#mathias rust
wooldawn · 2 years
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rose took her little brother and sister, mathias and aspen, and benji to look at wedding venues!
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mapsontheweb · 1 year
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Flight Path for Mathias Rust's Attempted Landing at the Kremlin, 1987.
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heavenlyyshecomes · 1 year
Of Istanbul, he remembers a vague light, a subtle sweetness mixed with bitterness, a distant music, soft shapes, pleasures rusted by time, the pain of violence, of loss: the abandon of hands that life did not let him touch, faces he’ll never caress, bridges that haven’t even yet been raised.
Mathias Enard, Tell Them of Battles, Kings and Elephants, tr. Charlotte Mandell
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brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Events 5.28 (after 1960)
1961 – Peter Benenson's article The Forgotten Prisoners is published in several internationally read newspapers. This will later be thought of as the founding of the human rights organization Amnesty International. 1964 – The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is founded, with Yasser Arafat elected as its first leader. 1968 – Garuda Indonesian Airways Flight 892 crashes near Nala Sopara in India, killing 30. 1974 – Northern Ireland's power-sharing Sunningdale Agreement collapses following a general strike by loyalists. 1975 – Fifteen West African countries sign the Treaty of Lagos, creating the Economic Community of West African States. 1977 – In Southgate, Kentucky, the Beverly Hills Supper Club is engulfed in fire, killing 165 people inside. 1979 – Konstantinos Karamanlis signs the full treaty of the accession of Greece with the European Economic Community. 1987 – An 18-year-old West German pilot, Mathias Rust, evades Soviet Union air defences and lands a private plane in Red Square in Moscow, Russia. 1991 – The capital city of Addis Ababa falls to the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front, ending both the Derg regime in Ethiopia and the Ethiopian Civil War. 1995 – The 7.0 Mw  Neftegorsk earthquake shakes the former Russian settlement of Neftegorsk with a maximum Mercalli intensity of IX (Violent). Total damage was $64.1–300 million, with 1,989 deaths and 750 injured. The settlement was not rebuilt. 1996 – U.S. President Bill Clinton's former business partners in the Whitewater land deal, Jim McDougal and Susan McDougal, and the Governor of Arkansas, Jim Guy Tucker, are convicted of fraud. 1998 – Nuclear testing: Pakistan responds to a series of nuclear tests by India with five of its own codenamed Chagai-I, prompting the United States, Japan, and other nations to impose economic sanctions. Pakistan celebrates Youm-e-Takbir annually. 1999 – In Milan, Italy, after 22 years of restoration work, Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece The Last Supper is put back on display. 2002 – The last steel girder is removed from the original World Trade Center site. Cleanup duties officially end with closing ceremonies at Ground Zero in Manhattan, New York City. 2003 – Peter Hollingworth resigns as Governor-General of Australia following criticism of his handling of child sexual abuse allegations during his tenure as Anglican Archbishop of Brisbane. 2004 – The Iraqi Governing Council chooses Ayad Allawi, a longtime anti-Saddam Hussein exile, as prime minister of Iraq's interim government. 2008 – The first meeting of the Constituent Assembly of Nepal formally declares Nepal a republic, ending the 240-year reign of the Shah dynasty. 2010 – In West Bengal, India, the Jnaneswari Express train derailment and subsequent collision kills 148 passengers. 2011 – Malta votes on the introduction of divorce; the proposal was approved by 53% of voters, resulting in a law allowing divorce under certain conditions being enacted later in the year. 2016 – Harambe, a gorilla, is shot to death after grabbing a three-year-old boy in his enclosure at the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden, resulting in widespread criticism and sparking various internet memes. 2017 – Former Formula One driver Takuma Sato wins his first Indianapolis 500, the first Japanese and Asian driver to do so. Double world champion Fernando Alonso retires from an engine issue in his first entry of the event.
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shywhumpauthor · 2 years
Stomach Pain | Head Trauma | Back from the Dead
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Cw: noncon drugging, noncon touching (nothing sexual), past torture
When Kaden finally woke, they felt…heavy. Their limbs tethered in place by invisible weights, they could only turn their head to the side. Their mind was foggy, thoughts dull. They could feel a faint ache swallowing nearly their entire arm, but it felt distant and disconnected.
They could feel the plush blankets tucked around them, up to their chin. Though the air was chill against their face, they felt warm and comfortable. Memories of pain swam around the back of their mind, but anytime they came close to surfacing Kaden would push them away. They knew, deep inside their chest, that this comfort was nothing but a facade, a result of something much deeper and darker.
Yet, they couldn’t bring themself to care.
They longed to return to the blissful unconsciousness that lurked just against their mind, yet with every waking second that darkness seemed to recede further and further, giving way to a cruel, cold clarity. They could feel the comfort of sleep ebbing away, as their eyelids twitched despite their will to keep them closed.
The feeling began to creep back into their paralyzed muscles, at first an empty tingling across their fingers and toes, which turned to pins and needles as it twisted up their limbs, before they were eventually able to move.
As the seconds dragged forwards, Kaden felt the aches begin to settle in. Their back felt stiff, joints as if they had rusted into position. They couldn’t help but think of the Tin man, and realize just how much they sympathized with him in that moment. Left out in the rain to rust, in need of a savior to deliver the needed oil in order for him to regain basic function.
If the tin man’s enemy was the upset weather, which rendered him to a useless hunk of metal, would that make Mathias their storm? To utterly destroy them, make them rust around the edges. Perhaps that was his true motive, that he just wanted to hurt. To hurt, cause damage wherever and whenever he could just for the sake of it. No, no. There had to be some sort of driving point—right? Something that led him to want to kidnap and torture. A display of power? Superiority? A way to repress his own feelings of utter worthlessness?
Kaden let out a small groan, the reality that they would not be returning to their peaceful slumber finally settling, in a similar fashion to a bucket of cold water dumped down the back of their shirt. They forced their eyes open, feeling a shudder pass through their limbs.
God, for someone with as much money as he was rumored to have, would it have killed him to turn up the heat?
With a sigh, their conscious dragging with the thought of leaving their cocoon, Kaden slowly forced their elbow beneath them, and propped themself up.
Both their elbow and shoulder seemed to pop from the movement, a small bolt of pain ricocheting from the joints before setting into a relief. That felt a lot better…
Slowly, they craned their neck to one side, then the other, feeling a small sting as the movement tugged the skin around their right shoulder. The memory of the—what was it.. day? No, it had certainly been more than a day. Kaden was sure that aches like that didn’t develop overnight. Week? That seemed more likely, if the hollow pit of what had once been their stomach was anything to go off of—before pressed right against the back of their mind, but Kaden kept it dutifully out of thought. If they could just pretend like that had never happened, then maybe they could pretend that this was all fake. That they perhaps were just in some fancy hotel, where they had gotten the best night’s sleep of their life.
Fighting the temptation to stay in bed, Kaden slowly pulled back the covers and swung their legs to the side of the bed. Their brows scrunched together as they examined the light sweatpants they wore, a soft cotton grey that were multiple sizes too big, the drawstring tied loosely around their waist, pant legs bunched at the bottom. On the top, all they wore was a t-shirt, white with some obscure logo on the front. Kaden wasn’t sure how, but they knew it was Mathias’s. Perhaps it was the faint, faint smell of cologne identical to the one so clearly burned in their memory, or the expensive yet worn feel of the fabric.
The only thing on their mind in that moment was showering.
They could feel the layers of oils built up along their scalp, their hair practically matted against the back of their head. Though their skin had been cleaned of all residual blood and dirt, which they didn’t even want to think about, they still felt dirty.
They could only assume the other door in the room, the one that didn’t lead to the hall outside, was an en-suite. Clinging to that hope, Kaden slowly pushed themself to their feet-
A moment later, they were on the floor, a small cry slipping from their lips as their knees gave out almost instantly. Yep, I’m just gonna lay here a moment.. Kaden thought with a groan, their cheeks flushed with embarrassment despite being alone.
They allowed themself a minute to sit up once more, only wincing as they tried to use their bad arm to push themself off the ground. The wooden floorboards were cool to the touch, allowing Kaden to take some comfort as they pressed their palms flush against it. Then, using the bed frame as support, Kaden slowly rose to their feet, careful as the blood rushed to their head.
Slow and steady wins the race. Slow and steady. That’s how they took it. One step at a time, their legs wobbling from disuse as they carefully let go of the bed post.
When did the room get so much larger?! They could have sworn before that the distance was only a few strides, but now it looked like miles. Long, agonizing miles. Shit, was a shower really worth this?
Yes it was.
The thought of the -hopefully- hot water beating down against their back, the feel of the steam against their skin, being able to lose their mind within the white noise was enough to drive them forwards, albeit quite cautiously. As they crossed the room, their confidence began to grow. Each step was stronger, a bit wider than the last as they slowly regained faith in their legs. It was going rather well, with only a small stumble-
Then the door slammed open, and all hope was lost. Startled by the sudden thunk of the wood bouncing off the doorstop, Kaden let out a small yelp and all but jumped back, legs slipping from under them- and they were down. Again.
“Look who’s back from the dead,” A low, stupidly familiar voice chuckled, and Mathias strode into the room, hands resting casually in his pockets. Kaden couldn’t help the huff of annoyance and the twinge of fear. “It’s good to see you awake, love.”
Can’t say the same, Kaden thought, but they bit their tongue. Bide their silence, wait for the anger to pass. Don’t say anything stupid or irrational.
“How long was I asleep?” They asked quietly, for a second worrying that he would get mad, but Mathias just smiled as he stepped forwards, offering a hand down to them. After a moments hesitation, weighing their options, Kaden placed their hand in his and let him help them to their feet.
Mathias let out a small chuckle, retracting his hand once they were steady on their legs. “Just shy of five days, darling. I decided it would be best to keep you out until everything settled down a bit.”
The way he spoke was so nonchalant, there would have been no difference in his tone had he said “hours” instead. Kaden felt a small twist of nausea seize their gut.
“You drugged me.”
It wasn’t a question. In that moment, they caught sight of the inside of their arm, littered with small bruises and pin sized marks. They shuddered, a feeling of violation creeping down their spine.
“I allowed you time to rest,” Mathias clarified, his lips curling into a grin. “You should be thanking me. I’ve given you time to recover.”
Kaden couldn’t help the small scoff, but they shut up the moment they saw his expression turn warning.
“I was just about to have the chef prepare lunch,” Mathias began, shifting the topic as he clasped his hands together behind him. “It would be just wonderful if you were to join me, anything particular have your taste?”
At that point, any sort of food sounded amazing. Kaden felt their stomach twist at just the thought of eating, their mouth beginning to water as they imagined all the delicacies Mathias would likely have. But when the question was turned to them, all of the previous entrees they had been envisioning disappeared from their mind, leaving them to draw a blank.
“Uh..” They swallowed, glancing up to meet Mathias’s eyes before dropping their gaze. “I don’t know…”
“Come on, love, I’m offering you anything you would wish,” The man offered a soft smile, though something much darker lurked behind. Kaden shivered as the man’s hand raised, his fingers gently looping under their chin and tilting up their head. “It would be rude to not accept, hm?”
“I- Uhm..” Kaden stammered, their lips forming the first thing on their mind. “May- maybe some soup?”
Mathias chuckled, giving them the slightest nod of approval. “Any type in specific?”
Kaden gave their head a small shake, trying to keep their breathing steady as the man’s grip tightened around their jaw. They quickly corrected themself. “I mean uh- do you have chicken noodle?”
It was all they could think of.
Mathias let out a small laugh, his hand falling back to his side. “Darling, we have everything. I’ll be back in, say, half an hour to collect you. Clean up, I’ll have someone pick out something a bit more formal for you to wear.”
The man gave them a fond glance as he took a step back, hands sliding into his pants pockets. “I’m looking forwards to our meal, love. Don’t take too long in the shower, though, there’s a storm coming.”
Tag list: @whumpasaurus101 @t0rture-me @suspicious-whumping-egg
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thatididntknow · 2 years
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In 1987 Mathias Rust landed a plane in Red Square, Moscow. At the time straying into Soviet airspace was suicidal. Just a few years before a Korean passenger plane accidently crossed into Soviet airspace and was blown out of the sky, killing everyone aboard. But Mathias’s story gets even more crazy - check it out here: https://thatididntknow.com/plane-lands-in-red-square/
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rustbeltjessie · 1 year
Rust Belt Jessie’s NaPoWriMo 2023 Prompts: #10
dream on
Way back in 2004, I wrote a short story (which was supposed to turn into a full graphic novel, but never did, for reasons) about Sebastian Fatelli—a character who stood on the wet streetcorners of Baltimore, handing out dreams to passerby.
Nowadays, the poet Mathias Svalina runs a Dream Delivery Service, where he writes dreams (and nightmares; thought they cost more) and delivers them to people—by bike, if they’re nearby; by mail, if they’re not.
Here’s one of my favorites of his dream-poems, from his chapbook Some Dream Holidays:
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(You may notice that Mathias’s dream holiday is a prose poem. Some people hate prose poems, or claim they’re not even really poetry.* So this is where I reiterate that I don’t make hard & fast distinctions between poetry and prose. I have written both short and long-form works that look like prose to the untrained eye, but are, conceptually, poems.)
You could use this prompt to write a poem from a dream you’ve had, but I’m hoping you’ll do something more in the vein of Sebastian or Mathias. Dream of a dream. Write a (new) dream, or nightmare. Or you could take the seed of the idea from a dream you have had, then flesh it out with imagined details. Combine a real dream with a fake dream. Though, since both were created in your mind, which one’s more real is impossible to truly say. I guess it might be more accurate to phrase it as: Combine elements of a night dream, which came to you unbidden, with elements of a purposeful daydream.
Whichever way you go with this—whether writing about a dream you’ve had, making up a new dream (said I got new dreams!**), or combining the two—try to dive deep into that weird dream logic. You know, where things that you know to be not just false but completely ridiculous in waking life are accepted without question in the dream world. Like, you’re in San Francisco, and the geography looks right, but the buildings are ones that, in waking life, are located in Chicago. Or like, you’re lost in some random small town, and you have a map which shows you the path you need to follow to find your way out, but part of the path runs right through this random family’s house, and they see you walking through their house and aren’t mad but are like why are you in our house? and you’re like this is where the map told me to go! And then you make it through their house and get back outside and an unmellow yellow*** bird builds a nest in your hair. Or like, the heating vent under your grandmother’s bathroom sink is also a portal to hell. Or, as @MNateShyamalan put it in this tweet:
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You can write it as a prose poem or a more traditionally structured poem, whichever feels right to you.
Bonus points if, after writing it, you give/send a copy to a friend or stranger.
*I once had someone tell me “they’re just badly written, extra-short fiction.” That guy thought all his opinions/thoughts on poetry were fact, and liked to argue with me about why all my opinions/thoughts on poetry were wrong. One time I got so mad about it, I nearly punched him in the middle of a crowded bar. I still think Barfights About Poetry would make a great name for a chapbook or zine or something.
**Got new dreams and I’m gonna make ‘em real! —Naked Raygun
***TIL: There is an actual Crayola color called “Unmellow Yellow.”
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ulkaralakbarova · 3 months
Show Me Love
Two teenage girls in small-town Sweden. Elin is beautiful, popular, and bored with life. Agnes is friendless, sad, and secretly in love with Elin. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Elin: Alexandra Dahlström Agnes: Rebecka Liljeberg Jessica: Erica Carlson Johan: Mathias Rust Markus: Stefan Hörberg Viktoria: Josefine Nyberg Agnes’ Father Olof: Ralph Carlsson Agnes’ Mother Karin: Maria Hedborg Agnes’…
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gonzalo-obes · 4 months
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Día Internacional del Juego, Día Internacional de Acción por la Salud de las Mujeres, Día Internacional del Síndrome de Treacher Collins, Día Internacional de la Hamburguesa, Día Mundial del Hambre, Día Mundial del Cáncer de Sangre, Día Internacional de la Higiene Menstrual, Día Mundial del perro sin raza, Día Nacional de la Nutrición, Semana Internacional de solidaridad con los pueblos de los territorios no autónomos, Semana Europea Contra el Cáncer, Año Internacional de los Camélidos.
San Germán y San Emilio.
Tal día como hoy en el año 1987
El joven alemán, Mathias Rust, aterriza con su avioneta Cessna en plena Plaza Roja de Moscú (antigua Unión Soviética), poniendo en evidencia la seguridad del espacio aéreo soviético.
Estados Unidos y la Unión Soviética firman el tratado sobre limitación de los ensayos nucleares subterráneos con fines pacíficos.
Los rusos lanzan la nave "Mars 3" primera que, tras entrar en órbita marciana el 2 de diciembre de este mismo año, logrará soltar un módulo de aterrizaje que se posará en la superficie del planeta aunque funcionará tan sólo durante 20 segundos. Los expertos sospecharán que el módulo habrá sido destruido por una inmensa tormenta de polvo sobre el suelo de Marte. (Hace 53 años)
Nueve meses y un día después de zarpar del puerto de Plymouth, Reino Unido, regresa en su yate Gypsy Moth IV, Sir Francis Chichester de 65 años de edad, tras haber completado su épico viaje alrededor del mundo, convirtiéndose en el primer ser humano en lograrlo en solitario haciendo una única escala, Sydney (Australia). Durante los 220 días que ha durado el viaje, ha cruzado el Océano Atlántico, el Cabo de Buena Esperanza, el Oceáno Índico y el Pacífico, un total de 28.500 millas de embravecidas y peligrosas aguas. (Hace 57 años)
El periódico británico London Observer publica un llamamiento del abogado Peter Benenson, denominado "Appeal for Amnesty 1961", con la publicación de un artículo titulado "The Forgotten Prisoners" ("Los presos olvidados"). El encarcelamiento de dos estudiantes portugueses que habían levantado sus vasos de vino para brindar por la libertad, llevó a Benenson a escribir este artículo, en lo que será el origen de la ONG Amnistía Internacional, que trabajará para lograr tres objetivos básicos: obtener un juicio rápido y justo para todo prisionero, acabar con la tortura y las ejecuciones sumariales y lograr la liberación de todos los prisioneros por creencias personales. El llamamiento de Benenson se publicará en otros periódicos de todo el mundo. Esta ONG recibirá el Premio Nobel de la Paz en 1977 y, al año siguiente, el Premio de Derechos Humanos de la ONU. (Hace 63 años)
En Portugal tiene lugar un golpe militar del general Gomes da Costa apoyado por casi todos los partidos políticos. (Hace 98 años)
El Movimiento de Liberación Nacional Armenio declara la independencia de la República Democrática de Armenia del Imperio Ruso. (Hace 106 años)
Tras haber gobernado la ciudad de París, Francia, desde el 18 de marzo con un proyecto político popular autogestionario cercano al comunismo tomando medidas para dar respuesta a la pobreza generalizada que ha causado la Guerra Franco-Prusiana, el gobierno revolucionario de la Comuna de París es arrasado a sangre y fuego con el fatídico resultado de 30.000 parisinos muertos y fusilados a manos del ejército prusiano y de franceses reaccionarios. (Hace 153 años)
En París, Francia, durante la noche del 28 al 29, con la apertura de la puerta de Saint-Germain por parte de un ciudadano, los borgoñones del duque Juan sin Miedo (aliados de los ingleses) ocupan París y asesinan a los partidarios del duque de Orleans conocidos como Armagnacs, por lo que el delfín, futuro Carlos VII, debe abandonar la ciudad de París. A partir de entonces, y durante todo un siglo, los reyes franceses se instalarán en la provincia de Turena. (Hace 606 años)
El hastiado campesinado del norte de Francia se alza en una revuelta violenta para protestar contra una nobleza que no les protege y, sin embargo, ha incrementado considerablemente los tributos. El cabecilla es Guillaume de Cale. La revuelta será reprimida con dureza despiadada y Guillaume morirá el día 10 de junio durante la batalla de Mello. Miles de campesinos, incluidos muchos inocentes que nada tuvieron que ver con la rebelión, serán exterminados por los nobles y mercenarios como venganza. (Hace 666 años)
En China, cerca del paso de Hulao en la actual provincia de Henan, tiene lugar la Batalla de Hulao, en la que Li Shimin, hijo del emperador chino Gao Zu, derrota a las fuerzas de Dou Jiande, que les doblan en número. Esta victoria decidirá el resultado de la guerra civil y marcará la caída de la dinastía Sui a favor de la dinastía Tang. (Hace 1403 años)
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tempi-dispari · 1 year
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New Post has been published on https://www.tempi-dispari.it/2023/08/07/paolino-paperino-band-irriverente-intelligenza/
Paolino Paperino Band: irriverente intelligenza
L’anno nero della borsa
Il 19 ottobre, quello che molti analisti avevano previsto sul finire dell’anno prima si avvera: nel lunedi nero delle borse mondiali, l’indice Dow Jones perde 508 punti, più del 20% del suo valore, trascinando nel disastro gli altri mercati mondiali. È una crisi economica paragonabile a quella del 1929, che segna la fine della grande bolla speculativa iniziata nei primi anni ’80.
Tra le principali spiegazioni all’evento, molti puntano il dito contro l’esteso ricorso, agevolato dall’utilizzo sempre più frequente dei computer, al “program trading”, la pratica di acquistare e vendere contemporaneamente diverse tipologie di azioni.
Secondo degli analisti, alcuni programmi non sarebbero stati ben “tarati”, e i computer avrebbero innescato una spirale di vendite che portò al collasso del mercato. All’atto pratico, l’economia mondiale si riprende a breve, e in retrospettiva la crisi del 1987 fu un raffreddore di stagione rispetto all’ultima crisi economica del 2008.
Il premier russo Gorbaciov è l’uomo dell’anno: in uno storico discorso al Parlamento sovietico, chiede la necessità di un radicale cambiamento dell’economia dello stato socialista, ormai moribonda. “Trasparenza” delle decisioni dell’apparato statale, “rinnovamento”: “Glasnost” e “perestrojika” diventano parole di uso comune anche in Occidente.
E un aiuto insperato al leader russo arriva anche dalla spettacolare bravata di uno studente tedesco, Mathias Rust, che con il suo piccolo aeroplano sfugge a tutti i controlli e atterra sulla Piazza Rossa di Mosca. L’azione porta alla rimozione di buona parte dei vertici militari russi, e tra loro anche molti oppositori di Gorbaciov.
I girasoli di Van Gogh Non aveva soldi investiti in borsa, probabilmente, l’anonimo acquirente de I girasoli di Van Gogh, battuto all’asta per 38 milioni di dollari: inizia la moda dell’arte come bene rifugio. Viene riconosciuta validità legale all’utilizzo del DNA nei processi, mentre i Paesi industrializzati prendono coscienza del problema del famigerato “buco nell’ozono”.
Per i loro studi sui materiali superconduttivi, sono Nobel gli studiosi Georg Bednorz e Alexander Müller. Margareth Thatcher rivince le elezioni in Gran Bretagna, mentre avviene la tragedia dell'”Herald of Free Enterprise”, un traghetto che si inabissa poco dopo aver lasciato il porto di Zeebrugge, causando la morte di tutti i 193 passeggeri e membri dell’equipaggio.
Comincia in Palestina la prima intifada (in arabo,”rivolta”), sollevazione di massa contro il dominio israeliano nel campo profughi di Jabaliya, estesa poi a Gaza, alla Cisgiordania e a Gerusalemme Est. Forma di disobbedienza civile, acquistò visibilità internazionale a causa dei lanci di pietre da parte dei giovani contro le forze di difesa israeliane.
L’amministratore della Disney Michael Eisner e il primo ministro francese Jacques Chirac firmano il contratto che dà il via alla costruzione di EuroDisney, poi Disneyland Paris, il più grande parco divertimenti d’Europa. Siglato l’atto unico europeo, con lo scopo di completare la costruzione del mercato interno, e avviare il processo di unione politica, che porterà al trattato di Maastricht del 1992.
Suscita clamori la miniserie “Amerika”, che immagina un futuro in cui gli Stati Uniti hanno perso la guerra e sono stati invasi e occupati dai sovietici.
IN ITALIA È l’anno dei Cobas, con scioperi a raffica soprattutto nelle ferrovie, e dei referendum sul nucleare: dopo Chernobyl, è inevitabile una valanga di voti sulla chiusura di qualsiasi attività in materia da parte italiana. A luglio, una serie di insistenti piogge devastano per dieci giorni la Valtellina con allagamenti e alluvioni.
Il 28 una gigantesca frana si stacca e scivola dalla montagna spazzando via due paesi, Morignone e San’Antonio Morignone, causando 53 vittime e gravissimi danni alle case. 1.500 persone restano senza tetto. A Palermo, si chiude il maxiprocesso alla mafia, con 19 condanne all’ergastolo e un totale di 2.500 anni di reclusione per gli altri imputati. Al via l’alta velocità ferroviaria, con il primo “Pendolino”.
SPORT E SPETTACOLO Platoon di Oliver Stone, come si suol dire vince ma non convince: 4 statuette, tra cui miglior film, alla notte degli Oscar. Sbalordisce il mondo, invece, Marlee Matlin, attrice sordomuta, miglior attrice in “Figli di un dio minore”. Tre premi per il sofisticato “Camera con vista”, mentre Giorgio Moroder vince per “Take my breath away”, migliore canzone e hit dell’anno in tutto il mondo.
Roma ospita magnificamente i mondiali di atletica, in cui Carl Lewis si accontenta di tre ori: doppio oro per l’Italia, con Damilano nella marcia e l’entusiasmante volata di Panetta nei 3.000 siepi. Ai mondiali di sci di Crans Montana, si fa notare un giovane atleta azzurro, terzo in gigante: Alberto Tomba.
L’irlandese Stephen Roche realizza un tris leggendario: Giro d’Italia, Tour de France e mondiali nello stesso anno.
Dopo i mondiali, Maradona trascina il Napoli al primo scudetto della sua storia, mentre il Porto di Juary (!!) batte il Bayern Monaco in finale di coppa campioni. Madonna e Whitney Houston dominano le classifiche mondiali, mentre arrivano anche gli Europe con “The final countdown”, una delle canzoni più famose degli anni ’80.
Un altro supergruppo, i Ferry Aid, ripropone “Let it be” dei Beatles, i cui incassi vanno ai familiari delle quasi 200 vittime del ferryboat inabissatosi a Zeebrugge, in marzo. Esce e subito trionfa The Joshua tree degli U2, uno dei più grandi album di musica rock della storia.
Al Silverdome di Pontiac, Michigan, oltre 93.000 spettatori assistono a Wrestlemania III: Hulk Hogan vince il main event, sollevando e sbattendo al tappetto Andre the Giant. La Square rilascia Final fantasy, il videogioco che cambierà il mondo dei giochi di ruolo elettronici.
La FDA dà il proprio consenso alla commercializzazione di un nuovo farmaco, la fluoxetina idrocloride, commercialmente venduta con il nome di prozac: sarà la “droga legale” più di moda degli anni ’90.
In questo contesto nasce la Paolino Paperino Band
Primi anni (1987-1994) La formazione originaria, con Yana alla voce, Bez alla batteria, Fox alla chitarra e Maso al basso, registra un primo demo autoprodotto nel 1988. Successivamente, Termos subentra a Bez alla batteria, e con questa composizione ha origine il primo mini LP, Fetta, nel 1991.
Dopo un nuovo cambio, con Bez che ritorna alla batteria e con Termos che va al basso in sostituzione di Maso, viene prodotto nel 1993 l’album Pislas: e l’anno seguente un secondo mini LP, Le beste feroci del circo, prodotto per sostenere la Lega Anti Vivisezione. Queste produzioni sono tutte siglate ad opera della AARGHH! Records, un negozio di dischi di Modena, che promuove album di artisti emergenti.
Pausa e progetti paralleli (1994-2012) La formazione decide di interrompere la propria attività nel 1994. Da quella data vi sono solo due apparizioni estemporanee con la band al completo: in occasione del corteo-concerto del 5 giugno 2004 a sostegno del collettivo anarchico Libera di Modena, al quale partecipano migliaia di persone, e il 23 ottobre 2011, Il giorno del ringraziamento serata tributo a Stefano “Steppo” Nocetti.
Tutti i componenti proseguono la loro carriera musicale con altri progetti, il più noto dei quali è il gruppo Lomas, nei quali milita il chitarrista Fox. Il 6 giugno 2009, viene rappresentato il musical Pilota Party, in cui appaiono Yana in qualità di attore e Termos di direttore musicale.
Ritorno (2012-attuale)
Nel maggio 2012, il gruppo decide di riprendere la propria attività artistica con una nuova formazione. Termos ritorna alla batteria; Bez, batterista, rimane all’interno della nuova Paolino come seconda voce.
Yana resta il cantante principale, mentre Fox, lo storico chitarrista, decide di non prendere parte al nuovo progetto; vengono chiamati, per completare la nuova formazione, Garu come bassista e Skeggia come chitarrista. Ai musicisti si affianca Marco Balugani, che assume le vesti del “tuttofare”, dal costumista al truccatore, dall’autista all’assistente di palco.
Il gruppo così riformato si esibisce dal vivo, dopo quasi vent’anni di inattività, al Tempo Rock di Gualtieri il 27 ottobre del 2012, e si dedica alla composizione di pezzi inediti, in vista dell’uscita di un nuovo album lanciando un’operazione di crowdfunding, inviato poi ai sostenitori insieme ad una t-shirt avente come stampa il logo del gruppo ideato da Yana.
Nel frattempo, Raffa si aggiunge alla formazione in qualità di chitarrista, mentre Bez rimane nel gruppo solo in veste di collaboratore.
A febbraio 2013, il gruppo si chiude in studio di registrazione: presso il Bombanella Soundscapes di Maranello prende vita un album interamente nuovo, dal titolo Porcellum, che esce a metà aprile 2013 in CD e in vinile: quest’ultimo formato vede la stampa di un’edizione limitata, cioè il vinile rosso, accanto al vinile nero normale.
In occasione della registrazione, Stefano Cesca si unisce alla Paolino per curare la realizzazione del nuovo album, diventando il sesto componente della formazione, in veste di fonico e mixerista e che cura il video di Troiaio, presentato ufficialmente al Pianoterra di Milano il 9 giugno 2013.
Da aprile a luglio il gruppo si impegna nel “Porcellum tour”, con tappe tra Italia e Svizzera, al termine del quale recupera le bobine dei primi lavori che dopo la rimasterizzazione sempre presso il Bombanella Soundscapes di Maranello vengono inclusi nel CD Pislas, (contenente i brani di Pislas, Fetta e dei 7″ come tracce bonus) pubblicato dalla AssTo Records, la neo-etichetta del gruppo.
Nel 2014, il gruppo parte per un nuovo tour chiamato questa volta “Ciccioli Tour”, al termine del quale Termos lascia la batteria e rimane all’interno della Paolino in veste di direttore musicale: al suo posto entra Matte.
Il 27 dicembre 2014 tornano a suonare per il Libera dopo tanto tempo, in un concerto che raccoglie fondi per i processi relativi agli sgomberi del Libera, del Soverte e dello Stella Nera. A marzo 2015, riprende il tour della Paolino, al fianco dei Peter Punk e con un’apparizione di Termos al basso in occasione di un live a Milano.
Dopo un breve periodo di pausa, la band torna ad esibirsi live nel 2016, affidandosi alla booking Kob Records.
In quello stesso periodo, comincia a lavorare ad un nuovo album, dal titolo C’è gente che dormono, che viene inciso tra l’agosto ed il settembre del 2017 presso il Santanna Recording Studio di Gianni Salvatori, a Castelfranco Emilia, e masterizzato da Giovanni Salvatori nello studio La Maestà, pubblicato nel novembre del 2017.
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korrektheiten · 1 year
Kiew ehrt deutschen Friedensflieger: „Mathias Rust-Drohnenschwarm“ gegen Moskau?
Zuerst:»Kiew. Im Augenblick ist noch unklar, ob es sich nur um einen Propagandaknaller handelt oder ob mehr dahintersteckt: die ukrainische Führung hat jetzt angekündigt, zur […] Der Beitrag Kiew ehrt deutschen Friedensflieger: „Mathias Rust-Drohnenschwarm“ gegen Moskau? erschien zuerst auf ZUERST!. http://dlvr.it/SlsL5w «
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apsny-news · 1 year
Kiew droht Russland mit größerem Drohnenangriff
Dabei nimmt der Sekretär des Nationalen Sicherheitsrats der Ukraine Bezug auf den Deutschen Mathias Rust, der 1987 mit einer Cessna vor dem Kreml gelandet war. In Polen gibt es Widerstand gegen ukrainische Getreidelieferungen. Apsny News
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brookstonalmanac · 18 days
Events 9.2 (after 1940)
1944 – The last execution of a Finn in Finland takes place when soldier Olavi Laiho is executed by shooting in Oulu. 1945 – World War II: The Japanese Instrument of Surrender is signed by Japan and the major warring powers aboard the battleship USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay. 1945 – Communist leader Ho Chi Minh proclaimed the Democratic Republic of Vietnam after the end of the Nguyễn dynasty. 1946 – The Interim Government of India is formed, headed by Jawaharlal Nehru as vice president with the powers of a Prime Minister. 1957 – President Ngô Đình Diệm of South Vietnam becomes the first foreign head of state to make a state visit to Australia. 1958 – A USAF RC-130 is shot down by fighters over Armenia when it strays into Soviet airspace while conducting a sigint mission. All crew members are killed. 1960 – The first election of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile. The Tibetan community observes this date as Democracy Day. 1963 – CBS Evening News becomes U.S. network television's first half-hour weeknight news broadcast, when the show is lengthened from 15 to 30 minutes. 1968 – Operation OAU begins during the Nigerian Civil War. 1970 – NASA announces the cancellation of two Apollo missions to the Moon, Apollo 15 (the designation is re-used by a later mission), and Apollo 19. 1984 – Seven people are shot and killed and 12 wounded in the Milperra massacre, a shootout between the rival motorcycle gangs Bandidos and Comancheros in Sydney, Australia. 1985 – Sri Lankan Civil War: Sri Lankan Tamil politicians and former MPs M. Alalasundaram and V. Dharmalingam are shot dead. 1987 – In Moscow, the trial begins for 19-year-old pilot Mathias Rust, who flew his Cessna airplane into Red Square in May. 1990 – Transnistria is unilaterally proclaimed a Soviet republic; the Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev declares the decision null and void. 1992 – The 7.7 Mw  Nicaragua earthquake affected the west coast of Nicaragua. With a Ms–Mw disparity of half a unit, this tsunami earthquake triggered a tsunami that caused most of the damage and casualties, with at least 116 killed. Typical runup heights were 3–8 meters (9.8–26.2 ft). 1998 – Swissair Flight 111 crashes near Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia; all 229 people on board are killed. 1998 – The UN's International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda finds Jean-Paul Akayesu, the former mayor of a small town in Rwanda, guilty of nine counts of genocide. 2008 – Google launches its Google Chrome web browser. 2009 – The Andhra Pradesh, India helicopter crash occurred near Rudrakonda Hill, 40 nautical miles (74 km) from Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, India. Fatalities included Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy, the Chief Minister of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. 2010 – Israel-Palestinian conflict: the 2010 Israeli-Palestinian peace talks are launched by the United States. 2013 – The Eastern span replacement of the San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge opens at 10:15 PM at a cost of $6.4 billion, after the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake damaged the old span. 2019 – Hurricane Dorian, a category 5 hurricane, devastates the Bahamas, killing at least five. 2019 – The dive boat MV Conception catches fire and sinks near Santa Cruz Island, killing 34. 2023 – India's first solar observation mission: The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) successfully launches Aditya-L1 from Satish Dhawan space centre.
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I droni di Kiev vicino a Mosca: “Mancava un’ora per colpire il Cremlino”. E l’Ucraina ribalta i confini della guerra
È da quando il diciannovenne tedesco Mathias Rust beffò i sistemi di difesa aerea sovietici e atterrò con un piccolo aereo da turismo sulla Piazza Rossa di Mosca in piena Guerra fredda, nel 1987, che i russi non si sentivano così vulnerabili dall’alto. Un attacco multiplo con droni ucraini ha gettato nella confusione le autorità della Russia per dodici ore, tra la sera di lunedì e ieri…
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danisergeluk1 · 2 years
Kijken naar Chantal Met: Maaike Cafmeyer, Dries Heyneman, Mathias Sercu, Wim Opbrouck en Janne Desmet.
In Chantal is inspecteur Chantal Vantomme net verhuisd naar politiezone Spoorkin, de kleinste en meest westelijke politiezone van ons land. Ze begint er een nieuw leven als coördinator van het wijkcommissariaat van Loveringem en komt als alleenstaande moeder terecht in een macho-wereld waar de schijnbare rust heel bedrieglijk blijkt. Chantal gaat er echter op haar eigengereide manier mee om, wat de lokale bewoners duidelijk niet gewoon zijn. It’s a man's world ... En toen kwam Chantal.
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letterboxd-loggd · 3 years
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Show Me Love (Fucking Åmål) (1998) Lukas Moodysson
January 1st 2022
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