#mass effect andromeda reyes
gemsbokk · 1 month
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he has that sadness in his eyes that you only see in eastern european gay porn
some reyes studies because i can't exactly figure him out. not exactly proud of it yet but hey that's what studies are for (also my camera fucking whitewashed the shit out of it wtf)
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yunnd3 · 2 years
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have this silly guy haha
i think he's the best choice for romance in this game. at first didnt like him at all, (yeah sorry) but later, when i met him in the game he's changed my opinion in all ways !!!! adorable boy
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katlakitty · 10 months
N7Month Challenge - Day 29: Crown
To be someone.
That's what Reyes had told Sara when she asked him why he came to Andromeda. He hadn't planned any of this when he had boarded the ark to Andromeda. He had planned to fly the shuttle or pilot a ship; he'd originally been assigned as a pilot for the Pathfinder's ship. But then everything went down the drain when they came to Andromeda and he'd landed on Kadara.
They were independent, they made peace with the Angara and fought off the Kett, but Sloane was no better than any other oppressor in the Milky Way and Reyes had to do something. He'd always had ideas and backup plans, came with the job, really. Can't be a successful smuggler if you don't have a backup plan if things go south.
He started off small, a handful of people who were just as frustrated with how things were as he was. They soon grew and Reyes stepped back and hid in the shadows, for his own safety, but also so he could act more freely. Yes, he was a shady guy, but no one would expect him to be the mind behind the Collective.
No one. Not even Sara.
And she walked away from him as soon as she found out. Another loss, another sacrifice he had to bring to realize his goal. At least Sara had his back and she wasn't going to turn on him on a whim. He knew he could trust her, he knew he could rely on her. Now he only had to prove to her that she could rely on him, too.
Keema Dohrgun called him the king of Kadara once, he would wear the crown with pride, lurking in the shadows and taking care of his people. Protecting the outpost of the Initiative out in the mountains. He would do his part to keep their people safe.
You can find a collection of all my N7 Month drabbles on AO3.
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leafy-yezi · 3 months
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Watching my friend play ME Andromeda, and we agree Reyes would make a sexy Turian
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anakliro · 5 months
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quadruple play
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vorchagirl · 7 months
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The incredible @beemot drew Reyes Vidal and Cerys Ryder in a special moment from my fic Saints and Liars.
That height difference between them slays me!
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vaguely-concerned · 2 months
thinking about reyes vidal and the fact that if you turn down his offer of a drink in your first meeting with him, he just shrugs gamely and slams both drinks back himself before talking business. and crucially, magnificently, he still runs off leaving you with the bill at the end. hmngh. I miss him like one would air and sunlight
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thrudthorsdottir · 10 months
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MASS EFFECT: ANDROMEDA (2017) dev. BioWare
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theoriginalladya · 2 months
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Decided it was time to try to stir up my stubbornly silent writing muses again with some art and @dr-vauclair-art was willing to help with another pair of ME(A)/WWII pictures. Here are Flight Lieutenant Scott Ryder and Reyes Vidal from my On A Wing And A Prayer series! They look FABULOUS!!! Thank you again, my friend! You have such magic in your hands! <3
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gemsbokk · 16 days
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is andromeda everything you hoped it would be?
every day's an adventure. even my nights off are interesting.
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yuko27 · 1 year
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Now orbiting Kadara
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alexmarlex · 8 months
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“ Is Andromeda everything you hoped it would be?”
But serious he is the only one reason why I played that game…
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thyredwarden · 16 days
reyes keeps making me drive places (me who hates driving) but he's hot so
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anakliro · 4 months
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— and he thinks he’s so subtle.
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izahelle · 5 months
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Ruby Ryder and the neverending wrong choice making Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 2
Episode 1
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vorchagirl · 2 months
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Custom Reyes Vidal Pop Vinyl 🥰😍
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