#may or may not any news on the netflix anime (terrified noise)
comma57 · 1 year
feel bad for not dmc talkin on here (school, sounds of screams and the Monster + idly talking abt it on main) but for the dmc heads check out netflix stream today 👍 !!!!!!!!??????
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lovemesomesurveys · 1 year
survey by supremequeenstyles
Did you get enough rest last night? I never feel like I get enough rest. 
What was the last thing that kept you awake? If there’s a night I have trouble sleeping or get up a few times it’s because my sleeping medication didn’t work as well for whatever that night. Sometimes I need to kick it up a notch. I don’t stay up all night anymore just for the hell of it, I want to go to sleep and be able to sleep. Thankfully, my sleeping med works majority of the time.
If you have pets, do they sleep in your bedroom at night? No, she likes to sleep on her couch in the living room. 
Can you sleep with background noise or does it keep you up? I have to sleep with the TV on for a little background noise and light. 
Do you ever take naps? Do you take long naps or little power naps? My naps tend to me a few hours. Power naps don’t help me, but honestly neither do longer naps. I always wake up feeling just groggy and blah. 
What helps when you have trouble sleeping? My sleeping meds, usually. However, those few times they don’t quite work as well then I’m kinda just screwed until I hopefully doze off eventually. 
Who was the last person to cook you a meal? What did they make? Easter dinner my mom and brother did the ham, mashed potatoes, and pesto pasta. 
Who was the last person you cooked a meal for? What did you make? I don’t cook.
Who is your female celeb crush? (If applicable) I don’t have one.
Who is your male celeb crush? (If applicable) Alexander Skarsgard.
Tell me about an interesting article you’ve read recently. There’s a lot on the news app on my phone. 
Do you have a favorite Marvel character? Scarlet Witch, Doctor Strange, and Iron Man. 
Favorite DC character? Batman and Superman. 
Do you read comic books? Nope.
Who has been your favorite actor to play Batman (live action)? I actually like Ben Affleck’s and Robert Pattinson’s takes on the character. 
Who has been your favorite live action Joker? Joaquin Phoenix.
Has a horror film ever actually scared you? Which one(s)? I mean, I may get creeped out at some parts during the movie and the damn jump scares often get me, but I don’t think I’d say a movie has actually scared me. To me, that implies lingering effects. Like, I’m affected by it long after the movie is over. I haven’t felt that. Honestly, right after the movie I just move on to something else lol.
What was the last horror movie you saw? This movie on Netflix called, I See You. 
What was the first horror movie you remember seeing? What did you think of it? >> I couldn't tell you, I have no idea. The first one that comes to mind is Scream, though. I was terrified of Ghostface as a kid.
Name a few historical figures you find interesting. Why? Nah.
What is your favorite historical film and why? Meh. 
Do you usually enjoy historical films? Not typically. 
Name a sequel film (any franchise) you like better than the first film. Why is that? Of course I’m going completely blank at the moment. As rare as it is to like a sequel better than the first, it does happen sometimes. I’m really struggling mentally and physically and my brain feels like mush right now, so I can’t think. 
Which do you find most interesting: Greek, Roman, or Norse mythology? Why? I’m not into mythology. 
Which tale from whichever mythology you listed above do you find most interesting? --
Do you collect anything? What was the last item you added to that collection? Yeah, several things. One of my biggest collections are my giraffe stuffed animals. I have a shit ton of ‘em.
Do you have any houseplants? No.
How do you like your tea? Not a big tea drinker, but a peppermint or chamomile with a packet or two of sugar is good. 
Who is your favorite Muppet? Oscar the Grouch cause me.
What is your favorite type of bird? I don’t have one. 
Which streaming platform do you use the most, if any? I mean, we have ‘em all at this point but as of lately I’ve been using Hulu, Paramount, and Peacock a lot. 
What is a skill or useful piece of knowledge you wish you’d learned sooner? Things regarding myself and what would end up happening if left unaddressed. I would hope if I knew there was something I could do, that now at hindsight wasn’t so bad, I would choose to do it. 
What is your favorite vampire movie? I was a Twilight fan. 
Your favorite fictional couple? One of the new shows I’m currently watching is School Spirits and I really like Maddie and Simon. Maddie and Wally are kinda cute, too. 
Do you have a favorite historical couple? No.
Have you received any good news recently? No. It’s been a shitty past week. 
Have you learned anything new recently? My brother just told me he’s going to take a trip tomorrow with his boyfriend to a place I’ve always to go. I held it together in front of him and he’s obviously excited, I’m excited for him. I’m really not a selfish bitch, I want him to travel and experience new things and live his life. I love that he has someone special to do so with. He’s a damn good hard worker, extremely responsible, and very intelligent. I’m proud of him, I’ll always brag about how proud I am of him. He’s a genuinely good kid. But I’m just being a sad, bitter bitch because my situation still isn’t good and still hard to envision anything changing anytime soon. I’m just not doing well physically and mentally either. It’s really hard. I know everyone needs to keep living their lives and not miss out on things just cause of me. I just really want to be able to do things and travel again. There’s so many places I want to visit. Sooo, yeah. I’m just a sad bitch. 
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prorevenge · 5 years
Don't shit on your own doorstep
So this one's been happening over the past few months, and it's hilarious. It's a loooong one, TL;DR at the end.
So I live on a little street with about 7 houses. We're the only student house in the area, and so we're often a target for people looking to make quick money by blaming us because they think it's easy to get us into trouble.
This lady thought WRONG.
Cast: DB - our neighbour, AKA Dumb Bitch TB - My housemate, a genuine teddybear CW - Council Worker Me - Many Earthworms
So I'm walking back from university when I'm accosted by a middle aged woman in her dressing gown and slippers.
I stop, because I'm trying to be polite to the neighbours (the locals have a *location* Hates Students group who vandalise student property to try and make us leave so I tend to overcompensate to make our household look good)
'Hi! How are you?'
(are you seeing the irony here?) I cross the road to where DB is stood - and where her car is parked - and ask 'pardon?'
'You dumb bitch, did you not hear me? I said you vandalised my car'
She was really trying to sell that I vandalised her car when I was on the other side of the road and she KNEW that.
'I'm... Sorry? I think you've got the wrong person.'
DB points at a HUGE scrape down the side of her car and I wince, that poor thing must have been beaten up pretty badly, but I had nothing on me that could have inflicted that much damage. I explain that the binmen destroyed my moped (still in for repairs) so they might have caught her car too and her eyes light up.
Our house has a driveway big enough for 4 cars and is, obviously, right outside my house. So I tell her no, that I haven't been parking on her drive, especially because my bike was destroyed and has been gone for over 2 weeks.
'You're a liar,' she's like, spitting in my face at this point. 'I have photos of your bike blocking my drive from 3 days ago. That's why I was parked on the road and that's why my car got totalled.'
'Okay,' I nod. 'May I see the photos?'
DB is all too happy to whip out her phone and show me the photos of what she proudly believes to be my moped (A fire engine red piece of scrap that, to be honest, was well beyond saving even before the bin men mangled her).
Except... It isn't my bike.
'Ma'am, I hate to be rude but... That's a mobility scooter.'
Cue the screaming and shouting about how rude teenagers are (I'm 21) and how we university students always disrepect the locals. She tells me that I must think she's an idiot (I do) for thinking that she's wrong about my bike (she was). So I take a deep breath and say:
'Ma'am I'm in a rush, but you really are wrong about the bike... Maybe ask [her next door neighbour, a kind old lady who owns that mobility scooter but is a little forgetful] about why she parks her scooter on your drive.'
I walk away and think nothing of it. Except now she's left her totalled car on our private property instead of her own drive, after running our fence that blocks the drive down and complaining to our landlady about anti-social behaviour - there isn't any, btw, we're 4 reclusive students who stay in all night watching netflix with our headphones in, and she's also like 5 houses down from us so she definitely wouldn't be able to hear the noise she was describing.
Pretty much the whole neighbourhood is shunning us at this point, as DB had been spreading lies about our behaviour - telling everyone that we vandalised her property so it's only fair that she uses our driveway as compensation. I feel responsible for her behaviour, as I should have shut her down immediately rather than letting this drag out. So I sit in my room (nothing new there) and hatch a plan.
The next morning, I walk past her house and watch as DB lets her dog out, watches it take a crap on public pavement, and then shrug and walk away. BINGO. According to our local council, this is an offence she can get fined for, as it's vandalism and obstruction of council property. So every morning as I walk to get my train, I take a photo of the turds - some fresh, some crusty, and some smeared across the pavement by some poor sod who's stood in it. Then I email EVERYTHING to my local councillor who is FUMING that someone fully able bodied is allowing their dog to do this without cleaning it up. She gets fined £1000 with a threat of MORE if she continues to do so (I heard this from my neighbour as he was friends with CW, who handled the case). And guess what? She did. And the more that dog pooped, the more I reported it. She racked up £4000 of fines just for dog shit alone, and I didn't even report her trespassing on private property.
But apparently she'd spoken to CW, who was a newbie, and pressured him until he let slip that 'a neighbour' had reported it and of course she happened to 1) realise it was me and 2) know where I fucking live.
She hammered on my door, screaming about how she was going to drown my cat (I don't have one, my neighbour's cat just loves me), smash my window, and then catch me when I was walking home. Now TB is also a recluse, I've said in previous posts that he basically stays in his room and only leaves to go to uni or grab a beer and some food. But he is PISSED at the way this lady is screaming at me. He stomps downstairs, yanks the door open while she's midscream and glares down at her. He's 6'7" tall and a rugby player, so he's basically a walking muscle. If I didn't know that he liked to cry at anime while hugging us on the sofa, I'd think that he was terrifying. But this lady wasn't privy to this information. So she looks up at this angry, MASSIVE Northerner and just trembles as he says in a very low, threatening voice:
'You need to get off our property, and take your car. If you so much as blink at writerlysnitch and I hear about it, I'll not only call the council for the dog shit you flung on our driveway, but I'll call the police for damage to property and harassment. Now FUCK. OFF. LADY.'
Safe to say she ran faster than I've ever seen her run.
Last week I heard from the neighbour that CW had sold her car for scraps (she never got the thing fixed) just to pay off the eventual £4200 of fines she'd racked up, and every time I walk to the train station and see the mobility scooter parked on her drive it feels like another little win!
TL;DR - Nasty neighbour loses her shit, so I report her dog's shit.
(source) story by (/u/WriterlySnitch)
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stokan · 6 years
Top 20 Things of 2018
1.) Beychella How do you make a long awaited surprise album between two of the biggest names in music that is also one of the year’s best feel like complete afterthought? Set the bar as high as Beyonce’s Coachella appearance.
First awards show performances, then music videos, now music festival gigs: is there anything that Beyonce CAN’T turn into high art?
2.) Explained by Vox The most exciting development in the world of television in 2018 was radically breaking the rules on episodes length. We saw 30 minute dramas, and hour long comedies. We got shows like Maniac where episodes were as long as 49 minutes and as short as 27 minutes. Now television creators can tell exactly the stories they want to tell in however much time they want to tell them in. And perhaps nowhere were these loosened restrictions taken better advantage than Explained, Vox’s documentary series for Netflix. Many topics cant sustain a full length documentary, but, say, 14 minutes explaining cryptocurrency to me? Sure! 17 minutes on designer DNA? Sounds great! 20 minutes on the origins of K-Pop? How do you say “yes please” in Korean? Every episode has a different narrator, a different look, a different feel, and varies wildly in subject matter. Yet they are all exactly the length they need to be. The only thing left I really need explained to me is why no one thought to make this series before.
3.) Serial Season 3 If Explained was a great example of the latest evolution in television, then the new season of Serial is at the front line of the evolution of our newest artistic medium: podcasts. Serial’s third season was nothing like its second, which was in turn nothing like its first. It’s a series still figuring out what it CAN be, while now defining forever what it NEEDS to be. Serial this year explained a deeply important topic in a way that wouldn’t have been possible through any other medium. They always say if you’re a writer you have to ask yourself what form of writing your idea needs to be. Don’t write a play that’s really a TV show, or a movie that should be a book. And now we can add to that don’t make a TV series that’s really a podcast. As Homecoming proved this year, the two mediums are very different and better equipped to tell different stories. And after hearing Serial Season Three I can’t imagine there will ever be a better way to explore the current American criminal justice system. It was 2018’s version of Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle. It may not change national food safety standards, but it hopefully will do something perhaps even more important: it will make us never again take lightly the election of local judges and sheriffs. It was a podcast for the heart, the head, and the time capsule.
4.) Black Mirror - “Hang the DJ” I know this technically came out December 29th 2017 but I’m counting it here because nothing was more 2018 than this. The sadness, the isolation, the uncertainty, the living in a world you don’t understand the rules of anymore, the unfairness of modern life, but the ultimate perseverance of hope and love: it’s all there in the best episode of Black Mirror’s third season. It made me cry out of sadness and happiness in equal measure. Could anything be more 2018 than that?
5.) Kesha at the Grammys Ok so maybe one thing was more 2018.
The Grammys, an organization led by Neil Portnow, a man who said this year that “women need to step up”, and an organization that didn’t offer its one female Album of the Year nominee a solo performance spot, also offered us 2018’s most powerful show of female solidarity and one of the most moving moments of the Me Too era. It all amounted to the perfect encapsulation of this year. Kesha scream crying and then collapsing into a sea of strong supportive women WAS 2018.
6.) Eighth Grade My favorite movie of the year was also the year’s best horror movie. It was so real, and visceral, and intense, and frightening that at times I literally had to remind myself to breathe. I watched at least half the movie through my fingers and on the edge of my seat. Proving what everyone who has lived through it already knows: there’s nothing in the world more terrifying than being in junior high.
7.) Big Mouth Speaking of junior high, the other side of the pain and trauma of growing up is humor, so why it took this long for someone to make a comedy series explicitly about puberty is beyond me. I guess, of course, making a show like this work is a fine needle to thread. It wouldn’t work without being animated and being on a streaming service that lets them go as far as they did. It wouldn’t work without writing that is both laugh out loud funny and deeply compassionate and human in equal measure. And it wouldn’t work without one of the best voice casts on TV, including a true tour de force from Maya Rudolph. But work does it ever. In a just world junior high health class homework would be simply watching this show.
8.) Emma Gonzalez speech Here’s how long 2018 was: this was from 2018.
Finishing off my personal 2018 Growing Up Trifecta is the most powerful 12 minutes of the year. That high school students could be more inspiring, articulate, and better leaders than the President of the United States is sadly, at this point, a given. But that they are now more effective and efficient than him at starting genuine political movements still feels revolutionary. The kids are our future, and our future has never looked brighter.
9.) Childish Gambino - “This is America” video 100 years from now if theres only one cultural artifact that still exists and is still remembered from 2018 this will be it. A “you know where you were the first time you saw it” level cultural event. No song will ever be more closely associated with its music video, and no music video will ever be more of an avatar for an entire cultural moment than this. THIS is, of course, a truly shocking and horrifying (in a good way) music video from the former fifth lead of the TV show Community. A profound and brilliant piece of art underscored by a fun-sounding dance song. The year’s most complex and important social-political message delivered in 4 minutes via YouTube. This is America indeed.
10.) Drake - “God’s Plan” video While Donald Glover may have perfected the music video as art form, it goes without saying that long ago Drake mastered the music video as promotional tool. And in that sense the music video for “God’s Plan” seems like minor failure. It seemed to sort of come and go from the culture, especially in light of the success of the In My Feelings Challenge. But for me, there was nothing more heartwarming and human this year than watching Drake give away almost a million dollars to strangers. It was an idea so simple it’s shocking no one had ever done it before. And so affecting I was shocked it didn’t seem to penetrate the public consciousness more. There’s so much going on at all times now it’s hard for anything to truly break through all the noise, but this really deserved to. It’s impossible to watch this without smiling, and is there anything 2018 needed more than that?
11.) Nanette The dumbest debate this year was whether or not Nanette was stand up. Form and genre aren’t delineators still worth discussing in 2018. It’s now only about the message and the messenger, everything else is just details. An important fresh voice, the most timely, and sadly, timeless message imaginable, delivered in a way that reached and deeply affected seemingly every person you knew? What is there to debate? Nanette may or may not be stand up comedy, but it’s definitely RISE UP comedy. And in the end, that’s all that matters.
12.) Amber Says What Please click on the link above. The final two minutes are by far the best comedy of 2018. It still makes me laugh so hard that it causes me physical pain. You’ve been warned.
13.) A Star is Born trailers A Star is Born is maybe a perfect film. The performances, the songs, the direction, the fact that there’s literally no human being on earth who could have played her part and made the movie work like it did other than Lady Gaga. It was all perfect. But there was actually something better than watching A Star is Born: anticipating watching a A Star is Born. Before the first A Star is Born trailer came out I thought the whole project sounded dumb and unnecessary. After I finished watching the first trailer I knew I was going to see A Star is Born opening night. True story: I was at a movie where the same A Star is Born trailer got played three times in a row for some reason. And it was riveting every time. There was no grumbling at all in the audience, and I for one was sad when it didn’t replay a fourth time. So as much as I loved A Star is Born what I would really love is be able to still want to see A Star is Born for the first time.
14.) Ariana Grande - “thank u, next” It’s genuinely impressive that a song released in November could be the song I listened to by far the most this year. Somehow it took less than two months for this song to feel completely ubiquitous. Hell, even the PHRASE “thank u, next” is omnipresent now. Forget Song of the Summer, this was maybe our first Song of the Winter. Which is perfect because has a hit pop song ever sounded more winter? It’s cold, but it keeps you warm. It’s the sadness of the holidays with the life reaffirming joy of the holiday season. It’s a sweater for you to wear on the dance floor. And it’s clearly exactly the song so many of us needed. No matter how many times I’ve heard it (and as I said, I’ve listened to it, uh, A LOT) its existence feels like a holiday miracle. Having a new and fresh take on the breakup song in the year 2018? That shit IS amazing.
15.) The proposal at the Emmys This is literally the only thing anyone remembers about this year’s Emmys. It was amazing, and special, and made anyone who watched it believe in true love. But for me it still cant touch the most heart-melting awards show moment of all time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCJrku4fSxk
(Was this whole entry just an excuse to link to one of my absolute favorite YouTube clips? Perhaps.)
16.) Succession When I saw the promos for Succession I literally made the sound UGH out loud. The last thing the world needs is another show about rich white people behaving badly, I thought. How could there possibly be anything original left to say on that topic? Who on earth is still greenlighting shows like this in The Year of our Lord 2018?
People much smarter than I am clearly, that’s who.
Because from writing, acting, production design, direction - whatever element you want to focus on - this was the best and most exciting new show of 2018 by a wide margin. People have been saying for years that TV is the new movies; this show made movies look like the old TV. It was the most vibrant and perfectly crafted big budget feature film of 2018, stretched out over 8 episodes on HBO. Did it have anything new and important to say about the world? Probably not. And turns out, I couldn’t have cared less. The phrase compulsively watchable might have been invented just to describe the world these actors and writers created. I would watch the team involved with this show dry paint. 
17.) Angels in America on Broadway Angels in America is the best play of the past 30 years and its not even close. So the fact that it would get a production that’s this good is just unfair for everyone else on this planet who makes theater. It was so good it made all other plays I’ve seen since seem small and cheap and unimportant. It was such a towering achievement that it has made the entire rest of theater as an art form seem insignificant by comparison. When you hear old people talk about seeing Brando in Streetcar or watching the original production of Death of Salesman I now can relate to what they are talking about. I’ll be thinking about Andrew Garfield’s final monologue for the rest of my life. It was unfair that we the audience had to all leave the theater when the lights finally came up and that we couldn’t all just live in that feeling forever. The eight hours I spent watching this play are what art is all about.
18.) Jesse Plemons in Game Night If dying is easy, and comedy is hard, then they should cancel the Oscars and give Jesse Plemmons Best Supporting Actor right now for his work in Game Night. And ok, maybe it wasn’t the BEST performance of 2018, but it was DEFINITELY the best performance relative to what it needed to be. It should have been a dumb throwaway part in a big-budget mainstream ensemble comedy. But Jesse Plemmons crafted a performance so strange and singular and memorable that it elevated the entire movie into something way better than I’m sure even its creators expected. I legitimately don’t know how everyone didn’t break in every one of his scenes. It’s a master class in the comedic power of silence. It should be studied in acting classes everywhere. And 20 years from now when Game Night is considered a comedy classic, Jesse Plemmons will be the main reason why. You heard it here first.
19.) The 1975 - A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships Saxophones? Electric guitar solos? Backing choirs? A concept album about being uncomfortable with the internet? Dumb pretentious song titles? This album couldn’t be any more in my wheelhouse if I made it myself. Its best song is basically a modern reimagining of “We Didn’t Start the Fire” for God’s sake!
For me this wasn’t just an album, it was an experience. It was big music to get lost inside of. And I did. At age 36 it’s nice to know that sometimes I can still feel 16. And it’s fitting that a band named The 1975 would be the ones to make music that’s so transporting.
20.) Emma Stone Ok so as someone who once argued in this very space that Emma Stone deserved an Oscar nomination for Easy A, it’s clear I’m pretty deep in the tank for Emma Stone. But even an Emma Stone hater would have to admit than this was a banner year for Emma Stone. Signing up for the insane acting challenge that was Maniac and completely acing it while totally exposing two-time Oscar nominee Jonah Hill in the process? Going toe to toe with Olivia Colman in the battle of the best acting performances of the year in The Favourite? Coming across as more charming than Jennifer freaking Lawrence ?!?
2018 was Emma Stone’s year, we were all just living in it.
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taeminuet · 7 years
Hands On Training
Title: Hands On Training Fandom: BTS Pairing: VMin Length: 2.5k Rating: NC-17 Warnings: exhibitionism, daddy!kink, age gap Summary: In which Jimin’s trip home gets a little more interesting.
For @eorumverba. Merry (slightly belated) Christmas, babe~ <3 I hope you like this;;
The train ride home is long and boring. Jimin uses most of the time to catch up on reading, though sometimes he watches netflix on his laptop, uses the time to make his way through the better part of a season of a new anime. It’s never exciting, not really, except that this time, his thoughts have been everywhere but the subtitles on the screen in front of him.
It’s all Yoongi’s fault. The two of them had been sprawled out on Yoongi’s bed, the window open to the chilly late fall air so that  the smoke from Yoongi’s cigarette puffed up and out through the gap. Yoongi had been talking, absently, about his day, about getting up at 4 a.m. to be at the coffee shop by 5 for set up, and how he hated working Saturday shifts, not because he was tired but because, “There’s always drunk people finding their way home, and they can’t keep their goddamn hands to their goddamn selves.”
As he’d said it, he’d gestured what he meant, his hand sliding over Jimin’s thigh suggestively. And at the time, Jimin had laughed him off, pushed him back and stolen his cigarette to take a tiny drag for himself, coughing a little at the bitter taste of menthol. And Yoongi had helpfully shotgunned the rest into his mouth, meeting him in the middle for a kiss, but Jimin’s mind had been elsewhere, on the heat of Yoongi’s hand lingering on his thigh and the thought of being on the bus with him, Yoongi gripping his thigh and spreading his legs open and--
Jimin shivers now, despite the warmth of the train. It’s cold outside, the snow begin to pile in a soft hills along either side of the tracks, but the bus is always warm, and Jimin’s coat is off and tucked between himself and the arm rest. And resting on that arm rest is his neighbor’s arm, leading down to a broad, long-fingered hand.
He’s had his headphones in most of the ride, but that doesn’t matter. He’d heard the man’s voice when he sat down, asked Jimin politely if he minded like he didn’t have a ticket with that seat number printed on it, and he has the deepest voice Jimin has ever heard in real life, low and thick and even with his headphones in, even with the pitchy melodramatic voices of anime protagonists talking in his ear, Jimin can’t get it out of his head.
Jimin isn’t sure how old he is. He’d been smiling when he asked Jimin, large and boxy, his eyes curving into crescents, and Jimin would have guessed mid-to-late twenties. But now that he’s sitting, the smile softened into a more neutral expression, Jimin’s pretty sure he’s at least in his mid-thirties, well over a decade older than Jimin himself.
And maybe Jimin’s weak, but he’s always had a bit of a thing for certain types of men: older, bigger, stronger. Men who can overpower him. Jimin’s strong, sure, but he’s also tiny, and there’s something about the difference there that makes his mouth go dry and his head spin. And yes, okay, sure, he loves Yoongi to death, but they’re not exclusive, and Yoongi isn’t exactly the type of guy that frequently features in Jimin’s private fantasies. Well, sometimes, but… not for this.
For this, the type of guy that features is, god, basically the exact person sitting next to him right now, and Jimin may have surreptitiously pinched himself once or twice. But he’s definitely awake, and he can’t focus, eyes flickering to the man’s hand and back a few times. He’s completely lost track of the plot at this point.
He tries in vain to scroll back to something he recognizes, but he doesn’t know what any of this is, and he wonders how long he’s been this distracted. He drags the cursor back to the beginning of the episode, chewing on his lip as he does, and in the sudden silence of nothing happening in his headphones he hears the faint rustle of fabric on fabric.
He looks down, bewildered, and sees the man trying to pull something out of his pocket, his wrist -- and the neat button-down he’s wearing -- scraping lightly against the material of Jimin’s coat where it’s bunching up, spilling slightly over the gap beneath the armrests.
Jimin makes a short sound, what kind he’s not even sure, and pulls the jacket out of the way, his cheeks coloring. “Sorry,” he says, voice a little louder than he thinks he means to, and he tugs out one earbud to monitor his volume a little better. “I didn’t realize it was like that. Sorry.”
“You’re fine,” the man says, smiling again, less boxy now though no less genuine. It doesn’t transform his face quite as much, doesn’t squint his eyes into crescents, and his gze makes Jimin feel suddenly very conscious of himself.
He squirms a little straighter, shifting his laptop in his lap as he pushes the jacket between himself and the wall instead. “I mean, I shouldn’t have been taking up your seat.”
“I think it’s only fair,” the man says, a laugh on his lips. “I’m monopolizing the armrest a little. You should be free to use the space under it.”
“You have longer arms,” Jimin says, before he can think it through, and then gets tongue-tied because what does he say after that? “And… uh, nevermind…”
“And?” the man prompts, and there’s amusement in his voice but it doesn’t seem mocking, just vaguely pleased.
Jimin’s cheeks flush, and he fumbles to put his earbud back in just to escape the situation, but the man reaches out and catches his wrist gently, and Jimin squeaks. He clears his throat quickly, face flushing pink, and the man lets go, his fingers dragging slow off Jimin’s skin, and Jimin hates himself for the gasp that catches in his throat, the way his eyes dart to the man’s hand and back up.
The man’s lips quirk playfully. “And?”
It feels more like a demand than a prompt, and Jimin shivers. He’s silent for a moment, just a moment, and then then man leans back some -- when had he gotten so close? -- and the tension leeches out of the air. Jimin lets out a noisy breath. “You’re… you’re just bigger than me. I figured you needed more space.”
“Is that all?” the man asks, more mild, more curious.
Jimin bites back a whine. “That’s… that’s all?” It comes out a question.
“Maybe you’re just small,” the man says, and then, like a complete non-sequitur, “My name is Taehyung. What’s yours?”
“Jimin.” It falls off his tongue almost like he’s eager, and Jimin is bad at talking to new people, but he can follow prompts easily enough. “It’s Jimin.”
“How old are you, Jimin?” Taehyung asks. His voice around Jimin’s name makes Jimin feel like he’s drowning.
“20,” he says. “In October.”
He doesn’t know what he expects the response to be. Maybe for Taehyung to pull away in surprise. Maybe to get a comment about how young he looks. Maybe nothing at all. It doesn’t matter. He’s not entirely prepared when Taehyung says, “I’m 14 years older than you then. That doesn’t bother you?”
It’s not judgemental, just an honest question, and Jimin reels for a second. He knows exactly what Taehyung is saying. How can he not? But a part of him, small and insecure and unsure of himself in a way that makes him question his own knowledge makes his mouth form, “Why… why would it bother me?”
“That’s a good question, I guess,” Taehyung says, and then closes his hand in a slow, overly elaborate way, one finger at a time. Jimin stares, fixated. “Unless I’m reading this wrong? You’ve been looking at me the whole time. At my hand…”
Jimin’s sucks in a short, quick breath. He can’t imagine having the bravery to do what Taehyung is doing now. He would be so terrified of being wrong. But Taehyung isn’t wrong, and Jimin…
Jimin nods jerkily. “I… yeah.”
“Yeah, what?” Taehyung prompts. “Tell me?”
It’s a question, but it doesn’t feel like one, and Jimin couldn’t refuse if he wanted to. He doesn’t want to.
“Yeah, I’ve… I’ve been looking at you. Them. Your… yeah.”
Taehyung laughs, low and melodic and sweet. “Do you want to tell me why, Jimin?”
He keeps asking, like a question, like Jimin has a choice. And he doesn’t, but it doesn’t feel like he should. He doesn’t want to say no. Or… or he does, but he wants Taehyung to push, and he has a feeling they’re not there yet, that if he says no, Taehyung will take it for one. It’s the right thing to do, and he’s a little comforted by that feeling, but he’s a lot frustrated by it too, and he turns his own answers over on his tongue for a minute before he whispers, “They’re nice hands. They’re… big.”
“And you’re small,” Taehyung answers, and he’s smiling, but his voice is intent.
Jimin nods, swallowing.
“Small enough for…?” Taehyung stops, an open ended question.
Jimin can’t. He can’t answer that as easily. It’s too much. Too heavy. He shakes his head slowly, licking his lips in a quick, nervous motion. He sees Taehyung’s eyes dart to it for a moment and that’s a rush, but it doesn’t bring him any closer to an answer.
Taehyung frowns. “Jimin…”
“I… I can’t,” Jimin whispers. “I don’t…”
Taehyung looks at him for a long time. “Can’t what?” he asks finally. “Can’t do this? Or can’t say?”
“Say,” Jimin says in relief. An easy question, an easy answer. “I want…”
And he trails off, but that’s enough. Taehyung smiles, leaning in closer, and Jimin feels his fingers curl under his chin, tipping his head up. He closes his eyes, breath catching, almost trembling. He anticipates a kiss, but Taehyung only smooths a thumb over Jimin’s bottom lip, slow enough to tease.
Jimin gasps, just a little, and Taehyung slips his finger up a little, pressing just the tip of his thumb into the space between Jimin’s parted lips. Jimin stalls, just for a moment and then lets his mouth open further. It’s all he can do, as much bravery as he has, and when Taehyung’s finger disappears, his eyes fly open, almost betrayed. But Taehyung only slides his first two fingers into Jimin’s mouth instead, short and easy, and Jimin gives a breathless noise of anticipation and sucks.
The noise Taehyung lets out is low and pleased, and he pressed his fingers down slightly, pushing the pads of his fingers into Jimin’s tongue and stroking slowly, gently,making Jimin suck in a tight breath, visibly trembling.
Taehyung pulls his hand away and Jimin lets out a whine of protest. Taehyung smiles at him and then turns forward, just in time for someone to walk past them, barely even glancing over.
Jimin’s breath all leaves him in a rush. “Oh,” he whispers, and his hands are shaking. He closes the laptop, pushing it down into the bag tucked between his legs and under his seat, and leans his head forward onto the seat in front of him, taking a moment to find his his breath again, the swooping heat of almost being caught like that making his head foggy and his chest tight.
He feels a warmth, a pressure, Taehyung’s palm sliding heavy onto his thigh, immediately teasing at the inner seam of his pants, and Jimin makes a quiet, barely audible noise. Taehyung must hear it though, because his hand tightens subtly, and he leans in, his voice low in Jimin’s ear. “Is this what you wanted, Jimin?”
Jimin shudders visibly, jerkily, and Taehyung’s hand brushes higher, higher. There’s a rush in Jimin’s ears, in his head, and he can’t help the way his cock twitches and hardens, leaking uncomfortably in his underwear and making it sticky and damp with precome. Jimin spreads his legs on instinct, opening up, and Taehyung… stops.
He squeezes Jimin’s thigh again hard, and leaves it there, a warm taunting heat that makes Jimin feel dazed. He doesn’t know what to ask for. His mouth is dry and his tongue is tied and he wants Taehyung’s fingers back in his mouth except that he doesn’t want the touch on his leg to go away.
He whines quietly. “I…”
“What, Jimin?” Taehyung asks, almost kindly, and it doesn’t fit with the way he squeezes Jimin’s thigh. Someone walks past, maybe the same person going in the opposite direction, and Jimin’s face flushes with heat. He squirms, reaching down for Taehyung’s arm, and his hand is so small, barely wrapping around Taehyung’s wrist.
He doesn’t pull at it, just grips on there, like a lifeline, and Taehyung smiles before turning his hand a little, bringing it an inch higher, and then he’s cupping Jimin through his pants, palming Jimin’s hard cock. Jimin gasps and pushes his hips against it instinctively, unthinking.
Taehyung makes a soft noise, and his voice is a whisper, but it feels so loud, feels like anyone else on earth might be able to hear when Taehyung says, “Are you that needy, you’re going to let a stranger get you off in the middle of a train?”
Jimin doesn’t manage to bite back his whimper, only brings his hand up to muffle it, clapping it over his mouth. His hips spasm into Taehyung’s grip, and Taehyung twists his hand up to hover over Jimin’s button like a question that Jimin never gets the chance to answer before he’s undoing it and pushing his hand inside.
It’s not subtle anymore. If anyone passes, just a glace and they’ll see Taehyung with his hand pushed down Jimin’s pants, Jimin rutting up against the sudden grip Taehyung has on his cock, desperate and wanton, shaking under Taehyung’s hand.
“Please,” he whimpers into his hand, just barely muffled. It just slipped out, and Jimin’s face is hot, but Taehyung only strokes his thumb over the ridge on the bottom of Jimin’s cock, and Jimin arches up off the seat, breathing hard and fast into his palm.
“Please what?” Taehyung asks.
Jimin shakes his head. His mouth is dry and his mind if foggy and his cock is leaking, dripping, making Taehyung’s fingers sticky.
He knows exactly what comes after that ‘please’ but he’s shaking apart, crumpling helplessly against Taehyung’s side as Taehyung strokes him harder, faster, his voice somehow, impossibly, deepening as he growls, “Please what?”
“Please daddy,” Jimin pants.
“Fuck,” Taehyung groans low in his ear and twists his wrist and Jimin is coming, staining his boxers and making a mess of Taehyung’s hand as Taehyung murmurs, “Good boy. Come for daddy.”
Jimin gasps, hips stuttering, and it’s disgusting a little, but Taehyung’s hand is still working at his cock, slow and overwhelming, and he lips out a hiccupping breath and chokes, “D-daddy…”
“Good boy,” Taehyung says again, making Jimin’s heart jump. He pulls his hand free, looking at it for a moment, and then raises an eyebrow at Jimin. “How far down does your coat cover when it’s on?”
Jimin is panting, breathless, but he manages, “My... almost my knees.”
“Good,” Taehyung says, and slides his come-sticky hand back onto Jimin’s upper thigh, grabbing possessively. Jimin shudders again. He leans against Taehyung for a while longer, and Taehyung takes to rubbing little circles on the outside of Jimin’s thigh. After a while he hums. “When’s your return ticket?”
Jimin blinks up at him, still in a bit of a daze. “I… the… the 2nd? I think? At 7.”
Taehyung hums. “I hadn’t booked mine yet. What seat are you in?”
And it’s another of those choices. All Jimin has to do is lie. Or say he doesn’t know. Instead he breathes, “E1, Daddy.”
Taehyung smiles at him and squeezes his hand tight, and suddenly all Jimin can think of is how long he has to wait until the trip back.
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