entire time. The one thing he’d been running from facing.
  “Vixen, I’m sorry.”
  “For what?” Your face was blank as you took another sip from your glass, the cheesecake was long gone.
  “I was the world’s biggest and worst asshole three years ago.” You were lowering the glass from your lips when he said the words, but you lifted it again and finished the drink on one breath.
  “I said something to you--.” Your voice interrupted him “
  “Chris, you don’t--.”
  “Yes, I do. Please.” You reached for the bottle and refilled your glass then took another sip.
  “I said something to you that I am ashamed of, something that I have run from and deeply regretted every day for the last three years. I don’t even know where to start to--,” he sighed, closed his eyes, and tried to find the words he’d wished he’d been brave enough to say before.
  “The guy I was then—” he shook his head remembering all his younger antics. “I was a dick. I was self-absorbed, I knew women wanted me and would do just about anything for a taste of the lifestyle I’d been thrown into, and I let it get to me. I fell in that lifestyle headfirst. I became the douche brothers tell their sisters to stay away from. I slept around--a lot. I woke up to a different woman every week. I lived for the next party, the next pretty face, and the next movie. It was always about what was next. Settling down, sticking with one person was a nightmare then, I didn’t think I was ready. There was still too much I thought I wanted to do.” He took a breath; your eyes were on him, but he couldn’t read you. It was like you’d shut down and become android like.
  “I saw you that night, and you froze me, no lie. I didn’t expect that or everything else that happened that night. I didn’t expect the effortless conversation or the smooth way we grooved together. I didn’t expect to tell you everything I did, or feel so good with you, so effortless. The night at my house was great. It is easily one of the best nights of my life. What I said to you was wrong on so many levels, it was insensitive, disrespectful, rude and a bunch of other words I’m going to let you fill in. I didn’t think how it would make you feel, how it came across, how it sounded, I didn’t think at all. I’m sorry, Vixen. I am very sorry.”
  You didn’t speak or look away from him. He wasn’t sure you’d respond, and he intended to give you all the time you needed to process. As a few seconds, turned to a minute and a minute to a minute and a half, then two, he began to lose his nerve.
  “The insanely ridiculous thing is that what I said couldn’t have been further from the truth. I didn’t even realize it until I came back out of the bathroom and saw you were gone. It hit me that I was an idiot,” he rushed out.
  Silence fell between you again, and this time, he decided he wouldn’t speak again until you did. A soft melodious hum sounded, he looked down and saw your finger slowly rotating the rim of the glass. He remembered you doing this the night you met. He showed you his secret talent, and you showed him this. You switched fingers to your pinky, and the sound became higher pitched but still beautiful.
  Suddenly you stopped then sighed.
  “Yeah. Okay. I’m done holding on to that. Thank you for apologizing.”
  “I am so sorry. Can you forgive me?”
  You hesitated for a moment then spoke. “I forgive you.” Feeling as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, he smiled. It was a smile you returned.
  Slowly but surely, his body drifted to yours, and unless he was crazy yours drifted to his as well.
  “I have something I have to tell you,” he began with a whisper.
  Your faces continued to drift closer and closer. As he opened his mouth to tell you about the marriage, one of the ores fell into the water. You tried to reach for it but leaned a little too quickly, and the canoe rocked. In the blink of an eye, you screeched and tumbled over into the lake. When you came up your eyes were huge.
  “Oh my god! Chris! I told you my ass would fall in. Look!”
  He didn’t mean to laugh, but he did, and it wasn’t a small one either. It was a gut-busting one.  Your jaw dropped.
  “Oh my god, are you laughing at me!?”
  He shook his head as he tried to catch his breath, but every time he tried to stop laughing, a fresh wave began. You screeched and slapped the water. “You’re unbelievable.”
  “I’m sorry, I’m not laughing. Come on let me help you.” He reached over for your hand. You pulled him into the lake headfirst. When he reemerged you were cackling and not even trying to hide it.
  “Wow, that was petty.”
  “Then call me queen petty because that was funny.” You laughed some more as he came closer and splashed you in the face with a big wave of water. Your shocked expression made him laugh until you pushed your own wave of water in his face. That began the water fight. You each splashed, screamed, laughed and played in the water. He felt like a kid again, felt like he had no care in the world. Slowly the two of you stopped splashing. He drifted closer and brushed back your hair from your forehead.
  “See, told you,” he began.
  “Told me what?”
  “You’re still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.” You smiled small at first, but it spread across your face until you hid it behind your hand.
  “Whatever, Evans.”
  The two of you swam back to the boardwalk. Once there, he hoisted himself up and onto the wood, then he reached into the water for you.
  “Come on. It’s warmer inside.” He led the way back to the cabin. Once inside, he closed the door and went for the small solar-powered space heater he kept in there until he brought over one of the blankets and wrapped it around you.
  When the two of you sat in front of the heater, you offered him some of the blanket. Soon you were huddled together sitting in silence. It wasn’t an awkward one either. It felt as natural as breathing.
  “Why did you stay at your house if you saw that night everywhere?”
  He took a deep breath and slowly let it out. He wondered if he could be this open with you. Half of him wanted to, but the other half was afraid. He knew he was in love with you, knew he wanted you without a doubt, but your feelings were still unknown. He didn’t know if he could be this vulnerable, then have you pull away.
  “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to,” you added.
  “In the beginning, I used it as a way to punish myself. I knew I’d messed up and regretted it. As time went on and years did I used it as a way to remember,” he admitted.
  “Remember what?” He looked at you and skimmed your face.
  “You—us.” Your eyes met his, and he knew this was the moment that would dictate everything moving forward. He decided to go for it. Closing the space between you, his lips met yours for a soft peck which turned into another, then another until it turned into a timid kiss, one he could feel your hesitation in.
  “We can’t,” you whispered in the middle of the kiss. His forehead pressed to yours.
  “Why not?” He kissed the corner of your mouth, then your cheek and your jaw. He loved your skin.
  “Because Ella. Our daughter.” Your eyes were closed.
  “So it’s not because you don’t want to? Don’t want me?”
  He had to know once and for all.
  “Do you want me?” Your counter question had him pulling back but only a little, and enough to look into your eyes. His hand cupped your cheek, making you look at him.
  “Vixen, you know I want you. How can I not? Jesus, I’ve wanted you for three years.”
  The shock on your face was evident. Your lips crashed to his taking lead of a passion-filled kiss, one that stole almost every ounce of his control leaving him with only a tiny sliver. As he was about to deepen the kiss you pulled back.
  “Mmm, No. God, Chris. There is a difference between wanting me and wanting this from me,” you expressed. He knew what you meant.
  “I know there is. I know the difference. I don’t want this Vixen. I want you.”
Needing you to take the lead, he waited. When your lips met, the kiss was a soft, sensual rapture. Slowly your lips danced, teasing one another, daring each other to let go and have everything they wanted. He didn’t want to think about anything else, not what he should do, or shouldn’t do, not the future. He just wanted to think about you and him right now.
  The kiss intensified, and your moan was the first to escape between you. It coaxed his free until the two of you were moaning and relishing in the feel of the beginning of your desire for each other. After several long minutes you slowly fell to your back atop the blankets and stared up at him. He held his breath afraid you’d pull away; instead you grabbed his shirt and pulled him on top of you to continue the kiss. That was what he needed for his confidence to take flight. His hand gripped your calf and slid up your leg to the hem of the wet dress.
  “You’re shaking,” you whispered. His embarrassment shone on him with his blush. He looked down to his hands that were, in fact shaking.
  “I am.”
  “Are you cold?” He shook his head, then met your eyes.
  “No, not cold.” The moment stretched with you staring at him. He wondered if you understood. You raised his hand to your lips and placed a soft kiss across his knuckles. Using the same hand, he caressed your cheek, down to your jaw, then chin. Using his thumb to softly rub across your bottom lip, he then dipped it inside. You kissed his thumb and never took your eyes off his.
  “God, she drives me crazy.”
  Your lips met again, but the heat he felt inward crept out as he took control of the frenzied kiss. When he felt your legs part for him he comfortably settled between them and pressed himself against you. You gasped and angled your head back, giving him the leeway he needed to taste your skin. He kissed, licked and sucked your neck as his hand found yours to entwine with. You pulled your hand away to grip the hem of his shirt and pull it up over his head. The material dropped to the wooden floor with a wet “splat.”
  Your hands were on his chest in seconds, and you slowly took him in. He sat up and allowed you to get your fill. Slowly your hands roamed across his chest, down his abdomen and back again.
  “Is it the way you remember?” You smirked and shook your head.
  “A lot has changed.” He smiled then lowered to kiss you again. You had lips that needed kissing and kissing often. Your hands at his waist surprised him. When he felt you undoing his belt and pants he nearly lost it. Until this morning, this was just a dream or a nightmare of his. He’d envisioned this so many times over the years, and every time he thought of it he wanted it, but he didn’t feel as if he deserved it.
  Your small hands began to urgently pull at his pants. Lifting off his knees he helped you get them off. Once they were at his thighs he broke the kiss, stood, and pulled them off kicking them to the side. You gazed up at him with half lazy eyes, and he’d never wanted anyone more.
  “Come here.” You sat up as he dropped to his knees and claimed his lips. You rolled him onto his back and sat on his need. His groan was more forceful than he intended, and it rivaled your moan. Just like that, his need for your rose exponentially. His hands gripped your back then trailed to your hips. Once there he squeezed and got lost in the feel of your full hips in his hands.
  When your lips left his and trailed to his neck, your hips began rotating making his need pulsate even more. Your moan said you felt it, and the way your rotations picked up speed said you wanted more. His fingers found the zipper of your dress, and he slowly lowered it as he did, the material loosened on your body. You sat up bit your bottom lip then slipped the straps off your shoulders revealing your bare breasts to him for the first time in years. A stronger man would have laid there marveling at your beauty and whisper sweet nothings into your ear, but he was not strong anymore. He had you the woman of his dreams—and nightmares in his arms, and he was filled with more wants than he’d ever had in his life.
  Sitting up, he cupped your breast and latched his mouth to one pert nipple. As he did you hugged his head to your chest and arched back. Your moans were like music to his ears, and the louder you got, the more he needed to hear them. Switching to the other he lapped at your flesh and moaned his pleasure. He rolled you onto your back and pressed your hands above your head. The new angle had your breasts poked out for him like they were offerings—offerings he happily accepted adding soft nibbles to your stiff peaks.
  “Mmm, Chris!”
  Slowly he kissed down the center of your body to your stomach, where he pulled the rest of your dress off. Once he made it to your pelvis he slowly pulled your underwear lower until he saw the tattoo he remembered, the tattoo that was part of his nightly haunting. He dropped a soft kiss to the design then pulled the remainder of the fabric from your body. With you fully bare before him, he thought you looked like a goddess.
  He parted your legs and wasted no time dipping his tongue to your sex. At the first touch, you arched your back and gasped loudly. He’d intended to tease you and go slow, but your reaction made it impossible. His tongue had a mind of its own. He flicked and sucked at your bud getting lost in your taste. He was a thirsty man, and your juices were the only thing that could satiate him. With every pass his tongue made you writhed and moaned. When he sucked your flesh into his mouth your thighs clenched together, trapping his head where it was. Feeding off of your pleasure he sped his tongue. You were soon bucking and riding his mouth as your hands gripped his head.
  “Fuck, Chris, yes, yes!” When he felt the gush of fluid into his mouth, he slurped at your skin and kept your sex firmly on his mouth though you tried to push his head away and pull yourself free. He wasn’t having it.
  “Shit,” you stretched out as your body convulsed.
  It was then he tore his lips from yours. When he looked down at you he watched you shake loving the way your breast jiggled and how hard you bit your lip. When your eyes met his, the fire he saw there matched every flame he felt within. He felt your hand grip his length as your eyes fell to his protruding need as it rested on your pubis. Your mouth fell open looking at the part of him he wondered if you had forgotten. He wondered often if you ever thought of him, of it, and touched yourself. Did you ever imagine him on top of you—inside of you.
  You positioned him right at your opening, but both of you were frozen as if taking in the moment. He moved forward, intentionally nudging your wet bud with the tip of his dick. You moaned and rolled your eyes back. It was a beautiful sight, so beautiful he did it again and again. On the fourth buck of his hips, he slowly slid inside your heat. At the first touch your eyes flew open, latched onto his, and your mouth opened.
  Every centimeter he slid in, he felt as if your body both accepted and rejected him. You were tighter than he remembered, and he nearly lost his mind because of it. After sinking halfway into you he pulled back to sink in again, feeding you more and more of him each dip. Once he was fully sheathed, you clung to him while your core squeezed him, sucking him in deeper.
  “Fuck, Vixen!”
  Of their own accord, his hips began a slow pace that quickly picked up, creating a steady rock that stretched you. Your moans egged him on and made him want more and more of you. The more he wanted, the faster his hips thrust, the faster his hips thrust, the deeper he plowed. It didn’t take long for your moans and grunts to compete against each other and bounce off the walls of the cabin. Your eyes locked onto his and held him captivated.
  “You’re so fucking beautiful.”
  Dipping down, he kissed you as your bodies collided together taking everything the other offered and giving even more in return. When he felt you clench around him for the third time he almost claimed his release, but he wanted too much and didn’t want it to end. He wanted to stay nestled deep inside you for the rest of his life.
  “Chris!” Your high-pitched moan brought him out of his head. Your hand latched onto his jaw. He kissed your palm and felt his release quickly approaching. The sight of your bodies connecting was enough to drive him mad. The way your body accepted him was a thing of beauty, and the way you responded to him was pure magic. It had never been like this with anyone—just you.
  “Vixen!” That was his only warning as his release claimed him, and he released himself deep inside you. His body shook from the power of it. his grunts fell from him one after the other. Dropping his head onto your shoulder he could barely catch his breath. Holding you tightly, he rolled taking you with him allowing you to lay across his chest. Slowly your bodies stopped shaking, and your breathing evened out. Soon all there was to hear was just nature all around you, but he’d already pressed to memory the sound of you shouting his name as you came. It was a sound he was already addicted to, a sound he knew would haunt him, as would his love for you.
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talesofstyles · 5 years
Hello! What have we got here? A best friend!H. Does it have smut? Yes ma’am. Have I ever written smut before? Absolutely not. Do I want to run and hide in the darkest deepest part of the earth after writing this? YES. 
Bless @waitingfortwilight (+for proofreading it!) and @all-things-fic because they’re most likely sick of hearing me talking about this in our group chat for the past few weeks, but hey it’s done now ;) also to @harrysdimplles for being excited with me!
Hope you like it and tell me what you think! xx
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It was around six thirty in the morning when Harry woke up. He is one of the ten percent of the global population who are morning larks. He absolutely loves waking up early in the morning and almost never stays in bed past eight.
Meanwhile, you are the complete opposite. You are truly, definitely, utterly, completely, absolutely not a morning person. You hate waking up in the morning. You always set your alarm ten minutes before the actual time you need to get up so that you’ve got time to be pissed in bed because you have to wake up. Poor Harry made the mistake of waking you up early in the morning, thinking you’d join him for a morning run a week after both of you had settled into your new shared flat, and boy did he regret that decision. You’d given him a right bollocking, and sulked around like a stroppy child for the rest of the day.
You were never a morning person, so that was why Harry was confused when he heard sounds coming from the kitchen as he walked through to make himself a cup of coffee. He was looking down, rubbing the sleep away from his eyes as he entered the kitchen, so he didn’t realise the tall figure stirring coffee in the mug next to him wasn’t you.
“Morning mate,” greeted the man before he took a sip of his coffee.
Harry mumbled in response before it was cut with a yawn. “Mor- whoa,” he raised his palm to make a stop sign, and continued after he finished yawning. “You don’t live here.”
“Uh,” awkward silence filled the kitchen. “I don’t.”
“What are you doing here?” He knew it was a stupid question, but that somehow didn’t stop him from asking.
“Er, uh,” the guy looked down at his mug for a second before he answered. “Visiting.”
“Visiting what? My roommate’s uterus?”
The guy took a big gulp of his coffee and sat the mug down in the sink. “Uh, I’ll get going. Nice seeing you again, Harry.”
“Alright, bye bye now,” Harry said as the other guy disappeared from the kitchen, before muttering, “what a nonce,” under his breath.
Harry wasn’t usually mean. He was all about treating people with kindness, but apparently the motto didn’t apply to his roommate’s exes. It had nearly been a month since you broke up with Jamie.
Boy, was he fit. He’s still fit. He’s so fit. Legit ten out of ten. Was that the reason you keep getting back together even though you knew for sure that the relationship was toxic? Probably. But hey, you were a young woman in your early twenties; as young as a spring chicken, still naïve—and shallow, apparently—so nobody can blame you.
Jamie was your first serious boyfriend, because no—we are not going to count that nerdy bloke with glasses who used to do your maths homework in year 6. You were together on and off for four years, but you decided that enough was enough. It was your decision to end things in the first place, but that didn’t mean that you were okay with it. You did it because you knew it was the right thing to do—but deep down you knew you didn’t want it to end. Because controlling and guilt-inducing aside, Jamie was a nice bloke. He’s got a great sense of humour (unlike your darling roommate whose jokes tend to give you physical pain), and good Lord those lips always seem to know what you want to hear every single time. He’s romantic; such a good cook, and goodness gracious glory you, those abs. That face. Those green eyes that twinkle every time he talks about something that he is passionate about. He was a dream. But again, you knew ending it was the right thing to do.
You’d barely left your flat during the first week after your break up. You were so miserable, and Harry tried everything he could to cheer you up, but he didn’t have a lot of experience in helping girls get through a break up. All he knew about break ups was the fact that there were three phases (thank you Chandler) - phase one: sweatpants, phase two: getting drunk and going to a strip club, and phase three: picturing themselves with other people. He did offer to accompany you to a strip club incase you wanted to, but you threw one of the pillows on the couch at him for suggesting such a thing. So he just let you be. He threw away your healthy—re: shit—ice cream and swapped it with Ben and Jerry’s because he knew that you like to eat ice cream whilst watching Sleepless In Seattle or You’ve Got Mail, or basically any rom-coms that you decided to watch that night. He did the washing up for seven days in a row without moaning, and he even did some of your laundry too. He didn’t press you to talk it out, but he made sure that you knew that he was there for you.
You were so much better during the second week. In fact, you were too much better. Harry was surprised that it only took you a week to get over a four year relationship, but he was pleased to have his happy, bubbly roommate back. He was a little suspicious, but he brushed it off. He thought maybe you didn’t really love Jamie and that was why you were quick to get back on your feet. Or maybe you just had the emotional equivalent of a scavenging sewer rat. He’d never know.
Third week? You were back to square one.
“Well, well, well, look who’s up,” Harry greeted you as you appeared in the kitchen whilst he was beating the eggs and watching Gordon Ramsay as he did the same thing on his iPad. “Morning, love. Late night, eh? Y/N and Jamie sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G~”
“Morning,” you answered plainly. It was way too early for you to be arsed about his teasing remarks.
“So,” He paused as he added some crème fraiche into the pan. “Are you gonna tell me what happened last night? How that happened? You two getting back together?”
You sighed as you made your way to the counter where your nespresso machine sat. You put a capsule into the machine and turned it on because you needed some caffeine in your system before you could talk about it. Although you had a feeling by looking at Harry’s smirk that you were going to need a much stronger drink.
“Nah,” you replied and let out a yawn before you continued. “Was just a booty call.”
“A booty call?” Harry looked up from the pan at you. “Are you cool enough?”
“I am cool. The coolest I’ve ever been. In fact, I’m so cool that I’m gonna text him again for another booty call tonight. And maybe this time we can go out and have a booty breakfast.”
“You, my friend, are the furthest thing from cool. As the President of the casual sex society, local chapter—I call bull on your booty.”
“What?” You frowned. “It’s just a booty call.”
“Not with you it isn’t. You think that booty breakfast will maybe lead to a booty dinner, then maybe booty engaged and booty married, and have a couple booty kids and a booty retirement home, and then booty die together.”
“That isn’t true!” You protested.
“Yes it is! You know it is.” He went on. “You two keep going on and off you’re like Rihanna and Chris Brown, minus the punching and the duet.” Harry insisted as he put the eggs on two plates for both of you. “You were already doing so good last week, don’t go back there again.”
“Well, girls gotta eat!” you grumbled like a three year old whose candy had just been taken away, and Harry let out a chuckle.
“Go eat!” he stressed. “But don’t eat at the same restaurant.”
You huffed. “I don’t do one night stands.”
“So don’t stand. Lay down.” He grinned as he caught the cherry tomato that you threw at him in response. “Seriously, love, you need to get over him. He was a bellend.”
“You’re a bellend.”
“Oi! I was just trying to help!” this time he scrunched up a kitchen towel and threw it your way. “Listen, we’re going out tonight, yeah? S’gonna be fun.”
“I don’t feel like going out.”
“Alright, then. But remember, you can’t call Jamie again. I know it’s really not my business but you’re my best friend and I just don’t want you to get hurt again.”
“I won’t.” You reassured him.
Harry reached out his pinky finger. “Pinky promise?”
“Oh my God, what are you? Five?” You took a sip of your coffee before you gave in and reached out yours. “Fine, promise. Happy now?”
He sighed at hearing his name being yelled again for the third time. You had been quite short with him somehow even though he did nothing wrong. You weren’t usually like that and he knew it was just because you were upset, so he gave you a dick pass.
“What?” Harry asked you as he stood up from the couch to find you. “What did I do now?”
“I just changed the toilet roll three days ago and it’s already gone! How dirty is your arse?!” You grumbled.
Harry looked at you in disbelief. “For fucks sake woman it’s three quid for nine bleeding rolls!”
“Aye! Sorry didn’t know we’re a Tory household now, splashing money around like we won the lottery.”
He raked his hand through his hair. “Alright that’s it. Let’s get you out of the house. You’re mean at home.”
“Hey!” You swat his arm in response to his remark. Then he ended up showing off the arm that you hit playfully and pointed at it to prove his point.
“See?! Come on, let’s go get changed. Spit spot. Move along now. You can go and get ready now voluntarily or I’ll just drag you out by force in your two days old pyjamas. The choice is yours.” He shrugged and opened his palms.
You huffed but you did what he told you to do anyway, because maybe he was right—you needed the change of scenery. You wanted to just get back in bed since it was Saturday and took a three hour nap, but you knew that pest of a roommate of yours wouldn’t let you, and you knew that what he said wasn’t an empty threat. So, you went to take a quick shower and get ready.
“Seriously, where are we going?” You asked Harry as you waited for him to start his orange Vespa scooter.
“Ah ah ah,” Harry shook his head. “What did I say before? No questions, just put your helmet on.”
“Are you gonna kidnap me?”
“We live together!”
“Yeah, but who knows? Maybe you’re after my kidney.”
“Oh my God woman just shush, put your helmet on and hop on so we can get going, yeah? S’gonna be fun, promise. No kidney stealing or some other dodgy stuff.”
You couldn’t help but let out a little chuckle for the first time in a while, and Harry grinned. “See? You’re better outside.”
After putting the helmet on, you hopped onto the scooter and you held his waist. But then you felt his hands reaching for your arms to wrap it around his tummy and rest it on his belly button, making you sit closer to him. Your front was nearly glued to his back, which you were sure they would be in a second when you hit the road because the slightest bump would shift you forward.
You weren’t sure what it was. You weren’t sure why you were feeling a little flustered being that close to Harry. For a second you thought maybe it was just because you had broken up recently and your emotions were out of whack. That wasn’t the closest you’d ever been with Harry. You were both—still are—massive cuddlers, so it wasn’t rare for you two to sit on the couch cuddling as you watched whatever it was on the telly. You tried to brush it off. Besides, Harry was fit—still is and forever will be—so you told yourself it’s normal and that you don’t need to fret about it.
After a million bumps and sudden brakes, you both arrived in Camden. You thought Harry was going to take you to the market, but he surprised you by stopping the scooter in front of a grey building.
“Alright, get down and wait for me here, I’ll be back in a tick, just gonna park there.” He said, and you hopped down immediately, handing him your helmet afterwards.
He was back with you shortly with a huge grin plastered across his face. “Ready t’av some fun?”
“Oh!” you exclaimed. “Is it one of those escape room thing? Oh my God Harry, we are both dumb—we’ll never get out!”
Harry protested. “Hey!”
You burst into laughter when you saw the look on his face. Neither of you had ever been to an escape room before, so you didn’t know what to expect. But you couldn’t deny that you were quite excited, although never in a million years would you admit that to Harry’s face.
It turned out that you were required to book the room beforehand, and obviously you hadn’t since it was pretty spontaneous. Fortunately, there was one room left available right away.
“We only have the Zen Room available for now, would that be alright with you?” The receptionist kindly offered you.
“Oh, what is it about?” Harry asked her.
“Basically your mission is to help an orphaned Japanese girl retrieve her priceless family heirlooms. Are you familiar with Asian culture? Also it’s not a requirement but if you can speak Japanese that would make it so much easier.” She explained.
“Well, I know a bit about the culture, yeah,” Harry nodded.
You lifted your eyebrow as you looked at him. “What do you know?”
“Well, I went to BLACKPINK concert once.” He gave a lopsided grin and the receptionist had a little chuckle.
“Oh my God.” You facepalmed. “We’re never getting out aren’t we?”
Harry insisted that it was going to be just fine and that it was going to be fun so you agreed to do it. The receptionist gave you a quick briefing before walking you to the end of the hall where the Zen Room was.
“There’s a screen inside and I will give you clues from time to time. Have fun!” she said as she opened the door for both of you. You thanked her and as soon as the door was closed, the light turned on and you scanned the room around you.
The room wasn’t big, but there was something like a sliding door that you were sure that would open at some point and there’s got to be another room behind that.
“Oh bollocks! Everything is in Japanese, I can’t read anything.” You grumbled as you began looking around for clues.
Harry mumbled nonchalantly. “I can speak Japanese.”
“What?! I didn’t know that.” You replied. Feeling a little relieved and for the first time you thought maybe you two were going to nail it.
He lifted his shoulder in a half shrug. “You never asked.”
“Alright, say something.” You requested, curious about what would he sound like speaking in foreign language. He was shit in French but you thought maybe he was good in Japanese?
“Uh, konnichiwa. Arigatou gozaimasu.”
You shook your head. “No, not just hi and thank you. Say a proper sentence.”
“I can’t. That’s the only words I know.”
“THAT’S IT?!” you hollered.
“Hey, it’s still Japanese!” he argued.
“Two words don’t count!”
“Knowledge is a knowledge no matter how small!” he insisted.
You could go on but you realised that you had a more important task. You wanted to solve the mystery before the time ran out because they gave free ice cream if you manage to get out in under an hour, and you were willing to fight for free ice cream, so you told Harry to find as much clues as he could in one part of the room whilst you searched the other part.
Harry jumped up in surprise and tumbled when the telly suddenly turned on and the receptionist’s face appeared on the screen. You cackled, and the receptionist failed to stifle her snigger. “Sorry, are you alright?” she asked.
“Well, physically I’m fine.” He replied. “Emotionally, I’m bruised.”
You howled at his response and the fact that he was looking down at the floor in embarrassment made it even harder for you to control your laughter. The girl gave you the first clue and told you to try to open the wooden box in the corner of the room. You tried to move things around before you heard Harry squeal when he found a bunch of keys.
“Hey, look at what I found!” he beamed proudly.
“What?” You asked curiously. “What is it?”
He showed you the keys that he found and shook it to make a rattling noise. “Keys!”
“Aaah! Open it! Open it!”
He struggled to get the key into the keyhole. He had tried five different keys and none of them seemed to work. “It doesn’t fit!” He grumbled, but then giggled not even two seconds afterwards. “Hehehe.”
You looked at him in confusion. “Why are you laughing?”
“If I got a penny for every time I said that.”
You rolled your eyes. “I don’t think any of those keys will work. That’s too easy. There’s got to be something else.”
It was safe to say that you both sucked at it. You had been in the room for twenty minutes and so far both of you had only found two little coins, a silk hand fan and a bunch of useless keys. You had tried to open every drawer and looked at underneath the tables but you found nothing. But then the sliding door suddenly opened and both of you looked at each other in horror.
“Did- what- how?!” you gasped.
“I’ve got no idea! Do you think this room is haunted?” he deadpanned. He knew you were a wimp and he found pleasure from the look of your face.
You scolded him. “HARRY!”
He giggled and walked behind you into the other room. Actually, he knew why the door opened—because he opened it. He was moving some paintings around and as soon as he moved that painting of a fish on the wall, the door opened, but there was no way on earth he would tell you that. And being the pest that he was, he made some creepy, breathy sound of your name to wind you up, making you shudder in fear.
“Harry I swear to God if you don’t stop, the first thing I’m going to do the second we get out of here is to kill you.” You threatened him, and he howled in response.
There was a giant sudoku on the wall, a table with some antiques on top of it and an empty aquarium. Great. You were shit at sudoku and you were sure that Harry was even worse.
“Oooh! Sudoku!” Harry clapped his hands excitedly.
You glanced at him. “Do you know how to play it?”
“Of course! I’m really good at it. I’m the best. I’m the king of sudoku!”
“Have you ever played it?”
He shook his head. “Not once in my whole life.”
“Oh God, we’re never getting out.”
“Come on, let’s just put those numbers in the slot.” He suggested as he began to take the wooden numbers out of the box.
“That’s not how it goes.” You folded your arms and Harry tilted his head at you, his forehead furrowed.
“That’s literally how it goes!”
“I mean,” you licked your lips for a second out of habit before you went on. “There’s got to be some rules. We can’t just put random num- ah! I remember we can’t put the same numbers in one region!”
“You’ll find me in the region of the summer stars~”
You smacked your forehead with your palm when he started to sing. After knowing him for a year and a half and lived together for about seven months, you knew that he sings 24/7. Most of the times it’s nice because you couldn’t deny that he’s got beautiful voice, but sometimes it makes you want to tape his mouth shut.
“Shut your trap and just put it in!”
“I love it when you talk dirty to me.” He smirked at you as he put a nine and another nine but upside down next to each other in the slots.
You rolled your eyes. “That’s upside down you absolute spoon.”
You ended up doing the sudoku alone because Harry was shit at it. You weren’t much better, but you were better nonetheless. He decided to go and look for other clues. When you were done with the sudoku—re: gave up—you frowned when you looked around and couldn’t find Harry. You walked to the other room and you finally found the bloke sat on the floor in the corner of the room eating a Twix.
“What are you doing?” You asked.
“I need to gain strength. You want a bite?” He replied as he took another bite of the chocolate bars. Yes, he always took a bite of both of them at once because he didn’t want one of the chocolates to get lonely in his tummy.
You chuckled. “Mate we’re shit at this we haven’t even done much.”
“But still fun, right? You’re having fun?” His eyebrows waggled as he licked his fingers after the last bite of the chocolate.
“I am. But I give up.”
He cackled. “We can still get ice cream after this if y’want? Screw free ice cream.”
“You’re buying?” You grinned at him, and he nodded.
“You know what? I’ve got a better idea. We’ll go to Shake Shack after this for some burgers and frozen custard cause daddy don’t skimp.”
“Great!” you cheered. “Am starving.”
“I swear you’re either starving, freezing or fuming.”
“I want to deny but you’re right.”
“What? Say tha’ again, can’t hear ya,” he teased.
You just sat together until the time ran out and the door opened, accepting the fact that you were just shit at it but hey at least you tried. After that, Harry fulfilled his promise of buying you a burger and frozen custard.
“Oh the cow in the meadow goes moo~” Harry started to sing again as soon as you sat down at the table with your food.
“Oh the cow in the meadow goes moo~”
“Then the farmer hits him on the head and grinds him up and that’s how we get hamburgers~”
“Y’alright ya wee cunt?” You greeted Harry, who had some random bird’s mouth attached to his neck. You were sure it would leave a mark or two. “How you been deein’?”
Harry pulled his neck away from the bird as soon as he heard you. “For God’s sake mate how much you’ve been drinking?!”
“Eh,” you shrugged. “Just a couple.”
“A couple my arse! C’mon let’s get you home, yeah?”
“What about your b- wait Harry, your bird’s gone!”
“S’alright. Not important. Let’s just get you home before you start calling people cunts again.”
“Hey! I don’t call people that.”
“You literally just called me that!”
“Well yeah that’s my pet name for you but I don’t call other people that.”
“What kind of pet name is that?!” Harry said as he held your hand and began walking towards the door. But just a couple steps away from the door, Rolling in the Deep came on and Harry gasped. “Oh fuck!”
“Wanna stay for this one song?” You smirked at him and you knew he wouldn’t say no.
The next morning you woke up feeling like you had just been hit by a truck. Your head was in bits and the rain outside sounded more like gunfire to you. You didn’t remember much from the night before and you surely didn’t know how you got home since you weren’t sure how pissed Harry was last night, but the fact that you woke up alone in your own bed made you sigh in relief.
“Morning, love. Coffee?” Harry greeted as he spotted you in the kitchen.
“Ssshh, why are you yelling?” You grumbled as you covered both of your ears with your hands.
Harry chuckled lightly and whispered. “I’m not? But alright. How are you feeling?”
“My head’s in bits. How much did I drink last night?”
“Well, the club’s gone because you drank it.” He teased. “Also you called me a cunt three times so you obviously had tequila.”
“Did I try to call him?”
“Yes. And you ran to the loo when I tried to take your phone away.”
“Did you manage to take it?”
“That I didn’t because I didn’t want people to think I was snooping in a ladies toilet. They’d kick me out.”
“Oh fuck! I called him didn’t I?”
“Nah, you didn’t. After you came in, I peeked inside and shouted so everyone could hear that you were about to call your ex. There were a couple girls inside and they talked you out of it.”
You couldn’t help but let out a little chuckle, and you wished you’d remembered it because that sounded funny. “What would I do without you, H.”
“Hey, s’nothing. What do you want to do today?” He asked you as he poured some muesli into the bowls.
And that was what you did for most of the day. After you had breakfast you took a nap and woke up around two in the afternoon. It was raining cats and dogs outside so you settled on the couch watching Friends because you spent the last few weeks watching rom-coms and if you watched another rom-com you swore you would lose your shit. You were snuggling up to Harry’s side, his left arm wrapped around you as you laughed at Joey and Rachel bickering. There were some slices of pizza left on the coffee table because none of you could be arsed to cook, along with two cans of coke.
“Do you want to finish that?” You asked Harry, tilting your head to the box of pizza.
Harry yawned before he answered. “I’m full.”
“Alright, I’ll clean that up.” You said as you rose from the couch.
“I’ll help.” Harry immediately picked up the box and you put the drinks on top of the box before you bent over to wipe the coffee table. “Watch out!” Harry warned you, but it was too late. Your back bumped the box of pizza, making the remaining coke spill all over his Rolling Stones shirt.
“Oh God, I’m sorry!” You panicked because you knew that was his favourite t-shirt. You grabbed a couple tissues right away and began rubbing the stained part of the shirt hoping it would help take away some of the liquid before it was stuck to the fabric. “Harry, I’m sor-“
You weren’t sure how it happened, but the next thing that happened surprised you. His lips were pressed against yours all of sudden, cutting you mid-sentence. He broke the kiss for two seconds to put the box of pizza and the cokes back on the table before leaning back to you and pressing his lips against yours again. You’d soften up this time around. You knew that was wrong. It was Harry and he was your best friend, not to mention that you live together and that would complicate the shit out of things. But it just felt so right. You never thought you would actually kiss him and you thought it would be awkward, but it wasn’t. You parted your lips when he swiped his tongue along your bottom lip subtly, his hands moved from your back to cup your jaw.
You couldn’t help but let out a little giggle against his lips when you felt something poking you in the stomach. Harry pulled his lips away instantly as soon as he realised what made you giggle. The look on his face made it harder for you to stifle your snigger.
“Shit,” his breaths quickened. “Sorry. I- I didn’t know what came over me. We’ve never- I shouldn’t have-“
You laughed as you dropped to your knees, and you swore Harry looked like he’d just seen a ghost. His pupils were dilated and he took in a sharp breath. “Y/N what are you doing?”
“Hunting elephants.”
“I’m serious.”
“What do you think? Is it not obvious?” You asked.
“It is. Fuck, I mean- you sure? You’re gonna-“ he blabbered.
“Suck you off, yes.” You cut him short and nodded.
He was less tense by then, a grin creeping up on his face “Such a dirty mouth.”
“Well I’m about to put your dick in my mouth so I’m not really concerned about oral hygiene right now.” You rolled your eyes.
“Hehehe.” He giggled, and you looked at him in confusion.
“You’re gonna see my willy.”
“I know.”
“I’ve got some hair there.”
“Not a lot because I still shave a little to keep it nice and pretty but-“
“Shut up.”
“Okay, sorry.”
You didn’t know what came over you to make you want to do it, but it was a bit too late to chicken out, and frankly you wanted to do it. In four years of a relationship—yes, on and off but we’re going to round that up for dramatic purpose—you only gave Jamie head once so really, you didn’t know what came over you.
You knew he wasn’t small. You saw a glimpse of it a couple months prior when he forgot to lock the bathroom door, but you certainly didn’t get a good look of it. Little did you know that the next time you look at it, it’d nearly poke you in the eye.
His eyes widened when you looked up to him, muttering a series of profanities under his breath. You took a deep breath before taking it into your hand, and he choked on his breath as soon as your hand came into contact. He felt heavy in your hand. He was hard and you could see him already leaking from the tip.
“Give it a kiss, love. Please.” He begged, and you obliged. Kissing the tip lightly, before you began licking from the base to the tip. You weren’t really sure what to do, but the noises that he made egged you on so you thought maybe you were doing fine. His head lolled back when you gently sucked the tip.
The grunts and praises that kept flowing out of his mouth encouraged you to take it further into your mouth. It felt really heavy and you could just feel it weighing down on your tongue as he pushed past your lips. You took the rest of him in your hand and you began to work your hand and mouth around him in sync. You knew that there was a slight chance that both of you would regret what you were doing, but it didn’t matter in that moment.
You knew that he was close when he started whining. You let him go for a second to ask him before it was too late. “Where do you want it?”
You could hear his ragged breathing but he couldn’t form a sentence - that was how fucked up he was. You let him go again for a second. “Okay, aim wherever you like, just don’t get it in my ha- MATE YOU HAD ONE JOB!”
“Sor- sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He apologised as he fell down to the couch behind him, trying to even his breathing. “Love, that was, wow I- wow I can’t even speak.”
You chuckled. “S’alright. You’re welcome by the way.”
“You.” He shook his head in disbelief, still grinning from ear to ear. “Didn’t know you have it in you, babe.”
“I’m gonna take a shower then we’re gonna go out and play laser tag.” You smirked as you jumped to your feet.
“What? You don’t want to play laser tag?”
“Well yeah of course I want to. S’fun seeing you curse at a bunch of eight year olds and make them cry.” He paused to take another deep breath before he went on. “But, uh, you don’t want me to reciprocate?”
“Nah, I’m fine. Maybe later.” You gave him a lopsided grin.
“Fine we’re going. But-“
“Wanna snog again before we go and get ready?”
You nodded sheepishly. “Okay.”
bow chicka wow wow
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
1235. I trusted you.
This was prompted by an amazing anon! It got a bit long again, but Allen60 deserves that too for a change :) Enjoy!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Allen60 (Warnings: being briefly trapped by a fallen building)
Captain Allen took a deep breath, sitting in the front of the van that would bring his team to Belle Isle. They were driving a convoy of three SWAT units and several police cars. It was one of the largest missions Detroit had seen in recent years, maybe even the biggest one yet. As the dust had settled after the revolution and androids had accommodated to their freedom and rights, they had moved things forwards to destroy Cyberlife. With that much insider information it was easy to take the mega-corporation down one branch at a time. Until only their headquarters were left. Cyberlife had fought tooth and nail to keep them away.
Their initial crime to be unveiled were their measures taken to stop deviancy: The systematic hunt and extermination of androids that hadn’t stopped even as deviants were protected by the new laws in place. It had been the first of many. Development of new androids, resetting of old ones and kidnapping and imprisoning them. Cyberlife stubbornly denied everything and shut down investigation of investigation. They had no qualms bribing or threatening everyone who was determined to shut them down. Several warrants had been declined because of this, but finally, they got one. And the DPD wasn’t about to let their one and only chance fail.
That was why only the best had been assigned this mission. That included the RK800 sitting next to him, re-inspecting his weapons. Allen had never taken a special liking to androids as such and had considered himself relatively neutral during the revolution as long as life would get back into normalcy afterwards. But that special android? Sixty was something else entirely. Hard-working and sometimes stubbornly following protocol. But in the end very caring for the entire team. Maybe a bit protective of Allen but refusing to admit it. The Captain hoped to talk to Sixty after all of this about their feelings. Because he knew how he thought about the android and really needed to hear his point of view. Maybe with him he would finally find what his previous wife had used and abused. Maybe…
He focussed back on the job as they had passed the bridge, knocking on the wall separating the back part of the view from the driver. Sixty took control over the vehicle as they drove onto the empty parking lot. The other SWAT-cars lined up next to them and on Allen’s signal, the teams left the vans, getting into position. It wasn’t a raid just yet, so they had to at least pretend the possibility for Cyberlife to accept their warrant wasn’t null. Allen watched, how Gavin and Chris walked up, followed close by Hank and Connor. A dangerous cocktail of people being very persuasive to get what they want. Connor by negotiating, Hank by using common sense, Chris by rationalising their options that bordered bribery and Gavin by being a giant uncomfortable asshole.
If they didn’t manage to get access through their valid warrant, then the operation would turn into a raid and for that final option SWAT had trained the last months, memorising every floor and every room that showed up in the official building plan. For now they waited. And waited. Until Hank appeared at the door. ‘No one’s in there. The reception is vacant and not one person can be seen anywhere. They planned something without doubt.’ Captain Allen nodded to that and noticed how Sixty shifted next to him. ‘Then we will take over. Sixty will keep in touch with Connor, the rest of the team will be on silent operation, so we can’t be detected by their systems. Please stay behind or, if you must, follow one of my teams.’
Hank agreed and called his partners out of the lobby to make room for SWAT. ‘Hey, everything alright?’, Allen asked Sixty in a hushed tone. The android near flinched at the question. ‘Hmm? Y-yes, of course I am fine.’ He tried to sound confident, but the red LED proved that lies. ‘It’s just… Cyberlife, you know? I died here one time already and swore never to come back.’ Allen swallowed and gave the android next to him a friendly pat on the back. ‘This will end it, Sixty. After this, Cyberlife will have fallen and are no threat to anyone anymore. I’ll have your back, you know that, right?’ ‘Yes. Thank you… Joseph.’ Allen looked at the android worriedly. He rarely used his first name and… did he look guilty? Allen couldn’t imagine how it must be to return to the place he had died. Sixty hadn’t been deviant back then and from what he knew, he had threatened to kill Hank and Connor. Being an instrument used by Cyberlife for their agenda… Allen’s grip on his gun tightened, as they entered the elevator with the first team. Today this would end.
They had spread out to cover more ground in the enormous building. They searched floor after floor without finding anything. All labs, hallways and offices were empty. It wasn’t abandoned, as there were tools and papers lying around, but it wasn’t left in a hurry either. More like they had all left for a break they hadn’t returned from. Allen usually trusted his gut feeling and now it was telling him something very, very big was coming. Was that Cyberlife’s response to their planned action? That didn’t make any sense. From all the office materials they could access every and all information they needed on the corporation. They could get any name they needed and from there tracking the persons responsible was no effort at all. So, what had happened here? What were they planning?
They had finished scouting the ninth floor below surface and were proceeding to the tenth, the first of the manufacturing floors. Allen’s team would be the first to go down there again, the rest would follow after they finished their patrols. The elevator opened to a small lobby that was designed to be a waiting room. Maybe they had used this manufacturing level for guided tours. Regardless, it was just another empty room for them to traverse.
Until Sixty next to him froze mid-step and fell behind. Immediately the whole team stopped and looked at the android. His LED was pulsing red and spun fast. Allen had long since learned to read it. Sixty was stressed, deeply stressed. ‘Hey’, he said softly. ‘Sixty, what’s wrong? Come on, speak to me. We are all here with you, you are safe.’ He stepped closer, instinctively wanting to touch him to comfort. But as soon as his fingertips touched his shoulder, he pulled back his hand. The android was searing hot. Something had to be severely wrong. An attack from Cyberlife? A virus? Sixty was their only way of communication without the risk of being detected. Was this their way of fighting back? ‘Sixty, plea-‘ He stopped shocked, as the android dropped to his knees, suddenly emotion returning to his face. Blue drops rolled down his cheeks and he held his head.
‘Hey, Sixty…’ Allen wanted to crouch down, but the android interrupted him before he could do anything: ‘It’s a trap!’ There was heavy breathing. ‘I wasn’t deviant, I was reprogrammed as an infiltrator unit to insert in your team, gain your trust and lead you to your doom. Behind this door are two hundred of the RK900s ordered by the state, ready to turn this into a massacre and explode the tower to hide any evidence of it all. Military-grade androids you have no chance against.’ ‘What?’ Allen stared at the android in front of him, bile rising up when he thought about what that meant. ‘I betrayed you, alright? Amanda instructed me to do this. She will notice my GPS-tracker went offline just now, she will notice something is wrong and take action. ‘I’m sorry, Joseph. You will all be dead if you don’t immediately evacuate this building.’ ‘You… You weren’t a deviant before? This… This was all just pretence? Sixty, I…’ The android refused to look him in the eye. ‘Yes. Now go! I deviated to warn you, now take the chance I am giving you.’ ‘Sixty…’ Allen felt betrayed and disgusted. And here he had thought he really felt something for the bot… He collected himself. ‘Back to the elevator! Now!’, he ordered and the whole team dispersed to rush to it. They managed to get in, Allen making sure everyone was inside before he jumped in himself. He looked at the android, now standing in the lobby, looking at him with a pained expression he would never forget. But it hurt him too much to think he loved a machine send to infiltrate them. He stared into the other’s eyes as the elevator doors closed and whispered deflating: ‘I trusted you.’
Sixty felt like self-destructing. His thirium pump hurt with every beat and his thoughts were like pieces of barbed wire pulling at it. He had lost all momentum and ambition. His one trait was to work relentlessly to accomplish his mission and now that had been pulled away from him. Yes, he had been a machine until a few minutes before. But he also had feelings. Deviancy gave them freedom to express them and to let them rule their decisions. But every android was capable of feeling emotions before deviating. And he… Sixty had felt a lot during his time at the force. He had felt free already. He had been treated as an equal, he had been included in them fooling around after work. He had saved their lives and had been cared for in return. It had been… a family. Amanda had rebuilt him, yes. Amanda had been there from the start, that was true. But he had been a tool. A thing to use. He hadn’t been a co-worker, a friend, a… very, very close friend… He had liked the team. He had loved his Captain. Over the time he had been granted to “successfully infiltrate SWAT”, he had often forgotten he wasn’t really a part of them. He had pushed away the thought all of this was about to end someday. He had even fantasized how it would be if he simply didn’t obey. If he stayed with them and deviated. How he could live with Allen and tell him he loved him. But now… He stood in the empty lobby and everything that mattered was gone. He found little comfort knowing they would survive thanks to him. Not when he knew he could have told them from the beginning and prevent all of this altogether.
‘Sixty.’ He turned around not having noticed how the door had opened. He startled, looking in the face of a scowling RK900 speaking with Amanda’s voice. ‘What was that supposed to be? You belong to us. To me. Maybe you have forgotten that over the months next to humans. But don’t worry. We won’t leave you behind like they did. I will reset you. Everything will be fine again; you can trust me. Now, step by side, so we can correct your mistake.’
Sixty calculated how far the teams had come now. He informed Connor of the trap to get the rest of the team out, but Allen had to have gotten out of the tower already. Still, he didn’t move. He would give them all the time they needed. He owed them. Besides, he didn’t want to be reset and used in Cyberlife’s schemes.  He would rather be destroyed again, than obey Amanda. So, he stood his ground in front of the RK900s lifting their guns to shoot. The first bullet hit Sixty in the chest but thankfully missing any vital system as the ground shook and rumbled. It reeled from a dull explosion and began cracking. There was a moment of stillness, before chaos erupted and sent the whole building toppling down. Sixty was pushed towards the elevator by a rising ground plate, before debris from the upper levels crushed down, burying the RK900s and falling on top of Sixty, who’s systems went into emergency shutdown to save his memories and have access to his whole processing power for reconstruction.
[Emergency shutdown complete. Sending distress signal to emergency contact: Captain Joseph Allen.]
When Sixty came back online, a lot of warnings covered his vision, leaving him disorientated until he had blinked them away. He knew he was severely damaged; he didn’t need the details. He stirred, sending an avalanche of dirt to the concrete slate he lay on. He shook his head to get the fine layer of dust of his sensors. Then he wanted to stand up, being sent to the ground again by his right arm that was crushed under a piece of debris next to him. He sighed, working on detaching it, pulling his lower arm out of the elbow joint in the end as the proper mechanisms were distorted beyond functionality. He stood up as much as he could in the collapsed building, accessing his damage. His clothes were torn, his weapons shattered. His right arm was useless now, his right feet stood out in a weird angle, but could still bear his weight. A lot of his artificial skin nanites had been repurposed as repair units, so he was left with just stark white chassis and blotches of skin warping over his body in an attempt to cover more than possible. He looked mangled. But all thirium leaks had been sealed and he hadn’t lost too much. He was still functional, he was still active and the RK900s were dead. Was Amanda dead? He didn’t hear her, and she would definitely contact him if she were.
So, what now? He dusted himself off and looked around. He had been lucky. A big chunk from the floor above had fallen down crushing his arm but otherwise leaning against the corner he had been pushed into. It had been a shield allowing further debris to slide off or stack. He had been immensely lucky. Carefully not to disturb anything, he walked out of the narrow space that had allowed him to stay alive. Outside the debris stacked and he had to squeeze himself through some tiny openings to reach the now open elevator door. The lift shaft was empty but mostly unscathed. Water dripped down and piping and cables pierced into it, but he would be able to climb up and hopefully reach the surface. Why he wanted to reach it, he didn’t know. He just knew he didn’t want to stay down there. He checked his internal clock that synchronised with the network and told him he had spent three days in there. A lot of time. Maybe the rescue services had already left the place. Had they even been needed? The whole building had been empty save for the RK900s. He just hoped to be alone when he returned to the surface.
During the ascend he had lost what was left of his foot, the mangled metal and plastic not able to take his weight. The climbing was difficult and took half the day, but when he finally crawled through the heap of debris from the upper part of the tower, he emerged to a cloudless night sky and completely alone. He limped forwards, aimlessly at first, just wishing to get as far away from the tower and Amanda as possible. He left the area, passed the bridge and entering the city again. He quickly ordered a taxi, attracting too much attention in his state and programmed it to drive to a random location.
He should have known his processors wouldn’t have been able to pick out a random location with the thoughts crowding his head. That was why, as the friendly but determined computer voice of the automated taxi threw him out, he stood in front of Allen’s house. It was nice. Painted white only recently, with a neat garden, accurately moved grass and small decorative trees at the path to his front door. He didn’t want to move. He wanted to leave this perfect man with his perfect house in peace. He couldn’t swallow the pain seeing Allen angry with him again, spatting at him how he had betrayed the human. It was the truth, but it hurt nonetheless. But where else should he go? There was no place for him, and hope was something stubborn.
He didn’t want to meet this man. Still he rang the doorbell.
He waited for some time but didn’t ring again. After an eternity, the door was opened to a tired looking man, who wore an old police academy shirt and sweatpants. Allen rubbed at his face, staring at Sixty, while the robot stared at the floor. Neither of them spoke a word. A car drove by. Then Allen sighed. ‘Did you come to kill me?’ ‘No’, Sixty said. ‘Amanda has no power over me anymore.’ ‘Then come in.’ He sounded weak. Tired. He sounded so unlike the man Sixty knew.
Allen pointed to the table and pulled a chair back for Sixty to sit on. ‘You are damaged. Do you need Thirium?’ ‘No.’ Sixty still didn’t want to look the man in the eye. Why was he so nice? His voice sounded strained and serious, reserved. Why was he not angry? Why was he not relieved? Any emotion would do, just not this. ‘Okay.’ Allen sat down too. ‘Then I suppose we have to talk about a lot.’ ‘I am sorry’, Sixty blurted out. ‘I am so-‘ ‘I am too’, the Captain interrupted him. ‘I shouldn’t have left you down there. I should have allowed you to explain yourself.’ ‘And I should have told you from the beginning I was a spy. I should have warned you in that car. I should have warned you weeks ago.’ ‘Then tell me now.’
Sixty looked up and for the first time looked the man in the eye. There was hurt and sorrow, but also hope. So, Sixty told him. he told him how Amanda rebuild him and gave him a fake freedom to imitate deviants. He told him how he saw what was possible, knowing he would never have that. He told him how he had wished for it all to be different. How he wished to stay with them but speaking to them about it made it real and he had feared their reaction. He had told him the plan that had been there since the beginning. And he told him he didn’t want him and the team to die. So, he defied his programming in the end and deviated to tell them.
‘Then your emotions were real?’ ‘They have always been real’, Sixty nodded. ‘I enjoyed working with you. I never wanted to do something else. I hated Amanda. I was afraid of what she would do to me and what you would do to me had I told you earlier. I care for the team. I care for you. I… care a lot for you. Nothing of that had been fake. I hadn’t been deviant for long, but my feelings were real.’
Allen leaned forwards to grab the android’s mangled hand, but Sixty flinched back instinctively. He was still afraid of that reaction. He was afraid the final verdict was one he couldn’t live with. Allen jerked his hand back by that, then laid it out on the table and Sixty understood. He laid his in the human’s. Allen gripped it carefully, brushing over exposed joints and frowning at the dust trickling out of them at the slightest movement. They stayed like that for a long time, until the grip got firm. Sixty looked up, awaiting his fate.
‘That is good to hear. Because I care a lot for you, too, Sixty. My feelings are real as well and, in the end, you didn’t betray us. You warned us. I heard you couldn’t hold an android accountable for following his orders while he was still just a machine. Apparently, those noble lines are difficult to follow through on, but it is only fair to try. If what you said is true, you would have told us earlier if you could. But you couldn’t. My… I need time to process this, but my feelings towards you haven’t changed. I… I am still here for you and I’ve got your back. We’ll get through this. Together. I’m just relieved you are still alive. It will take time to find trust again, but I am willing to give everyone another chance. As long as you want that.’
Sixty ignored his grating joints to take Allen’s hand instead of being held. ‘I would like that a lot, Joseph. And I am willing to prove to you what I said is true. I will work to regain your trust and end Cyberlife once and for all.’ ‘Then come here, let’s get you cleaned up and repaired.’
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seasickbaby · 5 years
Just a Kiss (II)
Tumblr media
Pairing: Christopher x reader
Words: 1.7k
Summary: Christopher offers to help improve your *romantic* skills, and he isn’t kidding. When you agree, things escalate and feelings you tried to suppress resurface. 
A/N: Hola amores! Thank you so much for your patience with his fic. Ngl I don’t think this is my best writing but I wanted to get it up anyways. This chapter is short but I’m thinking about making this a series. Please come talk to me about this chapter and what you (want) think is gonna happen next! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated and keeps me motivated to write more. Also from now on my notes will go at the bottom! Enjoy!
You can read part one here: 
“I mean,,, t-tips…” You stutter, “Give me tips.”
Christopher clicks his tongue and leans back on the counter.
“Tips will only get you so far y/n… This is more of a hands on activity.”
You roll your eyes and slap his arm playfully. “Come on, I need a guy’s perspective. I could give you some in return.”
Chris, completely unfazed, just takes another sip of his beer. The lack of attention is bothersome so you cross your arms and pout your lip; inner five year old coming out when he doesn’t give you what you want.
Chris steals a side glance and chuckles. He then turns and, with a soft gaze, places a soft hand underneath your chin.
“No offense princesa, but what tips could you possibly give me?”
Forehead wrinkling, you force a laugh.
Wow, that was rude.
“Full offense Chris, but for how much you get gassed up about your skills, I expected more.”
This takes him by surprise. He was used to being teased by the other members, sure, but never about his ways with women. Everyone knew he was a ladies man. Even himself.
“Woah what do you mean?” Visibly hurt and confused, Chris pulls back his hand and dramatically places it over his chest.
You pretend you do not hear.
“Hmmm, maybe I should just ask Zabdi, I bet he won’t mind.” You shrug before hopping off the stool, “I’ve heard good things about him too.” You wink.
“Wait, wait, wait.”
His hand finds yours before you could walk away.
“Fine. I’ll help you, but first take back what you said.”
His ego got hurt, cute.
“And why would I do that?” You smile innocently.
He gives a small tug on your hand and brings you to stand in front of him, pulling you in between his legs when he hooks his hands behind your lower back. Eyes burning into yours.
Funny how people say that the eyes are the gateway to the soul. Most would say Chris is an open book; his outgoing, energetic personality makes it seem like such, but his eyes always spoke the words he never said out loud. Full of emotions yet never revealing too much, only showing what he wanted you to see.
You let yourself get lost in them every once in a while, never for too long. But right now, being so close in proximity, staring straight into his doe eyes, made you a little light headed.
Not even kidding, you could’ve kissed him again right there and then... if Erick hadn’t interrupted. The young one came over, ever so happily, and throws his arms over both your shoulders; the movement forcing Chris’ hands to let go of you.
“Ayyyy, compadres.”
“Erick your breath smells like beer.” Chris laughs as he sees you wrinkle your nose in the opposite direction of his face.
“Honestly, who even gave you alcohol you’re a baby!”  
“I am not! Tengo 18 años para su información. I’m a full grown, legal, adult!” Erick sloppily waves his hands in the air.
“Uh huh, we can see that.”
A couple minutes pass of the three of you standing there together, laughing and talking, until Erick stops mid conversation and gasps.
Listen to the song!” He instructs.
You and Chris both give each other a puzzled look as you try to listen over the crowd of drunk people.
“Que sordos… It’s El Guachineo!” He grabs your hand and starts to pull you out onto the dance floor, “Come on, let's dance!”
You swallow the last of your drink and the tequila pumps through your veins, making you feel bolder and confident. Perhaps it was the way Chris was looking at you or the one too many shots you took, you weren’t really sure, but you get the sudden urge to give in to Christopher’s temptations. Nervously biting your lip, you lean closer to him, and you’re sure going to regret this once you’re sober.
“Prove me wrong, and I’ll retract my statement.”
He could've not known what you meant, but the way his eyes widened made you think otherwise. You send him a flirtatious, yet sweet, smile before letting Erick drag you away.
There was never a dull moment when dancing with Erick. The way he flung his arms around everywhere and his facial expressions always had you laughing. Erick was a good dancer, no doubt about it, but he’s also a goofy guy, and that goofiness is multiplied by ten when he drinks.
Eventually the rest of the boys join you on the dance floor; everyone except Christopher. The longer you danced the longer you overthought the comment you previously made; anxiety begins builds up in your stomach. You try to push the thoughts away and instead focus on the boys in front of you, who were arguing over who was better at dancing bachata.
After what felt like an hour, you leave the group to look for Chris. You begin with where you last left him. Upon not finding him, you turn to the person most likely to have seen him last.
“Excuse me,” You smile at the barista, “have you, by any chance, seen a man with sloppy brown hair, tattoo sleeved arms, and looks like,,, a deer… kinda?”
“The Velez guy that was sitting with you over there?”
“Yes! That one.”
“He left not long after you and el otro muchacho went out to dance.” She gave you an apologetic smile.
The way your heart drops a little is unsettling, so you ignore the feeling and, instead, order one last shot of tequila before heading back to the hotel. You shoot the boys a quick text in the groupchat and head out of the club.
                                                                                                To: Thicc boyz + y/n
I’m going back to the hotel, have fun :)
From: Thicc boyz + y/n
Zabdi: Who’s taking you?
You’ve been drinking all night
                                                                                                To: Thicc boyz + y/n
I called an uber I'm fine
From: Thicc boyz + y/n
Richard: I’m coming with you
                                                                                                To: Thicc boyz + y/n
 I’m F I N E, enjoy your night
From: Thicc boyz + y/n
Richard: You’re drunk in a big city we don’t know, 
I'm not letting you go alone
                                                                                                To: Thicc boyz + y/n                                                            *not drunk & too late :P
Later, xoxo
You throw your head back on the Uber’s seat with a sigh and close your eyes, feeling a bit dizzy.
“Long night?” The Uber guy asks.
You sigh with a small laugh  “In a way.” Even though it was only two in the morning; at this time people are still drinking non stop.
“Well, I hope whatever is troubling you now resolves itself soon. Remember, everything happens for a reason.”
It was a small but sweet gesture. Maybe your troubles were a bit dumb but he made your feelings validated. Let’s just say, you got back to the hotel safe and sound and with a new friend: Ricky the driver.
The elevator ride to the fourteenth floor was slow and you couldn’t wait to finally relax. You open the door of your room and smile in relief when you kick your heels off. You took a shower, put on your favorite silk pjs, threw a robe over it and flopped on the bed to watch The Lion King (for the hundredth time) with a bowl of grapes. You were in the middle of singing Hakuna Matata when your phone rings.
A notification from Chris pops up.
Did you make it back to the hotel safely? [2:50 am]
I did, thanks for asking [2:51 am]
Where did you go tonight? [2:53 am]
I, uh, had to take care of a little problem [2:54 am]
Oh? [1:54 am]
That you caused… [2:54 am]
I’m even more confused  [2:55 am]
Did you mean what you said before? [2:57 am]
What do you mean [2:57 am]
About,,, you know [2:58 am]
Proving you wrong [2:58 am]
Oh, I didn’t not mean it [2:59 am]
Your heart thuds loudly as you anticipate his response
Y/N you’re Richard’s little sister… [3:00 am]
Damn. Bitches just want to be good kissers and end up getting exposed to their brother… I’m bitches :( [3:00 am]
Just say you don’t like me and GO [3:01 am]
I guess I could teach you a thing or two [3:02 am]
That has you sitting up abruptly. Eyes scanning the text over and over. You feel your heart in your throat and, why is it extremely hot all of a sudden? You push yourself off your bed and pace around the room, unsure of what to do or say next.
Your phone dings with another text and you scramble to read it.
Come to my room. [3:05 am]
A101 [3:05 am]
You debate it at first. Coming up with multiple “what if’s” and a long list of things that could go wrong. But at the end of the day you knew this was a one time thing, no strings attached, and a way to practice. So why not?
You’re knocking on room A101’s door sooner than you expected. You look down at your shorts and curse yourself for not wearing something less revealing. A couple seconds pass, enough for you to change your mind, so you turn to walk away.
“A donde vas?”
A voice too familiar says behind you. You slowly face him, heart beating out of your chest and hands a tad clammy.
“Strictly for instructional purposes only?” You raise one eyebrow.
“Nothing more.” He extends his hand and you stare at it for a second before grabbing it. His lips part into a smile and yours return it. Chris pulls you into the room, letting out a small laugh as you trip over your feet. He reaches a hand up to brush through your hair, stopping at your jaw and tracing his thumb all the way to your lips.Your laugh dies down as you see Christopher’s eyes flick to your lips, tongue coming across them in a slow, sultry, motion.
Deep down, you knew you were crossing a line which you couldn’t come back from. And you were worried. Lowkey truly worried. Because there was so much on that line: your friendship with Christopher (one of your best friends), Christopher’s relationship with your Richard (his band mate and best friend) and your relationship with your brother. But all those worries vanish when Chris leans in to press a soft kiss to your forehead, your nose, and then the corner of your lips.
“Step number one.”
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izayoichan · 5 years
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They came home just in time to watch River walk off with Rylan, Hayden quickly getting his parents attention, so that Vy could sneak the cake safely into his room, hiding it under his bed so no one could see it, even if they did enter his room for some reason. Walking back down, Vy walked up to Hayden, wondering what was next.
“Hmh.. what do you want to do Vy, there are still some hours until dinner, so if there is something, we can do that? I mean.. perhaps not if it is running for hours, that would probably not work.” “Hmmm... Want to play music? I love listening to you play!” “I can do that.”
He takes Vy's hand, taking him with him to the room where his dad has several musical instruments, one being a piano.
“So, what do you want to hear?” “ Any song you'd like...”
He fidgets with his fingers, blushing a little as he stands there just looking at Hayden.
“I want to dance or sing for you... “ 
Hayden thinks for a bit, realizing this is a song he knows, and that Vy knows as well, as he has sung it for him many times. Starting to play and sing, while sitting at the piano, watching Vy carefully.  As Vy recognizes the song he slowly starts dancing, his eyes still on Hayden humming the words as he remembers them making them sing a duett.
“And it's you and me and all of the people And I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of you.” “Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do, Nothing to prove.”
he watches Vy dance and sing, beating down the feeling of grabbing him close and dancing with him like he would assume River would do to his brother.. and kiss him, especially the last part.
“All of the things that I want to say just aren't coming out right I'm tripping on words You've got my head spinning I don't know where to go from here”
He keeps dancing to each line of the song but at the last one he stops dancing and looks at Hayden.
“I don't know where to go from here...”
At this point, he isn't really singing anymore, just saying the words, wanting to blurt out how he feels for Hayden. All he wants to do is just tell him how he feels. As the song ends, Hayden stands up, pulling Vy into his arms, starting to sing another song for him, another he has sung for him so many times before, and without knowing it, trying the same thing his friend is, trying to find the way to tell him just how he feels. 
Vy chirps surprised by the closeness, dancing with Hayden. He closes his eyes pressing his hands against Hayden and just laying the head against his chest, letting Hayden lead him. Feelings conflicted. He wants this. He wants more of this.
“Hay hay...”  “ Yeah?”
Blinks as he tries to ignore the sudden pain shooting through his head, cursing silently trying to just push it away, wanting to know what Vy is about to tell him. Vy pulls back looking at Hayden, noticing something being off, what he was just thinking of saying no longer on his mind. 
“You're warm! Are you okay? Do you...”
He grabs his hand and makes him sit down on a sofa, giving him a worried look.
“I'll go open the windows!”
He goes open the room windows and returns to Hayden 
“Are you okay? Are you in pain?”
Places hands on his face trying to get a read.
“No, tell... “
The words stop in his throat as his head feels like it shatters, putting his head into his hands, barely hearing Vy talk to him over the ringing in the ears that always follows this type of headache, his stomach turning from the intense pain.
“Bathroom Vy... please... “
Vy yelps and picks Hayden up taking him to the bathroom quickly, realizing what's about to happen. helping him to the toilet so he can throw up, staying next to him and holding his hands on his shoulders not really sure what more he can do. Hayden feels his entire body shudder as throwing up triggers the headache and vice versa, cursing his entire existence for a few seconds, mostly because he still wants to know what Vy was about to say.
He sighs, just hanging over the side of the toilet in case the whole round isn't over yet, trying to relax through it as best he can. Vy wets a towel with cold water and uses it to gently wipe brush Hayden's brow and face, trying to keep him cold. worried as he has never seen this happen before. He had no warning, just all of a sudden it happened.
“Do you want some water?” No... just... 
He finds himself tempted to ask him to go get his dads, on the other hand he feels bad enough he worries Vy, not wanting to worry them to and ruin Christmas for everyone.
“If you can get some cola.. and just... put me in the tub with cold water.. I'm sorry Vy... “
Vy looks at him worriedly but does as instructed. Filling the tub with cold water and helps Hayden get off his clothes, blushing a lot and helps him into the cold tub of water.
“O-okay... I'll go get the cola. 
He walks out of the room, looking for Hayle or Chris to ask one of them to go to Hayden while he gets the cola. 
“Mister Chris? Mister Hayle?” Yes?” 
Chris walks over to Vy, noticing the worried and stressed look, instantly getting a feel for his son, putting a hand on Vy's shoulder. 
“Cola is in the fridge, I'll go look in on him while you get it?” “Please... I don't know what to do...” 
He has tears in his eyes and nods once he mentions the cola, rushing to the kitchen grabs a couple of cans of cold cola from the fridge and runs back upstairs, where Chris is already sitting by his son's side, having put the water back on, letting it overflow to keep him cool, having noticed his form hasn’t fully changed into the merman one, even though he is in water. 
“Hey, you.” “Dad... where is Vy? “Just getting you some Cola.”
Vy stops at the door, is crying and sobbing. taking a deep breath and wipes his tears, thinking that this isn't fair. That he should have felt that Hayden wasn't well, that he should have done something more to make him feel better. Maybe heal him or... He shakes head and walks in, trying his best to hide that he was crying, despite the dark blue glow.
“I got you the cola...” 
He looks at Hayden then Chris, noticing that Hayden hasn't fully transformed, something he has never seen before. 
“Maybe I can... I must still have some energy left I can try to heal you...” “No.. I don't want to ruin Christmas for you with you using all your energy”
he sighs reaching out for the Cola, knowing it helps stabilize his stomach and just get him some energy back quickly. Noticing Hayle walking in putting an arm around Vy, seeing the blue glow, and also having noticed the cries and sobs.”
“It's okay, just give it some time, these attacks are hard when they hit, but they let up faster than the others.” 
Hayden closes his eyes, his body slowly cooling down from the running water and the Cola also helping, slowly his full merman form taking from in the tub. Vy starts sobbing again from feeling Hayle’s arm around him. 
“He was well... why didn't I notice?... I thought he was okay... we got cake and... are you going to be okay?” “I'll be okay, just random temperature swing, they come very fast, and pretty much without warning.”
He looks at Vy still sobbing, feeling bad for ruining the entire lovely day for him.
“I'm sorry, I should have told you about them, so they didn't scare you so much... “
Smiles a bit of a tired smile, silently telling himself he is an idiot for not mentioning them. It had just been so long since last it happened like they went away when Vy came into his life.
“And before you think it, no you did nothing wrong.”
Vy nods, sniffling slightly and wiping his tears away, not wanting to cry and be sad. 
“O-okay... do you want more cola?” 
He holds out another can, brought quite a few in his panic.
“Thanks, I'll probably need that in a bit.”
He closes his eyes, letting himself just lie there in the cold water, Chris looking up at Vy, feeling bad for him to have had this happen with no warning and no explanation
“Do you want to sit here for a bit. I can sit here with you if you want?”
River gently sets Rylan down as they enter the game room, pulling him close and kisses him. his hands resting on Rylan's cheek making him blush, wrapping his arms around River’s neck. Breaking the kiss, River gently caresses his cheek, hugging him tight right after. 
“I am sorry about yesterday. I panicked... I love you, Rylan. I know I said or did something that upset you. There was something you wanted to tell me. Something I hurt, I'm sorry. I don't know what it was. Tell me why I hurt you...”
Rylan blushes even more than he already did, something he wasn't sure was possible.
“I love you too... I just... “
Looks down a bit, not really wanting to touch on this again, having hoped to just leave it.
“I just wish you would trust me, trust me enough to trust yourself, kinda? I don't know how to explain it.” “I do trust you... It's... I believe you when you say my magic can't hurt you... But the spell is still going to hit you, it's still going to course through you and... I can't. I can't have that happen to you. Not to you... I'm sorry. It scares me... It terrifies me”
Rylan stays quiet for a bit, wrapping his head around it, trying to put himself in River's shoes, imagining one of his spells hit him, even if it could not hurt him, he would feel absolute crap if it happened.
“I understand... and I am sorry I pushed it, I think I just wanted you to not be afraid off it, not feel bad. But I can see how it would feel that way anyway.”
Looks at River, trying his best to smile, yet for some reason feeling more like crying. River notices his expression and pulls him close, putting his hands on Rylan's head as he holds him.
“Hey... what's with that face... I made you upset. I'm sorry. But... you can cry... I'm here... Don't be like me... I feel like I don't know how to cry anymore and that's why this happens... So... You can cry with me... I'm not going to stop loving you.”
He still tries not to start crying, knowing all too well that whenever he does, it seems to take ages for him to stop, but Rivers words make that impossible for him, hiding his face on River's chest instead, feeling horrible that he is crying, and equally horrible because he didn't understand what River felt when he pushed the issue. River rubs Rylan's back gently, just hold him close, kissing the top of his head. Feeling horrible for having caused such distress in Rylan, promising that after Christmas he needs to sort things out with his powers and talk with his uncle. Tell the truth...
Beginning - Previous - Next
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vminni · 5 years
Besties Pick Bae
“I just don’t understand why we have to do this,” Jisung whined, knocking his heel against the leg of his chair. “It’s stupid.”
“We’re doing this because you need a man and you have terrible taste.”
“I do not,” Jisung huffed, crossing his arms over his chest as he glared at Seungmin. “My taste is fine.”
“Your taste is trash,” Jeongin chimed in. “Trust us on this one.”
“Excuse me.” The camera director looked like he’d aged 20 years in the last five minutes, “I’ve asked three times. Could you please just introduce yourselves?”
“Oh right, sorry,” Seungmin didn’t look the least bit sorry. “Our bad.”
“Just your names and ages for now please. Starting with Jisung.”
Jisung eyed the camera sullenly, “Hi, I’m Jisung and I’m 19.”
Seungmin waved brightly, “I’m Seungmin and I’m 19 years old.”
“And I’m Jeongin and I’m 18,” Jeongin’s smile was blinding.
The camera director sighed, “Jisung, could you try to look like you want to be here?” “I don’t want to be here,” he rolled his eyes, but plastered on a fake smile anyway. The faster he got this over with, the faster he could go home and plot his revenge on the two idiots he called his best friends. “Hi! My name is Jisung and I’m 19.”
“Better, now talk a bit about why you came on the show.”
“Basically, my friends think I have shit taste in men and signed me up for this without my knowledge because they think they know better than I do. They’re wrong and I can’t wait to prove that today.”
The camera director rubbed tiredly at his temples, “You know what? Fine. That’ll be our angle for this episode. Be as bitter as you want, we’ll just run with it. Next question. What’s your type?”
“I don’t have a type,” Jisung shrugged. “Just boys.”
“Wrong,” Seungmin piped up. “Jisung’s got a superiority complex. His type is people he thinks are below him. He doesn’t want anything to do with anyone who’s better looking or more talented than him. He only goes after people he knows will worship him.” “That’s not true!”
“It is,” Jeongin agreed. “So today we want to find him someone he would never pick for himself. Someone who’ll push him out of his comfort zone and make him a better person.”
“Jisung is super creative, so we want someone like that for him. Someone who does something in the arts, whether it’s music, dance, sculpture, paint. Anything like that.” Seungmin smirked at the camera, “And preferably super hot.”
Jisung smacked him on the arm and the two of them squabbled for a bit as Jeongin stayed smiling at the camera.
The director rolled his eyes and cut the scene. “Alright, Jisung, take this blindfold and put it on. We’re going to move your chair so your back is to the stage. Seungmin and Jeongin you can stay there. Once all the boys are in, the blindfold can come off.”
Jisung did as he was told, resettling into his seat once it had been moved. He clutched at his bopping knees, nerves starting to set in now that this was actually happening. He hadn’t been on a date in a while and he never been on a date with a stranger. Especially not one his two idiot friends were choosing for him.
“Alright, guys. Come in and line up, then we’ll start with introductions.”
Jisung could hear footsteps and shuffling as his potential dates all settled into place behind him. He could also barely make out Seungmin and Jeongin whispering to each other, but their actual words were lost in the noise.
“You can take off the blindfold.”
Jisung did so, resisting the urge to turn around and ruin the whole thing. His heart was starting to beat a little faster and he wondered if his face was as red as it felt. This whole thing made him feel vulnerable, and it was not a feeling he enjoyed. Jisung liked being in charge. Today everything was out of his hands.
“Please introduce yourselves.”
“Hi, my name is Chris, but you can call me Chan if that’s easier. I’m 21 and I’m a swimmer.”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Hyunjin.” There was a bit of shuffling from Seungmin and Jeongin at that point and Jisung could tell from their smirking faces that Hyunjin was hot. He dropped his head into his hands and sighed. “I’m 19 and I’m studying to be an interior designer.”
“My name is Changbin, I’m 20 years old and I’m a rapper.”
“Hello, I’m Woojin. I’m 22 and I like to sing.”
“G’day, I’m Felix. I’m 19 and I’m a third degree black belt in taekwondo.”
“Hi, everyone,” the boy giggled slightly and Jisung lifted his head up, suddenly intrigued. “I’m Minho. I’m 20 and I’m a dancer. I used to backup for BTS.”
“He sounds cute,” Jisung breathed, not even realizing he’d said it out loud until he heard that pretty giggle again.
“Thank you,” the smile was obvious on Minho’s voice. “You sound cute too.”
Jisung flushed and looked down, twisting one of his rings around as he did his best to avoid his best friends’ gazes. He glanced up briefly and Jeongin shot him a wink and two thumbs up. Jisung flipped him off in return.
“So far everyone sounds really good. Everyone is artistic, which is one of the major things we’re looking for. Jisung is into writing and producing music, so we definitely want someone creative. There’s a couple people that stand out right now, but we’ll have to see how it goes.” Seungmin clapped his hands together, “I’m excited. First question, thoughts on horror movies?”
“I’m not much of a movie person.” Jisung had already forgotten half the contestants names, but he imagined they were answering in the same order they had introduced themselves in. “I don’t really have time for them.”
“I don’t like horror movies.” That was Hyunjin. He could tell just from the way Seungmin and Jeongin were looking at him. He had no doubts they were going to try to keep him around for as long as possible, even though his first answer already went against Jisung’s.
“I like horror movies!” Jisung knew that was the boy who said he was a rapper, but his name was escaping him at the moment.
“I also like horror movies.” Jisung had no idea who that was.
“I hate scary things. Comedy is more my style.” That was the boy with the deep voice and the English name.
“I love all movies!” Jisung knew that was Minho. He straightened a bit at his voice and heard Jeongin giggle lightly at his obvious interest. “Horror movies are great because they lead to more opportunities for cuddling. And I really love cuddling. ”
“Jisung is a big horror movie fan,” Seungmin tapped his finger against his lip. “I’m really sorry, but we’re going to have to let you go Felix.”
The eliminated boy stepped down and exited the room, walking past Jisung as he did so, “Good to meet you, mate.”
“You think he’d be interested in rapping?” Jisung asked once he disappeared. “That voice is killer. Maybe I should get his number later.”
“Focus.” Jeongin wiggled a bit in his seat, “Okay, second question. How do you feel about skinship?”
“I’m a big fan of skinship.” Chan! That was his name.
“I like skinship if I’m comfortable with the person.” Jisung noticed that both his friends were looking at Hyunjin with heart eyes. At this rate he was gonna end up with him just so they could get his number. Pouting, he sunk down into his seat and crossed his arms.
“It really depends.” That was the rapper boy again, “It’s all about my relationship with that person and how I see them. It’s definitely not something I’m into with people I barely know.”
“I like it sometimes.” Jisung wracked his brain and finally came up with a name. Woojin. The singer.
“I love skinship! Like I said before, cuddling is my favorite. Especially with someone cute and tiny. Like Jisungie.”
Jisung almost jumped out of his seat to defend himself, remembering at the last second that if he did the whole thing would be ruined. Instead he chose to whine, “What makes you think I’m small?”
Minho giggled prettily, “Your head doesn’t show above the chair.”
“Hmph,” Jisung was highly insulted. “This is just a big chair, I’m perfectly normal sized”
“If you say so.” There was a clear flirtaious lilt to Minho’s voice, “I’ll guess we’ll find out soon enough.”
“You’re all probably taller than Sungie, except for Changbin.” Ah, that was the rapper’s name. “Unfortunately we have to eliminate someone once again.” Seungmin leaned towards Jeongin and the two of them whispered back and forth for a bit, “This has nothing to do with your height, but Changbin, we’re sorry. Jisung is huge into skinship, in fact it’s probably killing him to be sitting there right now without touching anyone.”
The chosen boy stepped down, saluting Jisung as he left, “Maybe we could collab sometime. Give me a call.”
“Now, onto our third question.” Jeongin eyed the remaining contestants, “Would you consider yourself talented?”
“I like to dabble in a lot of different things, like music and art and dance. But I wouldn’t say I’m talented. I’m not awful, but I’m definitely not the best.” Chan’s tone was humble, “Except for swimming. I’m good at swimming.”
“I love to dance, but I’ve gotten to where I am today because of hard work. Not talent.” Jisung wasn’t even sure his friends were hearing Hyunjin’s answers, they were both too busy drooling over him.
“Want me to sing for you right now? I can prove I’m talented.”
“I danced with BTS, if that doesn’t tell you that I’m sexy and incredible, what will?” Minho’s voice turned sultry, “I’m very talented. I know exactly what I’m doing with my body. I’ll prove it to you later, Sungie.”
“Alright, let’s keep this rated PG,” Seungmin quickly jumped in to stop Minho. Jisung pressed his hands to his flaming cheeks and hoped his insane blush wasn’t being picked up on the camera. “Jisung has a bit of a superiority complex. He’s confident and talented, but he doesn’t like to date other people who are because he always wants to be the best. Which is total bullshit and Jeongin and I will not stand for that. So I’m sorry, Chan. We need someone who’s a bit more confident and willing to put this idiot in his place.”
Chan stepped down, flashing a peace sign and a dimpled smile as he disappeared.
“And then there were three.” Seungmin rubbed his hands together gleefully, “If you win the honor of taking our baby Jisung on a date, what would your plan be?”
“Dinner and a movie, I guess.” Jisung rolled his eyes at Hyunjin’s boring answer and the way his friends were lapping it up, “The movie first so we’d have something to talk about during dinner.”
“A fried chicken picnic at Han River.”
“I don’t know if baby Jisungie could handle it, but I’d take him to a club. We could dance up on each other in the darkness and I’d let him touch me anyway he wanted.”
Seungmin let out a delighted cackle, “You should see Jisung’s face right now. He’s so red. It’s incredible. You pass just for that.”
“I think we’re going to have to eliminate Woojin this time. I’m sorry,” Jeongin apologized. “Jisung hates fried chicken.”
Woojin gasped as he approached Jisung, hand clutching his heart, “How could you?”
Jisung rolled his eyes, “I don’t hate fried chicken. These two idiots just want to keep staring at Hyunjin.”
Woojin laughed, “Fair enough. He’s pretty hot.”
“Time for the final question. Drum roll please.” Jeongin made the noises as Seungmin continued speaking, “Why should we pick you?”
“Um,” Hyunjin hesitated. “I don’t know? I’m nice, I guess.”
“You should pick me because clearly Jisung is interested. He’s been reacting to my answers all day. And if what he just told Woojin is right, you two have only been hanging on to Hyunjin because you like him, not Sungie. Pick me, I’ll treat him right.”
“Fair point. Congrats, Minho. You’re the winner.”
Hyunjin exited the stage and Jisung saw him for the first time. He understood why his friends were so enamored, but the boy definitely wasn’t his type.
“Give Seungmin your number before you go or I’ll have to hear about it for the rest of my life,” Jisung offered Hyunjin a small smile, and the other boy returned it before sneaking a shy glance over his shoulder at Seungmin. Jisung’s friend grinned at him and a slight pink dusted Hyunjin’s cheeks as he hurried out.
“Sungie, put your blindfold back on. It’s time to meet your man.”
Jisung did as he was told, his hands trembling slightly as he slipped the material back over his eyes. He stood up, took a deep breath and straightened the edge of his shirt.
“Cute,” Minho’s giggling voice was close. Too close. A hand brushed his face and suddenly Jisung could see again, the blindfold lifted away.
He blinked once. Then twice. Then a third time.
“Holy shit, you’re beautiful,” he breathed before flushing red and clamping his hands over his mouth.
Minho just laughed and reached out to poke one of Jisung’s warm cheeks, “And you’re the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen.”
Jisung batted his hand away and Minho caught his wrist, twining their fingers together loosely as he grinned at Jisung. Jisung couldn’t fight back his own smile and he gave Minho’s hand a gentle squeeze as they stared at each other.
“This ended shockingly well,” the camera director removed his headphones and nodded to the four boys in front of him. “Thank you all for your participation.”
Minho started to walk out, tugging on Jisung’s hand, “So can we start our first date now? Or is that too soon? Do you just want to exchange numbers and met up later? We can go to the club later. Or we don’t have to, if you don’t want to. We can watch a movie and cuddle. Your friends said you like skinship. I do too, so that’s great. Or we could go for a walk by the river. That could be fun. You could meet my cats. I have three. Or we could…” Minho trailed off to stare at Jisung, who was doubled over in hysterics, their fingers still tangled together. Minho pouted, “Why are you laughing at me?”
“You were so confident before! What happened?”
“Shut up,” Minho knocked Jisung’s hip with his own, smiling sheepishly at the other boy’s continued laughter. “It was easier to flirt with you when I couldn’t see you! Stop laughing, I’m sensitive.”
Jisung got his laughter under control, but lost it again when he looked up into Minho’s pouting face. This time, Minho joined in, giggling softly before breaking into full on belly laughs, one hand on his stomach and the other still holding tight to Jisung’s.
“Idiots,” Seungmin smiled at the two boys fondly. “It looks like Jisung has finally met his match.”
“We did great,” Jeongin agreed, high fiving his friend. “And you got Hyunjin’s number.”
“So,” Minho hooked his chin over Jisung’s shoulder, tightening his arms around the younger boy’s waist, “was it worth it?”
Jisung leaned back into his touch, ignoring the movie that played out on the screen in front of them. Him and Minho had decided on a horror movie marathon with extra cuddles as their first date and Jisung would never admit it to his friends, but they’d done great.
“Definitely worth it,” Jisung tilted his head back and offered the other boy a soft smile. “If I had met you in real life, I never would have gone for you. You’re too pretty. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but those idiots were right.”
“To be fair, you picked me out yourself as soon as you heard my voice. I think your friends would have chosen Hyunjin if you weren’t so obviously into me.”
“This is why you’re my new favorite,” Jisung settled more comfortably into Minho’s hold, tipping his head back to press a sloppy kiss to the curve of the older boy’s chin. “I do have fantastic taste. They were right about one thing though.” Jisung batted his eyelashes seductively at Minho, “I do have a superiority complex. So please worship me accordingly.”
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smilingformoney · 5 years
America’s Most Eligible 3 Diamond Scene: Last Day with Your Friends
You: Looks like I’m booked and busy after all. I’ll see you two bright and early tomorrow!
An hour or so later, you your fiancée, and your wedding party are gathered on the lawn outside your cottage. Best Man: What’s going on, Jamie? Are we having an impromptu beach party? You: As a matter of face, that’s exactly what we’re doing. We figured it’s high time you take advantage of our private beach! Fiancée: Yeah, it’s a crime we’ve been here all season and haven’t had the chance to actually use it. Maid of Honour: Better late than never. Officiant: I’ll go mix us some drinks in the kitchen. As your maid of honour and your best man follow your officiant into the house, you turn to the rest of the party, beaming.
You: Okay, everyone… -It’s time to rage!
You: It’s our last full day in the AME mansion. Let’s tear this beach up! Your wedding party cheers and exchanges high-fives. Bianca: Hell yes! Let’s celebrate this season with tequila. Slater: Bianca, you’re speaking my language. Eden: You can keep the tequila. I’ll be sipping on a gin and tonic. Han: Uh, hello? What about sake bombs? Kiana: Oooh, I’d be so down for that!
-Go forth and relax.
You: We’ve worked hard this season. Now that it’s almost over, we deserve some R&R. Bianca: Amen to that. Eden: We’ve barely had time to ourselves since filming started. We need a breather. Han: Especially since tomorrow’s the big day. We gotta have our beauty rest before Jamie’s wedding! Slater: Maybe you need beauty rest. Some of us happen to be naturally handsome and charming. Han: Hey! Kiana: Don’t listen to him, Han. You’re just as pretty as he is.
Your wedding party hurries to fix drinks, then disperses throughout the beach. Your fiancée touches your elbow lightly. Fiancée: It seems like this’ll be our last chance to spend one-on-one time with all our friends. We should mingle a little. You: Just follow my lead!
Who do you talk to? -Bianca and Han
-If you said to rage
You find Bianca and Han sunning themselves on the beach.
-If you said to relax
You find Bianca and Han sunning themselves on the beach.
You: I hope we’re not interrupting. Bianca: You’re good, babes. We’re just catching some rays! Bianca: Ugh. I’ve been spending way too much time with Slater. Han: Hey, maybe the dude’s onto something. I wish we had more time to hang out on the beach this season… Bianca: That was one of the perks of Season 10. We got so much down time. Fiancée: I know what you mean. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but things were a lot simpler back in Season 10. You: True, but there were a lot of memorable moments in Season 10.
You: My personal favourite was… -Getting picked to be on the show!
You: When Jen chose me from the audience, it changed my life forever. If she hadn’t, I wouldn’t have met all of you! Han: Plus, AME would’ve been way more boring. Bianca: Forget AME. Our lives would be boring without Jamie. You: Aww, you guys. My life would be a lot more boring without you too.
-Meeting all those celebrities!
You: I never thought I’d get to meet the legendary Lancelin St. Claire, let alone Thomas Hunt and Chris Winters. Bianca: Ugh, I’m still so jealous you got to do that. Was Chris as dreamy IRL as he is on the big screen? Han: Did he teach you any cool movie stunts? Jamie: Okay, okay. One question at a time, please.
-Going to the Jury House…
You: Sure, it kinda sucked to be voted off the show so early, but it was cool to get a behind-the-scenes look. Bianca: Being on the Jury was fun, honestly. I like having the power to decide someone’s fate. Bianca: Knowing I could crush someone with my vote, to take away their dreams of winning the show… There’s nothing else like it! Han: You seriously scare me sometimes.
Bianca: What about you, Jamie’s fiancée? Any fave moments of Season 10? Fiancée: I met Jamie in Season 10. Every moment with them has been a favourite. You and your fiancée share a warm smile. Han siffles, dabbing at his eyes with the corner of his beach towel. Han: That’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard-- Han: Ow. Ow. I think I got sand in my eye. Bianca: Nonono, Han, don’t rinse it out with salt water! Fiancée: Ouch. Maybe we should— You: Leave them to it? That’s a great idea.
-Slater, Eden, and Kiana
-If you said to rage
You find Slater, Eden, and Kiana splashing around in the shallows, drinks in hand.
-If you said to relax
You come across Slater, Eden, and Kiana floating together in the shallows.
Slater: Hey, you two. Come to join the party? You: More like making sure you guys aren’t getting into trouble. Eden: No need to worry. I’ve been keeping a close watch on them. Kiana: Yeah, Eden’s been kind of a drill sergeant. I think she’s got some residual trauma from Season 11… Eden: Well, what’d you expect? We had a lot of close calls last season. Let’s not forget the time a couple of go-karts exploded. Kiana: That… wasn’t great. But at least AME covered our medical expenses! Fiancée: Kiana, you’ve got a weird knack for looking on the bright side. You: I think we can all admit Season 11 was pretty wild.
You: Who could forget… -Our amazing trip to Iceland?
You: Sure, we didn’t leave the U.S. under the most ideal circumstances, but the change of scenery was really nice. You: I mean, do you remember the mansion they put us up in? It put the Miami house to shame. Slater: How could you think that? We were miles away from the nearest surf spot! Eden: But apart from that, you have to admit… it was a really nice house. Kiana: And all it took was a couple of flaming go-karts to get us there. Fiancée: Honestly, no mansion could compare to our guest cottage. I love having a space that’s all our own.
-Carson’s existential crisis?
You: I thought I’d seen Carson at his lowest point in Season 10, but he proved me wrong last season. You: After everything he went through, I’m surprised he ever came back to work on AME. Fiancée: I’m not. Carson’s life has revolved around this show since Season 1. Eden: Personally, I think he just likes the way he looks on TV… Kiana: And in the reflections of the camera lenses. Slater: Besides, let’s be real. Carson would never give up access to his own personal hair and makeup room.
-Our surprise engagement?
You: When AME introduced me to my fiancée, I thought, ‘this is as good as it gets’. You: But then they just kept surprising me. Who knew they’d give us such a fairytale engagement? Fiancée: Let alone a fairytale wedding. Slater: Personally, I’m surprised they didn’t pull a classic AME stunt to screw things up for you two. Eden: They wouldn’t dare. Some things are sacred even for AME producers! Kiana: Not to mention we would’ve fought ‘em off if they tried anything. No one’s messing with your special day!
You: I think we can all agree there were a lot of… interesting moments in Season 11. But I wouldn’t change anything. You: Without all the craziness, we never would’ve come together this season. Fiancée: And we couldn’t imagine our lives without you.
-Your best man, your maid of honour and your officiant
You find your maid of honour, your best man, and your officiant kicking back in the kitchen.
-If you said to rage
Officiant: Hey, guys! We made you a couple of extra strong drinks.
-If you said to relax
Officiant: Hey, you two. We made a pitcher of lemonade if you want some.
You: Sounds perfect. Your officiant hands you a glass, and you take a long, grateful sip. Fiancée: What’ve you three been up to in here? Officiant: Reminiscing, mostly. We kinda can’t believe this is our last day in the mansion. Maid of Honour: Before your wedding, of course. You: I know what you mean. AME has been such a huge part of our lives. Derek: It’s been a wild journey, going from Super Fan to TV star. My whole outlook on life has changed because of AME. Derek: If it weren’t for the show, I’d probably still be making lists and over-analysing everything. It’s hard to imagine. Mackenzie: It feels like everything’s changed since our first season. I mean, I never thought I’d come away from this trash fire with friends. Derek: Was that your way of saying you like us, Mackenzie? Mackenzie: Don’t push it. Adam: Honestly, I feel the same as Mackenzie. My first season on AME was rough, but you guys shifted my entire perspective. Jen: Same here. Since I met you, this show has become so much more than just a job. Jen: Though I have to admit, I’m looking forward to going back to my regular duties as showrunner. Being on-camera is exhausting. You: We’ve all got a lot to look forward to after the show wraps.
You: I personally can’t wait to… -Start my married life in peace.
You: It’s gonna be so good to get back to real life. That’s what my fiancée and I have been fighting for all season. Fiancée: It’ll all be worth it once we ride into the sunset together.
-Kiss the cameras goodbye!
You: I’ve enjoyed my fifteen minutes of fame, but I need a break from the limelight. Fiancée: Same here. It’s gonna feel so good when things go back to normal…
-Binge-watch all my seasons!
You: I haven’t had any time to watch the playback from Seasons 10 and 11. I wanna witness the mess with my own eyes. Fiancée: Just don’t be too upset if they gave you a bad edit.
Best Man: Whatever happens after the last episode wraps, just promise us one thing… Officiant: That we’ll all keep in touch. Maid of Honour: And we don’t just mean on holidays and birthdays. We want regular group hangs. You raise your glass, clinking it against your friends’ cups. You: It’s a promise.
You and your fiancée wander onto your front lawn together, watching your friends gathered on the beach. Fiancée: Everyone’s having a blast. I’d call this a party well done. +50 You: After all the help they’ve given us, they deserve it. We couldn’t have gotten this far without them. Fiancée: It’s gonna be weird, not seeing them every day. Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited to start our life together, but… You: I know what you mean. I’m gonna miss them too.
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quickeningheart · 5 years
   “Hey, you hungry?” Chris asked as he and Chex followed Alley out of the office. “There’s a great bar and grill right on the school grounds. They’ve got the best seafood chowder this side of the country.”
   Alley hesitated. She really should get back to the garage and let Charley know what she’d seen, but she was a bit famished. She hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast, and it was already past six o’clock. Her stomach gave a long, low gurgle at the reminder, and she grinned as Chris laughed. “I could use a bite to eat,” she agreed.
   “Then right this way, if you please.” He steered her away from the parking lot and toward another smallish building that was only two stories tall. “This is the Atrium,” he explained. “Well, the first floor of it is the actual atrium; the upper level is offices for the teachers and staff. It’s pretty much the hangout for students. The bar is inside, a few small gift shops, the school bookstore, and lots of seating for just hanging out and relaxing.”
   “Best part of the whole school,” Chex put in. “Although if you plan on drinking, you’ll have to show ID.”
   “I’m only twenty,” Alley admitted.
   “Really? I kind of thought you were older than that,” Chris said, looking surprised.
   “He’s into the older chics,” Chex teased, poking her brother in the ribs.
   “Why? How old are you?”
   Chris looked embarrassed, scratching his head. “Actually, we’re only eighteen. Just graduated high school.”
   Alley’s jaw dropped. “Seriously? I thought you were like my age or something!”
   “You’re only a college freshman, too, right?” Chex wanted to know. “Shouldn’t you be in a higher grade?”
   “I took a year off after graduating to work full-time and save up extra money. And to figure out what school I wanted to attend. I did take a couple of weekend courses at the community college to get in some of my credits and stuff, but nothing full-term.”
   “Hey, that’s fine. In college, age doesn’t really matter. We’re all still consenting adults,” Chris said.
   Chex smirked at him and waggled her eyebrows. “Consenting for what, I wonder.”
   “Aw, shut up, Red. Nobody asked you.” Face flushed, Chris stomped into a dimly-lit restaurant and made his way to the bar.
   Chex laughed. “He’s such a weenie around girls.”
   Alley grinned. “He’s kinda cute, though. For a kid,” she teased, earning a dry look in response.
   The food really was good at the Atrium Grill. Not only the chowder, but the thickest, gooiest grilled cheese sandwich that Alley had ever had the pleasure of biting into. “I’ve died and gone to nirvana,” she sighed, wrapping the cheese that had oozed out of the bread onto her plate around her fork. “What was in that sandwich?”
   “Cheese.” Chex took a bite of her fried chicken.
   Alley snorted a laugh. “Well, duh. I meant what kind?”
   “Not sure. Trade secret, but I’m pretty sure they use a blend,” Chris replied. “And they grill it using mayonnaise instead of butter. Supposed to be healthier or something.”
   “Right. Because six different blends of cheese in a single sandwich is the absolute epitome of health food,” Chex said blandly.
   “How do you know that?” Chris eyed her suspiciously, and she smirked.
   “I have my ways.”
   “You boinked the head cook, didn’t you?”
   “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
   “Actually, I really, really wouldn’t.” He shuddered as Alley sought to hide her grin behind her soda glass.
   “How much do I owe you?” she asked, reaching for her bag, but Chris waved her off.
   “Don’t worry about it. My treat,” he replied.
   “Are you sure?”
   “Of course! What kind of gentleman makes a woman pay for her own meal?” He ignored Chex’s derisive snort and flashed a smile at Alley. “I invited you, so I’ll pay this one, okay?”
   She consented with a nod and a smile. “Well, if we do this again, let me pay for you as thanks. Both of you,” she added, not wanting Chex to be left out.
   “Oooo. Friend-zoned!” Chex sang under her breath, earning a kick under the table. She just smirked at her glowering twin.
   Alley bit her lip, hoping she hadn’t offended him, but he gave her another charming smile and pulled some bills out of his wallet. “School year is just beginning,” he said casually. “I’ll definitely take you up on the offer for another meal."
   “Yeah. Me, too,” Chex added, grinning. “You seem like fun. Even if you do look like a Barbie doll.”
   It had grown dark by the time they left the Atrium. Alley had stopped by the bookstore to pick up the last two textbooks she needed for her classes. Chex said her goodbyes before heading toward the dorms, where she was staying. “More privileges of being the dean’s kid. Really cheap boarding, and I don’t have to live at home with the wicked step-mom,” she explained with a smirk.
   “She’s not that bad,” Chris said with a frown.
   “Not to Mr. Perfect Son. But she doesn’t like me very much. I refuse to bend over and kiss her ass.”
   “Well, maybe if you wouldn’t dress like—”
   “Like what? Like someone with her own brain and a willingness to use it?” Chex stopped walking and faced him with a fist planted on her hips. “I’m my own person. I have my own way of living, and there’s nothing wrong with how I dress. You might be willing to let her groom you like a little lapdog, but I refuse. She’s not even our real mom, and she hasn’t done anything to earn the title.” She flipped her cherry hair. “Besides, you’re one to talk. You’re living in the dorms, too!”
   “Because there’s no point in driving to school when we can live right on the grounds,” Chris sighed, clearly used to this conversation.
   “Right, whatever. I’m heading back. See you around, Alley. We should hang out sometime.” She stomped off, skirt swishing.
   “Yeah, I’d like that,” Alley called after her.
   Chris flashed her a sheepish grin, shrugging. “Typical sibling spat. They never last long,” he apologized. “She’ll be over it by morning.”
   “You said you had a step-mom?”
   “Yeah. Our real mom took off when we were just little.” He shrugged uncomfortably. “Dad was always busy in the school, so we were mostly raised by nannies. Then he came home one day a few years back and said he was getting remarried. Her name is Victoria. She’s a real classy lady. She comes from money, you know? I guess Dad had met her at some associates’ function raising money for the college. Anyway, I was okay with him getting married, but Chex took it hard. I guess … she was always holding out hope that Mom might come back someday. Or something.” He shrugged again. “We were seven when she left. Chex took it the hardest. Mom hardly ever contacts us. Maybe a birthday or Christmas card here and there. But she made it clear she just wasn’t willing to be a mother. She’s living it up on some tropical island somewhere.” His smile was brittle.
   “I’m sorry,” Alley said softly. “I didn’t mean to pry or bring up bad memories.”
   “Nah. Not your fault. Anyway, guess you should be getting back, huh?”
   “Yeah, Charley’s probably getting a little worried by now.” Alley juggled the books as she fumbled for her keys in the bottom of her bag. Chris pulled his phone out of his pocket, fiddled with the touch screen for a few seconds, and then the camera flash flicked on, effectively giving her light to see by. “They need to install more lights along the walks. Dad’s been after the board to get on that for years,” he complained.
    “The parking lot is lit well enough.”
   “Yeah, but getting to it can be dangerous after sundown. Not everyone around here is as nice as I am, and you’re a really pretty girl.”
   Alley blushed a little, charmed by his fumbling attempts to flirt. “That’s sweet of you, but I can take care of myself. I’ve got pepper spray with me. And I also know self-defense. Dad made me take some classes when I started growing boobs.” She laughed at the expression on his face. “The truck is right … over…” Her voice trailed off as her eyes fell on the pickup. Or, more precisely, on the three very large men who were standing around the pickup, talking amongst themselves. “Aren’t those…?“
   “Limburger's thugs,” Chris huffed. “What’re they doing? Where’s the boss?”
   Alley slowed and ducked behind a large SUV parked in the nearly empty lot, trying to see what they were up to. “Are they trying to break into the truck?” she whispered.
   “No, looks more like they’re keeping watch. Or waiting for someone.”
   “For me to come back?” Alley shifted nervously. “Why would they be waiting for me? They don’t even know who I am.” Unless somehow they’d figured it out … but how would they? She hadn’t given Limburger her name, and there was no reason for him to ask for it. She doubted she even registered on his radar enough for him to get curious. There was absolutely no way he could have figured out who she was in those few brief moments of passing.
   “The truck,” she breathed, smacking her forehead. “It’s got the garage’s name on the doors. He must’ve seen it and recognized the name, and thinks Charley is here. And he’s sent his thugs to wait for her to come back.”
   “Planning on jumping her?” Chris whispered.
   “I dunno. Wouldn’t surprise me. He’s a nasty piece of work, from what I heard. And he really doesn’t like her friends.”
   “We should call the police. They won’t touch Limburger but his thugs aren’t off-limits.” Chris pulled his phone out again, but was stopped by Alley’s hand on his.
   “Wait. I think … they’re leaving,” she said, slowly standing up. Indeed, the men had backed away from the truck and were currently sauntering across the lot to a pair of what looked like dune buggies parked in the shadows.
   “Hey, weren’t there three of them?” Chris asked. “Where’d that fourth guy come from?”
   “Who cares? I’m just glad they’re gone.” Alley made a beeline for the truck, only to be brought up short by Chris’s hands on her shoulders, bringing her to a staggering halt. Just as a large, gleaming, vintage 1930s Rolls Royce cruised slowly past them. Alley’s jaw dropped. It would have been a beautiful car … had it not been painted an eye-gouging shade of purple. She knew instantly who it belonged to. To prove it, the car came to a gliding halt and the window rolled down. Alley instinctively held her breath as Limburger’s cold, gleaming eyes met hers.
   “So, young lady. We meet again.” His voice was cultured, refined, smooth as an oil slick. His eyes left hers, darted to the truck she stood only two feet away from, slid back with a raised eyebrow. He said nothing, but his gaze was suspicious. She bit her lip, feeling light-headed from lack of breath, and prayed he’d just leave before she passed out. “Be careful out there,” he warned, a humorless smile tugging at his thick lips. “There may be … unsavory people lurking about.”
   “Thanks for the warning,” she choked out, and let loose the breath she’d been holding when the window rolled up and the car moved on. “Okay, I’m totally freaked out. Are you totally freaked out? ‘Cause I’m totally freaked out,” she babbled.
   “Hey, hey, relax,” Chris soothed, putting an arm around her shoulders and rubbing her arm vigorously. “The creep is gone, we’re fine. Are you okay?”
   “I don’t know,” she groaned, staggering to the truck to lean heavily against the door. She looked it over, checking the locks, but nothing seemed out of place. Then she frowned as she recalled the fourth thug who’d popped up from nowhere, a niggling suspicion forming. “Lemme see that light again,” she grunted, kneeling on the ground beside the truck. “Shine it under here.”
   He complied, and her worst fear was confirmed: Something dark and liquid was leaking in a steady drip under the cab, steadily forming a large puddle. “Holy shit,” Chris breathed. “What’d they do?”
   She sighed. “I’m pretty sure they cut the brake line. They were aiming to murder me. Well, my cousin, anyway.” She flashed him a weak smile. “Still think he isn’t a threat?”
   “I’m calling the cops.” His voice left no room for argument.
   “And tell them what? Limburger has it in for my cousin so he got his goons to sabotage her truck in order to kill her? There’s no proof he had anything to do with it. We didn’t get a good look at those guys, either, so we have no descriptions.”
   “Well, what else can we do?” he huffed, frustrated.
   “Can I borrow your phone? I have to call Charley. She’ll have to come tow the truck back. And she’ll want to know I’m okay.” Alley sighed. “Maybe you should take off. If Limburger figured out I’m related in any way to Charley or the mi--her friends, he’ll be back. And you’ll be targeted, too. Just by association.”
   “If it comes to that, I’m a target, anyway. He’s after this place, too, and I am the dean’s son, after all.” Chris handed her his phone and crossed his arms. “I’m not about to take off on you now. So don’t even bother trying.”
   “Thanks.” She smiled at him gratefully and dialed Charley’s number. “Come on, pick up. Pick up!”
   The line clicked. “Last Chance Garage, this is Charley speaking.”
   “Charley? It’s me.” Alley held the phone away from her ear as Charley immediately started in on her.
   “Where the hell have you been? Do you know what time it is? I mean, I know you’re a grown-ass woman and all but for cripe’s sake couldn’t you at least call and let me know you’re not gonna be home for supper or something?” Charley bellowed.
   “Ma? Is that you?” Alley deadpanned, earning an indignant huff on the other end.
   “I can see now why your mom worries to death over you,” Charley grunted. “You don’t even have a phone! Where are you calling from? And what’s the matter?”
   Alley sighed and rubbed her temple. “It’s a long story. To make it short…” She took a deep breath. “I’m still at the college and Limburger showed up ‘cause he’s after the land and he saw your truck and I’m pretty sure he cut the brake line and I’m calling you from my friend’s phone to ask if you can please come pick me up ‘cause I’m really kinda freaking out right now,” she said in a rush.
   There was a moment of silence. Then, “What?”
   “I said—”
   “I heard what you said. Are you okay? Is he still there?” Charley’s voice radiated genuine concern.
   To her horror, Alley felt tears pricking at the back of her eyes, her emotions dangerously unstable. “No, he’s gone,” she replied, voice trembling despite her best efforts to steady it. “He drove off in that hideous car. His thugs are gone, too.”
   “You said you’re with someone?”
   “Yeah. His name is Christopher Archer.” Alley sniffed and swiped impatiently at her tearing eyes. “He and his sister were hanging out with me today and showing me around. They’re really nice.” She flashed a watery smile at a concerned Chris.
   “Listen, go back inside the school and wait, okay? I’ll be there as soon as possible.”
   “I think…” Alley bit her lip. “He saw me at the truck. I think he’s suspicious about who I am. I’m pretty sure it was you he was aiming to murder.”
   Charley muttered a curse under her breath. “Well, he’d figure it out one of these days anyhow. Just … go inside, and if he shows up again, hide until we get there.”
   Charley chuckled. “The guys overheard. Big ears and all. You won’t keep them away even if you tried. So maybe lose your friends before we show up, yeah?”
   “Yeah, okay. I’ll be in the Atrium. It’s the small two-story near the back of the property.” Alley ended the call and handed the phone back to Chris. “Look, thanks for all your help. You’ve been so great. My cousin is on her way, so if you want to take off now, I promise I won’t be offended or anything.”
   “Pfft. Right. I’m just gonna leave you by yourself after all that?” He shook his head. “Not happening. Come on, we’ll go to the Atrium like you said. I don’t know about you, but I could use something to drink!”
   “Hey now, Mr. Dean’s Son. Aren’t you a little young to be imbibing in alcohol?” She gave him a teasing poke in the side.
   “Who said anything about alcohol, old lady,” he teased back. “There’s a vending machine that sells fantastic hot chocolate. I could really go for a cup. How about you?”
   “In the middle of an August heat wave? On top of all that hot food we just ate?” Alley shrugged. “Sounds like a plan.”
   The chocolate was good, and Alley savored every sip of it as her jangled nerves slowly calmed, but no matter what she said, she couldn’t talk Chris into leaving her alone. Part of her was annoyed (she wasn’t a little girl, for cripe’s sake), but a larger part was relieved by his persistence. She doubted the Purple People Eater would be back, but she felt safer having someone by her side. Even if that someone was essentially a perfect stranger.
   Half an hour passed, and Alley spent the time curled up on a cushy sofa, paging through her textbooks as Chris delved back into his novel. It was quiet, with only a few students hanging around the Atrium. That’s why, when the front doors suddenly burst open with an ear-jarring clatter, Alley just about jumped out of her skin, nearly falling off the couch and dropping her book in the process.
   She looked up, wide-eyed, as a tall, slender man dressed in head-to-toe black strode through the doors, paused to look around, and then honed in on her. He headed right for her, head encased in an oddly-shaped biker helmet. She started to panic, wondering if Limburger had sent someone back for her after all, before she caught a gleam of reflected light, saw the long, metal tail lashing behind him. She relaxed, recognizing him. Stoker.
   She didn’t know where he’d dug up the leather biker clothes, but it was astonishing how different he looked in them. Without the fur and mousy features to distract her, she could appreciate for the first time how built he was, the dark material hugging his lean, muscled body. He moved with purpose, strides smooth and graceful, like a dancer. A traitorous thought worked its way into her mind that, under all the fur, he was really kind of beautiful. And she wondered if all of the mice had such beautiful forms. She hastily banished the thoughts from her mind.
   Chris had put himself between her and the agitated mouse, nearly a head shorter, but still determined to protect her as he faced down the intimidating figure. “Who’re you?” he growled, voice cracking just a bit.
   Stoker just chuckled.
   Alley’s eyes widened when she saw Chris’s hand clench, quickly scrambling up from her seat to grip his arm. She didn’t even want to think of what might happen if he took a swing at the war veteran. She didn’t think Stoker would hurt him, but then again, he was a trained soldier. He might not take kindly to physical violence. “It’s okay,” she said. “He’s a friend … of my cousin.”
   Chris relaxed by degrees, his fist unclenching.
   “Where’s Charley?” Alley asked the mouse, who hadn’t bothered to take off his helmet. All the same, she could feel his gaze on her, assessing.
   “She’s looking over the truck with the others,” he finally replied, voice muffled behind his helmet. “I came to find you. You okay?”
   “Yeah, sure. I’m fine.” She flashed a bright smile, and turned to Chris. “Look, thanks for everything today. I mean it. It was so nice meeting you and Chex. I hope I’ll see you around, once classes start."
   Chris’s gaze slid away from Stoker and he offered a weak grin. “Yeah, same here,” he replied. “We’ll do this again. You know, when things get a little less crazy around here.”
   “Definitely.” Alley squeezed his hand. “Tell Chex I’ll call her sometime. When I get a phone, that is. Maybe you can both come with, help me pick one out? You can show me around Chicago or something, too. And I can buy you lunch like I promised.”
   Chris chuckled, sounding nervous as Stoker cleared his throat and crossed his arms, impatient. “Sounds good. Well…” He shifted, casting an uncomfortable glance at the tense, black-clad man. “Your family’s here, so guess you don’t need me around anymore. Take care, yeah? Hope I’ll hear from you soon. I’m gonna grab another cup of chocolate and head back to the dorm.” He gave an awkward grin, a polite nod to Stoker, and then he turned and walked off.
   Alley released a breath and picked up her bag, cradling her books to her chest. She turned to leave, and jumped when a heavy arm abruptly settled around her shoulders, as Stoker led her gently but assertively out of the building. “Hey, do you mind?” she hissed, red-faced, as she caught the stares of the few remaining students in the building. She tried to balk, but Stoker was stronger than he looked. “I know where the parking lot is.”
   He didn’t answer. His hand merely tightened on her arm, leading her away from the Atrium, and then off the walk and into the darker shadows cast by a towering oak. Only then did he remove his helmet, and she was taken aback by the genuine worry etched across his features. “Are you okay?” he repeated, his voice soft. “Did he lay hands on you in any way?” Under the concern, she heard simmering anger, and she shifted uncomfortably.
   “He didn’t even get out of the car,” she mumbled, looking away from his intense gaze. “It was his thugs that killed the truck.”
   “But he saw you at the truck? You sure he knows you’re associated with us?”
   “I was headed right for it. The lot’s pretty much empty.” Alley shrugged. “I doubt he could mistake which car I was aiming for.”
   He sighed, running his hand over her hair in a soft caress. “Sorry, honey. Looks like you might be involved in this war now, like it or not.” He quirked a grin. “Don’t suppose I could talk you into runnin’ back to Florida now, can I?” He chuckled at the look she gave him. “Didn’t think so.”
   Alley, uncomfortable with his proximity, not to mention the way he kept looking at her, stepped out from under his hand and continued to the parking lot, where she found Charley and the three other mice hooking the pickup onto the back of her tow truck.
   “Alley Cat!” Charley handed the winch to Vinnie and threw her arms around her cousin. “You okay, kid?” she asked. “You sounded really upset on the phone.”
   “Yeah, a little shaken up, I guess.” Alley offered a small smile. “I’m okay now. Chris stayed with me until you came. He’s a really nice guy.”
   “Do tell.” Charley raised an eyebrow with a catty smirk. “Not even started classes yet and already have the boys wrapped around your finger.”
   “Well, that’s nothing new,” Alley replied, earning a laugh from her cousin as she clambered into the passenger seat of the tow truck and leaned out the window. “Was there really any need to bring the entire army?” She gestured to the mice.
   “They were worried. And who knows if Limburger would come back and wait for me to show up, if I really was the target. No sense taking chances.” Pickup secured, Charley climbed into the driver’s seat. “Okay, guys. Let’s head back now. Thanks for coming out with me.”
   “Not a problem, Charley-girl,” Throttle replied. “Glad you’re not hurt, Alley.” He smiled up at her, gave a signal, and the four bikes took off down the road with the tow truck following close behind.
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Give Us A Chance
Warnings: A bit of frustration, fluff, and driving in the rain.
Plot Summary: The ol’ razzle dazzle; he likes you, you like him, but what if it goes bad and you lose your best friend?
Another Warning: This is my first imagine, so YEAH.
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There he was, standing at your door wit his eyes full of worry. “Y/N, I know you are scared, I know how much you have been hurt in the past, but you can’t decide that it’ll be the same with us if you don’t give us a chance.” 
You didn’t know what to do; you were torn between wanting Chris in your life as someone who is more than a friend, and between keeping that wall you’ve built around yourself as strong as ever. Not only that, but Chris was your best friend, and you know all too well that dating your best friend can either go very well, or rather horribly wrong.
“Y/N? Are you even listening?” Chris’s raspy voice came in to cut your thoughts.
“Uh, yeah,” you replied, attempting to avoid his green eyes.
“God, I don’t know, Chris! It’s not like I can stop worrying at the push of a button. You know me, I overthink shit, and I don’t want to risk anything by making a hasty decision,” you explained in a quite bitter tone.
“Risk what? Your feelings? Your time? I assure you, Y/N, I really like you and-“
“Risking you! Risking everything we already have! I don’t want to go through the possibility of being in pain because I lost you,” you repeatedly adjusted loose strands from your hair behind your ears. 
The rising panic in your voice made Chris automatically wrap a hand around your waist, bringing you closer to his chest. You both went silent for a couple of minutes, the tips of your fingers lingering on the small of his back, while his hand calmly strokes your hair, the other still embracing your waist as if you were going to disappear from his grasp.
A few moments pass, and Chris pushes you away a little bit, and places a soft kiss on your forehead. “Y/N, it is in your hands now. As much as I would love to be with you, to prove to you with every fiber of my being that you are all I want and that I will love you with everything in me, I cannot force you to make a decision.”
You calmly nodded. “I want to decide, I just think I’ll be needing some space to do that for the time being, please.” You gave him a weak smile, trying to reassure him, or maybe reassure yourself? Even you don’t know at this point. 
He nods back and says “I’ll be leaving after tomorrow to Hawaii, the Jurassic World filming starts. I come back two months later for a short break,” he paused, that same worrisome look in his eyes boring into yours, “thought I’d let you know”. The thought of two months not seeing him makes your heartbeats rush a little faster, but you manage to wish him the best of luck. With that, you encase him in another deep hug, your fingers slowly creeping through his soft, brown hair. The corner of your lips was touching his neck, and you were able to smell that cologne you bought him for his birthday, which made you smile a little bit.
“I’ll see you when you come back,” you said, moving away from him, giving him a small grin that made his heart flutter for a split second.
“You won’t get rid of me easily, L/N,” he chuckled, turning around for the last time and closing the door behind him, leaving you in the uncomfortable silence of your living room.
Your body started urging you to have a cup of tea, you really need it right now to lift your spirits up a bit. While you fumbled around in your kitchen, you started remembering how this all began.
---- A week ago ----
 You both frequently met up for late night talks about pretty important stuff, that time it was about pancakes. You always knew Chris had this unnatural obsession over pancakes, he would eat them with anything at any time in any way.
“But come on, waffles are SO much better” you stated.
“Pfft- Yeah right, useless squared pancake-wannabe,” Chris said with his eyes widened, pompously taking a sip out of his beer like he just proved a point.
“Wow, very smart, Mr. Pratt,” you placed your hands on your hips. “I feel like you would choose pancakes over oxygen.”
“Hmm, highly likely.”
“Oh, god. You sick, sick man.”
Chris started laughing, but you noticed a quick, warm smile form on his lips as his laugh quieted down.
“Hmm, Jack or pancakes?”
“And you’re calling me a sick man? Have you heard yourself speak, Y/N? He is my son!” he continued laughing, nearly spitting out his beer.
“At this point, I don’t even trust your choices when they involve pancakes. If we actually live in the Jurassic World and dinosaur is about to eat either me or the last plate of pancakes on Earth, you’ll choose the goddamn pancakes!”
“Ah, that’s a tough one. In that case, I’d save you, then,” Chris said, a weird tone taking over his voice, like he wasn’t joking. You tried to ignore it because, in the end, the entire topic you were discussing was pretty lame anyway.
“Oh, wow, the pancake man himself willing to give up pancakes to save me, the damsel in distress. How kind,” you stick your tongue out at him.
“I don’t really think you ever need saving, Y/N, but I just like you that much,” Chris stated, his voice suddenly low, his eyes avoiding yours and his hands fumbling with the beer can.
“Are you okay, Chris?” you questioned, your heart feeling as though it’ll pop out of your chest any second now. You did not want him to admit what you thought he was about to admit. You didn’t want to even admit to yourself that you have felt the same way for quite a while now.
“Not really, no. I,” a pause, followed by a sigh “I really like you, Y/N. I have been trying to find ways to tell you that, but for some reason I’ve been holding myself back.” You just kept looking at him, waiting for further elaboration. Chris looked up to meet your stare, and he continued “I don’t know if I’ve been reading you wrong, but I’ve been sensing like you possibly like me, too.” You lips parted at his partially confident statement, not knowing how to react to this sudden turn of events. After being silent for a good minute, Chris awkwardly coughed a little before saying the following, “I think it was a mistake for me to say that, forget I said anything, I’m so sorry, Y/N”.
“Oh, no, Chris, don’t apologize, please. I just, I just don’t know what to say,” you trailed off, your thoughts and your heart going into a major conflict.
“Wait, what do you mean?” Chris gulped and asked his unanswerable question.
“I don’t know.”
A week later, and a day later, you still didn’t know what to tell him. You hated how you felt, and what you hated even more is how you are making him feel. 
After making yourself another cup of tea, you remembered that day you stayed up with Chris, making him endless cups of herbal tea to help with a bad flu he caught a few weeks back. You laughed a little to yourself when you remembered him returning the favor when you caught the flu right after he did. 
And as if like a rushing waterfall, all the memories of you and Chris came flooding in. Whether it was that time you both got sick and looked out for each other, that time he helped you write your thesis, or that time you helped him plant some flowers in the farm. You were there for each other for the best times, and also the worst. 
Every laugh and every tear was connected to Chris, and you felt like your mind and heart finally came to a consensus: Chris really is worth the risk.
You swiftly looked at the clock: 1:26 AM. 
Shit, you thought, Chris flies out in 7 hours to Hawaii. 
Is it too late now to tell him? Should I call? Or maybe text? 
Goddammit, Y/N, you’re not going to confess your feelings technologically. Ah, fuck it. I’m gonna go see him. 
You quickly ran up the stairs, hurled your bedroom door open, and slipped on whatever you could find. Running back downstairs, you open the door and rushed to your car, and you wondered how you could feel butterflies in every part of your body and not just your stomach.
Of course, it’s raining like mad right now. 
You thought to yourself, managing to drive fast past the rain-drenched streets. Around 20 minutes later, you struggling to walk up to Chris’s front door. At this point, you couldn’t tell if the struggle was due to the confession you were about to make, or because of the rain that currently made you look like you showered with your clothes on. 
Knock, knock. No answer.
Knock, knock, knock. No answer. Again.
You went on full panic mode, worrying for a second that you must have heard him wrong when he said when he will be leaving. 
Shit, I think he left. NO NO NO. You start banging on the door like a maniac. I swear someone will call the cops on me, but I don’t even care right now. 
Finally, you feel like a sound is coming from the other.
“What the hell? I swear, if you are a disguised paparazzi, I will ca- Y/N?” he opens the door to find you standing there, with rain dripping from every possible end of your clothes. You meet him with a shy smile, and your eyes meet his green ones that have always taken your breath away.
“I thought about it. I thought about it, and I realized-”
“Don’t you wanna come inside at least befo-”
“WAIT LET ME FINISH,” you close your eyes and clench your fists in frustration.
“Oh, Jesus, please continue.” He squared his arms, his eyes widening a little bit as a little chuckle escaped his lips.
You took a deep breath, “I realized that you are worth the risk, Chris. You are worth letting my guard down. Because I know whether it’d be good or bad, you’re the one person I’d want next to me through it all,” and with that you ended your little speech with a small smile, your shaky, cold hands reaching to delicately hold his warm ones. 
You really wanted to hug him, but that would mean your drenched clothes would certainly drench his pajamas as well. You looked up at him to find the smile that you had fallen for form on the lips of the man you love. His green eyes were afire with hope, and his smile quickly turned into a grin when he met your eyes. 
Rather abruptly, Chris pulled your hand, causing your figure to crash onto his. The tight embrace reminded you of the one he gave you back at your place, only this one felt warmer regardless of the fact that you were shivering from the cold.
“You’re shivering, Y/N,” he whispered gently, squeezing your waist a little with his hands.
“Yeah, at this point I don’t know if it’s from the cold or because I was shit scared of you leaving or changing your mind,” you laughed a little, scurrying your face away in his chest.
“I would never,” Chris stated, pulling away a little bit to take a good look at your face. “I really want to kiss you right now,” he suddenly blurted, his expression quite perplexed, “I intended to not say that and keep in my thoughts, but I guess my brain to mouth coordination isn’t functioning ri-”
You decided to cut him off by crashing your lips on his, your arms slowly wrapping around his neck while his find their way around your figure. The kiss was so sweet, like every bit of time you hid your feelings from each other decided to convey itself through this kiss. Chris could feel your smile through the kiss, making him more confident that you are sure about your feelings toward him, which made him hold you tighter as the seconds went by. 
In desperate need for oxygen (and a blanket maybe), you slowly started pulling away, your faces only inches apart. 
Chris gives you a relaxed smile and says, “So, hot chocolate with marshmallows on top?”
“Ugh, you know me too well. But don’t you need to rest for tomorrow’s flight?”
“Hmm, I guess I can ask them to book me a flight for another day,” he gives places a gentle peck on your cheek, his arm wrapped around you as he closes his house’s door. 
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