#maybe charles put the song on trying to be funny idk
technically-human · 16 days
Your art is so, so, so, so cute. If you ever were so inclined, I would love to see your take on Charles finally getting to eat a plate of spaghetti
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Edwin wasn't too sure he liked it, but I think he's convinced now!
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raye01010 · 1 year
𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐮 𝐑𝐃𝐑𝟐 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
(might do another one for the girls in the gang idk and if this doesn't exactly match the characters were going to pretend it does so don't come for me)
Characters ~ Arthur, John, Javier, Dutch, Hosea, Sean, Charles, and Kieran (this is not in order lol)
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Arthur Morgan
Ok, as we said in another post he's definitely a truck driver.
He always has his dog with him no matter where he goes and he most likely has one of those giant bloodhound dogs or a bird dog. Maybe even a stray cat he found in a parking lot, who knows with him?
He probably pulls over on the side of the road to sketch some of the scenery he sees and it most likely causes him to be late to places he needs to be but oh well.
LOVES to put different stickers on his truck and to blow the horn for little kids that wave at him sometimes.
His dog is absolutely spoiled, having a giant bed in the passenger seat and probably over 20+ toys because Arthur can't help himself when he sees new toys or treats.
He's always uploading poorly taken selfies of him and his dog onto facebook (lets be real he's almost 40, he's most def uses facebook)
Dutch Vanderlinde
Let's be real, Dutch owns one of those fake gold shops that try to scam you and sell you fake jewelry, I don't make the rules that's just how it is.
But Dutch is good at his job, even if what he's selling you is fake he'd probably be able to convince you it was real by the end of the conversation.
Takes major pride in his business
Actually makes pretty good money considering he's a good liar lmao.
He def talked John into buying a fake diamond necklace for Abigail, John didn't realize he'd been scammed until Arthur pointed it out lol
Probably would give his S/O fake jewelry from his shop because he is cheap
"It's the thought that counts," he would tell his S/O when they point out that the ring he gave them wasn't real.
Somehow has managed to avoid countless law suits, no one really knows how though
He probably uses his shop as a cover up for money laundering ngl
Hosea Matthews
This ones difficult
lowkey feel like he'd work in a bank
Doesn't question where the large sums of money Dutch deposits comes from because he doesn't want to know lol
Has a picture of John and Arthur hanging up in his office
always having to lecture John on not falling for internet scams because this is like the 5th time he's had to freeze his bank account for fraud.
Always turning Dutch away because he tries to take out loans for stupid things that he doesn't need
Has to help John get back the money Dutch scammed from him ofc
Hosea likes his job though, it pays well and he gets his own office so what is there to complain about? 
John Marston
I wanna say he works in a zoo and has to deal without wolves just to be funny but I honestly see him being a mechanic
Always working on Arthur's truck when something happens to it.
Likes to teach Jack how to work on cars also, he considers it their "father, son bonding time"
Buys Jack the nicest truck when Jack is old enough to drive.
Has had to fix Sean's car after he drove it into a tree because he thought it was a good idea to drink and drive.
Drives around a classic car that no one else is allowed to touch or he'll have a stroke right there and then.
Everyone in the town comes to him when they need work done on their car, he even opened up his own show eventually
Javier Escuella
Ok, so I see him working as a singer in a bar, like with a cover band or something
he even performs his own songs that he wrote some nights
people love him
he actually has a lot of followers on social media from posting his music and videos of him playing guitar
if him and his s/o have a kid he definitely teaches them how to play guitar from a young age.
writes songs for his s/o
all the guys come and watch him perform some nights when they are all in town at the same time.
makes youtube tutorials on how to play songs on the guitar.
the other guys are convinced that he's going to become famous one day
Charles Smith
I see him working in an animal sanctuary for endangered animals or hurt animals
Definitely becomes best friends with a literal bear and treats it like your everyday normal pet.
Forms strong bonds with every animals he works with, something about his aurora is calming to be around
Doesn't allow John near the wolves when he visits.
Has had to stop Sean from trying to climb into the lion enclosure more times than he can count
He lets Dutch, Arthur, and Kieran come to visit some of the horses he takes care of.
He does volunteer work with animal shelters and other things like that.
Major animal lover in general, probably dog sits Arthur's dog whenever Arthur can't bring him somewhere
Sean Mcguire
This man CANNOT hold a job
Its not that he's lazy (he is) he just gets bored quickly and hops from job to job.
No one actually knows how he affords his apartment, Hosea is convinced he's selling drugs
He usually works in fast food places for a little bit just to make some quick cash.
Has shown up to work drunk a few times ngl
if he has an s/o he probably shows up to their job whenever their working to annoy them
Tried to get hired at a bar but that most definitely didn't last long considering he got plastered on the first night of the job
He probably is selling drugs but I mean, money is money?
Kieran Duffy
We already know the answer to this, he works at a stable
Tried to get a job with Charles but they didn't hire him :(
LOVES working at the stable, he basically gets to play with horses for most of the day
If him and his s/o have a kid he's definitely teaching them how to ride a horse before they can even walk
is always showing his s/o pictures of different horses he gets to work with
probably is in facebook groups for horses
he's a horsegirl
he owns his own horses too and always makes sure they look pristine and perfect
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granma-sweetie · 2 years
AKSJAJSJSNBABSB OK SO HAMILTON!!! it was so good omg look at this picture i took outside
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and now about the actual thing sbsnbsnsbsn SO FIRST OF ALL LAURENS/PHILIP every scene with him was so unreasonably funny. ok he was very tall and also sounded like eddie redmayne
laurens is a himbo i love him
hamilton was short lmao
and during stay alive reprise i wouls have been sad if like. man ok. imagine "i did exactly as you said pa,, i held my head up high,,,,, i?,,?, even before we got to teN i was aiming for the. sky" except it's sung by kermit the frog. thats what it sounded like
oh hold on i think i have a link to a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxERVyjYvYY yess i think thats the one!! i saw this cast except hamilton was played by a different person but they were all really good. anyway you know which one is laurens please tell me im not the only one who thinks he sounds like kermarius aNYWAY
king george. was fucking amazing. do i need to say wnything else. oh yeah yk the part after i know him when he sits in his chair and does the little dance well here burr's actor broke character there it was so snnsnsjsjshsjbs
angelica was like. really fucking cool man. ok. she was amazing i loved her
seabury was so fucking awkward which me too
charles lee's first line sounds better in german tbh when he goes "ich bin general, GEEIIIIILLLLL" sjsbnsbs idk i like it better
i really liked how the story of tonight sounds in german tbh!! it was really pretty
at some point the microphone of hamilton's actor just decided to not and during all of say no to this he had this effect like lady usher in ghost quartet yk what i mean jsbdnsbsnsb so it was like
i offered to walk her home she said
you're too kind sir
and the whole song like that nsbsnavsnsban
man after the premiere i hope they put more of it on youtube because i Really want to show you and theres like three videos snndnsbsns
anyway im going to sleep now i am tired (": goodnight
sjort hamilton haahahahjxcnjsncdhcnjfhbc
angelica is best character fr <- totally doesn’t relate to her a whole lot because of older sibling things
same awkmsjwmsjss did they do the thing where hamilton liek. stands in front of him and he gets off his thingy and moves it
KJSNXJSNXJSM sounds amazing ajnajsmwjsm
i hope they do too!!!!!
goodnight <333
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meova101 · 2 years
hey! still the road trip anon here…but yes I saw those moodboards and oh god those are really good and they made me *think* during the trip, like as an Italian just thinking about those two traveling around the countryside experiencing fun traditions like some countryside festival about some typical food or  just the san lorenzo’s night (10th of august) were you go stargazing for falling stars with friends and/or your significant other !! 😭😭😭
But yes you are right Charles would definitely be reluctant to a 100% offline vacation, and they would still need google maps, cue on them bickering about who gets to drive and who gets to check google maps (they never think about putting google maps on speaker mode) and choose the music that day (them disagreeing on music but finding a common ground with some italian indie song idk) ...but also!! Sometimes they just go on random places like they decide to exit the highways and just travel on normal roads and maybe they see some sign with a funny city name on it and they just say “we have to visit that city” .
With their great communications and deduction skills!! they can even fool around with each other during the trip bc those skills will make them think  something along the lines of “fuck i am in love with him, but he just thinks i am a good friend!!” and the chaos of going back to their normal life with all those new feelings!!
god i have so many thoughts!! and so little brain 
No no anon you have so much brain! Them never putting Maps on speaker mode dkgjsls iconic, I can also absolutely see the one who's not driving trying to explain the navigation to the other because ofc they know better than Maps and the one who's driving. And then fighting about music djfkfk Charles will know so many classic rock songs by the end
Also I totally didn't look this up just now but because I'm still thinking about this taking place in 2020... The 10th of August was the Monday just after the British GPs and before the Spanish GP... So I'm totally pretending like they could have sneaked back to Italy just for that fjskfj or if my sense of geography got real bad again and this isn't as quick or easy as I think it is, them being in Italy now, in 2022, and sleeping underneath the starry night for San Lorenzo's Night. Charles complains about getting grass stains on his clothes to stop this from feeling so romantic. Seb brought a blanket in preparation so they lay on there, arms touching because it's not the biggest blanket. Charles says something about this being the last time because the guy knows how to mope. Seb's like "what d'you mean, we can do this even more often next year if you'd like. Only if you want to. Would you...?"
Charles grabs Seb's hand then, gives it a squeeze. Seb trails off, just looking at Charles, the hint of a smile playing around the corners of his mouth. Maybe they kiss, maybe they don't, but this really won't be the last time they're there and both of them know it.
look I love them being together without realising they're together okay skfjsl
Anon I really love your brain, this is such a fun plot to play around with 💖💖
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dirtycccat · 4 years
making mixtapes for the demon bros + undateables
true love is making playlists for people you care about so what if you did this,,, for the demon bros (and the undateables)
classical music first, soft jazz second
lots of angry violin playing followed by soft dreamy piano
shostakovich, ravel, chopin
probably some opera too? anything that screams old boomer of culture
...and then chet baker and nina simone 
 (i’m sorry lucifer is a chet baker lover forever in my heart i mean have you heard my funny valentine or i’ve never been in love before or it ‘s always you? please that’s lucifer in love 101)
bonus: based on his character song i feel like he’d also enjoy lap dance music like two feet  (like mammon and asmo) 
anything slow and sensual but with a beat
basically either party music but horny or romantic / feel good rap
two feet, chet faker, tyler the creator
maybe pop punk???
he gives me angry pop punk dude that mellowed out and now sings abt his gf vibes idk why
also songs you can serenade him with (or the ones he used to serenade you)
lastly, hear me out: disney karaoke (no, i do not accept criticism)
anime openings / endings and movie soundtracks
especially if you watched them together
(because everyone has a playlist with 2000s animes ops and old vocaloid music for nostalgia)
low fi for studying/ no thought head empty just gaming music 9 hours 
but instead of studying he’ll listen to it while gaming because listening to a game’s soundtrack while playing another is a power move
jazz lover on a good day metal on a bad day
...or both on a good day because some people listen to metal to calm down so why not 
you do you king listen to metallica while sipping tea
also ofc he’d love punk for sure since he’s the forever angry teen boyo
but i feel like he’d prefer punk bands that aren’t made up of only angry white dudes
like against me for example
but he’d also like the classics like green day like how can you not
did he have a secret emo phase he told you about and you put some mcr too? maybe
lana del rey ugly crying karaoke when drunk
also mitski
and fiona apple
i feel like he’d do a lot of crying while listening to romantic songs and ain’t that a mood so put a lot of that
would probably like a mixtape with side a: sad romantic music only and side b:songs to strip to 
bonus: another mixtape with broadway showtunes because we need a theatre kid in this family
he would probably like heathers, legally blonde, mean girls ya know the feel good musicals you can jam to 
(can you imagine asmo singing welcome to my candy store? now you can you’re welcome)
workout music
gorillaz and feel good music like abba
is he the type of person that works out to rap or techno music? we don’t know 
he probably likes whatever is high energy and keeps up with his workout
but would also jam out to abba
likes soft i wanna sleep piano asmr? ya know music you listen to when you’re feeling soft and calm
which he can listen to w his twin
whale noises
rain against your window while you’re trying to sleep by the fireplace 9 hours asmr
dancing queen but you’re drunk in a bathroom at a party in the 80s
folk rock and goth country  (for our cowboy hhehehehe)
just goth rock  (but with him bela lugosi isn’t dead he’s just asleep)
experimental  loud rap like death grips
2005 sad emo music to cry your mascara off to like mcr and fob
he doesn’t have any specific taste in music  and could listen to anything and he means anything
canon theatre kid
you can’t stop him he likes all the musicals
probably into the more romantic ones though
rent, falsettos, hedwig and the angry inch
i really want simeon to play hedwig idk can you imagine it  i cant but would like to
also hear me out: romantic french music 
edith piaf, charles azvnavour, pomme
aka artists you can jam out to but also slow dance with your lover while listening to them
classical music on the outside, loud metal on the inside
he’s that mom that drinks vodka and listens to loud metal for his alone time (you know the vine)
hidden theatre kid
but prefers the more dramatic and challenging musicals
les mis, the phantom of the opera, the great comet of 1812
hums the confrontation from les mis while cleaning the castle (both parts)
disney enthusiast nr 1 dethrones mammon by a lot
you watched all movies with him and now he loves them and demands more disney karaoke sessions with you
probably used to classical music
but hear me out show him 80s rock and he’ll turn into an american whiskey dad
all the dad bands you could think of? he loves them
led zeppelin, queen, kiss, you name it
if you thought belphie had diverse tastes
hoo boy
say hello to the king of randomness
you could put angry classical music followed by metal followed by dad rock followed by  fleetwood mac followed by david bowie followed by idk random spanish summer songs on the radio followed by edith piaf
and that’d be like his normal playlist
listens to anything which means you can go crazy since nothing makes him happier than being properly surprised by something new
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3-1pool · 3 years
what's your favorite...
-portrayal of seb in fic for each era (RBR, Ferrari, AM)
-non sebchal charles ship
-sebchal fall out boy song (since we've been discussing options for a while)
OKAY OKAY some very good questions!!!
STARTING WITH THE SEBCHAL FALL OUT BOY SONG. alone together. that's it that's thee sebchal fob song!!!
as for charles ship i am. not so sure currently. it WAS pierre/charles, but i'm not really. feeling it that much anymore? but i have been. intrigued by charles/alex lately, i think they are. very neat. would like to see more content for them!!!
okay putting the last one under a read more just to save some space on the dash!!
not sure if you mean specific fics or just general characterizations but i got overwhelmed trying to think of specific fics so i am just. going to ramble a bit about general characterizations😭
for rbr i can't really. think of a fic, because honestly i don't read THAT much rbr era seb? there is sebson of course, my BELOVED but i can't think of any fics that have been like. IT for me. (i could. talk abt my LEAST favourite rbr era characterizations for ages but i will refrain lololololol). in generel i think rbr seb just needs to be. obsessed with winning. a bit of a bastard, a bit [jenson voice] cheeky, very. goal-oriented, goal-driven. sees what he wants and goes for it?
and then for ferrari seb i think. still some of that, but more mellowed out. i think with ferrari he kind of had to get used to not winning all the time, but he still. wants. he's just better at knowing when to fight? still like. cheeky. thinks he's very funny. FRIENDLY, i think is a big part of it for me. people like him! he likes people! and then obviously that can be contrasted with like. maybe he doesn't actually like everyone but he is still. mostly friendly. idk
AND for am seb. whom i am obsessed with. uhh a lot of the same really, but what i'm MOST into (and this. is specifically for sebch- sorry i mean cheb fic) is a seb that is like. suddenly not willing to go for what he wants (re: relationships). holds himself back, tries to be? responsible? unwilling to admit to himself what he wants, but unable to fight it. something like that.
this really isn't something i've thought a lot about before!!! i also think it really depends on the fic and the pairing and the setting etc. but it was very interesting to try and put into words so thank u for asking!!
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golbrocklovely · 3 years
I hate salt n vinegar chips lol I hate the smell of vinegar and the taste is just so sour blehh!
I want a jeep too! Either a 4 door wrangler or a Cherokee!
I do and I don't wear makeup, my skin has been so bad the last couple years that any foundation looks awful on me and I can never find my correct shade. When I do put on makeup its at like 3 am and its almost always just eyeshadow lol I have a lot of juvias place pallettes and I just got the James Charles pallette! I really like it. I don't really have money for makeup that I really want so I mostly use drugstore. I like maybelline and loreal a lot. I really want a bunch of MILK products and some more laura mercier products (I only have the powder)
My style right now is honestly pretty basic maybe a little boho but lately I've been trying to channel my middle school emo girl. Trying to live out my og e-girl alt punk dreams lmao probably won't last long though my styles change so much lol
I haven't actually had any memorable dreams lately, thats weird I usually dream a lot and almost always remember them so the fact that I'm just now realizing I haven't been is tripping me out lmao
Have you ever smoked the devil's lettuce? Last book you read? Last 3 liked songs on Spotify (or whatever music streaming service you use)
vinegar smells so bad to me. but weirdly vinaigrette not as bad haha
omg yay ! i kinda want a two door jeep, or whatever is the cheapest tbh. idk why i have fixated on a jeep. it could be from the years i dedicated to watching teen wolf and just believed i am stiles lmao
i recommend if you want some cheap makeup that's actually really good, try colourpop. i have a bunch of their products and they work well. their monochromatic palettes are really nice.
it's funny how much makeup i own when i literally don't use it. i think to some degree i just like that i have the option to do makeup if i want to now lol
that's cool ! i went thru a bit of a boho aesthetic when i first got into college. but i've definitely come back around to my true form: someone that looks like they work at hot topic lmao it's honestly the one style i always feel cute in. i recommend everyone to go thru an emo phase.
i always try to remember my dreams bc sometimes they are just so cool (and i've literally made stories based off of dreams i've had). they don't usually make the most architectural sense, but they're nice nonetheless lol i swear my dream land is basically a m.c. escher painting sometimes
i've never smoked mary j, but i have had it shotgunned at me (basically someone blew the smoke into my mouth). i was really drunk. i don't really recommend it. just actually smoke it if you wanna haha
i started reading a stephen king novel, but never got around to finishing it. it seems good tho. it's called 'the outsider'. but the last full book i read was called 'there's someone inside your house' by stephanie perkins. it was so good i read it all in one night. it's gonna be a netflix movie at some point so i'm excited for when that's gonna happen.
and the last three songs on spotify i liked were actually all from colby's playlist, which is funny bc i don't really listen to it. these were just the songs from the original release that i liked. and i liked all of these back in aug. i don't really use spotify all that much.
two year plan - such gold
have you ever been in love - the ivy
in the middle of it all - citizen
questions: what is your favorite disney channel original movie (halloween themed and regular haha), who's closet would you rather have: sam or colbys?, do you believe in any conspiracy theories?
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misterbitches · 3 years
some thots. having a bad time so this is rougher than usual. oh well
i guess he really does know hiim best cos if that was my mans (man specifically cos if anyone else did that id take it more srsly) i would be like oh my god ur singing me a love song? i would love it but i woudl SCREAM in embarrassment. UNLESS it was a really deep love song that's about us dying together.
like i want to eat ur skin type of thing (drain u nirvana) lmaoa but i really like this song it reminds me of that velvet underground song (the only one i know cos of juno lmao) and nico or whatever 'i'm sticking with you)
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my adhd would be out of fucking control i had to spend my time listening to this looking around i kept getting distracted by a tissue and thinking "wow this song is nice but i wish it would end bc i am getting distracted" and lo and behold i paused it and i have to pee and i know it's gonna take forever to undo this
ok about 12m later i turned it back on and they kissed and then he bit the corn then that night li chen also lost his virgin teas after watching gay porn and being like "hm interesting" and he'll be like "i see, ur dick is not medium sized"
i'm honestly gagging i cannot at this 12 year old marrying his mom
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beautiful theyre beautiful
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ayea you fucking psycho we do too because he was 17 and we had to witness it (or well, other people did cos i didnt watch the show even tho wayne song is [BEEEEEEEEEEEEEP BEEEEEP BEEEEP] and i want him to [BEEEEEEEP] and ppl even liked it which is fine like i get it in theory but they put this in my eyeballs so i'm gonna make fun of it bc it's fuckin DUMB lmao like i can't I CANNOT and he said "u were so persistent" BITCH UR 30??!?!???!?!?!?)capi hve it on mute and i tried to get a screencap of li chen and mu ren like together and not just his face but i cant find the timestamp and seeing their faces as they get married is literalyl traumattizing i'm like scremaing at my screen going "HE'S 5 HE'S 5 HE'S 5" and every time theyre like "we acn live forever together" like no bitch ur bones rae creaking
also is the officiator white? if anyone knows why or if that's common i'd love to know more. EDIT: HE ISN'T I JUST THOUGHT HE LOOKED LIKE MOBY FROM THAT ANGLE
anyway here
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i'm almost done with this fucking bullshit and i am in a really ould mood and usu they make it a bit better but imo it's kind of....annoying i guess balancing all these story elements and introducin gother couples (even in the periphery) since the story in itself can't focus. i feel like all in all the time spent with these two is a lot more limited and we get the feel for the rship because of their chemistry as actors, irl chemistry as friends and colleagues, and hopefully being happy and working on a good set. so it isn't the strength of the writing or production.
for some reason they get like less dynamic ways of being together which i think is part of their charm, they do things their own way, but the writers really should have substantiated this more. it's really just the way everyone in the show has managed to deliver these AWFUL story lines and production decisions (like seriously who the fuck was on costume? lighting?)
like maybe hot take but all the moments that are cringe and insane in the show are not pleasant, per se, because they aren't thought out clearly. so they're not a joy to watch in the normal sense but the actors are good enough to pull it off. i didn't cringe at the talks they had because it felt like actors like acting these lines out instead of us being embarrassed for it and you CAN TELL theyre embarrassed.
this is a huge kudos to the casting director and the actors and whatever crew that actually did a good job. i don't particularly like watching bo xiang and his grandfather husband not because of the content but because i feel like, to me, they're so awkward even though they have chemistry. i don't have that issue with xing si and his rapist brother boyfriend because watching them is actually really pleasant, it's intimate. this isn't to do with the story though because when it hits you how devoid this other person is and how stupid the situation is it changes (for me, for me, for me, this is all my opinion think whateverrrr u want im not telling u 2 ok!)
so truly kudos to this cast. idk if i'm misremembering here but imo the most cast appropriate series in this was crossing the line and close to you. one is a decent atmosphere and execution (yes even with that brother story line, notice the major key differences though because that's a sincere false equivalence. they try to execute power imbalances soooo badly and then fail every time but here's one meant to shock too and it was just likelmao ok girl?)
it may not make sense to say either in a writing way or for the character to do it but i believe that whoever the characters these people are supposed to be especially those super not well written on the page still get that message aacross (yong jie's actor is a good ex. not sure if i should ccongratulate him for having the worst job on earth and the worst character and his character is flat but. ostensibly they should let their actions speak for themselevs but what they do is they back themselves into a ccorner with unsuretyabout their characters or a dilemma that pops up they just want to excuse it. well guess hwat u couldnt do enough legwork. but to some extent the disposable side couple works here on a um "our eyes see them and get it" way
also to me it seems like they chose this story just to have this specific wedding. like it's a timely topic and i'm pretty sure like another provision? (correction? idk) was made WRT taiwanese same-sex marriage so it's topical but it isn't like a "papa and daddy" situation where they're interacting in it and there (for ex: the pride parade) and there being like real life terms and consequences. here it seems like they were like ah yes wedding ah yes dumb couple from modc bc we kiled off the other one sooooo (then outsource them to life love on the line u__u) then hamfisting in some fucking message which is funny bc
- despite the hints peppered in and the clear attraction they both acknowledge ur like ~not gay just him~ even tho...i mean i just. again they dont read over what they write i don't think considering. but wahtever.
- the only gay dude (verbally said) is with his rapist brother with an awful power dynamic oh or IS a rapist (gao) (or his brother but i think it was just a "im a psycho so it's him" thing unless they said it. in which case idc cos i wasnt paying attn but that's also not great) or i guess the wedding but like....that's also a ridiculously inappropriate and dumb relationship taht it's built on. i mean i don't really see much respect her so i dont particularly want to hear abt gay weddings being important when they didn't even utilize it in the story beforehand and have we ever. this is a huge indication to me that it was a reverse engineered chosen story beforehand (if it was one) or thought of
so reversal of that....it didnt give us enough time to breathe with these two at all but for both of the actors they can capitalize what's on the page and the writers didn't. like their dynamic is very i give/you give like taking car eof each other etc that's why
again, no artist worth their salt will ever say their work meant nothing. that's a cover up. i'm sick of lazy production and then getting away with it claiming being subversive or attacking an issue by not doing anything. we show crazy shit all the time but it has a POINT and ur point is "i like the gays" then girl.....i mean it's not great
but the acting really carried it. i have a feeling if this series continues it might continue to use more experienced actors cos maybe the budget goes up but they also have less inhibitions now when it comes to acting. i like the way li chen expresss himself and teng teng too. i like anson a lot and there's some angles that did not do any favors and i think eh has to get more control of his body movements (bc he's SO LARGE and thin) but he wasn't bad at all and there were real human tears. of course i, personally, favor charles tu. he has more control over his body because he has...less to work with and he's a bit bigger and he was really great in this role. he's a himbo a bit of a meathead but you like him. you like them. there's some things i think they had them say and do that they wouldn't let happen if they stuck to the characters and the story (mainly liking that dumb idiot rapist)
what i notice is that the reprehensible actions people criticize others for in the show and in real human life lalways gets turned around. teng teng being surprised that this boy's grandfather boyfriend met him when he was a junior in high school and he's 12 years older and him apologizing for being shocked and then whatshisface going "ur better at it than most people" and then the convo about gao with whatshisface and then rapist brother comes to pick him up. they are admonishing gao but thinking that rapist brother is noble for doin gwhat he did (and oh rapist brother shows up) like the hypocrisy and the decisions are immense. so now it's like "guys see he's a great guy" like girl STICK TO SOMETHING but whatever so i live in this universe where muren and li chen do everything right and have lots of different interesting fun seex with all their friends. i would write this but i cannot i am dying
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notjanine · 4 years
2020 in books!
the only kind of new year’s resolution i made as a naive baby last january was to try to read 40 books for the year. (i read 37 in 2019, for context.) well, with all of my commuting time eliminated and an increased need for immersive escapism, i ended up surpassing that goal three times over lmao (thanks library ebooks!)
idk how to summarize my year in books in a way that makes sense but
(f) = fiction, (nf) = nonfiction, (p) = poetry.
books that rewired my fucking brain:
braiding sweetgrass by robin wall kimmerer (nf)- GOD?!?!?! good. dr. k is right. ostensibly a book about plants, but actually a book about shut up and go outside. consumerism and capitalism are doing their damnedest to fuck you up, but you can just choose to value different things. take care of yourself by taking care of your environment. etc etc.
wasp by richard jones (nf)- lissen. when i got this book, my wasp-phobia was so severe that i had to put it away face down on a high shelf because there are wasps on the cover and i couldn’t bear to RISK even GLIMPSING them. now i am like... a wasp evangelist. (also due to the bugs 101 course on coursera it’s so good.)
wag by zazie todd (nf)- i have a dog, but i am NOT a Dog Person (i.e. i love my dog, but please keep yours away from me, thanks.) this book helped me understand my little guy better, plus it gives actionable tasks and activities to do with and for your pup! plus, y’know, learning about things you’re scared of helps to lessen that fear. i’d recommend this to anyone who has, wants, or regularly interacts with a dog.
a closed and common orbit by becky chambers (f)- is this series complete fluff? absolutely. am i fundamentally different after reading this one? maybe.
the best we could do by thi bui (nf)- this is so far outside of my personal experience but somehow still made me come to peace with my relationship with my mom?? and it’s barely even about that?? idk. this is probably objectively the best book i’ve read this year.
books that were just fun as hell:
mexican gothic by silvia moreno-garcia (f)- this book made me YELL out loud
death on the nile by agatha christie (f)- i grew up on agatha christie shows, but never actually read her before this year! she really was That Bitch. read this before the movie comes out
cosmoknights by hannah templer (f)- i read this in one sitting through the worst headache i’ve had in years. it is a goddamn DELIGHT. this book has everything: spaceships. mech suits. fighting the patriarchy. a perfect otp. fun art in bright colors with clean lines. onomatopoetic WAPs from before the song gave that hilarious context. 800 lesbians. this is an antidepressant in graphic novel form.
stiff by mary roach (nf)- ms. roach is like the 4th most represented author on my bookshelf because she 1. stays writing about shit i’m interested in and 2. manages to talk about gross and ridiculous things without resorting to sensationalism. it takes skill to write a hilarious book about corpses.
black sun by rebecca roanhorse (f)- excellent sexual tension between a horny siren pirate and a hot doomed... monk, kinda? set in the pre-columbian gulf of mexico with magic and shit.
cuisine chinoise by zao dao (? n/f)- this graphic novel about chinese food history/mythology is BEAUTIFUL.
the color of magic by terry pratchett (f)- you’d think a hardcore douglas adams stan would have gotten to this sooner, but no, i had to date a nerdy white boy to get here. it’s fun though! i’m not gonna read them all, but this one was good. bonus: contains one (1) great himbo.
gideon the ninth by tamsyn muir (f)- like 500 pages of action and mystery and jokes and space necromancy. harrow the ninth gets a special mention bc it has a meme reference that took me out so hard i had to close the book, lie down, and groan for an entire minute before continuing.
other minds by peter godfrey-smith (nf)- i love octopuses. on one tma bonus ep, jonny sims says that if a creature can choose to do evil, then it’s a Person. octopuses are People. but anyway frfr this has an explanation of the evolution of consciousness that is cool af. (this one is much better than the other recent popsci octo book which i will not name out of politeness.)
the perfect predator by steffanie strathdee and thomas patterson (nf)- i read this bc my microbiology prof recommended it and it’s cool as heck! it’s got adventure, drama, mystery, Science-with-a-capital-S. i’m biased bc i’m a bit of a microbes nerd, but i had a blast with this. (but only bc we know going in that everything works out okay; if i hadn’t known that, i would have been TOO stressed!)
books that were a little less fun but still very readable:
my sister, the serial killer by oyinkan braithwaite (f)- i couldn’t find this as funny as other people bc i, too, have a beautiful sister who’s an insufferable narcissist, so it hits a little too close to home, but. it is a wild ride.
piranesi by susanna clarke (f)- idek what to say! i went into this one blind just bc it had a cool cover and title, so i guess i’d recommend that for other people too.
the sixth world series by rebecca roanhorse (f)- monster hunting! a post-apocalyptic take that doesn’t feel tired.
the shades of magic trilogy by v.e. schwab (f)- easy escapism. some ideas feel a little first draft-y, but idk, it’s also a pretty simple premise (which isn’t a bad thing). it’s a decent urban fantasy set in ~georgian?-era london. very actiony. suffers from a bit of i’m-not-like-other-girls disease, but i didn’t even notice until book two or three, so.
the only good indians by stephen graham jones (f)- starts off a little ??? (and reeks of being Written By A Man) but picks up. the pacing’s great and there’s just a super fucking cool monster.
robopocalypse by daniel h. wilson (f)- this reads like a tv miniseries so much that i can’t believe it isn’t one yet.
confessions of the fox by jordy rosenberg (f)- not my usual cup of tea, fiction-wise, but still compelling. a fresh take on the white-male-english-professor-self-insert? but not insufferable. gets weird!
spinning silver by naomi novik (f)- rumplestilstkin, but make it interesting! a great, richly-told fairy tale, but like, large scale. good to read on a cold day while you’re wrapped up in a blanket with some hot tea.
interior chinatown by charles yu (f)- compulsively readable. a couple things bugged me, but not enough to make me dislike it. a fun companion piece to how to live safely in a science fictional universe. i like this guy’s style.
cannibalism by bill schutt (nf)- COOL. mostly covers the animal kingdom (fun), spends too much time on the donner party (less fun), ends with a SPICY take on prions that i cannot get out of my head!!!
buzz, sting, bite by anne sverdrup-thygeson (nf)- BUGS! broad but not overwhelming, neither dumbed down nor overly scientific, short enough to finish in a day or two. recommend this to literally everyone.
books that made me want to read everything else in the author’s ouevre:
the time invariance of snow by e. lily yu (f)- this FUCKS but it’s too short!!!
an unkindness of ghosts by rivers solomon (f)- okay this book is SO good and so well-written and interesting and blah blah blah all the good things, but... the whole time, i was just like?? why???? why is this what you’re choosing to write about??? (i did also read the deep and blood is another word for hunger after this one, and i did like them both, especially the latter, but i think they can do better! like i think they could write a perfect book and i am gonna be *eyes emoji* until then.)
the space between worlds by micaiah johnson (f)- a fine debut novel, but i want to see her do something a little more... idk, refined? i think she overreaches here, like it’s a little... idk looper? this is how you lose the time war? there’s a better comparison, but i can’t think of it, but you get the idea. and then halfway through it shifts gears to mad max. there’s something weird about one of the central relationships, like it’s not complex enough to take as long to resolve as it does. idk idk. there are just a lot of little nitpicky things. it’s not bad! but i think she can do better and i look forward to finding out.
postcolonial love poem by natalie diaz (p)- thinky! like i tried to read this before bed, but it’s not the sort of thing to parse out while you’re falling asleep, it requires more attention than that.
books that Learned Me Somethin:
smoke gets in your eyes by caitlin doughty (nf)- i am a self-professed death obsessed weirdo, fascinated by death and mourning, but i didn’t know all that much about what happens to a body between the dying and the funeral! this book isn’t big, but it covers a lot and doughty’s writing style is engaging and honest. it’s very memorable.
queer by meg-john barker and julia scheele (nf)- i’m gonna be totally honest and say Queer Theory is above my intellectual pay grade, but this book takes you by the hand and explains the basics.
vitamania by catherine price (nf)- LMAO my fellow americans, never take a supplement. this book is great and well-researched, but normal folks don’t need to read it, just listen to season two of the dream podcast, which definitely cribbed from this.
vegetable kingdom by bryant terry (nf)- this is a fine cookbook, my favorite of his that i’ve read so far. gets a special mention bc i had a religious experience just reading one of his kohlrabi recipes. absolutely gutted that i didn’t have an opportunity to try it this year, since the pandemic put the kibosh on all family bbqs.
the best american food writing 2020 edited by j. kenji lopez-alt (nf)- this really is just a great collection.
are prisons obsolete? by angela y. davis (nf)- yes.
i moved to los angeles to work in animation by natalie nourigat (nf)- before reading this, i had basically zero knowledge of how the animation industry works. now i know like three things.
the secret lives of bats by merlin tuttle (nf)- BATS! okay this book is more about the adventures of being a bat scientist than it actually is about bats, but there are bats in there. insectivorous bats basically shit glitter, you should know this.
books from valuable perspectives:
hood feminism by mikki kendall (nf)- a breakdown of who’s getting left out of feminist spaces, why that’s happening, and why it shouldn’t be happening.
all you can ever know by nicole chung (nf)- a (transracial) adoptee’s take on adoption and learning more about her birth family. the personal storytelling of this one really stuck with me.
motherhood so white by nefertiti austin (nf)- a single-mom-by-choice’s take on the foster system/adoption process. walks you through some things i always wondered about and some things i wouldn’t even have thought about.
this place by kateri akiwenzie-damm et al (? n/f)- i, like a lot of non- native americans, only know that history in broad strokes. getting this many highly specific stories in one dense and beautiful book felt like a lucky find. and taking that perspective into the future in the context of that history is v good.
empty by susan burton (nf)- eating disorder stories are important to me bc i care about food so much. this one is so relatable- not in its specificity, but rather its generality. it’s easy to empathize with her perspective because it’s like, Oh, i don’t have that exact problem, but i struggle with different problems in a very similar way. (feels like the opposite of roxane gay’s hunger, in a way.)
obit by victoria chang (p)- this exploration of grief is... woof.
short story collections are hard to evaluate bc you’ll never read one where every single story hits but i generally enjoyed these:
a thousand beginnings and endings edited by ellen oh and elsie chapman (f)
how long til black future month? by n.k. jemisin (f)
her body and other parties by carmen maria machado (f)
books i revisited:
the broken earth trilogy by n.k. jemisin (f)- i read the series backwards this time and like... i can’t really find any faults in these books, man. they’re just the best.
everyone’s a aliebn when ur a aliebn too by jomny sun (f... but is it really?)- half of this book’s sales are from me buying it for other people bc it’s the only way i know how to say i love you. i reread it every time just to make sure it still feels right and it always does.
other honorable mentions:
white is for witching by helen oyeyemi (f)- not to pit two bad bitches against each other, but this book does what akwaeke emezi’s freshwater was trying to do. it’s a little weird, a little haunted, a little of a lot of things. read this only in the dead of winter. (and with stephen rennicks’ score for the little stranger playing in the background.)
homie by danez smith (p)- there’s a lot going on here, but this just made me crack a smile a couple times in a way that no other book of poetry has ever done.
the murder of roger ackroyd and murder in mesopotamia by agatha christie (f)- That Bitch!
blues by nikki giovanni (p)- she sure has some Things To Say
the three-body problem by cixin liu (f)- interesting concepts, but... idk something’s missing? felt weirdly soulless to me. i’m probably not gonna read the sequels. but it did make some points!
the sisters of the winter wood by rena rossner (f)- i’m a slut for shapeshifting, okay. but this is a good fairy tale, it works!
parable of the sower by octavia butler (f)- i read this in march, when the pandemic was just kicking off and boy that was not the right time. def my least favorite of hers so far, but an octavia butler i don’t love is still better than a hell of a lot of other books. no idea when or if i’ll get to a good enough headspace for the sequel.
saturnino herrán by adriana zapett tapia (nf)- i got to learn new things about my mans and see some of his paintings i’ve never even seen online! GOSH.
on food and cooking by harold mcgee (nf)- yeah yeah, i’ve already mentioned this book half a dozen times on here this year, but i don’t care. this book lives off the shelf in my home bc i reference it like every other fucking day. this book is a part of me now.
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hereliesbeetlejuice · 5 years
Hey there! I have a question about the DC run! I listened to all the cut songs the other day and I really liked them. Especially Gotta Get Out of This House. But the version i listened to wasn't recorded very well, and I couldn't find any others. Which made me think maybe it hadn't been performed a lot or something? Idk lol. Was it actually in the DC show or was it just??? Some kinda bonus track ¿¿??
Hi! So unfortunately Gotta Get Out of This House along with many others were cut from the show before the DC run even began. Here’s a list of the songs that were in the DC run but didn’t make it to broadway (if you’d like an audio with any of these in particular lemme know!) Put under the cut because I gots shit to say:
Mama Would - gorgeous song Lydia sings about her memories with her mom which was unfortunately cut only a couple weeks into the DC run, but those that went to see it early in the run got to see it
The Children We Didn’t Have - heartbreaking song Barbara sings about the children she wishes they’d had a chance to have when they were alive (in the DC run a lot of their story arc revolved around their trauma from a miscarriage they’d had), and in it she and Adam realize Lydia is the child they’ve always wanted (”The daughter we didn’t have....moved in”) That lasted the whole DC run but was scrapped during the transition to broadway along with the miscarriage and replaced with Barbara 2.0 to keep things a little lighter
Dead Mom Reprise - not to be confused with the current dead mom reprise that happens during Jump in the Line, that didn’t exist back then. This one happens when Lydia is desperately trying to get the handbook opened to see her mom again. It’s very short only like a verse but it’s VERY soft and pretty and sad, I love it so much
Everything is Meh - BOY MOTHERFUCKING INFERNO!!!!!!!!!!!! aka before Miss Argentina got her own song, it was a dead boy band from the 90s called Boy Inferno that welcomed lydia and charles to the Netherworld. They’re one of the things I miss most, they were so funny and their song was amazing. They lasted the entirety of the DC run but were ultimately replaced with Miss Argentina on Broadway
Emily Would - a reprise of Mama Would that Charles sings during his conversation with Lydia in the Netherworld right before Home (which back then was called Running Away), in which he finally talks about Emily and explains the grief he’s felt ever since she died and why he felt he had to close himself off emotionally in order to cut off the pain. I really miss it cause Adam Dannheisser is absolutely AMAZING and Charles deserves a song damn it!!! This one I’m like 90% sure it lasted the whole DC run, but of course never made it to broadway either :/
If I’m forgetting any that you guys know of lemme know, this was all just off the top of my head! Also if you’re interested this article is Eddie Perfect explaining all the different versions of the songs he wrote for the show before they became the version they are today and it’s SUPER interesting, highly recommend :)
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milkslimepearl-tea · 7 years
🎧🎶French Songs Masterpost🎶🇫🇷
French native here ! I absolutely love french in music, especially as it comes in such wide range from political songs to kindda nsfw one. French is a language where you can really play around to write interesting and/or funny songs. This is what I listen often and like ! Ill give a youtube link to every songs, but you can probably find better quality on deezer and stuff, especialy for the old one. I'll also try to sum up each song so you can grab them a lil better, hopefully ! Charles Aznavour - Emmenez moi (1968) A classic. I love it. Makes me wanna travel and have a break lol. Summary : Aznavour want a BRAEK. 🎵 Emmenez-moi au bout de la terre Emmenez-moi au pays des merveilles l me semble que la misère Serait moins pénible au soleil Cyril Mokaiesh - Communiste (2011) Political stuff ; its trashing big companies and capitalism/liberalism. Summary : Mokaiesh talks about all the thing he doesnt like etc. and if it does link him to communism, then he's communist and whatev. i love it. 🎵 ça les perdra De mondialiser l'injustice D's'en asperger de bénéfices Ça les perdra Anne Sylvestre - La faute à Eve (1986) Feminism ! heck yeah ! hard take on how everything is blamed on women, thanks to 🎶christianistics traditiooon🎶 Summary : ève does her best but Adam is a piece of shit ungreatful fuck. 🎵 "Moi, je vais me mettre en grève J'irai pas au paradis Non, mais qu'est-ce qu'Il s'imagine ? J'irai en enfer tout droit Le bon Dieu est misogyne Mais le diable, il ne l'est pas POLO & PAN - Canopée (2016) sweet love song ! my fav. one of my fav groups actually. wonderful lyrics. this on has quite the complicate vocabulary, but you Should Definitely check their other stuff ; its marvelous. Summary : Two ppl living their best in amazonia. the birds are singing, the sun is shining, the trees are tall and green ! 🎵 Des oiseaux nous chantaient leur mélopée Et nous vivions heureux dans la canopée Dartek - Les Kassos this one is very nsfw LMAO hard dubstep i think ? the lyrics comes from a french cartoon, Les Kassos. U can check it out too if u like trash humor. Uh, im not especialy fond of it, but if its ur thing ! the song is still dope af Summary : uhh. hallucinations ? mention of sex and drugs ? uhu Edith Piaf - L'homme à la moto Would who i be if i didnt put miss Edith Piaf in here ?! Not one of her most popular tune tho ! and what a shame. I absolutely love that one and never miss a chance to yeLL IT OUT in the forest w/ my bff. a blast. Summary : A motorcyclist scares the shit out of the country side with his bike. One day he hits a train and THE END ! 🎵 Il portait des culottes, des bottes de moto Un blouson de cuir noir avec un aigle sur le dos Sa moto qui partait comme un boulet de canon Semait la terreur dans toute la région. Rufus Wainwright - Complainte de la Butte Who would i be if i didnt throw Moulin Rouge in there ? bitch see me CRYFIN. Summary: im sad. everybody is sad. The girl is poor. They take shelter in the moulin. Also there is the moon and she's ginger. I love it. 🎵 Les escaliers de la butte sont durs aux miséreux Les ailes des moulins protègent les amoureux Les Fatals Picards - Djembé Man (2007) they sing REALY fast. but god i love les fatals picards. its just so heckin funny igzerhg. Summary: theyre just making fun of ppl who plays djembé at the end of a party and disturbs everyone. 🎵 Si on classait ton bordel sur l'échelle de Richter, Djembé Man c'est vraiment sûr : il manquerait des barreaux Patricia Kaas - Mon mec à moi IM JUST YELLING THE LYRICS EVERYTIME I LISTEN TO IT, I CANT HELP IT. I LOVE IT. also super lyrics. Summary: the boyfriend is telling her fake stories and she's totally into it bc he's cute while he does it and she loves him. its just So Catchy. 🎵Mon mec à moi Il me parle d'aventure Et quand elle brille dans ses yeux j'pourrais y passer la nuit
Oldelaf - La Tristitude I love oldelaf :( check out his other stuff, its amazing (le café really got me goofing around when i was little lmao). he's very smart with his lyrics Summary: "something is as sad as ..." The tile is a joke, triste = sad, so la Tristitude would be, Or a smash between Triste and Solitude, Or a ironic way of saying To be sad. 🎵 La tristitude, C'est quand tu viens juste d'avaler un cure-dent, Quand tu te rends compte que ton père est Suisse-Allemand, Quand un copain t'appelle pour son déménagement, Et ça fait mal Odezenne - Souffle le vent My. fav. Rap band. i love them. theyre total genius. Like really. Their texts are absolutely Wonderful but they are awefully not known enough foR MY TASTE. plz listen to them lmao. check their albums out ; if i would advice one to start, maybe Dolziger Str. 2. but theyre all so great URGH. their songs might be hard bit to understand tho, so u can not comprehend what theyre talking about, but theyre Frickin good if ur looking for good french immersion. Summary: life 🎵 Allons plus loin ! En autarcie. Voir comme c'est beau les ciels pluvieux, Qu'un jour plus vieux, je puisse dire comme tout est beau avec le sourire. La Femme - Nous étions deux electrooo !! YEAY ! i love that one. u can check Elle ne t'aime pas, Sphynx, and Tatiana. its bit hard to understand the singer even for a french person lmao but its Great Material. Summary: a guy cheated on his girlfriend and his trying to find excuses. 🎵 L'autre nuit encore un inconnu étendue allongé dans la rue Il pleurait la vie, il pleurait l'amour il attendait la mort L'autre nuit Angèle - La Loi de Murphy always makes me laugh lmaooo. also the clip Is Real Cute. Summary: what can happen badly, will happens badly ! 🎵 Puis, là, c'est trop parti en couille, y'a d'abord eu la pluie La Loi de Murphy a décidé d'enterrer mon brushing Un mec me demande son chemin, gentille moi je le dépanne En fait, c'était qu'un plan drague, ce con m'a fait rater mon tram Pomme - De là-haut I LOVE POMME. with my whole SOUL. she's so cute. beautiful texts. lesbians texts. love. also her clip are So Artsy And Cool. She's so cool. Listen to ... everything she makes, basicaly, please lmao Summary : She's dead, and its sunday. Les mots qui sortent, qu’on ne disait pas Le vent les apporte jusqu’à moi Tout paraît si limpide, si limpide, limpide Vu de là-haut salut c'est cool - Des fleurs MORE ELECTRO ! funny text, wonderful clips, theyre just so funny. easy going song. check out Crocosmaute and Techno toujours pareil too zieohiorhg please for your own GOOD. Summary : youre a pretty flower. you smell good. we're all flower in the same bouquet. 🎵 Je suis une fleur Je suis une très jolie fleur Je suis plus jolie qu'une rose et je sens meilleur qu'un lila Qui suis-je ? Je suis toi Carmen Maria Vega - J'ai tout aimé de toi. love song. lesbian. trans ! sweet. beautiful. Summary: love song, how her s/o transitionned, and they broke up (i think) 🎵 Tu te rêvais femme tu te disais maudit Je te disais je t'aime Eu étais beau et tu étais belle aussi Te l'ais je dit? Vald - Eurotrap RAP ! RAP ! RAP . my second fav. his songs are doope af. a bit nsfw tho, a bit rude lmao. check out Ma meilleure amie, Désaccordée too ! He talks fast tho, but great for french immersion ! listen with the lyrics its great 🎵 J'ai l'regard dans l'vide comme Joe Budden Comme je m'enrichis, je prends d'la bedaine Dose de méga shit pour qu'je la reperde Dominique Grange - A bas l'état policier (1968) basicaly: acab lmao Summary: the government send the police to beat up the people manifesting on the streets on may 68. this song was made ! 🎵 Puisque la provocation Celle qu’on a pas dénoncée Ce fut de nous envoyer En réponse à nos questions Vos hommes bien lunettés Bien casqués, bien boucliés Bien grenadés, bien soldés Nous nous sommes mis à crier HONORABLE MENTION : Boris Vian (La complainte du progrès), Orelsan (idk, i dont really like him that much ? a lot do tho. maybe Défaite de famille, or La Terre est ronde), Eddy de Pretto (Kid) , Camille (Ta Douleur, Je ne mâche pas mes mots), Woodkid & Louis Garrel (L'aérogramme de Los Angeles), Kathleen Fortin ( Les Moulins de Mon Coeur), Stupeflip (A bas la hiérarchie, Nan si ...) etc. etc. ! ANYWAY french music is awesome ! beautiful ! vast !! PLEASE HAVE FUN ! I LOVE U FOR LIKIN MY WEIRD ASS ELITIST LANGUAGE ! KEEP UP UR DOING GREAT WORKS ! happy listening yall ! ❤️
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lightsandlostbells · 7 years
Skam France episode 9 (S1 finale) reaction
Thanks to everyone who reads these things! I’ve gotten a lot of nice messages and comments since I started blathering my thoughts on Skam remakes into the void, which I didn’t expect, and it makes my day. Even if you don’t agree with me on something, I appreciate hearing your thoughts. I love talking about sad teens and their drama and it has been a grand time talking about sad teens and their drama with others! 
Also thank you to everyone who translates or helps increase accessibility to any of the Skam shows, I am truly amazed by the kindness and generosity of everyone who donates their free time to it. 
Episode 9
Clip 1 - Daphne peed on the wrong stick
Nice job getting in that shot of the condoms and water bottle at the beginning as if to say “I fucking told you so.”
There were apparently several real time errors in this clip in that French students should not have been at school that day, and Daphne mentions having gum at 10 am when the clip dropped at 8 a.m.
This doctor does not quite have the same quality of being from another planet as Dr. Skrulle.
Alex screaming to the heavens about no baby is glorious, but on the other hand, GIRL, you might wanna lower the volume about your friend’s pregnancy scare as people are clearly hearing you.
I love Daphne and think she did a really great job here of being bitter and resigned. I think Vilde was also great in this moment, but I think she was approaching it more from an outwardly (phony) sense of self-assurance. You don’t know want what you’re talking about Noora, I do. And though Vilde is pretty stunned by the doctor’s visit (and tbh I think part of her wanted the baby to be real … but that’s another conversation) you can see her starting to laugh and smile with the other girls before Noora pulls her aside. Then it feels more like cheerful denial that there’s anything wrong with what she’s doing. Daphne seems straight up miserable and defeated.
Clip 2 - Charles creeping again
MY BELOVED THEATER KIDS RETURN. One day they will get their day in the sun. One day. 
TBH Charles has more sleazy charm than William and I can’t determine whether that’ll end up being a good thing or a bad thing.
This clip is WAY better placed than the original, actually! It always seemed off that Noora would be taken in by William telling her she’s beautiful when she still thinks he’s knocked up Vilde. Now that they’ve determined this isn’t the case, it makes slightly more sense. At least that consideration is out of the way.
The only drawback about having the doctor clip before this clip is that it occurs to me that Noora’s conversation with Vilde is likely what prompts Noora tell William to apologize, since Vilde has internalized his words so much to the point of repeating them, and I find it harder to believe that Manon would give a single shit about Charles’ flattery after she’s heard how bad his words made it for Daphne.
Lmao at fucking Charles being like “What are you doing here?” and Manon being like “I go to school here, dipshit”*
* (100% accurate translation)
Wait, this is the same song for the Emma/Yann scene. Is this going to be a Skam France love theme? Will French Even sing it to Lucas?
My favorite thing Emma has done all season was the ensuing text conversation after this clip where she just replies to everything Manon says with “Fuck, you’re so beautiful.”
Clip 3-  Emma and Lucas on the steps
The setup of this scene satisfies one of my burning questions, in that I always wondered what the vibe was between Eva and Isak as they walked over the the bench (awkward) and here Lucas joins Emma on the steps so I don’t have to wonder about their weird small talk or painful silence.
This is the first time where I bought Lucas’ acting. He’s still not exactly wowing me, but I thought he was fine here. Maybe he just needs that very large scarf to hide in to make him seem all vulnerable.
“You smoked at the cabin?” Emma, didn’t you literally see them smoking??
Wait, Tom was supposed to be Ingrid‘s brother? That’s what it sounds like, because why else would Yann contact Ingrid if he couldn’t get through to Tom, if Tom is just some unrelated dude who has weed? I thought her brother was some other guy because Elias was not Norwegian Ingrid‘s brother.  Surely Emma would know Tom as a result of being Ingrid‘s best friend for years, but I don’t think either of them said anything about that, unless I missed it or can’t remember it. At the cabin I didn’t get the vibe they were anything more than acquaintances via Yann. And if Tom is Ingrid’s brother, then doesn’t it make more sense that Emma would hear Ingrid in the background on the phone, and it wouldn’t automatically be a cause for suspicion? It’s not weird for Yann to hang out with Tom.
I think Tom isn’t supposed to be Ingrid’s brother, but this line of dialogue is confusing, considering they changed it from Yann not being able to reach Ingrid’s brother to not being able to reach Tom. It doesn’t make sense to get Ingrid to get in touch with Tom; the chain should go Tom -> Ingrid’s brother (who also has weed) -> Ingrid.
They changed a bit from where Isak owned up to being shady when Eva asked him about hearing Ingrid‘s voice over the phone, he implied that he kind of suspected it wasn’t anything serious and figured it had to do with the drugs, and he acknowledges that he could’ve told Eva this, and he gave her bad advice to ask Ingrid about it. Lucas says he swears he didn’t know, which is kind of funny because IMO, Lucas seems way sneakier and more plotting in that scene than Isak did.
I do appreciate changes to the material but since they’re keeping most of it the same, I wish that they left in the line about karma being a bitch and Emma understanding how Ingrid would’ve felt, because I think that was a thematically relevant line. 
Aw, it was sweet to see how Yann smiled and seemed so happy when Emma called. It’s a shame I like him so much more away from this relationship. He seems so pumped for their meeting. I think Yann is a little needier than Jonas and it affects their relationship positive and negative ways, like I think maybe he’s a little more attentive than Jonas, but he also seems to get more threatened by potential obstacles to their the relationship.
Clip 4 - The Emma/Yann breakup
Yann is so sweet and charming here, like I get why Emma fell for him.
So the final bit of this clip worked pretty well for me! 
I said in another post that the three scenes they needed to nail were the skate park, Ingrid in the bathroom, and breakup scene, and while I didn’t think this was as powerful (mostly because the season-long buildup didn’t make it feel as earned) I still thought this was a strong scene, definitely the strongest of those three.  
I loved the sweet moment of Yann holding Emma on the steps and them smiling sweetly at each other, and that was an aesthetically appealing, tastefully done semi-sex scene, especially the shot with their hands. Although I did find myself wondering if they sat on the steps and then smiled at each other like “let’s go have breakup sex” or if they banged it out, put their clothes back on, and cuddled outside. TRUE TO THE ORIGINAL in that regard. 
More Seinabo Sey songs, love her.
Clip 5 - Ending party
The Emma/Yann hug is really sweet and makes me think the breakup is going to be less fraught, more amiable. which, IDK, it kinda feels like it should be more fraught considering these two are supposed to be very much in love? But it also makes me buy them airing season 2 so soon after S1’s finale, if Yann and Emma are going to be on more friendly terms.
Also the general atmosphere of the scene is more lighthearted. The music too, not as much of a serious tone.
Lucas was all right acting-wise in this scene, too. 
INGRID AND EMMA NEED TO HOOK UP. I can’t say I shipped it in OG Skam but here … they should get together.
Ingrid, Sara and Imane dancing together is great.
Also Ingrid is there when Daphne tells Imane and Alex about Charles, awwww.
I love Daphne. I know I’ve said that a million times but she’s the MVP of Skam France.
The shot of Lucas with Yann definitely did not have that immediate SO THAT’S WHY HE DID IT effect. Yo, Skam France, remember how some of us were like “You’re telegraphing Lucas’ crush on Yann too hard?” Well if ever there was a time to project that shit from an IMAX, THIS WAS THE MOMENT. 
Forreal, Lucas is paying about as much attention to Yann as to the other dude standing next to them. Where is that OTT longing gaze? 
You’re holding a drink, dude, you could give us a dose of innuendo by slurping on that straw while you make eyes at your bro.
But then again, I guess no moment can be as OTT as when you have “Gay Bar” as your musical accompaniment.
There is a major continuity error in the scene because the other guy that is in the scene with Lucas and Yann can be seen behind Manon immediately in the next shot, so either he has a twin who dresses exactly the same or he teleported.
As much as I love Isak’s love of BUTT as the final moment, closing the season on Manon and Charles is a perfectly logical choice for leading into S2. Although lol, the lyrics being like “I’m just waiting for my day to come” are very creepy, Charles. “Cause something inside has changed” is better, though.
General comments:
They should’ve ended this season with the girl squad’s party, dude. Doesn’t that seem like a fitting finale? If the object is to gain popularity at school, shouldn’t they do it as soon as possible so they gain some capital before the popular senior guys leave?
One benefit about airing the next season right after S1 instead of taking a few months is that I can at least buy that they could have the party at the end of season 2. The longer they draw it out, the less it makes sense.
Lucas was definitely panicking and trying to be overly nice in that text to Emma post-Camille’s party. Emma was keeping it cool and Lucas was like I HOPE ALL IS WELL AHAHA WE’RE SO FRIENDLY :D :D :D oh god don’t tell Yann
Right now, I don’t have many thoughts about the season as a whole that I haven’t said before. Emma’s character arc is somewhat muddled, certain plot developments and characterization don’t make sense, the show overuses music, the girl squad dynamic is one of the show’s better qualities, marry me Daphne, marry me Ingrid, etc etc.
My main takeaway is that, out of the three remakes that have aired so far, Skam France definitely has less of a personal identity than Druck or Skam Italia. Even with those shows being early into their first seasons, I can already tell they’re more distinct adaptations with more done to fit their respective cultures. That’s not to say either of those versions are perfect or that Skam France doesn’t have its own strengths, but I would very much like to see Skam France develop more of a unique personality. Not sure if they can do that until S3 since they’ve already filmed S2 and can’t incorporate viewer feedback. It depends on how much it is going to reflect original Skam’s S2; judging by the trailer, it feels like the answer is A Lot.
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rockybalfeatherboa · 7 years
getting these mtl headcanons outta my system
This is a long ass post but these r some random metalocalypse hcs that I feel kinda strongly abt some r real silly ok here it goes 
Aka me projecting
Toki - Enjoys activities like roller skating, weight lifting and boxing (that’s why he’s yknow fucken ripped) - Also enjoys model cars but not nearly as much as his beloved fighter planes - Thick brows - Hair is very thick and smooth (and,,pretty) but he doesn’t put a lot of work into is making the other guys kinda jealous - Sometimes shaves his legs below the knee but that’s it - Does shit like host teen choice awards and guest star on children’s tv shows BUT THEN acts surprised when kids love him,,,tf bitch this is ur fault - Absolutely loves physical affection he fuckin loves hugs and kisses!!!! - Prefers making out and titty groping groupies (and maybe a blowjob) over having sex with them .. but will still do it if he feels like he’s up to it - Kisses with his eyes open (and overall just real fuckin weird ok) - Keeps the video from Juliette sarmangsadandle in his nightstand he treasures it - Mostly writes his own keyboard parts for songs - Band thinks he’s hilarious when he doesn’t try to be but when he tries to tell jokes they don’t work ,, but he’s really funny in Norwegian it’s just the jokes don’t really translate too well so he just,,keeps it to himself - Pickles taught him how to smoke and now they like to chill and smoke together it’s like “their thing” - But he’s really picky about it he only smokes indica - (This is me projecting) Learned the phrase “if u feelin froggy then jump” and never stopped using it
Skwisgaar - shaves e v e r y t h i n g bc of 1) the aesthetics and 2) loves the way it feels - long lovely legs - huge fucken feet - has a klokateer pluck and tweeze his eyebrows them shits be on fleek - cries in secret at least once a day it’s become routine - He kept in touch with his Swedish gf for a while but then fell off and went back to hoeing #hoe4lyfe - Secretly wishes he can go back to wearing all white but he has to maintain brand recognition bc of the band - Wears very slight sweet smelling cologne behind his ears and wherever else cologne goes - Either eats a fuckton or not very much during the day,, keeping his metabolism on her toes - Guitar playing for him is like ultimate stress relief and also he fidgets with it he loves that thing - Has a book of various songs or riffs that he’s written on the guitar that dethklok will never ever use - Wears highlighter - Has run into one of his grown ass children in the bank one time and had to get the fuck out of there immediately,,they didn’t realize it was him tho -  Puts his feet on nathan just to bother him - Great teeth / really conscientious about hygiene - Cold hands and oily skin type - He has a pretty good sense of rhythm but ,, he can’t dance he can’t dance for shit oh my god it’s a disaster to look at - “I look like I can’t cook… that’s accurate” - When he drinks wine he does that thing where he swirls it around like a bougie piece of shit - Lactose intolerant :/ - Talks with his hands a l o t it’s over dramatized and very fascinating to watch - Responds to compliments with “I know”
Murderface - closet gay*   *gay but he grew up in such a homophobic environment so he tries to ignore it and pretty much force himself to be straight, explaining his constant trouble with women (Bc the attraction isn’t genuine ) and his fragile masculinity (so he’s always a “fellas is it gay to-“ or a “no homo” type of guy ),, his self esteem issues don’t help this out at all - big fuckin crush on skwisgaar (and skwis loves the attention) - sleeps with a retainer - hair is so dry,,,,,,please give this man some conditioner oh my god - knows pretty much everything about the civil war and the American revolution literally ask him anything he’s like a textbook - Somebody come get this man a pedicure - He has a lot of fans and they adore him it’s just that he’s oblivious to it,,, ppl love murderface!! - He’s not as ugly as he thinks he is or that people make him out to be, it’s just that people may think that only Bc the rest of Dethklok is so pretty. He kinda just ends up looking the worst by four-way comparison. It’s just a different type of look he has there’s nothing really wrong with his appearance - Imma go head and say it,,,he uses “y’all” - He and toki have actually made some decent songs for planet piss but it’s usually when they’re jamming out so they pretty much never get recorded 🤷🏽‍♀️ or remembered - He can move his dick voluntarily I mean I already knew that people with dicks can do this but murderface has like a whole new level of control with his - Got banned from Fintrolls bc he pissed in the olives but he just keeps coming back bc what are they gonna do? nothing - He takes his weapon/torture device collection very seriously like when u walk into his room u better not touch a damn thing or so help me -
Pickles - has nose piercings but doesn’t wear em - Small ear gauges - Strong toned legs especially shins and calves - Has not had a swig of h20 in 6 years but somehow has nice skin (a mystery) - Loathes Seth but absolutely a d o r e s  the baby!!! He loves that damn baby and always appreciates when Seth or amber send pics or FaceTime call !! Fuckin uncle pickles!! - Helps toki compose his keyboard parts for songs (Bc he too can play the piano) - Kinda flexible but not as he used to be,,he used to be able to do a full split - Likes to bug Charles a lot bc they’re the closest in age , sometimes they hang they’re good buds - Watches shitty reality tv (bad girls club, LHHATL (it has to Atlanta), etc) as a guilty pleasure - Kind of an asshole but in a way that leaves u wanting more - Played basketball freshman year of highschool,, he was ass at it lmao - Idk how much this has to do with being a headcanon but if pickles was a vine he’d be “I said whoever threw that paper, ya moms a hoe” he just carries that energy - Smells like a light combination of weed and cologne it’s really nice - Will tell one of his band mates to go blow their nose if they’re sniffling too much
Nathan - doesn’t like it when people touch his hair without asking but HOWEVER if u ask before u do he’d probably say yes ,, just gotta warn him first damn - Hates hates h a t e s feet it’s like a weird squirmy phobia. He’s ok with his own feet and just *seeing* other peoples feet but let someone’s bare foot touch him and he’d probably black out tbh - Really socially awkward outside of his stage presence but I think we all knew this - Nathan’s really sweet he just ,, u gotta know him - Really emotional when he’s drunk - Secretly cussing out everyone in his head - He doesn’t completely dislike physical affection but he’s not crazy about it either - Also kisses with his eyes open (but unlike toki he’s trying to work on it) - Dad bod but we all knew this too - Slightly introverted ..he likes to party and shit but can only take that much social interaction for so long then it’s time for him to go home - Eyes are so striking and pretty oh my god it’s like they’re shining it’s all his gfs favorite thing about him - ,,,,,,,thicc - He’s one of those people that rip off their hangnails instead of cutting them 😖 - He can throw down on the grill goddamn why isn’t he in charge of snacks? - Knows how to suture a wound with some level of proficiency - He loves his parents he just hates how they embarrass the fuck out of him god leave me alone mom and dad! - This is ironic to the last thing but remember that video where it was like “son let me hear some of your music” “I don’t think you’d like it” “c’mon let me listen” and the song is just “I hate my dad I hate my dad I hate my dad” the whole time yea that was Nathan in high school - Strong arms (b,,beautiful) - As a kid he used to poke at roadkill for uhh entertainment - Used to be self conscious about his reading glasses but doesn’t gaf anymore - Severe case of resting bitch face he’ll literally be chillin but his face will be mean muggin but that’s just the way he looks - Tried PCP and ended up having to be chained to his bed betcha he’ll never smoke that shit again - likes crime investigation shows and serial killer documentaries - Will n e v e r  refuse a fresh hot salted pretzel
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peace-and-disquiet · 8 years
Ignore this
First One Hello Second Purgatory and all the shit Third one Why are movies so like under like a man thing is it because they like to look at things more? Women edits the film Bisexuality- several definitions Bisexuality-negative stereotypes NOPE bisexuslity-what it actually is I like being sick because it's a physical representation of what is going on in my brain. People can finally see that there is something wrong. They cant just take my word for it and they won't be able to see the inner workings of my brain. I like being sick because I know there's something wrong and at least it's on the outside now. Intelligent fools I'm high on devotion "Be happy please" -Roman I'm so ironic A girl with commitment issues that wants tattoos You want me to be as flat as Texas but I am like the rolling hills of California Nothing more mostly yes You taught me how to love and lose myself I don't know who I am or where I belong you took that away so just find a place for me to stay La La Land Short film from kid perspective only see legs moving and audio While taking off from LAX I was looking out the window and it hit me. I flew over the place that I've lived my whole life in. The place that will be hard to escape. It was almost tear dropping. But then I remembered, I remembered everything. This place looked so beautiful from above with the lights shining and it being so untouchable, but it's terrifyingly devastating how horrible it is once you land. Once you leave the airport and go back to your life. And it made me realize that it is like that everywhere, no matter where I go it will be like that. There really is no happy place anywhere. Then I looked again and I remembered the places where I had the greatest memories and met the greatest people. Despite the extensive amount of bad in the world these places still shown through. It made me love these memories twice as more. Look again. sockhead: Two people on couch one gets up to grab water and walks over to box and empties it out and puts it on head then walks back to couch sits looks at other person gets up paces walks funny turns around does a spin and walks to other person and says "would you like a dance" "Look at this post Your battery percentage is the age you lose your virginity What's yours at *pulls out phone* lmao it's at 16 and I'm 16 Exactly" And you can tell what happens next First scene is someone people watching and them getting stuck on one person and they go to their friend and is like "I was people watching but I got stuck on this one person *describes*" "Who is my someone in the crowd?..hmmm... WHERE IS MY SOMEONE IN THE CROWD HUH WHERE ARE THEY *cries*" Idk that's usually what I say when I want the world to fuck off Future short film: Foggy (silent) Trust goes both ways -rogue one Let's tell him how much we love him Falling in love with some is loving a person so rapidly, you just figure out the person automatically basically. Falling in love with someone gradually is the best feeling because you never know what is coming or what you feel. Once you know what it is you either regret it or embrace it. Nothing can ever be that perfect. That's what makes it beautiful Your voice is like a lullaby Scene or picture: All kinds of couples kissing in front of the Hollywood sign All cute and poop and then boom It's a misconception of a heart... I don't like misconceptions. I no longer fear death because I know that when I die it means that I am being taken out of this world because I have fulfilled my sole purpose so there is no point in me being here anymore. So Roman you and Irene are hanging out at some place together and you guys are left alone cuz Roman had to go somewhere but Irene looks at you all mad but as she pounces on you, you start making out... Irene only dated Roman to get to izzy Most underrated scene: when someone is going through something and they kick something and more stuff comes down Well shit Google translate to I Love You Use human nature in short film with ending like bad things (one person turns around) or in any love short film Covers: Secrets What a wonderful world Fly me to the moon Breaking Free w/ Roman Something New w/ Roman Creep Walt Disney is evil "The hardest part is the fact that I would do it all again" Oh you don't know me until you've seen cry about a boy cuz there's hurt in the world oh you don't know me No matter how much you wanna forget how much you loved someone because it hurts you would still do it all again "I mean when I love I love hard ya know" "It excites me that one day I will just leave" "The idea of running away intrigues me" I was too scared to love her If I lived in the places where my parents are from I would have the almost ideal body type but no I live in Cali where it's filled with impossible goals but hey even over there the goals are still impossible but society loves telling women all over the world that they have to look a certain way to be beautiful or to have people be attracted to them but hey we can't really do shit about it cuz it already affected our generation but we can help stop it for our kids or grandkids cuz it's fuckin unbearable Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one improvising Lets say all the things we never said I'm under my bed the scary man is in my head I love you Alex I love you and I fuckingn hate you -OITNB Sock head:can it go in notes? Song for girl You're a cool hat because you go over people's head Mom:I better not get a grandchild anytime soon Me:well that ain't gonna happen cuz one of us is gay and the other one sucks at getting into relationships "Ask no questions and you'll be told no lies" -Charles Dickens The city Sock head *kissing* *pulls away just a bit* what are we doing? Idk Okay *continues* You kick it up but it comes back down with more crap I have to go see about a girl -Good Will Hunting My whole life I was told to just slap a smile on and don't feel only be happy and normal but as I got older I realized that the beauty and meaning in life is feeling. The smile was still there but only when I meant it so it became more special. For once I was truly happy and had real friends. It's insane the things we're taught as kids because they really hold us back from life. Unreasonably obsessed You've made it-engaged-reality-join-idealize Love-laughter-talk They say the best way to move on is to let go as if letting go is the easiest part To house cats their home is their earth Seventeen Laying down staring up camera in front first scene rest shows how the person should change but last scene is same thing Walking out of house furious walking swamp scene Last first kiss Ten Commandments of film Prince Charming would never settle for you-bo burnham Beatify=violent Some Future stranger I got my mom a mug on her birthday she got a mugshot on mine It was something...a great story...just not a novel (it's not a poem) Life really does teach you how to live it if you live long enough Gentlemen you can't fight in here this is the war room -Dr Strange Love CURRENT Perspective What is it exactly that you see in this (July 7th) TATTOOS Music passage on rib cage (Creep) 28, 3, 10, 4, 7, 8 on forearm like it would show up on fortune cookie Equal sign behind ear Music not thumb Lame on middle finger w/Amanda Let life be A-live Aliento Love only Simplicity Not enough to time for time outs (tattoo and idea) Perspective tattoo Three spiral tattoo Pulse tattoo Viking symbol tattoo Roman Numerals (18) (17) Passion Now Ellipses Semi colon Vegvisir compass Hakuna Matata symbol Arrows Music note Bicycle Faceless cat tattoo or cat tattoo Moon tattoo Tree tattoo ™ tattoo Equality (two lines) & City outline tattoo Silhouette Parentheses FILM TITLES In the eventual reality It's not the first time someone has walked away from something beautiful It's Not a Poem (film idea sammy) Person thinks that they're in love but the other one is like "hey reality" etc. People who fear death die everyday people who don't die only on one day-Julius Ceaser The light at the end of the tunnel is behind us It's still real (film idea) Because The Movie Ends (film idea)NAH What's your mentality Do you need the past to have a future Do you need a future to have a past Right answer:You need the now to have anything SONGS We're falling apart together Le-e-E-t meeee lovvvee youuuu Sock head We're just PG-13 (idea) Lost stars One piano hit City Oauahhhhhohhhh Stars Music Headphones Pearls=lights Let me be afraid Light bulb lantern sleep eat Connected Flowin rivers Whimsical Running through the flowers falling for the hours oh time goes on no mercy for the broken Caannnn iiiii SEEE tonight Ohhhh dreeeaammsw tooo faarrrr rreeaacchh dying slowly aging with faces taking the lights breaking it down Falling towards nothing but it feels like something Candle Julius Ceaser Kissing on a grave yard Wrinkled hearts fading spades Numerology Crumbs I feel so bad I broke a plastic man SCENES Camera on girl calm face then she winces and starts screaming FIGHT BACK *pause* FIGHHT BACK *pause* then the camera goes to the side girl is looking in mirror *full mirror shot* as girl screams (score is like insane and then is white noise as she screams then like a gust of wind as the scene cuts) Car crash two people in car siblings scene goes Car flipping silence car flipping silence car flipping silence car flipping silence for slightly longer then one of the siblings waking up like the car hit the floor and looks at dead siblings wide eyes swallows crawls out of window looks at car wide eyed turns around looks at people getting out of their car wide eyed then walks limping and dripping blood maybe possibly when far away from camera just dropping dead (either ending or beginning) RANDOM IDEAS 818-fuc koff Kissing on a graveyard I can feel myself falling as I lay on the floor Death is the hour of life You're in a cage-what cage?-life You can't come to terms with reality reality comes to terms with you I'm addicted to addiction I wanna try acid you? I wanna try cigarettes well that's boring Doing drugs in front of chuck e cheese The extra that no one notices If I wanted somebody to die I would've killed them myself Meaningful regrets You know when people jump off a bridge to commit suicide well when they fall into the water they slowly float past the other uncared for yet loved souls This guy fucks a manikin and then he dates this girl and she's like a manikin She graduated from being raped to being murdered Why should I die? I'm not the asshole The Public:They like you they dislike you they hate they want to kill you they love you You know me in your marrow The fact is that it The unlikely couple Emails what a bunch of load of shit Is it that I people care for a little bit or is it that they just don't care How long do we have to deal with this? Till we don't "There's no such thing as the past when you haven't had a future" I've realized that there is nothing telling me yes but you Ankh Fuck shit you Life Death Truth Lies Don't you wish that there was a way to know you were in the good ol days before you left them I wish there was cuz I would go back Love just is Lost in a world full of love There is no light There is no everything without death Every mask rips My hand are like mini earth quakes My stomach has a heart beat "Do you want him to be your English teacher" "I know how to speak English" "He was drunk" We only die on one day It can either be a child or a penis (kid) I have a lot of pictures of my plants Texting your sexuality We were forever Scared to Come out to a parent who works at a place called pride A man named John Prays calls crash die Uh sorry my email isn't working right now Candle I go to grammar I know synononomns my wardrobe is mostly flannels because I took a flannel from every person that I loved It took forever to get out of my moms manipulation growing up and then I was thrown into his and I got out of it and then I get out of that and I'm trying not to get into anything else like that Growing up my mom would always make me do things or make me feel things and the actual me would only pop out occasionally and during that I would just live in fear and its like that again and I really hate it because now it's not just her I just want to leave cali But that's gonna be really hard and even my family says that I won't leave because I care too much and even though my mom does so much crap to me I can't leave her alone because she doesn't know how to be and she'll go crazy Because my brother will be here but he's not good at this I've had to do it my whole life because he was non existent I've been taking all of it from both parents and all of my family my whole life And I still get compared to my brother and my family says I'm copying him just because I like some of the things he does and I told him about things that he really likes now but no I'm copying him She's always made me do things and never let me be my own person because I'm so god damn afraid of her And I ant escape it and it freakin sucks even more now because I'm aware of it but I don't want to be oblivious again because I never had good experiences then Now I do occasionally like I feel now and I have actual friends but now it's just stale and it sucks because for some stupid ass reason I close myself off Because I'm scared that everyone is gonna be like what I grew up with Or that I'm gonna have to leave them So I screw up good crap or I don't let stuff be great just good I can't help it because at the time where I could've defined myself a little bit it was mostly what my mom told me to be and fear and now I'm kind of just everywhere still afraid And I'm scared of the future because I feel like I'm gonna get into a relationship or have friendships where I'm controlled Of be stuck doing something I hate Just slap a smile on and walk away At this point the smile is kind of necessary for other people that I love so I have to do it so people can not like explode so it's fine it's kind of normal now My brother and I just wrote music for a song and like idk it's weird cuz we were kind of just improvising and then this kind of thing rose from it and like we were playing together and we ended it and we both looked at each other and he was like "woah that hit me really hard" and I was like "I almost started crying" and he was like "me too" and so like idk I guess the notes and Rhythms hit a soft spot All cute and poo and then boom
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