#mass share
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nyxi-pixie · 4 months ago
'wah wah everywhere is falling to the right wing the whole world is doomed' literally like 6 months ago we were talking about how there was a trend in countries getting rid of their right wing governments. poland at the end of last year, france voted in a unified centre left/left alliance, even the UK finally got rid of the tories after 15 years (right wing splitting be damned, it still happened). outside of europe, bangladesh removed a dictator in like 2 seconds, india may have reelected their Evil Guy but on a DISTINCTLY reduced majority, theres been queer rights successes in thailand, with gay marriage set to be legal by 2025, and thereve been positive court cases on it in japan. and this is just stuff i vaguely remember hearing about. im sure theres more if you care to look for anything aside from more reasons to make yourself miserable
the US has a distinct effect on everyone, so this won't be fun for anyone (least of all its population. sorry guys), and there ARE a lot of people sliding into right wing extremism, but presenting this like its an unchallenged worldwide phenomenon is inaccurate, its damagingly bleak, and all it does is encourage despair and apathy. you DO have political power, and you shouldnt forget that just because of bad election results and the media's desperation to make you lose hope
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elizaisdunn · 1 year ago
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how I imagine Grian telling the gang it’s time for a new season
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wingsofthesun · 1 month ago
Instead of Shepard dragging Garrus around everywhere in ME1 because she wants to take him under her wing and teach him, I think it'd be a lot funnier if she drags him around everywhere because he comes pre-trained.
I mean, think about it. By the end of the first visit to the Citadel, besides Ashley and Kaidan (who are full members of the Alliance military), she has/is heading to recruit the following:
Wrex, a krogan mercenary who definitely doesn't have a file and who later admits mainly works alone and/or in very small groups, and has definitely not been part of any formal military structure or anything even remotely similar
Tali, who is a very wonderful person and very knowledgeable about the geth, but is only ~22 (her birth year is 2161 apparently), is on her people's rite of passage, and has never been formally attached to any kind of command nor has had any formal training as far as we know
Matriarch Benezia's daughter, Liara, who they know very little about at the moment other than she's an archaeologist who specializes in the Protheans and has never had any commando training, nor do they know if she even knows anything about her mother's actions
I love them, but they're not exactly on the level someone that's been part of a military for years would be.
By contrast, you have:
Garrus, who's not that much younger than Shepard herself, was part of the turian military for a few years (and had at least one ship posting from what we know from 2), and has also been part of C-Sec for awhile given he's a full fledged detective, so he's used to working in teams and being under someone's command
I feel like Shepard would have taken a look at his file and breathed a sigh of relief because there's at least one person that she won't have to worry will accidentally undermine her authority. He even comes with amazing sniping skills and tech expertise! Of course she's going to drag him around everywhere!
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felassan · 6 days ago
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Image from Dark Horse. Text in image reads:
"Effective February 24th, 2025, we have closed Dark Horse Digital. Sales are no longer offered on the DHD website. But, you can still log in and read the comics in your bookshelf. Support for the Dark Horse Comics and Plants vs. Zombies Comics apps for iOS will end March 31st, 2025. We encourage app users to download the books in their bookshelves by March 30th, 2025. The ability to download to your device cannot be guaranteed after that date. For access through the website, users without DHD accounts should create one and sync it to the app by March 30th, 2025. We appreciate our fans and regret the inconvenience and disappointment caused by this news. We know you have questions so please go to our Frequently Asked Questions page for more information. -- The Dark Horse Digital Team"
[source] [link to FAQ]
Some further info from the FAQ (there is more in the FAQ, the below are just some quoted portions of it):
"Users can continue to log in to the website and read the comics in their bookshelves. We plan for online access to the DHD website to be available at least through summer, 2025." --- "Q. Did I lose access to my comics collection? A. You can continue to log in to the DHD website and read the comics in your bookshelf. We plan for online access to be available at least through summer, 2025. When the website is eventually retired, online access will end." --- "Q. Do I own the comics in my bookshelf? A. Technically, you do not. As with Kindle, Nook, and other e-book companies, you license the right to read the book on supported and authorized devices." --- "Q. Can I download comics from the website? Can you send me PDFs? A. Unfortunately, we are unable to allow downloads to your computer or provide PDFs." --- "Q. Can I get a refund? A. We are able to offer refunds for 2025 transactions made on the website. The deadline to request a refund is April 30, 2025." --- "If you don’t’ have a DHD account, you can create one using this��LINK. Note: The ability to create a new DHD account will end on March 31, 2025."
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heuldoch7b · 1 month ago
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i don't mind some slight disorder
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archerdepartures116 · 26 days ago
I really love your art 😭
If you would bless us with more mass transmigration arts (when you have the time ofc) I would be so grateful
I love their silly little ways of communicating like they're really just kids pretending to be grown up adults who are Very responsible and should definitely be in charge yup yup
I also need to know if binghe will ever realise all the peak lords are fumbling around constantly or if he will forever look at them with starry eyes. Or both.
I'm very tired as I answer this so if things don't make sense it's cause its 2 am and I'm sleep deprived
Lbg is watching them fumble around him sometimes and he's quite endeared
They got time to adapt to their positions but I like to think that even though time has passed they aren't burdened by all the things that come with being suddenly thrust into a cultivation setting, I think be more carefree with their behavior since they never grew up with these old fashioned social norms ingrained in them so them engaging in tomfoolery isn't as out of the question as it seems
he notices that things are different after a few isolated incidents but he's already shed his previous old grievances and is fond of them
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idk what wacky shit they'll continue to get up to but this is all I have for now
Transmigrator liu qingge was a LoL player Booo Booo Booo👎
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livtylerstoplip · 7 months ago
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legionofpotatoes · 1 year ago
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My annual N7 Day illustrations for the new Mass Effect game so far. Got them as wallpapers right here!
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stil-lindigo · 2 years ago
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ashes to ashes.
a short comic about the day Ash was born.
Ash's story
Red and Wolf's story
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all my other comics
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bratbarzal · 2 months ago
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shadesofmauve · 1 month ago
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Mass Effect galaxy map
(For the Rhi Shepard universe)
I've been writing, if by 'writing' one means 'making a new galaxy map to use as a reference, because I'm too picky.'
I copied some symbology from Droot1986's excellent galaxy map. I also used Engorn's map as a reference, but ultimately the clusters and connections are based on the wiki. All systems within a cluster are listed, with inhabited planets in parentheses.
(...yeah, I should probably make a legend, but I only made it for my reference, so).
The relay in the Sol system only connects to Arcturus. This is how it's supposed to work in canon lore; Arcturus is important because it's a gateway system, while Sol is a dead end.
(Also, Sol is now in basically the right place compared to the underlying artist's impression of the milky way. Thank you NASA.)
Batarian's now have some space of their own, because lumping all batarian space into the human Systems Alliance was just BEGGING for a war. Like, WTF. Their government is flat out evil but that doesn't mean we just get to say their planets are ours now.
Combined inner and outer council space because idgaf.
There's a new, boringly named relay between Kite's Nest, Petra, and Exodus, because I needed one in chapter 14.
If a cluster had written lore about where it was in the galaxy, I tried to reflect that ��� so Styx Theta, Hawking Eta, and the Pangea Expanse are all close to the galactic core, Sentry Omega is on a political border, etc. Otherwise, I adjusted location to make the relay routes clearer. (Also I wanted the giant hub that is Omega to be almost opposite the Serpent Nebula and the Citadel)..
I imagine that there are actually a LOT more mapped clusters in Council Space than we see; they were just never relevant to the game. If not, the vaunted 'all relays lead to the Citadel' reaper web is just flat out wrong. Omega has more connections, and quite a few other clusters have as many. If there are more inhabited clusters in Citadel Space it also makes the veritable explosion of humanity look a little less ridiculous. (Seriously, humans have been on the galactic scene for thirty years. LOOK at how far we've gone. Council races are right to be freakin' terrified, the Sol system was like one of those plants with exploding seed pods where you bump it and POOF now they're EVERYWHERE). So let's assume the rest of the galaxy is as cluttered as Systems Alliance space, it's just not been relevant to our anthropocentric bag of dicks worldview.
Anyway. What the fuck is even up with the Attican Traverse?
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mikufigureoftheday · 6 months ago
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🤍🖤💀Finally....after 800 years....my dreamie has come home 💀🖤🤍
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aceouttatime · 1 year ago
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Waist? Snatched.
Anyways I'm still laughing about the spur holes in the pants. Enjoy one of the many outfits I'm working on. Some casual wear for today.
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that-wildwolf · 3 months ago
Went out for coffee with a friend today.
She's really into RP and is now in some Andromeda-based RP campaign so we talked about that. I know close to nothing about RP and I have never actually played through Andromeda aside from the multiplayer mode.
"Well," she says, "what's the point of RPing in Mass Effect it you're not gonna be a turian?"
I actually think that this is an extremely based take, provided you're into RP in the first place.
She goes on to explain that she can't draw her character and she refuses to use AI so she just looked up some random turians to find like the most basic generic average joe turian to use as a stand-in for her character.
She then shows me the pic of this generic random turian on her phone.
I look at the picture, and then I just sort of blankly stare at her for a while.
"That's Adrien Victus," I say. What else do I even say here.
"Oh." She's visibly confused because she probably has no idea who that is. It is starting to dawn on me that perhaps she is a more casual fan than I am. "Well he looks like an average turian, doesn't he? Like what you would imagine when you think of a turian. He's got very basic looking colony markings."
I nod, but I take a sip of my coffee to avoid shooting off my mouth and saying something about how this is the Primarch of Palaven and so even based on that rank he is very much not just an average turian.
I explain who that is. I can see it clicks for her when I mention he's from the third game. It's weird talking about Mass Effect with those translated names (she's never played in English) and even weirded to talk to someone who's clearly a casual fan when you're a deeply obsessed person. I have to pretend I'm normal about her not remembering this side character.
She shows me another picture of random turian NPC.
I bite my lip.
"That's Lorik Qui'in," I say.
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biowaredisasterbisexual · 23 days ago
It is time for our first ever Sharing Sunday, where you all tell me what you made and want shared from any BioWare fandom. This isn’t a rec list, or a review, it’s the pure joy of boosting folks in fandom because there’s something out there for everyone and promoting oneself can be hard.
Shout out to all the creators who put themselves and their work out there this week!
- A tender and soft Rookanis piece, inspired by the almost-kiss scene, by @fangbangerart/ @fangbangerghoul can be found on their art blog here.
Note: NSFW
- A Life After, a Davrook series, by @thatgaymerguyb, taking place after the game and following the two as they try to live the life they talked about. The series currently has four parts, with a fifth underway.
Note: Some portions of the series are NSFW and/or have AO3 archive warnings applied.
- Hamin Vhenan, a Bellarook flash fiction piece by @popcorn-milk, taking place during a quiet moment at the Lighthouse.
- From @hyperions-light, Language of Reverence. Rook/Teia/Viago/Lucanis, Explicit. From the author: “After Rook almost dies (again) trying to get Viago his crown, relations between their favorite Crows are somewhat strained. Obviously, the solution to this is to arrange a foursome.”
Note: NSFW
- From @heylavellan, Until Forever Falls Apart. From the author: “Are you also obsessed with whatever Mahariel and Tamlen have going on? Me too. Time to make Saliin Mahariel figure out he wasn't as over Tamlen as he thought with his new friends at his side.”
Note: Major character death, graphic violence AO3 archive warnings
- @drowsybowser brings Edge of Heaven, a Cullen x Dorian 80s AU. The sequel just posted its first chapter, as well.
Note: NSFW
- From @timeandmusic-x3, a Neverook fic titled Growing from the Ashes. From the author: “Tormented by her memories of Elgar'nan and shaken by the events of the past few weeks, Neve finds that she can't face sleeping alone after the final battle. Rook is there to support her - if only Neve can work up the courage to ask. One year later, Neve returns to Rook’s Minrathous apartment triumphant on the heels of solving a difficult case. They share a special evening together, but much is still left unsaid from a year ago. There are things Neve needs to tell Rook, and she struggles for the words. But when Rook finally breaks down from regret, she finds them.” There may be more coming in this world state from the author as well, so keep an eye out.
Note: Rated M with an archive warning for graphic depictions of violence
- Brought to you by @skullypettibone, Lucanis Is Not Smooth. From the author: “Lucanis wants to look good for Rook, and fortunately Davrin's here to help. Or: the story of what happened to Lucanis's Antivan fur."
- “Lucanis Dellamorte and the mortifying ordeal of processing an emotion and receiving a hug. A very Lucanis's interior world exploration piece of writing, immediately after Inner Demons,” can be found here by @corvus-frugilegus.
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