swanpyart · 4 months
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Since Grace has the Black Book, I like to think she can summon Max whenever she wants and he becomes her Revenant boytoy (even with her crusade against Dirty Dudes, she's a bit of a hypocrite lmao)
Basically an AU where these two interact more. Max can only kill people she directs him at, so Steph and Pete are safe from him
Chastity deserves an undead boyfriend whose just as bad as her, okay?
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nerdyfoxperfection · 10 days
This is Inspired by @swanpyart i will pin there art on my blog
I have been Writing this for a while. But this is the first chapter of my Holy ghost fic this is not Beta read so sorry For any spelling mistakes
Quick Plot summary.It's been three months since the events of the Musical and Grace chastity has been a hard at work. "Cleanse" All the dirty dudes out of hatchet field when 1 day the lords in black get tired of being summoned all the time.So they give her a helper that she knows very well from drowsy town Will her and her new Help be able to make peace after what happened Or are they doomed to fight forever?And rumors are going to round that the God Heard about Grace's Amtics. And is higher two people to get rid of her
I'll pray for you 1
The TV Turned on To the news channel where Dan and Donna. were sharing the scoop On the frequent disappearances in Hatchetfield As Donna said “ 3 months ago, Jason Cain disappeared the night of Homecoming 2021 Little did we know that this was not a one time event. 39 Young men have disappeared over the span of 3 Months And no bodies have ever been found. And nothing is known about this incident. If you have any knowledge of the disappearances, please tell authorities immediately any lead, Could bring the authorities one step closer To giving these families. The Justice they deserve.”
As we Turn to chris chasting on alley way with her date Grace chastity said “They're probably fine. People disappearing in hatchefield all the time. What makes these disappearances any different?” She said As her date turned and said “Yeah You're probably right”. He said as he put his arm around Grace. gasped in disbelief David. “ what is it Grace” David Said As Grace continued “we are only Eighteen You dirty dud”. “Oh, sorry, I”
“Save It” David Grace said As she pulled the Black Book from her bag. Grace “Calm down it's not that serious” when he noticed the Black Book. “What's that” As. Grace said “this is what happens to all those dirty dudes like you”. As she held up the Black Book and began the summoning spell. One by one's the lords in black appeared ready to send David to drowsy town.
As Wiggly said hello fwendy-wends and Begins to Sings with his brothers out of the Dpths of Hell and back. Us spawn from the plack and cover our souls with robes black and take up the arms of night. Nibbleline wants his sacrifice and Wiggly want his wrath we dance aound and pentagram and take all our Kingdoms back babbil the spell that gets it done babbie it on Command won't stop until all the blood is drawn the lords in black demand you summon US once, you US twice, you summon us for the Fortieth time la la la and you gambil It on a roll of a dice the devil has won it can't be undone the book has all but closed on your life
As a hall opend up to Swallow david hole
“hello Gracey you know where all Palywell's here but” Nibley I In traps and says “You summon us too much. We don't have time to play with are toys” “With you summoning us fourteen times a Month” “we have more important things to do” Grace said “What is more important than getting rid of these Dirty dudes” “well We don't have time for this anymore, so I'm giving an old fwendy-wends to help you with this. So we still get Our new. Toys and you get to get rid of all those “dirty dudes” wiggly said as he walked behind Gracey held her shoulders before quickly. Fixing his posture and snapping his fingers and just like that, the lords in black disappeared and in their place. Studied the shadow of a man that Grace has not seen in 3 months a man that would strike fear into the hearts of every nerd in Hatchet field high As he was shrouded in smoke
, max began to cough As max tried to dust away , the smoke Once the smoke had faded Max and Grace made eye contact. Max's eyes squinted and He clenched his fist. And said “so did you miss me Or did you just want to Torture me yourself” Max said “I don't want you here either, Max. But the lord in black are to Busy to help me anymore. So that's why you're here”. Max replied “I'm just you're bich now ” Grace said “l wouldn't use that language more like helper. You're gonna help me get rid of all these dirty dudes”. max asked “what if I don't” Grace Said “well, you'll probably go back to hell”
Max sighed and said fine. I'll help you but I'm not happy about it as Grace nodded and Crossed her arms Saying neither am
Thank you for reading this is my one of first fic so please leave Criticism or recommendations on how I could make my writing better Thank you again and have a nice day
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shandzii · 11 months
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this musical took over my brain grraaarghghghh
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spacetravels · 11 months
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i was visited in a dream. to do this
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chatterghosts · 1 year
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the teens of NPMD <3
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eldritch-ace · 2 months
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I present some nerdy prudes (oh and Max)
(I really wanted to take a shot at giving them all more than 1-3ish outfits that I think fit their styles)
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owlhari · 9 months
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i think post-redemption max would enjoy friendship is magic. sue me
[image description in alt text]
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katsinspats · 4 months
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Who will pray for me? // Who will pray for you?
Colour studies from Nerdy Prudes Must Die!! I was experimenting a lot with these, so I'm really happy with how these turned out :^)
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saintapplebees · 11 months
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absolutely obsessed with these two btw
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skylarksof · 11 months
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Nerdy Prudes Must Die + Reductress articles
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miwkchii · 2 months
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Someone give him brown eye contacts im shaking ☹️
Jagertity doing the nail polish trend ✧˖°.
[IVE BEEN SICK its been like a week but im better!! and i wanted to draw my blorbos being cute]
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i’ve had serious art block lately so consider this my monthly fanart post. eat up kids
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cursedcrazy-starkid · 3 months
we just murdered a football star right before the big game😟
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I love cosplay that’s all
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ayan0tateyama · 3 months
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Nerdy Prudes Must Die!!!!!
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epitome-of-an-openbook · 10 months
No, because people keep acting like Grace Chastity being consumed with a lust for the power that Lords in Black provided her doesn't count as a world ending Cataclysm - but it very much does. Not only has she shown little to no empathy for others throughout the entire show and only ever felt bad for lying to authority figures and being horny - but the final song of the Musical is essentially a reprise of Max's Murder Song/Manifesto which places her as a parallel to Max. Max sings about how he's going to kill ALL the Nerdy Prudes and not once but twice tells the audience that it doesn't matter if someone is actually a Nerdy Prude because he makes the rules and gets to decide who is or isn't a nerd etc etc. Grace's take is that she is going to kill all the Dirty Dudes but she's literally singing it to a guy who has, throughout the entire musical, done nothing to indicate he's a pervy/dirty dude and only kissed her after she asked him too. Like Max, Grace Chastity doesn't actually care if someone genuinely fits the framework of her stated victimology, because she has the power so she gets to make the rules.
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Honestly it's like some people didn't think about the implications.
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incorrecthatchetfield · 11 months
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Incorrect Nerdy Prudes Must Die 1/?
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