#max and cheese ice cream
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i-llbehere · 10 months ago
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Would you try either of these?
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ebbofcyanwhispers · 5 months ago
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sam stimboard w/ / inspired by some of his favorite foods :]
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buckysgrace · 10 months ago
Billy Hargrove Headcanons <3
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Requested <3 I hope you enjoy my ramblings!!
Was such a cute baby with lil blonde curls, rosy cheeks and a soft nose that strangers always thought he was a little girl lol
Used to love when his mama would play with his hair. He hated naps as a child, but always passed out once she'd trace her fingertips across his soft cheeks and squishy nose
His mom loved holidays. Especially Halloween and Christmas. He spent many Halloweens dressed as a lion lol
She also took him to get ice cream on his birthdays <3 His favorite was chocolate.
Was really close to his grandma up until she passed away. Used to spend long afternoons and even stay for weekends when he was little, and Neil was working.
Loooooves sports. Has played a vast majority of them (baseball is his favorite). He played a different one each season while in school to get him away from the house
Worked all throughout high school. Had a ton of odd jobs
Also loved summer camp.
Enjoys deep sea fishing. Neil did a lot of trips with him as a sort of “apology” (he caught a bluefin tuna when he was 13 hehe)
He’s very very dry, has a sarcastic sense of humor <3
When he’s high he gets very relaxed and chill, very laid back. Will occasionally get giggly
Very good with his hands. He likes to tinker with things. Worked on his car a lot, likes to build things too (had a very impressive bird house that he built in woodshop)
He loves vegetables. Specifically tomatoes and bell peppers. Bites right into them, a nice lil snack
He's up at 3 in the morning?? He is devouring a jar of pepperoncini. maybe some shredded cheese
Not crazy about sweets, but if he has to pick something it would be some sort of fruit pie?? will also pound away at a pineapple upside down cake
makes a meaaaaan spicy Italian sandwich
Also crazy about protein. He's gotta bulk up ya know. Hates eggs though. They smell terrible and the texture is awful
Really good at math, loves working with numbers. He will chew on his pencil/pen while he's working out a problem (and if he accidentally eats the eraser?? that's his own business smh)
Got a lot of college offers because of his grades and talents in sports but didn't take any of them up. College just never seemed like his thing
Will hike his swimming trunks up to get a nice even tan on his upper thighs. The cutest little tan lines imaginable.
Reads while he sits on the toilet. Also smokes (and will purposely linger in the bathroom if Max knocks on the door smh)
Horror and mystery are his favorite genres. His all time favorite book is The Haunted Dancers.
Surprisingly good with kids. They just love him, sweet Mr. Billy hehe. Babies love at him. They will stare at him and enjoy snuggling into his arms :) And chewing on his arms lmao (or tugging on his hair smh)
Haaates the winter months. He does not like the cold at all and hates bundling up in thick layers even more (he's a man damn it he doesn't need any gloves smh)
Icy roads absolutely terrified him in Hawkins. He was not used to driving on them at all. An incredible snow ball former tho (he will hit you in the face with them rip)
The first time he heard the tornado siren go off he was alone with Max and had no idea what to do (she was outside trying to see it smh)
A little rain is okay but he prefers the sunny sunshine and heat to anything else <3
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quillyfied · 4 months ago
Happy Halloween and Happy Ghostfuckers, time to dig into the chest cavity of this episode and not come back out until the next! Another banger of an episode; someone in the Helluva Boss tag called it the Truth Seekers of season 2, and I am so inclined to agree, actually. Equal parts reaction and analysis, and 100% spoilers, like, did that even need to be said?
First: MILLIE MY BELOVED. After a season and a half (over five whole years) of some pretty lukewarm development and attention, having this episode start off with Millie being her happy cheerful self is already such a breath of fresh air, especially given the relentless nonstop personal drama Blitzo and Stolas have been part of for the last couple of episodes. It’s great that this episode is starting after a brief time skip, too; feels more natural for an audience that has had three months to process it all. Watching Millie step right into emotional support is amazing, too, for reasons that have been hinted at before; Happy Campers was so good for her and Moxxie’s characters and I’m prepared to fight about it. Having one of the few women in the cast be relegated to “emotional backbone” doesn’t feel as bad when she’s already expressed insecurity about her importance in life, shown that being an unbelievable badass doesn’t always give her the kind of attention she wants, and isn’t afraid to knock the people in her life down a peg when they aren’t supporting her back. Yes that was just from Happy Campers, and this episode reinforces that with further excellent context. But sshh. We’ll get to that later. Time to watch Loona and Moxxie breaking down because they’re sick of Blitzo’s shit but not to the point of leaving him yet (because they love him too shsshhhshshsh).
Interesting that after a few weeks of moping, NOW is when Blitzo is starting to ramp up his destructive behaviors; what tiny glimpses we were allowed to get in the mission shorts showed a Blitzo that was coping but seemed to be holding it together (you’ll pry the idea that Blitzo’s inability to work the crystal in Mission: Antarctica is directly related to his confidence, not his skill, out of my cold dead rotten hands). This sudden left turn into emptying IMP’s bank accounts and forcing Moxxie and Loona to act out his grief with him appears…new. Maybe lying around eating ice cream and cheese (bro) like a sad sack while watching human television isn’t a new behavior, but the Blitzo-level catastrophic destruction masquerading as retail therapy reads to me as a sudden snap, maybe due to the proximity of a certain lunar cycle. It’s certainly looking on par with running three rings to Wrath and maxing out someone else’s credit cards on shitty horse riding lessons (something that, based on the vague timeline I’ve been able to wrangle out of this godforsaken show, Millie wouldn’t have been present for, though to be fair it’s not like Blitzo ever really has a measured emotional response to anything).
(Viv, if you’re listening, consider this a brief cosmic request for Secretary Stolas to help poor Moxxie with this paperwork. Please. PLEASE. PLEEEEASE.)
I love too that Millie’s approach as default team Emotional Intelligence isn’t to meddle, either, because that also shows maturity on her part; letting the grown ass adults around her handle their shit while still being sweet to them is such a good and necessary component of the IMP team. Hang on having another Millie Feelings Moment while trying to have some sort of chronology here.
…it’s entirely purposeful that Bethany Ghostfucker has Charlie’s hair, right? Because they share a voice actress? Which means…Blitzo has now cosplayed some reference of Charlie…THE STREAMS THEY ARE CROSSING.
I also love how nOTHING could have prepared me for realizing that Blitzo’s outfit in this episode is a cosplay. Of a HUMAN. WHO FUCKS GHOSTS. I don’t know why I am so surprised at how literal the title is; this show continues to both sicken and delight me XD (raunchy humor isn’t my thing and Blitzo was definitely pushing it for me this episode, but also…it’s so nicely balanced with the real emotional breakdowns that I can’t even be mad about it)
Anyway, back to Millie and her Emotional Genius: very glad that she realizes what Blitzo is going through requires a little more babying than usual, and VERY glad that she and Blitzo already have an established system for when he needs to be babied and she doesn’t initially cave to it (I will be buying that magnet, thanks Spindlehorse). I also love how Millie encourages Loona to step up and help Moxxie (who also desperately needs some help, but Millie really can’t focus on him right now because she needs to focus on the root of the problem, which is Blitzo), essentially through begging but also just by being her usual kind self. And that quiet little moment of Millie using Loona’s name for maybe the first time ever is just…mwah. Chef’s kiss. No notes.
Sidetracking again to wonder why the subject of ghosts is just now coming up when Blitzo literally has an alert light labeled “Ghost.” Like. I feel like Blitzo believing in ghosts while Millie staunchly does not is such a good dynamic to play with, but also why is this the first that it’s being addressed. XD Okay, I get it, throwaway gag from the first episode that is becoming relevant now and maybe didn’t have that much thought put into it when it was first made, but I can dream. Or pick relentlessly at tiny details while completely missing the bigger picture. It’s fine. I’m fine.
What I’m not fine with is how Blitzo can completely trash the van in nearly the same way two episodes in a row (assuming that IMP going on the run is happening in Mastermind, which is far from a given, but phwoar would it be maximum emotional impact, to have an episode showing IMP finally moving into their shitty office and how much it means to them, only to have it ripped out from under them the next episode LOLOLOLOL). I’m mostly irritable that my prediction was untrue :P Although I am glad that the prediction that this hotel guy was Leviathan was disproven, because let’s be honest, that would make no sense. Some rando infestor demon, though? Totally on point. Also makes sense why he “falls” for Blitzo’s bullshit disguise; he knows they’re imps because he’s also a demon. Something new to play with. Though it’s interesting that even when Rolando goes rooting through Blitzo’s head, he still doesn’t seem to know either of their real names. Informational blind spot? Would make sense, with how the fight goes down, but later. Later.
Side note to wheeze with relief because when I first watched this episode, it was without subtitles, and I thought Igor was wheezing Blitzo’s name. Him saying “bitch” makes more sense actually. That’s fine. It was much creepier thinking he was saying Blitzo’s name actually XD
Listen. Listen. We know that Blitzo sort of self-medicates with sex and sexual humor. We know that he’s loaded his confidence eggs into the competent at sex basket, because his competence at emotions has a body count (literal). Much like how it was painful to watch Blitzo operating at maximum asshole behavior at the beginning of Apology Tour what with his relentless insistence at returning his relationship with Stolas to safter, sexier ground…watching Blitzo try to distract himself with a sexually charged silly new hobby is equally painful. Because for him, sex is surface level, because anything deeper is dangerous (lord above please ignore the innuendo IGNORE IT). If sex happens to come with emotional attachment, he ruthlessly severs it. But Blitzo being horny isn’t the problem, it’s his disregard for the people that get caught up in his horniness (and he certainly knows how to weaponize his raunchy humor and sexual charisma when it suits him). The Scooby Doo antics are hysterical, but watching Millie start to buckle under the strain of indulging Blitzo is as fascinating as it is inevitable. We already know Millie doesn’t have infinite patience even for Moxxie. So to watch her reach her limit with Blitzo when she might be the only person in IMP whom we have never seen snap at him…delicious. Absolutely the best. And GOOD ON HER for snapping at him for cutting her off, which is a thing he does all the time with everyone ever but rarely gets called on (because he’s waltzed off at that point usually).
And, as I dearly hoped, it’s Millie that starts to really get through to Blitzo, not by being gentle, exactly, but by being her refreshing blunt-not-bludgeoning self. She gives Blitzo the reaming he deserves, but doesn’t belittle him about it; she just points out that his behavior is harmful, draws a boundary, and leaves. Exactly what Blitzo needs…though his brain is certainly going to fuck with him about it first, because lol rejection-sensitive dysphoria being exacerbated by fucked up haunted trauma illusions is a BITCH.
When the gif for this episode dropped and it was Blitzo sliding down a ventilation shaft, I never saw a single other person remark on the dark liquid in the corner of the gif sliding down the shaft after him. I didn’t say anything about it either, just noted it and freaked out quietly every time the gif passed me by. NOW KNOWING THE CONTEXT OF THE DARK SLIDING LIQUID MAKES IT WORSE. I already suspected it was blood (Hellborn blood to be exact). I did not suspect that it would be THAT MUCH BLOOD. Though it’s interesting that Blitzo doesn’t recognize it as such, never calls it that, never seems to realize it. So. Maybe it isn’t blood (spoiler: it’s not blood, I am just dumb and didn’t realize what it is until a third viewing, good job me), but it sure as hell resembles Hellborn blood enough that I have the heebie jeebs. And the visuals are just SO CREEPY—Blitzo is practically drowning in it as he’s dumped into a waking nightmare, and like. Blitzo is an assassin by trade now, and we know IMP did a lot of in-Hell contracts before switching to corner the Sinner market, so there would ostensibly be a lot of Hellborn blood on his hands, but he doesn’t care about that. A job’s a job. The blood he feels guilty about…well…we know, okay, I won’t insult y’all’s intelligence by rehashing it, because it’s about to be made real damn obvious anyway.
THE HAUNTED MILLIES BEING ALL THE TIMES SHE COULD HAVE DIED IN PREVIOUS JOBS THOUGH. Bless the people smart enough to pick that up and throw that spaghetti at the wall because folks it STICKS, it’s so obvious and SO GOOD. And SUCH a neat little insight into Blitzo’s head, too: he cares SO MUCH about his employees, his family, and it does actually haunt him, how many close calls they’ve had. It does occur to him that his actions affect others. It’s just never bothered him, certainly not to this degree. I fully blame Apology Tour and Verosika for getting him started on considering how his actions have consequences for other people, how he “hurts other people’s fee-fees” but also routinely leads his team into dangerous situations where his mistakes could cost them all. And these phantom (lol f-word) versions of Millie not only driving this home through the visuals, but saying the quiet part out loud, asking Blitzo if he realizes this about himself? If he’s ever loved someone without hurting them? FUCK.
I said so many times I wanted Blitzo broken in half; I have FEASTED, friends, because Blitzo’s issues are bigger than Stolas and if he doesn’t address them, he won’t ever be happy with himself, let alone with anyone else, romantic or platonic. ALSO, feast upon the intersecting themes between Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel, because “you think you can change?” immediately put me in mind of “addict trash like you doesn’t change,” which…I believe whole-heartedly is something that Val said to Angel, maybe even said in that moment, but the framing of it and Angel’s character arc made it so clear to me that Val’s words had become Angel’s own. Except Angel started proving him wrong. He started struggling, however small and desperately and weakly, to change who he was, to become someone he actually liked instead of what everyone else wanted and liked. Blitzo is in the same boat. Because both of these shows are so much about how hard it can be to become a better version of yourself, especially in a world that’s set against you being that person, that will hurt you for daring to be better, to be different, to be YOURSELF. What Blitzo is going through right now is the emotional beat-down that every person who has ever wanted to self-improve despite (or maybe even because of) trauma or mental illness puts themself through. If you’ve ever been this mean to yourself and driven yourself to a sobbing panic attack, clap your hands (clap clap).
And then the low blow. The tearjerker. The cry-maker.
Teenage Blitzo running to his mother. Calling out for Mama. Telling her about the scary dream he was having. AND SHE COMFORTS HIM. She never turns on him, she’s never angry, she never even flinches as she’s burning alive in front of him. Ghosts aren’t real (sad) and we aren’t ever going to meet Tilla except through other people’s eyes, most likely Blitzo’s, but that double-edged knife of knowing that Blitzo both was so loved and loved so hard back, only to be the one who got her killed…we’ve known as an audience for a while now that this is the biggest burden on Blitzo’s soul, the one thing he may never forgive himself for and can’t conceive of anyone else forgiving, because it’s what’s Fundamentally Wrong with him: he makes everyone’s lives worse. How can he love when he is so completely destruction incarnate? How can he reach out to Moxxie, to Millie, to Loona, to Stolas, to Fizz, when the person dearest to him crumbled to ash in his hands and it’s his own fault?
How can Millie look at him and tell him he’s wrong, that he made her life better?
Fuck hang on cry break FUCK I forgot to remove my eye makeup before doing this lolololol
Okay. Pivoting to scrutinizing this flashback, because the first thing that is immediately apparent to me (besides how hot Millie and Blitzo are DAMN) is how much older and more tired Millie looks. Millie in particular. We’ve become accustomed to Millie looking a certain way, so the new look is certainly exciting, but it’s the expression that’s really the kicker here. She looks hardened and badass, but so, so tired. She’s tired of just being the muscle. She’s tired of scraping by for a buck, and fewer of them than she deserves. My theory that Wrath is saturated with imps of a similar skill set is correct; my theory that Helluva Boss isn’t going to address the class/race issues they’re drawing on in any meaningful way might yet be disproven. Because Millie doesn’t have horrific family trauma. What she has is what every imp has: systemic oppression and its accompanying insecurities. We got hints of this back in Happy Campers, when she was so thrilled to be the center of attention and important and liked, and NOT for how well she kills people. Now it has further context, and is why Millie being the Emotional Support of the team is so important to her as a character: she never thought she could be anything else. She never let herself believe she could be anything but someone’s underpaid goon that was going to die an early death and be as meaningless as everyone told her she was. Until Blitzo and IMP carved out a space for themselves and moved to THE TOP RING IN HELL. The one where Lucifer lives, the one where the Goetia seem to congregate, the one ring that, despite being a flaming hellhole (lol) that is full of weird dead humans and is constantly being beset by angels at least once a year, is considered the one place imps can’t make their mark. Gosh this episode is so important for making so much of that thinly-veiled subtext all throughout Helluva Boss into text, for underlining Striker’s compliment to Blitzo for making a name for himself by owning his own business, for saying EXPLICTLY AND OUT LOUD that imps aren’t even good enough for the shittiest, most moth-eaten office in Pride.
I’m still not holding my breath on Helluva Boss actually solving anything socially within itself, because that seems like a tall order. But it is no longer too much to ask for Stolas to grapple with some pretty heavy questions about his behavior and his preconceived notions, his internal biases and the ways he has hurt Blitzo in return. SECRETARY STOLAS PLEEEEEASE, I AM BEGGING.
Anyway. Time to drool over the fight choreography, first of this fight between Millie and Blitzo, because it’s GORGEOUS. They have what I was hoping so hard for them to have: fighting as a love language XD Blitzo and Millie understand each other on a pretty instinctual, almost primal level; their fight is a dance, not just because they’re both good at it. It’s an extension of their friendship, or what will become their friendship. Their bodies are their most basic communication tool, Millie often through touch and snuggles, and Blitzo through either fighting or fucking, depending on what’s needed. They both have killer instinct, which Moxxie’s anxiety often chokes out within himself and which Loona hasn’t really had the chance to hone.
I also love that moment before Blitzo tips the pool table, the whole “reputation is everything” “Oh yeah? So what’s your reputation?” Because. BECAUSE!! Millie is an exceptional assassin, but in this fight in particular, she is so different from how she is in the rest of the show. She’s a proper Wrathian imp assassin, angry and hard and relentless. Compare that to the beginning of Ozzie’s, when she scuttles into frame holding an axe in her teeth and screeches about how she’s still so jazzed up, clearly amped and so much more joyful than she is during this flashback. Again, said it at least twice, will say it once more: she looks so exhausted, like she’s burning herself out just to make it. And she isn’t a unique case in that regard by any means. It’s working for Blitzo that makes her unique, that gives her joy in her work instead of making her rely on how other people see her. Sinners already don’t care about her or her feelings; her next meal isn’t contingent on appearing as hardened and badass as possible, it’s on a Sinner having a grudge, which is an exclusive meal ticket that only Blitzo could have weaseled them into.
I also want to point out that this fight between Blitzo and Millie? Pretty well mirrored by the fight between Millie and Rolando!Blitzo. The way Millie blocks him with her forearm, the way she slams him into the wall—those are things Blitzo did to her, back during their first fight. Granted, Millie getting the coolest anime punch-stop of all time is something that’s all hers, because Millie is so special and had no idea until she found a new life. She is the happiest imp there ever was and she kicks no less ass for it.
(WHERE IS MY TIMELINE, IMP WAS AROUND FOR A YEAR BEFORE THEY GOT THE BOOK AND THE OFFICE. Unsure of how long after meeting Loona and Moxxie this meeting with Millie takes place, and this does scramble around the timeline of how long Blitzo had the book before Stolas calls to make the arrangement, and where does Moxxie and Millie’s marriage fit into this? They’ve only been married a year, so probably started dating pretty soon after meeting…still have no idea on when Stolas and Blitzo’s first time happened and how long after that was Loo Loo Land. I will tie myself into knots over this, must stop now.)
Anyway. Putting the fights to bed for the moment, gotta get in on those good good BFF snuggles, which will go immediately into Blitzo’s Trauma: The Movie. After Rolando does the honor of driving home the point that yeah, imps have it real fuckin’ bad in Hell canonically and textually and said out loud and everything, thanks for asking.
…oh. Right. Rolando dissolves into black goo. Blitzo wasn’t crawling through a tunnel of blood. It was a tunnel of Rolando. That’s somehow worse. Ah well. My point about Blitzo’s regrets and visually looking like he’s wading through Hellborn blood stands.
Small detail that’s standing out to me in this episode: how much Blitzo is holding his chest during the Rolando fight. Wondering if he’s cupping the pendant he almost lost, or if he’s injured in the chest pretty badly. Which is SO IRONIC if true, because. Y’know. Feelings. His are hurting.
Gosh this fight with Rolando is so scary, though. We’ve never seen infestor demons before (unless you count the Glam sisters, but they weren’t in their element, so to speak), and the power differential between Rolando and Blitzo and Millie is pretty stark. Different from the fight between Striker and Millie and Moxxie, Striker overwhelms with skill. Rolando is overwhelming with power. Don’t you just hate it when higher-class demons have special powers that reinforce the hierarchy? Bullshit. Anyway. THE FIGHT TAKING PLACE NEAR THE POOL IS SO GOOD. Because why wouldn’t an Envy demon have the water advantage? They’re literally fish people. And it’s TENSE OKAY.
I find it particularly significant that Rolando licks up the scarred side of Blitzo’s neck and then says a few minutes later that Blitzo’s level of insecurity is “intoxicating.” Yeah I imagine he’s super tasty to demons who feed on that kind of thing. See previous horrific trauma hallucination. Which I now have reason to believe wasn’t based entirely in reality; we already know all the Millies didn’t die that way, and now a snapshot of Blitzo finding the pendant in the wreckage. He didn’t watch his mom burn to death, not the way he was forced to watch in this episode. Goddamn. Rolando is an asshole, huh?
The Cash backslap really took me aback, actually, not just because Blitzo flinches away from it. The stills show that Cash does it while holding Blitzo’s still-burned wrist in his other hand, so this is really soon after the fire; one has to wonder if Cash did it because Blitzo caused his mother’s death, or if it’s just for the circus. Hard to get a read on Cash, no idea what his attitude towards Tilla is besides a gleeful willingness to use her to manipulate his son. I suppose I’m also shocked because I never really doubted that Cash probably hit Blitzo at least a little, but…a backhand, to me, reads of casual violence, something that’s done without much thinking about it. The way Stella reared back to backhand Stolas and we know by her shocked expression that he’s never caught her wrist to avoid the impact before. Terrible comparison, by the way, and by terrible I mean great but causing me emotional distress. I hadn’t suspected that Cash was likely just as physically abusive as he was emotionally abusive towards Blitzo. Nice to have the confirmation. I hate it here.
Okay, because I haven’t seen the screenshots anywhere yet: first scene of Millie and Moxxie is from Murder Family when Moxxie unties them. Second…I don’t know, actually, and I’m embarrassed to admit that. Maybe Truth Seekers? I could make the argument for Exes and Oohs if Moxxie was in a wedding dress, but I’m not sure. Any of the many times Blitzo has intruded on their time together, I suppose. And, fun fact: the shots that are playing in Blitzo’s eyes when Rolando forces Blitzo’s eyes open are the ones of Fizz and Verosika in Ozzie’s again. In case that was information you wanted. It’s also upsetting that Loona in LA is part of the reel of Blitzo Thinking Everyone Hates Him, because the fight in Spring Broken at least makes sense to flashback to. Though I do keep forgetting, constantly and with an insistence that infuriates me, that Loona and Blitzo were also having a fight during Seeing Stars and when she kicks him off of her at the end, it’s while Blitzo is apologizing for threatening to replace her.
I find it very interesting that there’s a split-second of Barb that cuts in when the Stolas part of the reel plays; it’s so fast, but right after Blitzo pulls away from Stolas’ hand in Ozzie’s, there’s a second shot of Barb as she’s yelling at him in Happy Campers. Significance? Probably that their separation hurts him just as much as his current one with Stolas, he’s just had more time to try and get used to it. Or represses it more.
Oh hey. Blitzo in his head is back in uniform, crystal and all. Nice. I didn’t even realize it. (…Crystal and all. Like it’s become part of his self-image already. HMMM.)
So interesting that Rolando chooses the most obvious pressure points to try and get to Millie…without realizing that coming out of Blitzo’s mouth, it completely robs them of power BECAUSE of their heart to heart. Millie already knows in her core that Blitzo rejects that image of her, because it’s an image of himself that he also rejects and he refuses to let her wallow in it. Their friendship is built on, well, building each other up in that way. Why in fuck would Millie listen to this asshole wax on and on about how she’s a lowborn inbred hick (what the fuck dude) when he’s currently possessing the guy who helped her break that image of herself? Like. Come on, asshole, use your brain, not your bigotry. But I guess that’s also the point of this episode, showing with explicit clarity that IMP is special because of all the anti-imp sentiment they’ve had to wade through and dismantle within themselves, so why would a supposedly “superior” demon think he had to hit any harder or more precise than that? Also. Though. The careless way Rolando is just throwing around Blitzo’s body is pretty sickening.
Special moment of silence for how Millie knows that Blitzo can take a beating that few others can and uses that to expel Rolando. I’m not crying. It’s fine.
“You’re dead, Bethany!” This is. Such a weird thing to say. Especially when you just went on a pleasure cruise through this guy’s deepest darkest fears. You can pull out what haunts him in the night, but not his name?? Counterpoint: he didn’t CARE to pull out Blitzo’s name. Because he’s an imp.
The knocking Rolando into the pool thing was hysterical, though. Such an anticlimax. Right before the electrocution and the eye-popping and all. Lol.
“FUCK hotels!” Says the man who was casually cosplaying an aspect of the princess of Hell who runs a hotel. I love these shows. I love the casual interplay between them. A crossover one day would be the best thing ever.
“I’ve never had a real friend that I didn’t want to fuck.” That is such a blisteringly honest thing for Blitzo to say that I don’t think he expected it to come out of his own mouth. And I love that Millie knows it has nothing to do with her and everything to do with Blitzo, and how Blitzo feels about Stolas. I just don’t think Blitzo realized he felt that way until he said it out loud.
And wrapping this all up with a nice bow with some Loona and Moxxie character growth, where she ACTUALLY takes care of him instead of leaving him to his own devices! Giving half a shit prevents arson, folks, love to see it.
This had the exact structure of Truth Seekers that got me hooked on this show in the first place: cutting the raunchy humor (which is hit or miss with me, usually don’t like it overmuch) with really deep, complex, and honest character moments. The way Blitzo mentors both Moxxie and Millie in different ways while still relying on them is just so satisfying. Even more satisfying is seeing Blitzo change from a one-note loud pervert into a complicated guy who has real feelings about other people and doesn’t actively want to hurt the people he cares about because he DOES CARE. He’s a fuckup, and he’s trying, and it’s so, so, SO good.
I’m sure I have forgotten to wax eloquent about something or other, but it’s almost four hours later and definitely almost five thousand words into this thing, so I’m gonna cut myself off here. Toodles! See you all in November for Mastermind, which is gonna be FINE I’m sure!!
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cloveroctobers · 1 year ago
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A/N: This will probably flop since it’s basically a ghost town in this tag but here I am! Plus it was also requested for me to write for Bode (again) lol which I don’t have a problem with, we love that guy over here. They’re wrong for going on break after giving us what they gave us! I also just want to say that I really miss Max’s curls but here it goes!!
PROMPT IS FROM HERE + I’m using: 18.  “Damn, I hate pollen.” + 8.  “IT’S A DEER!” “Yeah, and?” “I CAN SEE IT!”
<- read my previous anthology prompt here.
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Eve was lucky you loved her.
Being up this early on your first day back in Edgewater to give her a ride to Three Rock (her car was in the shop) was a lot to ask! Not really! but what kind of friend would you be if you didn’t complain a good portion about it on the ride up to camp?
“If I get you an iced coffee, would you love me again?” Eve pinched the space in between her brows, elbow resting against the car door.
You hummed while using one hand to tap on your chin, “Add in a Mozzarella, Pesto, and tomato bagel then we’ll talk.”
Eve twisted her lips upwards, “…that’s a thing? Whatever happened to a simple cream cheese with eggs and avocado?”
“You’re lucky I’m not asking for a soft boiled egg stuffed with caviar.” You respond as you reduce your speed once you cross the bridge, spying the familiar deli spot up ahead.
Eve scoffed as she side eyed you, “oh yeah, Switzerland done made you bougie.”
Which earned a laugh from you as you pulled the Toyota 4Runner into the small parking lot. If you weren’t a bundle of nerves you would have got out of the car with Eve to see what changed about the deli you spent many afternoons in with your old friends. However you let your mind wander a bit as you stared out into edgewater’s view.
You were home…except your childhood home was just a memory now that your divorced parents no longer resided in Edgewater. So you crashed at Eve’s although you were completely fine staying in a hotel since Jake talked you out of an air bnb after watching some movie called, “Barbarian,” and you were tired of hearing the statistics and other real life horror stories he pulled out of his ass. Eve was your number one best friend and she was more than willing to open up her place for a friend like you.
As you took up a interest in archery and later turned into a professional Archer, you were inspired to see what the world had in store so the sooner you got out of Edgewater, the better it was for you. Some just didn’t get it (your parents mainly, with your mother being an orthopedic surgeon and your father a fire chief before his MS took over) and expected you to start your own roots here. It was kind of a thing here in this small town, that you were to begin again and build your own legacy. However you were in the tiny group of odd’s that wanted more than the expectations hanging over your head.
Which is why you were proud to say that you’ve been participating in the Olympics every few years because of your passion for archery. Of course you had people down your neck all throughout your career but you still stood as tall as you could.
Now you were back home in the place that was full of doubts but the tightness in your chest wasn’t as noticeable the closer you got to camp.
“Thanks for dropping me off, I appreciate it.” Eve starts as she spots a few inmates hanging around on the yard already, “If you stick around for a minute I’ll even do you a solid and send Bode your way. Since I know it’ll be difficult otherwise.”
Taking a deep inhale you say, “I still can’t believe he’s here.”
“Yeah well…if he stays on the right track this time he’ll be out even sooner.” Eve tells, “He’s still a big pain in all of our asses but I think it would do him some good to see you…you did come all this way.”
It’s been years since you last saw each other but you came back for Riley’s funeral and you reached out to Bode when he moved away to a few towns over and changed his last name. You tried to be there even being ocean’s apart but when Bode felt low, it always felt like he wanted to take the world on his shoulder’s and find a way to make it spin again. Yet that landed him in prison and Eve had no problem filling you in on everything in between.
Would he even want to see you? It’s not like your relationship turned sour or anything…it’s just been awhile being in contact with each other. You weren’t nearly this anxious seeing Eve and doubted you would be when you had lunch with Jake and Cara—which was still weird to you—But being near Bode was different from everybody else and you knew that.
“I did…didn’t I?” You loll your head to face Eve, who studies it for a moment before dipping her head.
She tapped her hand against the outside of the door, whispering into the spring air, “it’ll be fine. He’s in a much better headspace and you’re still family no matter where you disappear off to, you got that?”
A watery smile goes Eve’s way before she leaves you to collect yourself. You’re pulling your mirror down from the sun visor, patting underneath your eyes and beginning to second guess yourself. You were here for two weeks and there was no way that you planned on not seeing Bode. You ran into his parents just last night at the bar, craving some wings before heading to Eve’s, just to be received with warm arms and classic banter from the Leone’s.
They were the parents you could talk to more than your own. If you weren’t crashing at Eve’s then you would definitely be at the Leone’s but then Bode and Cara happened so that’s when some of the distance was created. They didn’t last, like most teenage relationships but out of respect you felt like it was the right thing to do.
It felt right being back, even if it was only temporary.
Maybe that’s just how you had to view Bode’s situation. He wasn’t a temporary kind of friend although you couldn’t socialize as much but you tried to be hopeful. Even climbed out of the car pacing back and forth, not paying much attention to anyone around until you spotted the green dust decorating the navy car.
Scowling in disgust, you swiped the arm of your jacket around the hood of your car before cringing at the greenery you wiped on your sweatpants afterwards.
“Damn, I hate pollen.” A voice comes from behind, which makes you slowly stand up straight and glance over your shoulder.
There he was.
Bode Leone, standing in the flesh, hands deep in his jacket pockets, and a small smile on his lips.
You fully turn to face him and tilt your head to the side, “Didn’t I tell you once before that Orange isn’t your color?”
Bode lifts his shoulders with humor in his blue-green eyes as he motions towards the spot on you, “yeah, well maybe green isn’t yours either.”
You scoff as you motion to your outfit, “what? You don’t think I’m pulling it off?”
The blond chuckles as he takes a step towards you, “As long as you don’t start itching then sure, whatever you say.”
“Oh,” you scratch at the back of your hand and shoot a glare at the man who’s got crinkles by his eyes now, “why did you have to go and say that Bode! Now I’m doing it!”
“Sorry! It’s just that I sorta remembered that you were sensitive to almost everything including air.” He says to you, teasing somewhat, now standing face to face with you.
Rolling your eyes you couldn’t help but to smile at that. You didn’t know what it was growing up in high school, you were highly allergic to almost everything which landed you in the nurses office a lot but it seemed to relax as you reached your twenties and moved away. You always joked that maybe it was Edgewater that was making you sick. Yet the longer you stood in this town and interacted with not only Eve but Bode, you knew that wasn’t completely true.
“It’s good to see you, Bo.” You lightly shove his shoulder back while he nods in agreement, “can I give you a hug?”
Bode blinks the furrow of his brows away as if you were being ridiculous, “of course you can.”
And you’re cradling the back of his head while his fingers are at your spine, swaying from side to side in a firm but gentle squeeze. Then he’s burying his nose into your shoulder and the feel of the embrace tells you that this was meant to be.
When your eyes open, you realize that you could live just fine in Bode’s arms. You remember your final kiss goodbye in Drayscott, one month before you left the country and one month before Bode attempted to pull off a robbery—it was the sweetest thing—the kiss obviously! because it should have been happened. It didn’t come out of nowhere, it was full of intention, full of wonder and love but you were aware that it wasn’t the right time to be something more.
Maybe some day it could be.
Little did you know, Bode kept that memory not far away. He was kicking himself for the what if’s but when he manages to pull himself out of the blue, he thinks about the best possibility being you.
The both of you could be good together, could see the world together and he wasn’t sure how it all looked but he was willing to imagine.
A gasp makes Bode pull away, alarmed.
“IT’S A DEER!” You point, over Bode’s shoulder.
He glances over his shoulder to in fact see the said brown animal, peering at the two of you, “Yeah, and?”
“I CAN SEE IT!” You attempt to lower your voice but the excitement got the best of you as you almost bounce on your toes.
Bode’s still lightly has a hand resting on your waist now, as they watch the beautiful creature sniff at the grass and carried on deeper and away into the woods.
“Are you telling me they don’t have deer out in Switzerland?” There’s amusement in Bode’s voice as he peeks back at you.
“I’ve been in the city mainly but it’s been awhile since I’ve really been one with nature, you know? Which reminds me, I’ll have to make time to go off roading with this baby one of these days. Or hiking.” You jam a thumb back at the car.
Bode nods, “you’ll be careful won’t you? Don’t get so easily impressed with animals, not all of them will have the best intentions.”
You were an animal lover back in the day, so much to the point you wouldn’t dissect a frog sophomore year, which landed you in the principal’s office.
“What?” You blow a raspberry, “I’m like freaking Princess Aurora. Animals love me.”
Bode squints his eyes, “…didn’t you get bit by a goat when we were like what? Fourteen?”
“You’re really killing my vibe man and I don’t like that.” You yank on the end of Bode’s hair who laughs again.
He raises his hands in surrender and grips your wrist from his head, “alright, alright. My bad but if it makes you feel better, I still have that scar after that horse kicked the shit out of me when we had too many drinks partying at Tamsin Kadoka’s farm.”
Bode nods, “yeah, right on my lower back and it’s shaped like Utah.”
You meet each other’s gaze before bursting out laughing in unison at yet another memory. He’s gripping your shoulder again while he’s got your attention, “just promise me when you’re out there in those woods that you’re careful. I’d hate it if something happened to you.”
“Well the feeling is mutual, Bo.” You state, “you just had to go on and choose firefighting huh?”
Bode shrugs, “Must be in the Leone blood.”
“Yeah, must be.” You murmur, staring at him like there’s stars getting ready to rise in your eyes and Bode can’t help but to lean forward to place a lingering kiss on your forehead.
His facial hair pricks you but you don’t mind.
“Leone!” A guard calls out, which means your time is up for now.
You hold his hand, interlocking your fingers, which he squeezes with a smile to match, eyes wandering all over your features, almost as if to tell himself that you are in fact really here.
“Until next time?” He questions.
You smile, “See you soon, Bode.”
And he grins at you, those crinkles by his eyes returning before he slips his hand from yours.
This was brief but sweet and you’re mentally kicking yourself for thinking that this could go wrong.
You’re watching Bode walk away from you and he can’t help but to jog backwards to get another look at you. Almost as if you would disappear again and you would never see him again. When he turns back around, heading to the guard on shift who announces the inmates need to get ready for line ups inside at the bunks, he meets up with Cole on his way.
“Who was that?” Cole nudges his chin in your direction.
You’re seated in the driver’s seat, window down, leaning on your arm as you watch the men in Orange make their way back inside.
Catching Bode’s eye, you wave before rolling your window almost all the way up and pull away from the camp site.
“Someone i would like to give the world and more to once im out of here.”
Cole is smirking but appreciates the honesty as he claps Bode on his shoulder, already knowing what that look is for. “Then let’s make it happen, Leone! Nothing sweeter than having something on the outside to fight for, you know?”
“I agree.” Bode pulls his gaze from your retreating car, finding himself standing up straighter as they awaited for Eve to start their day.
When Eve’s brown eyes set on Bode’s, he just barely tips in his head in thanks, which the woman echo’s as she carries on along the line.
Bode already can’t wait for the next day he can get reconnected with you in person again so, he bites his smile away.
⋆˙⟡♡✿ ⋆˙⟡♡✿ ⋆˙⟡♡✿ ⋆˙⟡♡✿ ⋆˙⟡♡✿ ⋆˙⟡ ♡
Continue with my spring anthology prompts here.
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raatart · 11 months ago
a complete boycott list in alphabetical order
a complete list of companies / brands / franchises to boycott in support of palestine that i have been working on putting together for a while now.
remember to support your local businesses
stand with palestine against genocide
(Food & Beverages)
Acqua Panna
Absolute Vodka
Burger King
Baskin Robbins
Ben & Jerry's
Betty Crocker
Coca Cola
Costa Coffee
Dunkin' Donuts
Dr Pepper
Fruit by the Foot Roll Ups
Haagen Dazs
Heinz Ketchup
Hard Rock Cafe
Israeli Fruits & Vegetables
Kraft Mac & Cheese
Marks & Spencers
Mountain Dew
Minute Maid
Milk Bar
Magnum Ice Cream
Milka Chocolates
Nestle Cereals
Nature Valley
Nestle Milo
Nestle Carnation
Nestle Coffee Mate
Nestle Nestum
Original Shredded Wheat
Papa John's
Pizza Hut
Pretty a Manager
Pure Life
Popup Bagels
Quality Street
Sara Lee
America Eagle
Adina Eden Jewelry
Calvin Klein
Good American
River Island
Skinny Dip
St. Mark
Style Nadia
Victoria's Secret
We Wore That
Bobbi Brown
Bath & Body Works
Britney Spears Fragrance
Beauty Blender
Christina Aguilera Perfumes
Clean & Clear
Dr. Jart+
Darphin Paris
Dark & Lovely
Fenty Beauty
Fair & Lovely
Glam Glow
Honest Beauty
Haci Sakir
Herbal Essences
Head & Shoulders
Hugo Boss
Jo Malone
Johnson & Johnsom
Kylie Cosmetics
Kylie Skin
La Roche-Posey
Moroccan Oil
Max Factor
Nature's Beauty
Summer Fridays
Skin Better Science
The Body Shop
Too Faced Cosmetics
The Ordinary
Tom Ford Beauty
Urban Decay
Ulta Beauty
Yes to
Estee Lauder
Georgio Armani
Louis Vuitton
La Mer
Le Labo
Maison Margiela
Raplh Lauren
Tiffany & Co.
Tom Ford
Tommy Hilfiger
Yves Saint Laurent
(Tech & Entertainment)
National Geographic
Rolls Royce
Toys R Us
Ambi Pur
Ace Hardware
American Express
Black & Decker
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Better Help
Citi Bank
Capital One
Little Swimmers
Mr Muscle
Purina Felix
Paramount Pictures
Us Cellular
Ashley Tisdale
Amy Schumer
Andy Beshear
Ben Savage
Bella Thorne
Chris Evans
Claire Holt
Chris Rock
Chris Pine
Demi Lovato
Dwayne Johnson
DJ Khaled
Eva Longoria
Gal Gadot
Ian Somerhalder
Jamie Lee Curtis
James Maslow
Justin Bieber
Jennifer Aniston
Jaclyn Hill
Jack Harlow
Jordan Peele
Joseph Quinn
Jack Black
Kylie Jenner
Kim Kardashian
Kris Jenner
Kerry Washington
Katie Perry
Karlie Kloss
Khloe Kardashian
Kat Graham
Kendall Jenner
Kourtney Kardashian
Lebron James
Lana Condor
Lana Del Rey
Millie Bobby Brown
Mindy Kaling
Mark Hamill
Nina Dobrev
Natalie Portman
Nicole Richie
Noah Schnapp
Octovia Spencer
Perez Hilton
Paul Wesley
Phoebe Tonkin
Pia Mia
Sofia Richie
Shaquir O'neal
Selena Gomez
Tara Strong
Taika Waititi
Taylor Swift
Tyler Perry
Vanessa Hudgens
Viola Davis
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viscountoflondon · 1 year ago
College Kavinsky 2.0
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You drove down the street stressed that you were late. You arrive the restaurant and send an I’m here text waiting for him to respond as you sit in the car. When 5 minutes pass you think nothing of it but when it gets to 15 minutes you don’t why but your stomach sinks.
“Hello?” you say as he picked up and was silent  
“Y/L/N?” “Yea?” you confirm turning down the volume in the car, you hear a lot of commotion in the background
“Shit sorry Y/L/N”
“Ohhh kayyyy” you were getting stood up. “Shit happened in the club emergency meeting and I just lost track of time I was gonna text”
You interrupt “I understand” 
“I’m sorry” “Thanks” you respond nonchalantly “is everything okay?” you ask hearing a yelling match go on 
“I can’t really talk now mind if I call later maybe we can hang out. I will make it up to you I promise” 
“Sure” you respond in a flat tone “don’t stress about it, just call me back when you can” “Great thanks Y/L/N” 
You sigh and look up. Did you just get stood up or was he playing the forgot lets hangout at your place possibly hook up game?
“Babes? What are you doing here?” Ivy asks you 
You shrug “Peter couldn’t make it” 
“Oh shit what did he say?” 
“I don’t know something happened he lost track of time” You scoff taking off your shoes.“Some bullshit. Make up wasted, outfit down the drain” 
“Aww don’t be like that” she pouts opening her arms for your to hug 
You smile and give her one “Yeeaaa, i think he stood me up” “He wouldn’t do that!” she insists 
“Well only time will tell Ivanna, only time will tell. I’m gonna go lay down” “Okay I’m here to talk if you want” 
Ivy knew this wasn’t going as planned but she knew Peter just wouldn’t fake it like that only to stand you up she texted Cam only to be ignored for hours as well and he confirmed the same thing Peter said fight etc...
You agree one more time to meet Peter over the next weekend, it wasn’t the best time for you two but Peter really wanted to see you. So the best you could do was agree to a coffee date 2 hours max because you both had obligations after 
“Hey!” he says walking in 
“Hi” you greet smiling at him. He had managed to ease away the wall you immediately built up after last weekend 
“Man you know all the cool places, I thought we were gonna meet at starbucks or something” “Nope!” you emphasis the P “they have good coffee, bagels, and treats” 
“I don’t even know what to get I normally get my coffee from starbucks and its some latte shit” “Ooh I can order for you is  your starbucks order sweet or not” 
He shrugs “i don’t know like regular sweet” 
“Perfect, want a bite or?” “I’ll follow your recommendation boss” You blush “Here” he hands you his card “I’m gonna find a seat place is kinda packed” 
You nod and wait for your order to come out. It doesn't take more than 10 minutes. When he sees you approaching with the items he gets up to help you. 
“Here is your order” you say, handing him his bagel and coffee while you take yours. “I got you a bacon egg and cheese bagel, NY Style and a Half White/ Half reg Mocha, latte.” “MMM! So good!” he says taking a sip of his drink
You smile “I have to stop myself from coming here everyday.” 
“What do you have?” “Oh i have a white mocha caramel brulee iced latte and a cheddar bacon bagel with cream cheese, classics” 
“Classic kind of girl” “I try new things sometimes I just like the classics you know can’t go wrong” He nods in agreement mouth full of food “So how have you been?” you ask cautiously  “everything okay?”  you pay attention to his mannerisms 
He sighs “yea, i can’t say much but one of the sophomores got into a fight at the bar and the guy wanted to press charges it was crazy” 
“Oh wow!” 
He takes in a deep breath “I can’t wait for this to be over”
You tilt your head and look at him “I thought you liked being in a frat” 
“I do but I don’t at the same time. It’s a lot you know. You have to like  micromanage the freshmen and some sophomores make sure their are passing their classes, mentor them, Because that affects our metrics. Teach them to not be creeps. Some haven’t had a girlfriend and don’t know how to manage a full house with many girls and you know they make stupid stupid mistakes sometimes.” he eats a little before speaking “You know whats funny the brother I looked up to when I was a freshman said the same thing I am saying now and I thought he was just had a shitty attitude but this shit wears you down” “Sounds rough” you give him a sympathetic look “Don’t get me wrong it's good it can be great, it really can, but i put in a lot of work last year being the social chair. I’ve never networked as much as I did so much so I hate when people recognize me now”
“Really? I thought you liked the spotlight” 
“Yea I kinda wanna be invisible sometimes” 
“Aww” you pout seeing the exhaustion in his expression 
“But I can manage for 2 more years and then barely look back, that is my mantra now” 
You beam at him “You got this Kavinsky” 
He smiles “I will if you continue to be by my side” 
“You’re so cheesy”  You blush looking 
“Only for you Y/L/N” 
“So I was thinki..” You’re interrupted “OMG PETER IS THAT YOU?” You hear looking back to see Olivia and a few of her friends, you wave back at them as they waved first/ She walks over “Y/N What are you guys doing here?” 
“Talking” he says matter of factly answering for you 
“Ooooo about?” she  wiggles her eyebrows while sitting next to him  “oh mind if wejoin?” “Actually we were just” 
“Yoo Peetterrr” You hear Sean calls to him 
You see the annoyed expression on his face 
“Pull up a chair guys” Olivia instructs her friends
“So much for some alone time”  he mumbles you hear it and refrain from laughing
You look down at your phone after receiving a text 
Peter 🥰: Sorry about this
Y/N: its okay 
You look up and smile at him, he responds by giving you a sympathetic smile. You two sit in a circle, with one of Olivia’s friends sitting in between you two? How that happened you don’t know. Peter kind of gets caught up in the conversation that he doesn’t realize time is passing but you did because you had a tutoring session and you couldn’t be late for that.
“Guys I have to go, tutor session” “What are you getting tutoring for?” One of Olivia’s friends ask slyly you peep that 
YOu smirk “I don’t get tutoring sessions I am the tutor 3 years now” “Oh” you see the sly smirk fall “And I’m getting paid to do it so I can’t be late my client is waiting for me, talk to you guys later it was nice meeting yall” 
“Nice meeting you too”
“Oh shit I gotta go I’m late” “Where you off to Kavinksy.” “I gotta go to practice’ Although stanford didn’t have a men’s lacrosse team Peter was able to try out and join a club where they had frequent games, like a norcal. 
Oh yea, text me Mark wants to go over somethings later tonight “Will do Y/L/N wait up girl” 
You smile and wait by the door. “Bye guys” 
See Ya! He throws the peace sign as he walks out 
You two walk to your cars he had parked next to you  “I’m sorry about that”  Peter comments
“It’s okay Peter can’t control everything” He smiles “you're awesome, I gotta run but I’ll text you okay?” 
“Yea drive safe, remember the building is not running away from you” He gives you a quick peck on the cheek and runs to the drivers side of his jeep. 
You two meet again at yet another frat party. Besides the brief interactions on campus it was really the frat party where you two could interact 
Y/L/N what time did you get here why didn’t you text me
I just got here
“Cool cool, whats your poison tonight” “A few shots” 
KAVINSKY You both turn
Mark motions him over with his head I’ll be back 
You run into Olivia and her cheerleading crew you hang out with them a bit before you leave and move around the room 
There you are babes. I need a dance partner and Cam won’t do it with me
“Ummm” you chuckle “I’m not dancing” “Don’t act like you didn’t teach me how to salsa, come on pleeeaasssee just a few songs, here lets take some shots 
“Noooo” “Yesss and then like 3-4 songs” 
“Okay three and then i will leave you alone” 
You smile the alcohol works through you dance with her to the songs glad the third one is ending as you could see glimpses of Peter watching you. The songs switch tempo to a bachata song. 
She holds onto you tight “One morree pleeasseee”
“Peter is watching” you mention not liking his attention 
She smiles “Good so is Cam lets get them all worked up”  she winks. You can’t help but laugh and follow her lead, she pulls you in close dancing as a couple as you two move around on the dance floor. A few spins for you both a little foot work. The song ends and you’re glad its over with so that you can get away from the middle away from the attention(Peter’s) 
“Whoo I need some water” you think as you reach into the icebox
“I didn’t know you could dance Y/L/N” you hear Peter’s voice You turn to face him and you feel your face flush with embarrassment as he walks to you slowly  “I.......don’t?” He motions behind him “so what was that?” “Oh i was following Ivy’s lead” you explain trying to hide your smile He chuckles “LIAR” 
You smile and walk away from the crowd in the kitchen, he follows you to the backyard. “I know a spot we can talk come on” he grabs your hand 
You two walk a bit away from the house near the fence you find a bench 
“How you been?” he asks moving your hair behind so he could see your face
“Busy like you”  He hums in agreement 
“I wanna take you out to dinner” he says while playing with your fingers a little nervous you will say no 
“Do i need to dress up?” you ask 
He shrugs “Sort of”
He smiles “You tell me gorgeous” 
“Yo Kavinsky” you hear from the distance 
“Oh my gooodddd”
You giggle 
“I gotta question” the guy says as he stands in front of you two 
“Shoot” he answers nonchalantly 
Another guy walks up “KAVINSKYYYY! What’s up bro?” he shouts as he gets closer 
You hear him groan “Michael how you doin?!” 
“Oh shit didn’t mean to interrupt” 
“It’s okay” you go to stand up to walk away but Peter tightens his grip on your hips 
You look at him and smiles at you, before looking at the freshmen “what was your question” 
“Oh i wanted to know...” you fade away
“Finally okay about dinner”
KAVINSKY he Mark calls 
“I can’t fucking take this” it shocks you when you see him irritated “WHAT?” 
“It’s okay Peter”
“I’m gonna lose my fucking mind” he runs his hand down his face frustrated 
“So Dinner I am free Saturday evening and Sunday evening after 3pm”
“Cool I’ll pick you up at 5, I gotta go I’m sorry.” He pecks your cheek before running towards the house. You sit on the bench and contemplate ponder. Your conversation with Peter was mostly done via text. I mean the times you two were around each other it seemed that you two were constantly interrupted how would this work. At least with Cam and Ivy he made time for her. How could it work if Peter didn’t? That was tomorrows problem because tonight you were laughing at the antics in front of you. 
“You guys are cute you look up it was Olivia” 
“Oh Olivia! Whats up?  you scoot over so she could sit next to you 
She sits down before saying “Nothing just commenting on you two love birds”  she teases “So what you two discuss?”
“Oh” you blush “Peter wants to take me out to dinner”
She smiles ���Really when?” 
You shrug “Next weekend I think” 
“Think he’s gonna make it official?” she asks 
“I don’t know maybe or maybe he just wants the chance to get to know me better no interruptions” you say 
“Yea thats possible”  she smiles. You two talk about other things before she too gets up and leaves. You hang out in your spot a bit longer feeling the last effects of the shots starting to fade before you decide to leave it was late you had to study all that shabang. You push your way through the crowd and see Peter having a very deep conversation it didn’t seem like an interruption from you would be appropriate at the moment so you send him a text. He wished you had done so, it would have given him an excuse to get out of that stupid discussion 
Next weekend arrived and this time Peter was not late. In fact he was early. 
You hear a knock on the door and look down at the clock. It's 4:30 why would he be here at 4:30? You were just finishing up the final touches of your makeup. You throw on a robe and  rush down the stairs tidy up the best you can before opening the door
“Kavinsky, you’re early 
“Early bird gets the worm” he stands with his hands behind the back 
“Do you wanna come in sorry for the mess
“Laundry adorned the couch as you were mid washing cycle and didn’t feel like carrying it up all the way to your room 
He scoffs looking around “Its nothing compared to the (frat) house you know that.” He pulls you in “how are you?”
Oh you blush “I’m good” 
“I got you these” He pulls the bouquet from behind his back 
You can't help but to grin “Aww Peter you didn’t have to!” 
“It’s my pleasure 
You smile and walk towards the kitchen “want something to drink?”  you ask as you place them in a vase. “I’ll read this later” you say as you place the card down
“I’ll take some water” 
“Okay, I’ll be right back. I don’t wanna be late I promise I’ll be down in 10 minutes” you say as you run up the steps
“No problem take your time!”
“Okay I’m ready” your heels go clacking against the wooden floor as you walk down the stairs. “12 minutes a little late.”
He smiles at you holding his hand out “Right on time to me. WOW look at you!” He holds your hand up so you can do a little spin 
You smile as you stop facing him “I look okay? i can change”
“Don’t I love those on you: he comments speaking of your heels  
You look around and see that one of your panties laid on the floor you hoped Peter didn’t notice and you become extremely bashful. “Okay let's go” you open your clutch  “keys, wallet. phone. Good all in there”
During the ride there Peter held your hand and sang a few songs on his playlist you laughed and snapped a few videos
“You gotta post those” he says when you’re done
You end up 1 hour away from your apartment in Berkeley, CA 
You see the sign Welcome To Berkeley, California when you turn to Peter “We are in Berkley” 
“Yes ma'am” You give him a look “I’ll explain when we get there”, 15 minutes later he pulls into a parking lot of a restaurant that had all the romance vibes. 
“Wow Peter this is” you look around “thank you” 
He smiles looking at you taking it all in “it’s my pleasure” 
The waiter comes and you two place your order. The conversation is surface level, until you were both done and now waiting for dessert. 
“Ummmm” the waiter interrupts looking bashful “I have drinks” 
“Oh” you look down at the drinks and back up at Peter who also looked confused “We didn’t order those”
She blushes even more “I know but um there is a couple around who wanted to buy you two drinks said you guys were so cute and I agree” she smiles 
“Oh” you smile and look around to see if you could tell who it was but you couldn’t  “tell them thank you!” 
Peter picks up his drink and you follow suit “Salud to us to life and to the lovely couple:  you raise your glasses in the air, clinking them lightly and taking a sip. 
You two stare at each other while he routinely kisses your knuckles while he holds a smitten look on his face
You blush before speaking “So we drove to Berkely an hour away because?”
He sighs and sits up rubbing his thumb over yours “I really like you Y/N” wow you didn’t know you could like the sound of him saying your first name as much as you did your last name “And I didn’t want any interruptions. I want to just focus on you, on us, I wanna make sure we are on the same page” he smiles before placing a soft kiss on your knuckles  You blush “Are we not on the same page?” “I think we are but, now I get to talk to you, like really talk to you without someone fucking recognizing me” 
“I honestly thought you loved that” He huffs “I am starting to hate it. I can't even get a moment to think, only time is after practice, at the library when I've locked myself in a room and late at night, when everyone’s asleep and the house is mostly quiet. But  then i can’t sleep because i’m trying to catch up on my thoughts, like oh I forgot to watch the tiktok you sent, coach sent us a schedule for next week” You reach over and caress his face “it will be over soon Peter” you try to sooth his frustrations
“I have dessert for you two” 
The waiter brought a plate, you watch as she places it down. Letters adorn the plate ‘Will you be my girlfriend?’ It reads you look down then back up at Peter. 
“What do you say Y/N Y/L/N” he asks moving the hair from your face as he leans in closer in and speaks softly “Will you be my girl?” he pushes the hair behind your ear and caresses your cheek “I would love to be yours” 
“Peter” you say above a whisper 
“I need an answer baby” he insists in the most sultry voice you’ve heard from him so far
God when will you stop blushing you think before answering “Yes I would love to” 
He smiles and gently pulls you towards him and gives you a peck on your lips. Your first kiss A feeling he knows he will become addicted to. 
When you pull away you take it all in “You planned all this”
He smiles leaning back and taking scooping some of his dessert and eating it “I did for you, for us like I said”  
“You’re so thoughtful thank you Peter” 
“I wanted to” he smirks smuggly knowing his mission was accomplished  You blush “what is it?” he chuckles 
“Nothing” you smile looking away from him 
“I wanna be with you in ways that I haven’t felt in a long time” he pauses “I wanna be there when you’re sad, mad, happy i want to experience those things with you” 
You smile slyly “Even if i’m mad at you?” 
“Even if, because I know that we can talk it out and be better”
“You’re such a romantic”
“Can’t blame me, anyone would be especially when it comes to you” 
You smile 
His phone pings and he looks down at it and huffs. You're quickly brought back to reality which was Peter’s availability. 
You look away from him feeling a sort of dread, what if this would be the first and last time he did this for you. Not that you were wanting him to drive an hour and spend hundreds of dollars but what if this was it do you savor the moment or do you...
Your head snaps to look at him “Yea?” 
“You okay?” 
“Yes!”  you smile
“Tell me amore” he caresses your hands again 
‘Amore’  God why is this happening to me I can’t be going through this rollercoaster of emotions 
“Oh I’m okay” 
“You looked sad what is it?” You shake your head “Oh i was just thinking” 
“About tell me” he insists pulling your hand to his mouth again for more kisses
“I just got too lost in thought and started thinking about the people I’m tutoring” you chuckle nervously, avoiding eye contact 
“You sure?”  he asks feeling as if you weren’t telling him the truth 
Yea you lean in to give him a kiss “I’m sure” 
The night was perfect, you think to yourself, no need to ruin it by overthinking things. You to finish and head back to your place. The car ride is filled with jokes and funny stories. 
 “So do you wanna come in do you have time?” you ask as he parks in front of your house 
He looks at his watch and nods “yea” he had to be back to the house within 30 minutes but he was sure he could make because it only took 10 minutes to get there from your house
“Oooo” the girls say in unison  
“You guys are back finally” Ivy comments 
“Peter, you know Ivy but  these are my other roommates Daniella and Willow” 
He salutes them “Nice to meet you two” 
“I was gonna give him a quick tour is that okay?” you ask 
“Yes it is! Welcome to our home Peter, nuestra casa es su casa!” Daniella comments 
“He’s cute!”  you hear them whisper as you go up the steps 
“We can hear you!” You say and they giggle 
“So you've seen the kitchen and dining area” 
“Daniella and Willow occupy the 2nd floor” you say as you stop in the common space “we have a common area with TV also just in case someone wants to watch american horror stories and the other real housewives of beverly hills, and then their bedrooms are across from each other ensuite bathrooms, closets towels linen etc.” 
“Okay okay he looks around taking it in” 
“And” you walk further down the hall up to a third set of stairs. “This is my bedroom:  you say as you walk in you noticed the pile of laundry sitting by the door and didn’t pay it any mind
“I have the attic” 
“Wow”  he comments your space was cozy
“You like?” 
“It's very cozy I love it”
Warm lights and fake candles adorned your space 
“I have a desk over there you point to the desk across your bed, small lounge area where I can kinda crash and watch my own TV you point to the small sectional, slept on this sectional so many times, my lovely bed catches all my dreams, closet,I have shoe problem, don’t comment, and bathroom.” 
He nods taking it all in “This is dope, lots of space too”  you smile in response “And where is Ivy’s room” 
“Oh she has the basement”
“Cool, cool” 
“Yea the attic and basement are both bigger so since the previous seniors left we took the rooms over Ivy said she wasn’t gonna walk up all those steps”  
“I like it, it fits you” 
“Really how so?” not understanding what about your room fit you
“Warm and cozy thats how i feel when we are together, like i have safe space with you” he says matter of factly 
“Oh that's sweet of you”  you plop down on the bed, your feet hurting from wearing heels one inch too high for your comfort 
He smiles and walks over to you squating down “I got you, let me get these off” he works the clasps on each shoe and gently removes the heels
“I still don't know how you walk in these” he says looking at the heel 
“One step in front of the other, you can just drop them there” you point at a space near you 
He does so “Speaking of dropping” he picks up a pair of lace panties on the floor a pair you had just washed
“Oh my god!” you snatch it from him and shove it under the pillow “you didn’t see those” 
“Those look good kinda”  he reaches for them and you push him away giggling “ wanna see them on you” “Peter!” 
“What you’re my girl now, don’t need to hide anything” he grabs your hand “come here” 
You feel your face flush as he pulls you in. He moves the hair out of your face as looks down at you. “You’re so beautiful Y/N” 
You smile “not as handsome as you”  you manage to say before he leans down and gives you a kiss. This time it wasn’t just a peck, it was soft slow nothing rushed, he cradled your jaw and face, you feel light circle sensations on your cheek as he simultaneously pulls you in closer. You feel like you’re gonna faint his lips are so soft, you let him kiss you deeply, tongue exploring your mouth, you feel as if he is breathing you in taking your breath away your grip on his arms tightens, he pulls away slowly softly returning for another make out session only allowing you a few seconds to catch your breath as he peppered small pecks your lips he couldn’t resist he just needed to feel your lips on him once again  you don’t know how long you two kissed but you both jump when his phone rings. 
It had been 30 minutes and Mark was now calling his phone. He looks at the caller ID “Oh shit i gotta go amore” 
“Its okay” he leans in for another kiss you giggle “Peter you’re gonna get in trouble”
“Its worth it!” he declares 
You lightly push at his chest and reach up to wipe the remnants of your lipstick from his face and lips “you gotta go handsome” 
He rolls his eyes “trying to get rid of me” he argues 
“Nope you grab his hand trying to get you out of trouble” you counter 
He smiles and walks down the steps with you 
You walk him to the car he leans in one more time for a kiss you both smile as you giggle “you gotta go”  you whisper softly pushing him in the car 
“One more for good measure” he comments pulling you into his jeep and holding you tight
You give him a quick peck and push away quickly “you gotta go text me” you say closing the door 
A round of “oooooos” erupts as you walk into the house. You roll your eyes “seriously guys?”
“What you brought an adonis into our home and we cant cheer for you pshh you deserve it girly pop” Willow comments 
You smile thanks “oh i forgot i didn’t read the note” you state seeing it sit on the flowers , you slowly open it and it reads “thinking of you forever and always” you read outloud “Awwwww” they all say in unison
“Damn, what do i have to do to get  a boyfriend like that?” Daniella asks 
“You smile be yourself” 
A/N: Please Reblog, like but you don't have permission to copy. Let me know what you think, remember I am sensitive about my shit.
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ultimate-shipper-blog · 6 months ago
"Disturbance on 4th and Walker."
Steve looks down at his ice cream cone and sighs.
"Boooo," Eddie yells. "We were just starting to have fun do you need to get that?"
"Eddie I'm Chief I have to get them all." He reaches for his radio. "Max how important is that call?"
Her voice comes through the speaker. "Not the greatest threat level. Get your knitting needles ready."
"Oh boy," he looks over at Eddie. "Wanna come with?"
He perks up, "really?!"
They're laughing as they walk down the alley. Holding hands.
"That was crazy Stevie. Is it always like this?"
"Do I normally have to break apart little old ladies threatening to stab each other with knitting needles? No."
They're still laughing. A little breathless now. They're leaning into each other. Eddie keeps staring at his lips. They're slowly moving closer.
"This shouldn't happen." Steve says, leaning in closer to Eddie. Eddie's hands are pulling the collar of his jacket until he's pressing Eddie into the wall. Leg between Eddie's. Steve's hand immediately going to Eddie's face while Eddie's hand moves to Steve's waist.
"Isn't that the fun part?" Eddie whispers. If he tilts his head a little up their lips would touch. "It doesn't matter if we should or shouldn't all that matters is that we want it. Do you want it Stevie? I do."
Steve can't take it any longer he rushes up and engulfs Eddie in a messy kiss. Their mouths move perfectly together and Steve can't get enough. He only pulls back a little when Eddie let's out a soft moan.
"No no no," he's trying to pull Steve back in. "Moan means continue not stoooop" he whines.
Steve laughs a little.
"It'd look bad for the chief to get caught doing public indecency."
"Oh baby," Eddie purrs, "you haven't even seen indecency."
A shiver runs down Steve's spine.
"Your house is closer let's go." He grabs Eddie's hand and runs down the street as fast as he can. Eddie cackling behind him.
"Eager huh?"
"For you? Always."
It goes on for two weeks. Steve is so in love it hurts.
He knows it has to end. He's doing what's best for Eddie. Eddie could be in danger. Eddie could get sick of waiting at home spending late nights waiting for Steve to come home. Eddie could get sick of Steve's constant need for reassurance. He could despise everything Steve's done for him and just be playing along.
A part of Steve knows he can't get hurt again. That he could spiral and put his job and his friendships in danger. A part of Steve is doing this for Steve.
He believes he's doing what's best for Eddie.
He stops by Eddie's on the way home. Steve sees him eating a pizza and laughing at the TV.
"Hey sweetheart what's up?"
Steve wants to cry. Eddie's pizza slice has pulled cheese everywhere. It's gross and Steve thinks he's adorable. Oh god. He is crying.
"Baby hey, what's going on honey?" Eddie scrambles over to him. Quickly wiping his face.
Steve tries to keep his composure. Tries to savor this moment as much as he can.
"I've been selfish Eddie."
"Oh? Good. You deserve to be selfish."
"No I, I've kept you for too long. I've been selfish with you."
"What? Baby I don't understand-"
"We need to end it Eddie. This is not safe for you. I shouldn't have done this."
"Steve." Eddie's voice is like steel. "Are you breaking up with me? I know we haven't even put a label on things but that's what this is right? A break up?"
"You know why-"
"Obviously I don't. I thought things were good. I thought we were happy. What did I do?"
"Nothing. Never."
"So tell me Steve! Why!?"
"I-I can't-I'm sorry," he turns towards the door and tries to block out Eddie's screaming. Pleading. Asking him to come back.
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jiminiecrickets · 1 year ago
seven days a week couple having sex in the dorm (where jungkook lived with his hyungs) and almost getting caught drabble?
Thank you so much ❤️
nsfw. warnings for intentions of oral
"i still think this is a terrible idea."
"really? should i get off my knees, then?"
"no." you suck on your teeth, glancing up at his closed door. "maybe we can do this elsewhere? you have a roommate. it feels improper to do this when it's also his room."
jungkook scoffs. "jiminie-hyung doesn't care about being 'proper' even when i'm in the house. he comes in with his new boytoy, kicks me out, and makes me study at the kitchen table with my noise-cancelling headphones turned up to max. most of the time i end up sleeping on the couch 'cause there's no way i'm going back in there after they've contaminated the whole place."
"so this is revenge," you muse. "you don't really want to fuck me here, do you? i'm so hurt."
he pouts, reaching for the front of your trousers. "please don't be sad, baby. whatever can i do to make it up to you?"
"oh, i can think of a couple of things..."
he grins cheekily and places a kiss on the side of your neck, unbuttoning your shirt and kissing each new reveal of skin until he reaches your belt. he gazes up at you through his dark lashes, tossing your shirt aside.
"you always give me the best gifts," he whispers. "i want to give you one, too."
he mouths at your bulge through your black underwear, giving you a dirty little grin as you reach for his hair and comb your fingers halfway through his locks. he hums softly and leans down.
the front door opens with an echo through the walls. laughter and chatter bursts through. muffled just enough to blur the edges of words.
jungkook shoots up while footsteps rampage through the house, with several sets coming near the hallway. jungkook grabs your wrist and tears open his closet door, stuffing you amongst them.
"oh, seriously—?"
his hands pause against the edge of the sliding door. "shh! get dressed while you're in there," he orders, shoving your jacket and shirt to your chest. your belt clatters on top. "if you make a noise, i'm never having sex with you again."
"hey, that's pretty harsh—"
he shuts the door in your face and throws himself on his messy bedsheets, scrambling for the book on his bedside table as the voices clear with proximity. he opens to a page that his bookmark isn't marking.
the door opens in the middle of hoseok's laugh, jimin giggling alongside him.
"—probably just a mistake." hoseok glances forward, eyeing jungkook's half-naked body on his bed. he lifts a brow. "you didn't come say hi. are you upset with us, jungkookie?"
jungkook lays his cheek against his sheets and huffs. "you want me to get up in this weather? if i try to get up, i'm stretching off of it like melted cheese."
hoseok purses his lips and shrugs. "i guess you're right. jiminie, drop off your bag, already – i can hear the ice-cream singing to me."
jimin rolls his eyes with a laugh and tosses his bag near the foot of his bed, slapping the back of jungkook's calf in wordless greeting. "mhm, coming. join us if you want later, okay, kookie? jin-hyung let us buy the expensive gourmet ones today, so you better snatch one up before the rest of us come back for seconds. enjoy your melting!"
on the way out, hoseok reaches over to the dresser and clicks the 'on' button on the desk fan. he grins and waves as it lurches to life and begins its wobbly oscillation over the room.
the door shuts. jungkook remains there for another moment before he lets out a silent sigh, eyes closing in relief. he stands, tossing his book aside, and opens his wardrobe door.
"hello," you say with a grin, fully-clothed with your jacket slung over your arm. "i have something really important to say, and i hope you won't think any different of me after it. i'm about to come out of the closet. i'm—"
"don't you dare," he interrupts when you open your mouth. "c'mon. i want an ice cream."
he drags you out by your wrist swiftly, denying you your chance to make your joke. "well, how are you going to explain my presence here? i always come out to say hi. ha – come out—"
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loganwritesprobably · 28 days ago
The Sunflower and Bluebells
Life irl is currently super hectic, and incredibly stressful, and even more exhausting, and I'd like to be able to dive into fiction to hide from that!
Enter, my little February event!
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Before you proceed to the menu and place your order at The Sunflower and Bluebells, refer to the links below for extra information about me and my blog
My Masterlist | Request Rules | Fic Trades Guide
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Welcome to the Sunflower and Bluebells
Read the menu below, decide what you want, then place your order in my inbox!
Pick a character you'd like to be your waiter (the fic to be about), and a few items from the menu to make your order (max. one main, one dessert, one drink)
You can choose for this to be reader insert, or if you're a mutual of mine, you can request for it to be OC/Canon
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Main - Genre
Fried eggs and toast Hurt, no comfort
Blue cheese and bacon stuffed mushrooms Hurt/comfort
Mac and cheese Fluff
Butterfly Pea Risotto Post-canon
Honey mustard chicken wings Smut
Blue crab cakes Missing Scene
Chickpea and Cauliflower Curry Death fic
Grilled Salmon with Blueberry Sauce Pre-canon
For a little extra kick, request that the chef make the meal spicy
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Dessert - Trope
Lemon Cheesecake Fake dating
Blueberry Cheesecake (something) to lovers
Pineapple upside-down cake Meet cute/ugly
Blueberry muffin Child acquisition
Vanilla ice cream Extra scoops available!! AU (specify which, and give it a flavour, for funsies)
Bubblegum ice cream Found family
Butterscotch bar Sickfic
Mixed berry pie Accidental confession
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Soft Drinks - SFW Additions
Banana milkshake One character is injured for some reason
Blueberry milkshake One character has their pet with them
Lemon fanta The characters physically collide during the fic
Raspberry blast tango One character is bilingual
Alcoholic Drinks - NSFW Additions
Lemondrop martini One character is naked for some reason
Blue lagoon One character has very large (insert genital)
Pineapple mojito One character has been .. drinking a lot of pineapple juice ;)
Mermaid lemonade One character's underwear is visible
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Writing is a hobby and I'm setting this event up as a stress relief, I will attempt to get through as many as possible as soon as possible, but I make no promises and reserve the right to simply not complete any request I receive
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maybankbae · 10 months ago
Valentine’s Day Plans
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Word Count: 1,000+
Warnings: Strong Language
AN: Okay what if i said this is my favorite fic I’ve ever written. Maybe it’s because Cal is my cheat lane as well. Happy reading and hope you all enjoy<3
February 13th 2019
Daniella Walker. The name that is mainstream as she was making her way into the music scene as what the internet calls their "pop princess."
Daniella first had internet fame how everyone does in the early 2010's, by posting on Youtube. From the age of 16 she started posting covers of her singing different popular songs at the time ranging from Halsey to Ariana Grande. First viral video being her cover of Honeymoon Avenue from the album Yours Truly.
Her life changed at 19 when one of her self produced songs called Speechless dropped and became an overnight sensation. Flying from her home country of London, England to countless radio interviews to her first American Music Awards as an attendee and performer at.
That’s when she met some of her longtime friends in the music industry, 5 Seconds of Summer. She met them because she accidentally bumped into a red haired Micheal as she was coming off stage and they were about to take the stage. The two gushing over much they enjoyed each other’s music.
She was a huge Amnesia fan.
Over the years they continued to keep contact with one another. She was featured on their 3rd album Youngblood on their song Want You Back as backing vocals.
Daniella had also become a regular feature in 5SOS content. As well as being posted on their respective girlfriend’s Instagram’s pretty frequently.
For a little while she was considered a groupie when she went to Bali with them in 2016. Until stan twitter quickly defended her from the trolls on the internet claiming how do they not know her.
She was now 24 standing in line at her favorite local coffee and bagel spot in downtown Los Angeles. The line continued move at a slow pace as she hummed along to the beat in her airpods she been sent the night previous. She was absolutely in love with it. She had a studio session set with Max Martin that she definitely couldn't be late for.
He's worked with artists like Taylor Swift, Kelly Clarkson, Ariana Grande, and Britney Spears.
It's been a dream of hers to work with him and only her 3rd album that is saying she's gotta be doing something right.
She finally approached Bailey, one of the cashiers she had blossomed a friendship from after being a regular here for 4 months.
"Everything bagel with a side of strawberry cream cheese and Iced Americano double shot with light ice and vanilla creamer!" She shouted to the back. "Hey Daniella."
A smile was plastered on her face. "Hey girlfriend! You'll never believe what I've got planned today." She started as she dug in her purse for her card to hand over for her to swipe.
"Please you're literally a pop star. If you told me you were going to meet up with Kim Kardashian I would probably believe you." She stated in her strong jersey accent as she handed the card back.
"No I wish, but on my bucket list though, maybe I could get a discount on those Skims bodysuits I like. Anyways besides the point here, somehow managed to get a studio session with Max Martin! And cherry on top, the guys are showing up with Ryan fucking Tedder.” She said excitedly as she moved off to the side of the line so other people could move.
"See this is what I mean. It's Thursday at nine in the morning and you're going to work with your hot Australian friends and I'm here covered in flour all day while dealing with the bitches in the back and isn't Max Martin that Swedish dude who's written and produced for basically every A list singer." She leaned against the register.
"Yeah it's so exciting is it not. And Alexis you're so talented at making bagels. Hone in on that." She joked making the curly haired blonde roll her eyes in fake annoyance.
“Your accent makes this sound all posh Dani.”
“Oh whatever.”
"Your beautiful everything bagel and iced coffee m'lady." Bailey turned around to the kitchen workers as she handed her two paper bags one full of her favorite little snacks and the other with her bagel.
"Oh my goodness, you didn't have to do th-." She started.
"Oh please shut up yes I did. You're gonna be late with the hot guys.”
“Text me when you can, I'd love to hear all about it." She smiled.
"Will do."
As she was on the highway on the way to the studio her mind was clouded with thoughts some negative some positive, but mostly negative.
Before she knew it she was finding a parking spot and walking into Capitol Records.
Showing security her badge, she looked down at her Apple Watch and cursed, realizing she was going to be late if she didn’t climb the stairs in under 2 minutes. Thank god for her zumba classes she’s been taking.
Once she figured out what studio she was gonna be in for the next 6 hours, she spotted his long hair and glasses talking to Ryan and the four men sat in the couch in the corner. All of them laughing at something on Luke's phone. She knocked bringing their attention to her standing at the door slightly out of breath.
"Daniella! Pleasure to finally meet you." Max said getting up from the comfy chair to give her hug.
"So nice to meet you too. I'm so incredibly excited and I also see you've invited some of my good friends." She stated nudging Ryan's elbow.
"He had a lot of positive things to say about you." He said sitting back down.
"Daniella you probably know them," Ryan gestured to the men sitting on the couch.
"Know them. These guys are basically a second family to me." She joked.
"I hope you don't mind that I decided to bring them along here to hopefully do some live instrumentals for ya." He told her looking at her with a smile.
"Oh my goodness not at all! It actually sounds so cool. I’ve missed these guys." She smiled widely.
Micheal stood up and gave her a brotherly hug. “Have you gotten shorter?” He joked making Daniella give him the bird.
“Haven’t you gotten weirder.”
Ashton was next, giving her another squeeze and pat on the head.
Then Luke who did their handshake they made up in Bali together, that neither of them forgot even after 4 years.
Finally it was Calum who smiled at her first and then suddenly picked up her up and spun her around in a circle, earning a loud laugh from Daniella and his signature smile that she still got butterflies from.
Even after her 6 years of knowing him, he still makes her blush like a school girl.
“Alright everyone let’s get to work to hear this beautiful voice of hers.” Max stated turning around and facing the recording booth as Daniella walked in and put on her headphones.
Two hours passed as Daniella stood in the recording booth, recording the second verse. She was mumbling the possible verse in the microphone. The song had a Lorde lyricism with Ariana Grande singing vibe.
She and Max had titled the song Selfish. Max and Ryan giving her corrections if needed. Other than the couple comments or corrections from the group she had total artistic freedom and she loved that.
“Could we leave that first half blank of that chorus and I’ll stack some more vocal layers on that run.” Daniella suggested over the noise of the metronome. “Thank you.”
“Yup sounds amazing.”
While Ryan was stacking her vocals, she leaned next to Ashton's drum kit and told him what pace she needed for the chorus.
Calum was fiddling with his bass strings trying to tune them when Daniella walked over. “So what’s your big opinion on it??”
“I think it sounds bloody brilliant.” He said in a Scottish accent.
“Don’t make fun of the Scottish people.”
“You always seem to forget I’m half Scottish and you’re literally British.” He laughed as she hit his tattooed arm slightly.
Max leaned into Micheal's headset, "Okay Mike start from when Daniella comes in at "I used to be cautious about this and stop when the beat drops back down to the acoustic version that we have prepared.”
3 more hours passed as their session ended and Daniella so proud of the song they had made and gotten mastered.
"Alright, could we schedule another one for Friday morning? We’ve got selfish crossed off the list. We could get started on Messier Things as well." Max asked her looking at his calendar.
She nodded with a thumbs up. "That should work with me."
"It was so good to finally see you guys today. What’s new in the wonderful world of 5SOS land." She asked the boys as they were walking to a lunch spot on the less crowded side of LA so the likelihood of them all being noticed and ambushed by paparazzi was a zero percent chance.
“Going on a promo tour for Easier. Thats literally all. New York, LA, Atlanta, and some overseas.” Ashton said laughing.
"Well whatt are you guys doing for the day of love that happens to be tomorrow." She asked wiggling her fingers together.
"Spending time with Sierra." Luke quickly answered with a smile. He loves that woman more than air it seems. But it’s good to see him so happy.
"Crystal wants to go see some new movie." Micheal stated with a raised eyebrows. He probably had no clue but he was with Crystal and thats all he cared about.
“Oo lemme know if you need a dog sitter. I’ll bring Pepper. Y’know she loves Moose and Southy.”
"Probably just a dinner with KayKay." Ashton’s bright smile came up whenever he talked about KayKay.
"Absolutely nothing." Calum said quickly with a slight eye roll. She knew how he felt about Valentine's Day. He hated that day with every fiber in his being.
"We could spend it together Cal, I'm not doing anything either. It can be like old times!" Reminiscing on when they would go their favorite Ramen restaurant in the city and rewatch Criminal Minds at his house whenever they were both free.
As much as only everyone around them knows, they've had a flirty relationship ever since they've met. But what they don’t know is they claim they’re just friends who have occasionally kissed each other, slept in the same bed, and she's worn his clothes more than once but just friends.
But due to them being too awkward to act upon their obvious feelings, they have no official label on whatever they are.
"Ramen on Melrose it is." He laughed making Daniella laugh along with him.
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gramarobin · 5 months ago
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I am on the Ninja Creami Diet!! 😃🍧🥰 Yesterday was 1c. cottage cheese(lowfat), half of a vanilla protein shake, monkfruit sweetener pkt,vanilla extract, 1 T. sugar free vanilla pudding mix, 5 strawberries & a gluten free graham cracker🍓 tasted like cheesecake!- 200 cal for the whole container & 30 g protein! Tonight is pistachio made w cottage cheese, packet of monkfruit sweetener, T. sf pistachio pudding& half protein shake-smidge of almond extract-38g protein 220 calories!
*Let me tell you* the self-restraint I am practicing tonight only eating half because I am maxed out calorie-wise. I will be stocking up on ice cream supplies! Praisethelord!!🤗🌈🍧 @findingforest51 💙💙 #icecream Sunday
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snowleopardcrk · 1 year ago
Art and Info Dumps!
Grown up Moonflower has a MASSIVE mountain goat form! here are some images I drew of that
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+ Her reference sheet for her grown up form!
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For Moonflower Cookie's Skill Remake below!
Main Skill - Abyssal Rift:
A rift in reality itself bursts open, pulling down all enemies into its corrosive black waters. When the rift closes, all enemies are still chained together and prevents resurrection during its active phase. Upon Moonflower Cookies first defeat, she is flung into a state of despair and fury, quickly transforming into a creature of the Abyss whilst charging to the front. She draws all attention to herself with her wails and devastating bites.
---- 25 Seconds Skill Cooldown
Abyssal Rift: 15.0% DMG based on Total Power for Entire Team ATK + Inflicts Linked DMG to all Enemies Debuffs applied by Abyssal Rift: Anti-Healing, Dispel, Weakness Poison DMG up, Injury + Fatal Wound (When the rift closes) & Stun (when Rift Closes)
Anti Resurrection during the Active Phase of Abyssal Rift Applies Periodic 10.0% Decay DMG (Undispellable)
Alt Skill - A Monsters Despair:
Moonflower is furious! She charges at the enemy in her Abyssal Form, stunning all enemies. She forces them to target her exclusively or may they face her devastating bite! But if there are Cookies on the battle she cares about, she will gain an increase in her determination to protect them!
Moonflower is Revived (20% of max HP)
Applies Taunted & Stun to enemies, if all enemies are linked together they will also be Shackled Buffs applied: DMG Focus, Stun DMG up, Taunt, Max HP + DEF up Single-Hit DMG: 180.0%
If these Cookies are present on the battlefield: Hollyberry Cookie, Dark Cacao Cookie, Pure Vanilla Cookie, Golden Cheese Cookie, Sea Bunny Cookie, Blueberry Milk Cookie, Vanilla Creme, Meringue Cookie & Ice Cream Sandwich Cookie.
Moonflower Cookie gains an additional buff: ATK up, ATK SPD up + DEF up
Buffs for the forementioned Cookies: Heal Up, Cooldown Down & Regular DMG up If Pure Vanilla Cookie is present, all allies will gain Periodic Healing, 10% of PVs max Healing Capability
Above is all at Level 1 (Not Max Level!)
Other art:
Sisterly shenanigans!
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Two costume doodles of Moonflower Cookie
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batmans-favorite-robin · 9 months ago
Party Food
here's what we've got on the pizzas
savepoint (@savepoint-has-died): crispy pepperoni, extra cheese, stuffed crust with garlic butter, double butter breadsticks, salami, pepsi
ellia (@the-ellia-west): mushrooms, extra parmesan, crushed red pepper, chewy cup pepperoni
max (@bifluidmax08): green pepper, mushrooms, mountain dew
jay (me!): extra cheese, EXTRA CHEESE, ham cubes, stuffed crust with garlic butter, mac'n'cheese (it's really fuckin good)
graveyard (@fictionalcharactergraveyard): cheese, stuffed crust
number 1 (@urnumber1star): pineapple
space (@my-reblog-space): sweet corn and an egg in the middle
gray (@royallygray): rice and/or vanilla ice cream
tights (@kirks-slutty-red-tights) : plain cheese DOMINO'S
undying stars (@themortalityofundyingstars): garlic bites with 2x parmesan dip
paeliae (@paeliae-occasionally): garlic bread
@savepoint-has-died is handling the sandwiches
ellia: buttered bread (I recommend putting some nice big sea salt flakes on that)
jay: swiss and ham on sourdough with pink lemonade
aesthetic (@aesthetic-writer18): bread and bacon
max: PB&J
undying stars: mozzarella and mild cheddar on wheat bread with sweet tea
@the-ellia-west is bringing dessert
aesthetic: vanilla cake with chocolate frosting and pink star sprinkles
jay: cookies and cream ice cream with marshmallow sauce
undying stars: cherry slushy
savepoint: 2 chocolate sprinkle donuts
number 1: churro with chocolate sauce
paeliae: peanut butter chocolate chip cookies
max: gooey brownies with peppermint crumbles
graveyard: cheesecake
creator: oreo milkshake with whipped cream (fabulous choice)
@urnumber1star is dealing with drinks
ellia: sweet iced tea with mint
@paeliae-occasionally has offered to order pasta
ajax (@saturnsconstellation): alfredo pasta with grilled chicken and extra cheese
@royallygray welcome to the party!
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kodeeffa · 2 months ago
I need that pretty little mouth to tell me to eat more I want you to Tie me to the chair in nothing but the smallest pair of underwear u can fit on me, start me off with the sweetest thickest heaviest gainer shake u can make, strap a funnel to my face and just force feed me till every last drop is poured down my throat and watch my belly expand inch by inch
Then after that I wsnt you to make me waddle my way out in public in the tightest clothes you can find with my bloated guy pushing out in front me to into the biggest buffet and get me plate after plate full of everything they have from pizza to Mac and cheese to the greasiest burger until they kick us out for eating to much and watch my skin stretch and the stretch marks form right before your eyes till my stomach is loudly screaming and groaning under all the pressure u just put it through, on the way back home I want u to tell me how much of pig I am and to shake my belly around pushing all the gassy burps out to make room for dessert
On the way home u stop at the store to grab the biggest tubs of ice cream and all the toppings u can get, struggling to even get out of the car under my massively stuffed belly thats now beating red from being so tight u have to help push me into the house and back into my chair.
My stomach so full it bounces all at once when I fall down into the seat I whimper as the jolt causes my belly to cramp up and u reassure me that its all for the fat that im gonna put on after tonight, u spend the night spoon feeding me tubs worth of chocolate and vanilla ice cream loaded with whip cream sprinkles hot fudge, Carmel, peanut butter butterscotch anything with fattening calories, occasionally licking off the droplets that fall from my belly. An hour or so passes before u finally swallow the final bite when the clothes u had put on me for dinner bust off and my gut explodes out of the shirt and pants absolutely maxed out loud groaning and soft whimpers with each time you touch my belly, be gentle please I tell you as u run ur fingers over my engorged stomach, after a little while of belly rubs and cuddling we passed out into a blissfully stuffed coma with u wrapped around my belly dreaming of all the lovely fat you just put on me
Hmm not too bad. A bit softcore for me but thank you for submitting piglet! ☺️
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dolphingirl1234 · 9 months ago
so I was at a presentation today from this really cool person called Nova Peris, they're some cool sports person who won gold medals in the olympics or something, and they're aboriginal Australian and a big supporter of Israel and the jewish community.
they started off their speech by literally just saying that she was sorry that we (the jewish community) have had this happen to us and that was enough to almost make me cry
the whole speech was a massive slay and it made me so happy to know that people who are not jewish are taking active steps in supporting us
their speech was literally the most heart and genuine and beautiful thing I've ever heard. most of the world will never understand how it feels to be told by one person from a completely different culture and community that they support you when the rest of the world is trying to strip down your religion.
if you're not jewish (or even if you are), make it a point to tell your jewish friends that you support them and are sorry for what has happened to their community. let me tell you right now that will earn you max friendship points and also makes them very happy.
anyway to all my fellow jews I hope you're ready to eat a shit ton of cheese cake and ice cream next week cause I sure as hell am
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