#maybe i can lure one of the kitties in...
redd-anima · 8 months
Taking applications to help keep me warm in bed rn
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jinxs-gf · 1 month
Black Cat!Reader x The Team Headcanons
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Black Cat!Reader x The Team
note: just because you’re in place of Black Cat doesn’t mean this is fem!reader! this is very gender neutral besides the mention of lipstick briefly…even then that’s not lady exclusive :)
content/warnings: this is seemingly set during s1 like my other yj fics but I imagine everyone being way older 😔🙏🏽 it’s weird but just roll with it pretty please. also…a bit suggestive??
word count: 3.6k
a/n: I wouldn’t have done this but this anon gave me the idea and I HAD to expand on it unfortunately
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THE TEAM (platonic)
Lots and lots of flirting from reader, OBVIOUSLY. do y’all even KNOW Black Cat????? it would be relentless. and no matter how annoying and probably overwhelming it got, you wouldn’t back down
with even the toughest/hardest to crack team members
it’s not even like you’re attempting to lure them in…or get romantically involved (unless…), it’s just how you are. who can blame you! flirting is fun
you started off as just another “villain of the day.” Someone they could take on easily. They thought of you as a pity mission. An bad guy as small as a simple thief? What fun was that?! They’ve taken down Gods, magicians, robots…and Red Tornado assigned them a thief??? It was a joke.
until it wasn’t. until Batman saw potential in you (because of course he did. Robin was not happy about this.)
You earned the nickname Cat, which was a nickname in itself for Kitty Cat (Wally's idea, not yours, you gave him hell for it)
your first mission with them was definitely something. messy, to say the least
it was weird, the whole mind link thing. you made jokez and flirted through the link as a way of coping because…well you felt out of place
everyone was so close with each other, not to mention they didn’t come from a background of “bad guy shenanigans”
you felt like an outcast for the longest time, until everyone was revealing vulnerable secrets with each other before a mission. you finally spoke your insecurities with your place on the team
you and Artemis had the same worries (more or less) and bonded over that
you finally were able to let loose and just…be yourself around them
you became soft
the flirting and teasing was still there, however it was saved for missions
you preferred to keep Black Cat’s reputation
individual relationships
ROBIN (romantic)
He was very much against the idea of you being on the team. Sure you weren’t a crazy villain that hurt people (maybe not physically…but you were definitely a heartbreaker, Robin concludes)
You were still a thief at the end of the day. A bad person. And he didn’t like that.
It was Batman’s idea—and usually Batman had great ideas. This was a very bad one. He hated every bit of it.
…until he got to know you better
Taking you down was easy. “Easiest job I’ve ever had,” Robin boasts.
You pout, “that’s not very nice.”
Ha. He knocked you down a peg. Good. You needed a little humbling-
“-How come you’re lying to me, Robin? I thought we had something.”
Uh oh. He absolutely hated when you used that sickeningly sweet voice on him.
Of course you didn’t believe his lie. Of course you could tell how difficult that mission really was.
It’s not apart of his proudest moments. He hesitated to stop you on the mission, completely caught off guard by your flirtatious behavior. I mean, who wouldn’t be?!
In a moment of weakness, he let you go. Awestruck by the kiss you left imprinted on his cheek. Something he got teased relentlessly for.
The rest of the team finished the job for him after that.
In the back of his mind he knows the only reason he didn’t like the idea of you being on the team was because he…knew it wouldn’t end well for him. He was sure to be on your long list of broken hearts (a list that was never confirmed to even exist)
It made sense in his mind…he was Robin. A bird. And you were a cat. A right recipe for disaster. You’d trap him in your greedy little claws and eat him alive.
Over time that perspective changed.
Robin hates to admit it, but he’s softer now. Softer around you. For you.
“I know who you are,” he says with that arrogant smirk.
“So why can’t I know who you are?”
“Only…really important and trustworthy people know. The only person who knows besides Batman is Wally. He’s my best friend.”
“Why doesn’t that include me?” you’re practically purring, rubbing a finger down his face, “am I not important enough to you?” You pout for show
He looks dejected, like he was having an internal battle with himself. And you could tell which part of him was losing.
Your fingers inch slowly towards his mask, ready to lift-
“Robin.” And the stupid, stupid monotone voice that belonged to Batman interrupted you.
You’ll get him back for that.
Robin was now being scolded, but he was having none of it.
“It was a moment of weakness.”
“It will not happen again. No more moments of weakness. You’re growing, your body is going through a lot of different things. Keep it in your pants-”
“Whoa old man! Whoa! That’s going too far. And what about Selina?! You’ve had many moments of weakness because of her. You can’t scold me for this one time.”
“It’s because of my experience with Catwoman that I know better. I’m trying to stop you from…getting hurt.”
Robin calls bullshit on that. What could you possibly do to hurt him? (Thoughts that completely contradict his first impressions of you)
The next time he sees you he’ll spill everything. He’ll let you know that he does trust you and that you do matter. That you’re important to him.
Just to spite Bruce. And maybe because he really likes you and wants you to know it.
It was his idea to bring you onto the team anyways…he’s just giving Bruce exactly what he wanted. A warm welcome to a new teammate.
WALLY (romantic)
Wally was so happy someone FINALLY reciprocated his advances. And especially with a catch like you? Black Cat?! He was over the moon.
At first.
It quickly came to be too much. He's been waiting, praying for someone to match his energy, but now that he's got it? He's not exactly sure how to handle it. He's gotten so used to being blown off, teased, and scolded for his flirting that it was weird when you flirted back.
He was of course the first to tease you when you officially joined the team. He gave your your nickname, Kitty Cat. You despised the name and him for the longest time.
Wally was annoying. Taunting you at all times. Calling to you as if you were an actual cat.
He'd click his tongue, "here kitty kitty."
And for that, your flirting was meaner towards him (compared to how you treated everyone else). Which is the exact reason why he couldn't handle the teasing from you. It wasn't the normal way Robin would, "oh yeah, Wally can't phase the way Flash does. Otherwise he gets a nosebleed. Right, loser?" Or the way Artemis would, "ugh, you flirt like a divorced 40 year old who's desperate for a rebound. Loser."
No, your teasing was quite different. You laughed cruelly, throwing your head back for show, "Come get it before it's gone, loser."
So. He was still a loser to you, but it seemed you actually liked that about him. Maybe.
Wally didn't like it as much as he thought he would. It ruined his cool guy facade (one that didn't exist, Robin would say). It was humbling, the way he suddenly tumbled over his words, face flushed red and all.
More than humbling. It was embarrassing.
You bring him down to the mat with a loud THUD. Much like the time Black Canary beat him during their first time training. Except you used your weight, tumbling on him (and straddling him in the process. Great).
Embarrassing embarrassing embarrassing.
The only person that was able to truly catch him was his best friend, Robin. And that's with years of experience with the speedster. You'd know him all of a few months and you're able to do it?!
"It won't happen again,” referring to his teasing of your name, naming you Kitty Cat and clicking his tongue at you.
“Or I’ll have to teach you a lesson. Much different from this one.” And you casually walk away.
Wally desperately wanted to get up, to humble you back. But he couldn't. He felt physically incapable of doing so.
You had really done it. You slowed down the (second) fastest man alive.
"Wow. That was extremely painful to watch," of course Robin had something to say about it.
"Shut up man."
KALDUR (romantic)
It was "unprofessional," he said.
Unprofessional your ass. It was perfectly professional. A lot of people on the teams had partners within those same teams. Black Canary and Green Arrow, Superman and Wonder Woman (exes—but that still counts for something), Conner and M’gann acted like a couple and no one said anything! So what was the problem?
Well apparently there wasn’t a problem…seeing as this “relationship” was more welcomed—as in, Kaldur didn’t tell the Black Cat off when they made advances towards him. Besides when he called their behavior “unprofessional.” That was once. He didn’t say a word of it after that.
In fact, he allowed—dare anyone say encouraged it.
On missions you were attached to his hip. Even if he assigned you to be by Artemis’ side or assist Robin, you wouldn’t listen. And he didn’t say anything about it, instead informing the team to continue on with the plan.
His professional act as the team leader never faltered, not even you could break it down. He merely tolerated your flirting (his words, though you knew better. He loved it).
The team was each in their individual positions scoping out the area, ready to attack at a moments notice. Kaldur was squatted down and you decided it was the perfect opportunity to pounce on him (as you usually did). You wrapped your arms around his neck, now on his back.
“Does the team leader have time for some sweet talk?”
“I, we have a job to do, Cat. Focus.”
You hum, “What are we doing here again?”
He starts relaying the plan to you, you taking note of the way he doesn’t scold you (he repeated the plan to the team multiple times on the way over, he surely would’ve berated one of the other guys for not listening). You never had any intentions of listening, only wanting a chance to annoy him.
“Blah blah blah, is this your version of sweet talk?” You squish his face between your fingers and plant a kiss on his cheek.
He only sighs, “Later. After the mission is complete.”
For once, your find yourself surprised. He’s promising to reciprocate your advances?
This should be fun.
CONNER (romantic)
M'gann was more subtle with her flirting (not really, especially with the way she blushes), more timid and on the nose about her feelings. You? You got straight to the point. Kind of like how open Artemis was when she first joined the team. She had no shame letting the team know telepathically how attractive she thought Superboy was. Seriously, what was it with new recruits and taking an immediate liking to Conner? Why not the other three boys? What did he have that they didn't!
Although Artemis gave up on that crush at first sight almost immediately
You? Not so much. it was very noticeable that the Black Cat was adamant on cracking the boy of steel. it seemed like an impossible mission, but with a little determination and a couple sultry words? it was pretty damn easy
This is very much an enemies to lovers type relationship (kinda):
At the beginning, when you first met, he was open to new relationships. Getting to know people he could count on within the team, though that openness completely died down. Your flirting was nonstop. Even on missions! How was he supposed to concentrate on the task at hand when you found time to graze his arm or speak soft words to him?
You annoyed him, sosososo much it wasn't even funny. Even more than M'gann did. Both of you were insistent, that's for sure. But one was more bold than the other. He tried telling himself it was because he didn't like you: at least with M'gann he wanted a relationship to come from it (not necessarily romantic)
But with you...he hated you. No. He hated the way he reacted to your advances...he hated admitting to himself that your words affected him. That he felt something not so platonic for you. Damn you and your stupid flirting. It was surely going to be the death of him. And that's saying something: the clone of the man of steel actually breaking down? unheard of.
But you managed to do it. Unfortunately.
Conner finds himself thinking about you, more than he'd like. Another reason to dislike you. You take up his mind. Every waking moment and every dream. It's infuriating.
And now he was starting to worry about you during missions. He saw you get knocked down, away from the rest of the team. The fall looked nasty, and with the way you seem to lie there with no intention of getting back up, he's sure you've been knocked out
Conner tries to ignore the way his heart clenches at the sight, kind of like the way it does when concerning you in different context
It gives him the courage to voice his worries, he calls out to you, and as expected: he gets no response
The enemy leans down to your level, ready to do more damage. Conner is quickly snapped out of his daze and starts running over to you
Until he abruptly stops. Because you open your eyes to wink at him, jump up, and take the enemy down with ease.
It's right then that he takes back every thought of admitting he doesn't hate you. Because the stupid smirk you're sending his way reminds him of every reason why he dislikes you.
Everyone is home or in their respective rooms already, leaving you and him. You're behind him, massaging his shoulders gently (your touch wouldn't have persisted if he showed any signs of discomfort, he leaned into it in fact, allowing you to continue)
You bring your head down, cheek to his,
"Oh come on. You can lie to everyone and yourself. But you can't lie to me. I know you were worried back there. Just admit it, Loverboy."
He can only roll his eyes. And blushed. You were never going to live this down.
"I wasn't. Now leave me alone." If only his actions were as convincing as his stern words. Words that would've scared off the likes of M'gann had she been in your position. But you knew better, knew that his shaking hands and quickly warming face meant that his words had no meaning.
Your hand dragged from his shoulder to his chest, right over his heart. Yeah, his words were meaningless with the way his heart was beating for you.
Conner was finally warming up to you and you had him right where you wanted him.
And so you let go. "Whatever you say, Loverboy," and with a kiss to his pink cheek, you leave him alone to ponder his complicated feelings.
Feelings that were in fact not complicated at all. Because Conner was finally, finally ready to admit to himself and to you that he wanted you. So badly.
If only you hadn't pulled away so quickly, he couldn't reciprocated the kiss or two...it would've been an easier, showing you how he feels instead of saying it out loud.
He'll kiss you next time.
M’GANN (romantic)
The Martian can't hide her liking towards you for the life of her. She could’ve even if she tried.
It was near painful, you pitied her. You almost felt bad and stopped teasing her. Almost.
It was fun though, how could you stop?
M’gann would actively seek out your approval and attention when you joined the team. It was only natural, she did it with the rest of the members, so you were no exception.
Besides, the only teammate she was kind of close with was Artemis. Was it sooo wrong of her to want to get close to you?!
Nope! Though she does wish you weren’t so…forward sometimes. Not that it’s unwelcomed, she’s just unsure of how to act because of it. Is she supposed to reciprocate? M’gann has never seen nor experienced such a dynamic on Mars, much less on Earth. So she awkwardly blushes and smiles.
Eventually she gets used to it. And gets very much into it. She won’t vocalize her feelings, instead she’ll mind link and talk that way. Often times it’s easier to communicate through touch. Which says a lot, M’gann would rather use touch?? Not the mind link?? Which was the main source of communication on Mars? Whoa.
It was mainly because…she didn’t want to reveal all her feelings to you. She’s usually able to control what goes through the mind link, having done it since childhood, but you’ve made her mind a complete mess. She all but short circuits when you’re around.
Can anyone blame her?
"You know what I'm thinking?"
"Well you can read me, can't you Martian girl?"
She giggles at herself, how could she forget? "Hello Megan!"
Her smile turns timid once she reads your mind.
ARTEMIS (romantic)
It was honestly unfair how fast the blonde caught your attention. Her voice. Her stupid raspy voice.
Unfortunately for you, Artemis wasn’t exactly buddy-buddy with you at first. Well, she wasn’t really with any of her teammates. But with time she’s learned to get along with everyone.
“I just wanna get to know you, Blondie. What’s wrong with that?” You asked in the sweetest voice you could muster up, one that usually made everyone fall.
Yet she rolls her eyes.
So that’s how it’s gonna be, huh? Fine.
It was right after a mission, everyone was surrounding Red Tornado, relaying the events to your mentor.
“You know we could’ve took that guy down way faster had you not been on Robin the whole time.”
“Jealous Blondie?
“Stop calling me Blondie!”
You had sleepovers, movie nights, and other hang out outside of missions. With or without the rest of the team. They were fun, the first time you were alone with her is what really got her to warm up to you.
“Ugh! Of course literally everyone else canceled but Cat.” She really seemed to hate you.
You were outside her window, watching as Artemis complained to no one but herself. She once offhandedly commented on how her place was off limits for hangouts (refusing to explain why, which was okay with the team).
You were definitely crossing a boundary doing this, but she seemed upset in the group chat. You couldn’t just leave her by herself.
And then…the Sportsmaster walks in her room. One of the team’s enigmas. A thorn in their side. What the hell?
He does nothing but berate her for not “joining them.” Joining who? Then proceeds to say he’d be happier if she ever thinks to change her mind
“I’m never going to be apart of your messed up team, dad.”
And then he’s just…gone.
You’re stunned, and only then does she finally notice you. She ushers you into her room, now berating you for your actions and spying and breaking her boundaries and…
“Your secret is safe with me, babe.” It was meant to be a term of endearment to reassure her,
Friends called each other babe, right?
“You’d rather be called Blondie?”
She rolls her eyes, “whatever.” And as annoyed as she wanted to seem, she smiled and hugged you gratefully.
It was the only time you allowed yourself to be any kind of vulnerable around her. Or any of the team for that matter.
Once she got over her high horse, it was a very reluctant friendship turned…something more? That’s to be determined. But with the way she now flirts back? You’d say that was a good sign.
“Hey Blondie.”
“You calling me Blondie is the equivalent of Wally calling you Kitty Cat. Maybe I’ll have to teach you a lesson this time around.”
“I like the way you think, babe.” (You say not so platonically this time)
ROY (romantic)
You were on him as soon as he rejoined the team. How could you not be? He was even grumpier than Conner was when he joined, making him extra fun to mess with.
You had no chill when flirting with him, he decided immediately that was annoyed with you. And did not want to be friends.
Because his actual friends brought him joy, they made him laugh and they listened to him when he had bad days. You? You made a bad first impression, therefore he refused give you the chance to do any of those things.
Often telling you to buzz off and if you didn’t he’d “choke you with a hair ball.” Kinky, you replied.
He hated it.
Until you found out about his girl, his other Cat. Cheshire. That’s when things changed. You were less…on him.
"Me and her were never a thing!"
"Getting defensive there. Afraid I'll get jealous?"
"I could care less about your feelings."
“Oh really? Is that right?”
His eye twitched. He couldn’t believe he was trying to…reassure you? Was that what he was doing?
He was trying to make sure you knew he wasn’t with Cheshire. That her feelings were one sided. It’s something he shouldn’t be doing, he tells himself. In fact, he should be doing the opposite. Tell you that she means something to him, or maybe stay quiet and insinuate that they had something going on.
To get you off his back.
You seemed to back off completely when you found out Cheshire flirted with him often on missions when the goal was to take her down. Much like how the team’s predicament when they first met you.
It made you…upset?
And for some reason that made him upset.
“So you’re my Roy Toy? Mine completely?” Wally and Robin had originally griped about the nickname until it eventually made them laugh. They came to appreciate it.
“I’m no one’s. Not yours, not Cheshire’s, not the Justice League’s nor the team’s.”
“You will be mine one day, Speedy. And you’ll love it.”
Roy doesn’t respond but he feels like…there is some truth to your playful statement.
Maybe one day.
They all slowly turn towards you.
"...you've kissed all of us?"
You only shrug, “wasn’t that obvious?”
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you can tell I got lazy lmaooo
I hate how I formatted this omg
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
I feel like big brother dabi frequently checks little sister reader out from her preschool so that they can do stupid shit together and he can one up his siblings on who spends the most time with her
He does! And it's not him "checking her out" as much as it is "luring her out" or borderline kidnapping her, but he's done it so many times now that Enji officially gave your school the green light to let the "brooding, scary villain" take you.
The bigger the age gap between you two, the more softer he is towards you. Like in this scenario, Dabi is like 20 something, while reader is barely 5.
As soon as Dabi picks you from school, he's taking your pink bag and hanging it on his shoulder while letting your small hand hold his two fingers as you both walk, all while humming when you tell him about your day and how you learned what a "verb" is.
He'll take you to a convenience store first, to get you something to eat. And sure, mama Rei always makes the yummiest meals with the best organic ingredients and papa Enji always take you to Michelin starred restaurants and gourmet ice cream parlours, they still can't beat the addicting taste of cheap convenience store junk food, which is all Dabi can afford at the moment. And the best thing is, he doesn't say no. You want two ice creams? Fuck yeah, he'll get 4! That's just a fantastic idea and he won't say no to it.
Then later he'll tae you to a park, where you'll be playing more by yourself than have him play with you. However, you can't play with other kids either without his permission. If you see kids your age at the play ground, you'll have to come to Dabi and ask if you can play with them. Sometimes he'll say yes, mostly he says no. That's when you have to huff and guilt trip him with your small voice and complain how no one ever plays with you (because everyone is busy) and now Dabi is sitting in the sandbox at your pretend restaurant while you serve him a sand cake. (On the inside, he's crying because his inner child wants to give you all the love and affection and everything he never got)
After playing, you're tired and looking like a complete mess, so while you sit im Dabi's lap taking huge gulps from your water bottle, he's combing your hair with his hands and tying it into pretty braids with cute bows (that he absolutely does mot carry around with him and no, those are not your pink hair ties on his wrist. That's fashion), all while he's narrowing his eyes at you as you're inhaling your water.
"Hey, slow down, brat. You'll choke and I won't save you."
If he has time, he'll take you to McDonald's and get you a happy meal, not getting himself one cause again- he's poor. But he will steal your fries though, and your drink. Not that you mind. No, no. You love sharing your food with Dabi, in fact, you'll probably be feeding him with your own hands.
"Here comes the plane, Dabi! Say ahh!" As you poke his closed lips with a fry.
Sometimes you'll ask about his scars. You're still too young to understand it all, and you being a curious kid, you often ask about his appearance. With gentle hands, you'll be tracing his staples and burn marks, asking if they hurt.
He'll shrug. "They used to, but not anymore." But maybe his tone wasn't convincing enough, or maybe you just needed an excuse to your Hello Kitty bandaids, but you're pulling them out pf your bag and placing them haphazardly on Dabi before kissing each boo boo to "make the pain go away".
You don't notice the misty eyes of your brother while you're kissing his burns.
Before the sun sets, Dabi is taking you back home (or else Rei will have his head), and you're so tired that you fall asleep while he's carrying you, drooling slightly on his shoulder as you mumble about Dabi and him being the best (which he obviously recorded to piss off his siblings. Shotou and Fuyumi are 1000% convinced that this was a deep fame and not you).
He'll tuck you in bed, maybe kiss your forehead before leaving. On his way home, he's looking through all the photos he secretly took that day of you,and there are even some very shaky, badly taken photos of him by you (because you wanted to take photos of your big brother too🥺) before Dabi settles on the one picture where he's looking ominous (but his eyes are soft) and you're in his arms, all giddy and happy.
New wallpaper 🥺💖
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grlpartdoll · 18 days
I wuz randomly thinking about kitty!reader from this and her story and her past and then it got me thinking about what exactly happened for her to be on Price's team so here we r! I really wanted to expend a liddle on da depth of reader's background and her fear of being what she was made to be. Hopefully in the next pieces I write we get to see her be herself, and I hope da guyz teach her to never be afraid or ashamed of what she has become bcoz they love her no matter what :]
Oki! 18+ as usual, mdni, yaddiyadda ya! No tws! Enjoy! <3
Some people don't know this,
But you actually didn't want to be part of John's team at first. At first because you didn't think they needed you. But then, after you actually met the men, you knew that you'd never quite be able to be human around them.
You'd spent your life surrounded by assholes with egos bigger than their own bodies — had paid for it multiple times after your capture. But these men? Price, Gaz, Soap, Ghost.. they were all so very different. Sure. They had their own ways of being a bit arrogant, chests all puffed, alphas in their own right. But they had always made sure you were safe and treated with a gentleness that you felt was undeserved.
Which is why you refused to let yourself be swayed. To let yourself be lured, and then trapped forever in this headspace so many people had attempted to shove you into to make you a deadly weapon. These men, though.. all they had to do was lay a hand on you, kind and considerate and respectful, and you'd regressed into nothing but a feral little kit.
So it's safe to say it took a lot of convincing for you to let yourself be handed over to the 141.
“I don't understand why you want her to be part of your team so much, John.” Laswell grumbles, hand clasping her forehead exasperatedly, “She’s refused multiple times. She knows she won’t be a good match for your guys.”
John leans back, arms crossed on his chest. “Did you tell her about my.. Sweetener on the deal?”
“I didn’t bother.” She makes, hand clasping your file closed tightly. Your deepest secrets and truths lay in between the pages, and you will yourself to remain calm as Price lays his eyes on you again, eyes slitted only slightly. Not angry — his emotions taste sour, instead, like shame, or a mix of that and something exhausted. Maybe a little needy, too. A raw sort of need.
“We’re offering you private quarters and an onsite medic at all times, twenty four seven.”
You swallow. Those weren't things you didn't already have here. Laswell is about to tell him the same when he raises a finger to interject in between breath and exhale.
“And a playroom of your own, along with double the pay you get here.”
The offer is tempting — to know that you’d get to have a room where you can.. Nest, play, and be safe. And the pay— you didn't much care for human possessions such as money, but you did need it if you counted on one day retiring and getting out of this wretched government’s secret organisations. Disappear somewhere far away, where no one would find you..
You take too long to reply, so Price sighs, laying a hand down. “I’m ready to give you a safe house, once your service years are done. Only I and Laswell will know of it.”
You look at Laswell. She gives a nod. You sway side to side a little, showing that you're perhaps thinking about it. Was all of this really worth having to be paired with Ghost Riley, Soap and Gaz? One of the deadliest teams ever created, and yet your gentle demise?
“And you promise to keep your dogs on a leash?” Laswell asks, reading your thoughts and translating the words out for the man. She knows of your worries. She knows you're afraid to get too close, and then become dependent.
“Cross my heart, hope to die.”
“Cross your heart, hope to die, stick a needle in your eye. But let's hope it doesn't come to that, huh?” Laswell ticks her tongue, shaking her head.
You nod with her, and then look at Price. You can tell your eyes unsettles him, the tone of them, the slight shine that gleams in them like gold broken apart, sapphires and diamonds and crystals like amethyst and labradorite. But it's also the fact that you smile at him, you give him a wide, scary berth, eyes crinkling a little, going sharp as those knives his Wraith loves so much.
“Make a bargain with me?” your voice is hoarse, and your doctors have told you multiple times it will remain that way from the abuse it has suffered. But still, you manage to make your voice sound saccharine, almost feline, with all the playfulness of a little puppy in it.
Laswell tenses beside you, she knows what those entail, and what they result in if broken (what they mean to you. And what you could do, with your anger.)
“What do you desire?” His question tastes brutish in your mouth, dripping slow like pomegranates crash and tumble on your teeth. The seed remains between canine and lower, sticking to the back of your mouth. You wrinkle your nose a little, trying to banish him.
You scoff, cursing your hands calmly across your lap. You are draped with a blanket that Laswell keeps in her office for you. You get cold so easily, and when you do, you tend to get pissed and your emotions always mess with the ones around you. “I do not desire for anything from you,” Crinkly nosed, you shook your head a little, locks of hair moving with you.
“I simply demand that if anything were to happen to me, you be held accountable for it.”
Price opens his mouth to reply, but Laswell interrupts, making you sigh, tired of her butting into your fun.
“Consider your next words carefully, John. She is an impressively well versed trickster when it comes to words.”
“I thought she was supposed to be a mutt of some kind.” He makes, half offended and half surprised.
“See, Lassy?” You blurt out at the blonde woman, pouting slightly. “This is why I do not wanna work with him. Years, he's spent yearning after me, and yet… he knows close to nothing about my kind.” You mimic him, shooting him a withering glare. “They call me a mutt because they do not know what else to call me. I'm a first of m’kind. Probably the last. Hopefully.”
Silence falls for a moment, and you know you've confused him, so you huff and shake away the words with a wave of your hand.
“My bargain. Promise to be held accountable if anything were to happen to me.”
“Held accountable.. In what way?”
“In whichever way I deem good enough.”
Price hisses, shaking his head. “I promise to do my best to hold myself accountable for my men’s actions, and for anyone else who might try to lay a hand on you.”
You pout. “That's no fun.”
A moment passes, but he says nothing.
“Urgh, fine. I suppose it can still be swayed in my favour. The bargain is sealed, then.” You nick your wrist with a sharp canine, and present it to him.
He just stares, and you pout, watching as the blood goes dripping over important files. “Do you not take me as I am?”
He clears his throat. Laswell had warned him about this.
Still. He takes your wrist, and kisses the opened wound until the blood finally stops.
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kisscara · 1 year
Hello! Can I request scara with a s/o that really loves cats, like they stop by cats on the street to pet them and regularly feeds the cats around their area and adopted a cat or two? love how the re-write is going btw! Ty!
cat fever [scaramouche x gn!reader] ⎯⎯ modern au, fluff
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it's scaramouche's first time stepping foot inside of your house.
it's also his first time meeting your five cats, which includes two kittens.
"kuni, you're not truly my boyfriend if you haven't memorized my lovely felines by name," you giddily say, dragging him into your bedroom.
scaramouche doesn't get you.
what do cats have, that he doesn't? he's got everything down pat, besides the obvious things like physical characteristics of course. from the large ego to the sharp glare, he's just like a cat.
maybe that's why you were so drawn to him the first time you two met.
"kuni, this is ako!" you bend down to pick up a small brown kitty with white fur trailing up from its stomach to its mouth.
"she was born two weeks ago. isn't she cute?" you grin as you present the hyperactive kitty to scaramouche. he experimentally pokes the tummy and it purrs in response.
you press a kiss to her head and set her back down onto the floor of your room. scaramouche tilts his head, muttering, "how do you sleep at night with all of these?"
you ignore his question and sit down, allowing two cats to leap into your lap. you smile up at him.
"the black one is sayo and the brown one is lisa. lisa is ako's mom," you explain, patting their heads. scaramouche sits by you and almost instantly, does another kitty welcome herself onto his thighs. scaramouche flinches and you giggle, "that's rinko. don't worry, she's just excited to have another visitor."
scaramouche hesitates before giving it an awkward pat on the head. this cat of yours has beautiful pitch black eyes and gray fur. it seems to favor your guest. scaramouche rubs the ears and rinko mewls. you beam, "see, they aren't that bad!"
suddenly, he feels two paws pushing at his waist. "oh, there's yukina. he's the only male out of all of my cats and kittens." you usher the white cat over with a tsk, "yuki, come here, baby." yukina is lured towards your call and he crawls by your side instead.
ako cries out of lack of attention and scaramouche looks at her in pity. carefully, trying not to make you notice, he gestures for the kitty to join you two.
but nothing slips past you when someone else is with your cats. you tease him in a lilting tone, "have you grown a bond with one of them already?"
scaramouche sputters in a flustered state. "n-no. i still like dogs better." and he says all of this while eagerly petting rinko and ako's heads. you frown, "don't end up liking my pets more than me."
he suddenly raises a brow with a sly smile, "i never said anything whenever you'd run off to greet a street cat."
you look elsewhere, forcing a laugh, "oh, really? i don't recall such an event." scaramouche hums, "not only that, but you spend most of your allowance on things like cat toys instead of gifts for me."
you accusingly gasp, "isn't my affection enough!? plus, i do give you gifts... just not as often as i give them to my cats."
sayo curiously looks between you and him. lisa licks at ako's head in the middle of it all.
you cross your arms and huff, "and you're basically saying my kisses and hugs aren't worth the price of inanimate objects." scaramouche places his hand on his face, "i guess you got me there."
your jaw drops in shock, "so it's true?" he shakes his head in amusement and leans over to press a kiss on the corner of your lips.
you blankly stare at him as he resumes his previous sitting position. yukina meows. "wait, one more time. you didn't get it properly." at your remark, scaramouche laughs.
he sits closer to you and cups your face in his hands before slotting his lips into yours. sayo, getting the signal that something bad was happening to their owner, tugs at scaramouche's shirt. however, rinko knowingly mewls and doesn't interfere with the situation.
scaramouche pulls away and you clasp your hands together, sighing with your eyes closed, "what gift could possibly be better than that, kuni?" he smiles, "a ring." you wave him away, frantically saying, "it's too early, don't get any ideas yet!"
a little later, scaramouche agreed with helping you feed the cats.
"there's a name on each bowl and it's important that they eat from their own because there's a specific amount i give." you place pieces of meat in every bowl and scaramouche wordlessly watches while rocking rinko in his arms.
the cats, perceiving the fact that their food was in the process of being readied, politely wait for you to finish up. you lead every single one to their designated bowl and allow them to eat up for dinner.
you hold up one finger, saying, "let's do a practice run." you point to the black cat. "what's their name?" you glance at scaramouche and he silently ponders. "that was... erm," scaramouche squints his eyes and rubs his chin. "obviously ako." he proudly smirks, crossing his arms.
his reign of victory fades away when you bluntly say, "wrong." you crouch down to pet the cat and correct him, "this is sayo. she probably doesn't like you anymore, now that you've mistaken her for ako. she's a very picky one when it comes to people."
scaramouche's shoulders sink and he utters, "reminds me of myself."
you laugh and stand back up. "maybe you should help me give them a bath. it might be easier to tell who's who when their fur is soaking wet and they're trying to escape the suds and the water!" you playfully prod, emitting a sigh from the male.
"don't cats hate baths? are you trying to get me killed?" scaramouche raises a brow.
you frown, "oh, i'm not that heartless, kuni! you can borrow my arm length gloves; i don't use them anymore since they got used to me bathing them." you hand him the said gloves and he puts them on. "thanks... i guess."
but oh boy, giving your cats a bath was probably the biggest obstacle scaramouche had to experience in his entire life.
he didn't get how you could just kneel there, bending over the side of the tub as you calmly dealt with their tantrums like it happened everyday, which was possibly the reason why you were used to it by now.
although, you were right. it did give scaramouche a chance to find out which cat is which, with you giving him commands the entire time.
"kuni, watch out for yukina! n-no, that one's rinko! ah, is that a dead mouse? wait, can you get lisa for me? kuni, that's ako!" yeah, it was a wild time.
scaramouche groans and plops onto your bed out of exhaustion. you sit next to him and laugh, "i'm guessing you should know their names by now." ako is in your arms and her teeth dig into your finger over and over. scaramouche notices this and looks at you.
do you have a high pain tolerance or something?
as if you read his mind, you say, "ako is teething; it's natural for her to have the need to bite into things. she doesn't bite too hard so it doesn't pain me or anything." you prop the kitten to sit in your lap and you coo, "isn't that right, ako?"
ako mewls in response. scaramouche murmurs, "i see." he adds, "i can't believe you can manage five cats all on your own. i thought you weren't even capable of keeping me alive." his lighthearted joke emits a giggle from you.
"oh, hey!" you add with a grin, "you can be my cats' father!" scaramouche suddenly deadpans, "what?"
"yeah, i'm their parent and that means you're their father now." you give him a swift kiss on the cheek, leaving the male speechless. scaramouche sighs, "i never would have imagined being a father of five..."
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© kisscara
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bookshelf-dust · 2 years
your fic about Billy finding that cat was so cute! It got me thinking about him as a cat guy though, and I wondered if you could write something where he goes to meet the reader’s cat for the first time, and he pretends he doesn’t care, but the cat ends up adoring him and he’s all soft and smiley? Thank you either way, I love your work 💞
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the aforementioned kitty fic
billy hargrove x gn!reader
word count: 775
warnings: swearing, fluff
a/n: hi baby!! thank you so much for your request. i am so so sorry that it took me a while to get to this! i’ve just been super busy lately and trying to catch up on loads of things. this is such a sweet sweet idea and i’m really glad you liked billy as a cat person. i hope you enjoy this!! <33
“I’m not meeting a cat named Cornelius.”
You roll your eyes, and Billy crosses his arms, smirking at you.
“Billy, Cornelius is a gentleman. You’ll get along, I swear it.” He drags a hand down his face, shaking his head at you. “And you have lots in common.”
“Oh yeah?” He snorts.
“Yeah. You’re both grumpy. But you also both like belly rubs and snuggles.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me. You know what? Now I’m really not meeting your damn cat.”
You approach him, pulling his arms apart so that you can hold his hands. You stare up into Billy’s blue eyes, doing your best to bat your own lashes in imitation of the way he does the same to you.
“Pretty please, Billy?” You kiss the back of his hand, maintaining eye contact with him.
You keep doing that, trailing a line of kisses up his arm, and only when he starts to develop goosebumps does he give in.
“Fine. Let’s get this over with.”
“Hi, baby!” You lean down, scratching an orange tabby cat behind the ears.
The cat squeaks at you, almost as if to say hi back. He skates between your legs, and stares upwards, big green eyes luring you in, not unlike those belonging to the boy standing behind you.
You pick your cat up. He’s purring up a storm in your arms.
“Billy, this is Cornelius. Cornelius, this is Billy.” You lean into the cat, lowering your voice to a whisper thought still looking at the boy. “The one I told you about.”
He chuckles. “You’ve been talking to this fluff ball about me?”
You kiss the top of said fluff ball’s head. “See? Told you he could be a pain in the ass,” you say, and your cat blinks up at you.
Billy rolls his eyes. His swipes his pinky finger over the cat’s forehead, right above the eyes. Cornelius’ purring ticks up, and he chases the touch after he’s lost it.
You set him down and move to sit on the couch. Billy follows you, and Cornelius is practically running after him. He hops up on the cushions the second Billy is settled, and suddenly there’s an orange weight in his lap, curled up and working on getting back to sleep.
“What is this shit?” Billy looks at you, but you just giggle.
“He likes you.”
Cornelius nudges Billy’s fingers with his nose, which is cold and wet. The boy fights the urge to smile at the gesture.
He strokes his hand once over the cat’s head, and let’s him be, hoping maybe he’ll just go sit with you soon.
You turn on the television, but you’re not paying attention to it. You’ve turned sideways to face Billy, starting to talk about your day like always. He told you once that he likes to hear every single thing you did. It’s soothing.
You notice halfway through your speech that Billy is continually petting Cornelius—scratching his cheeks, under his chin. The emanating purrs are louder than you’ve ever head them.
Without realizing it, you think, Billy has a soft smile resting on his face. He’s content, and you can tell.
“You’re liking this, aren’t you?”
Billy turns to face you, realizing he’s been caught looking happy—sweet, even.
“He likes the chin scratchies the best. And maybe when he’s awake he’ll let you rub his belly. He goes nuts for that stuff.”
Billy grins at you, fingers smoothing out the ruffles in the now slumbering cat’s fur.
Billy looks towards the other side of the room, spotting a bin full of strings attached to the ends of wooden sticks, little squishy toy balls, a stray fish made out of felt.
“All those his?” He asks you, smirking.
“They are. He’s greedy. Like someone else I know.”
Billy pinches the squish of your thigh, but there’s absolutely no malice in it.
“Shut up. I think I deserve a kiss for putting up with this shit. Gonna have to lint roll my jeans.”
“See? Greedy.”
You lean in anyways, careful of the sleeping kitty, and kiss him. It’s sweet, and Billy grins into it, albeit a little cockily. You pull away and he kisses you once, twice more before letting you relax again.
You watch Billy settle further into the couch, Cornelius completely setting up camp in his lap. He’s sprawled out at this point, body slipping between Billy’s legs, his front paws stretched up by the formers stomach.
“There’s a lint roller under the sink, by the way. Though he may keep you trapped there forever.”
Billy laughs softly. “He is pretty nice.”
“Told you so.”
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
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Can you write an impure regression Little House fic with CG Wilson comforting him and calming him down, maybe with Little House doing some self destructive things and Wilson gently redirecting him and caring for him until he's calm :3 also can House have a blue stuffed cat named Kitty
- @tummy-rubs-for-wilson-pup
Here you go! Sorry it took a couple of days, but I'm pretty happy with this one. It is impure regression so heads-up, it's not super happy-go-lucky, but it does end happily!
Lil warning for canon-typical mature themes, I hope you enjoy (:
Word Count: 1797
Summery: It's been a long day for House. His team is staring down the barrel of a hopeless case, he's tired, he's hungry, and he's in pain. Wilson gets home after picking up takeout to an upset and regressed House and helps him calm down.
“I’m going to go pick up the food, I’ll be right back.”
House barely let out a grunt of acknowledgement as Wilson got up from the couch and grabbed his keys. His mind was elsewhere, combing over his latest patient’s file for anything they could have missed, a possible diagnosis that himself and his team had managed to overlook. Ten years old, seizures, vomiting blood, bruising, muscle weakness, liver failure… Chase had suggested amyloidosis, but the seizures didn’t match, neither did the liver failure. Cameron said liver cirrhosis, but that didn’t explain the bruising or the blood. Cancer markers were clean, ANA was negative, MRI came up clear, and his team had reluctantly gone home that night with nothing.
“House. I can hear you thinking.” Wilson’s voice disrupted his train of thought. He didn’t realize he hadn’t left yet. “I know you want to solve your case, but when you’re resting you do actually need to rest. That’s kind of the whole point.”
He scoffed. He wouldn’t have even come home that night if Wilson hadn’t lured him back to the apartment with the promise of Chinese food and liquor. Their patient wasn’t just seriously sick, she was dying, and she was dying quickly. House gave her another five, maybe six painful days if they couldn’t figure out what was going on at most.
“I’m good at multitasking.” 
Wilson just stared at him with that look. It was his signature, the prying one from every crappy TV-drama that said if he stood there a little longer that maybe House would suddenly spill all of his woes and deep dark secrets.
He made a shooing motion. “Chow mein’s not gonna get itself!”
Wilson sighed, “Alright. But just— try. Pick a movie or something while I’m gone.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Wilson gave him one more lingering glance, then left, and the apartment fell quiet. He’d never admit it, but it was always too quiet when Wilson was gone. He was always milling around and doing something responsible, something distracting. His leg throbbed. Dieulafoy's lesion? Didn’t fit seizures, and neither did gastric varices. He dug his fingers into the muscle of this thigh and roughly massaged into the flesh, and to his frustration, the stabbing pain didn’t fade and the pressure just compounded the ache. 
Aching, always aching.
“I’ve returned from the hunt!” Wilson called into the apartment as he nudged open the door juggling two steaming takeout bags and his keys, “We got an extra order of fried rice! I think the cashier might have been hitting on me.”
He didn’t get a response. The apartment was eerily quiet. He’d expected to hear the sound of the hockey game or House shambling around for a beer, but there was nothing.
“House?” Maybe he fell asleep? But House didn’t go down that easily, even after multiple sleepless days and especially not when he had a pressing case on his mind. He frowned, and of course, his mind jumped to the worst-case scenario. After knowing House for so long, silence never meant anything good.
He quickly set down the food and walked deeper into the apartment. House was no longer on the couch where he’d left him, and his worry grew. He was both relieved and concerned when he turned into the kitchen and saw House on the floor sitting against the wall, seemingly alive and well. His legs were splayed out in front of him awkwardly, a sign of either a hasty sit or an outright collapse, and Wilson noted his missing cane, but that was less worrying than how he was acting. House had yet to acknowledge his presence, staring down at nothing, and he was biting into the flesh of his thumb so hard Wilson was surprised he hadn’t drawn blood. Shit. 
Wilson knelt down in front of him and put a hand on his shoulder, shaking gently. “House? Hey, what happened? Can you hear me?”
The only response he got was a startled blink, and he winced as House reflexively bit down harder. If he didn’t act quickly then they were going to have a nasty bite to clean out and a trip down to a walk-in for antibiotics.
“Hey, let’s not do that.” He carefully grabbed House’s wrist and slightly twisted it back and forth, hoping he could convince House’s jaw to loosen its death-grip. Thankfully it only took a few light tugs to coax him to let go, revealing the deep purple teeth marks indented into his skin. Wilson winced. It would leave a nasty bruise, but miraculously he hadn’t broken the skin, which made his life easier. Now he just had to deal with the catatonic stare and whatever had started this whole mess. Simple.
“House. It’s Wilson, you’re in our apartment. What happened?” Finally, that seemed to get through to him. House’s eyes regained some focus and flickered up to his own for a moment, then back to the ground. This time his face wasn’t blank, but almost embarrassed.
“Wanted a snack…” He mumbled. His voice was soft and timid, ever-so-slightly higher, and it was a voice that Wilson recognized immediately. 
“House, are you regressed?” He asked gently, and the silence he was met with was all he needed to know the answer was yes. “Jeez buddy, you scared me for a minute there. I was coming home with food, why didn’t you wait?”
“‘Didn’t want to. I was hungry.” He muttered, like he had been caught breaking a rule.
“And your cane?”
House pointed to the living room. “Couch. Thought I could do it.” He tucked his good leg up to his chest and drew in on himself. His bad leg twitched. “Hurts…” He admitted in a whisper.
Wilson sighed and began thumbing little circles into his knee. “I know it does.  I’m sorry, buddy…” This was one of the hardest parts of House’s regression. No matter how old he was, he always had a hard time understanding why his leg hurt so bad, and why Wilson couldn’t fix it. They were doctors after all, and didn’t doctors make people better? 
House slowly looked up. “Did I do something wrong?”
Oh Christ. Just the tone of his voice alone made his heart hurt. Quiet and desperate and sad. Regressed House was still House, he needed to know why, but in the mind of a child the only conclusion he could draw was to assume he had done something to deserve being in pain. 
“No buddy, you didn’t do anything wrong. Sometimes bad things just happen to people. Sometimes things hurt and no one did anything wrong, it just hurts.”
House was in pain, there was nothing Wilson could do, and he hated it. He always hated it, but it was so much worse when House was regressed; a scared child who couldn’t understand what most adults failed to. So he was going to do the only thing he could do. He would be there. “C’mere kid…” He said, and pulled House into a hug.
They sat on the floor like that for a few minutes. House wasn’t crying, not really, but occasionally he would sniffle into Wilson’s shoulder or grip at his shirt a little tighter.
Eventually, after it seemed like House had calmed down, Wilson broke the silence. “Are you still hungry? We can get changed and get Kitty, and then have some dinner, how does that sound?”
With a bit of difficulty Wilson helped House off of the floor and to his bedroom. As he fought his way into a hoodie and pair of sweatpants by himself, adamantly denying any help, Wilson opened the closet where a small basket of stuffed animals, toy trucks, and baby things sat stashed in the corner. On the top of the pile was Kitty, a well-worn blue stuffed cat. He picked up Kitty and turned to House.
“Here’s Kitty! Do you want anything else?”
House shook his head and held out his arms for the cat. “Just Kitty.”
Wilson passed it over and House immediately pressed his face against the cat’s head, rubbing his mouth back and forth over the soft fur.
Wilson led him to the kitchen and sat him down at the table. “Alright, let’s get you something to eat. What are we thinking?”
“Chicken.” House answered instantly, preoccupied with moving Kitty’s floppy arms around.
A fond smile worked its way onto Wilson’s face for the first time since they got home. Of course. Regressed House certainly had the pallet of a small child, and he usually refused to eat anything but chicken nuggets, plain pasta, or the occasional piece of fruit. He unpacked the boxes of takeout, which had gone cold by now, and scooped some plain rice and chicken onto a plate. “Your feast, m’lord.”
House ate quickly, save for a few pieces of rice he saved “for Kitty to eat”,  and eagerly accepted seconds. Briefly Wilson wondered when he last ate a proper meal that wasn’t just cafeteria chips for him to be this hungry, but he didn’t linger on the thought for too long. He watched as House made Kitty “eat” his rice and then wipe her face with a napkin. He was finally calm and for the most part, content, and that was what mattered.
“Do you want to watch a movie before bed, House?” He asked.
House perked up, then looked at Kitty, having a silent and apparently very serious conversation with her before nodding. “Do we get to pick?”
Wilson chuckled, “I suppose.”
Once they were finished, Wilson gathered the dishes and started the dishwasher, putting their leftovers in the fridge to take to work tomorrow. He spared a quick glance at the oven clock; 11:32, definitely past House’s bedtime, but there was no reason they couldn’t still do what they had planned. He got them both settled onto the couch with a pile of blankets and went to open their drawer of CD’s. “What do you and Kitty want to watch?”
“Kitty wants to watch Finding Nemo.” House said matter-of-factly, “Because of the fish. She wants to eat ‘em.”
“Finding Nemo it is.” He popped the disk into the blue-ray player and sat down on the couch next to House’s feet, pressing play.
House watched the movie with interest for the first ten minutes. By the next ten, his eyes had begun to droop and he buried his face against Kitty so that he could just barely peek over her head. By the half-our mark he was asleep completely and snoring. Wilson gave it another few minutes before shutting off the TV and pulling one of the many blankets up to House’s chin, tucking it snugly around him and Kitty.
“Goodnight, House.”
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factual-fantasy · 9 months
24 asks!! :DD Thank you so much!! :}}
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I haven't watched the episodes she's in yet.. but I love her color palette! She looks really sweet :}💚💙💛
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They would run XD
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Woof, she looks like hello kitty! <XD What even is she? A squirrel..? Geez, if I ever add her to my AU, she will definitely be getting a full fur color make over- XDD
(Also thank you!! :DD)
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@rubydraft (Comic in question)
YES YES! That was very much intentional! :DD And the answer lies in the fazbands!
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The animatronics can scan the Fazbands and get any important information about the child they might need. Such as the child's name, age, and which parent they belong to.
The Fazbands also act as a proof of purchase. If the the animatronic scans a child and no fazband is detected, that child must be brought to an employee. As there is no current proof that the child has had their admission paid. Hence why Gregory has a red outline, he has no fazband!
The blue kids all have standard fazbands. As every kid is given when they enter the pizzaplex.
But if its your kids birthday, they are given a special fazband that has them show up differently in the animatronics scanners. This tells the animatronics that the golden kids are the birthday boys/girls! And they will address the child as such if they ever encounter them. :)
(Also there's an Easter egg in one of those panels that no ones pointed out yet.. 👀)
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Oh yeah, there's a lot of em. :( But the animatronics don't have to worry about them. They have handlers to watch over them and keep angry Karen's/crowds away.
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I haven't really figured out their whole schtick yet..
I think in the partial swap they haven't changed much. Although Monty is a kindler gentler Monty. With Foxy by his side he's simmered down some. And his theme is a little different than before.
Roxy I think is more of a recluse in the partial swap, like original Monty is.
As for the true swap.? I haven't really figured it all out yet. Thinking that Roxy is a golfer and Monty is a racer..? I haven't thought it all through yet <XD
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Off the top of my head I have these two Minecraft wolf OCs that I made a while back :00 I cant remember any others if I happen to have them-
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:D Thanks!
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XD I wont draw that today, but maybe sometime I'll draw him giving someone a big ol bear hug :)
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:DD Hiii!! I use FireAlpaca! Its got some problems but at least its free! Its easy to learn but also has enough tools to be used by a professional! You can also animate with it if you have the patience to figure out how to use it XD
Overall, 7.5/10 would recommend FireAlpaca!
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(Post in question)
I'm not a hardcore fan, but yes! I do love the little korbo :}} And those are some Kirby slippers I got for Christmas! :D
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They're my artist hands! And I'm not sure what you mean.. 11 hands is a perfectly normal number of hands to have!
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I just imagined Glamrock Freddy having an imaginary friend that looks a lot like a purple/blue bunny.. :( 💔
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My beautiful eyeballs have been known to lure people to my blog XDD (Also thank you! :DD)
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:DD I'm glad you like it!! :}}}
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A fant. Its often mispronounced as "fart"
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@ardent-38 (Comic in question)
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AAAA THANK YOU!! :DD I'm so glad you like them!! :}}}
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XD I'm glad you felt inspired by me to bring those OCs back! And I hope that bite tasted good XDD
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<XD It'd be more like;
Classic Bonnie: "Dude, what happened to you?
Swap Bonnies: "😒......"
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It's all fun and games until I emerge ominously in the background with a snowball the size of a car XD
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Everyone starts looking through the cookies and trying to figure out which one they want. Meanwhile I push everyone aside and snag all the peanut butter ones XD
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mothmothm0th · 3 months
an invention that is safe to create
Buttonbush had fun at the farmer's market! Fresh produce! Foreign streetfood! Fellow dolls darting about! Plenty to awawa about! But now it was on its way home. Buttonbush couldn't wait to see Miss again! Miss had been working on something sure to be amazing and clever for days now. She hadn't been eating too much. That was typical of her when she got into something exciting. But surely she would love the panini Buttonbush chose for her! Buttonbush knew what Miss enjoys!
No one was there to welcome Buttonbush home. Not even her fellow dolls were there! Usually, Snowdrop would be doing preliminary research for Miss, or perhaps Jessamine would be doing the dishes. Baneberry had a habit of sitting on the bottom stair like a silly kitty cat. The fact that the cottage was empty meant Miss' project must be at a critical juncture. And that meant Miss needed food, badly!
Quickly, though not hastily, Buttonbush put away its groceries. Gosh, the pantry and the fridge felt so barren before Buttonbush's intervention. Even emptier than when it left for the market! Though, the fridge had only had a half-empty jar of mayo so perhaps it was exaggerating. Still! Even the mayo was gone!
With just the panini in its basket, Buttonbush climbed down to the cellar. Dank airs and low light was how Miss liked it. Her cottage had two floors and an attic aboveground but below it was a sprawling mess of tunnels and chambers. A rhizome, Miss called it! Many of the tunnels led to a dead end. Sometimes, Miss joked about luring one of her amicable enemies down a tunnel and laying down a brick wall behind them. Or maybe she had already done that. Several of the tunnels were blocked off by brick walls! Not all of them. Some just had an unfinished feel to them.
But the winding tunnel Buttonbush walked down was neither blocked off or unfinished. No, it led to a set of doors. And behind them, another set! Buttonbush made sure to close the first doors before it opened the second. A light gust of oxygen, hydrogen, and assorted gasses from foreign realities welcomed it to Miss' newest workshop. Buttonbush needed to take gentle steps now. The path sloped downwards and Miss had decided not to waste her dolls' time tiling it. Smart of her! Once, a patch of ground had challenged Baneberry to debate the ethics of floors. Poor doll. It still wore Miss' floaty spell charm sometimes to avoid having to touch the ground. If the Walpurgis Council learned of Miss' use of strange spaces, they would frown! One time, a nice maker had come 'round to talk to Buttonbush and Jessamine about it but neither doll told him. Miss was just that good! She had used alternate methods to remake herself, after all.
Soon, the tunnel opened up to a large chamber. Buttonbush hadn't actually been here before. It was neither a familiar or an assistant engineer, and Miss generally visited upstairs for meals, so Buttonbush had no need to come visit. Thus, you can imagine its shock when it saw the room was dominated by a massive wooden construction. Thick branches or perhaps roots had seemingly grown in a wicker-like pattern into a cage around a floating orb made of... was that teak? Branches jutted out like giant spikes. Buttonbush wasn't quite sure what the thin ribbons that seemed caught in the teak orb's rotational currents were but they reminded it of fungal hyphae. Oh, but there was Miss, covered in dirt and half-dried mud, sniffing the air. She could explain! Hello Miss!
"Buttonbush my saviour, I shall savour the savoury treat you have brought me. Your savoir-faire is most..." Miss scratched the base of her antennae. "Salient. That shall have to work." Buttonbush couldn't help but giggle. "Say, my sacred darling, you look ever so fascinated by my sable contraption. Shall I satiate your curiosity? A light seance before we activate it."
"Buttonbush would love to listen to Miss explain her work! Buttonbush loves listening to Miss," Buttonbush said. It paused for a moment and continued: "Even when Miss has been reading her rhyming dictionary."
Miss' laugh straddled the line between a cackle and a giggle. "Worry not, worrywort. My work is nearly done. I shan't need use warding speech any further."
Warding speech. Buttonbush had heard Baneberry talk about it. Sometime about avoiding predictability, to keep strange spaces strange. Mundanity led to stagnation, and stagnation made Miss' magicks worse. But Miss always spoke a little strangely. Buttonbush couldn't tell the difference between her regular and warding speech.
Miss whistled, beckoned her dolls to her. Buttonbush snapped back to reality as Baneberry, Jessamine, Foxglove, and Snowdrop wandered to them from whichever dark nooks Buttonbush had overlooked. All ball-joints on deck! Jessamine's pretty porcelain dripped oil-like sap, and Snowdrop with her fully articulated face seemed exhausted. Foxglove seemed to practically vibrate with excitement. Baneberry, floating like a carnival balloon, struggled to hold Foxglove's hand.
Miss clapped her hands. "Now then! It is time for framing and naming! Buttonbush!" Miss pointed at Buttonbush, who clutched its basket tighter. "I believe this is your first time! Thus, I shall explain." One finger in the air. "The framing and naming is the final step in strange magicks. Look to the machine. It is a structure in motion, yet the motion is undefined, lacking in Purpose." Buttonbush felt sorry for the wicker and the orb. "This is vital! For only at the end, when the physical shape is prepared, ought one grant it Purpose.
"Hark, machine! For thine thorns shall puncture the veil between This and That! Through you shall flow in the airs of thought and feeling. Thus I define thee." The air felt electric around Buttonbush. "Woven wood, hear me! Arrange your paths so that you may judge thoughtful airs. This shall be your purpose." Buttonbush heard little sounds reminiscent of those sorting algorithm videos Snowdrop had been listening. "Dearest ribbons. You shall flutter, and through your flutter you shall weave for each airy judgement its appropriate doom. Thus you shall be." In an instant, each gossamer ribbon began moving in strange and complex patterns. Yet, Buttonbush could tell, these patterns were empty for now. "And hey, eyes up, you orb. You shall be a portal. A seed that grows inward and strangeward. Guide these doomful thoughts through your rhizome to their rightful minds. Infect the thoughts of wrongdoers!" Buttonbush's head spun. It was glad its Purpose lacked the ability to do wrong.
"And thus, you are framed." Miss was out of breath! She fell to one knee! Buttonbush rushed to her side. Miss shook her head. "No no, dearest. I shall be fine."
"But Miss!"
"I shall be fine," Miss repeated. She rose to her feet again. Her lips were stretched to their limits by a slightly concerning grin. "I'm so close. So close. Finally, I shall have constructed a solution to bullying."
Buttonbush tilted its head. This was about bullying? It knew Miss had been a victim of bullying in her school years. As had Snowdrop, come to think of it. And Baneberry! Jessamine never spoke of such matters but Buttonbush could tell it was hiding things.
"You'll see, Button dearest." Miss cackled, turned her attentions back to her invention. "Hear me now, o contraption mine. For while each part of thee knows its means, now I shall imbue thee with the gestalt of ends. Permit I weave a tale." Miss cleared her throat. "Each and every day, people bully those they deem weaker than them. Each day, their victims' psyches are damaged. The airs I shall have thee pluck from the realm of thought are these painful feelings and the motivations which caused them. These you shall organise and categorise. For each pain, you shall weave a salveful dream. For each perpetrator, you shall conjure a vivid nightmare. These dreams none shall forget, and in rememberance shall one and all realise means to a kinder and happier future. This is your Purpose. A center of pain and healing, the heart of revelation. Thus your name shall be..."
Miss paused, as if waiting for a realisation. It seemed to evade her. She turned to her dolls and motioned towards herself frantically. She needed their ideas! Snowdrop spoke first, bringing up a book she had read; a cautionary tale about the construction of a machine one might indeed call a 'center of pain'. Baneberry laughed to the point of hiccups. Jessamine emoted like a character from its favourite MMO. Miss seemed tired. She turned to Buttonbush, seemingly holding her breath so as to not name the machine the sound of an exhale.
Buttonbush hemmed and hawed. It was bad at names! But it liked the word 'contraption'. So this was a contraption for... thoughts? Dreams? Nightmares... Something something Contraption. It was supposed to make lives better. Hm... perhaps...
"So it's like, a thing that makes dreams into therapy? Like a Dream Therapy Contraption?" Buttonbush said. It wasn't sure. Not one bit. It was silly of Miss to not have a name in mind but perhaps she needed to keep her options open while working on her project. Stagnation and such. But Miss seemed to like it. Maybe that was just relief.
"Thus I name thee, the Dream Therapy Contraption," Miss proclaimed. In an instant, the machine, the Contraption, whirred into life. And as it did, the chamber seemed to stabilise. Buttonbush had already gotten used to how the air here smelled but as it inhaled normal air again, it realised how it had missed it.
Oh, but Miss was not doing so good. Foxglove was already helping prop her up. So resourceful of it. It nodded at Jessamine to get Miss' other side. It wasn't the first time they had served as Miss' crutches. Baneberry floated off ahead of them; to prepare Miss' bed, surely. Snowdrop in turn began collecting tools and grimoires. It just left Buttonbush and its basket, and...
Oh, the panini!
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silvershiningtarot · 2 years
💋🫦👄18+ PAC What Role You’re Playing in Your FS Daydream? (Secret Fantasy Of Them🫦👄👅)
🧚🏾‍♀️Take A moment look at the piles you feel drawn to. Inhale and Exhale breathe and relax. Comment and Reblog the post and Tell me what pile you like.. ENJOY MY LOVELY 🥰. Remember this is a general reading.
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Pile 1: Off the back, I know what type of role you are playing in your husband's daydream. You are the switcher in your husband's fantasy kinks I see. Oh my goodness. I hear their sexual message to you right now. So if some of you are a switcher or should I say submissive then awesome either way. I hope that you play a big ass role in their fantasy dreamland. Oh my goodness! 🤤🤤I can heard them dirty talking. So I can see them lifting you up in the kitchen, just deeply kissing 😽 hard. Like naked in the kitchen, maybe you see them cooking breakfast or dinner in the kitchen naked with nobody else in the house just y’all two. You walk up behind them and start to touch their chest and kiss their neck and I can see that you are the woman of their dreams. Woah 🤯 especially in their daydreams 😶‍🌫️ oh my god, they are completely obsessed with you. So yes they are possessive of you. I hear that when people disturb them, they snap at their friends. So I don’t blame them because they fucking wanna fuck you so hard and you make horny, even when they eating a bowl of cereal you make their dick stand up hard!!. I can see that they love that sexy ass voice. I heard a siren woman that’s what they see of you. Just luring them into you. Ooooohhhhhhhh!! OMFG 🤬 YESSS!! You're like a Dom-Mommy to them. So I see that you would spoil them, for some of you I see that you would be submissive to your FS daydream, I think that is what they would do. They would want to take it nice and slow with you. I’m getting very Simp vibes with your husband! But in a good way, I told you that they don’t like to be disturbed when they fantasize about you. You are their sexy little pixie to them. I was right!! Hahaha 🤣!! You don’t mind being a switcher! They can be the dominant one sometimes and you can be the submissive one for a few of you. I don’t see that you guys have a problem with it. But for some of you I see you being submissive to your husband which is fucking incredible. I’m submissive myself. You have Ultimate love and lust, so you balance it out in your husband's fantasy. Even with your fantasy as well. It's like a straight up balance between you and them. Ooohh!! Watch out ladies, your husband has breeding kinks!!! So they love getting you pregnant. It’s like seeing you pregnant in their daydream turns me on! I can see them seeing you pregnant like four or five times!! I heard them say “I don’t care if I’m a old dad, I love getting you pregnant.” So in my opinion I say get it get it get it!!! Oh yess! They would want you sit on their face, tasting that delicious kitty 🐱 of yours makes them weak. I told you I’m feeling that big ass Simp vibes, especially sexually you got on a leash!! They don’t care what you do to them. For some of you but a lot of you they don’t care what you do to them. But for some of you oh yeah they want to teabags your fucking face!! Get ready suck on those balls even if just a fantasy that’s exactly what they want you to do. I can that for some of you being their submissive hahaha 🤣I was right. Don’t get me wrong 😑 for a lot of you, I do see you being their Dom-Mommy! So get it.
“Let me clear my throat before I tell you what’s been going through my mind. I feel like we have a telepathic connection, you don’t mind me being freaky with you right now. So don’t tell anyone about this please. My friends think I'm weird because I tell them the things I would like someone to do to me in the bedroom, even my ex made fun of me. Baby I would love getting you fucking pregnant 🤰🏾 that’s my secret fantasy getting you pregnant. Yes I got a breeding kink. I don’t give a fuck how old I am or you may think I’m older than you but baby I don’t care I’m ready to get down and dirty with you. Will you be my mommy, I’ll be your puppy and follow wherever you go. Are you ovulating yet? I want you sloppy toppy me, so why don’t you pull down your thongs, let me eat your pussy, I can taste your juice on my lips. Your juice becomes my taste buds.. it can’t never go away nor do I want it to. I’m horny for you, Can I tell you another secret? I want you to dominate me. Can you please. I’m obsessed 😍 with you, the moment I saw you I’ve been non stop thinking about you heavily. I fucking crave for you heavily. So baby you play a sexy ass role in my daydreams. What do you do to me? Are you a siren or a fucking alien? Your eyes just pull me into your stomach. I want you bite me so fucking hard! Deeply. I want to feel your teeth in my skin. Baby I can see us having Twins together, Fucking TWINS!! Doesn’t matter what gender they are because we are having twins then baby let’s get it. I’m ready to get you pregnant. How many months are you yet? I can see that you wanna have a water birth with our kids together. But again I’ll keep that little secret. I’m addicted to you!! I’m ready to pull you out of my dreams, just fucking grab you and kiss you 😘 up and down all around. I’m fucking simping for you. Are you mad at me? Because I’m simp for you, my friends would think I’m a bitch for you, why the fuck should I care right! I ain’t fucking them Yuck 🤢. Anyways! Let me take your virginity, I wanna teabag your face. I want you to sit on my face, Do you feel hot? I know I do. Holy fuck I’m ready to bang you out!! I want your hands to touch my beard, where can we meet up? I’ll be your slut tonight. So be my slutty kitty 🐈‍⬛ meow 😻. I have slut kinks, I want you to put a dog leash on me. Spank me baby. Do it! I daydream about you doing all those things to me. Remember this is our little secret between you and me. I want you to keep your legs shaking for me, am I hitting your G spot already Momma!, what name should I give you? Write it down for me. So creamy you taste 👅. So you getting all wet for me and I can’t get you pregnant? Huh 🤔 too late babe! You already got me now! Whipped cream, spread it on your legs so I lick it off you. Do you do music? I’m hearing that song in my head Drip 💧 is that your song, if it is then baby, ready for your juice to drip in my mouth 👄 it’s all wet and prepared for you. Give me some of those nutrients.”
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Pile 2: I can see that you being their Dom, you being their submissive one, they would love that. When I see the Three of cups and Seven of cups. I think that they daydream about you having sex with them outside. I mean outside sex with them. I can probably into BDSM, maybe they are or aren’t. But I can see you submitting to them in their fantasy. You being their daddy’s little girl. Oh my god I can see that shit turns them on. I heard them being annoyed too. No offense to the mothers out there but when they mother be bothering your husband, especially when they daydream about you, they get annoyed 😑 like they snap at their mother. Not because they are doing it on purpose, it is because they are daydreaming about you, it seems like to you, you make their day. So they don’t mean to curse out their mom, it's just when they are in the moment thinking about you, they don’t want to forget you. If that makes sense. I do see that they would love fucking you outside. Maybe in a garden 🪴 I’m seeing. Just have a sheet outside in a garden and start kissing you, rubbing your breast and finger playing your pussy. Yummy 🤤. So they are a freak for you. I can see that they are addicted to you, so you play a role as someone who’s very addicting to them. You are like a drug to them. I can see that in the rising time they daydream about you outside in a garden fucking you. All the dirt on your skin, just makes them fucking turn on. I hope that they’ll love seeing you naked all the time in the bedroom. I heard creeping. So not creeping in a bad way but just sneaking up on the bed and just kissing you and touching you hard. I heard finger-playing, so this pile it’s a little similar to pile 1. Maybe you guys should check it out. I was right! They’ll be addicted to you even now they are addicted to you no matter what. I can see that they’ll take their sweet ass time with you. Again they are into BDSM them being your Dom-Daddy so they are the Dom one!! You are the submissive one or it can be vice versa for some of you but most of you this is your Dom-daddy. They would want to do it all Rising and night!! So Woah 🤯. They’ll used protection with you. The biggest role you’ll be playing in their daydream fantasy is that you are their submissive partner. Let them have fun with you, while you sit back and enjoy yourself. Oh I can hear a sexy message from them. Oh my god 😱😱😱😱. Salute 🫡 to your husband. They’ll be very patient with you because maybe you are Virgin for some of you if you are. But most of you probably have a fear of intimacy that’s okay. Your husband will be patient with you, in their fantasy they are patient with you. I was right!! Sex outdoors. Oh my god I told you! Some of you might lose your virginity outdoors or your first intimacy again with them outside.
“I’m addicted to you, like I’m fucking simp for you baby. I don’t care what that shit makes me sound like but I am. I wish I can tell you all things. I wanna do it to you in person, because you make me feel very happy, I want you to lose your virginity to me, don’t lose it to nobody else but me. I’m your daddy and you should do what daddy said to do. I’ll be patient with you, whenever you're ready I’m ready to take off on you. This is your daddy speaking to you. Listen to me, look into my eyes. I wanna tell you a little secret, but promise me you won’t be mad at me. So I put a spell on you. Are you mad? Please don’t be mad 😠. Tell me where we can meet up and have passionate sex. We can go to a hotel suite. Besides paying for a hotel, let’s sneak into a hotel baby. Don’t fucking touch me, sit that fucking ass down. I’ll whip your ass if you move. Do you like getting choked out? I love it when your eyes roll back up. I wanna fuck you so hard until you lose out of breath. I’m a switcher. I don’t mind you dominating me baby, tell daddy what you want to do I’ll do it. You wanna bring other girls in the bedroom? Do you want me all to yourself? Daddy ain’t leaving no matter what. Can’t push me away. I want you to bite me, put your teeth marks on me. I wanna fuck you so hard!! The way you make love to me, you’re my everything. Your my fucking slut! Do as I say now. Don’t make me repeat myself. I fantasized about you putting that collar on. My little pet! I’ve been dreaming about this day. Are you ready? Or do you want me to wait till you get home to me?. I love it when your toes curls up, that means I’m doing a good job. We have a playful sex, while we making each other laugh. I love being goofy with you. I want to tied you up with anything a rope, handcuff, strings, and even a fucking wire I’ll tied you up with. I love seeing you in lingerie. I love your fucking breast, I don’t care if they are small. I’ll kiss them all.”
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Pile 3: I can see that you are the dominant one! They love how you play hard to get!! Because I can see them just trying to get your attention and you just ignore them. Like whatever fuck you! Haha 😂 that shit just turns them on. Even if you are mad at them for real they’ll have rough sex with you. I can see that they’ll love having sex with you indoors more than outside. It's like a thing sometimes. I can see that you love strip teasing them. You fucking little devil 😈 yess!! I love it though! I can they love putting food on you, maybe some strawberries 🍓 or some cherry 🍒. Everything tastes good on you, that is exactly what they are saying right now. Calling them daddy turns them on. Even calling them your little bitch turns them on. I can see them being a little baby for you like mommy’s little boy. BDSM type. I swear they daydream about you sexually. So you play a role as their Dom! Temperance coming out makes me feel like you can balance them out. The devil 😈!! I swear man! Your husband has a big dick! Or some of you have a big clit! Haha 😂 so what cherish it! Your husband loves it. You are their submissive one, because you are their sex slave. I see that they wanna humiliate you in public. Even in the bedroom. They would want you to flirty talk them. I mean fucking curse they ass out in public or in the bedroom. I told you that even if you are mad at them, they’ll like that. They wanna lose track of time with you, Roleplaying with them. Oh sweet you are to them. 😏😏🥰. Music can set the mood for them. Oh okay so sometimes they would want you to be gentle and be light with the dirty talk. Haha 😂 maybe they aren’t much of a rough type of guy. I sense that your husband is a soft lover. So what. They like it, especially when you are playing hard to get with them. In the daydream you are their perfect fantasy. Ohh yess 🤤🤤🤫.
“Hey mama, Are you ovulating yet? I’m horny for you. I wanna get you pregnant already, I know you be in pain when you ovulating. So let me help you with that problem right now. Let me rub you down, you fucking tease, come on climb on this dick. Kiss 💋 on your neck, while you slowly moving back into bed. Let me finished eating, that kitty is so tight sorry for cum quickly. You wanna do it again. Do you want me wear a condom, or are you on the pill? I got a king size dick for you! Who’s your daddy? I’m your daddy right. Let grab your face look into my eyes 👀 I’ll tell you again who’s your daddy. Let me ball gag you now. Hush 🤫 my little puppy 🐶 don’t say another word. I don’t care if you are on top of me. So baby do you wanna take care of me. I’ll just laid back and let you take control of me. Take fucking charge of me baby. I don’t mind being on the bottom. I have plenty wet dreams about you, I can see you cumming on my dick in my dreams, even when I daydream about you. Moaning, dirty talking. Can I tell you a secret? I’m a man eater. That’s the secret 🤫 I love eating Pussy. Especially with your kitty I love fantasizing about yours a lot because you are my biggest fantasy and I have another secrets tell you. I have a crush on you bad. Oops 😬 lol 😂. I wanna give you magical orgasm, curl those toes baby. I want you put scars in my back, face and even on my ass I want you put your marks on me. Bring out the monster baby! FUCKING BRING IT OUT!! Let go of control, release your emotions on me whatever you are feeling take it out. I wanna swallow your cum and I want you to swallow mine. Can I choked you while you swallow my cum. I’m a beast baby.”
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Pile 4: For this pile makes me feel like I’m their daydream you ain’t feeling them like that in the beginning. But I heard in my head that they’ll take action. Or if they aren’t feeling you, I can see you taking care of them when they are down. So even when they are feeling down they daydream about you taking care of them. Handling that fucking business baby! Wooo! I don’t get a bad vibe from this energy. I sense an uplift vibe. So you do play a role in their daydream 😶‍🌫️ I can see that. See! I can see them lifting you up and kissing 😽 you while you naked coming out the shower. I can see them picking up a flower 🌹 out of a garden or they found a flower 🌹 and they thought about you and they giving it to you. Very romantic 💝 husband some of you have. Such a sweetheart. I can see that in their daydream you are playing footie with them under the table. I heard them just now “You fucking tease.” You guys are big ass teases. Which is a good thing. You two share food together and they just try their hardest not to touch you but you touch them. I can see someone watching you two. Maybe some of you might be uncomfortable with that type of stuff but most of you won’t even care. Even with your husband they won’t care at all. I heard them again “Just look into my eyes.” So just look into their eyes and you’ll feel safe with them. Because when they look into yours they feel safe with you no matter what. When you two have sex in their daydream you give your husband healing energy. So you give them all the goods. You are giving them the best daydream of their life. I told you! Teasing them. It’s like they love a challenge they fucking love when you tease them and then hold yourself back. That shit ugh 😑 them but they fucking love it at the same time if that makes sense to you guys. They would want you to sit on their face and they would want to teabag yours. Oh my gosh! I can see they want you to take a shower with them and have some sexy ass shower sessions. Hot steamy 🧖‍♀️ session with them.. that what they exactly they fantasize about with you. They would love for you to humiliate them in front of everybody! Fucking humiliation so maybe P.D.A that what would love for you to do to them.
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“Can I confess something to you, I’ve put something in your drink. I’ve been a bad boy. Why don’t you come over here and spank the shit out of me. Come on slap me in public, curse me out, fucking pull my hair. Push me against the wall. Oh should I push you up against the wall because I’m the boss. Listen to me, don't turn you on when I fired you. I want you to satisfy all my fantasies, or should I say you already do anyways. You don’t know what I wanna do to you. I have a fetish kinks. I want you stump on my jaw. Tell me what is your favorite fetish. I won’t tell anyone about it. This is between you and me. Oh gosh! You don’t know how bad you make me feel. Crazy isn’t it. I’m addicted to you, I’m simp for you heavily. I want you to lose your virginity to me. Tell me where we can meet up. I’ve been thinking about you like fuck me. Do me right now. Let’s go outside and have sex, I don’t care if people see us in public having sex. That’s none of their fucking business. Come to my job and surprise me with what you are going to do. You wanna do a little role play with me. I’m horny for you, thinking about you all the time. I have intense sexual cravings. Please don’t leave my daydream alone. I hate when I’m by myself. When you are here with me I feel safe. I don’t wanna face reality sometimes.”
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 1 year
I wrote a little something for @lesservillain Strange and Spooky stories. 🐈‍⬛🧡
Prompt: Black Cat - When a bunch of kids were chasing around a black cat, your muse decides to save the day…by bringing it home. WK: 1.2k
Warnings: Implied sexual content but no actual smut annnnd that’s it, just Eddie being cute n sweet to a lil kitty in need.😉🧡
Eddie was sitting on the front steps of his trailer enjoying a smoke when he heard high pitched laughter and the sound of feet on gravel. He figured it was the kids that lived a row over rough housing so he brushed it off.
But then he heard it getting closer and when he looked to his left he saw a little black cat running straight towards him with a gang of kids in tow. The cat looked panicked as the kids ran after it squealing.
The ball of black fur kept running until it was directly under the step he was sitting on, looking up at him. Its bright green eyes were nearly consumed by the black of its pupils, Eddie couldn’t help but think they looked almost human.
“Hey! Give us that cat!” One of the boys yelled as they approached.
“Is this your cat?” Eddie questioned the boy with a raised eyebrow.
“We found it first! Finders keepers!” The girl next to him stomped her foot, a slight lisp in her voice due to her two missing front teeth.
“Well, I think you guys might be scaring it. You always want to approach cats slowly and quietly if you want them to like you. Why don’t you try calling it over, calmly.” Eddie gave the kids a reassuring smile, he knew they didn’t mean any harm, they were just excited.
The smaller boy who hadn’t spoken up yet crouches down so he could see the cat hiding under the step.
“Here kitty, come here kitty.” He pats his small hand against his leg in an attempt to lure the cat out.
“You aren’t doing it right!! Do it like this!” The little girl walks closer until she’s just a few feet from the steps and crouches down with her head tipped to the side.
“Hey cat! Come out of there! I wanna pet you!” She smacks her hand against the ground and the cat hisses, burrowing itself further into the shadows of the stairs.
“I don’t think it’s going to come out you guys, maybe come back later and try again? It might calm down a bit.” He just wants these kids to leave him and this poor cat alone at this point.
“Whatever, my mom says you’re weird and I shouldn’t talk to you anyway, that cat is probably weird because it likes you.” The older boy sticks his tongue out before turning on his heel with his companions in tow.
Eddie rolls his eyes and scoffs, even the kids in this town give him shit. Ridiculous.
“Hello there.” Eddie perked up, tilting his head to try and get a better look at his new furry friend. “I’m sorry those kids were bugging you, guess they ended up bugging both of us.”
He chuckles, almost feeling ridiculous for talking to this cat like it would understand him.
But something about the way the cat was looking at him almost made him feel like it did.
“Well, I’m gonna head inside now kitty. You can hide there as long as you want.”
He got up, stamping out his cigarette under his sneaker before brushing his hands on his jeans. But before he could walk up the steps the cat walked cautiously out from under them. Looking back and forth like it was checking that the cost was clear.
“You’re all good, those kids are gone. For now at least.” He smiled at the cat, crouching down and offering his hand for it to sniff.
The cat approached him slowly, holding eye contact with him the entire time until it was right in front of him cautiously sniffing his hand. After a second it seemed to have deemed him safe and rubbed its head against his hand, allowing him to scratch behind its ears.
Eddie felt around for a collar that might indicate that the cat belonged to someone but he found nothing.
“Hmmm… you don’t seem to belong to anyone, what're you doing here, huh? You got a name? I’m Eddie.”
It was giving him that look again, and the way that it’s head shook up and down against his hand almost felt like it nodded at him.
“Are you a girl kitty? You kinda seem like a girl.” He raised his eyebrow as he continued running his hands through the soft black fur.
Again the cat's head seemed to almost nod.
“I’ll take that as a yes. Well, what am I gonna do with you? It’s kinda cold out here… I don’t know what I have that you would wanna eat but you could come inside and get warm?”
He wanted to laugh at himself for talking to this cat like she understood him, but he just couldn’t shake the feeling that she did.
She purred, meowing again before jumping up the stairs to stand in front of the door, looking at him expectantly. He chuckled at the cat's odd behavior as he walked up to the door, pulling it open for her.
She scurried inside, immediately jumping up on the couch to sit on her hind legs. She stared at him, cocking her head to the side almost like she was studying him.
“Well… I’ll uh, see if I can find you something to eat, want some water?”
He brought his hand up to awkwardly scratch the back of his neck, not sure what to do now that the cat was inside just staring at him like that. This time there was no questioning if she nodded her head or not, it was plain as day, humanlike.
Eddie shook his head as he walked into the kitchen, maybe the cat didn’t nod, a cat with human eyes? He’s being ridiculous, that shit Rick gave him really was strong. He turned on the sink to fill a small bowl with water and just as he started to fill it he saw purple smoke billowing in from the other room.
“What the-!?”
He ran through the smoke into the living room, not even thinking about if it could be some kind of toxin but his steps came to a halt when the couch came into view.
Sitting where the cat just had been was single handedly the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and she was fucking naked.
“Hello Eddie, I am a girl, and I do have a name by the way.” She told him her name, and it was beautiful, just like her voice, just like the rest of her.
His jaw dropped and he stuttered, trying to find the words to respond but his brain was going a mile a minute and he couldn’t settle on a single thought.
“Thank you for helping me by the way, I really appreciate it. Let me return the favor.”
She approached him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, giving him that look that he now knows is human, at least to some extent. There was no way he wasn’t dreaming right now.
But when she dropped to her knees in front of him, when he devoured her, and ravaged her, the way their bodies touched to some extent until the sun came up and he couldn’t stay awake anymore. There was no way it wasn’t real, and if it wasn’t, he didn’t want to know.
When he woke to the late morning sun beaming in on his face, he was alone, his bed empty. He would’ve believed it was a dream after all if it wasn’t for the scratch marks on his chest and the little silver bell sitting on the pillow next to him.
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iridescentxstars · 11 days
。˚ ꕥ 𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐱𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬' 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 '𝟐𝟒
Kinky season is coming and I thought I'd get a head start. From today until the end of September, I'll be taking kinktober requests while also working on some other fics that I hope to have done and ready soon (yes, the wolf fic is at the top of the list) This event is split into two different types: typical NSFW and dark, spooky NSFW because as someone kept making a point of, it's kinkTOBER and lines up with spooky season and I should have fun with that.
Idols allowed: Jongin, Bangchan, Minho, San, Seonghwa, Juyeon, Sangyeon and Irene
Must have all qualifying factors to the prompt otherwise it will be deleted.
Drabbles made that are on the darker side will be tagged and properly trigger warned. Do not read them if you are uncomfortable. Every post will state everything used.
Always take care of yourself and be aware of what you read. This is all for fun and is not designed to upset anyone. Nothing written is believed to be how someone may behave and is all fictional.
Try to be original and fun. If a kink/prompt has been picked too many times, I will not do it
If you don't like a particular prompt/kink, feel free to ignore it, do not send snarky remarks to belittle what someone may enjoy
Some will very clearly work well together, some will not, while I do like a challenge, please be mindful about how it would work as I only have around 500 words to make it make sense
Please do not make the prompt too restrictive. These are meant to be drabbles and there needs to be creative freedom
Format: Must contain the following: Idol, AU, trope/dialogue/prompt, kink
You can have a trope OR a dialogue OR a prompt OR all of it. Mix and match. Requests that spark inspiration might get a longer piece written. You can choose up to 3 kinks but only 1-2 AU, tropes and prompts/dialogue to keep it easy!
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All these prompts have been either thought about or found on other accounts because sometimes it's hard to remember or think about different ideas. The darker/spooky choices are coloured red to separate them from the safer choices.
Note: They can be interchangeable in the right circumstances. Mafia can be considered dark or maybe having a werewolf boyfriend is softer than we think.
AU: (some found here)
Friends With Benefits!AU
Monster!AU (specify what kind)
Mythology!AU (specify what kind/who)
You Choose (will allow 3 max of this)
Tropes: (found here)
Enemies to lovers
Fake Dating/Marriage
Only one bed
Love potion
Kissing as a distraction
Blind Date
Taking care of them
Forbidden Love
You Choose (will allow 3 max of this)
Dialogue/Prompt: (some found here)
“Don’t act innocent when we both know where your mouth was two minutes ago.”
“I could make you feel better.”
“My tongue still remembers the way you taste.”
“Come on, you have to work for it.”
“We won’t be missed for a couple hours, we should take advantage of that.”
“Hmm, is that a threat or a promise?”
“Let’s commit some sins.”
“Jealousy is not a word I’m familiar with.
“This is your work place, leave the boyfriend at home next time.”
“This seems like such a bad decision, but I just can’t help it.”
"You'll scream? Oh, baby, I really hope you do~."
You've been hearing noises for a while now, shuffling under your bed in the wee hours of the night. Most people would be scared to check whether it's their cat or not but you? You decide to lure the monster out by having a little fun.
There are no such things as monsters in your closet, that's what's always been told to you but how do they explain the eyes that watch you as you touch yourself? Or why you can't seem to stop doing it?
Everyone has a pet, a cute kitty cat or a puppy dog but you? Well, you have something that can't be found in a pet store... or... on this earth, actually.
A new haunted house has opened up and everyone is dying to go! You are scared, you won't deny that but what do you find scarier? The house and all its horror or the fact that being chased turns you on?
They told you that they would kill for you but you didn't think that they were serious... or did you?
You always joked with your extremely hot best friend that you would flirt and fuck your kidnapper because you read a lot of dark romance. So, they decided to make that dream a reality. Oh no, whatever will you do to gain your freedom?
Two words: Masked Men
You go to a party with your friends on Halloween and spot a handsome guy, walking around, shirtless, covered in fake blood with a mask on. Little did you know that it isn't quite a costume...
The dare was to enter the creepy, abandoned, possibly haunted asylum... not make out in it.
You Choose (will allow 3 max of this)
Primal Play/Predator/Prey
Orgasm Control/Edging
Knife play
Blood play
Fear play
Impact Play
Free use (established/consensual)
Breath Play/Choking
Sensory Deprivation
Size Difference
Age Gap
You Choose (will allow 3 max of this)
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I won't be putting the pressure on myself to do one a day as I do also work and everything else BUT I will try to do them every few days so there is no limit on what can be sent in as I'll go through and post like 1-5 at a time when I'm online and writing!
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holylulusworld · 2 years
Carved – Kinktober 31
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Summary: The demon is loose.
Pairing: Demon!Dean x fem!Reader; Sam x Girlfriend!Reader (mentioned)
Kink: Knife play
Warnings: angst, blood, knife play, fingering, dirty talk, mentions of past threesome, I’ll label this one dub-con, threats, hide and seek, mentions of drug use/abuse, scared reader, open ending
A/N: This is the first of the last two kinktober stories. Let’s get a little darker today...
Kinktober 2022
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“Come here, kitty-kitty,“ you run a little faster when you hear his footsteps echo through the hallways of the bunker. You would’ve called the safest place on Earth until Dean’s eyes turned black. “I can smell you, Y/N. You, and your blood.”
You hiss as the wound on your left arm stings again. Now is not the time to worry about a little cut. You can take care of it a little later.
Much later…
After you escaped the monster you called your friend not months ago.
He’s currently freely roaming the bunker to take his anger out on you.
His friend. His brother’s girlfriend. His family.
“If you come here and act like a good girl,” Dean stops in his tracks. He dips his head and inhales deeply, “Sammy might find you still alive. A little damaged. Maybe even filled with my cock. But alive. Breathing.”
“Fuck,” you press your hand to the bleeding cut on your chest. Dean already did some damage to your body. He slid the knife over your skin to taste your blood.
The demon almost purred when he got a taste. He smirked darkly and tried to convince you that you are not in love with his brother but with him. Or rather the twisted version of your friend.
“Sweetheart, I don’t want to hurt you,” he tries to lure you in. “Maybe a little bit. Where’s the fun in fucking if it doesn’t hurt a little. You can slap my face too. Come out, baby. You know you want to feel my cock in your tight little cunt.”
You want to call his name and tell him that this is not him. You want to tell him that you can cure him and get the Dean you miss back.
“Y/N, I need you to work with me on this,” Dean laughs at his words. “We are going to have our own little heaven. You, me, and my dick, sweetheart.”
While Dean is having a blast telling you all the things he wants to do to you and your boyfriend, you try to sneak out of the bunker. It’s your only chance to escape him.
“Kitten, you know that you can’t leave the bunker, right? I made sure of it. It’s just you and me, Y/N. Don’t leave me hanging.”
“You make me believe that you don’t like me anymore, sweetheart,” you shudder at the sweet pet name. “Come out to play.”
He growls now.
You tiptoe toward the garage.
He sniffs in all directions.
You hide behind the Impala. Baby. Your haven after so many hunts.
Now it’s only a piece of metal barely helping you to hide.
You can hear his footsteps get closer again.
No way to run.
No safety.
No escaping him.
You can only pray to Castiel, and that Sam will be back soon.
Before it’s too late...
Before Dean finished what he started.
“Aw, there you are,” your heart lurches in your chest when Dean appears out of nowhere. He almost smiles as he finds you hidden behind his car. “Did you miss the good old times?”
He grabs you by your upper arms and pushes you against the wall, holding you there with one hand wrapped around your throat, thumb stroking your skin.
“Do you remember the night we got drunk and cuddled in the backseat?” his free hand moves under the flannel you stole from Sam. “Did you ever tell Sammy about the kiss?” he leans closer to kiss a single tear away. “Did you tell him that we almost fucked?”
“I-no,” you swallow thickly. Dean’s hand slips inside your panties and you look away as he lazily strokes your clit. “Sam and I weren’t a thing back then. We got drunk and…things happened.”
He purrs.
You shudder.
Dean releases your throat to get his knife out, sharp blade cutting every single button off the flannel to reveal your body to him.
“Look at you,” his eyes flash black the moment he dips two fingers inside your cunt. “You always were so beautiful and fucking sexy. Do you know,” he curls his fingers, making you whine, “how often I listen to you and Sammy fuck? It was torture.”
“D-ean,” to your shame, your cunt eagerly takes every stroke of Dean’s fingers, “please.” You breathlessly moan. “I can’t.”
“Do you remember the night we all got wasted? You know, when you and Sam invited me for a little fun,” gasping you feel the tip of the knife slide over one tit. “I never came harder than inside of you, Y/N.”
“That was…we were all out of our mind. The drugs. Another apocalypse was on the horizon. We wanted to spend the last day on Earth together. All of us.”
“As we should,” Dean plunges his fingers in and out of your pussy. “What do you say?” He presses the tip harder into your flesh, breaking the skin.
His eyes follow a single red droplet running down your breast. “I warm you up a little, and we wait for Sammy for the main course…”
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greyias · 2 months
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They lived! (mostly)
Bandit fight went well for the most part. Eliana accidentally turned herself into a sheep, but then she got better. She barded her way inside with a pitch perfect halfling impression, they cleaned up Withers' house for him, then tralala'd their way into the secret enclave tunnel where one of Eli's rangers oh so helpfully tried to disable a statue's laser vision with an arrow, which made the statue super mad, and then it immolated Eliana as her party fled outside, and proceeded to have delightful banter as she died ignobly on the floor. I did not get screenshots of this, unfortunately.
But since no TPK was had, Honor Mode was still active! Pretty Boy Elf Ranger (who is her boyfriend in their alternate incarnation) snuck back in, used a revivify scroll on her, and then had to haul her up like two times as they fled from the angry statue. This experience is actually pretty close to her antics in the TTRPG space so… score one for accuracy I guess?
They managed to actually take out the little goblin ambush inside by coming from the other direction, luring the goblins into range of the statues by use of many cats and minor illusions (RIP all the kitties), and used their HANDS to deactivate the angry laser statues.
As they still had some spell slots leftover I was like "we should get them in just a little more trouble before sleeps!" Then proceeded to wander into the Blighted Village, and Eliana succefully convinced them she was there to write everyone's life story. She passed every single persuasion check inside, including when she faced off against three ogres by herself.
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Exhausted of easy potential fights to run through, I sent everyone back to camp to have a well-earned sleeps.
That was where the trouble began.
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Because now there's a possibility my Honor Mode run has ended, not because of a TPK, but because everyone got stuck in a long rest after fucking Astarion decided to try snacking on Eli.
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The Googs has failed me on all solutions, so I might have a soft locked save file here, which stinks because she and the others were doing so GOOD! I'll have to keep looking through mods to see if I can install one that maybe will help rouse my 3 rangers 1 bard gang from their eternal slumber
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for now rest my children you earned it
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ijumpbridges · 1 year
do a headcanon of doctor clef,dr kondraki,scp 076,scp 049,scp2396 after the first time with y/n
After the first time
(Ft. Scp 049, Scp 076,Scp 2396, Dr Clef, Dr Kondraki)
Hello babygirl 👹
I said no nsfw but… we can make arrangements when it comes to my homgirls, here you go babygirl:
Scp 049: Like that - Doja Cat
A but awkward afterwards.
Asks you how are you.
Asks you if you need anything.
The first thing he is thinking is if you are tired to make you comfortable.
He brings that plan B (if you need it).
He makes sure you are not in pain too.
He lets you sleep on the bed while he gets up to keep working on his cure for the pestilence.
Really not much happens from his side since he is not used to doing this type of stuff a lot.
Beautiful pro-tip from yours truly: Dont take any medicine coming from that dusty crusty muddy ass bag from him, maybe you bring your safety kit yourself.
Scp 076: Closer - Nine Inch Nails
This one doesn’t even know what to do.
He wont let you go and pulls you close.
You gotta do the aftercare quickly.
Because the moment you don’t do it and he pulls you into his grip you will fall asleep.
And wake up with everything being a mess
Makes sure no one sees you.
Yes, of course you both are doing it on his cell.
You may get remove because he destroyed the cameras because he thought i would be disgraceful if others that weren’t him seeing your naked body.
He will always cover you up and try to tell other to go away.
He asks you how are you and what can he do to make you to make you feel better since he wants to help.
He will compliment you in how good you did on him.
Overall its an okey with him too, it could be better, but at least you didn’t get taken away naked from his cell.
Scp 2396: Kitty Kat I - Megan thee Stallion
A little bit of a tease.
But in a good way.
The way that you moan and might as well tell you how you moaned her name.
She praises you.
Gets you candy or snack that have candy
If you are not tired makes popcorn and puts on a movie and cuddles with you.
You might fall asleep on her
Since you are guard she will breach containment the next day.
She will try to tease you and tell you how good you did for her.
Afterwards she will give you a kiss on the cheek and finally comply onto taking her to her cell.
And even there she will try to lure you in but not in a way to do it again more like she is trying to get you excited so you can cone and visit her again.
Dr Clef: SexyBack - Justin Timberlake
Not even a chance to even process anything and starts teasing you.
He teases you that night.
He teases you the next day, the noises that you made.
And then the day afterwrads.
He teases you for like either 3 or the whole week.
The after care is okey.
He makes sure you are okey and brings you water.
You two might talk for a little before either you fall asleep on his bed or clean up yourself and go home.
Avoid this man at all cost the next day cuz he will find you and embarrass you.
And he did find you the next day and embarrassed.
Dr Kondraki:Tome mi Foto - Ayesha Erotica
Drunk sex with him🔛🔝
No surprise, since he is an alcoholic.
You were the one topping too.
After it, the after care is really weird.
So its either awkward or not.
If you two are dating (and if you are okey with it) he will take pics of you afterwards and in process too.
So he is after that camera trying to take a pic and add it to his collection.
if dating to the collections he has of you.
Then probably get some water and try to clean you up.
He is not the best but he tries.
He tries to reach out for tissues and clean you up.
Not the cuddle type but if you tried to he wont move unless he needs to.
Friendly reminder everyone to stay safe. Maybe i should write nsfw, anyway i finish all my request really fast and y’all don’t request anything on me.
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hoshizorax · 28 days
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if you think that kentaro isn't going to eat cute themed foods and desserts, you would be horribly mistaken. he will gladly take and eat anything. hello kitty? eaten. rilakkuma? eaten. pusheen? eaten. doesn't matter at all. he will eat it. also, yes.. he works out and keeps his figure.
i imagine satoru being the one to call kentaro "kenny" and him absolutely hating it. correcting him until he just gives up and accepts his fate.
kentaro uses his katana to imbue his cursed energy with it. his domain expansion is lethal as once it is cast, not only does roots hold the target down.. but when he stabs someone with his katana.. roots and flowers rip through their body and tear them apart inside out from his sword. it's why it's called dākuyuri (dark lily).
if you have kentaro's phone number, you clearly are close enough to him to get weird texts from him. he is unashamed and unapologetic in weird thoughts and texts you will get from him at 3 am.
kentaro has a plethora of memes at his disposal. he can and will send you a bunch of them if you need cheering up.
kentaro's domain and powers are very centered around tree roots and flowers. sort of like hanami. the moon is also a huge factor as well. the night is when he's most active and his cursed energy is very powerful. don't be surprised if you see him undressed and can see the root-like markings on his body that show how much cursed energy that runs through him. if you've seen survivors of lightning strikes, it looks like that.
kentaro is the type of person that people think isn't very strong. like his powers aren't much but then they watch him in a fight and are heavily surprised. depending on how much your muse knows him, they could see him as silent or very isolated. even a goof ball. but when it comes to fighting or exorcising curses, he takes it seriously.
kentaro is a 28 year old virgin. never been kissed or anything.
kentaro writes poetry. you may see it, you may not. he does not make it known that he writes poetry. he doesn't make it known that he does a lot of things because that's something he enjoys keeping private. maybe he loves submitting poems anonymously on forums. taking in compliments and criticisms alike. figuring out where he can improve without drawing a face to the literature. maybe, just maybe, you will receive one when the time comes. to enjoy his writing and think back on him.
kentaro, first time in america finding really good restaurants. finds a place called texas roadhouse. is absolutely the one that falls in love with the rolls and literally eats almost all of his bodyweight in that and ends up making himself sick. still craves texas roadhouse rolls.
to those that think they don't want to corrupt this precious bby.. he's already corrupted. he used to get into bloody fistfights with other teenagers when he was also a teenager. cursing them accidentally as well. his parents also died in a tragic accident. this man is silent and calm for a reason.
kentaro is recognized as a special grade 1 now. he was a grade 1 in school but with him not being as strong as a special grade (in certain terms) he was given this recognition once he graduated. he can conjure a lethal domain which is rare and difficult but it also takes a lot out of him once done. his black flashes aren't as rapid as yuji's. he's got to maybe 4 or 5 at most.
kentaro unknowingly got dākuyuri from his biological father.
not only does poor kentaro have the gojo bloodline but he also has the kamo bloodline. poor guy, honestly.
there is a bit of an ability that i finally ironed out in my head. while he can do it within his domain expansion, depending on the intent he can brand people with a curse when he touches them. the grade of curse depends on how angry/irritated he is. mild irritation are very low level curses. severe anger are special grade. it's basically a lure. it's not something he makes known.
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