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ckfightlife · 6 years ago
Nah B, Les go.... | When bjj is too much life. || @ckfightlife || #bjj #jiujitsu #jiujitsumemes #ckfightlife #livethefightlife #matlife #grappler https://www.instagram.com/p/ByIuJ83H8uc/?igshid=wmltsiid3fl7
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gammaf-mv · 4 years ago
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Wir haben unsere volle Kapazität erreicht. Um euch einen möglichst organisierten Turnier-Ablauf zu ermöglichen, die Covid-19 Regeln einhalten zu können und auch nicht erst 23 Uhr ein Ende zu finden, können wir keine weiteren Anmeldungen mehr annehmen. Wir freuen und auf ein spannendes Turnier mit vielen unterschiedlichen Kämpfer:innen! Eine Email mit allen Informationen wird zeitnah an alle Betreffenden verschickt! Wir freuen uns! #submissionwrestling #mixedmartialarts #competitiontraining #brazilianjiujitsu #jiujitsu #grappling #ibjjf #wrestling #bjjgirls #kosenjudo #mma #nogi #grappling #ringen #bjjgirl #bjj #greifswald #bjjsquad #bjjgirls #gammafmv #basics #matlife #oss #striking #attitudesports #competitor #mvtutgut #landeskader #zrteamGermany #zrteam #mma#gammafmv #gammaf #competiton (hier: Attitude Sports NB - Martial Arts Academy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQashKBM66n/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rivercitywarrior · 8 years ago
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"Always assume that your opponent is going to be bigger, stronger and faster than you; so that you learn to rely on technique, timing and leverage rather than brute strength." Grand Master Helio Gracie #graciejiujitsu #bjj #workoutflow #rcw #changeupyourworkout #mindandbodybalance #matlife #mindfulness Photo Credit: @mpaddockfarrell
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breezeebee-blog · 7 years ago
Nurture the body to nurture the soul.
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notallthingsjiujitsu · 8 years ago
Sand trap along your journey
Most of us know that life is anything but fair. It’s mostly unpredictable. One day you’re crossing the road, trying to get from point A to point B and then a freakin’ airplane comes out of nowhere and hits you. Yep...when life hits... it hits like bitch.
I’m in my mid 20′s and I came to Dubai to build a stronger career. The only problem was that, if I wanted to build a better career it would mean letting go/putting on hold the things I love. Like training Jiu Jitsu , or Boxing, or Muay Thai. And let’s be honest, training in a gym with a well respected team ain’t cheap. I’m down that road where I have to decide to do the right thing, and right now...doing the right thing means that I have to lay low from training for a while.
We all can’t be as lucky as our Jiu Jitsu / Martial Arts heroes who are living the dream and have built careers out of doing what they love. I mean yeah they work hard, train hard, and became world champions. But how many of them can truly be lucky enough to build a life out doing what they love? only very few, that’s why I still consider them lucky. A lot of world champions out there but not all of them can have life like the Mendes brothers, Cobrinha, Marcelo Gracia, Andre Galvao, and all the other Heroes in my book.
If I wanna be stable by the time I’m 30 and retire my fat ass early, I’ve got to work hard now and spend the rest of my life by the beach with puzzle mats, rolling with a few good friends.
So for now, it’s work work work. Don’t wanna fall into a sand trap and just train train train and next thing I realize, I’m 60 and broke but still training Jiu Jitsu on some cheap-ass-unwashed-mats.
Time to put in extra work.
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aqxyl · 7 years ago
Between failure and success are those of us who believe enough to try. 🌬🔥 Sound on for that #ujjayi #breath! • • • • • #yoga #yogaeveryday #breathe #invertedlotus #lotuspose #shoulderstand #halasana #matsyasana #anjali #mudra #yogisofinstagram #yogapractice #yogapracticenotyogaperfect #yogaforlife #movingmeditation #donthatemeditate #matlife (at Bedford–Stuyvesant, Brooklyn)
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ckfightlife · 6 years ago
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Coming in hot!!! NEW Dem Bones #FIRE ckfightlife.com #bjj #jiujitsu #ckfightlife #contractkiller #rashguard #nogi #matlife #bjjlife #jiujitsulife #nabjjf #jjwl #naga (at Haleiwa, Hawaii) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0zpuhzHZgW/?igshid=5rxm4g1p32zp
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tomhardyitalia · 2 years ago
Ig @powell_mma_and_fitness Cool @tomhardy story 🤙🏽

So when Tom came to the gym to train for the first time he forgot his sandals. He said, he can pick some up for tomorrows training session. I said cool..and assured him it was no big deal. 

*In martial arts gyms you use sandals when off of the mat and we go barefoot when on the mat. In most gyms its pretty strict, simply to keep bacteria and what not off the mat that we roll around on. 

So the next day, I get a txt from Tom that he’s going to be running a little late, and that he would likely not have enough time to pick up a pair of sandals.

The txt read “I didn’t have time to get flip flops today, can I still come train?” I was in the middle of class so I didn’t see it. 

About a half an hour later, I check my phone to see the txt. I quickly reply “ of course man! Come on down.” But it had been so long, I figured he just went home. Now I’m thinking in my head, man.. did I just miss the opportunity to train with tom again because he thinks i’m that strict about the sandals. Right as i’m thinking that the door creeks open, and toms there with a pair of Fur filled Crocs! He lifts em up and says “will these work, mate?” and smiles. Found out later, this dude rushed to the local Walmart after he left set to pick them up! Haha!

Ended up being a great night, filled with epic impersonations, industry stories and life talk. It doesn’t take long to fathom why Tom is as successful and skillful as he is. I don’t think of him is an Actor, I think of him as a person who takes act-ion. He thinks of something and he does, it’s mad inspiring. 

Thanks for the memories man. 

@freddiepoole (also pictured) thanks for stopping in as well!

Freddie Pool: Head stunt coordinator for the Bikeriders film, as well as long time stunt double for Sylvester Stallone. 

Really nice guy and good vibes to train with. Hearing a little about how hard he worked on these stunt scenes was inspiring. 

He just had a great, spirit about him. Dropped out of accounting school to “be in movies”. Epic. Cherish the fam man.
#jiujitsu #bikeriders #tulsaking #training #matlife #nogi #tomhardy #cincinnati #nky
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rebelmonkeys · 6 years ago
What a great battle! ( I just added some free music as this video was muted) Repost • @leclercbjj Had a really chaotic second match against a tough black belt in Lavaggi, ended up losing by points. First experience for ADCC trials is out of the way now on to the next one. Thanks to Tristar/RGA teammates for the help - Mon deuxième match contre Lavaggi aux ADCC trials à été très chaotique, malheureusement j'ai perdu aux points. Prochain trials en Californie en février! #adcc #bjj #grappling #grappler #jiujitsu #competition #battle #fight #scramble #matlife #bjjlifestyle #bjjvideos #bjjmotivation #brazilianjiujitsu #fight #oss #nogi (at Manchester, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br2sV-lDF8E/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1bmn4ihtn25x5
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First official class photo! It's great to see the next generation excited to learn, grow, and push themselves to be better then they were yesterday. Thank you all so much for being apart of the Warrior Martial Arts family! If you're interested in what you see, give us a call or stop by and we will get you plugged in! Hope to see you there! #martialartslife #blackbelts #matlife #dojo #healthylifestyle #healthfitness #fitness #fitnesspro #fitnesstrainer #fitnesslife #fitnessfun #fitnessfreaks #gym #gymlife #gymowners #martialarts #yoga #zumba #littlewarriors (at Warrior Health & Fitness) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoNHJZxg4Ew/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1sa4z04yt4yjp
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gammaf-mv · 4 years ago
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Das Warten hat ein Ende ;) ( english below) Hier ist das Regelsystem für euch! Es ist Submission Only. KEINE PUNKTE. GEWICHTSKLASSEN WERDEN VOR ORT GEBILDET. Superfights Regeln können abweichen. Die Regeln fürs Kosen Judo sind mit denen fürs Submission Wrestling identisch mit dem einzigen Unterschied, dass ein Ippon beim Kosen Judo auch zum Sieg führen kann. Dies gilt fürs Sub Wrestling nicht. Es wird 5 MIN Runden geben. Kampfsystem im Pool. This is the rulesystem. SUB ONLY WITHOUT POINTS. We will build the weight classes right before the Event starts. Superfight rules may differ. Ruleset applies for Kosen Judo and Submission Wrestling, but you can also win the fight by IPPON Throw in Kosen Judo. There will be a Pool System and 5 min rounds. #submissionwrestling #mixedmartialarts #competitiontraining #brazilianjiujitsu #jiujitsu #grappling #ibjjf #wrestling #bjjgirls #kosenjudo #mma #nogi #grappling #ringen #bjjgirl #bjj #greifswald #bjjsquad #bjjgirls #gammafmv #basics #matlife #oss #striking #attitudesports #competitor #mvtutgut #landeskader #zrteamGermany #zrteam #mma#gammafmv #gammaf #competiton https://www.instagram.com/p/CPso6InMRf8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kimilat · 7 years ago
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After 80 days (really 3 months and 1 week), and a week off, I'm back on my mat! Ahhhhh!!!! #‎FitAtAnyAge‬ #‎FitAtEveryAge #FitnessIsNotASize #MyJourney #MyPath #ProgressNotPerfection #ICanDoHardThings #NonScaleVictories #Yoga #matlife (at Bronx, New York)
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mmagearaddict-blog · 7 years ago
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New gear release from @manto_clothing #Newrelease #mmagearaddict . Tag @mmagearaddict #mmagearaddict to feature your new gear. . 📸from @manto_clothing ・・・ NEW!!!⚡️MANTO "MATLIFE" rashguard, our second epic collaboration with world renown illustrator Jody Clark, is finally here! ⚡️Find your size today at MANTOUSA.COM⚡️ - #Manto #matlife #rashguard #JiuJitsu #jiujitsu #jiujitsulifestyle #bjj #graciejiujitsu #manto #fun #picoftheday #happy #summer #crossfit #friends #mma #ufc #training #fight #studytrainachieve #renzogracie #graciejiujitsu #selfdefense #winning
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ckfightlife · 5 years ago
Nah B, Les go.... | When bjj is too much life. || @ckfightlife || #bjj #jiujitsu #jiujitsumemes #ckfightlife #livethefightlife #matlife #grappler https://www.instagram.com/p/ByIuJ83H8uc/?igshid=76currlypb22
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gorillagico-blog · 8 years ago
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Another glorious day on the mats! #bjj #matlife #gorillagico (at Mushin Academy of Martial Arts)
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armbarpapi-blog · 8 years ago
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Training doesn't end when you're tired, that just means the warm-up is over 🔥 #bjj #caioterrabjj #jaomaa #stayfit #bjjlifestyle #brazilianjiujitsu #ctabjj #ctabrooklyn #caioterra #caioterraassociation #BJJproblems #bjjlife #martialarts #sportjiujitsu #training #matlife #exhausted #fitness #fitlife (at JAO Martial Arts Academy/Caio Terra Brazilian Jiu Jitsu)
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