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rubahlicik · 10 months ago
Poketrip, Hotel angker
Berawal dari aink yang sesumbar minta ke teteh cariin penginapan yang 'gapapa angker yang penting murah'
Akhirnya beneran kejadian.
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Aink nyampe penginapan tuh sekitar jam dua. Konfirmasi di resepsionis trus dapet kunci dan ditunjukin kamarnya.
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Rapi sih, mirip foto promosi cuman lebih kumuh dan terkesan lama banget ga dibersihin.
Aink cek kamar mandi, ga ada masalah meski sedikit kotor. Yang penting bisa mandi. Agak keganggu sama bunyi entah mesin apa yang nyala kalo nyalain lampu kamar mandi. Sama pintu ga bisa nutup sempurna, jadi ga bisa dikunci. Yauda sih ya toh cuma sendiri di kamar.
Setelah cuci muka, rebahan dan nyiapin bawaan buat ke venue, aink ninggalin hotel. Baru pulang malam jam tujuhan.
Agak panas di kamar, untung ada kipas angin. Di file booking, tertera ada wifi gratis. Yauda dong aink ke resepsionis nanya wifi. Eh ternyata beliau mau keluar sama cewe berpakaian minim dan ninggalin posnya.
Setelah konek wifi, aink balik kamar. Ternyata sinyalnya jelek, balik lagi lah ke depan soalnya ada beberapa wifi hotel yang lain. Minta pw buat jaringan wifi lain.
Ternyata resepsionis ga ada yang ngisi. Beneran ditinggal gitu aja bukan ganti shift. Aink jadi mikir aneh aneh kan. Kamar sebelah aink ada yang ngisi. Opik berto belum pulang. Kamar lain kosong 🙃
Aink agak ngahuleng di kamar. Mau mandi juga perasaan jadi agak ga enak. Yauda aink ganti baju doang lah trus nyoba buat tidur.
Hawa di kamar mulai panas, tapi aink ga mau nyalain kipas takut pileknya makin parah. Aink mau funrun besok.
Aink mulai gelisah, bolak balik posisi tidur, trus bolak balik bantal.
Pas bantal di balik, ada noda darahnya🙂. Aink balikin lagi ke posisi awal. Moga aja ini darah dari keperawanan yang hilang, bukan darah lain lain.
Aink ga tau ketiduran jam berapa, badan cape sih jadi meski gelisah aink tetep tidur cukup nyenyak. Kebangun jam 2 pagi, merem lagi, bangun jam 3, merem lagi bangun jam 4.
Ngerasa kamar makin panas, aink mutusin keluar buat nyari masjid terdekat. Pas keluar, meja resepsionis masih kosong 🙂. Okesip.
Di luar ada beberapa orang yang mulai sapu sapu. Padahal jalanan bersih banget. Salut lah sama penduduk lokal yang totalitas dalam kebersihan.
Mesjid uda rame meski adzan shubuh masi sejam lagi. Aink bab dan mandi di WC mesjid. Nyaman banget, alhamdulillah.
Balik hotel setengah 6, opik uda siap funrun. Karena waktu yang mepet buat ganti baju dan siap siap, aink ga sempet cerita.
Pas aink sama opik berangkat, berto yang sekamar sama opik juga ikut keluar. Padahal aink pikir mau tidur, perjalanan bogor-bali jalur darat plus feri kan pasti capek tuh.
Malemnya aink balik hotel jam 7an. Resepsionis uda kosong atau entah masi kosong 🙂. Sebelum ke hotel, aink mampir mesjid deket venue dulu buat jamak magrib dan isya, trus mampir indomaret buat beli roti.
Aink masih galau buat mandi di kamar, jadi balik lagi ke masjid deket hotel buat nebeng mandi. Sepulang dari masjid, opik nelpon bilang berto uda otw pulang sama nanya aink uda di hotel belum. Aink pikir mau ngajak tidur di kamarnya kan karena berto pulang, ternyata opiknya belum pulang. Yaudah aink tidur duluan aja wkwk.
Beda sama kemarin, sekarang aink tidur dalam kondisi fresh, meskipun kasur tetep bau keringat dan ada noda darah di balik bantal. Aink tidur cepet malam itu.
Menjelang tengah malam, opik nelpon sambil ngetok pintu kamar. Bilang mau ngambil kaos sama medali fun run. Aink bangun, ngasihin, basa basi makasih trus nutup pintu.
Aink ga tau berapa lama aink tidur setelahnya, soalnya opik nelpon lagi. Katanya kunci motor ilang mungkin jatoh di kamar aink.
Yauda aink bukain tuh, dan ketemu. Emang jatoh tadi pas dia ngambil medali. Setelah basa basi singkat, aink nutup pintu dan tidur lagi.
Paginya aink bangun telat, uda mulai siang. Aink uda ga begitu was was masuk kamar mandi buat wudhu. Selesai solat aink siap siap buat ke Sanur.
Sebelum pergi aink ke kamar opik dulu, kemarin dia bilang kamar mandinya jelek banget jadi mau numpang mandi di kamar aink. Jadi aink pagi pagi ngasi kunci kamar sekalian pamit dan ngebangunin buat shubuh.
Aink pulang ke hotel jam 9an, meja resepsionis uda ada yang ngisi. Aink jadi curiga kalo resepsionis cuma datang pas matahari terbit dan pulang setelah malam. Who knows.
Aink ngetok kamar opik. Ternyata masih tidur, tumben. Padahal biasanya rajin bangun pagi. Sambil ngusahain buka mata dia bilang kalo semalem dia ada yang gangguin.
Pas aink tanya siapa, dia nunjuk ke arah dinding depan kasur. Aink ga begitu merhatiin sebelumnya dan emang dari kemaren ga pernah masuk ke kamar opik.
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"Lukisannya ada yang ngisi"
Setelah giliran mandi di kamar aink, kami langsung cek out. Opik mau pindah hotel, kebetulan ada temennya yang baru nyampe ke Sanur. Opik mau nebeng sama temennya.
Aink dianter opik ke bandara pake motor. Di jalan dia cerita kalo semalem nyaris ga bisa tidur. Dia denger suara berisik dari arah lukisan. Aink ga nanya detail suara kayak gimana tapi cukup ngeganggu ampe dia kebangun tiap 15menit sekali.
"Ga cuma itu, semalem wajah lukisannya sempet ganti 3 kali. Itu yang paling bikin kaget"
Duh, aink jadi ga enak semalem ga peka nyuruh dia tidur dempetan di kamar. Kirain kamar aink doang yang apes, ternyata kamar opik berto yang berada paling ujung justru paling serem.
Di sebelah kamar ada lorong kecil sepanjang 2-3 meter. Kosong doang, ga diisi apa apa. Trus sebelah lorong kosong itu ada lorong sempit yang nyambung ke ruangan lain yang belum selesai dibangun.
Aink sempet kepo sebelum cekout. Jadi liat liat ke ruangan yang belum selesai itu. Berantakan dan penuh debu. Ga tau ga selesai dibangun ga tau emang ruangan rusak dan dibiarin gitu aja.
Pas uda nyampe bandung, aink cerita ke berto soal opik yang digangguin. Trus dia bales gini
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Seinget aink Kamar mereka tuh satu satunya yang di depannya dipasangin dupa. Pagi sebelum cekout, aink liat ada tante tante yang pasang dupa disana. Aink pikir room service kan yah, ternyata ga semua kamar dapet. Disana doang 🤣
Aink tanya berto kok ga bilang, tau gitu aink temenin opik tidur disana. Berto malah bilang si opik katanya mau pindah tidur di kamar aink🙃, jadi ga bilang apa apa.
Jadi semalem pas opik bangunin tuh mungkin sebetulnya dia mau nebeng tidur tapi ga enak. Ainknya juga ga peka, wkwkwk. Kamar aink polos, cuma agak serem aja kamar mandinya.. Jadi ga mikir aneh aneh.
Ga banyak mikir, aink langsung cek google maps dan baca review hotelnya. Emang ancur banget, kampret. Ga lupa aink pun ngasih review yang realistis buat hotelnya.
Semoga ga ada lagi korban yang kegocek sama harganya yang murah
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Sekian penutup trip aink ke Bali awal bulan Maret. What a trip🤣🤣🤣
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iamthekingofsass · 1 year ago
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MoonChild Collection - Final Test phase The mod has gotten some final tweaks! I removed the default Masie couture glasses, they were just difficult to fit for most faces, the Masie spectacles are way better and are now permanent model for MC. What else is new? Some things now has Multi-layer Parallax! Lilithian & Masie are the ones to receive this treatment. Masie also still has the default non MLP colors, with a new color addition added. Besides that, the spectacles also have BodySlide files! Now you can adjust the height and depth of the specs position. Specs are unisex. Lilithian & Eclipse are still replacers for The Mage Circlet (circlet rewarded by Savos in the college of winterhold questline) & Diadem of the Savant (can be found in Shalidor's Maze). You can also craft these models without enchantments when you have either in your possession. Also has RoM patch. Both circlet have beast support for all genders. Download file is on my modding Discord.
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dinisuciyanti · 2 years ago
Tadi malam aku apply salah satu government scholarship untuk ketiga kali. Masih ga kapok. Yah, sayang aja soalnya punya bukti korespondensi, gak kaya first attempt yang maksa, atau second attempt yang masi belum ada proposal.
Walau pake drama referee yang pundung, auto skip karna males drama, dan minta bantuan referee lain yang siap sedia bantu.
Malam tadi submit setelah sebelumnya berkutat dengan essay ina inu dan isian yang cukup banyak. Tadi juga kompres-kompres file sampe bingung mesti ngurangin file apa. Dahlah. Yang penting dah beres.
Gak tau ini aplikasi yang ke berapa, saking banyaknya. Yang penting, dicoba, gak maksa, dan pas dengan kondisi sekarang.
Kalo gagal? Ya, fokus kerja, ngerjain 3 project di Q2 sampai akhir taun. Terus inget kalo IELTS ku expired desember ini. Gak kerasa. Dah 2 tahun. Belum nemu juga duit buat sekolah haha. Miris.
17 April 2023
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f1 · 2 years ago
I spoke up for Hamilton because he speaks up for others says fan behind Abu Dhabi petition | 2021 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix
A petition to declare Lewis Hamilton the winner of the 2021 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix has reached the milestone of over 100,000 signatures. Hamilton’s controversial defeat in the race, following a final-lap restart in which he was passed by Max Verstappen, cost him that year’s world championship to his Red Bull rival. The petition calls for the result of the season finale to be overturned and Hamilton declared the winner as the rules were not followed when race director Michael Masi arranged the restart. Masi only allowed the lapped cars between Verstappen and Hamilton to rejoin the lead lap, ignoring the others which were a lap behind. Hamilton’s team Mercedes filed a protest against the race result, which was dismissed by the FIA. The team later chose not to take the matter to the FIA International Court of Appeal. However Patel Gordon-Bennett – who has no affiliation to any of the drivers or teams who were in that race – believed the outcome was an “injustice” and began a petition on Change.org soon after the chequered flag fell on the 2021 season. “I started the petition a few hours that evening after the race on December 12th, 2021,” she told RaceFans. “I was in my living room watching the race on Sky Sports F1 with my family. “As soon as we saw the injustice, we were in shock and disbelief. I felt that this was a scheme to rob Mercedes and Lewis just as it was when they changed the rules to suit Red Bull’s car.” Mercedes initially struggled to compete with Red Bull in 2021 following an off-season rules change which forced teams to redesign their floors. This was done in order to cut downforce and reduce the strain on Pirelli’s tyres following a series of failures the previous season. Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free Hamilton’s eagerness to draw attention to causes such as diversity and the environment was an inspiration to the founder of the petition. “Lewis had always been speaking out on other’s behalf – the disadvantaged, the disenfranchised and those without a voice,” she said. “I felt it was time we spoke up to help Lewis when he was being faced with injustice. “In addition, it was disgraceful to the sport to see how one person can change the rules in the spur of the moment to get the result they want. If this was going to be F1, I did not want to be a part of it.” Following an investigation the FIA concluded Masi had acted in “good faith” but “human error lead to the fact that not all cars were allowed to un-lap themselves.” Masi lost his job as F1 race director over his handling of the race. The report referred to radio communications broadcast by F1 of Masi’s exchanges with Mercedes and Red Bull, which included the latter pressuring him to move the lapped cars out of the way during the Safety Car period. It was stated in the report that the race result remains “valid, final and cannot now be changed.” Having started the petition almost a year and a half ago, Gordon-Bennett was taken by surprise when it began to rapidly amass signatures in recent weeks. “I didn’t expect many signatures and in fact I had almost forgotten about it,” she said. “I was quite surprised when a friend from Ghana texted me a few days ago to say they saw my name in The Mirror newspaper as the person who started this petition and how it had gained 80,000 signatures. I have no idea what has caused an increase in the signatures recently.” The petition is yet to prompt a response from anyone in F1, she added. “No feedback from anyone in motorsport or F1 or from Hamilton. From the latter, it would be marvellous just to meet him.” Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free 2023 F1 season Browse all 2023 F1 season articles via RaceFans - Independent Motorsport Coverage https://www.racefans.net/
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ryuuka-balaen · 1 year ago
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using the EG Rx-78-2 file because it's the simplest kit in there aside from the 2 SDs, those fresh spicy unreleased Build Strike Exceed and Rising Freedom masy just be in reach of my grubby little pawsies soon......
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would you download a gundam?
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darlingfalling · 1 year ago
The Rules
taking inspo, re-sell, recreate, heavy reference, stealing my design and my setup are highly prohibited. a fine of IDR.500.000 will be imposed for whoever did that.
Read Carefully.
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calcbench · 2 years ago
A Refresher on Audit Fee Disclosures
Now that most companies have filed their 2022 annual reports and we’ve already written many posts about those disclosures, today let’s look at the next wave of 2022 reports now arriving fast and furious into the Calcbench databases.
Proxy statements.
Proxy statements can be invaluable sources of information for financial analysts, especially those at institutional investors with long-term holdings. The proxy contains information about executive compensation, expertise (or the lack thereof) among the board of directors, audit fees the company is paying, who holds large amounts of company stock, and much more.
And as always, Calcbench indexes as much of that data as possible, to allow for quick and easy analysis.
For example, Masimo Corp. ($MASI) filed its 2022 proxy statement on May 27. We randomly decided to peek at the company’s audit fees for 2022, which are disclosed on Page 69 of the document. Much to our surprise, we saw that audit fees doubled last year. See Figure 1, below.
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Why the sudden spike in audit fees? From the proxy statement alone, one doesn’t know. The report of the board’s audit committee, which accompanies Figure 1 above, doesn’t discuss any significant accounting investigation that Masimo might be undertaking, or any recent merger that might have expanded the business and thus the work that Masimo’s audit firm (Grant Thornton, if you’re curious) is doing.
We did, however, use our nifty “show tag history” feature to see that this year’s jump in audit fees is indeed an eye-popping spike. See Figure 2, below.
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Yikes. Suddenly Masimo’s annual audit is almost as expensive as a Taylor Swift ticket. What’s going on?
Using our Footnote Disclosure Tool, we hopped over to Masimo’s disclosures of controls and procedures; that’s where a company typically discloses weaknesses in financial reporting, which can explain a jump in audit fees. Except, Masimo reports that its financial controls and procedures are fine. Then we looked up the independent audit report from Grant Thornton.
Ah, there’s the answer: Masimo acquired a company called Sound United in April 2022 for $1.06 billion. More than $600 million of that purchase price went to assorted intangible assets, and Grant Thorton flagged the valuation of those assets as a critical audit matter.
That does not automatically mean that Masimo’s valuation of those assets was wrong. It only means that valuation of intangible assets is an important item that needs close scrutiny from the board and the audit firm; it’s also something that can keep an audit firm mighty business, which leads to higher fees.
One can also compare annual disclosures from 2021 and 2022, to get a sense of how much the merger expanded Masimo’s operations. Almost every line item on the income statement is up sharply. See Figure 3, below.
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Sure, some of those increases might be due to Masimo’s natural growth or external factors such as inflation; but the Sound United merger is a big factor too.
Yet another way to look at audit fees is to chart them as audit fees per $1,000 of revenue.
In that case, Masimo in 2021 had $2.24 million of audit fees for $1.24 billion of revenue. Do the math, and that means for every $1,000 of revenue, $1.80 went to audit fees. 2022 saw $4.4 million of audit fees against $2.035 billion of revenue; that works out to $2.10 per $1,000 of revenue.
The dollars are small, but in relative terms the jump is appreciable. So the question for next year is whether audit fees per $1,000 in revenue stabilize, or go up even more. If they keep climbing, that means the auditors are keeping themselves busy. Financial analysts might want to ask why.
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matthewhillsocialdesign · 2 years ago
Stats NZ – Loneliness in New Zealand
In 2010, one in three (1.02 million) adult New Zealanders felt lonely to some degree in the last four weeks.
18 percent of young adults felt lonely all, most, or some of the time, compared with 11 percent of older people.
Overall, young adults had a greater likelihood of feeling lonely. There was a strong relationship between loneliness and poor mental health that was consistent across all ages.
Research has shown that social isolation and loneliness are associated with a range of health issues, including increased mortality (Cacioppo, Hawkley, Norman, & Berntson, 2011), depression (Guitzmann, 2000), high blood pressure (Hawkley, Thisted, Masi, & Cacioppo, 2010), and dementia (Holwerda et al, 2012). A recent study found that social isolation was equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes per day and to drinking six units of alcohol a day (Holt-Lunstad, Smith, & Layton, 2010).
Social isolation objectively describes the absence of social contact ie contact with family or friends or community involvement. Loneliness is the difference between desired and achieved levels in the quality and quantity of social contact. 
Policy interest in loneliness Understanding the groups most affected by loneliness, and the social factors strongly associated with loneliness, will provide an evidence base for policy makers and service providers to potentially tackle loneliness through either targeted or indirect interventions.
Young adults may experience loneliness differently to those in midlife or older people, and therefore the appropriate response to designing interventions will be different for each.
Reflection – This was quite an old study but the most recent statistics analysing New Zealand data that I have found so far. 
It also reiterates some shocking stats I have found previously such as the dangers of adverse health impacts caused by loneliness. This study also defines a difference between Social isolation and loneliness which are similar but differing concepts. The statistics can still support my research but my project focuses on social isolation/disconnection rather than loneliness. 
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halmblogmusic · 2 years ago
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pinkmirth · 3 years ago
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FUN-FACT SPEED RUN! ౨ৎ ₊ ⊹ 𝑀𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 . . . college student, pretty lil’ pisces, hobby-writer, infj, nigerian, & 100% obsessed with getting my hair & nails done! this blog of mine is multifandom! though my posts mainly consist of (CASTLEVANIA, AoT & JJK, etc . . . ) content, i love many many different things . . . let it be known that i adopt a new obsession every other month, okay!
MY LIKES . . ! ౨ৎ ₊ ⊹ writing, reading, vanilla (scents & flavors!), r&b, pampering & self care, all things pink, fluffy textures, vampires, long-haired men, french-tip nails (esp square & almond-shaped!), igari makeup, guitar solos, strawberry ‘n creme soda, wispy lashes, early morning walks, thick & beefy men who could pick me up ‘n throw me over their shoulder >.<, a shiny pair of mary-janes, late night drives, afrobeats, sparkly lip gloss, kaomoji’s, platform sandals, chick-fil-a breakfast, fangs, chris evans, tiny skirts, caramel ice cream, himbos, dainty jewelry, cheesy fries, cucumbers, cute new hairdo’s, video games, chili-cheese dogs, a fresh & neat set of braids, academic validation, and adrian fuckin’ țepeș!
DISLIKES . . . ౨ৎ ₊ ⊹ reiner haters, eren fucking jaeger (occasionally), grapes, rei’s paper-sniffing scene, mathematics, toji fushiguro’s terribly sexy self, conservatives, and my nails breaking . . .
WHAT’S GOIN’ ON IN HER PRETTY LITTLE BRAIN? ౨ৎ ₊ ⊹ adrian fuckin’ tepes! that gorgeous man won’t leave. me. alone! he’s so elegant ‘n soft-spoken, and i cant help but adore how kindhearted he is . . . and just look at that v-neck on him! the scar running down is just the icing on top >.< i’ve fallen for him & his pretty golden eyes, and bad. i just love me some alucard, my favorite dhampir boy!!! ❤︎
SOME FUN LITTLE LINKS! ౨ৎ ₊ ⊹ my wips! ⋆ reiner fic-recs! ⋆ taglist! ⋆ tag index!
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FAVE MUSICIANS! ౨ৎ ₊ ⊹ Mariah The Scientist Sade Adu, Bryson Tiller, Rihanna, Summer Walker, Arctic Monkeys, Jhene Aiko, Men I Trust, BÔA, New Jeans, DVSN, Takako Mamiya, Tame Impala, H.E.R., and PND!
FAVE FILMS & FRANCHISES! ౨ৎ ₊ ⊹ (e.g. animes, movies, series, shows, video games): Castlevania (2017-2021), Castlevania: Nocturne, AoT, Vinland Saga, Jujutsu Kaisen, Invincible, yubisaki to renren, Kengan Ashura, Bridgerton, Yakuza RGG, Tekken, Young Justice, ATLA, Divergent, Samurai Showdown (aka Samurai Spirits), BNHA, Beastars, Record of Ragnarok, X-Men 97, Avatar/ATWOW, Blue Eye Samurai, Naruto, The Spiderverse movie franchise (ITSV/ATSV), The Flash (CW), The Night Agent, Cobra Kai, The Glory, The Blacklist, Gangnam Beauty, & My Name.
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𝓗𝓞𝓝𝓞𝓡𝓐𝓑𝓛𝓔 𝓜𝓔𝓝𝓣𝓘𝓞𝓝𝓢; richter belmont, geto suguru, reiner braun, jin kazama, fushiguro toji, bakugou katsuki, choso kamo, shinsou hitoshi, mirko, jason todd, wally west, keigo takami, tokita ohma, the uchihas (itachi, madara, sasuke) & sephiroth . . . thank you to all my sexy men! 🎀
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grussell63 · 2 years ago
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i vote we let Masi speak his truth, man was used as a scapegoat to get it filed under "human error" so they could move on and say we‘ve got new people now 🙄🙄
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timextoxhajima · 4 years ago
Accelerate [Dana’s 600 Special]
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Track: Feel It by Michele Morrone / Drunk-Dazed by ENHYPHEN / Insanity by THE BOYZ
Member: I swear he’s not even my bias
Genre: i-ion know-
Word Count: it’s pretty damn long so please don’t make me write a part two
Taglist: @hyunjaethereal​ @lsangyeons​
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The first time you laid eyes on Lee Hyunjae, you were both in Italy as he was being blinded by a billion flashes in his face. The light reflects off his dark hair - which was once a brighter color - as he maintains that polite, miniscule smile on his face. Most of the photographers and interviewers were male, for the sole reason that female photographers and interviewers would be too stunned to continue at their job. 
Not that the males rushing to get a shot of his face or a string of words out from him now weren’t stunned themselves. 
Despite being hailed for looking like every woman’s wet dream, Lee Hyunjae was more known for being South Korea’s youngest first class F1 racer. Sure, if he ever bothered to utter a single syllable of speech to you, you could pass out on the spot. 
But right now, all you wanted was to get an exclusive modelling contract from Louis Vuitton to his manager. Not Lee Hyunjae, not his bodyguards, his manager.
“Lee Hyunjae! Do you have anything you want to say before your final race of the season? How do you feel about being so close to coming out top?”
His manager stands a step behind him to Hyunjae’s right, and gives the racer the green light to respond. The flashes and sounds of clicking from the cameras were so overwhelming, it’s impossible for you to even imagine how it felt like being in the spotlight.
But the celebrity couldn’t receive the question any less gracefully, and offers one of those swoon-worthy smiles before leaning into the microphone.
“I feel nervous but I’ve prepared for this. Consistency is key and I believe in myself, so if that answers your question...” 
“Do you have any other plan other than racing? Word has it that you’ve received offers to be the face of Gucci and Louis Vuitton!”
The contract in your briefcase is still ironed out safely in its file when you pull it behind your legs, away from plain sight.
Hyunjae turns to look at his manager when the question posed obviously isn’t one of those in the list prepared, so the manager steps forward, and coincidentally spots you at the back of the crowd. He recognises you from the meeting he had with your higher-up.
“My apologies but Mr Lee isn’t permitted to answer to any of these, so if this is all then we must be going. Thank you for coming to the conference tonight.” 
Lee Hyunjae and his manager step back away from the microphone and bow for the press to continue their aggressive, merciless snapshotting. You wait patiently for the duo to disappear behind the conference area, and for the press to switch their attention to the pictures they have on their camera before you make your round backstage. 
The 5-star hotel is grand in all the ways possible: chandelier, white wines and champagnes being served in waiting areas and water was served sparkling. Finally fishing out the tag that you were given at the registration for entry to the event, you hand it to the lady at the meetings’ conference registration counter.
You wonder how the Louis Vuitton logos on your clothes and briefcase had gone unnoticed earlier at the showcase. Even on the tag, the ‘LV’ logo was so apparent. How far does the company need to go in order for them to have the logo printed in some shiny, golden print on the tag-
“Welcome to the F1 internal press conference and meeting, Miss l/n!” She pulls a sticker off a page and presses it onto the tag below the LV logo. “If you need anything at all, please just approach one of our staffs. All waiters and staff concerned will have a red tie tonight.”
“Alright, thank you,” The tag gets slid across the table to you. “Where’s the nearest washroom?”
“Oh, she’ll show you the way,” The lady gestures behind her for one of the staff members with a red tie to accompany you. 
“Oh-” Slightly taken aback by the aggressive escorting, the younger female grins at you before holding out her arm in the direction of the washroom. “Thanks.”
The hotel’s grandeur only gets more and more apparent as your heels click through the hallways and corridors. For an event night, the hotel’s pretty desolate. Then again, the press conference happened outside where all the photographers and journalists were. The one you were here for was an internal press meeting, and last you checked, there were fewer than 10 names on that list. 
“I can find my way back to the main hall after,” The slight panic in your voice humors you when the staff member seemed ready to wait outside the washroom. “Thanks.”
She bows and takes her leave only after you enter the bathroom; you can tell from the sound of her shoes echoing down the corridor. The scent of lavender is so overwhelming, you could almost taste it. Walls of cream and silver strokes cut through the tiles, a vase made of bronze sits in the corner of the platform where the sinks were, filled with roses.
The crisp reflection of yourself stares down at you in the mirror; it’s one of the few times you were dressed in branded goods head to toe. None of the articles of clothing you were wearing right now, you owned. Usually, you’d be gaping in awe at how beautiful these places where - after all, you were in a five-star hotel in Italy. 
But no, after almost five years of working with Louis Vuitton as a brand ambassador and subsequently becoming an assistant model-scout has numbed your habit of wandering eyes. 
The LV briefcase gets set on a dry area of marble, your fingers automatically clutching the edges of the sink as the jewelry on your ears, neck and hands twinkle under the fluorescent lighting. The makeup looks close to perfect - because someone had done it for you. Your clothes and shoes fit right down to your skin - because they were tailored for you. 
You were more upset you couldn’t sell it off and donate the money over having actual ownership of these fabrics. 
News of the orphanage had reached you hours after you touched down in Italy, and your heart yearns to stop the ache that seeps through you. They had run out of funds to continue the orphanage, the kids already enrolled would be split and sent to other organizations instead. 
What you had once called your home was going to be non-existent in another years’ time. Those whom you called your teachers, mentors, parents... were going to be in places you were not familiar with. The children that you always bring back food, clothes and toys for were going to be separated into different cities and states. As if not having a family was not bad enough, the people you now called your family was going to be split apart. 
You hadn’t noticed your eyes were closed until you opened them, the weight of the makeup on your face urging you to rub your eyes and skin but the discipline written into your hands stop you from doing so. 
Standing back to fix your posture, your eyes land on the one garnish on your body that doesn’t belong to Louis Vuitton - the ring on your middle finger. A gold band that looked more like a wedding ring than anything else. 
It had the name of the orphanage engraved on the inner side, so it feels lighter on your hands than it would otherwise be. 
A deep breath expands your chest as you take your briefcase and step away from the sink, attention scrutinising yourself more than you actually would.
The corridors of the hotel collect you back into its wealth again, drawing the thickest line between the realities of people like you and those who enjoy the luxurious life. 
The racer’s manager was sitting at the end of the meeting table when you enter, and you immediately recognise half the list of names you had seen before. Gucci’s manager was here personally. Another racer and his manager were here too. Stefano Domenicali and Michael Masi were here. 
Why were they here? Their names weren’t on the list.
“Ah, Miss l/n!” Masi gets off his seat and holds out his hand. “Such a pleasure to meet you!”
“Honor on my part,” Reaching out a palm, you smile the most graceful smile you can find in the muscles of your face. 
“Can I get you a drink? We’re still waiting for Mr Lee before we begin our discussion on the collaboration.”
“Pardon my ignorance but... I thought I was here for a sponsorship or a model-contract request for Mr Lee... I wasn’t expecting your attendance or... a collaboration.”
Domenicalli chuckles heartily at his seat as he whirls around to gesture to one of the staff members in the room. “Will you get her a Mojito?” 
Then he stands up and pushes his glasses up his nose bridge. “We’ve been looking for a company that’s willing to do a three-way partnership with us and Mr Lee’s agency. Right now, it’s boiled down to both Louis Vuitton and Gucci so... it depends on which contract Mr Lee’s agency is more interested in.”
“Oh... Um, if that’s the case then I’m not entirely sure if the contract I have with me right now is appropriate-”
“Oh, it’s not. LV has already told us you’d sell them better unscripted than if planned,” Masi leans forward and mutters away from your ear. “Don’t tell Gucci though. Their manager’s only here because they panicked.”
He pulls away and before he can say anything else, the door clicks open with a staff member pushing the door open for the star of the night. 
“My apologies,” He’s changed out of his formal suit and is in a more comfortable set of hoodie and baggy pants now. “Did I keep everybody waiting?”
“No, not at all!” Masi throws his hands up into the air and beckons you to meet Lee Hyunjae. “Might I introduce... Miss l/n from LV. She’ll be the one pitching the collaboration for LV today.”
Hyunjae’s eyes are wide and clear, despite his fringe covering his eyelids. “My pleasure,” He holds out his hand and you take it to shake, but he doesn’t stop there.
Lifting the back of your hand to his lips, the contact is soft and gentle on your skin. 
Your hairs stand against your will and goosebumps erupt all over your neck when he pulls away, eyes now locked with yours. Nobody else in the room bothers to provide a reaction - it’s like he’s done this before and it’s perfectly normal. 
The rest of the evening is spent listening to your own pitch, and Gucci’s, but you couldn’t really keep your head in the game when... all that was in Lee Hyunjae’s head was... you.
You’d be lying had you said you were comfortable with how much he was glancing at you across the table, obviously not listening to Gucci’s pitch at all. His manager was the one busy jotting down all kinds of things, almost like it was an act of dictation. But the racer’s eyes fail to leave you for any longer than five seconds, and it was becoming glaringly obvious that he wasn’t really paying attention to the pitch. 
Gucci’s pitch finally finishes, giving you some kind of escape because now his manager is pummeling him for not listening to the benefits provided as Gucci’s ambassador. The contract document from LV was sitting before you, very single term and condition now inapplicable because you had just pitched something that wasn’t in the instruction manual.
God help me not to get fired.
“Mr Lee has some to a decision,” Masi claps his hands together, earning the attention of everybody in the room. “The Formula One federation would like to officially welcome Lee Hyunjae as the brand ambassador in a stellar collaboration... with Gucci.”
The Gucci ambassador scout smiles with triumph as the room provides a round of applause, you included. 
“Thank you so much, Miss l/n, for coming down. Your pitch was nothing short of commendable and I will make sure your manager will hear of that, alright?” Masi and Domenicali take turns shaking your hand. In your peripheral vision, you watch the Gucci ambassador shake hands with both Lee Hyunjae and his manager. 
Masi and Domenicali finish up with you, and Lee Hyunjae’s manager approaches you for the handshake with his client behind him. “That was a stellar... impromptu pitch, Miss l/n.”
A gentle chuckle rolls off your tongue as you pull your hand away, tightly clutching the briefcase. “I work better when things aren’t planned, so...”
“We’ll... we’ll keep in touch, LV. You’re an excellent scout with marvelous presentation skills. It makes me sad Mr Lee didn’t choose you.”
Your eyes drift to Hyunjae’s and he’s already looking at you like he hadn’t eaten in three days and you were a bowl of soup.
“Of course we’ll keep in touch. He’ll still be valuable asset and ambassador after his contract with Gucci ends,” Ignoring him, you return your attention to his manager. 
“Now, let’s hope the Prince of Korea doesn’t screw anything up, yeah?” His manager grins as he pats Hyunjae on the back. “Anyway, it’s been a mighty pleasure. We’ll be in touch.”
You lower your head as a small nod, turning on your heels to exit the room. Even then you can feel his eyes on your back. 
By the time you’re back in your hotel room (which was in the same hotel as you had the internal meeting), your feet are half dead from the heels you were wearing and the makeup on your face was starting to wear off. It took a nice, warm bath and a rather long conversation with your own manager on the phone as he congratulated on pulling through an impromptu pitch. 
He finally finishes, and you drop your phone into the towel by the bathtub as the steam fogs up the mirror. But your peace is cut short when someone rings the doorbell of your room. 
“Room service for Miss l/n!”
Tightening the robe around your waist, you pull open the door and watch the hotel staff hold out a bottle of wine and an envelop. “Mr Lee Hyunjae sends his regards, Miss.”
Surprised, you receive the bottle. The hotel staff bows and leaves, letting you turn around and the door click shut. 
To: Miss l/n
I apologise for the inappropriate staring earlier this evening. This is an attempt to compensate for my behaviour. I’ll be leaving Italy the day after tomorrow so if you could do me the pleasure of having dinner with me tomorrow... I’d like to be acquainted.
I’ve made a reservation at La Terrazza for 7pm. I’ll meet you in the guest lobby downstairs at 6.30 to pick you up. 
Lee Hyunjae
You can see how the material of the paper trembles a little between your fingers. The thought runs, So he’s a creep and a national treasure. He can’t hurt you, right?
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Again, the evening gown is more than fitting on you. It’s been tailored to hug all your curves at your chest and your hips and thighs and it exposes your leg where the slit is. It’s like LV knew you had an important evening appointment coming up and had you pack all these different sets appropriate for the event. 
The usher standing by the guest lobby nods when you head for the door, and he pushes it open to reveal only one person in it: Lee Hyunjae. 
On the phone, he whirls around when he hears the doors swish against the carpet flooring. His eyes are glimmering under the soft, rosy lighting and the glossy collar of his suit looks like plastic from the reflection. 
“I gotta go, I’ll call you back.”
The phone clicks to black before he opens his blazer and slides it into his inner breast pocket. 
“I’m gonna guess that’s your manager,” Your fingers wrap around the clutch tightly as he takes a few steps toward you, obviously very stunned by how different you looked compared from the previous day. 
“Uh, no, actually,” That million-dollar smile gleams at you. He reaches up to his forehead and scratches his brow. His hair is styled upwards so seeing the glory of his forehead was pretty enticing. “My mom. Making sure I’m doing well and fine here.”
He stops a safe distance away from you, finished with taking in whatever of you his eyes and memory can allow him. “Not gonna lie, I thought you were gonna stand me up.”
“I think LV would fire me if they knew I stood the Lee Hyunjae up.”
Hyunjae licks his lips then purses them together, attention finally peeling off your face as he reaches for your hand. He presses his lips into the back of your palm, then casually hooks your arm around his while he walks to your side. “Ready to go?”
At a loss of words for his flirtatious mannerism, all you can afford is a nod.
But as if your vocabulary bank wasn’t already exhausted, you can’t help but stare in complete astonishment when you are led to the matte black Sian Roadster already waiting at the drop-off point right outside the lobby. 
“Have them send the Dior package to Miss l/n’s room by 9pm,” He instructs the bell boy by the hotel entrance as he reaches for the vehicle door. 
“Wait, what?” 
“Yes, Mr Lee.”
“Wait a minute,” Your vision is finally peeled off the car when Lee Hyunjae pulls the door open. “What Dior package?”
“Just a token of appreciation from me, that’s all,” He releases your arm as he guides you into the vehicle. “I knew if I gave it to you over dinner, you’d reject, so...”
Twitching his eyebrow, he smirks and retreats, closing the car door. 
The vehicle moves off with a sharp rev of the engine, and you almost feel guilty for being able to be comfortable in in your clothes, shoes, sports car and on the way to a fancy-ass restaurant. 
If only things could be like that for everybody and everything. 
“So, when are you leaving Italy?”
“Oh, um... tomorrow too actually,” Rome’s lights are wondrous on the outside, some of them blinding you. “I have... something to attend.”
“Hmm, that’s... vague.”
You turn to eye him at his silent call for clarification. “I’m attending a closing event; help out with administrations.”
“Like... a pet store or something?”
“Yeah, ‘or something’.”
“That confidential, huh?” He lets out a soft chuckle. 
The gut in your abdomen tells you not to look at him. He’ll see right through you, figure out that there’s something more to it than something ‘confidential’. 
“Yeah,” You mask it with a sigh. “Funds and things.”
You can feel his attention sink into your back as silence befell the atmosphere. 
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There’s a kind of light in his eyes when he talks about racing. When he’s describing the feeling of adrenaline in his fingers, gripped around the steering wheel. He’s unexpectedly kind to the service at the restaurant, then again he was a celebrity and he had a reputation to uphold. 
It’s the kind of light that made you panic throughout dinner, because there’s no way this specimen of a man would ever pay you a second thought. Maybe you were going to be his Italy fling that he would boast about to his friends and colleagues and they’d laugh at you without you even knowing. 
What was a rich, handsome racer even doing, single? It was too good to be true, and even if it was, you? Of all people?
Dream on.
“It’s been... an amazing night. Thank you so much for dinner.”
Lee Hyunjae walks you into the lift, letting you press the button to your floor first. 
“I’ll walk you back. I have time.”
Standing with your feet together, in the safety of your gown, your hands are holding your clutch like your life depended on it. You could tell that he wasn’t the most comfortable now, not with his hands over one another and placed politely on his abdomen.
When the lift door dings open, the silence remains. He trails behind you as you walk your way to your room, hands fumbling through your clutch to search for your keycard. The slick of the door is fast and you push the door open, with a black and silver box with the label ‘DIOR’ printed on it sitting at the foot of your bed. 
“Oh, my God!” You rush in and grab the box, eyes widening as you turn to him, who has one arm extended to keep the door open. The box was almost as big as a pillow.
There’s a soft, warm smile on his face. A stark contrast to all his flirty ministrations throughout the evening. “Goodnight, Miss l/n. Sleep well and have a safe flight.”
“Wha-” Then he lowers his head, and turns around. “Wait!”
Without another moment of hesitation, he disappears down the corridor and the door swings shut. 
It feels ironically empty. Your hands are carrying this Godforsaken box of a gift and yet you cannot think of a way to properly thank the person who gave it to you. With slight reluctance, your fingers find the edge of the cover.
It’s a beautiful Dior blazer, packaged with a perfume and a cosmetics set. The cream letter in it is handwritten and signed the racer himself.
I wish we had more time. Love,  Lee Hyunjae
The nauseating sensation of your heart sinking in your chest beats all the logic in your brain when you find yourself reaching for the door handle. The box is mindlessly thrown back onto the bed as you rush out, kicking off your heels in the moment of folly. (Of course, remembering to use the door latch to keep the door open.)
“Hyunjae!” You call down the corridor, and he was just about to enter the lift. He turns, providing you with a gorgeous view of his jaw. 
It feels like a fairytale, when you run down the carpeted corridor, barefooted and still in your gown. The urge to throw your arms around him far supercedes your brain yelling at you not to, but you do it anyway. 
He catches you by the waist as your rest your forehead in his blazer, arms already struggling to meet the height of his shoulders. 
A whisper. “I wish we had more time too.”
He pushes you back by your upper arms, tucking one bit of your hair behind your ear. “If time is what you want, then I’ll make time.”
“But... I- Will you get in trouble?”
He looks you dead in the eye and subtly shakes his head. 
Time stops. 
Fear. That’s what you’re feeling. 
Then he tilts his head and slowly leans in. 
“I don’t think I’d care if I do.”
His breath hits your upper lip and your instincts flutter your lids shut. 
White wine and strawberries from dinner. That’s what he tastes like.
Warmth radiates off his palms and into your cheeks as he holds your face close to his, unable to resist the satisfaction and sweetness you were providing him. In this moment of intimacy, he loses all sense of realism and urgency - all he wants is you to himself, for the rest of the night until the sun rises. 
Then he’d have to worry about never seeing you again because his manager had chosen Gucci over LV. 
But right now, he has your heart and soul in his hands, as does his in yours. 
Being the romantic and (probably) egoistic man of a celebrity he is, he lowers himself and slides his arms where the back of your knees would be, somehow never breaking the kiss. The material of the gown dribbles over the cotton of his suit and your arm circles behind his neck, only minimizing the distance between the two of you. 
It feels like you’re getting married in this black and gold sparkly evening gown when he pushes the door open with his back. The scent of the room is inviting, but definitely none in comparison to the scent of his cologne beginning to stain your hands and your clothes. 
Gently resting you into the cool sheets of the bed, he pulls away to remove the Dior package off the bed, placing it on the mini coffee table by the bed. 
You were never one to deal with one night stands. Hell, the only person you’d ever slept with was some stupid kid back in the orphanage when your stupid teenage hormones were running-
He pulls off his blazer and leans in again, picking your awkward hands and resting them on the knot of his tie. His fingers are grazing the skin on your upper arm, trailing down to your cheek and then your hairline where he combs his hands through your hair. 
The knot on the tie comes undone with some slight tugs, and you slide it out from under his collar. Undoing only the first one, you rest your palms against his chest, creating a small rift where the air rushes to your lips where his should be.
He’s slightly stunned at the slightest breakage, but he is overwhelmed with more care and concern than he was upset. “Why? What’s wrong?” He traces your jaw and rests his fingers on your chin, noses almost touching.
“Are you sure... You want to do this? I can’t risk you losing your career,” Your index finger traces the likes of his cheekbone. “You barely just started.”
Hyunjae shakes his head subtly, taking your hands to his lips and pressing them into the back of your palm. “When I saw you in that room, I was... star struck. You’d think being the celebrity in the room would mean everything, but I felt like I was nothing if I didn’t know you, much less be able to get close to you.”
And for someone who hasn’t really had a biological family to love, his words stuck. 
“I just... knew. There are some things in the world you can work for, but I don’t think any amount of effort can give me you.”
His brown orbs find your gaze and it melts you thoroughly. Like ice cream on a hot day; like the way the ocean washes against the sand by the beach, taking grains of sand away with it - the same way Hyunjae was winning you bit by bit, if not already all of you. 
Your hands find his collar again, and it tightens around the stiff material to pull him back down. He smiles into the kiss, hands pressing into the mattress by your hair while you undo the rest of his buttons. His skin is hot under the shirt, blood running on the adrenaline and tension he was riding on from the intimacy. Muscles pumped and heart racing, you finally get his shirt off and he does you the honor of dropping it to the ground. 
He gives you time to gasp for air while he dips his nose into your neck, inhaling your perfume and the scent of the hotel shampoo in your hair. His back muscles tense up under your cold fingertips as you run them along his spine. It’s almost beast-like, when he flexes his arms and every single move shifts his shoulder blades under his skin. His lips leave gentle pecks in your neck and your exposed collar bone, letting goosebumps erupt all over your skin. 
His hand caresses your waist as a way of request, and you arch your back just enough for him to find the zipper on the back of your gown. The vibrations of the zip being pulled downwards already feels like little bolts of electricity up your spine, and the straps around your shoulders loosen with every inch unzipped. 
He’s done, when his fingers return to your shoulders to push the straps off. The cool air kisses your skin in spots where he isn’t touching with any part of his body. The silk of the gown gently slides off with every inch of a movement you make, more and more of your torso exposed to him. 
Sliding one of his arms under your lower back, he pulls you out of the dress instead of stripping you of it as he helps you further up the bed. Your hands press into the mattress in a bid to help him shift yourself without breaking the sloppy, messy kiss. Your back finally meets the pillows and he pushes the gown off the bed with his leg. 
Chin tilting to the ceiling, he finally creates some distance between the two of you, eyes drifting down to your collar bone and chest still covered. His palms are hot around your waist as he trails butterfly pecks on your cleavage, while your fingers find his hair to tousle and grip. 
Goosebumps start to surface when his breath is heavy on your stomach, then he reaches your underwear and it’s almost embarrassing to have him kiss you. 
Your clouded vision is manually stuck to the ceiling when you can feel your face burning with adrenaline. The tickle of the material when it gets pulled off your hips and down your legs bring your cheeks more color, and before you know it, Hyunjae has your breath hitched in your throat. 
He rests your thighs on his shoulders as he works his way around, the bare minimum sanity left inside you decides to grip onto the sheets instead of ripping out his hair. 
Chills shoot up your spine mercilessly, emanating in the form of lewd mewls directed into the air. The crown of your head meets the cushioned head board of the bed when his grip on your thighs tighten to keep you from squirming too much. 
Without warning, he drags a finger down your sensitiveness and slides it in easily, the sensation erupting a more-than-shameful groan from you. Pulling away, he adds another finger before shifting his attention back to your upper body, now eyeing the last piece of material covering your chest. But he captures your lips first to earn your attention, and your arms naturally find your way around his neck to keep him close. 
His free hand goes around your back to unhook your lingerie, and it’s nothing but a new addition to all the clothes on the carpet now. He removes his fingers, and breaks the kiss first, for the sole reason of giving you a perfect view of him licking his glistening skin. 
You can feel your brows furrow with frustration now, the warmth from him dissipating when he leans back on his heels in a kneeling position. By providing you a gorgeous view of his being while he undoes his belt, he’s only adding more fire to the fuel. 
It’s significant enough to stretch out the material of his boxers, and so he climbs over you as he removes his last bit of clothing. He harshly yanks you downwards into a lying position by your ankle, and the sharp friction against your back is an addition to the heat between the two of you. 
His breath is heavy on your lips as he rests his palms by your ears, weight pushing in the mattress. “Tell me if it hurts, love.”
Then he presses his lips into yours, like his life depended on it, and in one swift motion, he buries himself inside you like it was the most natural thing to do. 
You suck all the breath out of him as you gasp into the kiss, and he finds your arms to hook around his neck and shoulders. 
If you could feel the taste of honey throughout your body, this must be how it feels. 
He gives you some moments before he starts grinding his hips slowly, his palms finding your thighs and digging into your flesh as he hooks them around his hips. 
Breathless, you pull away first, whimpers in the back of your throat louder than what you would’ve expected. His nose dips into your neck again, arms now stretched out to use the headboard as support when he picks up the pace. 
Cursing under your breath, you feel guilty for the bliss that was spreading through you. Your nerves are all heightened by the adrenaline and your vision is blurred from the sole nature of the intimate act. 
He’s not fast, but every spot he’s hitting feels like cloud nine over and over again. 
Like a spark in the dark, the sacred spot reveals itself in the form of harsher breaths and groans. Your fingernails dig into his back and your thighs are losing stamina to remain wrapped around him. 
“That’s it,” He breaths into your ear, pressing a kiss into your lower jaw. “Come for me.”
Tremors burst through your body like lightning in a storm upon his request. He helps you ride it out with a few more thrusts before he pulls out himself, releasing on your stomach, chest heaving. 
Resting his forehead on yours, he smiles. “Let’s hope that one day I wouldn’t have to worry about pulling out.”
You scoff, slightly tired. “We’ll see.”
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You are woken up by the unfamiliar warmth you normally don’t have under the blanket. White sheets and tousled hair come into your field of vision before you can process the face, partially hidden, but eyes wide open.
“Jesus,” Your morning breath billows out between your lips and you swallow to dampen your dry throat. The room looks too damn bright for it to be morning. “What time is it?”
“7am. Don’t worry, we have plenty of time. My manager hasn’t called me so... we have time to spare.” 
You shuffle around under the sheets and your arms slide under the pillow where its cool. He shifts and pulls out his arm to rest on his tricep, palm under his ear and hair as he perches up his head. 
“What?” You pull the blanket up to your face and inhale the scent of it. It smells like him now. 
“You look pretty when you’re asleep.”
“What?” You frown, but a smile is on your lips. “How long did you watch me sleep for?”
“Not long, don’t worry. I’m not a perv.”
“Well, considering we just slept together after 24 hours of knowing one another-”
“Hey, we’re both about to be deported back to Korea to work. Give us a break, would you?” He groans and shifts again, this time trying to pull you into his chest. 
“Ah,” Snorting, you let him cradle you in his arms, his bare skin pressed warmly into yours. “‘Deport’? That’s what you call your job?”
“Only because you’re involved now,” He pecks you on the lips. “So... can I ask about your ‘administrative matters’ you said you needed to attend?”
Right. The orphanage is closing down. 
The guilt washes through you again. 
“Oh,” A look of seriousness overtakes your facials, and he notes the change in expression. “Um... I- Well... It’s an orphanage. It’s closing.”
He blinks at you, gaze filled with wander. “Were you a volunteer or...?”
You can’t bring yourself to say it. 
Unable to bear the incoming judgment he might provide you, your eyes dart away. 
“Hey, hey,” He finds your chin and tilts it back up to his attention. “What’s wrong? I don’t see anything wrong with being who you are. Why are you ashamed?”
“I... I’ve lived all my life with that label. ‘Orphan’. It only got better when I came out to work.”
“Is that why you are so worried? That... we might affect something and possibly implicate that?”
He sighs, thumb stroking your cheek as he shakes his head. “Nah. It shouldn’t matter.” Pulling your head into his chest, you can hear the steady thumping of his heart through his skin. “’Administrative matters’, huh? Are you like a... committee member or donator?”
“I’m an unofficial sponsor ambassador from LV. Well, LV was supposed to arrange for official funding, but they just never really had the time or resources to build the rapport. The orphanage was doing too badly for any company or brand to want to help and invest their attention on.”
“Mm,” He hums, stroking your hair. “I’m sorry about that. I truly am.”
“It’s okay. Nothing could’ve been done about it anyway. All I hope now is for the kids to be safe, no matter where they go.”
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It feels empty again, having Hyunjae being ripped from your side at the airport once the plane touched down. The manager was surprisingly not surprised to know that you had spent the night together, the only question he had asked being something that concerned a future pregnancy, which the two of you have already confirmed negative. 
It’s late when you reach back your apartment, and you ready yourself for the private meeting with the committee members of the orphanage. Though tired and severely jet-lagged, you cannot miss this meeting. It’s the last time you’ll see all the caretakers and members of the organisation in the same room.
You shift into the taxi in a new set of clothes, but topped with the Dior blazer and smelling like the Dior perfume, you feel like you were probably going to get slapped once you reach the meeting.
The building of the orphanage looks so run-down, it could be mistaken for a prison had it not been for the words HILDA’S ORPHANAGE in big, block letters above the entrance. Before you can exit the taxi, your phone starts vibrating in your purse.
It’s the President of the orphanage.
“I’m right outside the building, going in soon,” You push open the car door and thank the driver. 
“The meeting has been cancelled. Someone bought the orphanage and we’ll be managed under a new system.”
You turn around and see the last person you’d expect to see here, in his hands, a folder of documents and a small bouquet of flowers. 
“Um,” Your eyes are stuck to Hyunjae, but you’re still on the phone. “The buyer... Does it have anything to do with Gucci or F1?”
“Yes, it’s an F1 sponsorship but there will be more details into the managerial and planning system. Some things will have to change.”
“I’ll... I’ll call you back.”
Hyunjae watches you lock your phone in shock, attention unrivalled. He takes a few steps towards you and you now realise he’s still in the same clothes he was in on the plane. His eyebags are obvious but the prideful grin on his face makes him glow. 
Stopping about an arms’ length away from you, he holds out the folder.
“I checked with my manager and he checked with F1. They green-lit it, but on a few conditions. I heard them out before I told them it would be more likely than not you’d accept it, so here are the legal documents. All the terms and conditions and sponsor contract are already in here, so you and the President can sign it when you deem fit.”
Taking the folder, you didn’t even notice your hands are trembling as you flip through it. 
But your eyes flitter up from the page when you notice the printing: 
OWNER’S SIGNATURE (Y/N L/N): ____________________
“It’s yours if you sign it.”
Now, he holds out the bouquet. “I thought of putting it under my name but I don’t want you to think you owe me a favour and have it bugging you all the time.”
Gently shaking your head, as if you could shake out the surprise, you close the file and look to him in awe. “But I’ll still owe you, big time. This is... this is everything, so thank you.”
He sucks in a deep breath and shakes the bouquet of flowers a little. 
“You can return the favour by going out with me. Properly, whenever I have time, and I promise, no Dior packages.”
Taking the bouquet into hand, you throw your arms around his shoulders, tears welling in your eyes.
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holdmyhopeinyourhands · 3 years ago
Petition to have Merc file a restraining order against Michael Masi on behalf of Lewis next season. And then journalist can debate every race whether Masi talking to merc over the radio violates the restraining order or something.
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cherrynika · 3 years ago
Lewis Hamilton and the stolen title
Everyone is wondering why the other drivers won’t step forwards and defend Lewis Hamilton, except for George (I want to commend him for his backbone while noting he has something the others do not have, he’s going to be part of team Mercedes)
The truth is they’re either ambivalent and don’t see it as part of their problem, or they’re scared. Maybe they have a good reason to be frightened. After Jules Bianchi’s tragic death his family filed a lawsuit. They asked other drivers to testify for them that Jules made no driver error. Everyone refused to do it. 
Below the jump are the history of the case and some details
After Bianchi’s crash he spent one agonising year in a coma before he finally died. That was the most painful thing I have ever seen in F1. Jules died as a result of a race being allowed to continue under dangerous conditions. He was my sister’s favourite driver, and after he died she lost interest. 
Every driver was deeply affected by Jules’ death. Sebastian and Romain Grosjean were his pallbearers, Valtteri Bottas has spoken about what a deep cut it left. His father was completely devastated. 
The Bianchis sued the FIA, FOM and Marussia. They said in an interview that the other drivers were very hospitable, and told them they would do anything for them. However, the Bianchis needed drivers to act as expert witnesses. No one would do that. 
Philippe Bianchi, Jules’ father, gave an interview. He said that the drivers when reviewing footage told him off the record Jules was not at fault. But no one said anything in the media, in public. Perhaps they said it quietly and pushed for change, but no one would stand up for a family who lost their son. While some on the grid were fairly disposable drivers, it included Sebastian Vettel, Fernando Alonso, Nico Rosberg and Lewis Hamilton himself. 
I was very upset at the time and I lost a lot of respect for many of them for being unwilling to right an injustice. I understood that they wanted to keep their jobs and maintain relations with the FIA, FOM and any teams. No one wants to be known as a trouble maker. But they were asked to choose between their integrity and even their lives, and their careers, everyone on the grid chose their career. 
F1 is complicated and mysterious world. I don’t pretend to know what was going through the drivers’ minds when they turned Philippe Bianchi down and I don’t know what they’re thinking now. They and their teams may have something to say behind closed doors that they cannot reveal, or are unwilling to publicly take heat for. Even if FIA changes rules and Masi steps down, one thing that doing everything privately does is to save them the embarrassment. Of course, if they’re not embarrassed it’s not terrifically fair to Hamilton, but they don’t care about that, right?
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fake-f1-news · 3 years ago
Hamilton’s Disappearing Act “Huge Mood”
Lewis Hamilton’s disappearance from the face of the Earth since the 2021 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix has been labelled a “huge mood” by one fan.
“I have watched F1 for years, and never really had a favourite, until Lewis became a cryptid over the winter break. I, too, love to disappear for weeks, or even months at a time, to the point that people question whether I actually exist. Because of this, Lewis is now my favourite driver!” claimed Mr Her Mit.
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Lewis embracing life away from the spotlight by hiding from reporters in a filing cabinet.
“It’s great to finally have a driver who represents us hermits. Too often we hear about F1 drivers partying, or having fun on Twitch. What about those of us who never leave our houses?! My respect for Sir Lewis couldn’t be higher!”
When asked what could be done to bring Lewis back into public view, the fan responded:
“Fire Masi. I’m sure we’ll see Lewis after mere minutes then!”
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chinookorca · 4 years ago
Hey everyone. My family is in need of help this month . Rent is due and I'm not going to have enough. My partner has been out of work for three months now, and getting on unemployment and finding a new job has been difficult. the last couple times I used my stimulus and tax money to cover all of our bills. I work two jobs and it's barley covers the rest of our bills, food and medical expenses . below is a picture of how much my rent is I need $1270.34 + 50.00 for the processing fee.
please share widely. Any amount helps.
Hayu Masi for the help.
my pay pal. and my venmo
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