hifntasy · 3 years
alright, i dont go here anymore and im not planning to come back anytime soon but ive been working on turning some DA characters into just like more broad period high fantasy characters and in that process i was like  hmmmm i need a MUCH better faceclaim for Anja (formerly Aeducan & yes atm im still keeping to some of the broader concepts of the DN origin for her backstory shhh) and ohhhh my goddddd, Ka.trin Dav.idsdottir ?????? crossfit champ, recent(??) world’s fittest woman, Icelandic MEGA-BABE ????? ya okay this is my icy-eyed, great-axe wielding exiled dwarven princess thank u and good day
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hifntasy · 4 years
one of my lavellans is definitely someone who was born into that clan and remained there, one is.... maybe they were born in the city but escaped or were forced out and joined up with clan lavellan, one was definitely part of another (original) clan and while initially the plan had been for a member of clan lavellan to join THAT clan through marriage , when the time of that particular arlathvhen came around, lavellans had recently lost a few good hunters so thalia joined clan lavellan instead somewhere in the vicinity of a decade pre-inquisition but like idk exactly when. and then if im rounding out all my [vanilla] character background and class combos there’ll be 2 more and idk what their clan involvement or history is or was or will be yet bc i dont even know WHO they are or what classes they are or what they look like jdkgh
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hifntasy · 4 years
if a trained chevalier refused to complete the "informal final test [...] roaming the streets, intoxicated, and testing one's blade” against city elves........... would that be cause to be put to death by the rest of the order?
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hifntasy · 4 years
just so you know, Cole isn't actually possessing anyone. he's a spirit that changed his own form to something in between human and spirit after connecting with mage!cole. but he's not walking around in his body or anything.
oh yeah, i know! i...thought i was wording things in a way that suggested cole’s situation was different to possession or any other examples of spirits outside the fade, but i wasn’t that particular about my wording so. i may have come across as not knowing that, and for that i do thank u!!! thank you for reading my ramblings and paying enough attention to helpfully point out an important bit of info like this! that’s genuinely very cool of u, anon, thanks!
i was actually rereading cole’s wiki page when u sent this, trying to see if there was more specific detail about what he is or how he became that way that’s not mentioned in the game (bc i haven’t read asunder) but............. it’s all v vague, which is fun and mysterious and leaves lots of room for headcanons and speculation and discussion, but when trying to replicate it for another character....... makes things a bit tricky lol. it sort of reads like the spirit of compassion kind of, i guess, absorbed cole’s memory and personality after he died, like as his soul or whatever passed into the fade, the spirit took it into itself and in doing so became more connected with the physical world, and then took on cole the human’s physical form to match with the memories and his/their/its new tangible, physical-realm presence. that may not be what actually happened, but it’s one interpretation i’ve just had, and it’s one i can sort of blunder my way through replicating for my oc, if i go through with it (and don’t/can’t find or come up with any alternate methods)
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hifntasy · 4 years
mmm i’ve not yet been able to wrap my head around the mechanics of spirits and possession (and cole) but i just remembered i made a very vague changeling magic-user who was focused on like beauty through change, the cycles of the seasons and the growth and ageing of living things n like.... maybe i wanna make her/them into spirit of creativity or beauty or something?? very very often seen and called upon and perfectly happy to help and inspire and motivate artists of all kinds across thedas, among other ppl and callings.
and then idk maybe present during inquistion in the way the spirit of command in crestwood? a rift was just. Wide Open and while some spirits were ripped through violently and warped into demons, some came a little more gently and maintained their purpose and clarity and wraith-like appearance . OR a cole-type situation but in this case the vessel would probs have to be / have been a mage and retain those abilities to some extent.
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hifntasy · 4 years
varric and cassandra’s tone in inquisition is just that 1 line from The Science of Illusion (Community s1x19):
VARRIC: Seeker, why waste your time envying my gift for levity when there's so much you could be doing with your natural talent for severity?
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hifntasy · 4 years
sometimes i let myself think abt king alistair w/ his spouse warden tabris/mahariel/surana and i abt how ferelden’s ruling royal couple would have 3/4s elven ancestry and i think abt the possibilities for change and. i . cry ..
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hifntasy · 4 years
the dai partial elgarnan vallaslin but a Lite version so it’s just the forehead not the cheeks
the vanilla vallaslin
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“elgarmythal” from here
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“16th v1″ from here
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hifntasy · 4 years
the dai partial elgarnan vallaslin but a Lite version so it’s just the forehead not the cheeks
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hifntasy · 4 years
just know that while i may be forced to settle for knight-enchanter in inquisition, my lavellan mage is actually an arcane warrior thank u and good day
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hifntasy · 4 years
what’re some ~before~~~ / origins style backgrounds for hawke? farmer, hunter/trapper, mb a mercenary, soldier (but presumably not based in lothering if enlisting well before ostagar, so mb not), lay-brother/sister at the chantry (or even initiate, or an affirmed sister), uhhh...? bartender or cook or smth at the lil tavern, mb herbalist / physician-adjacent work, a tailor/seamstress........... what work would one do in/around lothering fjdghgd
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hifntasy · 4 years
my tabris names her mabari Tathas after the “sneaky bandit” elven hero she made up for the kids in the alienage bc Why Not
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hifntasy · 4 years
i rly gotta take sebastian out with me more in DA2, i’m reading some of his dialogue on the wiki and it’s so funny
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hifntasy · 4 years
me learning just now that apparently cole’s mother was a chasind woman
and then me remembering that yeah okay maybe he was a severely malnourished and mistreated young man and now he’s............kind of dead, kind of possessed, whatever.............. but he’s really. That Pale.
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hifntasy · 4 years
maybe....i am overtired..... or maybe.... i am onto something thinkin about the One Surviving avvar or (and?) chasind person from a hold/clan/tribe (do we know the language they use for their communities?? do......the chasind live in clans?  are they tribes? tribe comes with much more specific real-world meaning and significance so im...hesitant to use it w/o a good reason or an idea for how to actually make it good fantasy rep for indigenous peoples of a particular part of the world but ANYWAY) far in the southern wilderness of ferelden and basically stumbling into ostagar a lil ahead of the darkspawn horde and duncan being like “gr8, ur hired” mmmmmmmhmmmmmmm
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hifntasy · 4 years
someone in the warrior caste: u know princess, to really round out ur combat prowess, perhaps it would serve u well to train with a crossbow for ranged attacks
anja: cool so i wanna learn to wield two smaller weapons so i have a back-up plan in melee combat
someone: but the advantage of firing from a distance--
anja: up close and personal, all up in an enemy's business, but now with a smaller blade
someone: *range*--
anja: yes, i will demonstrate a *range* of abilities in close-quarters combat, thank you for noticing
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hifntasy · 4 years
kinda wanna do a verse with 1 or 2 partners where one of every origin survives to become grey wardens at ostagar and like maybe 1 does get named the One HoF bc they delivered the killing blow, maybe we decide that goes to Alistair (or Loghain), but mostly it’s abt exploring how different the events would be with a whole team of newly-joined wardens from v different backgrounds , in addition to the canon companions of course
edit: my initial offering would be my two-handed warrior anja aeducan, and yes it’s because im working on her wiki page right now
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