#maybe I will stop overthinking this at midnight when I have to go to work tomorrow
butleroftoast · 1 year
I’ve been planning a trip to Australia for a while, with my eye on a particular tour.
Today I cleared it all with everyone I needed to at work, so I’m good to go!
...except the tour I was looking at is now fully booked, and all the others designed for solo travellers are too long, the wrong dates, or spend a lot of time and travel on things I’m not interested in.
Do I trust the itinerary I subsequently designed on my own and hope I don’t run into any issues with transportation? Or do I admit defeat?
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sweetprfct · 4 months
Midnight Rain
Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: The glitz and glamour of Hollywood isn't always what it seems. When Joe had started working with you in a movie, he had started wondering as to why you, the famous Hollywood starlet, has been acting out lately. Was there some dark secret behind all the angry spoiled façade? And why was he so fascinated about it?
Author's Note: This is the end of it! :) I'm debating whether to come back to this or not. We'll see... You guys let me know. But for now, I will see you all in "The Hate Formula." That one will have ten parts and probably will take up most of the summer. So, in that note, I'm asking for some Autumn/Winter prompts/ideas in my box if you want to request please! Thank you for the support of this fic, and I'll see you all soon!
Wordcount: 2.9K
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five
There was just something about Joe that you couldn’t seem to stop thinking about. One month since that incident in Paris, and you haven’t seen your team since you fired them. One month since you haven’t heard from Skyler or any of them. The rumors had died down, but it was still out there. You couldn’t seem to escape the paparazzi outside your house whenever you needed to go out and grab something at the store. You couldn’t seem to escape the horrible articles and tweets that everyone would say about you. 
“You should delete those apps.” Joe had suggested on FaceTime one night. “It will just mess with your brain even more.”
Joe had been there for you since Paris. He had been FaceTiming you almost every night even when he was busy filming in London. Even when he finished long hours on set, he still didn’t miss to even just send a text message to you. You couldn’t help but wonder if there was something more between the two of you. You knew that Joe had said that he wanted to be friends but how come it felt like there was something more? How come it felt like you knew there was something there, but you just weren’t sure if Joe felt the same too. Maybe he really wanted to be just friends. That was all. 
“I have been thinking about what to do with this career.” You told Joe, ignoring the suggestion that he just told you.
“Oh, yeah?” Joe smiled, raising his brow. 
His curly hair was all disheveled. He just woke up, and he had FaceTimed you right away. He was still in his bed, and he looked adorable looking like that in the morning. 
“Whatever you decide, I will support you, especially if it helps you mentally.” Joe added. 
You gave him a warm smile and stared at him for a moment through the screen. Your mind recalled the little scenario that happened the next morning back in Paris last month. You knew you shouldn’t be overthinking it, but what if you were right? What if your emotions weren’t betraying you this time? 
Alex had been calling Joe non-stop all night, but he had ignored it because he knew he was going to get an earful from him after ditching the movie premiere. He could handle that tomorrow morning when he was ready to face Alex. When morning came, Joe had found himself awake early in the morning. The sun was slowly rising, and he found you asleep peacefully next to him. He couldn’t help but stare at you, studying your facial features. 
Your long lashes, the sun reflecting through the window and reflecting through your soft butterfly skin. The way you looked so peaceful when you were asleep. Joe couldn’t help but gently grazed his fingers on your cheek. 
Beautiful. He thought. 
Stirring in your sleep, you carefully fluttered your eyes open and gazed up at Joe, who was looking down at you with a smile. You rubbed the sleep in your eyes as you gave him a sleepy smile.
“Hi.” You whispered.
“Hi.” Joe smiled, his fingers brushing a strand of hair away from your face. 
He has never seen you like this. He kept thinking how you looked so different without the façade that you have put up. He kept thinking how you looked so relaxed and happier without it. 
“I don’t think I have woken up this peaceful in a long time.” You murmured, sitting up on the bed. 
Joe caressed your back softly and smiled, “As much as I love to stay, I have to go. Alex has been looking for me.”
You nodded your head in understanding as Joe slid himself off the bed. Following right behind him and towards the door, you gently touched his arm, making him pause in his tracks.
“I just want to say thank you for yesterday and for… staying.” You said. 
Joe smiled, brushing a strand of hair and tucking it in behind your ear. “I’m your friend, remember?”
Seeing the twinkle in your eyes, Joe embraced you tightly as you wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest as he planted a soft kiss on your temple. Pulling away from the hug, you found your face just inches away from his. His chocolate button eyes staring deeply into yours and suddenly, you could feel something shift between the both of you. 
Joe’s chest was heaving as he breathed heavily, and your heart was racing a million miles per hour. You watched as Joe closed his eyes, his nose gently grazing over yours. Hitching a breath, you carefully
 closed your eyes, your fingers gently running down his cheek.
“Joe…” You whispered.
He didn’t say anything as his lips gently grazed over yours. A soft gasp escaped from you and before you could press your lips against his, you were interrupted by his phone ringing in his pocket. Smiling softly, you pulled away and cleared your throat. You could see the pink that flushed in Joe’s cheeks as he reached for his phone in his back pocket. 
“They’re looking for you.” You said, looking down on the floor, hiding the blush that was slowly creeping up on your face.
A shy smile tugged on Joe’s lips, “Yeah, I have to go. Call me if you ever need anything, okay?”
You nodded your head and walked him out the door. That was the last time you physically saw Joe. Ever since then, you two have been FaceTiming or texting each other. That moment was never brought up in your conversation, so you told yourself that it was nothing. However, the soft graze of his lips still lingered on your lips, and your mind kept recalling what could have happened if his phone didn’t ring that day. You kept asking yourself if it was just in the moment or maybe, there really was something. 
Shaking out the memories from your mind, you focused your eyes on the road as you drove towards the studio. You had called an important meeting with your team. You felt the knot formed in your stomach as you arrived closer to your destination. You haven’t seen them or haven’t heard from them in a month, and you didn’t know what their reactions would be the moment you would walk into that room. 
But you have made your decision. 
This has been in your mind for a long time now and this time, you were going to go through with it. No more backing out or having second thoughts. This was what you have been wanting. This was what you needed right now. Swallowing all the guilt and different emotions that were caught in your throat, you arrived at the studio with your head held up high. 
For some reason, the thought of Joe was making you braver right now. 
Walking down the hall, you exhaled a sharp breath before entering one of the conference rooms. Inside, your whole team were chatting amongst each other and as soon as you walked in, the whole room turned eerily quiet. All their eyes were on you as you froze by the doorway for a moment. Your eyes studied each of their faces and then, Skyler’s presence at the back of the room caught your eyes. 
She looked disappointed and angry. 
“What’s all this about?” Skyler asked, her voice was cold. 
You could tell she was still pissed over what you pulled back in Paris and usually, you would feel guilty over it but at this moment, you didn’t care about what she felt. Walking towards the front of the room, you could feel everyone’s eyes following you. 
Exhaling another sharp breath, you said, “This isn’t going to take long. Thank you all for coming.”
Your eyes kept studying everyone’s reactions as you continued and said, “First, I want to apologize for how I have been acting this last year or so. I’ve been going through some things, and I lashed it all out on you.”
Everyone in the room was silent, and the only thing that you could hear was your heart pounding in your chest. It was pounding so hard that it was drumming in your ears, and you could barely hear your voice. Taking a deep breath, you looked down on the floor for a moment to collect yourself before holding your head up high in front of everyone. 
“I’m sorry for throwing things at you back in Paris and most certainly, for firing you all in anger. My actions the last couple years have been nothing but horrible, and I’m sorry for that.”
Cameron finally interrupted the eerie silence in the room by clearing his throat. He slowly raised his hand up like he was a student in a classroom, trying not to interrupt the teacher. You shifted your eyes at him and nodded your head, giving him permission to speak.
“So… are we not fired then?” He asked. 
You smiled softly at Cameron’s harmless question. “I wish I could say that but the decision I have made unfortunately requires you all to look for another job.” 
Murmurs filled the room as everyone turned to each other. They all exchanged worried looks as Skyler stepped forward, her eyes only to you. She looked pissed, but you expected that from her already. 
“What are you talking about?” Skyler snapped. 
Your eyes shifted towards her as the room suddenly died down. 
“I’m quitting acting.” You replied. 
Everyone in the room gasped softly as Skyler barked out a laugh, shaking her head in disbelief. There was a playful smile on her face as she took another step towards you, her eyes glaring at you. 
“You care too much about your career to be quitting acting.” Skyler argued. 
You shook your head, your expression suddenly turned into a soft one. A small smile appeared on your face. 
“No, I don’t.” You answered. “Actually, I haven’t cared about this for a long time. I need to be on my own for a while. Figure out what I want. Get help.”
Skyler scoffed. You could tell she was just done with you, but you have seen that expression on her face for a while now. You knew she only had been tolerating you, and you now realized that she wasn’t a good friend. She never was your friend. At the end of the day, Skyler only cared about herself and her career. 
“I’ve been trying to save your career and what happens then when you decide to come back, hm? We’re not all going to be here just waiting for you.” 
Looking around the room, you were surprised at how calm you were. You were surprised that you weren’t scared at this moment. You didn’t know what was going to happen in the future, and Skyler was right. Not everyone in this room would be just waiting around for you but for some reason, the unknown was making you calm. It was something that made you ecstatic because for the first time, you weren’t told what to do. 
You could do anything you wanted to. 
Turning back to Skyler, you said, “Honestly, Skyler, if I decided to go back, I wouldn’t hire you back.”
You saw the horrified look on Skyler’s face as soon as those words escaped your mouth. She took a small step back, her eyes filled with hurt, disappointed and offended. 
“You will regret this.” Skyler’s voice was almost a whisper. 
Your eyes stared deep into hers. Your eyes were full of hurt and disappointment. 
“No, actually, I regretted the fact that I believed your lies and thought I could trust you.” You retorted back. 
Skyler was silent as soon as you said those words. You saw her swallow all her emotions, her face all flushed as everyone else murmured to each other. Looking back at everyone else, you gave them a small thankful smile.
“Thank you again, and I’m truly sorry for everything.” You said. 
Right before you could walk out the door, you glanced over to Skyler one more time before completely walking out of the room. You let your feet lead you quickly down the hall and out the double doors of the studio, air catching your lungs as soon as you walked out. You breathed deeply, gazing up at the blue sky, the sun beaming down your face. 
You felt freedom greeted you as you closed your eyes for a moment and inhaled the Spring air. You didn’t feel anything but relief as you walked back towards your car. You couldn’t help but smile at yourself. You couldn’t help but feel proud for finally saying what you feel and for finally choosing the happiness that you deserve. 
The freedom that you deserved.
“Oh, c’mon. That’s mad.” Joe shook his head in frustration as he watched one of his shows on the television. 
He had finally found time to do laundry and catch up on his shows. As he was folding his clothes, he shook his head at the sudden revelation on the television. He had been busy filming, and he finally had a couple of days of free time to do the things he needed to do around his place. 
Putting away the last of his clothes in the closet, he glanced towards the window and saw that it was starting to pour again. Sighing, he made his way to the kitchen to make himself some soup. It was supposed to be almost Summer, but the weather in London had been gloomy and rainy. It wasn’t like that wasn't new anymore. He just missed the sun lately. 
His thoughts were interrupted on the sudden knock on his door. Glancing at the clock, Joe knitted his brows and wondered who was knocking at his door at this hour. It was late at night, and it was pouring outside. Making his way to the front door, he swung the door open and found you standing in front of him. 
“Hi.” You gave him a smile.
Your raincoat was soaking wet, and you were holding an umbrella with your luggage next to you. Immediately, Joe grabbed your luggage and pulled you inside before the rain could make you any more wet. His eyes widened, blinking and processing that you were actually here.
“Wh…What are you doing here?” Joe asked, confused and shocked.
“I um…” You cleared your throat, took your raincoat off and hung it by the door. “I quit. I talked to them yesterday.” 
Joe was still trying to wrap his mind around the fact that you were standing right in front of him. 
At this hour. 
In this weather. 
“H…How do you feel?” Joe asked.
“Like I could do anything I want without anyone stopping me.” You smiled, running your fingers through your wet hair. 
Joe suppressed a chuckle as he took a step forward to you, his brows still furrowed. 
“And you decided to come to London?” 
Exhaling a sharp breath, you gazed up at him. Yes, you felt relieved and free from the industry that has been bringing you down for the last couple years. Though, there was one more question in your head that still needed to be answered. There was one more thing that you wanted to know before you could finally move forward. 
“Actually…” You looked down at your feet for a moment, a shy smile plastered on your face. “There’s one more thing I actually had to do here in London.”
Joe saw the look in your eyes, and he knew exactly what you were doing here. He knew exactly why you had flown to London and was at his front step at this god awful hour in this god awful weather. Taking a step forward, Joe slid his arm around your waist, his index finger on your chin, lifting up your head. Your eyes caught his brown eyes sparkling as he smiled at you lovingly. 
“Oh? What’s that?” Joe asked, a playful smile tugging on his lips. 
“This.” You murmured before pressing your lips against his. 
Smiling through the kiss, Joe pulled your body against his, his fingers running through your wet hair. You wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him deeply and letting yourself savor this moment. Parting from the kiss after a few moments, the both of you panted as Joe pressed his forehead against yours. 
You grinned happily and said, “I don’t wanna be just friends.”
Joe grinned widely, setting a hand on your cheek and caressing it softly. 
“Good, because I don’t either.” 
You laughed softly as you pressed your lips against his again. Joe smiled through the kiss as he pulled you close in his arms and curled his fingers on the back of your head, kissing you lovingly and tenderly. You didn’t know what was going to happen next. You knew everything was unknown, and you knew that you eventually had to face the things from your past. 
However, you also knew that Joe would be with you every step of the way. He would be there to accept you and understand you through your lightest and darkest days. 
Parting from the kiss, Joe cupped your face between his hands and kissed your forehead so softly. You knew there were still so many challenges that you both will face but right now, all you wanted was to blissfully enjoy what you and Joe have. 
Just blissfully enjoy this newfound freedom and love that you have. 
The End.
@palomahasenteredthechat @sunvick @eddies-acousticguitar @demonsanddemogorgons @joesquinns @mmunson86 @ghostinthebackofyourhead @corrodedcoffincumslut @figmentofquinn @tlclick73 @munsonluvrr @ali-r3n @ficsbypix @capricornrisingsstuff @missonlypost @ali-in-w0nderland @amberolivia666 @lalalala-melmosworld @niallersfreckles @nanas-lasagna @emma77645 @indulgence-be-thy-name @readergf @ladamari68 @1paire2vans @d4rk4ng3l86 @paleidiot @josephquinnsfreckles @readergf
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byeoltoyuki · 7 months
✧memories of us ✧ late night talk
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↳ Pairing: Jisung x Reader
❧ Genre : romance / smut /fluff / 1st love to strangers to lovers
❧ Summary: Sometimes memories are just that. Memories.
A series of drabbles about you and Jisung, about your love and your heartbreak and a second chance.
❧ A/N: Likes and reblogs are appreciated ♥
Masterlist / previous / next
You had been reading the same page over and over again for the past hour. You couldn’t sleep, your mind going wild with thoughts of your future, of the upcoming move. You tried to fall asleep but after one hour of tossing around, you grabbed your book and tried to distract yourself. It didn’t work out as you had hoped.
Whoever said that growing up was fun, was a liar. There was nothing fun about choosing a path that you weren’t convinced with. There was nothing fun about thinking about a future that was so uncertain. There was nothing fun about parting ways with your friends and your boyfriend. Of course, technology was helpful and you knew that despite the distance you would all keep in touch, but it still saddened you.
You knew the upcoming months would be hard for many reasons. Moving out to another city wasn’t as easy as it sounded. Meeting new people and hopefully making friends was another reason that made you anxious.
“I should stop overthinking.” You told yourself with a long and tired sigh. Every time you tried to stop your mind from thinking about your problems, it just didn’t work.
A noise coming from your window finally put a stop to your thoughts. Startled, you slowly turned your head to your window. Did you imagine the noise? But then, it happened again. You saw a rock hit your window. You lunged out of your bed, stumbling on the way.
Jisung was outside, ready to throw another small rock at your window. Your eyes widened in shock. It was past midnight, he was supposed to be at home, sleeping (or composing).
“What the hell, Ji?” You half yelled half whispered as you opened your window.
A huge smile spread on his face the moment your eyes locked. He didn’t hesitate to climb (and your heart clenched, worried he would slip and fall) to reach you. You hurried to grab his arm and pulled him inside your room.
“You’re crazy!”
“Crazy in love, yes.” He admitted and winked playfully.
You rolled your eyes at him, nevertheless your mouth twitched. How could you be mad when he said things like that?
Jisung looked around; it was his first time in your room and it was exactly like he had imagined. Cozy, warm and smelled of flowers. He jumped on your bed, acting as if he owned the place (not that you minded, having him in your room, on your bed did something to you). He patted the empty spot beside him.
You’d be in so much trouble if your mom found the two of you in your room, but then again, it wasn’t in her character to pay you a visit in your room. You plopped on the bed beside him, instantly wrapping your limbs around him, clinging to him as if your life depended on him. And maybe, in a way, it did.
“I figured you’d need company, angel.” Jisung admitted as he kissed the crown of your head.
You tilted your head to look at him, a little surprised. “How did you know?”
“Why? Because I know you so well!” He was, without a doubt, proud of himself. You slapped his chest in return for being so smug. “What? You know it’s true.”
You buried your head in his chest, inhaling his now so familiar scent. You would miss those moments; lying in bed, holding each other, talking for hours, laughing. You were scared to live in different towns, not being able to see each other whenever you wanted. Could your love survive the hardships? You wanted to believe it could. You wanted to believe that the two of you were strong enough to overcome the obstacles.
Jisung waited for you to speak. He had been with you for a long time to know the pretty mind of yours and how easily you could get lost in yours fears and insecurities. He didn’t want you to keep it to yourself. So, he waited, holding you dearly, stroking your hair.
“Will we be ok?” You finally asked, your voice tiny, unsure of your words, pressing yourself a little harder against him, seeking his warmth and comfort.
“Of course we will, angel. We’ve known each other long enough to withstand whatever the world throw at us. Moreover, what’s two hours of train? We’ll meet every weekend. I’ll keep texting you, so much, you’ll be sick of me.” He promised and it brought a tiny smile to your face, imagining him flooding your phone with his messages, his vocals. There was no way you could get tired of it.
You shifted against him, moving higher so you could peck his lips. “I like the sound of that.” He welcomed your lips with a tiny sigh of satisfaction.
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horanghater · 1 year
Who Wants to be a Dumbass?
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Summary: Seungkwan wins the olympic gold medal in overthinking in under an hour and Jeonghan wins some money on the side.
▸ Pairing: Seungkwan x AFAB!reader
▸ Rating / Genre / AU: 18+, humor, f2? Minors / Ageless accounts DO NOT INTERACT. You will be blocked.
▸ Warnings: suggestive dialogue
▸ Word Count: 961
▸ A/N: More for KBCS’s Bon Voyage Bingo event! Prompt: Sunscreen (yes again but different lol) Kisses for @shuadotcom my forever-beta!
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Seungkwan has been pacing for the last 20 minutes trying to make sense of this, but the longer he thinks the more he works himself up. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. He spies his phone light up on the coffee table in his periphery, reminding him of the unread message waiting for him. Really deep breath in, ok? 
Finally, he grabs the device, bracing himself as he reads over the preview of your texts.
Y/N💐: i wanna go to the pool tomorrow, but… 11:23pm Y/N💐: Attachment: 1 Image 11:25pm Y/N💐: Kwannie :( 11:35pm
The attachment is dangerous. When he saw the preview come in 20 minutes ago, he glimpsed your bottom lip, quirked up just slightly. And from what else he could see in the minimized image, it also included your chin, neck, and the suspiciously bare expanse of the top of your chest. You’ve sent Seungkwan plenty of selfies, but something was different about this - he just knew it. But different how? What would he see when he actually opened his messages and saw the photo in its entirety? What if you sent something by accident? What if…what if you sent something on purpose? Seungkwan lives a moderately stressful life, but this is definitely the most stressed he’s ever been. The thought of seeing his crush - seeing what he’s pretty sure could be the love of his life, actually - indecently shoots equal parts excitement and terror through his veins. It’s that excitement that pushes him to unlock pandora’s box.
He enters his password and holds his breath. Y/N💐: i wanna go to the pool tomorrow, but there’s no one to help me put my sunscreen on! will you help me? 11:23pm The image beneath the message is better than anything Seungkwan’s imagination could have conjured up. You’re smirking, chin up and confident. His eyes stroll down your neck, past your collarbones to your exposed upper chest, image cut off just at the top of your cleavage. White sunscreen is smeared everywhere - oh. Oh. It looks a lot like cum. Like Seungkwan's wettest dream that he has on a regular basis at this point. As if you’ve never applied anything to your skin in your life. As if your hands suddenly stopped working. As if you specifically wanted Seungkwan’s hands to do the work instead. 
When he eventually does remember how to breathe, he reaches out to a lifeline. In times such as these, it’s helpful to phone a friend. “It’s midnight, loser, what do you want?”
“Y/N sent me a bunch of stuff and I’m freaking out,” Seungkwan cries, numb to Jeonghan’s (typical) greeting.
Jeonghan sighs dramatically on the other line. “You’re always freaking out. What’d she say?” “She sent me a photo.”
There’s rustling and suddenly Jeonghan’s voice is so much clearer in the receiver. “What kind of photo?”
“Y-You know. Like, a photo.”
“Like, a photo-photo?”
Seungkwan is still reeling from the image of you in such a suggestive pose. “I guess? Maybe? I don’t know.” Shit, what if he’s blowing this out of proportion? What if he just saw what he wanted to see?
“What do you mean, ‘you don’t know’? Did she send nudes or what?”
“No!” Even though he was literally just imagining you naked, hearing anyone else talk about you like that makes Seungkwan almost offended on your behalf. “It’s just her chest and–”
“Tits count as nudes.” 
“It’s not her-” why is he whispering? - “boobs, it’s just, like, the top of them, you know?”
“I don’t know because I can’t see the pic and you’re being a bitch.”
Y/N💐: hey Seungkwan the read receipts are on i’m sorry can… 12:03am
Oh shit. Oh fuck. Jeonghan tries again, “Just try to describe it.”
“There’s, um, sunscreen? I think? All over the top of her chest. It looks kind of like… Her face isn’t even in it. But she said she’s going to the pool tomorrow and needs–”
“Yyyes!” Jeonghan claps. “I called it!”
“Shua and I were betting on who’d confess first. I was right, naturally.”
This guy.
Wait, is this a confession though? Seungkwan really needs to check his messages. What if he wasn’t supposed to look? No, that text was for someone else. Oh no. He shouldn’t have looked. He’s such a fucking creep. You’re never going to talk to him again. “Seungkwan!”
“Yeah? Sorry, man. What if she’s not into me like that?”
“Are you dumb?”
“Jeonghan, shut up. It’s just that - what if it was a butt dial?”
“Oh my god, you are dumb!”
“Look, I’m just–”
Y/N💐: Facetime Video
“Fuck, Han, she’s facetimeing me!”
Another clap from Jeonghan. A condescending sendoff wrapped with love. “Break a leg! Just tell her the truth!” The line clicks dead and Seungkwan is left staring at your incoming call with seconds left to pick up. No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no rrreally deep breath in no no no no no exhale through the mouth no no no no no. “Y/N?”
“Seungkwan, listen, I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, I just misinterpreted–”
“I-I’d love to rub sunscreen on your tits!” Seungkwan gasps loudly and covers his own mouth, mortified. What was that? Now he’s definitely a creep and this will be the fumble that haunts him to his grave. 
You’re not saying anything. Did you hang up? No, you’re still on, but you’re not saying anything. Phoning a friend right in such a critical moment was the absolute stupidest–
“Actually, there’s something else you could rub all over my tits if you want?”
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turbo03 · 1 month
After Midnight Angela Giarratana x Fem!reader
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About: You've liked Angela since you started at Smosh so when she invited you and some of your castmates out for karaoke night and drinks, you can't pass up the chance to spend time with her. Warnings: light drinking / mention of anxiety 💕💊
You have been working at Smosh a part of the cast for about 5 months now. You've made friends with everybody on the team cast and crew, but you can't seem to stop thinking about one person in particular. Angela Giarratana herself. The bubbly girl seemed to occupy your mind 24/7. her smile, her laugh, and the way she could make a room of upset people happy within seconds while still acknowledging everyone's feelings. How couldn't you catch at least a little crush on her?
You had about an hour left of your shift. Sitting at your desk finishing up potential jokes and skits for future videos of TNTL and maybe the next darts competition when Angela walked up to your desk and sat down in an empty chair next to you.
"Hey Y/n, what are you working on?" she asks genuinely curious.
"Hey Ang, nothing much just jokes that I'll probably never get to used," you said giving a little giggle as you turned to look at her.
"Well don't say that all your jokes so far have hit out of the ballpark," she tells you giving you a sincere smile. "anyway I wanted to see if you were doing anything tonight."
You gave an unsure look at the thought of what she was planning since you hadn't been invited anywhere with Angela yet. "No, I was just planning to sit on my couch eating some food I'll regret," you responded making the girl across from you laugh a little loud causing you to smile bigger. "Well if you don't want to do that some of the team and I are going out for drinks and karaoke and I was wondering if you wanted to come with us?"
"Yeah, that sounds like fun, when and where?" You tried not to show your immediate excitement. " I'll text you the details. I'll see you there I can't wait" Angela says with lots of excitement. As you say your goodbyes she leaves and you go back to work for the remaining time left of your shift.
As you open the door of your apartment and step in closing it behind you, you drop your keys in the nearby dish along with your purse on the floor and kick off your shoes. Walking to your couch and plopping down. You get a text.
Angela: Hey Y/n :)
Y/n: Hey Ang
Angela: So we are meeting at the Max karaoke studio around 9 if that works for you?
Y/n: That works see you there Ang :)
Angela: I'll be looking for you. ❤️
You gently drop your phone on your chest smiling at the heart Angela had added to her text. You look at the time on the little clock sitting on your TV stand. It's about 6:30 now, giving you plenty of time before you have to leave. You decide to eat food now not wanting to eat at the bar. You make a quick dinner filling you up enough for the rest of the night sitting on the couch watching Game of Thrones while you eat.
Some time passes and after you finish your food decide to take a shower and get ready. After a much-needed shower to wash the day away, you start to overthink and struggle to pick out what you are going to wear. You want to wear something that will catch Angela's attention but not make it look like you're trying too hard. You end up on a white tank top tucked into some black slightly ripped shorts with fishnets and an off-white flannel that just falls off your shoulders. You head back into the bathroom to dry and curl your hair. You also decide to do some light makeup since you don't always wear any to the office, only really doing so if you have a video to shoot. you look at the time and see it is about 8:15. Knowing it takes about 30 minutes to get to the location, you throw on your Doc Martins grabbing your keys and wallet on the way out, locking your apartment as you leave.
Traffic was surprisingly quick leaving you 10 or so minutes to spar. You park your car in a nearby underground parking unit and begin walking to the bar. Once outside the bouncer checks your ID and lets you in. As soon as you stepped inside you got overwhelmed by the amount of people going in and out, jumping around from the music and from the flowing drinks. You look over at the barside to see Shayne, Amanda, Courtney, and Angela. Once your eyes meet with Angela's, she goes from black cat to golden retriever real quick, Walking over to you never looking away from you.
"Hey I'm so glad you could come," She says giving you a warm hug that lasted longer than two coworkers should be sharing but you weren't complaining. When she let go she started leading you over to the rest of the group but not before looking you up and down with an unknowing look in her eyes.
You meet with the rest of your coworkers giving hellos and hugs to everyone. You ordered your favorite drink and started talking with your friends, especially Angela. She couldn't stop talking to you only talking to the others for no more than a few minutes so she could get back to you. Once the bar was relatively full, the owner went on stage and announced that the karaoke was now open for anyone who wanted to do so. As you took a sip of your drink you looked up to see Angela smirking at you.
"Um yes? what's with the look?" you said to her giving a light chuckle
"Go up there hun" You look at her almost not hearing the pet name
"Ahaha.. no" you gave a fake laugh and continued to sip your drink.
"Oh come on y/n do it I wanna hear you sing! guys don't you want to hear y/n sing!" she stated to the rest of the group as they all started to chant for you to sing on stage. You had issues with social anxiety in the past but have healed and grown a lot since then the gears turning in your head.
you feel a hand on yours pulling you out of your thoughts. It was Angela giving you a look and asking "Do it for me?" hearing those words gave you the confidence to go up there making Angela and the rest of your friends cheer and clap for you as you down the rest of your drink and walk up to the DJ picking a song out of his book of songs. You step on stage with most of the bar in their own conversations and some including your friends clapping for you being the first to get on stage.
You start to sing After Midnight by Chappell Roan. you start feeling the music and the lights, Dancing and singing beautifully.
Baby, put your hands up, be a freak in the club Yeah, we'll make a move, then we're making out Yeah, we're makin', make love (it's what I want) Yeah, we're makin', make love, be a freak in the club Be a freak in the club, yeah
As you sing that verse, you look and point at Angela giving her a small wink. As the song ends the bar erupts in cheers and chants for you as you give a bow and a smile. Walking off stage back to your friends.
"y/n I didn't know you could sing that well," Courtney says
"That was amazing y/n" Shayne states
"yes girl get it," Amanda says in an overly happy tone that makes you smile and giggle.
Angela grabs your shoulder turning you around a shocked look on her face "Why didn't you tell me you could sing that well, that was amazing. I can't believe you just did that!" Angela says rambling from excitement making your smile start to hurt.
The night bleeds into more talking, drinks for the rest of the group, and your friends taking turns singing on stage. everyone was starting to get tired so you all decided to pay your tabs, you only had one drink because you were driving, and everyone calling for ubers home. As you stand outside Angela notices you're not ordering a ride home and asks about it. "oh I drove here and only had one drink so I'll be good, did you want a ride home?" you ask causing her to cancel her Uber. You would've offered everyone a ride home but their Ubers had arrived already or would be there in a minute or two. You said your goodbyes to Amanda, Shayne, and Courtney, and you and Angela started walking to your car with a light conversation flowing between the two of you. As you got to your car you made sure to open Angela's door for her giving her a smile while doing so. Once you got into the driver's seat the not so sober Angela gave you the direction to her house. As you were driving her home, Angela turned on the radio and sang for you while you drove.
Once you got to her apartment, you turned off the car and offered to walk Angela to her door since it was on one of the top floors and you wanted to make sure she got home safe. She was almost sober by now since you had some water in your car and gave it to her. As you two walked to her apartment you started talking about the night you had. "I hope I didn't pressure you into going on stage tonight," Angela says feeling a little guilty for not thinking of it earlier. "Not at all Ang, I did it for you remember?" you say going back to when she asked 'do it for me?' causing her to smile.
You got to Angela's apartment and started feeling sad that you'd have to finish the great night you had so far. "well this is me" she says looking back at her door and then back at you. "y/n when you sang that verse" she paused before continuing "you winked at me. I know I wasn't sober and maybe I'm just reading into it. But I can't help but ask, did that have any meaning behind it?" You were kind of freaking out but holding it together to not scare the girl off. You knew she was sober enough to remember this in the morning so you had to choose your next move carefully. "You are not reading into it Ang" you stated simply "I don't mean to ruin our new friendship by telling you this but I've liked you since I started at Smosh. And I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable by saying that bu-" and before you could finish you feel Angelas warm perfectly glossed lips on yours. It didn't take long for you to melt into the kiss, kissing her back. Before you knew it she pulled away and you already wanted more. "Goodbye y/n, I'll see you at work," she said giving you a wink. " Wait Ang," you said quickly before she could fully get into her apartment. You rushed forward crashing your lips against hers again as she took a few steps back pulling you both inside the home, and shutting the door.
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serenailith · 1 year
just wishing
for @dreamlingbingo
Square: d1, cybersex Rating: e Word Count: 7275 Ship(s): dream of the endless/hob gadling Warnings: none Additional Tags: alternate universe - human, overworked uni student!hob, sex cam worker!dream, sex work is real work, so much filth in this, dirty talk, sex toys, blowjobs, anal sex, gratuitous use of the word ‘beautiful’ Summary:
Hob never knew a simple weblink could change his entire life.
Link: on ao3 masterlist
Hob sighs and stares at the blinking cursor. It mocks him; really, it does. Each blink seems to say “You should be writing. You’re wasting time, Gadling.” And… It’s true. He should be writing. This paper won’t write itself, and if he doesn’t get it submitted by midnight, he’ll fail Medieval Literature, and then where will he be?
Slamming his laptop shut, he follows the action with slamming his forehead against his desk. His roommate scoffs and throws a licorice rope at his back.
“It can’t be that bad.”
“It’s worse. I haven’t been able to think a single thought that’s original.”
“Shouldn’t have looked at examples of past papers,” Matthew says, and Hob can hear the shrug in the American’s voice. “But anyway, I’m goin’ out. Got my eye on a real good-looking girl, and I think I might actually have a chance.”
Matthew drops the package of licorice on Hob’s desk, claps a hand on his shoulder, and wishes him well on his way out of their room. Hob waits until the door has clicked closed before smacking his forehead against his desk once again.
His cellphone dings beside his head, and Hob glowers at the device before unlocking it. It’s only a text from his mum, asking how his paper is coming along. He sighs and lies, tells her it is going incredibly well and will probably be his best one yet.
Once she is sufficiently mollified and has chided him for being awake so late, as if she isn’t awake just as late, she makes him swear to go to bed then signs her last text “Love, Mum xx”. Hob’s heart aches at the words. It’s been three weeks since he’s been home; work and schooling have taken up all of his time. He hates it—loathes, really—that he can’t see his family as often as he’d like, but he needs the money and he needs the education. So he resigns himself to reality and focuses on what needs to be done rather than the hopes he has that he can’t make come true.
Opening his laptop, Hob turns his attention back to his essay and struggles through the next three hundred and fifty words. It’s eerily similar to what he thinks pulling teeth might be like, and he can’t stop the sigh of relief when his cellphone vibrates once more.
Matthew: Not coming back tonight. Score! Dont do anything i wouldnt do. And make sure u clean ur mess ;)
Hob snorts and exits the message thread. Matthew is a crass bastard, but he’s grown on Hob like lichen on a tree. He’s a half-decent roommate and a better friend besides.
It gets the better of him, the silence of the room only broken by the occasional click of keys and the more frequent huff of annoyance. Hob wishes he could do what Matthew is—out drinking at a pub, evidently going home with someone—but no, Hob is forcing himself to focus on his studies.
Unfortunately, his attention span grows shorter while his frustration grows higher. Hob finally slams his laptop closed and groans, pressing the palms of his hands to his eyes. He lets out a long, steady stream of curse words until his head feels less like it’ll explode then breathes out slowly. Right. That’s enough for tonight.
Hob sighs and reaches for his cellphone. Maybe someone will be free for an hour or two. Three of his usual bedmates turn him down, citing their own studies, and the fourth doesn’t bother saying ‘no’. All he does is send a link. Hob frowns and stares at the letters.
On one hand, trusting unknown links is a bad idea. On the other, he trusts Malachi rather well. Unless Malachi was hacked…
Hob opens his laptop and types in the web address before he can overthink it more. The page takes a few seconds to load, but when it does, Hob nearly clicks out of the tab. As it is, he shoots a furtive look over his shoulder as if expecting Matthew to linger there as he normally does. But the room is empty. Matthew isn’t here.
Hob swallows harshly, squeezing his eyes closed, then turns back to the laptop. The page is still up, still set to what’s very obviously a porno site, and a banner is plastered over a video container, the words “Join now!” in a rather tasteful font. A box in the corner bears numbers, the counter rising steadily in droves. There’s no indication of what kind of porno Malachi sent, but—
Hob clicks the banner and swallows down his shame as he enters his credit card information. One try can’t hurt, right? The page reloads, and the banner is gone now. He watches as the camera suddenly flares to life a minute later and brings into focus a man against a dark background. Pinpricks of white litter the wall behind him, a veritable night sky brought to Earth and made touchable. But it’s the man who captures Hob’s attention most.
The man is gorgeous—mussed black hair, pale skin, and eyes so incredibly blue even through the screen. His kissable lips quirk into a small smile at whatever he sees on his end, and Hob realises he’s probably approving of the viewer count, which is well into the hundreds by now. The man’s gaze darts to his camera, and the breath is punched from Hob’s lungs at how it seems as if the man is looking at him, not the other viewers.
Perhaps that’s part of the ruse.
Shaking his head, Hob swallows thickly and reminds himself that this is the man’s job. He blows out a breath and closes his eyes. This is so stupid, he thinks. Why is he doing something like this? Sure, he’s been without sex for months, but is cybersex really going to make a difference? After all, it’s his own hand with or without the man currently stripping on-screen.
And what a beautiful sight. wetdream slowly, carefully pushes the straps of his lacy teddy from his shoulders; his gaze remains firmly on the camera, lips curving slightly as he lets the lingerie fall out of sight. His hands toy with the edge of his underwear, the lace accentuating the sharp lines of his hips. He teases, but he doesn’t remove them.
Someone posts Take them off, sweetheart, let us see what’s underneath. The man on-screen shakes his head, though he does push the hem down an inch, just enough to show off the slightest hint of a patch of black hair.
Hob inhales sharply at the sight. It’s nothing major, nothing revealing, but it’s enough to send heat through his blood. He slides a finger over the laptop’s trackpad, tapping it once the cursor hovers over the chat-box, and hesitates.
hobgoblin: you’re beautiful
As soon as he sends the message, he slaps a hand over his face. God, he’s a right idiot, isn’t he? No one wants to hear that, especially not when they’re working. But the man on the screen is reading the message, and he doesn’t look angry or uncomfortable. In fact, he looks… pleased? There’s a tint of pink to his cheeks, and Hob revels in the sight even as messages come pouring in, calling him a moron.
He ignores them and focuses on the man now on his knees in the middle of a bed. His legs are spread, the fabric of his underwear clearly straining against the stretch, and Hob’s mouth goes dry as the man undulates his hips. Though thin, wetdream has a great body. He’s lithe, beautiful, and almost ethereal as he practically fucks the air.
Hob can’t stop himself: He stands enough to shove down his joggers then takes himself in hand. He strokes slowly, reclining in his seat as much as possible, and watches wetdream finally—finally—remove his underwear. He turns his back to the camera, looks over his shoulder, and Hob groans at the sparkle between the man’s arsecheeks.
Wish that was my cock, someone writes, and Hob scowls before hiding the chat-box. It’s easier this way, easier to pretend he isn’t pathetic watching a sex worker perform for hundreds of other people. He can pretend it’s a private thing, as if he and wetdream are…
No, that’s stupid. Creepy, even.
So Hob forces aside those thoughts and watches wetdream remove the plug, reaching for something out of view. When he turns back to the camera, Hob sees the rather impressive dildo in his hand. And an equally impressive dick.
Hob stuffs his fist into his mouth and squeezes the root of his cock, anything to drag this out. Anything to keep watching wetdream fucking himself with the toy while nearly nine hundred people watch. There’s no sound, so Hob shamefully lets himself imagine what noises are falling from wetdream’s lips as he rolls his hips and takes the dildo in further. Would he let out breathy little sighs, or deep moans that tremble in his throat? Would he murmur his lover’s name, give directions in a love-laden voice?
Hob comes too quickly but doesn’t move to clean up. Not until wetdream has come all over his own belly with twitching thighs and a blissed-out smile on his face.
The feed ends with wetdream’s face inches from the camera, a soft smile on his lips, and Hob rushing to rearrange his budget.
Thankfully, Matthew has found a young woman who doesn’t mind his… interesting mannerisms, so the next evening, he leaves the room immediately after his last class of the day. Hob waits for ten minutes to be sure his roommate is gone before he darts for his laptop and brings up the website again. He skims through the listings, trying to find—
There. wetdream.
He hurriedly clicks on “Join now!”
As he sits in his chair, counting the seconds until the cam starts, Hob realises he should feel ashamed for this. Not for supporting a sex worker. No, that would be stupid. Sex work is real work, and he’ll knock the lights out of anyone who says otherwise. No, he should feel ashamed for how desperate he’s acting. He’s had sex before. Hell, he’s even sexted before. This is only new in that it’s a complete stranger he’s watching. It’s almost like a porn video. No desperation needed.
But he’s never seen anyone in a porno look this beautiful, he thinks when wetdream comes into view. He’s wearing a corset and stockings, garters, and his eyes are rimmed with a thin line of black. His hair is still the same wild mess as it was last night, and Hob wonders if the strands are soft, would they feel like silk between his fingers?
He calls wetdream beautiful again just to see that subtle flush to his cheeks.
It takes two weeks before Hob has the courage to search the pricing tab of the website. He grimaces to himself at the cost listed. He can’t afford it, not if he wants to continue this thing called existing. Or at the very least, feeding himself. Sighing, he slumps in his seat and runs a hand over his face.
What is he even thinking? He’s already spent far too much on wetdream’s live-cams as it is. The only time he hasn’t spent money on the site is when wetdream isn’t listed. Which… hasn’t been often. Maybe three nights out of twelve.
“Fuck it, Matthew owes me a meal or two,” he grumbles before clicking on the link to apply for a private showing.
He only has to wait two hours for the email confirmation that payment has gone through and wetdream has availability for the following Saturday evening, a one-hour window from nine to ten. Hob sends back a message agreeing to the time then immediately begins planning on how to get Matthew out of the room for that hour. It should be simple enough—if his current girlfriend hasn’t broken up with him, she’ll keep him distracted. If she has, the promise of an opportunity to find another one might be sufficient.
Hob swallows and presses his fingertips to his eyelids. He’s being foolish, but damned if he can find it in him to change.
Three days has never felt so long. Hob could swear more than seventy-two hours has passed since he got the email, but nope. He’s gone from Wednesday night to Saturday, and nothing more.
As he’d predicted, Matthew is easy to get out of the room. Hob tells him about the secluded little courtyard on the other side of campus that he knows hardly anyone knows of, hints that maybe Matthew’s girlfriend would like to watch the stars for a while. Matthew is all too eager to disappear ten minutes before nine, and Hob lets out a breath of relief.
He hurries to log in on the website with the passcode the admins emailed him, and the page loads almost instantly. The feed is dark, disconnected. Hob chews on the edge of a fingernail as he watches the minutes tick past. Finally, at two minutes past nine o’clock, the video flickers to life.
wetdream wears what he wore the first time Hob ever watched his live-cam. The lacy teddy is just as Hob remembers it: dark as pitch, contrasting so beautifully to such pale skin, barely reaching a few inches past his hips. His underwear hardly conceals his half-hard cock. Hob wonders if wetdream was stroking himself in preparation.
Hob realises belatedly that he has no idea how this works. He hadn’t exactly asked the admins of the site, and there wasn’t anything listed in the FAQs. He bites down on his lower lip and lets his fingers tap out a message in the chat-box: What do I do?
wetdream’s head cocks as he reads the message, then he lets out what Hob can only imagine is a huff of laughter. Hob’s cheeks flare with heat, and he very nearly clicks out of the tab. Only the thought that he’d paid so much for this stops him. He doesn’t want to waste that amount of money. So he resigns himself to being a laughingstock—maybe wetdream will tell all his friends about the bloody idiot who can’t work a private sex show to save his life.
wetdream: Just tell me what you want me to do. I am all yours.
Hob… Hob can do that. He can tell wetdream what to do. But, then, the question remains: What the fuck does Hob want to see? He swallows and double-checks that Matthew hasn’t come back, that the door is still locked, then faces his laptop again.
hobgoblin: take off your top. i want to see you
wetdream does without hesitation; his fingers trail along his exposed skin, hook around the straps of his teddy, and he gazes directly into the camera as he pushes the straps down. The teddy slides down his lithe body until it vanishes from view. Hob blows out a breath at the expanse of smooth pale skin, the flat planes of muscle, the almost dainty lines carved to form this body. wetdream presses the tips of long fingers to his chin as he waits, and Hob could cry with how beautiful this man is.
He tells wetdream to remove his underwear, to get on the bed, to touch himself. wetdream moves quickly yet sensuously, stripping and leaving the camera where it is but bringing a tablet with him. Clearly, it’s meant so he can keep up with the chat. So he can obey Hob’s orders and fulfil his desires.
Once he’s situated on his knees in the middle of his bed, wetdream wraps a slender hand around his cock and gives it one long, slow stroke. Hob watches wetdream drag his nails down his bare chest, lines of pink left in their wake, before the hand splays over a sharp hipbone, dips down to fondle himself. wetdream’s tongue darts out to wet his lower lip, and Hob hesitantly types out another message.
hobgoblin: i want to see you open yourself up.
wetdream’s gaze darts to the tablet, a brow twitching, then he moves. When he comes back on-screen, he holds a bottle of lubricant. Hob watches with a dry mouth as wetdream coats his fingers. He turns until he’s side-on to the camera, lowers his chest so it rests on the mattress, and reaches behind himself. His lashes flutter closed, knees spreading slightly wider, and his wrist flexes as he clearly pushes his finger in further. He turns his head toward the camera, eyes opening to slits, and his lips curve the barest amount in the corners. His mouth drops open as his knuckles shift beneath his skin.
hobgoblin: just like that. you’re beautiful like this, did you know that? hobgoblin: so beautiful. hobgoblin: fuck yourself with your fingers for me, love.
Hob moans when wetdream does as commanded. He wishes he could be there, could hear what sounds spill from this man’s lips, could be the one opening him up until he’s begging for Hob’s cock. Hob doesn’t hesitate: He shoves down the band of his pyjama bottoms and takes himself firmly in hand. It’s harder to type one-handed, but he does it anyway.
hobgoblin: let me see your arse. let me see you nice and open.
wetdream moves again until he’s reclining against an impressive amount of pillows, legs spread, and Hob nearly swallows his tongue at the sight. He really, truly is open; it would be so easy to just push inside and fuck wetdream senseless. After a moment, wetdream’s fingers dive back into himself. The tablet still rests beside him, and he occasionally glances at the screen.
hobgoblin: do you wish it was me there? instead of just your fingers. do you wish it was my cock splitting you open? because i do.
wetdream nods, first slowly then more vigorously. Hob types out faster, love, that’s it, and God, does wetdream obey so beautifully. He obeys when Hob tells him to stroke himself, and Hob’s hand moves more quickly as wetdream fucks up into his own fist then back onto his fingers.
Can I come? wetdream mouths after a moment, eyes darkened and thighs trembling, and Hob has a helluva time typing yes.
“Come for me,” he groans though wetdream can’t hear, but that doesn’t matter: Ropes of cum stripe along wetdream’s belly only seconds later as his head falls back to expose his throat. Hob wants to bite it, to leave his mark so wetdream would never forget him.
The mental image is enough to send Hob over the edge himself.
hobgoblin: gorgeous
wetdream gives a shaky smile as he lies against his pillows, and Hob reaches for a tissue from the box beside him. To his surprise, he sees a message when he looks back at the screen.
wetdream: Do you want me to taste myself? hobgoblin: if you want to? i don’t have much of a preference in either direction.
That might change, he thinks as wetdream swipes a finger through the mess on his stomach. Hob’s heart skips a beat when wetdream sucks the cum from his fingertip, tongue wrapping around the digit as he stares into the camera as if challenging Hob. Hob’s cock gives a valiant twitch, but there’s nothing he can do about it.
He glances at the clock—it’s only been half an hour, and he’s already spent.
wetdream: You still have thirty-two minutes left. Is there anything else you would like? hobgoblin: no, you were wonderful. i enjoyed myself
wetdream grins before visibly tamping down on it. Shaking his head, he taps at the screen of his tablet.
wetdream: I am glad. wetdream: I enjoyed myself, as well. hobgoblin: thank you for a great time. good night, beautiful
wetdream comes closer to the camera, smiles once more, then the screen goes to the landing page. Hob slumps in his seat and runs his clean hand over his face. Well, that was… something.
There’s a partial refund on his credit card the next morning.
Unfortunately for Hob, the private show spawns something like an addiction. There’s an undeniably impossible-to-resist quality about wetdream that Hob can’t quite explain, not even to himself, so he doesn’t try. He merely adjusts his budget more and more, picking up extra shifts as often as he can to afford living expenses and the live-cams. As long as they don’t interfere with wetdream’s showings. He’s noticed a pattern to the cams, so he tries to schedule his life around them. It isn’t always possible to make it to one—he has to miss a handful over the next two months, between working and Matthew being in the room—but he tries.
He always makes sure to tell wetdream how beautiful he is.
Three months after Malachi sent the link, the term is over, and Hob is heading back home for the summer. His mum has been pestering him about it, and he’s missed his family fiercely. He hadn’t known just how much wetdream’s cams had been affecting his life until he checked the calendar just last week and realised he had only been back home twice a month since the cams started.
Hob grins and envelops his mother in a tight hug. She squeezes him once before stepping back. Frowning, Elizabeth runs her thumbs under his eyes.
“I’m fine, Mum.”
“You haven’t been sleeping well.”
No, I’m stupidly infatuated with a sex worker and can’t stop thinking about him. “You know how school is,” he says with a shrug before grabbing his bag. “Dad at home?”
He settles into his childhood bedroom with ease. It’s gone through some significant changes over the years. No longer filled with posters of cartoon characters or Formula 1 cars or toys meant for a seven-year-old little boy, the room suits him well enough now. He sets his bag on the floor by the wardrobe then sits on the bed.
He’s just begun thinking about wetdream—again—when a small form slams into his side. Hob chuckles as he pushes at his little sister’s shoulder until she backs away. Maggie beams before hugging him. Hob closes his eyes as he holds her close.
At only eleven years old, Margaret is the baby of the four children. She should be a spoiled princess, but she’s rather well-rounded and down to Earth. At the very least, there is little that Hob can complain about that isn’t typical younger sibling behaviour.
He presses a kiss to Maggie’s hair before releasing her. “What are you doing home already? Don’t you have school?”
“Mum said I can get out early today since you were coming home. Besides, it’s the last day anyway. We never do anything on the last day.”
“Fair enough.”
Hob sighs and stares at his sister. Her blonde hair has been plaited today, and her hazel eyes sparkle with delight as she sits beside him on his bed, grinning. There’s a small stain of chocolate on the collar of her uniform jumper.
Her gaze slides around the room before alighting on the guitar leaning against the far wall. “Oh, can you please play Black Bird?”
“Which version?”
“From the movie!”
Hob laughs and nods. If his baby sister wants a song, a song she will get. So once the instrument is in hand, he quickly wipes off the dust, tunes the strings, then begins to play.
Before he knows it, three weeks have gone by. He’s found a job in the library, so he spends his days helping patrons find books and makes small talk with everyone. It’s a lot like his job in the university bookstore but less stressful. He doesn’t have fellow students yelling at him because they’re late for class or the books are too expensive.
Hob’s favourite thing about being home, however, is spending time with his family. Fourteen-year-old Maxwell, Nicolette and Andrew at seventeen, and of course, Maggie. His parents. Even his neighbours who never really liked him but now think he’s an exemplary young man for attending uni and holding down a ‘respectable’ job.
‘Respectable’. What makes a job respectable, Hob wonders. Perhaps it’s that he’s not stripping or whoring himself out. Or running a cam service.
Cam service.
Hob swears to himself, startling his family at the dinner table. His mother admonishes him for his language, despite the fact that the twins curse just as often as he does, and Max and Maggie have heard far worse. But he doesn’t care. He’d completely forgotten. How?
He forces himself to eat his dinner at a normal pace, even helps clean up as an apology to his mum for swearing around his siblings. As soon as she shoos him away, Hob nearly sprints up the stairs to his old bedroom.
It’s Friday which means, if he’s held to the pattern, wetdream has a showing tonight. Right about… now, actually. Hob hurries to log into his account and skims the listings until he finds the name of the correct live-cam. Blowing out a breath of relief that his card hasn’t been declined, he locks his bedroom door then sits on his bed, leaning against the wall.
The video is dark still, and Hob chews on his thumbnail as he wonders what wetdream could possibly be doing to prepare. He’s already growing hard just with the mental images of all the possibilities. He could be stroking himself until he’s erect, opening himself up for a plug to keep him ready for toys.
Hob’s thoughts stutter as the feed begins. wetdream sits on his bed already, legs crossed and showing off the high heels and stockings he wears. The sheer, black corset he’s donned accentuates the straight lines of his body, and it would look awkward on anyone else. But on him, Hob thinks it’s the most beautiful sight he’s ever seen.
hobgoblin: hello beautiful
Hob has never witnessed anyone truly lighting up like this, not outside of Maggie on Christmas morning when their parents had given her a guinea pig. But wetdream does now. He doesn’t smile, his expression doesn’t change, but there’s something in his eyes that gives away his delight. Hob’s chest fills with a warmth he can’t describe. He’s the reason wetdream is so happy right now. He has to be.
Something about wetdream’s room is different. It takes Hob a moment to place it: He’s moved his bed. He’s moved his bed to make room for the silver pole in the centre of the room. A shiver slides down Hob’s spine at the thought of what’s to come.
Hob doesn’t send any messages while he watches wetdream work. And work wetdream does. He doesn’t strip this time, not really, but that’s fine. He’s gorgeous regardless as he undulates his hips against the pole, as he spins and nearly hovers off the floor, held firmly up by his thighs against the metal. Hob hides the chat-box when someone says it could be their pole that wetdream works.
Hob nearly comes to the sight of blue eyes staring directly into the camera and a kissable lower lip caught between teeth as wetdream plunges his hand between waist and lacy underwear. As he pulls his cock free. As he strokes himself teasingly, like he wants to put on one helluva show, and maybe he does. Hob lets himself imagine that it’s all for him. He comes a split second after wetdream does.
wetdream licks cum from his hand, and Hob wishes it was him doing it.
He’s just hovered over the X to close out of the tab, feed gone dark once more, when a chat-box pops up in the bottom of his screen.
wetdream: Tomorrow night, midnight. hobgoblin: ?? wetdream: You will see.
Hob raises a brow even as no further messages come in. Deciding to not ask more questions, he closes the tab and reaches for the tissues on his nightstand. He feels like a teenager again, going through puberty and too many tissues to be inconspicuous. He huffs out a laugh as he tosses the tissues into the bin under his desk.
It’s ten to midnight, and Hob is already logged in. Waiting. His heart races in his chest, and his palms have gone clammy. He repeatedly wipes them on his bare thighs; no point in wearing bottoms, is there, when he’s just going to shove them down in minutes?
A chat-box appears with two minutes to spare. All it contains is an invite link. There is no host information, just a site bot doing the work. Hob knows, though. He knows, so he clicks Accept without hesitation.
He isn’t disappointed: wetdream appears within seconds. The pole is nowhere to be found now, and the bed is back in its original position. He’s wearing the heels again, and Hob stifles a groan low in his throat at how they make wetdream’s legs look even longer. Other than the shoes, he’s completely nude. Hob watches him tap at the screen of his tablet as he settles in on the bed.
wetdream: I get one free credit to give per month. I chose you. hobgoblin: i’m flattered. thank you. wetdream: I have a request of you tonight, if you are amenable to that? hobgoblin: anything, beautiful wetdream: Tell me what you would do to me were you to be here. Tell me what you want of me. hobgoblin: gladly. lie back and let me see you. hobgoblin: god, you’re fucking beautiful. you listen so well.
Hob doesn’t mind that wetdream’s attention isn’t on him, it’s on the messages coming in on the tablet, as Hob tells every dirty fantasy he’s carried with him over the last four months. He’d kiss wetdream until they were both breathless, unable to speak. He’d suck wetdream’s cock until he was coming down Hob’s throat. Hob would bring wetdream to his knees and fuck his mouth before coming all over his face. He’d bend the gorgeous, perfect man over the nearest surface, open him up so slowly and gently, then fuck him until they were too exhausted to move anymore. He’d fuck him with the points of wetdream’s heels digging into his back, leaving bruises to remind Hob of their union.
Or maybe, maybe, Hob would let wetdream fuck him into the mattress. He has a feeling the man is hiding some serious strength in that slender body of his.
hobgoblin: play with your arse, love, beautiful one. come when you want, i’m watching.
wetdream nods rapidly, hand nearly a blur as he jerks himself off. He clenches his teeth, eyes squeezing closed, then his release is spilling free over his fist and abdomen. Some even manages to reach his chest.
It takes Hob an embarrassingly short amount of time to come after that.
You have a way with words, wetdream messages once he’s cleaned himself up, something he’s never done on camera before.
hobgoblin: only for you wetdream: You stayed away for quite some time. I hope all is well?
And is that… That’s apprehension, nervousness, on wetdream’s face. Hob groans at that before typing out yeah, everything is fine. sorry to make you worry. Something twists in wetdream’s expression, and he scowls at the screen.
wetdream: I did not worry. I was merely curious. wetdream: Have a good night, hobgoblin. hobgoblin: it’s hob.
The video cuts out but not before Hob sees wetdream mouthing his name to himself. Hob wipes away his mess then crawls into bed.
There is no live-cam the next week or the next. There is no live-cam until Hob is back at uni, six weeks after the free private show.
Hob still calls wetdream beautiful, but wetdream doesn’t seem to notice. Or care.
It’s almost Christmas by the time anything changes. Matthew refuses to leave the room, moping about being so far from home during the holidays, and Hob takes pity on the young man. He invites Matthew to spend Christmas with the Gadling family. Matthew grins and accepts cheerily; any sense of melancholy is gone now, as if a demon banished by an exorcism.
Andrew protests but finally concedes to giving up his room for Matthew, to sharing a bed with Maxwell. Hob, thankfully, gets his room to himself still. It’s bad enough sharing a room as a grown adult, but to share a bed? He’d rather sleep outside in the snow.
Hob waits until the others are in bed before locking his door and opening his laptop. He highly doubts wetdream would be hosting a showing tonight, so near to Christmas, but he wants to check anyway. A site bot has sent another message: Happy Christmas followed by a link.
Hob clicks.
wetdream: You were right. I was… concerned. I grew accustomed to you being in the viewer list, to your messages calling me beautiful.
Hob grins, shaking his head, and types back: you’re forgiven, beautiful.
wetdream: I thought perhaps I could show my remorse by giving you an early Christmas present. hobgoblin: far be it from me to turn down a gift ;)
wetdream smiles on camera, a shy little thing, before sitting back in his seat, showing more than just his head. He’s wearing a red negligee with a ribbon wrapped around his throat, tied in a bow beneath his chin. He chews on his bottom lip, and Hob realises with a start he’s wearing lipstick. Not much, just enough to give more colour, and he’s never wanted to kiss wetdream this much before.
His cock stirs, and he has to agree with the sentiment. This is—
hobgoblin: you are absolutely stunning, love, darling dream come true wetdream: Thank you, but just Dream is acceptable.
Dream. Fucking Hell, of course he’d want to be called Dream. And what a dream he is. Hob pinches himself to make sure this is real, that this is wetdream—Dream—baring himself as a present for Hob.
hobgoblin: it suits you. can i ask you to show me more of you?
Dream—God, fucking Dream—dips his chin and stands. The camera fills with the spread of sheer red and a half-hard cock in a thatch of black hair, then Dream steps back. Hob nods in approval at what he sees, the most perfect present he’s ever received, and types out a request for Dream to surprise him tonight. He wants to know how Dream would please him, by his own choices.
Dream obeys because he always does. He opens himself up, fucks himself on the dildo from before, as he types out a wish that it was Hob filling him. That it was Hob who was stroking his dick and that Hob would leave bruises on his skin to remind him of everything wonderful. He promises he gives the best blowjobs of anyone he knows—he should know, there was a competition involved. He’d make Hob so happy if Hob were there.
hobgoblin: come for me, love. god, i’ve missed seeing you like this. just for me, aren’t you?
Dream taps something, then “Only for you” comes through Hob’s speakers, a low whine of a voice that sends a shiver down Hob’s spine. Breathless pants, and a broken “Only for you, Hob.”
Hob comes at the sound of his name falling from such beautiful, kissable lips.
“Dream, fuck, Dream,” Hob groans, cum dripping down his fist, and he watches as Dream reaches his own climax on-screen.
He hesitates as Dream cleans up, as Dream approaches the computer once more. Throwing caution to the wind, he hurriedly types his phone number into the chat-box and bites down on the edge of his thumbnail as Dream reads the message. His eyes widen, gaze darting to the camera, and Hob can hear the quickening of his breath.
hobgoblin: you don’t have to use it. just wanted you to have it just in case you wanted to. happy early christmas, dream of mine.
Dream closes out of the live-cam without response.
Unknown Number: Are you busy?
Hob stares at the text. It’s Christmas morning, and he’s meant to be downstairs right now. But he has a feeling he knows who’s texting him two days after he gave them the number in the first place.
Hob: Not if this is who I think it is.
The maybe-mysterious texter sends back a photograph of a very familiar body. Hob’s gaze trails along the well-known stature, the valleys and curves of muscle and the fine delicacy of bones. He’s just lined his camera up to take a picture of his own when someone knocks on the door.
“C’mon, Robbie, Mum won’t let us open presents until you come down!”
“I’ll be right there, Mags.”
“You better, or I’m throwing all yours in the fireplace.”
Her footsteps stomp back down the stairs, and Hob laughs quietly before typing out a message.
Hob: Happy Christmas, Dream. I, unfortunately, have a little sister who’s threatening the very survival of my gifts if I don’t get downstairs now. Luckily, she can’t take you from me, can she? 😉 Dream: No. She cannot. Happy Christmas, Hob.
Somehow, his parents have scrounged up gifts for Matthew. Hob has a feeling they were originally meant to be for him, but he’s willing to give up a few presents if it means making his friend happy and feel included. After presents have been put away, there comes breakfast, and Matthew fits in perfectly. He’s on his best behaviour which is a side to him Hob never thought he’d see.
All in all, it’s a pleasant time that only exacerbates the buzzing joy in his veins that comes from having Dream.
He knows it isn’t real. That Dream doesn’t truly care for him. That Dream saying he was only Hob’s was meant to make Hob feel special, to make him willing to pay more money. But goddamn it, Hob wants to hold onto the charade just a while longer. He’ll face reality soon enough. Now is not the time.
He eventually sends a photo of himself to Dream. Might as well let the man see who he’s been giving free private shows to. Might as well show him what he’s getting if only he knew.
Two weeks after the start of term finds Hob roaming around the campus. He’s been attending this university for two years, and there is still so much he doesn’t know about it. Once his face is sufficiently, painfully numb, he ducks into the campus coffeeshop and joins the queue. He needs caffeine and heat. Now.
He turns with his latte in hand, coming to a stop at the sight of two people at the corner table. One is a dark-skinned woman with gold wire-rimmed glasses, wearing an impeccable peacoat and trousers. The other…
The other is clearly Dream.
Hob would recognise that hair anywhere. The pale skin, the blue eyes shining in the weak January sunlight. The woman glances over, frowns, then says something. Dream’s lips tug down, and he turns his head to follow her gaze. His eyes widen when they land on Hob. His lips move, but Hob can’t understand what he’s saying.
Hob approaches the table slowly, carefully, as if the earth will open up and swallow him whole. Instead, he reaches the table without issue, and he smiles down at Dream.
Dream lets out a soft sigh, eyelashes fluttering against his cheeks, before he glances at his friend. “Lucienne, I’m afraid I must go.”
“Oh. Of course. I’ll phone you later.”
Dream merely nods, rising to his feet, and Hob moves aside so he can pass. Once outside and halfway down the block, Dream turns to him and opens his mouth. No words come, not for a long moment, then Hob interrupts.
“You’re more beautiful in person.”
Dream exhales sharply, fists the lapels of Hob’s jacket, and pushes him against the brick wall of a building. Hob barely gets out a sound of surprise before Dream is kissing him. Heat floods Hob’s veins, his skin, his entire being as he focuses on the taste of coffee and mint and Dream, oh fuck, is this really happening? He wraps his arms around Dream’s waist, tugs him in closer, and yes. This is real.
“I have been wanting to do that since Christmas,” Dream admits when he pulls away.
“I’ve been wanting to kiss you since the first time I saw you.” He pauses, leans forward to kiss Dream once more. “Come back to mine?”
Dream nods and lets Hob lead him away.
Thankfully, Matthew is at class by the time Hob unlocks the door. He shuts it quickly behind Dream, pinning the man between body and wood, and kisses him again. And again. He makes quick work of unbuttoning Dream’s long coat, of sliding his hand along the hard plane of Dream’s abdomen, to wrap around his hip.
“What do you want me to do?” Dream whispers, and Hob nips at his bottom lip. “Hob…”
“Let me see you, love. I need to see you.”
Dream doesn’t bother putting on a show as he strips down to nothing, leaving his clothes in a pile at his feet. Hob groans and drops to his knees, presses a soft kiss to the head of Dream’s cock. Beautiful, he whispers before taking it in his mouth.
Dream shouts, hand immediately burying in Hob’s hair, and that’s all it takes. Hob sucks and licks and swirls his tongue around the head, takes Dream in all the way to the root until his nose is buried in coarse hair. Swallows around the cock in the back of his throat until Dream comes with a bitten-off cry and quivering thighs.
Opening Dream up is a fucking glorious gift from Heaven. He whines so wonderfully, shoves down onto Hob’s fingers with wanton moans, obeys when Hob tells him to roll onto his belly. Arse on display, Dream shudders as Hob runs a hand along his flank, lets out a broken sound when Hob pushes in. And Hob could die with that sound. He does as he promised so long ago: He fucks Dream in alternating patterns, rough countered by tender, until Dream is panting and Hob’s arms tremble from holding himself up.
Someone knocks on the door. Matthew’s voice calls for Hob, “I forgot my key, open up.”
“Go the fuck away,” Hob grits out, sliding his hand beneath Dream’s body to grasp onto his cock.
Hob comes first, out of breath and satisfied as he spills into Dream with abandon. He presses a soft kiss to Dream’s shoulder, bites down on the smooth skin.
“Come for me, my dream. Let me feel you.”
Dream’s breath comes out in a shuddering sob, and he thrusts forward into Hob’s tight grip over and over, moving between fist to cock then back again. Hob bites down harder, soothing the spot with his tongue.
“Come,” he all but growls into the skin.
Dream does.
Hob pulls Dream to the side once he’s finished, holds him close out of the mess he’s made, and Dream exhales shakily. Hob runs a gentle hand along Dream’s stomach and kisses the curve of his neck.
“I know this is a bit backwards,” he murmurs as soon as he catches his breath again, “but have dinner with me.”
Dream hums in response, nodding slowly, and Hob realises he’s fallen asleep when there comes the sound of soft snores. Deciding class can wait for another day, he burrows his face into the back of Dream’s neck and lets himself drift away. He can deal with Matthew later.
(Matthew retaliates by telling Hob’s mother all about her son’s new boyfriend.)
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NIMBUS TIMBER - The Millennium Saga [Firebreathers ; Echoseers ; Goddess-Touched]
My movement becomes a work of mindless automation, once the halls around are familiar enough for my mental organization of colored glass and unclear distance to guide me. A blessing, in that I don’t need to think-think-overthink to figure out where to go. A curse, in that I’m free to think-think-overthink every way the world could end in the time it takes me to find the neon blue, teal, evergreen, and gray door that hides Beta’s makeshift workshop. On instinct, my hands go to press the panels in a door left behind in the electrical-humming district of Little Wasi. To strike the pattern I wrote into my muscles bathed in morning mist and sleepless sunrises, one I learned so I could let myself in and wake the crone in the rafters in time for his repair shop to open.
He/Him - Transgender Man
Bisexual - 21 (~23 on Earth)
First-generation Mae Ehlf - Water Mage
Heavily OCD-coded; chronic insomniac.
Where he begins:
Nimbus is awake when Ember returns home after midnight, but this is nothing strange. It's rare to ever find him sleeping, really, ever since their life took a nosedive and he managed to convince himself that if he never closed his eyes, nothing bad could ever happen again.
It doesn't work. But that doesn't mean he can stop doing it.
Luckily, his apprenticeship under the robotics engineer Beta Altiana has flexible hours. Even if that means working with a man with no regard for physical safety or lawfulness, two of the biggest triggers for Nimbus' paranoia.
But he can cope. There's only one front on which he has to deal with that, after all.
What he finds himself confronting:
When Ember decides they want to join the rebellion, Nimbus is adamant that they turn the rebels in for a bounty instead. It's safer on all counts, really, and maybe the guilt would eat him up alive, but that wouldn't be anything new, not after he lost track of time once and ended up with a dead sister and mortally wounded brother and years of blaming himself for—
But Ember wins the argument. And, just like he warned them, the consequences they shrugged off come raining down in a horrific mimicry of his deepest fears.
Now they all have to run. To abandon the only city they've ever known. To leave their lives behind.
If he has to leave because of Ember's rash decisions, he's going to make one of his own.
He's bringing Beta with them, regardless of his status as an international fugitive.
Important connections:
Family: Ember (twin), Autumn, Dusk, Ash, and Oak Timber. Formerly Luka, Akari, and Starlight Timber, and Lileya Wolfsbane (all deceased)
Friends: Andy Meywin (best friend) and Beta Altiana (the man he apprentices under)
Themes - Missing Prototype by Audiomachine, Ion Storm by Audiomachine, Incendiary (Instrumental) by Tommee Profitt
Vibes - Paranoia by Koethe, Monster In The Wall by Rosendale, Sick of the Silence by Mother Mother
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pastel-mocha · 1 year
Love Confession || Yamaguchi Tadashi x Fem!Reader
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genre: hurt/comfort
highschool!yamaguchi x reader (both are in their first year of highschool)
word count: 1054
warnings: none, at least I don't think so:)
A/N: Hey everyone! this is my first story and if course it had to be about yams because he is one of my favourite characters from haikyuu, please let me know if there's any typos/mistakes I wrote this after midnight so I apologise, I ACCEPT SUGGESTIONS AND CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM!! <33
Today was finally the day you thought of confessing your feelings to Yamaguchi, You've had a crush on him ever since. middle school.
The summer holidays were just around the corner, if he didn't like you back you wouldn't have to deal being embarrased around him, by the time you would have came back to school your feelings would probably be gone, still it would be very awkward to hang out with him after friendzoning you.
You suddenly felt a rush of adrenaline and that's when you decided it was the perfect time to confess, of course after class was done.
"Class is dismissed, enjoy your lunch" your English teacher said before walking out the classroom's door
You took the notebooks that were laying on your desk and carefully placed them in your school bag, you heard a familiar voice calling out for you
"Y/n, when are you going to confess to Yamaguchi?" The blonde hair girl asked, her eyes filled with curiousity
"Oh about that.. I was thinking today but I don't know if he likes me" you answered your best friend's question
"C'mon Y/n, now you're just overthinking! Don't be negative all of the time" Yachi gave you a reassuring smile
"I am sure he likes you back, You are so awesome, gorgeous and smart how could he not like you? You two look perfect toge-" You cut your best friend off
"Yachi, can we just drop this conversation and act like it never happened?" you were nervous, scared of confessing, what if he didn't like you back? thoughts started clogging up your mind but Yachi stopped before you could have spiralled into your old bad thoughts
"Y/n, you don't have to confess right now, I am always here for you and I can help you" Yachi came forward and hugged you, then someone walked by and whispered
"I know he likes you" You froze once you heard another familiar voice, but you weren't so sure who whispered to you
"What?" You were red as a tomato and your ears started burning
"I wasn't talking to you, dumbass" of course it's Tsukishima
"Then who were you talking to?" You asked while praying he was actually talking to you, and not to your best friend
"I meant to say that to Yachi, sorry Y/n" You felt betrayed, it wasn't Yachi's fault at all
You pushed her away, carefully to not hurt her, grabbed your belongings and stormed out of the classroom, you went to your safe place to calm yourself down
Passing by the gymnasium you saw Yamaguchi, you didn't stop to greet him as you usually did, you continued to walk, the pace becoming faster.
"Isn't that Y/n?" Hinata asked while pointing towards you
"Hm? Sorry, I didn't notice she walked by" Tadashi replied and then proceeded to ask a question
"Do you think she's mad at me? She usually stops by and greets me" the freckled boy said, The other boy could see the fear in his eyes
"Maybe? I dunno, dude this food is so awesome, take a bite!" Shoyo tried reassuring Tadashi, it didn't quite work out
Yamaguchi got up, and walked in the same way you did, eventually he bumped into you, you were laying on the grass, under a cherry blossom tree
"Y/n?" his eyes widened when he saw you teary eyed, you tried rubbing your tears but it was too late, he noticed something was wrong
"Tadashi? What are you doing here?" you asked, though you weren't ready for any kind of confrontation, not now.
"I saw you walking by the gymnasium, and you didn't stop by to chat, I wanted to see if something is wro-"
"Everything is wrong, first I found out that my crush likes another girl, and by another girl I mean Yachi my best friend, I mean there's nothing wrong with her but I am jealous" you take a deep breath and continue to ramble about your feelings
"And now you're here, and yo-you showed up here while I'm crying" he hands you a tissue and allows you to spill your thoughts further.
He doesn't know if he should ask, maybe you will find it offensive and feel upset again
"I wanted to ask some questions about your crush" he quietly said, his voice is truly mesmerising
"Well, he is pretty tall" he cut you off and said
"Let me guess, is it Tsukki?" he giggled at your response
"No, it's not Tsukishima, It's someone else who makes me feel loved, he is really smart and handsome too, he doesn't think so, but I do" you blushed, looking the other way to not face him
"Why don't you confess to him already?" He asked, his green eyes filled with confusion
"Well here it is" you said before taking multiple deep breaths, "Tadashi, I've had a crush on you since middle school and words can't explain how happy you make me, I always wanted to confess to you but never found the perfect opportunity.
But today is different, you may not feel the same and our relationship might be awkward after this, but I can't continue bottling up my feelings" you sighed, your hands are now covering your face "This is so embarrassing" you mumbled, your ears were burning again
"Y/n, i feel the same way about you" his hands pushing yours away from your face, tucking some of your hair behind your ear, your face was red and you looked like you were going to explode anytime soon.
"I hid my feelings from you because I thought you didn't like me" he said with a calm tone, while rubbing the back of his neck
"But, Tsukishima said you like Yachi, you don't have to feel bad for me" you said while Yamaguchi was wiping some of your falling tears away
"Y/n, you really trust Tsukki? That boy loves to tease everyone" he smiled at you, pressed a kiss on your forehead and hugged you tightly
"I will always love you, no matter what happens between us" he said with a lot of confidence and of course you trust him but don't forget to ask one more question
"Promise?" you looked up at him, your eyes full of happy tears, you smiled while waiting for a response
"I promise"
Reblogs are highly appreciated<33
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jinkoh · 1 year
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heartbreak anniversary
jinho x gn reader
summary: you're not quite over your break up with Jinho—but neither is he
tags: angst, hurt/comfort, exes to lovers, suggestive, word count: ~2,5k
a/n: guess who really isn't normal about the last magho (and the way he pushes down his hood at 2:45 no i ofc do not know that time stamp by heart haha i'm cool i'm chill) yes it's another joji fic but who is going to write silly little fics about him that i can read before bed if not me? also i know i've used pictures from the same video before but i just couldn't make pictures from the actual magho look nice so 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
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You tried not to be a sentimental person. Getting so invested in your feelings was surely a waste of energy. But you’d never been good at controlling your emotions. Jinho had been better at that, or at least that’s what he’d liked to say. Maybe it wasn’t always true, but what he’d truly been unbeatable at was snapping you out of your anxiety spirals. It happened often—you had a tendency to overthink and get yourself worked up and Jinho had always, always noticed. He knew how to tiptoe the line between telling you the blunt truth you needed to hear without being too harsh or hurting your feelings. You could probably use that right now.
It was stupid to dwell on the past like this—Jinho would certainly have something to say about that. But you weren’t dating anymore, so it wasn’t like it was any of his business. Surely he wasn’t thinking about you nor about the fact that today was your anniversary; that exactly 3 years ago you’d made it official at that small pavilion by the beach (which honestly wasn’t half as romantic as it sounds like).
No, he surely wasn’t thinking about any of these things. Jinho didn’t have to try not to be a sentimental person. He just wasn’t.
You on the other hand couldn’t think of anything else. You were laying awake even though it was late and you had to work the next day. But you missed him so much, it felt like it was physically tearing you apart. You missed him on his side of the bed, and you missed the way he’d let you cuddle into his chest. The bed felt cold and lonely without him there.
Almost on autopilot, you slipped out from under your warm sheets, and threw on whatever clothes you found laying around before you slipped out into the night. 
The walk from your apartment to the beach wasn’t that long, ten, fifteen minutes maybe. It wasn’t midnight yet when you reached the pavilion, so technically it was still your anniversary. The weather was cold and rainy and the stars were hidden behind thick clouds, but that seemed to match your mood perfectly. You’d been here so many times, taking walks along the shore and enjoying the breeze. 
That day too hadn’t been anything special. You’d been on a walk together, like you’d been a zillion times before. As friends, of course as friends, except neither of you had felt that way anymore. You’d stopped at that pavilion, chuckled about how pitiful and shabby it looked, but with the sun setting on the ocean, you’d thought it was a tad bit romantic. So you’d said just that, almost immediately regretting it. You’d started walking again, fully expecting Jinho to snort at the sappy comment. But he hadn’t. He’d reached for your wrist, making you stop in your tracks. 
Yeah, it’s romantic.
You still remembered the sound of his voice, trembling a little with nerves. It was clear that he’d wanted to say so much more. But that’d been enough, at least for the moment.
You wondered when the two of you had stopped being enough.
For a while you blankly stared out into the night, watching the waves roll onto the beach; the white foam visible despite the darkness. It was silent, as to be expected at this time on a regular work night, especially in a small town like yours. All you could hear was the sound of the ocean and the pitter-patter of the light drizzle against the roof of the pavilion. From time to time, a seagull squawked in the distance.
You stayed until the cold felt like it was biting your skin, and then you stayed longer still, waiting for the rain to stop. It’d picked up significantly, now more of a steady shower rather than a light drizzle and you didn’t fancy getting drenched. 
The rain was also the reason you hadn’t heard the sound of footsteps coming closer, only spotting the hooded figure approaching you over the promenade when he’d almost reached the pavilion. It wasn’t like there was anything intimidating about him per se, and surely he was just coming over to seek shelter, but it just seemed a little scary to share this small space with a stranger at the dead of night when no one else was around. So you stepped out into the pouring rain, leaving the pavilion in the opposite direction of the person approaching. You felt anxious, but you forced yourself to walk calmly, casually.
When you dared to steal a glance over your shoulder though, it almost seemed as if the figure was coming after you. With a racing heart you picked up your pace more, trying to put some distance between the two of you, until suddenly a familiar voice cut through the rain.
“Y/n! Wait!”
You stopped in your tracks, your head snapping around. The guy had stopped, leaving a huge gap between the two of you. Full of disbelief you just stared at him for a moment.
“It’s me.” He carefully stepped closer, his arms held up in front of his body in some sort of pacifying gesture. 
He nodded, lifting his hands to slowly push down the hood of his gray sweater, as if to prove that it was really him, as if you hadn’t recognized him from the moment you’d heard his voice.  Your eyes followed the movement, and there was a weird sense of intimacy about it all that you weren’t supposed to share with him anymore.
You helplessly opened and closed your mouth a few times, wanting so desperately to say something but not a single sensible thing came to mind.
“I didn’t know you’d be here,” Jinho broke the silence eventually. “I didn’t think you would be.”
“Why did you come?” It sounded colder than anticipated, but you genuinely just wanted to know. It didn’t make sense that he was here.
“It’s our anniversary.”
The way he said that, as if it was a given, made your heart ache. He wasn’t supposed to think about that. He wasn’t supposed to be a sentimental person who dwelled on the past like this. And yet, it seemed as if he was, and he admitted it so easily too.
“There is no us anymore,” you replied, frail and breathy.
He nodded, averting his gaze and staring at his shoes instead. You thought his eyes looked teary, but you couldn’t be too sure, not with the rain and the darkness surrounding you.  “Right.”
It got quiet except for the rain that was still pouring down on you, until he raised his voice again.
“Why did you come?”
You shrugged, tears brimming your eyes. “It’s our anniversary.”
It was barely a whisper, your voice breaking before you could even finish the last syllable. 
Jinho rushed in, stepping closer and pulling you into his arms, as if on instinct, as if he couldn’t help himself. He held you while sobs escaped your throat and tears streamed down your face, and you clung onto him, your fingers clutching his hoodie like your life was dependent on it.
“I miss you. I just miss you so.”
“Yeah,”  he choked out, burying his face in your hair. “I miss you too.”
 The rain wouldn’t let up at all, but it hardly mattered now that both of you were already completely drenched. You weren’t sure how much time had passed with the two of you just standing there, holding onto each other. You didn’t want to know either. All you wanted was for the moment not to end. Despite shivering from the cold, you didn’t let go, too scared you’d both part ways again as if nothing had happened tonight.
It was Jinho who pulled away eventually and you wanted to stop him, pull him back in, but you couldn’t.
“I think it’s time to go home,” he whispered, raindrops running down his cheeks like tears.
You weakly shook your head. “Not yet.”
“You’ll catch a cold out here.”
“So will you.”
He sighed and there was this weird, uncomfortable tension between the two of you. Every word and every move felt like a risk, as if you were walking a tightrope and the tiniest breath of wind could make you fall.
You knew as well as he did that you couldn’t stay out here in the rain forever, but if he left now, nothing would have changed.
“Walk me home then.”
His eyes widened in surprise but then he nodded and there was the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
The walk was quiet, the two of you just walking side by side. You were close enough for your hand to brush against his from time to time, until he reached out his pinky and intertwined it with yours. You felt your heart stop at that tiny gesture, your head turning to look at him. But Jinho didn’t meet your gaze, pointedly focusing his eyes anywhere but on you.
You didn’t let go when you reached your apartment and when he stopped outside your doorstep, you lightly tugged on his hand, urging him to come in with you.
“You’ll catch a cold out there,” you repeated his words from earlier back at him.
Still, he hesitated, his eyes searching yours for reassurance. “Are you sure?”
“Just come in,” you replied, but what you really meant was Just come home.
The door fell shut, leaving the two of you in your half dark hallway, wet clothes sticking to your skin. 
Your fingers were still intertwined, cold hands holding onto each other. You were standing way too close, but neither of you moved. Instead, you just looked at each other, taking in every detail of each other’s faces as if to make up for lost time.
His gaze briefly darted to your lips, just for a split second, but you noticed it either way. You also noticed how he swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat and the corners of his mouth tensing a bit in the way they always did.
It was just a tiny movement, but it was so him. It made you realize that you must have seen it a zillion times before and more importantly that you wanted to see it a zillion times more.
When you tore your gaze away from his lips and back up to his eyes there was so much longing in them, leaving no doubt in your mind that he missed you just as much as you did. You wanted to kiss him.
“We should dry up,” he whispered.
“We should,” you replied but you didn’t really care.
His gaze wandered to your lips again, and he tentatively leaned in a bit, but then pulled away again, meeting your eyes in a question, asking for consent. Your heart was hammering in your chest so loudly you were convinced he must have heard it too. 
“Kiss me,” you pressed out, your voice trembling.
And he did, careful and hesitant, just a brush of his lips against yours, as if it was your first time all over again.
When he broke the kiss way too quickly, a small frown spread on your face. “Do it right.”
Jinho chuckled, reaching up with his thumb to smooth out the crease between your eyebrows, before he cupped your jaw and pulled you in again. He wasn’t as hesitant this time, kissing you until you felt breathless and weak in the knees.
“Was that right?” He asked with a smug smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. 
“Almost,” you whispered against his lips. “Better do it again.”
He captured your lips once more, and it felt so familiar, almost habitual, it was as if you’d gone back to the past, as if you were an us again. 
Without letting go, the two of you stumbled through the hallway into your bedroom, shoes tossed aside somewhere along the way.
“I think—,” you breathed out between kisses, your hands tugging on the wet fabric of his hoodie, that felt cold against your fingers and must have felt even colder against his torso, “I think we should get rid of this.”
“Should we?”
“Mhm,” you hummed, pushing the hem up just a little bit. “It must be cold, right? Can’t have you getting sick.”
 Jinho huffed a laugh and you felt his breath fanning over your lips. “Right, that’d be no good.”
He pulled his sweater over his head, leaving his wet hair all ruffled and sticking up and you couldn’t fight the urge to run your fingers through it and fix it. He let you, catching your wrist in his hand when you pulled away. 
“What about you?” He pressed his lips against the palm of your hand. “Aren’t you cold as well?”
 “Very much.”
You peeled yourselves out of your clothes, both of you chuckling when your wet jeans clung to your legs so badly, you struggled to get them off and stumbled back onto your bed. It was clumsy but it didn’t feel awkward, not when Jinho shook his head in amusement, nor when he helped you out of the jeans, pulling at the fabric until it finally let go of your legs. There was no room to be uncomfortable or embarrassed, you knew each other too well for that.
Once he’d tossed the jeans aside, you scooted back on the bed and reached out for him, urging him to come closer. He followed suit, propping himself up on his arms as he hovered over you, your faces mere inches apart.
“I missed you,” you whispered as you took in his face, from his dark eyes to the little mole on his upper lip. “I really, really missed you.”
A small smile spread on his face. “Me too. I missed you.”
You kissed him again then, your arms wrapping around his neck to pull his body close to your own. Most of your clothes discarded on the floor, you could feel the goosebumps on your skin and on his, your bodies chilly after being in the rain for so long. You didn’t mind though. You were shivering and trembling, cold touches against cold skin, but your bed felt warm and so did kissing him.
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The rain was still pattering outside your window, coming down endlessly. You weren’t sure how much time had passed but you knew it wasn’t even close to morning yet. You rested your head against Jinho’s chest, listening to the steady sound of his heartbeat. 
“What do we do now?” you whispered eventually, breaking the silence that had spread between the two of you.
“Sleep?” Was his simple response even though you both knew that wasn’t what you meant.
“And after that?”
“I don’t know,” he whispered and you felt your heart sink at the unsatisfactory response. Before you could say anything though,  Jinho pulled you a little closer, resting his chin on top of your head. “We try again.”
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Hello, hello! I requested a letter for Seongjun Baek a while back and I really loved it. If your requests are still open do you think I could request a small fluffy one shot with SJ and reader? Maybe a friends-to-lovers thing?
Thank you very much
Also, may I be known as 🌙
soft hearted (seongjun x reader)
details: fluffy drabble (with a pinch of angst), gender neutral reader but written in 2nd pov, general canon au
summary: seongjun thinks about you.
a/n: im glad u loved that letter T_T heres ur request, thank u for sending it in! + u can always check if reqs are open anytime in my description or pinned post :] !!
happy to add u onto my list of anons, 🌙 anon <3
You were a joy he thought impossible to have in life ever since the passing of his mother. He never even thought he had time for friendships, yet here you two were. Somehow, things worked out, and the relationship between you two bloomed.
Maybe even too much, because it soon became apparent to Seongjun how much he wanted to love you in a way different from how friends love one another. He had tried to ignore it at first, but how could he when you constantly danced around in his mind? And how could he not fall in love, with your friendly personality, your charms, your tender touch?
You were irresistible, and therefore dangerous.
Despite that, he found himself inching closer to you with every passing day. He couldn't stop himself no matter how much he tried. You were like a guilty pleasure--something genuine he was undeserving of with the kind of life he's lived, as the kind of person he was. Still, he wanted you.
Fortunately for him, the feeling was mutual.
Emotions spilled on that late night, the night you both spent an evening at his place, watching movies and cuddling on his couch until midnight passed.
Seongjun thought about this often, and his heart always had the same flutters it did whenever you said, "I love you," just like you mumbled that night. He was always filled with the same warmth as well, that gentleness washing over his coldness. He often wondered what he made you feel, too, but seeing the shy smile on your face whenever he complimented you made him believe you felt just as strongly.
Here he laid on his bed, overthinking with you by him, resting peacefully against his chest. He stared up at the ceiling, listening to your soft breathing.
"I don't deserve you," he whispered, glancing down at your sleeping form.
Guilt always seemed to keep a firm grip around his neck whenever he spent loving moments like this with you. At the same time, he would try to reason with himself at any given chance, to have his guilt leave him alone just once.
"I'm a bad person, and bad people don't feel guilty for being selfish. Therefore, wanting to be with you is selfish, and I don't need to feel guilty about it."
He chuckled a little at his strange logic. It didn't help anyway. He snapped out of his thoughts when he felt you stirring under him, and he adored the sleepy look on your face as you lifted your head to look at him.
"You're not asleep yet...?"
"I will be." He smiled. "In the meanwhile, you should go back to sleep, darling."
"Okay." You made an attempt to move upwards and kissed his jaw (were you aiming for his cheek...?) before flopping back down and muttering, "Good night, again. I love you."
Seongjun merely blinked in surprise at your small show of affection, but it made his heart beat faster nonetheless. It also made all his previous thoughts scatter and he took a moment to appreciate this special feeling you always gave him before replying, "Good night. I love you, too," and closing his eyes.
He slept with a faint smile.
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mostlymalena · 2 months
July 22nd 2024 9:22pm
Okay let's hash this out. I'll tell you guys what happened first then I'll address the slander Grace has been posting.
Grace and I broke up last Thursday. Reasonings were that I needed more space and I wasn't giving her what she deserved or needed. I did not have enough time between her and my last relationship to really heal and that was catching up to us. That's my fault for not giving myself the time I needed. I really just felt off and needed more time to myself, Argentina is super close and we were going to breakup when I moved there anyways. I also started feeling really guilty for not being able to feel the way she feels about me and I also started feeling resentfull for the sexual assault thing, her putting her hands on me one night when drunk, and for her fucking her Ex behind my back and lying about it. I was realizing I did not process that either. Anyways that was all building up hence why the breakup. I didn't want to even breakup till after I had therapy Friday bc I wanted to make sure I wasn't being a freak about things or just doing things out of being overwhelmed.
Anyways Friday is not good either, I get food poisoning and am so grumpy and she goes out on the town and gets fucked up - doesn't text me back so of course Im pissed off. My therapy is moved to Monday bc my therapist's kid had something come up. We fight about her smoking again and decide we should maybe reconnect after I move and get settled and O to his first day of school. I texted her later in the evening apologizing for being grumpy earlier and she doesn't answer.
Fast forward Saturday she texts me this long thing and I just get more confused more upset - I'm overthinking things and doubting myself. I ask her to come over to talk. We do just that and talk about my fears and my distrust with her bc the little Emma stuff and the other stuff mentioned before. I talk about my guilt in not showing up for her the way she deserves or being more actionable in the relationship. She tells me it's okay that I need space but she thinks we can do that still in a relationship. I tell her if thats what she wants then I can try better. We have two months left anyways. She gives me some ideas on how she feels loved and seen and I write those down. She spends one last night with me bc Ive asked for no more sleepovers till I'm settled in the new house.
Sunday. I pack and cry and pack and cry. It's so difficult leaving this apartment but at the same time I cannot wait to leave. Many loves and losses have been here and 3 years is a lot to leave behind.
Jo and I decide to have one last wine night at my place since last summer thats all we basically did. She ends up getting sick so I decide to have one by myself. I drink a bottle and watch a movie. For those who don't know - I don't drink that often and I am a lightweight. I am drunk at 10pm on Sunday by myself. Bent texts me asking to stop by and catch up and smoke a cig (I had Jo's favorite cigs for our wine night). Bent and I haven't caught up in a bit bc I'm so busy so I say sure. Something we've done a millions times. We chit chat and share 3 bottles of wine, sitting on my porch just hanging out. Around midnight I text Grace that I'm blackout drunk. I know this bc I reread our texts. I was in fact blackout drunk. Bent was also goneeee. I would need 3 hands to count the amount of times in the last year even that Bent and I have been fucked up together. It's not a rare thing is the point I am trying to make here.
Listen I know you all want details but I don't have them. I remember me and Bent sitting in my room talking about work. I remember opening my eyes at one point and the whole room was dark and we were kissing, I shot up and turned the light on and slapped his face a little and told him we were crossing a line and it was wrong. I told him we need to think of Ruby and Grace. That was the last thing I remember. I can't tell you if it was good or bad or how long. I also cannot tell you why we did it. I woke up the next morning and threw up everything I have ever even thought of putting in my stomach.
There was no tension that night leading up to it, there NEVER has been sexual/emotional/romantic tension between me and Bent. It's just me and Bent. Sorry to disappoint everyone with the following: that is the first and last time Bent and I will hook up. We have never in the past ever come close. No he did not cheat on Jade. I also have my own opinion that he did not technically cheat on Ruby. Rubes dumped bent a while back and they have just been fucking and hanging out since. If that isnt the case then thats between them.
Now my part: I do feel and think I cheated on Grace. I told her I needed space but did not want to sleep with anyone else and that seeing other people wasn't my goal. I was very very wrong to cheat on her. What I did was terrible and gross. I know I hurt her and what I did was unforgivable. I never thought of myself as someone who could do that. It was bad. It's plain and simple: it was wrong and I was wrong. I feel so guilty.
I cannot tell anyone why I did that. I wish I could but I'm also relieved I don't remember any details because I think that would make it worse.
Ruby and Grace both found out while I was in therapy this morning. Many of you readers might have already seen the things Grace is posting on her story. She is hurting big time and I betrayed her so I'm not mad about the posting. I write on my blog so I would never be mad about something like that. If she feels better about it then thats her thing!
What I do not appreciate is posting our texts out of context to further her victim stance. Grace you are the victim here you don't need to manipulate the masses. For example her post of a screenshot of this:
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It was her worried about doing coke.
She did unblock me today to tell me she is on her way to her my house to get her stuff. I told her not tonight but I'll gather all her things and put it on my porch tomorrow. I have things in the dirty clothes that are hers and I am also packing so Ive packed some of her stuff. The other big reason was the Olive was home and I was not going to allow her to freak out around him. I told her this several times and apologized for inconveniencing her. She showed up anyways and banged on my door, screamed a little, and dumped the cat food I have on my porch to feed a stray cat all over the place. She also called me a bunch so I blocked her. I also threw up again bc the nerves and the guilt. Hearing her so upset and knowing it was my fault was terrible.
Ethan comes over and we are on the porch (this is several hours later) and she pulls up again with her friend Emma. Ethan tells me to go inside and I stand up and she gets out and runs up the stairs and I go inside and lock the door. She stand outside my door and says she isnt leaving until she gets her stuff. Ethan reiterates that I'll gather it all up tomorrow. She says she just wants some cosmetics that she leaves at my house. I go and look for them but find razors, I probably fucking packed it all already. I am also in a panic not gonna lie. I throw up again and I'm shaking and I'm scared. Scared of what I pushed her too and scared in general. Ethan gives her the razors and tells her that he will personally drop her stuff off at her house tomorrow on his lunch break. So she doesnt have to drive this way again and she wont have to see me. She loses it and starts screaming at Ethan calling him a piece of shit for being my friend, telling him I'm trying to keep her stuff so she is forced to see me again. Just really upset and rightfully so. She leaves in an echo of a car door slam.
And of course all the posting stuff.
My only issue with this all is the her blaming Ethan for being my friend still when her best friend Jordan just recently cheated, her best friend who has a wife "they cheat on each other all the time" and Grace and I both share really good friends who have cheated on their partners. Grace CHEATED ON HER PREVIOUS GIRLFRIEND. They make bad decisions not bad friends. I fucked up big time but I also am taking responsibility. I know what I did was wrong and this is not an excuse, just an explanation. I was WRONG and what I did was TERRIBLE, disgusting, and if Grace wants to blast me on social media and do what she needs to do just let her. I hurt her in an unimaginable way. She will gain her composure when the initial shock is over.
I think that is all I have to say right now but of course I am open to questions and criticisms. I am to blame and only me in this situation.
I'm just going to post this and not reread it so sorry for grammar and spelling.
0 notes
inspiredhearts · 2 years
For you (5/?)
22 September 2022
06:50 am
For a lot of days now, it has been terrible for me. I miss you a hell lot, I cry a hell lot - but at the same time I go through our messages and I smile... but cry afterwards because yea, I miss you.
I've been wishing for you to come back to me. I wanted you to come back to me. Send me a message again, talk to me again. I've been begging the world for you to do this for me to be able to be okay, but I know that it doesn't work that way.
A while ago (around midnight I guess) I've started going through our June 20-onwards messages. It really was fun talking to you. I smiled a hell lot reading our messages. I think you didn't lie to me when you said that you were happy when we were talking. I know, I know you wouldn't lie about it but my overthinking gets the best of me because I'm hurt. I still feel like it's my fault that you're not okay. But re-reading our messages, it seemed that a huge reason of it was you being extremely stressed about your work? I don't know, I mean, it was getting worse everyday. So I thought that maybe I've been going about this the wrong way. That you were really happy with me and you liked talking to me but you had to end it because you're not okay and you'll be better if you'll stop talking to anyone.
I KNOW, I KNOW, this is what you basically told me but I failed to understand it because I really don't understand why you have to stop talking to people. I know I have my off days but I don't want to let go of people - let alone friends - for me to heal. And now I'm seeing that I wouldn't completely understand that need because I've never really been in an extreme situation like that. It's different for me because we're different and I just have to trust you right now. It still sucks for me that you healing means me losing you. I know I said this before too but I think it is only little-by-little that I'm starting to fully understand a lot of things. I'm sorry I'm so self-absorbed but really, your goodbye fucked me up big time. I felt abandoned, okay? Because days ago we were just talking happily, geeking out, then all of a sudden you ended our setup, and I was left all alone.
Li, to be honest, it broke me. I'm still broken. It sucks. I am hurt. I still want you back. I'd always want you back. But I know that everything is up to you. I have to accept that.
I hope that I made you happy. I hope that I helped you learn to love yourself and appreciate yourself even a little bit. I hope you don't forget about me. I'm just proud of myself for being able to be true to you with my compliments, and that I noticed your strengths as well, and that I told you those. I hope that you fully heal from whatever you've been hurting from. I want you to be happy. I really do.
I know you don't believe in fate, but I kinda do okay? I'm such a sucker for stuff like this so yea. Getting to know you was fate. It was something I never thought would happen in my entire life - no exaggeration. It was unexpected. It was surreal. It was magic. So if fate brought us together, then I'm pretty sure fate will bring us back together if we're meant to be in each other's lives forever. Maybe this is me comforting myself, but this is also me trying to accept that things will hurt me, and that I will be okay, I will heal. It's so annoying how each day that passes by it seemed that the pain is getting worse but I'm glad that I'm wrong about this. I still hurt okay. I will forever hurt until you come back to my life lol. But seriously, you are someone that I can't just erase from my life. Just like all those anime that we lost, that we long for, I'll long for you. I'll feel empty without you. I hope you come back to my life, really. I hope we can still be friends. I really believe we're meant to be friends at least. If I'm being completely honest though I think you're my soulmate but this is pushing it no? You'll prolly hate me if you knew I was thinking this way lol.
Anyway, I hope you're doing better, and I hope you remember that I care, and that I will always care. I hope that as my multiverse variant you can actually feel this. Like some telepathic message that only the two of us know.
I miss you, Li. And I hope we can talk soon.
-A ♥
07:11 am
0 notes
jungkxook · 3 years
—body talk. (m)
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⟶ pairing: jung wooyoung x fem!reader 
⟶ genre: fwb!wooyoung / virgin!reader + fluff / smut 
⟶ words: 8,889
⟶ rating: 18+ 
⟶ summary: so maybe asking your best friend to take your virginity is wrong for a number of reasons, but you swear you’re still just friends. nothing more, nor less
⟶ warnings: idiots who might be in love with each other but are oblivious to it, first time sex, clumsy sex, also wet and messy sex tbh, dirty talk, pet names, grinding/dry humping, (brief) mutual masturbation, guided masturbation, multiple orgasms, oral sex (f recieving), fingering, clit play, breast play/fondling, hair pulling, missionary, protected sex, aftercare
⟶ note: welp... here we go again, another shameless wooyoung smut to feed my fantasies! anyway, thank you to @ddaechwita​ and @kithtaehyung​ who let me cry to them endlessly about wooyoung and subsequently helped me push this fic out heheh and also for my other fellow wooyoung stans @trustingofwinds​ @seolaseoul​ 👀
also absolutely am thinking of making a part 2 to this, so if that’s something anyone wants, feel free to let me know!! 💛
⟶ part two can be read here!
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It’s a little known fact that Wooyoung will do anything for you.
That’s a given, when you consider that he’s been your best friend for as long as you can remember. He’s used to you asking him to do anything and everything for you, whether it’s out of genuine need for help or something for pure leisure. Like the one time you called him drunk at three in the morning and asked him to pick you up from some random party, or that other time when you asked if he would go on a spontaneous midnight road trip with you to the next city over to make it on time for a concert. 
When you’re sick, he’s at your apartment in a matter of seconds, rummaging about your kitchen to make you a heartwarming stew; and, when you’re bored and can’t sleep far past midnight, he’s at your door with your favourite snacks and the promise of bingeing Netflix with you until the morning only to have you fall asleep on his shoulder an hour into the first movie. He’s always content with helping you, if only because you mean the world to him and because he knows you’ll do the same for him. In fact, if it were up to him, and you asked, he would surely go to any lengths to move the literal moon for you.
Then you meet Yeonjun, which wouldn’t have been such a big issue to neither you nor Wooyoung had you not started to overthink your newfound relationship with him and had Wooyoung not realized that he maybe, sort of, kind of hates Yeonjun.
But what’s not to hate about a guy putting his grubby hands all over you? 
Like now, at some frat house party San had somehow got an invite to, and dragged you and Wooyoung both along. You had arrived with Wooyoung only to be whisked away by Yeonjun during the night, now somewhere off in a far corner of the living room, his hands on your waist and you leaning against his chest, gazing up at him as if he’s everything good in the world. At one point, when Wooyoung glances over, he finds Yeonjun’s lips hovering around your ear, whispering sweet nothings that seem to make you giggle; when he looks another time, Yeonjun’s mouth is working some sort of magic on your jaw, and then on the corner of your lips, chaste enough to make you blush. 
“God, you’re despicable,” San begrudges from somewhere beside Wooyoung. 
Wooyoung snorts in agreement. “Isn’t he?”
“I meant you, dumb ass,” San rolls his eyes. He clips Wooyoung across the back of the head, which Wooyoung thinks may be sort of deserved. “Stop ogling them every minute.”
Wooyoung rips his gaze away just as you reach out to grab at Yeonjun’s shoulders. “He’s, like, two seconds away from shoving his tongue down her throat and asphyxiating her. It’s gross.”
Yeosang snorts from Wooyoung’s other side, “Jealousy isn’t a good look for you.”
“I’m not jealous. I’m a concerned friend.”
“Yeah. Okay.”
And Wooyoung swears he isn’t jealous. Why would he be? You’re his best friend, nothing more nor less. While he knows you’re more than capable enough to sort out the wrong kind of men for yourself, was it so bad of Wooyoung to want to keep an eye out for you, just in case? 
Whatever the case, knowing you’re wrapped around Yeonjun is enough to preoccupy Wooyoung’s head for the rest of the party until you eventually unravel yourself from him to return to Wooyoung, ready to head home. 
Which leaves Wooyoung here, in his apartment after the two of you somehow managed to lug yourselves back, drunken giggles and incoherent chatter filling the space between you. You’ve pulled him onto his own bed with you, whining about being exhausted, an innocent enough action when considering you’ve known him for so long and are just that comfortable with him. Though, that’s not after Wooyoung spent a good ten minutes rummaging about his kitchen cupboards, in the hopes of finding something to quench his drunken cravings (he had resorted to a bowl of cereal, then subsequently went on to rant how “it’s not pizza,” but he’s too broke to order out, before your patience ultimately started wearing thin).
There’s a moment of silence as you each settle back into his bed, some kind of smutty romantic movie playing on his laptop wedged between you two that was meant to be a joke but is now currently making your drunken mind slip into a spiral as the main character gets plowed in a shower, or whatever, and you sink deeper into the miserable realization that you��re still a virgin in college. Meanwhile, Wooyoung thinks you’ve long since fallen asleep, curled up next to him, though he’s more focused on carefully separating out the marshmallows with his spoon from the rest of the cereal in his now soggy Lucky Charms than anything else.
“God,” Your face scrunches up at the sight unfolding before you on the movie screen, catching his wandering attention. Wooyoung’s surprised to find you wide awake, glancing over to see you huddled up next to his side, your face smooshed up against your hands that are propped up beneath you. Your eyes are on the movie, but you seem to be focused on something else entirely. “Is it always like that? Sex? Like in the movies, and porn? So… Intense?”
Wooyoung barely flinches. “Mmm? Oh, not really. Yeah, it’s good but they definitely glamorize it for show. Like, statistically, women orgasm way less than guys.”
What would you know? His lazy description of it flies right over your head. So, maybe, you’re a virgin, but it’s not like you’ve cared so much about the state of your being before, created as a social construct anyway. But the irritating reality of being a less-than-experienced college student who has only ever kissed two boys and not much else, with the empty promise that you’ll find a special someone eventually, you were starting to lose your patience.
The derailing train of thought continues until you realize you’ve almost forgotten Wooyoung is seated beside you. And maybe his presence being there during your inner drunken monologue is what spurs on your next thought. “Hey, Woo?” 
“You’d do anything for me, right?”
“Would you teach me how to have sex?”
“You want me to do what?” Wooyoung asks this with a gawking dumbfounded expression. Well, no, maybe that’s a bit of an understatement. 
He yelps it a little uncouthly, in a manner not at all subtle nor nonchalant as Wooyoung typically carries himself. If you’re being honest, there’s not much that seems to shock the ever brash and brazen Wooyoung but, now, you can say with full confidence that your best friend looks as if he’s seen death ━ and maybe that’s because he almost has, nearly choking on the bite of cereal he had just shoveled into his mouth.
Meanwhile, flip yourself over onto your stomach to look at him, appearing as innocent as if you had simply just asked him what time it is. But he knows better than this, has the words still ringing in his head.
“What?” You ask obliviously now. When you shoot him a curious look over his sudden coughing fit, he looks at you incredulously. 
“You want me to have sex with you?”
You let out a sigh. “No. I want you to teach me how to have sex.”
Wooyoung blinks once, then twice. Clearly, he’s still having a hard time registering this. “That’s the same thing, dude.”
“Don’t call me dude right now, Wooyoung. This is serious!” You protest. 
“It’s almost three a.m. and you’re drunk. How serious can this be?” Wooyoung scoffs.
“Well, Yeonjun asked me out finally and I’m scared he’s going to make a move,” You ramble on indifferently, picking at a stray piece of lint on his pillow. Your worries seem to spill out of you before you can stop them. “And Jinsol says he’s this experienced sex god or whatever,” You wave your hand dismissively. “And thinks I’m not ready for him. But, like, whatever, y’know? Virginity is such a misogynistic thing anyway! If anything, he’s not ready for me.”
A fact Wooyoung considers to maybe be sort of true. But Wooyoung already knows all about your concerns and plights for love. He certainly has heard all about Yeonjun, but only recently. He’s seen the boy before on campus, though you finally had the privilege of meeting him in one of your classes this semester, and have been talking for nearly the entire semester before the boy worked up the courage to apparently, and finally, ask you out ━ amongst making out with you all night at this party. 
Moreover, Wooyoung knows you’re less versed in having done anything sexual, and while he’s heard your many intoxicated rants before on how virginity is simply a social construct, he still knows your desire to wait for the right person, and the way you’ve already had to reject a handful of people and their bold advances before. So, to hear you’ve even begun to consider Yeonjun as a potential prospect is a fact that Wooyoung tells himself he shouldn’t care about because he’s supposed to be happy for you because you’re his best friend. And he is ━ he’s supportive of you and whatever you choose to do ━ but lately any time you mention Yeonjun, he seems to die a little more inside. 
To avoid this happening now, Wooyoung tries playfully, “So you kick him in the nuts and run?” 
“I’m not going to do that,” You say. “I’m also not planning on sleeping with him on our first date. But I will panic if he tries to make a move and I look like a completely helpless virgin.”
“That’s because you are one,” Wooyoung says this as politely as possible but still feels the need to add swiftly, “And there’s nothing wrong with that! You don’t need to feel pressured into giving him anything he wants.”
“But what if I want to?”
Ah, there it is. 
Wooyoung winces, feels his heart seize momentarily in his chest. He hopes you don’t notice. He also hopes briefly that maybe he is choking on his cereal. 
“You’re drunk,” Wooyoung tries now, rolling his eyes as if to hide the way his heart skips a beat.
“Look… Last time I said no to someone, you know how that turned out.”
“Yeah, well, Seonghwa was an idiot for that, who only thinks with his dick,” Wooyoung grimaces as the memories flood his mind. “I mean, breaking up with you because you wouldn’t have sex with him after a month of dating, and after dealing with weeks of him pressuring you into it? As if you’d want to risk getting an STD from him━”
“But I understand why he dumped me,” You sigh dismally. “No one in college wants to play the long game for someone when they can easily find a hook-up at the campus bar. But… I don’t know. Yeonjun is different. He’s gentle and understanding. He’s patient, too. I actually like him━” You muse softly, maybe even a little distantly. “A lot. It just feels like everyone here is so experienced, and I don’t want to make a complete fool of myself when the time comes. If things do go anywhere with him, I think I’m ready.”
Wooyoung swallows thickly. Fearing he might choke again if he takes another bite of his cereal, he instead busies himself by setting the bowl on his bedside table and straightening up on his bed.
“I thought you’ve already done… some stuff anyway,” Wooyoung says awkwardly. 
At this, you roll your eyes. “I wouldn’t say giving Kyuho a sloppy handjob the summer we graduated high school is exactly experienced.”
“Well… Why would you even want me to teach you?” Wooyoung asks. “I mean━ You get mad at me for calling you dude, and yet you want me to dick you down━”
“Ugh. It sounds weird if you say it like that,” Your nose wrinkles as if the words leave a bitter taste in your mouth. “We don’t even have to go all the way. Just… I don’t know! Teach me the basics!”
“The basics…” Wooyoung scoffs in disbelief.
“Yeah, like foreplay.”
“Foreplay.” You have genuinely started to consider the fact that he’s short-circuited when you hear him say, “But… you have, y’know, done stuff by yourself… right?”
As you register his words, an abrupt wave of embarrassment floods you, warming your cheeks. You sputter for air, and though you’ve been straightforward so far with your demands, you try not to let this particular question mortify you too much by hastily stumbling over your words.
“I-I mean, yeah, only with my hands,” You stammer, “but t-that’s so different!”
“Mmm, not too different,” Wooyoung begs to differ. “Just, like, buy yourself a vibrator or something. I’ll buy you one if you’re nervous, if that’s what this is about━”
“What? No,” You scoff. “Besides, it’s not like it has to make things weird between us, or like we’re gonna fall in love or something dumb. It’s just friends helping friends. Just… Wooyoung, look, I know you’re not a virgin. You’ve definitely talked to me before about your random hook-ups. How would this be any different from those?”
“Uh… Okay, but those are random hook-ups. One and done sort of thing. And because ━ I don’t know, maybe━ you’re my best friend?”
“Even more reason!” You insist hotly. “I’m comfortable with you, and at least I’ll know my first time won’t be a total regret if it’s with you. I trust you the most. I’ve thought about it and it makes sense. If I want my first time to be with anyone, it’s you.”
Yeah, okay, fuck Yeonjun, Wooyoung thinks, because you want him to be your first. Him. Not Yeonjun, not anyone else. Wooyoung. He definitely likes the sound of this now, although the apprehension of overstepping any boundaries still looms near. 
He inhales deeply, gnawing on his lower lip. He knows it’s insane, and maybe so do you too. The longer he looks at you though, the faster he falls for your charm, gazing up at him with your pretty eyes all round now in a silent plea and shimmering. 
In the beat of silence that surpasses between you, reality seems to hit. That, paired with Wooyoung’s sudden quietness, has you fidgeting around until you’re sitting up. You clear your throat. “Or… just forget it. It was stupid of me to ask. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable━” 
“I’ll do it.” When Wooyoung realizes he says this a little too quickly, he adds, “If it’s something you really want, of course. I’ll do it for you.”
You gap up at him, a hopeful expression endearing your face. “Really?”
“Yes, really.” He waves his hand as if to dismiss the thought, but it’s more than enough for you. 
Your gaze brightens as you look up at him, immediate relief washing over you, not quite yet letting the harsh actuality of the situation settle in. The bedroom is silent once more. You each slip back into your normal night routine, as you shift your eyes back onto the movie and Wooyoung takes another bite of his now soggy cereal. As if you’ve done nothing more than haughtily debate the answers to the chemistry test you both took last week. As if nothing has even changed. 
“Sooo… how should we do this?” You pipe up innocently a few moments later. “I was thinking before my date with Yeonjun, which is in a week from now. Should I, like, pencil you in to my schedule or━”
“What━?” Wooyoung sputters, a sudden amused grin stretching across his face. “I’m your best friend, not your gynecologist.”
“A dick appointment is the same thing.”
Now, it’s Wooyoung’s turn for his face to scrunch up in disdain. 
“Okay, maybe you’re right. Let’s agree to not call this any variation of being dicked down,” he says. “And how does this Friday sound?”
Without much holding you back or to cause any sort of hesitation, you can be heard responding with, “Perfect.” 
Or so you think.
But not even Wooyoung quite knows why he agrees to such an insane idea. Maybe he’s a little too loyal and a little too impulsive, knowing he’ll do anything for you ━ but this surely must cross some sort of line. 
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As it turns out, Friday is not as perfect as you had initially thought. Sort of.
You spend all morning getting ready, as if it really matters. Wooyoung’s not your boyfriend, but you figured if he’s going to be the first boy you let anywhere close to you, you may as well clean up nicely for him. That consisted of various shower yoga poses as you intricately shave, scrub your body twice with some fruity exfoliator, and wear something cuter than your usual loungewear (typically leggings or sweatpants paired with an immensely oversized shirt of Wooyoung’s that you’ve nicked from his closet). But the faster the day draws near, the more nervous you become because maybe this is a little outrageous.
Still, you show up to Wooyoung’s apartment on time, running on nothing but coffee and nerves, your mind whirling with all the possibilities of the night only to come up short. 
Because Wooyoung doesn’t initiate anything, and so you certainly don’t initiate anything. 
The moment he answers the door after you’ve arrived, he’s all cordial and oblivious, greeting you with a charming, “Hey.”
He gives you a once over, and it’s only then that you realize you aren’t quite sure what you’re expecting. It’s not as if he’s going to pounce on you the moment he sees you. Oh god, you bemoan to yourself suddenly as you stand on the opposite side of the threshold, maybe you really are a helpless virgin. 
“You look nice,” he says. He props the door open. “Well, what are you waiting for? Come in. I ordered your favourite; I think it’s almost here━”
You almost think he’s forgotten about your drunken agreement as the night unfolds as normally as it can, not a word about your arrangement being spoken to one another. In fact, you almost think you’ve dreamt up the outlandish scenario, awaiting a moment that’s only been made up in your head. Instead, the night consists of eating the takeout he’s ordered, then sprawling out on his couch as you watch some movie he’s chosen that you’re not exactly paying much attention to as you wonder what his next move will be. But there’s no need to be nervous around Wooyoung, because he’s your best friend. He would never do anything to purposely make you uncomfortable ━ except maybe passively avoid the obvious major predicament between the two of you.
He’s seated just next to you, one leg bouncing as he keeps his eyes focused on the movie. You’ve taken up the majority of the couch, lounging beside him with your feet kicked up in his lap.
At some point, you decide you can’t take the suspense any longer. You call out his name softly. “Woo?”
“What are we doing?”
“Hanging out?”
A skittish snort eclipses your lips as you let out a breath of air you hadn’t realized you were holding in. “No. What are we doing?”
Wooyoung already knows what you’re trying to imply, judging by the way he finally turns to look at you. He runs a hand through his hair.
“I wasn’t planning on jumping into it the minute you walked through my door,” he says finally. “You’re clearly nervous.”
You scoff, sitting up at once. “No, I’m not.”
“Y/N, you’re wearing jeans around me for the first time in months,” he deadpans. “You even did your makeup, and you never do that for me.”
Oh. “Boys notice that kind of stuff?”
“If they care enough about you, yeah,” Wooyoung points out. 
An awkward silence saturates the room, at which point you start to panic. “Well… You’re clearly nervous too.”
Wooyoung looks mildly offended by this. “What? No way!”
“You won’t stop bouncing your leg, you’ve barely looked at me all night, and now you’re stalling which is so unlike you because I know it takes you, like, less than ten minutes to get into any girl’s pants━”
Wooyoung frowns. “I’m not stalling━”
But now you’re starting to dread this more and more. The embarrassment of sitting across from your best friend after asking to have sex with him seems to finally sink in. You pry your eyes off of him and look over at the movie once more. 
“I just want to make sure it’s right,” he says tenderly, sensing this shift in emotions. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. Just because you agreed to it once when you were drunk, doesn’t mean you still feel the same. Things can change overnight. So, if you tell me you’re really ready right now, we can give it a try. But if you’re really nervous, you can be honest with me. We don’t have to do anything, and then we can pretend we never agreed to it in the first place.”
You find yourself pursing your lips. The earnesty in his voice is enough to beckon you to look at him once more. You roll your eyes, as if to hide your timidness. “Well… How would we even start? What even are the basics of foreplay?”
The sheepish expression you’ve adopted is enough to tell him you’re still content with your decision. He fidgets in his seat now, gnawing on the inside of his cheek.
“Er… Well…” he trails off. He takes a deep breath as if to brace himself. “Can’t go wrong with some heavy fondling. It helps if I’m hard━” he winces at the crude words, “which I’m pretty much the complete opposite of right now━”
“Ouch,” You quip lightheartedly. A poor attempt at making a joke to distract you from the awkwardness you feel. “I don’t know if that should be somewhat offensive to me. But okay… How do we… do that?”
But then Wooyoung thinks that may be a little too forward, a little too fast. He bites at his lip.
“Um… We could always make out a little first,” he suggests. “That helps set the mood. Probably something Yeonjun will wanna start off with anyway.” 
He adds the last bit in a slightly disgruntled murmur under his breath that goes mostly unnoticed by you, if only because maybe you are more nervous than you let on. 
“So… Should we…?” You gesture vaguely between the two of you. 
Wooyoung pauses, as if considering his options. Then, he sidles up next to you, reaching out carefully to cup the side of your face. Suddenly, you have no voice. All you can do is nod, waiting with bated breath. He leans in slowly, eyes flickering to your lips just before they flutter shut. Just before he can kiss you, you murmur out loud, “This is weird.”
“Yeah,” Wooyoung admits sheepishly. “Maybe we’re thinking too much into it? It’s like you said. We’re just a couple of friends, helping each other out. Nothing weird about that.”
“Yeah, sure.” You can’t help but laugh. “Okay! Whatever. Let’s just get on with it.”
Wooyoung obliges. He’s closer now, mere inches away from the tip of your nose. “Can I?”
You nod again, bracing yourself. You wonder briefly what makes you so nervous, and wonder some more when you realize it isn’t because you don’t not want to kiss him. Because you do, a self-indulgent thought beckoning to taste his lips on yours even if you know it might be wrong. 
He leans in again. You can feel his minty breath tingle against your neck, and it sends a delighted chill down your spine. 
“I’m not a good kisser,” You stop him for a third time, though now you’re simply racking your brain for excuses to make up for your rigid self. Your voice is a weak croak. “I haven’t done this in a while. Don’t make fun of me when you realize━”
“Y/N,” Wooyoung lets out a breathless laugh. “It’s okay. Don’t worry.”
“I know, I know. It’s not that I don’t want to kiss you, because I do ━ not in that way, I just meant for the experience, but━”
But Wooyoung isn’t listening anymore. Finally, his lips smooth over yours, all soft and velvety. Your heart leaps in your chest, and though you’ve felt the sensation of a kiss before, there’s something odd yet satisfying with feeling Wooyoung’s mouth on yours. He kisses you chastely, just once before he pulls away to check on you. He notes the dazed dreamy look on your face, and finds that he’s smiling to himself until he hears you quip sluggishly━
“This is so dumb.”
Wooyoung rolls his eyes. “Guess we can stop.”
“Wait, no. Kiss me again.”
So, he does, with a smirk that you feel ghosting across your mouth. Only this time he lets his hand slide from your cheek to the back of your neck, guiding you towards him for another kiss that’s much more eager and fervent, his tongue laving at your lower lip. He’s still cautious, treating you delicately, as if not quite sure where exactly the line crosses. But your head is spinning by now, and everything seems fuzzy and faint yet heightened all at once. 
In this light, Wooyoung looks ravishing. Different. Irresistible. He’s always been attractive, but something seems to switch in your head making you acutely aware of just how devastatingly handsome he truly is. That, and the lewd thought of being in such a compromising position with him has a special type of warmth pooling between your legs.
With a head full of clouds and your face heating, you murmur, “Are you hard yet?” 
An amused laugh rumbles against your mouth from him. “Well, I’m not a thirteen year old boy anymore, so, no. It takes a little more than that.”
“Like what?”
“Er… Some touching, usually,” he admits. “Or… If that seems too far, you could always sit on my lap.”
You hurry to oblige, pushing yourself to your knees and then straddling him. As you sit back onto his lap, he’s quick to catch your lips on his once more. It’s even harder to focus now, with the way he feels your chest arch forward and your hips dig a little harsher into his out of instinct as you wiggle to get comfortable. Everything feels foreign, yet comfortable, heightened sensitivity and feelings. While you’re also desperate to feel some sort of friction, you hesitate.
“You can move,” Wooyoung suggests, as if sensing your apprehension. He’s gesturing vaguely to your hips nestled against his.
Chasing the desire, you give an experimental roll of your hips, teeth sinking into your lower lip. “Like this?”
“Y-Yeah.” Wooyoung fidgets beneath you. “Fuck━ A bit faster━ Yeah, just like that.”
He hisses in delight when you oblige, his hands flying out to grip at your hips, and the sudden confident movement as he presses you a little more firmly against him makes your head spin violently. You realize quite suddenly you’ve never seen him so distracted, so intensely focused on something. On you. 
He leans forward to kiss you again, needier than before. As he nips at your lips, a whimper sounds from you ━ a feeling and noise so unusual to you, and certainly to Wooyoung who could have only ever dreamt of having you wrapped around him like this. He fumbles to hear more, nipping and sucking his way down to your jawline, then neck. As your hips twitch above his, you notice a sudden growing hardness poking at your inner thigh.
“Woo━” You moan. “I━”
You lose yourself in the moment, so caught up in this unusual wave of pleasure washing over you. Behind closed doors, you’ve touched yourself before, have grinded against your pillow to desperately feel something, but this? He’s not even in you and you’re already struggling to keep yourself composed. Wooyoung must notice this, the way your brow creases together in hard concentration, the way your fingers fly out to thread in his hair. Suddenly, as if something carnal seems to switch within him, he wants nothing more than to make an absolute mess of you.
Still, he finds a moment of clarity, rasping against your throat, “Do you still want to keep going?”
“We can stop whenever you want,” His tongue lavs against your throat. “Just tell me.”
You nod. “I know.”
“Good,” he hums. “Then let’s move this to the bed. Now, please.”
A gasp tumbles from your lips when you feel Wooyoung sit upright beneath you, large palms gripping your thighs as he whisks you away to his room. He plops you onto his bed with a soft bounce of the mattress, wedging himself between your legs at once. You fumble to grasp at his face in your haste, so drunk off of him and the adrenaline, pulling him down for another kiss and he relents at once. His hands find the hem of your shirt, tugging at it in a wordless gesture that has you silently following suit when he pulls it up and over your head. When he reaches for your bra, you start to panic, though in a way that makes you embarrassed more than anything else. As if stripping down to nothing in front of him is somehow more intimate than what you’re already doing with him. You’re more than comfortable with him, but you decide you’d rather take things as slow as you can.
You stop him shyly, whispering, “Not yet.”
He obeys at once, pulling back his hand and replacing his hasty efforts with a sweet kiss to your temple. “Okay. It’s okay. Where do you want me?”
Chewing at your lower lip, you decide to take the lead. You grab at his hand, and bring it between your thighs, cupping your clothed pussy. He watches you with hooded sultry eyes, from the way you innocently press his palm against your jeans, to the way your bra strap falls down one shoulder, and the way your teeth tug at your lip. 
His fingers pull at your belt loop. “Can we take these off?”
You nod, and so he helps you shed them with ease until you’re left in a pair of cotton pink panties, the front of which is already stained with a wet patch, that he can’t help but admire. 
“Cute,” he snickers.
“Wooyoung,” You whine sheepishly. 
A moment of clarity seems to strike him, and he leans down to plant a kiss to the underside of your jaw. “I’ll treat you right,” he promises huskily. “Tonight’s all about you.”
“Wh-What should I do?”
“Mmm,” he ponders aloud for a moment. He pulls away once more to look at you. “Touch yourself first for me. I wanna see what you can do.”
“I━ I’m not very good at it,” You stammer hotly. “Can never really get off.”
“You don’t have to be good at it, as long as it feels good,” he says. “Does it feel good?”
“Always with your hands, or with a toy?”
“My hands.” And maybe the occasional thought of you, a voice sheepishly points out in the back of your head, but you’ll be damned if you ever tell him that. Because the only time you ever really have felt a high when masturbating was technically when you’ve thought of him ━ and the thought alone was lewd enough to startle you away from ever thinking of him again. 
Now, you realize Wooyoung is gazing at you, awaiting an answer. “Well… Go on.”
You do as you’re told, fingers fluttering across your clothed clit, pressing against it firmly enough to elicit a soft gasp. Wooyoung watches as you start to rub small slow circles against yourself, and you feel his eyes burning against every inch of your skin. It makes you both timid yet excited, and you indulge in his attention a little longer. 
“Tell me,” Wooyoung murmurs. “What does it feel like?”
“Warm,” You rasp. “And w-wet. So wet━”
“Finger yourself,” he commands, and you obey wordlessly. 
You push aside the material of your panties, running your thumb along your growing wetness. You’re surprised to find the stickiness between your thighs is a pooling mess, and all because of him. You can’t help but slip your middle finger past your folds, pumping it into yourself carefully.
“Like this?” You gasp.
“You can play with yourself,” he says. “Tease yourself. Imagine every little thing you want to have happen to you, and do it.” 
So, you do, dragging your finger out to spread your wetness along your clit as you rub figure-eights against it. Then, you dip your finger back into your throbbing cunt, this time adding your index finger to stretch yourself out. 
Elsewhere, propped on his knees between your spread legs, Wooyoung has hastily unzipped the top of his jeans, pulling his dick free from the confinements in a needy haste to relieve himself. He’s bigger than you ever could have imagined, red tip swollen and shining with precum, and the sight alone makes the room spin even more violently. Gripping the base of his cock, he pumps himself leisurely, hissing under his breath as he watches your every move. The sight, paired with the feeling of your finger sinking deeper into you with every thrust, has your walls clench and a sudden moan tumbles from your lips as your head tosses itself backward. 
A small thought in the back of your head warns you that you shouldn’t be doing this, that being in such a crude position with Wooyoung is sure to be detrimental to your friendship ━ yet, you can’t seem to stop, and nor can he. You’re intoxicated solely by him, in a dazed trance to feel more of him. 
“Wooyoung━” You whimper. “Touch me, please. Help me━”
“Please,” You whine, and Wooyoung swears he nearly comes then and there. How can he not, with how utterly sexy you look? So desperate for him, one hand buried in your swollen and leaking cunt, wide eyes gazing up at him. 
He fumbles to help, sloppily shoving himself back into his jeans, if only to settle between your thighs once more. He’s startled when you reach out for him, impatient hands tugging at his face to pull him down for a zealous kiss and he grins against your mouth. Then, parting from you with much difficulty, he shifts his weight until he’s hovering over your core, hot breath fanning against you and making your hips twitch. 
“Look at you,” he tuts. “Such a pretty mess. Will you let me have a taste?”
“Yes, please,” You beg, thighs instinctively spreading wider for him.
He swipes his thumb at your folds once, and you realize so suddenly how your clumsy hands pale in comparison to his expert ones. Or, maybe, the strange, newfound feeling of his rough hands now all gentle touches has you yearning to bask in the sensation a little longer. 
“Ooh,” You bite at the inside of your cheek. “Woo…”
Your breath hitches as he nudges aside your underwear before leaning down to lick at your clit, pressing the wet muscle flat against the bundle of nerves. He teases his tongue against it, flicking it back and forth, and your thighs threaten to close around his head as your eyes roll back.
“F-Fuck━ Wooyoung!” 
His head pops up almost immediately at your broken cry, surprising even yourself. Concern creases his brow momentarily at your scrunched up face. “What’s wrong? Did it hurt?”
“No,” You feel your face burn as you admit the truth aloud. “N-No, it felt good. I━ Don’t stop.”
An amused chuckle sounds from him, vibrating up your whole body. He busies himself by returning to his ministrations, tongue lapping at your clit in an obscene manner, all warm and wet around you. His fingers come up to swipe at your folds, gliding your slickness along yourself and then spreading you open. He feels you tremor above him, a choked moan tumbling from your mouth. Every little motion he does to you seems to earn a reaction, and Wooyoung suddenly craves to have you coming on his tongue again and again but he relents. Above all else, he wants nothing more than to make sure you’re comfortable.
“You’re so sensitive,” he hums, delighted. “Fuck, it’s so hot.”
He carefully pushes two fingers past your folds as his mouth wraps around your clit to suck at the tender bud; glancing up past his lashes, he sees your scrunched up face, and a hand clamped over your mouth. 
He pauses fleetingly enough to murmur attentively against you, “Is this good?” 
It’s the soft tone that underlies it that makes you acutely aware in all your pleasure that he’s checking in on you but all you can do in the moment is nod, your words a jumble in your mind. “Yes. M-More.”
The sensation starts to build up in your core, sending you into a spiral that has you writhing beneath him. He presses his arm across your pelvic bone to anchor you in place as his fingers stretch you out. 
“Fuck━ Shit, Wooyoung,” You rasp through panting breaths. “That feels so good. I think I’m gonna━”
“Gonna come for me, baby?” he asks. In the heat of the moment, you don’t necessarily register the pet name, aside from the fact that hearing it come from Wooyoung makes your heart flutter. A sudden curl of his fingers upwards has your back arching off the bed. Your hands fumble blindly to thread your own digits through his hair, clutching so tightly at the root, he hisses into your cunt. “Come on. You can do it, baby. Let go; make a mess all over my face━”
Your jaw unhinges in a silent moan, so overwhelmed by the way he’s making you feel, lewd wet squelches of his fingers sinking into you and his tongue and mouth sucking at your clit filling your head. You can sense your orgasm approaching, only this time the magnitude of it is far different than anything you’ve experienced before and your face flushes hot.
Your voice splinters off as your orgasm washes over you, sending you into hysterics, twisting and turning beneath him. Whimpers and moans of delight fill Wooyoung’s ears as he helps you ride out your high, your hands twisting a little rougher in his hair and causing him to groan against you. He stops to watch you in all your unabashed glory, until you’ve calmed down enough to see him gazing at you with hooded eyes. Realizing you’ve never been so vulnerable, so dishevelled, in front of him, you clamp a hand over your face suddenly, turning away from him as you murmur sheepishly, “Don’t look at me like that.”
“Why?” he chuckles. He clambers back up to you, his thumb pressing comforting circles into your hip. “You have nothing to be embarrassed about. And, just so you know, that was fucking hot.”
“Wooyoung,” You whine. You hate the way your heart flutters in your chest, and you pray he doesn’t notice. 
Meanwhile, Wooyoung can’t help but admire how devastatingly adorable you are, so shy even after spreading yourself wide for him. Instead, he carefully takes your hand away from your face and presses a tender kiss to your temple. “Still good?” 
“Wanna call it a night?”
“No,” You gnaw at your lower lip. “I want… I think━no, I know━I’m ready.”
Even in the dark, you can see Wooyoung’s eyes shimmer fondly. He dips his head to kiss at the underside of your jaw. “Is it something you still want with me?”
“Yes,” You moan. 
“Okay.” He wonders if you can hear the excitement in his voice. “We can still stop whenever you want. Just tell me, okay?”
Suddenly, he’s almost as nervous as you are, and every touch he lands on you is somehow softer than before. He kisses up your neck to your lips, then back down to your collarbones. His fingers pluck at your bra strap, and you pause him briefly to sit up a bit straighter and undo it yourself. As you toss it away, Wooyoung’s sultry gaze sweeps over the swell of your nude breasts and he groans. He can’t help but reach out for them, kneading the soft flesh of one in his hand, tweaking at the nipple; his mouth descends on the other one, tongue flicking around the sensitive bud. 
“You’re fucking breathtaking,” he mumbles. “Can’t get enough of you.”
“You don’t have to be so sappy,” You tease with a half-hearted giggle that sounds more like a soft moan. “You’re gonna make me blush again.”
“You’re my best friend,” he retorts. “I’m allowed to be sappy about you. Plus, if this is your first time, I want it to be all about you.”
“Well, get naked already,” You roll your eyes, jabbing your finger at his side. “I’ll feel less awkward.”
“If you insist,” he grins against you, planting one last kiss to your collarbones before pulling away.
Your hands meet his halfway to fumble for his shirt but, in your haste, your knuckles accidentally knock against his cheekbone. He lets out a tiny “oof!” to which you snicker a quick apology, and then he grabs at your hand and kisses the tips of your fingers. 
“One sec━” he hums. “Need a condom, and lube.”
As soon as he’s stripped out of his pants and underwear, he reaches over to his nightstand and pulls open a drawer to dig around inside. Then, settling back on his knees between your legs, he procures a bottle of lube which he tosses next to you and a condom which he rips open the wrapper of with his teeth. One hand grips his dripping swollen cock, and you eye him eagerly.
“It’s a good thing you’re prepared,” You snort. “Guess you know how to really treat a woman.”
“Is that jealousy I hear?” he quips lightly. 
A disapproving shake of your head makes him snicker. Then, he focuses on unraveling the condom down his length. He nestles himself a bit closer to you, grabbing the bottle of lube and opening it to squirt a few pumps of it onto your already glistening pussy and his own dick. 
“Ready?” he asks. 
You nod in response. “What should I do?”
“Just relax,” he says. “It shouldn’t hurt but, if it does or if you’re uncomfortable, tell me. I’ll stop.”
You swallow your nerves as he guides the tip of his cock to your core, bracing yourself. You trust him with your whole life, and so you’re not worried about him hurting you; rather, you’re more anxious to feel something you’ve never experienced before. With one hand gripping himself, and the other gripping your hip, he carefully pushes the tip of himself past your walls. Your reaction is immediate, a delighted whimper sounding from not only you but even Wooyoung ━ a noise so sexy, your walls throb around him. 
“Fuuck,” he grunts, face scrunching up in pure pleasure. “More?”
“P-Please,” You mewl. 
He relents, pushing into you slowly, inch by inch as he takes his time and lets you adjust to his size, stretching you so wide, you feel as if you won’t be able to hold anymore. It’s foreign, uncomfortable, yet not in a way that’s painful but rather a newfound sensation that you’ll quickly adjust to. You marvel at how quick you are to abandon any sheepishness around him, instead looking impatiently forward to him stretching you open. As he sinks hilt deep into you, guided easily by the lube, his breath stutters and he pauses. He melts against you, kissing at your neck.
“Fuck, Wooyoung,” You whine. “Fuck, fuck, fuck━ I feel so━ So full.”
His cock twitches inside you from your words, and he bites down a little harshly against your neck, causing you to moan. He swallows thickly, head spinning. “Good?”
You nod sluggishly. “You can move.”
So, he does. Leisurely at first, pulling out of you just enough only to glide back into you, adopting a steady rhythm. 
“Put your legs up,” he says. “Around my waist.”
You do as you’re told, letting him help you hitch one of your legs around him, his palm hot and heavy as it clutches at your thigh. The new angle makes it feel as if he sinks deeper into your pussy with each thrust in, and you wrap your arms around his neck as if clinging onto him will help brace you against the growing pleasure. When he reaches down to rub his finger at your clit still sensitive from your first orgasm, your whole body shakes and your walls clench around his length. He seems to lose himself in the feeling, moaning as he slams his dick into you a little rougher than usual, sending you teetering upward on the bed and earning an elated cry from you.
“Fuck,” He sputters. “Shit, I’m sorry. Did that hurt━”
“No,” You cut him off quickly, grabbing at his face in a drunken stupor to kiss him feverishly. “Fuck, no, Wooyoung. More. Give me more, please. You can go faster, harder.”
Wooyoung can’t deny the sudden spark of glee within him, wanting nothing more than to tear into you, send you into a sobbing mess. The thought is only spurred on even further when he thinks about the fact that you want it to be him, and not Yeonjun. That it’s him in this position with you, and not Yeonjun. Him being the first one to fuck your pussy, and not Yeonjun.
“Yeah?” he growls. “Gonna let me wreck this pussy? Make it mine?”
“P-Please,” You whimper. “Oh my god.”
His hips snap into yours swiftly, and a little harsher each time, while still within caution not to get too excited with you. Still, he completely ravishes you, his finger swiping at your clit as his mouth moves down to your breasts which bounce with each thrust, his teeth tugging lightly at your perked bud. 
“Shit, you’re so good. Doing so well, baby,” he grunts. “Ah━ You’re taking my dick so fucking well. Fuck━”
He curses under his breath when his dick nearly threatens to spill from you, both from the oozing lube and the growing wetness pooling between your legs. He hastens to shove himself back inside you, his pace never stuttering. The bed creaks with each thrust as he pounds into you, the lewd noises of him sinking into you and both of your breathy moans filling the room. Tears of ecstasy start to brim your eyes, the familiar hotness burning at your stomach and core, but tenfold. The sight is truly one to behold for Wooyoung, seeing you so overwhelmed and frazzled. Your hips desperately try to buck up for more, your brows pinch together at the sensation, your teeth tugging at your lower lip so mean he’s sure it’ll bruise. And all because of him.
“Wooyoung,” You cry. “I can’t━ I’m gonna come━”
“Fuck, yes,” he rasps. “Wanna feel you cream around my cock so badly. Come for me.”
But he senses you’re close even without you telling him, judging by the way your walls spasm around his dick wildly. A few more thrusts, and you’re tumbling over the edge, tears streaming from your eyes as the pleasure completely enraptures you. You’re gone for a moment, head in the clouds and pupils glazed over, moaning nothing but his name. The sudden gush of wetness around his dick surprises even him, the both of you moaning aloud.
“Yes, holy shit,” he grunts, letting out a breathless chuckle. “Just like that.”
The use of the silly and endearing nickname is what sends him to his orgasm, so sweet sounding in nature yet so broken and exhausted nonetheless. He lets you pull him down for a heated kiss as he thrusts himself into you sloppily. 
“So sexy,” he whines. You clench around him so tightly at his words that he feels as if he can’t move, sputtering for air. “Ah━ Ah━ Yes, keep doing that. Gonna come. Wish I was filling you up━”
In the heat of the moment, neither of you seem to notice his choice of words. Instead, with one final shuddering ram of his hips, he comes. You gasp as you feel his dick twitch deep within your walls as he spills into the condom with a sudden rushing warmth between your legs. Your name wretches from his throat in a delirious cry so hot you nearly come again. He rides his high out a bit carelessly, murmuring a soft sorry when he realizes you’re cringing from the oversensitivity and stopping at once. Then, with the room finally falling silent, he slumps against your chest like a comfortable heavy weight.
Neither of you speak as you calm from your highs, his lips leaving fluttering kisses across your neck and jawline. As he pulls out of you and rips off the tainted condom to carefully dispose of it, you moan softly. The abrupt emptiness is not at all what you’re expecting, and you already miss his warmth. In his absence, the realization of the night threatens to dawn on you but, fortunately, it’s not for long, as Wooyoung curls back into bed with you with a pair of sweatpants on, tucking you into his chest and shedding any potential worries from your mind. 
Moreover, you’re made aware of just how exhausted you are. Your body is starting to ache, and you want nothing more than to fall asleep in his arms in his bed. He’s content with letting you rest for a moment, fingers threading soothingly through your hair, before he tugs you delicately to your feet. 
“Wooyoung,” You whine. 
He smiles down at you, planting a kiss on the top of your head. “You good?”
“I’m so tired. Lemme sleep…”
“Shh, I know,” he hums. “Don’t fall asleep on me just yet. I’m gonna run you a bath.”
God, you love him. Not in that way. But the abrupt sleepy thought pops into your head as he helps you into his bathroom and settles you into the tub as he lets the running water wash over you until it’s filled up to your chest and the bathroom is balmy. He sits beside you on the floor, resting his hand on the edge of the tub next to where your head is propped up. 
“Thank you,” You whisper faintly.
“What are best friends for?”
You look up at him past your lashes which are now heavy with sleep, and he brushes your hair out of your eyes. You catch him already staring down at you softly in a way you can’t quite explain.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You taunt.
“Dunno,” he shrugs. “I think I just fell in love with you.”
“Oh, shut up.”
But he laughs, and so you laugh, because you know it’s a joke. The wide cheeky grin on his face is surely enough to make you think so. Why would you have any suspicion to think otherwise?
Eventually, he’ll obey your silent wishes and pull you back into bed with him like always, the past events slipping away in a dreamlike state and leaving you as just a pair of innocent best friends. Nothing more, nor less. 
Whatever the case, you’re content with your choices. 
(And Wooyoung’s content with his).
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You’ve only just returned home from your classes that Monday when you’re greeted to an unusual sight at your doorstep in the shape of a small black gift box with a shiny silver bow on top. Granted, it’s not as unusual because you had gotten a sort of cryptic text from Wooyoung earlier that stated simply, “left u a gift at urs. let me know when u get it.” 
So, whisking it up and taking it inside your apartment, you settle it onto your kitchen counter and open it only to choke on nothing but air. Because there, nestled inside is a vibrant hot pink vibrator. It’s so shocking, in fact, that you almost miss the note that’s beside it before you pluck it up in a frenzied haste.
A little something for practice ( P.S. You can thank me later ) ~ Wooyoung
And Wooyoung’s none the wiser when he gets a phone call from you a minute later, with you exclaiming loudly, “You’re such a dick!” but at least it makes him chuckle.
“They say practice makes perfect,” Wooyoung points out. Pausing briefly, he adds, “Not that it wasn’t good, just so you know, but... Uh... you know what I mean.”
“No, I don’t, Wooyoung━” You ramble on about something else related to the toy, but even you can’t help but dissolve into a fit of giggles the longer the conversation goes on. And, in the back of your head, are his past words as they echo back to you.
What are best friends for?
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⟶ All rights reserved to © jungkxook. I do not allow reposting, translating, or any sort of modifying and reuploading of my work.
⟶ Feedback is always appreciated!
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yashirawr · 2 years
teru minamoto with the best friends to lovers trope
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tbhk teru minamoto x gn!reader.
type: angst to fluff, headcannons, childhood best friends to lovers.
warnings: denial of feelings, teru feeling bad (i think maybe even a little ooc, i'll work on that too)
a/n: help, english isn't my first language so there's an awful grammar (also, lowercase intended) but i hope you'll be able to understand what i write <3 JAJDKAKD THIS WAS A MESS BUT I PROMISE I WILL DO BETTER NEXT TIME
ㅤ ⸝ㅤ ♡ as friends
teru was in constant denial.
he simply couldn't accept the fact that he liked, no, loved his best friend.
he had a lot of things to take care of: his family, his job, his studies and his reputation at all times.
but even so he couldn't help but think about how much he wanted to be near you when you weren't around.
he couldn't help but have this warm feeling in his chest whenever you two had any interaction. which was frequently.
you made him feel comfortable, but also awoke a million butterflies in his stomach.
he refused to accept it.
every moment spent together made him wish it last forever. he also wished to have more time to spend with you.
those silent wishes and all the overthinking at midnight was something he never experienced before, and he was quite mad about it.
why did you have to be so lovely?
still, he was aware of the situation. playing it cool, staring at you in the most discreet way possible.
he tried to avoid everything about you and distance himself hoping to kill those feelings he unfortunately had for you.
but it only lasted one week because it hurt too much, so he chose to leave everything as it was and find another solution that didn't involve losing you.
you of course noticed the constant change in his behavior but didn't want to ask because you knew that teru didn't like to talk about his feelings.
most of the time he let everything go away distracting himself by talking to you but right now it would simply make things worse.
the ‘confesion’ happened in the middle of a casual conversation of yours.
“look, i'm aware of how much you dislike talking about how you feel but you're worrying me, teru” you said suddenly, breaking the short silence that reigned minutes ago in the students council room.
“what are you talking about?” he turned his head towards you with a lightly confused expression, even though he knew exactly what you were talking about.
“one day you act bitter towards me and the other everything is fine,” you sighed, not because you were mad at him for not talking to you but because you didn't like the idea of something stressing him out. he had a lot of things to bear with, you knew it “i don't know what's happening and don't want to preassure, but i wanted to remind you that if anything i'm here for you.”
teru wanted to tell you to shut up, to stop making him fall for you even harder. you were the only person who noticed those details, and he hated how he also loved that part of you.
“i'm not actually the smartest, you know...?” he finally spoke with a voice tone that you weren't able to recognize, but it was somehow weak. defeated. you would never associate those words with teru “i can't believe the things i've been thinking about this past months”
“what were you thinking about?” you asked softly, getting closer to him. he avoided your question.
“i'm sure you already noticed that i can't be what you expect from me, nor what my family and everyone else expects from me” he sighed, looking at you with a somewhat distressed expression. but one that seemed to explain, and even mask, how he already accepted what he just said.
you knew him better than anyone else.
“what are you even talking about? what do you think that i expect from you?” it sounded a bit exasperated, and you scolded yourself internally for making so many questions instead of getting to the point “i love you, the only thing i expect from you is to accept that” you concluded, leaving silence after your words.
“that you love me” looking directly at your beautiful eyes, he repeated in almost a whisper. maybe trying to figure out if you really meant it, maybe trying to understand why.
“i love you” you said once again, knowing really well how much you did.
ㅤ ⸝ㅤ ♡ as lovers
you two, just as when you were friends, still didn't have too much time to spend together.
but when you did, you enjoyed and cherished every second of it.
making out, kisses and cuddles in the students council room.
(kicking akane to have some time alone JADJQJD ILY MY BOY)
study dates.
lots of study dates.
well, he would study and explain some things to you while you just sit on his lap and hug him without even listening.
eventually you'll be able to convince him to cuddle the rest of the afternoon.
tbh he's definitely a big spoon. he likes to feel that he's protecting you even at those moments.
but if he had a bad day, he knows that you'll let him be the little spoon.
being in your arms automatically makes him feel better and relaxed.
if he already felt calm talking to you, imagine cuddling you :(<3
also, the whole thing about his fangirls...
i mean at first they didn't notice anything since in school you just talked as always before becoming a couple.
but after some time they started to find it curious how you two would disappear at the same time, and to notice how much teru glanced your way.
some said you two were just friends, and that there was no need to attack.
a part of them did give you dirty looks.
the bad thing was them asking you for tips to get to teru, something that they already did, but now it was even more annoying because ofc you two were in a relationship.
you treated rather kindly most of them because they didn't know, so how could you blame them?
eventually and a few months into the relationship the most probably thing is that teru would already start showing you physical affection in public.
maybe holding your hand and kissing it, throwing an arm around your shoulders, giving you small kisses on your forehead as a goodbye or just because he wanted to.
teru would always protect you.
he knows he's so lucky to have you and you know you are too :(<3
basically, you're his weakness JANDJAJD.
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babyboibucky · 3 years
Tomorrow’s Alright
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Summary: Sometimes all you need is someone to tell you everything will be okay.
Word Count: 704
Warnings: anxiety, overthinking
A/N: Here’s the short piece I wrote when my mind kept me up one night 🥲
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Another link, sent.
Bucky hasn’t even seen the last three videos you sent him and yet you kept on sending more. Nevermind whether he was online or not, you just needed a good distraction.
You weren’t even expecting a reply from him, it was past midnight after all.
The entire day went pretty well with you finishing all your pending tasks at work, feeding the cat and then relaxing. You had even ordered a box of pizza for dinner and rewatched your comfort show while eating.
You were fine and then suddenly you weren’t.
Nighttime came, the world grew quiet but the silence became too loud. The serenity gave room for your thoughts to occupy; one by one until there was nothing but noise inside your head.
Did you make sure to lock the door? What if you didn’t and an intruder came? Your cat, she’s too quiet when she’s usually purring when asleep. Perhaps you shouldn’t have missed an appointment with the vet.
Your chest felt heavy all of a sudden, your throat constricting and your heart was racing. Why were you suddenly so nervous? Clammy hands and sweaty back, were you sick? Were you dying?
It was one of those nights again and so you pulled up several apps and watched videos, read articles, listened to music— you did everything to distract yourself but nothing was working.
Maybe striking a conversation with someone and acting normal would do the trick.
So you kept on sending Bucky messages and links and hoped that you would have fallen asleep by the time you finished sharing with him whatever it is that you could find online.
Letting out a shaky sigh, you decided to stop messaging him. However, before you could even put your phone away, Bucky had replied.
You okay?
Your lips quivered. Two words that made up a simple question was enough to bring you comfort. But you weren’t one to easily admit that no, you weren’t okay so you told him you were fine.
It’s past midnight, you don’t stay up this late. What’s going on?
Your fingers hovered over the letters on your phone, resisting the urge to ask him to come over at such an ungodly hour.
Just my head, kinda keeping me awake. It’s nothing, probably just me overthinking again.
What does your head say?
It took you a while to come up with a response. It was hard to put into words, your thoughts. They were so random and so trivial it made you ashamed. Bucky’s been through so much, everything you’ve been worrying about suddenly seemed so small.
It’s silly, Bucky. I swear, just thinking about whether I locked my door. My cat being too quiet, I don’t know. Weird stuff makes me worry, forget about it lol
You stared at your phone and waited for a response but nothing came up. Another sigh left your lips, Bucky must have thought how worthless your rants were. You suddenly felt bad for disturbing him.
Without hesitating, you started typing out an apology. You were halfway through when Bucky’s reply came.
You locked your door, you always do. It’s part of your routine, I doubt you’d forgotten to do it. I googled about cat behavior, I think she’s fine. If you’re worried we can bring her to the vet but maybe observe her first and then we’ll go from there.
Everything’s fine. You’ll be okay. I can come over if you want, keep you company until your head stops being noisy?
A small smile tugged at your lips, some sort of calmness finally overcoming the worries in your head. Your breathing was even, your heart was no longer racing.
I’m okay now, Bucky. Thank you.
You sure? Hit me up whenever. I’ll bring you breakfast in the morning. Try and get some sleep, okay?
Your door was locked. Your cat started purring in her sleep and even cuddled next to you. The silence was no longer deafening, it was just that— silence.
You’re okay.
Sometimes, all it takes is for one person to remind you that everything’s fine and that tomorrow, it’ll still be that way.
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skzkkun · 3 years
the moment when i close my eyes
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pairing: hyunjin x reader.
warnings: nsfw, bondage, oral sex (m recieving), orgasm denial, brat tamer! reader, sub ! hyunjin, petnames ('miss', 'puppy', 'baby', and 'angel'). if you think i proof-read this, you're a fool.
synopsis: the red lights mv got me feeling some kind of way. basically porn-without-plot. (1.9k)
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“Good morning, angel.” Hyunjin whispered, the groggy morning voice barely reached you. His dark hair and pyjamas were both tousled slightly from hours spent dreaming; even still, he looked ethereal. You wondered how someone could look so stunning after waking up, as you continued to softly kiss down his exposed stomach. “Baby, what are you doing?” Hyunjin chuckled, only to be cut off by your continued affection, “Oh-” His breath caught in his throat, “Oh, I love it when you wake me up like this, angel.”
Although it wasn’t a frequent event, every so often you loved to treat your baby to something nice to wake up to; this morning was the perfect occasion for such a treat. You knew how hard Hyunjin had been working recently, he’d wake up early just to rush off to the studio, barely having time for breakfast most days. He’d return home just past midnight looking exhausted, and as much as it broke your heart you knew he was passionate about his art, and all those nights in the dance studio were worth it for him. Besides, it gave you a great excuse to look after him, like this.
Hyunjin’s soft giggle brought you back to your senses, as you looked back up at him while you kissed further down his lean body. “You have no idea how gorgeous you look like that, baby. But, I have a question.” He dramatically motioned above his head, drawing your attention to the delicately tied rope that kept his wrists attached to the bed frame, “Why did you tie me to the headboard?”.
Your cheeks warmed, suddenly embarrassed, “I- I thought you wanted to try it out, you mentioned it a while ago and-,” you sat up from between his legs, concern washed over your face as you realised that maybe this wasn’t a good idea after all. “I could untie you if you’re uncomfortable! I’m sorry I should have asked or-”. You began to crawl back up to his face as he hushed you, now directly under you as your elbows rested on either side of his head.
“You’re overthinking, angel,” he whispered, the grogginess from just waking up now slowly fading from his voice, “I did mention it a while ago, and I'm very much still into it now. I trust you, (Y/n).” His bright smile was overpouring with sincerity, causing you to practically melt at the sight. Admittedly, the scene would have been more wholesome had your boyfriend not been tied to the bed.
“Well in that case, where was I…” you giggled softly as you carefully crawled back down, resuming your kisses: down his chest, to his stomach, then next to his belly button as your hand graced the waistband of his pyjama bottoms. You gently tugged at the elastic, waiting for any indication that he wanted to stop.
Instead, he whined and subtly bucked his hips against your hand, “(Y/n), you’re just teasing me now,” he pouted, looking down at you expectedly. If this was any other time you may have teased him while he was in this state longer, but you wouldn’t have woken up earlier than usual if you weren’t just as desperate. With a final kiss above the waistband of his pyjama pants you stripped them off him, tossing the bottoms unceremoniously onto your bedroom floor. Quick to give Hyunjin what he wanted, your fingers softly caressed his now exposed cock and grabbed the base; directing the tip to your lips.
His precum smeared across your lips as you took his cock in your mouth in one quick movement. “Oh fuck, angel you’re so fucking go- good.” He moaned out, head recoiling back into his soft pillow. You started to bob your head faster, enjoying the feeling of his dick filling your throat. Hyunjin tried to thrust into your mouth, but your hand moved from his thighs up to his hips- not pushing down hard, but halting him. A reminder that at this moment, you were the one in control. He groaned in response, “I want to untie me baby, I wanna- I want to touch your hair, I want to fucking touch you-”. You only replied by bobbing your head up and down his length faster, pulling a pornographic moan from his lips. You pulled your mouth away as he weakly thrust up into the air, whining at the loss of stimulation. “No no no no no don’t stop-,” Hyunjin pleaded, wrists tugging against the rope that kept him restrained.
“Oh? But I thought you wanted me to untie you…” You smirked, as he incoherently babbled- conflicted between wanting to touch you and wanting you to continue to touch him. “You’re so cute, baby boy.” Hyunjin’s cheeks flushed red, and when you were sure he had come down from his high, from almost cumming in your mouth, you continued to go down on him. You licked the tip of his painfully hard dick, before taking him all in your mouth once again.
He immediately moaned out, “I feel so good- Hhh, speed up angel, speed up-” Hyunjin's thighs tensed as he tried his hardest to not fuck your mouth, not wanting you to stop again. “(Y/n), you're gonna make me cum. Oh fuck, you're gonna make me cum.” His fucked out rambling and heavy breathing continued, only working to turn you on more; you could guarantee that your panties were ruined by your wetness by now. As soon as his cock twitched slightly your mouth released his cock again, with nothing but a trail of saliva connecting you both. You looked up to him, the mischief in your eyes was undeniable as you made eye contact. “(Y/n), come on-” He hoarsly whined out, “I'm fucking dying here.”
“You’re always so dramatic, Jinnie” You giggled, a laugh that could be considered innocent if you didn’t have your boyfriend’s precum trailing down your chin. “If you want me to let you finish that bad, then why don’t you beg for it?”
He threw his head back into his pillow as he laughed in disbelief, his breathing eventually slowing back down to a regular rate. “You want me to beg you so I can cum?,” Hyunjin reiterated as if he didn’t understand, but the way his cock twitched at your order assured you that he understood completely, “Fuck you. You started this, (Y/n)! Finish what you started-” As to humble his growing cocky attitude, you suddenly began jerking him off causing a guttural moan from his lips. With the way he whined and tugged against the ropes above him, you almost felt mean. Almost.
“You really think you can make me beg?”
“Obviously.” You sped up your hand movements, moving one hand to caress his thigh to calm his tension.
“Oh fuck,” He cried out, “I don't think you can make me beg, baby girl. I've never begged for a goddamn thing in my life.” Your eyes locked as you smirked and continued your movements. As true as his words were, you were now more eager than ever to make him beg for you. The thought of your stubborn, cocky boyfriend falling apart only for you made you wetter than ever. “(Y/nnn),” He mewled out, “I'm not gonna beg you I'm not gonna beg you I'm not gonna let you win I'm not gonna let you win oh oh-” His desperate moaning was music to your ears, he was turning you on so much you had half a mind to untie him and let him fuck your brains out.
You brought your mouth back down to his dick, taking his entire length as you let him thrust his hips up into your throat. “Fuck, fuck, oh fuck, look at you, angel. You’re so good, you make me feel so good.” He strained his neck once again to look down at you, his eyebrows furrowed as he tried to keep his eyes open so he could commit the scene to memory. Once his cock twitched in your mouth he couldn’t help but close his eyes, succumbing to the pleasure. It was like he was addicted to the feeling, your mouth was so warm and soft around his dick, your tongue felt incredible flush against his shaft. He felt like he was floating in his own thoughts when he was snapped back into reality with the realisation that you were no longer on his cock. “Huh?” Hyunjin’s eyes snapped open, “Fuck, fuck, fuck, no, no- Look at me baby You can't leave me like this you cannot leave me like this huh fuck no not gonna say I'm not gonna-”
You began to sit up onto your knees, admiring how desperate you could make your boyfriend. If you weren’t just as desperate, you would have laughed at how pathetic he looked for you, maybe even degraded him for being such an eager puppy for you. You tuned back into reality as his pleading got louder, “Oh, please baby please please please please all right you win you win you win you win,” You smiled lovingly as he fucked up into the air, so needy for any form of touch, “please, (Y/n), let me cum please please please then I need to cum I need to cum on. I need to fucking cum, miss.”
“See?” You purr, slowly bending back down to face his cock, “That wasn’t so hard was it, baby?” You spat on his twitching cock, he probably would have cum from that alone if he had to- but you were feeling generous this morning. You licked from the base of his cock to his tip, and resumed deepthroating him. Trying to get him to his peak, you focused on breathing steadily and massaging his thighs- as opposed to your incredibly sore jaw. He only needed to thrust into your mouth a couple more times before he came undone, moaning loud enough to fill the entire apartment with his desperate cries: “Oh thank you Miss thank you oh good luck oh please Miss take it off please yes thank you for letting me cum,” His eyes were squeezed shut as he came into your mouth, legs shaking from the intensity of his orgasm, “Oh, thank you fuck I’m shaking oh oh fuck fuck-”
He continued to whine out as you swallowed and worked to quickly untie his wrists from the bedframe, kissing the reddened marks that lingered. “Thank you, miss.” Hyunjin mewled, eyes still closed as he twitched from his aftershock “Thank you for letting me cum.”.
“You were so good for me, Jinnie” You threw the rope on the nightstand next to your bed, softly kissing his wrists and stroking his disheveled hair, “You’re always such a good boy for me”. He practically purred as he looked up at you, nothing but admiration in his eyes.
“Do you want me to cook some breakfast for you? I can bring it to bed if you want, baby!” You asked, any thought of your own pleasure ignored as you prioritised your boyfriend’s aftercare.
“Mmm, ‘m hungry so yes please.” His exhausted voice was gentle, he was completely in a world of his own. You could almost imagine how fuzzy his mind must be after such an intense scene; you kissed his head, picked out new pyjama bottoms for him to change into, and left to cook your boyfriend some breakfast.
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## A/N —
first fic: done! lmk if you guys liked this, and please feel free to leave an ask or reply if you want to be added to my skz taglist!!
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