egotericins0mnia · 4 months
Maya’s Photoshoot! (Lost 2006 Flash Game)
Welcome to Maya’s Photoshoot!
!! LVL 1 !!
Hi friend! Today, Maya has a photo shoot! Help her get ready and find her way!
Oh no! Maya had a nightmare and woke up in a cold sweat! Help Maya decide what to do to compose herself! Remember, time is thin and your voice matters!
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imagine-that · 4 years
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Rough days
Pairing: Andrew Deluca x pregnant!reader
Warnings: mentions of death, lots of fluff
Requested by @mayascorner
AN: It’s been a while! This one is short but I loved writing it (even though I’m not the biggest Deluca fan lol) and I hope you guys like reading it. Catching up on some requests, as you can see so probably more to come soon!
You carefully walked through the hospital, practically waddling with the size of your belly. The baby kicked again and as overjoyed as you were, you just wanted it to stop.
“Morning y/l/n. Sure that isn’t twins? The bump is definitely big enough.” Alex teased with a smirk as you waddled over to him, swaddling your belly with your arms.
“Ha ha. Don’t even joke about that Karev!” You warned, continuing on your way. Your appointment with Carina was in a few hours so you had enough time to scrub in on at least one case.
Though many surgeons often decided to stay all the way up until a few weeks before they’re due date, Andrew had insisted you take early leave, knowing you would over work yourself if you didn’t. He was definitely right because you’d been taking every spare moment to jump on a random case and wanted to continue to do so until your last day.
“Y/n! You’re supposed to be resting!” A voice scolds from behind you and you mentally curse your slow walking.
“Andrew, I was just going to scrub in on Karev’s service. It’s just a simple bronchoscopy to get a toy car out of a kids throat. I’ll be in and out, I promise.” You groan, turning around to face him.
“Fine but afterwards you go to your appointment and then home to rest, ok mi amore?” He says, raising an eyebrow at you as he speaks. You smile goofily at the way his voice accents in Italian.
“Yes baby, I will do just that. Now go. You’re on the board with Grey. Good luck with that.” You giggle, pushing him towards the board to get him back to work.
He turns back to you and gives you a quick peck on the lips, smiling down at your large bump once more before he rushes off, muttering facts about the patient under his breath and making you giggle.
“Coming y/l/n?” Karev calls after you, making you rush over as quickly as you can.
“Sorry Karev.” You mutter sheepishly, following him into the room and continuing on with your patient as per usual.
That night...
You shove your face into a pillow closest to you, groaning into it as you feel tears pouring from your eyes.
“Mi amore, I’m home!” Andrew calls from the living room. You carefully wipe your eyes, trying to stop the staggered breathes and sniffles you’re having.
“In the bedroom baby.” You shout back as evenly as possible, not wanting to worry him.
He enters the room and smiles at you but his smile drops when he sees your puffy eyes.
“What’s wrong mi amore?” He asks, sitting next to you, his face one of pure concern.
“N-nothing. Just a f-few mood swings is a-all.” You stutter, sucking in your quivering bottom lip and avoiding his eyes.
“Y/n...” Andrew says, obviously knowing your lie.
“Fine. Karev and I lost the little girl for the bronchoscopy. It was such a simple procedure but- but she didn’t make it. She was doing perfectly fine! But then her toy fell farther because my hand moved and she choked more and-and I don’t know what happened next because that’s when Karev k-kicked me out. All I know is that they lost her after that and that I shouldn’t even be in medicine.” You cry, letting your head fall against his chest as you began to sob.
“Sshhhh. It’s ok baby. It’s ok.” He says soothingly, rubbing in circles around your back
“What if I do the same to our daughter Andrew?” You murmur miserably into his chest.
“Well unless you’re going to be your own doctor, which I don’t see working, I don’t see how that would be possible princessa.” He says with a smile, but you let out a sigh, resting your head in his lap as you lay down.
“I mean what if I do something wrong that could risk her health?” You clarify. He frowns down at you worriedly.
“Darling have you been having these thoughts a lot?” He asks, his eyebrows knit together in concentration.
“No...” You say, wondering where it could possibly be going.
“Then you have no need to worry about it now. You’re a doctor, you would know if you did something wrong.” He assures you, looking you square in the eye as he speaks.
“Not according to Karev.” You mutter.
“Well Karev is a tool and everyone knows it. But he loves you, you can’t worry too much over this. Stress is bad for the baby mi amore.” He reminds you, stroking your hair gently. You hum in approval, shutting your eyes in exhaustion.
“She kept me up all night kicking last night. What if the exhaustion is how I messed up? Or how I grabbed the wrong lunch?” You suggest.
Andrew chuckles. “My love, you grab the wrong lunch everyday.” He reminds you, making you smile up at him softly.
“Right.” You giggle. You snuggle in closer to him, holding his hand in your relaxed state as he rubs one of his hands over your back in circles.
You slowly let yourself cuddle into his lap, eyes still shut and body completely still other than your breathing.
After a few minutes, Andrew lifts you gently, moving you over to one side of the bed and tucking stray hairs behind your ear.
His voice starts to fill the silence but you don’t stop him, listening to his words in curiosity.
“My princessa, we love you so much. Please stop giving your madre such a hard time. She loves you more than anything in this world, she can’t wait to meet you. Try to go easy on her.” He hums, stroking your stomach lightly.
You try your best not to smile, not wanting him to know you’re awake to hear.
He sings in Italian for a bit, something he rarely did, even if you begged him to. It made you want to giggle but you resisted, not wanting him to stop.
“I can’t wait to hold you in my arms princessa. I’m already in love with you. We don’t have a name for you yet but whatever it is, it’ll be perfect for you. Especially if your clever mom thinks of it. Let’s hope you look like her.” He says in a husky sweet voice.
“I’d much prefer if she resembled her dad.” You giggle softly, turning your head to face him. His brows raise in surprise as he moves back a bit, his cheeks tinged pink in embarrassment.
“Mi amore, I thought you were asleep.” He says sheepishly.
You shake your head, smiling to him.
“No and I’m glad I wasn’t. You just reminded me why this is all worth it. She keeps me up now and soon she’ll be keeping both of us up but she’s ours. We’ll get through all the sleepless nights the way we do everything else; together.” You promise, wrapping your little finger around his tightly.
“I love you Andrew.” You whisper to him, nuzzling up to him on reflex.
He beams, glad to be able to call you and the little baby girl growing inside you his.
“I love you too mi amore.” He says back, pulling you closer into his chest, never wanting to let go of moments like these.
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Oh Baby!
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Pairing: Andrew DeLuca x @mayascorner​
Request:  Umm I’m married to deluca.  We’re having a daughter, and the same thing happens to me when April had her baby except I’m with Alex. And Alex saves our lives and Andrew thanks him. ?
Warnings: mentions of blood and a lot of swearing
Thanks for the request @mayascorner​ really do hope that you enjoy reading it & thank you for being so patient!! 💜💜
“Are you sure you left the rings in the kitchen?” Alex asked, a frustrated grunt passing his lips as we searched Meredith’s kitchen
“For the last time Karev, yes I’m sure!” angrily shouting I moved the pile of dishcloths and the sleek black box was found
“Got it!” rejoicing I snatched it up and was hit by another braxton hicks contraction. Inhaling I placed my hands on my swollen stomach riding out the pain. Alex noticed my change in pace and wasted no time coming to my aid
“Maya are you okay?”
“I’m fine, it’s just braxton hicks, been having them for the past two days. It’s completely normal seeing as I’m not due for the next twelve days” waving him off I tried to move to the living room but this contraction hurt a lot more than the last
“Fuck! Shit!”
“You’re in labour Maya” he took my arms and lead me over to the sofa
“I cannot have this baby today” grabbing his tie I pulled him down to my level
“I’m gonna call for an ambulance” ignoring me he pulled his phone out and made the call
They’re not going to make it here in time, not with the storm raging outside plus traffic, Andrew isn’t here and having this baby was his fucking idea
I’m gonna kill him
“Alex they’re not going to be here on tim- ohhhhh!” Screaming I gripped onto the back of the sofa writhing in pain
“I can’t do this” beads of perspiration trickled down my forehead
“Hey, look at me. You’re gonna be fine, I promise. I just need you to breathe” he moved around the living room looking for gloves
“I’ve got to check how dialated you are” nodding I let him remove my underwear and he started examining my cervix
Is this considered cheating? Now’s not the time to think about this
“Having fun in there?” I joked as he still had his hand in my hooha
“There’s a breach” he furrowed his eyebrows trying to figure out what he’s feeling exactly
God no, please no
“It’s a foot and the chord” he quickly removed his hand and I immediately started panicking
“I can’t have a c-section in Mer’s house” tears welled in my eyes as I thought about doing this outside of a hospital
“It’s going to be alright Maya” he found a bottle of hand sanitizer and some kitchen knives
“The lighting is better in the kitchen”
“We’re doing this” gripping onto his hand he smiled
“We’re having a baby, right here, right now, c’mon” he guided me up from the sofa all over to the kitchen table
“Call DeLuca please, I can’t do this without him” he nodded and dialed my husband putting the phone on speaker
“Karev what’s up?” his voice filled the room
“Maya? Everything okay?” Groaning I clutched onto the table top beneath me as Alex spoke to him
“DeLuca she’s in labour, there’s a breach and I have to deliver the baby however, I have to do a c-section” he calmly explained the situation
“Where are you?”
“Meredith’s, are you close to Dr Bailey?”
“Karev, talk to me what’s happening”
“I have to do a c-section on Maya her baby’s breached and there’s no time to wait for first responders” he dumped a lot of sanitizer on the kitchen knives to make them sterile before doing the same to his hands
“I trust that you could do it Karev” Bailey said and there was rustling on the line
“Alex, promise me that if this goes sideways you’ll save my little girl”
“Karev don’t listen to her, save them both!”
“Promise me Alex!” he gulped, nodding at me he sanitized the area he was going to cut
“This is going to hurt like a bitch” holding the blade close to my stomach he looked down at me
“I trust you”
Placing one of his hands on my stomach, he cut through my flesh and I screamed so loud I swore I shook the house. This fucking hurts
“Maya breathe, we’re gonna be done in no time”
At that point I was seeing stars. Scratch that, I was seeing the entire fucking universe from searing pain that surged through my body
“Maya!” Andrew called out for me and I screamed in return
“Oh man, she’s beautiful Maya” her little screams filled the room and I weakly smiled looking at her tiny frame in Alex’s hands
Lulling my head to the side I passed out, utterly exhausted
“She’s beautiful you two” Arizona gushed as I cradled her to my chest, my husband standing next to my bed
“She looks just like her mommy” Alex nudged my leg smiling
“Thank you for saving them both Alex, I owe you” Andrew thanked him and he waved him off
“Don’t, I was doing my job. Just do me favor and take extremely good care of them both”
“Will do”
“Do you want to hold your goddaughter?” I sheepishly asked and Alex looked like he was about to pass out
“She’s- you’re choosing me to be her godfather?” I could see the tears in his eyes as he reached out for her, I placed her in his hold and smiled at how adorable they looked
“We wouldn’t want anyone else”
Now remembering all the suffering I went through I punched his balls and doubled over in pain as the others gasped in shock
“Let’s have a baby, you said, it’ll be fun, you said. There was nothing fun about being butchered on Mer’s dining table” the room was filled with boisterous laughter from our friends and I fixed myself to lie back on the bed
“I’m sorry”
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