#massimiliano filadoro
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booksfromtheunderground · 1 year ago
Écrire comme Nathalie Sarraute
Après avoir suivi la routine d'écriture très casanière de Susan Sontag, il était temps d'écrire dans un hors de soi, de rendre son bureau d'écrivain toujours plus nomade. C'est pourquoi j'ai choisi, pendant une journée, de m'essayer à la routine d'écriture de Nathalie Sarraute.
Selon la BNF,
C’est sans doute au cours de la deuxième guerre mondiale – parce qu’à l’époque il s’agissait des rares lieux chauffés en permanence – que Sarraute conçut le rituel d’écriture qu’elle suivit presque jusqu’à sa mort, à 99 ans. Tous les matins, même le dimanche, elle se rendait à un café, « Le Marceau », avenue Marceau, à cinq minutes à pied de chez elle. Elle s’asseyait toujours à la même table et se faisait servir une tasse de café et un pot d’eau chaude. Elle se munissait de feuilles volantes, de ses cahiers de brouillon et de deux stylos feutres, au cas où l’un d’eux viendrait à lui faire défaut. Le café était tenu par des Libanais et les conversations en arabe, qu’elle ne comprenait pas, lui permettaient paradoxalement de se concentrer. Dans ce brouhaha ambiant, elle pouvait sans déranger murmurer ce qu’elle était en train d’écrire.
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Pour commencer à écrire, je me suis donc rendue dans la matinée dans un café non loin de chez moi, je me suis assise devant une fenêtre et j'ai pris un thé (évidemment). J'avais plusieurs objectifs d'écriture ce matin-là : écrire un peu dans mon journal, faire de l'écriture automatique puis me concentrer sur un appel à textes en anglais. Le tout sur papier, puisque Nathalie Sarraute écrivait sur feuilles.
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J'ai passé une dizaine de minutes sur mon journal, comme un échauffement. Puis, j'ai utilisé une autre de mes méthodes "d'inspiration" pour lancer une session d'écriture automatique : j'ai tiré au hasard une carte dans mon jeu de tarot (j'utilise Le Tarot surréaliste) et noté sa signification. Je suis tombée ce jour-là sur le 10 de bâtons, la suite des bâtons représentant la folie et le 10, selon Massimiliano Filadoro, le Blanc-Seing. J'ai pris quelques notes sur ce que ls significations données m'inspiraient, puis j'ai amorcé un récit.
Finalement, cette histoire m'a semblée parfaite pour intégrer mon recueil de nouvelles en cours d'écriture. J'en ai rédigé une page, puis j'ai échaffaudé un plan narratif assez vague pour me permettre une certaine liberté dans la rédaction. En tout, j'ai passé une heure sur ce début de nouvelle.
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J'ai terminé cette matinée d'écriture en me concentrant sur un appel à textes, celui du tout nouveau magazine littéraire & artistique Nowhere Girl Collective, fondé par Dakota Warren. Le thème de l'appel à textes de novembre est ouroboros, un symbole cyclique qui renvoie à l'auto-manducation, à l'autodestruction et au cycle de la vie. À partir de ce sujet, j'ai rédigé le premier jet d'un poème :
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Ayant rempli tous mes objectifs d'écriture pour la journée, je me suis alors rendue au cinéma pour voir Le Règne animal, réalisé par Thomas Cailley. La question du devenir-animal y rejoint celle du devenir soi et du coming of age, mêlant ainsi réflexion sur l'adolescence et, plus généralement, sur la nature humaine. J'ai beaucoup aimé ce film, très bien réalisé et qui aborde avec justesse la notion de deuil.
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Alors, plutôt Susan Sontag ou Nathalie Sarraute ?
Pour ma part, la routine de Sarraute m'a complétement séduite, et m'a qui plus est permise de trouver un café près de chez moi, parfait pour aller écrire dans un équilibré mélange de bruits ambiants et de silence, de mouvement et de tranquillité. Mes productions m'ont beaucoup plus plues que celles écrites la semaine dernière, dont je me suis très rapidement détachée ; j'ai amorcé une nouvelle qui me plaît bien plus que la précédente et je suis pour l'instant relativement satisfaite du poème écrit pour l'appel à textes.
Sur ce, l'on se retrouvera dans un prochain article.
Littérairement vôtre,
me trouver ailleurs :
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slywolfdesigns · 8 months ago
The Queen has a message for you. Find a moment of stillness today to pause, to listen, and to reflect on her call.
What do you hear when you turn your attention to your own heart?
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Deck is the Yoga Tarot by Massimiliano Filadoro and Adriana Farina
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liberecitazioni · 6 years ago
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"Ciecamente sogniamo di superare la morte attraverso l'immortalità, anche se da sempre l'immortalità ha rappresentato la peggiore delle condanne, il destino più terrificante"
- Jean Baudrillard
fonte foto: fumetto "Splatter", "Profeti dall'inferno", storia: "Le piante del Dottor Cinderella"
(testi: Massimiliano Filadoro, disegni: Valerio Giangiordano)
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spiral-nature · 6 years ago
Vice Versa Tarot
Vice Versa Tarot, by Massimiliano Filadoro and Lunaea Weatherstone, artwork by Davide Corsi Lo Scarabeo, 9780738754369, 78 cards, 160 pp, original release 2017, new edition 2019 The Vice Versa Tarotis a really neat deck, faithful to standard themes, but with so much additional detail to consider — on both sides of the cards! And there’s not a good side or a bad side, just…
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bibliophilicwitch · 6 years ago
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W E E K L Y M U S E R E V E A L 💫 05/19/19
Lapis lazuli: It is time to step back to allow your emotions to cool and your mind to slow. From here you are better able to make the decision that has been demanding your attention though you may conclude that an expert may be needed to help you.
Moss Agate: The worst has happened and everything feels hopeless, but this up turning of your life has given you an opportunity you would not have considered from your comfortable position before. Take this opportunity to grow and move forward.
Rhodonite: Remember that slow and steady wins the race. The time may seem to crawl, but the time and energy put into your goal will prove long-lasting and sturdy.
This week I am featuring The Mucha Tarot by Lunaea Weatherstone, Massimiliano Filadoro, and Giulia F. Massaglia. The gorgeous artwork of this deck is inspired by art nouveau.
Vote in the poll to help me choose next week's featured deck and check out my deck list to tell me in the comments which decks should be in next week's poll!
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soulreflectiontarot · 4 years ago
Today’s Card of The Day is a collective Love Reading on the Divine Masculines. Remember we have both DF and DM within ourselves, see how this may fit your situation. Only take what resonates and leave the rest. The Cards used are Vice Versa Tarot by Massimiliano Filadoro and Lunaea Weatherstone. . . . #cardsoftheday🔮 #dailyfortunetelling #dailytarotreading #lovetarotreading #tarotlovereading #divinemasculine #divinemasculinerising #twinflames #divinemasculineenergy #twinflame #divinemasculinecollective #lovereaders #divinemasculinehealing #twinflamewithin #twinflamejourney #twinflameconnection #viceversatarot https://www.instagram.com/p/CTPLw_yHzXM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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elementosdotarot · 7 years ago
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"To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you".  _  Lewis B. Smedes /// /// ///  "Perdoar é libertar um prisioneiro e, só então, descobrir que o prisioneiro era você".   _   Lewis B. Smedes /// /// ///  8 of Swords / 8 de Espadas :  "Mucha Tarot", created by Lunaea Weatherstone, Massimiliano Filadoro & Giulia F. Massaglia. #tarot #tarotreading #tarotreader #tarotcards #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotdeck #tarotcommunity #tarotgram #divination #cartomancyreading #workingdeck #oraclereadersofinstagram #oracle #cardoftheday #cardreading #lenormandreadersofinstagram #intuition #spirituality #spirit #psychic #psychicreadings #alextarologo #quoteoftheday #muchatarot #mucha #forgive #restriction #powerless #confused #swords
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taratarotgreene · 4 years ago
Metamorphosis time Tarot reading
Metamorphosis time Tarot reading
One day to go until the BIG DAY here’s a different tarot deck which was calling me to do a reading for you. The Tarot of Metamorphosis, initially published by Lo Scarabeo with art by Massimiliano Filadoro, in 2016 I do not have the rights to use this and I am very aware of contravening rights so please watch it on my YouTube channel Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara…
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avaedeve · 5 years ago
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Grazie dei 16000 like sulla pagina Facebook AdrianaFarinaAvaEdEve! Non sono riuscita a fare un nuovo sketch e vi ringrazio con uno degli Oracoli: Zhi Nu e Niu Lang (L’amore che attende) La danza degli opposti. (Oracoli) su testo di Massimiliano Filadoro. 24x42 inchiostro su carta da acquerello ruvida (originale e stampe disponibili) #oracoli #ladanzadegliopposti #adrianafarina #art #illustration #drawing #draw #picture #artist #artsy #beautiful #gallery #masterpiece #creative #photooftheday #graphic #graphics #artoftheday #paper #brush #ink #beautifulbizarre #avaedeve https://www.instagram.com/p/CC8gp-KBoe_/?igshid=3333yt00aqbn
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kiramleigh · 7 years ago
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Tarot with Jeff Birthday Challenge ~ January 27
8 of Pentacles: Past, Present, & Future
Past: You have been gifted with natural talents and have continued to grow your talents over time. You have worked hard and put a lot of time and effort into your current project.
Present: Focus intently and continue working hard on your projects using your natural talents. You may be close to the finish line but it’s still not completed.
Future: Your current project can be completed but only by utilizing your natural talents, focusing intently, and putting more time into it. It will pay off in the long run and you will have improved on your natural talents and current skills. Yes, it’s hard work but you have the skills to do it. Have faith!
Featured Deck: ViceVersa Tarot by Massimiliano Filadoro & Lunaea Weatherstone, Art by Davide Corsi
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liberalcom-blog · 6 years ago
Shaman Tarot/Tarot de Los Chamanes
https://liber-al.com/?p=42716 Healers, visionaries, advisers, intermediaries between the physical and spirit worlds-shamans have played a variety of roles throughout the ages. This unique tarot-built upon a multicultural mosaic of spiritual traditions-can put you in touch with a vast collection of shamanic wisdom for guidance in the modern world. The companion booklets for most Lo Scarabeo decks are in five languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, and German. Editorial Reviews Summary: Shaman Tarot recreates the shamanic experience introducing you to dancing, journeying, and healing. By inviting you into the other-realms, the Shaman Tarot opens your mind and spirit to all that is and all that can be. You will meet beings of greater wisdom than you can ever imagine. They are all here, in these cards and in your soul. In-Depth Review: Shaman Tarot really is a rare piece of work. Many Tarot decks are created by marrying a theme with the structure of a Tarot deck, and those decks achieve varying degrees of success. With the Shaman Tarot it feels as we have indeed entered the shaman’s experience. For most of us the different plane exist separately. For the shaman, they are all part of a whole. And so it is with this deck. Deck Attributes Name of deck: Shaman Tarot ISBN: 9780738720739 Creator’s name: Massimiliano Filadoro Brief biography of creator: Creator of the Yoga Tarot , the Tarot of Metamorphosis , and the Universal Tarot . Artists’ names: Sabrina Ariganello and Alessia Pastorello Name of accompanying booklet: Shaman Tarot Number of pages of booklet: 63 (14 in English) Authors of booklet: Massimiliano Filadoro Magical Uses: Pathworking Reading Uses: General, karma, spiritual Artistic Style: Illustration Theme: Shamanic practices Does it follow Rider-Waite-Smith Standard?: Basically (see review) Does it have extra cards?: No Does it have alternate names for Major Arcana cards?: Yes. Each of the Majors has been changed to show the RWS archetype through a shamanic lens. Does it have alternate names for Minor Arcana suits?: Yes: Does it have alternate names for the Court Cards?: No, but they each have a shamanic name in addition to their regular court name. Alternative decks you might like: Animals Divine Shapeshifter Native American Tarot Tarot of the Druids – From the Publisher
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decklibrary · 6 years ago
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Vice Versa Tarot Kit Cards
by Massimiliano Filadoro (Author), Lunaea Weatherstone (Author)
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications; Box Tcr Cr edition (September 8, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0738754366
ISBN-13: 978-0738754369
Purchase at: Llewellyn I Amazon
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divinity-embodied-blog · 8 years ago
General Energy Reading (I) pt 1
Hello my lovelies! In a moment i will be post the first general energy reading.
Now you will notice that i refrain from using timelines. This reading was not done for a specific week, for a specific month or even for a specific year. From what i have learned and am still learning, time is an illusion. Our linear concept of time can create an energetic fog when trying to work through these energies that are available to us.
My intention is that you will stumble upon this reading when you are meant to. You will be guided to this reading by your higher self because there is a message here for you.
So with that in mind, try to let go of the idea of time frames when tuning into this reading. Take a moment to center yourself. Tune into your heart chakra. Connect with your guide(s): be it your higher self, an archangel, an ascended master, or all of the above.
This journey is all about you.
These readings are meant to provide you with the information that you need in order to gain a higher perspective on whatever situation you may find yourself in.
there are no answers to be found here, outside of what you already know and are ready and able to accept.
i have separated this reading into 6 parts and will title them as such. I will include the question that was asked, and a picture of the card that came out, as well as additional supplemental cards that were pulled for further insight.
For this reading i used 2 decks:
Main deck: Shaman Tarot by Massimiliano Filadoro
Supplemental deck: Rider-Waite tarot deck (mini)
Much Love & Light to you all
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elementosdotarot · 4 years ago
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"Guerreiros vitoriosos são vencedores antes mesmo de irem para a batalha, enquanto que guerreiros derrotados vão à guerra primeiro e só então buscam a vitória ". Sun Tzu ///. ///. /// "Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win". _Sun Tzu /// ///. /// "ViceVersa Tarot", by Davide Corsi, Lunaea Weatherstone & Massimiliano Filadoro, for Lo Scarabeo / #cartomancy #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #oraclereadersofinstagram #oracle #divination #cardreading #cartomancersofinstagram #oraclecards #spiritual #spirituality #oracledecks #intuition #intuitive #esoterismo #esoterism #esoteric #quotes #quoteoftheday #suntzu #inspirationalquotes #lifequotes #alextarologo #tarologo #baralho # #viceversatarot #6ofwands #6depaus #loscarabeo https://www.instagram.com/p/CJA9cPjnWiT/?igshid=1l7dsma62mfmu
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avaedeve · 6 years ago
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Il fantastico allestimento de "La Danza degli opposti" nella stanza delle torture 🖤 Fino al 6 settembre a Palazzo Risolo, @specchia.le Testi di Massimiliano Filadoro @magusmassi69 A cura di @rossanacalbi in collaborazione con @viviana_cazzato #oracoli #ladanzadegliopposti #stanzadelletorture #adrianafarina #art #illustration #ink #brush #b&w #beautifulbizarre (presso Incantevole Borgo Antico di Specchia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B18Nwcdid9X/?igshid=uzd45kvk1qzo
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avaedeve · 6 years ago
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"Eco e Narciso" de "La Danza degli opposti" Dall'1 al 6 settembre a Palazzo Risolo, Specchia Testi di Massimiliano Filadoro @magusmassi69 A cura di @rossanacalbi in collaborazione con @viviana_cazzato #oracoli #ladanzadegliopposti #narciso #adrianafarina #art #illustration #ink #brush #b&w #beautifulbizarre (presso Specchia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B13s-5hi8gE/?igshid=64oahtii3rvk
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