#may 5th is pretty much over for most of the world
bossladytae · 5 months
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ocean-sunfish-hater · 4 months
Straight Out of the Colonial Playbook:
The Myth of Untouched Lands
The Jewish National Fund (JNF) is an organisation with charity status all across the world. Many people know them as the people who use their little blue boxes to collect money to plant trees. They seem to be doing well to reach their goals, having planted over 250 million trees since 1901. All this seems pretty innocuous, perhaps even noble. After all, the idea of planting trees seems quite divorced from violent settler colonialism.
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ID: A large slice of watermelon. You can see the Red of the flesh, the black of the seeds, and the white and green of the rind. It is set against a light teal background, a colour that may invoke peace and calm, much like a free Palestine would.
But the two have long, intertwined histories. Just look to the National Parks of the US, used to grab land from Native Americans with the justification that they were "uninhabited". Colonisation of the Arabian peninsula was partially justified with the argument that native Arabs had degraded the environment to the point of desertification,  and colonial rule was the only way they could be saved from themselves [1]. Unsurprisingly, most of the ecological damage in that region had been done by the colonialists themselves in the pursuit of resources.
The JNF isn't just some minor organisation that has unfortunate ties to questionable powers. Though they shroud themselves in the soft words of environmentalism,  they currently stand as one of the primary tools of violence for Zionism.
Established in 1901 by the 5th Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland, they have always been an organisation with settler colonial intentions. In 1940, their leader Yosef Weitz, said “There is no way but to transfer the Arabs from [Palestine] to the neighbouring countries, to transfer all of them… not one village must be left… for this goal funds will be found." [2]. You know what happened to him after the first Nakba? He became the head of the JNF's forestry department [3].
According to their own website, they currently stand as the "single largest provider of Zionist programs in the U.S." [4]. They also own about 13% of all state lands in Israel [5]. They have been both a major driver, and unsurprisingly, benefactor from the ongoing Nakba of the Palestinian people.
So how exactly does planting trees feed into settler colonialism? The model works like this:
The Israeli government violently displaces people from their lands in the name of "self-defence".
The land becomes "uninhabited".
The JNF uses funds they have accrued from overseas donations to buy up the land.
They establish a national park in the area and begin to plant trees.
Settlers move into the surrounding regions. The JNF have a policy of not leasing land or accommodation to non-Jewish people [5].
Any remigration of indigenous people back into those lands is framed as "environmental destruction" and those people are forced out once more.
You know what's sneaky? They are using trees as bodies. They don’t have enough people to colonise all the land they've stolen, so they plant trees to occupy the spaces that human bodies cannot. They deliberately use fast growing trees like pines to aid in this pursuit [3]. Each forest acts as an occupying force, just one that uses seeds instead of bullets and trees instead of soldiers.
Most of their efforts are concentrated on Naqab (Negev in Hebrew), a region in the south of Israel mostly consisting of desert. On their website, the JNF boast of their Blueprint Negev initiative, and how it's "transformed Israel’s Negev Desert, making the Southern Israel an attractive place to live and work" [4]. Their mission statement in the Naqab includes the justification that they are providing homes, jobs and opportunities in the "empty" region [6]. One of the slogans have on their website is "Building the Negev, town by town"[6]. This is explicitly a settler colonial project, and all of it can be found on JNF website, in their own words.
And to top it all off, you guessed it, the Naqab is far from uninhabited. It was never empty land. In August 2018, 350 villagers from Umm al-Hiran were displaced to the state-regulated Bedouin township, Hura to accommodate the expansion of the Beit Yatir settlement in the Yatir forest, which was planted by the JNF [5]. In 2010, Nuri-al-Uqbi presented evidence that his ancestors had owned and lived in the lands of al-Araqib since before the Israeli occupation to the courts. In 2010, a Beersheva judge rejected the case, siding with the government's claims that his tribe had no ownership claims on the land [7]. The indigenous peoples of Palestine are constantly disenfranchised, displaced, and have very little means of winning their land back within an Apartheid legal system.
The JNF are using strategies employed by colonial powers in the past to violently seize land from native peoples. Acting under the guise of environmentalism "launders" the colonisation, adding extra steps in between the expulsion of people from their homes and the eventual settlement of that land by colonists, with the added bonus of making the JNF look very good. And you know what? Their reforestation schemes suck. Fast growing, new growth forests in the DESERT are not a substitute for old growth forests, not to mention the enormous amount of water they must be using to keep these forests as, well, forests.
What boils my blood the most is that you can see them honouring their colonial inspirations and sponsors in how they name their parks. Britannia park in the Hebron district obviously takes its name from Britain, a country instrumental in the establishment of the Israeli state and the Nakba that has ensued. Fittingly, it sits upon the ruins of seven Palestinian villages, destroyed by Israel during the first Nakba [8].
And this isn't just stuff that has happened in the past, but is happening right now. JNF UK is currently receiving donations to plant a memorial forest "to commemorate those who were brutally murdered on October 7." For £100, you can plant one tree. For £250, you can contribute to an outdoor seating area for group events. For £36, you can pay for an irrigation system that will provide enough water for one tree for four years [9]. Doesn't it make you angry? 36,000+ Palestinians have been murdered, and the JNF are collecting money to water trees on their graves.
I hate it when scientists stay neutral. We and our work are not divorced from the world around us. Conservation means nothing if it comes at the cost of human lives; it means nothing if it is used to veil the atrocities of colonialism and apartheid. It is our duty as conservationists, and as human beings to hear those whose voices carry cries for help, and answer the call. Do not be won over by the siren song of green colonialism.
Free Palestine. May all empires fall.
[1] Skandrani, Z., Decolonizing ecological research. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 2018. 8(3): p. 368-370.
[2] Stop the JNF, The JNF, Apartheid and Settler Colonialism. (Spring 2024). https://www.stopthejnf.org/the-jnf-apartheid-and-settler-colonialism-spring-2024/
 [3] Stop the JNF, Tower and Stockades, Forests and Jim Crow Vetting Commitees. https://www.stopthejnf.org/jnfs-sordid-history-tower-and-stockades-forests-and-jim-crow-vetting-committees-by-jonathan-cook/
[4] Jewish National Fund, We are JNF. https://www.jnf.org/menu-3/about-jnf
[5] Amnesty International, ISRAEL: APARTHEID IN ACTION. Amnesty international: submission to the 43rd session of the UPR working group, 9 May 2023.
[6] Jewish National Fund UK, Homepage, https://www.jnf.co.uk/
[7] Jonathan Cook, Bedouins defiant despite Israel eviction plan. https://www.jonathan-cook.net/2014-06-14/bedouins-defiant-despite-israel-eviction-plan/
[8] Palestine Land Society, Britannia Park - Burial and Treachery. https://www.plands.org/en/articles-speeches/articles/2022/britannia-park-burial-and-treachery
[9] Jewish National Fund UK, Green Sunday 2024 – Memorial Forest. https://israelunderattack.jnf.co.uk/projects/green-sunday-2024-memorial-forest/
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pubbamoon · 3 months
Sun signs and your core identity
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Hey! It's been a time for the Western astrology, right? I've been thinking about it for a couple of days. This next post is going to be about the Sun in signs. The Sun is the most important planet in Western astrology and it represents our zodiac sign. It can also represents our identity, who we are outside, our external world, what makes us seen or shine, how we attract attention, this and that. Hope you'll find it interesting. It's Sunday, the Sun-ruled day, so I think I couldn't choose better day for this post. Take is as it resonates and leave the rest, as you already know. Why am I even talking about it? Anyway, let's just get into the topic!
Sun in Aries: Well, you may attract attention by just being yourself. Aries rules over the 1st house of self, personality and body, so you are someone who has a strong personality and are mostly authentic. The Sun is exalted in this sign, which is a great placement for this planet in general. You might be the type of person who always put yourself first over anyone and are really confident, unless you have some air or water placements in your chart. I'm about to stop it there, 'cause i don't want to tell you what to do. I know you don't like that, hahaha.
Sun in Taurus: I sense that you're calmed individuals and you don't like to rush things. Stubbornness is a characteristic which always reminds me of you, since Taurus is a fixed earth sign, which goes hand in hand. You may also like expansive and luxurious things which are mostly related to drink and food. Taurus is being ruled by Venus which represents pleasure, so you might be hedonistic and seek for pleasurable moments. You might even be lazy sometimes with this placement, but it depends on other natal placements of yours. You just seem to be normal people who like when things are going as they should do.
Sun in Gemini: This placement tells me that you're communicative and like to discuss about everything. Mercury is a planet of communication and intellect, so you might be extremely smart too. Mercury also represents controversy, so you might say things which aren't that comfortable to the average people. Other people like your presence and it's easy for you to make friends with everyone, sine Gemini is the air sign. You're father might be communicative as well. You might also be duplicitous, say one thing and then do another thing, 'cause Gemini is a dual sign represented by the twins. Or you're just versatile in general. It really depends.
Sun in Cancer: You might be naturally sensitive and emotional is what I'm getting. You're someone who is inclined into family, nostalgia and you might share love to your own home and land. The 4th house is associated with the home and childhood after all. You may be a kind of person who rules over your own family or simply a provider for your partner or any other person, since Cancer is the water and the cardinal sign at the same time. You might not be into a career that much or you might be worried about your career path. I feel like you may be a great parent because of your caring nature, but it depends on your Moon's placement too.
Sun in Leo: The Sun is in domicile and in its own sign in Leo, making a Leo sign the best placement for the Sun possible. Whatever you do, you may attract attention easily. Leo rules over the 5th house of creativity, stage, fun and children, so you might be seen by using your creative abilities, being into a spotlight, having fun or even act childish. There's also a potential for you to be a highly spiritual person, 'cause 5th house also represents spirituality. Creativity and spirituality usually goes together pretty well. This is an individuality placement at its finest, I would tell, and this is the moment where I see similarities between the Aries Sun and the Leo Sun.
Sun in Virgo: I don't know exactly why, but whenever I hear about this placement, it reminds me on anxiety at some point. Maybe you feel this way often. This sign is being ruled by Mercury, but here comes the analytical version of the Mercury. You might have a great sense of working and reading the people as they're open books. I sense that you may struggle with confidence because of your overthinking tendencies or you may be seen as nervous and anxious individual. You may encourage people to work and to not be loose all the time. I know one person I met online with this placement and this person is very judgmental and has a natural critical thinking, so you might behave like this person too. You may also have a great eye for details. Your father could be a doctor or work at any other health industry.
Sun in Libra: I find people with this placement really beautiful, which is kinda obvious, 'cause Libra is being ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty and love. You may be doing well while interacting with the other people, since Libra rules over the 7th house of other people and even the long-term relationships. The Sun is in fall in the sign of Libra, which is not a good placement for this planet, 'cause the Sun represents individuality, while Libra represents collectivity. But the positive side of this placement could be that you may have a good relationships with almost everyone and that you might be likeable a lot. Great placement for any artistic endeavors. It can also tell that your father might be a lawyer, but it doesn't have to the case with all of you.
Sun in Scorpio: You may naturally give off dark and mysterious vibes or you just present yourself this way. I feel that you could have deep emotions within you that need to be expressed. You may get successful after you do something what you're passionate about and maybe that's what makes you shine and seen. You might also be interested in criminalistics, criminology, forensic science or your father may work in these fields. This sign goes after Libra, so you may also hang out with others easily and you likely interact well with them. You attract attention while you stand up with your own power or when you embrace your mysteriousness. You may also be very intuitive, interested in occultic or have some kind of a hard life, 'cause the 8th house represents challenges, occultic and spirituality.
Sun in Sagittarius: This is such a fun placement to have. Whenever I was with these natives, I had such a good time. Having fun and partying is the best with these natives, for sure. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, which is the planet of luck, so you might be naturally lucky and express joy with this placement. You are naturally adventurous and you may find happiness in foreign lands, since the 9th house is related to travel and abroad places. Sagittarius and Jupiter both represent wisdom, so you might love having meaningful conversations about the meaning of life or about any other philosophies. There can also be a talent to teach other people. We can learn almost everything from you.
Sun in Capricorn: You guys could be very ambitious and career-oriented. This may be a great placement for entrepreneurship or for anything related to leadership. Whatever you do could be successful, but it will take time, 'cause Saturn represents hard work and time. Your life might become better when you get older, especially in your 30s, but we need to look for your Saturn's placements to clarify that. your teeth, bones and nose might look beautiful or may be prominent in your body, 'cause these body parts are ruled by Saturn, but I think people with Capricorn Rising may resonate more to this statement.
Sun in Aquarius: This may be one of the weirdest placement to describe it. Well, you may be one of the most unique people out there or you can be the most average people out there. You stand out from the crowd by you being different from the rest, no doubt about it. The Sun is in detriment position in Aquarius, which is not a great placement for this planet. Aquarius rules over the 11th house of friendships, masses of people, finances etc., so you get along with people well and you care about how much money you make. Let's be real, Aquarius people can be materialistic, 'cause they're also ruled by Saturn. Your father might be a founder of some kind of organization or he might have a lot of friends.
Sun in Pisces: You might be very creative, sensitive and intuitive with this placement. There's a natural inclination to spirituality and foreign countries, since Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and it rules over the 12th house of spirituality, foreign lands an even isolation. You could isolate yourself from people around you and you don't mind to be alone. I sense some kind of introvert and old soul energy here. You can adapt yourself into any situation or to any people, since Pisces is a mutable sign, which makes sense. You might be naturally wise from your age and you can share your knowledge to others. I also feel that you are altruistic and you love to help other people and give yourself to people unselfishly.
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Well, that could be very everything for today. I really hope you enjoyed it and that you could resonate with these messages. You can ask me which topic you would like me to discuss on if you want to. You can also book a reading with me. The link is in the 'Masterlist' post. I'm sending lots of love to all of you. Keep rising and shining!
Best regards, Paky McGee
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maverick-werewolf · 5 months
Folklore Fact - Gryphons/Griffins
Gryphons, griffins, griffons, however you prefer to spell it (I personally use gryphon) - let's talk their folklore and mythology!
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(Attic pottery depicting a satyr and a griffin and an Arimaspus from around 375-350 BC, Eretria.)
You probably already know the common popular culture concept of a gryphon: a big, vicious beast that attacks people and probably eats them and/or carries people away to its nest to feed them to its babies. Not much about it has changed in legend, though in a lot of popular culture today, it has seemed to lose its divinity. Gryphons - griffins, whatever you prefer - have quite the robust history, like so many creatures of myth and folklore. Unlike some, however, they have changed very little over time.
Note that this article a general overview of concepts, not a detailed history.
Let's start with etymology, because I just love that stuff. The word "griffin" comes from the Greek word "gryps," which referred to a dragon or griffin and literally meant "curved [or] hook-nosed." Late Latin spelled it "gryphus," a misspelling of grypus, a Latinized version of the Greek (source: https://www.etymonline.com/, one of my favorite websites).
Griffins are said to have the head and wings of an eagle and body of a lion. They may or may not also have pointed ears, depending on the depiction (they more often did, overall, though the griffin of Crete is a notable exception). They were said to guard the gold in the mountains of the north, specifically the mountains of Scythia. The one-eyed Arimaspian people rode on horseback and attempted to steal the griffins' gold, causing griffins to nurture a deep hatred of and hostility toward horses.
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A Scythian pectoral, thought to have been made in Greece, depicting - among other things - griffins slaughtering horses. Griffins really, really hate horses.
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The famous griffin in the palace of Knossos at Crete, from the Bronze Age (restored).
Griffins appear in truly ancient civilizations, not only Greece but also ancient Egypt and civilizations to the east, including ancient Sumeria. Griffins were later said to also dwell in India and guard gold in that region, and they continued to appear in art throughout ancient Persia, Rome, Byzantium, and into the Middle Ages throughout other regions such as France; they were depicted in ancient Greece with relative frequency and occasionally of considerable importance.
Griffins appeared in many ancient Greek writings, including Aristeas in the 7th century BC. Herodotus and Aeschylus preserved and continued these writings in the 5th century BC, including lines such as,
"But in the north of Europe there is by far the most gold. In this matter again I cannot say with assurance how the gold is produced, but it is said that one-eyed men called Arimaspoi (Arimaspians) steal it from Grypes (Griffins). The most outlying lands, though, as they enclose and wholly surround all the rest of the world, are likely to have those things which we think the finest and the rarest." Herodotus, Histories 3. 116. 1 (trans. Godley) (Greek historian C5th B.C.), source: https://www.theoi.com/Thaumasios/Grypes.html (a wonderful site)
Physical descriptions of the griffin were not commonplace until some later works, and even then, their appearance wasn't always agreed upon. Even the notion of griffins having wings was sometimes disputed. Some scholars even got pretty wild, claiming griffons had no wings at all but instead skin-flaps that they used to glide. They apparently hated awesome things, so it turns out there were always boring people who thought they knew everything, wanted to explain everything "logically," and generally assume they were the smartest ever while also ruining mystique. They would make great scientists today.
Griffins were, however, often said to be holy in nature. They were referred to as the "unbarking hounds of Zeus" by Aeschylus, who warned others never to approach them. Gryphons were also considered sacred to several gods, including prominently Apollo, who was said to depart Delphi each winter, flying on a griffon (griffin, gryphon, etc, I keep swapping this around, I know; my brain spells it differently because I've read way too many sources), and he also is occasionally depicted as hitching griffins to his chariot in addition to riding one. This was particularly prominent in the cults of Hyperborean Apollo, one of the many endless and fascinating cults of ancient Greece.
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Medieval bestiary depiction of a griffin slaughtering a horse.
Even by the Middle Ages, gryphons still hated and slaughtered horses and guarded gold, elements that certainly persisted throughout their legends. They also killed men and carried them away to their nests, similar to the manner in which Aeschylus warned people to stay away from gryphons even back when. We can obviously assume griffons were never cuddly, so that isn't much of a change.
Griffins also did not entirely lose their divine relations even into the Middle Ages. Christianity often used positive portrayals of griffins to represent and uphold certain positive tenets of Christian faith; likewise, they became important symbols of medieval heraldry, used to represent a Christian symbol of divine power, as well as general courage, strength, and leadership, especially in a military sense. The depiction of the griffin as a powerful and majestic creature - killing horses and men or not - throughout its history is no doubt because they are a combination of two beasts often considered noble symbols of bravery, power, and divinity: the lion and the eagle, kings of land animals and birds, respectively.
That's a general overview! As you can see, griffins aren't always so bad, at least not compared to some of the other creatures out there from folklore and myth.
( If you like my blog, be sure to follow me here and sign up for my free newsletter for more folklore and fiction, including books!
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loveemagicpeace · 2 years
❤️‍🔥Aries in Houses❤️‍🔥
❣️Aries in 1st house -means that you are very confident about your style, appearance. You have fiery energy and react quickly to things. You are a person who dares things and you are bold. You do something daring about yourself and surprise others. You are spontaneous and full of energy. And you are a person who knows how to stand up for yourself.
💙Aries in 2nd house -means that you are quite fiery when it comes to material things. Maybe you like bold jewelry or something that expresses your energy. You can spend money quickly. You have high standards, but you can also be selfish at times. For them, every day is supposed to bring new challenges that they can overcome by taking action and not reflecting too much. These natives are driven to make a good living. You like lively music.
🐚Aries in 3rd house- you are confident when you speak. You can have very intense communication with people or you are often impulsive when speaking. Also you taking action with courage. You can decide in a second to go on a short trip. Natives with this placement have a lot of energy and many ideas, so their mind never ceases to work. You are very passionate when you make a decision and you don't let others change your mind. During their young years, they’re fun and want to travel all over the world, with their friends.
🦄Aries in 4th house- are very passionate when it comes to their home, family and comfort. But they can often fight at home. They can be quite feisty with their relationships and problems at home. They usually are active and develop strong but tense relationships with their relatives. When it comes to members of their family, they don’t like to hold their feelings back. When they were young ,these natives had high spirits and wanted to fight for everything.
🎡Aries in 5th house- are very active and like different challenges. They may also have many hobbies and multitask. Most people with this position are involved in sports. Everything they do have to involve action. They are also quite active in their romantic life. When it comes to love, they have a lot of passion and aggressiveness. They can also love drama. They spend a lot of their time being creative. It can be said their creations are a result of their passion and meaningful.
🎢Aries in 6th house- is focused on physical energy. They work hard to stay in good shape. Dedicated to their work, these people can be called true workaholics, especially since they’re always struggling to do their best. Usually healthy and energetic, they can’t easily get sick and when they do, their disease goes away pretty easily. This is happening because their mind is always busy with other things. They have a rather fiery and exciting daily routine.
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for-a-longlongtime · 8 months
JOIN US for the Triple Frontier 5th Anniversary Write-A-Thon!
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Hosted by @romanarose and @for-a-longlongtime
Hello everyone!
March 13th 2024 will be the 5 year anniversary of Triple Frontier, a movie that was underrated but very precious to us all. Whether Frankie Fridays rock your world, you're a Benny kinda-person, you've got a thing for Santi, or are counting everything all the time just like Will - there are so many of us.
Charlie Hunnam announced recently that there is potential for a sequel; he is trying to get it in production and has signed on as a producer. Do we want this? HELL. YEAH. Let's be real, we've probably all thought about how that would go. So @romanarose and I wanted to drum up a little extra excitement all over the place and spread some love for this movie that many of us have watched so many times! (Probably every week. I have no shame admitting this.)
Here's what's happening
It's super simple: create a fanfic of Triple Frontier, any way you like and with any characters you want. Most people will be inclined to write a story, but we always greatly welcome other artistic interpretations. We've listed some content rules below just to make sure it's fun and accessible for everybody, so please check it out. This is for both art and fanfiction. We encourage you to utilize Twitter or Instagram if you’d like to share either, and #triplefrontier or #triplefrontier2019 on any site you post on! Even if you don't plan to participate, please feel free to share this (or other) posts.
Please note you do NOT have to write a 'sequel' to TF; any fic with any Triple Frontier character will do, in pretty much any situation. A 500 word ficlet will be awesome, as will a 20K story, a painting or digital art be!
🏳‍🌈 We are highly encouraging LGBT themes and for you to think outside of x f!reader. 🏳‍🌈 
👉 If you are writing reader insert, we strongly encourage you to encompass a broad scope of readers if you aren't going to specify the demographic. 👈 (FYI, @idolatrybarbie made a great, important post about the need of inclusive reader inserts a couple of months ago.)
All fics that fall under the rules are encouraged, so if you write Santiago Garcia x afab!f!reader, that’s great! But we’d like to take this time to encourage gay/bi pairings, trans readers, gender neutral characters or readers, or even trans interpretations of the boys. Branch out!
🚨 When you post, PLEASE tag @triplefrontier-anniversary on Tumblr and we will reblog it there. We also may reblog onto our main. Please follow that page to see what other people are writing! In the tags, please tag it triple frontier write a thon, just to make everything easily found.
If you want to post art that Tumblr doesn’t allow things like nude art, link the content in a Tumblr post, like a Twitter link, and we’ll reblog that!
If you exclusively write on AO3 or Wattpad or other, you can either make a link on a Tumblr post and tag us. Or message @romanarose privately and they’ll get this set up for you so we can reblog.
Triple Frontier Write-A-Thon Rules
We will run from March 1st to March 14th. Fics and art posted before or after will not be counted - we're trying to keep things manageabel!
This is not a dark event, sorry! Some of us enjoy dark content but wanted to keep this particular event mostly non-dark. That being said, we will allow dub con in the context of mild alcohol use, power dynamics etc. Nothing cooercive, anything sexual should be done with consent. Mostly we are looking to avoid non-con/violence. If you have questions, don’t be afraid to reach out to us!
All participants must be 18+, although smut is not required
No incest, including Millercest. No underage content, no grooming, no - do we really need to list it all here? Again, this is not a dark fic thing.
We have the right to exclude any fic that makes us uncomfortable. It’s our event.
However, we will NOT be excluding people for personal biases, unless it encroaches on our boundaries. This event is to promote Triple Frontier, not about us.
LGBTQ+ characters and themes are highly encouraged, not required. Any fandom thrives when it's inclusive, so we want to explicitely welcome and encourage authors to be themselves and write what they want! Or perhaps even try something new, if so far you've only written P boys x f!reader/OFC.
Tom is allowed. We’re not gonna tell you not to include him if that’s what your little heart desires. However, we highly encourage that your work includes at least one of the usual four guys.
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(We don't know WHY you would want this but but FINE. If you must...)
We hope everyone has fun and that this will drum up some more Triple Frontier fics! It's just a fun little thing we want to do in order to celebrate all of you as authors, artists and the movie/characters that have made such an impact on many of us.
Once we start reblogging your entries at @triplefrontier-anniversary starting March 1st, remember to reblog and comment to support artists!
Please come to @romanarose or me with any questions!
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PS: Just to make sure there's no confusion - this write-a-thon is explicitely about the Triple Frontier characters, so there's no RPF.
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restinslices · 6 months
Hi I I aorry if this is a bad request but do you think you could write something with Annabeth where you're her Athena sister?
I wrote general headcanons since there wasn’t a specific prompt. If you want smth in particular or smth expounded on, feel free to ask!
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I’m gonna mix in book lore and tv show lore
Remember I don’t have perfect memory though so be easy on me
Being Annabeth’s older and accomplished sister means she admires you but is also jealous 
I don’t think the jealousy leads to her trying to sabotage you or anything but I think it’s obvious to spot 
You have a special eye that she wishes she had 
Annabeth is great at architecture and noticing small details, but nothing slips past you 
If she notice small details, you notice micro details 
If she’s great at architecture, you’re perfect at it
If she’s a great captain, you’re a perfect captain 
You let her run the team to be nice. Apart of her hates it but the other is appreciative 
I think she’d appreciate it more if you gave suggestions and helped in places where she lacked 
I think that hubris thing would slip in and she wouldn’t wanna accept the help but then she’d realize you have points and she’d give in 
I think having Annabeth as a younger sister means watching how her and Percy’s relationship grow 
You’re the first to be like “so, Percy? When are you two getting together?”
She denies it, very loudly may I add 
“What?! Me and Seaweed Brain?! HA! US? TOGETHER? NEVER!” “…” “…” “Seaweed Brain and I. Guess you can’t think while you’re crushing”
It aggravates her that you seem to know everything before it happens 
You two have the most realistic sibling relationship in your cabin 
Sometimes other campers try to watch Annabeth’s temper 
Not you 
You two poke at each other, you stress each other out, you make each other laugh, you give her advice, you comfort each other, you challenge each other, you do it all
After Luke’s betrayal Annabeth is pretty sensitive so you try to be there for her and fill in the empty roll Luke left 
You’re working double time
Considering you’re her older sister, you also help when it comes to training 
I don’t mean in groups, I also mean one on one 
But naturally, that also means you’re very hard on her 
It’s for her benefit. She’ll understand that one day if she hasn’t already. It’s to make her the best warrior possible 
Being Annabeth’s sister means giving her womanly advice also 
Athena ain’t there and Chiron is not teaching any of that shit. Let’s be fr 
That’s what also adds to your bond 
It’s not like you’re only family when you’re at camp 
You’re family and still help each other even when you’re out of camp
And you don’t just talk about camp and monsters 
You talk about other shit in the world 
Yeah, don’t die by monsters but you know what else will fuck you over? Not doing your taxes.
I feel like I also have to address when Annabeth was taken 
You obviously wanna be apart of the team that goes to get her, and tbh if Percy wasn’t the main character and had to be the 5th person, you’d go 
Whenever she returns, you’d check in to make sure she’s alright and try to keep her spirits high after seeing Luke
Off topic but dare I say y’all build Lego shit together?
I just feel like if you can’t build actual buildings, use Legos
Since the two of you train a lot, especially one on one, y’all balance each other really well 
Take the two major battles for example. The one at camp in BOTL and the final showdown with Kronos in TLO
Anyone going against the both of you would get hit repeatedly 
And I don’t mean only one of y’all are swinging, I mean both of you are playing off of each other 
The modern youth would call this “jumping”-
That doesn’t sound as beautiful though 
If she’s throwing a left, you’re on the right 
If she jumps to hit the enemy high, you’re sliding to hit the enemy low
If she’s grabbing someone, you’re delivering the final blow via stabbing 
You spend so much time together, your minds are practically linked  
When one of you is injured in battle, the other will make sure to aid them, even if neither of you are nurses 
After TLO, Annabeth is told she can rebuild Olympus in her image 
Guess who she’s asking for help?
You of course 
When you eventually leave camp to do your own thing as an adult, it’s very bittersweet
Bitter because you’ll miss each other and won’t be able to talk to each other late at night 
Sweet because you’re both in good standing with each other, Iris messages, and you both know you’ll do great things on your own journey 
When she needs help though, she’ll call you
And you’ll always answer 
Because you’ll always be family 
You promised 
That ending was corny asf. I’m sorry.
I’ve only read the PJO series so far. I’ve been procrastinating on the others, so I only mentioned those books. And if her personality ain’t 100% accurate, my bad.
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gunsatthaphan · 8 months
~ Monthly BL Breakdown: January 2024 ~ 
✨ Happy February!!! 🎭
Disclaimer: ALL shows can be streamed here or here, as well as on Youtube and other platforms. For more info on where to watch what, check out this post! 
New breakdowns are coming at the end of every month - feel free to add stuff! -> previous breakdowns
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What came out this month? (green = seen/currently watching)
🌟 BL Drama no Shuen ni Narimashita: Crank In Hen - January 2nd (Japan) 
🌟 Ossan's Love Returns - January 5th (Japan) 
🌟 Refund Love - January 7th (Thailand) 
🌟 Time The Series - January 9th (Thailand) 
🌟 Intern in My Heart (BL side couple) - January 10th (Thailand) 
🌟 Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka (Although I Love You, and You) - January 11th (Japan) 
🌟 Beside You (mini series) - January 11th (Thailand) 
🌟 I Wish You Love - January 21st (Thailand) 
🌟 Happy Ending - January 23rd (South Korea)
🌟 Love for Love's Sake - January 24th (South Korea)
Monthly likes/dislikes
👎🏻 I've been catching up on some KBLs from last year this month and sadly most of them were very disappointing. I put a few on my watchlist that generally had good reviews but yeah let's just say I'm glad I didn't miss anything in the last 2 years lol. The only one I liked was Love Mate, the rest was pretty much pointless. Hopefully the upcoming ones will be better 🤞🏻
New series & movie announcements
🎥 Beating Again (dance-themed, starring Kaownah K., Earth K. and others) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Unknown - Date TBA (Taiwan)
🎥 The Book Store - Date TBA (South Korea)
🎥 Term Begins - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Mafia Prince and the Bookworm - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Black Forest - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Go Alone With Me - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Can I Love You? - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 The Shining Star - Date TBA (Vietnam)
🎥 At My Fingertips (Unintentional Love Story spinoff) - Coming May 2024 (South Korea)
🎥 Connecting To You - Date TBA (Taiwan)
🎥 The Star (movie) - Coming March 2024 (Thailand)
🎥 What's the Nong? - Date TBA (Thailand)
Other news from the BL world
❗️ Actors Mike Chinnarat, Fluke Pusit, White Nawat, Pluem Purim and Lee Thanat have left GMMTV.
❗️ After Korean actor Choo Youngwoo won an award for "Best Rookie Actor" at the recent KBS Drama Awards, he came under fire for not mentioning his participation in the BL You Make Me Dance which launched his career and earned him the award.
❗️ Actors Jin Hoeun (All Of Us are Dead), Kwon Hyuk (The New Employee), Byun Junseo (Perfect Marriage Revenge) and Nam Yoonsu (Extracurricular) have been confirmed to star in the upcoming BL Love In The Big City, which portrays the life and love of an HIV-positive gay writer.
❗️ ZeeNunew and GeminiFourth won an award respectively for "Best Thai Artists" at this year's Seoul Music Awards.
❗️ The Chinese BL Stay with Me is getting an audiobook. The series furthermore recently confirmed its second season, further details are unknown.
❗️ Over a year after its initial premiere, the Thai BL To Sir, With Love won "Popular Foreign Drama” at this years's Vietnam Face Of The Year Awards.
❗️ The Thai BL Playboyy will no longer air on youtube after the suspension of the channel due to explicit sexual content. The show will continue to exclusively air on Gagaoolala, as well as RakutenTV.
❗️ Actors EarthMix had a cameo appearance in Ossan's Love Returns; they will star in the Thai adaption of the same name later this year. Details about the production are still unknown.
❗️ MileApo (KinnPorsche) were announced to star in the upcoming series Shine. The show is an extension/spinoff of Man Suang and focuses on Khem and Chatra's story in more detail.
Upcoming series & movies for February
👉🏻 Anti Reset - February 2nd (Taiwan)
👉🏻 Perfect Proposal - February 2nd (Japan)
👉🏻 City of Stars - February 2nd (Thailand)
👉🏻 Love Syndrome: The Beginning - February 8th (Thailand)
👉🏻 Baka Pwede pa? - February 9th (Philippines)
👉🏻 1000 Years Old - February 14th (Thailand)
👉🏻 My Strawberry Film - February 16th (Japan)
👉🏻 A Secret Love - February 17th (Thailand)
👉🏻 Unknown - February 24th (Taiwan)
👉🏻 Wedding Impossible - February 26th (South Korea)
👉🏻 Kiseki Chapter 1 & Chapter 2 - February TBA (Thailand)
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kyzielanzxyri · 1 year
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Choi Seungcheol x m!reader
Warnings: a/b/o dynamics, domestic, omega reader, alpha Seungcheol, potentially mature content, beginner author, mafia Seungcheol
When Seungcheol saw you wandering around his mafia's headquarters wearing just an oversized jacket, you immediately caught his attention and interest. Maybe it was impulsive, but he wanted to keep you and make you his omega. Your innocent appearance, milky thighs, a slutty waist waiting to be grabbed and neck ready to be marked.
When he asked his workers about you, he learned that you were the brother of one of his workers who just died in one of the recent missions, so it was the perfect timing for him to step into the picture.
He said that he was here to protect you. In exchange, you were to become his partner. It wasn't really that much of a problem. Being his partner meant that you would live in luxury, you would have him as an alpha, and all you need to do was simple household chores, like preparing food for him, cleaning the house, prepare his clothes, just like a housewife, but of course you had maids to accompany you in doing these things because in the first place he didn't want you to do any work but you insisted.
As the years progressed, you eventually became pregnant and gave birth to a pair of twin boys and another pair of twin girls, I mean, it didn't come as a surprise to anyone because he would knot you almost everyday. It boosted his ego and confidence that he impregnated you, I mean, you were one of the most beautiful omega anyone has ever seen, so it was only natural that like you and like Seungcheol, your kids were both handsome and pretty.
Living in his world with rather snobbish and judgemental people, you became used to their manner of speaking and became an expert in doing the same thing. They spoke nice words but said it in a rather insulting manner.
"He has really locked him down with him birthing two pairs of twins." Said someone."I mean, he's always going to be disposable to Seuncheol. Let's just wait until Seuncheol gets tired of that sl*t, " said the other girl, but they weren't able to continue the conversation when m/n spoke "Im sure you're an expert at those things, This is your 5th marriage right?, well anyways I have to go girls me and my husband have a date this afternoon, see you".
Even if you kept repeating to yourself that you weren't affected, it still didn't change the fact that you were affected. You always thought about what would Seungcheol do to you if he ever got tired of you. You cried at that thought. You sobbed and cried loudly inside Seuncheol's and your room. He heard you crying, Seuncheol heard you crying. This is the first time in a while hes heard you crying, and every time he does, it's like he's stabbed in the heart. So, with no hesitation, he ran into the room, and he saw you on the bed curled up and crying. "Baby, what's wrong? Hmm, does something hurt? " he said, caressing your hair "no it's nothing, don't mind me, " you said, quickly wiping your tears "baby tell me, hmm, thats why im here, you can tell me anything you want" he said facing you cupping you cheeks, you told him everything you heard earlier and to say he was fuming with anger was an understatement but he prioritized comforting you, because he can do that revenge part later, what was more important was you, its always going to be you over anything else, "baby look at me, Im never going to get tired of you, you know why? Because I love you, you, and our kids, so don't listen to what they say about you because with or without them, you'll live and love, and you'll be happy" he said "you're right, And Im already happy with you, and the kids" you chuckled "just rest, I'll wake you up when I'm done cooking the food" he said and so you did. As for the people you heard saying awful things about you.....well, they got their companies siezed from them by some big company that may or may not be owned by Seungcheol, because hell do anything to anyone when it came to the one he loved....you.
Disclaimer: This is so not well written and rushed and I didn't proofread this
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fanfictionroxs · 11 months
The Pirate Queens
Pirate Queens Baela and Rhaena who kidnap the crown prince Jacaerys and the lord of the tides Lucerys.. well, it's more a rescue since the brothers' ship is sinking.
Baela & Rhaena ran away from home long time back because misogyny denied them their birthright. They were mere 8 years old then and their mother had just died. Horrible stuff happens and they sneak after their uncle Laenor who fakes his death to escape the tragedies of their house (and his homophobic father), but the ship the girls' follow him in crashes. The girls barely hold onto each other and survive, but their uncle never finds out that he was being followed. 30 years pass and the girls have grown to rule over all pirates with hair died black and enough scars to completely detach themselves from the identity of rich ladies.
They do not remember much of their previous life, only their mother's loving face and the dragons.. but their love for the skies and to take flight never leaves. However, they have no wish to return to dragons and the so called honorable houses where little girls are thrown under grown men. Baela and Rhaena have been free at the sea long enough to understand the madness they come from. However, one day, Rhaena hears of the tale of the flying ship and curiosity makes her seek out the storyteller who sits on a grand ship. The man is tall with a head full of black curly hair and his skin has just the slightest bit of green tinge to it. Rhaena snorts because she sees his commander clothes, but also knows a person out of their depth.. she has learnt to recognize it otherwise she would just send more people to absolutely unnecessary deaths. Better that the land creatures stay on their lands instead of trying to find fins and gills at the bottom of the ocean. The seas didn't come naturally to many, not in the way it did to her and Baela, so she wonders how this man came to be commander.
The commander/storyteller is joined by an older man with a striking resemblance to him and together they continue his story about Peter Pan helping Wendy fly with a bit of magical dust and then.. oh! A flying ship!
Rhaena almost gasps, but a hand closes around her mouth before she can and she relaxes in the hold. Baela
The older man (brother to the storyteller, Rhaena guesses) has a small ship figurine he mimics flying in the air and the sailors around the two men look enchanted. Rhaena looks back at her sister and there is a twinkle in her older sister's eye..who looks enchanted at the sight of the man with the figurine just as the sailors do and Rhaena can see the trouble the pirate queen is going to bring on their heads.. she cannot wait to assist her.
And so, by absolutely no evil machinations on the part of Baela and Rhaena, the ship of the storyteller crashes and well, what are pirates to do but sack and steal? Rhaena is disappointed at the lack of pretty dresses (Luke makes sure to always stack his ships full of dresses later on so that the pirate queens may sack happily). She's not the world's most fashionable pirate for nothing. But she guess the storyteller will have to do. He can regail her with stories of Peter Pan. And if she feels like Peter Pan stealing herself a Wendy who will tell her stories, she keeps it to herself until maybe the sisters' 4th or 5th kidnapping of the princes.
And one day, she hopes, maybe they can find a tinker bell who will sprinkle her magical dust to make Baela and Rhaena's ship Laena, fly. The magic would have to be strong to achieve such a feat, but with the help of Jace and Luke's aunty Alys, they just might be able to do it.
Epilogue: Captain Hook Aemond One-Eye comes to steals Wendy Luke who goes with him happily.. Apparently being kidnapped is not a new thing for the princes. Sometimes it's dragons, sometimes it's wolves and recently it's pirate queens. Basically, Jace and Luke become Baela and Rhaena's land husbands whom they come to visit from time to time unless the girls get impatient and just steal them. Baela has other land husbands too and Jace is a lovely addition to her harem while Jace has other husbands and a wife (Cregan, Aegon, Helaena) and Baela is a positively feral enchanting addition to his harem. Rhaena and Luke share a more platonic love much like Rhaenyra and Laenor once did because they are both super gay, but also soulmates because Peter Pan and Wendy will always be soulmates. Captain Hook cough Aemond cough is a jealous dragon, but he has no choice but to concede to his beloved. He anyway has Alys to keep him company as he follows after her like a lost boy handing her this potion and that herb to help Laena take to the skies.
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If i ever were able to list all the things i dislike in Magisterium series, this post would've been endless. Instead, I'd mention smth i love so much that it makes me re-read the series for the fifth time and gives me inspiration for new drawings and playlists
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The first one is aesthetic. I don't think I've ever read a YA book with the death and necromancy as the main lore theme. Also, the first book in series is so sweet and innocent compared to the fourth I can't believe it lol. Corpses. So gothic. So edgy. Love it
The second is very similar to the first - chaos magic. We come across elemental magic in all sorts of media, but they don't usually have the 5th element, or if they have it's more likely to be electricity or smth. Not ACTUAL NECROMANCY omfg... I love it. Also Makars being able to manipulate not only chaos (the void itself) but the soul.... Cute
So next. The main character ofc. Callum Hunt. What can I say he is such a cinnamon roll hating himself for what he is not. Screaming, crying, throwing up. I can feel his pain with every fiber of my soul he's so relatable. He is a type of chaotic neutral main character which is rare I guess, and at the same time he doesn't act like a total jerk and piece of shit. Can't name some other like him, idk. He's sweet but also edgy. His self-confidence is below the surface of the earth. He's just like me frfr my poor little meow meow. Also he is disabled and it influences the events of the book. Sometimes. Cool, representative. Not a disabled person myself but can appreciate it
Another reason for me to love the series is the changing of Call's secrets idk how to call this. The structure of his character lore. His secrets and abilities, they're layered.. you know... And every book one by one uncovers these layers: 1 - he uncovers that he is the reincarnation of Constantine. 2 - he gets his powers (which made Constantine evil at the first place). 3 - he learns more about Constantine's family, and the whole world finds out that he "is" the Enemy of Death. 4 - omg how much he uncovers here lol i can't. May be my favourite book thanks to its maaad vibe. Everything he learns here makes him closer and closer to Constantine. 5 - i know that most of the fandom thinks it was stupid to make Constantine himself a reincarnated thousand-years-old evil Makar. And i may agree. But in the moment of reading this it was so impactful for me idk why.... I literally cried idk!!! Lol. Love the moment where Call opens his memory to help his friends to fight wolves or smth, and PASSES OUT. KING. So, the other secret is uncovered here. Everything he learns makes him understand Constantine's/Maugris's motives, but he never ever becomes anything like them nor wishes to follow their path. Pretty symbolic and meaningful
So what can I say? Every series has it's weak and strong points. Some of them become classic literature, some are forgotten in the abyss of YA books. I understand why Magisterium's place is with the second type of series, and it's not even saddens me anymore (we're so underground teehee). But i see many posts where the series is shitted over, and not much of posts appreciating the things that we actually love in it. Aren't they the reason you started and finished it sometime? So I'm here spreading positivity! And also because I'm so tired of being a fan of this shit so i tried to acknowledge all that i love, and why am i here in the first place
I think it's all for now, maybe I'll come with more ideas later
Fandom are you alive? Heh am I a Call kinnie to the point that i become necromancer?...
P.S. sometimes i think I'm so cringe to be periodically obsessed with this STUPID POOR-WRITTEN CHILDISH BOOK ABANDONED EVEN BY IT'S OWN CREATORS BUT I CAN'T HELP IT...... AND THE WORST THING IS THAT I DIDN'T EVEN READ IT IN MY EARLY TEENS (except the 1 which i read when i was around 13. Read it twice in one week so maybe that's the moment my brain was damaged) I READ IT WHEN I WAS 16 ALREADY aaarrrhh I'm so cringe. Why obsession why why why why why why i hate this but this is literally the only book which makes me cry and scream and feel every fucking time i re-read it even when i know EVERYTHING THAT'S GONNA HAPPEN LITERALLY EVERYTHING reading it all again for the 6th time FOR GODDESS SAKE WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME
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quartings · 7 months
Legends Z-A Thoughts and Theories!
Okay, I was pretty quiet on my opinions for Scarlet and Violet, but I'm confident enough to be very pleased and optimistic for this! Legends Arceus was the strongest Pokemon game we had in a decade, and to see them continue this, bring back Megas, and take an extra year to hopefully make it non-buggy? Makes me so so excited!
On Megas:
It's a bit of a surprise to see Megas back, but honestly? Not too much of a surprise. Even ignoring the inevitability of Kalos remakes, Megas are the only gimmick Pokemon kept around in their spinoffs. It was in Mystery Dungeon, Shuffle, Smash Bros, Pokemon Go, and probably more I'm forgetting! So it was always in the back of Gamefreak's mind and I'm glad it's truly back again!
With Gens 8 and 9 bringing back cross-gen evos, I think they'll focus on only giving Megas to three-stage lines, to not quash the potential of 2nd stage Pokemon getting regular evolutions. So starters and Pokemon like Flygon can get Megas since they can't evolve further, but Pokemon like Tropius and Chimecho probably won't, in case they get evolutions in Gen 10 (That then get Megas)
I also don't think we fully grasp how many more Pokemon can get Megas now, too. Barely any of Gen 5 and 6 had Megas (Seriously only 2 Pokemon between the 228 Pokemon in those gens) and we've had THREE more generations since then!!
Note: We went from wanting a Dunsparce evo, to wanting a Dunsparce Mega, to getting Dudunsparce with mixed fan reception. Now I'm going to be a selfish deluded clown bitch and get my hopes up for a Mega Dudunsparce.
Speaking of starters and Megas, do we think we'll get a mish-mash of older starters for this game that then get Megas (Say, Piplup, Snivy, and Scorbunny) or will we get Megas for the three Kalos starters?
Megas may mean Mega Stones return as held items, and held items weren't in Legends Arceus- new gameplay advancement?
Legends Arceus gave us 7 new Pokemon (most of them cross-gen evos) and a dozen new regional forms. Do you think we'll still get regionals this game, or will the design team be focused more on making new Megas instead?
On the world:
It's been confirmed the whole game is only in Lumiose City- how big is the map?? Hopefully we really do get lots of sidequests, biomes for wild Pokemon, and traversal options.
When is this? We're redeveloping Lumiose City, but are we in the past developing it into its current state, or are we in the present/future developing it into a new solarpunk city? Or neither, and this is a "Paradox" game set in a timeline which doesn't quite match ours?
This doesn't have to be an isekai (as in, we don't have to be time travellers again per se), just keep that in mind!
The "Z" in the logo represents Zygarde, with the black color and green hexagons. So who's the "A"? It's green with green scale/leaf patterns on it. What does it represent? The "Chaos" to Zygarde's "Order"? Is it a 5th Zygarde form or is it a whole new Pokemon?
Meta thoughts:
This further confirms my theory that Gen 9 will last until 2026, where they announce Gen 10 on that year's Pokemon Day for their 30th anniversary, and that's great! I'm glad they aren't overworking themselves too much compared to Gens 6-8.
On them "skipping" Unova remakes: I don't see this as skipping. We've been long overdue for a Z version since Kalos is literally the only Pokemon region to only appear in one release (no third version, no remakes, no sequels, no ultras, no DLC). So we're simply making up for the "deficit" of a third version here, and we can go back to focusing on Unova remakes for Gen 10.
Do you think we'll get any final updates to SV to tide us over until the next LegendZ trailer around August? Maybe a small DLC, mythical reveal, or free update?
Pokemon Adventures skipped the last Legends game, so they'll probably skip this one too? I'm fine either way- at least by skipping it, they won't be too rushed and stressed, and they'll actually have the time to flesh out SV and catch up with ORAS/SM/USUM/SwSh in the full volumes.
But on the off chance they do adapt Legends Z-A, do you think we'll get dexholders named Z and A??
Note for the future- the Yoasobi Pokemon song BiriBiri has a part where they namedrop all the game titles- one part has the lyrics "ABC to the XYZ". Long shot, but if Legends Z-A does indeed have an ABC theming, this could be a crazy bit of either coincidental or intentional foreshadowing!
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firstprinced · 4 months
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hi pretty people and happy pride month!
long story short - i read a lot of fics of alex and henry. all the ratings, all the lengths, au's and canon. now, this has been going on for a long time (don't ask me how long i will not confess). lately i have been just reading recent works and after sending another fic rec to the gc, i thought to myself, why not share them on tumblr. so this is just that. i will not limit my recs with anything but will write out ratings, wordcount, summary etc and give my own notes (spoilers not included).
SO! here are some of my latest fic recommendations from those i've read during the last week or so! ALL of these are posted between 31st of May and 5th of June 2024. bon appetit!
one more thing, everything not E is very pure in my eyes. all below E are marked with blue and all E fics are in pink.
but daddy, you love him by @theprinceandagcd rated M, 16k. tags: non-famous au, kid fic, mutual pining my comment: so sweet i was about to die. and i cried! minor angst i just cried over how pure it was. alex's daughter in the fic, brie, is the sweetest thing in the whole wide world.
author's summary Alex peers up at Henry’s face, the familiar tenseness in his jaw and mildly disinterested eyes nowhere to be seen. Instead, Henry’s expression is open and borderline delighted, like Brie used an extra strong shot of sorcery to draw Henry in and melt the ice that he usually stays locked behind.Suddenly, Alex’s vague crush on an unapproachable coworker feels realer, all because he’s standing there and looking at Alex’s daughter like she hung the fucking moon. He’s treating the most important person in Alex’s life—his entire goddamn heart—as if she truly matters to him, giving her fist bumps and smiling at her and telling her she’s beautiful like her dad.It’s doing weird things to Alex’s chest and making his palms sweat even in the air conditioned office, and he can’t decide if he’s okay with that development or if he wants to stick his head in Brie’s Easy-Bake oven.
the law of attraction by ao3 user bananamilks rated T, 6k. tags: non-famous au, fluff, no angst, henry is a flirt, bisexual disaster acd my comments: i can never get enough of a confident, flirty henry. alex didn't stand a chance. was giggling and kicking my feet and also full on LAUGHING
author's summary As he’s pulling out his textbook, a shadow crosses over Alex’s bag. Before he can look up, a warm, distinctly accented voice asks, “more exams?” “They never stop,” Alex says. He looks up at Henry, who is grinning down at him with his arms crossed over his chest. If Alex notices the way his shirt is pulled taught over his broad shoulders then that is no one’s business. Henry glances at his textbook, and Alex finds himself angling it so Henry can see better. “Criminal procedure. It’s about–” Henry leans one arm on the table, and his blonde hair flops down into his eyes. He’s studying the book cover like he’s the one with the exam, and this close Alex can see a tiny mole on his upper lip. “Uh… criminal… procedures.” The corner of Henry’s lip quirks up and – Jesus Christ. “You don’t say?” [or: Alex is a law student and Henry works at the library. Naturally, they're smitten]
playing to win (you're in my head again) by @anincompletelist WIP (but written and posting every day or every other day so no sweat)! rated E, about 30k finished, currently 2/7. tags: enemies to lovers, pining, friendship, getting together, dob/sub dynamics, kink negotiation, kink exploration, subspace, aftercare, post-college, masturbation, oral sex, eventual fluff my comments: NOW, i don't know how much i'll rec wips but this one i HAD TO. one, please do read this author's other work if you have not. two, this is everything i could dream up. CHOMP CHOMP. yeah that's my academic peer review.
author's summary Other than Nora, there’s Pez, the one that’d wrangled them all together in the first place and continues to plan their token themed brunches & bar crawls each week; Eliana, or Eli for short, ridiculously talented creative with a heart of gold underneath the leather jacket and the nose ring; and Mateo, their resident bro, all around hype-man and Alex’s fellow bisexual. And that’s pretty much the group. Except for Henry, of course. But Alex tries not to think about him if he can help it. + Or, Henry and Alex are practically perfect for each other. Once they get past the years long animosity and hate-pining, of course.
'we hereby conduct this postmortem' (or something along these lines) by ao3 user natoureuse rated E, 23k. tags: homicide detective alex, medical examiner/forensic analyst henry, character injury, blood and injury, mentions of murder/death/guns and so on, sexual content, feelings realization my comment: SO incredibly funny, beautiful, soft, sweet, FUNNY. i loved everything about it and this author writes so well oh my god! it, because of their occupations, involves some blood and dead people so if that's a hard no so be it but it is SO fluffy you wouldn't believe based on the tags etcetera. adored it.
author's summary “There is evident lack of blood around the wound.” “So that suggests he was dead beforehand?” “It suggests that the blood coagulated before the stabbing, which would mean…” Basically that he was dead beforehand, to summarize. Or; Homicide detective Alex tries to befriend his rude ass coworker, medical examiner Henry.
that's it for today! i'll see if i'll keep this a weekly thing and maybe i'll change the format in some ways but these are the fics i wanted to highlight! show love for new works and works by new authors - comment, leave kudos, all that good stuff 🩵
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renegade-in-reverie · 6 months
Renegade in Reverie Introduction
For my 6th year anniversary for playing MMR/NH, and my 5th tumblr anniversary for @incorrectmmr, I decided to make a separate tumblr account for my oc Iris’s story, which is titled Renegade in Reverie. I have been planning and brainstorming the plot for 5 years now, and it somehow became a complicated mess of a plot.
To this day, the plot still hasn’t been polished, nor had the first draft been written yet, but I still want to share the plot through other means like oneshots or headcanons. I may even spoil my own story if I take even longer to write (but if you follow me on instagram, you’ve already been spoiled haha).
જ⁀➴ Synopsis:
Iris is just an ordinary girl in her ordinary world. But ordinary is pretty boring, isn’t it? It’s safe, but where’s the fun in that? On the night of a red moon, she made a wish for an exciting life, and sunk to the world of Nightmare! An ordinary girl thrown into an ordinary world full of demons and angels; is it heaven, or hell? The change in scenery is a sudden wake-up call to the incompetent, sheltered human.
The story idea should have answered a simple question: What would happen if MC signed the contract in Kaim’s route? However, over the years, it had somehow developed into a multiverse of a story, but only because I’m indecisive and like to explore the potential of possibilities.
જ⁀➴ OCs:
Iris (the protagonist)
Okay, Rachel and Oltea aren’t technically my ocs, because Rachel is my fanon interpretation of the conwoman mentioned in Oswald’s route, and Oltea is my interpretation of the canon Oltea.
I’ll write their detailed character introductions someday
જ⁀➴ Pairings:
Kaim/Iris, a.k.a ChocolateLavender 💜🤎 (at first, and originally)
Noel/Iris, a.k.a DecaDuo (OTP)
Ricardo/Iris (RicaRis) is the most popular from what I’ve observed, probably because it’s Ricardo. But in the main story, their dynamic is mostly platonic.
I do experiment with Iris’s dynamic with other characters as well, but they’re probably not included in the story.
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That’s pretty much it for now. I hope y’all will enjoy Renegade in Reverie, and Iris’s adventures in Nightmare 💖 And also if anyone has any formatting tips to make this blog look more aesthetic, please let me know. Thanks!
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shuttershocky · 1 year
Hello! I recently finished Witch on the Holy Night, and it was the most fun I've ever had reading a visual novel. You seem to be a Nasuverse expert, so is it okay if I ask you some questions about it? 1: What was the red hooded figure that was haunting(?) Aoko in some scenes? 2: Was the trauma preventing Aoko from using the Fifth Magic the cat dying in the beginning? 3: I was wondering what exactly in the Nasuverse is in the same timeline(s) as Tsukihime? (Sorry for the one long paragraph)
The sad thing is, that as Mahoyo was originally planned to be a three part VN that never got its sequels, we don't have hard answers to many questions in Mahoyo yet and we may not ever get them.
The red hooded figure is narratively Death, in-universe I'm pretty sure is a Counter Guardian from the Counter Force. If you haven't read Fate/Stay Night or seen Kara No Kyoukai, the Counter Force is the metaphysical will of the mass consciousness of humanity. It works to "maintain" the human world, "correcting" errors through the use of force. Incredibly dangerous supernatural entities are often met with the Counter Force killing them through the use of its guardians, spirits that carry out its will with incredible power. Archer from Fate/Stay Night turns out to be a Counter Guardian, having made an arcane deal to grant him power in life in exchange for his afterlife to be lived as a killing agent of the Counter Force for eternity. For someone like Aoko, able to burn the fabric of time itself with the 5th Magic, the Counter Force would see her as a ticking time bomb that they need to deal with as soon as she turns dangerous to the safety of the world. Now I say the red hooded figure is narratively Death, because it doesn't necessarily appear only when Aoko is about to use her powers, but in every day life. There's a few scenes where she feels it watching her even as she just goes to school, and she sees it in the corner of her eye whenever she's alone, terrifying her every time even when she's not actually afraid of dying (to the point where she would rather have her throat ripped out by a werewolf than use the 5th Magic and risk the hooded figure coming to her.) Given that the first scene we ever get with Aoko was about her experiencing the horrifically violent death of a family of cats, how the hooded figure approaches her whenever she's near death, I'm pretty sure that the hooded figure is Death. It also makes her role as Shiki's mentor in Tsukihime appear much less coincidental. Someone like Aoko that sees the specter of death in her every day life just so happens to run into a 9 year old boy the same morning he awakens with the ability to see death in all things? No way it was an accident.
I think it was part of it. I think it was just fear of the hooded figure, since it approaches her whenever she feels pressured to use the 5th Magic. Although if we go with the idea that the hooded figure acts as the abstract concept of Death, then the death of the cats (the first time she sees something die) would factor in that trauma.
This is a question whose answer changes a bit over time and can get a little... messy. Nasu didn't actually split the Tsukihime and Fate timelines until much later when Fate was really taking off as its own thing, and the original Tsukihime and Tsukihime Remake also feature differences that also put them in different timelines. So first off, all the various Fate series obviously take place within the Fate timelines, except for Fate/Strange Fake which takes place in a merged Fate + Tsukihime timeline. Kara No Kyoukai also seems to take place in Fate timelines as the Ryougi family reappears in El Melloi Adventures while Shiki is a heroic spirit in both Fate/Extra and Fate/Grand Order, but Kara No Kyoukai's characters also form a part of Tsukihime and Mahoyo's background lore (Tsukihime's demon hunter families include the Ryougi, Asakami [Asagami], and Fujou families from Kara No Kyoukai, while Mahoyo also has Alice be a student of Reien Girls Academy, a school that appears in Kara No Kyoukai as a part of Misaki Town). Tsukihime, Melty Blood and sequels, and Kagetsu Tohya take place within Tsukihime, but could NOT be in the exact same timeline as Mahoyo (despite Aoko making references to Mahoyo in Melty Blood) because Mahoyo and the original Tsukihime both take place in Misaki Town, and the Tohno mansion and Kuonji mansion are both in the exact same location (as in, the Kuonji mansion is right where the Tohno mansion should be). The Tsukihime Remake moves the timeline up from 1992-2000 to 2006-2014, and moves its setting from Misaki Town to Souya Town, allowing it to exist in the same timeline as Mahoyo without contradicting anything. Melty Blood Type-lumina also exists within the Remake's setting.
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bitbybitwrites · 10 months
For the prompt game: 2,4,6
2. hogwarts!au + 4. meet messy + 6. "what is that?"
Sorry for the delay in response . . life is way too crazy, but here's a little Hogwarts!Klaine for you, @shame-is-a-wasted-emotion
(I've pretty much given up on the"stick to a drabble" part of this challenge . . 😂)
1.)In this fic the students are in their 5th year at Hogwarts- about 16 years of age.
2.) I added a number of links to things I referred to in the HP world that perhaps folks not familiar with it might not understand
The sound of the explosion was near deafening.
Kurt really should have seen it coming, but he was trying to just keep his head down and quietly read from an Advanced Potions textbook he discovered in a back cupboard of the classroom.  Professor Scheuster, the German Potions Master that had been hired by Hogwarts some time ago to fill the void Professor Snape had left after he perished in the Second Wizarding War, was busy expounding on the trials and tribulations of potion making in modern day Britain.
Kurt rolled his eyes. The new potions master was passible at the very least when it came to his competency levels as a teacher.  He failed to really pay attention to his students most of the time in class (favoring one or two of them constantly). Scheuster’s lessons were so mind-numbingly boring, and ridiculously easy ( by Kurt’s standards), that Kurt found he needed to find his own some sort of intellectual stimulation if he was to sit through the class.
So his own secret, independent studies began.
In all honesty, during most Potions classes, Kurt found it best to just tune out the monotone droning of Professor Scheuster.  Kurt would quickly and easily finish the class assignments so as not to raise suspicion, before slipping out his new/old textbook and begin either note taking or potion making of his own accord.
He was a Slytherin after all.
When he first was sorted into the house, Kurt was personally affronted that he wasn’t a Ravenclaw like his mother had been.  His father had then pointed out how resourceful, determined and ambitious he was, Kurt really couldn’t argue. Well,  did argue with the cunning characteristic, but here he was in class getting away with teaching himself far advanced potion techniques right under his oblivious professor’s nose.
So maybe he was in the right house after all.
Kurt was just in the middle of reading the part of the chapter where it was extolling the various uses of boomslang skin -  the one in polyjuice potion  was most fascinating to Kurt. 
That’s when it happened.
He heard a scuffle behind him, as well as some muttered curses and a few clattering sounds as someone’s table got upended and items fell to the floor.  Just as Kurt turned his head, he saw a flash of green, then yellow and then purple and then:
When the smoke had finally cleared, a foul stench had filled the air and Kurt felt a sticky, slimy substance start to ooze from his head down the back of his robes.  Oh god, it was gross.
Professor Scheuster groaned.  “Is anyone injured?”
As the ooze began to tingle, then burn down the back of his neck, Kurt quickly raised his hand and at the same time he heard behind him:
“I think I may have to go to see the school matron -  I mean nurse . .”
“It’s Madame Pillsbury, you twat,” another voice behind Kurt sneered.
Kurt  looked over his shoulder and saw the new Ilvermony transfer student covered in the same slime, though mostly on his face and yellow robes.  The boy’s eyes were screwed shut, his dark, curly hair matted with the dark greenish goo.  Kurt could only hope whatever got on the both of them didn’t get in his eyes.
“Professor,” Kurt piped up. “I need to see the matron as well.  Something is burning down my neck.  I can take him.”
The potions master nodded and waved off the rest of the students as he began to cast air purifying charms in the space. “Go, go, Hummel.  The rest of you, just finish the reading and we’ll continue on this next time. Don’t forget I want  2 feet of parchment next time on the uses of the alihotsy plant.  We will be working with Professor Longbottom in the greenhouses next class harvesting what we need for your next potion.”
The rest of the class began muttering and sighing as they shuffled out of the room.  Kurt had to cast a quick scourgify on his book bag and robes as well as the transfer student’s. A quick Wingardium Leviosa was muttered to assure they would stay close, before leading the near blind boy towards the stair case that brought students up from the dungeons.
“Thank you,“ the student  mumbled as he slowly walked beside Kurt, slightly shuffling his feet.  “The day was going downhill anyway.  Might as well just add getting doused in whatever this is as a cherry on top of the proverbial shit sundae that is my life.”
Kurt snickered.  “That bad?”
The boy sighed.  “Ever since I got here those guys just won’t let me catch a break.  Yesterday they spelled my shoes to stay stuck to the floor of my bedroom.  I was nearly late to my first classes because it took me forever to get them loose.  Fucking Slytherins,” he muttered under his breath
Kurt tensed up next to him.  “Well, that sort of house animosity is frowned upon -  you do know that Headmistress  Sylvester herself is a Slytherin.”
Blaine, mumbled quickly to back track.  “I’m sorry .  . .I don’t mean all of them are like that. Its just. . .well, if there are any guys here at the school who would be walking stereotypes of what we all read about Slytherins in the states - it would be those two. “
Kurt couldn’t disagree.  “I’m sorry they haven’t been nice to you.  Some of the old families are just too damn stubborn and stuck in their ways.  That sort of mode of thinking is outdated -  a superiority of one house over another - the 'purity of blood' myth - it’s disgusting.”
“Yeah, they’ve been on my case about that a lot too.  Not to my face, more like under their breath, but they make sure they are loud enough for me to hear it.  My dad is a No-Maj . . I, uh you call them Muggles . . . so . .”
“Mine too.”
“Oh,” Blaine gave Kurt a sad smile.  “I hope they don’t give you trouble about not being a pureblood.”
“I’d like to see them try," sniffed Kurt.  “I am a prefect.  They mostly stay out of my way because of that.”
“Lucky, “ Blaine told him.  “I wish I could be one too if that’s the case.  Right now it’s hard enough being a new student from another country and all the . . .”
Blaine’s statement was cut short as his shoe caught a  notch in the stone floor and he lost his balance, tipping forward.  Flailing his arms to try to keep his balance,  he yelped, trying to reach out to find something to hold on to to stop his downward descent.
And unfortunately, the only thing around was Kurt.
Blaine grasped  Kurt’s robe tugging so sharply that Kurt fell down along with him, maneuvering just enough to protect Blaine’s face from contacting first with the stone beneath them. Both boys toppled over, but didn’t hit the floor, and found themselves suspended over the hard surface by just a few inches.
Blaine had ended up falling right on top of Kurt, who nose was then bombarded with the scent of newly ground cinnamon, fresh raspberries and parchment paper.  Kurt’s heart started racing. He was positive that was the exact combination he inhaled when he attempted a small test batch of Amortentia in the prefect’s bathroom last week.
“Are . . are you ok?” Kurt whispered, trying not to have a mental freak out from having an extremely cute boy (Kurt wasn’t blind, he’d been keeping tabs on Blaine ever since he first walked into the Great Hall to be sorted months ago.) lying right on top of him in the middle of the school corridor.
“Um, yeah, “ Blaine quietly said back, turning a slightly red as he realized what he had landed on.  “Oh god . . I’m so sorry . . .I, um, I should . .”
“You both should get up,“ a snarky voice told them.  “Kurt, I doubt the Headmistress would approve of doing the horizontal mambo with your pocket sized pal here in full view of the rest of the school.”
“Ooooh, you’ve found another dolphin, Kurt!” another voice followed in response.
“Dolphin?” Blaine asked as he felt himself hauled back to his feet.
“Don’t ask,” Kurt muttered under his breath. “Just go with it.”
“And you’re welcome . . . “ 
Kurt rolled his eyes as he turned to his fellow Slytherin prefect.  “Yes, thank you for the cushioning charm, Santana.”
“Thank you, “ Blaine said as he reached out forward trying to find Kurt. “I’m grateful not to fall on my face.”
Santana smirked as she saw Kurt gently take Blaine’s hand and turn him in the right direction. “De nada, short stuff.  We’ll be seeing you around.” Santana took hold of her girlfriends’s hand and started to lead her in the opposite direction.
“If you happen to find my diricawl,” Brittany called out to them as they walked away.  “Let me know!”
As Kurt led Blaine into the infirmary, Blaine leaned closer to ask, “And what’s a diricawl?  Should I be worried?  Will it explode?”
Kurt chuckled.  “I certainly hope not.  But with Brittany you can never be sure exactly what she’s talking about. She’s sweet though and means well.  She’s a Hufflepuff too, in case you run in to her in your common room.”
A small shriek suddenly alerted them to Madame Pillsbury’s presence.  She nearly fainted when she walked into the Infirmary and saw the boys waiting there patiently covered in the viscous goo, some of it dripping off their heads and onto her pristine floor.
The next few hours were a blur of charms and chants, and maybe a few softly muttered swears from both Kurt and Madame Pillsbury.
But after the burn healing paste did its work and the last Leniter Emundare was uttered, Blaine finally felt brave enough, with the prodding from the matron, and soft encouragement from Kurt, to finally open his eyes.
He blinked a few times to get used to the lights, or rather candle light.  They must have been there for quite some time. 
“How do you feel?” 
“Great,“ Blaine began, turning to address his classmate. “I . .”
Blaine’s voice caught in his throat.  It was him.
The boy in his Advanced Potions class that Blaine had never had the courage to approach.  
He was there. 
He was the one Blaine had been talking to this whole time. 
He was beautiful.
“Kurt?” Blaine asked, a smile blooming on his face.
“Hi,“ Kurt replied, a slight blush dusting his cheek. “I’m so glad you're OK.”
“I’m glad you’re OK too.  Thank you for bringing me to the infirmary,” Blaine said “You didn’t have to.”
Kurt hummed.  “Well, I did want to prove that all of us Slytherins aren’t all that bad.”
Blaine turned bright red and groaned in embarrassment.  “Oh god, I’m so sorry about that earlier,” he sighed.  “I’m an idiot.  Forgive me?”
Kurt’s smiled again.  He couldn’t deny that Blaine’s puppy dog eyes and sad pout wasn’t melting his heart just a bit.  “All is forgiven,“ he said.
That smile.  What Blaine wouldn’t give to have Kurt smiling at him like that all the time.   A warm, bubbly feeling  in his stomach began to bloom, soon then followed by the quick beating of his heart as he stared into Kurt’s blue eyes.  He half wondered if there were some unknown effects from that last potions mishap.
Madame Pillsbury broke into their small intimate moment with another shriek.  “What is that?!”
Kurt and Blaine followed her gaze to see an odd sort of looking bird creature rooting it’s stubby beak amongst the matron’s perfectly stacked piles of bandages and upending the gleaming shelf filled with jars of unguents and bottles of elixirs.  The bird squawked loudly as it saw the school matron run towards it, her hands waving around as she tried to scare the creature out of her infirmary.
The mysterious bird quickly uttered yet another squawk before disappearing suddenly with a loud pop.  It reappeared a few seconds later right in Blaine’s lap.  The bird looked up at Blaine with soft, dark eyes and cooed, nuzzling its head into Blaine’s robes.
“Out!  Out!” shrieked Madame Pillsbury as she began to fuss and re-organize the mess the bird had made of her healing supplies.  “Out and take that bird with you!”
Kurt groaned and grabbed their book bags while Blaine, with his arms wrapped carefully around the bird , hopped off the examination table.  Both boys quickly ran out of the Infirmary before the school matron could get more upset with them.
Rounding the corner of the nearest corridor, Blaine collapsed onto the floor.  Kurt soon joined him, his back resting against the stone wall.  They looked at each other and burst out laughing.
“Oh god, Kurt, “ Blaine asked as he watched the bird creature seem to snuggle down into his lap.  “What is this thing?  And what on earth do we do with it?”
Kurt snickered.  “I think it really likes you,” he teased Blaine.
The bird cooed again as it laid it’s head on Blaine’s chest.  Kurt could swear the thing was giving Blaine the biggest heart eyes an animal could manage.
“It really, really likes you.” Kurt couldn’t help it -  he snorted loudly.
Blaine sighed. “At least one thing likes me at this school.”
“Oh I wouldn’t be so sure, “Kurt said, his eyes twinkling. “I think there might be someone else who might be interested in you as well.”
“Oh, is that so?” Blaine said, a grin again playing at the corners of his mouth.
“I have it on good authority.  Prefect’s honor.” Kurt murmured as he nudged Blaine’s shoulder with his own.
“Come on, “ Kurt held out his hand and hauled Blaine to his feet.  “Let’s go find Brittany.  I’m pretty sure this is what she and Santana have been searching the corridors for.”
Blaine secured the bird under one arm and held out his free hand to Kurt. 
“Promise not to lose me?  I’m still getting used to all these corridors and moving staircases and all.”
“Don’t worry,” said Kurt as they intertwined their fingers.  “I’m never saying good bye to you.”
1.)I made up a spell bc I really think a scourgify seemed a bit harsh to use in an infirmary.  Especially when thinking about cleaning wounds and delicate organs like eyes.  So I created this:  leniter emundare -  which supposedly means gently cleanse (Latin)
I don’t know Latin, so I used Google translate.  I apologize if its incorrect!
2.) Yeah, poor Blaine, as an older student transfer (yeah, in my AU that can happen!) got sorted with all the first years. Leave it up to Headmistress Sylvester to enjoy the embarassment of any older students and had that happen instead of sorting them privately in her office.
If anyone else wants to play - AU+Trope+Prompt Game.
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