#max pls be alive
i wanna finish the book thief but i dont want it to end just yet but i am curious what will happen to hans alex rudy max rosa and liesel but i am afraid of a tragic ending but i wanna finish the book thief
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dinitride-art · 2 years
Number 10 - Season Four Episode One (Opening Scene)
Okay, so. I was looking through the openings of each season for... reasons. And I went through the start of season four because some weird stuff happened and I was like huh. That’s actually really weird, I’m going to keep looking. Because this stands out from all the other starts for some reason (stars, stars, upside down portal machine/stars, murder and death and banishment-no stars) and that’s just weird. 
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We start out here in the rainbow room (with ten, before this it was that kid with the newspaper and Brenner and colour theory stuff) and Brenner and 10.
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So, all the kids hospital gowns have snowflake designs on them. This is weird because of all the fire imagery we’ve gotten this season (molotov cocktails, flame thrower, pizza oven). Starting out with snow also might be referencing the Snow Ball, which is important later in the season. But either way, we start with 10 and Brenner. 
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My first point: triangles. More specifically, Mike’s shirt pocket triangle. This specific pocket has been really interesting to look at with Mike during season four because it seems to point towards or away from Will depending on how Mike’s choices. Lying to Suzie and in Suzie’s highly religous household? Away from Will, until there’s a moment where it does point to Will-
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Right here, and they have their little hand brush moment (Will’s lit very intensely) and both of them panic. It seems that when they get really scared, Mike’s shirt pocket points to Will and says hey! Here’s why. This is, the problem. 
But it’s interesting that 10′s triangle and Mike’s are in the same season. We’re meant to notice them both separately, with the emphasis placed on both of them (and they’re both blue- or at least connected to blue), but because they’re in the same season it feels possible that they could be connected. 
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Mike and Will’s skates are both size ten and it’s odd that their skates are held in a way that we can read them. Unlike El’s skates, which she’s allowed to move around, Mike and Will’s stay towards the camera. It kinda seems like we’re meant to take note of them. My general rule for if something has meaning is if it’s in front of my face and I can see it. (which isn’t always the case, because sometimes things are hidden away, but usually if it’s there that’s because someone put it there). And I’m seeing two occurrences of the number 10 that are right in front of my face. So, that’s odd. 
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We see a clear shot of El’s room. This could just be reminding the audience that hey! One o our main characters grew up in this lab! But that’s a big part of what we know about El so I don’t know if that’s exactly what’s happening here? It very well might be though considering this is the opening episode of the season. However, it could also be drawing attention to the idea that numbers in Stranger Things have meaning. 
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Now this funky little brain wave scanning machine is one weve seen before.
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We’ve seen this EXACT machine before in season two. The numbers on it? Might be important. 1511 connects to two ideas: El’s number from the lab, and 8:15. (halfway through writing theories I always feel like some ones written all of this before- and I never know if that’s true or not) 
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Brenner draws a sun with a yellow crayon which- I mean, that sounds pretty connected to Will to me. Also might be connected to Max’s idea of hiding in the light and how Will is lit very brightly this whole season and all that. Also could be talking about the idea of a sunny day, or even California, or about weather (like rain and water, or sunny days or snow or storms- lots of shit going on with the weather). Also there’s that pen- which I’ll talk about a little later. That pen is also the thing that stopped me in my tracks while watching this and like. Turned my brain off and on again.
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Brenner is seen writing with that pen multiple times, so it’s not just there for the hell of it. 
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Then Brenner draws a dog- the Byers had a dog in season one. That dog kinda disappeared? And that’s a bit weird, but also one of the only connections dogs have in the show. So that’s also a tad bit weird.
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Brenner and his pen again. So, I wanted to wait until I got through the role of the pen within the scene to bring this up but-
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Season one, episode one- there’s that fucking pen.
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You can half see it in shot here too, it’s Lucas’- but I also think that Will had the same pen (I think- I don’t have a picture of it but that’s what I remember noting in my head). And that’s weird. 
Brenner’s pen if from September 8th 1979- and there’s stuff to say about the seven in the number. Also weird. Also connected to season one. But what i want to point out is that season one starts November 6th 1983. That’s years between the appearances of these pens. Hawkins is small, so they were probably bought from the same place/came from the same place. But they’re also the same damn pens.
Why the Hell are they the same fucking pens.
Either we’re connecting the Party to the lab like symbolism and meta wise, or we’re connecting them within the narrative (...i think that’s right? I mean like logistically and within the bounds of the shows reality that we are presented). Both are concerning options. 
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On Will’s readings we get the (serial number?) 3-A615. (I don’t know what this one might mean- maybe nothing- but Stranger Things is weird with numbers and I don’t trust them). Will’s readings also are really different than 10′s. With ten it looks like they’re monitoring something happening with an actual body function. It’s got a pattern that’s similar to a heart beat monitor even if i does change, it generally keeps that shape. 
But with Will, it’s not like that at all. Since Will is kinda going to get possessed real quick here, I guess these readings do make sense, but it’s weird that Owens is using the machine- the exact same machine no less- in the first place. 
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Also with Will we see all these people watching the footage being recorded in the lab. In season four we find out that Brenner and Owens have all of that footage on hand and use it for the Nina project with El. Brenner and Owens? Sketchy as fuck. Will is definitely on Owens (and Brenner’s probably) radar for possibly having a connection to the Upside Down. 
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The pen comes up yet again. It’s really just there all the time. There’s also the yellow crayon that’s been left out of the box that we can see. Considering the brown crayon was the last one Brenner used, this stands out. At the top of the page Brenner is writing on it either says that Ten is 13 or 14. Both of these are interesting options. 14 would mean 7 + 7, which is bad- and connected to both Will AND Mike because Will told Mike that it was a seven and it’s a thing for them. 13 comes up later here
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Side by side (and even just thinking back on the scenes with El) it’s really clear what’s happening. When it’s happening is pretty interesting. Both of these scenes take place in the first episode of a season; seasons 2 and 4. These seasons parallel each other so much that I genuinely think Mike could be possessed in season four. That’s how much there is. From Steve’s sunglasses, to the relationship problems with being in love and who you actually want to be with (Nancy, Steve and Jonathan - Will, Mike and El), to the arcade and rink o mania, and the disco balls, and the snow ball, and so much. It’s so much. 
So these both being in the same episode in the season is interesting to me. Season two and season four are also the only two seasons that have nine episodes. The Snow Ball happens in both episode nines. In episode two of season 2 it’s the Halloween episode where they go to the street Loch Nora and Will has a bad time. In s4:e2, Mike goes to Lenora- and everyone has a bad time. They find El/El comes back near the end of both episode eights. 
There’s a lot. Honestly too many to list because we’re not done with season four episode one just yet. But yall get it. The parallels. They’re intentional. 
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Just like how when Henry starts murdering children, Ten’s readings are very similar to what Will’s were in season 2. The parallelssssss
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These shots were just weirdly similar to me. I think it’s just the ominous framing and caged in feel created by the door frame adn the hallway perspective, but those lights are also a bit odd. 
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Now we get to number 13! It’s one of the only door numbers we’re able to read when Brenner sees what’s been going on outside. In season one, if I remember correctly, Will needed to roll a 13 or higher right? Which he did not roll. So there’s that connection. 
[A child covered in blood, a green block, a red block, a yellow hexagon, a blue block, a white block, a blue rod, and a green and red crayon are in frame]
[A child next to a pool of blood. A wooden block, a maze, and an overtured yellow bin are in frame. Tattooed on the child’s arm are the letters ‘007′]
[A blood splatter and a child’s arm are in frame. There is a blue half hexagon, a flat red square and a yellow flat rectangle in shot. On the child’s wrist are the numbers ‘005′]
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No pictures for the stuff up there I described because during this scene I had to remind myself that, hey, they’re alright, they’re actors m’dude. I was more comfortable with just describing the shots. Anyways, what I really wanted to focus on was that we’re shown the numbers on two out of three of the kids wrists: Seven and Five. Seven might be connected to that 13 and have some season one ideas. Five might be connected to 8:15. 
The green and red crayon with the first kid reminds me of Will colouring and making the fireballs green because, no red crayon. So do those green and red blocks. The other blocks are a yellow hexagon, a blue block and a white block. Colour theory wise that’s most likely Will, Mike and El (white because of season four- but also could be red. She can do both. I believe in her). The whole rainbow room is really interesting for colour theory. The kid without the number in shot has the most going on around them where as the other two only have a couple notable objects. 
This opening scene might be connected to Mike, Will and El. Which means that there’s a few different possibilities for what this is telling us. But first a short summary to get my thoughts in order. 
1. El’s backstory, One, and the truth about the Mind Flayer and the Upside Down. That’s the first level of what’s happening here. It’s about El and Henry and the Upside Down. It’s setting up the theme of trauma and flashbacks and the Nina project and Vecna. At a first glance that’s what’s happening. 
2. Parallels of season four and season two. Going a bit deeper we can see how season two and season four both have episode ones with similar scenes in the lab. Ten and Will are both seen in the lab with the similar devices. We now know that Brenner and Owens were working together in season four and that there is a connection between the recordings of Will and the recordings of El used for the Nina project. At a second glance we see how this starts to connect to the overarching plot.
3. Fine details and numbers. That machine that we saw hooked up to Will and Ten is actually the exact same machine with the number 1511 on it. We can connect (loosely) Mike and Will too Ten because of what we see in Rink O’ Mania. We can also connect the scene to season one’s opening with the pen that Brenner has and the pens that the Party have being the exact same. Number seven and 13 on the door also connect to season one. There is a dog drawn on Brenner’s note pad that could be referencing the Byers dog in season one, and a yellow sun and a yellow crayon that could be referencing Will. Will is also related to fire imagery because of the spell fireball. Ten’s hospital gown has snowflakes on it which is almost the opposite of that, and connects to the Snow Ball. 
Will is definitely connected to the Hawkins lab in some way, but I think that he might be number 15. I don’t recall how many kids there were, at least 13, but I don’t think that there was a 15. 8:15 and 1511 on the machine are what’s making me think this. I also think that Mike is somehow connected to the Upside Down. The triangle and the tens are part of why I think this- but also just Mike in season 2. He could feel that El was alive, and we know that she was visiting him in her head. He was also one of the only ones able to tell when Will and the Mind Flayer switched out- and while yes this is because of mikeandwill, Joyce was also in that room. That makes me think there was something else going on. Similar to the way that we don’t see Henry mention Will all that much, he doesn’t talk about Mike either. When he and El are fighting in season four, those two should’ve come up. This is a thought that’s been bouncing around in my head for a bit and it’s out there. I know. But then there was the thing with the 10′s and the triangle and the pens and it’s kinda hard not to bring up the Mike theory at that point... the theory being Mike being connected to the Upside Down in some way.
Mostly this is about Will and those parallels though. Because there are a lot of those. Anyways Will probably has powers and Owens and Brenner and all the lab people probably know about it (Luke and Leia, there is... another) and yeah. Also maybe Mike because he’s got some weird stuff going on t-
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stevie-petey · 3 months
also apparently sadi was spotted at the creel house today filming scenes!!!
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hjemve · 1 year
[ EIGHT ]  for receiver to have passed out from overusing their abilities and wakes up to sender at their side.  - seer!Max
ABILITIES  &  SUPER-POWERED  THEMED  PROMPTS  (with @normaltothemax!)
🗴🗴🗴 — he awakes with a jolt, lungs inhaling near-violently with air as he comes to. the sensation of burning; aching; gnawing piercing through his limbs like the bloodied maw of a hungry wolf. There is a hand that reaches for him— and he reaches back. He grabs their wrist in his muddled state, breath trembling in his throat, though he tries his best to steady himself. The Vagrant pulls her closer toward him by the arm, his neck straining to lift even an inch from the ground as he rasps out in a low, demanding tone (betrayed only by the shaking in the hand trying its best to retain its grip on her). "My mask..." he whispers through his teeth, then more forcefully, "did you see—?" when she does not respond as he'd hoped, he lets out a quiet growl-- half in pain and in impatience— and perhaps, a lick of fear. "did you remove anything??"
It's only then that he relinquishes his grasp and attempts to drag himself into a sitting position. He feels too vulnerable laying on the ground, and so it's with visible difficulty in which he brings himself upright. The man stifles a pained grunt as he does, but fails at hiding the way in which his breath quakes in his chest. "Under no circumstances...." he hisses, clutching his arm tightly -- trying to resist the urge to tear the leather armor from his wrist to squeeze the diseased skin. As if that would help ease the pain at all. It wouldn't. He knew it wouldn't; all it would accomplish would be revealing the demon-plague within his flesh to someone who ought not know such a thing exists, let alone within him. Any one hint of his origins to anyone was too much. "--are you to remove this mask." he growls quietly, trying to steady himself-- as well as his voice. He was certain he was.... quite the sight. "--do you understand?" he asks after a long moment, looking up at her through the slits of his masks eyes as though she could see the intensity of which he peered at her.
He'd overdone it. He'd done too much at once, and thus, the essence of the demon spliced within his soul consumed his mortal flesh as the cost of using such power. Perhaps that was why he'd been so... agitated. Not at her, but at himself for being so reckless. It had been quite the beast... worthy of such power, and such a death. He'd killed it with that spectacle. That much he remembered at least.
The vagrant squeezes his eyes shut, chin tipping upward; jaw clenching beneath his mask. It was eating his flesh. Turning it into... something else. It would be painful for some time, even after the price had been paid. "Do not touch me." he hisses, dragging himself to his feet once the worst of the pain had eased and he'd been able to uncurl from himself. "I'm fine... I'll--" he sighs; tone smoothing. voice steadying. "....I will be fine." he sounded tired.
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afterglowsainz · 4 months
yes, and? | max verstappen
summary: max’s impossible crush finally notice him, but he’s stuck in a pr relationship
fc: simone ashley
a/n: so i try something a bit different with this one and made it on the longer side (if you’ve listened to ariana’s song you know this is gonna be messy for sure) (also, simone ashley??? or the prettiest woman ever??? i’m obsessed with her)
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris and others
maxverstappen1 life off track
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username i screamed cried and fainted
username second pic should be illegal
megan.galanis 🥰
username not the pr girlfriend 🙄
username omg let them live!
username they’re dating, get over it
username the third pic pls he’s so POOKIE
username number 1 stan of max’s thighs
username thirsting on main???
username PLS because how can you not ??
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liked by maxverstappen1, bffusername and others
ynusername bridgerton press tour at it’s finest 💍
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username MOTHER
username you’re the prettiest woman alive😩
username yn just one chance please !
bffusername slayyyy
yourusername 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
jbayleaf viscountess activities😎
yourusername 🐝🐝🐝
username im in love with a woman i’ve never met
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tiktok comments
username never took max for a bridgerton guy???
username not complaining tho
username max in his regency romance era🤭
username now i get why he’s always in y/n’s likes like damn i too would be obsessed after watching her on that show
ynusername thank you! <3
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liked by scuderiaferrari, maxverstappen1 and others
ynusername it’s the monaco grand prix! i never miss the grand prix🏁
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username yn and f1 my two passions❤️
username the way yn always serves cunt MUST be studied
bffusername is it? who’s playing?
username ohhh the reference i love them!
username gorgeous! 😍
username i’m in awe
maxverstappen1 🤣
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liked by schecoperez, landonorris and others
maxverstappen1 P1 in Monaco🏆🇲🇨
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username the icon, the legend, the moment
username max verstappen, the only man ever🫶🏽
charles_leclerc nice one mate, congrats! 👊🏽
username no megan appearance, no like, no comment… are we out of the woods?
username oh wow, she didn’t go to 1 race, they obviously must have broken up 🙄
username no but seriously, did her contract ended or something?
username girl why are you so obsessed with their relationship? just leave them alone srsly
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liked by megan.galantis, bffusername and others
f1gossippofficial max verstappen has been seen lately on multiple dates with actress y/n y/l/n around monaco
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username he’s been seen on WHAT
username with WHOM
username but… what about megan…
username what about her?
username never thought of y/n as a homewrecker
username never thought of max as a CHEATER!
username im not mad about this pairing tbh🤔
username megan liking this post and unliking it???
username and y/n’s best friend liking it also
username she’s so unserious
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liked by bffusername, maxverstappen1 and others
ynusername moments📷
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username bestie who took the pics?👀
username don’t be shy you can tell us🤭
bffusername the most beautiful and pretty and talented and funny and smart and
ynusername i’ll marry you rn😩
username after those pics with max i can’t see her the same
username haters gonna hate fr y/n i love you if you see this! 💕
maxverstappen1 🥰 (liked by ynusername)
username oh that’s not…
username this is so wrong in so many levels😭
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liked by carlossainz55, ynusername and others
maxverstappen1 another successful weekend for the team, hopefully many more to come! 🇨🇦
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username “hopefully many more to come” as if we don’t know he’s gonna win all the races already
username being a red bull fan is sooo easy and fun i love it here
username i miss seeing megan in the paddock :(
username jesus christ who understands you, when she was there you hated on her and when she isn’t you miss her
username also, she just missed two races, like😭
username let’s goooo super max
redbullracing many more to come👊🏽
ynusername 🏎🏎 (liked by maxverstappen1)
username she really has no shame huh?
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liked by landonorris, maxverstappen1 and others
ynusername yes, and?
tagged maxverstappen1
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username this was the last thing i expected when i open instagram
username pls the caption😭
username she’s NOT a serious person and i love her for it
username welcome back ariana grande😍
landonorris and my credits for the last picture?
ynusername props to you🙄
username hottest couple imo
username this post single handedly convinced me to watch her show
username it’s so good honestly!!
username yesss y/n and max bringing back messy celebrity couples we love to see it!
maxverstappen1 my one and only girlfriend you’re everything❤️
ynusername you’re too much love!💘
username not the “one and only girlfriend” !!
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thewispsings · 4 months
he got the girl | george russell
pairing: george russell x wolff!reader
summary: that awkward moment when you get caught going on a date with one of your dads drivers.
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liked by georgerussell63, alex_albon, maxverstappen1, and 973,826 others!
f1gossip: y/n wolff was seen last night on a date? with george russell, (yes the mercedes driver) last night in monaco? this was actually very surprising for us as well, thoughts?
view comments below!
user1: no shit
user2: no way george pulled y/n
user3: GEORGE IN THE LIKES ??????
user5: sorry guys 😅😅 but that’s actually me and y/n, not her and that skinny twig 😅😅
user6: maybe they were just hanging out??
user8: this is actually crazy
user9: okay guys..but the pictures are actually so cute 🙂‍↕️
alex_albon: holy shit @/georgeussell63 no way you actually got her
georgerussell63: well don’t act so surprised 🙄
maxverstappen1: we will act so surprised. she’s rejected you 10 times.
georgerussell63: she has NOT!
maxverstappen1: sorry, 20 times**
charles_leclerc: holy cow 😳
mercedesamgf1: omg no
mercedesamgf1: What the fuck is this. - Toto Wolff
user13: TOTO NOOO
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liked by georgerussell63, mercedesamgf1, yourusername and 43,837 others!
tagged: yourusername, and georgerussell63
f1: it’s been a while, but y/n is back!
view comments below!
user15: her and lewis 😞😞
user17: she looks so good 🙄
mercedesamgf1: please un-tag George William Russell. - Toto Wolff
user19: someone PLEASE get this old geezer his own instagram account
user20: the way he adds - Toto Wolff, like we don’t already know ???
user21: oh what i would do to be a fly in the mercedes garage right now
user22: the use of george’s FULL name ??? that boy better run
georgerussell63: 😍😍
leiwshamilton: do you want our boss to kill you?
landonorris: it’s like he WANTS to die
user24: after years of being rejected by y/n he wants everyone to know he finally got her 😭
user25: george finally gets y/n and he loses all fear
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f1gossip; y/n was asked about the dating rumors today she was asked “are you and george dating”, she answered, “i think he’s made it very clear, hasn’t he?”
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user27: i low key thought george was having like a manic episode and was pretending to date y/n but this basically confirmed it, happy for them!
user28: LMAO WHATT
user29: okay now toto’s reaction pls
user30: wait but if she’s toto’s daughter? why is her hair like blonde blonde
user31: she dyes her hair religiously
user32: okay but george being like so proud of this relationship is so incredibly cute 😞
user33: netflix is going to eat this up
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liked by, yourusername, lewishamilton, georgerussell63, and 926,826 others!
mercedesamgf1: our family 🙏🙏
view comments below!
user38: this is hilarious
yourusername: p5 and p7 👏👏
georgerussell63: wanted to make you proud 🥰
user40: toto will appear in an estimated 3 seconds
mercedesamgf1: 😐 - Toto Wolff.
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f1gossip: george russell and toto wolff were seen speaking after the race in monaco, sources say that after a intense chat, they hugged it out, thoughts?
view comments below!
user41: AND HE APPROVES!!!
user42: YAY
user44: okay now i can actually be happy about this relationship
user45: i kinda feel bad that his own daughter didn’t tell him that she was dating someone…
user46: they bro hugged 🥹
user47: so happy for y/n and george ❤️
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liked by f1, lewishamilton, danielricciardo, mercedesamgf1, and 637,927 others!
georgerussell63: after 4 years, i finally got the girl 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
view comments below!
landonorris: YEAH RUSSELL 🗣️
oscarpiastri: finally 👏👏
danielriccarido: HELL YEAH
maxverstappen1: i still don’t believe it…
lewishamilton: proud of you man 🫂
charles_leclerc: YAY!!!
carlossainz55: he finally made it🥹🥹
mclaren: she could do better
user48: ADMIN??
yukitsunoda: really?
alex_albon: still not convinced this is real 😅
user49: this whole comment section is killing me 😭
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liked by, georgerussell63, mercedesamgf1, lewishamilton, and 736,260 others!
yourusername: when he’s dad approved 😍
view comments below!
mercedesamgf1: eh - Toto Wolff.
yourusername: father pls get instagram
georgerussell63: my beautiful gorgeous exquisite breathtakingly beautiful girl 😍😍🥰🥰
user50: need me a man like THIS.
lewishamilton; simp 🫵
yourusername: ??? who taught you that
lewishamilton; the internet
user51: now get married and have 3 kids !!!
georgerussell63: soon!
mercedesamgf1: NO NOT SOON. - Toto Wolff
f1: beautiful couple 😻
user53: i need me a man who loves me as much as he loves y/n
user54: he waited 4 years for her 🥹🥹
user55: the train tracks looks really delicious right about now
user56: me and who???
user57: why is george kinda sexy…
yourusername: how are you just realizing this now?
yourusername; no comment.
. . .
notes: i have my chemistry final tomorrow, wish me luck!
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halinski · 2 years
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lizdive · 2 months
hello! platonic aventurine, jing yuan, blade, sunday, boothill, dan heng and dr ratio with a teen!reader who is like lynette from genshin?
please do include lynette’s backstory as well :3
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love my girlie lynette i remember when i first got her i maxed her out as quick as possible she’s so pretty <33 idk why tumblr wasn’t cooperating with me while i was trying to format this istg,,,, tysm for requesting !! sorry this took some time,, if you’re unsatisfied just tell me and i’ll redo it !! <33
notes 𐙚 gender-neutral reader — "you" used to refer to reader ,, reader is a teenager ,, reader is based off of "lynette" from the game genshin impact ,, platonic relationships ,, mentions of being sold, close to being 'used', creepy old men, and other things relating to lynette’s past ,, yanqing is referenced in jing yuan’s part ,, mention of silver wolf in blade’s part ,, mention of march in dan heng’s part ,, mention of screwllum in dr ratio’s part ,, this is not proofread pls ignore typos especially bcs this is so long i cannot proofread this all rn
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⭑ AVENTURINE has worked with many people and therefore has seen it all when it comes to appearances and personalities, but you by far are the most interesting person he’s met.
⭑ He’s tried to interact with you before, and every time you give him a bizarre and odd response he only tries harder. Mostly because he wants to properly hold a conversation with you, but also because he wants to see how odd your replies can get.
⭑ He doesn’t blame you for not trusting him so easily. Many who have joined the IPC have done it out of force and therefore trust nobody. He actually feels a bit proud that you are not naive and stay guarded around the other workers so they don’t take advantage of you. Still, he’ll try his best to befriend you so you aren’t alone.
⭑ Finds your swordsmanship very impressive. Your agility and strength brings you praise from him and sometimes he’ll watch you train. You don’t say anything to him as usual. Whenever you spot him you just stare at him with that poker face of yours and continue as if he isn’t even there.
⭑ When he notices how much tea you drink on a daily basis, he’ll gift you the finest tea on the market as a 'good job' for completing missions successfully. You’ll know it’s from him because of it’s value and because he always leaves little notes on the boxes.
⭑ If you ever invite him to have some tea and sweets with you, trust that he will be there whether it be physically or using a hologram if he’s far away. He’ll prepare tea in his location and make it look like he’s actually present with you physically in the moment.
⭑ The longer AVENTURINE spends time with you, the more he finds himself subconsciously keeping a sweet treat with him at all times in case you’re craving something. If you’re off on a mission he’ll make sure to give you money for your tea and sweet treats alone and will ask you to send him pictures of what you got.
⭑ He’s is very interested in your feline features and traits. When you tell him about your rare case of atavism, he’s very intrigued. He may do his own little experiments like buying you cat toys to see your reaction which is up to interpretation. Also, he’ll bring you fish dishes during your lunch breaks whenever you forget to bring your food!
⭑ Loves watching your performances and would be honored if you asked him to assist you! If you ever want to hold something grand-scale he’ll be more than happy to rent you a full theatre to perform in. Best advertisements for your shows and everything.
⭑ When you open up to him about your past, he can only sit there is surprise and pity. You were so young yet already went through so much before joining the IPC. He can relate to you in some ways as well. He knows what it’s like to be sold off to men who only used instead of cared.
⭑ If you tell him that man may still be alive, he’ll do a bit of research. If he is, then AVENTURINE will have a lovely gambling match with him! No worries, it’s all for fun! Fun for you, at least, when you get to go shopping with all the money the man once had but now lost. Buy yourself some nice outfits and self-care products, you deserve it !!
⭑ If you ever have moments where you feel bad or icky from your past, or have nightmares, he’ll always be there to comfort you. Call him, text him, go up to him and ask for comfort, or if he’s near and notices he’ll come and ask you if you’re okay and if you wanna talk about it. He’s good at distractions. Why not have some snacks with him, It’s time for shopping, there’s this new restaurant that opened that serves purely seafood.
⭑ He’ll do the talking for you. If anyone tries to switch from him to you he’ll either let you give the weirdest response ever or steer them back to him. He also appreciates how you don’t beat around the bush and how frank you are.
⭑ You’re bad with machines and tech? AVENTURINE doesn’t think much of it until you wreck the fifth computer that month.. oh well, he’ll just buy you a new one. He’ll try his best to teach you and help you improve and fix your machinery clumsiness, but he’ll also tease you and joke about it.
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"Tea is ready, now it's time for a short rest."
"Alright, just let me finish the last paper in this file and I’ll be right there. I have some new news about [+] from the genius society~"
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⭑ The general of the Luofu attending your performances instead of working? More likely than you think! You various tricks and acts are a nice pass-time when he doesn’t feel like completing the mountain of paperwork stacked up on his desk. While you aren’t the most expressive person which may lead to some acts come off as dull, he finds amusement in how your personality contradicts your occupation.
⭑ A bit concerned when he spots you walking around the large ship without any supervision on multiple occasions, but it’s not his place to ask and you don’t look distressed or anything (not that you ever do.) However, he’ll order some cloud knights to keep a close eye on you just in case anyone were to try anything.
⭑ JING YUAN found out about your swordsmanship skills from Yanqing. It was when the young boy had returned from his training, utterly exhausted with his hair looking like had been attacked by a wind storm, that he is told about the teen with the feline features has some impressive swordsmanship.
⭑ That’s when his interest was piqued and he tries to interact with you. After performances he’ll give you some praise and ask how you’re doing. This, of course, makes you a bit nervous as this is the general of the luofu and here he his talking to you like you’re his kid,, so you do what you do best and hit him with one of your outlandish responses that makes him pause.
⭑ JING YUAN laughs thinking you’re pulling off one of your acts, but then you do it again and again and by the end of the interaction you have successfully made the general question if his age was getting to him.
⭑ Still, he will continue to praise you and ask how your day is after every performance, sometimes offering a game of starchess if you’re not too busy. His consistency is what gets you to trust him as he shows no ill-intent, especially after you grow closer to Yanqing behind the scenes as the boy constantly spars with you.
⭑ He doesn’t mind how frank and straightforward you can be. Like Aventurine, he’s worked with many different people and appreciates it. Your pokerface is also something he’ll praise you for as it’s very useful in combat and when playing against him.
⭑ When you open up about your past, JING YUAN can’t help the seed of anger that has been planted in him, and the more you share, the more that anger grows. He knows this world is cruel, but he had secretly hoped that it had been kinder to you. His relief is very evident on his features when you tell him that the man hadn’t been able to do anything relating to your body.
⭑ Will issue an order to a small group of cloud knights to find the man who had dared to put you through such a horrible experience. They won’t be the one to use him as a training target, however. That is for JING YUAN to enjoy. Oh, don’t mind him. Something important came up. Don’t worry, he’ll be back soon. You just enjoy your tea and sweets.
⭑ Speaking of tea and sweets, JING YUAN will always be down for tea time with youHe’ll try to clear at least a nice period in the afternoon to dedicate it to tea time with you. It becomes a tea party as Yanqing join you both sometimes. Takes tea time very seriously and will pause whatever he’s doing to attend. Clock strikes tea time? He’s leaving mid-conversation.
⭑ Cat naps!! It’s a big pile of you, him, mimi, and sometimes Yanqing, all curled up together and slumbering peacefully under the warm sun. He’ll use the excuse of keeping an eye on you when you’re napping just so he can nap as well. He indulges your cat instincts / traits a lot (sometimes you think he’s secretly a cat, too.)
⭑ Finds the fact that you’re very clumsy with machines very funny but also surprising. You’re so skilled with your blade and you perform such intricate acts and tricks that take years go master yet you struggle using a vacuum?? It’s a pretty bad case especially because the luofu is very mechanical-machinery reliant, so if anything randomly breaks, JING YUAN will just sigh as he knows it’s most likely you.
⭑ He won’t always be there to do the talking for you, but he’ll do his best. Plus, not many people will chat with you when the general is around. They’d either be too intimidated or just think it’s not in their place. If you ever wish to avoid social interaction, just stick next to him.
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"Animals can also express their feelings. If you listen carefully, you can tell what state they are in. For a kitty, 'Meow~' means they are much happier than 'Meow meow meow!', and in that situation, you can pet them as much as you want and they won't run away."
"Hmm… is that so? Well, mimi makes more of a 'Meow… meow meow meow!' noise when I pet her. What emotion does that convey?"
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⭑ This man does not interact with anyone, so how you two became close is still a mystery to the other stellaron hunters. Still, it’s clear that you both have some sort of bond that’s inseparable.
⭑ Missions with the both of you is just comfortable silence. The two of you are like the social outcasts of any setting. Well, at least the missions are completed swiftly. Most of the time, the third person of the mission doesn’t even have to do anything in the combat department. You both just slice and dice.
⭑ There is no doing the talking for each other because nobody talks to you both, anyways. People are too intimidated to talk to you both with how doll-esque you seem and how scary he is. You both are social interaction repellents and it can be a bit annoying for some, but people like Silver Wolf love it.
⭑ You both bond over not being the best with technology and machinery. You both never rarely use your phones and therefore are victims of having your phones used by other people. You both really couldn’t care less.
⭑ BLADE will watch your performances whenever he isn’t busy with missions. If you want him to help you, it’ll take a bit of convincing, especially if it involves you being in enclosures like being in a glass box with water or something. During dangerous tricks like those he’s very focused so nothing bad happens. Would prefer if he was the one at risk instead of you,,,
⭑ If you want to spar with him, he’ll be hesitant. Yes, you’re good with your sword, but he’s much much more skilled and he’s worried he’ll accidentally hurt you. He’l mentor you, however. Teaching is fine, but sparring is a big nono.
⭑ Doesn’t really care much for your feline features. BLADE has seen a lot of hybrids in his time so yours are not a shocker. He’ll be considerate of any boundaries and will make sure people don’t touch your ears or tail of course, but he won’t treat you any differently than any other person.
⭑ Will drink tea with you occasionally but he won’t eat the sweet treats. Likes tea himself, so he’ll enjoy your little tea times. He’ll bring back new types of teas you have yet to try during missions. If he’s going back to the planet or if it’s nearby and you liked a specific type, he’ll buy it again in larger portions so you can drink as much as you want.
⭑ Opening up to him is like talking to a wall. He looks stoic as always on the outside but trust that on the inside he has already thought of over 100 ways to make that man’s life a living hell. Like Jing Yuan, he knows the world is cruel. He will simply be crueler. Doesn’t take long for him to find the man who had bought you, and that day Blade’s bounty is soaring with how big the increase is.
⭑ Not the best with comforting others but if you’re having a bad day because of the memories or feel icky or something BLADE will make sure everyone gives you space and lets you have your you time. Will prepare tea and a snack for you, too.
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"I used to think that the golden sun and dark shadows of the night could never understand one another. But in you, I see a kind of strange complexity that has needlessly piqued my curiosity..."
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⭑ Another one that attends your shows! The news of a rising feline-featured performed piqued his interest, and so on opening night for your first show he could be seen seated in the spectator seats up top.
⭑ Really enjoys how your stoic demeanor balances your dramatic acts. While he knows your lack of enthusiasm isn’t the most encouraging for people to return or interact, he appreciates how different it is from the other over the top performers that litter penacony. SUNDAY soon becomes a regular at your shows.
⭑ It was you who came up to him first. You simply wanted to thank him for his consistent attendance and constant support, but he soon swept you int conversation and no matter how many odd and bizarre responses you gave him, he always managed to adjust to keep the conversation going. You cannot win with him.
⭑ These back-stage / after-show conversations soon become almost as frequent as his attendance to your performances. Also, his frequent attendance does not go unnoticed and when news of the head of the oak family being seen during almost every performance goes viral your popularity skyrockets.
⭑ Have you ever thought of security work as a side-occupation? It was when SUNDAY was escorting you to call a taxi that he saw your swordsmanship in action. Your theatre borders some dangerous territory, but memes were usually taken care of. He now knew who dealt with him as he watched you obliterate the ones that appeared. It reassures him knowing that you can take care of yourself.
⭑ Everyone in his residence knows how serious tea time is. Servants are rushing around in the kitchens trying to prepare the perfect sweets and snacks. To prepare the tea just the way you both like it, hot enough for SUNDAY but cool enough for you. The poor servants’ stress levels are always through the roof when it’s tea time preparation, and you are blissfully unaware of it all. By the time you’re in sunday’s office or lounge, everything has already been prepared.
⭑ Just like you are intrigued by SUNDAY’s halovian features, he is intrigued by your feline features. When you both are close enough, he’ll let you preen his wings and you’ll let him groom your ears and tail. He’s much more fussy with you, however. The second he spots a stray strand of fur in his office, he’s demanding your presence so he can get rid of the rest of the loose fur. He’ll get even more fussy before your performances and will always do last-minute checks before you’re out on stage.
⭑ Another one that appreciates your honesty and how you always cut straight to the point. Can always rely on you to tell him what he needs when he needs it. Also, your attention to detail is very useful and sometimes he’ll ask of you to focus on certain people during a show and report back to him.
⭑ The second you begin to open up about your past, SUNDAY is right beside you reassuring you to take it slow especially when you tell him about the man you were sold to. He’s pissed, rightfully so, but during the moment he’s supportive and makes sure to make it very clear that you are not anything negative you say about yourself should you do so.
⭑ SUNDAY is very good at interrogations, and with THEIR ability he’ll know if that wretched scum lies to him. There is no justifying, there is no 'the past is past' — there is no redemption. Once the man admits all he has done, he will be rid of. Vanished off the face of the cosmos. Nobody will know anything about him.
⭑ He’ll help you practice for performances, but he won’t go up on stage with you. He’d rather watch from afar as he doesn’t want to steal the spotlight from you. Your show nights are all about you, and he’ll make sure of it. There will be no disturbances and no casualties.
⭑ Funds all of your performances. Buys you any and all equipment you want and need. Want to expand your theatre? Done and without any charge. SUNDAY is your number one supporter and defender !!
⭑ He doesn’t mind doing the talking for you, but he’ll try and encourage you to talk for yourself. It would do you good to indulge in some small talk and conversation every once in a while! But if you insist you don’t want to and just want to be left alone without conversation, he’ll understand and drop it.
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"After the sun goes down, the desires hidden in people's hearts will rise to the surface... I mean— evening shows are spectacular. Should I reserve a ticket for you?"
"Ahaha, yes, please do reserve a ticket."
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⭑ Was creeped out the moment he met you. You were so still and expressionless that he thought you were a doll until you suddenly rushed forward and beat ass. If he had a heart it would’ve definitely stopped.
⭑ BOOTHILL couldn’t deny your swordsmanship was praiseworthy, however. Your agility, your sharp cuts, everything about it was impressive for someone your age. He tried to praise you but you gave him that stoic look and blurted out the most random sentence he’s heard and walked away leaving him dazed.
⭑ It doesn’t matter if your shows are expensive or not, BOOTHILL WILL get himself a ticket just to be able to figure out what it is with you. Also, because the idea of your dull expressionless self doing magic tricks had him doubling over in laughter. However, he was surprised at how professional you were with every act and trick.
⭑ Managed to sneak backstage and looked around for you only to find you gone. Was disappointed because he really did want to praise you for your skill— well, now skills. And maybe wanted to know who the hell trained you and how you were so good for a teenager.  Oh well, there was always the next show.
⭑ Or, there was always that same night. Saving you from some creepy men who were trying to do Aeons know what was all it took for you to glue yourself to him and use him as your meat shield. Not that BOOTHILL minded, it was kinda of in his job description and his morals to protect innocent people, especially when they were on the younger side.
⭑ He’s still a bit creeped out by how you’re so.. doll. You follow him around like a reserved duckling. And it’s not just following him around until the end of his stay — no, he literally finds you grabbing onto his jacket as he makes his way to leave to complete another bounty. There’s no getting rid of you and he’s accepted that.
⭑ He’ll definitely tease you about your feline features and behaviors. Calls you a clingy cat and will buy you cat toys as jokes. If you get upset, he’ll quickly apologize and make it up to you by taking you to your favorite seafood restaurant and letting you get whatever you want. If you don’t mind the jokes, then you’ll have a pile of cat toys that grows with each month!
⭑ Didn’t understand why you’d always stand in the corner of his mechanic’s shop when he was getting upgrades or repaired. He though it was just some teenage shyness but then one night he watched you blow up a literal vacuum. Terrified of you messing with his wires while he’s asleep charging. He tried to help, but gave up and backed away when you proceeded to fry your phone because it overheated.
⭑ Finds it absolutely hilarious when you’re interacting with people. Whether it’s your brutal honesty when talking to others or just one of your flabbergasting sentences to get them to leave you alone, it’s all comedic gold to him. Until it’s targeted at him,,, then uhm,,, yeah,,, okay maybe it’s a bit funny but still,,,,,
⭑ BOOTHILL knows he can come off as intimidating, and he’ll use it to his advantage if you don’t want anyone to talk to you. If someone tries to push it, they’ll have a nice revolver in their face and a protective cyborg ready to shoot at any moment should they push it even more.
⭑ When you open up to him about your past, all he can feel is rage — so much so that his internal fans are whirring to cool him down. He immediately asks you if you remember his name, his appearance, anything. He’ll also comfort you if you feel bad or feel like it’s your fault, which it definitely isn’t.
⭑ Oh sorry, he just got a new bounty you can’t go on. It’s just too dangerous! Don’t worry, you stay and spend all his money like some spoiled teen if you want. He’ll be back soon, you just relax and have a little you time!!
⭑ Would love to take part in your performances. He’s cautious if he’s on stage, however, and will probably use a disguise so nobody notices him since he is a wanted man, after all. He doesn’t want to risk your safety because of his status. He has yet to find out you also have a rising bounty on your head because you’ve been spotted numerous times with him.
⭑ BOOTHILL doesn’t mind your little tea time as long as it doesn’t get in the way of important bounties and dangerous missions. Even if it does, he’ll just tell you to maybe change your schedule? He’ll take you to a nice tea shop to make up for it but please focus on the bounty so it can be over with and you’ll be safe,,,
⭑ Really wants to know how you do that teacup card trick,,,
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"I'm not accustomed to expressing myself, but I consider myself a good listener. If you have any troubles, tell me. I'll guard your secrets."
"I don’t doubt ya, kid."
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⭑ DAN HENG initially did not expect you to trust anyone quickly when you first joined the express. It takes one to know one, but he can tell rather quickly that you were cautious of everyone despite your poker face. He doesn’t talk too much with you, not that he gets the chance as you give your weird replies to everyone who tries to talk to you.
⭑ He doesn’t realize that you inviting him for tea time in your room is a privilege only he has until March complains about your 'favoritism'. He’ll ask you about it and you’ll confirm it. He won’t ask why but it’s nice to know you trust him more than anyone else.
⭑ You both are social outcasts 2.0. He’ll do most of the talking for you both, but if anyone else from the crew is present, especially March, then they’ll do the talking for you both. He’s also the only one to understand your random response and to this day nobody knows how he does it.
⭑ Just like he needs to tend to his vidyadhara traits, you need to tend to your feline ones. Doesn’t mind if you randomly start shedding but will get a bit bothered if you leave your shedded fur around in the archives. If it gets to much he’ll sit you down and comb through your tail and ears’ fur himself. Also, if you’re comfortable with it, please put in some data about your avatism in the archives.
⭑ DAN HENG doesn’t seem all that enthusiastic during your performances, but he does enjoy them. He’ll clap and give some words of encouragement, but he’s not full on beaming. He just doesn’t know how to properly show his support physically so he’ll show it with praise and giving you trinkets and things he thinks you would or could use.
⭑ Also doesn’t mind helping you with acts and performances, and it’s funny how the both of you have this deadpan poker face while doing the most dramatic over the top jaw dropping trick. You both have a bit of a reputation on some planets that you’ve publicly performed during free time on missions,,
⭑ DAN HENG, like Blade, isn’t the best at comforting people — he can barely comfort himself. He’s a bit emotionally awkward. Still, he’ll try his best to comfort you as you open up to him about your past. He’s upset, but never at you. He’ll pat your back comfortingly or let you hug him.
⭑ If there’s ever a mission where he lays eyes on that man should he still be alive, DAN HENG will act on your behalf. He just needs to keep his skills sharp, that’s all. WORLD CLEANSING DRAGON—
⭑ If you have nightmares, you’re always free to sleep next to him in the archives. He knows how bad nightmares can be as someone who has suffered from them, and if you get embarrassed because you think it’s childish due to your age, he’ll pretend to still be asleep when you enter his room late to snuggle next to him.
⭑ Your clumsiness with technology and machinery genuinely concerns him. He’ll try to keep as little tech in your room as possible and will supervise you whenever you do literally anything with objects of the sort so you don’t hurt yourself or anyone around.
⭑ There’s a lot of things DAN HENG doesn’t realize he’s doing unless someone points it out. How he orders dishes that have some fish in them so he can give them to you, how he always makes sure your tea is cool enough for your sensitive tongue, how he know when you’re upset or not just from your ears.
⭑ Doesn’t mind sparring with you, but he’ll go easy on you. If you want him to mentor you, he’ll take it very seriously. He wants to make sure that you’ll be able to defend yourself should anything happen. Yes, he knows your swordsmanship is impressive for your age, but he also knows that impressive does not equal safety every time. He may be a bit strict, but it’s for your wellbeing so please don’t get upset.
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"Go to sleep, I still have some loose ends to tie up from work today... I still have to fix the vacuum cleaner I broke.."
"That’s the third one this month.."
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⭑ Was a bit surprised when he entered his lecture to find a feline-featured teenager sitting front row staring at him with a dead look. Was a bit creeped out, but whatever. He was fully expecting you to drop out after the first class.
⭑ Was surprised once again when you showed up for the next lecture. And the one after and after and after. Not to mention you were diligent and observant. You noticed a lot of things and after you two grew close, he’s a bit intimidated by how much you know and notice.
⭑ Some of the other students hate you for it bcs you can easily snitch on them if he ever asked you to. They can never say anything about it because you either ignore them or VERITAS steps in and scolds them.
⭑ You’re like a therapy cat for him but not in a weird way. If you let him, VERITAS will study your case of avatism. With how cat-like you behave, he’ll do some tests like scratching your ears and petting you. Would also see your reaction to cat toys. Now, why do I say therapy cat? Because your purring calms him down always. Also you make him feel like a cat dad.
⭑ He’ll get annoyed if you freely shed all around. Will scold you every time and then expect you to groom yourself properly. If you don’t he’ll get all huffy and frustrated as he does it himself but he really doesn’t mind. He just puts up an act.
⭑ You both are a scary duo. Some people think you’ve gotten your frank and brutal tongue from VERITAS, but you were like that since young. Still, many firmly believe you got it from him. You needn’t worry about unecessary conversation — people are too scared either you or him will rip them a new one for even looking at you. (exaggeration)
⭑ And while many are intimidated and scared of you, getting easily offended at your lack of sugarcoated words, VERITAS appreciates how blunt you can be. Will tell other people to be like you and doesn’t care if they get offended LMFAO
⭑ Probably the one on this list that’s the biggest enjoyer of tea time. You’ll be working on your assignments and be’ll be grading others’ assignments while enjoying sweet snacks and tea. Either that, you both sit in comfortable silence, or you’re dropping all the latest gossip you’ve heard and things you’ve noticed about your classmates that he hasn’t.
⭑ Contrary to the popular belief of his students, VERITAS finds himself enjoying your magic tricks and performances. It takes skill to do what you do, and he has to give credit where it’s due. He won’t really help during your acts, but he’ll give his input and ideas on how to improve like a better angle or quicker actions.
⭑ Also, VERITAS would encourage you to better cultivate your swordsmanship! I’d like to think he has connections, so he’ll find you someone if you want a mentor. If not, then that’s fine too. He’ll remind you everyday to go train for at least an hour. He won’t force you if you don’t feel like it, of course. As long as you’re with him, he’ll be able to protect you anyways.
⭑ Also one of the not-so-good comforters on the list when you open up about your past. So instead, he’ll brutally degrade the man you were sold to until you feel better. He’s trying his best, please understand that. He’ll give you an awkward pet to the head to top it all off.
⭑ I feel like VERITAS wouldn’t do anything to the man physically. Instead, he’ll care for your skills and enhance them until you’re known across the cosmos. Be it as a scholar, a sword fighter, a performer, or something else. Because in his eyes, that’s the best revenge.
⭑ Should that man still be alive, he will see that the one he saw as nothing but a toy to use is now one of the brightest stars in the cosmos, known all throughout while he is rotting away like the scum bastard he is.
⭑ Now, VERITAS is very prideful with his favorite and best student and he supports you, but,,,, but what is this,,,,, how are you so horrible with technology and machinery???? Were you born yesterday??
⭑ Like Dan Heng, he’ll supervise you whenever you’re using anything that has tech and/or machinery in it. Almost got a heart attack when he saw you tinkering with something that piqued your interest on Herta’s space station — VERITAS genuinely thought you’d bring the end of the station by blowing it up.
⭑ Would implement things in divergent universe (domain based off of tea time, occurrence, etc.) that relates to you and he wouldn’t even realize it until Screwllum points it out to which he denies.
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"Making tea looks simple on the surface, but it is actually quite complex. The quality of the tea leaves, the temperature of the water, the number of times to add water... Only when every variable is properly controlled can tea of the purest taste be brewed. Would you like a cup?"
"You truly are passionate in the art of tea making, hm? But, yes, I would like a cup."
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691 notes · View notes
landograndprix · 9 months
woman ✾ l.n - vii
❧ you love max, you really do but your little brother has been getting more on your nerves each day as he tries to set you up with one of his friends.
❧ love, hate and jealousy.
❧ and then I said, let's make Charles the villain 🥰 this is a psa for the people who wanted to be on my taglist but never got tagged, i didn't forget or ignore you, I simply am unable to tag you and therefore removed you from the list feel free to ask me again so I can take a look at it. Taglist is open Love ya ❤️
❧ prev part – next part
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liked by landonorris, irisxo and 98,563 others
y/nverstappen right mate, what's all this then? 🇬🇧
view all 678 comments
norrizz babe, do you love a London boy?
bott_ass asking questions we know the answer to already 😔
norrizz yeah but I need her to confirm it before I go mental about them 😔
landoscar it's okay girl, tag your man
y/nverstappenfan looks like you're having fun!
lnlando 🤮
norry4 my guy lando is getting fed
hamilt44n he's getting that wife treatment without her being his wife 😂
norry4 good dick will do that to a woman
hamilt44n true true, we know man's is packing so lucky girl she is 😏
sharl16 wonder who she's with..
daiseeeey go hang out with people you own age lmfao what
lewlew did you go to highgate, met all of his best mates?
carlandooo they probably enjoyed nights in Brixton and shoreditch in the afternoon :)
y/nverstappen babe, don't threaten me with a good time
lewlew Y/n a certified swiftie?!
julieeeexo what is happening in these comments?! 😂
landoooo4 leave lando alone pls.
irisxo get your ass back home, I need my private chef back.
missusnorris I'll give you all my savings if you leave lando alone
landonorris it's mint in here
y/nverstappen innit?
grussell this feels a lot like mocking the brittish 😂
charles_16 I mean she's dating one, she's got the right to do so 👀
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y/nverstappen posted on their story
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liked by maxverstappen1, riabish and 142,564 others
y/nverstappen zandvoort prep 🍊
view all 678 comments
lanlan mclaren orange 🥰
notnorriss girl or orange because she's Dutch, max is Dutch, it's the Dutch gp? 💀
norrizz lando being in Amsterdam and posting about stroopwafels on his story, y/n living in Amsterdam and posting a picture of stroopwafels??
redbullracing zamdvoort ready! 🍊
norry4 loving your vibes lately! 😍
hannahh was lovely meeting you guys last night!
landosainzz where did you meet her?? I was out in Amsterdam too
hannahh they had dinner in the restaurant I work at
landosainzz was lando there too? 👀
hannahh yep and a lot of others as well
landosainzz girl spill the tea!!
hannahh no lmao why would I, leave them alone 💀
landonorris my favorite stroopwafel 🍪
y/nverstappen that's a chocolate chip cookie
landonorris they don't have a stroopwafel emoji you muppet
missusnorrizz 🤮
chilisainz missusnorrizz stfu they're cute
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liked by oscarpiastri, logansargeant and 115,547 others
y/nverstappen tough day at the office.
view all 783 comments
bott_ass you did not! 😭
hamilt44n y/n, bullying these men is so mean...do it again 😏
oscarpiastri thanks for the reminder, I really needed it
y/nverstappen I know, I'll send it again next week!
oscarpiastri ah, I will be looking forwards to it!
charloss im glad y/n adopted the rookies this year 😭
norry4 babes we know these men are alright, how are you doing?!
sainzcahlos zandvoort, you we're a curse, I'll see you next year!! 😭
norriizlan lando made it to the instagram posts..
norrizz so did Charles, Logan, Oscar and Daniel..what's your point?
maxemillian girl are you still alive? I figured your dad would've killed you by now with the staggers he's been sending your way all day long..
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Woman taglist @hockeyboysarehot @starwarssavy23 @be-your-coffee-pot @thecubanator2 @ironmaiden1313 @hanniesdawn @leclercdream @alexandralibbre @elliegrey2803 @watersquirtpewpewboomm @whoreks @cha-hot @sunny44 @roseseraj @goldenharrysworld @18754389 @graciewrote
Everything taglist; @thomaslefteyebrow @hopefulinlove @smoothopz @honethatty12 @cixrosie @parkersmjs @ireadthensuetheauthors @celestialams @be-your-coffee-pot @heli991113 @kodzuvk @reality-is-a-con @80sloverry @bibissparkles @myescapefromthislife @lanando4 @elliegrey2803 @ravisinghs-wife @harrysdimple05 @minkyungseokie @pretty-little-bunny382728
Lando taglist: @simp-for-fictional-people @landossainz @christianpulisic10 @bored-brunette2
628 notes · View notes
edsbug · 3 months
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pairing: eddie munson x gn!reader
summary: you and eddie are rivals in the street racing underworld. as you navigate the world of street racing, sparks fly not just on the track but between you both. (wc: 2466)
cw: 18+ NSFW, mdni! enemies to lovers, street racing, author knows nothing about cars, max makes a cameo, alcohol consumption, eddie smokes, reader gives eddie a handjob in his car, includes the ‘stare and drive’ scene from 2 fast 2 furious.
authors note: i binge watched every fast and furious film over the weekend and came up with this. english is not my first language. this is my first fic ever. pls be kind<3
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The roar of engines fills the night air as you roll up to the street race, your car’s headlights slicing through the darkness. The scene ahead is a chaotic blend of neon lights, the murmur of excited voices, and the unmistakable smell of burning rubber. Cars of every make and model are lined up along the street, their drivers and crews preparing for the night’s events.
You slowly navigate through the crowd, your yellow Mustang drawing a few admiring glances and murmurs of recognition.
You pull up to the starting line, the engine purring beneath you. As you step out of your car, the crowd's eyes follow you. You’ve built a reputation here, known for your skill behind the wheel. This was your domain, the place where you felt the most alive. You stood by the hood of your car, giving the engine a final look over, when you heard the familiar sound of heavy metal blasting out of a cars stereo.
Eddie Munson, with his wild hair and even wilder reputation. He was known for his reckless driving and his ability to charm his way out of any trouble. You’d clashed more times than you could count, both on and off the track. To say there was bad blood between you was an understatement.
You glanced over at him now, his figure fully illuminated by the street lights. He was leaning against his jet black Camaro parked on the starting line, his eyes hidden behind aviator sunglasses despite the nocturnal hour. His long wavy hair was dancing slightly in the cool wind and his black leather jacket hugged his figure just right. He pushed off the car and walked over, each step echoing with confidence.
You grit your teeth, refusing to let him distract you. But deep down, you can't deny the thrill of his attention, the way his gaze lingers on you.
"Well, well, well," Eddie drawls with a smirk, standing in front of you now. "Look who decided to show up."
You roll your eyes, trying to keep your voice steady. "I'm not missing a chance to wipe that smirk off your face."
He laughs, a low, rumbling sound that sends a shiver down your spine. "You know, I almost admire your confidence sweetheart. Almost."
You cross your arms over your chest, standing your ground. "Keep talking, Eddie. We'll see who's laughing when I cross that finish line first."
Eddie steps closer, his voice dropping to a murmur only you can hear. "You know, there's something kinda hot about how determined you are. Maybe I should let you win, just this once."
You feel a flush rising to your cheeks, but you refuse to let him see you flustered. "Don't do me any favors, Eddie. I can win on my own."
His eyes sparkle with amusement. "Feisty. I like that."
For a moment, the noise of the crowd fades, and it's just the two of you, standing toe to toe. There's an intensity in Eddie's gaze that makes your breath catch, a challenge and something else — something softer, more vulnerable.
Before you had a chance to retort, the announcer's voice boomed over the crowd, calling for the racers to get in their cars. You shot Eddie a glare before climbing into your car.
A girl with fiery red hair, a familiar face at these events and known only as Max, steps forward with a bandana in hand. With a swift motion, she raises it high, signaling the impending start. “On my count!” she shouts, her voice slicing through the midnight air. The crowd presses closer, the tension almost unbearable.
“Three, two, one…”
You and Eddie exchange one last look, the tension between you almost electric. No matter what happens tonight, one thing is certain: this race is about to change everything.
The bandana fell, and you both launched forward, leaving the rest of the pack in your wake. Your tires screeched in protest against the asphalt, the scenery now a blur of neon lights, a kaleidoscope of urban chaos. The Mustang’s engine roared as you shifted gears, the car responding to your every command. The crowd's cheers became distant, lost in the sheer focus of the race.
Eddie’s Camaro was right beside you, keeping pace with ease. You could see him out of the corner of your eye, his focus unwavering, his hands steady on the wheel. The first corner came up fast, and you both drifted through it, your cars dancing dangerously close.
These streets were your racetrack, a twisting, turning maze of asphalt and danger. You both knew every shortcut, every hazard. You pushed your throttle, the engine growling as you accelerated out of a turn, trying to gain the upper hand.
Eddie was relentless, his Camaro a shadow that refused to be shaken. He edged closer, trying to force you into a mistake. You could feel the pressure, but you welcomed it, the challenge only fueling you.
Eddie took the turn wide, trying to use his Camaro’s power to overtake you on the straightaway. You saw your opportunity and floored the gas, your Mustang surging forward, the gap widening ever so slightly.
As you approached the final stretch, the finish line in sight, you felt a surge of exhilaration. You were going to win. But Eddie wasn’t done yet. He pulled up beside you, his Camaro matching your speed. The finish line was seconds away, and it was going to be close.
With one last burst of speed, you pushed your Mustang to its absolute limit, the engine roaring in protest. You crossed the finish line a split second before Eddie, the crowd erupting. You jumped out of your car, excitement coursing through you.
Eddie pulled up beside you, his expression a mix of frustration and something that looked suspiciously like respect. He got out of his car and walked over, his dark eyes behind his aviators meeting yours.
"Not bad," he said, his voice softer than before.
You raised an eyebrow. "That's it? 'Not bad'? I just beat you."
A slow smile spread across his face. "Yeah, you did. Fair and square."
For a moment, you stood there, the rivalry between you shifting, evolving into something else. The tension was still there, but now it was mingled with curiosity and an unexpected connection. As the crowd celebrated around you, you realized that this was just the beginning of a new race—one that had nothing to do with cars and everything to do with the two of you.
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As days seamlessly turn into weeks, you find yourself at the races every night, pushing harder, racing faster. And there, like a shadow cast by the neon lights, is Eddie — ever present, a persistent thorn in your side.
One night, after a particularly grueling race that left your nerves frayed and your car in serious need of attention, Eddie finds you tinkering with the engine, frustration etched on your face. "Need a hand?" he offers, surprising you with his sincerity.
You glance up, ready to snap at him, but something in his expression makes you pause. There’s a softness to his brown eyes. Reluctantly, you nod. "Fine. Just don't expect me to thank you."
He chuckled, rolling up his sleeves revealing a canvas of tattoos. "Wouldn't dream of it, sweetheart,” he replies, his smirk tinged with a hint of mischief, as if he relishes in the challenge of breaking through your walls.
He works on the engine, his hands moving with practiced ease as he explains the intricate mechanics. As you work side by side, a strange camaraderie develops. Eddies knowledge on cars is impressive, and against your better judgement, you find yourself drawn to his company. Beyond his tough façade as a racer lies an unexpected kindness that surfaces in fleeting moments.
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One night, as you sit on the hood of your car, eyes on the distant city lights, Eddie joins you, a lit cigarette dangling from his lips. He hands you a beer. "You've got talent, you know," he says, voice slightly muffled around the cigarette. "Why do you race?"
You take a sip, contemplating how much to reveal. "I love the rush, the competition. It's where I feel alive."
Eddie takes a quick drag from the cigarette as his expression softens. "I get that”, he murmured. “There's this allure, you know? The rush, the risk. It's addictive."
You nod, a comfortable silence settling between you. The rivalry that once defined your relationship has matured into something more complex, delving into emotions not spoken yet keenly felt.
Suddenly Eddie turns to you, a mischievous look in his deep brown eyes. "How about we make a bet?"
You raise an eyebrow. "What kind of bet?"
"Next race. If you win, I take you out on a date. If I win, you take me out."
You can't help but laugh. "You're assuming I'd want to go on a date with you?”
He leans closer, his voice dropping to a teasing whisper. "Oh, you'll want to. Trust me."
Against your better judgment, you find yourself nodding. "Deal."
Eddie stomps the cigarette butt out on the pavement, a smirk playing on his lips as he saunters off into the distance.
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The next race is intense, the stakes higher than ever. You push your Mustang to its limits, determined to beat Eddie and win the bet. But as you cross the finish line, neck and neck with him, it's clear that it's a tie.
Eddie laughs, pulling up beside you. "Looks like we both win, huh?”
You roll your eyes, but you can't help the smile that tugs at your lips. "Fine. One date."
Eddie's idea of a date is a late-night drive in his Camaro. He's cruising at a steady speed, the sound of the engine a low hum in the background. Eddie looks over at you in the passenger seat, almost admiring you.
You catch him staring. "You might want to keep your eyes on the road, playboy."
"You think we're gonna crash?" he asks, still staring.
You ponder, "I haven't decided yet".
Eddie upshifts to a higher gear and slams the throttle, the gravity pushing you both back in your seats. Eddie shifts his focus entirely to you, his eyes fixed on yours as he maintains the high speed. The road stretches ahead, but Eddie doesn’t lose eye contact with you, his expression confident and playful. Suddenly, Eddie expertly stops the car at a red light, never once looking away from you.
"Not bad. But you’re not gonna keep this up the whole way, are you?" you ask, playfully.
Eddie chuckles softly, a soft pink taking over his cheeks.
You arrive at a secluded overlook, where the city lights spread out below like a sea of stars. The moon hangs low in the sky, casting a silvery glow over the city, and the only sound is the gentle hum of the engine.
You steal a glance at Eddie, the streetlights casting shadows across his features, accentuating the rugged lines of his jaw and the intensity in his dark eyes. He's so close, his presence filling the small space between you, igniting a fire deep within you that you struggle to contain.
"This view...it's breathtaking", you say, softly.
"Yeah, it's not bad. But it's got nothing on the view in here," Eddie smirks, his gaze intensifying further.
And then your lips collide in a fierce, desperate kiss, a mix of passion and longing that leaves you breathless. Eddie's hands are everywhere, exploring every inch of your body with a feverish urgency that sends shivers down your spine.
As the kiss deepens, you straddle his lap. Your palm teasing him through the fabric of his jeans. Eddie groans into your mouth, his hands grabbing your hips.
You melt into him, your hands tangling in his long curly hair as you lose yourself in the moment, forgetting everything but the heat of his touch and the taste of his lips against yours. It's like nothing you've ever experienced before, a rush of adrenaline that threatens to consume you both.
And then, without warning, Eddie's hand slips beneath your shirt, his touch sending sparks flying across your skin. You gasp, your body arching into his as he trails kisses down your neck. You moan softly, the sound lost in the darkness as you give yourself over to him completely.
"God, you drive me crazy," he murmurs, his voice rough with desire.
With careful, deliberate movements, you begin to undo his belt and zipper. Your hand slips inside his jeans, fingers wrapping around him. "Good," you whisper, stroking him slowly. "Because you drive me crazy too."
Eddie lets out a low groan, his head falling back against the headrest. "That's it, baby," he rasps, his voice heavy with desire. "Just like that."
You respond with a seductive smile, your own need driving you to push him closer to the edge. "You like that, huh?" you tease, your voice a sultry whisper against his ear.
Eddie's grip on your hips tighten, his breath coming in ragged gasps as you continue to stroke him. "God, yes," he groans, his hips instinctively bucking against your hand.
You watch as his breathing becomes more erratic. His hand grabs your thigh, his fingers digging into the skin as he struggles to maintain control. The sight of him like this, completely at your mercy, sends a thrill through you.
"Eddie," you whisper, leaning in to press your lips against his neck, feeling the rapid pulse beneath his skin. "You look so good like this”.
He responds with a deep, guttural moan, his free hand coming up to cup your face.
"Don't stop," he pleads, his voice a strained whisper. "Please." His deep brown eyes stare into yours.
You increase the pace of your movements, your hand gliding up and down his length with more urgency. Eddie's breathing becomes more ragged, his body tensing as he gets closer to the edge. The way his body reacts to your touch only spurs you on.
Finally, with a shuddering gasp, Eddie reaches his climax, his release hot and overwhelming. He clings to you, his body trembling with the aftershocks. You hold him through it, your hand slowing its movements, offering comfort as much as pleasure.
“You're incredible,” he whispers, pressing a soft kiss to your neck.
You smile, resting your head against his shoulder. “So are you.”
In the quiet aftermath, with the engine still purring softly, Eddie holds you, his breath warm against your ear. “I never saw this coming,” he admits, his voice tinged with vulnerability and a hint of awe.
You smile against his shoulder, your fingers tracing the curve of his neck. "Neither did I," you confess, feeling the undeniable pull of something more exhilarating than any race you've ever won.
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taglist: @waywardrose, @brystiniercorner
divider credit: @strangergraphics
186 notes · View notes
emotionaldamages · 1 year
soft launch or hard launch - max verstappen
in which shes in a secret relationship with a certain redbull driver
social media au
part one| part two
note- this is my first time writing so it might not be as good, but hope you enjoy♡
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Liked by lewishamilton,maxverstappen, and 1,132,753 others
lando.jpg wild vera on a train @verahamilton
lewishamilton that is not my child, thank you very much
verahamilton that is just wow
lando.jpg shes currently emotional about that
verahamilton no tf I'm not
username shes so pretty
carlossainz55 shes always climbing something
username I deffo ship her and lando
verahamilton I'm happily taken:)
username we just gonna ignore the lonely train..
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly, and 3,898,753 others
verahamilton vacation with my love♡
username oh myyyy a soft launch
username my wife😿
lewishamilton young lady who is that
pierregasly kika is gonna have a huge talk with you about this
landonorris I cant keep quiet for longer
verahamilton better keep ur mouth shut child
landonorris yes mother
username pls he so scared of her
username ima go lay on the highway
verahamilton pls dont
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*pretend it says vera and not rihanna
verahamilton guess who @harperbazaarus
username mother.
username icon of the century
username I would go in the shark for u
landonorris yall some horny fuckers
verahamilton lando no cussing
mclaren listen to your mother lando!
landonorris IM OLDER
username I love lando so much
maxverstappen ♡♡
username I know yall see that...
username max...
username you telling me sid from ice age pulled her
georgerussell63 Y'all hear something
verahamilton yo momma(I love ur mother alot)
verahamilton has posted a story
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@landonoriss I know something you doonnttt, I know something you will never knooowww @verahamilton and @hersecrectbf
verahamilton the shit that happens when u bring ur child smh
landonorris you love me tho:)
verahamilton I guess so
landonorris bitch
username lando singing that one song rn
username what if THATS lando
username not possible, vera is taller than lando, that dude is taller than vera
georgerussell63 why are you the only one who knows who it is
landonorris I caught them making out in my house😔
username poor lando traumatized
verahamilton bitch I told you not to walk in the room
landonorris LIAR, oh wait.. you did
username vera the children miss uuu
username someone get me my inhaler rn
username I screamed to loud
lilymhe OH MY OH MY DEAR
kikacgomess my heart is broken💔
pierregasly do I not just exist
kikacgomess no you dont not when vera is around
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@landonorris tired of these people hiding
username this has ruined me wtf
username vera ur paying for my therapy sessions
danielriccardo VERA AND MAX WHAT.
lewishamilton oh..
username lando is so dead
verahamilton I'm going into hiding
maxverstappen let me go with u
username THEIR SO CUTE
username I want what they have
georgerussell63 I just heard lewis yell at the top of his lungs in the paddock
username someone check if max is alive
username oh myyyyyyyyyy
verahamilton SEE YALL LATER
carlossainz55 cuties
username are yall breathing ok??
1K notes · View notes
ridestomars · 1 year
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𖥻 summary: the party meets y/n and steve's firstborn. 𖥻 pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader 𖥻 warnings: girl dad!steve. the baby's name is amelia. too much fluff. everyone is alive and well thank you. one dirty dancing reference. bad grammar, italics & not proofread (hey it's me). 2k-ish words. weird divs :/
💭 liv's thoughts: this is based on an idea i had last year (s4 i miss you) and a sequel of sorts to my 'all is well universe' of sunny days that won't ever end – you don't have to read it, but pls do it's v sweet. i hope you like it! <3
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The sound of loud chattering could be heard from the end of the hallway, which wasn't surprising, given the number of people that were sharing the limited space of the apartment's living room. The kids – can you even call them that anymore? – were never known for their ability to speak quietly whenever they were together. However, everyone seemed to be in such a good mood that you can even hear the loud sound of Jonathan's laugh. There's a first time for everything, right?
You held the small baby in your arms, walking in slow steps out of her little nursery. Though you tried not to disturb your daughter too much, Amelia already had her big brown eyes open and searching for the source of all that noise. She wasn't used to such noises, being too accustomed to her parents' soft-spoken voices and the entertaining sound of their television – that didn't play anything other than Steve's recordings of Barney episodes. It's only natural that she finds the commotion strange.
As you arrive in the living room, you are greeted by Steve in his typical mom pose, hands on his hips as he watches Michael and Max's every move, anxiously waiting for his girls. From his stance, you can see that he already regrets the idea of inviting everyone over. Taking in the very worried furrow of his eyebrows, you just know that he is going over the most pessimistic thoughts as he looks at the crowded living room.
Appearing with the small baby in your arms, everyone gasped in surprise and amazement, including Steve, who quickly made his way over to you with the goofiest, most endearing smile. His big hands wrap around Amelia's small frame, as he leans down to take her from your arms. He has that sweet look on his face, that brightens even more when he sees the chubbiness of the baby's laughing cheeks. Delicately, like he's carrying the world's most precious jewel (he is!), your husband shows Amy to everyone, with a proud glimmer in his eyes.
"There she is!" he maneuvers her chubby body tenderly, making the baby sit on his arm to face everyone. Her upper body leaned on his chest for support, and she squealed happily when her curious eyes noticed how many people were in their living room. Unhesitating, Steve translates it to everyone, "Millie says hi". 
That was enough to erupt a string of awws, sighs and one high-pitched "she's so adorable!" from Eddie. It was funny to see how a human being so small had everyone wrapped around her tiny little finger. Even Max, who usually had a hard time showing any emotion other than pure annoyance, was goofily smiling at the baby, admiring her brown (and very full) hair and round cheeks. 
The kids were the most eager to get to know Amelia, with Dustin being the spokesman for their wishes, telephoning almost every day since the baby was born to ask when they could meet her. So, it's no surprise that the first person to make grabby hands to hold her next was Henderson himself. "C'mon, Steve, let me hold my goddaughter!" he exclaims as he looks at your girl in absolute awe. 
"Your goddaughter?" Eddie asks, scoffing from his seat at the couch's armrest, next to the boy. "Yeah, right".
"Guys," Robin quickly intervenes, rolling her eyes as she watches the two bickering all over again over the matter. She was seated comfortably in the chair by your living room's small table, alongside Vicky. "Not this again, please?"
That wasn't enough to silence Eddie and Dustin, who began to argue harder about who is supposed to be the baby's godfather. The usual arguments were professed, "You're not old enough!", "but I'm the most mature!", "The baby's lullaby shouldn't be Dio!", "And it shouldn't be Weird Al Yankovic either!"
Given that he couldn't clap, Steve stomped his foot on the ground as he commanded the room's attention to him again, "Hey, hey, hey!" he exclaimed, letting out a satisfied breath when everyone falls silent again. "So, before we let you hold our daughter, I'd like to go over some rules-".
Loud groans erupt from everyone's mouths, and Amelia looks up at her dad, even more curious.
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The kids were squished on the living room's small couch, surprisingly fitting in the space where you and Steve had a hard time adjusting in. Eleven was sitting on the side of the couch's armrest, patiently kicking her feet as Mike, Will, and Dustin elbowed each other in a silent fight for more space by her side. At the end of the couch, Max, Lucas and Erica found a way to position themselves without struggling too much. It was so crowded that poor Suzy had to sit on an old puff that Steve had bought in a garage sale when you moved in together ("It'll come in handy one day, you'll see!" Steve exclaimed while he walked off the sale holding the object, victoriously), right at Dustin's feet. On one side of the sofa, Eddie was slouched on the armrest, while Nancy sat on the other, as put-together as ever. Near her, Jonathan leaned against the apartment's wall, chatting with Argyle and Eden.
Amelia was carefully handed to Dustin, who sat in the middle of the couch. You figured it was the best position to have everyone look at her, an democratic decision, but it was still possible to hear Eddie complaining under his breath.
Your daughter got used to Dustin's hold fast, only shifting her tiny body over his arms a couple of times to find her position. When she did, Amy made one of those adorable baby sounds, showing everyone that she was incredibly satisfied now; and it was like the world had stopped for all of them. The only thing that mattered was to witness baby Harrington simply exist. Feasting your eyes on the scene, you hold Steve's waist, hugging him from behind as you rest your face against his arm, not being able to battle the tears that filled your eyes. Your heart was swelling with pride.
"She's pretty," El murmured, her voice sounding even quieter now, as her eyes sparkled at the sight of the little one.
With a trembling voice, Dustin agreed, "She is very pretty". 
"Yeah," Will says as he watches Millie yawn, "She looks just like you, Y/N". 
"Lucky for her," Mike and Max remark in unison, immediately glaring at each other with narrowed eyes. That makes everyone laugh, and baby Amelia opens up her eyes to check it out, opening a toothless grin after. Max, feeling as if her witty remark was stolen by the boy, adds, "It'd be such a shame if she had Steve's dead-fish stare. Thank God she has Y/N's eyes, too". 
At that, your husband gawks at her, letting out an offended gasp. He's so upset that his mouth hangs open, as he looks at her, in complete silence. Catching his incredulity, Max only shrugs, as if to say, "What can I do?".
"Well, at least she has his hair," Lucas observes, mediating the situation, as usual. 
"Thank you, Lucas!" Steve breathes out, feeling he got the justice he deserved. 
The bickering soon faded into a familiar silence, as everyone's attention fell fully on your little girl, who slept peacefully in Dustin's arms, completely ignoring the commotion around her. And that was when the emotional weight of the moment fell on all of you. Glistened eyes watched in tranquility as the baby squirmed every once in a while, as the importance of the scene settled. Amelia's sole existence reassured you of a peace that you hadn't known in years, as if she was the last step in sealing the serene fate that awaited all of you. She was living proof that life is still normal, and despite all the hard times, it isn't all that bad, actually.
Seeing those grown-up kids taking care of a small piece of you and Steve filled your heart with delight, and a different sense of fulfillment that you hadn't known until now. It's so meaningful. 
The nostalgia of seeing their sweet faces intensified when the kids started to argue about who was going to hold Amelia next, and suddenly the apartment was filled with loud chattering all over again. Just like the old times… but, somehow, better.
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"Jonathan, look!" Nancy points out to little Amelia scrunching her nose, as if to suggest that he should snap a picture of the baby like that. Now, the kid was laying in Robin's arms, having her full head of hair brushed by Auntie Bobby – the lame nickname was picked by Steve, of course. "What a cute little nose you have, Amy!"
The oldest Wheeler compliments the baby in a high-pitched tone, as if the girl would actually understand. By her side, Jonathan kept taking pictures of the baby, snapping beautiful frames with that domestic feeling that you're growing used to; he promised that he'll develop all of them later. 
"When's her birthday?" Eden asks quietly, as she smooches her face against Argyle's arm, watching the baby in wonder. 
"October thirty-first," Steve answers quickly, not helping himself. Ever since the baby was born, he started to cultivate this staggering need to answer anything Amelia-related, talking about her constantly as if he didn't know how to chat about anything else.
With that spaced-out way of his, like he just had snapped out of a trance by the baby's birth date, Argyle lets out a chuckle, looking down at Millie with… respect, it seemed. "Ooh, Scorpio. Cool, man". 
Then, everyone falls back into silence, just appreciating her small features and lovable babbles. However, Steve seems a little skeptical about how cool it is for his kid to be a Scorpio, and he slowly turns his head to look at you, giving Argyle a bit of a side-eye when he does so. "What did he mean by that? Isn't that, like, bad?" he whispers to you, still watching your friends interact with Amelia from the corner of his eyes.
"No!" you immediately reassure him, telling a little half-truth, "It just means that she's very… sweet". 
Steve seems satisfied by your answer, mainly because he doesn't ask any further questions, and he goes back to keeping his eyes on Robin, making sure that she's holding your kid correctly. It isn't his fault that she has spaghetti arms, alright? 
Eddie soon joins in, though he doesn't look very pleased about it, walking to stand in front of Robin with an exasperated expression on his face. He crossed his arms in front of his chest, looking down at the girl. You watch the scene unfold with confusion. 
"Well?" he asks, lifting his eyebrows as if he is waiting for something, though he doesn't say what it is. 
Rob looks up, still playing with the baby's hair, pursing her lips while she waits for Eddie to explain why he is interrupting her moment with Amelia. From over her shoulder, Vicky makes funny faces at the small girl, making loud squeals come out of your daughter's mouth.
When he doesn't say anything, Robin asks, "What, Munson?", blinking her eyes vigorously as she tilts her head.
"You're taking too long!" he tells her like that was the only answer possible. "It's been fifteen minutes already, it's my turn!"
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After Eddie's little protest (thankfully, he didn't feel the need to get on top of your table this time), everyone took turns holding baby Millie in their arms. You didn't mind it, because you knew that your friends were just very excited to be meeting your daughter for the first time, but you cannot say the same for Steve. He was hating every second of it.
"Y/N, I can't take it," he breathes out once he pulls you to the side, hiding with you in the kitchen, away from prying ears, "They're passing her around like a joint". 
"Relax, Stevie," you try to calm him down, though it's useless. Spying into the living room again, you see that Amelia is laying in Eleven's arms, which warms your chest a little. "El's rocking her to sleep, there's no prob-" 
You quickly stop talking when Mike takes the baby from his girlfriend's grasp, having a hard time managing his long limbs around the kid's small frame. Eyes widening, you look to Steve, wanting to catch his reaction to the scene. 
And he's fuming. 
But just as he is getting ready to stomp his way over to Michael, you hold his arm, keeping him back and away from the kids. "Give them a break," is how you begin to reason with him, "he's getting the hang of it". 
"Well, my daughter shouldn't be their little guinea pig," he huffs back, crossing his arms.
"Don't be like that," you persuade. "You didn't know how to hold her either, and now you're, like, a pro. Right?". 
His hardened expression seems to melt at your compliment – Steve always feels so elated whenever people praise his parenting skills, especially when it comes from you. Your husband's cheeks flush a little, and he looks down, a bit bashful. 
"You mean it?" he asks, playing with the loose seems of his yellow sweater.
"Of course, I mean it," giggling, you get closer to him, wrapping your arms around his waist as you pull him in for a hug. "She's so lucky to have you as her dad. Actually, we're so lucky to have you in our lives". 
He chuckles a little, pleased to still gain such flattery from you. From where you stood, you can clearly see the timid redness that cripples from his neck up to his cheeks, which makes him seem even more adorable in your eyes. But even his striking looks didn't distract you from the intimate feeling of his hand resting over the small of your back, drawing you closer for a sweet peck on the lips. It's funny how still after all this time, Steve was able to make you feel endless electricity and warmth just by the simple touch of his lips. 
Unfortunately for you, the pleasant moment was ruined by someone clearing their throat. Pulling apart from the kiss, you and Steve looked ahead, catching Eddie and Dustin's embarrassed faces after interrupting. 
"Hey, so, hm…", Dustin starts, clearly not knowing how he should start, still very awkward succeeding the scene they had just break in on. 
"We have settled on who should be Amy's godfather, and we swear-", Eddie cuts in, talking at full speed. But before he could get on with their (definitely) deep and sensible reasoning, you hear Steve groaning. "Jesus, guys. Not this again".
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LIKES, REBLOGS AND FEEDBACK ARE APPRECIATED! steve masterlist | main masterlist | navigation ── hey! wanna talk? leave me a message after the beep. currently accepting requests for steve and eddie. 
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disneyprincemuke · 1 year
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sex * gr63
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it was supposed to be just sex.
pairings: george russell x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of sex
notes: fun fact, this was supposed to be about max but hehe… fun fact number 2 is that this is the second draft and the first is messier than this, but i liked this better! based on sex by eden <3 and i aM TRYING TO CREDIT THIS GIF BUT I’M ON MY PHONE AND THEY WONT LET ME SO I’LL DO IT WHEN I FIND MY LAPTOP OK PLS IM BEGGING YOU
(sex) // (be mine)
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you watch george’s eyes shut and feel his grip around your hips tighten, soft mews passing his lips while he comes down from his high. your hips come to a slow stop while his eyes slowly open, flashing you a smile.
you return the gesture before you slowly untangle yourself from his grip. you drop yourself on the empty spot on the bed. your hand pats around the area next to you, lifting your head up slightly to find the blanket kicked down to the floor amidst your passionate and selfish exchange.
george’s thumb swipes across your forehead, swiping away the sweat that’s formed.
there’s a feeling in your stomach for the past few weeks that has been eating you up. it’s indescribable, which is why you simply try not to think of it. but right now, with george next to you, it’s hard to ignore.
“what’s up, what are you thinking about?” george shifts to prop himself up on his elbow to look down at you. his smile grows as he moves the hair out of your face, brushing your hair in the process. “you’ve been staring at that ceiling for so long, i swear it’s come alive.”
you sigh. you blink then turn your head to the other side of the room, desperate to not get caught in his blue eyes. “george, i think you think too much of me.”
george feels his heart stop in his chest. in the short few months since alex has introduced you to him, you were never one to get in touch with your emotions. to say something with so much depth is worrying to him.
it’s more to contribute to the fact that your arrangement is strictly sex, with the side quest of pretending to be friendly when alex is around. other than that, there is no relationship to base all of this off.
when you’re not together, you don’t text. neither of you know what goes on in each other’s lives in the event of separation.
which is why he can’t figure out why your tone is scaring him so much. because he knows where you are going with this.
but george has to fight himself against what his chest is urging him to do. he swallows the forming lump in his throat and tilts his head at you. “what do you mean?”
there must have been something he has done that made it seem like there’s something more. he’s been so careful with the way he is in bed with you, and the amount of affection he gives you.
if you asked him, you’ve already taken his heart. and he’s almost a hundred percent sure that he doesn’t want anyone but you.
you clear your throat softly. you turn to finally meet his eyes. “you know, whatever this is, means nothing.” you speak slowly, ensuring that your words are clearly understood. “we’re just having sex.”
and there it is.
you can barely consider yourself friends. which is why your label isn’t even ‘friends with benefits’ — there is no label at all. you don’t even have each other’s numbers; all the initiations just stemming from instagram dms and your shared time at the club after alex taps out from the alcohol.
george feels his heart skip a beat, his stomach churning with uneasiness. he was just about to tell you that he’ll take you out on a proper date; actually make an effort to get to know you better.
in this moment, he is suddenly reminded of the situation. it’s just sex you’re having. there were no strings attached in the first place, and he isn’t supposed to have feelings for you.
the nights you spent tangled in his hotel room sheets should not have replayed in his mind as much as it did. he shouldn’t have noticed how you started letting yourself spend the night securely in his arms and thought to himself this might be going somewhere good.
on the other end of the spectrum, your chest ached. alex’s stern words echoes in your mind as you were slapped with the harsh reality of your inability to be in a healthy and loving relationship.
“fix yourself first, please. don’t break george’s heart,” alex had said to you when you came clean to him about your arrangement and the feelings that caused you to stir about at night before sleeping.
you can hardly consider it love. you barely know anything about george. of course, you would talk whenever you are tangled up in sheets with him, but you’d kept them minimal to protect you both from the very perdicament you’ve found yourself in.
you notice the way his expression changes ever so slightly. hurt flashes in his eyes as he withdraws his hand from you, your fingers flinching as you fight the impulse to chase for his touch. his eyebrows furrow as he inches back. “of course. it’s just sex.”
george almost tells you that he’s always been this heartless. in fact, he is convinced that this is his karma for break all those girls’ hearts back in the day.
he watches you take a deep breath and return your gaze to the ceiling of his hotel room. “this should be the last night. we should stop.”
he drops himself on the bed. he mimics your position, hands laying on his stomach as he traces the design of the light structure with his eyes.
he contemplates, the risk and rewards of just letting loose and telling you how he feels. can he really live with the fact that he just lets you go here without a fight?
instead, he turns to you with a playful smirk on his face. “you said this is the last night.”
you playfully roll your eyes, turning your head to meet him. “that is what i said.”
“not the last time, so come here.”
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hotxcheeto · 1 year
Hii could I have Chloe price and a plus size s/o and lots of romance and smut pls <3
(who’s your fav lis character btw)
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Chloe Price x G/N!Reader
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Smut, AFAB reader ( no pronouns/nicknames/pet names used ) cursing, tongue fucking, oral ( r! receiving ), fingering ( r! receiving ), fluff
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - oooo, i love both sean from game 2 and kate from 1, but i have many favs like max, rach, nate etc... but sean and kate take the absolute reign lol. ty so much for requesting!!!
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She'd been laying in your lap for hours, sleeping, holding you close with her face buried in your tummy. You only knew she was alive from her soft snores and consistent twitching that would sometimes make you lightly jerk yourself awake.
You were ready to fall into dreamland too, eyes staring at the TV heavy lidded. Your hand slowed to a stop from raking through her short strands of hair but immediately the girl shifted when you did so only for her to lift up her head not even a minute later.
"Why'd you stop?" Her voice rang out making you turn your head, laughing when you were met with her disheveled appearance, her hands settled on the tops of your thighs as her arms were tucked underneath your legs.
"Cause I thought you were sleeping." She huffed when you answered, rubbing her eyes. "Well I was." You hummed, not really paying much mind after, focusing back on your show with a soft blink.
Chloe did not enjoy the lack of attention because her face then fell back into your stomach, a huff following a few seconds later making you giggle as it unintentionally began a fight for her to gain attention by blowing raspberries into your belly.
"Chloe- Chloe stop it!" You tried pushing her away and squirming yourself out of her grip. The girl only continuing to execute her attack by moving with you, finally coming to a halt when her need to kiss you took over instead.
"You are so hot." You continued to laugh as giant, sloppy smooshes were placed on your plush skin. Again and again until it tickled, making you try your best to run once again only to be straddled by her entire body.
"I mean it... fuck." She said dramatically, yet truthfully, licking her lips while staring down at you. "Look at you." You felt your face flush a bit, though not visible, you could for sure feel it on your cheeks.
"Oh shut it, you flirt." You giggled, moving to cover up your face, though she was faster. Her hands gripping your wrists before you got to move them even as far up as your collarbone. Your limbs trapped at your sides while you wiggled to escape, a kiss though made you still once more.
"You taste good." She muttered, making you grin and burn even harder. Avoiding her eyes by looking at the ceiling instead but she captured your lips once again, snatching you back to reality with the taste of shitty beer and her toothpaste.
"Like, really fucking good." She just kept going, moving off your body to grab your legs, sitting between your thighs once again. If you asked Chloe, you would bet that if you asked, she'd claim them as her most favorite things in the entire world.
For a moment the girl pulled back, taking in the sight of you before moving down to the hem of your pants.
"Have to test down here too."
"Chloe Price!"
"What? It's only fair."
She gave you that face that made you want to punch her right in the nose. Chloe whining when you huffed as if you were pretending to think about it, ignoring all her little pokes and prods.
"Y/nnnnnn...." She dragged for longer than you really listened, rolling your eyes. "Fine, go ahead, but I'm watching my show." "You won't be when I'm done with you."
The game was on then and your bottoms were across the room before you could finish another thought. Dressed with nearly nothing made you feel a little wave of life down below but you came to the conclusion to begin ignoring it as to not give her the satisfaction that you were enjoying this.
That was short lived though, a tiny breath following that shook slightly when your underwear were peeled away and you could feel the air against your cunt.
But that was all it took for her to be invested in gaining more from you. Her stare fixated on the way you flickered back and forth from the television to her, though you'd been trying not to be too obvious, that failed.
"Fuck, this... if I could see one last thing before I die, it would so be this." You felt yourself blushing again, Chloe only able to see your flustered state when you brought that shy smile on your mouth and couldn't contain it any other way than hiding it.
"Shut up." You teased, almost begging. Her laughter intoxicating, swirling around the room, following her as she leaned down closer to the area that slowly felt more and more uncomfortable the hornier you began to get. Pulsating and throbbing to the point where you wanted to buck your hips right into her mouth.
But you also knew that she wanted that as well.
"Not taking that back." She commented, meeting your gaze while moving close, her tongue poking out just enough to kitten lick your clit. You couldn't even respond, the action repeating itself again and again while you finally gave in. A soft sound erupting from your throat, though not loud, Chloe enjoyed it.
Her fingers dug into your skin which melded to her touch, and she took that as an invitation. Grabbing all that she could which had much choice in where, you had much to hold and in turn, much to love.
"H-how's the taste test?" She heard you whimper, a little giggle following afterwards from your own amusement. "Really good... gonna need more to give it a rating though."
She pushed back against you, tongue delving into your hole before you got a chance to say another word.
Soon enough you were in your own little world, eyes fluttering shut as you absentmindedly jerked to meet her. Grinding against her, chasing your high that was starting to match your pace.
You could feel nothing but her, straining your body to get as close to her as physically possible.
"Fuck- fuck Chloe- please- please don't stop-" And she wasn't planning on it, fingertips teasing your clit and her tongue did your entrance. It felt like you were on fire, just like every other time, yet the feeling never extinguished.
"I'm- I'm- oh shit- fuck-" You came barreling towards the edge, head falling back as you came against your girlfriend, shaky breaths and quiet cries following with.
Her mouth continued its act while you trembled and began pushing her away, the feeling too much and too tingly to handle.
"Fuck.." She muttered, wiping her mouth.
You waited in the quiet of the room for any other sign of life from her, covering your eyes with your forearm as you calmed yourself. Feeling her caressing your legs and lower belly.
"Ten out of ten." You erupted into chuckles, peeking at her while shaking your head. "I hate you so much Chloe Price." "As long as you let me do that for fucking ever, I don't even care."
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yenqa · 2 years
how enha reacts to you getting glasses!
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pairing : enha x reader :))
warnings : kissing, mentions of dying (like someone saying “im going to die” as a joke)
wc : 0.7k
a/n : my first time doing an ot7 thing :)) also not proofread!! pls tell me if there are any errors
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heeseung - when he first sees it he’s in shock, (internally) because all he says outside is like “you look nice” which lowkey hurts your feelings because like does he think you look ugly or sum?? 🤨🤨 but like he doesn’t want to be teased by you because he thinks your so cute!! like he can’t stop looking at you and he thinks he’s discreet about it (but he’s not) so you confront him about it and he finally admits that he thinks you are the cutest, prettiest person alive and he keeps like pinching your cheek.
jay - hes the one that helped you pick your glasses out. so when you grab the one and put it on he knows it’s the cutest one on you, he steals the glasses from your hand and asks for those frames with your prescription. while you wait for them to be ready it’s all he can think about honestly. like he could be in the middle of working and think “y/n with glasses is so cute 🥰🥰” like this sounds really unrealistic but I DONT CARE 😜😜 and when u get the glasses he’s more excited than you! he quickly takes a photo of you with the glasses so he can put it as his lock screen and he looks at it and smiles every time ☹️☹️
jake - hes actually like jumping once he sees you, he like cups your face and looks into your eyes because he thinks youre so pretty :( he cannot get enough if you bro. and he’s so clingy afterwards like he can’t be away from you! also he like steals your glasses to put them on and like poses for you like “do i look good y/n? maybe i should get glasses” and he tells everyone he knows about them like “did you know y/n got glasses!?” UGH I LOVE THIS MAN.
sunghoon - he teases you for it, like he calls u four eyes and everything. but he doesn’t think you notice his lingering stares or him hugging you more often but you do. the thing is he’s too shy to upright tell you the glasses look so cute on you, so he does the opposite and teases you about them. he finally breaks his mask when you pretend to be sad because you think he doesn’t like them and he showers you in compliments and explains himself, to find out it was a prank 😠😠, he tickles you until you sincerely apologise.
sunoo - once he sees you, he fr starts squealing bro, like “ahhh y/nnie! you’re soo cute!! i’m going to die!!” and like kisses your cheek a bunch :((. he takes a selfie w/ you immediately and puts it as his wallpaper :(. he sometimes accidentally touches the lenses of your glasses and you get (jokingly) mad at him and he’s like “y/n-ah im sorry ☹️☹️” and you HAVE to forgive him bc he’s so cute!!
jungwon - when you walk in he literally starts blushing. like you? in GLASSES??? he just stares at you until you’re like “what? is it bad?” and he’s like “no not at all babe, you look so gorgeous!” and he thinks you HAVE to show him what you can see now so he makes you try to read a book from far away and you’re like “jungwon i can’t see that! i don’t think anyone can 😠😠” and he just giggles and moves it farther until you start laughing with him :)
niki - similar to sunghoon he has to tease you like he calls you a nerd and also calls you four eyes. especially if you’re like a reader he teases you to the max! like “can’t believe i’m dating a nerd 🙄🙄” and you’re like 😐. he also like takes you’re glasses and is like “y/n what number is this?” and he puts his hand in front of you like right in your face thinking you can’t see that? (obvi he knows but as a joke) and you’re like “niki be fr” and he rolls his eyes and goes back to whatever he’s doing. but when you aren’t paying attention, he takes a picture of you reading and puts it in his home screen as a widget.
yenqa © please do not copy, steal or translate.
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s-awturn · 1 month
Karma Is A Bitch | MV1
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summary: S/N and Max invented hate at first sight, they hate each other from the first moment they met and never tried to make things better. The hatred between the two is real and almost palpable to the point of becoming karma... In the dirtiest sense of the word.
cw: Conflict, verbal fighting, insults and name calling, suggestive, mild smut (very little), mention of accidents, and what else? Somewhat based on the discussion between Max and Esteban (no explanation needed). No real events will be taken into consideration here, so everything was taken from my head (duh)
a/n: I wrote this based on Max's headcanon in "Pilots and their romantic tropes", because it stuck in my head and I needed to develop it. It's my first time with Max (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°) heheheh so he's gonna be a little OC, don't take it too seriously pls. I just saw that I reached 101 followers, I'm going to shout it out (I'll think of something to celebrate, suggestions?)
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Melbourne, 2023
"You're doing great, kiddo," Hugh said into the headphones. "We're down to the last ten laps, keep doing that and we could have a double podium today."
"Cool," she said through gritted teeth, focused on keeping Lando where he was: on her tail. "How's the car? Can we fight Verstappen for first place?"
Y/N heard Hugh's heavy sigh, and if she knew Hugh, she knew the engineer was rubbing his beard, as he always did when he was nervous.
The season was still in its early stages, it was only the third race of the year and the rivalry between Max and Y/N had already reached a dangerous peak, they competed more with each other than with other drivers. Luckily for the team, both Max and Y/N managed to keep the competition alive both among themselves and with the other teams — even if the two always took their internal rivalry more seriously.
"The wear on the tires has not yet reached a precarious level, so you can compete, but you need to be careful, there may be rubber debris on the track," he advised, hearing her click her tongue in agreement, Hugh knew he was stirring the hunger of a beast, and for all intents and purposes, Max had the prey she wanted. "God help us," he muttered, closing the communication channel.
Y/N smiled at the free pass Hugh had given her, she shifted gears, hearing the engine roar loudly and she smiled, there was a DRS zone. She was a few seconds behind Max, three maybe four seconds and with the possibility of overtaking in front of her, Y/N did what her instincts told her: she opened the rear wing and put her foot down on the accelerator, breaking the distance between her and Max and consequently stealing first place from the Dutch driver. She not only passed Max, but managed to establish the four-second gap between them again, with herself in the lead. Her smile under her helmet was wide enough for her to feel pain in the cheeks.
The rest of the race was fast and intense, she and Max fought aggressively for first place, Y/N didn't let Max take advantage of any opening, she broke all chances of Max regaining first place. Not even with DRS active was Verstappen able to retake the lead.
As the two entered the last lap, Christian, Hugh and the entire Red Bull team began to think they would have an accident, because the two were, literally, playing cat and mouse.
"Keep it up, girl" Hugh suddenly appeared on the comms, making Y/N laugh "you're going to win your first F1 race, keep it up"
She laughed with victory, feeling as light as a balloon as her car passed the checkered flag in first place. Everyone in the garage heard her happy screams, when Y/N parked the car in the spot reserved for the winner, she could barely see because of her tears. The girl didn't even have time to take off her helmet before she was engulfed in the team's hug.
"You did it, girl!" Hugh lifted her into the air, celebrating the victory. It all went through her mind like a torpedo, but she remembers well when her country's anthem played, Y/N cried. She couldn't even explain how light she felt without the weight on her shoulders.Being the only woman among drivers in the top category of motorsport was heavier than she thought and winning was not a dream, it was an obligation.
She greeted the champagne shower as if it were a blessing, laughing as she doused the other riders. If it were possible, she would be exploding like fireworks.
Victory tasted sweet, and she got addicted.
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After Melbourne, what was already tense got even worse. Y/N discovered what victory tasted like and Max wasn't about to let her taste it again. But what he didn't know was that his teammate was just as stubborn as he was and was willing to commit atrocities if it guaranteed her a podium finish — just like Max himself.
The races became increasingly fierce, the other teams instructed their drivers to stay away from the fight between Max and Y/N. The possibility of the two RBR drivers putting a third person in an accident was immense, and no one wanted to risk it.
"You" Christian pointed at S/N, watching the girl play with the zipper of her jumpsuit, as if she wasn't being reprimanded "don't tease, I know how much of a brat you can be when you want and you" he turned to Max "calm your nerves, you'll end up causing an accident, and no one here needs any more punishment"
The team leader scratched the back of his neck, all his efforts to convert the hatred between the two into anything but... Harmful, but nothing worked. Frustrated because neither of them seemed willing to give in, so if neither of them would make the first move, Christian would.
"You two are going to stay here until you sort it out, I don't care how, if you want to be treated like children, I will treat you like children" he scolded, putting his hands on his hips "You have plenty of time to sort things out and when you leave here, I expect you to respect each other, at the very least!"
Christian left the room, locking them in there, Y/N snorted, aware that Horner wasn't joking and the sound of the doorknob locking made that obvious. From her corner of the couch, she glanced sideways at Max, making a disgusted face, which he scoffed at.
"If we're here it's your fault" he said, pointing his finger in her direction, S/N frowned in confusion and stood up.
"My fault?! You're the idiot who thinks everyone has to give you back the position! Do you know how to lose a race without crying in the team's lap?!" She yelled back, stopping just a few steps away from him. Both of them radiated pure rage.
"I wouldn't need to ask for the positions back if you weren't a treacherous snake!"
"And you're a crybaby!" She said angrily and soon a wicked smile appeared on her face "You hate knowing that there's someone really competing with you, threatening your title"
Max scoffed, stepping away from her as he adjusted his hat. "As if you were enough competition to threaten me with, cutie."
“You wouldn’t be so mad if I wasn’t,” she retorted, balancing on his ankles, being petulant enough to prick Max’s short temper. “It’s okay to admit you’re afraid of me, Verstappen.”
“As if I would fear someone who still smells of milk”
Y/N laughed, leaning closer to him. “Should I be worried about your nose being so close to my neck?” He clicked his tongue again, increasing the level of mockery, making Max even more irritated.
“I would never get close to you, under any circumstances,” he replied, with nothing less than raw disgust in his voice and Y/N would never be able to explain why that was such a hard blow to her ego.
“As if you had any chance,” she said, composing herself with dignity.
“Anyway, fuck you, stay out of my way, girl,” he warned, pointing his index finger at her, “or I’ll throw you in the gravel.”
“Do that and I’ll be your worst nightmare, kid.”
The two went to opposite corners of the room, leaving the entire place filled with animosity. They remained in the office for almost two hours until the public relations manager took them out, scolding them because they were late for their interviews.
When Christian saw them leave the office, he couldn't tell if his attempts had yielded any results, but from the way they existed near each other, he was afraid. Whatever would come after this conversation, he had the entire team ready, whether it was for a fight or, maybe, the apocalypse.
Spielberg, 2023.
The Austrian GP was an important circuit for RBR and S/N was excited, she really wanted to win at the team's home ground, it would be an important victory and she wanted first place as much as she wanted oxygen, perhaps victory was more important.
Since Christian's intervention, instead of her and Max strengthening their rivalry, it seemed to increase, which was great for the fans, the races became more exciting and fun to watch, but for the team, the atmosphere was unbearable. The fear of an accident between the two happening was real and increasingly possible; and the race at Red Bull Ring gave an extra weight to the competitiveness of the RBR drivers,
"Keep your head cool, girl." Hugh ruffled her hair as Y/N sat in the cockpit, reading the information on the monitor. "Do your race, stay calm and everything will be fine, you have a good score in the drivers' championship, don't let your problems with Max get in the way of the race, It's important for the team"
"Relax Hugh, we'll win the race and increase the points gap with the second team"
"You're in second, so try to preserve your tires until the pitstop, our strategy will come into play after the first stop, understand?"
"Yep Hugh, I understand."
"In other words, no pointless fights with Max." He said, giving her a stern look, Y/N giggled and held up her crossed fingers. "Y/N..."
"I'll try, I promise"
The minutes until the start of the race were spent fine-tuning the details of the strategy, meditating and listening to encouragement from the family. And as always, the moments until she positioned herself on the grid passed as if she were on autopilot, without realizing where she was or what she was doing until her engines roared. It wasn't until the lights came on that Y/N blinked back to the real world and she smiled, gripping the sides of the steering wheel. She glanced quickly in the rearview mirror, seeing her purple helmet gleam in the faint light of the weak sun. The forecast was for rain for the second half of the circuit, which made her anxious, she loved racing in the rain just like one of her greatest examples in motorsport, Ayrton Senna.
When the lights went out, she let her instincts take over and her focus was on one thing, the highest place on the podium.
In the second half of the race, the rain fell like a torrent, nothing that S/N wasn't used to and with this new obstacle, she held on, trying to have a safe race, even though he was still competing for victory with his teammate. She stepped on the brakes several times, trying to avoid any collision and as they were entering the forty-fifth lap, exactly at the Schlossgold Curve, in a fierce dispute with Max, where she tried to overtake him when a collision with the two front wings made S/N spin on the track until she was pushed against the barrier. The shock was strong enough to make her hit her head against the steering wheel; S/N was disoriented for a few seconds and shook her head, but the act made her grunt in pain and hearing Hugh's desperate calls in the dot in her ear only made her more nervous. She didn't even know when she was pulled out of the cockpit or when she was taken to the circuit hospital, but she knew exactly the moment the rage exploded in her chest.
Max threw her off the track, in a dirty move, Max took her out of the race.
"I'm going to kill him," she said as the nurse bandaged her forehead. The poor nurse gave S/N's companion a frightened look, who signaled for her to ignore it. "He threw me off the track, mom, I hit the barrier!"
"Honey, don't worry about it, you're fine, luckily the accident wasn't more serious" she tried to calm her daughter down and asked the nurse to leave, which she did in a hurry.
The driver's time in the hospital was spent hurling abuse and homicidal thoughts at Max Verstappen. So it was no surprise when she arrived at the Red Bull garage screaming and swearing. She shook off Hugh's grip on her, marched straight to Max, and pressed her finger against his chest.
"You scream that I'm a treacherous snake, but you're the most dishonest son of a bitch that ever walked this fucking earth!" She yelled, seeing Max's eyes widen until he understood what was happening.
"What? Did you really think I was going to give you my position? Wake up girl."
"Are you an idiot? That was a clean maneuver, I didn't attack you to get thrown off the fucking track"
"You wouldn't have gone off the track if you were a good driver, or an honest one" Jos Verstappen interjected into the conversation, pulling Max away from it.
"Maybe it's time for you to rethink your career, this profession isn't for everyone, including cute and delicate little things like you" Max said, and that made something burn deep inside her before it completely faded away.
She licked her lips and pulled away, playing with the zipper of her jumpsuit, a habit she did whenever she was nervous, she took a deep breath and said "You know what? Fuck it, from today you died to me"
And with that, Y/N retreated to her room, feeling her whole body tremble, since she was four years old, she never questioned herself, She always knew that she would race in F1. This was always a certainty in her life and she had the unconditional support of her parents; thinking about anything else for her life never crossed her mind, Y/N knew she would be the first girl in the highest category of motorsport.
However, being discredited in that way, especially after an accident, shook her convictions.
And for the first time in many years, she cried in fear that she would not be able to do it anymore.
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São Paulo, 2023
After Spielberg, things in the RBR pit changed drastically, Y/N didn't just avoid Max, she literally pretended he didn't exist, of course the Dutchman didn't take it seriously in the first few weeks, he thought Y/N was just making a fuss to get attention, but he realized things were serious when Hugh started relaying her decisions to him. Of course, the PR team did best to keep things away from the general public, It was necessary for the pilots to maintain good relations, even if just a little, for the good of the team.
She did what she promised and it was as if Max didn't even exist.
And shit, that really bothered Max, because Y/N looked past him, she never spoke to him again, she never stayed in the same place as him again, even the races had changed, Y/N hadn't lost the will to win, but something had really lost its essence.
It was Saturday, almost eleven o'clock at night when Max's discomfort about Y/N became unbearable.
He didn't know why, but it was boring, really bad not having someone to fight with, to make things more exciting. There was a piece missing and he knew where it was.
Y/N was the karma in his life, to torment him, to make his life hell, but fuck it, Y/N was still his karma and he would deal with her.
He put on his slippers and got the room key, he didn't need to ask, he knew which room she was staying in, Max crossed the hotel like a caged lion that had found freedom and it was with all that frantic energy that he almost broke down the door to her room.
Max hoped that this would get some reaction from his teammate, but Y/N opened the door and remained silent, looking at him standing in the hallway.
"You can't fucking ignore me forever!" He yelled, expecting her to retaliate, but Y/N just prepared to close the door, but Max stopped her. "Talk to me, damn it."
"Well, what do you want me to say?" She said, too calm, too soft, and Max didn't like it.
"Fight, scream, do anything, but don't ignore me"
She reached out, checking her cuticles, a clear sign of disinterest that increased Max's disgust, she couldn't act like that.
"I can't ignore what's dead to me," she said dryly, "was that all?"
Max swallowed the lump in his throat, her indifference made him uncomfortable in his own skin, it was impossible to deal with it calmly. He took a deep breath, letting the act clear his mind, he let all his arrogance and pride fall away and allowed himself to be vulnerable; Max admitted to himself that he missed her, Y/N was a constant in his life, chaotic, disturbing and restless, but a constant, he knew she would be there to stick his ass in the races, to take everything he had and without it, things would get monotonous.
But still, he wanted a reaction, he wanted the white-hot, overwhelming anger that was always in her.
"Yes! I want you to stop ignoring me, acting like I'm nothing in front of you."
"I don't care what you want, Verstappen," she said, crossing her arms. "I couldn't care less about your desires."
"You think that makes you better than me? You're always saying how arrogant I am and what do you think that swagger is? Niceness?"
Y/N gave an exhausted sigh and pulled Max into her room, because in a little while longer, he would be causing a ruckus in the hallway.
"Why is this important to you, Verstappen? Unfortunately for you and your father I didn't change careers, but to your delight, as your father once said...?" she paused, resting her index finger on her lips as she pretended to think, "Oh yes, a hindrance to your brilliant career."
"And you gave in? Did you accept it so easily?!" He exclaimed and she pressed her temples, already exhausted from that conversation, feeling her patience drain away very quickly.
"Do you have some personality problem? You have to! Why the hell are you so bothered by this, damn it?!" She finally screamed, stressed out by the whole thing.
"I don't like it! I hate that you're distant, damn it!" He took over, making her posture break, Y/N looked at him in surprise, what was Max talking about?"
"What? What the fuck are you talking about?!"
"I hate you, I hate the fact that you are hard-working and intelligent, that you work on your strategies, the way you drive, the way you laugh" he spoke quickly, not giving her a chance to respond "I hate how you fill every space with your presence, I hate how nice you are to Charles, how you idolize Hamilton, I hate you for flirting with Lando because..."
Y/N's eyes were wide as she watched Max's monologue in his suite.
In return, Max found his breath — and the courage to finish what he had started, because hell, Y/N was more challenging than any race he had faced.
"Because I get jealous, I hate that they have your attention, I hate that they have any part of you while I have nothing"
Y/N rested her hands on her hips, absorbing Max's confession, God knows she never expected to hear that, not even in that circumstance.
"Fuck, that's something," she said, wanting to break the silence, seeing Max twist his fingers in pure nervousness. But nothing more was said for long minutes until she looked him in the eyes, peering into whatever he was trying to keep hidden. "Have you ever thought about talking about this in therapy?"
Max gasped, this was fucking not what he was expecting.
"Well, damn, that caught me off guard, you know?" She said, sitting on the bed. "That doesn't justify your shitty behavior towards me this whole year."
"I know, but you were a bitch to me too."
"And I ignored you"
"And I hated that shit, keep being a bitch to me, it's better than being treated like nothing"
"You deserved every second, you still do"
Max sat next to her, both of them staring at the huge black and white photograph of the capital of São Paulo.
"I'm sorry, you're a great driver, I never meant to make you doubt your potential and the sport would be a lot more boring without you in my rear view mirror" he said sincerely "You make a difference in racing and I wouldn't forgive myself if I ruined that... None of what I said was true, it was a bit of spite"
"You need to work on being forgiven... And if your father talks to me like that again, I'll throw my helmet at him."
"Okay, fair enough."
"And you need to learn to declare yourself, that was completely unromantic"
"Was that all you paid attention to?"
"And you're judging me for that?"
"Obviously, because I opened my heart here, "go fuck yourself, damn it"
"Why don't you come do it, you coward"
Before the two could process what was happening, Max and S/N were kissing, rolling around on the mattress. Grunts and curses were uttered in a confused manner and before long, the clothes were scattered around the suite and before long, the girl was riding the Dutchman, moaning insults as he bit her breasts and neck, leaving fingerprints on her hips, her thighs and ass. He swore in Dutch — and it made Y/N clench around him.
Maybe it was the euphoria, or the repressed feelings that led them both to orgasm in a violent way.
"Fuck," they said together.
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The sky above her was so blue and bright it hurt to look at and behind her, Max was on her tail, nudging for any chance to retake the lead of the pack, but Y/N increased the gap, from four seconds to six. She knew he was cursing and that it would be harder to close the gap between them.
The fans screamed, fired up by the competition for first place, suddenly that fight, the anger had arisen again, making things interesting again.
"One more quarter of a lap and you'll win the race, firecracker." Hugh said into the headset, making Y/N laugh in excitement. "Things are in place again, that is great"
"I know you missed me, I missed you too," she admitted, changing gears at once, making the engine roar. "I love my job."
The podium featured Red Bull Racing twice and the last time anyone saw such a bright smile on S/N's face was in Melbourne, months before.
"You should make it easier sometimes" he said as they both waited for her anthem to start, Y/N giggled.
"As if you liked that," he retorted ironically and Max shrugged, yeah, he didn't.
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