#massif plantes
scrapxrat · 1 year
Marseille Concrete Slab Patio
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Patio container garden - large, open-air, concrete Mediterranean patio container garden
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cobbssecondbelt · 2 years
"Canon" is a myth. Darksaber? Mandalorian wars? First Order? What are you talking about? The reality is, Din Djarin and Cobb Vanth live happily together in their little farm house on Nevarro, as respectable marshals and proud loving parents of little Grogu (who gets cool presents and speeder rides from aunt Cara and hangs out with grandpa Greef every Friday afternoon) and a tooka.
What do you mean I'm delusional-
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kreasecock · 1 year
Landscape - Fountain
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An example of a huge traditional full sun front yard landscaping.
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littlesansabird · 1 year
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Ideas for a sizable, formal Mediterranean stone garden. Design ideas for a large mediterranean full sun stone formal garden.
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byyova · 1 year
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Landscape - Fountain An example of a huge traditional full sun front yard landscaping.
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shiroweenie · 1 year
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Patio Vertical Garden Inspiration for a mid-sized, vertical garden patio remodel in a Mediterranean backyard with an added roof extension
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panela-na-janela · 1 year
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Beach Style Landscape This is an illustration of a sizable, fully-lit coastal hillside with decking during the summer.
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microprogressions · 1 year
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Landscape Decking Design ideas for a mid-sized contemporary drought-tolerant, privacy and full sun backyard wood fence landscaping with decking in spring.
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thejoshlange · 2 years
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Pool in Marseille Photo of a large, modern, rectangular infinity pool with decking
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mutant-distraction · 2 months
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▪️The Massif de Hogar is a mountain range that rises suddenly to the west of Tamanrassete, Algeria. The region has an average height of 900 meters above sea level, the highest point is Mount Tahat, in the center of Atakor. It culminates at 3,003 meters high, and is also the highest peak in Algeria. The Hogar massif is essentially made up of volcanic rocks and constitutes a vast rocky region within the Sahara desert.
▪️The Hoggar Mountains are home to the Ahaggar National Park, one of the country's national parks. ▪️The Hoggar mountain range typically has hot summers, with a cold climate in winter. Temperatures drop below freezing in winter. Precipitation is rare and sporadic throughout the year. However, because the climate is less extreme than in most other areas of the Sahara, the mountains are an important location for biodiversity, including a number of relict species. The Hoggar Mountains are part of the Western Sahara montane xeric forests ecoregion.
▪️The park also contains a population of herbivores, such as the Saharan subspecies of the Berber sheep and the Dorcas gazelle.
The vegetation in this area includes trees such as Vachellia tortilis, Vachellia seyal, myrtle and Tamarix aphylla which are spread throughout the area. Other plants may include Citrullus colocynthis and Calotropis procera .
▪️The Hogar massif is the land of the Imuagues, a tribe of the Tuareg people. The oasis of Abalassa near the town of Tamanrassete is the site of the tomb of the famous leader Tin Hinan, the matriarch believed to have been the ancestor of the Tuareg people in the Hogar Mountains.
📸 By Дмитрий Дубиковский
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draculancer-flow · 2 months
We’re igniting entire atmospheres just to pull a decent hit off the blunt. I am directly responsible for the extinction of, at minimum, 100,000 species of extraterrestrial animals and plants. This shit ain’t nothing to me, man. When they cracked the Massif Vaults open, first thing they found was my ass passed out in the corner, covered in canned sardine juice. Needed an exabyte archive just to remember that I’m them. I’m moving aggressive, playin’ offense, they thought I’d give in to economic and political pressures ‘till I swerved straight through Ras Shamra at .998c. Split the planet like a fuckin’ coconut, should be dead but got sent back on account of I’m a buster. This shit ain’t nothing to me, man.
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cacodaemonia · 1 month
Waxer/Boil rec list
I'm just copying this from a post I made in the Waxer*Boil community about a month ago:
Here are some recs from my recent(ish) bookmarks on AO3. I've listed eight of them, so I'm putting them all under a cut:
"Far Into the Night" by @lizardberries, rated T, Force-sensitive clones and hurt/comfort!
Summary: Putting his hands on either side of Boil’s face, Waxer leans their foreheads together, closes his eyes, and opens their connection even more. The emptiness flows into him, and Waxer braces himself against it, calling out for Boil through their link as loudly as he dares.
Boil doesn’t answer.
"dropstone" by @theproblemwithstardust, rated T, huddling for warmth!
Summary: Boil is adjusting the wrap on his hiking pole when something hits his back with a soft fwump. He tenses, half expecting one of the planet’s large predators to break through the tree line. But instead of growling and heavy footfalls, there’s a quiet snicker and the telltale squeak of snowshoes.
Or, Waxer and Boil visit an ice planet
"Friends Don't Set You On Fire" by @elismor, rated T, Corrie!Waxer and Boil!
Summary: Five times the massifs brought Corrie Waxer and Boil together (and one they did not)
Everything Sings" by @aerjnn, rated M, meet-cute!
Summary: Boil lets himself into the room where a clone—not Wooley—is passed out fully clothed in Wooley’s bed and snoring like a ronto. This’ll be the sharpshooter's roommate, he guesses. Must’ve come back with the first wave. Boil sighs, tosses his jacket on the narrow bed, and heads back out onto the third floor landing. Leaning out over the little balcony to the courtyard, he breathes in deeply, filling his lungs with air that’s still warm in spite of the rain earlier. And still filled with possibility.
"'Til the Sky Falls Down on Us" by @lizardberries, rated M, mission fic with a love confession!
Summary: This is a terrible time for this—they’re both cold and hurt and miserable, they’re fairly certain no rescue is coming for them, and they could be discovered by the enemy at any time. But when Boil thinks of the few moments after the grenade blast when Waxer wasn’t moving, when he couldn’t tell yet whether Waxer still had a pulse, it suddenly feels incredibly important—he doesn’t want to go out with anything unsaid between them. He doesn’t want to die without letting Waxer know how much he means to him.
"Table Manners" by @petrifiedforests, rated T, vampires!
Summary: “Ah,” Waxer says, startled. “Uh hi! Are you Boil?” Boil nods and kind of awkwardly gestures to his comm. “If you have a bit, you signed up for, you know…” “Ohhhh, snack time. You’re hungry?” Waxer realizes, grinning when he sees Boil’s instinctual grimace at his phrasing.
"Horticulture" by @valkeakuulas, rated E, tentacle smut!
Summary: Despite this having been his idea, Boil couldn’t help but feel a little nervous as he stared at the large, slowly swaying plant.
"Three Long Summers Went By" by @bilbosmom-belladonna, rated G, flashbacks to the war and post-war happy ending!
Summary: At the table, Waxer was hovering over a pile of small tooka dolls. As Boil approached he picked one up and held it out. “Look at this!” he cried as he shook the purple and yellow doll. “It looks just like it!”
“Just like what?” Boil asked, glancing warily at the vendor who was eyeing them suspiciously, their head-tendrils waving in a menacing cloud around their head.
“Numa’s toy!” Waxer replied excitedly. “The one she had at her house. She had to leave it behind when the gutkurrs found us.” He gave the doll a little squeeze and it squeaked, just like Numa’s had. Waxer locked eyes with Boil, his face eager. “We have to get it.”
Boil raised an eyebrow. “Why would we do that?”
Enjoy! :D
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ultraflavour · 9 months
7 Fantasy RPGs to fill the D&D-shaped Hole in your Life
So. It finally happened. Either Hasbro, or Wizards of the Coast, or someone else associated with Dungeons & Dragons finally did something so fucked-up that you've decided to swear it off entirely.
The problem is that for decades, there has been one obvious answer to the question of "What game with Dwarves, Longswords and Wizards in it should we play" and that was D&D, every time. Even their strongest rival in the past couple of decades was just an older version of D&D with a spit shine.
Now you find yourself adrift in a sea of possibility, with no signposts. There are names you've heard, but you have no idea which ones you'd actually be interested in, because you had always just assumed you'd be playing D&D until the heat death of the universe.
So let's take a look at a few games that want to fill that D&D-shaped hole in your gaming life, and examine what they're offering.
Disclaimer: I'm not covering the entire breadth and depth of the TTRPG industry here. I'm specifically going to be covering Fantasy RPGs that should appeal to D&D fans here. So if I didn't cover your favourite indie RPG, sorry. But there has to be a "First step" outside of the D&D bubble, and each of these games should fulfill that need.
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The Other "Kitchen Sink" Game: Pathfinder
If you can't bring yourself to keep playing the corporate game, but you still want something that offers as close to that gameplay experience as you can possibly get, your best bet at the time of this writing is probably Pathfinder 2nd Edition.
I say this as someone who very much did not vibe with the original Pathfinder, or its "D&D in space" sister product Starfinder. But at this point, I'd absolutely tell a newcomer to jump into Pathfinder 2E before I recommended they buy any WotC product.
To their credit, the 2nd Edition of Pathfinder does much more to, uh, find its own path by diverging from 3.5 edition and implementing new systems that take it into uncharted territory. The "Two Actions Per Turn" paradigm is often cited by its proponents as being a meaningful improvement over the 5E way of doing things.
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The "TTJRPG": Fabula Ultima
One of the biggest success stories of the early 20's was Fabula Ultima from NEED Games in Italy. It came seemingly out of nowhere to win the ENnie Gold Award for Best Game of 2023. Since then it's become notoriously difficult to find in print, though it's still freely available as a PDF.
Fabula Ultima is a "TTJRPG," modelled after Japanese fantasy video games like Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Phantasy Star, Breath of Fire, etc. While it's firmly planted in the Fantasy genre, its gameplay will also very recognizable to fans of those types of games.
The major benefit of this conceit is that you can probably already picture how combat in FabUlt works in your mind: Two rows of characters take turns jumping and slashing at each other, or casting magical spells to harm, heal, or apply status conditions. There's no concept of "Spacing," but the game still manages to be mechanically intricate with lots of varied class abilities and status effects to apply.
D&D refugees looking for a game where you simply pick a class and fight some monsters, but aren't too particular about how they do that, will find a lot to love here. FabUlt leans much more heavily on storytelling mechanics than D&D does, so players who've been looking for something a bit more "Theater of the Mind" should be well taken care of here.
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Final Fantasy Lancer: ICON
Like Fabula Ultima, ICON is a TTRPG that takes heavy inspiration from JRPGs, specifically tactical games like Final Fantasy Tactics and Tactics Ogre. It's from Massif Press, who also authored the surprise indie Mech combat hit Lancer.
And like Lancer, ICON is a game with two very distinct rulesets: Outside of combat, a "Fiction-first" narrative system inspired heavily by Blades in the Dark; In combat, a grid-based tactical skirmish game reminiscent of D&D 4th Edition. All backed by the gorgeous art of its author Tom Parkinson-Morgan, who also writes and illustrates the comic Kill Six Billion Demons.
ICON separates its "narrative" class system from its combat class system, giving each character two distinct character sheets that come into play at different times. Because those two systems don't have to cross over very much, each can be as intricate or as rules-light as it needs to be to promote the type of gameplay most appropriate for the situation.
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The Old-School Gateway Drug: Shadowdark
If you ever took a few steps outside of the walled garden that is D&D in the past few years, you will likely have read or heard of the OSR, or "Old-School Revival/Renaissance." Proponents of the OSR are players who yearn for an older style of Dungeon Crawling Survival Horror game that hearkens back to the early days of D&D, before the players became akin to superheroes.
Shadowdark aims to be a game that bridges the gap to that style of gameplay, without being totally unfamiliar to players who only ever learned 5th Edition mechanics. It's "Old-School gaming, modernized."
Aside from simply being a modern take on a D20 fantasy game, it freshens up gameplay using a mechanic called the "Torch Timer." It turns light into a resource that dwindles in real time. This serves to elevate the tension of the game as every minute that passes is one less minute of light on your torch. And when the torches run out, well... You can probably guess what happens next.
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5th Edition with the Serial Numbers Filed Off: Tales of the Valiant
Tell me if you've heard this one before: Wizards of the Coast introduces sweeping changes to its "Open" license model, leading existing 3rd-party content creators to create their own version of an older ruleset to protect the viability of their backlog. It happened in the past, but what are the chances that happens a second time? Ha!
Well... It did happen again. This time, playing the role of the "Paizo" in this scenario is Kobold Press, who loudly declared that they were "Raising the Black Flag" in response. In order to ensure that there would always be a "Core Fantasy" ruleset that would remain compatible with their content, they announced Tales of the Valiant, which would essentially duplicate the 5th Edition ruleset with a bit of a spit shine, in much the same way that Pathfinder did for 3.5 Edition.
Tales of the Valiant will be the game for the D&D player who just wanted a rules refresh of 5th Edition, but also doesn't want to keep throwing money at the corporate hegemony. It should end up being "The 5E you can feel good about supporting," and that matters right now.
Matt Colville's Big Bet: The MCDM RPG
Kobold Press was not the only publisher of third-party D&D content to have a strong reaction to the OGL fiasco. Unlike Tales of the Valiant however, Matt Colville's response was to announce a fully new Fantasy RPG system, with no expectation of backwards compatibility with any edition of D&D.
MCDM's sights are firmly set on the "Post-Kitchen-Sink" future, and to that end their game is explicitly not trying to be the one game for every possible playstyle. It's Tactical, meaning you'll need a grid to play it on, and it's Heroic, meaning characters should feel powerful, and not like they're constantly one critical hit or failed trap-sensing check away from being decapitated.
This approach might seem like a massive risk considering how insanely powerful 5th Edition became at its peak. But a record-breaking crowdfunding campaign backed by over 30,000 people shows that there is at least an appetite for something new, and that there is a like-minded community of players ready and waiting to join you.
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The Critical Role Game: Daggerheart
If the Kobold Press announcement was a shot across the bow, and the MCDM crowdfunder was a bomb dropped, then Daggerheart is a full-blown asteroid, streaking straight towards Wizards of the Coast HQ.
Daggerheart is an original Fantasy RPG from Darrington Press, the publishing arm of the Critical Role media company. That by itself should mean something considering how important CR is to the D&D brand, but there's more to talk about here. Though it superficially resembles D&D in a lot of ways, it has some extremely important differences. Namely, its use of "Powered by the Apocalypse" mechanics such as "Fail Forward" dice rolling and "No Initiative" combat.
While "PbtA" has become somewhat of a loaded term in the D&D community, Critical Role has an opportunity to overcome that stigma with the sheer force of their platform. I've made this case already in the past, but if they were to use their power to do for themselves what they did for 5th Edition, it would be the most significant threat to the Hasbro Hegemony to emerge since Pathfinder. Let alone taking just a slice, Daggerheart has the long-term potential to take the whole damn pie.
And more!
The games I've listed here are all theoretically capable of replacing the Corpo game as your "go-to" long-term game. Not all of them are fully playable as of this writing, but they all represent one possible future for the "Sword and Sorcery" RPG genre.
There are of course a whole plethora of other games out there beyond the limited scope of "Medieval Fantasy" that are just as valid and just as viable, if you're feeling a bit more adventurous.
If you're looking for something explicitly tactical like a miniature skirmish game, but still in the RPG genre, and you're willing to expand your choice of genre beyond Euro-centric Medieval Fantasy even further beyond ICON, you might be interested in Gubat Banwa or the aforementioned Lancer.
If you want a game that promotes a slightly more streamlined, less mechanically-intricate approach to combat while still giving you tons of monsters to kick the shit out of, you might want to check out the "Illuminated by LUMEN" family of games inspired by the games LIGHT and NOVA from Gila RPGs. It might even inspire you to write your own RPG!
If you're more interested in the Old-School Renaissance, you might want to check out Forbidden Lands, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Old-School Essentials, or MÖRK BORG.
If you like the idea of "Old-School Roleplaying" but are also willing to step outside of the fantasy genre into Sci-fi territory, you might be interested in Stars Without Number, its Cyberpunk sister product Cities Without Number, or Mothership.
Finally, if you just want a game that focuses on telling the best story rather than mindlessly killing monsters and acquiring loot, you might want to check out Blades in the Dark, Thirsty Sword Lesbians, Girl by Moonlight, Coyote and Crow, and many more Fiction-First games in the Powered by the Apocalypse and Forged in the Dark genres.
But most importantly: Just play more games! Don't just buy them, play them! The point of this whole exercise is to replace the monopoly with a plurality, for the sake of the health of the tabletop gaming industry.
Because the next time Hasbro lays off a bunch of WotC employees, there should be a much stronger, more diverse industry for them to land in feet-first. We should all want for the people who build the games we love to feel safe in their career choice. Not just for the sake of the ones who are already there, but for future prospective designers and artists who want to make their mark.
It should be viable to be a tabletop game designer outside of just making more D&D stuff forever, because as we've seen, it's not safe to assume that we can all just keep doing the same thing we've been doing and not get bit on the ass by it.
If we want that future, we have to take it into our own hands and build it ourselves. But if there's one group of people that knows about building something very big from very little, it's TTRPG players.
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Greetings and grats on 300+!!!
May I request:
• Hound (special appearance Grizz?)
• romantic
• gn!reader
• sfw
• 300
• prompt: 9 - "Help me."
• optional: said by reader; maybe desperate could be inspiration; blue neon lights?
tysm, feel free to ignore if not vibing with it <3 grats again
Kiss Me
Hound x GN!Reader
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Pairing: Hound x GN!Reader
Tags & Warnings: fluff, stalker-ish, light angst
Word Count: 300
Author's Note: Moon, sweetie, thank you so much for sending in a request for my event 🥺 I love Hound and was so excited when I saw that you asked for him! I really wanted to go a little further with this one, but that darn 300 word limit stopped me 😒Who knows though, maybe I'll make it into a full-length fic someday! As always, please enjoy 💚
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Your pace quickens as you walk down the neon lit street. You take a few random turns, periodically peeking over your shoulder at the man walking your same path. Your unease begins to turn into anxiety as you believe he must be following you. You’ve been trying to lose him, but you're running out of ideas and places to go.
You steal another look behind you and make a sharp turn down the next street. However, your escape is interrupted when you crash into something hard. You gasp and fall backwards onto your butt. When you open your eyes, you’re greeted by a massif sniffing your feet. You startle, but let your eyes follow its leash up to the Coruscant Guardsman holding it.
“Are you alright?” Hound asks, stretching his hand out to help you up. “That was quite a hard hit.” 
You stare at the ARF trooper blankly before getting an idea. "Pretend to be my boyfriend," you say.
"I'm sorry?" Hound questions, wondering if he heard you wrong.
"Kiss me," you insist as you step closer to him.
"What?" Hound takes a nervous step back.
You take a step forward. "Please," you whisper. "Help me. He’s been following me since I left the bar."
Hound can hear the desperation in your voice, and looks behind you to see a man coming around the corner. Without further thought, Hound places his hand on the small of your back and pulls you against him. He lifts up his bucket and presses his lips against yours. After a moment, he breaks the kiss, plants another on your forehead, and watches as the man turns.
“He’s leaving,” Hound says as he lets you go.
“Thank you,” you sigh in relief, before looking at him and smiling. “Can I buy you a caf?”
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coovieilledentelle · 3 months
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Couleur lavande et soleil...
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« la légende de la lavande »
Il y a bien longtemps lorsque les fées peuplaient les grottes de la terre , une jolie petite fée aux grands yeux mauves qui aimait le soleil et la mer vint se promener en Provence .
Elle avait un carnet de voyage magique sur lequel s'imprimait tous les paysages qu'elle visitait.
Après avoir parcouru les montagnes des Alpes, du Massif central , des Cévennes, elle arriva dans une région désertique très chaude à quelques  lieues de la mer. Rien n'y poussait : cette terre rouge ressemblait à un enfer de solitude. Le soleil  brulait sans cesse sur ces rochers et ces pierres.
La petite fée qui portait le jolie nom de Lavandine en fut toute chagrinée et attristée lorsque ces paysages arides et secs s'imprimèrent sur son carnet. Elle versa de grosses larmes recouvrant ainsi les images des dentelles de Monmirail des abords du mont Ventoux des steppes de Ventesole de Sault de Nyons . De grosses gouttelettes mauves de la couleur de ses yeux s'éparpillèrent tachant le carnet. 
Lavandine essaya de les effacer mais ne fit que les étirer ajoutant le parfum suave de ses larmes  aux taches et au carnet.
Alors elle tenta de les dissimuler en dessinant un ciel bleu pour faire oublier ces tâches violet tes ! Le paysage se couvrit de petites fleurs mauves. 
On donna le nom de lavande à cette plante en souvenir de la fée « Lavandine ». On raconte que depuis ce jour-là, la lavande pousse allègrement sur les terres de Provence, s’entremêlant au ciel couleur bleu 
.On dit aussi que la fée vient à chaque floraison de la lavande à la fin juin pour cueillir des bouquets qu'elle offre à ses soeurs restées dans les nues.
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neutralvibe · 9 months
Frozen waters
Subnautica Below Zero small story
Song: Part Organic Part Digital - Ben Prunty
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It was a very calm evening, no storm in the distance, the strong and cold wind had calmed into a soft breeze, and the temperature wasn't as cold as it was during the day.
It was a once in a while situation. It didn't happen all that often to have such a peaceful moment in this secteur.
But it was alright, you always cherished those moments of calm and stillness. It's always a welcome change of pace in your everyday life of research.
The rays of the sun were the only source of warmth you had for the moment, as you sat at the edge of one of the massif icebergs located towards the cracker edge of the secteur. Yes, it was a restricted area for many reasons, mainly because of all the dangerous creatures below but, you manage to found a way to go through undetected by those creatures (that tends to stay on ground level) AND your superiors by swimming side by side with glow whales.
It's a very unique experience to swim side by side with one of them. It's like swimming with creatures holding the secrets of the univers and the cosmos. They know so much and express so much with their eyes, your heart became heavy with emotions the first time you've experience it, it was beautiful.
You tug your equipment closer to yourself as a shivers run downs your spine. Even if the wind has calm down, the temperature was not forgiving. It was easily -39 celsius out, a rather warm day but still cold.
Atleast you had a cold suit on and some fevered pepper. You also believed you saw some growing in a small opening of the icebergs, the ice must've had melted and created this space that sheltered them from the wind and the storms and so, giving the chance for grow.
It always fascinated you how life always found a way to grow despite all the harsh conditions of the environment. For example the thermal lillies, they grow straight from the cliffs of ice and stay alive by consuming the minerals within the ice and absorbing the sunlight as a heat source to store it within its body.
It's mind blowing!
Sometimes, you believe you should've studied biology than robotics. There's so much to discover and to understand in this univers. Of course, robotics is also very helpful in discovering new things and helping with research but, there's just this special feeling in your heart everytime you meet a new plant or creature. Intrigued and curiosity takes over. To try and understand the world around you. After all, it's also the one you live in.
Maybe in another life.
The sun was beginning to set as it cast a golden hue on the neverending ocean before you. The few clouds were slowly painted with a deep orange fading to bright yellow. The clouds behind you were also slowly chosing their color as deep pink. It was like looking at a vintage painting from the late 1400. It was a magnificent sight. One you quickly took a picture of to keep in your pda but, noticed it wasn't as pretty as the actual sight.
As the sun set further into the horizon, the first moon was beginning to do it's fourth rotation of the day. It's soon going to block the last few sunlight and the freezing night is going to start.
As much as you don't want to leave this magical moment. It's not for no reason why there's a curfew at sunset. The temperature drop so much that it's deadly for anyone during the night.
With a heavy heart, you start packing your equipment to go back to the headquarters.
The sound of the quiet waves crashing on the iceberg's edge takes your focus almost instantly. Making you really wish you could stay longer as the sound brought peace to your mind. Stars, you really don't want to go. To stay here and live this moment a little longer than to go back to the loud environment of the robotics headquarters.
A small cloud of steam leaves your mouth as you sigh deeply before looking one last time at the sun that was now half block by the moon.
It's getting dark and you notice the small layer of ice slowly forming on top the freezing waters.
Yeah, it's best to go back.
Standing at the edge of the icebergs, you look towards the horizon. Your last thought that passed through your mind before jumping in the frozen waters was that it would be nice to have a cup of hot chocolate before calling it night.
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