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Semifinal Battle of The Baristas, Tampilkan Bakat dan Kreativitas Spektakuler dalam Seni Kopi dan Minuman Khas
BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, KUTA - The Battle of The Baristas, kompetisi barista berkelanjutan terbesar di Indonesia, mencapai babak semifinal yang berlangsung pada Jumat (7/7/2023) di Luber Bali di Kuta, Badung. Diikuti 16 peserta dengan bakat luar biasa, babak semifinal menampilkan kreativitas, seni, dan keahlian barista yang menawan. Para pesertanya sebagai berikut: 1) I Dewa Made Yudha Mahendra (Kynd Community Canggu); 2) Sony Tiyas (BGS); 3)Sthira Yabin Suprijadi (Kopi Burung Lapar); 4) Muhammad Faisal (Pison Jakarta); 5) Bryan Masga Wijaya (Volken Coffee); 6) Gatot (BGS); 7) Ni Luh Ayu Sutarini (Expat.Roasters); 8) I Putu Yusmar B (Kada Air); 9) I Putu Yoga Styadi (Butterman); 10) Syahrur Ramadhan (Pohon Kopi 2); 11) I Made Padang Juliantara Putra (Mitos Kopi); 12) Mujahidah (Setara); 13) Rudi (Pribadi); 14) Komang Hita Adi Paramadika (Tegukopi); 15) Rasdiawan (Botol Telanjang - Kuta); dan 16) Kevin Quentin Christian (Nyom Nyom). Acara dimulai dengan pidato pembukaan yang inspiratif oleh Shae Macnamara selaku Founder & CEO Expat.Roasters, dan Charlyn selaku Regional Head of Partnerships OATSIDE. Shae McNamara dalam sambutanya mengungkapkan, sangat antusias dalam acara The Battle of The Baristas tersebut. "Kami sangat senang menyaksikan bakat dan inovasi luar biasa yang ditampilkan dalam Battle of The Baristas. Kompetisi ini adalah perayaan komunitas kopi, menyoroti keterampilan luar biasa dan kreativitas barista Indonesia," ujarnya. Senada dengan Shae, Charlyn selaku Regional Head of Partnerships OATSID, juga mengungkapkan kegembiraannya tentang kompetisi tersebut. "The Battle of The Baristas adalah platform yang menyatukan barista dari seluruh Indonesia, memupuk semangat kolaborasi dan inovasi. Kami bangga mendukung acara ini dan menyaksikan keterampilan dan dedikasi luar biasa dari para barista dalam menciptakan pengalaman kopi nabati yang berkelanjutan," ungkapnya. Setelah upacara pembukaan, Mikael Jassin, Brand Ambassador OATSIDE menyampaikan mini talk yang menarik tentang ‘Bagaimana Mempersiapkan untuk Kompetisi Kopi’, memberikan wawasan dan saran berharga kepada para peserta. Inti babak semifinal berkisar pada kemampuan para peserta untuk memenuhi tantangan menciptakan seni latte yang indah dengan pola kejutan dan 2 minuman khas identik yang mengandung susu OATSIDE dan campuran kopi Expat.Roasters dengan setidaknya satu tegukan espresso. Setiap peserta tampil di panggung utama, menghadap juri dan penonton yang antusias, dan menunjukkan keterampilan serta kesenian mereka. Dewan juri Battle of The Baristas sendiri terdiri dari pakar industri yang memainkan peran penting dalam menentukan enam peserta yang akan maju ke tahap akhir. Yande J. Wirawan, Brand Ambassador dari Expat.Roasters; Charlyn, Regional Head of Partnerships OATSIDE; Stefani Chritianti Irawan dari Toffin; Vito Adi dari Sensa Koffie; Mira Yudhawati dari Bon Cafe Indonesia dan Certified WBC Sensory Judge & Q Grader; dan Laila Octaviana, Juri Sensorik & Pelatih Barista IBC Bersertifikat ICE, dengan cermat mengevaluasi setiap penampilan dan membuat keputusan sulit untuk memilih finalis. Enam peserta terbaik akan maju ke tahap akhir yang sangat dinantikan, yang akan berlangsung pada 21 Juli 2023 di Expat.Roasters Surabaya. Mereka akan tampil secara langsung, membuat minuman khas dengan terampil menggunakan bahan-bahan misteri yang disediakan dalam kotak misteri yang dikuratori khusus. Pemenang kompetisi tidak hanya akan mendapatkan hadiah utama berupa mesin kopi La Marzocco Linea Mini tetapi juga piala bergengsi, sertifikat, dan koleksi produk Expat.Roasters dan OATSIDE dengan nilai melebihi Rp100 juta. The Battle of The Baristas benar-benar memikat komunitas kopi Indonesia, dengan barista dari seluruh pelosok negeri berpartisipasi dan menampilkan keterampilan, pengalaman, dan kreativitas mereka yang luar biasa dalam seni kopi latte dan minuman khas. Kompetisi ini berdiri sebagai bukti berkembangnya budaya kopi di Indonesia dan tren yang berkembang menuju alternatif berbasis tanaman yang berkelanjutan.(bpn) Read the full article
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MICM y Fiduciaria Reservas lanzan el Fideicomiso MASGAS
MICM y Fiduciaria Reservas lanzan el Fideicomiso MASGAS #DescifrandoLaNoticia #MICM #FiduciariaReservas #FideicomisoMASGAS
El Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Mipymes (MICM) y Fiduciaria Reservas lanzaron el Fideicomiso público “Fideicomiso de Administración para el Programa de Masificación del Gas Natural (MASGAS)”, para fomentar y ampliar el uso de gas natural para vehículos como alternativa de energía con menor impacto ambiental. La iniciativa quedó instituida tras la firma del convenio entre Víctor (Ito)…
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(excluding "mac") nord names from tes + scottish surnames
Ad-stri Adhunda Aetta Afridhgh Agre-ey Aldarra Aldart Alelm Alfhear Aljan Alken Allech Aloakess Alwynhille Anari Andieldarki Angisd Ansendin Arrik Arthaki Arthy Asbach Asgrikanne Asogguelli Aulrig Axaraig Axe-ska Axolar Axolf Balga Barethant Bearj Beathand Bedvalnorne Beker Bendarkmir Beraulro Berda Berfend Berva Betch Bjagneir Bjange Bjaransen Bjolunder Bjorben Bjoria Blonaillit Boldfald Bordaves Bornhia Brahullni Brayen Braze Brearis Bredha Breezeris Breyenraer Bridh Briga Brokken Bruki Bulfdi Bustord Caigweld Cairily Ce-gar Ce-wiillopa Chilvard Clainnd Cobjartain Cordid Càild Dagaigervar Dahitha Dairsts Danda Davwear Delmojald Derfarnger Derosten Dornsenrod Drarga Droknic Druna Eanarsteirm Eaven Ebold Ed-dar Edbjerod Eetalin Eider Elinnder Eommer Eomoja Er-har Erannebh Erchacmhal Ernaing Erviller Essen Fasgen Fenrear Fidir Fjalaillild Fjarmryk Fjurgar Flyne Foired Fraciarann Fracild Freebla Fretrar Frilk Frillann Fririd Frogart Frogdiksen Frolf Funderna Furlach Gaden Galod Ganir Gareydir Gathar Gearm Geimham Gentring Gereevighar Gernskjaw Getia Gilsoroch Gjarredda Gjorna Gomhnaid Gonfrighla Gonjallif Gre-tror Greavid Grecthang Greirond Gret-filf Gretoraver Gridhuk Grun-ki Grynjisir Guelgaisbe Gòrar Hadagil Hafskaa Hagrund Haicildrech Haidh Haigh Haind Haing Hakone Halul Handing Hanowtroar Haoingh Hareach Harnera Harni Hauldh Hauthar Headdrin Headmek Hearcaic Heave Heimi Heirsh Heldidh Heldr Helhiehing Helia Heliss Herhanraiss Heòir Hingvale Hittinna Hjoljar Hjotheim Hlacgil Hlain Hloknacfur Hlontergarn Hofaraand Holfsifth Hongmin Honkur Horeer Horell Hornester Horsen Horusig Hostoda Hrainnbla Hrassen Hravid Hreadsen Hretents Hrioste Hràidh Hràthagst Hrìgheinte Huild Huilda Huilleinn Hyrkhig Ialdalkeld Ice-hiann Icharim Ichra Ick-fi Imhghaig Ingvigna Ivenn Jadar Jarsen Jeggeing Jenthdaing Jokkarr Jolifte Jorberne Jordarmall Jordi Jorger Jumphakesen Jurda Jurer Jurgamm Jurge Juricilsra Jytteof Kharth Khowheark Kjadmir Kjakdaing Kjare Kjarketgris Kjolais Klaird Knacmhadler Knind Koster Kulrik Lafky Laing Lalfurste Laomraigdi Lealdsen Lebolach Led-da Leimeir Leraill Limaek Linnbileb Liogair Lle-ke Lorns Losonz Lotrynn Maddvil Maerss Maggil Mairmirrane Maisdarm Majvar Malaymindr Maldoonir Malesabjen Malgrek Manacphen Manar Marruaint Masdawny Masga Masgenssen Mathonar Meranacmhan Mesaer-sou Mesen Mikard Mojegg Moll-win Molle Mongdiana Morgrostene Mormutisin Mornan Morsen Moste Mèibet Nalacdhad Naold Ne-ker Nelgar Noredde Nowcrimwyn Nowhil Oakda Oaken Obane Ofska Ogapeiny Oldul Olfhir Olreksen Olynn Onelvar Orech Orvild Ostlea Owmer Rarch Ravercrande Razen Redin Refain Rod-hear Ronaccùgh Ronjorsa Rorefryda Runhilidh Scallebhàrt Seasgrung Seavessa Sengar Shanir Sheimuna Sifeinmundi Sifteir Silayfjokar Simvilyrran Sirelf Skerstorar Skild-kett Skirkalgarn Skjee Skorga Skottlood Sliabon Snord Snorm Sofarar Solfbreim Solfhild Sorach Sorghaersar Sorneek St-heorbar Stair Stann Stebleen Stemhaild Stenn Sters Stlaraw Stobaille Suralmar Suridh Suriirgard Surir Surjarn Svall-fi Svareing Swets Sylgain Thadmuntil Thadver Thaild Thanssnowr Thap-ra Theann Theid Thjarich Thogarm Thoklavild Thold Thoruimk Thots Thuimen Tobbrygged Tolad Tolkerind Tonorrarst Tonorynch Toong-le Toralgyddan Torbeta Torder Torearazy Torgjuld Tormund Torne Torssena Tover Tracgivetin Trete Triksen Tuhna Tulredarud Tuoldaild Tworl Tàildill Ughti Ull-mood Ulleòrd Ulnarlach Ulsleathdee Uniler Unmar Valfhied Vanian Varain Vethein Vigun Vilch Vilda Vildyesen Villearlin Vipine Virle-toete Vlachods Votris Waleim Wever Wharn Whintalle Whithan Wifearro Wildic Wo-stril Woraven' Wragrid Wulne Wulrall Wulreskorn Ynndin Yrnald Yrrikul Ysmihilds
same thing but greater order
Agnetha Ajolf Alarach Alargas Alenna Alfangvor Alflundain Alich Alvar Amary Amund Angbalmaidh Annia Annik Arkuli Asdan Asheart Atlar Balittar Barais Barik Barkskyr Baxolda Beath Beker Bellinne Beloth Belothdimar Beral Berark-sky Bergar Bhodya Bigthander Birdborneag Birn-boot Bittle-han Bjari Bjend Bjerthe Blach Bladolen Blingue Bloodil Blue-sing Bofesarne Bolldirroki Bonar Bonmhaig Bonthjorn Bossen Botilleave Bowarens Brasvar Breal Brendir Briendain Brimist Bring Brittne Bryngvild Brynhild Buidrain Builcirc Buill Bujollfald Bulfr Calskar Canobain Cath-bria Cathane Chain Ciaralorn Cloak Coldheim Consis Conthon Coungianar Craoirecald Criadh Cruel-wift Còmhana Dagus Dalgof Deord Deror Deòid Droddny Dùghlaich Easteel-fat Ebonach Eileshergot Eimsing Eimvaulharo Eirfalf Elgalmondi Elgersen Ellesheart Ellik Ellinnan Ellod Emstag Erers Erglunda Eriogan Eslea Evskalofa Faler Fararsten Farrod Fenorvild Fenrais Fenranir Fenrarir Fenrennach Fenric Fenrison Fenrist Fingerdain Firefrod Fjord Fjornsen Freid Frilfeir Frorkar Frozen-hair Gabbarstaag Garmir Geadalda Gefork-ski Geina Geiria Geirlevi Gellhilte Gerdorben Gjaka Gjarnesen Gjolen Gloson Goldagalma Goldir Gorda Grald Greld Greyda Greylend Grorik Grund Guinneara Gundir Guretsin Gwenn Gòrdahl Hadaid Hadain Hadraidh Haelfhida Haena Hakragna Halbragnir Halfury Halga Hallki Halunda Halvorn Hammerthy Hannda Harain Haralker Harcadain Harda Hareki Hark-brea Haroriksen Harsonill Harthald Hatharansen Hathorn Heard Hearli Heifnar Heimund Helgar Helma Heltheir Hewelte Himein Himist Hjagus Hjagyrr Hjalthorcs Hjarorssen Hjarring Hjorlause Hoardwulf Hodmoon Hold-eye Holgrist Horarstein Horygg Hraed Hrald Hreidold Hrolf Huldur Hundarstnel Hurner Hyavni Icenarmain Icerealarir Idgry Idorbjorn Igekurek Inger Ingjal Ingue Ingvor Inhana Inhand Interblood Ironohp Itark Itnete Jaddvilde Jagmarain Jakjaki Jalach Jaluidh Jansdott Jargrid Jeggrym Jertain Jolly Jomathain Jurgand Jurgers Jurgitta Jurgue Jyring Khorga Kirfa Kirstyrver Kjand Kjold Klaan Klimunder Kormund Kraggissen Kralisgunn Krastrom Krathming Kvein Lafkyrde Larind Larsen Leath Legensen Lifeborn Lilib Liljarik Litte Loated-drif Loghainn Loghairn Loric Lothair Lothonki Lotili Lydis Lyring Mabbi Maesmaraidh Magne Maigh Maoimhing Marailt Marika Marit Master Meadhan Meady Melesher Merhylgar Milinne Moirenorte Mojarmar Mojorr Morgart Morgny Mraig Nedblach Neldar Nelfberid Niella Niocaibel Njolfar Njolfr Noelorodunn Odhardwulf Ofter Ogmiksen Olfar Olgriogard Oljir Onmundle Orgeir Ortishga Othaluf Paoranach Poduvid Poranskar Quickalt Quiette Raldsen Ramdir Ratach Raval Raver Reach Redguair Redorarke Renssen Restorbete Roethe Roggald Rolla Rottglund Ruair Sabjurg Salma Sarne Schoin Sgèinn Sifkning Sillrissen Sione Sirir Sissurgar Sittler Sjart Sjorn Sjorr Skavwenning Skjoldtone Skjyrissen Skorald Skull Skullte Skulnach Snarfel Sneddveida Snow-haig Snow-stagg Snowrisi Soldia Songard Songs Songul Sorkir Sorlaich Steelhild Steirik Storbard Storbenssen Storbjarm Strihild Suffik Svakdrir Svalkfyr Svallvar Svarel Sveig Swander Sword Sylgjarkas Talskald Thaich Thaidhe Thaisdein Thand Thardain Thastlogar Theacam Theim Thela Thelmanndar Thjar Thjolff Thjorn Thjot Thodha Tholvar Thorlund Thorna Thraedir Thrihilda Thurlanker Thurnd Tildir Tombailpein Tombais Tompetuous Toote Tormonda Treirther Trestod Tromm Tunehealt Tyrbjorlund Tyrves Ulfin Ulreid Ulrenz Ulrida Ulriseal Unskar Ursen Vaerarich Vaerlgari Valdsen Valgarm Vanir Vaolana Viggar Virkmirid Virnesen Viverkirson Vofie War-wall Wayfind Widen-haidh Wilda Wilmain Windis Winebren Winneach Wratha Wreckerid Wulfber Yngha Yngmar Yngoknir Ynohille Yoress Ysgransen
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Manual de uso d elogotipo y branding para Masgas Ecuador
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Photoshoot of the Week: March 16th-22nd 2020 - Suzuki GSX-R1000R & Berta
Happy birthday Suzuki! The Japanese motor corporation has completed 100 years as a company. Suzuki was established on 15th March 1920 as a silk weaving company, which, in 1954, provided the basis for the birth of Suzuki Motor Corporation, one of the main automotive companies in Japan. But the history books tell that the company's first motor vehicle was a motorbike, the 1952 Power Free, followed by the succ4ssful Diamond Free DF model in 1953. However, these models were nothing more than bicycles with a 50 cc engine and a petrol tank: the first real motorcycles produced arrive with the name of "Colleda": the 1954 model is considered the rarest Suzuki motorbike ever. Some Suzuki have marked the first in the history of motorcycling: the Colleda Seltwin SB of '58 is the first motorcycle in the world with a 2-stroke two-cylinder engine and electronic ignition, the T20 of 1965 was the fastest "two-half" on the market, the T500 was the first production bike with a 500cc 2-stroke twin-cylinder engine while the 1991 DR Big 800 still holds the record of "4-stroke single-cylinder more large never mounted on a mass-produced motorcycle". On the other hand, one of Suzuki's great qualities is that of creating real iconic motorcycles like the Van Van, born in 1974, or the "turbocharged" XN85 and the charming Katana. Anyway Suzuki produced its masterpiece in the superbike world: while the RG250 Gamma gave life to the sportbike famous dynasty in 1983, the GSX-R 750 made its debut in 1985, the first "Gixxer" in history. In the 1970s, Suzuki company established itself in the motorcycle racing world winning world championships in the premier 500 cc class. After retiring from MotoGP in 2011, Suzuki made its come back in 2015 in the GSX-RR currently driven by the Spanish racers Joan Mir and Alex Rins, which were heavy favourites for MotoGP 2020. Sadly, much like all global sport, MotoGP is on hiatus amid the spread of the coronavirus pandemic with the opening round currently scheduled for Jerez on May 1st-3rd, though it is expected this will be pushed back again as Spain reels from a sharp increase in cases and deaths. To all Spanish brothers and sisters: even if we do know that in this difficult situation it's very hard to take comfort in anything, just like our silly few words, we're sure that, as in other terrible situations, better times will come. Meanwhile, while we must stay home to protect ourselves and our loved ones, we celebrate both the Suzuki anniversary and the battle of the Spanish people posting some of the better photos made by the amazing Spanish bikergirl and tenocious rider Berta along with her Suzuki GSX-R1000R! Stay strong: all you racers will be again riding in the streets sooner than you think, and - believe me - bikergirls like Berta will be at your head! *** *** Suzuki GSX-R1000 is still the superbike par excellence for the vast majority of fans. This motorcycle combines the power and agility that riders expect from a Suzuki flagship sports bike, with an enviable track record for Superbike victories and which is still a tough nut to beat. The 2020 Suzuki GSX-R 1000 is now equipped with the bidirectional quick-shift gearbox, which was previously only available on the GSX-R1000 R. Today, even the less tracked version of the Japanese four-cylinder gives quick and effective changes both by inserting and climbing the six relationships. The most desired sportbike on the market presents itself at the start of the 2020 season with a livery that recalls the world of MotoGP. The blue color and racing graphics highlight the athletic forms of the superstructures. Customers can appreciate the full equipment, which includes front braided hoses and bidirectional Quick Shifter. The windtunnel-tested attributes of the GSX-R1000 are apparent at a glance. In front, the fender uprights multitask as supports for the close-fit fender, but they also protect the swept areas of the fork tubes. The uprights act as shunts to guide the incoming air away from the tube and into the slipstream as it passes over the engine cowlings in a bid to lower drag and improve penetration. Up top, a smoked bubblescreen forms the rider’s pocket with standoff mirrors mounted on the mullions, and I have to gig the factory for missing an opportunity to integrate the blinkers with the mirrors; a fairly major oversight on a bike that could potentially see a track at some point in its life. A compact LED headlight rides recessed between two ram-air induction ports in the tip of the nose, a detail that delivers a roughly 2.5-percent increase in power once you get it up to speed. Clip-on bars pull you forward to encourage a prone riding position and that tendency is reinforced by the jockey-mount footpegs and the flat, forward-sloped top of the 4.2-gallon fuel tank. Saddle height is typically high at 32.48 inches off the deck and this will undoubtedly tax riders with short inseams, but it’s to be expected on a bike that’s built for the bends. Nothin’ for it. An abbreviated p-pad and fold-up footpegs completes the passenger’s package for a brave friend. On the flip-side, strike the footpegs from the bike ahead of racedays and cover the p-pad for a solo/racer look. Aerodynamic considerations dictate the shape of the tail and position of the LED taillight at its terminus, and out back is the usual mudguard/plateholder/turn-signal assembly that concentrates the gear in the rear and makes it easy to remove as a unit if you actually want to race on a track. Overall, the outside of the Gixxer looks pretty much like last year with the exception of the addition of a two-tone paint scheme, but the real magic is hidden beneath the skin. For those who love driving on the track, enthusiasts can count on the GSX-R1000R racing version with exclusive features: Launch Control, Cornering ABS, Showa BFF fork and Showa BFRC lite monoshock. Another peculiarity of the GSX-R1000R 2020 is the adoption of a slot in the frame that allows you to vary the position of the swingarm pivot, as required by the new international sports regulations. #bikergirl #fastbikes #RidinGirlsBlog #racing #suzukigsxr1000r #gsxr600 #gsxr #gixxerkidz #Suzuki #gsxr1000 #hjchelmets #biker #bikelife #bikersofinstagram #bikerfamily #bikergirl #motorrad #girlsonbikes #HJC #sportbike #sexybiker #Suzuki #GSX #gsxR #motard #moto #suzukigirl #bikerchick #bikerlady #motorbike #speed #roadracing #ridingsexy #girlswhoride #riderich #girlsonbikes #suzukigsxr #motogp #moto #helmetporn
Visualizza questo post su Instagram HOY VA POR NOSOTRAS •FUCK CANCER• _______________________________________________________ TBT ~ ♥️ @angelmasgas GSXR 1000 R _______________________________________________________ #superbikesgram #sportbikeaddicts #sportbikelife #ridersbook #throttleworld #motorrad #sportbike #europeanbikers #bikerguyz #motorcyclesofinstagram #bikerboysofinstagram #bikersofinstagram #bikekings #ridersofinstagram #instamoto #moto #мотоцикл #ride #motorbike #killswitchbikes #bikestagram #bikerlife #motorcyclelife #throttlesociety #universalbikers #gixxer #suzuki #gsxr Un post condiviso da Berta Masgas ✊ (@bertamasgas) in data: 18 Ott 2019 alle ore 3:48 PDT Read the full article
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To avoid hurting anyone’s feelings I’m gonna say this in my language
Para Hamyo todu siha I mange’la’ guini gi Tumblr: maolek esta pa’go na ti matulaika I kustumbren miyu. Sempre masangan “anggan un nisisita yu, gaigi yu magi para e’ekungok hao yan todu I ginaddon mu”. Ya maolek ha’ ayu lao an matto iyi tiempu na hu sedi maseha hayi para hu konfifia, sempre I ineppen miyu “Pues masga yu para huhungok enao”
Chatmiyu sangani yu na malago’mu ekungok yu anggan ti siña hamyu adingani. Anto’asi keke’fa’gai enteres.
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The Saipan Young Professionals presents "Hiring 101" 🇲🇵 Speakers: Derek Cutting, Latte Built 24 Hr. Gym (Kagman III & Oleai) | Polly DLG. Masga, Access 670 Consulting 👤 Thursday, June 20, 2019 5:30pm-8pm Saipan Chamber of Commerce Conference Room 🌏 FREE for SYP Members $35/ per person 🇲🇵 Refreshments Included. 👤 To Register or for more information, please call (6700 234-7150 or email [email protected] #syp670 #saipanyoungprofessionals #saipanchamberofcommerce #inspire #connect #grow #saipan #cnmi #marianas https://www.instagram.com/p/ByqyzM6FZQ1/?igshid=jrl4wxhtj7ua
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Life on Mars: How could humanity's greatest feat in design be pulled off?
Life on Mars - Forty-five years after David Bowie first sang about lifestyles On Mars, a brand new exhibition on the Design Museum in London is exploring the challenges humans might face if we lived on the red Planet.
Ellie Watson, co-curator of relocating to Mars, says the conception came about because "the fact of a Mars mission is quickly approaching".
"We notion it would be pleasing to discover why we are interested in going, how we'd get there and, as the Design Museum, basically what position design plays in making that mission possible."
Mars is ready 100 times further away than the Moon, so now not only would it not require a giant jump ahead in area travel[1], contending with deadly area radiation, dirt storms and cruel temperatures would additionally imply pulling off arguably humanity's most reliable feat in design.
greater than 200 exhibits, together with original objects and cloth from NASA, the eu house company (ESA) and SpaceX, support inform the story of designing for Mars.
one of the vital brilliant pieces is a multi-sensory room designed for viewers to experience the terrain.
there is additionally a full-scale prototype of how and the place astronauts might reside, created with the aid of international design firm Hassell.
Xavier De Kestellier, the business's head of design and innovation, says their prototype - which in layman's phrases is a series of inflatable pods beneath a cave-like constitution - changed into at the start produced for NASA's 3D-Printed Habitat challenge.
"in the world we now have magnetic poles that means all of the radiation receives deflected off.
"On Mars or not it's going to hit us, and or not it's going to be really bad, so the best thing to do is reside very nearly in a shell structure which would be 3D printed by means of robots.
"They've printed it earlier than any humans even come to Mars and below could be where the astronauts live, the pods are like pop-up tents nearly, inflated underneath."
guests will even be requested to consider whether we should we go to Mars, as curator Ellie Watson explains.
"we now have this excellent piece in the exhibition via Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg, a young fashion designer… She noted quite overtly there's a supreme conceitedness on the part of humans to believe of Mars as belonging to us and to believe of it as being the Plan B in case something bad happens on the planet.
"Her idea is to no longer deal with Mars like a lifeboat for humans but as a lifeboat for non-people like micro organism and flowers."
Professor Mark McCaughrean, senior adviser for science and exploration at ESA, says the largest obstacle isn't in reality design or innovation but whatever somewhat extra simple - getting the money.
"Going to Mars is a extremely costly proposition and it potential that the governments all over the world will must come together and say 'here is whatever thing we wish to do collectively', and in the mean time we don't demonstrate many indications in working collectively very smartly internationally…. or not it's not going to be one nation that does this by itself.
"Getting the funds together is only as essential as getting the technology solved, I do not feel we're reasonably there, but when we push ahead on the expertise probably we could make it seem like this is the issue to do."
The Design Museum's moving to Mars exhibition runs until 23 February 2020.
References : house commute (information.sky.com)
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Autistic Man Finally Gets Dream Tattoo Even After More Than A Few Shops Refuse To Tattoo Him
This is a story about Buzz chasing his dream. Buzz is a 23-year-old guy diagnosed with autism and he had wanted a tattoo for years. However, many of the parlors his mom took him to refused to ink him.
“As a child, he loved the fake ones and would freak out when they washed off,” Buzz’s mom Sandi Green told KTVU. She said her son repeatedly asked to get a real one, but she told him he’d have to wait until he was older. Green thought she’d make Buzz’s dream a reality during his 23rd birthday.
Even Buzz’s doctor supported the idea. But when Green started taking Buzz to local tattoo shops, they either turned them down or quoted very high prices. She said their reaction was understandable as her son stands 6’3″ tall and weighs 200 pounds, and it was unclear how he would react to the needle.
Image credits: Northwest Inkorporated
They continued their search, until meeting with Pat Masga at Northwest Inkorporated.
“When Buzz arrived he had a huge smile. From the moment I met him and that’s when I told myself that this tattoo is getting done – no matter what adjustments I have to make,” Masga said. “Whether it took me five hours or five sessions, I was willing to do it. He sat like a champ, didn’t complain or quit, and we did it!”
Buzz got Tommy from the 1990s Nickelodeon show “The Rugrats,” and he couldn’t be happier. Masga wrote a Facebook post about their encounter on his shop’s page, and it went viral, generating a whopping 377,000 likes and 165,000 shares
Image credits: Northwest Inkorporated
Image credits: Northwest Inkorporated
Image credits: Northwest Inkorporated
Image credits: Northwest Inkorporated
People related to Buzz’s story in heartwarming ways
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Autistic Man Finally Gets Dream Tattoo Even After More Than A Few Shops Refuse To Tattoo Him was originally posted by MetNews
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Ha merecido la pena dormir poco Jajaja un día estupendo lleno de buen rollo buena gente y motos 😁😁😁😁 que más se puede pedir #zaragoza #masgas #finalmotociclismo #cheste #valencia #motos #moteros #moteras #bikers #paraguera o #paraguero #buenagente #buenacompañia #buenrollo 😍😍😍 (en MasGastro)
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Blusa negra masgas largas fabricada por B Violet Jeans 332 $34.24 https://magicolafashion.com/es/blusa-negra-masgas-largas-fabricada-por-b-violet-jeans-332.html
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Awesome piece I got from Pat Masga at Northwest Inkorporated
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