#maybe i need to trust argenti after all
franeridan · 5 months
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gay-dorito-dust · 6 months
Hi, so I am a lover of angst, hurt/comfort is my favorite. Anyways if it is okay may I please request an injured gn s/o (maybe s/o took a hit meant for them) either Sunday, Dan Heng, Argenti, basically as many or as few of the hsr men as you want. But if you don’t want to do this that’s okay, you are the author after all so yeah. Anyways love ya and have fun darling /lh
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Sunday: he doesn’t take news of your injury lightly. At all.
You getting hurt was unacceptable and Sunday will let that be known as he demands a search party to look for the person(s) responsible for your injury.
He becomes incredibly suffocating during your recovery period. He will want to do everything for you so that you’d never have to raise a hand yourself.
He’s waiting on your hand and foot as he slowly grows more and more infuriated with the lack of progress made with the hunt search for your attacker.
He’s been told not to focus on such trivial matters and pat more attention to matters regarding The Family, but in his heart of hearts Sunday knew he couldn’t fulfil his duties as head, not when you were bed bound by your injuries and rendered helpless.
It’s not the first time he’s been reprimanded for such behaviour and actions before, but at some point Sunday just didn’t care enough to head those warnings as he spent most of his time feeding you, bathing you, clothing you and overall monitoring your health as he didn’t trust anyone outside to do so without the usage of foul play.
He’d might even use this as an opportunity to show you that you were never going to be safe if you stray from his side, for he couldn’t protect you if you were to wander far from his sight.
He wants you by him 24/7 and if you were to go anywhere, it was to be with his approval and administration.
Was this controlling? Yes but he was doing this for you, don’t you see? Nowhere is safe because everyone knows your relationship to him and they’ll use that to their advantage. He can’t keep you safe if he doesn’t know where you are all the time and if he had it his way, you’d never leave the house at all.
Sunday knows best, so you’d be wise to listen to him from here on out.
Argenti: utterly heartbroken and enraged that someone would dare hurt his beautiful flower.
He doesn’t take your safely lightly.
It was his solemn duty to protect and preserve all things beautiful and you were high up on his list of priorities.
He honestly wouldn’t know what he’d do without you, his rose, his most beloved and the most beautiful soul he’s ever gazed his eyes upon.
He makes up for the fact that you were injured by staying by your side, offering reassuring words throughout your healing journey, and always being there to catch you when you fall.
He’d even go as far as forgoing taking care of himself in exchange for making sure that you were bathed, clothed, fed and so on. He looks perpetually tired but yet so beautiful with that soft smile gracing his lips as he gazed at you with all the affection he could muster.
You naturally had to force him to take a break from caring for you and have a power nap with you instead as you couldn’t stand another moment more of Argenti ignoring his own needs for your own.
‘I’m sorry that I couldn’t protect you my flower. I’m meant to be your knight, but you became mine instead when I got distracted in battle.’ He says.
‘I’d gladly be your knight all the time in gratitude for everything you’ve ever done for me Argenti.’ You replied softly, holding his hands and watching him melt into your touch, revealing in your warmth. ‘So please don’t take my injury to heart, even though I know you’ve already have. I just don’t want you blaming yourself for something that happened out of our control.’ You finished as you pressed a kiss to his forehead.
‘I can’t promise anything dearest, seeing you hurt wounds me deeply as though I’ve been the one injured instead, but I’m willing to try. For you my heart.’ Argenti said and he truly meant it, but during the heat of battle that’s when he took his position as a knight seriously, as he would guard you with everything he had whsilt also staying true to his chivalrous nature.
Dan Heng: the moment he saw you get hurt, he’s mentally zoned out as his body takes over as he finds himself hovering over your body protectively, weapon in hand.
He refuses anyone to get near you as he’d lash out on instinct to protect you, his beloved.
He hates, no, despises the fact that he couldn’t protect you and will blame himself for it, until Welt has to step in and tell him that this mindset isn’t the mindset he should be having right now, not when you needed him as your pillar during your recovery.
That snaps Dan Heng out of it really quickly as he focuses on helping you recover and he takes that responsibility seriously. Though that never stops the guilt that he felt whenever looking at your healed scar, it served as a reminder of his greatest failure in protecting someone he loved.
It sickened him that after all this time he could still be proven to be weak in moments where he needed to be strong. He feels as though he’s failed you as a partner, but you never hold it again him as you reassure him while softly kissing his face.
‘It’s not your fault Dan Heng.’ You’d tell him frequently.
‘Then why does it feel like it is?’ He asks as his eye linger on your scar with melancholy.
He was so close to loosing you that day that whenever you were to fight, Dan Heng would be close by watching your back and covering your weak spots like he was made to know your fighting style as intimately as he did.
Nowadays he’s over protective and hovering over you 24/7 from the shadows, fae enough to give you space but close enough to protect you should the need arise.
He’s still trying to make up for the fact that he failed but to himself rather then anybody else, for no one held him more accountable for your injury then himself.
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l0vergirlatheart · 3 months
⚝ roses protrude from the sidewalk like my love seeping out of the cracks of my once cold skin
sculptor!reader x caelus, sampo, argenti (separate) your creations suddenly escape from the clay that encased them, and they seem to know you're the one who made them oh-so-perfectly. ⚝ = dark content. cw yan-ish and religious-esc themes. "creator, god, divine," etc. playing... YABABAINA by SatapanP div. from @/cafekitsune
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YOU just finished sculpting one of your favorite creations. Placing your brush down after just completing varnishing it, you decide it's finally time to take a break while you await the final layer to dry, unaware of how their eyes had now shifted to your now seated form.
At least, not until you heard something begin to crack. You look up, thinking maybe the wind knocked something over? Had one of their props fell off and you needed to re-do it? But when you glanced over at them, chunks of dried clay were breaking off of their figure, revealing a rather human-like appearance beneath them.
You shot up immediately, knocking over the water cup that held your brush, but you paid it no mind as you watched your creation in shock. You wondered if you were hallucinating, even. But you were suddenly aware of the feeling of the dried paint that was on your hands, the way your breathing grew labored, and the way your heart beat faster in your chest.
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CAELUS 326 words HE DIDN'T MEAN TO SCARE YOU, he promises. It's at times like this he really wishes he could have anything other than jokes and unserious remarks flowing in those two brain cells of his.
He raises his hands in a sign of peace, meaning no harm as the last of clay falls from his now flesh body while you stare at him, wide-eyed. It's a long while until you get settled with him, and now you suppose it's not horrible to have him around. Sure, he may be straight brainrot and a little stupid sometimes, but honestly? He's gentle in general. Excluding when he's not very aware of his surroundings and swings his bat into one of your toolboxes.
He at least helps you clean everything up, his doings or not.
He thinks you're amazing. You've got the power to create life from clay, and you created him without even realizing it. However, he wishes that you didn't discover it until a little later. Now, you want to create more when he's right there.
His arms snake around you from behind as he leans his head atop wherever he can reach while you're getting your tools in order to create another sculpture - one that'll hopefully come to life just like he did.
"If you don't let go of me," You sigh as you try to pry his tight hold off of you, or at least enough to get your things in order. "I can't make anything at all, for either of us."
"Do you really need another?" He grumbled, almost sounding like a dejected dog as you simply roll your eyes and attempt to shove him off you by his head.
"You're so clingy. Calm down, you're still my first." You state simply, watching as he lights up and smiles at the realization, causing you to just groan. He still hadn't let you go yet.
♫ Thick, splendid, clever, can't stand it, good second generation!
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SAMPO 252 words HE DEFINITELY WANTED TO SCARE YOU. Him and his stupid pranks, scaring you from his creation to even now, however, it doesn't mean he's all mischief. He's like, 89% mischief and 11% normal.
He's generally a good person, you could trust him with your life (albeit hesitantly,) but not your wallet. This freak loves money for some reason, and is too good of a liar. His lies never do harm you, however.
How could he harm his lovely creator who introduced him to many things?
You're so intriguing, so powerful that he genuinely can't help but stare at you while you're working, as if you were the sculpture. But don't be fooled, he whines the entire time after you learn of your powers and decide to make another.
"Whaaaat? Psh, no!" Sampo laughs as he directs his eyes away suspiciously, hands behind his back as you stare directly through him. Your arms are crossed over your chest before you sigh and hold one hand out towards him.
"I know you hid my supplies, Sampo." You say as you stare at him, slight annoyance visible on your face as you demanded for them back.
After a bit of bantering, he eventually has to give in. But only in exchange for him basically attaching himself to you for another hour.
(That's a lie, he's stuck to you for the rest of the day. You can't even finish a thing.)
♫ Huh? Huh? Huh? Can't hear anything, nothing at all, never admit a mistake!
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ARGENTI 310 words HIS DIVINE GOD, HE TRULY MEANS NO HARM. And it's kind of obvious from the moment he opened his mouth, nothing but praises immediately falling from his lips as you stared at him in a mix of shock and oddity. It was a whiplash effect at first, but the longer you're with him, the more it grows onto you.
He's extremely nice to be around as long as you're okay with hearing him ramble about beauty, how amazing your skills are, how perfect literally anything you have in your home is. It could be the ugliest thing ever and he'd find some way to compliment it. He's a real confidence booster, you'd say.
The only real problem is that he's a real chatterbox. And it's not for the weak.
You're divine to him. Celestial beauty, ethereal looks no matter what angle he looks at you from. You create things almost as lovely as you are, even if you've only just learned of it. He's the few who actually encourage you to create more sculptures. Just don't forget about him, okay?
You're placing down your tools after just finishing the base of your next sculpture when he arrives. He looks a little dejected before he speaks to you, "Have you finished for today?"
You glance back at him before sighing and smiling fondly. You'd pretty much had only seen him in the morning, having been cooped up in your art room the entire rest of the day. "Yes, I am."
He lights up before eagerly beginning to ramble about what he saw today, about how beautiful you and your work-in-progress are, and you just nod along to his words whilst putting your tools away.
It's okay to pack up early for once, right? He's clearly missed you.
♫ If there's only now, isn't there no time to do unpleasant things?
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deathbxnny · 3 months
hehe I'm here another time with a platonic pairing~
Once again with a fem, little sister child! reader but this time it's not a specific scenario like my recent request for Aventurine, just headcanons with Argenti (never seen you write for my man? Idk if you write him, feel free to ignore him or add another character if you don't ♡) Jing Yuan and Dr. Ratio?
Hey there, dear moot!! This is such a cute idea, and I'd LOVE to write for Argenti, so thank you for including him!!<3
Content: Reader is a child, fluff, unserious, big brother characters, platonic relationships, slight angst, sfw
Reader is afab here!!
((Not proofread))
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Argenti saw you as a blessing from Idrila, something he was very vocal about to everyone and especially his little sister. He spoils you greatly and has an inability to say no to you. However, he often still wonders if it is right to bring you along on his journey through the cosmos in search of his lost Aeon. He knows it's dangerous and most likely could cause his death one day... but he still can't find himself leaving you behind.
Since he is such a strict believer of Idrila, you ofcourse begin to mimic his devotion in your behavior, something that means way more than words could describe to him. His heart swells with pride when he sees you recite the prayers and praises or dress the way he does. It makes his worries and doubts melt away.
With that said, you truly have him wrapped around your little fingers, and he wouldn't have it any other way.
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His expectations for you were high and perhaps even stressful at times. He wanted you to be the best, to exceed him in ways not even he ever could. Ratio believed that what he was doing was for your own good, for your own perfect future... which, however, unfortunately meant that he often times forgot that you were still simply a child. This, in turn, just means that he'll self-reflect often and try and give you more breaks in-between classes and studying whenever you need them.
With that said, he is a busy professor and scholar, which often leads him to not be home as much as you want him to. He tries his best to find some time to spend with you however when he is home, although that's usually spent either reading books or listening to long lectures from him. He thinks that that is great bonding time for the both of you.
Ratio may not be very vocal or open about his love for his little sister, but it's obvious with how much he cares for your well-being and future, even when he can come off as mean or harsh at times. He wants you to have a good life without him one day and will make sure you're prepared for it.
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Jing Yuan adores you greatly and doesn't shy away from spoiling you with anything you want. He often gets accused of perhaps spoiling you even a little too much from Fu Xuan, but he simply waves it off with no concern. You deserve way more than he can offer you, after all.
With that said, Yanqing is indeed your designated babysitter, much to the boy's annoyance at times. On one hand, it's because Jing Yuan trusts him way more than anyone else with you... and on the other, he knows that the blonde will learn to behave himself and slow down better with you around. Or so he thinks, at first. Once you're old enough to become best of friends with him, the days of your mischievous pranks on the general start, mainly out of spite.
Jing Yuan finds it cute and amusing until he's dowsed in water as you both run away laughing hysterically. Maybe Fu Xuan was right...
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Alrightttt... I hope this was okay, dear moot!! Thank you again for the request!!<33
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astronomer-sun · 3 months
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Guns n Roses ( Boothill x Argenti ) Hsr Angst Fic
“ What a day , isn’t it sugar ? “ Boothill had said looking at Argenti , boothill was leaning onto argenti , as argenti was stroking his fingers through his lovers hair . But this just was too good to be true wasnt it ? no matter the guilt in his body , the down thought on the basis , the fact that anything could happen to his dearest knight . Boothill worried deep down of that so often , he never wanted his dear lover to leave his side , without an eye on him , how can he assure his safety ? Even if his love is a knight .
Argenti looks into his eyes , softly smiling before responding “ truly is , isn’t it ? “ he then , suddenly stopping running his fingers through his hair , adjusting himself in a more formal manner before continuing to say “ I have , something to say my darling , nothing to be good . “
Boothill had looked up , concerned ? Sitting up himself , this brings his worries to rush again , what could it be ? What could he want to tell that won’t me good ?? “ ah , yes , what is it ?” . Argenti sighed before choosing to respond “ you know , as my duties as a knight , I have to go on a more , extended timed duty , my dearest apology , I do mean this , but it’ll be some time away . “
Boothill looked at him absolutely dumbfounded . Some time ? Some time can always mean from weeks to years . How could he go without argenti ? The one he loves so dearly . What if something as before happened , he can’t loose another of who he cherishes . He takes a moment to take it in , before choosing to speak . “ and , how long could that be exactly ?”
Argenti frowns , “ I’m , not exactly sure . A few months at the least .” , Boothill absolutely in denial , no way can’t be so long . No fudging way !!! “ you’re , you’re kidding .. right ?” , “ I’m not . I’m sorry my dear “ Argenti pauses before moving his hand to boothills face , gently rubbing his cheek before continuing of his words . “ i promise you , I’ll be safe , alright ? No need to worry , I’ll come back , all in one piece .”
Boothill sighs in response , there’s nothing he can really do to stop this . It is argentis job after all . “ just , be careful , alright ?” , “ of course .” Argenti smiles at boothill before softly kissing him and getting up to start packing his things he needed , me made sure he’d pack after telling boothill . Boothill tried to be happy for his lover that he was trusted with such a task , but , only sadness and fear the fact he could be gone and never return . Once argenti was packed , he made sure he got a quick start to getting there . “ You’ll be alright , right boothill ?” Argenti had said looking at boothill with a bit of worry , he didn’t want to have to leave Boothill alone for so long . “ yeah , yeah .. I’ll be fine , good luck alright ? Return safe .” Boothill gotta keep profession , he can’t let argenti see how down he was . Argenti smiles in response before once more softly kissing boothill both of his lips and his cheek before waving off goodbye .
Almost a year by now has passed . Boothill still wasn’t so used to the quiet , it’s been so long without , without his dearest love . Sure he’s had maybe a few visitors to keep him company like Robin or Sunday , but , no one can compare to the company that argenti brought to boothill .
It was then , there was a sound of footsteps approaching the door , could it be !? Boothill surely had thought so quickly , because when he went to open the door , he wasn’t met by his lover ? Instead, by one of argentis co workers ? He looked at the worker confused ? “ is there , something I can help you with ?” He had asked the man , the man didn’t bring any positive approach . Instead , more of negative around him . “ you’re boothill , correct ?” , “ that’s me .” . The man sighed before continuing the conversation , “ I’m , deeply sorry , but , Argenti . He , didn’t make it , died in a serious battle . “
Boothill was absolutely dumbfounded . He had to be joking right ? There was no way , Argenti , died . That’s absolutely impossible . “ you’re joking ?? This gotta be like a sick joke ?? Haha I get the joke where the fudge is Argent .” The man sighed once more , the usual types of responses . “ no joking here sir . I’m sorry .”
TO BE CONTINUED DUN DUN DUN !!! ( teehee :3 )
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achoshistor · 3 months
[HSR] comments on music structure
i think i lied when i said i was becoming normal. i think its funny how even with the zelda brainrot i know i have like 2-3 people reading it but i feel like no one gaf about these posts LMFAO. i dont think im gonna transcribe anything out yet bc im really lazy
anyways im sure this is all because hsr has maybe 2-3 people that do the music so obviously its gonna sound kind of similar but the one hallmark i keep noticing is this really idk bright/deep (its so embarrassing but i've only studied western classical theory and forgot half of it) bass reminiscent of a lot of older splatoon music (this one has it playing what i hear as the real main melody) which add another layer of harmony to the songs tbh. u can hear it at about 1 min in jing yuan's theme and maybe at about 0:55 in the 2.3 trailer and again its used in fu xuan's theme at maybe 0:55 again which lowkey sounded like " i took a pill in ibiza to me" ngl... (more on this one later); but tbh you really only hear this instrument w/ character themes (esp luofu) which honestly shows characterization thru the music ...(sam feels like an exception bc his theme is very bass driven after all despite not being from any of the xianzhou ships)
the next type of thing they tend to use in music a lot is really driven bass guitar lines... e.g. in bootleg's theme . this follows a pattern where at around 1:15 youll hear a bass melody then around 1:27 youll hear an almost imitation of the melofy which goes thru + builds up back into the main theme where he starts talking again. the concert commercial thingy does something similar but with the melody this time w/ the transition from guitar into a pretty much repetition with various insturments regarding each character (erhu for jingliu, ?? for argenti, then sax for that twink (more on him later)). space comedy does this too with the main melody we hear for herta/belobog then into luofu (i dunno the next thing about chinese theory so i cant really say much there)
anyways back to fu xuan... her theme is one of many orchestrated themes but it mixes it with that edm or whatever element but it still has those orchestral qualites of a really idk harmonic timbre. sparkle, black swan, also do this (more on the dance theme in another post i feel like that one needs more) but onto firefly and aventurine. firefly is actually what inspired this post bc at 0:12 or so that note is the exact same as aventurine's theme opens with. firefly's theme does the same as fu xuan's where it mixes traditional with electronic but with western instruments this time. i think aventurine really belongs with the upper category if not for the orchestral hits going on in the back and the call and response everywhere in his piece which give it direction because otherwise it feels like its going no where; but like before it uses imitation and repetition of past melodies with different instruments to create direction in the piece tbh
ok. maintenance ends soon trust. hopefully by next post i have more knowledge and my nail grows out bc its BROKEN and i cant play any string instruments. gootbye
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btxtreads · 4 years
Silver Nights
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↳ Pairing: Choi Beomgyu x Reader
↳ word count: 1.3k words
↳ rating: G
↳ genre: fluff
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Inside a decrepit cafe in the middle of the night on new year’s eve, Y/N found herself with her forehead pressed on the table as she waited and waited and waited.
“Hey, honey,” her father came from the kitchen, a hand resting on the top of her head. “aren’t Soobin and Kai supposed to be here.”
“Well, they said they were going to come.” Y/N sighed straightening up. “They’re not here yet.”
“What time are they supposed to come?”
The girl sucked in a short breath, checking her phone.
“One hour ago.” Y/N sighed, standing up. “They probably got held up, I don’t know.”
Her father frowned, checking the time and sighing.
“Well, if you aren’t going to spend the night with the boys—you can spend it with me.” Her father smiled softly, placing a kiss on her forehead.
“Yeah, but maybe deal with your customers for now,” The girl giggled, gently urging her father to tend to his customers.
The man gave her an endearing smile before leaving her alone. Y/N sighed softly, checking her phone for any more messages from Soobin or Kai. Seeing none, she stands up and turns—about to enter the kitchen to try and make herself another cup of iced coffee when she heard a soft thud against the cafe’s glass panels behind her. Choosing to ignore it, the girl gathered her things—when another thump sounded out.
The girl swiftly turned around, eyes in a sharp glare expecting to see Kai and Soobin messing around—only to find Beomgyu standing there with a smile on his face. He was holding a snowball in his hands, aiming over at the glass and shooting it once more—giggling when Y/N flinched at the ball scattering against the glass. Y/N cleared her throat and grabbed her coat, exiting the cafe to meet the King outside.
“Gyuu—I mean King Beomgyu.” Y/N gasped, blinking. “How—Wha—How?”
“How else?” Beomgyu snorted, pocketing his hands. “I rode an airplane.”
The girl slowly nodded, growing even more confused.
“Okay?” She replied softly, tilting her head. “Why are you here, then? Don’t you have some kingly things to do?”
“Define kingly.” Beomgyu snorted, grabbing her hands. “You left too early—I never got to say bye.”
“I had to leave.” Y/N explained, letting Beomgyu fiddle with her hands. “I can’t stay there anymore, knowing everything I did—what I did to you. I hurt you.”
“Just leaving abruptly hurt me more, you know.”
“Staying would hurt you more, Beomgyu.” Y/N retorted. “I can’t do that.”
“Gyuu.” Beomgyu replied firmly. “Call me Gyuu or I swear to god I’m ripping my hair out.”
The girl chuckled, shaking her head and turning her palm so she can intertwine her fingers with the king’s. She smiled softly, running her hands through his hair.
“I’m sorry. For what I did.”
“You didn’t do anything,” Beomgyu sighed, eyes closed. “It was time I knew, anyway.”
There was a moment of silence. Beomgyu shifted, pulling out his phone from his back pocket. He fiddled with the device a little before presenting the girl with a web page pulled out.
“This was you, right?”
Y/N took the phone gingerly, eyes scanning over the big news site. On it was a long news article—a feature—written by her as a contributor. It was about Beomgyu, and her time with him. It spoke about how he truly was, and what actually happened unlike what everybody assumed.
“How’d you find out?” Y/N asked quietly.
“Haneul,” Beomgyu chuckled as he tucked his phone away. “She’s pretty crafty and resourceful when she needs to be.”
Y/N smiled softly, sighing.
“I miss Haneul, you know.” Y/N mumbled, looking up at the freshly falling snow.
Beomgyu nodded.
“She misses you, too.” Beomgyu said, hestitating before continuing. “I miss you.”
Y/N turned over to him, a frown on her face as she pulled her hands from him.
“I miss you, too,” Y/N replied. “but you’re a king now, and I’m nothing but a screw-up journalist who was at the wrong place at the wrong time. You don’t deserve this.”
Beomgyu furrowed his eyebrows as the girl bit her lip. He stepped forward and cupped her face in his hands, thumbs brushing over her cheeks.
“I—You know, the palace is too big and cold.” He started. “I could use someone there with me.”
“You have Jun, Tae, Haneul and your mom—you also have staff.” Y/N pointed out, making Beomgyu shake his head in amusement.
“I was thinking someone like a queen.”
“Oh,” Y/N mumbled quietly, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. “What do you mean?”
Beomgyu only smiled, chuckling softly as he released the girl. He reached back into his pockets—pulling out a red velvet box and he fell to his knee. Y/N blinked in confusion as Beomgyu popped open the box to reveal a diamond ring.
“Marry me.” Beomgyu grinned.
“But,” Y/N replied, wide-eyed. “But I can’t just leave? I can’t leave Soobin and Kai—“
“They’re actually willing to move to Argenti as I’ve promised them secure jobs on the palace’s publicity teams.” Beomgyu laughed. “There’s no one else I trust to handle my—our—reputation.”
Beomgyu looked over at the girl expectantly as her eyes darted around.
“But what about my dad—the cafe?”
“I’ll get him his own cafe there, we can just bring this one there—I’ll find a way.” Beomgyu pleaded. “Please, just marry me.”
“If there’s anything I’m not willing to lose, it’s you, Y/N.” Beomgyu mumbled. “I really do love you, and I’m willing to give you everything if it means you’ll be mine forever.”
Y/N shook her head, making Beomgyu frown.
“A king shouldn’t be on his knees for too long.” The girl mumbled, dusting his coat off.
“Well?” Beomgyu asked. “You’re—You won’t marry me, won’t you?”
Y/N reached out to his hands, interlocking their hands.
“You don’t know me at all.”
“But I do, you’re the kindest, bravest, most beautiful person I know.” Beomgyu replied, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. “That’s more than enough for me to fall in love with you.”
“Are you sure about this, Beomgyu?”
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“I’ve never been surer of anything at all in my entire life.” Beomgyu shook his head.
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“Look, what happened between you and me, it doesn’t just happen out of the blue. It’s special. And I know you think I’m sort of jumping the gun here, but Y/N, I really do—“
The girl smiled, cutting off his rambling as she leaped forward and connected her lips with hers—cutting off his words with a fierce kiss. Beomgyu smiled against her lips, leaning his head down and clutching her waist as her arms snaked around his neck. The king then pulled away, leaning his forehead on hers.
“That’s a yes, then?”
“Of course, you doofus.” Y/N laughed, tears in her eyes as Beomgyu reached for her hand.
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She felt the new weight of the diamond ring on her finger. She marvelled at the way the diamond glinted in the moonlight when she held her hand up slightly. But, no matter how bright the diamond was, nothing beats the sparkle in Beomgyu’s brown as as she looked back up and kissed him again.
2, 1
There were sudden loud booms—and multi-colored lights lit up the sky as the world greeted another year. Along with the bright lights of the fireworks in the sky were loud hoots and hollers from Taehyun, Yeonjun, Kai, and Soobin—who actually hid somewhere at the sides to film the whole thing without Y/N knowing.
She can see Yeonjun’s phone up—flashes and flashes shining out of the corners of their eyes as he kept taking photos while bickering with the three younger boys beside him. She didn’t care—she was there with her friends, with her prince. She was in bliss. She finally lived her ever ever after.
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stcllac · 5 years
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muse intros part 2 yee yee
yejun roh
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he’s basically just another one of my jin fcs so idk what to tell u fam
he has a pretty basic upbringing tbh ??? his parents are chill and work decent jobs and they were always fairly middle class ?? they didn’t stand out too much
they also come from gardeniaville aka where briar’s from so he grew up knowing her
except yejun made himself stand out bc he’s fuckin yejun and needs to be Stopped at all times
he knew from a young age that he was adorable and handsome and it kinda inflated his ego a bit and sure some people hated him for it but most people found it funny bc he wasn’t a dick about it he just made jokes and shit
he found himself doing some part time modelling when he was in high school, and he definitely enjoyed it and would have gone down just that route had it not been for an incident during his third modelling gig
basically he saw the outfit and was just “ooooh it’s pretty !! though i would’ve done this.....and this and this..........
the designer wasn’t offended tho and was just “you have a good eye boi maybe you should be a designer yourself
and the clouds parted and the light rained down and suddenly yejun knew exactly what he wanted to do in life
it actually wasn’t long before he rose to fame as both a designer and a model bc his confidence in his own abilities as well as his general appearance was through the roof sO
he now owns a brand simply named roh yejun, or rojun for short
he’s willing to work with just about anyone tho some people tend to avoid him bc he’s dramatic af which is valid tbh
like this is the guy who will make himself the star of his own fashion show and ensure that rose petals are falling down around him as he struts it down the runway i s2g
he has definitely shouted “THIS IS A GAY’S ONLY EVENT GO HOME” more than once
he knows that magic and all that jazz exists, but he believes that there’s always a science behind it, so he’s a certain brand of sceptic, like he needs to see it to believe it
potential connections & stuff !!
he’s probably worked with anyone famous sO mostly stuff with that tbh
portia galexia
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alien princess !!
she’s from the planet lucaura which is a very magical planet that has a very strong connection with the stars and the various constellations in whatever galaxy they happen to be in
lucaura’s magic is very strong and a single (though well practiced) spell by the king or queen can send the entire planet into another galaxy, which is something they tend to do if their current position is threatened
this is how they ended up near earth, as the argenti had attempted to invade them and the royal family were having none of that, and so they spelled the planet to wherever the magic would take them, and thus they ended up close to earth. this was just over a year before the argenti stumbled upon earth themselves
the lucaurans are peaceful and diplomatic people, and so they sent their daughter portia down as a mediator in negotiations
they didn’t really have to try hard as earth as we know it has some strange and magical people, and so it wasn’t hard for her to be accepted, and portia was able to strike a deal where lucaura would protect earth in the case of danger and vice versa
portia is a very generous and kind individual, but can also be optimistically stubborn. if she thinks something can be fixed by her hand, she’ll make sure she does just that as soon as possible, and she can have a one track mind at times
she actually really likes it on earth and spends a lot of her time there. she initially lived near the space port downtown, but that became an infected zone pretty quickly, and so she lives in a skyscraper right by it
her parents made the decision to not tell the earthlings about their history with the argenti, a decision portia didn’t really agree with, but she trusts her judgement and instead focuses on ensuring the safety of the earthlings and the lucaurans
ever since she was young, she’s focused a lot on her magic, and so she has very strong powers that she gathers from the stars. they’re stronger at night for obvious reasons
her magic can be pretty op in terms of what she CAN do but there are definitely things that are generally forbidden in lucauran law, such as resurrection, murder, summoning the dead in any capacity, basically anything that is considered disrespectful is a big ‘no-no’
they don’t count killing argenti monsters as murder tho so go wild i guess
possible connections & stuff !!
if you’re a leader or hero of some kind, she’s probably at least met you once since she’s always trying to help and make connections
her attendant aka the sort of ?? official ?? who came down w/ her to earth bc those are the Rules yeet skeet
levi royce
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an orphan boi
levi has absolutely no idea where he came from or who his real parents are or even what his birthday is but he’s roughly 18 so ??
he was left on the front steps of anna’s home when he was a wee bab and there was nothing to tie him to who tf he was so he didn’t have a name or birth certificate or aNYTHING
his name was given to him by one of the people who work there, and he was sORT OF adopted at that moment ?? but he lived in the orphanage bc his adoptive mother lived in the orphanage, and even then it was just this agreement that this child was the orphanage baby and he was everyone’s son
levi didn’t really question it until he was quite a bit older, about eight or nine, and they pretty much told him the truth bc he was pretty mature for his age and could take it
while he didn’t show it, it actually really affected him bc at least some of the other kids had a vague idea of where they’d come from, but not him apparently, he was a mystery
he refused to reveal how he felt to anyone tho bc he’d already made a name for himself as being the big brother to everyone in the orphanage, the one all the kids could rely on to be there with advice or a bedtime story, and he didn’t want to show weakness in front of them
while he’s a relatively calm person he goes into angry protective mode when the orphanage or the residents of it are threatened like he’s not playing he has a sword and he wILL use it
the day the argenti came, he’d had a really bad feeling, especially when the clouds starting coming in, and so he’d told the other kids to stay inside. sure enough, then came the argenti
he wasn’t able to save all of the kids tho as one of them went missing and he has no idea where they are, but he once again refuses to show his worry
he’s the type of guy who’s really soft around those he considers his family but can seem kinda distant to strangers, but that’s because he can be a bit distrustful at first
he absolutely sings the kids to sleep he has a heavenly voice
but he’s also kind of a dumbfuck with no sense of self preservation sometimes as well as being completely and utterly oblivious like jfc
possible connections & stuff !!
gimme more orphans like it doesn’t matter if they’re older or younger he’ll look after all of them ok
micah gilligan
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speaking of dumbasses
micah is basically the epitome of a dumb teen he’s just ?? niCER THAN MOST I GUESS ??
he was (and still is tbh) the neighbourhood kid who would try stupid stunts and break his arms every month or so without giving a fuck like i s2g he’s immune to the pain to this point why is he like this
he lives in the cul-de-sac w/ the other kids there and grew up there from the time he was a wee bab so he ofc knows remy and thinks of him as his older brother of sorts
he’s super friendly and gets along with most people even tho he’s, as we’ve established, dUMB
his parents are just waiting until he graduates and he goes off to college
when the argenti first made themselves known he was just “WHAT” like everyone else, but after that, he was determined to get in contact with them
he didn’t meet an argenti, per say, but he met one of the monsters the argenti had made from a few nearby bushes. needless to say, it didn’t end all that well for him, and he had to be treated for burns, but at least he wasn’t dead
that hasn’t deterred him, though, and he’s determined to be of sOME use in the fight, and so he lets fighters come into his home while his parents are out and makes sure they’re fed and well-cared for, even lets them sleep upstairs if they need it
once he gets one of siwoo’s weapons in his hands he’s gonna be unstoppable tbh he’s gonna gO FOR IT
honestly it’ll be a miracle if he doesn’t end up killed
despite all of this, once he does figure out that someone is upset for whatever reason, he ensures that he pays attention to them and gives them whatever they need if he’s able to and is just there for them in general
too bad he’s an oblivious little shit half the time
possible connections & stuff !!
hi i need more cul-de-sac crew kids asap i want them All
any fighter around the suburbs that he could’ve helped !! he’s pretty friendly with all the people who have set up camp in their little enclosed area so !!
paige park
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yall know my girl it’s been a while
she works for the agency that doesn’t have a proper name bc they’re that secretive that they’re just “the agency”
her parents were both agents who met while working there and badabing badaboom paige is conceived
paige’s father didn’t agree with the experiments the agency was doing in the science department, the ones where they were attempting to combine human dna with animal dna to make shapeshifting hybrids, and so he called them out on their bullshit and booked it once he was labelled as a traitor
what happened to him afterwards is officially unknown by most, but many speculate that he was assassinated
as a big ‘fuck you’ to the guy who tried to ruin their precious experiments, the agency decided that they would make test subjects out of paige’s mother and paige herself after she was born
the experiment on her mother, the one that was conducted barely a day after paige was born, was almost a success, but there were several factors that caused the project to fail, notably the fact that her mother was still recovering from giving birth and that the animal dna wasn’t large enough in quantity to overpower her genetics. she died on the operating table
paige ended up being part of an experiment along with a bunch of other infants, and it’s only then that the experiment was a success and the scientists realised that they would need to inject the dna and ensure its spread during the first few years of life, around a few weeks to five years old, though ideally around the three year mark
and thus, paige the platypus was created
she’s a stellar agent and is considered one of the best in the field, though this often means her workload is tough
most of her jobs prior to the invasion kept her close to the agency downtown, and while she’s still in the downtown area now, she has to stretch herself pretty thin sometimes
since she has platypus dna she can turn into a platypus, though the only ability she retains in her human form is electroreception, which basically means she can sense shit underwater
she’s sorta known as a big sister among the other animal agents bc of her personality, she’s very much the mum friend
she has no idea what happened to her parents and is pretty obedient when it comes to the agency
possible connections & stuff !!
i’ll always love me some more animal agents
even tho she’s focused on the argenti that doesn’t mean she can’t see other criminals in action, she’s more the tailing type tho sO she might stalk some shady people just :eyes emoji:
margaret corrs
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she’s trying her best
maggie’s always been the responsible one out of her and her sister and that’s been the case since they were little
what she diDN’T expect was that she would end up becoming her sister’s legal guardian when their parents went missing under suspicious circumstances
her parents both worked for a well off family and her mother was a secretary and her father was a driver so they’re pretty much invisible workers ?? not that they’re unappreciated or anything it’s just that people tend to have conversations in front of them as if they aren’t there
aNYWAY one day they went to work but ended up not coming home which was of course sUPER concerning and so she went to the police to file the missing person’s report
long story short, she was to look after violet while the police did their investigation, but for a year and a half it was a constant string of no-shows and dead leads and shoddy police work and maggie was growing tired of it
she was already studying journalism so it wasn’t hard for her to become interested in investigative journalism and she used the skills she learned to start looking for hERSELF why her parents disappeared
the argenti attacked before she could get very far tho
and now that vi has gone missing she’s looking for her too and she’s stressed and feels terrible bc her entire family is gone why couldn’t i help them
she isn’t doing anything sUPER crazy yet, just looking around and asking questions, but the more time spent without any word from any of her family members the more determined she’s gonna be
she has literally nO time for the argenti fam she has a family to find and those dumbass aliens aren’t gonna stop her
she’s a pretty no-nonsense person and the mama bear will come out if you even tHINK of hurting anyone close to her i dare u
she can defend herself aDEQUATELY but not amazingly
potential connections & stuff !!
tbh she’s probably questioned anyone and everyone so !! anYONE TBH
castanea primus
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succubus babie
except she’s not really a babie she’s just a Brat
after what happened to her parents back in the underland, castanea has always held a deep grudge against demons despite being one. as far as she’s concerned the only other demon she can trust is her older brother and everyone else can perish
that’s a major reason as to why when her brother moved away from the underland she was just “tAKE ME WITH YOU”, she really wanted out of there
some of her generalisations towards other demons have changed the way she sees herself, and so she doesn’t see herself as a good person in any capacity, so she doesn’t really try
upstanding citizen ?? what’s that ??
she’s not going around and doing crimes, but she just doesn’t care. she doesn’t care about school or how she’s going to get far in life. who needs to do that when you have the ability to charm someone into doing whatever you want them to ???
the daytime hours are when she acts the most human, going to school (most of the time) and spending most of her time with surface dwellers. her night time hours are usually spent at the club her brother works at, pestering him and anyone else who might come her way
tbh she can’t wait to be a hoe but only bc she wants to get stuff out of it
the argenti is something she tends to ignore for the most part, as in her opinion, her life on earth would likely just be cut short in some other way if they weren’t around, so why bother ??
very flippant about death as you can see, doesn’t really care if she lives or dies, but she isn’t about to tell anyone else that
she’s considered the ‘cool beauty’ type at school. beautiful, but hard for people to approach. she probably has a group of good friends but it’s unlikely that they know she’s a succubus
talks back to teachers with the most deadpan expression and calm voice
refuses to get Attached™
possible connections & stuff !!
fellow students !! her school friends !! even just people around the downtown area who know her !!
anyone she can get attached to, bc getting attached fUCKS HER UP
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