#max verstappen!dad x y/n
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smooth-perceval · 1 year ago
“My love, My life.”
“Schat, it’s all okay.”
Max Verstpapen x Fem!Reader
Part Six
Max Corner
Summary: [Max and reader crossed the line in their 3 year friendship, resulting in 2 positive pregnancy test. And 1 baby on the way.]
Lando is somewhat forgiven- but before going out on track reader had a bad feeling- leaving Maxin a bad situation. Reader worries for him and makes a crazy choice to nurse him back to health.
Warnings: !!!CRASH!!! Injured Max, stressed reader, anxiety, a lot of swearing, soft max, Google translate, NO PROOF READ!!
Key: Y/N (Your name) Y/L/N (Your last name) Milo (Your baby’s name) Silverstone crash repeat somewhat.
Word count: 2,821
A/N: THE LONG AWAITED PART SIX!! I have been having terrible writers block, I write and then delete the whole thing
 I also got Covid for the first time
 and it really kicked my ass- so I’m back and hopefully better than ever hope you all enjoy ❀ Sorry it’s short and crappy also đŸ„č
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“Is Max still angry at me?
” sitting down next to me Lando sipped at his tea.
“I would say livid still.” Glancing over at Lando I then also took a sip of tea. “I’m also still very angry at you.”
“I don’t know how many times I have to apologise
Humming a silence grew between us both.
“At least you and Max didn’t have to do the reveal?” Smiling a little at me, I rolled my head to the side glaring at him.
“We didn’t want them knowing at all.”
“We wanted it on our terms.”
“And I wanted a stress free pregnancy but I doubt it’s ever going to be calm.”
“will you stop saying but.”
“I have something to say.”
“What have you got to say?”
“You haven’t got to hide anymore
 isn’t that a good thing?” Raising his eyebrows at me like he thought of a brilliant idea.
“I wouldn’t have had to hide anyways Lando. The whole world didn’t need to know he was Max’s, there’s a lot of pressure on him at the moment, with all the-” pausing I furrowed my brows feeling the aching sensation creeping up to my head.
“The um
” breathing in and out slowly I tried easing the pain, “You okay?” Worry was plastered on his face. “Want me to get Max?”
“I’m okay
 just keep getting these horrible headaches
” sighing I rubbed my temple, Lando reaching over resting his hand on my shoulder in a comforting manner. “I’ll go get him, okay?”
“He might strangle you” breathing out a little laugh I rested my palm against my forehead like I was trying to hold it together.
“I’ll take the chance-” smiling he quickly got up running off- yelling Max along the way, I decided to make my way towards the red bull garage praying that moving around will console the pounding sensation.
But it wasn’t long before I was sitting down again, the need for Max growing quickly- to the point I was on the urge of tears.
Over the summer break, spending time with Max day in day out. I felt an attachment to him, or maybe Milo knew he was always around- and now? When he is not? I get extremely anxious- worried if his okay. Which then causes stress because of the worry, which then brings on these lovely headaches.
And weirdly enough as soon as I see Max everything wrong with me disappears, it’s like Milo knows max is there and everything’s going to be okay.
Sighing once again, I took a seat ontop of some Ferrari storage boxes, waving a hand infront of my face. I felt like I was overheating- exactly like when I returned home and see Max for the first time. I was hot- too hot.
“Hey Y/N- you okay?” Glancing up I see a very concerned looking Charles. “Oh yeah I’m fine-”
“You’re not your face is really red- here
” holding his bottle of water out he looked around him. “I just got it don’t worry-”
Humming I quickly took the water gulping nearly half of it down. “Thank you
“Want me to get Max?” I shook my head looking around. “It’s okay Lando is finding him.”
 I better go look. I doubt Lando and Max together is a good idea.” Smiling a little at Charles, he then held his finger up before running off, coming back with a booklet and fanning it in front of my face.
“Y/N- what’s the matter?” Worry was plastered on Carlos face, now joining in with Charles and fanning me down with whatever he had in hand. “Just this pregnancy kicking my ass.” They both laughed quietly, Charles then quickly pulled his phone out.
“Want me to call for paramedics?” I shook my head knowing as soon as I see Max in view I’ll be a-ok.
“I’ll call Max.” Nodding my head an apologetic smile on my face. “I’m so sorry-”
Hushing me Carlos then started rubbing my back. “Don’t apologise. You’d do the same for us.”
Tilting my head at him with a small smile, he then rolled his eyes. “You know what I mean- if we were sick
 not like if we got pregnant
 if I was ill-” laughing a little I nodded my head “I get it Carlos. And you’re correct.”
After a few more minutes, I found now I was getting hotter by the moment, and my worry was through the roof- is Max okay? Why couldn’t they find him? Charles has tried his phone multiple times
 Lando has been gone a while.
I looked down at my feet kicking them back and forth trying to distract my brain, both the Ferrari boys doing everything they can to soothe myself back from overdrive.
“Schat?” (Darling?) Looking up quickly, I see Max breathing heavily Lando two steps behind him,
“I told you-” Max was quick to hush Lando- falling to his knees in front of me “What’s the matter?” Furrowing his eyebrows, his eyes scanned over me looking for any visible injury’s- but apart from the flushed face and fidgeting fingers I looked somewhat okay.
“I just got one of them horrible headaches
” at the mention of my head he stood back up hands out and massaging my head, by then I was zoned out, like an instinct I rested my head against his abdomen closing my eyes.
“Thank you both.” Max looked between both Ferrari boys who only nodded their heads and patted him on the back- both making their way to their garage.
“What about me?- I come and got you
“Lan- I’m still pissed off the world knows Y/N is having my baby. Look at the stress it’s fucking causing.”
“I didn’t mean to! How many times have I got to apologise?”
“It’s not an apology that makes it better.”
“But I can’t do anything else to make it better.”
“Then don’t keep trying to-”
Leaning my head back I looked between them both. “Will you both shut up.”
I got up from the Ferrari ‘seating’ shoving Max’s hand away from my hip. “You both bickering every time we’re together is driving me insane.” Wincing at the pain shooting through me, I quickly reached up clasping the front of my head. “You need to-” glaring at Max I held a finger to my lips shushing him.
Looking over at Lando. “No Lando, at the moment you cant make it better- yes we are annoyed! We specifically asked for no social media- and you done exactly that.” Lando’s head ducked, glancing over at Max every so often. “And while I’m speaking to you right now- stop texting me every night asking me if Charles is Milos favourite- cause strangely enough I don’t know and at this point I don’t think Milo knows either.”
Turning my head around to Max the little smile falling from his face. “And you. What Lando done- yes it wasn’t fair, but you realise that twisting his arm every time you see him only brings more shit onto me, I get your angry but we can’t do anything about it now. He came and got you today when I was having a moment- clearly he was willing to risk an arm amputation for the well-being of your child.” Raising my eyebrows at Max I then moved around him before glancing between them both.
“I’m sick to death of the petty bickering
 I’m sorry Lan okay? But you have got to understand how I’m feeling- that was our moment
” Nodding his head he leaned in kissing my temple. “I really am sorry
 just for everything.” Waving him off I turned to Max once again.
“And Max. Answer your phone for the love of god- I know I shouldn’t rely on you to make me feel better- but unfortunately Milo does. It’s like he knows your away to long and wants to upset me for it.” smiling down at me he instantly turned to putty- pulling me into a tight embrace. “I’m sorry schat.” (Darling)
“Now both of you get to your garages and show Milo a good race.” Max took my hand in his and with slow pace moved us to the red bull garage. “Drive safe Lan- please.” Looking over my shoulder at him, he smiled happily.
“Max-” turning around he lifted his visor up looking at me. “You okay?” I paused judging what I was feeling before slowly nodding my head. “Just be careful
“I’m always careful.” The corners of his eyes creased as he moved closer to me adjusting his gloves. “I just- something feels off.” Looking around I tired ‘sensing out’ what was odd. “Milo?” He curled his hand brushing his knuckles over my belly making a small smile creep to my face. “No he is ok. Just-”
“Be careful” raising his eyebrows, his hand moved to the back of my head pulling me in and pressing a delicate kiss on top of my head. “Promise.” Taking his word I took a step away and allowing him to get out on track.
Maybe we have grown fairly close- but it’s all just for Milo’s sake.
Looking up at the sky frowning, I looked out across the pit wall and at Max.
Something still felt wrong
 maybe a change in weather? Or the way that Max was very fidgety- like he had the same gut wrenching feeling about today’s race.
All I know is it sure as hell didn’t feel right.
Sighing I moved away from the wall heading back into pits, and by Max’s demand and engineer following close behind me making sure I was okay. I sure as hell wasn’t but I can’t stop an entire race because I have a bad feeling.
“You okay Y/N?” Nodding my head with a small smile, I then chucked on a headset looking up at the screens. Come on Max.
Zoned out I was barely paying attention but it wasn’t before long I was having to use the bathroom once again.
Sliding the headset back off I turned to the engineer who was getting their stuff ready. “I’m just going to the bathroom
” nodding they assisted me to the doors, and I ensured them they needed to be there for the race I wouldn’t be too long.
The race had already started by the time I waited around for the toilet and got back, however when I entered the Red Bull garage everyone was frantic. I stood well in the far back making sure I wasn’t in the way.
“Y/N! You okay?” Christian came rushing over with his hands outstretched. “I think so- what’s going on?” Brows furrowed I glanced around before looking up at the tv screen, Max wasn’t on the score board anymore
 gulping I moved around past Horner, eyes glued to the screen.
And I waited, breath stuck in my throat. My stomach churning
 to ease the sensation I placed my palm flat against it. Reassuring Milo in my eyes that his dad was okay.
That was before the replay showed, Max car collided with another’s wheel sending him doing 360 spins off the track- sucking in a breath I prayed that was it

Then the car flipped.
And flipped.
Leaving him upside down in the gravel, not budging at all, and then the screen repeated it again this time in slow motion.
And again now zoomed in more on Max

I could only sit there and think- I should’ve told him the battle wasn’t worth it
 I should’ve told him a lot of unspoken words.
He wasn’t out the car yet, red flag being sent out and all the cars re entering pits

My stomach just kept churning. Why haven’t they got him out yet?
A pair of hands rested on my shoulders, Christian consistently reassuring me he was going to be okay. But the words of encouragement fell on deaf ears.
He wasn’t okay- he wasn’t out the car.
“Has he spoken yet?” Turning around to Christian he looked over to the control panel gently pulling me over with him.
“Heard anything from Max?”
“Nothing yet.”
“Try him again.” Bringing my fingers to my lips I tried stopping them from quivering.
“Max? Need a confirmation mate that your okay
They looked over at me shaking their head, we was all worrying- yet they was hiding it a lot better

Me? Tears were already on my cheeks- I knew something was off
 and he knew it- I know he knew. I watched the small screens as the marshals were trying to tip the car back over- or at least get to Max somehow.
“Try him again.”
“Again.” Nodding his head Christian then took the headset trying it himself.
“Max, we got Y/N here mate. We all want to know you’re okay.” Holding his hands over the headset trying to block any noise.
Christians eyes shot up and he looked over at me nodding. My hand clasped over my chest, sighing gratefully. “You gave us quite the scare there-” laughing a little into the mic you could see it on Christian’s face the relief.
“Just stay still Max they’re gonna get you out okay?” I moved away from them walking back to the garage, now playing the waiting game.
They still had Max on screen, sliding a headset on I listened in hands clasped in a praying motion infront of me.
“I think I’ve done my collarbone
” his voice was rough- but it was Max and I silently thanked the heavens I was hearing him.
“Just stay still.”
“Fuck-” groaning again- it then cut off. And we all waited.
And waited.
And waited.
Until finally he was out, on a stretcher and sent straight off to medical. One of the team offered to take me there, and before I know it we was both rushing through the place to find him.
“Is Max okay?” The nurse nodded her head coming over to us both. “Slightly concussed, he was knocked out for a few minutes
 and the pain in his collarbone is because he has fractured it. But other than that he should be okay.”
“How long does a collarbone take to recover?”
“About 4-6 weeks”
“What about racing?”
“Well he simply can’t race until his recovered.”
“Can I see him
?” Nodding her head she motioned towards the door. “His still a bit out of it, also the tablets might be kicking in now so he may not say much.” Smiling I thanked her before knocking the door gently.
” sliding through the door I looked over at him, and truthfully he looked tired. Exhausted in fact like he hasn’t slept in months.
“You look awful.” Scrunching my nose up, I sat down beside him. “I’d get out of here if I could.” Smiling I rolled my eyes at him. “I’m honestly fine. I don’t know why I’ve got to stay here any longer.”
“You are still concussed Max.” Leaning on the edge of the bed I looked up at him, chin resting on my hand.
“How you feeling though?” Sighing he rolled his head over looking at me. “Like I hit a brick wall truthfully.” Chuckling more to himself, but it only caused me to frown.
“You okay?” He reached his hand over brushing my arm. “You look tired
Humming he closed his eyes “I feel it.”
Then silence fell upon us, I was watching his chest rise and fall softly, he looked so peaceful
 this only gave me flashbacks of the nights we shared. The aftermath we would lay in silence taking each other in, and each time I’d swear to never go back
 and I always did because it’s Max.
A nurturing call always rang out with him, I felt to care for him always
 and now? Even more. He needed looking after, I could look after him

Humming in response, he brushed my arm again letting me know he was listening.
“You know that collarbones got to heal right
Humming again, sleep nearly taking over him, “are you going back home to recover?”
“Can I come with you?” My face felt warm as I looked over at his face, his eyes cracked open, a small smile creeping onto his face. “You want to look after me?”
“Just a little bit.”
“I guess you can tag along.” Scoffing I shoved his hand away. “Tag along huh?” Laughing with me we both fell silent again. “Get some rest Max.” Closing his eyes again he got comfortable. “I’m sorry for stressing you.”
Taking his hand in mine I brought it to my cheek, holding it close. “It wouldn’t be normal if you didn’t bring me worry.”
“I’ll try not to bring anymore I promise.”
“You can still bring a little fun, just not crashing your car next time huh.” My thumb brushed over his knuckles softly.
“Again I’ll try.”
“All I can ask.”
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Tags: @glow-ish
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auggieblogs · 9 months ago
“did you just wipe off my kiss?” | MV1
Max Verstappen x fem! reader (a dad! max fic to be more specific)
Author’s note: Chat, in my defence I am currently ovulating and Max brainrot is REAL😭. This one shot is inspired by the cute little moment P and Max had, after the Chinese grad prix. Also it’s like super short, so forgive me??? Hope you all like it, happy reading<3
―୚୧⋆ ˚masterlist
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Max crossed the finish line, and the team erupted in cheers. He'd done it—another victory, another triumph. As his car came to a halt, you saw him leap out, still vibrating with the energy of the race. He hugged his team over the barricades, receiving a bunch of helmet pats in return. With a quick motion, he took off his helmet and balaclava, his eyes searching for you and Noor.
Your heart swelled with pride as he turned and spotted you and your daughter. He hurried over, his grin widening. Reaching the barricade, he planted a brief but sweet kiss on your lips. "I love you," he mumbled, his breath warm against your cheek.
"I love you too," you replied, your smile matching his.
Max then turned to Noor, who was practically bouncing with excitement. "Papa!" she squealed, her eyes wide with admiration.
Max scooped her up into his arms, hugging her tightly. Noor's small hands found their way to her father's head, ruffling his hair. He pulled back just enough to plant a kiss on her cheek. But to his surprise, Noor wiped it off with a little giggle.
"Woah, did you just wipe off my kiss?" Max asked, pretending to be shocked.
"Yeah," Noor giggled again, "because you're sweaty!"
Max laughed too, a deep, joyful sound. “Oh, you think you can get away that easily?” he teased. He began planting a flurry of kisses all over her face. “Go on, try to wipe all that off!”
Noor giggled uncontrollably, her small hands trying to fend off the kisses but failing miserably. Max turned to you with a mock-serious expression. “Look at this monkey wiping off my kisses,” he said, pointing at Noor.
You chuckled, shaking your head. “Well, you are sweaty.”
“Oh, you think so too?” Max smirked, turning his attention to you. Before you could react, he covered you in kisses as well, making you laugh and playfully push him away.
Wiping your face in mock horror. “Oh no, now I’m all sweaty too!”
Finally, Max pulled back, his eyes softening as he looked at you and Noor. “Thank you for bringing Noor. This was the best win ever.”
You smiled, reaching up to brush a strand of hair from his forehead. “We’re so proud of you, Max.”
Noor nodded enthusiastically. “The proudest!”
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chrisevansonly · 1 year ago
Playing With Fire
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Max Verstappen x Female Reader
summary: you and stella are max’s world, and he’d be damned if he let his father speak ill of either of you.
warnings: angst, jos (ew), angry max, slight mentions of crying, fluff at end
a/n: this is a re-upload to see if it shows up in the tags đŸ„Č
When Stella was born, it was one of the best days ever for Max, seeing his baby girl come into the world, and the way she practically latched onto him from the minute she was welcomed into the family. He knew right then and there he would be the absolute best father to his daughter, just as he was the best husband to you, and always had been.
If there was one thing Max nor you completely enjoyed it was family events when everyone got together, including Jos. Max’s father.Max and his father have a complicated relationship, in a way they seem close but there’s always that edge to his dad that keeps all of you on the edge of your seat. You in particular seemed to still be an issue to him, and every once in a while, you’d become the punching bag at the dinner table.
Stella was sleeping in your arms as you sat next to Max at the dinner table, Jos across from you both and his mother on the other end with the rest of his family and some friends that had joined for the monthly get together.
“So when is the next Verstappen coming?” His father asked looking at you. Stella was only 6 months old so you and Max were happy to just enjoy the time you have with her now, not even thinking about another baby.
“Oh, well i’m sure someday we’ll have another
“We’re in no rush” Max butted in, assuming it would stop his father’s line of questioning.
“Yes well, it’s just you had a baby girl
there has to be a boy in the equation
You furrowed your brows, fixing Stella’s blanket as she continued to sleep, oblivious to the rising tensions in the room.
“I don’t think so? There’s nothing wrong with having girls..”
“Who’s supposed to carry on the name?”
Max sat up straighter, his hand squeezing your knee gently
“Stella will just as our next baby will eventually, regardless of their gender.”
Jos shook his head taking a sip of his water as he sighed, before looking back at you.
“All i’m saying is you should be trying for a boy.”
“Well it doesn’t work that way.”
The table was getting quieter as the father and son squared off, Jos not backing down and Max not about to let his father attack you in anyway. Not on his watch.
“I knew the second you had a daughter it would make you weak, let alone marrying her and having that baby! She’s useless if she can’t have a boy! You’re wasting your time Max, I knew from the second I met her it would ruin our family.”
Used to his harassment you didn’t cry, but it didn’t stop tears from welling up in your eyes as you almost deflated in a way, hugging Stella closer to your chest. The minute your eyes looked to Max, long gone was his soft stare and gentle smile, replaced was a look almost predatory as he looked to his father.
“Watch your fucking mouth when you’re talking about the mother of my child.”
“No, get out.”
“Excuse me?” Jos’s eyes widened and he shook his head
Max yelled, slamming his hands down on the table, seconds later Stella stirring before whimpering in your arms. The dutchman froze and looked apologetically at you as you excused yourself to go up to the nursery, only then turning back to look at his father.
“If you ever so much as think about speaking about my wife and daughter again, it’ll be me coming after you. Now get the fuck out.”
Jos didn’t even offer to say anything else, pushing back his chair and storming out, effectively cutting the dinner to an end as everyone left, Max’s mother sticking around to help clean up and of course comfort you afterwards. She had always been close to you and Max and in a way she was like a mother to you too.
Turning at the sound of your husbands voice you smiled, still holding Stella in your arms, only this time she was much calmer, her eyes lighting up as she spots her dad.
“Hi, everything okay?”
“I should be asking you that
Shrugging you let him take Stella from you, his demeanour much more relaxed with his baby girl in his arms as he placed a few kisses to her cheeks.
“I know what your father is like, yes it hurts but I love you and you love me and that’s all that matters
we have a beautiful baby girl, and that man will never be able to change what we have.”
Max nods, bringing you into his side and leaning down to kiss you softly
“You’re right, he can’t. I’ll never let him ever disrespect you like that ever again. No matter what I have to do.”
“I know you won’t Maxie
and I love you very much for it, Stella too, huh baby?”
Stroking her cheek gently she babbled happily, leaning on Max’s shoulder, her hand patting his chest gently
“My girls
I love you both so much, i’ll always protect you both, with my everything.”
Nothing else needed to be said in the moment, all Max needed was his girls and he felt whole. Nothing else mattered because to him he had everything he’d ever wanted in his life. Despite what he went through growing up, Jos had never made his heart turn cold, he made it big enough to hold the love he had for you two, and would always hold, no matter what happened.
Besides, everyone knew messing with the Verstappen girls, was playing with fire.
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f1version · 2 years ago
11. “am I your favorite?” “I like your dog a bit more than you I won’t lie” with max but instead of dog it’s catsđŸ«¶đŸ«¶
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pairing: max verstappen x fem! gf! reader
summary: 5 times you told Max his cats were P1 in your heart, and 1 time he did a Grand Slam.
warnings: 5 + 1 format ( it’s my first time doing it ), fluff, teasing & joking, established relationship, sassy and jimmy are the favorites ( duh! )
word count: 1.7k
note: this just reminded me how much i LOVE writing fluff, thank you kay <3
general masterlist ★ 1k special
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1. SEPTEMBER 30, 2023
The first time it happened, it was Max’s birthday. It wasn’t race week and the obnoxious party Red Bull was going to throw him, was the following day. That left you, Max, Jimmy, and Sassy against the world.
“You are so pretty,” Max said while petting Sassy. You smiled, he loved those little beings so much.
“They may be my favorite thing on this house” You answered jokingly, Jimmy crawling into your lap “Taking P1 indeed”
Max looked at you funny because was he really behind his cats? You bet. Max Verstappen loved being first, even if it meant fighting his cats to be P1 in your heart.
“Oh really?” the Dutchman teased “I’ll be the judge of that” He finished as he picked up Jimmy from your lap and ran away.
2. NOVEMBER 28, 2023
The second time it happened, it was Tuesday, two days after Abu Dhabi. Max had already secured his third world championship back in September, but RedBull had kept both of you there until Monday for partying.
You had just arrived at your shared apartment in Monaco, Jimmy and Sassy surprisingly purring at your arrival, tangling in your feet.
“Hi lovelies!” you said softly, petting both of their tiny heads “How are my favorite beings in the universe?”
“Oh, now they’re your universe?” Max complained, leaving his bags on the floor to pet his cats too “I figured a three-time world champion would be”
You just laughed at his childish behavior “Oh shut up, Maxie. Let them have their moment”
3. DECEMBER 31, 2023
The third time, was on New Year’s Day. You were at a party in Monaco, the sky adorned with stars, and the place was full of friends, family, and colleagues; One minute away from giving a warm welcome to 2024.
Max was holding you close, one arm around your waist, the other one caressing your arm. Your arms were wrapped around his torso, eyes focused on the stars before they drifted to him.
“Maxie” You called, he hummed, his arm around your waist losing a bit. “What’s your year's resolution?”
You and Max usually took that question as a joke, even after you achieved the majority of last year's. Max thought about it for at least 8 seconds before a grin popped on his lips.
“That one’s obvious. I will overtake the cats and become P1 in your heart,” He said, unserious. You laughed.
“Hard one. They will always be my favorite”
Max rolled his eyes, bringing you close one more time that year, his eyes shined with happiness and little mischief.
His temple met yours.
“Well, they don’t get to kiss you right
three, two
Cheers and celebrations were shared while Max cupped your cheeks, kissing you sweetly.
“Happy new year, schatje”
4. JANUARY 29, 2024
The fourth time was on purpose. Max was away in Milton Keynes for testing and practice, you were home with two little creatures.
It had been a long day at the office and you missed Max, so around dusk, you decided to tease him a bit with a picture of the cats.
you: [ 1 image attached ]
you: actually my favorites ever EVER
Max laughed at loud when he saw it, getting a whistle from Christian and a pat on the back from Danny (they had just wrapped up a meeting). Max rolled his eyes, focusing back on your messages. He could win this one.
max: you know what’s my favorite EVER?
you: what?
max: [ 1 image attached ]
max: the new car😍😍😍
you: i could fight you and your vroom vroom AND win
max: good luck with that schatje
5. FEBRUARY 14, 2024
The fifth time was on Valentine’s Day. That morning, when buying groceries, you found yourself in the middle of the pet section, buying a couple some cat accessories and costumes for Valentine’s Day.
You were so eager to try it on the cats that when you got home, you discarded the other bags in the kitchen knowing Max would organize everything while you styled the two furry demons.
“Max! Look at their little costumes!” You said picking up Sassy, she had a heart-shaped antenna headband and a tutu.
“I’m one hundred percent sure she will hate you for the rest of her life” Max answered picking up his phone to take a photo.
“Oh yeah?” You challenged, picking up Jimmy so Max could take a photo of him too. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that, since I’m hers and Jim’s favorite
 and they’re my favorite”
“Really, schat? On Valentine’s Day?” Max said in faked disbelief “I knew you hated me, but this is heartless”
You just laughed, turning around so you could take off the costumes before they were destroyed.
“I love you, babe!”
“Blah, blah, blah,” Max said “I love you too”
+1 . . . CLOSURE
Finally, it was a “normal” Sunday. Max had a two-week break before the next race, so he took one week off the factory to be with you.
But the thing is, Max, had been acting suspicious. All week long he had been so secretive but also so loving and touchy. What made you realize something was a bit off was his attitude around Friday, Saturday, and today.
On Friday, he decided to go hiking with you, gifting you a beautiful bracelet with three charms: A cat that looked just like Jimmy, a second cat that looked like Sassy, and a couple for both of you. You were used to Max gifting you things, usually, they were simple, handmade items, but he also bought you expensive stuff. You loved everything he gave you.
Then Saturday came. He prepared a dinner date in your favorite Monegasque restaurant, where he gave you flowers and a necklace, it had a heart with an M engraved on it. You loved it.
Even after two days of wonderful gifts and sunshine, Sunday morning was still a surprise. Max decided to wake you up with breakfast in bed and tons of kisses, a lovely morning of you asked anyone.
After that, he said you had to be ready for a picnic at 4 PM, you could have begged him to tell you why but you knew he was stubborn enough to resist everything.
Either way, that’s why you found yourself at the top of Monte Carlo, having a picnic while the sun was burned by the ocean.
“So, are you going to tell me what’s been this weekend?” You asked after taking a sip of wine, it was enchantĂ©.
“Why? Is it out of character?” He asked back jokingly, you rolled your eyes, smiling. “I’m joking”
“I know”
“Follow me”
You grabbed Max’s hand, getting up from the floor. He started walking towards the sunset, golden light shining on his face, blue eyes turning green.
“This past month, we have been talking—daydreaming about a life together” Max started, you nodded “And, yes, we already live together but remember how we wanted more?”
You nodded again, your chest growing warm, this had to be going the place you wanted it to. This had to be the moment you had been waiting for. Max got close, taking your other hand in his as the sky turned pink.
“Well, I figured a couple of months ago before the season started,” He continued “That I want to spend the rest of my days, nights, years, life, and eternity with you”
He started to move away, making up space for a final movement.
“So, I wanted to know,” He knelt “Would you marry me?”
The world stopped. It stopped and even if the sun was setting, daylight had just sprung out from the bottom of Earth.
You started shaking your head yes.
“Yes! Yes, and a million times yes!” You exclaimed, wrapping your arms around him.
Max let out a loud sigh, laughing a bit before sliding the ring into your finger and launching himself at you “Thank you, baby. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you so so much”
“I love you so much more, Max”
There were hugs, kisses, laughter, and the dizzying feeling of adrenaline drove the car to the top of the podium. Max, drunk in happiness, cupped your face in his hands.
“Now that's out of the way. Am I your favorite?” He asked, almost laughing, but so hopeful. He was so cute.
“Max Emilian Verstappen!”
“I’m just joking
” He laughed, hugging you for a second and then holding your waist “But am I?”
“I like your cats a bit more than you, I won’t lie”
“Oh for fu-”
That’s when this whole situation clicked for you. Max had started all of this on Friday so it could be like a race weekend, finishing P1 on Sunday’s race.
“Schatje, I’m kidding, you’ve always been my favorite,” You said, now you were cupping his face in your hands “And you just did a Grand Slam,” You said, kissing your future husband.
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verstappenf1lecccc · 9 months ago
im in NEED of a cute fluffy fic of the aftermath of charles' win, just something cute and domestic with reader!!
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thank you for asking :))
1,163 words 6,115 characters
Charles LECLERC was many things, but being a Monaco Grand Prix winner was not one of them. Unfortunately for him each year brought greater dissatisfaction and disappointment to him and to the entirety of Monaco.
Her relationship with Charles was undefined, were they friends yes were they more than that yes but were they in a relationship no. She wanted more but didn’t want to risk what she already had.
There was something about this season though, already seeing Carlos and Lando take their wins you knew it would be Charles turn soon. It was almost like you could feel it in the air, the whole atmosphere seemed to be in his favor. You stood there in all red rocking his CL16 cap as a slight hint to who you were supporting.
His eyes widened with each step you took, unsure as to why he finally saw you as the way you were. Bold beautiful and someone he wanted as his not just as a friend but as a lover. He swore that if he won the Monaco Grand Prix he would grow the balls to ask you to be his girlfriend. It was kind of a flunk on Charles’s end, he knew he was playing it safe with tying up him wining to asking you out, but whatever floats on his boat.
He almost lost it when he found out he was on pole with max long behind and the McLarens right behind him. When he saw her cheering and hugging his mother he knew that she was sent to him by his father, having someone like her in his life was nothing less then a miracle.
Charles was praying he’d make the win, he couldn’t wait to ask her out, he knew how he’d do it. He’d call her into his drivers win prior to the race ( really risky but hey no risk no reward right??) he’d drop major hints and just before joris would knock on his door to let him know it’s time to race he’d kiss her on the cheek, to some it may seem small and innocent but it would be out of their comfort zones. Charles remembers when both of them were drunk out of their minds and were watching a Disney movie where she expressed how intimate she found cheek kisses, from family it was innocent but from a potential lover a cheek kiss seemed so close yet far. Knowing that a slight slip in balance would result in a whole kiss. She found the thrill of not knowing where her lovers lips would land exciting, always wondering if she would be lucky enough to experience that in her life. Little did she know ;).
The next day rolled in, bringing hope and anxiety with it. Charles knew he had a two massive tasks to complete, winning the Monaco Grand Prix and winning over the girl of his dreams. He swore he wished time could speed up when he saw her enter the paddock in a pretty pink outfit her waist being accentuated with the help of the outfit he wanted to wrap his hands wound her waist and twirl her around. She found it strange the way Charles was breaking eye contact with her constantly, she brushed it off as the immense pressure he was put under, having the hopes and dreams of not only yourself but your whole country was intense. Charles swore he saw her eyes lit up when he called her into his drivers room, something that small made him want to sacrifice the whole world just to see it again.
He was whipped and she didn’t even know it. Charles had opted for a different strategy he’d end up getting her a charm bracelet with his race number as well as her favorite movie character, her eyes held shock and happy tears when he put on the bracelet on her. Something felt special about this as if this was him initiating something else?? her mind was so preoccupied and clouded with doubts and questions that she almost missed how close Charles was getting to her. It was her nose that snapped her back into reality, she was hit with a fresh wave of his perfume he always smelt divine but today was something else. When his lips hit her cheek Charles swore that was the hardest thing he’d ever done, he saw how shock registered on her face almost worried she didn’t appreciate his move. What he didn’t expect was her hands around his neck and her lips on his cheek. They were so close that one could say there wasn’t even an atoms space between them.
Both their eyes held anticipation. God only knew what would happen if Joris hadn’t knocked on the door, alerting the budding couple that their time was up. Charles has a bigger task to complete now. His mind was hopelessly wandering back to her and how fucking soft her lips felt.
He couldn’t wait to win this race and kiss her lips. He was hoping to taste all the flavours of lip balm that she had to offer. 76 long and gruelling laps. Each lap held a different feeling. The first few were focused on keeping McLaren’s behind them. The following few were replaced by images of her, and the remaining three laps were focused on his father, Jules, and Monaco.
As his moment came, Charles crossed the finish line, leading the entire race from start to finish. This fabled race had finally been won by one of their own. Charles had tears streaming down his face as he watched the crowds erupt in joy. He saw the cameras slowly pan into his family and eventually her. He knew what he had to do.
He was going to kiss her right there and then. He saw that her eyes welled up with unshed tears. Each second felt as long as an hour. their secret moments in a crowded room, they had no idea that this moment would alter their relationship forever. She saw a change in his eyes; she didn’t know why he looked so desperate to bring her to the barriers, but when she reached there and found his lips crashing with hers, she finally understood why.
All her tears and pain that she carried from dating the wrong guys just to get over Charles all felt like water under the bridge. She had simply gotten a taste of the man she craved for so long, and she knew she didn’t want to stop anytime soon. They were falling fast and hard and had no way to stop. Charles put the last of his energy into that kiss with her and found himself grinning from ear to ear when he saw how flustered she was.
The kiss sealed their fate.
Later in the evening, Charles did end up asking her formally to be his girlfriend, but that’s a story for another time.
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eveninggstar · 8 months ago
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hearts on the circuit âŠč àŁȘ ˖
dad!max verstappen x nanny!reader
୚ৎ back two pages ୚ৎ back a page
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‘As long as you're next to me’
Due to the fact that the your father thinks you are "too immature" to fend for yourself, he insists that you take on a minor job to earn your inheritance and allowance. Seeking advice from his friend, Christian Horner, your father arranges for you to become the nanny for Max Verstappen's 4-year-old daughter, Claudia*. Initially skeptical and viewing the you as "too childish" for the responsibility, Max reluctantly agrees to a trial period. However, Claudia quickly forms a strong bond with you, finding comfort and joy in your presence. This leaves Max to, reluctantly, asks if you want the job.
Warnings: Language, eventual smut, emotional conflict, minor age gap (20 and 26), single dad!max, nanny!reader, may add more
*claudia pronounced as cloud ‱ ee ‱ ah, 90% sure that the dutch pronunciation
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Growing Pains. 25.06.24
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Please don’t steal my work, much love ᥣ𐭩
taglist: (comment if you wanna be added)
no upstate’s for now- just until i finish my other max series
𝄃𝄃𝄂𝄂𝄀𝄁𝄃𝄂𝄂𝄃 eveninggstar
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thelovehypothesis · 5 months ago
How to request! 
please write clearly who the request is about and fill in any scenario/details that you wish ti write, also mention which type of fic you want as in smut/angst/fluff. (you can use the prompts here to guide you) 
ONESHOT: This is generally a scenario normally around 1k words involving characters/people of your choice!
example: “hello! could I request a oneshot with Charles Leclerc and fem!reader where the reader is
 thank you!”
Here if posible please specify the type of fic you would like this oneshot to be! 
Please please please  be as specific as posible! 
FULLFIC: This is generally a scenario normally around 2k+ words involving characters/people of your choice! And will be 10 times more specific and detailed than an onshot and could possibly be a multi part fic. 
example: “hello! could I request a fullfic with Charles Leclerc and fem!reader where the reader is
 thank you!”
Here if posible please specify the type of fic you would like this fullfic to be! 
Please please please  be as specific as posible! 
what i DO NOT write?
— Very sensible themes such as, SA, ED's and non-consensual things
-Lots of love, Em
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astonmartinii · 5 months ago
little lion | max verstappen social media au
pairing: max verstappen x fem young mum!reader
journalists go digging in max's past and think they've found f1's next big scandal - but they underestimate just how protective max is of his little lion
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liked by user5, user6 and 23,095 others
f1tea: this is y/n y/ln the supposed baby momma of max verstappen. not much is known about her, with her only going back to work recently as a therapist in monaco.
her and max had their baby, a girl, back when they were 17 in 2015. max has never been seen in public with the child and has never publicly claimed her either.
will we see her in the paddock now all the news is out?
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user7: holy shit this is insane
user8: this poor girl doesn't deserve this
user9: literally, either max is a present father and is just private or he doesn't have anything to do with them? but it coming out like this is probably stressful regardless
user10: also by my calculations, the baby will be nearly nine, so probably has a concept of fame and celebrity and if they haven't gone to a race it's probably for a reason
user11: i mean the way people are already talking about them proves them right already
user12: ted kravitz telling it like it is đŸ€Č
user13: no he's not ??? he basically went on broadcast to call y/n a slut and try and say that he was 'always right about max because this proves he is reckless'
user14: once again, this child is eight and could understand some of this if they see it
user15: also the incidents ted is bringing up happened EIGHT YEARS AGO stop bringing a child into your weird agenda
user16: if he's not careful red bull will ban sky from their media run again
user17: i found her instagram and max, alex and daniel all follow her so it's defo legit
user18: i also found it but it's private :(
user19: i tried to follow but got blocked :/
user20: do you people have rocks for brains if it's private it means we're not meant to find it, if she's not spoken about it in eight years that means IT'S NOT OUR BUSINESS
user21: someone tell max to get a DNA test asap, gold diggers will do anything for money and fame
user22: what fame? she's got like 400 followers and has never spoken about max to any media outlet
user23: the way you people jump to gold digging allegations kill me
user24: also if max is the dead beat that sky are trying to make him out to be and y/n is a gold digger then why haven't we seen some child support claims and whatnot
user25: you have no shame posting this, if she didn't want to be found she doesn't want to be found
user26: f1 vultures at their best
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liked by danielricciardo, landonorris and 2,389,774 others
maxverstappen1: i've seen a lot of journalists and 'professionals' trying to point score with the 'big revelation' of my daughter. sydney is the love of my life and for someone who grew up in the public eye i thought it would be best to keep my daughter away from the circus. not that i owe it to any of you people, but i see syd as much as i possibly can and i didn't want to post her or bring her to the paddock until she could make that choice for herself. y/n is a wonderful mother and is the exact support system i would want for my daughter.
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user27: MAX IS A GIRL DAD?
user28: congratulations media and internet you forced him to expose his kid
user29: the way they probably see this as a victory annoys me to my core
yourusername: you're an amazing father max, don't let them tell you anything else. sydney loves you and that's all that matters.
maxverstappen1: thank you y/n, i miss you both - see you this weekend!
yourusername: we look forward to it! x
user30: she didn't say that she loves him too so they're defo not together
user31: will you people ever learn to read the room?
user32: oh wow so max does see his daughter - watch sky still run with the deadbeat angle
user33: they were so shameless about his SLEEP SCHEDULE i cannot imagine the shit crofty is going to throw at him over this
danielricciardo: i'm sorry for how this has all come out max but i'm so glad i can publicly express my love for my god daughter!
maxverstappen1: this might mean that you can give her all of your gifts in person (if she wants to come) lord knows i can never fit them back in my suitcase
user34: you literally have a private jet?
maxverstappen1: you underestimate how seriously daniel takes being a god parent
danielricciardo: i think i'm singlehandedly keeping jellycat in business tbf
yourusername: and ikea, i have to buy a new shelving unit every couple of weeks daniel
user35: drop đŸ’„ the đŸ’„ daniel đŸ’„ and đŸ’„ sydney đŸ’„ photos đŸ’„ now đŸ’„
user36: actually don't i don't think my baby fever can take it
alexalbon: you're an amazing father max and sydney is the coolest girl in the world!
maxverstappen1: thank you alex 😊
alexalbon: also if you ever convince y/n to come to races PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make her bake me some of her iconic brownies
yourusername: alex you know i can just bake you some and send them to you via max
alexalbon: please đŸ˜«đŸ˜«đŸ˜«
yourusername: no worries albono, you're a growing boy you need the nutrients
maxverstappen1: they're brownies
alexalbon: i need y/n's brownies to deal with YOU
maxverstappen1: ok maybe this is why i don't want to introduce you all :(
yourusername: don't worry maxie i'll make you some goodies to go
maxverstappen1: thank you :)
user37: she makes him to-go goodies đŸ„č
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liked by feranandoalo_oficial, danielricciardo and 319,506 others
tagged: maxverstappen1
yourusername: i'm not very happy that i have to make this statement like this because people couldn't respect the boundaries max and i have set as parents but alas: max is the loveliest man in the world and the best father sydney could ask for. he has a very busy life but he still makes as much time as possible for syd and she loves him very much. max has been in the spotlight from a very young age and did not want that pressure and spectacle on his own daughter. we may have never been together, but max has never been the monster you're trying to make him out to be. please respect my daughter's privacy. thank you.
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user41: once again, this is a very cute family but god this is a horrible way to find out about them :(
user42: i hope they know so so many of us are supporting them
danielricciardo: syd has grown so much i actually feel kind of sick
yourusername: i was a mess on her first day of school :(
danielricciardo: oh i can imagine ... max never told us but i'm sure he was his usual stoic self
yourusername: he tried, but we did both cry over a carton of ice cream for the whole morning
yourusername: it really was đŸ„ș
user43: i'm sorry but why do two europeans have a daughter called SYDNEY?
maxverstappen1: she's nearly eight... i made my f1 debut in australia eight years ago... i can't hold your hand any more than that
danielricciardo: i am HURT i thought she was named after her beloved god father?
yourusername: if that was the case do you not think we would've gone for the more obvious option of DANIELLE???
maxverstappen1: also you were just an acquaintance and childhood crush at that point daniel
yourusername: omg childhood crush on daniel SNAP
danielricciardo: i'm not that old???
maxverstappen1: we have such good taste
yourusername: we REALLY do
user44: so like they're defo flirting right?
user45: ugh you people have no class (i hope so)
landonorris: i'm so sorry for you guys BUT THANK GOD IT WAS SO HARD TO KEEP HER A SECRET
maxverstappen1: i mean y/n and i kept her a secret for like nearly eight years đŸ€š
yourusername: i also 100% caught your slip ups you're just lucky there was never any rumour at those times
maxverstappen1: fine?
yourusername: i'd be more proud but everyone else also kept the secret sooooo ???
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liked by maxverstappen1, danielricciardo and 894,503 others
tagged: lilymunhe, yourusername
alexalbon: with permission i am now allowed to post my bestest friend in the world!
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user46: god has heard my prayers and gave me my alex and sydney content
user47: i'd say what a random pairing but i think my brain just blocked out alex at red bull as a trauma response
alexalbon: lord knows i only got through being locked in the sim with y/n's brownies and hugs from syd
yourusername: syd asked for her favourite uncle to score more points so we can get ice cream again
alexalbon: i'll fix the damn williams myself
yourusername: hurry up she's getting impatient (i have no clue where she gets that from)
yourusername: is that what you tell the engineers?
maxverstappen1: ... something along those lines
yourusername: are you going to get more community service?
maxverstappen1: i don't think there were any cameras ???
user48: so max doesn't believe in not swearing around kids... how bad is it with sydney?
maxverstappen1: i am on my BEST behaviour for her
alexalbon: she's like a little sailor
maxverstappen1: in my defence she's much cuter when she swears than me
charles_leclerc: is this why she called me a wanker when i didn't bring leo to the house?
yourusername: i fear that has alex albon written all over it
alexalbon: whoops!
lilymunhe: we need another play date asap !! he goes so mushy i can get him to do all the cute dates i wanna do
yourusername: is that why i got given a badly painted mug?
alexalbon: hey! i worked very hard on that :(
maxverstappen1: i thought sydney painted it alex
alexalbon: can you guys stop ganging up on me :(((((
yourusername: no!
maxverstappen1: 😘
user49: feeling some ... tension here
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liked by charles_leclerc, alexalbon and 1,450,987 others
tagged: yourusername
maxverstappen1: guess who wanted to come see dad at work?
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user51: oh she really is max verstappen's daughter with that cold middle finger to ted kravitz
user52: are they going to make an eight year old do community service as well?
yourusername: great now she's attached to the engineers
maxverstappen1: oh noooooooooo how will we ever cope??? maybe we should all go to every race ???
yourusername: that would be very convenient, wouldn't it?
maxverstappen1: i can see you smiling while typing, i don't think you're as opposed as you say you are
yourusername: you got me! i like to see syd happy :(
maxverstappen1: and me...?
yourusername: and you, i guess 😚
user53: so like are we just going to ignore all of this ^^ and the second picture?
user54: it would be nice that through all the shit they've had thrown at them that they got together through it
danielricciardo: he's been waiting long enough
maxverstappen1: DANIEL???
danielricciardo: what ???
user55: daniel, thank you for your service
user56: i mean we've seen them at one race and it's crazy to think they're not together
alexalbon: why did i have to track my bestie down at the hotel? you verstappens too good for the williams garage?
yourusername: we were busy !!!
alexalbon: franco is distraught
francocolapinto: i am?
alexalbon: yes!!!!
francocolapinto: i am!
maxverstappen1: stop yapping for the love of god i was getting my shit together - something YOU told me to do
alexalbon: fine... i guess
user57: so like that's confirmation right?
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liked by danielricciardo, pierregasly and 2,349,855 others
tagged: maxverstappen1
yourusername: i'm still reporting all you journalists to the ethics boards but i guess something good did come out of all of this
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user59: a family that flips off ted kravitz together, stays together!
user60: y/n's dirty look at him will forever be legendary
maxverstappen1: i've always loved you, and i've loved playing the long game with you and prioritising syd !! here's to the rest of our lives xx
yourusername: i've always loved you too but as convoluted as it has been i think this has been the best way to be - all love to syd first
maxverstappen1: but now we can cut the shit and do all the cute things without it having to be a 'play date'
yourusername: i love you dummy, but your cats are mine now
maxverstappen1: they've always been yours, just like me
user61: okay fuck you guys this is too fucking cute
user62: no because i'm too chronically lonely to read this this morning
danielricciardo: booooooo, we've all kept this secret you're not special
landonorris: i thought i was the only one who max told about his feelings? like literally on the podium when he saw y/n and syd watching?
oscarpiastri: i think you just can't read people lando, even i knew max liked y/n and i've only seen them interact THIS WEEKEND
alexalbon: we've all known forever lando, you're not getting sympathy for keeping the secret for 12 hours
user63: the grid being so protective of the lil family is so cute
user64: i read that george got the GDPA to sign a petition that the media couldn't ask about syd before max was ready to start the conversation himself
user65: also by the sounds of it, they've been rooting for this relationship just as long as max and y/n
maxverstappen1: i'm so lucky to have two amazing girls in my life, i'll love you forever and as long as you'll have me
yourusername: now i have you, i'm never letting you go
maxverstappen1: right back at you
yourusername: you're the bestest father ever and the love of my life, never let anyone tell you anything else my gentle boy
maxverstappen1: i love you both more than anything ever, you're my guardian angel and syd is my favourite little lion
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cutielando · 1 year ago
legacy | max verstappen
synopsis: in which your son follows in Max's footsteps
pairing: dad!max verstappen x mother!reader
my masterlist
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"I'm so nervous. Why am I so nervous?" Max asked you as he stressed around, going in circles.
"Now you know how I've been feeling for the best 15 years, honey" you chuckled as you patted him on the back.
Yours and Max' eldest son had his first karting race today and Max has been the most worried parent in the world. 
From checking his car over and over again, to making sure his gear would keep him perfectly safe, to talking him through every single thing he would ever need to know multiple times leading up to the race.
Your son was more than ready.
But Max still couldn't help but worry.
He was so happy when Y/S/N started showing interest in karting at a young age, glad that he could share his life's work with his son. 
He had taken your little family to multiple races ever since he decided to retire from racing after he won his 10th WDC title. He loved explaining to your boy all about the cars, how they worked and how they managed to go so fast, basking in the curious gaze of your little boy.
Now that it was really down to his first karting race, Max was slowly starting to regret indulging his son's passion for racing sports.
"This is karma biting me in the ass, isn't it?" he asked slowly, still agitated.
"Yup" you smiled, crouching down when you saw your son running towards you.
"Mommy! Daddy! Are you ready to watch me?" Y/S/N asked once he reached you and gave you a hug, going to hug Max's tall body next.
"Of course we are, sweetie. We'll be cheering you on the entire time" you kissed his head before getting up, checking your phone quickly.
You had left your baby girl at home with your sister, skeptical about bringing her to the rink when she was still so young.
Y/S/N understood, even though he had wanted her there with him. He knew she was too young to even understand what he was doing.
"Now, remember what we talked about..." Max started telling your son and you zoned out, watching the two of them interacting.
You had come such a long way from when you first started dating. You never believed you would actually get to this point, happily married with 2 amazing and beautiful children. And yet, here you were, happier than ever, Max stressed as ever as well.
"Mommy, can you tell dad to stop worrying?" your boy asked as he took your hand and pulled you out of your thoughts.
You laughed and ruffled his hair. "Believe me, it's all I've been trying to do ever since we left home this morning" 
Max rolled his eyes but smiled, worry still etched on his face.
The race was well underway and your son was absolutely dominating every other small driver in the race. 
He was leading and had managed to create a very impressive gap between him and the others, doing wonders on the track.
You kept stealing glances at Max who didn't let up his focus and concentration for even a second, his eyes glued to the screens and sometimes darting to the track when your son would pass you.
"And the winner is... Y/S/N Verstappen!" the commentator yelled out when the race had finally finished and your boy had come in first.
Max cheered loudly, quickly disregarding his headphones and scooping you up in his arms, both of you laughing and cheering.
"Mommy! Daddy!" Y/S/N yelled as he parked his car, got out and immediately spotted you in the big crowd of proud parents.
"You did it! You were so good, my love" you gushed as you helped him take off his helmet so you could hug him properly.
"Daddy! Did you see how good I was? I did it for you!" Y/S/N yelled out as you let go of him and he jumped into Max's awaiting arms.
"You did so good, my boy!" Max kissed the boy on the cheek and squeezed him tightly, making eye contact with you over the boy's shoulder.
You teared up a little, watching the two most important boys in your life embracing after such a big moment in your little boy's life.
It made you think of Max in his racing days, how you got the exact same feeling when he would be the one winning races.
He had some competition now.
After taking Y/S/N for some well-deserved ice cream and some cheat food, the three of you made your way home, knowing your sister would probably be overwhelmed with your little girl.
"We're home!" you announced as soon as you entered the house, your sister and your daughter immediately appearing out of the kitchen.
"Hi, baby!" you cooed as you took your girl, her eyes wide and her smile wide as she recognized her mama cradling her.
"How was she today?" Max asked as he gave your sister a quick hug before opening the spare room and depositing Y/S/N's karting gear.
"Can I talk to her, mom?" your boy asked eagerly, and you knew he wanted to tell her all about his race.
You nodded and after saying goodbye to your sister, the four of you went to the living room, taking a seat on the couch.
You carefully put your daughter in your son's arms, and the moment she had settled down, Y/S/N started telling her every single detail about the race, her blabbing away happily as she watched her brother with wide eyes.
You knew she couldn't understand a word he was saying, but watching him with her made your heart explode with happiness.
"What are you thinking about?" you asked Max once you went back downstairs after putting your children to bed.
Max was sitting on the couch, holding a trophy and a photo frame in his hands.
As you took a seat next to him, you recognized the trophy as being the last World Champion title he received before retiring, and the photo was of you two, holding newborn Y/S/N in your arms on the podium with him.
You smiled at the fond memories, remembering both days like it was yesterday.
"He reminds me of myself" he quietly said, a ghost of a smile present on his lips.
"He will give you a run for your money one day" you joked, bumping your shoulder with his.
He chuckled and nodded, but you noticed his smile didn't reach his eyes like it usually did when you would talk about your son.
"What's wrong?" you started rubbing circles on his back, feeling the tense muscles under your touch.
"I don't want him going through the same things I did" he explained, setting down both the trophy and the photo frame.
You took his face in your hands and made him face you.
"He's not going to go through that because he has us. We will make sure of that"
"I know, but we both know there will be talk because he's my son. Just like there was talk about me when I first started racing" he continued, looking down at his lap.
"Listen to me. Y/S/N has talent like I've never seen before in someone his age" Max mimics a look of offense, but you continue nonetheless. "People are going to see how talented he is and they won't even think about saying bad things about him or belittling him or his talent. He still has a very long way to go, my love"
Max pondered for a moment but nodded, wrapping his arms around you.
"I love you so much, you're the best mother I could have ever asked for for them" he whispered in your ear, kissing the spot just behind it.
"And you're the best father this world has ever seen. I love you, baby"
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httpsleclerc · 3 months ago
the story of us
pairing/s: Max Verstappen x Sister!Reader, Eventual Charles Leclerc x Single Mom!Verstappen!Reader
eries summary: after a traumatic childhood, y/n verstappen leaves an abusive relationship with a 6 month old baby in tow, with her brother trying to discreetly matchmake her with a certain Monegasque.
word count: 2.4k words
a/n: praying this shit does not flop I put my heart and soul into this one - also ! This one is mostly just backstory!
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the first time you ever met Charles Leclerc, you were 9 years old, sporting a poorly hidden bruise under your eye which your so called father had given you for 'talking back' after he had yelled at you for Max losing. You didn't understand that, why was it your problem if Max lost - although he didn't really lose, as such, he came second or third, but in your dad's opinion? They were the first to lose. You had wandered off from your father, claiming that you needed to get yourself a drink of water, but you knew that Max had just came second, Charles had beaten him and you could already see how mad your dad was going to be, you'd seen his grip tightening on the barrier, his face growing more and more red as Max fell further and further behind the young Monegasque. 
"And Charles Leclerc of Monaco is our winner for today, congratulations Charles!"
Your heart ached at the announcement, as now it was confirmed what awaited you when you got home. You sighed, taking the last gulp of your water as you made your way back to the small podium area, seeing who you assumed to be Charles' family cheering him on after winning - You frowned at the very thought of a loving and functional family, you knew that your mother loved you, but she didn't by any means particularly like you, it didn't seem like anyone did, since you only apparently existed as your fathers punching bag and your mom was only interested in you when it was her weekend with you and Max. Spotting your father, you weaved your way through the crowd, your heartbeat increasing as you silently stood beside him, quietly praying that if you were quiet enough, he might not sense your presence and maybe, just maybe, you wouldn't be punished for your brother coming second.
Looking down at his father from the 2nd place spot on the small podium set-up, Max frowned as he looked at Jos and then to you - He was 13, yet somehow understood that this, him coming second, would somehow be your fault, and you would be the one to take the beating from Jos. It was cruel, but it was all you and Max had known, since your mother had taken only your older sister and not you - Max had guessed you had been getting punished since Jos assumed if Max had to watch you suffer the consequences of you losing, then it would make him perform better. In some way, maybe it did - But maybe it just scared Max that one day his father would take it too far, and instead of icing bruises under your eye, he would be calling the police.
From his spot on the podium, he flinched slightly as he saw your father harshly grab your wrist, dragging you through the crowd and away to the car - Max would know to hang back for a bit, he had seen Jos hit you enough to know that it would just end in him feeling such overwhelming guilt for not winning and therefore stopping anything from happening to you.
Jos' beatings of you had not gone unnoticed, as the young Monegasque winner of the day had made his way to his families car, his two brothers and parents already inside, he found you, sitting on the wet grass beside your fathers car, shivering and sobbing.
"Um...are you okay?" He asked you awkwardly, unsure of how to either help or console you. When you looked up at him, he immediately recognised you - You were Max's sister, it was obvious, since you two were sometimes mistaken for twins despite having a 4 year age gap. You sniffled and nodded - Which Charles knew to be a lie, the make up which attempted to cover a barely healed bruise under your eye had worn off, and a new bruise under your other eye, along with a cut on your cheek and a busted lip proved that you had taken yet another beating from your father. He frowned, he had only heard rumours that Jos Verstappen was...unhinged - But he had never thought them to be true in this way, despite being the same age as your brother, Charles knew that you were a defenceless child, and so was Max - Yet everyone was too fearful of Jos to help either of you.
"Charles, let's go!" He stammered, looking between you and his older brother, impatient to get home and out of the wet. You hadn't said a word to him, only silently begging him to please, tell someone, about what your father was doing to you and your brother - At this point, you would take living with your mom, even if it meant your existence was ignored, anything would be better than this.
"I have to go, but I hope to see you again soon," Charles offered you a genuine smile, waving back at you as he walked to his family car, shutting the door and staring off at you as they left the track.
You sighed sadly as you dropped your head between your knees once more - You knew that this was only a part of what awaited you when you got home, but some part of you hoped that he would make you walk home, so you could take as long as you liked, and maybe by the time you got home, he would forget about the brutality he had planned out for you as soon as you walked through the doors.
Like that ever happened.
13 Years Later
You had apparently never escaped your dad.
Put better, you had never escaped men like your dad.
Thanks to the way you had been raised and how you had been treated by the man who was supposed to show you how you should expect to be treated by a man, you had ended up with a string of awful boyfriends, who in the end, received a very verbal and intensive warning from your older brother. Most of them ran away with their tails between their legs at the mention of Max's name.
But one had stuck around longer than the others, going as far to get you pregnant with your daughter, Romy. Max had been convinced you were ready to leave him until he baby trapped you, he knew that would send you running back to him, with the hopes of having the happy family you never got to have yourself. He had been fine with you the entire time you were pregnant, even managing to almost convince Max that he had changed, and that he was ready to look after you and your daughter.
Lukas was different, you told Max. You told him that Lukas looked after you and your unborn child, especially after finding out that you were carrying a baby girl. You told Max that he doted on you, talking to your bump like Romy could hear him, which he argued that she could, since she kicked at the sound of his voice.
And for a while, Max was convinced that Lukas had changed, he had changed his mind on the idea that you had been baby trapped and that maybe it had purely been an unplanned pregnancy.
How wrong he was.
After the birth of Romy, everything went back to normal - You weren't allowed to talk to your brother, you could only go out when he let you, Victoria and Max weren't allowed to come and visit their niece, you weren't allowed to have your phone. It was around 6 months after having Romy when you realised that you had to leave, you couldn't bring your baby girl up like this, and have her turn out like you? Absolutely not.
You wanted your girl to have a chance in this world, you wanted to break the cycle.
So that's what you did.
During the night, while you had Romy settled after her feed and your boyfriend was asleep, you slipped out onto the balcony, your phone in your shaking hands as you dialled Max's number, praying that he would either be awake normally or on streaming.
"Hold on guys, I don't know who is calling...me," Max's joking demeanour dropped as he saw your face flash across the screen. He hadn't heard from you since you stopped returning his calls after you had Romy six months ago. Abruptly, Max ended his stream. "Y/N?"
"Max?" He could tell that you were close to tears, if not already crying. "I'm leaving name but I'm scared to because h-he's been drinking and I don't know if he wakes up i-if he'll hurt me or Romy. I don't care what he does to me, I just don't want him to hurt her." You cried to your brother, nervously peering into your bedroom through the curtains to make sure that the two of them were still asleep - If Romy so much as stirred, then it was game over.
Max was astounded.
Of course, he was going to help you, he was your big brother, how could he not? But you calling 6 months after you last spoke to tell him you were ready to leave, he could have cried in relief.
"Okay, do what you can quietly, I'll come over and make sure that you and Romy can get away safely," Max proposed to you, he knew this was a big, monumental step for you, you needed him to be there for you, now more than ever. "We've got a spare room here, I'll ask Kelly if she by some chance has even an old cot of P's that Romy can sleep in for the night." You sniffled and nodded, even though Max couldn't see the gesture.
"Thank you Maxie, I love you," Tears sprung to your older brother's eyes, he couldn't imagine how much you had been through, the fear of your boyfriend harming your baby must have been a constant forefront on your mind, you must have been exhausted.
"I love you too, I'll see you soon, okay?"
You hung up, sighing in relief as you realised that you had taken the hardest step of your life - Yes, you were leaving your abusive boyfriend, but you were also leaving your daughter's father. Moving as quietly as you could, you buckled your sleeping baby into her car seat - Thinking if Kelly didn't have anything; which would be fine; then you could have Romy sleep in her car seat. You packed a small bag for her and yourself - If you needed anything else, you could pick it up when you needed it, as far as you were concerned right now, you and Romy just needed out of here.
the next morning when you woke up, the night before felt like a blur. You swore you were high on adrenaline, and now you were on a huge comedown. You turned on your side, reaching to hold your babies hand, smiling gently as you now realised that you wouldn't have to face seeing (Name) when you went out of this room. You sat up as Romy stirred, reaching out to lift her from the next to me bed that Kelly had put beside the bed in the spare room.
"Shshsh, it's okay, my love, mama's got you," You rocked Romy, pushing her small tuft of her hair out of her face as she fussed before latching to you.
"Mommy, I want to see auntie Y/N's baby!" You smiled, hearing Penelope being so excited to meet Romy, even though she would have to wait a while to be able to play with her. 
"I know, but you need to wait until they wake up," Kelly tried to reason with the young girl, who pouted and crossed her arms and turned to Max, as if he was going to risk going in and waking a sleeping baby.
"Maxie!" Penelope whined, pouting as Max and Kelly chuckled at her behaviour. They both looked up as the door to the spare room opened, you holding Romy at your hip. "Mommy look!" Penelope pointed at your daughter excitedly. "Can I hold her auntie Y/N?! Please, please please?!" You chuckled and smiled down at Penelope.
"Maybe not right now P, she just had a really big breakfast and I wouldn't want her to throw up all over your nice pyjamas," You reasoned with the small girl, smiling as she nodded in understanding. "I promise that you can hold her later."
"Yay!" Satisfied with your answer, Penelope ran back to her toys, occupied with whatever new toy Max or Kelly had bought for her. You smiled as you continued patting Romy's back, hearing her coo and try to wiggle towards her uncle Max.
"Aww, she wants me," Max cooed at her, taking her from your arms and holding her the way you previously did. "She's so cute, almost makes you want another, Kelly?" 
"In your dreams, Max Emillian," You laughed at the two of them, you knew that Max was a great bonus dad for Penelope, he was the opposite of Jos - Which was still a pretty low bar. "How old is she Y/N?" 
"She's almost 7 months, which is crazy for me, she was my tiny little baby and now she's starting to crawl," You told Kelly, holding your arms out to your brother as Romy started fussing in his arms, reaching out to you. "Anyway um...thank you, both, for last night. Lukas text me this morning, he doesn't want us back, left all our stuff in the lobby of the apartment which is fine cause I need to go back for my car anyway." 
"Don't be silly, I'll go get it, you don't need to go back there. And anyway, there's someone you're spending the day with to get back into socialising - He's great with kids too, so you can take Romy with you." Max told you, watching as your brows furrowed in confusion.
"What? Who is it?"
"Do you remember the whiny one from Monaco that had the inchident? Him, he got broken up with and he's been depressed so I thought you two could be friends."
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smooth-perceval · 2 years ago
“My love, my life.”
“It’s okay- it was nothing important anyways.”
Max Verstappen x Fem!Reader
Max Corner
Summary: [Max and reader crossed the line in their 3 year friendship, resulting in 2 positive pregnancy test. And 1 baby on the way.]
Max runs once again, leaving you questioning his true intentions. It wasn’t until Lando invited you along to Silverstone, home GP, you finally understand what’s going on.
Warnings: swearing, angst, Max being a dick, Max&Kelly together, fake relationship, mentions of J.Verstappen, Google translate, no proof read, my bad writing.
Key: Y/N (your name) Y/L/N (Your last name)
Word count: 3,256
A/N: So I put ‘Max&Kelly’ as a warning, not because I dislike any present or previous wags, it’s just like a pre warning that Max is not ‘solo’ I suppose- it’s just there so we’re not shocked when it happens. 🌝 Hope you enjoy 👀 let’s pretend the photo of Lissie is us 🙂
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Well once again Max went awol
 and I was finally washing my hands with him, the hot and cold, cat and mouse it wasn’t going to end well- it never does.
He won the Canadian GP, and out of pure kindness I sent him a congratulations message
 only for it to be seen and not responded to.
That’s when I knew Max was only down for one thing- and every word he said was pure bullshit.
Lando kept me updated on everything happening around the paddock, a few times mentioning Max, sure I wanted to know how he was
 what he was up to
 why has he just left so much stuff unsaid
 why the fuck is he leaving me in the dark- but instead of asking- I would simply type back a short message, or a little smile and nod of my head

“Landiniho đŸŽïžâ€
I’m gonna ft in 5 x
Sending a quick reply, I held my phone nearby grabbing the tv remote and turning the volume down.
Within less that 5 minutes Lando was calling. And just as quickly I answered, both smiling wide at each other.
“Hey, what are you doing next week?”
“Hello to you to Lan-” laughing a little I then shrugged my shoulders picking at the cushion next to me. “Nothing planned- except watching your home race.” Smiling a little I side eyed him. “Are you excited?”
“Yeah, yeah.” Quickly waving me off, I then noticed the background of where he was- he wasn’t even in his hotel room but sitting in the lobby.
“How about you come with me to Silverstone?” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, before laughing a little.
“Come back home
?” Humming I titled my head- it seemed quite a simple answer
 I could see my parents, visit some friends
 and I can be with company instead of alone at home.
“Yeah, back home!” He sat up straight already knowing my answer.
“Okay, you’ll come with me to my parents right?
” he nodded his head quickly.
“I haven’t seen them in ages
 so your gonna definitely come?”
“Yes, I suppose soooo
” rolling my eyes playfully with a smile.
“Okay good! I’ll sort everything out just get packed cause I kinda need to fly you out like tomorrow
” nodding my head slowly, “I’ll have to bring all my work stuff Lan- laptop the lot
” mumbling I start shuffling some paperwork together.
“That’s fine- just get pac- yeah?” He turned away from the camera looking over at someone else.
“Yeah- she is coming to Silverstone
” furrowing my eyebrows my eyes darted around the screen to try and see who his talking to.
“No. Call her yourself.” Lando moved his phone now I was looking over his shoulder at the seat behind him.
“Lan- what’s going on.” Quickly moving the phone back to his face.
“I’ll text you the details- I’ve gotta go
 Max fuck of-” the call ended, leaving me sitting there confused and in shock.
Lando was right he can call me himself
 why wouldn’t he just pick up his own phone and dial my number
Shaking my head I tossed my phone aside going upstairs to start packing, I packed enough for a week, hoping to spend enough time with family, and packing a separate bag for all my work stuff. The perks of working from home!
Within the hour Lando sent me all the details over telling me he will meet me at the airport, him only arriving around 30 minutes before me.
When laying in bed I could only think what Max had wanted
 why was he trying to take Lando’s phone, why couldn’t he just call me himself or even text
 I tossed and turned before finally rocking myself to sleep. I guess I’ll soon find out.
** 6:15 A.M **
The sound of my alarm cracked through my dreams pulling me back to reality, my eyes slowly opening and adjusting to the light creeping in my room.
Switching the alarm off I slowly climbed out of my bed getting ready for the airport. I should’ve gone to bed earlier
 my body ached- and I felt my stomach churn, making quick effort to go down and get my anti-sickness tablets taking one and stuffing the rest in my carry on.
Anti-sickness tablets are like my breakfast at the moment
 the first thing I take when I wake up. It’s now somewhat a routine, this baby is really doing it’s number on me, if I wasn’t tired all the time and being sick, I was angry or crying

Now I’m sitting at roughly 8 or 9 weeks, a few more weeks and I get to see the baby again- and I cannot wait. It’s crazy to think what a woman’s body is capable of doing-
I was away with the fairy’s while walking through the airport, checking my suitcases e.t.c, e.t.c. I could only imagine what it will be like when I’m home with my parents, seeing Lando again, old friends
 hopefully Max.
Just to know what went on- what I did wrong to make him ignore me like he has
 just curious.
When on the plane I got some extra sleep, not that I could help it. Like I said I am exhausted all the time
 I dozed off as soon as I put my seatbelt on, missing the takeoff and only woke up just before landing. And even now I could just shut my eyes again

Widening my eyes forcing them awake, I rubbed my face looking out the window.
Back in England, it was summertime here
 and it was lovely.
As soon as I left the plane I felt the sun kiss my cheeks.
I sent Lando a message saying I had landed and asking where to meet him, but as soon as I looked up from my phone he was already waiting there at the gate. Cap pulled down, sunglasses on, and even in this weather a hoodie pulled right up to try and cover as much of his face as possible.
Smiling a little I rushed over to him arms open wide forgetting my suitcases and bags behind me as they cluttered to the floor.
“Back home babbyyy!” Gripping him tightly, he let out a laugh practically throwing us side to side, before resting me back onto my feet.
“Welcome home.” He smiled once again, and as if we was little kids we both started jumping on the spot, falling back into a tight embrace “oh I’ve missed it.” Pulling away I ran over collecting my items, following Lando out the airport.
The whole time telling him all the new things I’ve discovered with the pregnancy. Like morning sickness really isn’t just ‘morning sickness.’ Well I mean I new that weeks ago
 but still. It should be called any time of the day sickness.
Lando chipped in asking little questions here and there, before the big question landed.
“What’s Max been like with it all? Has he been encouraging?” Nudging me with a slight tease in his voice. But it only cause my smile to drop slowly.
“I havenïżœïżœïżœt heard from him
” Lando spun around from facing the car staring at me. “You haven’t? Didn’t you guys sort it all a few weeks ago?” I started chewing at my bottom lip nervously, quickly thanking one of the airport staff for putting my bags in the car.
“Sort of
” I wiped my hands on myself, clearing my throat and climbing into the car. Ignoring the stare off Lando.
“Sort of?” As if he knew the answer he shook his head.
“So you went back to square one.”
“Lan I don’t need the lecture. It was my own fault this time.” Sighing I rubbed my temple leaning my head against the window.
“I’m not
 okay, sorry. I’m sorry.” Touching my arm gently I turned looking at him, before he pulled me into a hug. “It’s gonna be alright you know.” I only responded with a slightly nod of my head. “Just wish he would want this as much as I do
 but I can’t force him
Rubbing my back gently he pulled away with a reassuring smile. “His just an odd guy, I’m sure his just worried okay
 but you can do this.”
Pausing for a moment “Y/N and uncle Lando right?”
Laughing a little I nod my head. “Yes, yes unless I give the rights to Charles”
Lando let out a fake gasp before leaning back in his seat. “Don’t ever threaten my uncle rights again.” Smiling to myself I looked back out the window. The driver slowly pulling away.
Lando slept most of the journey- and sure I was a little nosey when his phone kept going off
 side eyeing it, I see Max blowing his phone up
 and I could only wish it was mine- even at the sight of his name, I felt tingles all over my body. Like his touched had once burned on me.
Sighing at myself, I shuffled closer to Lando resting my head against his shoulder. Slowly closing my eyes and letting my worries got with it.
My worries being facing Max.
“Y/N, Y/N, Y/N-” repeatedly with each time he said my name Lando poked my forehead.
Flinching slightly when he poked again I sat up slowly rubbing my eyes.
“Your so fucking annoying
” my voice was hoarse and barely audible from the sleep.
“We’re here!” Smiling excitedly he climbs out the car quickly, first thought was him going over to fans and taking photos.
Sighing once again I make sure I looked like hadn’t just woken up- before climbing out behind him, I start helping getting out bags out, when Lando comes over quickly grabbing both the heavy suitcases.
“You can’t lift heavy things remember-”
Rolling my eyes and smiling, I pull the handle of my suitcases up and roll into the hotel, giving a few small waves to shouting fans of Lando’s.
Finally getting up to my room, Lando only a few doors down. I flopped onto the bed letting out a happy groan, from my aching body.
Pulling my phone out I read some messages, before going into insta and putting a post up.
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Liked by landonorris and 244,873 others
Sky was painted for you Landiniho 🧡
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And finally I was able to relax, I planned on visiting my parents after Sundays race, as everything leading up to then is crazy- and I didn’t want to drag Lando down to them while the weekend commenced.
It wasn’t long before Lando was knocking the door and demanding I opened it.
“What?” Annoyed I glared at him the door nearly hitting the wall as I pulled it open.
“I’m hungry, let’s go eat-” if he wasn’t offering food I probably would have strangled him
 however he did, so he dodge a bullet.
In silence I grabbed my room key, phone, and other necessities before following Lando down to the elevator. “Can we go to the lovely restaurant down the road?” Looking over at Lando excitedly, smiling he nodded his head pressing for the ground floor. And as if on cue my belly started to grumble. Which only made us both burst into laughter.
Dinner was lovely, me and Lan spent the evening joking around and just enjoying company of one another- it washed away all my nerves, and I finally felt at ease being back home.
With arms linked we took a slow walk back to the hotel, and just for once I felt like the world seemed to get off my shoulders.
“Don’t you ever think to move back home? And raise the baby here?”
I come to an abrupt stop before continuing to walk with him- like I was reseted. “I never thought of it
” mumbling quietly to him I rest my head against his arm. “Monaco is my home too-”
“But- I mean this in the nicest way
Stopping himself he turns looking down at me. “You have nobody in Monaco.”
And there it was, the weight of the world again, I know he means well but it was sure a kick in the gut when he said it

“I have you?”
“I’m not always there-”
“I’m fine, by myself.”
“But what about if you ever need anyone? What about when you go into labour?” Lando started walking again arm slung over my shoulders.
“I do have some friends there.”
“Friends that you can trust with your baby?”
Humming, I look down at the floor as we walk, he had a point
 who am I trying to kid- I wouldn’t trust anyone but him or family with my baby
 let alone some friends I see once in a blue moon.
“Maybe it’s something to think about
” sighing I then look up at the stars in the sky, questioning which person I have pissed off to cause this much chaos in my life.
“I just want you to be happy Y/N” he gestured for me to go into the lobby first before following behind. “That’s all I ever want for you.” Smiling over my shoulder at him j waisted for him to walk next to me before bumping shoulders.
“As do I, you deserve the world Lan.”
We finally separated at our doors, Lando disappearing down the hall once I was in my room- I took a shower and got into bed ready for this weekend and what it’s to bring, because I got myself a friend called Lando, and with Lando I felt okay.
I was panicking, I could potentially bump into Max today- and the way my hormones are going I’d probably end up crying if I even catch a glance of him

Staring at myself in the mirror, I smoothed out my orange shorts, tilting my head before turning to the side. Shaking my head smiling to myself- I leave the bathroom grabbing my bag, phone, room key- and whatever else I thought may come in handy.
Agreeing to meet Lando in reception, I made my way out to the elevator trying to be as quiet as possible- seeing as how early it was in the morning.
Humming quietly to myself I waited for the elevator to arrive. Swaying slightly to my own song in my head-
“Oh hi-” glancing over my shoulder there he was.
In all his glory- Max.
And weirdly enough I felt nothing
 I felt no anger, no sadness, no happiness. Nothing for him right now. So with a tight lipped smile, I whispered a hello before turning back to the elevator.
“I’ve er- I’ve wanted to talk to you
” he stepped forward standing next to me, at a distance that screams more than friendship-
“Oh really? What about?” Biting my lip praying the elevator arrives sooner rather that later.
“It’s more of a private matter
” looking around as if he was nervous of getting caught- which only caused me to look around also.
“Well, I’m sure it was nothing important otherwise you would’ve-” my voice soon trailed off and my mouth just went slack. Behind Max slowly walking towards us was her
 and just like that a fire ignited within me.
My eyes had the same fire burning in them as I glared back at Max, who’s colour was slowly draining from his face. “Never mind I can see now you’ve been occupied.” Looking back over at Kelly, who only had a lovely smile on her face as she linked her arm with Max.
The elevator pinged, breaking the silence- moving myself forward to step in I look over at max and Kelly before taking a large step back.
“You both take this one- I just realised I’ve lost something
” tapping over myself, trying to seem like I was genuine. Kelly only smiled once more before stepping in.
“You need help finding it?” Kelly looked around the elevator floor, as Max stood outside- eyes still glued onto me.
Looking over at her I offered her a smile and shake of my head- then turning to look at Max. Eyes fixated onto each other.
“It’s okay- it was nothing important anyways.” I felt my lip tremble slightly, quickly biting down on it and rushing away with my head down.
Clearly he found his distraction
 and was it weird that I wanted it to be me?
Rushing to the stairs I raced down praying I would beat the elevator.
Out of breath and panting I ran over to Lando in reception grabbing his arm and dragging him to the exit.
“Y/N slow down-” laughing a little Lando pulled back- which only made me tug harder at his arms-
The elevator ping sounded through reception- my eyes focused on the doors as Max hurriedly stepped out leaving Kelly behind.
“Please Lando can we just g-”
“Y/N I need to talk to you.” As if in sync me and Lando both looking over at max, who was practically jogging through reception.
“I have nothing to say to you.” Giving up with Lando I hurriedly walked away towards the exit. Why did it hurt so much that he was with Kelly?
Because there’s no way you kiss someone the way he kisses me and it not mean anything- yet being with found with another woman probably giving her the same bullshit excuses
 was a kick to the gut.
I knew he was chasing me- even if he was a few feet behind I felt his presence- the hairs on the back of my neck stood to attention. My heart was telling me to stop running from him and let him talk. But my head told me to keep going- and I did.
I got into the car that was waiting on me and Lando locking the door behind me and leaning over locking the drivers side.
Until he finally gave up. Well I say gave up Lando practically forced him away. And once he was out of sight I finally opened the door again for Lando.
“Can we not talk about him.” Looking at the dash in front of me. I felt sick, maybe even numb at this point. We spent two unforgettable nights with one another, his been one of my closest friends for years- maybe a warning would’ve been nice that it didn’t mean as much to him as it did me- then I wouldn’t of had my flame of hope burned out- and reigniting with anger and jealousy.
I hate her- I hate that he chose her, what was so wrong about me? Why doesn’t he want me the same way I want him? I can’t force him to love me- so why am I so worked up over something so stupid?
“Let’s get the race weekend started aye?” Looking over at Lando he offered an encouraging smile- hand reaching over snd squeezing mine.
Lando is like a comfort blanket- or a teddy bear, you know the type you get when your young and you find yourself seeking it out every single night and day for solitary comfort. Lando was my teddy bear.
“Let’s go get you your win.” Squeezing his hand back I smiled up at him- sure the smile didn’t reach my eyes- and my eyes they didn’t twinkle like diamonds- but he knew I meant what I said and he knew I was there supporting him no matter what.
And Max? Pft what’s the point of crying over something that wasn’t even mine in the first place.
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A/N: Soooooo I don’t know- it was long awaited that’s for sure I just had terrible writers block- and you can even tell in some parts I wasn’t giving enough- buttttt on with the next chapter.
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heartmix · 2 months ago
My Girls - MV1
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Pairing: Max Verstappen x singlemom!reader
Word Count: 1.4k+
Warning: poking fun at max, dad!max, no use of y/n but daughters name is Aria
A/N: dad max content. I have a part 2 in mind so that will be coming soon
F1 Masterlist / Masterlist
"Can I ask you a question, it's totally okay if you say no."
"What is it?"
"When do you think I'll be able to meet her?" the question caught you off guard. 
You knew what he was asking, he was asking when he'd be able to meet your daughter. Being a young single mom was not in the books for you. With her father leaving before she was even born you quickly tossed out the idea of finding a relationship. Sure, there have been many instances where people dated single parents, but since you had her when you were young, the idea did seem impossible. You've been preparing for the moment for months, but it still caught you off guard. Coming up on a year of being together it was bound to happen. 
Noticing your silence he quickly tried to defuse the tension, "I mean it's totally up to you. I don't mean to rush you or anything, I want to let you know that I'm committed to you and I'm not going anywhere. I want to be there for both of you."
"Sure?" He clarified, a smile spreading across his face quickly, one you matched instantly. A simple nod was all he needed to take you into his arms and give you the most bone-crushing hug. Seeing him make a big deal settled all your nerves.
Max's hand was shaking way too much to be meeting a 2-year-old. From the stories you told about the little one, he saw that she was friendly and was willing to meet new people so the fact that he was shaking so much was comical. He's had meetings with some of the richest people in the world and met world leaders, hell people would have this reaction meeting him and he would laugh it off saying he was just a normal person. So why was this little one making him more nervous than a race day? 
It had to do with the fact that she was yours—the light of your life and the only person in your life you prioritized. The more he thought about it, the more that person became you to him, and this was just the final step to make everything feel real. If the little girl didn't like you, he knew you wouldn't hesitate to break it off, and he couldn't blame you.
With one final head shake to try and get rid of the nervousness he knocked on the front door. Did he knock too hard that he startled the little one? Should he have knocked? Maybe he should have texted you he was outside. It's been months since he knocked on your door, having his own key to the place. Before he could think of any other ridiculous thoughts the door opened the reveal you, standing in all your glory with that welcoming gorgeous smile he fell in love with. 
"I can't believe meeting my kid got you out of wearing a Red Bull kit. I can't even get you to do that." Your teasing tone snapped him out of the trance. Max couldn't help but laugh at that being your comment in a situation like this. 
"It's just a black shirt schatje. I can hardly say I dressed up." he glanced looking down at his black shirt and some jeans. He would be lying if he said he didn't think about what to wear today. 
"Oh please, Max Verstappen outside of anything Red Bull is dressing up." 
"You're not helping." he groaned seeing as you were enjoying every minute of this. He was going to get payback, if everything went okay after all.
"Why are you so nervous?"
"How are you not?" He asked not seeing any concerning features. He expected you to be more worried and in a worse state than him actually.
"Because I know you, I know how great you are, and that my baby will love you." You smiled while wrapping your arms around his neck, Max immediately circling his around your waist. Maybe if you weren't worried he shouldn't be either. "Come on, she's expecting you." Grabbing his hand and pulling him further into the house.
Before he rounded the corner to the living room he heard the sound of what to be a Disney song playing on the speakers and toys clashing with one another. He's been to your house enough times to know how much toys littered the living room. When the living room came into view he saw the little girl sitting on the ground surrounded by blocks and little toys he didn't recognize. 
"Aria, baby. I want you to meet Mommy's friend. This is max. Can you say hi?" Max didn't leave your side as you leaned down to grab the girl's attention. Her eyes immediately locked onto his the second she recognized there was a stranger in her house.
"Hi!" She beamed up at the tall Dutchman with the biggest smile on her face. Seeing that smile every last bit of nerves washed away. Just like seeing your smile for the first time, he knew he was screwed in the best way possible. 
"Hi, Aria. Lovely to meet you."
"Can Max spend the day with us?" you then asked although, with one look at the smirk on your face, he knew the answer. 
"Play with me?" In the cutest voice Max ever heard, he wasted no time sitting next to the girl who held a stuffed cat up to his face.
"Of course. I would love to!"
"Baby, why don't you show Max your cars."
"My cars!" She excitedly said before running to her room to retrieve her cars. Not a second later she came back with a bag filled with a few cars. Max was expecting Hot Wheels or toys from the cars movie, in no way was he prepared for the girl to pull out a replica of his car. 
"Do you know the cars we watch every week? That's Max and that's his car." You pointed out watching the girl's face turn into shock. 
"You 1?" Turning to Max who held the same shock expression as hers.
"I am. You like cars?" At this, she let out a little squeal and pushed the car into his hand. 
One by one she pulled out every car she had even the names she gave each of them. Max was 1, the McLarens were orange, and more specifically Lando was 4. The Ferraris were horsey and the one Mercedes car being Lewis of course was pretty due to the fact that she could only point out Lewis out of his racing gear. 
By the end of the day, Aria was all tired out. After all day playing with Max and telling stories at dinner, she passed out beside Max on the couch while watching cars. Your choice of movie just to poke fun at Max more. Taking her to bed you saw that Max pulled out wine from the fridge and handed you a glass before settling on the couch. The stark contrast from the noise-filled day to the quietness of just you two was a reality check for Max. He made it through and from the way you were cuddled up into his side, he knew that he was right where he needed to be. 
"Thank you. For being so good with her, she loved you so much, probably just as much as me. You made her day and she is going to be excited to see you in the morning."
"You don't need to thank me for anything. I should be thanking you for letting me into the biggest part of your life. You are doing such a wonderful job with her, you're an amazing mother." At his confession, you couldn't help but feel tears brim your eyes.
"I'm sorry, silly thing to get emotional about but that means a lot. I'm just happy you accept me and her with everything we have going on." Before your hands could wipe the tears streaming down your cheek his hands wiped them away. 
"I meant it when I said I'm with you through everything. I wouldn't change anything about you or her. I want you to know I love you both and I'm not going anywhere."
"You're such a freaking sap Max Verstappen. If your fans could see you now." You teased making him chuckle. 
"The duality of you to turn a heartfelt moment into teasing me." 
"You signed up for it when you agreed to date me."  
"And I wouldn't have it any other way." He smiled as he pulled you in for a kiss. 
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f1version · 2 years ago
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pairing: dad! max verstappen x reader (barely any pronouns mentioned)
summary: You and Max have a son, Spider-man is his favorite superhero.
notes: this is very very short and pure fluff, i was bored. also max would be the best dad ever i know it <333
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Liked by maxverstappen1, georgerussell63 and 186,725 more
yourusername Happy birthday to my favorite spider-man ever! ❀
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maxverstappen1 he really loves that bug guy
yourusername i’ll tell him you said this
yourusername only if you can deal with the great responsibility
danielricciardo my godson knows what’s good. happy birthday emi!!
yourusername he is iconic
charles_leclerc the coolest ever. i love spider-man too!!
maxverstappen1 we don’t care babe 🙄
charles_leclerc whatever babe 🙄✋
yourusername BABES go kiss on another comment section or whatever 😬
landonorris super mini max
maxverstappen1 this comment will be my entire personality for the rest of my life
yourusername lando WHAT HAVE YOU DONE
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Liked by yourusername, christianhorner and 983,725 more
maxverstappen1 Super mini max. Happy birthday to my boy! â€ïžđŸ’™
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yourusername @ landonorris i blame you for this
landonorris i take full responsibility ma’am
yourusername do you regret it?
landonorris yes ma’am
yourusername good. i hope you suffer.
yourusername i love you, you’re the best papa <3
maxverstappen1 did you just
 i love you too, schat <3
maxverstappen’s insta story
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yourusername’s insta story
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maxverstappen’s insta story
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Liked by maxverstappen1, marvel and 983,725 more
yourusername part time racing driver, full time spider-man! @ maxverstappen1
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maxverstappen1 this is the greatest responsibility
yourusername hi can i be your mj?
maxverstappen1 if that means i get to kiss you all the time, then yes
maxverstappen1 super mini max
danielricciardo she used the full name. run.
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hamilando · 4 months ago
ੈ✩ cowboy ride or ring ? (smau) ੈ✩
pairing : max verstappen x norris! reader
summary: a move will test where the heart lies
tw : fluff, suggestive
fc : nailea devora
a/n : this was requested anonymously ! lysm đŸ«¶đŸ»
·:ïœĄïœ„ïŸŸïŸŸïœ„ ✩  ·:ïœĄïœ„ïŸŸïŸŸïœ„ ·:ïœĄïœ„ïŸŸïŸŸïœ„ ✩  ·:ïœĄïœ„ïŸŸïŸŸïœ„ïœ„ïŸŸÂ·:ïœĄïœ„ïŸŸïŸŸïœ„ ✩  ·:ïœĄïœ„ïŸŸïŸŸ
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liked by norriz, max1, lilyhye and 74 others
wdcrider being a cowgirl for halloween because my riding skills have no complains
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chillijr why sing up for pornhub when the whole thing is right here
lordpercival you are going to get your account banned
wdcrider we will just do community service đŸ’ȘđŸ»
max1 it’s meta not FIA
norriz CAN YOU LIKE NOT !?
wdcrider how I feel knowing I am the only norris who gets to suck the verstappen dick
norriz unless he lets me win the wdc, I don’t mind sucking
max1 ew
max1 you both are siblings fr
lilyhye but my girl is serving looks, SLAY MOMMY
norizz ew, EW, eW, Ew
wdcrider telling mum about your 231 hookups
wdcrider about what? how I have one dick since like 4 years or that you can’t stay fixed on one ?
norriz not my fault
wdcrider accept it, you don’t last with anyone for more than 5 days, surprised how you are with mclaren for so long
georgey calm down you two ratatouille rats, doesn’t lando’s recent situationship follow you ?
norriz fuck, bye , I don’t get married, it’s all on you dear sister
wdcrider well I am getting married because of you dear brother, so thank you đŸ€©
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liked by norriz, lordoerceval, max1 and 103 others
wdcrider my man got me pink drink to show off my ring, what did yours do ?
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alexmieux mine didn’t get a FIA penalty đŸ€­
lilyhye mine crashed his car 😉
carvroom mine is obsessing over Lewis
rebecamour mine is jobless
chillijr I do have a seat at Williams.
wdcrider technically jobless
albono what do you mean all these years 
colawithice yes alex, I am off to redbull
colawithice MOMMY đŸ€“
max1 sorry, I am young to be a dad
wdcrider who asked you to be the dad?
colawithice mommy 😚
wdcrider it’s ok baby, you go beat him
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liked by max1, lilyhye, chillijr and 64 others
wdcrider max said that he will only marry me if I finish my finals
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norriz great, you both are never marrying
norriz you pass any of your subjects and I am laying for your honeymoon
max1 well I am actually financially well off, so I can pay for it myself
wdcrider I passed interior designing
norriz what bout the other 4 ?
wdcrider YOU SAID ANY
chillijr when is the wedding tho ?
wdcrider after yours and Rebecca
rebecamour đŸ€­đŸ«¶đŸ»
chillijr you really aren't getting married in this century
rebecamour the couch is waiting for you for the century
wdcrider blocked @ chillijr
rebecamour đŸ˜­đŸ«¶đŸ»
max1 return the one I gave then
wdcrider no refunds
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liked by user1, ynverstappen, landonorris and 4,487,629 others
maxverstappen the one who gave me wings @ ynverstappen
comments on this post have been turned off
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f1wags BREAKING ! FORMULA ONE WORLD CHAMPION MAX VERSTAPPEN IS MARRIED TO HIS LONG TIME GIRLFRIEND Y/N VERSTAPPEN. Currently no information is available as the couple seems to be very private about their relationship, the only picture which we could find of y/n is on alexandra mieux’s Instagram from 2021 when her account was private.
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user1 and I oop-
user2 well, that’s enough Instagram for today
user3 HELLOOO!?
user6 oh god, the fights-
user9 Max may beat him in f1, but in life Lando will beat him up
user10 the amount of plot twists -
user11 now imagine saying Franco got the rebull seat
redbullracingf1 yes.
user11 BAHAHAH WHAT !?
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eveninggstar · 7 months ago
ngl i’m tempted to rewrite hearts on the circuit (since it’s only 1 chapter) a remake it into where y/n is the daughter in a mafia family (i watch this movie called the family from 2013) and y/n needs to look after max’s kid or do i just make that a separate fic
(for preface hearts on the circuit now is just y/n is the daughter of a big sponsor at redbull and her dad thinks that she needs to learn to work for herself and so he talks to christian and he arranges y/n to babysit max’s kid max hates the idea and they made a mess when max was out)
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ipushhimback · 2 months ago
we were drunk, it happens - pt. 2
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4
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pairing: lando norris x verstappen!reader warnings: smut (marked with 3 red stars), oral (f receiving), p in v, no protection word count: 3k summary: Y/N attends a GP, saying if Lando wins he will be rewarded
Only a couple days later, Y/N got a message from Max.
The Monaco GP is next week. I know you are not really into F1, but I’d love for you to come, and I am sure Kelly and P would also be happy to have someone to spend their time with. What do you think? – Max
Y/N really hated Formula 1, but not because of the sport itself. She loved the fast cars, the races, how everyone wants to be the best. But her dad had ruined it all for her when they were kids.
She had always loved karting. Sometimes she was even allowed to drive Max’ kart, but when she told her dad that she also wanted to kart competitively, just like her brother, he had said she couldn’t. How could she even think of that as a girl. She would never have a chance in the sport.
Sometimes she thinks that her dad was right. She probably wouldn’t have come far as a woman, but she still would have loved to race.
Maybe it was for the better. Jos wasn’t known for being the best dad to Max. He had always pressured him. Punished him when he wasn’t good enough. And Y/N knew how it affected Max now. She didn’t know if she could have handled that as a kid.
So, from there on she had avoided Formula 1 as much as possible as it simply reminded her too much of her father.
But how could she say no to her brother. Moreover, it could be a great opportunity to spend some time with Lando. Even though they had agreed to no feelings. But honestly, Y/N didn’t know how long that would work. Or if it even could work. She had doubts.
I’m not sure. Is dad going to be there? - Y/N
No, I don’t think so. At least he didn’t say anything to me. But that doesn’t mean anything. - Max
Ok, then I guess I will come. Would you or Kelly pick me up? I don’t want to have to search for a parking lot. - Y/N
Of course. See you then. – Max
Somehow, Y/N was even looking forward to attending the Grand Prix. She didn’t know when the last time was that had happened. But now she just had to hope and pray that her dad wasn’t going to be there as well. Then she would for sure go home. She would just take a walk as it was only half an hour from her home.
She picked up her phone again and opened her chat with Lando. They exchanged their numbers before he left, so they could chat about when they could meet up again – but no feelings involved, of course.
Gonna be at the GP next week. You better win, Norris. - Y/N
She waited a bit, but Lando didn’t go online. He probably was at training, Y/N thought. But just as she wanted to out her phone on the coffee table in front of her, her phoned signaled an incoming message.
Really? How come I have never seen you at one before? But if I win, I wanna be rewarded
 - Lando
Long story. But ofc you will. Why else would I tell you to win? – Y/N
K. Have to get back to training, bye. – Lando
Yeah, bye. - Y/N
Y/N couldn’t help but grin. Lando had interrupted her training. For her. To answer an unimportant message. She leaned back on the couch pillows, sighed and smiled to herself.
She sat back up. No feelings. He is probably an arrogant, rich person. She would just end up hurt if she fell for him.
She took a deep breath and got up from where she was sitting. The world champion’s sister made her way to the kitchen where she took a cup from the cupboard and made a huge coffee. The pill she took earlier did little for her headache, so she hoped that the caffeine was going to help.
Then she took her laptop and decided to watch some silly show to take her mind off Lando.
A week later, Y/N was ready to go to the GP. She was wearing a bright blue summer dress, her favorite. It had a lot of little white flowers printed on the fabric and it had a quite low neckline, which she hoped Lando would notice.
She actually thought about wearing something orange, in fact it had been one of her favorite colors to wear for quite a long time, but she couldn’t wear papaya-similar colors when she was there to support her brother – or when she was at least pretending to support her brother. Because even though she did not have feelings for Lando – no, really, none – she had been so horny the last couple of day, she just needed Lando to win this Grand Prix.
So now, Y/N sat in the kitchen, drinking a glass of water while scrolling through instagram and waiting for her brother and Kelly.
She watched her Labradoodle puppy trying to catch his own tail which made her laugh, so she got up to pet him.
Eventually she heard the doorbell ring. She quickly went to open the door, but instead of her brother or Kelly, it was P standing on the doorstep.
“P! Hey! What are you doing here? Are you going to drive me to the Grand Prix?”, Y/N was joking which made the five-year-old giggle.
“No, silly. I can’t drive. But Maxie said I could ring, and I have to tell you to hurry because we are late.”
“Ok, I just need to get my jacket from upstairs”, Y/N said.
“No!”, Penelope exclaimed. “You can’t. Maxie said we are late. Now come on.” P grabbed Y/N’s hand and pulled her outside and towards the Audi that was parked in front of her house.
The young woman new better than to argue with the little girl so she decided to just follow her. Who needed a jacket anyway. In the worst case she would just ask Max or Kelly for something warmer to wear.
An hour later Y/N was hanging around with Kelly and P around Max’ garage and she regretted that she didn’t come later. They have been standing around for what felt like hours and the race wasn’t even close to get started. The only thing that prevented her from going home again to sleep and coming back later, was P who was full of energy and Kelly who just couldn’t keep up with it anymore, being 9 months pregnant.
“Y/N, can we go to Lando? I wanna see him and tell him good luck. Can we go? Now?” P looked at Y/N with that cute little pout. “Please?”, she added after seeing the critical look on Y/N’s face.
 Lando is probably really busy, just like Max. Does it really have to be now?” If the Dutch woman was being honest with herself, she just really didn’t want to see Lando right now.
No. That was not correct. She wanted to see him. And that was the problem. She shouldn’t do that. No feelings. Just fun. That can’t be that hard, right?
Wrong. It can be hard. Not falling for a handsome guy with the curliest curls in the world, the cutest, widest smile existing on planed earth, the prettiest blue eyes that seemed to be green in different lightning and – stop.
“It really has to be now! If I don’t wish him luck, he won’t be good and he has to win!” P looked at her with these pleading look Y/N just can’t resist so there she was, walking with P to the McLaren garage.
“You know that Max would kill us if he saw us here?”, Y/N said jokingly. “By the way, don’t you want Max to win? Why Lando?”
“Maxie won too often. Now it is Lando’s turn. It is boring with Maxie. I like drama. And we don’t get drama when Maxie always wins. And Lando is great! He always plays with me and lets me do his hair. He has nice hair. It is curly.” P grinned happily while she explained to Y/N why Lando was so great.
A bit later they were standing in front of Lando’s garage and Y/N went to the first mechanic she spotted.
“Sorry, where is Lando? P wants to tell him good luck for the race. Is that possible?” Y/N just hoped that the mechanic would recognize P or her so she could go to Lando.
“I know her. Who are you? I am sure you understand that I can’t just let anyone to him.”
Y/N nodded. “I am Y/N Verstappen. You know, Max’ sister? Kelly didn’t come with us because, well she is pregnant and probably sleeping somewhere.”
The mechanic looked satisfied with the answer. “Ok. You just have to go straight there and then the third door on the left side. There should be his name on the door. Just knock. He will open if he isn’t preparing for the race at the moment.”
“Ok thank you. Have a nice day, bye!” Y/N looked at the five-year-old next to her who had a content look on her face.
Just a minute later they were standing in front of a wooden door, they could hear loud music from inside, so Y/N knocked again, even louder this time.
“God, how isn’t he deaf already”, she murmured more to herself than anyone else, but P commented it anyway.”
“Because he is Lando. He is not becoming deaf ever. He is great.” The older woman could barely hold the laugh that was threatening to spill over.
“Yes, he really is”, Y/N said with a laugh, shaking her head at P’s enthusiasm.
Finally, the door was opening, and Y/N was standing in front of this handsome guy Lando.
“P!”, he explained.
“Hi Lando! I want to wish you good luck. Y/N said you were busy, but I had to because you have to win, ok?”, the girl asked in just one breath while falling forward and demanding a hug from the driver.
Y/N could only laugh. Too adorable was the childhood crush Penelope obviously had on the older guy.
“That’s great! Thank you, P! So, you are going to cheer for me? Isn’t Max going to be sad?”, Lando asked.
“No, he will understand. You will win. I know because I wished you good luck.”
Lando just laughed, and Y/N couldn’t help but admire how cute he was with Penelope. And that laugh
 she could listen to it for hours and- stop.
Lando did in fact win. And Y/N couldn’t be happier about it. During the Podium celebration – Lando came in first place, Max in second and Oscar in third – she just stood in front of it, being impatient.
But then finally, Lando came to her, already changed into a hoodie and simple jeans, his hair damp from the shower he probably had.
 what about my reward? Should we drive to your place again or mine?”, Lando asked with that damn smirk on his face.
“Mine. I need to feed my dog.” Lando shot you a surprised look.
“You have a dog? Why didn’t I see him already?” Y/N noticed how disappointed Lando looked.
“I just got him like a week ago. He is super cute, but right now he is at my neighbor’s, and I don’t want her to spend even more of her time taking care of my dog.”
Lando just hummed and led the younger woman to his car. She let out a whistle when she saw how nice it was.
“I assume you won’t let me drive that beauty?”, she asked the brunette.
“You want to?” Y/N nodded enthusiastically.
“Go for it”, Lando eventually said, throwing his key in her direction and she caught it easily.
She let out a high-pitched squeal when she sat in the driver’s seat and started the engine. Carefully, she pressed the accelerator, and the car shot forward.
“This is so crazy, oh my god
 I will steal that beauty from you.”
It only was a short drive to Y/N’s home, so she had actually thought about driving differently so she could enjoy the feeling of the car even longer but honestly, she didn’t want to. She knew exactly what would happen when they arrived, and she didn’t want to wait any longer for it.
But it turned out she did not know what happened next. Lando kneeled down and cuddled with her dog who seemingly enjoyed that as he fell asleep right in Lando’s arms.
“Can you leave Milo alone? He’s not the reward I meant
”, Y/N said a bit disappointed because she knew her puppy was cute, but she didn’t imagine Lando just playing with her dog for the next hour.
Eventually Lando set down the sleepy puppy who immediately curled up on the couch and they went upstairs, not wanting Milo to watch them do whatever they were planning to do.
 now I will finally get my reward?”, Lando asked, this stupid smirk back on his face.
“Oh, shut up! You were the one who needed to cuddle with Milo”, Y/N said before stepping forward and pulling Lando to her by grabbing the strings of his hoodie.
She tilted her head up and just a moment later, Lando’s lips were on her’s. Y/N hummed and opened her lips slightly.
Lando moved towards her bed, not breaking the kiss, until Y/N flopped on the mattress. He pulled back just enough to have access to her dress so he could pull it over her head, leaving her in just her underwear. Y/N then tugged at Lando’s hoodie, and he ended up helping her by slipping it off, as well as his pants. Y/N stared at his chest.
She knew she had seen it all before, when they hooked up after the dinner, but the memory of the night wasn’t too present anymore, and honestly, Y/N didn’t know how she could ever look at Lando and not think how hot this guy looks.
Her thoughts were interrupted as Lando kisser her again, rougher this time. More demanding than anything else did he press his lips on her’s. Her back arched off the bed which Lando saw as his chance to get his hands behind her back to open her bra.
“So gorgeous”, he whispered on her lips and pulled back just for Y/N to feel his mouth closing around her nipples, making her gasp.
His lips trailed lower until he stopped above the waistband of her panties. His index fingers hooked into it, and he pulled them down until he could throw them to where he thought the rest of the clothes already is.
His went even lower until his lips hovered just above her. Y/N’s breath hitched as she looked down at Lando who was spreading her legs. He looked up at her, his eyes dark and his pupils dilated.
The first touch of his tongue felt
 electric and it made her back arch. He teased her with fast licks and gentle pressure which made Y/N move into his direction.
“Patience. Trust me”, Lando said, and Y/N would throw a pillow at him if it hadn’t felt this good.
But it wasn’t long until Lando grew more and more impatient, and he didn’t want to continue teasing Y/N.
His tongue worked not only faster but also firmer and soon she was teetering right on the edge. Her hands came down to grab his hair, pushing him closer to her and she couldn’t stop the loud moan from slipping through her lips.
Lando hummed against her and the vibrations just pushed her even closer to the edge. His fingers joined his tongue as he curled them in her, pressing into that sweet spot.
When Lando realized that Y/N was about to come he worked even more precise, rougher. And just like that she tripped over the edge, and she felt the release wash over her. Lando didn’t stop thrusting his fingers in and out of her until she rode out her orgasm.
Y/N felt her legs tremble and she slowly opened her eyes again just to see Lando over her. His lips were glistening from her juices as he moved to press a kiss on her lips. She tasted herself on his lips, the taste blending with the champagne he drank earlier on the podium and just the taste of him.
She pulled back just enough to mumble, “Need you, Lando. Please.”
Lando didn’t say anything just moved to get rid of the boxers he still wore. Y/N couldn’t help but stare at him, her lips parting slightly.
“Like what you see?”, he teased her though it was apparent that he wanted it just as much as she did. His cock was hard and leaking and huge. Y/N really didn’t know why she hadn’t thought of that.
“How did that fit the last time?”, she blurted out and wanted to take it back immediately when Lando chuckled.
“Wanna find out?”, he said and even though he was just teasing, Y/N knew that if she just said no, Lando would stop immediately, no questions asked.
But she nodded, wanting to finally feel him in her. Lando positioned himself between her thighs, teasing her entrance with the tip of his cock.
Y/N breath hitched as he pushed into her with one hard thrust. Her hands flew to his shoulder, and she was sure that her nails would leave marks on his skin, as she adjusted to the stretch. Lando stilled just for a moment before pulling out nearly fully before slamming back into her.
Y/N moaned his name which just seemed to fuel the Brit, and he started thrusting into her even harder.
“God, you feel so god”, he moaned, his hands gripping her hips and Y/N was sure she would have bruises by tomorrow.
Only after a few thrusts Y/N was already close again, still sensitive from her previous orgasm.
“Lando, I-“, her voice broke but Lando hummed, knowing exactly what she wanted to say.
“I know. Come for me.”
Her orgasm hit her even harder this time, her body still high from before and Lando came just a moment later, with himself buried deep inside her.
For a moment, neither of them moved but then, Lando slowly pulled away, collapsing onto the bed just next to Y/N.
She stared at the ceiling, her chest still heaving as she was catching her breath.
“Happy with your reward?”, she asked Lando.
“Very. This was amazing.”
Y/N rolled to the side to face Lando, a grin tugging at her lips.
“I’ll take that as a compliment, Norris,” she said with a sly grin.
A/N: Should I write a pt. 3? I kinda want to but idk if anyone wants to read it
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