#maybe everone already knows
gotham-daydreams · 11 months
I was wondering why didn’t Alfred do anything earlier, like before reader left and stuff
He did try! Though that may be communicated in a later part, I'll describe it more here.
As the reader was growing up, he did try to inform the Batfam (mostly Bruce) of events that were coming up, and that the reader will be participating in, but nothing much seemed to work. He did also try giving the posters to various members of the Batfam as well, but again- that didn't work out too well either. Though it is why he kept them at first, but that would slowly delve into something else.
For their first few birthdays he did try to remind the Batfam (again, most Bruce) that "hey, y'know this kid you have yet to acknowledge that's now part of the family? Yeah, they're birthday is coming up/is today. At least make an effort to show up and give them something nice, or at the very least wish them a happy birthday. Thanks :)" Though considering what happens in "Not Here", one can imagine that it was very effective, and didn't not work at all.
However! Out of everyone, Alfred did end up spending the most time with the reader, and was easily the most involved in their life. He was there when everone else wasn't, and even if he couldn't physically be there- he had his ways of knowing what the reader was up to anyway. So with all of this, he became yandere the earliest.
At some point he stopped his efforts simply out of his own greed. He wanted to spend time with the reader and be that caring figure that they could always turn to. He wanted to know the secrets that they shared with only the closest people to them. Alfred, above all else, wanted to be their family- and since he has the opportunity, why not be their only family? The only person that the reader will ever see and recognize as their family, and if he was lucky (and he very much was in this case), maybe even their father.
I feel like it is also important to mention that, once again, turning the whole family yandere wasn't intended on Alfred's part when he does set them up to be worried enough to look for the reader. His only plan and intention was to get the Batfam to worry and feel guilty, and turn that guilt into a desire to find you for one reason or another. Them becoming yanderes was just a side effect of that effort, but not necessarily an unwelcome one.
I mention it because Alfred has already been yandere for the reader for quite some time now. He's willing to bend the wills of the rest of the Batfam to get the reader back into the Manor, just because of what I mentioned before with communication. Alfred still wants to have a connection with the reader, and he still wants to talk with them- and only lets them go because he assumes that he will still get that, even if the reader isn't in the manor anymore. Which, while he isn't wrong, it still isn't in the way he had hoped.
So, because of that, he essentially sends out the Batfam after the reader because he wants to have a solid for of communication with them. He wants to speak to them and be able to reply- not this one-sided nonsense that he's had to deal with for months. And most of all- he wants to see them again. He misses them. So what better way to do that then to bring them home?
To which, all of this boils down to Alfred just becoming incredibly selfish at some point, one way or another. He did try at some point, but eventually stopped because of his own want to be the only person that the reader would ever recognize as family. His own greed and selfishness got in the way of his efforts, and now it's driven him to this point; sending out the Batfam on a manhunt for the reader, simply because he misses them and didn't get what he wanted.
I hope this answered your question!!
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casual-socks · 10 months
HI IVE BEEN MASSIVELY HYPERFIXATED ON TMA FOR ABOUT A YEAR AND IVE SEEN MAYBE ONE (1) SINGULAR PERSON TALK ABOUT THIS and i am not even kidding when i say its been a passionate topic of conversation for that entire year. people know me for this. it comes up and my entire friend group SIGHS AUDIBLY because they know the 20 minute tangent i Will be taking
youre telling me jonathan sims went to oxford college (relatively prestigious if my memory serves me correctly) for RESEARCH. for, to put it simply, READING. and he looks at the name gerard and goes Yeah looks like jared to me lets go with that!!! HELLO?? NO?? not even mentioning the fact that he is being what could easily be called possesed when reading these statements which leaves us with two options
2. jonathan sims is so monumentally stupid that he is somehow breaking this possesion for the 2 seconds it takes to say the name gerard (i love him i swear i will sound so so hateful for this entire post but its out of love)
and like??? its not even that EVERYONE is calling him jared? elias and gertrude have both called him gerard and thats just off the top of my head. i also think jon said it correctly ONEEEE SINGULAR TIME. Just the once.
now i feel it necessary to mention jared hopworth here as well. because why, why on gods green earth, would you name a character gerard. pronounce it jared. TURN AROUND AND GO. lets make another jared but this ones made out of meat and is sort of implied to not be too fond of gay people. Yeah he steals peoples bones. Yeah.
so okay. sure whatever this podcast is sooo british that a bunch of people are just completely failing to pronounce gerard. sure. whatever you say.
NO. no. LOOK ME IN MY EYES. LOOK AT THE NAME GERARD. GER-ARD. AND YOURE TELLING ME YOURE GONNA CALL HIM JARED. SND THEN YOURE GONNA CALL HIM GERRY WITH A G???? gerry with a g. that is utterly ridiculous i cannot even believe this that is monumentally frustrating i cannot even begin to describe to you all the anger i have experienced over this particular bit because why on earth would you take that particular extra step??? gerard -> gerry. sure. thin ice, but sure. jared -> jerry. sure! yeah! makes sense! GERARD -> JARED -> GERRY? you must be playing some sick joke jonny sims. seriously. you are a cruel and usual man
now this is when i start to wind down, but far from where i finish. lets take a moment to really pause and soak in his actual name here.
that is so unfortunate already i mean really, gerard is such a…. a name…. i mean his mom skins people and puts them in books and the cruelest thing i think she ever couldve done is honest to god name her son gerard.
now dont get me wrong. theres nothing seriously wrong with spelling it keay on principle. but god, really? youre gonna shove all this gerard gerry jared business in front of me and tell me his last name is just key but gone the extra mile. really feels like the cherry on top of a shit cake.
now if you consider gerards character i truly feel as though thats the deepest disservice here. gerard keay is an incredible character whos short appearance is so memorable and charming, and despite his VERY little screen time he still has an intriguing and well fleshed out character. really, gerard keay is so excellent character wise. But, every time i think about him for any more than 5 minutes, almost this exact rant is being told to whoever is unfortunate enough to be near me at the time.
another thing i think also really adds to this is just the nature of gerard keay. everything you can say about that guy could be ended with “and everone calls him jared for some reason”. hes emo and everyone calls him jared for some reason. his hair dye job is so miserable that EVERYONE mentions it and everyone calls him jared for some reason. he has mommy issues and everyone calls him jared for some reason.
okay i need to wrap this up before i start just repeating WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY for thousands of words but heres a graph i made for my friends in october 2022 when i was going on about this in the middle of my spanish class 👍👍
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niamh-writes-things · 3 months
new dbd fic idea!
this one is based around the idea of what if they had to go to saint hilarions for a case. multiple chapters of them having to deal with being in those walls again, and looking at photos on the walls and sitting together in the attic. maybe they have to walk by the lake and we can have some good angsty moments with charles.
i thought it might be cool to add in a character who currently goes to the school who can see ghosts, because i thought it could help bring them into the story a bit more and help them to solve the mystery. so that will be in there.
crystal and niko would be in it but not with the boys because theyre living so everone could see them and theyre girls which wouldnt work because its an all boys school. they have a lot of meetings via some sort of magic edwin does and the boys mirror travel to see them when they can (this unfortunately forces them to go into the boy’s bathroom, which is a bit discusting and vaguely smells of lynx africa)
ive also considered making it post-getting together. so they’re already dating and we dont have all of that stressy buildup. (if you want that, i do have another fic with lots of panic on both sides and, eventually, them being all happy and in love)
as usual: i dont know if or when this will be out. if anyone has any ideas or wants to make something based off of this or talk more about it feel free to send us a message or comment on this. and have a nice day everyone!
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overlyimmersed · 7 months
Chapter 141! I'm really loving all this time with the Fairies!!
I was kinda worried about that mage! Looks like there wasn't any real need, but who knows what'll happen going forward? I'm kinda worried Mertyl's gonna accidently become a problem...
Maybe we're setting up to let Lance have his own little platoon? With his cousin involved, since Mertyl is human and would be able to get into Camelot?
And Sixtus is just such a little clone of his dad! His little entrance there reminded me just exactly of how Harlequin acted when he first showed up in 7DS! I love that so much!
Oh! And this!
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Looks like I was right about the vegetarian thing! ;P
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Also, more Helbram energy xP
We also learned a little more about how spirits work, and that Fairies an Spirits are close, with Harlequin even being able to see them faintly.
We learned that Harlequin can not only read people's hearts, but speak into them. So that weird telepathy can go both ways.
And like others have already said the Drug of Yore is probably that medicine Harlequin gave to Elizabeth in Grudge of Edinburgh.
I was fun to see Sixtus and Mertyl interact, they seem to get along.
There's more that goes on this chapter, but I don't know that I have the heart to comment on it. I hope things work out for everone...
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seiga kaku?
im gonna actively try to keep myself concise and to single points because its been so easy for me in the past to get lost in wicked hermit thoughts and veer off who knows where... Part of it surely has to do with how a long time ago i used to have an rp blog on tumblr where i spent everyday thinking about seiga to some extent!
General opinion/How much I care about them: there was a long period of time where i would say without a doubt she was my single favourite character in touhou. I couldn't properly point to any one reason, or any tidy chain of events that might have led to it, other than learning about her, reading and seeing various very formative doujin works featuring her and the th13 crew, and maybe some old-fashioned projecting led me to latching onto every aspect of her... These days, there's a lot of touhous I obsess and go wild over and to even greater extents than her, but seiga objectively has the longest history of making me go a little nuts, whereas even aya took a little more time to nettle into my brain.
I like Seiga a lot and ive thought about her a lot, is what im getting at!
A ship I love: seiyoshi (seiga/yoshika) is funny in that it has a lot of little 'requirements' to me. Like if intepreted as just purely the evil hermit controlling a tool that she herself murdered to obtain, i think thats boring. But likewise, if its intepreted as just the hermit tragically trying to preserve her departed beloved, well that might be better but still lacking to me.
i couldnt possibly get across my ideal backstory for them right now, but the ultimate gist of it is that Seiga definitely did care for the living Yoshika who then died unexpectedly, before Seiga could decide herself whether she would commit to teaching her the ways of the hermit or simply get bored and move on. Her main motivation in performing the most ludicrously evil magic and create a jiangshi was because she refused to let even the natural order of life and death take anything away from her.
....Thaaaat all aside, i think their interactions in present day are just really funny 😄 Seiga 'spoiling' her dear Yoshika who laughs off being a meat shield because its not like she can die again!
A non-romantic relationship that I love: I think Seiga and Futo have the most oddball dynamic among the taoists and also Futo is probably the only one Seiga wouldn't have intense romanctic tension with. Futo who is a weirdo herself, acknowledges Seiga as their wise teacher of the arts (calling her seiga-donno) and yet also does not think of her as above any of them in their little personal hierarchy because Futo knows Seiga has no interest in being a proper retainer to Miko, so all of Futo's formalities almost come off as either sarcastic or as a really esoteric form of endearment. Meanwhile, Seiga probably thought a long time ago Futo would grow weary of things like loyalty and matters of noble blood or talking like an ancient old person, but none of that happened and Futo remains the same as ever, which has been altogether surprising, charming, and exasperating for Seiga (and everone else but they're all mostly charmed 😊)
The NOTP: i guess you'd have to work especially hard to get me to gel with pairing her up with any of myouren temple's folks. I get the temptation since every other taoist has one or two easily paired up counterpart there, but its not enough to just cross a checklist and leave it at that!
(that said, if you were gonna pair up buddhists and taosists thematically, i get why one might put seiga with shou since they were technically most vital in backstory with miko/byakuren respectively, and also because they both have a servant, one jiang-shi and a mouse. but i always thought seiga made a better parallel witn nue personally)
My biggest headcanon about them: most of this post is already headcanon, but as for another 'big' one...
I believe over the last thousand and whatever years, Seiga made semi-regular (as in maybe once every few years or a century?) visits to the tomb where Miko and gang slept, indulging and refreshing her memories of them, chatting up Tojiko who is now a ghost. And then sometime in 2011 right as her hermit senses told her it was finally time to meet them all again, she went to to tomb to greet them all only to find out literally the entire place was gone 😨
so all within like a week or something, Seiga had to go on a mad investigative quest where she discovered they had all been whisked to Gensokyo at some point, had to learn what the heck Gensoyko even is, how to get herself there, and then arrived just in time to get blasted by the incident resolvers. Really busy time in her life!
An idea for a fanfiction I would like to write/read about them: ha... one day, my multi-part seiga backstory fic incorporating every stray headcanon i've ever had. and then i quit writing forever maybe n_n
That aside, a funny scenario would be Okina appearing trying to stir drama because Seiga is basically the reason why Miko divorced Okina. And Seiga has no idea who she is or about any of that because Miko never mentioned it 😌
Something that makes me think of them: pretzels.
also its someone elses fault but luo tianyi is just the seiga vocaloid to me 😑
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brsb4hls · 11 months
Loki spoilers/speculation for 2x5, 2x6
So sending Victor out there clearly wasn't the right way.
We're in the middle of a time loop, and either past Loki's slippings will factor in or Loki slipping will be set off by the loom exploding.
So there will be resets and different tries.
We've already seen Loki go out to the loom without a suit in the main trailer, so he will probably fix it at one point.
My guess for 2x5 is that after that cliffhanger it will start at a completely different point (maybe somewhere were past Loki slipped to) to confuse the audience and then circle back to a new try at fixing the loom.
We also know from the trailer that Loki has to explain smth multiple times, so there def will be a reset.
(Plus we will most likely see the tva people's lives on the time line. That could be connected to the loom exploding or Loki slipping, we'll see).
But I'm like 99% sure 2x5 will open with a chill scene somewhere on the time line to make everone go "huh"? And then get back to the events from 2x4.
I have a love/hate relationship with time loops, so I hope they do it well.
If so, I'm going to enjoy 2x5 immensly.
For 2x6 Loki will take over as timekeeper. It's been hinted at multiple times and now he even spelled it out himself.
The only things still unclear will be if he does it alone or with Sylvie and if he uses the loom, his own powers or the infinity stones (that should work now).
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t-t-t-trasher · 2 years
since i havent seen anything on this yet ima do it myself
(this is my first time doing smth like this so im basically throwing pasta at the wall here seeing what sticks n what not so be nice n if u have smth to add or say please do!)
sorting n basics
• dream is ravenclaw (obviously) with lucienne!
• hob is hufflepuff (obviously well actually he could be gryffindor too but hes literal sunshine boy so)
• rose n jed are gryffindor
• constantine is slytherin
• MERVYN IS A GHOST pumpkin headed ghost w many opinnions n cuss words harassing the younger students n so on
• matthew is still dreams raven (obviously) n can still speak bc magic!
• i wana add the endless siblings here too bc the absolute shenanigans they would be up to
• they are in their own way like the weasleys ig? everyone knows the big old n powerful endless family n they r all kinda weird n unique in their own way n dress all black (exept desire) but yeah recognizeble if u know what to look for
• they r all in different years n ages
• desire n despair r slytherin n absolute menaces there :D
• destiny is the oldest n ravenclaw
• always w his book n prolly graduated already or maybe became a teacher/TA there?
• absolute legend at divination
• death is gryffindor! social, nice n well liked by all
• delirium is also ravenclaw kinda aloof n v much like luna. doing her own thing n living her best life
• destruction in not in hogwarts but in durmstrang
• calliope is hufflepuff but chages to beauxbaton in 4th year
• twins being tricksters. despair is calmer than his brother but is ride or die w desire who is unhinged
• lucienne ja dream r v good friends n often break into library to read forbidden books
• in fact by 5th year lucienne has read every book in hogwarts
• is dream a bit bratty about this? we will never know
• hob n death r v good friends n also v popular bc who doesnt like them ???
• also death, desire n despair know all the rumors n wich of them r true n not
• death is still not a gossip tho she just listens n is good judge of character
• desire also loves to make rumors (about dream n his crushes)
• constantine n dream r friends
• she sometimes warns dream about twins next prank but only when she thinks they r going too far
• actually there is no bad shit so everone gets to be magical teens in peace but ofc theres drama n what not cuz its hogwarts
• delirium is just vibin n having the best time w fairies n what not
• she is considerd bit weird but if anyone was ever going to be ass about would they face the absolute wrath of endless family
• i wana say that the endless D theme is like a family tradition n actually they all go their second names aka the D theme n everyone just call them by those names or by endless
• for example morpheus dream endless aka dream
• why? bc names r poweful n hold power n also they r the endless so they get a pass on that by staff
• do ppl even know their first names? no but al least hob is determinated to find out (he does)
• dream n hob meet in their first year n like in the TV show hob says smth stupid n to prove him (n death) wrong dream makes a bet w hob
• death is playing the long game for dream to have friends basically but dream doesnt have to know that
• bet goes accordingly n they talk basically once a year
• maybe the bet was about test results or house cup? no one remembers anymore (hob, death n dream do)
• anyway they they become friends like in year 4 over some magic drama
• maybe more later wink wink
• hob n rose bond over being muggleborn n tecnology nerds
• they make a competition of who can bring muggle stuff to hogwarts n make it work there too
• despair knows n chats w every ghost in hogwards its her own rumormill
• so does delirium but she doesnt care about gossip at all they r her friends :)!
• corinthian is slytherin n has self-proclaimed to be dreams rival
• big flirt n know for it
• dream thinks hes annoying but they r childhood friends so dream tolerates him or at least he says its only that
• hob knows all the secret tunnels n shortcuts n is trying his damn best to find n figure out all the secrets of hogwarts
am i forgetting someone? would ppl like to hear more 👁👄👁? i would love to talk about more hogwarts AU bc i literally cant stop thinkin about it
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booasaur · 1 year
Omg please do a gifset of all Ah Toy and Nellie scenes in the trailer! They also released a mini teaser before that and Ah Toy saying “Missed me?” Call me the fuck out ma’am!!! I really hope they’ll survive this season, they’ve already been through so much and looks like they’ll be even more this season. One of the new characters is gonna be a railroad tycoon who knew Nellie’s husband. I know Ah Toy has nothing to worry about but her jealousy side would be interesting lol. Hong getting some action too, so I need them to interact please! I would sell my soul for Ah Toy, Nellie and Lai to be happy this season. More cottagecore wives!
I also agree with you about the white casting. There’s some white characters I appreciated, but the truly awful ones like Leary and Buckley ugh. Though they do serve a purpose in the show. I have faith the writers won’t forget the story is really about, Asians and POC. Also, kinda funny that Mai Ling will get rich white lady friend of her own lol.
Ah Sahm and Mai Ling is so fucking complicated and angsty. Ah Sahm is the protagonist but they show he’s flawed, and Mai Ling does have sympathetic reasons. Damn, nobody is really ok in this show! I guess Im on everones side except the racists.
I should probably answer this, lol, now that we're heading into the season's home stretch.
We got Ah Toy jealous for like a second, lol, but at least the three were happy for a while. Hong also seems happy at the moment, but I doubt that'll last and unfortunately, probably he won't meet Ah Toy or Nellie in a moment of mlm/wlw solidarity.
There's been a LOT of the white characters, I don't know that we needed so many more cops, businessmen, and politicians inserted... But I will say that it still feels like the Chinese crew are the leads.
It does actually look like Ah Sahm and Mai Ling are heading to a place where their relationship with each other and their respective tongs will be tested again. The thing is, Young Jun isn't wrong, when it comes down to it, Ah Sahm, the character that a show would be created around, will pick his sister over anyone else. He wouldn't be the lead if he didn't. So how will things come down now, especially with all the other forces, where the tongs still decide to fight each other instead of the white people, I guess we'll see.
At this point, it really is a mystery if Nellie will return. Ah Toy didn't even mention her or seem to be thinking of her in the latest ep so... But on the other hand, her arc is still building to its resolution for the season, so maybe we'll get an appearance at the end.
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popchoc · 2 years
‘I have no clue who this chick everone seems to know is, but it felt to me that she is some big shot and Shane is just used to give her a bit of a story’ she’s a lesbian pop artist named Kehlani, her song Honey is my favourite in case you do check her out. And I agree, I don’t necessarily like that she and Shane are going to have what looks to be a messy cheating relationship but I thought they had chemistry so maybe I’ll come around 😂
Hey, thanks for your message. I already learned from the tags that she's a singer, I just never heard of her before. Just checked out some songs; I get why people like it, but it's not my type of music. It doesn't really matter though, in the end it's the character that has to prove itself, not the person behind it. So far, I'm not impressed by what we've seen (which wasn't much), but time will tell... 😊
P.s. Shane has chemistry with pretty much everyone, that's the whole problem! 😂😉
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wellnesscard · 1 year
okayyyy heres my rant about a lil bit of chicken fried a cold beer on a friday a pair of jeans that fits just right and the radio on
gooddddd. i lowkey/highkey hate my jobeven tho there isnt much "real" to hate on as compared to several other places ive quit. its just not my favorite. its mind numbingly boring and repetitive and still half the other managers loose their shit about doing the expected days work. i say other managers bc i am a manager which i didnt realize was the position at all until a couple months in, and if i decided to not do the training id get my pay cut from $14 to like $12. and that fuckings irks me bc had i known i was going to be responsible for ppl and things i wouldve asked for more koney when they hired me but that ship has sailed and i fuckt it up bc i thought i was going to be a line cook. and ig they need managers soooo bad they literally just paid for my serv safe n all that jazz. and i swear half the ppl that work there are fucking retarded like the last manager in training failed serv safe three or more times.. then when i passed everones like congratulations that test is really hard u did it! im like i have to get the fuck out of here Fast ohmygod. and i work with devon and its mostly fine but also drives me nuts occasionally. like were so together he just forgets stuff like telling me im manager in training or training me on any management shit at all before im supposed to start running shifts solo. im just frustrated by a lot and i want to quit but i know i probably shouldn't because its so fucking easy and i can get away with virtual murder there . its also a tiny cage of a kitchen, constantly overstaffed, and feel a bit trappt by a) devon going out n getting this job for me when we moved bc he already worked there n is buddies with the GM, and b) the GM being such a sad ass self-conscious redhead who has also just handed me a ton of free goodies. tbh they do quarterly raises and maybe if i negotiate to 15.50 ill be more okay with it all. that is/has been another struggle is making my own relationships w these people bc devon knew them all first and is a bit more boisterous than me and im trying to push past some of these codependent habits ive ended up with (started crying at this bit so u know were getting close to the truth) which is so fucking Hard when you work at his job working the same shifts or when were not i.e. today and i start crying waking up bc i have to go in alone and be manager which i never fully got trained for and be 1-on-1 with his sister who also works there and who i love but also can be very intense and volatile esp lately bc she started dating this girl whom is ..... kinda a dick ngl so thats obvy stressful. anyways yes avoiding codependency is Hard when thats the morning n he says anything i can do for u? and i half joking say work my shift? n then he does -_- and i feel like i should've just been a big girl. like if i worked a job different than my husband he wouldnt be able to cover my shift, its just the unique workings of This Fucking Place. which im fine with. i think. the walk there is amazing, even if i perpetually smell like fryer oil. fr watch me get mauled by a boar or bear omw home next week cos i smell like a snack walking home thru the woods. whatever at the same time its easy as pie and if i work it right i never have to buy groceries.
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once again, this blog WILL HAVE BNHA MANGA SPOILERS soonish
either unfollow or block the tags #bnha spoilers and #bnha manga spoilers
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hiperacid2 · 3 years
Of Migraines and Bad Days - M. Izuku
wc: 0.9k -ish
cw: gn!reader(no pronouns used), a few pet names (baby, love, bug idk why but i threw it there and it stuck), kind of a sickfic? reader has a migraine, definetly not proofread
a/n: SUPER self indulgent, based on my migraines that make me throw up + cry bc of the pain and fuse myself with my blankets, i'm not that happy with the ending so might try writing another in the future? sickfics arent something i read willingly 🥲
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It was fine one minute, the next it was like a drill trying to split open your skull, it hurt to breathe, the birds singing and the sound of your heart was like a stabbing wound and the sunlight made you want to rip off your eyes to make the pain stop. You swear under your breath, the day was already going so bad, work was hell with all the new interns, the trip home was horrible; you had to let go of two trains to ride one without having an elbow to the face, it was like everone decided to take the train today, one villain attack with hostages in your area, and with you now standing in the middle of your kitchen planning dinner, of course a migraine was bound to happen, it was too much to wish for the day to end on a good note.
"Motherfucker could not wait until after dinner" you mutter, "where's the migraine medicine?". Walking to the living room cabinet that has first aid kits and pain meds felt like having a heavy metal band doing a wild concert in your brain, but still bearable, at least you could still move on your own. But as said, the day was horrible and it was too much wish for it to end peacefully; you ran out of migraine medicine and forgot to refill it. Taking out your phone you call Izuku.
After 4 headpounding rings he picks up "Baby? is everything okay?" you grimace at his almost scream, he must be in a crowded street for him to talk that loud, or it may be the fucking monster of a headache incoming too. "No," you cut him before he jumps on an anxious rampage "but it's nothing serious, we just ran out of my meds and I have one hell of a migraine" the next words come almost as a sob, "could you please bring some on the way home?". The next time he speaks is almost as a whisper and you swear that if you could kiss him through the phone you would "Of course Love, my patrol hopefully ends in about half an hour," he pauses, "do you think you can wait a bit more than 40 minutes until i'm home?" you hum an affirmative, to which he continues, even more softer "in the agency infirmary they must have some of your meds, see you home, love ya!", and before you can force yourself to speak, he hangs up.
Knowing he isn't going to call again, you discard your phone in the living room table, and on the way to bed you enter the kitchen and take one of the gel packs out of the freezer whispering "this'll do until he gets home", every step feels like hell, and closing your eyes adds to the nausea. And if it wasnt so painful moving maybe you could wait Izu under the cold water of the shower. Once you make it to your room, closing the door behind you, you throw the gel pack on the bed and close the blinds until theres not a ray of sunlight visible, changing to comfy pjs and burying yourself into the bed between the fluffy pillows and blankets, now waiting for Izuku.
Between the pain, being drowsy from it and the relief of the cold in your head, time seems to pass quickly and you kind of fall asleep, because the next thing you hear is the soft click of the front door, followed by a soft "I'm home!". Finally, your savior is here with godsend medicine. After some time, the bedroom door opens barely enough for your husband to slip in, "Hi baby, here's some medicine and water" he whispers, barely audible "I've also asked Shouto to bring us soup from that place you like, if you feel like eating later" you hear the sound of glass hit the bedside table and feel the bed dip where he sits, and then a soft, careful kiss on your forehead.
That kiss was the straw that broke the camels back and you started sobbing, "Izu, it hurts so bad, I had the worst day in the world, everything went wrong the whole day," you sniffle "and I wanted to wait for you with dinner ready, but then it started to hurt so much I almost couldn't see", he shushes you "I know bug, take your medicine and try to sleep" you let out a watery laugh "stop making fun of me, I'm not a moth". "But look at you in this fine cocoon!" he hands you the glass of water and the pill, giving you a pinch in the cheek, and takes it back when you're done, "Now sleep, bug" you pout at the nickname, but it goes undetected due to the darkness of the room.
"Would you stay with me until I fall asleep?" He almost doesn't catch it, due to how low you said it, as if fearing he would ever said no to you. "Of course baby, but first let me take off my jacket". You pout at the loss of warmth, but as fast as he got up, he was back at your side, now inviting you in his embrace. "Thank you for staying Izu" and almost inaudible, but he could feel you mouthing "I love you" in his chest. After another kiss on your forehead, he starts to lightly pet your hair, and in the loving embrace of your husband, your last thought before finally falling in a painless sleep was 'I hope you're always there to make this migraines go away, it would be hell to go through them alone'.
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reblogs are appreciated!!
do not repost or translate!! this work belongs to hiperacid2
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j-zzlie · 3 years
Vinnie's POV (5 months ago)
"Pretty kitty" i mumble to Hera softly as i stroke her back. Soft mews erupt from the feline, along with deep purrs. I enjoyed my cat, her black, grey and white fur, making her look beautiful even when she manages to piss me off. "You and the cat still makin' love, or can i come in?" Jordan said, standing in the doorway, his sandy blond hair a fucking wreck, but none the less it fit him. "Seeming as you're already..in." i mumble. "And i wasn't makin love to Hera, i was just giving her attention." "That's what they all say." he says wagging his eyebrow, in a segestive way. I give him a glare before going back to giving love to my cat. The soft furr leaving tingles on my fingertips, This always calmed me. "There's a party tonight." Jordan continued. "I know you dont like parties but i was kinda hoping you'd come to this one. A new tik toker is being added to the Hype house, we get to meet her then." He was now leaning against the doorway. I dont want to go. honestly. "You have to." Jordan said reading my mind. "I've got a stream to do." "Nah, Thomas already got that cleared, everyone is free tonight." i sigh "Is this really such a big deal. Do i haveee to go, or is this just a "lets make her feel welcome' meeting?" "Both." he said simply, his eyes daring me to keep going, i wanted to, i really did want to piss him off, instead, i began to scratch Hera's head, her purrs sending relaxation into my body. "Fine. i'll go the fucking party." Jordan claps and locks his fingers in place. "Lets. fucking. GO!!" he shouts
Dress. Dress. Suit. oh GOD. ugly suit. i counted once, twice, maybe even three times how many people were here. And thats number is three times less, than the "Let loose" or "have fun" talks i've gotten. "No really!" nailea laughs, her voice rough and funny as always. "Let loose hacker, enjoy it." she knows i hate parties, she's even offered to take me back to the house. "I'm good." i said once more, sullenly, sipping my flat sprite and watching everyone dance. Felt like hours. Me. Flat drink. People dancing. "Hi." a random voice said next to me. The voice oddly pleasuring. I turn and look down, being met with the biggest green eyes i have ever seen. "hi.." i sigh out reluctently, my face felt warm, very warm. "i'm vinnie." She laughs, mouth open head back, a silly carefree laugh. "I know." she sticks out her hand. "i'm Elora." Even her name fit her. I gave her face a once over. Her face voidant of makeup. The only thing on her was some lip gloss. and maybe some mascara. "Nice to meet you...Elora" i bet i sound like a fucking weirdo. "Nice to meet you too Vincent."
An hour later.
"Wait, wait, wait," she said laughing so hard she was clutching her stomach. "You're telling me, you hate being shirtless?" "Yes!" i shout shoving a cookie in my mouth, loving the look on her face and the taste of the cookie. "BALOGNIA" she pouds the wall, her laughter getting louder, we were currently standing by the food bar, everone else dancing while we stayed in our little worlds. "Whats so funny about it??" i ask, my hand on my heart as if im wounded. "Hold on." she says breathlessly. "You..Are Vincent Cole Hacker.. wait scratch that. You're Vincent shirtless Cole Hacker..plus have you forgotten your tiktok account?" "You watch my tik toks?" i ask, feeling just a tiny bit flattered that she's watched enough of them to see the pattern. "Is that all you cought from what i just said?" "Sure is."  a cocky grun spreads on my face.
Late late that night.
I didn't get her number. i wish i did tho. i lay lazily on my bed, editing a tik tok i just made. I even captioned it with the nickname she gave me. i hit play on the video, Gangsta by Kahlani began playing. (vinniewhore -omg look at the discription😫) (Bells- who thought of that? bc i know my vinnie didn't) (Perkysockcubine-💥💥😍) (TheOriginEL-Glad to know you caught something else from the conversatin Hacket.) I sat up in the bed, my fingers simaltaniously clicking on her profile. it's private so i go to twitter. (You're conversation with TheOriginHa) Vin- I never got your number
ELA- lackin
Vin- can i have it?
ELA- 👁️🫦👁️ ELA- No.
ELA- i'll give you my instagram tho
Vin- ): fine
ELA- cry baby
Vin- 🙄🙄
ELA- TheOriginalHJ
Looked it up, smiled and followed.
(DM message from ELORA_Jakens)
(Wanna bet by morning i'll have 100+ dms)- E (no)-v (why not?)-E (bc you'll win and take my money, i'm boke)-v (broke*)-v (#boken 🫤💔💔❤️‍🩹💀💀)E (stfu before i unfollow u)V (im scared.🥲😮‍💨)E
i laugh outloud, hera beside me, cudding my leg. Guess this is how heartbreak starts.
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asexualbuthorny · 3 years
Hey I'm back at it again with uncalled for and unwanted opinions on fictional characters. This might be long and entirely just word womit but this my blog and I do what I want.
The fandom I chose to desecrate today is Twisted Wonderland. Let's begin!
Riddle Rosehearts. Love the boy. He a little too strict for me tho. Livin by the rules feels kinda like living on a schedule and I don't vibe with that. Baby has issues. He needs therapy more than he needs a relationship(simps sit down). Would not date him. Good friend material. He just needs to relax a little.
Trey Clover. He's the brother I never had and the father I wish I had. I bet he gives top tier hugs. Would go to him for advice. Would not date him 'cause he's dad. Want him to adopt me. Lovely boy. Very responsible and sensible. Trust him without doubt (daddy kink havers dni /j).
Cater Diamond. Suspishis. I don't know what he's thinking. Cannot trust. Good boy nevertheless. Probably has some issues. Im not a fan of social media so Im not with the whole magicam thing or whatever. Very pretty. Deserves more love. And hugs. Would not date. Good friend material pt.2
Ace Trapolla. More like crappola. Stinky bastard man. If I was there he wouldn't have kneecaps. Would throw hands. Annoying. Needs to get beaten up and put in his place. If he said shit to me I would throw his ass out a window. Would not date. Hardly a friend.
Deuce Spade. Wonderful boy. Sweet angel. Love him. Best boy! Best boy! Best boy! Has my heart. Would trust him. He may be dumbass but I vibe with him. A personal favourite. Would date. Would marry. We could raise chicks together. Dream boy. My heart is filled with love when I think of him. 10/10. A good friend and a potential lover.
Leona Kingscholar. DISGUSTANG. STINKY. AWFUL BASTARD MAN. Leona simps get help. This man smells like pee. Lazy. Can't do shit by himself. I don't know if he's aware but if he wasn't royalty nobody and I mean NOBODY would deal with his shit. And his attitude like cool you can always fail and get held back 'cause you have daddys money and can go back home and live with your parents your whole life but not everybody has that kind of priviledge. That kind of ungratefulness just make my brain angry. Would not date. Not a friend. Would not deal with his shit. Throw hands on sight.
Ruggie Bucchi. Sneaky. Needs money. I understand Im broke too. Don't have much to say about him. Doesn't occupy much space in my head. Would not date. Hard to trust. May be a friend. He would probably rob me. Disrespectfuly.
Jack Howl. Good boy. Deserves the best. Very responsible and has a good sense of justice. A little too serious. Calm down. Tsundere. Want to pet them ears tho. Another best boy! We can all agree that he's a favourite among the fans. Would not date. Very good friend.
Azul Ashengrotto. Shady. Not trustworthy. Responsible. He runs a restaurant while being a top student. I can respect that. Very smart. Insecure. Don't worry bb we all been there. I like him. But he's still bastard. But like less. Idk. Would date but barely. Maybe a friend. Again barely.
Floyd Leech. Crazy mf. His simps are masochists I don't take critisism. He would fold us all like lawnchairs. Don't think about him much. Not my cup of man. I like his voice tho. Kinda cute. Can't trust tho. Would not date. Friend but very carefuly.
Jade Leech. Scary. This man knows things. Sells your secrets on the black market. Polite. Dangerous. Not much to say abt him. His simps rub me the wrong way. Would not date. A person I know from school but not a friend.
Kalim Al Asim. Very friendly. Sunshine boy. Lively child. Very naive. I would fool him for the lols. Give him many hugs. I don't like parties so we wouldn't vibe on that. He could teach me new games. Rich boy. Probably buys his friends expensive shit and thinks it's a small present. Could date. Makes a better friend tho. Take me on a magic carpet ride pls.
Jamil Viper. Sneaky pt.2. Can't trust after the shit he pulled. Can forgive but not forget. He's a lot smarter than he looks. Even if already looks smart. Can cook so that's a plus. Big respect to people that can cook. He would fool me for the lols. I would fall for it every time. He knows things. Sells your secrets pt.2. He wants to break free. Would not date. Friend but very very carefuly.
Vil Schoenheit. We would not get along. Im very live and let live and he sticks his nose in other people buisiness. I don't care how I look and he's very aesthetic oriented. He would call me ugly. I would call him a bitch. We would throw hands on sight. Argue every day. I would hide and defend Epel from him and his bullshit. He's dedicaded to his thing and has a succsesful career so I can respect that. But he still a bitch.
Rook Hunt. Don't trust him. He's french. Creepy. Poor beastpeople tbh. Can't say much about him. I bet he writes superb poetry tho. 10/10 would listen. Would compliment me. Don't know if genuine. Would not date. Decent friend tho.
Epel Felmier. Arson buddies. Commit crimes together. Call Vil a bitch toghether. He wants to be buff and I can get behind that. He could beat my ass and I would let him. He's kinda like a little brother who you teach how to get away with murder. We would beat everones ass. Good boy. Best friend. Would not date. We would rule the school.
Idia Shroud. I could beat his ass. Wouldn't tho. Not worth it. Incel. Gets zero pussy. Probably stinky. Would still try to befriend. Bully him lovingly. Gatekeeper. Anxiety. Me too tbh. Not much to sqy about him. Roast marshmellows on his head. Would not date. Could be a friend.
Ortho Shroud. A child. We could be friends. I would teach him swearwords. Good boy. Don't know much about him. Friend material.
Sebek Zigvolt. Why he so damn loud? Like calm down boy. Still very good and dedicaded. Could not be in relationship 'cause he has other things on his plate. Tries to be responsible. Still a disaster dumbass. Love the boy. Would not date. Good friend.
Silver. Don't know much about him. Like what are you hiding sleepyheadass? Seems like a nice good boy. We could take hella naps together. Would not date. Befriend him.
Lilia Vanrouge. Dad/grandpa vibes. Would take care of me while Im sick. I would get poisoned by his cooking. HE GIVES THE BEST HUGS YOU CANNOT CHANGE MY MIND. Father I wish I had pt.2. Trickster. Would tease me. I still love him. Welcom to the fam. Would not date because him grandpa.
Malleus Draconia. THIS MAN. Im looking respectfuly. Gorgeus. Beautiful. Stunning. My husband. Give him love and hugs and kisses. I would marry this man. My sunshine my starlight. Im such a simp for him. Who wouldn't want a cool dragon husband. He owns my heart and my ass. 100000000/10. Would die for him. Bestest boy. My love please come to me.
Wwwaaaa this was long. I might post something strictly about relationships if I feel anything again some time soon.
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magicalyaku · 3 years
I finished reading Dark Rise and uh boy what a ride! 8D I like it. And honestly, I'm still laughing when I think about it. Like when you make a rollercoaster trip in an amusement park and are scared and screaming and thrilled and when you come out you just can't stop laughing? Maybe? I don't do rollercoasters, so I wouldn't know. I actually preordered the book for its cover ("because give me that pretty androgynous boy who looks like a dark prince" was my actual thought process). Yes. But afterwards I read Pacat’s other books and liked them quite a bit, so expectations grew. uAub
Do you know the feeling when at some point while reading you think to yourself "Wouldn't it be funny if ..." and then 200 pages later just that happens? The good way predictions work, not the boring way. It's also pretty nervewrecking when everyone's loyalty and beliefs get challengened every other minute. And literally everone's. Everyone suffers. In a good way. I like pretty boys who suffer prettily. I also really dig stuff like standing up to fate and overcoming the worst enemy by pure power of your will. That part reminded me a lot of good shounen manga. Haah. Suffering, despair and then overcoming it all with your willpower (and friendship possibly)! I love that.
One thing that really struck me was that whole "Let's go all out"-vibe. We have warriors light, so make them superstrong and superbeautiful! And they need a Prophecy and their Destiny! How many times can you say Dark King? Dark King! Dark Kind! And descendants oder rebirth? Let's take both!! And what? You have Lions, so you want a Unicorn, too? Here's one, walking and talking and immortal! I have mad respect for this kind of boldness.
And last but not least, there's the same kind of smart writing and story composition that I already enjoyed in the Captive Prince books. Pieces getting set up and falling into place much later. I approve. I had a great time reading. I hope, volume 2 comes out soon. They better go super saiyan there.
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silenthillmutual · 4 years
daniil dankovsky is autistic and here’s why:
because i’m autistic and i said so
i kid, obviously. what sort of autistic person would i be if i wasn’t read to back up my silly little claim with an overly long post of evidence a total of three people will read? (hi ned hi jordan hi raven :))
i’m aware that this is cringey because adults aren’t supposed to have autism or interests or talk about either of those things, but this is my blog and you are free to block me if the cringe is too much for you.
these are some things i picked out from the DSMV’s diagnostic criteria, found on the CDC website:
deficits in social-emotional reciprocity
reduced sharing of interests, emotions, or affect
abnormal social approach
abnormalities in eye contact and body language
defecits in […] understand[ing] relationships
difficults adjusting behavior to suit various social contexts
repetitive motor movements or speech
rigid thinking patterns
highly restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity or focus
hyper- or hyporeactivity to sensory input
there’s also some misc. stuff not in the diagnostic criteria (though it may be in the adir or gars-3) i thought was worth noting.
important note from the diagnostic criteria: “symptoms cause clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of current functioning”. i’d say that in his case, they do.
spoilers for pathologic classic, pathologic 2, and the marble nest
deficits in social-emotional reciprocity
in bachelor route of classic, daniil
seems completely oblivious to eva making advances toward him, to the point where she complains to him that he’s ignoring her in favor of asking questions about simon.
seems surprised when people mention maria being in love with him, despite outright asking her a couple of times if she’s flirting with him.
not to mention the fact that he asks her that at all.
his inability or resistence to making connections with others is typically considered one of his character flaws. although it is not outright stated in the dsmv criteria, one trait of autism and other neurodivergencies is “having extremely high or extremely low empathy” - and daniil, despite being a doctor, lacks empathy. which is not to say he doesn’t care at all. i think that he does, but is terrible at showing it.
for example, this scene from marble nest:
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Sticky: You must feel terrible… right? That’s fine. I forgive you. You just got confused… Adults always do. Daniil: Oh yes, adults are always occupied with the most asinine nonsense. Like feeling anxious that a bunch of urchins keep roaming the streets, putting themselves in mortal danger!
daniil clearly cares about sticky’s wellbeing (and the wellbeing of the kids looking after him, though he’s not cognizant that he’s in a coma), but his way of showing it is… kind of by being a jerk. all of which bleeds into the next item on the list
reduced sharing of interests, emotions, or affect
he has no problem sharing his interests, but in both pathologic classic & pathologic 2, daniil speaks with a flat affect - which is to say that he lacks intonation. the words we read him saying may be dramatic or come across as passionate, but the actual voice reading his lines is very monotone, which may contribute to being read as lacking emotion.
and in pathologic 2, he has a voiceline lamenting not telling “her” (eva?) how he felt
in marble nest, he’s teased by the tragedians for being “heartless”:
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Tragedian: Maybe. Possibly. But it’s useless to explain to a heartless man. …Take heart, Excellency! If you ever find it, that is. And then come back to us… Even though it all sounds like a rather implausible turn of events.
abnormal social approach
daniil has a tendency to say things that are tactless, odd, or just socially inappropriate. i probably don’t need to point out too many examples, as i think it’s fairly obvious - these are the things people love to pick at when it comes to him, but i do have a few in mind. like, for example, from haruspex route in classic:
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Haruspex: What of the antibodies essential for making a serum? Bachelor: I don’t know for sure yet, I’ll send you a report in a few hours. Don’t go about cutting people’s hearts out for your panacea until then. It’s a… controversial solution, you know… Haruspex: What?! Do you even hear yourself? Bachelor: Sorry! I meant no offence… it was just a momentary lapse of… well, you know. Haruspex: None taken.
until artemy points out, daniil doesn’t seem to be aware he just said something rude. even with therapy, picking up on social cues doesn’t come naturally to people with autism, so we tend to say things that come across as rude or strange to others without realizing we’ve put them off. we tend to lack a “filter” that tells us when things are or are not appropriate to say. even when we may recognize it, the rules may not make any sense to us. for example, it makes very little sense that allistics favor politeness over honesty.
i think the glaringly obvious abnormal social approach in pathologic 2 is him threatening to hold artemy at gunpoint to get in the house, which is just overkill, but my personal favorite comes on day 7, when he’s complaining about the orders aglaya has given him. artemy stops him to say he doesn’t understand what daniil wants from him, to which daniil replies:
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From you? Oh, nothing. I was just sharing.
to daniil, they were just having a normal conversation. but some part of this - his tone or his words or maybe even his body language - didn’t give artemy the impression that this was supposed to be a regular conversation. (we could, in fact, attribute the same idea to artemy here; why didn’t artemy pick up that this was a normal conversation? the reason i count it towards daniil is because artemy doesn’t seem to have this problem with anybody else. for the record: i don’t think artemy is neurotypical either.)
abnormalities in eye contact and body language
it’s hard to get proof of this in video games, but i will say i think it’s very funny that in pathologic 2 daniil’s idle animations are “pacing”, “sitting like he desperately wants to start bouncing his knees but is stopping himself from doing it”, and “standing unnaturally still” - but there you go. i don’t know anything about making gifs, or i’d gif this one specific talk menu idle he does where he holds eye contact for about three seconds, looks away uncomfortably, and then looks back out of the corner of his eyes.
deficits in […] understand[ing] relationships
mostly examples from his route in classic:
when the army arrives, he can claim to block that aglaya, whom he’s known for two days, is his best friend
he seems baffled by the fact that everone is smitten with maria and working with her, and seems equally baffled by the idea that she’s smitten with him
despite eva implying on day two that she is in a relationship with andrey, is completely blindsided by the revelation on day 6, asking him, “How in the world is she ‘your woman’?”
i’d also like to use his sign-off on his letter to artemy, day 2 of the haruspex route - he signs it as “Your friend (hopefully)”. i know i’m not the only autistic person who used to ask people if we were friends or not. pro tip, if you’ve never done this: don’t. it really weirds people out.
difficulties adjusting behavior to suit various social contexts
the fact that he stands out is blatantly obvious even in pathologic 2 and in the haruspex route of classic. people will comment on him being an outsider and mention that they don’t trust him. but you can watch it happen in real time in his route, because he never fully acclimates to the town. he says something about this to aglaya on day 7:
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Bachelor: Was there any particularly notable backstory? I’m deadly tired of all these people. They’re inhuman. They tell the future, believe in walking zombies, and die in all manners of painfully abnormal ways. Inquisitor: Your line of t hinking is obviously falacious - and I was implying something rather mundane. I promise you, no one can really tell the future around here: and neither are deaths inspired by third parties uncommon. Mysterious phenomenons do occur here sometimes… but hardly more often than anywhere else.
actually, there’s an example of him saying something similar to artemy on day 5 in pathologic 2:
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Damn this town… I feel I’m trapped in a nightmare. The absurdity of it all… There’s no one to talk to. Everyone’s so volatile. They all seem to want to help, but… their help is worse than hostility.
some of this can be explained by the town’s strangeness, but keep in mind that the first instance happens after he’s been there and involved in the ongoing for an entire week, and the second at nearly a week in. clearly he’s struggling to adjust to the changes.
it’s also worth noting that his reason for fleeing the town in the nocturnal ending?
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I have no place here anymore.
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This town is no longer mine. No longer human. No longer rational. It doesn’t… accept the likes of me anymore.
repetitive motor movements or speech
it’s harder to see the motor movements in classic, but remember how i pointed out earlier that he paces? pacing is a form of stimming. murky, who is canonically autistic, can also be found pacing as one of her idle animations. having stock phrases for characters to speak when you come near them already ticks off the box on “repetitive speech”, but that by itself doesn’t really cover what they’re talking about - echolalia.
but you know what this does fit with? “‘quoting’ things(communication is HARD! sometimes we need to take shortcuts and use someone else’s words)“
i’ll get to the more obvious example in a minute - i want to point out something that happens very early in pathologic 2 first. you know how you first meet him and artemy accuses daniil of trying to guilt-trip him by asking if it’s true that isidor would still be alive if artemy had come sooner? keep in mind that he spoke to rubin first. and this is what rubin says, when you get a chance to talk to him:
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Yesterday, I was told you had killed your father.
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That’s not far from the truth, Burakh.
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You betrayed him. You left when he needed you most. He cried out for your help, but you didn’t care. He was in peril, and you were too busy elsewhere, He believed, truly believed, that your arrival would put an end to his troubles. And, as always, he was right.
i’m not saying this was necessarily the game’s intent, but it’s entirely possible daniil is parroting back to artemy exactly what rubin said to him.
now, for what you’re probably expecting in this section: the latin. people love to refer to his use of latin as “random”, so let’s clear that up:
it is not latin daniil has made up. with the exception of latin that is mispelled in the game’s texts, all of them are proverbs or otherwise common sayings. you can find most of them on the wikipedia list of latin phrases, or through a 3-second google search.
he’s a doctor. him having taken latin isn’t anymore strange than a lawyer taking latin. in fact, if you pay attention, artemy also took latin; this is implied when artemy tells him he’s always sucked at it.
his uses of latin actually aren’t random at all. what he says fits the situation, and sometimes is used in place of him having to come up with something to say on his own.
prime example:
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Forget it, Burakh. I have a splitting headache. If you have no urgent business, then we’ll talk later. Later, later… Qui non proficit, deficit.
qui non proficit, deficit - he who does not advance, loses ground. in other words, “i’m sorry, but i really do need to keep working.” one of his voice lines.
as for why he doesn’t translate the latin: it probably wouldn’t even occur to him to. these are not obscure sayings. the utopians all have a certain degree of education - what would he need to translate them for?
this bleeds into something that isn’t really mentioned, but that i’ve found i have a lot of trouble with in everyday life. autistic people have a tendency to either overexplain (and then have everyone get mad at you because they feel you’re being condescending) or underexplain (and have everyone get mad at you because you haven’t explained anything). the latin would be a case where it feels like a justified underexplanation. you’ll notice that when it comes to anything scientific, he tends to do the reverse, and overexplain. this also happens in classic, whether artemy has asked him to clarify or not.
rigid thinking patterns
the thing i had marked for this was simply his strict adherence to western medical practices and refusal to acknowledge the supernatural, even when it seems obvious - he has a conversation in his route in classic with yulia about this, and that is in fact how he manages to get to her: by asking saburov if there are any other logical skeptics in town. it should be noted they seem to be breaking with this in pathologic 2, where one of his voicelines is “I’m no positivist. There are things in this world beyond our mundane perception.” i have no idea where they’re planning on going with that.
there’s also a quote floating somewhere around twitter about him having been raised by a military man, and militaries tend to enforce very rigid routines. you could say the same thing of block - who (in classic at least) i also have my suspicions about.
highly restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity or focus
special interests. the one that should obviously come to mind is thanatology, though i would argue latin if not classics in general is a special interest of his as well - in addition to his usage of latin, he also references pericles in the marble nest and was probably refering to the roman occupation of haruspicy in addition to augurs in the same text. he also makes references to shakespeare more than once in both marble nest and pathologic 2.
hyper- or hyperoreactivity to sensory input
i don’t have much written down for this one but there seem to be several places in classic especially where he asks npcs to stop shouting at him. we don’t really have the privilege to know their volume or how they’re interacting with him, but i think it’s also worth noting that he’s the only one of the healers who wears gloves. in pathologic 2 he’s the only named character i can think of who wears them at all. his thing in the lucid dream about the brain being “a border”? gloves are his border, as is his jacket, which may be worn to cut down on sensory issues.
he will also sometimes seem to “overreact” to the situation at hand - such as in classic, when some dogheads mispeak and say that daniil is going to “sterilize” them, and instead of understanding that they must have mispoken, freaks out over the idea that they think they’re going to be… well… sterilized. or in haruspex route, when his reaction to the inquisitor arriving is to threaten suicide.
he never goes anywhere without that carpet bag. we don’t see it in pathologic 2, but we do hear about it and he doesn’t let it go for a second in classic - not even in the cutscenes where he’s using the microscope. his bag could be a comfort item.
“getting very attached to things like inanimate objects” could work for the bag - but you know what it actually fits the bill much more obviously? the polyhedron. in the haruspex route he recognizes that it’s a lost cause, but he’s still too attached to it to let it go.
in classic at least, daniil is absolutely terrible at lying. most autistic people either are not good at lying, or feel uncomfortable or anxious with having to lie. when he’s asked by yulia and the kids in the polyhedron to lie to block (for different reasons) he’s clearly uncomfortable with the idea that it’ll work. and when it actually comes time to come up with a way to lie to block about why he needs five rifles, your options are to either buckle and tell him the truth, or simply say that you need them for “self-defense”. block believes that you’re not lying to him, but daniil can’t come up with any embeleshments to explain why he needs what he’s asking for.
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Commander: Are you hiding something from me? Bachelor: No.
he comes across as naive to other characters. in classic, capella has a voiceline saying, “The Bachelor is not smart. Intelligent, yes… but not smart.” in Pathologic 2, Daniil complains that Aglaya takes him for “a useless dreamer”. he’s also easily used by the Kains to fulfill their endgame in classic.
my final, and absolute favorite: he takes things way too literally. autistic people (and adhd people, from my understanding) have a hard time differentiating jokes and sarcasm. so my favorite moment in marble nest is a case of him taking that earlier advice - to “take heart” literally, by bringing the tragedians a literal human heart:
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Tragedian: Oh… Excellency. What a sordid sight! Sorry for underestimating you. You definitely do have… how shall I put it… a creative touch. But this is pure madness. You can’t take things so literally! Daniil: You wanted me to come back to you with an open heart. Well, here I am. …It looked too fitting to be a coincidence.
your mind map, after this, updates to say “I misunderstood the tragedians.”
people don’t stop being autistic with age and i think he’s a good example of what it’s like to be in your late 20s and be autistic. i’m sure i missed things as i haven’t finished haruspex route of classic yet and there may just be some other things he does or says that i missed! if anyone has anything to add they think fits i would love to know, thank you for your time :)
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