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kingtry · 6 months ago
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The Devil Wore a T-Shirt
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Author: DisillusionedDanny Rating: Mature Fandom: Danny Phantom, Batman Relationships: Danny Fenton/Jason Todd Series: Part 43 of 51 Fic Challenge Language: English Stats: 11 Chapters (Completed)
After a one-night stand, Danny finds himself pregnant with Red Hood's kid. Now he finds himself as a dad to a small child with an important decision to make. Does he tell Red Hood he has a child? Or does Danny raise the kid by himself?
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Autor: DisillusionedDanny Clasificación: Madura Fandom: Danny Phantom, Batman Relaciones: Danny Fenton/Jason Todd Series: Parte 43 de 51 Fic Challenge Idioma: Inglés Estado: 11 Capítulos (Terminada)
Tras una aventura de una noche, Danny se queda embarazada del hijo de Red Hood. Ahora se encuentra como padre de un niño pequeño con una importante decisión que tomar. ¿Le dice a Capucha Roja que tiene un hijo? ¿O lo cría él solo?
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Divisores de  cafekitsune
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mahoushoujoumonster-x · 4 months ago
What new addition would make your Tumblr experience so much better?
Answered here
Although on second thought, a slightly improved editing function would be great for mobile… I’d like to mark my matur3 cont3nt but I can’t find that option? Maybe that’s a me problem!
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3v3ry0n3z-fav3-al13n-x3 · 1 year ago
Wa1t huh 1t'z lab3l3d matur3?? wtf???
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rjalker · 4 years ago
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They cut d9wn the milkweed at the railroad tracks I took pods from th3 ground yada yada yada I'm not typing it out each time
Some of the pods are matur3, some not so much
If you comment or reply or tag these as anything even remotely sexual or inappropriate I'm blocking you >:(
2 photoswrs our of idk how many
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ask-these-fantrolls · 5 years ago
For 2,5,16,22,41 Kosvie,Nascar,Xavian and Kokoro?
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2. what would you name your future kids?
I d°n'þ wanþ þ° havə kidß...
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?
Całicə iß ałwayß rəałły nicə... and my m°m ałß° makəß mə rəałły happy!
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?
Uhm. maybə... I'm n°þ əxacþły ßurə, buþ maybə i wanþəd þ° þəłł m°m þhaþ i ł°vəd hər bəf°rə i g°þ þakən away?  °r my ßibłingß?
22. description of crush.
i d°n'þ havə °nə...
41. relationship status
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2. what would you name your future kids?
🚦Do I look like the kinda guy who’d raise kids??🚥
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?
🚦Oh totally.  Happens every time I look in the mirror, baby~🚥
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?
🚦Uh... Nah, no way!  I always speak my mind!🚥
22. description of crush.
🚦Kinda short and dumpy for my usual tastes, but she’s really cute and innocent and--🚥
🚦U-uuh, I mean... She’s a super model!  Amazingly endowed and just gorgeous all around.  I even got a boob pic from her~🚥
41. relationship status
🚦You can’t tie this raging hoofbeast down!  I’m single and always down to mingle.🚥
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2. what would you name your future kids?
Don’t think I want any...  Too much ova hassle.
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?
No.  But... I guess there’s one person who makes things a little brighter.  He’s real nice...
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?
Every day.  Some things are better unsaid though.
22. description of crush.
Not a crush, but I guess a passing fancy...  Long hair, plenty of scratches, cute clothes... Can’t really dance worth a damn but then again neither can I.
41. relationship status
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2. what would you name your future kids?
I supp0s3 it w0uld n0t b3 right t0 say Ch0mpi sinc3 sh3 is alr3ady my child, h3h3h3.  I think that Sylvia and H0rac3 ar3 str0ng nam3s!
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?
Th3r3 ar3 many p30pl3 in my lif3 that can bring a smil3 t0 my fac3!  Th0ugh, my daught3r n3v3r c3as3s t0 amaz3 m3.
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?
Ah... y3s...  That b0y K0siv3 s33ms quit3 tak3n with th3 id3a 0f m3 b3ing his m0th3r.  S0 far... I hav3 n0t hat th3 h3art t0 c0rr3ct him.  H3 is s0 sw33t, and h3 s33m3d s0 l0n3ly b3f0r3...
22. description of crush.
Is it truly a crush if h3 is t3chnically my mat3sprit alr3ady?  H3 is matur3 and s0phisticat3d, but h3 still 3nj0ys playing and 3v3n g3ts int0 tr0ubl3 if h3 tak3s it t00 far.  H3′s hans0m3 and incredibly kind t0 m3...  H3 is 3v3n l0v3d by my daught3r! 
41. relationship status
Tak3n in r3d, but 0p3n in all 0th3r quadrants!
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alwaysimming · 7 years ago
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someone got a mAtur3~ room makeover 
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xenogeneicersatz · 8 years ago
-- isometricAstrourbanization [IA] began trolling xenogeneicErsatz [XE] --
IA: Rar3 s1ght1ng. A w1ld S1mula 1n 1ts natural ha81tat.
IA: Sup.
IA: R3stl3ss 3v3n1ng?
XE: II guess you could say that.
XE: Some-times II think it might be possible to find entertainment in the company of oth-ers.
XE: But not usually.
XE: Have you come to prove that there's still hope for my sanity, be-fore II completely slip a-way to the dark depths of enn-ui?
IA: Actually, 1 just cam3 to say h1. Lmao. R3lax.
IA: 1 h3ar a coupl3 of your 8ros ar3 caus1ng a ruckus.
IA: That has to 83 3xc1t1ng.
XE: When aren't my broth-ers caus-ing a ruck-us?
XE: Ex-cept, II haven't heard a-bout this... What do you know?
IA: Noth1ng 83s1d3s what w3nt down 1n th3 n3wsf33d. A troll nam3d Orphus was s1ght3d on Avalon.
IA: Sounds l1k3 1t's a throwdown.
XE: Oh my.
XE: Or-phus is Cit-rin's... ex? Kismesis.
XE: He kind of fucked off for a year or so.
IA: Ph3w.
IA: Should 1 call Troll Spr1ng3r? 83caus3 that's som3 crazy sh1t.
XE: It nev-er hurts to be pre-pared.
XE: My immediate family could book a whole sea-son with all our dra-ma, honestly.
XE: But II haven't experienced much of it my-self late-ly. II al-most miss it.
IA: Pl3as3. Drama 1s for p3opl3 who can afford pr3-matur3 ha1rl1n3s. 3h3h3h3.
IA: 8ut 8y all m3ans. T3ll m3 what's 833n up w1th you lat3ly.
IA: 1 l1k3 h3ar1ng from you.
XE: You already see me all the time at work.
XE: There isn't much else go-ing on... A-side from the part-y. But, shockingly, we were al-so there together.
IA: Okay, 3h3h3. Th3n 1 can t3ll you 1 hung out w1th 8acc1a y3st3rday. IA: 1t was gr3at. T3n out of t3n w1ll 83 do1ng 1t aga1n soon. IA: Also. Ch3ck out th1s cool n3w fr13nd.
IA: http://images.earthtouchnews.com/media/385812/Palmatogecko-rangei_Namib-gecko_2014_08_19.jpg
IA: 3xcus3 m3. Cool n3w fr13nd 1n h1gh d3f1n1t1on.
XE: Oh.........
XE: They're charm-ing.
IA: 1t holds the galaxy 1n 1ts w1s3 3y3s.
XE: II trust them.
XE: What hap-pened with Baccia? II can wa-ger a guess that he's still try-ing to fill out a pro-file on you, on-ly to discover there sim-ply are not e-nough psychiatric studies to cov-er this particular case.
IA: H3's don3 th1s for go1ng on a8out two sw33ps 8y now. St1ll no d1agnos1s.
IA: 1'm told 1 am someth1ng of a masoch1st though. Appar3ntly th1s counts as n3ws, 3h3h3h3.
XE: Sounds like the pot call-ing the kett-le black, in this case.
IA: 1 l1k3 to th1nk 1t's a mutually 83n3f1c1al dynam1c.
IA: Th3 k3y 1s allud1ng to you hav1ng "f33l1ngs" from t1m3 to t1m3.
XE: E-heh. That's ver-y charitable of you. That should keep him believing there's still hope for you yet.
IA: 1'm as opt1m1st1c as 1t g3ts for th3 futur3, 8rah. 8)
IA: Want to com3 w1th m3 to lunch som3 t1m3?
XE: II might be a-ble to clear some time in my bus-y schedule for that.
IA: Tomorrow sounds l1k3 a pr1m3 t1m3 for food18l3s. What's your stanc3 on sush1?
XE: II hap-pen to love su-shi.
XE: If my whole weeb persona wasn't indication e-nough of that.
IA: Don't hav3 to 83 a w338 to lov3 sush1.
IA: 8ut 1t's fuck1ng adora8l3 that you adm1t 1t.
XE: Shut up...
XE: II can al-low my-self some self awareness from time to time.
XE: Why not on the animes that II love so much?
IA: Adora81l1ty 1s allow3d. That 1s corr3ct.
XE: Cease.
IA: Okay.
IA: 1ntroduc1ng th3 su8j3ct chang3 for your comfort and pl3asur3.
IA: 1 start3d a n3w 1mposs1l3v3l d3s1gn and th1s on3 1s go1ng to mak3 you rag3 qu1t for sur3.
XE: II don't be-lieve it.
XE: Is this what we're do-ing af-ter lunch?
IA: Unl3ss you had oth3r plans for us.
XE: If II can think of anything else, II'm sure we can manage to fit it in.
IA: 1 l1k3 wh3r3 th1s 1s h3ad3d 83caus3...
IA: 1f you can't 83at th1s l3v3l, 1'm off1c1ally turn1ng 1t 1nto a cont3st at th3 shop.
IA: 1 w1ll pay good fuck1ng mon3y to s33 som3on3 83at a l3v3l you cannot.
XE: Save your boons for fu-ture lunch dates, be-cause it's not go-ing to hap-pen.
XE: If II can't beat it then it real-ly is impossible.
IA: All th3 mor3 r3ason to k33p my hop3s up.
IA: W3 l3arn from our hum1l1ty, S1mula.
XE: II have no idea what this "humility" is that you speak of.
IA: 1 suppos3 you hav3 no r3ason to know what th3 s3nt1m3nt f33ls l1k3. And you shouldn't. Hav3 you s33n you?
IA: M3anwh1l3... 1'm s1tt1ng pr3tty w1th a lot of good fortun3 for m3 to look forward to tomorrow.
IA: 1t's a rar3 occuranc3. 1 r3fus3 to not appr3c1at3 1t for all that 1t 1s.
XE: ...
XE: You're so sin-cere.
XE: It's weird.
IA: 1t tak3s mor3 3n3rgy to l13, 1 th1nk. Mor3 3n3rgy than 1 car3 to spar3.
IA: Wh3n 1 could 83 sp3nd1ng 1t 3ls3wh3r3.
IA: You should r3ally w1tn3ss most conv3rsat1ons 1 have w1th p3opl3.
XE: Are the mass-es just as baf-fled by you as II am?
IA: 1t's astound1ng.
XE: II think II would like to see this. As some-one who is get-ting used to it.
IA: You m1ght. 1t'll r3qu1r3 sp3nd1ng t1m3 w1th m3.
IA: But 1t's l1k3ly.
XE: A sacrifice II'm will-ing to make in the name of science... Or some-thing.
XE: You know, it's much more difficult to be coy with some-one when he is so notoriously straight for-ward him-self.
IA: 1t cut3 wh3n you try though.
IA: And th3 3ffort 1s not3d. 1 d1g that a lot too.
XE: 何てことだ!
XE: He's done it a-gain. Fuck-ing incredible.
IA: Th3r3 1s no n33d to f3ar. 1t g3ts 3as13r ov3r t1m3.
XE: II'm already tak-ing my first steps to-wards accepting and understanding this phenomenon but putt-ing it in-to prac-tice my-self.
XE: And II will ad-mit, II don't actually want you to stop when you call me cute. Which might be difficult to fa-thom, gi-ven how hum-ble II am.
IA: 1t's not d1ff1cult at all.
IA: All k1nds of flora l1k3 th31r chanc3 1n th3 sunl1ght. 1 don't 1mag1n3 you would 83 d1ff3r3nt.
XE: Now you're just be-ing chee-sy.
IA: As 1t's 833n 3sta8l1sh3d, 1f you would l1k3 for m3 to stop. Th3n 1 w1ll.
XE: ... No.
XE: Don't stop.
IA: 3h3h3. Th3n w3 cont1nu3.
IA: 8ut 1 hav3 to ask. You can say 1t's com3 out of 1nsp1rat1on 1n the dull of r3c3nt 3v3nts.
IA: Ar3 you s331ng anyon3 r1ght now?
XE: There are plent-y who wish they could be so luck-y... But no, II'm not.
IA: 1'm not 3sp3c1ally conc3rn3d a8out who any on3 3ls3 who could 83. 8ut 1 appr3c1at3 th3 h3ads up.
IA: 1 would just l1k3 to ask for stra1ght forward r3asons. And to 83 r3m1ss of any drama or what3v3r.
IA: That's not r3ally what 1'm h3r3 for.
IA: 8ut 1 do l1k3 you. And 1 would 3njoy s331ng wh3r3 th3 fondn3ss go3s.
XE: Oh.
XE: Yes.
XE: ...
XE: II like you too.
IA: 3h3h3h3. Cool.
IA: Th3n you und3rstand wh3n 1 ask you to lunch tomorrow... 1t'll qual1fy as a dat3?
XE: Yes.
XE: That is
XE: Acceptable.
IA: 1'm on3 lucky troll r1ght now.
XE: E-heh-heh.
XE: You certainly are.
XE: II'll leave you to consider just how much. II should make sure II'm well rest-ed for lunch, games, and what-ever else comes up.
IA: 1 can try to conta1n how stok3d 1 am. 8ut 1 gu3ss 1 can sav3 that for tomorrow.
IA: G3t your 83auty sl33ps.
XE: Yes. Good luck with that.
XE: And good-night, Ven-ras.
IA: N1ght, S1ms.
-- isometricAstrourbanization [IA] ceased trolling xenogeneicErsatz [XE] --
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arcane-trolls · 6 years ago
🌷 Destal!!!
🌷 - what compliment have you received the most?
[He thinks, and then cringes.]
“You’r3 so matur3 for your ag3.”
0 notes
apuesta8 · 6 years ago
New pick from matur3 View pick 28 September 2018, 18:30 UTC Basketball - Germany: SC Rasta Vechta - BBC Bayreuth stake: 3/10 If clicking the link above does not work, copy and paste the following URL in a new browser window: https://t.co/NEUGPolTDP It is also a good idea t…
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kingtry · 7 months ago
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Author: vicioushearteater Rating: Mature Fandom: Psych Relationships: Carlton Lassiter/Shawn Spencer Language: English Stats: 2 Chapters (Completed)
Shawn can't stop thinking about something he saw earlier that day.
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Autor: vicioushearteater Clasificación: Madura Fandom: Psych Relaciones: Carlton Lassiter/Shawn Spencer Idioma: Inglés Estado: 2 Capítulos (Terminada)
Shawn no puede dejar de pensar en algo que vio ese mismo día.
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Divisores de  cafekitsune
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kingtry · 1 year ago
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loneliest of men
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Author: Lock_John_Silver Rating: Mature Fandom: Sherlock BBC Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson Language: English Stats: 1 Chapter (Completed)
John had become way more than a friend, and Sherlock knew that to be fatal for him, so he had to flee the country. He also knew he was hurting John by leaving, but that was only temporary, wasn't it? John would soon move on; of that Sherlock was quite certain.
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Author: Lock_John_Silver Clasificación: Madura Fandom: Sherlock BBC Relaciones: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson Idioma: Inglés Estado: 1 Capítulo (Terminada)
John se había convertido en mucho más que un amigo, y Sherlock sabía que eso sería fatal para él, así que tuvo que huir del país. También sabía que estaba lastimando a John al irse, pero eso era sólo temporal, ¿no? John pronto seguiría adelante; De eso Sherlock estaba bastante seguro.
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Divisores de  cafekitsune
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ask-these-fantrolls · 5 years ago
All applicable 💚
💚: What they like most about their matesprit
(I only do 5 characters per ask to reduce the space it takes up!)
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There's a löt tö like aböut Dia! Aside fröm höw beautiful she is, she's such a sweet girl!  It makes spending time with her very relaxing...
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♪♩♪♩Strong and big with hands to hold♪♩♪♩
♪♩♪♩There’s so much to love with Grrist♪♩♪♩
♪♩♪♩The sound of his laughter never gets old♪♩♪♩
♪♩♪♩And making music with him... you get the gist!♪♩♪♩
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Kal ÷s always so n÷c= and support÷v=!  H='s always th=r= for m= wh=n ÷ hav= a rough day... And =cho ÷s, uhm, very sw==t and car÷ng!
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🌛HoW AM I SupposeD TO ChoosE OnlY OnE ThinG?  MazzY IS NearlY PerfecT IN EverY WaY~ ThougH I SupposE HiS RuthlesS DedicatioN IS OnE OF HiS BesT AspectS!🌜
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Wilt0n is s0 matur3- t0 m3 at th3 very l3ast, h3h3.  I think h3 is a g00d fath3r figur3 f0r ch0mpi!
0 notes
apuesta8 · 7 years ago
New pick from matur3 View pick 16 June 2018, 18:30 UTC Basketball - Germany: FC Bayern Munich Basketball - Alba Berlin stake: 3/10 If clicking the link above does not work, copy and paste the following URL in a new browser window: https://t.co/7KfA1ptYmM It is also a good …
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apuesta8 · 7 years ago
New pick from matur3 View pick 13 June 2018, 18:00 UTC Basketball - Germany: Alba Berlin - FC Bayern Munich Basketball stake: 3/10 If clicking the link above does not work, copy and paste the following URL in a new browser window: https://t.co/rthtZfpiJR It is also a good …
0 notes
apuesta8 · 7 years ago
New pick from matur3 View pick 29 May 2018, 17:00 UTC Basketball - Germany: Baskets Bamberg - FC Bayern Munich Basketball stake: 3/10 If clicking the link above does not work, copy and paste the following URL in a new browser window: https://t.co/RjCgfXLPdi It is also a go…
0 notes
apuesta8 · 7 years ago
New pick from matur3 View pick 20 May 2018, 16:00 UTC Basketball - Germany: FC Bayern Munich Basketball - Baskets Bamberg stake: 3/10 If clicking the link above does not work, copy and paste the following URL in a new browser window: https://t.co/xp3UB0KtYQ It is also a go…
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