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elara93 · 9 months ago
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2016 Suzuki GSX-R750
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tropichalwave · 10 days ago
Suzuki GSX-R750, 1992
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everydaymacro · 1 year ago
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yoshimura SUZUKI GSX-R750 1986年鈴鹿8耐レース仕様 Fujimi 1/12バイクシリーズ No2 エキゾーストパイプのスプリングの追加。ブレーキディスクの穴明。ケーブルを細いものに交換。といった、ちょっとした追加工だけで格好がいい。外装のガンメタはインストの指示では黒50、シルバー50の指示。明るすぎるので黒を足したが、不足のようだ。エキゾーストとシートカウルをつなぐステーは2回折れた(笑)
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otrstore · 8 months ago
Suzuki Hayabusa 2008-2012 Compatible Regulator Rectifier Suzuki Hayabusa 2008-2012 Compatible Regulator Rectifier. OEM design and direct fitment. Provides Optimum required voltage to regulate battery. Made of from high quality materials to manage thermal control and avoid overheating. long lasting performance compared to other Low quality RR units.
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crimsonrubie · 4 months ago
A Quiet Night
Part 2
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Biker!Bakugou would have one of the fastest motorcycles in the gang because he's a freak for speed and power. His bike would probably be a Suzuki GSX-R750, black and orange, with 750cc. He would be speeding with this baby everywhere. It's perfect for him because of its aerodynamic design and sharp and aggressive lines.
I imagine he loves taking his bike out on late-night rides. Especially when his mind is running a mile a second, what better way to cool off than speeding through the streets with his bike?
Warnings: Teeny tiny bit of angst then fluff! Also this is the first fic I've written in years so my writing is floppy at best and English isn't my first language so please excuse any mistakes!!
The cool night wind of Musutafu swept by and ruffled his blonde spikes as the roar of the engine purred in the background.
It was one of those nights. The silence at his home was eating him alive like an infection and without thinking, Katsuki grabbed his keys, forgoing his helmet and headed to his sleek dark and orange bike. He threw on a leather jacket over his top and sped off from his garage.
His mind hadn't calmed down since the incident this morning when he was on patrol. Heroes are known for doing their best to save everyone, but it's no secret that not everyone can be saved. The thought alone urged him to twist the throttle, revving the engine and letting it drown out his loud thoughts.
At his action, he heard a cheer similar to a kid's and turned his head to the side for only a second. The little kid's bright smile from the car beside him on the highway silenced his thoughts as he focused on him now. The car was keeping up with his bike, due to the empty road this time of night and the kid extended his hand out of the window and mimicked the motion of revving an engine.
Katsuki, to entertain the little boy, did as he wished and twisted the throttle, letting it last for a little longer and the bright smile from the boy brightened a small spot inside Katsuki's heart. The car then took a turn and the boy waved to him, Katsuki giving him one last rev before they separated.
He drove along the road, the streetlights blurring past him as the night remained quiet and peaceful except for a few cars. His emotions were still in chaos, but the low hum of the engine and the distraction of driving provided him with only some sense of satisfaction.
After half an hour, a park became visible in the distance. Katsuki noticed it was deserted for the most part and was situated a good distance away from the busy streets of the city so he decided it was a good place to stop. He parked his bike in the empty parking lot belonging to the park overlooking the beach. He killed the engine and got off of the seat, fixing his leather jacket and zipping it up as the cool air arriving from the sea sent a shiver down his body.
His lungs expanded to take in as much of the salty air as he could, letting it out in a deep sigh. Though looking out into the night sky, far from the blinding lights of the bustling city did little to distract his mind from his thoughts as they came rushing back. Now nothing around him could distract him from his swirling dark thoughts.
He hated it most when he failed in a mission, despised it and loathed it really. Whether he was bleeding all over or even had one of his arms rendered useless because of the damage, he refused to give up. Always pushing forward to save the day and kick some villain's ass. This passion was with him since he was a little boy and never left but only grew when the seed was sowed at the awakening of his quirk.
His quirk was supposed to be used for good, to save and win. What happened today was a complete contrast to that. He hated himself for letting the villain get him in such a vulnerable state. One little mistake lead to a chaotic and traumatizing ending for everyone on the scene.
Just remembering the anguished faces of the boy's parents after he utterly failed to get to him in time shattered another piece of his already broken soul. Now breathing didn't come to him as easily. His breathing was ragged and uneven, and his chest felt like it was being restricted by a boulder. His hands sought out his throat, gripping it as if his life depended on it and he gritted his teeth.
"D-damn it- Damn it all to hell!" His hand heated up without his knowledge, the nitroglycerin sweat on his palms reacting to his quirk. At his yell, a cat jumped up on a stone seat beside him and meowed. His breathing hitched and his eyes scanned the cat. Under the dim lightening of the lamp post beside the stone bench, he could decipher beautiful black fur and slit eyes that rounded out just a little at him. It wasn't a kitten, but didn't appear to be old but maybe a few years old perhaps.
The cat was looking at him, as if interested in what made him yell out into the night but he left it and plopped down on the stone seat, just a few feet away from the cat on the other side and buried his face in his hands. A minute passed which felt like an eternity before the tiniest of sobs escaped his lips. His hands now in his hair, he pulled harshly at the roots, needing anything to distract him from the searing pain in his chest if even for a second.
Gradually, the sobs left him like a dam with a crack, starting out slow and only deepening the crack and breaking it even more to allow more to flood out. His aching chest hurt, and one of his hands left his hair and grabbed at his jacket, right above the scar shielded underneath all the clothing. His fingers clutched tightly at the leather, crinkling it up as tears ran freely down his face, quiet sobs escaping without his permission.
It hurt. Everything hurt. His heart, his mind, his chest, even his hand from how tightly he was holding onto his jacket as if it was his lifeline and he was hanging on by a thread. His head was ducked as he suffered mentally and physically under the dim lightening when a weight was pressed against his thigh.
At first, he didn't notice but another thing landed on his thigh and he then pulled his head back and noticed the cat with its front paws now on his thigh, meowing up at him so softly. It was as if the little being knew he was in a vulnerable state and was offering comfort.
He sniffed, his arm rubbing over his red face and cold nose from the cold air. "You're weird, you know that?" His voice was gruff when he spoke, raspy from all the crying but the cat only climbed further into his lap, curling up as if getting ready to sleep and loafing on his lap.
The added weight of the feline and its warmth chased away some of the demons tormenting his mind. He looked down at the cat and scoffed with a sniff afterwards, realising that the cat in some way, knew to comfort him.
Katsuki wasn't a cat or dog person. His best friend Eijirou Kirishima, owned a Staffordshire bull terrier, the little guy both energetic and affectionate, a carbon copy of his owner but Katsuki never knew the appeal of owning a live animal and taking care of their needs, training them, and just sharing space with a living being he can't directly communicate with.
The cat was snuggled up on his lap and his mind now momentarily forgetting the pain in his chest, urged his hand to pet the soft fur of the black cat and he let out a breath when the soft sound of purring reached his ears. The side of his lip quirked up just slightly at seeing the little creature happily snuggled into his lap and purring like nobody's business.
While he was petting it, he then noticed a thin pink collar hidden under its fur and his eyebrows furrowed slightly. "You lost or something?" He mumbled under his breath and reached under the cat's chin to look at the tag and saw a phone number. He hummed then seeing the pink collar again, noted the cat must be female.
No wonder the cat wasn't sceptical of him. She was a house cat and well cared for from the looks of it so she didn't carry the same hesitance to humans like other street cats and approached him right away. The cat must have been emotionally intelligent, maybe a service animal?
Pushing those thoughts to the side for now, he got out his phone and texted the number a picture of the cat on his lap and his location.
Found her at the park in front of the parking lot.
He clicked send and not a second later, his phone dinged with a response and he opened it up again, the bright screen illuminating his face in the darkness.
I'm on my way! Thank you so much!!
He left it at that and put his phone down. He continued petting the cat, the notion calming him down as he soaked up the last few minutes he had with his unusual companion before she had to go back to her owner.
He gave a quick glance at the number's profile picture before he put his phone down and knew it was a girl but didn't look clearly to know any more details.
A few minutes passed by of him silently petting the feline and admiring her soft dark fur, letting the time run as he distracted himself with the continuous motion of petting the cute animal. The cat then pressed her paws on his lap then stretched making him chuckle under his breath at the cat comfortably doing whatever she desired on his lap.
"Ohh big stretch! She loves you." At the new voice, his head lifted instinctively and his breath was knocked out of his lungs. His back straightened like a board. This time it was a nice feeling, not choking him up but instead providing him with a sense of calmness and the smell of fresh air. Why, he had no idea but he welcomed the feeling in this dark time.
You looked pretty. With no makeup on and wearing a light colored hoodie and comfortable pants, you looked like you were on a leisurely walk before you lost sight of your feline friend. He found it endearing the moment his eyes skimmed briefly over your figure and back to your eyes.
Your figure closed the distance between you and you sat beside him on the stone bench, your cat upon recognising you, lazily switching from Katsuki's lap and snuggling up on yours instead. You provided her with scratches under the chin and ears as she purred. "You seriously need to be on a leash sometimes." You spoke out to the cat but he didn't detect any malice in your voice. "You always escape right under my nose but come crawling back for food huh?" The cat meowed in response, as if sassily replying to you and he watched the interaction with curiosity.
You suddenly sat up straight with a start and acknowledged the man beside you. Your reaction was similar to his if not the same. Your back straightened up and your lips formed a small rounded shape in surprise when your eyes scanned his naturally pale face. Red piercing eyes stared into yours as if to hypnotize you but you cleared your throat and offered up your hand in greeting, thankful this specimen of a man hadn't made you forget your manners.
"Katsuki bakugou." He greeted you in return, accepting your hand and nodding towards the cat in your lap. "She yours then?" He internally slapped himself for the stupid question.
You didn't seem to mind his gruff exterior and nodded with a smile, "Yes, her name's Aiko." At the familiar word, he remembers its meaning and hums.
"Little loved one."
Your eyes widened a fraction at the fact he knew the meaning and you let out a small laugh. "Yes, I love her so much and after a week of having her, I decided Aiko was perfect for her. She wouldn't hurt a fly and is so sweet with everyone, even little kids who aren't sure how to treat her. Everyone falls in love with her cuteness too, she's charming that way." You purse your lips and a blush blooms on your cheeks when you notice you rambled. "Sorry, I tend to ramble about her." You scratch at the back of your neck and he grunts in response, his shoulders relaxed as he sits back against the backrest.
"It's fine."
With his lack of words, you go ahead and ask a question in return. "You were out on a nightly stroll I'm guessing?" You tilt your head, Aiko now purring in your lap as you tuck her in your hoodie pocket so she won't get cold. It became a habit for the cat since she was a few months old and always crawled into the spacious pocket of your hoodie to warm up and surprisingly still fits.
He hums, fidgeting with his hands in his lap as he looks forward. "Just came here for some fresh air. I needed space and quiet, and found it here."
You hum and he blinks when a second later, you have your hand outstretched towards him, palm up with a snack in hand. "Take this, it's a homemade cookie, I made it. Don't worry I'm actually a good baker and you can take it as a sign of my gratitude for finding Aiko." You nudge your hand in his direction, encouraging him to take it and after a second of confusion, he accepts the cookie.
"Thanks. Do you carry cookies everywhere with you?" He raises an eyebrow at you, his attention now diverted from the beach. You noticed a small smirk appearing on his lips and rolled your eyes playfully.
"Well on occasion, yes. I always go out on walks with snacks and treats for Aiko too. Sometimes I can be out here for hours so I get hungry and speaking of that I also get my books a lot of the time too, I love reading in this park." He watched you talk with a gentle smile while your hands were busy petting Aiko's head that was peeking out of your pocket.
"Oh and I never saw you here before, you aren't from around here?" At your question, he nods in reply.
"I live in the city. I found this place by coincidence and parked here to get some fresh air." You hum and a minute later, he opens the packet you stored the cookie in and takes it out. "Chocolate chip." He comments and you nod with a smile.
"Yes, tell me how it tastes and hopefully you don't completely hate it." You giggle and watch as he takes a bite and chews.
Those few seconds felt like one of those cooking shows where the judge is eating antagonizingly slow as the crowd waits for their reaction. That's how you felt when you watched him chew down on the cookie and swallow. He licked his lips to get rid of the crumbs left and your stomach fluttered at the action but you cleared your throat and looked back into his eyes.
To your utter shame, he was smirking knowingly at you and you knew you were caught ogling at his lips but quickly asked him a question to avoid the embarrassment. "So? How is it?"
He hums and eats another bite, this one bigger than the last and you smile. "I'm guessing it's nice?" He nods, wiping his mouth with his thumb after he swallows.
"Send me the recipe." You blink. Well, that was straightforward.
"Uh, sure-" Your reply gets cut off by your laughter. He had his own unique ways of expressing his liking to something but you took it, sensing that he was just like that. "I'll make sure to send it to you now that I have your number don't worry. Right when I get back home!" He grunts and continues eating till the cookie is finished.
Conversation flowed from there for another hour at least. Talking with Katsuki felt like reuniting with a dear old friend as if you had known each other for years. Unfortunately, it was becoming late making you realise that you would have to part ways with this handsome stranger who helped you find your cat.
"Well, I'll have to head back home sadly. I have a shift tomorrow afternoon so I need to get back if I don't want to go looking like a zombie." You got up with Aiko in your hoodie's pocket, Katsuki standing up with you and burying his hands in his pockets.
"I'll give you a ride home."
"Oh! It's fine you don't need to! My apartment is only a few minutes away."
"I'm giving you a ride home. Whether you come or refuse and get kidnapped out on the street. Your choice." He raises an expectant eyebrow and you hate that he's right at the possibility of you getting kidnapped.
You sigh in defeat and nod. "Fine okay, I didn't want to be a bother that's all!" He grunts and starts walking. You quickly zip up your bag, sling it over your shoulder and jog after him until you're walking by his side.
"You are a man of few words?" He side-eyes you and shrugs.
"Don't feel like talking. Don't mistake it for me not giving a shit about our time together though. It wasn't half bad I guess." You conclude you can't get better than that from him and a smile creeps on your lips. He was being nice in his own way and even though only meeting him tonight, you felt comfortable with him.
He reaches a sleek motorcycle and your eyes bulge out of their sockets at the expensive-looking vehicle. "You gonna keep staring like a creep or what?" He snarks out but you notice a proud smirk on his lips at having his baby be marvelled at. It was apparent that he took pride in his motorcycle.
You then snap out of it and pout. "Hey, I'm not a creep! Your bike is just so cool and I'm not really used to seeing them so up close."
At your compliment, his cheeks redden just slightly and he ducks his head with the cover of taking out his keys. "Anyway get on." He nudges his head towards the bike and you walk over, swinging your leg around it, being mindful of the feline in your pocket and shuffle back on the seat as he gets on in front of you. He swings his leg over the bike with practised ease and his boots find secure footings on the foot pegs.
He inserts the key, twists it and the low purr of the engine roared to life in the silence of the night. "Hold on to me and make sure your little friend doesn't get ideas." You laugh and hold on to Aiko with one arm, wrapping your other free arm around his waist. The moment your arm makes contact with his front a blush explodes on your face at being so close to this stranger.
He had an air of kindness to him that you think isn't seen or noticed by many but when you do see it, you see a part he keeps reserved for only a handful of people in his life. You're glad the stranger who ended up finding your cat wasn't a creep or weirdo but instead turned out to be this handsome man who accepted your cookie and demanded the recipe be sent to him.
"Where do you live?" He asks from behind his shoulder as he kicks off the stand and pulls out of the parking spot, then makes a turn and gets on the road.
You relay your address to him and he scoffs. "A few minutes away? That's at least half an hour's walk away you shitty woman!" He exclaims, the wind from the ride making it come out a little muffled and you mockingly gasp. You guess he's more comfortable with you now with how his words left his mouth so smoothly and with no reluctance.
"Well sorry for declining your gentlemanly offer! I didn't want you going out of your way to get me there because you could be going in the opposite direction!"
"This is nothing. As long as you're fine I don't care how much further it is from my own home, next time you better not be as stupid with me or anyone else!" You open your mouth to retort but find yourself unable to think of anything so instead you grumble under your breath.
He chuckles at your grumbling and you feel your face heat up once again as his body vibrates with his deep laugh. The air is cold this time of night and you instinctively snuggle closer to his back, unknowingly making the blonde flush to his ears but he doesn't complain and the ride is spent in comfortable silence till you arrive at your apartment.
You dejectedly unwrap your arm from his waist and he gets up to help you out of the bike. You're swinging your leg to get off when it suddenly catches on something on the bike and you yelp as you lose balance but before you can fall any further, firm arms are wrapped around you and you're enveloped in the deep musky scent of Katsuki.
"Hey, easy. You okay?" His deep voice reverberates throughout your body and you shiver at the welcoming sound of his voice and nod, your arms braced on his chest while you're still in an awkward position on his bike. You were flustered behind belief because you felt his hard and defined chest underneath and all of it along with his voice will make you combust.
He moves to pick you up from your waist and plop you down safely on the ground and you blink at his strength. No wonder he owns such a powerful bike, it basically represents its owner. Sharp and striking just like his red eyes. Powerful and loud like him but in an endearing way, leading you to realise that you like it.
"T-Thank you, I'm not usually clumsy." You mumble, suddenly shy and he shrugs as he gets back on his bike and nods.
"Stay safe."
"Yeah, you too, Bakugou." You give him an appreciative smile and he nods in acknowledgement, a small smile making its way to his lips and you catch it before he turns his bike and speeds off into the night.
You hear an annoyed meow from your pocket and shiver at the cold air, "Whoops, sorry Aiko, let's go get warmed up in bed yeah?"
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kichisaburo3 · 1 year ago
Suzuki GSX-R750 with Yoshimura
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Suzuki GSX-R750
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bikebound · 6 months ago
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Today on BikeBound.com: What’s your favorite? More from @kickback.custom.bike.show at @sammymillermotorcyclemuseum. Which would you have? • Laverda Montjuïc • NSU Sportmax • Triumph Desert Sled • Ducati Street Tracker • Suzuki GSX-R750 Slabby • Suzuki GSX1100 (1147cc) Photos: @roga______. Full gallery today on ⚡️BikeBound.com⚡️ ——— #laverda #nsusportmax #desertsled #triumphdesertsled #ducati #gsxr #gsxr750 #gsx1100 #suzukigsxr #suzukigsxr750 #kickbackshow #sammymillermuseum #bikebound via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/DAYTyREOv53/
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kenlvry · 2 years ago
biker reader with main 4 + craig
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cw. afab, 18-19,
summary, reader is an extremely well known bike rider, during night she rides her bike across town and during the day she hides her personality from everyone. she can't hide it forever though... i wonder how will the boys will react?
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he doesn't know why but everytime kenny tries to make plans with you at night you refuse and make up some stupid excuse. even if he manages to bring you out of the house, when 8pm hits you immediately go home.
this night however you seemed even more panicked to go home, its like you needed to be home. he was worried and followed you home, you refused however but he was insisted so you accepted. he saw you enter the house and was relieved, he decided to wait out a little since he still had a feeling something was going to happen and he was right. noises were coming from your bedroom window and he immediately jumped up. looking over it was you and he felt betrayed, he just watched you slowly go down from your window all dressed up and pretty.
"are you cheating on me" you jump and scream a little turning around and eyes shock at your boyfriend with a pouty face almost crying, you felt so bad and wanted to hug him. "kenny no no i,,," you sigh and decided to tell him, he couldn't and didn't believe it. he thought it was a cheap lie, everyone does so you open your garage revealing a black suzuki GSX-R750. and again, he doesn't believe you so you just had to show him, you brought him to your race and even yelled his name when you won
and he was shocked af LIKE HUHHH?? MY GIRLFRIEND IS A ILLEGAL RACER. he also found out you are extremely popular, you started racing when you were 15 and won so no wonder you were popular.
after that incident you and him always go out at nights and you almost immediately gets recognised he still doesn't believe it like its so hot like damn you?? a racer?? illegally at that??. somehow it being illegal made it more hot. everytime you go racing he follows and the way your hair flows when you take off your helmet or when people look at him with jealousy because he's your boyfriend he loves it, you are very respected too like if you got inbetween a big fight that has been going on for 2 months it is immediately settled. he hates how people would disturb you two though , now he understands why you always wear a mask. all in all he finds it so fucking hot... he also kinda high-key wants to fuck you after a race and also wants to try public sex on your bike... why?? idk,,
he was suspicious since day one. you weren't one to be insecure, you even said yourself you love your face but you always wore a mask and a hat whenever you two go out to eat at night like who are you trying to hide from? and not only that once when he dropped you off at your house and you forgot your purse so he went in your house to bring it and nobody was home like huh didn't i just drop you off???
so he decides to end it all today, it was 7pm and you said you were free today so after he finished doing things of his own he decides to come over to your house to talk about it. he knocked multiple times but you didn't answer so he just went in, the whole bottom floor was empty besides your mom and she told him you were in your room so he just went up.he thought you'd be studying or sleeping or just doing anything but not sneaking out, "um y/n??" he spoke out, you stopped your tracks looking behind you and it was your dear boyfriend "KYLS???.,," he was so shocked and of course his immediate thought was you were cheating on him, you dressed up so nicely and with pretty makeup. "oh.. do you not love me anymore?" his voice was almost like he was gonna cry "omg no kyle" you had to sit him down and explain it.
"are you lying 😢" "kyle noo 😞". when you show him he finally believes it, and at first he's concerned. "isn't this illegal?? what if the police comes? aren't you scared? is this safe?" and you have to reassure him so many times, he's still worried. he doesn't let you go if you don't wear a safety helmet or brings bandages and tell him and the location.
he doesn't realise how big of a deal this is until one time when you arrive for a competition there was like.. 4 people including you two and the both of you had to go somewhere then when you came back there was like probably 100 people and more still arriving. you were such a big influence and had a huge impact on anywhere you go. people respected you and since you were so famous people respected kyle, some envied some respected and some even went out their ways to look exactly like kyle so you'd leave him for them. he feels so lucky to have you. he finds it so fucking hot too like are you sure this is the y/n from school 6 hours ago??
it weirded him out, how you always made an excuse of being "too busy" or "too tired" to hang out at night. this night you gave him the same excuse. he sighs ending the call "you okay?" kenny asked from stans couch, he was hanging out with the gang and was about to leave wanting to sleep over at yours. "its probably his girlfriend, did she says she's too tired again?" cartman chimed in laughing lightly, stan hummed in disappointment "umm, stan? you might want to check y/ns story" kyle said while looking at his phone stan. they all pulled out their phones and opened your story to see a picture of you posing on a bike with a girl on your right hugging you and a guy on your left holding up his middle finger, "holy shit i know where this is, it's an illegal racing place my friend goes to" kenny said sitting up straight
stan was in shock and disbelief, like are you cheating on him?? whats so fun instead of hanging out with him. he replied to your story with a "??" and you didn't reply, instead deleting the story. on your side,you forgot to put it on close friends where only your biker friends can see it. "cmon i got the location"kenny stood up grabbed his keys and went out, the other three following in suit.
arriving there was like a black sheep in a white sheep's den. it was all expensive motorcycles and expensive cars. they parked somwhere far and got off, kenny greeted his friend "hey dude whats uh going on?" "oh u dont know? Jared's racing against y/n he thinks he's so tough, shes literally three laps ahead of him" the man chuckled to himself while the rest stares at him "y/n?" stan says "yeah, u don't know her? woah u must live under a rock or something," he then pointed to you driving on your motorcycle, passing by quickly making it the fourth lap. "that's the y/n, she's been winning races left and right, she is so popular you dont even know it, she has her instagram on private though idk why. shes pretty too, i tried to ask her number once and she just slapped my phone away from me" the man sipped his drink and continued his sentence with a chuckle "hot".
the information stan got was too much, since when did you ride a motorcycle?? you can't even drive a car. when did this happen? how long?? is there anything else you hide from him? before spiraling in his own thoughts the crowd cheered. he looked up to see you with your hand up in the air, looks like you won. you were cheering and smiling and thats when you locked eyes with stan, yours grew wider and his grew sadder. you immediately got down and went over to him grabbing his hands pulling him to a more isolated area so people don't disturb you.
"um.. stan?" you called out "when did you start doing this?" he felt somewhat betrayed and you had to start from the beginning when you needed money and decided to take on illegal bike racing since your dad had an expensive motorcycle. "im sorry i should've told you but i didn't know how'd you react" you hold his palm "you can be mad, its okay but trust me I'm only doing this for the money" he was betrayed sure but inside he was happy asf like you are literally famous af, and you looked ever prettier with your messy hair and sweaty face.
after that incident he insist on bringing him to your races, even if they're late at night he doesn't care aslong as he sees you driving that motorcycle with your hair thats flying everywhere was heaven for him. people are soo jealous of him and they can't even do shit about it bc they know you'd beat their ass if they even lay a finger on stan. he got really famous and everyone js kinda greets you wherever you two go. now he knows why you always buy him designer things
okay, he knew you did something at night and he at first doesn't rly give a fuck bc you probably go out to your cousins or smthing bc usually you parents don't let you sleep over to your cousins house and you and your cousin is close af.
but it was a gut feeling, was he right? it was something he assumed so he decided to check it out. he is now currently in your bushes looking at your window (totally not creepy). you weren't really going anywhere and he felt relieved and got up to leave but js then your front window opened and a leg reached out to a rooftop of your patio. he immediately went back in, you wore black and had pretty makeup on. stepping on the ground with a sigh you fixed your hair and clothes, looked around and went to your garage. he went back to his car that was parked far from your house but not too far so he can see you, then he saw you dragging a motorcycle out of your house, when you were far enough you got on it started and drove off. he furrowed his eyebrows and followed you.
his heart was shattered, your cousins house was three houses down, you dont even need a motorcycle to reach there.
when you arrived he immediately recognised the place, it was a popular illegal racing place that meets up and race every two times a week. he continued to follow, blending in the crowd just looking at you. everyone greeted you, high fiving, hugging and even bowed as a joke. he could immediately tell how popular you were.
he watched as you raced, everytime you lapped it felt like it didn't even past 2 minutes. it was obvious who'd won. when you won and cheered with everyone he made a goofy ass scene approaching you. "IS THIS WHAT YOU DO WHILE IM AWAY??" your eyes were widen and you felt so fucking embarrassed, mans was kneeling and acted as if you were married with 3 kids or smthn... "cartman,, can we talk about this like.. somewhere else??" "NAH NAH, YOU WANT TO KEEP SECRETS HUH?? WELL I STUCK YOUR TOOTH BRUSH UP MY ASS ONCE AND I HAVEN'T TOLD YOU UNTIL NOW" you smiled and slightly kneeling to reach his level, whispering in his ear "cartman get the fuck up and leave, if you wanna talk about it don't embarrass me. I'll talk to you tomorrow" you smiled softly as if you didn't threaten him seconds ago, he just got up and went to his car, went home, parked his car, got in the house, up the stairs, in his bedroom, layed there and just.. slept in disbelief.
the next day he got awoken by you slamming his bedroom door "wake up, don't ever do that shit again." you cross your arms, he got up and sat on the edge of his bed "well i feel kinda betrayed yk, how would you feel after finding out the love of of your life does illegal racing and doesn't even share the money with you" he rolled his eyes, i mean he wasn't lying, he's betrayed af how could you?? its just his way to cope . "okay cartman, im sorry seriously, I should've told you and sighs shared the money with you".
after telling him how it started and how you're literally popular af and you rizz up both genders he was smiling and giggling. like can't believe he claimed you first and you stayed despite the other men going for you. he gloats about it forsho "oh my girlfriend?? oh yeah just a ille-..... legal bike racer", or if someone messes with him "my girlfriend is a very popular bike racer, if you touch me she'll fuck you up yk"
also flexes you, like takes pics of you winning and putting it on his story "y'all girlfriends could never 🥱‼️‼️". he actually loves it, and is actually very worried, he always makes sure no cops comes and if there is one he immediately gets you and runs. tells you to win or else he breaks up with you knowing damn well he doesn't care just as long as youre safe.
he honesty could care less on why you always have to leave at night or why you have to cover up at night or why you have 1 mil on Instagram, i mean, cool you definitely have a lot of friends. but he always had the feeling that ur hiding something from him. wondering why so many people like your story or why so many people greet you and ask to take pics with you and so many people tag you.... hmm well i guess that's for another day moving on!!
jk, he is so curious, he tried asking you about it, asked wendy, red, heidi, bebe they all don't know. like girl why you got 30 messages from a guy of them confessing their undying love to you?? or why you cant call during late nights.
but he js thought it was a private matter and didn't wanna push you. one night however he wanted to be romantic and brought wine and popcorn to your house to 'chill' he wanted to sneak in, yk those teenage love yea he tryna be like that. but when he was about to sneak in you were about to sneak out. he just stood there wine on his left hand popcorn on his left while you grunted and groaned going down.
"y/n." you jumped turned around and found your boyfriend "oh.. craig???" "where are you going y/n?" "... just a friends house 😊😊" "wearing makeup, hair done, pretty shoes and wearing your good clothing?" he wanted to cross his arms but for now he just has his brows furrowed. "..yea..." "your cheating on me right? i see how it is, I'll leave" he turned around to leave his heart was shattered how could you 🙁🙁"NO CRAIG WHAT??" you sigh and rub your temples, "I'll show you, cmere, why did you even bring wine?? put it down" he crouched, put both of it down and looked at you. "..okay, cmon" you grabbed his palm and ran to your garage. opening it to find your motorcycle, no questions asked he got on and just put on his helmet.
arriving there everyone was staring at you two, he thought you were some kind of freak show. whispers and stares "y/n are you being bullied" "what craig, ???? just watch okay" you got back on your bike and drove off, immediately he got sworm "who r you?" "are you y/n boyfriend??" "just so you know thats OUR girlfriend". he can tell right off the bat you are quite popular, i mean i think anyone can tell by the way the man beside craig who's screaming our your name while jumping.
when you won it was havoc , everyone screamed and jumped and smiled some even creame.... nvm. anyways, he founded out that the 1mill followers are mostly your fans, and that you are literally loved and wanted by so many men and women.
now your date gets interrupted with "can you sign my helmet" or "can we take a pic" and he'd be the one to take the pics like 😐😐. he wants to flip the off SOOOOO BAD but he holds the urge bc he doesn't want you to get jumped bc he flipped off a leader of a hostile gang. he absolutely hates it when someone approaches you smiling and hesitantly while giggling, he lets out the biggest sigh and make sure the fan knows he doesn't want them there
stalks, saves your photos people take of you, has a fanpage of you and also is lowkey a die hard fan. has you on a your bike riding it while racing as his wallpaper. records you and is like "theres my little girl!!", edits you to those sigilkore music. THINKS IT IS THE MOST HOTTEST THING WHEN YOU TAKE OFF YOUR HELMET AND UNSTRADDLE YOUR MOTORCYCLE. he is so lucky that he's living mens dream by dating you.
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lovejapanese80s · 2 years ago
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スズキ GSX-R750 1985年
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sailorjojogames · 2 years ago
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Download: TS2 to TS4 Calientes §§
Inspired by TS2 Calientes' home ( Don Lothario's neighbour)
Tried my hardest to use no cc 😫 was so hard. ( I bow down to all the no cc /base game only builders)
Gallery ID: SailorJojoSims
Lot type: Residential
Size: 20 x 15
Search “TS2 to TS4 Calientes″ or use the hashtag #ts2tots4calientes
Select “Include Custom content” to see it in the Gallery.
Mods and CC needed
Newspaper @aroundthesims
SP39 🤭
RVSN Full of it Smart @ravasheencc
Wall antenna phone  @aroundthesims
Moschino Windows Addon Part 1 & Part 2 @illogicalsims
The Furniture Showroom @sixamcc
David's Apartment - part 2 @pierisim
Optional :Suzuki GSX-R750
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🤭 search 🔍 on my cc finds 📄
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thatboxylady · 2 years ago
i am beaming some expanded universe thruststorm thoughts into ur brain
YES EXCELLENT I got so many of those too hhhhHHH.
I'm thinking humanverse au atm.
• Human!universe continuity Jetstorm is a guy named Jeffrey Soucy, and Thrust is a guy named Thaddeus Barker. They're both from Canada, unfortunately.
• Jeffrey (from Quebec) is an only child with an absentee dad and weirdly uptight mother. He rushed into a marriage with his wife Blackarachnia Beatrice and was utterly goddamn miserable. He served her divorce papers twice, which she rejected, before finally bringing her to a coffee shop where he gave her the papers in a folder. Then he went to the mens' room, climbed out the very small window above one of the toilets, fell into a garbage bin in the alley, hopped half a dozen fences, got attacked by someone's dog, took the bus to the middle of nowhere, hiked in the woods with nothing but a small bag of belongings and a can of bear mace in the snow, took a train, hitched a ride on another bus after buying multiple tickets in cash to throw Beatrice off, and ended up in Vancouver to start over.
• Jeffrey is a recovering cocaine addict. He used exclusively during his marriage with Beatrice to cope, but he went cold turkey after moving to Vancouver and reinventing himself. He's never had a relapse. The one time he almost did, he asked Thaddeus to go to his place to make sure it was gotten rid of. Thaddeus scoured the apartment to be sure. Some people think it's weird he went that extra step, but they're friends, aren't they? Why not?
• Jeffrey is a type one diabetic which is EXTREMELY annoying because he was diagnosed at thirty-six. An absolute piss take, if you ask him. Thaddeus was the one who drove him to the ER.
• Thaddeus is trans and was born [REDACTED] McMahon. He named himself after his paternal grandfather who he used to shadow almost constantly. They used to work on his Harley before he passed away and the bike was sold.
• Thaddeus is the middle child of two siblings, Janice (older) and Monica (younger). His parents are Walker and Charlotte. Only Monica was accepting of him after he came out, and she's still the only one who he talks to after she reached out to reconnect with him one day.
• Thaddeus' motorcycle is a Suzuki GSX-R750, but he upgrades to a Suzuki Hayabusa post-beast machines adjacent timeline shenanigans wrap up. Jeffrey is the one who gets it for him. The GSX was ultimately destroyed by Cheetor Chester in a final showdown that he and Thaddeus had.
• Thaddeus has a prosthetic foot. He tells most people that he lost it in a biking accident, but in reality he shot himself through his boot on accident. Because he saw a spider. And was aiming for the spider. And missed. Waspinator energy prevails across space-time. Sometimes he gets phantom foot pain and Jeffrey goes out of his way to make sure he has decent painkillers for any particularly distressing episodes.
• Jeffrey is not a natural blonde (which he claims). He's a brunette. It's tragic. He also wears his hair long because Beatrice said he would look terrible with long hair, once. Thaddeus thinks it's pretty, though. Jeffrey values one of their opinions more than the other.
• Jeffrey has a biplane. He keeps it in reserve for potential emergencies, and if if the shit with Megatron Megan goes sideways, he plans and taking it and flying it to the states using a fake visa. After awhile, Thaddeus becomes part of the bug out plan.
• Nothing bad happens to them after the events of this timeline's beast machines saga ends, and they escape on Jeffrey's biplane and retire with several million dollars (stolen lol) in a small city off the Gulf of Mexico: Venice, Florida. They are very gay and very happy about it. Beatrice never finds them.
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elara93 · 9 months ago
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2018 Suzuki GSX-R750
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tropichalys · 11 days ago
Suzuki GSX-R750, 1992
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o-jaga · 2 years ago
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GSX-R750 K9
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otrstore · 8 months ago
Suzuki Hayabusa 2013-2020 Compatible Regulator Rectifier Suzuki Hayabusa 2013-2020 Compatible Regulator Rectifier. OEM design and direct fitment. Provides Optimum required voltage of 14-14.2 V to regulate battery. Made of from high quality materials to manage thermal control and avoid overheating. long lasting performance compared to other cheap RR units.
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boanerges20 · 1 year ago
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Suzuki GSX-R750
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