#maybe a meg and christine adventure?
britishchick09 · 3 months
the next rewrite short story was originally about meg seeing the romani side of her family. i did a lot of research using sources from roma, but it's hard to come across more info...
and people say not to write romani stories if you're a gadjo :/
so now i'm back to square one and don't know what meg story to write! 😅
here's what i had so far:
 Meg hummed a cheery tune as she walked down the stairs of her apartment building. She stopped once she reached the landing and looked over her shoulder. Luckily, no one was around. She grinned and hopped onto the banister.
"Whee!" she exclaimed while sliding down, a breeze ruffling her short curls.
Once Meg reached the floor, she ran to the mail room, which contained blocks of little mailboxes. She opened up the Girys' box, finding a single envelope. She grinned at the familiar handwriting on the front and ripped it open. The letter within read,
Hello, my little blûma! Today, my tribe and I have settled in the Senart Forest. We will be here until Friday. Please feel free to stop by! Give some love to your mother for me. ~Dad
Meg gasped. She sped up the stairs, wrinkling the rug as she went. It didn't matter that she nearly slipped on the way up!
"Dad's coming!!!" Meg called, waving the letter around after bursting through the front door of the Girys' flat.
"Oh!" a startled Christine exclaimed as she walked through the hallway. "Your father is visiting?"
"No, but he's nearby. His band is living in the Senart Forest for a week! He usually travels through the west and south for harvests and all that. He's never been this close before!" Meg squealed. "I'm so excited to see him!"
"You don't know if you'll see him just yet. You need to get Madame Giry's permission."
"Oh, I know she'll say yes. She can't refuse a visit!"
Meg took Christine's hand, taking her down the hallway. Madame Giry was cleaning her spectacles' lenses in her bedroom.
"Mama!" Meg exclaimed. "Dad is nearby! Can we visit him?"
"He is?" Madame Giry asked with a raise of her eyebrows. "Where might he be?"
She put her glasses back on to read the letter, which Meg handed to her.
"Can we go?" Meg asked. "Please, please, please, pleeease?"
"Spending a couple days in the forest with Jules would be wonderful," Madame Giry said with a smile. "We'll go tomorrow!"
"Yay!" Meg cheered, spinning around with a cheer (and almost knocking into her mom's desk!). "We're seeing Dad!" She looked at Christine. "Oh, and so are you!"
Christine frowned. "Why me?"
"Because you're my sister, of course!" "But I'm your Sister Not Sister."
"Yeah, but that still counts."
"I'd like to go, but…" Christine looked down at her fingers, which she fiddled with while asking, "What if your father's tribe doesn't like me?"
"Of course they'll like you. Why wouldn't they?"
"Because I'm not Romani." "Mama isn't, and she's going," Meg wrapped an arm around her. "Sure, you're a gadji, but you're a respectful gadji. Right?"
Christine nodded. "Oui!"
"Then it's settled. My whole family will be together!"
 "I'm ready to go!" Meg announced that afternoon.
Madame Giry smiled as she walked into the room. "There's still one more thing to take care of…"
From Meg's closet, she took out a pale yellow pleated skirt with a pink and orange teardrop design. Unlike the short skirts Meg usually wore, this one went down to the tops of her feet.
Meg groaned. "Mama…"
"I know the length bothers you, but it would be quite improper to walk around with your legs showing," Madame Giry smiled. "Besides, this is your favorite color."
Meg smiled. "I do like yellow… Especially since my cousins call me khil!"
"What does that mean?" Christine inquired.
Meg turned around, seeing her friend standing near the doorway. "That's the Sinte word for 'butter'. Like my skirt, see?" Christine's eyes brightened. "And my hair!"
"My cousins would call us khil phens… butter sisters!" That caused Meg and Christine to giggle.
After having her daughter try the skirt on, Madame Giry said, "It's a little snug around the waist, but it'll do."
Meg twirled, causing the skirt to fan out. "Now I'm ready to go!"
 That evening, Meg and Christine met up with Erik and Raoul at Palais Garnier. They shared a spaghetti dinner in Erik's dreamery.
"I have the best news ever," Meg said after slurping a wiggly noodle. "Christine and I are visiting my dad for a couple days!"
"You're going on another vacation?" Raoul asked. "But we just got back from Perros!"
"More like seven days ago." Erik corrected him, smirking as Raoul gave him a look.
"It's a lot closer than Perros," Meg said with a smile. "Besides, I can't pass up seeing the Roma side of my family. It's been two years!"
Raoul took a bite of spaghetti. "So you'll be on the road in a caravan?"
"No, his band is settling in the Senart Forest for a a few days," Meg giggled. "It's the real version of this place!"
"Castil-Blaze created a pasticcio called La Forêt de Sénart," Erik said. "He incorporated some music from Carl von Weber's Euryanthe even though Weber said not to, which… didn't go so well."
"Ooh, opera drama! Dad and I won't be traveling, but we'll sleep in his vardo. That's the Romani word for 'caravan'. And the Sinte Romani word for 'tomorrow' is 'tajsa'."
"Is there a Sinte word for 'friend'?" Christine inquired. "I'm sure you'll be telling your family all about us."
Meg grinned. "There is! It's 'mal'."
"Mal." Christine, Erik and Raoul said together, making everyone smile.
 During the hour long carriage ride, Meg told Christine about her dad's family.
"I'm sooo excited to see him and my cousins and aunties and unclies! Wait, is unclies a word?"
Christine giggled. "It works!"
The heat of the early July sun faded as the carriage passed through a canopy of trees. Meg wiggled her fingers. She was itching to run all the way to her dad's vardo!
*future scenes*
"Chey!" a voice called out the Sinte word for 'daughter'.
"Dad!" Meg exclaimed. She barreled into her father, giving him a hug so big that it knocked his hat off! He chuckled and said, "How is my little blûma doing?"
Meg smiled at her flowery nickname and said, "She's very kushti!"
"Just 'nice'? You seem like you're doing great!" "I am! I just forgot the word for that. But I've been brushing up on my Sinte with my friends."
"Now that's very kushti!"
"It's great to relax for a few days. No picking tomatoes and carrots for me! I'm especially glad to not be chopping onions. They always have the saddest things to say."
Christine giggled.
"This is Aunt Leonora. She's Dad's oldest sister."
Aunt Leonora wore a white blouse with puffy sleeves and a deep blue skirt with gold stripes. Her long dark gray braids peeked out from her floral headscarf.
"Hello," she said to Christine. "Who's your family?"
"Gustave Daaé and Charlotte Leroux," Christine replied. "They've both passed on, so the Girys are my family."
Aunt Leonora smiled. "I welcome you here. Would you like some čajo? Tea with strawberries."
"That sounds lovely! I'll have some."
"Peaches for me!" Meg added.
Aunt Leonora patted a sofa in the middle of the caravan. "Besh, besh!" she told the girls to sit down. "Tell me everything you've been up to since we saw each other last."
"Everything? But that's so much to talk about!" "Tell me some of it, then. Most of it! It will pass the time."
While Aunt Leonora made cajo on the stove across from the couch, Meg caught her up on the past two years. Christine even chimed in with some of their adventures!
"Oh, there's my cousin! His name's John."
Christine frowned. "That doesn't sound like a Roma name."
"It isn't! That's his gadžikano name. It's used around gadjo and on official documents. I can't tell you what his Roma name is."
"Does that mean your father isn't Jules Giry?"
"He is! But he's also-" Meg pursed her lips together. "Something very nice."
John scowled. "It's all because of people like her!"
He pointed to Christine, whose face turned pink. "Me?" she asked. "Yes! Gadje have done nothing but hurt us. They call us gy-"
"Don't say it!" Meg exclaimed.
"The G word and turn us into stereotypes. Worst of all, they force other Romani tribes to assimilate!" He pointed to his black eye. "They smack our culture with disrespect."
"I would never force you to become French," Christine said. "You should be able to live as you are. Gadje shouldn't force anyone to change!"
"Mmm, what's that smell?" Meg asked.
"Bogacha." Dad replied.
"Bogacha… That means…" Meg looked down at her skirt in thought, inhaling the scent of the… "Bread!" "Exactly! We'll need some cold, fresh páni to go with that."
Meg was confused until Dad's eyes glanced at the…"Water!" she exclaimed. "We'll need páni to go with our bogacha."
Dad put a hand on Meg's shoulder. "Very kushti!"
"She's not your real sister." her cousin said.
Meg frowned. "What do you mean? Of course she is!"
"She doesn't look a thing like you! And she's a gadji."
"That's because she's my Sister Not Sister. But she's still part of the family!"
"Be sure to wear an apron before you help," Dad said. "You don't want your skirt to become impure."
They sat in front of the fire, which burned bright just outside the vardo.
"Would you like me to play the gaïga?" Dad asked, taking out a violin.
"My papa used to play that!" Christine exclaimed with an excited clasp of her hands.
"Did he?" Dad smiled. "I'm sure he was wonderful."
0 notes
azaleapaperpad · 10 months
Red Curtains and Chandeliers
Phantom of The Opera (Broadway version)(Merik) x GN! Reader (Part 3) WC: 1266
Your friend dragged you over to the staircase and looked around for something. You knew better this time, not looking directly at the secret lever right away. They looked around everywhere for it, and you only glanced at it once. After a few minutes, realizing most of the crowd had likely fled, you were standing there, your best friend absolutely frustrated. Their face even started turning a bit red. “This is ludicrous! You saw him too, right?!” They asked you. Well, more like screamed at you. You nodded silently, still reeling from the events of the night. You wanted to try and get yourself out of there as soon as possible. 
“Maybe we should get out of here… It’s getting late.” You said, trying to feign defeat. They looked over at you and sighed. “Yes… I suppose.” They said, dusting off their costume and joining you by their side. You two walked back to the dorm quietly, your friend fuming.
After a few minutes of silence and getting ready for bed, your friend turned to you.
“Do you think there’s a chance Madam Giry will tell us anything?” They asked. You looked up at them and arched a brow.
“Maybe a senior ballerina, or other senior staff, but not us.” You said as you shook your head. They furrowed their brow like that wasn’t the correct answer.
“What about that Meg girl?” They inquired. You scoffed.
“She’s hesitant. She believes if you speak of the Phantom, he shall appear before you.” You chuckled out. “The next best option would be Christine Daae, but she’s either practicing or off with the Viscount.” You said.
“But there’s still a chance?” They asked hopefully. Don’t even think about it- is what you wanted to say, but you were tired.
“If you believe so, my friend. But it is late, we should get some rest.” You sighed, exhausted both emotionally and physically. 
The following weeks were fairly uneventful, aside from the casting of ‘Don Juan Triumphant’ where you and your friend happened to be cast in the same routines. You smiled at them when they told you the wonderful news and immediately sped off to the practice room together.
Weeks passed, and before you knew it you were only a week away from first curtain. You and your friend had decided to take a break in between practices and walk around the theater, watching the actors practice their lines. You were giggling about Piangi, he kept messing up a certain bit and the rest of the cast was getting fussy.
As Madam Giry is arguing with Carlotta, you and your friend go silent. You both know better at this point than to do so much as breathe too loudly when Madam Giry was speaking. After the actors went quiet, your eyes drifted up to the rafters and you saw him.
Upon instinct, you reach for your friend's arm, still looking up. Your friend looked over to you, then where your eyes were. You darted your eyes back to theirs, staring at them and immediately, sternly saying “No.” They frowned at you. Suddenly, you heard the actors singing, and the piano playing, but no one was near the piano. Horror filled your eyes, and your flight instinct kicked in again. You dragged your friend out of the audience and to your dorm, heart hammering in your chest, despite your friend's protests and attempts to go back.
"We c-can't, we just can't-" You started.
“You owe me.” They said shortly, a slight frown on their face. You knew they weren’t actually upset, but you also know their 'Adventurousness' would get them hurt, or worse. You figured, you’ve known them long enough and you do owe them some sort of explanation. 
After you got back to the dorms, they sighed and sat on their bed, kicking their shoes off and taking their coat and layers off. You followed suite and once you both got comfortable, they went to lay on their bed, having barely said a word all night. You frowned slightly, and sat on the foot of their bed.
They looked at you curiously and tilted their head, “What’s the matter, mon cher?” They asked softly. You gave a small smile. It wasn't a normal smile, it was more of a self-pitying smile, and you sighed.
“You were right,” you mumbled, hugging your knees and resting your head onto said knees. 
“Oh? I’m sorry what was that?” They asked teasingly, smiling and starting to giggle.
“You were right, le stupide.” You said, a little louder, laughing with them. 
“What was I right about this time?” They asked, sitting up and crossing their legs. 
“I…” You paused for a second, taking a deep breath. “I do owe you an explanation. About something I haven’t been telling you about.” You said softly, your smile fading and your tone becoming more serious.
“You’re not a vampire, are you?” They asked.
“What? No, I-”
“No, you’re missing the poin-”
“Did you cause the flames from earlier?!” They gasped. 
“No, idiot! Give me a second, I’m trying to find the words!” You laughed. You took another breath and continued. You told them about how you admired The Phantom before the chandelier crash, and then became fearful and bitter at the rise of Christine (which has since settled because you thought rationally about the situation) and then finally, you refuse to face him because it would hurt too much. They listened, and when you had finished, they stayed quiet for a moment, processing everything. 
“Do you have… any questions?” You asked shyly. They nodded their head excitedly, their eyes not quite focused on you though. 
“Oh, I have so many questions, I just need a minute to process absolutely everything you just said.” They said quickly, a hand coming up to your shoulder. You sat there, awkwardly as your friend took about 3 minutes to process everything. 
“So, let me just get this straight,” they started. “You’re in love with The Phantom of the Opera Populaire?” they asked, their pitch going up. 
“I…” You started, but you couldn’t bring yourself to say it. You nodded slowly, looking down. Not necessarily in shame or embarrassment, but more in a “I’ve barely accepted it myself” kind of way. They chuckled.
“I was wondering why you wouldn't tell me anything... but you always were the ghoulish one of the bunch,” they chuckled. You were surprised, they didn’t say anything mean, or rather, “meaner” than their normal amount. 
“That… is that it?” You chuckled dryly. 
“I don’t feel… upset by this information. The only thing I’m upset about is that you didn’t tell me sooner. If I had known, I wouldn’t have tried to drag you towards him so many times.” They rolled their eyes. “If I’m being honest, I’m probably more obsessed with him than you~” they teased. You shot them a dirty look, playfully, and you both started laughing. 
“It feels so nice to tell someone, finally.” You breathed out, stretching your limbs out to get up and go to your own bed. You looked back at your friend. “Thank you, for understanding.” You said softly as you bid them goodnight.
“Of course. You’re my dearest friend, how could I ever be mad at you?” they said sweetly. “Though, you best be careful. I swapped your sugar and salt after you upset me earlier.” They warned as you turned off the oil lamp. You let out one hearty
“Hah!” before you hit the pillow. “That’s okay. I’ll get you back before the first show.” You joked. More or less. 
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PotOAUFics Entry Masterpost
Here it is, the entry masterpost. I would have had this a day ago, but I was so busy it took me this long to catch up. There were some absolutely lovely entries this time out. Choosing a winner is going to be an adventure but I’ve very much enjoyed all 11 fics!
Links are contained in the bold fic titles. Please do read these and drop reviews to support the authors. I’ve reviewed all of them either on their pages or in my tumblr reblogs, and it’s only kind to support the people who have put so much effort into their entries.
So, here in the reverse order of how I reblogged them, is the line out:
Slave of Fashion -- @larissabernstein -- G -- Modern AU -- Carlotta/Piangi/Raoul -- In hindsight, maybe the elephant had not been the best of ideas, but there was just no way of standing out amidst the outright circus the Fashion Week had turned into, without resorting to more daunting measures.
The Forgotten -- @notaghost3 -- T -- American Civil War AU -- R/C, Pharoga -- The wind never blows the same direction, especially not for young Christine Daaé. In the midst of war, the forgotten can never truly stay that way. Snapshots of love through war...
Disneyland Modern AU -- @tallestsilver -- K+ -- Modern AU -- ~E/C -- While at Disneyland, Christine is determined to make Erik have fun and figure out his favorite ride. 
Hitchhiker’s Hero -- @pensez-a-daae -- T -- 1960s AU -- Christine/Meg -- Christine had never planned on hitchhiking... but when it led to her meeting the prettiest girl imaginable, she couldn't quite regret her decision.
A Voice in the Darkness -- helloitskrisha -- T -- Role Reversal, Supernatural AU -- E/C, E/R -- Despite fearing that a man with a face like his has no place on a stage, Erik longs to show the world his music. As he prepares for his debut, inspiration from the most unlikely source comes to him. He hears a voice in the darkness-one that he can only describe as "otherworldly."
Strange Bird -- @rjdaae -- T -- Idk how to describe it, pre-LeRoux era, Animal AU -- background R/C -- After surviving against all the odds, a lonely wanderer is carried by a strange creature into an even stranger world, and, unexpectedly, finds his way home.
Stolen in Stars -- @rscoil -- K+ -- Space Pirate AU -- slightly E/C -- Erik answers a distress signal and gets more than he bargained for.
Way Over Yonder -- @teaandpinkfrosting -- K+ -- Road trip AU, 1970s -- Christine/Meg -- Spring break, 1977. Christine and Meg make a pilgrimage across the country with some unexpected results. 
You Can Fight City Hall -- @madamefaust -- K+ -- Farmer’s Market AU -- Philippe/Sorelli -- Meet cute where Sorelli and Philippe meet while protesting and trying to save green spaces. This humble description does not do it justice
The Musician, the Singer, and her Lover -- @arelya-andaria -- T -- Ancient Greece AU, Orpheus and Eurydice retelling -- E/R, E/R/C -- To describe this would actually ruin it, it’s a gem
Star-Crossed Lovers -- @arelya-andaria -- T -- Soulmate AU -- E/C, Pharoga, Christine/Meg, R/C -- Erik and Christine finding - and losing - each other - across time.
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amy-de-l-abc · 5 years
Request Prompts Post
So I’ve had some people discover that you can’t see the prompts page on mobile (thanks, @spnimpalaimagines!), so here it is in post form :)
In one of the questions in my survey about request etiquette, I had a few authors respond saying that they prefer it if I send them multiple request prompts and let them choose which one to write. That being the case, I decided I might as well keep an ongoing list of my prompts, so I can give authors the link instead of sending them a gajillion different asks with requests.  This, therefore, is the aforementioned list.
Asterisks mean I really want this written, so if you are choosing between two or something and one of them has little stars, go for that one, please.
Anyone who finds this page is welcome to write any of these, but if you would give me credit for the idea and let me know so I can see what you’ve written, that would be great!
NOTE: Some of these, if not all of them, could be adapted/changed/inspiration for Reader x Sam or Reader x Dean or whoever.  Feel free to do so, and if you do, I’d still love to see what you do with it, so shoot me an ask or a Fan Mail or whatever!  If I request, I probably want Cas unless otherwise specified, but if you’re just looking for something to write, go for it!
NEW! (8/30/2015) **Death’s Daughter** Inspired by a comment from hogwartsismyhometoo.  Reader is the daughter of Death (nope, not gonna tell you how that works.  Be creative! :) ).  That’s really all I’ve got, except she ends up with Cas.  I want to see something of the relationship between Reader and her dear old daddy (what kind of dad is Death, anyway?).  Also, it’d be awesome to see Death’s reaction to his daughter and an angel–especially this angel.
**The Phantom of the Opera** Reader and Cas have unexpressed feelings for one another.  Reader has joined a theater group and is playing Christine in “The Phantom of the Opera.”  She keeps it from Team Free Will because she figures they (or at least Dean) will think musical theater is stupid.  (How much or if they know about her singing abilities is up to you.)  They find out and come to a performance.  Cas, while impressed with how well she did, is jealous that Reader is kissing another guy up on stage.  This somehow comes out.  Cue lots of innocent fluff and admission of feelings!
   Fics based on this prompt:
Cas x Reader by supernatural-imagine-oneshot
**Book Club** Sam and Reader (and Charlie, if you want, but you don’t have to include her) end up forming a book club between the two (or three) of them. One day, Cas hears the discussion getting a little heated and comes in, wanting to know what’s going on. Upon having things explained to him, he decides he wants to join. Things get interesting when, having been introduced to classics such as Harry Potter, Cas discovers fandom pick-up lines and thinks they’re an appropriate way to express his growing affection for Reader. The situation is not helped by Sam and/or Charlie, who is/are just encouraging him. Please keep the pick-up lines innocent (yes, innocent pick-up lines do exist :) ). This was partly inspired by the various fanfics in which people (mostly Dean) try to get Cas to use pick-up lines, and he fails epically.  (NOTE:  If you include Charlie, please don’t have her hitting on the reader at any point.  Strictly friendship there, please.)
Doctor Who Gabriel shows up and zaps Reader into “Doctor Who” (9th or 10thDoctor era, please). TFW are left to watch as she participates in the show.  They discover that Reader/her character/whatever has a bit of a romance going with the Doctor; Cas gets jealous. When Gabriel brings her back, Reader finds out about Cas’ feelings for her for the first time (he could admit it, or Sam, Dean, or Gabriel (or any combination of the three) could tell her; whatever you want). Innocent fluff ensues!
   Fics based on this prompt:
The Strange Blue Box by theobsessivefanfic666
Changing Channels by imagine-teamfreewill
Babysitter Reader is not a hunter, but she knows about the life.  Somehow Team Free Will have gotten saddled with an angel fledgling (or more than one if you want) and are at a loss as to what to do.  They find her, a babysitter/nanny, and hire her to take care of the fledgling(s).  The Winchesters leave Cas with her, for protection and because he can help if the kid(s) try to fly or whatever.  Reader and Cas fall in love over the course of their babysitting adventure.
   Fics based on this prompt:
Adventures in Babysitting by amazhangdestiel
The Babysitting Job by talesoftheimpala
Promise by hatgirl2017
Nightmare Inspired by this.  Reader has a nightmare about Cas being hurt.  She wakes up and freaks out.  He appears to comfort her, and they end up admitting their feelings.
   Fics based on this prompt:
A Light in the Dark by soulofawinchester
My Weakness by hatgirl2017
Worry One of the Winchesters nearly dies on a hunt.  Cas heals him in time, and Reader breaks from all the worry and tension now that she knows her friend will be okay.  Cas comforts her, and somehow this turns into a confession of feelings and fluff between the two.  (If you want, they could still be in the room where whoever got hurt is—maybe he’s passed out or is asleep or something—and he wakes up to see them kissing or something…  The long and the short of it is, you get bonus points if we get to see one or both Winchesters’ reaction(s).)
Did It Hurt When You Fell From Heaven? This may have has probably been done before, but I would love to see a Reader x Cas where she doesn’t know who he is and is being flirtatious, and she asks him if it hurt when he fell from heaven.  Cas, being Cas, is all, “Yes, it did.  How did you know?” or something like that.  After that, it’s up to you.
   Fics based on this prompt:
The Pick Up Line by theobsessivefanfic666
Falling From Heaven by saving-people-shipping-things
Protective Dean’s hitting on Reader—not with serious intentions or because he actually likes her or anything, just, y’know, being Dean—and Cas gets all protective and tells him to quit.  Later (maybe when Reader asks him to explain or however you want), the angel admits his feelings (either verbally or with a kiss or something).  Prefer slightly!clueless!Cas.
   Fics based on this prompt:
Untitled by free-will-oneshots
Unavoidable by soulofawinchester
Let Me Call You Sweetheart Okay, so basically I just want Cas x Reader where he calls her “sweetheart.”  I don’t even care.  Bonus points if you include the song “Let Me Call You Sweetheart” by Bing Crosby or Henry Burr and the Peerless Quartet (the Bing Crosby version is shortened to just part of the lyrics; it seems to be the most well-known incarnation, but whichever one you want to use is fine with me. You can find the full lyrics on the Henry Burr page), but it’s not required.  Also, if you want to have him use more pet names, “darling” is also a favorite.
   Fics based on this prompt:
Untitled by free-will-oneshots
Allergies This one’s a bit complicated, as I apparently got the inspiration from this fic and wrote the request a few days later, when I couldn’t remember whether I had come up with the idea on my own or had gotten it from somewhere else.  (I found which fic it must have come from weeks later, when I was rereading things from my favorites.)  If you choose to use this prompt, please link to the fic I linked to above so that the author of the original will get credit for his/her idea.
Now that that’s out of the way, here’s the actual prompt:  Cas has, at some point during his association with the Winchesters, learned about allergies (Dean or whoever probably explained them as symptoms that only happen when the person is exposed to something in particular, or something like that).  When he begins to develop feelings for Reader, the clueless angel naturally decides he must be allergic to her.  He goes to Sam and/or Dean for help (bonus points if it’s both of them), who laugh at/tease him good-naturedly and then try to get the two together.  Whether this is done by plotting of some kind or just by encouraging Cas to declare himself is up to you.  Bonus points if you include the song “You’re Not Sick (You’re Just In Love)“ (lyrics) from the Broadway show “Call Me Madam”.
   Fics based on this prompt:
Allergic Reactions by maymorning
Selfless Meg It would be really interesting to see a piece in which Meg (who honestly cares about Cas, at least for the purposes of the fic; I’m not sure what the general opinion of the fandom is on this, but I think maybe she does), seeing that Reader and Cas are in love with each other but haven’t said anything, is surprisingly selfless and helps them get together.  (Bonus if you can make her reasonably okay with this somehow; I hate it when anybody has to end sadly.  It’s up to you if you want to give her somebody else to love instead, or if she cares about Cas but is not so much in love with him that it hurts too much, or whatever.  Be creative, if you want.)  If you can balance the focus of the story between the budding romance and Meg’s sacrifice, that’s great, since I love seeing lots of fluff, too!
   Fics based on this prompt:
Resolutions of the Lonely by saving-people-shipping-things
Marian the Librarian I think it’d be awesome and super cute to see something where the reader works in a library and Cas comes in (for research or something, probably) and then keeps coming in because he wants to see her.  I figure it’d be kinda like a coffee shop AU but without the AU and the coffee shop.  If that makes any sense.  Partly inspired by the “To Go” series by supernaturalfreewill (Part 1 | Part 2).
The Meta Prompt Reader is a fan of the Supernatural books who used to write imagines, until she met TFW and discovered they were real. (I know, I know, you can tell what’s coming from a mile off. Just bear with me for some details, please.) Naturally, she keeps this a deadly secret from the boys. One or both of the Winchesters discovers it, however. (Note: READER IS NOT NECESSARILY IN THE BOOKS HERSELF. It’s up to you, but my inclination is to leave her out, because most of these “fan-discovers-SPN-is-real stories do end up with the reader in the books, so, you know, just to be different, you could keep her out.) Now, Cas has, at some point, been introduced to the wonders of e-mail. Having either been told or just figured out about her feelings for Cas, said Winchester(s) begin to e-mail her fics involving Cas to the angel himself, one at a time. And here, we have the part you’ve all been waiting for since the beginning: the angel somehow discovers that the fanfics are written by Reader, etc., and we end with confession of feelings and happy fluff. Inspired in part by “Fan Fictions” (found here).
1.  No smut or anything very close, please.  Kissing and cuddling are much appreciated, but keep it innocent. Preferably no smut implied, either, as that makes it less relatable for me, but I can deal with it if that’s what you wanna do.
2.  As little cursing and “Oh, my God” as possible, please; preferably none at all from the reader.  If you need alternatives, the usual suspects apply:  “gosh,” “shoot,” “drat,” “darn,” “dang,” “heck,” etc.  If you want other alternatives, or are not sure when/how to use them, feel free to message me through ask/fan mail/whatever and I’ll help you out.
1.  FLUFF/SAP/SCHMOOP.  LOTS OF IT.  Like what would happen if you took marshmallow crème, clouds, and the stuffing from stuffed animals and dunked them in molasses and maple syrup.  I will pretty much never be unhappy if you’re cliché with it, either.  I love chick-flick moments probably at least three times more than Dean hates them, so feel free to use as much fluff as is humanly—or, you know, angelically—possible.  I’m not kidding.
2.  Unless otherwise specified, it’s a pretty safe bet that I will be happiest if the couple’s feelings are unexpressed until your fic.  I just love seeing them admit to each other for the first time.  (Honestly, the more ridiculously cliché their cluelessness, the better.  *sheepish*)
3.  I tend to prefer it if the guy makes the first move romantically, unless otherwise specified.  (I think this is partly due to me being old-fashioned and partly to me being extremely shy when it comes to things like that.)
4.  I’m not too fond of unfulfilled/unrequited love.  Even if I don’t specify, I probably want you to have them actually admit how they feel (it doesn’t necessarily have to be in words; kissing’s good, too :) ), not just hint at it.
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roadtophantom · 5 years
Down Once More - RTP's Show 10
March 30, 2019 evening
Balcony center is truly one of the best seats in the house, I've always lucked out until now (there was one lone seat at Row FF that I happily snatched)
I saw my 10th show alone and oh I missed that experience. I mean it's special to see it with friends and family but being on your own easily lets you zone in and immerse into the show.
The show was a solid performance apart from minor hitches. Luke Grooms was on as Piangi and he was such a delight. It's my first time to see a different Piangi in all my Phantom shows (all done extremely well by the brilliant but then injured Thabiso Masemene). What I love about Luke is he isn't afraid to play and say harass people around him (that is not Carlotta). In that he interacts with the characters and provokes a reaction. The way his cloak whips at a ballerina, or when he kind of hisses at Meg in warning when she informs the managers that Christine needed rest. His Piangi is very proud, arrogant but still devoted to Carlotta (he blew her kisses as she sang Think of Me). By being less heavy on the Italian accent, he was actually comprehensible and his comedic timing delivered with ease. Also he's done the role before so I can see there's a confidence in what he does. He's a very proactive actor and I imagine the cast had fun playing with him.
I can see the songs were played safer that night, not too much inflection or adventurous belts or improvisations. That's fine. I still saw a lot of new stuff, some little nuances. The Wild Woman who stood nearest to Box 5 gave a yelp when Giry warned about keeping it empty. And putting in a new actor in the role brought different dynamics in Hannibal altogether.
Beverley has consistently won laughs whenever she exagerrated the singing of Think of Me "Rrrrrrrrrremember me, every so often..." I'm starting to like Melina more, I still wish the cane thumps were far more audible. But to see her wrestle between composure, a need to help Christine and a need to side with the Phantom is pretty cool. And as I've said before, Melina is a lovely Giry.
Sorry I likely remembered differently about Meghan and dancing, she danced a few steps of Hannibal...badly and on purpose, which led to Madame Giry calling her out to concentrate. And when Meg comes over to ask what's the matter they both go off stage. She's more energetic too, more expressive, I'd like to think she's recovered from her illness. But I can see how Raoul's character need to catch up with her (and the Phantom.) @laissezferre and I were talking about this. Clara is a Christine who utterly leaned onto Raoul, Meghan's Christine clings to Raoul yes, but also drawn into the Phantom's music and beguiling presence that she follows that curiosity and wound up disobeying her lover. I can see in this show is that she plays Christine, as someone who truly worships the music so while she thinks the Phantom is dangerous, she just couldn't help but be lured and walk off the edge. She also plays that kind of madness well in Twisted every way, she does not care for glamour shots, she just looks plain distraught.
Jonathan was muchly better, I noticed he has been avoiding double shows, but he still got something in his throat. :( THAT SAID, his MOTN was quite seductive that night, the guy's just suave with his hands what can I say and he took his time.
I think I haven't written Meghan as a pageboy. Just imagine in her tiny frame,wearing big clothes, earnestly fluffing and dusting up the pillows of a bigger bed. She's so adorable. I think I saw more alarmed reactions when she backed up to the bed when the chandelier started to shake and dwindle.
Our chandelier crash is also nothing much to write about. It's slow, directed descent.
Those who tangle with Don Juan - Luke plays this as someone who is just so exasperated of this lyric and wants very much to go home. There was even a part where he turns to Christine to complain and Christine was trying to calmly explain or maybe make him relax. I loved that.
Unlike the first two Wandering Childs I've seen (with Clara), it's clear the Phantom has the upper hand in the Trio. Raoul was not as ticked off as I've seen him before.
PONR is interesting because the Phantom dropped the ring, and it was heard all over the theatre lol. But gotta love how the recovery happened. The good thing is it came at a fortunate timing when Christine was about to do her solo AWAY from the Phantom. So what Jonathan did was lower his hooded head slightly, to look for the ring, very smoothly and gradually like one might see a penny on a sidewalk, stoop to pick up and in the same dramatic manner, wear it in deliberate sight, like dropping the ring was part of the blocking of the scene and picking it up was part of the act. He managed to make it to the bench and sit by the time Meghan was done.
It was a quick Final Lair, I can't recall anything that immediately strikes me as different. I paid attention on Meghan for the most part because it's only the second time I see her in the lair and she just...man, the way she minces down those lyrics oh and the way she murder-glared at the Phantom at "Please Raoul it's useless." Jonathan's note hit a snag in You Alone, but recovered in the end, know that when I say this I don't blame the guy. You can't clear your throat while doing Final Lair and phlegms are persistent buggers. So whatever he does on that stage is an extra mile.
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willsavethem-a · 8 years
rules: once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. at the end, choose 25 people to tag!
tagged by: @ofsollicitudo ♥
TAGGING: @mischiiefmanaged, @lionxlilyxevans, @vorlok, and anyone else who would like to do this!
LAST… [1] drink: water. [2] phone call: it was from work. [3] text message: one of my friends got some bad news and she was telling me about it. [4] song you listened to: say you won’t let go - james arthur. on repeat, tbh. [5] time you cried: i never cry so i have no idea when the last time i actually did was.
HAVE YOU EVER… [6] dated someone twice: no. [7] been cheated on: no. [8] kissed someone & regretted it: no. [9] lost someone special: yes. [10] been depressed: yes. [11] gotten drunk & thrown up: not often, but it’s happened a couple times. i threw up before even leaving the house on my 21st birthday.
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: [12] purple [13] blue [14] orange
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: yes. [16] fallen out of love: no. [17] laughed until you cried: yes. [18] found out someone was talking about you: not in a bad way. [19] met someone who changed you: maybe? i’m not sure if i’m any different. [20] found out who your true friends are: i had to do some thinking about how my friend group has changed recently- but yeah, i definitely did. and i’m thankful for that. [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: no thanks.
GENERAL… [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: the majority, but not many of them are actual friends. [23] do you have any pets: two dogs and a cat. they’re so dumb and i love them all. [24] do you want to change your name: i hated it vehemently when i was younger but i don’t mind it as much anymore. my parents’ reasoning for choosing it means a lot to me. [25] what did you do for your last birthday: it was my 21st so i went to a few bars and got very drunk. that was quite an adventure. [26] what time did you wake up: my stupid alarm wakes me up at 7am every weekday :( [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: probably trying to sleep. it was a struggle and took me a long time. [28] name something you cannot wait for: going shopping this weekend. [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: an hour or so ago. [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i guess the main thing is i want to like myself more. [31] what are you listening to right now: i’m jamming to paris - the chainsmokers. [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: my little brother. [33] something that gets on your nerves: when people lie or are super evasive. please just be straight with me- it’s not hard. [34] most visited website: tumblr. [35] elementary: i went to three of them? [36] high school: i did not love it. [37] college: why is it ridiculously expensive? [38] hair colour: brown. [39] long or short hair: long. [40] do you have a crush on someone: nobody i have a chance with. [41] what do you like about yourself? my music taste is pretty awesome! [42] piercings: i had my ears pierced? [43] blood type: no idea. [44] nickname: meg is the most common one. [45] relationship status: single. [46] zodiac sign: i’m a textbook taurus. [47] pronouns: she/her. [48] fav tv show: brooklyn nine-nine and the fosters are both incredible. [49] tattoos: i have plans for some! [50] right or left handed: right.
FIRST… [51] surgery: i had my hip dysplasia corrected when i was around two or three months old.  [52] piercing: ears when i was ten. [53] best friend: christine. i’ve never not know her and we grew up doing everything together. [55] vacation: delaware. we went a lot, but my first trip was a few weeks after i was born. [56] pair of sneakers: i had a pair of blue’s clues ones, i think? they were white.
RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: nothing. [58] drinking: nothing. [59] i’m about to: do some writing. [60] listening to: happier - ed sheeran. [61] waiting for: dinner. i’m so hungry. [62] want: glacier freeze gatorade. [63] get married: maybe eventually. [64] career: i’m gonna be a teacher.
WHICH IS BETTER… [65] hugs or kisses: hugs. [66] lips or eyes: eyes! always eyes. [67] shorter or taller: taller. [68] older or younger: a little older. [69] romantic or spontaneous: romantic, but maybe a little of both at times. [70] nice arms or nice stomach: i don’t actually have much of a preference. arms? [71] sensitive or loud: sensitive. [72] hookup or relationship: my answer to this will never not be relationship. [73] troublemaker or hesitant: i would much rather someone be hesitant lmao.
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? no. [75] drank hard liquor? yes. [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? yes. [77] turned someone down? kind of. [78] sex on first date? no. [79] broken someone’s heart? no. [80] had your own heart broken? i don’t really want to give anyone the chance. [81] been arrested? no. [82] cried when someone died? no, and i’ve felt guilty about that since it happened. [83] fallen for a friend? yes.
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? i’m trying. [85] miracles? yes. [86] love at first sight? no. [87] santa claus? ofc! [88] kiss on the first date? sure. [89] angels? yes.
OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: april & taylor & mimi. i love them all so much. [91] eye color: green. [92] favorite movie: fantastic beasts and where to find them is so, so good.
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viridianprose · 6 years
I’m trying to decide what to eat, the girls are playing in Alessa’s room, so I’m gonna do this thing.
It’s supposed to be questions people leave in your Ask Box, but I’m impatient.  1. What is your birth name? 
Amanda Christine E_______ I was named after two songs (Amanda by Waylon Jennings and Mandy by Barry Manilow), and my dad’s mother, Christine.  
2. What’s your zodiac sign?
I’m a Gemini. May 22. 
3. Describe your first kiss.
It was in my boyfriend’s driveway. We’d gone on a double date with his brother and my best friend. They’d set us up, and we saw Return of the King. Then when we dropped them back off at their house he kissed me goodbye.  So, that Bon Jovi lyric “Your very first kiss was your first kiss goodbye” really resonates with me on a personal level. 
4. Favorite color?
Green, except when I like purple better. 
5. What’s your favorite film?
Labyrinth is my favorite movie EVER, but I’m also partial to several others that I’d say tie for second. 
6. What time period would you rather live in?
I wouldn’t really rather live in another time period, but if I were perchance to become stuck in a time period I think I might choose the early 1800′s? Maybe go back to Jacobite Scotland. Or you know, the future. I’d like to live a long time and see a lot of future. 
7. Favorite book of all time?
Little Women very closely followed by Jane Eyre. Then a long, long, long list. 
8. Would you be Alice in Wonderland or Luna Lovegood for a day?
Honestly, Luna. While Alice’s adventures are colorful and wild there’s just an overal uneasiness being in a world that is unfamiliar and unpredictable. I’d rather be Luna because I’m comfortable in the Harry Potter universe. Plus magic. 
9. Do you believe in magic?
I do, but only some kinds. Ordinary magic. 
10. Do you believe in soulmates?
In several different ways. 
11. Have you ever fell in love with someone at first sight?
I used to believe that I hadn’t. But in hindsight I think that I have. 
12. What is the color of your eyes?
Rusty brown.
13. How would you describe your laughter?
Sort of like a squeaky hiccup when I’m REALLY laughing. 
14. What’s your favorite flower or plant?
I love blue hydrangeas, but I love all sorts of flowers. Roses, impatiens, azaleas, dogwood flowers, lilacs, lavender, magnolias, gardenias, petunias, tulips...
15. Long walks in nature or by the ocean?
I love both. I get out in forests more often, but I do love the ocean. 
16. Sunny days or Rainy nights? I like sunny days outside with the kids, but I like rainy nights inside with the windows cracked and a blanket in my lap.
17. Coffee or Tea? Absolutely both. Equally. I’m southern and so I subsist on sweet tea and coffee.
18. Cats or Dogs?
I love dogs and I love cats. I can’t ever choose one over the other. 
19. Do you usually wear makeup?
Not usually, no. I put makeup on for special occasions. 
20. How would you describe your style?
Sort of rocker bohemian vintage. 
21. Describe yourself in 3 words.
Mom. Creative. Trying.
22. Favorite fictional character?
I have so many favorites but I think that the two that I identify with most are River Song and Meg Masters. I LOVE Bellatrix Lestrange, Drusilla, Lady Macbeth...all my crazy wicked girls, but I think if I was to see myself in any character it’s River and Meg. I also have a heavy dose of Linda Belcher. 
23. What fictional universe would you rather live in?
Whence, first and foremost. Then Middle Earth, then the Wizarding World.
24. Favorite animal?
I like sloths and penguins and owls and raccoons and opossums and lots of other little things.
25. What is the best childhood memory you can remember?
Christmases at Grandmaw and Paw Paw’s house and at Nanny’s. Making paper dolls with Grandmaw. Making Nanny laugh. Sitting outside at night on the concrete picnic table with Momma. Eating Swiss Cake Rolls for the first time with Momma. Swimming with Brandi in the summers. The Halloween party at the park. The Pumpkin Patch with my sisters. Haunted houses with Momma. Eating popsicles and watching wrestling with Daddy. Cruising with my parents with the windows down. Christmas parades. Running in the field behind the laundromat. Easter egg hunts at the walking track. Windy days on the playground. 
26. Do you miss someone?
I miss many people with my whole soul. 
27. Have you ever been in love and if you had, do you still talk with that person?
I’ve been in love, really, twice. I’m married to one, and every now and then I’ll interact with the other, but we’re both really happy in our respective marriages. 
28. Do you have a crush right now?
No crushes, just Jake. 
29. What’s the color of your hair?
Dark brown with some gray coming in, and currently some blue/mint/lilac color chunks.
30. What’s your biggest dream?
To get this house totally renovated, to put in a pool and a hot tub, and to publish at least one of my books. 
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britishchick09 · 2 years
the first (but hopefully not the last) scene for rewrite audio adventures! follow along below... ;)
"Don't hop around, Christine!" Madame Giry told her. "You're not a rabbit."
“And you’re not me!” Meg added as she spun around with a jump.
Christine looked away for a moment. “I’m-” She accidentally stepped on Raoul’s foot and winced. “Sorry! It’s hard to focus on the steps while moving around.”
“It’s alright,” Madame Giry and Raoul said together before she told Christine, “Try dancing in place. Once you’ve mastered that, you can try it while spinning.”
Christine scrutinized her feet, slowly moving them back and forth while Raoul stayed still. She heard a gasp a few moments later and looked up, seeing Raoul looking over his shoulder.
"Is something wrong?" she asked.
Raoul looked back at Christine as he replied, "The candles on the wall are out!"
Christine took a peek over Raoul's shoulder. A candelabrum was fixed to the front wall along with a painting of dancing ladies. Their faces glowed above the flames.
"Are you sure that’s what you saw?" Christine asked.
Raoul gasped at the lit candles. "I could've sworn they went out!”
I know they did. Christine added in her head, recalling how one of the candles in the ballerinas’ dressing room had mysteriously lit up during her first night in the opera house.
Raoul ran a hand through his bangs as he remarked, “All this dancing must be messing with my head."
"You may take a break," Madame Giry said. "We'll resume with the full waltz in five minutes."
"I don't need any breaks," Meg spoke up as she ducked underneath the barre and set her leg on top. "I could dance for hours!"
As she took off in a spinning leap, Christine and Raoul wandered around backstage.
"I can't believe the chandelier was knocked down," he remarked, gazing out at the red and gold world beyond. "Who would do something like that?"
"A ghost, maybe?" Christine guessed.
"Sure seems like it. Only a ghost would be crazy enough to- woah!" Raoul was cut off as the floor seemed to rise from behind him!
He lost his balance and fell on his knees.
"Raoul!" Christine exclaimed, crouching down to help her friend up. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, but my feet sure aren't," Raoul replied as he stood up. "I think they need a rest."
Christine led him to the steps of Foyer de la Danse.
...And away from the secret trap door on the backstage floor.
Christine and Raoul went slow as they resumed their dance a few minutes later. Meg skipped past the couple, who were deep in concentration. She hummed a little song while skipping through backstage. Once she reached the stage, she began doing a little dance.
Meg stopped dancing and looked around like a prairie dog.
"Little Miss!"
Suddenly realizing where the voice was coming from Meg cautiously stepped to the end of the stage, right next to box three. White fingers were peeking out from the box's edge.
"Mr. E?" she asked. "Is that you?" She turned around to call, “Chri-”
“No, no, don’t do that!” Erik said with a wave of his hand. “I want you.”
“Yes, you. I need you to do something for me. I’m…” Erik lowered his voice to a whisper. “I’m planning a surprise for Christine and I need you to tell my… dad. Even though he’s not my father! But he’s more than just a companion.”
“He’s a Dad Not Dad. Got it.” Meg said with a wink.
“I need a few things for tomorrow afternoon, but he won’t be visiting until later that day. He has a clock shop on Rue Louis le Grand. That’s about five minutes away from here. Would you be willing to go over there?”
“Why can’t you?”
“I…” Erik lowered his hand. “I can’t. But you can.”
Meg looked at Foyer de la Danse. “I can if I go ask Mama!”
Erik raised his head in alarm, watching Meg run backstage. He worried that Christine would want to know what Meg was up to, but she was concentrated on dancing with Raoul.
Perfect, rich, happy with his Christine, mustached Raoul.
All feelings of jealousy were swept under the rug when Meg returned.
“Mama said I can go!” she told Erik.
“Good,” Erik sighed as he muttered, “Alright, let’s see if I remember this…” He took a deep breath and closed his eyes as he said, “You need to walk down Rue Scribe, then Rue Auber.” “What about Rue Gluck?” “No, that’s on the opposite-”
Meg giggled. “That’s fun to say. It’s like I’m a glue chicken! Gluck, Gluck-”
“Listen!” Erik hissed as he grabbed onto the edge of his box.
Meg went silent.
“Thank you,” Erik said before closing his eyes again. “Once you’re in front of the opera house’s façade, you need to go down that big elevated sidewalk in the center of the road. At the end of that, turn ri- no… left, cross the street- don’t get hit by a carriage- and walk down… I don’t remember the name of the road, but it has a row of trees. Walk until you see a building with a… I think it’s a red awning. Follow the road until you reach a building with a green awning,” Erik opened one eye. “Got all that?”
Meg put her hands behind her back and took a deep breath. “Don’t get hit by a carriage!” “Yes, and?” “And you don’t visit your Dad Not Dad’s shop very often. You’re such a bad Son Not Son!”
“…I know. When you get there, here’s what you need to tell him…”
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