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loodgack · 2 months ago
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it isn't only HN anniversary. it's my 6th anniversary as a HN fan. Happy Birthday, HN!
and if future me still sees this post actually going out (I scheduled it) then...I wish her strength.
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panimoonchild · 7 months ago
Russian culture is ethnic cleansing and islamophobia
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Today is an important day to qırımlılar but many of them will be celebrating it in Russian captivity.
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Ruslan Mesutov was illegally sentenced by the occupiers to 18 years in prison on charges of alleged "terrorism".
Even though the 58-year-old man's health condition has deteriorated, he is not being provided with appropriate medical care. Ruslan Mesutov is forced to go on hunger strike, because, contrary to his religious beliefs, he is fed food with pork in it. The prison where he is being held is called a "criterion" because of its harshness. There are four people in a damp cell, who are taken for a walk on the roof of the prison once a day.
Life before detention: Ruslan Ametovich Mesutov was born in Uzbekistan, in 1988 he returned to Crimea and got a job as a turner at a factory in Alushta, where he was allocated a land plot.
Later, he brought his parents and sisters to the Crimea, married Elzara Hodzhenova, and had two sons. Ruslan was a member of the Crimean Tatar People's Movement. In the village of Malyi Mayak (Buyuk-Lambat), Ruslan organized the Muslim community "Avdet", which is part of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Crimea, and became one of the founders of the religious community of Alushta. He was a security guard at the mosque, engaged in social activities, organized Muslim holidays, helped with funeral issues, took care of paperwork, and held prayers. Representatives of the occupation authorities detained the man on June 10, 2019, along with other Crimean Tatars. The occupation investigators charged Mesutov with violation of Part 1 of Article 205.5 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Organization of a terrorist organization"), which provides for imprisonment for a term of 15 to 20 years. And even Part 1 of Articles 30 and 278 of the Russian Criminal Code ("Preparation for the violent seizure of power by an organized group by prior conspiracy"), which provides for up to ten years in prison. In May 2020, Ruslan was transferred to the territory of the Russian Federation. An illegal sentence was handed down on August 16, 2021, and the man was sentenced to 18 years in a strict regime colony with a 1-year and 6-month restriction on his freedom after release. Mesutov was arrested two weeks before the court hearing, which was to consider the claim of the religious community of Alushta regarding the transfer of the city mosque by the occupation administration to the illegal formation of the "Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Crimea". The main real reason for Ruslan Mesutov's detention is his religious and public activities, identity, and support for his people. The 58-year-old man is being held in a Russian prison in the Lipetsk region. According to his lawyer, Siyar Panich, his client's health condition has deteriorated and he is not being provided with medical care. Since November 2022, Ruslan has had difficulties with nutrition, as pork has been introduced into the main diet. According to his religious beliefs, Ruslan Mesutov does not eat such food. The Muslims serving their sentences in this institution wrote an appeal to the administration, but the problem has not yet been resolved.
The political prisoner's Quran was also taken away from him. "The Quran in Arabic was taken away from Mesutov to be examined by a specialist, who said it was a 'normal Quran' and not an 'extremist' one. Since then, since November, he hasn't been able to get it back, and it depresses him quite a bit," said lawyer Volodymyr Bilenko.
Info from @ ppu_gov_ua
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That how our people look like and behave when they're finally free from Russian captivity.
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usafphantom2 · 5 months ago
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The Story Of The Soviet Pilot Who Defected To Japan With A Secretive MiG-25 Foxbat
September 6, 2016 Military Aviation, Military History, Russia, Troubled Areas
Image credit: Alex Beltyukov
OTD in 1976, Viktor Belenko, “stole” a MiG-25 and landed in Japan.
The then Lieutenant Belenko was a pilot with the 513th Fighter Regiment, 11th Air Army, based in Chuguyevka, Primorsky Krai, in the east of the country. When he brought his MiG-25 “Foxbat” to Hakodate he gave the Western intelligence officers the opportunity to give a first close look at one of the most secretive airplanes of those years: a supersonic interceptor featuring a powerful radar, four air-to-air missiles and a top speed above Mach 3.
In order to assist the American experts in evaluating the aircraft, Belenko brought with him the pilot’s manual for the MiG-25 “Foxbat”, expecting to assist American pilots in evaluating and testing the aircraft. Even if the Japanese government didn’t originally give full access to the plane, the Americans were later invited to examine the aircraft extensively: the MiG was dismantled for such purpose and later returned to the Soviet Union.
In his “MiG pilot” book (1983) John Barron claims that Viktor Belenko’s defection was completely voluntary and was the result of Belenko’s distrust on communist regime.
The MiG was delivered to Japan without the missiles, which were to be introduced in the Belenko’s training later on. The mission was launched earlier than initially planned, because the KGB was about to stop Viktor Ivanovich Belenko from defection.
Although pilot defections during the Cold War were not a rarity, what made Belenko’s defection unique was the fact that the MiG-25 was largely unknown in the West. This is the main point to bear in mind when thinking about Belenko and, unfortunately, this fact is often forgotten.
The ideological background for the events which took place in 1976 is deeply rooted in the beginnings of the post-war period. As the Cold War was in progress there were many incidents and crises which closely led to a confrontation between the two superpowers. One of these events was Francis Gary Powers’s U-2 spy flight on of May 1, 1960.
Power’s U-2 took off from USAF Peshawar Air Base in Pakistan for a GRAND SLAM mission, to investigate the Soviet missile and plutonium production plants. Targets were Sverdlovsk, Plesetsk (ICBM sites) and Mayak – a plutonium plant.
The U-2 was a plane designed to fly well above the Soviet air defense Surface to Air Missile systems. Its operational ceiling was out of the range of the Soviet interceptors and missiles but Powers’ flight was expected, all of the units and surface-to-air defenses were put on alert. The MiG pilots were ordered to ram the aircraft if necessary. The U-2 was eventually shot down by an S-75 Dvina missile near Degtayrsk in the Ural region. Because of high g-force Powers had no chance of reaching the airplane’s self-destruction button and had to eject.
What is interesting is the fact that SAM crews did not know that the plane had already been shot down because the MiGs’ IFF transponders were not updated (May 1st is a national holiday), therefore several Soviet aircraft were also shot down by S-75 rockets.
The political consequences of the spy flight were severe.
Shortly after the incident the Americans created a cover up story for Powers’ failure. NASA had announced in a very specific press release that the pilot, having lost consciousness due to the problems with the oxygen equipment, had strayed into the Soviet territory with his autopilot engaged while carrying out a weather flight.
On May 7, Khrushchev announced that Powers had survived the crash and, nine days later, on May 16, 1960, during a Four Powers Paris Summit meeting with Harald MacMillan, Charles de Gaulle and Dwight Eisenhower he called the U-2 incident an act of a “deliberate aggression.”
Eisenhower refused to apologize for the incident, claiming that the U-2 flight was not of aggressive nature, having only a purpose of ensuring US safety. The meeting collapsed. At the time, Eisenhower was a proponent of so-called Open-Sky Policy, according to which both sides would allow for reciprocal reconnaissance flights over their territories. Khrushchev did not agree. Powers was sentenced to 7 years of hard labor in a Gulag, but he was exchanged for a Russian spy Rudolf Abel on the famous Glinecke Bridge in Potsdam, connecting West and East Germany.
Gary Powers incident sparked the development of the American Oxcart programme, with the goal to design the SR-71 spy plane, which in addition to flying high, also flew very fast, out of the range of the Soviet missiles’ operational envelope.
What is more, a D-21 drone reconnaissance system was developed, to be carried by SR-71 as a parasite. The drone would be dropped, fly over the Soviet Union, return over the Pacific and drop the reconnaissance materials on a parachute.
Both these designs led to the development of a Soviet countermeasure – the MiG-25, known in NATO code as the Foxbat.
MiG-25 take off
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The main reason for the importance of Belenko‘s defection cannot be understood without going deeper in the aviation context of the event. The Cold War was the time when both sides used the nuclear armament as a psychological weapon. Therefore ways to deliver warheads were some of the priorities in the development in the field of military industry.
One of the ways to deliver warhead to its target was to use the strategic bomber. The bombers in the US – the B-52s – were subsonic, and could have been easily intercepted by the MiG-21, which was capable of reaching speeds of Mach number up to Mach 2 and altitudes of 60,000 feet.
Problems began to emerge when the B-58 Hustler was designed. This plane was capable of flying with the same level of performance as any MiG-21, which for the Soviet designers meant they had to look for a better countermeasure.
The Strategic Air Command of the United States Air Force at the time was into creating a nuclear-powered bomber of infinite range. The project had been dropped in 1964 when North American aviation announced that it could build a bomber capable of attaining speeds of Mach 3 throughout the entire length of its mission.
Secondly, after the failure of U-2 spy plane, launched the Oxcart program, which lead to the development of Mach 3 strategic reconnaissance aircraft, SR-71.
That put the Moscow designers on alert, and an assignment was given to the design bureaus of MiG (Mikoyan and Gurevich) and Sukhoi to develop a countermeasure.
The surface-to-air missiles were considered insufficient. The aim was to develop a single-seat interceptor capable of attaining extremely high speeds and altitudes.
New problems for the Soviet scientists emerged, such as thermodynamic heating, leading to immense development of the Moscow research institute, TsAGI – transliteration of the Russian abbreviation which stands for Центра́льный аэрогидродинами́ческий институ́т (ЦАГИ) – Central Aero-Hydrodynamic Institute. Mikhail Gurevich was the leader of the MiG-25 project.
According to Discovery Channel’s TV series Wings of the Red Star many Western experts argue that the Foxbat was inspired by the North American Aviation A-5 Vigilante. The design programme for MiG-25 was founded in 1958. The basic design of E-155 which later became MiG-25 was the work of Artion Mikoyan.
The E-155, the prototype of what was to become Foxbat was propelled by two large turbojet engines designed by Tumansky. The prototype itself was designed in the period of 1961-1962.
No aluminum, so popular in the West at the time, was used for construction. Steel and nickel alloys were used instead, with limited use of titanium on leading edges and places where heat loads were expected to be high.
The aircraft had to be light, to that extent that weight was traded for strength. The G-load it could withstand was only 5 g, two times less than other fighters which were designed to fight in close combat.
The maiden flight of E-155 was made by famous MiG test pilot, Alexander Fedotov on May 1, 1964.
The MiG-25’s mission as an interceptor required development of fire control system which would be able to work at the speeds the plane could reach.
The radar on the plane, RP-25 Smerch, designated in the NATO nomenclature as Foxfire, 1,100 pounds in weight, was the largest device of this type at the time. According to Barron, the radar was very powerful (600 kilowatts), as
“[Belenko] also dared not touch the radar switch because the impulses from the MiG-25 radar were so powerful, they could kill a rabbit at a thousand meters. Hence, it was a crime to activate the radar on the ground.”
Its purpose was to burn through any jamming systems known at the time and to provide a stable lock-on allowing the pilot to use the air-to-air missiles that Foxbat was carrying.
Also in May of 1964 the XB-70 aircraft was made a research airplane, and presented to the public in Palmdale, California, after being canceled three times (in 1959, 1960 and in 1961). At same time, the U-2 missions were still a danger, so as the SR-71, US Air Force ultimate Mach 3 spy plane. For these reasons the development of Foxbat was not canceled.
Mikoyan left his design bureau in March 1964 for health reasons. Never had he an opportunity to see the MiG-25 enter service dying in December from the heart attack.
In March 1965 the first public announcements of the plane’s performance were made, which was that it completed 150 kilometers closed circuit flight at the speed of 1,400 miles per hour.
The Foxbat made its first public appearance at the airshow organized in connection with the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution on Jul. 9, 1967 on the Domodedovo airfield. When three MiG-25s appeared in the sky the show announcer referred to them as “Interceptors capable of Mach 3”.
Both the Western experts and Russians were puzzled, as even in the Soviet Russia there was almost no information about the MiG-25 available to the public whatsoever, up until 1972.
Mig-25 side takeoff
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Besides being an interceptor, the Mig-25 was also a high altitude reconnaissance aircraft. It was operated in the conditions of direct radio communication with the ground and was capable of taking photographs of whole United Kingdom within one flight.
The West had an opportunity to see what the aircraft was capable of in a proxy war between Israel and Egypt.
Four MiGs, referred to as X-500, were shipped to Egypt in fall 1971. The Egyptians were forbidden to come close to them, and even though the aircraft had Egyptian markings, they were flown by Soviet pilots and serviced by Soviet crews.
When one of the Israeli F-4 Phantom fighters tried to intercept the MiG reconnaissance aircraft at Mach 2,5, the MiG simply accelerated to Mach 3.2 and disappeared.
The MiG-25 engines were capable of producing 12,500 kG each. The design assumptions of the construction were not to create a good close combat fighter, but to propel it throughout the airspace as fast as possible.
In the late 1960s the USA developed the F-15 which was a fruit of the vague understanding of what MiG-25 was. That understanding was based on the speed and altitude records Foxbat had broken (see below).
The Western experts assumed that it was faster in straight line than expected. They also thought that it was made of lightweight, modern composite materials and that it was powered by modern turbofan engines. It was also believed to have a long-range and good close air combat capabilities.
As a result of that, American engineers designed the ultimate fighter jet, which was very complex, and due to that – quite costly. In the beginning of its existence it broke many of the climb records established earlier by hte Foxbat.
It was late 1972 when F-15 entered service, and it was long until 1976 for the MiG to remain a mystery.
On Sept. 6, 1976, when Viktor Belenko defected taking off from the Sokolovka airbase and landing in Japan, the Western perception of Foxbat changed.
It turned out that the airplane was heavier and simpler in construction than expected, hence it had shorter range. It was far from being a close combat jet with its rugged construction. It also had very poor low-speed capabilities.
As Peter Ustinov of the Wings of the Red Star TV series summarizes: “MiG-25 was indeed an extraordinary machine, but not the one the West had imagined.”
Nevertheless the simplicity of Foxbat could not stop it from breaking many world records, nor could the Americans at the time.
MiG-25 front left
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The prototypes were made lighter and their purpose was to break several records. As it is stated in the classification of FAI (International Aeronautical Federation), Foxbat belonged to the category C1 (III) which specifies jet powered aircraft with unlimited take-off weight.
The records broken by Foxbat were of various nature.
They included: speed record on a 1,000 km circuit by chief MiG test pilot Alexander Fedotov: 2319,12 km/h on Mar. 16, 1965; the Foxbat broke several time-to-height records, for example climbing to 20,000 m in 2 minutes 49,8 seconds. The MiG-25 also set several absolute world records that still stand. Absolute world altitude records with 1,000 kg payload, and without payload: 35,230 m and 36,240 m respectively were also set.
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As already explained, the West had almost no knowledge of MiG-25 whatsoever until 1971, and very poor knowledge by September 1976 when Belenko defected.
It was a great surprise, and present for the Western experts when Belenko flew a brand new MiG-25 to a Japanese airfield.
At first the Soviet officers at Sokolovka airbase, where Belenko was stationed, thought that it was navigation systems problem that occurred and lead to the event. The defection, however, was preplanned and premeditated.
Several authors say that Belenko, had been an aviation enthusiast from his earliest childhood.
He received his flight training in order to become a flying instructor and devoted most of his time to learning and perfecting his flying craftsmanship.
He got a job as an instructor in Amarvir Pilot School, flying Sukhoi Su-15 planes, always being a top notch airman. It was in the beginning of the 1970s when he heard about a MiG-25 for the first time.
Almost immediately, wanting to learn about the new plane, he asked for transfer to flight training on Foxbat in 1972. The unit he applied to was Rostov, near Iran, but he was soon moved to the far east, to Sokolovka, the 530th Fighter Regiment.
The permission for transfer given by the commander being an exception in those times was justified with the Belenko’s great interest in the modern air technology. His records were flawless, so he was selected, and he was appointed a party secretary of the squadron.
Belenko’s training program progressed without any trouble. After the individual flights program ended the group flights began. The group flights started at the end of August and were to be conducted for one month.
On Sept. 6, 1976 Belenko walked his child to the kindergarten and went to the base to fly.
The weather conditions were good for flying – the cloudiness was of about 7/10 with the lower cloud surface at 1,500-2,000 meters and upper at 5,000 meters. Take-off was to take place at 12:50.
Soon after the take-off Belenko reported engine problems and separated from the group. He dropped to an altitude of 50 m above the sea, so no problems that usually occur in a low-level flight were present. He was flying low, so the radars could not track him. The direction the plane was going was eastward. Directly towards the Japanese archipelago.
Getting closer to the shore Belenko climbed to 6,700 m, waiting for the reaction of the Japanese air defense.
370 kilometers from the island he was finally spotted by the radars. The Japanese at Chitose airbase scrambled a pair F-4J fighters to intercept him. Knowing that he had been detected he descended again but he soon entered the clouds, experiencing difficulties in navigation.
At 13:52 he spotted an airfield and attempted a landing, but had to abort it and go around because of a Boeing 727 airliner taking off. According to his assessment, the airstrip was a bit shorter from what he had seen on military airfields. He made a long landing, overshooting the runway and rolling about 240 meters beyond the threshold.
After getting out of the cockpit he spotted the name of the airfield. Unfortunately it was not a military base, but civilian Hoktado strip. Nevertheless, Belenko was in Japan, which was his main objective. Just after getting out of the cockpit he made a warning shot and warned the Japanese not to come close to the plane because it was secured with explosives (at the time the Soviet Air Force used to secure the MiG-25 from getting into the Western hands by using explosives and self-destruction system).
He also asked the personnel to cover the aircraft in such a way that the Soviet markings were not visible. Then, he asked to be put in contact with the US Air Force representation. The airfield was closed down for five hours. Belenko asked for a political asylum.
The time between the afternoon of September 6th and 7th was very eventful.
The media showed a large interest in the incident and disseminated the news all across the Western world. Aeroflot sent a delegation, but they were not allowed to see nor to come close to the Foxbat.
Diplomacy was a major problem. In order to justify keeping the pilot and plane on the Japanese territory the authorities accused Belenko of illegal border trespassing.
The plane was moved to a hangar and afterwards was transported to military airbase in Hyakuri, located 80km north from Tokyo. On Sept. 19 a C-5 Galaxy cargo plane was brought from the US in order to transport the MiG-25; eleven experts from Wright-Patterson AFB were brought in order to examine the aircraft.
Also 64 Japanese experts took part in the examination. The aircraft was partially dismantled and transported in escort of F-4J and F-104J fighters.
The examination included infra-red photos of Foxbat with the engines working at full military power. It was essential for western air-to-air missiles designers to know the heat spectrum of the engines, so that they could develop missile guidance systems according to the characteristics of the Foxbat engines.
The diplomatic struggle went on. The official statement of the Japanese was that the plane would be returned to the Soviets but no sooner than Oct. 5, 1976. Due to the fact that samples of materials were taken from the wings the Foxbat could not go back by air.
It was dismantled again and sent back on a container ship in parts, in 13 containers. The Japanese secured the containers so that the Soviet personnel would not do the review of the plane in the daylight.
But the Russian methodology was unknown to the Japanese. The personnel had opened the containers with crowbars and it turned out that some equipment was still in the hands of the West. The Soviets asked the West to pay for the missing aircraft instrumentation and avionics. The Japanese in a reply asked the Russians to pay for transport and formalities.
Belenko’s family was detained and KGB started an investigation. A personal diary in which fuel calculations were carried out was found in Belenko’s flat.
It was also found out that the pilot was in Moscow a week prior to the deception.
All these factors suggested that the incident was a long preplanned operation of the American intelligence as Belenko could have met a US agent in Moscow.
What is more, the Soviet pilot very often used the confidential library of the airbase, more often than other pilots. It was supposed that he might have been taking photos of the MiG-25 manual.
After Belenko arrived he was isolated from the third parties.
He got a political asylum in the USA, where he started working in an aviation company. Afterwards, in many interviews, like in one for Full Context magazine, he said that the main reason behind the defection was to get away from the communism.
He received American citizenship and opened his own company. He got married to an American woman, with whom he had 3 children. According to Barron’s book his family life in USSR was going towards a bitter end – a divorce – so he fled to the US.
After publishing this article we received an email from one of our readers who provided some more behind the scenes details. Here’s what he’s written to us:
Actually, they did, and Russia was totally unaware of it. It was rolled into a hangar, dismantled, and flown to Area 51 by C-5A Galaxy, where it was totally examined, taken apart, reassembled, and flown by Victor Belenko against our first line fighters of the time. It was then disassembled, crated, loaded back onto the C-5, and flown back to Japan, where it was placed on the dock to await a Russian freighter’s pick-up.
We expected to find high tech alloys used for the wings, but the rust through the paint revealed they were steel. Where we expected high tech electronics, we found vacuum tube electronics.
You must remember that Russia builds for durability, and survival under war-time conditions. Just like their AK-47 Automatic rifle…bullet proof, easy to manufacture, and repair under war conditions. Which is easier to construct, and repair during wartime..high tech, or low-tech items? You’ll find the inside of Antanov’s giant aircraft made the same way, especially loading ramps, which are hollow, with an aluminum thin covering and internal ribs, with a reverse dimple texture. Hydraulics actually glass jars !!
Area 51 was the site of many Russian MiG tests, obtained from many different sources. we had a number of pilots versed in, and trained in MiG operations and evaluations.
Yes, Japan DID allow the removal, and testing, by us, of Belenko’s MiG 25..but it was highly secret.
About Jacek Siminski
Standing contributor for TheAviationist. Aviation photojournalist. Co-Founder of DefensePhoto.com. Expert in linguistics, Cold War discourse, Cold War history and policy and media communications.
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mothmiso · 1 year ago
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Braslav Lakes, July 2022 (Tikhon) (2) (3) by Dmitry Shytsko
Via Flickr:
(1) Wooden statues on Castle Hill. (2) Looking east from Castle Hill. (3) The Mayak mountain view point.    
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merry-go-round-jailhouse · 1 year ago
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Mayak Datat: The Hairy Man Pictographs
Line drawings of the Hairy Man pictograph, "mother" Hairy Man pictograph, and "child" Hairy Man pictograph, located in central California
"ABSTRACT. The purpose of this article is to examine the association of prehistoric pictographs with contemporary stories told by the Tule River Indians about Hairy Man. Located on the Tule River Indian Reservation, the Painted Rock Pictographs are approximately 1000 years old. According to members of the tribe, the pictographs depict how various animals, including Hairy Man, created People. Other stories tell why Hairy Man lives in the mountains, steals food, and still occupies parts of the reservation. Since the Tule River Indians equate Hairy Man to Bigfoot, the pictograph and stories are valuable to our understanding of the modern idea of a hair-covered giant."
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"... when the Yokuts observed animal behavior in the wild, they incorporated those observations into their traditional stories. The more they observed, the most elaborate the stories and details. Following are several examples of traditional stories, collected by the author unless otherwise noted, and the observed animal behavior represented in the story. How People Were Made All the birds and animals of the mountains went to Hocheu to make People. Eagle, chief of all the animals, asked each animal how they wanted People to be. Each animal took a turn and said what they had to say. Fish said, "People should know how to swim, like me, so let them be able to hold their breath and swim very deep." Hummingbird said, "People should be fast, like me, so let them have good feet and endurance." Eagle said, "People should be wise, wiser than me, so People will help animals and take care of the Earth." Turtle said, "People should be able to protect themselves, like me, so lets give them courage and strength." Lizard said, "People should have fingers, like me, so that People can make baskets, bows and arrows." Owl said, "People should be good hunters, like me, so give them knowledge and cunning." Condor said, "People should be different from us, so give them hair, not feathers or fur to keep warm." Then Coyote said, "People should be just like me, because I am smart and tricky, so have them walk on all fours." Hairy Man, who had not said anything yet, shook his head and said, "No, People should walk on two legs, like me." All the other animals agreed with Hairy Man, and Coyote became very angry. He challenged Hairy Man to a race, and they agreed who ever won could decide how People should walk. They gathered at the waterfall, below Hocheu, to begin the race. Coyote started and took a shortcut. Hairy Man was wiser than Coyote and knew that Coyote would cheat to win and People would have to walk on all fours, so Hairy Man stayed behind and helped Eagle, Condor, and the others to make People. They went back to the rock and drew People, on two legs, on the ground. The animals breathed on them, and People came out of the ground. Hairy Man was very pleased and went to People, but when they saw Hairy Man, they were scared and ran away. That made Hairy Man sad. When Coyote came back and saw what they had done, he was very angry and drew himself on the rock eating the moon (he is called Su! Su! Na). All the other animals drew their pictures on the rock as well, so People would remember them. Hairy Man was sad because People were afraid of him, so he drew himself sad. That is why Hairy Man's picture is crying to this day. That is how people were made."
Strain, Kathy M. "Mayak Datat: The Hairy Man Pictographs." The Relict Hominoid Inquiry, vol. 1, 2012, pp. 1-12. Idaho State University, https://www.isu.edu/media/libraries/rhi/research-papers/Mayak-Datat-Hairy-Man-Pictographs-1.pdf.
Strain, Kathy M. "Mayak datat: An Archaeological Viewpoint of the Hairy Man Pictographs." Bigfoot Information Project, 13 Aug. 2004, http://www.bigfootproject.org/articles/mayak_datat.html.
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7thscene · 1 month ago
December 31th, 2024 | 366/366
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Before 2024 ends, maybe I should brag about stuff that I'm actually put an effort into this year, outside my work stuff, which is cooking. It's essential. Very necessary to learn. It's my second survival skill after swimming (I only have two survival skills) and I deserve few pats in the back for this. My second year away from home and I'm actually pretty fawking ready to join the hot kitchen of Ever from The Bear. Not really lmfao but I'm the type to learn by doing. OK HERES FEW OF THEM.
1. Starting off with my Shin Ramyun Chili Oil. This one on the pic is my second try, made it after I did my last class back in January. Mouth watering as I typed this but thank you Doobydobap on YT for the tuts!
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2. Next one is leftover salmon with kewpie mayo on top and few slices of cucumber (fiber go brrr) and avocado. This one *chef's kiss* BOMB.....
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3. I MADE MAYAK EGGS MYSELFFFF. Recipe courtesy of Mom. I called her as I peeled every one of these bad boys. Very VERY GOOD. Giving me a taste of home. Huhuuu
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4. Still with eggs... THISSSSS. Chinese tomato with egg. I mastered this back in 2022 but guess I'm still good at it. I cooked this in one pot btw... the tutorial told me to fry the egg first then add it after you did the tomato, but I just made the tomato stuff first then dropped the egg in it and it tasted even better!!!!
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5. Ok last, my stir fry veggies with tofu. I had my diet phase this year ok. I resubscribed to my gym membership and it lasted for about six months (I didn't let it go to waste this time) my trainer didn't really told me to do cutting but yk... just to healthmaxxing the fawk out of my life, I made this once for lunch
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I hope you didn't expect for recipe lists cos everything is measured with 'feelings'. Thank yew
Delighted and ravenous,
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bimbelcpnsbandung · 5 months ago
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Stabilitas Pekerjaan: Sebagai ASN, Anda memiliki stabilitas pekerjaan yang tinggi karena posisi ASN bersifat tetap atau tidak mudah terkena PHK (Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja).
2. Gaji dan Tunjangan: ASN mendapatkan gaji dan tunjangan yang relatif stabil dan terjamin setiap bulannya. Tunjangan ini bisa meliputi tunjangan keluarga, tunjangan kinerja, tunjangan pensiun, dan lain sebagainya.
3. Jaminan Kesejahteraan: ASN memiliki jaminan kesejahteraan seperti asuransi kesehatan dan pensiun dari negara. Pensiun ASN dijamin oleh negara dan akan diberikan setelah masa pensiun tiba.
4. Kemungkinan Kenaikan Pangkat dan Karier: Terdapat jenjang karier yang jelas dan sistematis di dalam ASN, dimana ASN dapat naik pangkat berdasarkan kriteria dan masa kerja yang telah ditentukan.
5. Kesempatan Pelatihan dan Pengembangan: ASN memiliki kesempatan untuk mengikuti pelatihan dan pengembangan keahlian secara teratur, yang dapat meningkatkan kompetensi dan profesionalisme.
6. Kontribusi pada Pembangunan Negara: Sebagai bagian dari birokrasi negara, ASN memiliki kesempatan untuk memberikan kontribusi nyata dalam pembangunan negara dan pelayanan publik.
Tunjangan CPNS atau Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) setelah pensiun menawarkan beberapa keunggulan yang penting bagi mantan ASN:
1. Jaminan Pensiun: Tunjangan pensiun adalah bentuk jaminan sosial yang diberikan kepada mantan ASN setelah mereka memasuki masa pensiun. Ini memberikan kepastian pendapatan bagi mereka untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup setelah tidak lagi bekerja.
2. Stabilitas Keuangan: Dengan adanya tunjangan pensiun, mantan ASN memiliki stabilitas keuangan yang lebih baik karena mereka dapat mengandalkan pendapatan tetap dari negara setelah pensiun.
3. Penghargaan atas Jasa dan Kontribusi: Tunjangan pensiun juga dapat dianggap sebagai penghargaan atas jasa dan kontribusi yang telah diberikan oleh ASN selama bekerja untuk negara. Ini memberikan rasa penghargaan dan pengakuan atas pengabdian mereka.
4. Tunjangan Kesehatan: Beberapa ASN juga mendapatkan tunjangan kesehatan setelah pensiun, yang membantu mereka dalam mengatasi biaya perawatan kesehatan yang mungkin dibutuhkan seiring bertambahnya usia.
5. Perlindungan Sosial: Sistem pensiun ASN juga sering kali dilengkapi dengan perlindungan sosial lainnya seperti asuransi jiwa, yang memberikan keamanan finansial bagi keluarga ASN jika terjadi sesuatu pada mantan ASN.
E-Course Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Bimbel Putra Bangsa
Kenapa harus mengikuti E-Course Program Platinum CPNS di Bimbel Putra Bangsa?
Kamu akan mendapatkan Garansi Mengulang Kelas Gratis Sampai Lulus di batch selanjutnya 2024.
Memiliki program terlengkap dengan pengajar berkualitas dan berpengalaman, dilengkapi 50 paket tryout CAT CPNS 2024, 50 Video Pembelajaran, Pembahasan 50 paket try out secara individual, 5000+ Soal dan 5000+ Pembahasan latihan CPNS, Mendapatkan Modul lengkap metode SAKTI CPNS terupdate 2024.
Selain itu, kamu juga mendapatkan 60x sesi pembelajaran melalui zoom meeting untuk membahas tips & trik mengerjakan soal-soal dengan Metode khusus (SAKTI) SKD CPNS 2024 serta bonus 10x Kelas Offline untuk daerah DIY dan sekitarnya, Mendapatkan sertifikasi, Webinar, Konsultasi formasi CPNS dan Psikologi, Pembekalan spiritual belt, Pendampingan pendaftaran akun SSCASN.
Tempat Bimbel E-Course CPNS Jogja. Info dan Pendaftaran menghubungi : 0852-8201-0050 (Ibu Riris)
Kami juga melayani bimbingan untuk CPNS, PPPK, P3K, STPN, dan Sekolah Kedinasan.
Info dan Pendaftaran menghubungi : 0852-8201-0050 (Ibu Riris)
Kunjungi Website kami di https://bimbelputrabangsa.com
Alamat Kantor Pusat : Perum Gadingsari 1, No.3, Banyuraden, Gamping, Sleman, DIY.
Alamat Kantor Operasional : Perum Sidoarum Blok 1, Jl.Wijayakusuma No.10, Sidoarum, Godean Sleman, DIY.
#E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaHarjamekar, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaGedong, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaMayak, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaPeuteuycondong, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaSalagedang, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaSalamnunggal, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaBatulawang, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaCikangkareng, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaCimaskara
0 notes
bimbelcpnsjakarta · 5 months ago
Lulus 100% 0852-8201-0050 (Ibu Riris) Bimbel Privat Online CPNS 2025 Bandung Barat
0852-8201-0050 (Ibu Riris) , E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Gedong
Langsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6285282010050 , E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Gedong, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Gedong, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Mayak, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Peuteuycondong, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Salagedang, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Salamnunggal, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Batulawang, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Cikangkareng, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Cimaskara
Ada beberapa keunggulan menjadi Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) di Indonesia:
Stabilitas Pekerjaan: Sebagai ASN, Anda memiliki stabilitas pekerjaan yang tinggi karena posisi ASN bersifat tetap atau tidak mudah terkena PHK (Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja).
2. Gaji dan Tunjangan: ASN mendapatkan gaji dan tunjangan yang relatif stabil dan terjamin setiap bulannya. Tunjangan ini bisa meliputi tunjangan keluarga, tunjangan kinerja, tunjangan pensiun, dan lain sebagainya.
3. Jaminan Kesejahteraan: ASN memiliki jaminan kesejahteraan seperti asuransi kesehatan dan pensiun dari negara. Pensiun ASN dijamin oleh negara dan akan diberikan setelah masa pensiun tiba.
4. Kemungkinan Kenaikan Pangkat dan Karier: Terdapat jenjang karier yang jelas dan sistematis di dalam ASN, dimana ASN dapat naik pangkat berdasarkan kriteria dan masa kerja yang telah ditentukan.
5. Kesempatan Pelatihan dan Pengembangan: ASN memiliki kesempatan untuk mengikuti pelatihan dan pengembangan keahlian secara teratur, yang dapat meningkatkan kompetensi dan profesionalisme.
6. Kontribusi pada Pembangunan Negara: Sebagai bagian dari birokrasi negara, ASN memiliki kesempatan untuk memberikan kontribusi nyata dalam pembangunan negara dan pelayanan publik.
Tunjangan CPNS atau Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) setelah pensiun menawarkan beberapa keunggulan yang penting bagi mantan ASN:
1. Jaminan Pensiun: Tunjangan pensiun adalah bentuk jaminan sosial yang diberikan kepada mantan ASN setelah mereka memasuki masa pensiun. Ini memberikan kepastian pendapatan bagi mereka untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup setelah tidak lagi bekerja.
2. Stabilitas Keuangan: Dengan adanya tunjangan pensiun, mantan ASN memiliki stabilitas keuangan yang lebih baik karena mereka dapat mengandalkan pendapatan tetap dari negara setelah pensiun.
3. Penghargaan atas Jasa dan Kontribusi: Tunjangan pensiun juga dapat dianggap sebagai penghargaan atas jasa dan kontribusi yang telah diberikan oleh ASN selama bekerja untuk negara. Ini memberikan rasa penghargaan dan pengakuan atas pengabdian mereka.
4. Tunjangan Kesehatan: Beberapa ASN juga mendapatkan tunjangan kesehatan setelah pensiun, yang membantu mereka dalam mengatasi biaya perawatan kesehatan yang mungkin dibutuhkan seiring bertambahnya usia.
5. Perlindungan Sosial: Sistem pensiun ASN juga sering kali dilengkapi dengan perlindungan sosial lainnya seperti asuransi jiwa, yang memberikan keamanan finansial bagi keluarga ASN jika terjadi sesuatu pada mantan ASN.
E-Course Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Bimbel Putra Bangsa
Kenapa harus mengikuti E-Course Program Platinum CPNS di Bimbel Putra Bangsa?
Kamu akan mendapatkan Garansi Mengulang Kelas Gratis Sampai Lulus di batch selanjutnya 2024.
Memiliki program terlengkap dengan pengajar berkualitas dan berpengalaman, dilengkapi 50 paket tryout CAT CPNS 2024, 50 Video Pembelajaran, Pembahasan 50 paket try out secara individual, 5000+ Soal dan 5000+ Pembahasan latihan CPNS, Mendapatkan Modul lengkap metode SAKTI CPNS terupdate 2024.
Selain itu, kamu juga mendapatkan 60x sesi pembelajaran melalui zoom meeting untuk membahas tips & trik mengerjakan soal-soal dengan Metode khusus (SAKTI) SKD CPNS 2024 serta bonus 10x Kelas Offline untuk daerah DIY dan sekitarnya, Mendapatkan sertifikasi, Webinar, Konsultasi formasi CPNS dan Psikologi, Pembekalan spiritual belt, Pendampingan pendaftaran akun SSCASN.
Tempat Bimbel E-Course CPNS Jogja. Info dan Pendaftaran menghubungi : 0852-8201-0050 (Ibu Riris)
Kami juga melayani bimbingan untuk CPNS, PPPK, P3K, STPN, dan Sekolah Kedinasan.
Info dan Pendaftaran menghubungi : 0852-8201-0050 (Ibu Riris)
Kunjungi Website kami di https://bimbelputrabangsa.com
Alamat Kantor Pusat : Perum Gadingsari 1, No.3, Banyuraden, Gamping, Sleman, DIY.
Alamat Kantor Operasional : Perum Sidoarum Blok 1, Jl.Wijayakusuma No.10, Sidoarum, Godean Sleman, DIY.
#E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaGedong, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaGedong, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaMayak, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaPeuteuycondong, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaSalagedang, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaSalamnunggal, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaBatulawang, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaCikangkareng, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaCimaskara
0 notes
cpnsntb · 5 months ago
Lulus 100% 0813-9111-5558 (Ibu Vika) Bimbel CPNS Mulia Palu
0813-9111-5558 (Promo Terbatas Diskon 10%), E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Palabuan
Langsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6281391115558 , E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Palabuan, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Gedong, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Mayak, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Peuteuycondong, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Salagedang, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Salamnunggal, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Batulawang, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Cikangkareng, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Cimaskara
Ada beberapa keunggulan menjadi Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) di Indonesia:
Stabilitas Pekerjaan: Sebagai ASN, Anda memiliki stabilitas pekerjaan yang tinggi karena posisi ASN bersifat tetap atau tidak mudah terkena PHK (Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja).
2. Gaji dan Tunjangan: ASN mendapatkan gaji dan tunjangan yang relatif stabil dan terjamin setiap bulannya. Tunjangan ini bisa meliputi tunjangan keluarga, tunjangan kinerja, tunjangan pensiun, dan lain sebagainya.
3. Jaminan Kesejahteraan: ASN memiliki jaminan kesejahteraan seperti asuransi kesehatan dan pensiun dari negara. Pensiun ASN dijamin oleh negara dan akan diberikan setelah masa pensiun tiba.
4. Kemungkinan Kenaikan Pangkat dan Karier: Terdapat jenjang karier yang jelas dan sistematis di dalam ASN, dimana ASN dapat naik pangkat berdasarkan kriteria dan masa kerja yang telah ditentukan.
5. Kesempatan Pelatihan dan Pengembangan: ASN memiliki kesempatan untuk mengikuti pelatihan dan pengembangan keahlian secara teratur, yang dapat meningkatkan kompetensi dan profesionalisme.
6. Kontribusi pada Pembangunan Negara: Sebagai bagian dari birokrasi negara, ASN memiliki kesempatan untuk memberikan kontribusi nyata dalam pembangunan negara dan pelayanan publik.
Tunjangan CPNS atau Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) setelah pensiun menawarkan beberapa keunggulan yang penting bagi mantan ASN:
1. Jaminan Pensiun: Tunjangan pensiun adalah bentuk jaminan sosial yang diberikan kepada mantan ASN setelah mereka memasuki masa pensiun. Ini memberikan kepastian pendapatan bagi mereka untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup setelah tidak lagi bekerja.
2. Stabilitas Keuangan: Dengan adanya tunjangan pensiun, mantan ASN memiliki stabilitas keuangan yang lebih baik karena mereka dapat mengandalkan pendapatan tetap dari negara setelah pensiun.
3. Penghargaan atas Jasa dan Kontribusi: Tunjangan pensiun juga dapat dianggap sebagai penghargaan atas jasa dan kontribusi yang telah diberikan oleh ASN selama bekerja untuk negara. Ini memberikan rasa penghargaan dan pengakuan atas pengabdian mereka.
4. Tunjangan Kesehatan: Beberapa ASN juga mendapatkan tunjangan kesehatan setelah pensiun, yang membantu mereka dalam mengatasi biaya perawatan kesehatan yang mungkin dibutuhkan seiring bertambahnya usia.
5. Perlindungan Sosial: Sistem pensiun ASN juga sering kali dilengkapi dengan perlindungan sosial lainnya seperti asuransi jiwa, yang memberikan keamanan finansial bagi keluarga ASN jika terjadi sesuatu pada mantan ASN.
E-Course Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Bimbel Putra Bangsa
Kenapa harus mengikuti E-Course Program Platinum CPNS di Bimbel Putra Bangsa?
Kamu akan mendapatkan Garansi Mengulang Kelas Gratis Sampai Lulus di batch selanjutnya 2024.
Memiliki program terlengkap dengan pengajar berkualitas dan berpengalaman, dilengkapi 50 paket tryout CAT CPNS 2024, 50 Video Pembelajaran, Pembahasan 50 paket try out secara individual, 5000+ Soal dan 5000+ Pembahasan latihan CPNS, Mendapatkan Modul lengkap metode SAKTI CPNS terupdate 2024.
Selain itu, kamu juga mendapatkan 60x sesi pembelajaran melalui zoom meeting untuk membahas tips & trik mengerjakan soal-soal dengan Metode khusus (SAKTI) SKD CPNS 2024 serta bonus 10x Kelas Offline untuk daerah DIY dan sekitarnya, Mendapatkan sertifikasi, Webinar, Konsultasi formasi CPNS dan Psikologi, Pembekalan spiritual belt, Pendampingan pendaftaran akun SSCASN.
Tempat Bimbel E-Course CPNS Jogja. Info dan Pendaftaran menghubungi : 0813-9111-5558 (Ibu Vika)
Kami juga melayani bimbingan untuk CPNS, PPPK, P3K, STPN, dan Sekolah Kedinasan.
Info dan Pendaftaran menghubungi : 0813-9111-5558 (Ibu Vika)
Kunjungi Website kami di https://bimbelputrabangsa.com
Alamat Kantor Pusat : Perum Gadingsari 1, No.3, Banyuraden, Gamping, Sleman, DIY.
Alamat Kantor Operasional : Perum Sidoarum Blok 1, Jl.Wijayakusuma No.10, Sidoarum, Godean Sleman, DIY.
#E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaPalabuan, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaGedong, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaMayak, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaPeuteuycondong, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaSalagedang, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaSalamnunggal, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaBatulawang, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaCikangkareng, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaCimaskara
0 notes
ecoursebimbelcpnsjogja · 5 months ago
Lulus 100% 0813-9111-5558 (Ibu Vika) Bimbel CPNS Mulia Palu
0813-9111-5558 (Promo Terbatas Diskon 10%), E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Palabuan
Langsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6281391115558 , E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Palabuan, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Gedong, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Mayak, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Peuteuycondong, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Salagedang, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Salamnunggal, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Batulawang, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Cikangkareng, E-Course CPNS Bimbel Putra Bangsa Cimaskara
Ada beberapa keunggulan menjadi Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) di Indonesia:
Stabilitas Pekerjaan: Sebagai ASN, Anda memiliki stabilitas pekerjaan yang tinggi karena posisi ASN bersifat tetap atau tidak mudah terkena PHK (Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja).
2. Gaji dan Tunjangan: ASN mendapatkan gaji dan tunjangan yang relatif stabil dan terjamin setiap bulannya. Tunjangan ini bisa meliputi tunjangan keluarga, tunjangan kinerja, tunjangan pensiun, dan lain sebagainya.
3. Jaminan Kesejahteraan: ASN memiliki jaminan kesejahteraan seperti asuransi kesehatan dan pensiun dari negara. Pensiun ASN dijamin oleh negara dan akan diberikan setelah masa pensiun tiba.
4. Kemungkinan Kenaikan Pangkat dan Karier: Terdapat jenjang karier yang jelas dan sistematis di dalam ASN, dimana ASN dapat naik pangkat berdasarkan kriteria dan masa kerja yang telah ditentukan.
5. Kesempatan Pelatihan dan Pengembangan: ASN memiliki kesempatan untuk mengikuti pelatihan dan pengembangan keahlian secara teratur, yang dapat meningkatkan kompetensi dan profesionalisme.
6. Kontribusi pada Pembangunan Negara: Sebagai bagian dari birokrasi negara, ASN memiliki kesempatan untuk memberikan kontribusi nyata dalam pembangunan negara dan pelayanan publik.
Tunjangan CPNS atau Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) setelah pensiun menawarkan beberapa keunggulan yang penting bagi mantan ASN:
1. Jaminan Pensiun: Tunjangan pensiun adalah bentuk jaminan sosial yang diberikan kepada mantan ASN setelah mereka memasuki masa pensiun. Ini memberikan kepastian pendapatan bagi mereka untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup setelah tidak lagi bekerja.
2. Stabilitas Keuangan: Dengan adanya tunjangan pensiun, mantan ASN memiliki stabilitas keuangan yang lebih baik karena mereka dapat mengandalkan pendapatan tetap dari negara setelah pensiun.
3. Penghargaan atas Jasa dan Kontribusi: Tunjangan pensiun juga dapat dianggap sebagai penghargaan atas jasa dan kontribusi yang telah diberikan oleh ASN selama bekerja untuk negara. Ini memberikan rasa penghargaan dan pengakuan atas pengabdian mereka.
4. Tunjangan Kesehatan: Beberapa ASN juga mendapatkan tunjangan kesehatan setelah pensiun, yang membantu mereka dalam mengatasi biaya perawatan kesehatan yang mungkin dibutuhkan seiring bertambahnya usia.
5. Perlindungan Sosial: Sistem pensiun ASN juga sering kali dilengkapi dengan perlindungan sosial lainnya seperti asuransi jiwa, yang memberikan keamanan finansial bagi keluarga ASN jika terjadi sesuatu pada mantan ASN.
E-Course Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Bimbel Putra Bangsa
Kenapa harus mengikuti E-Course Program Platinum CPNS di Bimbel Putra Bangsa?
Kamu akan mendapatkan Garansi Mengulang Kelas Gratis Sampai Lulus di batch selanjutnya 2024.
Memiliki program terlengkap dengan pengajar berkualitas dan berpengalaman, dilengkapi 50 paket tryout CAT CPNS 2024, 50 Video Pembelajaran, Pembahasan 50 paket try out secara individual, 5000+ Soal dan 5000+ Pembahasan latihan CPNS, Mendapatkan Modul lengkap metode SAKTI CPNS terupdate 2024.
Selain itu, kamu juga mendapatkan 60x sesi pembelajaran melalui zoom meeting untuk membahas tips & trik mengerjakan soal-soal dengan Metode khusus (SAKTI) SKD CPNS 2024 serta bonus 10x Kelas Offline untuk daerah DIY dan sekitarnya, Mendapatkan sertifikasi, Webinar, Konsultasi formasi CPNS dan Psikologi, Pembekalan spiritual belt, Pendampingan pendaftaran akun SSCASN.
Tempat Bimbel E-Course CPNS Jogja. Info dan Pendaftaran menghubungi : 0813-9111-5558 (Ibu Vika)
Kami juga melayani bimbingan untuk CPNS, PPPK, P3K, STPN, dan Sekolah Kedinasan.
Info dan Pendaftaran menghubungi : 0813-9111-5558 (Ibu Vika)
Kunjungi Website kami di https://bimbelputrabangsa.com
Alamat Kantor Pusat : Perum Gadingsari 1, No.3, Banyuraden, Gamping, Sleman, DIY.
Alamat Kantor Operasional : Perum Sidoarum Blok 1, Jl.Wijayakusuma No.10, Sidoarum, Godean Sleman, DIY.
#E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaPalabuan, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaGedong, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaMayak, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaPeuteuycondong, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaSalagedang, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaSalamnunggal, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaBatulawang, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaCikangkareng, #E-CourseCPNSBimbelPutraBangsaCimaskara
0 notes
Pabrik Produksi, 0858-9587-9128 Pupuk Organik Cair Untuk Memperbanyak Tunas Jagung Kepulauan Selayar Metro PRIMAXTER : PT PRIMA JAYA SEMESTA INTERNASIONAL
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0858-9587-9128 DIJAMIN SUBUR!!!, Jual Pupuk Organik Cair Palembang Mayak
Langsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6285895879128 , Jual Pupuk Organik Cair Palembang Mayak, Jual Pupuk Organik Cair Palembang Culamega, Jual Pupuk Organik Cair Palembang Ledok, Jual Pupuk Organik Cair Palembang Pojokwatu, Jual Pupuk Organik Cair Palembang Temengeng, Jual Pupuk Organik Cair Palembang Bedingin, Jual Pupuk Organik Cair Palembang Bicak, Jual Pupuk Organik Cair Palembang Cokrowati, Jual Pupuk Organik Cair Palembang Dalangan
PRIMAXTER: Pupuk Organik Andalan untuk Hasil Panen Berlimpah
Tingkatkan Hasil Panen Anda dengan Pupuk Organik PRIMAXTER!
PRIMAXTER adalah pupuk organik yang diformulasikan khusus untuk meningkatkan hasil panen dan kualitas tanaman Anda. Dibuat dari bahan-bahan alami pilihan, PRIMAXTER kaya akan unsur hara yang essential bagi pertumbuhan tanaman.
� Meningkatkan Hasil Panen: PRIMAXTER membantu tanaman menyerap nutrisi lebih optimal, sehingga menghasilkan panen yang lebih melimpah.
� Menambah Jumlah Anakan Padi: PRIMAXTER mendorong pertumbuhan anakan padi yang lebih banyak dan kuat, menghasilkan panen padi yang lebih maksimal.
� Meningkatkan Kualitas Hasil Panen: PRIMAXTER menghasilkan tanaman yang lebih sehat dan kuat, sehingga menghasilkan buah dan sayur yang lebih segar, berukuran besar, dan tahan lama.
� Mencegah Kerontokan Buah dan Bunga: PRIMAXTER membantu tanaman meminimalisir kerontokan buah dan bunga, sehingga meningkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas hasil panen.
� Menjaga Kesehatan Tanaman: PRIMAXTER meningkatkan ketahanan tanaman terhadap hama dan penyakit, sehingga tanaman tumbuh lebih sehat dan optimal.
PRIMAXTER Cocok untuk Berbagai Jenis Tanaman:
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� Anggur
� Durian
PRIMAXTER: Pupuk Organik Ramah Lingkungan
PRIMAXTER terbuat dari bahan-bahan alami yang mudah terurai, sehingga aman bagi lingkungan dan tidak mencemari tanah.
Dapatkan PRIMAXTER Sekarang!
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� Telepon: 0858-9587-9128 (Pak Rizki)
PRIMAXTER: Pupuk Organik Pilihan Tepat untuk Hasil Panen Berlimpah dan Berkualitas!
PT Prima Jaya Semesta Internasional
Alamat Pabrik: Bantul Yogyakarta
PRIMAXTER: Pupuk Organik Cair untuk Hasil Panen yang Berlimpah dan Berkualitas!
Jangan ragu untuk memesan PRIMAXTER sekarang dan rasakan manfaatnya pada tanaman Anda!
BONUS: Dapatkan GRATIS konsultasi dengan ahli pertanian kami untuk membantu Anda memilih pupuk yang tepat untuk tanaman Anda.
Jangan biarkan tanaman Anda kekurangan nutrisi! Gunakan PRIMAXTER dan rasakan hasil panen yang melimpah!
Cara Pemakaian Pupuk Organik Cair PRIMAXTER
� Siapkan air bersih secukupnya.
� Siapkan wadah pencampur.
� Gunakan alat ukur takaran yang tepat.
Tuangkan air bersih ke dalam wadah pencampur.
2. Masukkan Pupuk Organik Cair PRIMAXTER sesuai dengan dosis yang dianjurkan.
3. Aduk rata hingga larutan tercampur sempurna.
� Penyiraman:
o Campurkan 100 ml PRIMAXTER dengan 1 liter air.
o Gunakan larutan untuk menyiram tanaman secara merata.
o Lakukan penyiraman 2-3 kali seminggu.
� Penyemprotan:
o Campurkan 50 ml PRIMAXTER dengan 1 liter air.
o Semprotkan larutan pada daun, batang, dan seluruh bagian tanaman.
o Lakukan penyemprotan 2-3 kali seminggu.
� Gunakan air yang bersih dan bebas dari klorin.
� Aduk larutan sebelum digunakan.
� Lakukan penyiraman atau penyemprotan pada pagi atau sore hari.
� Simpan pupuk di tempat yang kering dan terhindar dari sinar matahari langsung.
� Jauhkan pupuk dari jangkauan anak-anak.
� Dosis yang dianjurkan dapat disesuaikan dengan jenis tanaman dan kondisi tanah.
� Konsultasikan dengan ahli pertanian untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih detail tentang penggunaan Pupuk Organik Cair PRIMAXTER.
Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat!
Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan.
Telp: 0858-9587-9128 (Pak Rizki)
Website: https://rizkipahlawan.com
PRIMAXTER: Pupuk Organik Cair untuk Hasil Panen yang Berlimpah dan Berkualitas!
Edukasi Kadar Aman Pemakaian Pupuk Organik Cair PRIMAXTER
Pentingnya Memahami Kadar Aman Pemakaian Pupuk
Pupuk, termasuk Pupuk Organik Cair PRIMAXTER, mengandung nutrisi yang penting untuk pertumbuhan tanaman. Namun, penggunaan pupuk yang berlebihan dapat berakibat buruk bagi tanaman dan lingkungan. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk memahami kadar aman pemakaian pupuk agar mendapatkan hasil yang optimal tanpa membahayakan tanaman dan lingkungan.
Kadar Aman Pemakaian PRIMAXTER
Kadar aman pemakaian Pupuk Organik Cair PRIMAXTER tergantung pada beberapa faktor, yaitu:
� Jenis tanaman: Setiap jenis tanaman memiliki kebutuhan nutrisinya sendiri. Pastikan Anda membaca label produk PRIMAXTER untuk mengetahui dosis yang dianjurkan untuk jenis tanaman yang Anda tanam.
� Usia tanaman: Tanaman muda membutuhkan lebih sedikit pupuk dibandingkan dengan tanaman dewasa. Gunakan dosis yang lebih rendah untuk tanaman muda dan tingkatkan dosis secara bertahap seiring dengan pertumbuhan tanaman.
� Kondisi tanah: Jenis tanah dan tingkat kesuburan tanah juga mempengaruhi kebutuhan pupuk. Lakukan pengujian tanah untuk mengetahui tingkat kesuburan tanah sebelum menggunakan pupuk.
Berikut adalah panduan umum kadar aman pemakaian PRIMAXTER:
� Penyiraman:
o Campurkan 100 ml PRIMAXTER dengan 1 liter air untuk tanaman padi, jagung, sawi, kangkung, dan hidroponik.
o Campurkan 50 ml PRIMAXTER dengan 1 liter air untuk tanaman alpukat, buah naga, cabe, mangga, belimbing, jeruk, anggur, dan durian.
o Gunakan larutan untuk menyiram tanaman secara merata.
o Lakukan penyiraman 2-3 kali seminggu.
� Penyemprotan:
o Campurkan 50 ml PRIMAXTER dengan 1 liter air untuk semua jenis tanaman.
o Semprotkan larutan pada daun, batang, dan seluruh bagian tanaman.
o Lakukan penyemprotan 2-3 kali seminggu.
Tips untuk Menjaga Kadar Aman Pemakaian Pupuk:
� Selalu ikuti petunjuk penggunaan yang tertera pada label produk.
� Jangan mencampur PRIMAXTER dengan pupuk kimia lainnya.
� Lakukan pengamatan terhadap tanaman setelah pemupukan. Jika tanaman menunjukkan tanda-tanda kelebihan pupuk, hentikan penggunaan pupuk dan siram tanaman dengan air bersih.
� Gunakan pupuk organik lain sebagai pupuk dasar untuk meningkatkan kesuburan tanah dan mengurangi kebutuhan pupuk kimia.
Dampak Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Pemakaian Pupuk
Kelebihan Pemakaian Pupuk yang Tepat:
� Meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman
� Meningkatkan hasil panen
� Meningkatkan kualitas hasil panen
� Meningkatkan ketahanan tanaman terhadap penyakit
� Memperbaiki struktur tanah
Kekurangan Pemakaian Pupuk Berlebihan:
� Merusak tanaman
� Membahayakan lingkungan
� Mencemari air tanah
� Menyebabkan hama dan penyakit tanaman
� Meningkatkan biaya produksi
Memahami kadar aman pemakaian pupuk sangat penting untuk mendapatkan hasil panen yang optimal tanpa membahayakan tanaman dan lingkungan. Gunakan Pupuk Organik Cair PRIMAXTER sesuai dengan dosis yang dianjurkan dan ikuti tips-tips di atas untuk menjaga kesehatan tanaman dan kelestarian lingkungan.
Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan.
Telp: 0858-9587-9128 (Pak Rizki)
#JualPupukOrganikCairPalembangMayak, #JualPupukOrganikCairPalembangCulamega, #JualPupukOrganikCairPalembangLedok, #JualPupukOrganikCairPalembangPojokwatu, #JualPupukOrganikCairPalembangTemengeng, #JualPupukOrganikCairPalembangBedingin, #JualPupukOrganikCairPalembangBicak, #JualPupukOrganikCairPalembangCokrowati, #JualPupukOrganikCairPalembangDalangan
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loodgack · 2 years ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
sketches III
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nemmastore · 8 months ago
0856-4285-0474 (COD), Jual K-Liquid Chlorophyll K-link Klorofil Di Halmahera Timur Langsung ORDER KLIK WA 6285642850474 , Jual K-Liquid Chlorophyll K-link Klorofil Di Halmahera Timur, Jual K-Liquid Chlorophyll K-link Klorofil Di Halmahera Timur, Jual K-Liquid Chlorophyll K-link Klorofil Di Mayak, Jual K-Liquid Chlorophyll K-link Klorofil Di Peuteuycondong, Jual K-Liquid Chlorophyll K-link Klorofil Di Salagedang, Jual K-Liquid Chlorophyll K-link Klorofil Di Salamnunggal, Jual K-Liquid Chlorophyll K-link Klorofil Di Batulawang, Jual K-Liquid Chlorophyll K-link Klorofil Di Cikangkareng, Jual K-Liquid Chlorophyll K-link Klorofil Di Cimaskara K-Liquid Chlorophyll K-link Klorofil adalah minuman kesehatan yang bahan utamanya berasal dari daun Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) � �Bapak dari semua makanan-�. Daun-daun herbal ini bernilai nutrisi tinggi dan dengan bantuan proses ekstraksi modern, sari klorofil diekstrak dari daun Alfalfa. buy ivermectin online buy ivermectin online no prescription Manfaat : Menyeimbangkan dan Menjaga Kesehatan Tubuh Menyeimbangkan kadar asam dan Alkali di dalam tubuh. Meningkatkan daya serap nutrisi dan energi. Komposisi : sari daun alfalfa Mengandung air UIE (Universe Induced Energy) Petunjuk Pemakaian : Larutkan 1 (satu) sloki/sendok makan dalam segelas air putih Untuk anak-anak dibawah umur 12 tahun cukup larutkan 1/2 (setengah) sloki atau 1 (satu) sendok teh K-Liquid Chlorophyll Untuk wanita hamil cukup konsumsi 1�1 sloki K-Liquid Chlorophyll setiap hari Minum 3 (tiga) gelas sehari (sebelum makan/perut kosong) Isi : Setiap 1 botol berisi 500ml Ekstrak Chlorophyll No Registrasi : POM SI. 024 603 051 #JualK-LiquidChlorophyllK-linkKlorofilDiHalmaheraTimur, #JualK-LiquidChlorophyllK-linkKlorofilDiHalmaheraTimur, #JualK-LiquidChlorophyllK-linkKlorofilDiMayak, #JualK-LiquidChlorophyllK-linkKlorofilDiPeuteuycondong, #JualK-LiquidChlorophyllK-linkKlorofilDiSalagedang, #JualK-LiquidChlorophyllK-linkKlorofilDiSalamnunggal, #JualK-LiquidChlorophyllK-linkKlorofilDiBatulawang, #JualK-LiquidChlorophyllK-linkKlorofilDiCikangkareng, #JualK-LiquidChlorophyllK-linkKlorofilDiCimaskara
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mizuthe-cat · 1 year ago
Do u have any facts about radiation to share 😮
during the Kyshtym nuclear accident at Mayak where a plutonium storage tank lost its cooling and overheated leading to an explosion, the soviets decided to dump all their waste into a lake. The lake turned red and an hour on its shore would lead to a fatal dose of radiation. Also they just made the people from nearby towns clean it up without protection. That kinda sucked for them because later the lake dried up coverings those same people with radioactive dust.
Also, unrelated to Mayak, radium used to be in all kinds of products like toothpaste, chewing gum, and golf balls and was said to make the product work more effective than the non radioactive counterparts
also the frogs in Chernobyl are undergoing rapid evolution and getting darker to protect themselves from radiation which is really cool because outside Chernobyl those frogs are green but not in Chernobyl because they are darker
there’s also radiation eating fungus in Chernobyl which gets its energy from radiation
Did you know that smoke detectors are radioactive? They contain americium and I would not recommend eating it or taking it out of the container.
also America has only had one fatal nuclear disaster and it was in Idaho and it was caused by military negligence and underfunding. It was called sl-1 and three men died :)
also the British had a nuclear accident once and it was called windscale (I don’t know much about it except it was British)
Also everyone is radioactive because the potassium in our bodies is radioactive :)
Also the largest nuclear bomb ever made was 1,570 times the combined power of the two bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the pilot who dropped it barely got away (and it was originally going to be much more powerful than that)
Also back when radium was in medicine some rich golfer guy from Philadelphia drank so much radium water that his jaw fell off. He didn’t feel it however because his nerves were fried. Before his jaw fell off he felt fatigued and desperately tried to drink more radium water hoping it would cure him. It did not and his jaw fell off
Also in order to see Marie curie’s notebook you have to sign a waiver because of how contaminated it is
Chernobyl equals the radiation from 6.48 trillion bananas
the amount of bananas it would take to get radiation poisoning is 10 million bananas (you’d need to eat them all at once but I think you’d have bigger problems than radiation poisoning if you did that)
Radiation does not glow green
Anyways, this has been radiation facts with Mizu :)
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20thpresidium · 1 year ago
It is raining heavy water
1 November 1956
An underground tank containing liquid nuclear waste exploded at a plutonium processing plant at Mayak. The explosion was estimated by engineers on site to be close to 70 TNT’s worth of explosion, even destroying a brick wall 200 metres away from the explosion site. This matter was reported to the Presidium, although the exact scale of its impacts are unknown.  
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meatpuppit · 1 year ago
do you think its Wrong to go borrow a tablespoon of sesame seeds from my aunts house. shes just not home if she was home she would 100 percent give them to me i know this for a FACT. and i KNOW she has them. i mena i dont know im just pretty sure. like i have a spare key to the back its jsut 1 tablesppon. come onnnnn i want to make mayak eggs but i read online that if you put sesame oil in the sauce it makes them go bad faster
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