#maybe cynthia as nyx? but cynthia is too good at parenting to be nyx
galarfiend · 2 years
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okay but what if volo in a primordial chaos cosplay. might make this a series
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in3ptbean · 4 years
𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒔 𝒐𝒏 𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒆
Lost Boys x Reader
Summary: You’ve lived in Santa Carla your entire life, yet you never stepped foot on the boardwalk. After meeting the boys, you now know why your parents have been painting such a violent image of  the California beach town. 
Warnings: The works (barely though) 
(Not My GIF) 
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Santa Carla. 
A summer night Wonderland or Murder Capitol of the World? 
You’ve been living in the shanty California town for your entire life, yet you never set  foot anywhere near the Boardwalks direction; until now. 
Your parents had painted a very dark, vivid image of what resided there; from drunk teens to high punks and even creepers from the next town over. It was safe to say, you weren’t very keen on visiting any time soon. Despite your protests, your friends wanted you to live a little, something about ‘how are you even alive right now?’ and ‘what have you been doing your entire life?’. 
“I really think I should go back. You know, my parents will kill me if they found out I was even here-” Your protests were cut off by the short redhead to your left, 
“Nonsense!” Cynthia cried out, tightening the hold she had on your hand while Bailey grinned as her cheery and uplifting mood. Despite their smiles and reassurances, the heavy feeling in your chest didn’t go away; not even a smidge. 
You opened your mouth to respond,  but was cut off once again. Your pupils dilated, taking in all the bright neon lights and the mirages of flashing pinks, blues and greens. The sweet alluring smell of cotton candy and funnel caked overwhelmed the stench of pot,  gently soothing your nerves until you sported the same grin resting on your friends faces. 
The atmosphere rivaled Disneyland. sike 
“You were being serious about never coming here, huh?” Bailey asks after thanking the ticket booth worker. 
“Completely,” You uttered, staring in awe at the game booths, shops and plush prizes.   
“Come on then! We have a lot to show you!” 
Your heels no longer scraped against the rickety floor of the boardwalk; the excitement of finally being able to experience what you had been shielded from your entire life finally taking over your entire being. Cheeks hurting, legs aching, eyes burning; these were all the symptoms of running around the boardwalk all night. Not that you cared. At that moment in time, you had truly found your freedom, and you wanted to live that night to the fullest extent. 
all good things, however great, come to an end. 
And that came in the form of  five surfer Nazi’s surrounding the three of you by the carousel. 
You would have been scared shitless if it wasn’t for the tourist and locals sticking around. Hell, you were pretty sure Bailey was close to passing out. 
“How about you girls come with us?” One asked, a malicious grin rising to his lips. Your own pressed together on a thin line, hand tightly grasping Cynthia’s own. “We can show you a good time,” The group laughed, nudging back Bailey who had attempted to slip between a bald and muscular surfer. 
“Maybe some other time,” Cynthia responded with a shaky smile. She nudged you before continuing, “We have to get home-” 
“Oh really? But the party’s just begun!”  They all laughed once again before an arm wrapped around your shoulders. You ripped yourself away, glaring at the surfer. Cynthia and Bailey watched you with wide eyes, surprised that you hadn’t been so easily swayed by the punks. “Don’t be like that girly-” 
“Then don’t touch me,” You spat out, swatting his hand away from your arm. 
By now, a midsized crowd had formed, watching  the interaction with prying eyes, and a sense of self-preservation.  Unbeknownst to the surfers, the Lost Boys were in the crowd, ready to step in once things got heavy. 
David glanced at Paul, who was pushing his way past some of the locals, then at Dwayne, who stood beside him. Marko stood by you, eyes locked on the Surfer’s in case they decided to get handsy. 
It wasn’t until Bailey cried out that that party got started. Out of the corner of you eye, you managed to see Bailey push Cynthia away from one of the handsy surfers, kneeing him between his legs  before screaming. The muscular surfer moved to grab you, but was met with knuckles hitting his nose before he could even touch you.
You reared back, suddenly forgetting the good time you had prior to now, before yelling at Bailey and at Cynthia to run. You doubted they could hear you. Adrenaline was the only thing keeping you from becoming pulp on the ground. 
The heavy feeling in your chest grew when you realized arms had wrapped around your waist and over your arms. A fist rose to meet your face, yet you couldn't bare to see it. If the surfers didn't kill you, your parents surely would for disobeying their ‘orders’ to stay home. 
The punch never came, and an eerie silence had enveloped the crowd.  You slowly opened your eyes, only to be met with dirty blonde locks and a colorful-patched jacket. 
“Didn’t you know they were with us?” A chill, yet spine-tingling voice asked. Your head snapped towards Bailey and Cynthia, whom were nearly on the verge of passing out before noticing that another blonde had come up to your side, pulling you towards him and away from the surfer constricting you.  
You found yourself unconsciously leaning against a Twisted Sister look alike, eyes drooping heavily, giving into the sweet lulling of Nyx’s lullaby. Their words were a buzz in your ear, echoing heavily against he thudding of your slowing heart. 
You awoke with a start, sitting up as soon as your  eyes snapped open. Your forehead smacked against another, a sharp cry leaving your lips in surprise. 
“Holy fuck-” The swear was cut off by a smack, soon followed by laughter. 
“Shit! I’m sorry- fuck- are you ok?” You failed to notice you were the one with a bandaged hand. The blonde from before grinned before offering his hand. 
“You’re asking me?” You nodded, eyes quirking up before smiling at him. 
“Yeah, we just smashed forehead, and it hurt like hell,” 
A squeal cut you off, and soon, you were tackled to the ground by none other than a smiley Bailey and  Cynthia. 
“You’re alright!” Bailey laughed as she spoke, poking your ribs with every other word. “You were so bad ass yesterday-” 
“You broke the guys nose!” Twisted Sister exclaimed,  wrapping an arm around your shoulder. “Nearly knocked him out too,” He gave you a slight squeeze before helping you off the ground.
You found yourself staring at the cave you had been taken to, eyes widening before taking in every little detail of the old, caved in hotel. Remnants of wall paper and tacky graffiti covered the wall, a once extravagant fountain holding a fallen chandelier  resting in the middle of what was once the main lobby.  “Beautiful, isn’t it?” The same, cold voice from yesterday night spoke, nearly making you jump. 
“Breathtaking,” You replied, smiling at the boy.  He sat confidently on the wheelchair, hands wrapped around a bejeweled wine bottle. Twisted Sister’s words quickly came back to you, causing you to turn to the boys. “thank you-” 
“For what?” Mullet asked, a smirk etched into his features. 
“For yesterday. I wanted to thank you,” You glanced at Bailey and Cynthia, who were laughing and dancing with Twisted Sister and Patches; looking as care free as always. “I know it’ doesn’t seem like a big deal but we would of probably been dead, or worse-” 
In an instant, Mullet had  stood and offered you the bottle. His icy blue eyes bore into you, watching as you hesitantly touched it, “You are one of us,”  
“I really shouldn’t. My parents are probably worried sick-” 
“We told them you’re with us!” Bailey said, smiling as she was swung around by Patches  “You’ll feel great! I promise!”  Cynthia nodded along, eyes widening before she suddenly sat up.  
“I totally forgot to introduce you to the guys!” You smiled at her antics, opting to ignore the feeling of  a cold arm wrapping around your waist. She swung her arm around Patches, before taking your hand and pulling you to the ‘make-shift’ dance floor. “This is Marko,” Patches grinned at you, thumb soon finding it’s way to his lips. “Twisted Sister look-alike is Paul,” 
“I do NOT look like Twisted Sister!” He exclaimed, placing a hand on his chest in faux-mockery. 
“Yeah! You can’t disrespect Dee Snider like that!” You chimed in,  laughing when Paul playfully shoved you.  
“This little prince is Laddie!” The boy smiled shyly at you, before turning his attention to his brother, “ Dwayne,” Said boy smiled gently at you before you were once again facing Mullet. “And this is David!” He held the bottle out towards you, now uncorked, and grinned when you gently took it. 
“You’re one of us, (Y/n),”
You smelled it; a sweet copper scent fulling your lungs. Pressured by the cheers of your friends, you placed the opening of the bottle to your lips, and took a long sip. 
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hifntasy · 4 years
some of my non-pc dwarf chars i hope to commit to writing eventually:
Torstan, one of the only male chars I’ve had any inspo for in the last....3 years oops. city boy, loves the ocean, carpenter and shipwright and occasional merchant (stand-in. v good at making friends, v bad at making profitable deals). lost the lower part of his left leg during an incident at the docks. YES his fc is luke arnold in his role as john silver. YES his surname is flintheart, and YES he carries a lil purse of silver pieces to like. buy food for kids or beggars or to get a starving thief out of immediate trouble w/ the law. i dont care. also i think he’s gay idk he leans that way but i’ve never had a crystal clear read on it, many of my chars are annoying this way
Tig, formerly topaz, street-raised chaotic lesbian, cannot read or write but is fluent in a form of sign language that’s like. a messy blend of the ferelden standard sign, whatever the ferelden/thedas eq. of thieves cant is, and also just shit they Made Up in their lil street family while trying to survive n thrive. [dean pelton as shirley’s halloween devil voice] stabby stabby!!!!
Edda....smth smth Dust Town smth smth street fighter smth smth intended for the silent sisters or the lgeion of the dead but shit happened n she completely left orzammar instead.surface is too bright pls make it Stop
Soraya wasn’t actually made for a DA verse but i love her so i’ll probs adapt her for this blog but she’s likeeeeee got Dagna’s energy but Maryden’s occupation ig would be a blend of canons to narrow in on her vibe. she’s one of my v few Lawful Goods which is :/ but she likes bright, jewel tones and music and laughter and is tiny and Good and i adore her, my own oc, shut up abt it
Vastra would be cool but like she’s meant to have some degree of magical ability and that doesn’t rly. Fit into DA lore so. (like are we SURE a dwarf cannot be possessed or fade-touched or whatever under any circumstances? really? 100%??) idk maybe i will just make her a v small human or idk a half-dwarf whose non-dwarf parent had rly potent magical abilities so she inherited a watered-down version of that where she cant actually perform magic but she CAN tap into the fade and spirits n stuff can mb sense it on her. she likes Quiet and Nature and hearty foods and solitude and animals
Nyx !!!!!!!!!!! why are several of my dwarves missing parts of their lower limbs um. Victoria Modesta fc tho so like. she rly DOES wear those artsy prosthetics for photoshoots n stuff and that’s part of where her inspo came from. daughter of merchants and/or talented smiths and she has some minor abilities of her own there (mostly so she can touch up her prosthetics or if rly pushed could scramble together a rough new one i suppose) but she like. Models the craftsmanship in the denerim market or wherever, and has picked up quite the taste for fashion n accessories. but ya she’s like the sales rep n is v good at it but also a lil bored of it
Bryn maybe but i honestly dont know if i want her to be a dwarf or a human or an elf or like half-something idk !!!!!!!!!!!!! she’s an avvar warrior regardless but they’re culturally and historically v accepting of different races in their holds so im still ??? abt it. and dont have a whole lot more to work with there yet either oop
and some more protag/pc-designed chars would beeeeee:
ms olympia aeducan who still needs a new name but im stupid and in nearly 12 months have not landed on a good one yet
jade cadash who needs a revamp
i wanna play tessa thompson as an aeducan as well but haven’t done anything abt that yet
daniel kaluuya as an aeducan, mAYBe either claudia kim or cynthia addai-robinson as a brosca, luke youngblood defs as a brosca i think probs, then dianne doan, gregg chillin and maybeee mido hamada as cadashes or different classes n specs and temperaments
and if im gonna round this out w/ a ‘canons’ section it’s rly just
Sigrun :))))
i love lace harding but idk if i feel the pull to actually write her, not atm anyway
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