winchesters and angel with soul
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i ship family, team free will and most of all.. Destiel
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castielma12 · 3 years ago
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The one where Dean and Cas are college students and they hook up at a bar
“So what do you say?” “I say, let’s make this quick because I still have a term paper to cram”
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castielma12 · 4 years ago
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All the Destiel kisses I’ve painted so far, since we were robbed of one because of Covid. There will be more in the future from me! I declare it here and now!
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castielma12 · 4 years ago
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castielma12 · 4 years ago
suptober day 11: rock & roll
please let me know if you’d like to be added to my tag list! (or removed if you prefer) it tags you in all my short stories like these so you never miss them!
also, sorry that you’re seeing the earlier days in your feeds! i forgot my writing ipad when i went on vacation this weekend, so I’ve been trying to make up the days i missed! i should catch up soon, i’ve just been incredibly busy!
(based on a true story)
Castiel stared at Dean’s laptop, completely in awe, smiling pridefully at himself. The electronic screen of the computer illuminated on his face, making his eyes grow tired because of the past research he’s been doing in the middle of the night.
Dean would be so happy!
Now all he had to do was wait for him to come back to the bunker.
Trying to figure out how to not be bored — something that has happened to him since he turned human; a very monotonous thing — Castiel looked around the library, searching for some type of book to read.
He found one and sat down in his original seat. He hoped ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ would be a good choice. If not, then maybe he could give it to Dean and hopefully he would like it.
Turns out, it was not. Castiel had read it in approximately ten minutes and it was the most weirdest piece of literature the ex-angel thinks he’s ever read.
The imagery of burning it in his head, he stood up to go and do so. However, once he stood up, his Led Zeppelin (curtesy of Dean) t-shirt clung to him with sweat. Although it was late January, it was still hot as fuck in Lebanon.
“Cas!” Dean called out. “I’m back! Are you here?”
Castiel could hear the smile in his voice. Placing down the book, Castiel closed his eyes to zap over to Dean on the indoor balcony.
Oh yeah. No powers.
He awkwardly waited for Dean to walk down the steps, and then he ran to the bottom as Dean jumped in his arms.
“Hey, baby…” he muttered into Castiel’s neck. “Missed me that much?”
Castiel nodded his head up and down. Thumbing Dean’s hipbones, Castiel tried to pick him up but he couldn’t.
Too weak.
Dean noticed that Castiel acutely tried to, but he wasn’t successful, and he noticed the flicker of guilt in his boyfriends eyes.
“I… I have a surprise for you!” He changed the subject quickly, smiling.
“You do?” Dean replied mischievously, smirking. “What is it, angel?”
Castiel hated when he was called angel. It just wasn’t true. He has been an angel, a seraph, for his whole life and just recently, it was all stripped away from him.
However, Dean, the love of his whole life, has helped him more than anybody or anything has to him. He loved him with his whole being and would go to the ends of the universe for him. He was more beautiful than all the galaxies and supernovas and sunsets and sunrises that Castiel has ever seen.
Although Dean had another thing in mind.
“Come to the table…” Castiel smiled, holding Dean’s hand. Hand holding was Castiel’s comfort when he was stressed out, especially when he hasn’t seen Dean in over twenty-four hours.
Dean saw the book and his eyes widened.
“Are you— did—“ His face was probably the shade of a tomato, he was that embarrassed,
“Yes I did!” Castiel smiled at the computer, the website still on.
“I’m not—“ Dean muttered, his hand shaking.
“Huh? You don’t like it?”
Dean hung his head and rubbed a hand through his hair tired, “Angel, ‘m not into that stuff.”
“You’re not into rock and roll? I thought that was something you really liked…”
A switch flicked in Dean’s mind and he looked at the screen of the computer. Two picture of tickets were on the screen and the initials said “CCR” at the top.
For January 24th.
His birthday. Tomorrow.
“Cas— you… you’re fuckin’ with me!” The hunter’s eyes widened to the size of the sun. No way in hell did he get CCR tickets! “You got us tickets to see fuckin’ Creedance Clearwater Revival!?”
He paused. “Yes! Yes I did, Dean!” His eyes wrinkled and Dean’s favorite gummy smile appeared on his face.
Dean wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed Castiel with such force that it toppled him backward onto the table. Humming satisfactorily in his throat, Castiel pushed the book off the table as Dean straddled his lap.
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castielma12 · 4 years ago
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Woke up this morning, light poured in, you’re with me I thought I’d be better off alone Now, my soul has been torn and reborn, started breathing What have I done? What have I done?
I never thought I needed saving, I was right where I should be Good God, I know it’s dangerous, but it’s you that I need I’m in love this time I’m in love this time What have I done? (X)
Anyway I don’t care what happens in s15 they’re married and happy and old      
I obviously had a reference picture here and I traced just the pose but I hand-painted everything else (including the whole background hqjdkfkg) (And you should see how pixelated the ref actually was, it was a lot of guessing XD)
(And well. I shouldn’t need to say this, but just in case : this is NOT affiliated with Twist and Shout :D)
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castielma12 · 5 years ago
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- drawn & painted in Photoshop
Wow, I love Cas so much, I drew this all in one night (whhaaaatt?). 😭😭
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castielma12 · 5 years ago
Summary:  Where Dean and Cas are best friends and Cas makes fun of all of his typos when they text.
based on this post:  my sense of humor: someone sends a text to me with a typo and I only respond with the typo
thanks to @unforth-ninawaters @sherlockkat and @destielforever67 for sending me more typo ideas <3
Dean (2:15 pm): hey should i get my mom the angle or the snowman card for xmas
Cas (2:26 pm): you should definitely get the angle one
Cas (2:26 pm): not as traditional of a choice, i will say
Cas (2:27 pm): but it’s very progressive of you to include angles in consideration
Cas (2:28 pm): which angles do they have?  acute?  obtuse?  personally i’m a fan of right angles but that’s a personal preference
Dean (2:32 pm): what?
Cas (2:33 pm): maybe you should just get the snowman
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castielma12 · 5 years ago
28. We literally ran into each other (from this prompt list)
Cas is having the absolute worst day of his life. First, he overslept his alarm, missing breakfast. Then, because he was hurrying, he forgot to pack lunch. And, because he was super hangry come 3pm, he got fired for talking back to a rude customer.
Now, he’s storming down the sidewalk on the way to the nearest McDonald’s, hungry and irritable. He’s shooting murder stares at everyone he passes, whoever gets in his way of food.
He’s almost there, a block or two away. Just around the corner.
But when he turns said corner -
He full-body walks straight into someone else. The guy’s a solid mass, but so is Cas. They grab at each other for support, but manage only to put too much weight in opposite directions. Holding each other, they wipe out on the sidewalk.
“Sorry, man,” the guy says, already righting himself. He stills has Cas by the elbow and he’s tugging.
Cas rips his arm away. He kind of just wants to lie there on the sidewalk.
“You okay?”
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castielma12 · 5 years ago
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Misha tries to ask a serious question, but S̶e̶n̶a̶t̶o̶r̶ fanboy Cory Booker wants to talk about SPN 🤓 | A Conversation with Senator Cory Booker, J2M, and MJ Hegar
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castielma12 · 5 years ago
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Folks, I have so much to say about this I can’t even begin, but this took me around 90 hours and it was truly a labor of fandom love. It’s by no means perfect, but I’m pretty happy with it thus far! I also need to acknowledge that it never would have escaped the tangled mulch fields of my brain without the genius inspiration/collaboration/editing on the part of the absolutely wonderful and lovely @malmuses who helped me at every juncture to put this part together.��
(Also, someone told me that Cas having an impala head was a little “on the nose”, and I decided to argue the point in a ten panel comic so… creating out of spite is really useful, sometimes;) 
I hope y'all enjoy, and if you like my work, which I intend to keep free, please encourage me by leaving a tip. It truly helps and means the world to me, especially when it comes to large works like this.
(Spoiler: Also don’t worry, Cas is fine, he just kindly volunteered to provide me with a cliffhanger ;) 
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castielma12 · 5 years ago
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If we can’t have forever, I’ll live a lifetime in this moment.
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castielma12 · 5 years ago
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castielma12 · 5 years ago
@postmodernmulticoloredcloak, excuse you, but are you telling me that Dean can be more than one thing at once? 
That he can be both a hug monster
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and closed-off
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That Dean can be both rough
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and tender
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Both resentful 
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and forgiving
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Both cautious
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and reckless
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Both abrasive
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and gentle
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That he can be both childlike
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and full of wisdom
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both vulnerable
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and cocky
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Both fearful 
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and brave
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That Dean can be a badass, take no shit monster hunter
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while also being the softest boy
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I’m sorry but I just don’t see it. 
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castielma12 · 5 years ago
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insp (pt I.) (pt II.)
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castielma12 · 5 years ago
They never even bothered to tell him. 
One day they were checking into a motel and Sam was just about to ask what they were going to do about the fact that there were only two beds when Dean plopped down and yanked on Cas’ coat until he was practically in his lap. 
“There enough pillows here for you, Cas?” Dean asked right against Cas’ ear.
“It should be sufficient, yes.”
Sam didn’t know what to say, so he didn’t say anything.
He didn’t say anything when they stripped down to their boxers and curled up in bed later that night. He didn’t say anything about Dean being the small spoon.
He didn’t even say anything when the sound of soft laughter woke him up at 4 a.m., and he had to push a pillow over his head to drown out the subsequent sound of lips smacking and slurping.
He didn’t say anything when Dean and Cas shuffled into the bathroom together the next morning, but he did let out a “really?” under his breath when he heard the shower turn on.
It wasn’t until they were at a fucking Bob Evans for breakfast and Dean ordered for Cas–his arm slung over the back of the booth and Cas tucked into his side like they’re attached or something–he ordered for Cas like an old married couple who have been coming to Bob Evans every Sunday morning for the past 30 years. 
Sam couldn’t take it anymore and blurted out, “OK, seriously, what the fuck?” which got the attention of half the restaurant and very well could’ve gotten them kicked out.
Dean just shrugged.
After a minute of silence, Cas turned to Dean and said, “I told you he didn’t know.” 
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castielma12 · 5 years ago
Today I re-read the story that happened in 2018, where Jensen and Misha were spotted in the gallery of Vancouver, which was located near Jensen’s house. And the next day, Misha was seen walking in the same direction (to Jensen’s house), again passing the gallery late evening. And I thought, why hasn’t anyone ever thought that maybe they live in Vancouver together? At first, the idea might seem nonsense, but think, Misha never posted a photo from his apartment / house in Vancouver. But we saw his house in America a hundred times from the inside. In Vancouver he takes pictures either in the trailer / set or on the street/ at some events. Jensen is also not particularly generous in the photo from Vancouver, but we saw at least one photo and one video from his apartment in a multi-story building.
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View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Jensen Ackles (@jensenackles) on Nov 13, 2019 at 11:57am PST
So why is Misha hiding his place of living in Vancouver so much? Interesting, isn’t it? Remember how Jensen blurted out at the San Diego convention (2016) that Misha sounds like that in the morning. And when Jared asked «how do you know», Misha and Jensen flushed up?? See, these words acquire a new color.
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And what about the fact that when Misha returned after his mini-book signing tour to and shot a video for Jensen’s Instagram late night, where the latter talked about his album? Yes, they could just decide to drop by Jensen because they missed each other. Or maybe they do live together…
This break and lack of content makes me think hahaha. And now I’m interested in your opinion.
Also I wanna tag @jensensitive​ because she’s great at such things and I really want to hear her thoughts on this one♥
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castielma12 · 5 years ago
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Title: Breathe
Artist: purzelndesbaeumchen
Author: turningthepages
Rating: General Audiences
Pairings: Dean/Cas
Wordcount: 8500
Warnings: None
Castiel has promised to remain by Dean’s side through anything, which now includes settling next to him as the hunter sleeps. As this new side of their friendship falls into a routine, Castiel’s feelings grow just as steadily.  
Link to art masterpost
Link to fic masterpost
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