#masaki x oc
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somevirtualnolife · 1 year ago
Mistletoe Mishaps
Rating: G Series: Tokimeki Memorial: Girls Side 2nd Kiss Pairing: Daisy (OC) x Masaki Motoharu Summary: 
Masaki helps out his kohai when a frustrating customer demands their whole supply of mistletoes. (2024 Secret Santa gift for the TMGS Discord group)
Also on Ao3
Author’s Note: 
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone! Secret Santa is still going on in the TMGS discord group and this year my person requested an OC/Masaki art or fic. Since I'm not a great artist, I of course, went with a fic.
Masaki-sempai was one of the first boys (perhaps the second) I completed a playthrough for, so I was SO excited to get a chance to write about him! He holds such a special place in my heart. The person's OC was also super fun to write as well! It's a good way to practice for me as well.
Happy reading~!
“Thank you for shopping with us!” Masaki grinned and waved at the customer who left with a large bouquet of red roses. Someone was going to have a great weekend, that was for sure.
Christmas was right around the corner, so Anneri was a bit busier than usual. They were a mix of pre-orders for Christmas Day itself and for those who wanted to miss the holiday madness and have their couple’s celebrations a bit earlier.
The young man gave a bit of a stretch as he looked at the clock on the wall. About one more hour before his shift ended. Normally he wasn’t this tired, but this time of the year really was one of their busiest. Thankfully, they always managed to push through.
“Come on! Can’t you just make the exception? Why you gotta be such a pain about this?”
Masaki looked over his shoulder as soon as he started to hear the complaining. It seemed to be coming from a guy, roughly his age with a gaudy leather jacket and slicked-back, fake-red hair. Not typically the type you’d see in a flower shop, but who was he to judge? That being said, customers here weren’t normally aggressive, considering the type of stuff they sold. Any that were difficult usually turned an about-face when Arisawa was around. That woman could just glare and people would stop dead in their tracks.
“S-s-sorry, but it really is just a maximum of two per customer…”  A teen girl whimpered, lifting a clipboard just above her nose, only showing her blue eyes, which were starting to swell with tears.  
Unlike Arisawa, Ali wasn’t exactly one to take on rude customers head-to-head. The second-year Hanegasaki student was much softer spoken and would rather not make any waves, even if she was in the right. It meant that anyone who could bulldoze, would bulldoze her.
“This is so bogus! Why can’t you just do what I say? Customer’s always right, ain’t they!?”
Masaki’s fist clenched he took a deep breath. Keep calm Motoharu. Be diplomatic about this. You don’t want to get the shop in trouble either. But he certainly wasn’t going to leave Ali hanging either.    
“She’s right. Only two per customer,” he finally said, strolling up towards the two. He had a welcoming smile on his face, but the tone of his voice had a slight edge to it. “Maybe there’s something else we can help you with?”
“Masaki-sempai!” she let out a long exhale, a relieved smile appearing on her face. He gave her a quick wink and tilted his head slightly to motion for her to get behind him. She quickly did, clutching onto the loose sleeve of his white hoodie and peering over. He felt a slight tingle on the back of his neck when she did that but focused on the current issue in front of him.
“Come on, man, I’m sure you have tons! You’d be helpin’ a guy out!”
Masaki let out a bit of a sigh. Being clear on the rules wasn’t going to persuade him to do differently, so maybe he just needed someone to lend an ear.
“Why would you need so many anyway?”
“It’s for a goukon party!” the customer continued to plead. “I get these above every doorframe, my car, maybe above some of the classrooms at uni… there’s no way I’m not getting lucky!”
So, he’s that type of guy. Mistletoes weren’t just cute little decorations that couples would playfully use as an excuse to show their affection to him. No, they were his way to not be alone this holiday.
“Well, if you put those in any classroom, you’re definitely going to get kicked out for harassment.” Masaki continued calmly.
“Dude, it’s Christmas! Cut me some slack here!” the customer’s voice started to crack like he was a toddler instead of an 18-year-old. 
“How about we give you three?” Masaki lifted his hand. “One for your party, one for your room, one for… uhhh…”
“O-on your keychain,” Ali peeped. “T-t-hat way you can use it a-a-anytime, a-a-anyplace.”
An eyebrow lifted, impressed with the quick thinking. “Yeah! Why waste your time putting a bunch of mistletoes everywhere, when you could just reuse one when that special moment arises?”
This finally gave the red-haired customer pause, as he was doing the mental calculations in his head.
“That does save me a wad of cash. Fine! I’ll take three.”
The two flower shop workers let out a sigh of relief as they rang the guy through the cash register and gave him his three mistletoes. Sure, they were still breaking the ‘max two per customer’ rule, but it was better than selling the guy their entire stock. They were a hot item considering they imported them all the way from Europe. By the time all was said and done it was time to close up for the evening.
“Do you need a ride home tonight?” Masaki asked.
“Ah, no, it’s okay,” Ali said as she zipped up her coat. “My mom is going to come pick me up this time since it’s cold.”
“I’ll wait for her to come then. I’d hate to leave you outside in the snowy and dark all by yourself.”
The two then did another check around the store, making sure that everything was in its place.
“… Thanks, by the way,” Ali continued. “It’s really hard d-dealing with people sometimes.”
“To be fair, that guy was the exception. You did fine,” Masaki grinned. Sure, Ali was incredibly shy, but she was always trying her best. She worked so hard to try and be more sociable. It was endearing. “You were the one who suggested the keychain thing. Though now I’m worried about what kind of menace we just enabled.”
He then scratched the back of his head, letting out a bit of a sigh. “God, barely anyone does mistletoe kissing in Japan unless you’re at like, partying with some exchange students. He just wants to find an excuse. I bet if he just turns it down a notch, he’d probably be fine. This kind of stuff is supposed to be fun and sporadic. Not forced.”
Once the lights were turned off and everything was well locked up, Masaki held the door open for them to both leave.
“You sound like you speak from experience,” she then clasped her hands over her mouth, perhaps realizing how that sounded and starting to sweat. “I d-d-didn’t mean it like you were a playboy or something. Just like -uh..!”  
Masaki couldn’t help but laugh as he finally locked the store door behind them. He’d be lying if he denied it. “As long as you don’t think me a bad guy,”
Ali shook her head furiously, before staring up at him with her big blue eyes. “I could never think that of you. You’re the best.”
The back of his neck started to tingle just like earlier when she was holding onto him. But this time, he had nothing to distract him. All attention was on her.
He’d been feeling that sensation more and more with Ali. Not just when she would compliment him or grab onto him. But when she tried to smile or make eye contact with him. When she’d share what was going on at Hanegasaki. And while it always started on the back of his neck, it always expanded further, creating a certain tightness in his chest.
Masaki knew what this was of course, as much as he tried to ignore it. He wanted to be her reliable sempai who was always there for her no matter what.
And yet, seeing her now in the now dim light, part of him wanted to throw that away. His olive eyes gazed at the short brunette gently, which she took notice of.
Damn, it. He was doing it again without thinking. His olive eyes lingered on her for a little bit longer before looking up above him.
“No mistletoe.”
“Above the door.” He pointed. “We sell it, but we haven’t put any up. Guess no kiss tonight, huh?”
Ali’s glasses then began to fog up as she started to babble incoherently, her arms waving around.
“Wh-wh-WHAT?” was the only clear word that she managed to finally spit out.
“I’m joking, don’t worry,” he replied, a large grin widening on his face. “Arisawa would tear me a new one if I put something up that encouraged couples to block our doorway.” 
“Ughh… you almost gave me a heart attack,” she grasped at her chest, clearly trying to regain what little composure she had.
One of Masaki’s large hands ruffled her hair. “Sorry, you’re just so fun to tease. I just wanted to see how you’d react.”
A car then parked in one of the spots near his car. He lifted his hand off Ali’s head and waved politely.
“Looks like your ride’s here. Have a safe drive home and I’ll see you next week, right?”
“You have a safe drive home too, Masaki-sempai. And no more funny stuff!” she scolded before quickly bowing and running off to the car.
Masaki waved as they drove off before hopping into his car and starting it. He leaned back in his seat waiting for it to warm up a bit before hitting the road. 
He closed his eyes, thinking about what he had just done.
“A joke, huh?” He said aloud to himself.
No. He knew it wasn’t a joke.
If a mistletoe had been there, he knew it would have been different. His hand would not have been ruffling her head, but instead, caressing her cheek, tilting her chin up, so he could continue to look into her eyes. He would lean in closely and then… 
“I would have kissed you, Ali.” 
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thedoodwithamic · 2 months ago
The Crying Man
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I think we don't talk enough about how Meguro Masaki was one of the most frightening people to deal with in the Annihilation Tournament. Hix "x-factor" was one of the coolest we ever got - how his brain essentially put him in a state of euphoria whenever people got critical hits him on him. The pain only made him fight longer even when Muteba already did a huge number on his body. Eye poked out, testicles ruptured and a near one-sided onslaught of punches and kicks weren't enough to down Meguro.
Muteba had to go into overdrive with the neck-snap and eye socket impalement.
Just - what a flipping crazy fight.
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kiposakin · 3 months ago
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Imma be fr chat.. I love oc x canon gotta be one of my favorite things out there,
Sighs Primis Richie and Primis al.. (based of this photo I found of richtofen!) they are so in loveeee (it’s literally just als Hand)
Also some bonuses! Female Nikolai and female takeo!! Nikki n tokie :) idk why my camera quality is so GARBAGE 😭
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phantom-support · 28 days ago
Kohei, ily, but why did I have to make your backstory so unnecessarily complicated. Trying to piece together how she meets Tensei and Masaki has been the hardest part of this all
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doodling-doodle · 11 months ago
Where is part four of He's Not Dead But Still Gone?
It's time for angst again
It's been a minute!
I will say... this is the last part, and y'all are finally getting a happy ending.
Don't kill me for waiting for so long.
It had been about two weeks since they got there. Since Kyle saw Dad for the first time in years.
He still wasn't sure about it. He had frequent calls with his therapist to stay calm, Alex was talking with him, admitting that he was also struggling with seeing him again.
Lilith was also helpful, offering to come down and see him, spend a few days with him. He was considering it. Just to get away from it for a few days
This was the first time he spent more then a weeks with the whole 141 since his and Alex's wedding. He wasn't sure how he felt about it, especially with not even seeing Ghost and Soap for more then a few days a year in the last seven years. But, it was nice seeing them. He missed them and they missed him.
But... His dad just seemed like a husk. He was there. He was him. He was how he remembered mostly. But he didn't remember him.
And he was more broken every time he looked at him.
But, every night... He would be on that bench by the water, and John would come out with him. To talk with him.
He was slowly realizing that he did want to talk to him. He did want him back in his life.
Alex was right. It was fine... Even if they didn't have the same relationship as they did before, it was fine.
He wished he didn't doubt him. Why did he in the first place?
Now he was going back to the hotel room, in near tears, because he was scared if Alex would say anything, get mad at him for doubting him.
He remembered his break down from years before, when everything was at it's peak, when he ended up in a mental hospital for a week after wreaking their room on base, giving Alex bruises in the process. Alex had told him what had happened that day, even in not great detail... but it was enough.
Alex was trying to hold him still, stop him from taking another picture frame and breaking it, from hurting either of them. He had punched Alex while getting out of his grip, and then ended up breaking another frame, smashing it on the desk and sending shards everywhere.
Alex radioed Laswell to get medics, who ran in and forced him down to sedate him, then took Alex to the med bay with him to treat his wounds.
He remembered being put into the car to go to the hospital, looking out the window to see Alex watching the car as it left the base. He cried his eyes out, not even able to say goodbye to him before he was put in the hospital, not having his phone to contact anyone. He would sit in his room, sobbing in his freezing bed, hugging a pillow and trying to pretend it was Alex.
He remembered being released, and being escorted out of the hospital, seeing Alex leaning on his car, bruises and stitches on his arms. He had started sobbing there and then, then bawling as Alex pulled him into his arms.
He said "I'm sorry." too many times to count.
Alex said "It's okay." too many times to count.
He always remembered it. He was scared about it happening again. He was scared about Alex's reaction if it were to happen again...
He shakily went into their hotel room, Alex just getting ready for bed as he walked in, turning to him and smiling softly.
"How'd it go?" He asked
"U-uh... fine. Still not remembering anything but he's at least it's... something."
"Good. Anything else? About anything?"
"Your shaking."
He hated how eagle eyed Alex was sometimes.
"What's going on?" Alex asked, holding his hands softly.
"I-I... I didn't believe you..."
"About Price?"
He nodded, tearing up again as Alex pulled him to the bed.
"You were hurt, baby. Badly. You were left with thinking that he didn't love you anymore. And you couldn't bare seeing him. I don't care if I was right or not. I just care if your okay. If your happy. I don't want you to have another breakdown. Seeing him... has probably brought up more things from those years then before. You are so strong for seeing him, even if you weren't expecting it. I don't care if you didn't believe me. Because you thought it was too wishful. And I don't blame you."
Kyle nodded softly, a little relived, but still sobbing and shaking, "I'm sorry..."
"Kyle, look at me." Alex said softly, and Kyle looked up, tears running down his face.
"You don't have to apologize. Just... happy that it went better then you thought it would."
"I-I don't want to go back to the hospital..."
"You won't." He softly kissed Kyle's head, holding him close and laying him down in bed, "Go to sleep, baby. We can... talk about it when your calmer."
He managed to fall asleep. Laying in warmth, Alex holding him in his arms and him wrapping himself around Alex.
He was safe... He was home.
The next day...
John sighed as he woke up, Phil still sound asleep in bed next to him.
He always liked to look at Phil in the light of the sunrise. His hair would turn golden, his skin would glow, and when he would open his eyes, they would shine so beautifully...
Phil talked about all that was going on while he was in a coma... God, he wished so many things went differently, so many people wouldn't be hurt... Kyle wouldn't have left. Maybe.
He could have walked him down the aisle.
But wishing would do nothing... He just fucking wanted to tell Kyle, but... whenever they were on the bench, it would only be thirty minutes.
But maybe tonight... Tonight he would tell Kyle the truth.
"Your thinking." Phil said, making him look back to the bed, seeing him sitting up slightly, "What's going on?"
"I need to tell Kyle..." He said, sighing.
"It'll be good, John. He just wants you to love him."
"I know... I'm just worried about him. He's not the boy I remember..."
"It really shattered him, John. He's gone through a lot of therapy to even get to this point... And he had to have even more appointments since that day. Three times a week for the first few years, Alex would take him to a rage room at least once a week for months... Knowing that he's still your son, that you still love him. It would either make it better or break him. But you won't know until you tell him."
John nodded, sighing, looking back at Phil as he picked up his phone, seeing a text from Alex.
"Alex and Kyle are getting breakfast downstairs. Johnny and Simon are with him. You wanna go and find them?"
"Yeah... Let's go."
Breakfast went fine, they were talking about the weddings and everything. John's memory got brought up, which is when Kyle got silent.
"You alright, Kyle?" Johnny asked.
"Yeah- Yeah sorry, just... zoned out for a second." He said, and perfectly on cue, he got a call, "I'll be back." He stood, picking up the call from Lilith and walking out of the dining area in the hotel.
Alex sighed quietly, but decided to say nothing. Kyle was not in the headspace for dealing with anymore stress. But it was probably just Kaida checking on him.
Ghost decided to change the subject back to the wedding, which was in two weeks.
It just... Had to go right. Hope for the best.
Kyle seemed a little distant for the rest of the day all the way to dinner.
But he still went out to the bench to wait for John.
"There you are." John said as he walked up, sitting next to him, "How are you?"
"Fine.. You?"
"Been fine... Can I ask how you... know Simon and Johnny?" He was just... trying to see what life Kyle had come up with. If he had at all.
"Well..." He paused, clearly having to think about it, "Alex and I did some work with the 141 a while back. While you were in the coma."
"You kept in touch?"
"My team has... connections. When it comes to gear and weapons. Decided to keep in touch in case they needed anything... ended up becoming friends."
"I assume that said 'connections' are classified, though?"
Kyle sighed, looking back out to the water. He wasn't wearing his mask anymore, at all around him, which he thought was a good sign.
"I, uh... I wish I met you earlier, sir." Kyle said, "Your a very good captain. A good man..." He was tearing up, and it made John tear up too. But he didn't see it.
He didn't want John to see it. To question it. No matter how much he wanted to say, "Dad" he didn't. He knew that it would make it worse again. He didn't want to go back to what it was seven years ago.
But... then John spoke.
"Kyle... Please look at me."
No. He was dreaming. This was a joke.
"Gaz. Kyle. Look at me. Please."
This was a fucking joke. A cruel fucking joke.
But he looked over slowly, seeing John looking at him genuinely.
"Son. I'm sorry. I'm sorry it took so long for me to remember you, I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I didn't know where to start. How to tell you. But... I remember you. I finally looked at the pictures you left me, two years ago. I remembered everything. Phil had the pictures of just before Alex proposed to you... I'm sorry I never walked you down the aisle. I'm sorry I couldn't be at the wedding. I promised I would, then I never did... I knew you never wanted to see me. So I never reached out. No matter how much I wanted to..." He sighed, looking Kyle in his tear-soaked eyes.
"All I want... is for you to know I love you. That I remember you. That I want you at Phil and I's wedding. But if you don't want that. If your don't want me in your life. I will not force it."
He started sobbing, shaking his head in disbelief, "Dad...?"
"It's me, Kyle... Your my son."
He started crying, jumping into John's arms as he cried his eyes out.
His heart truly started to heal, after so many years.
"It's me... It's okay, my boy. I'm here now. Your okay."
He just cried so hard until he couldn't anymore. John held him for so long, even after he stopped crying.
"I'm sorry, dad..."
"You don't need to be."
"I-I was so fucking cold to you..."
"You were hurt. By me. I hurt you... so bad."
"Kyle. No. You don't need to be sorry. I promise. All you need is to tell me what you want. Do you want me in your life after the wedding or not?"
"I-I want you! Please, dad, please- I want you in my life!"
"Then I'll be here." He said, pulling Kyle's face out of his shoulder, wiping the tears off his face, smiling, "I'll be right here. You'll be at the wedding... Right?"
He nodded frantically.
"Why don't you bring Lilith too? I'd love to meet the woman."
He sniffed, "I will..."
"Good. Now... Why don't you go off to bed? You can calm down, get some rest, and we can let the others know, okay?"
Kyle nodded, finally pulling away from him, "G-Goodnight, dad..." He said, standing and going back to the hotel.
He tried to make it look like he as okay before he got to the room, shakily opening the door.
"There you are- Baby?" Alex said, quickly standing when he saw that Kyle's eyes were so bloodshot, and his face was wet with tears, "What happened- Are you hurt?!"
"What's going on, baby?"
"D-Dad... Dad..." He sobbed again, falling into Alex's arms, "Dad remembers me...!" He said, crying into Alex's chest, "He remembers us!!"
Alex was hit with shock and relief so fast that it gave him whiplash. He teared up himself, smiling softly, "Good... Fuck- that's great..." He said, kissing Kyle's forehead, "That's... Fucking. Amazing." He shook his head, sobbing as he took both of them to the bed, holding onto Kyle as they both cried.
Kyle was just exhausted from crying. He was crying so hard and for so long, and it was just so done with the day, even if this was great news.
"Let's just... get to bed, okay?" Alex asked, "We can... take care of the rest in the morning. Talk to Price. Tell the others..."
Kyle nodded, and they both laid down, holding each other as they fell asleep, finally happy and enjoying being there.
The next day...
"Holy shit." Simon said when he checked his phone, "John told Kyle last night."
"He did?" Johnny asked, a little shocked.
"Kyle texted me earlier. John told him everything last night. They're all talking about it right now."
"You think he and Alex are okay?"
"I'm sure. Probably just shocked..." He sighed, "Come on, let's go get breakfast."
They were alone for the first few minutes, but when the others finally came to see them, Kyle was genuinely smiling for the first time in a while.
It was... finally okay. They wouldn't be back in the 141, but, they finally started to be a family again.
It was okay. They were all okay.
They could all heal a little more.
Kyle had his dad back. and he didn't want to lose him again.
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trash-opposum · 5 months ago
TenHei posting…..
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fumikomiyasaki · 1 year ago
i can’t love the way you do - Masaki and Julian
It's Based To note That Even for his Gardevoir like Species Masaki's Emotional Restrictions are Greater just due to his Psychic powers being stronger so it was Stressed Masaki be in control . And like most of his family being Sadistic to varying degrees.
I can't
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Masaki was just busy with his schedule sitting in the courtyard of the Evolnation dormitory... as a sigh left his lips seeing Julian come closer and approach him... of course he was there to bother him again... after that last time he kissed him and left him standing there he was not looking forward to their next meeting.
"Say why does a lovely pretty face like you avoid me despite your impulsive decision to kiss me? I thought finally I have a chance to get through to you... I don't mind the cold shoulder, you know I like it but I don't like having no clearance."
"Tch... could you just forget about that?"
"Nope... I can't, you are too interesting to the point I am madly in love with you."
"I can’t love the way you do, you should give it up."
Julian scoffed at his answer sitting next to him.
"Even if... you know I like how mean you are to me... that is enough to replace to the feelings of love."
Masaki gave him a smack in his arm. "You are disgusting really."
"Maybe~ But I can see hopes for us... even if the only emotion I get from you is a cold stare... even if you kick me into the sun... I gladly take anything you are giving me."
"You really are such a headache."
The demon got up his seat and leaned before Masakis face... stealing a kiss from him.
"Now we are even... I leave you to think about it but just know... my love for you probably won't fade... no matter how mean you are to me."
And with his smirk Masaki groaned in annoyance... did he have to be that stubborn.
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esquirekarma · 1 year ago
Does anyone feel like doing a Call of Duty Zombies roleplay? I haven’t done one in forever and I low key miss my boys 🥺
I also wanna do a double up too, so feel free to show off your OCs to me! I can play as any of the four, plus I’m mainly looking for Dempsey, Richthofen, or Takeo.
Oh yeah, there’s definitely going to be smut in this so I suggest you be 18+ and willing to include smut in roleplays.
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neosfictitiouspalace · 5 months ago
Info I have so far:
So like...it goes like this:
- Yuna is from a small town called Kamakura. It's an hour away from Tokyo and a seaside town
- After the passing of her maternal grandmother - whom she was close to - her family moves to Tokyo
- She meets Masaki (Cherish) at the flower shop he works at where she buys flowers for her grandmother's grave.
- The next day...wow!! They go to the same school and he's her senpai (he's a 3rd year, she's a 2nd)!!!
- She's depressed for a while, still grieving, and Masaki doesn't engage with her since he's only met her once and only sees her in passing sometimes
- Eventually she joins the gardening club (which he's a part of) because she wants to feel closer to her grandmother, who used to garden all the time. Yuna has no real interest, but like I said, she wants to feel closer to her grandmother (she never gardened with hee grandmother, but loved to play in her garden). The cloth she ties her hair back with? The bandana her grandmother would wear while gardening
- I imagine she and Masaki bond over gardening and other stuff.
- Masaki is the kind of senpai who looks out for his kouhai (as seen in his character trailer) and friendship is very important to him. However, she's the self-sufficient type who doesn't really lean on others. So she struggles to lean on him.
- Back in her hometown she treated everyone like friends so she's like 'why do I feel so weird around Ashiya-senpai...?' Because she's never really focused on stuff like romance before.
- She keeps a special diary. She writes in it like a normal diary, but it's written like she's writing letters to her grandmother. Ex. 'Dear grandma, today was great etc'
Okay, I'm guilty, I made another P5X OC...
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Made her for newest boy Masaki (Cherish). Her name is Yuna Hamasoto!! She comes from the seaside town called Kamakura, which is one hour away from Tokyo. She's a bit of a tomboy and was close with her grandmother before she passed away and moved to Tokyo with her parents. When making her, I sorta had Suzume Yosano from Daytime Shooting Star in mind. Except she's more clueless about her feelings like Yumiella from Villainess lvl 99
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asdfghjklmals · 2 years ago
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GENRE + T/W: sfw, fluff. body insecurities. suggestive comments. WORD COUNT: 4.4k words. TAGS: satoru gojo x fem!oc, dadtobe!gojo, pregnant!oc, lovesick!gojo, established couple.
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SYNOPSIS: oc gojo girlfriend's brother surprises her and satoru with a trip to mexico so they can spend time together before baby gojo arrives. (this fic happens in the middle of ‘milestones’, click to read here) AUTHOR'S NOTE: i did some research on puerto vallarta and i'm on my reggaeton kick lately lol did y’all catch the bleach inspiration about the sun? *cries* i love isshin and masaki. ugh. i'm obsessed with how in love oc gojo girlfriend and satoru are in this fic. REMINDER: if you want to imagine yourself in oc gojo girlfriend's character descriptions instead, please do!
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“so what exactly does a couple even do on a baby moon?” satoru asked as he buttoned his dress shirt in the mirror, leaving four unbuttoned to expose his toned chest.
he wore a champagne silk button up with sleeves cuffed halfway up his forearm. tan cargo shorts decorated his long legs. his frosty white hair brushing the tip of his eyelashes, bright blue eyes dressed with gold sunglasses. he had just finished unpacking your luggage.
you laid on your side in the large hotel villa bed, tired from the long flight from japan to mexico. your flowy white maxi sundress splayed out on the linen sheets. your hair was put up in a bun. a bright yellow flower tucked behind your ear, given to you by the villa concierge upon checking in.
“according to google, couples go on baby moons to spend quality time together before the baby arrives.” you explained, “—once baby gojo arrives, all my attention will probably be on them.”
satoru turned to face you and frowned, “not even a little attention for good ol' satoru gojo?” he leaned onto the bed, hovering over you, encasing you between his strong arms.
you looked at him and caressed his cheek with the palm of your hand, “nope. you did this to yourself when you got me pregnant, sweetheart.” you sneered at him, knowing it wasn’t entirely his fault.
“i’m jealous.” he said while frowning, “—you hear that, baby gojo? you’re stealing all my lovin’.” he leaned down to loudly say to your stomach, his cheek pressed right against your 7 month pregnant belly. you laughed as you felt baby gojo shift away in your womb in reply to satoru’s comment.
“it was nice of your brother to pay for this vacation for us.” satoru mentioned as he laid beside you. his head was aligned right next to your belly. he liked to think that baby gojo enjoyed listening to him talk to you, so he always laid his head next to your belly in hopes that his unborn child could recognize his voice.
your brother, touya, had surprised you and satoru with an all-expenses-paid trip to puerto vallarta, mexico. touya said it would be a ‘nice, romantic’ getaway for the two of you. however, your vacation got off to a rough start as you experienced nausea throughout the flight. it was a 15 hour flight to get here, and you did not bring enough sour candy or gingersnaps to last for the entire flight. you spent a majority of the flight trying to sleep instead.
“i’ll have to thank him again. should we send him a picture?” you suggested. satoru pulled out his phone and snapped a very unflattering picture of you to send to your brother.
“done.” he reported.
“—i meant a decent looking picture of the both of us.” you glared at him. he ignored you and continued to send his text message to touya. throughout the years that you and satoru have been together, satoru gained a brother figure in touya. being an only child was lonely for satoru, so he made an effort to have a close bond with touya.
[6:17pm] satoru gojo sent an image
[6:17pm] satoru: your sister is having a great time lol she was sick during the entire flight so we're resting before dinner 😅
[6:18pm] touya (l/n) laughed at an image
[6:18pm] touya: glad to see she’s having fun 🙄 lol
[6:19pm] satoru: thanks again for the vacation bro. 👊🏼 (y/n) really needed that.
[6:19pm] touya: anytime. have fun and be safe. i guess it’s too late for me to tell you two to use protection 😂
[6:20pm] satoru gojo laughed at a message
and satoru was definitely not going to tell you about that text.
“should we go through the ‘what to expect’ app before dinner?” he suggested. it was his favorite thing to do with you since you got pregnant. he wanted to know everything about your pregnancy and how baby gojo was developing. you appreciated how involved satoru was throughout your entire pregnancy. you couldn't ask for a better partner or a better father for baby gojo.
you pat your hand around the bed to find your phone, opening up the app to read out loud, “at 27 weeks, baby gojo is the size of a head of lettuce, is about two pounds and more than a foot long. this is the end of the second trimester.”
your doctor had told you not to travel internationally past 28 weeks, so you and satoru planned this baby moon right before the start of your third trimester.
“your voice is music to baby gojo’s ears.” you continued reading.
satoru grumbled, “—same for me. except when you’re yelling at me.”
you glared at satoru as he smirked at you innocently. ignoring him, you continued to read, “don’t be surprised if you feel little jumps in your belly, your little one might have the case of hiccups.” your heart melted at the thought, “—that is so cute.”
satoru took your phone from you and read the recap for week 27, “at a glance, your baby can hear you, baby has hiccups, and they will be developing muscle tone from being active.”
“baby gojo is a little gymnast in there.” you said to satoru. you wondered if your baby got their habit of being unable to sit still from their father. baby gojo was always active at night too. whenever the students wanted to feel baby gojo kick during the day, they were always sleeping.
“your baby may recognize both you and your partner’s voices by now. so this may be a good time to read or sing to your baby—or tummy.” satoru looked at you with excitement, “—i told you baby gojo recognizes my voice. should i start singing to them too?”
you laughed, “since you’re not that bad of a singer… go ahead. sing me a song, mr. gojo.”
one of your favorite memories with satoru throughout all your years of knowing the insufferable man was the day you went on your very first mission with him. you weren't even dating at the time, but the memory meant so much to you. you shared your earphones with him during the subway ride to chiba and showed him all your favorite old school songs that you and your late father loved. (read 'sleeping with the enemy' here)
“i’ve got sunshineeee, on a cloudy day. when it’s cold outsiiiiide, i’ve got the month of may. i’d. guess. you’d. say. what. can. make. me. feel. this. way. my giiiirl. talkin’ ‘bout my girl.” (a/n: click here to listen to the exact line and song satoru's singing if you don't know it, i time stamped it for you!)
you laughed and smiled in adoration at the man who just serenaded you and your pregnant belly. of course he’d choose the temptations for this occasion. baby gojo started kicking.
you leaned over to ask your belly, “did you like daddy’s singing?”
“did they kick?” satoru asked as he leaned forward to talk to your belly, “kick once for no, kick twice for yes.”
after waiting for a moment, you felt one kick, “sorry, you have a tough crowd, babe. it was one kick.” you reported back to the eager satoru.
“back to the app,” he said, ignoring you, offended that his baby didn’t appreciate his singing, “it says nearly 3 in 4 women experience swelling of the hands, feet, and ankles. so avoid sitting and standing for long periods. go on walks or try swimming.”
“we can try out the pool tomorrow.” you said. satoru’s attention still on the app.
“it says you should eat lots of salmon. it’s supposedly good for you and the baby.” satoru reported.
you started laughing, “okay, toge inumaki. let’s go get some dinner.”
the next day
“babe?” you called out to satoru, “can you help me tie my swimsuit?”
you frowned as you looked at yourself in the mirror. your body was unrecognizable to you. you couldn’t fit into any of your clothes. you didn’t feel like yourself as your body started to grow, and you were only going to get bigger and bigger thanks to your still growing baby inside of you.
satoru waltzed into the bathroom smelling like sunscreen. he was already in his tropical floral swimming shorts, shirtless, with a towel draped over his shoulder. why did he have to look like a chiseled greek god next to you? you felt like humpty dumpty next to him. he walked behind you to grab the loose bikini strings from your fingers, tying a secure knot for you. he snickered to himself because he wouldn’t care if they came undone, but he knew you would.
you turned away from him.
“what’s wrong, sweetheart? you’re usually the first one in the pool.” satoru asked as he followed your gaze in the mirror. he saw that you were examining yourself.
“i—just don’t really feel confident in my body right now...” you admitted in a quiet voice. the statement shattered his heart.
“you’re kidding me.” satoru scoffed, “—babe, you’re literally growing our perfect baby inside of you. you are the most beautiful thing i’ve ever laid my six eyes on.”
“maybe it’s the bikini. i should’ve opted for a one piece now that i’m pregnant.” you frowned as you looked down to run your fingers along the ruffles of your white two-piece swimsuit, your belly hanging out in the open in all its glory.
satoru made a face, “i hope baby gojo kicks you for saying that.”
and to your surprise, you felt an extra strong kick. it was like baby gojo heard him. satoru and your baby were ganging up on you already and baby gojo wasn’t even born yet.
satoru hugged you from behind. his strong arms making you feel safe. he always knew what to say to make you feel better again. he kissed your temple as you sighed.
“come on, let’s go for a swim.” he grabbed your hand to lead you to the pool right outside the private villa. he placed a pair of his black circular sunglasses on your face. he smeared sunscreen on your cheeks and traced a sunscreen shaped heart on your belly before helping you rub it in. a sloppy application from satoru, but you appreciated the sweet gesture. you massaged sunscreen on your arms as satoru helped you apply to your legs.
satoru watched you like a hawk as you stepped into the pool, afraid of you slipping while pregnant. you slowly walked deeper into the pool, the cool water rose to cover your belly and chest. after making sure you were okay, satoru ran to the opposite side of the pool and cannon-balled in, splashing water all over you. you giggled as you watched the white haired sorcerer swim towards you in the beautiful, clear water.
satoru popped out of the glistening water as if he was the little mermaid, throwing his snow-white hair back, shaking his head side to side so the water would fling off. he swam towards you. you reached for his shoulders as he pulled you closer, positioning your legs around his waist so he could take you further into the deep end. you wrapped your arms loosely around his broad shoulders as he held you by your thighs.
“you feeling better?” he asked as he booped your adorable button nose.
“a little—” you said as you wrinkled your nose. you traced your soft fingers along satoru's chest before asking him a question you were nervous to ask. “satoru—will you still love me if i don’t go back to how i looked like before i got pregnant?”
stunned at your ridiculous question, satoru asked, “what kind of question is that? of course i’ll still love you, babe. i’d even love you if you were still pregnant with the raging pregnancy hormones forever.”
you splashed water onto him, glaring through his sunglasses that were resting on your cheek and nose bridge, “you’re only saying that because my libido is higher than usual.”
“i'm just saying... a man will never complain about that.” satoru chuckled as he sarcastically spoke for all the men in the world.
“—then would you still love me if i was a worm?”
“that’s pushing it.” satoru bantered back. you splashed him with water again before resting your head on his chest. he floated with you in his arms for a moment, soaking up the sunshine. you felt butterflies fluttering in your stomach along with your growing baby twisting and turning inside of you. your heart taking in the pure bliss you were experiencing just by being here in satoru’s arms. you wondered how satoru felt right now.
after spending about an hour wading in the pool with satoru, you looked over to see two hotel employees bringing out a tray of food.
“pardon our interruption señor gojo and señorita (l/n), we brought a late breakfast for you two to enjoy. this was requested from señor (l/n) early this morning.”
“gracias!” you thanked the hotel employee with the most basic spanish you learned while sitting on the 15 hour plane ride. satoru laughed at your enthusiasm. he admired how you always wanted to be courteous to others.
“are you and baby gojo hungry?” he asked as he started swimming towards the shallow end again. you nodded as you clung to him, planting a sweet kiss on the crook of his neck and shoulder. satoru got out of the pool first so he could help you out. he grabbed the towels sitting on the cabana chairs to dry you both off, wrapping the towel around your waist.
“wow, the food looks amazing.” you sat down and drooled over the spread that your brother ordered for you and satoru. your mouth watered. there was a selection of huevos rancheros, tamales, fried plantains, fresh local fruit, chorizo hash, eggs, bread and two large pitchers of orange juice and water.
satoru sipped his orange juice and watched your face light up as you sampled all the delicious food in front of you. a happy glow in your face that made him fall in love with you all over again. it reminded him of the first time you went to get ice cream together, the way your face lit up and you did your happy dance in your chair after tasting the sweet chocolate ice cream. you reached over to feed him a bite of the fried plantains. satoru hummed in approval.
you were like the sun to satoru. his whole world revolved around you, and you attracted anyone and anything that entered your orbit. it was probably why all the students and faculty loved you at jujutsu high. even strangers felt comfortable around you.
you made satoru’s world brighter. before you met him, he felt as if clouds shrouded his life at all times, unclear of what he wanted to do with his life. you pulled him out of that cloudiness and lit up every second of the day as soon as you came into his life (or ever since he broke into yours). you were the color in satoru’s world of black and white. you inspired him to be better, and he wanted to be a good man, just for you.
he was making it his mission to be the sun in your life, just like you were in his. it broke his heart knowing that you were starting to feel insecure in your ever-changing and growing body. and it made him even more sad knowing that you were questioning his love for you during this temporary change.
however, little did satoru know, he already was the sun in your life. he has been ever since you started dating, and you would be forever grateful to the 17 year old boy who broke your domain over a decade ago. without satoru’s love, you don’t know where you’d be right now. satoru's unconditional love was something you never thought you'd experience in this lifetime. (read ‘fated to love you’ here)
later that night
you and satoru held hands while walking the streets of zona romántica, one of the liveliest streets of puerto vallarta. your spirit birds flying overhead with you and satoru. every turn you and satoru took gave you a beautiful view of the mexican riviera. a mariachi band played in the cobblestone streets, and white-stucco buildings were decorated with bright orange, yellow, and red flowers.
"this city is so charming." you said, green eyes shining. you admired the architecture and all the bright colors in the streets as satoru led the way.
"what do you want to eat for dinner?" he asked while looking at a tourist brochure.
"i refuse to eat salmon again for dinner, so anything but that."
satoru looked down at you, azure blue eyes peeking through his sunglasses, "i read that there's a good tapas restaurant about a 20 minute walk from here. do you think you can walk that far?"
you laughed at his question, "satoru, i can still walk believe it or not."
he squeezed your hand as if he was saying 'okay, okay, you got me there'. you took the lead and guided him towards the malecón boardwalk. when you saw the sunset, you let go of satoru's hand, walking faster towards the view. the sunset was a mix of pink, purple, yellow, and orange. it was like a watercolor painting appearing in your eyes. the warm hues kissed the blues and greens of the ocean horizon.
while you admired the beautiful sunset, satoru admired the beautiful you. he snapped a couple pictures of you with his phone, afraid to forget the memory of how stunning you looked at this moment in time.
you were wearing a strapless white sundress, similar to the one you wore yesterday. your swimsuit lines from this morning showed off your golden tan you received while being here in mexico. the dress hugged your belly, but was loose enough to be comfortable for you to move around in without feeling restricted.
intricate blue flowers were sewn on the bottom fringe of your dress and a high leg slit showed off your pretty tan legs. your dress was paired with brown and white sandals that were comfortable enough for your swollen feet.
your long black hair was curled, flowing in the wind as you skipped lightly around the boardwalk. a large blue flower that matched satoru’s eyes was tucked behind your ear. it was almost sickening how much love he felt for you at this very moment.
"careful, sweetheart." satoru called out you as he put his phone back into his pocket, worried about you skipping around. he knew you’d complain about pelvic pain later tonight because of it. he shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets, following you wherever your heart desired.
you turned around and gave him your world-class million dollar smile that always gave him butterflies even after all this time, "so, where's this restaurant?" (read ‘butterflies’ here)
after dinner
"satoru, look! everyone’s dancing!" you pointed as you and satoru walked out of the restaurant after a delicious dinner.
there was a large crowd on the boardwalk, dancing to reggaeton music that the local dj was playing. everyone was dancing, singing, and shouting the lyrics to the songs. they were having the time of their lives and you wanted to be a part of it too.
"do you want to spend some time out here before we head back to the villa?" satoru asked, noticing how entranced you were. you nodded excitedly.
you and satoru found a small table at a bar close by. you both ordered non-alcoholic drinks for clear reasons. satoru didn't like to drink alcohol and you were pregnant.
you sipped your virgin midori sour. the melon juice, tangy lime, lemon and club soda felt refreshing. your foot tapped on the wooden boardwalk to the melodic beat of the music playing.
"babe, do you want to go dance…?" you asked timidly.
satoru looked at you, surprised, "you want to dance? i never thought you'd asked." he laughed. he was usually the one that would have to drag you out to the dance floor.
satoru downed the rest of his way-too-sweet virgin strawberry daquiri and grabbed your hand to lead you to where the rest of the crowd was dancing. (satoru forced his infinity outward to make sure no one accidentally bumped into your belly, but you didn't have to know that.)
you swayed with the music, your hair bouncing as you bobbed your head to the beat. you spun around, dancing to your heart’s desire. your heart skipped a beat when you felt satoru's hands on your hips, pulling you closer to him. he followed all of your movements as you danced around him. you turned to face him.
"satoru," you draped your arms around his broad shoulders, "i think people are staring at us."
"really? i didn't notice." satoru grinned, his attention was only on you tonight. he didn't even notice that you and him were the center of attention on tonight's dance floor. he couldn't care less. the only thing he cared about was you.
the dim street lights and twinkle lights hanging along the boardwalk emitted a soft glow on your rosy cheeks and emerald green eyes. satoru's heart raced at the view. how could one person be so perfect and so beautiful? he felt like he hit the jackpot to be able to call you his. he didn’t think he would ever be this lucky in another life.
he grabbed your hand to twirl you around, pulling you close for a moment, your back resting against his chest again. he kissed your bare shoulder just to spin you around for a second time. your sweet laughter filled his ears, his favorite sound in the world.
once everyone started to slowly leave the boardwalk, you both decided to call it a night. the moon reflected brightly on the mexican sands and dark blue ocean waters, guiding you back to the villa. and in that very moonlight, you shone brightly like a lighthouse beacon. it was something about the way you looked tonight that took satoru’s breath away. that damn pregnancy glow looked a thousand times more radiant in his six eyes and he couldn’t get enough of it.
after a relaxing shower to wash away the sweat from dancing, you and satoru laid in bed together, winding down for the night.
“did you know that if you press your ear against my belly, you might be able to hear baby gojo’s heartbeat?” you asked satoru as he put his phone down and turned to face you in bed.
"really?" satoru asked in amusement, "let me try it."
he leaned over towards you, resting his head gently on your belly.
"move your head over here," you guided his head to where baby gojo was in your womb.
the room fell silent. all you could hear was the ocean crashing against the rocks outside the hotel villa, the cool breeze entering the room, satoru's breathing and your own racing heartbeat. it was an intimate moment between the two of you.
satoru gasped, "i can hear it." he smiled brightly as he looked up at you. you smiled back at him, running your fingers through his soft white hair as he planted kisses on your bare belly.
"i wonder if you can sense any cursed energy from the baby." you asked him.
"i've been trying to ever since you got pregnant. i can't sense anything but yours." satoru said, "maybe our baby will be lucky and won't have any..." he trailed off.
"for some reason, i highly doubt that." you frowned. it would be a blessing if your baby didn't have to deal with curses, but coming from your clan and the gojo clan, it was more than likely your baby would be born with an innate cursed technique. plus, you felt something off about your cursed energy since you became pregnant. it was like someone else’s cursed energy was always there with you, and it wasn't satoru's residuals either.
"whether or not baby gojo has cursed energy, it wouldn't make me love them any less." satoru said quietly.
you chuckled at his ridiculous statement. "of course. this is our baby we're talking about. you better love them."
"—and just because your body is changing to grow our baby, my thoughts about how beautiful you are and how much i love you will never change." satoru added as-a-matter-of-factly.
“satoru… you’re embarrassing me.” you whined, hiding your blushing face in between the pillows. satoru took your fluffy shield away from you.
“don’t hide your beautiful face from me, woman!” he scolded you playfully. you intertwined your fingers with his as he leaned in for a kiss. he pulled you closer to him as you rested your head on his chest. you listened to his heartbeat, it was one of the most comforting sounds to fall asleep to.
“i love you, satoru.” you hummed.
satoru kissed each of your fingers, “i know.” he said confidently as you stared back up at him, waiting for him to say it back. “—i love you too, (y/n).”
“that’s what i thought.” you mumbled. “can you believe this is probably our last vacation as just us two? we’ll probably be too busy getting ready for baby gojo’s arrival to spend quality time together like this when we get home.” you said to him as you placed your hand against his. you were comparing the size of his hand to yours in the air.
he stroked your back gently with his unoccupied hand. he thought to himself for a moment. a playful grin spreading across his face, “guess we’ll just have to make the most of this baby moon then, huh?”
“—and just what do you mean by that?” you peered up at him.
satoru just smiled at you before he assaulted your neck and shoulder with a plethora of kisses. you squealed with laughter, pushing him away, trying to escape from his grasp.
“satoru, stop! that tickles!” you continued to laugh as he gently pulled you back to him with blue. he trailed kisses from your chest, up your neck onto your jawline, across your cheek to your nose, up your nose bridge to your forehead, and lastly, back down to your lips.
“for now, i don’t want to share.” he whispered in your ear.
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ready to meet baby gojo? read the next chapter, 'hello baby' here.
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toshiro-taichou · 3 months ago
Bleach Next Generation ages and birthdays + Zodiacs
Kisuke X Yoruichi's son: Akio Urahara is 12 years old and was born on 21st July 2013. He is a Cancer.
Gin X Rangiku's sons: Anonymous Ichimaru is 32 years old and was born on 26th December 1993. He is a Capricorn. Hiro Ichimaru is 32 years old and was born on 26th December 1993. He is a Capricorn. He and Anonymous are twins.
Toshiro X Karin's children: Ryunosuke Kurosaki is 19 years old (I changed his age) and was born on 07th November 2006. He is a Scorpio Kimoto Hitsugaya is 12 years old and was born on 30th August 2013. He is a Virgo. Kurayami Hitsugaya is 8 years old and was born on 26th January 2017. She is a Aquarius. Yukihime Hitsugaya is 8 years old and was born on 27th January 2017. She is a Aquarius. The girls are twins, Kurayami was born before it became Midnight and Yukihime was born after midnight. They are 15 minutes apart. Takashi Hitsugaya is 2 years old and was born on 2nd April 2023. He is a Aries.
Kazuma (Oc) X Yuzu's children: Izuna Kurosaki is 14 years old and was born on 17th May 2011. She is Taurus. Kiyoshi Kurosaki is 12 years old and was born on the 29th August 2013. He is a Virgo. Masaki Kurosaki is 8 years old and was born on 30th June 2017. She is a Cancer.
Uryu X Orihime's children: Sora Ishida is 17 years old and was born on 26th October 2006. She is a Scorpio. Tsukiko Ishida is 12 years old and was born on 19th Feburary 2013. She is a Pisces. Qrow Ishida is 3 years old and was born on 8th July 2022. He is a Cancer.
Chad's adopted son: Alvaro Sado is 12 years old and was born on 25th March 2013. He is an Aries.
Keigo X Tatsuki's children: Mika Asano is 17 years old and was born on 21st June 2008. She is a Cancer. Ichiro Asano is 12 years old and was born on 8th July 2013. He is a Cancer.
Byakuya X Hisana's son: Shinjiro Kuchiki is 72 years old and was born on 6th March 1953. He is a Pisces.
Shuhei X Rangiku's children: Hayami Hisagi is 18 years old and was born on 5th July 2007. She is a Cancer. Haru Hisagi is 12 years old and was born on 22nd Febuary 2013. He is a Pisces.
Ikkaku and Yumichika's "son": Kosuke Madara is 21 years old and was created on 5th May 2004. He is a Taurus.
Ichigo X Rukia's children: Kaien Shiba is 21 years old and was born on 1st October 2004. He is a Libra. Kaizo Shiba is 12 years old and was born on 17th November 2013. He is a Scorpio. Hanami Kuchiki is 8 years old and was born on 28th September 2017. She is a Libra. Hisana Kuchiki is 4 years old and was born on 6th January 2021. She is a Capricorn. Taishiro Shiba is 2 years old and was born on 12th September 2023. He is a Virgo.
Aizen and Hinamori's "son": Shinkei Aizen is 24 years old and was created on the 10th October 2001. He is a Libra.
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findyourrp · 1 year ago
Blake here, I'm 27, and will only write with individuals 18+ (though I prefer 20+). I'm looking for anyone to write the following against my OCs.
JJK - Toji, Gojo
The 100 - Bellamy Blake
Haikyuu - Oikawa
Irregular at Magic High - Masaki
MHA - Keigo, Katsuki
Among others
I'm currently all in on nomagic and fantasy AUs! I'm also a big fan of polyships, and a lot of tropes. I write 2-6 paragraphs, and will talk your ear off (please do the same). I will spam you with ideas, it is inevitable. Please spam me with yours. I'm in EST and like similar timezones so we can go back and forth for chunks of time (either IC or OOC).
I'll try my hand at most characters if you want to double with your OC x Love Interest too, but let me know or I'll assume we're only doing the one pairing.
Like or drop a comment and I'll get back to you asap :)
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thedoodwithamic · 1 month ago
Hey, guys! New series is up and I hope you guys are ready for "The Dood's Favorite Annihilation Tournament Bouts"! Kicking off this series is the fight that I think is one of the most brutal in the Annihilation Tournament: Meguro Masaki vs Muteba Gizenga! Listen in on why I think this fight is an absolute banger! If you like what I do here, feel free to send me a tip on my ko-fi. If not, hey, a heart and reblog will always mean a lot for me!
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1x1 Roleplay Search
Blake here, I have too much time and I'm a bit of a degen on main. I talk a whole lot more than I should probably, and would love someone who talks as much. I throw ideas at walls and hope things stick when left alone too long LOL I'm currently unemployed for health reasons and that's why I need outlets for my creative energy.
Gonna start us off here; 21+ ONLY, I like smut when it fits the plot and I like themes that are not suitable for children. Minors DNI.
I write 300+ words, can rapid fire responses (both IC and OOC) basically every waking moment of my day. It's fine if you can't rapid fire posts, I'll live. I'm more looking for friends and people to talk to regularly than I am constant writing. Gush with me. Talk shipping. Talk about our OCs. I throw memes and assorted jank at people I talk to constantly, and hope that doesn't scare you away!
I'm always, always in for AUs & tropes & cliches. I love them. Currently craving omegaverse roleplays.
I want to write AFAB female, non-binary, or transmasc OCs and want to write across from amab M or NB CC & OC
I prefer to write on Discord for organization purposes, because servers are really easy for me to keep track of. Could be convinced to do a google doc.
Now onto the fun stuff! OC x CC pairings only! I'm only looking to double if I like your OC and you bring ideas & inspiration material to the table for the vibe you want for your love interest.
The men that have me in a chokehold:
Solo Leveling - Sung Jinwoo
JJK - Toji, and/or Satoru, and/or older!Yuta, and/or Suguru
Irregular at Magic High - Masaki
MHA - Keigo, Touya, Katsuki
There are other fandoms that could be on this list, but these men have me by the throat and will not let me go.
I have a carrd linked here > Blake's Roleplay Profile (blakelake.carrd.co) that you can check out for a writing sample and some more information on me.
Wanna have a go? Send me a message with your age and what you're interested in and we'll have a chat!
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doodling-doodle · 1 year ago
Please ma'am *shakes the fake metal cup* please they deserve a happier ending than that. Please or I'll be forced to take kneecaps from someone.
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Oh Droid
it's not that much happier yet
but it will get better
(WARNINGS: mental health struggles, memory loss, depression, medical inaccuracy)
Phil had barely gotten to talk to Kyle and Alex this year. They had been caught up in making their Task Force, which he learned recently was called "Rain". He had linked up with his old squad a few times, which was originally where his friend had been. Lilith was her name, apparently.
But the first year had gone fine. They were talking a lot, and he was able to see Kyle a few times, before and after the wedding. Both he and Alex had seemed to be doing better, and he was happy about it, becuase it was what they needed.
But he didn't want to leave John's side. he still loved him, and John remembered everything about him... even that they were engaged. He had been planning their wedding for almost five years. He was so happy that they could get married, but... he wanted their son to be there. And Kyle had made it clear that he would never willingly go back after what happened. He understood and respected it.
He was going to put it off as long as possible. If he gave it time, John might remember them. And maybe Kyle would come back...
For now, He was taking John out with him so his family could see him. His mother and sisters had been amazing help during the three years John was asleep. But they hadn't been able to see each other in quite some time.
It was a decent restaurant. One that they all happened to like.
He saw his Mother and his three older sisters, and they waved to him, calling him and John over.
"Hey, boys!" His mother said, hugging Phil tight, "oh, I missed you, son!"
"Missed you too, ma." He said, hugging her back.
"John, how's it going?" She asked, smiling.
"Mostly fine, Eli." He said, smiling, "And Yourself?"
"Been good. Missed you two."
His sisters came over to hug him, and he smiled softly.
This was the only family he had. His father was in Prison for life. He grew up with just the three of them most of the time. Their mother worked three jobs for a long time to keep them fed...
It all turned out okay. But it was scary for a long time.
"Good to see you two in one piece." The oldest, Kat, said.
"Yeah... we haven't been up to much." John said, smiling.
"Good, means you can't have much worse happen!" The youngest, Charlotte, said, chuckling.
Phil smiled softly, "True... it's just an interesting situation right now...'
"I bet." The middle sister, Emma, said, "But, it could be worse?"
He chuckled. He was the youngest of all of them. His sisters had been the ones to raise him until Kat got a job...
It was okay now. He rarely thought about it anymore.
"So... John?" Eli asked, "How are you feeling? Anything coming back yet?"
He shrugged, "A little. Farah, Ghost, Soap, Laswell... It's slow, but, It's happening."
"Good." Emma said, "At least it's coming back."
"And we're still planning the wedding." John said, "We just have to get the venue and date. Then our suits."
Eli smiled, "I'm glad. Phil was planning things while you were asleep. He was thinking about the flowers, and the place..."
John smiled, "And they were beautiful. He showed me the flowers he wanted. And It's beautiful..."
Charlotte smiled, "I can't wait for you to bawl your eyes out when Phil walks down the aisle."
They all laughed, and it made Phil temporarily forget about what was really going on and what would happen...
Two weeks later...
Phil was waiting at the airport for Kyle and Alex. They were on leave and wanted to see him, alone. Like normal. It was almost their anniversary. every year, they got together, and gave each other Christmas gifts. They hadn't spent it together since they left.
"Hey, Pops!" Kyle called out, going up to Phil and hugging him.
"Hey, kid. Missed you." He said, opening his arm for Alex to join, which he did, smiling.
"How's it going with Rain?" Phil asked as they got in the car.
"Not bad. Getting recruits and missions." Kyle said, "It's nice to have Kaida back. She's a great help... missed her..."
Phil smiled slightly, looking in the mirror to see them. They were holding hands, both actually smiling softly as Kyle talked about the Task Force. They were definitely still in therapy, because they were doing a lot better than they were last year. Kyle still looked exhausted, lost light in his eyes, and gained a ton of scars but... at least he was talking. He sounded almost how he used to.
Alex was the same. He looked like he was roughed up and exhausted from everything. But he sounded better.
"Well, I'm glad to hear everything has been good." Phil said, "Do... You want to know about Dad or not?"
"I'd rather not."
"Okay. That's fine."
Before, Kyle would've started disassociating at the mere mention of it. Now he was still smiling softly and looked fine, answering a phone call and speaking in code.
He was so proud of them. The progress they made...
"Well, why don't we go and get some dinner?" Phil asked once Kyle hung up.
"Yeah... that'd be nice." Kyle said, looking up at Alex.
"I'm down for it." He smiled.
"Good. let's get something." Phil said as he drove to town.
Dinner was good. They ended up staying out for a long time, talking about what happened in the past year.
"To be honest, it's been slow this year." Phil said, "With... Everything, we've just been... working more on that."
"Understandable." Kyle said, "What about Ghost and Soap? I've started talking to them more but they aren't saying much..."
Phil shrugged, "They're doing fine. Got engaged recently and are planning the wedding. They are settling down, so, they haven't told many people yet."
Kyle nodded, "I get it... What about Your wedding, what's the status on that?"
He was a little shocked, but answered, "It's still happening. But not sure when. If you want to come, I will send an invite once we get all of it figured out. If you don't want to, I don't blame you. If you want to think, that's okay too."
Kyle nodded, "I'll have to think. But I'm happy for you." He smiled softly, and so did Alex.
He was fine with it. He just wanted to wait for John's memory of Kyle to come back to have the wedding with him there...
They spent the week together. He sent them with Christmas gifts, and gifts for Alex's birthday.
He got to get a picture with the three of them together, at least. He had proof that Kyle was still smiling.
And the day they left was the day that John fell into that coma. Six years.
Two Months Later...
John smiled as he walked into Phil's office with a cup of coffee, "Hey darling. What are you up to?"
"Decided to replace some pictures." Phil said, taking something out of the back of the frame.
John smiled softly, sitting with him as he worked, picking one up and looking at it.
It looked... familiar, in a way. It was him, Phil, and two others. He thought he had seen them somewhere before...
He put it down before he thought about it too hard, but took it when Phil got distracted.
When he went back to his own office, he looked at it again.
"Who were you two...?"
He decided to look at the old stack of pictures that was left at his bed when he woke up. He didn't know where they came from. He didn't even remember who left them or when.
But he hadn't touched them in the three years he was awake.
They had Simon and Johnny, which was odd. Those two other people were in their pictures...
Most of them had Phil with those two.
He didn't know who they were, but they were in his life at some point. In the 141.
He decided to look at the gifts that he left untouched for years. Nine total.
They were all dated. His birthday, Christmas, and Father's Day.
But he never had kids. He knew he never had kids.
They were from Kyle... Who was Kyle?
It hit him.
"It's me, Dad... It's Kyle..."
That was Kyle.
But why would he say "Dad"? How was he in his life before?
The gift was an engraved pistol. Like the other weapons that hung on his office wall.
Kyle is where they all came from?
It was the same for the other Birthday gifts. Knife and a bullet set.
The Father's Day gifts were Drawings and paintings. Beautiful landscapes, with him and Kyle...
He... remembered that. He remembered that. He knew where they happened.
He didn't remember Kyle. He knew his face and voice... but who was he?!
The Christmas gifts were handmade trinkets with small pictures.
Wait... Wait.
He looked back at the Photo, and he turned it over.
"Alex, Kyle, Phil, and John.
The year before he fell into the coma...
Kyle... He remembered Kyle. He remembered Alex.
That picture was right before Alex had proposed.
He remembered Kyle sobbing as Alex slipped the ring on his finger. He remembered the pure joy on their faces. He remembered them holding each other while they sat in front of the tree. He remembered Phil's sobs of joy. He remembered his own.
He remembered Kyle asking him to walk him down the aisle. He remembered sobbing while he held him, saying yes, of course he would.
"I love you, son."
He remembered saying that.
"I love you too, Dad..."
He remembered Kyle saying that.
He remembered how they helped each other plan their own weddings. He remembered talking to Alex about how he was so happy and excited for them. he remembered Alex crying in his arms about how he wanted it to be perfect. He remembered holding him while telling him it would be as long as they were happy.
He remembered Kyle being a bubbly, bright light in his life. He remembered how Alex helped him.
He remembered getting shot. He remembered Kyle's scream.
"Dad?! Dad, open your eyes, please!!"
He remembered Kyle holding his hand. He remembered trying to talk while Kyle begged him to hold on. He remembered passing out, Kyle still screaming.
"We need Medivac, now!"
He remembered waking up briefly before going to sleep for good. He remembered Kyle reaching for his jacket, for the letters.
He probably read them.
And now, Makarov and Shepherd were dead. Valeria was in jail. Zakheav was dead, for good this time.
And he was sure Kyle did it all for him.
But where was he? Where was Alex? Were they dead? Why didn't Phil tell him?
No. No, Kyle wasn't dead. Alex wasn't dead. Did they get married?
Why didn't he remember his own child?
There was a knock on the door, and Phil came in, smiling with a cup of tea.
But it quickly fell when he realized that John was looking down at the picture, the gifts unwrapped, and the stack of pictures scattered on the table.
He looked up at him.
"Where's Kyle and Alex?"
Phil blinked, tearing up.
"Philip. Where is our son and his fiancé?"
He started crying, going to hug him tight, "you remembered them... you remembered..."
John sighed, "Why aren't they here? Where'd they go?"
Phil paused for a second, pulling a chair over so he could sit with John, "They... aren't here..."
"Where are they?"
"John..." He sighed, holding his hands, "When you woke up, you... didn't remember Kyle. You asked who he was, and said that you never had kids..."
"I remember that..."
"He left the room, and he and Alex... They left. It was for the best, for both of them. Kyle was at a breaking point. He- and I, if I'm honest, had spent time in a mental hospital while you were asleep. And he was just waiting for the day that you would wake up so he could hug you, and tell you that he loved you, that he was sorry, and everything else... But you didn't remember him. The morning after, they left. They left the Task Force..."
John was already tearing up. His child was gone... because of him.
"Gaz is gone..." He whispered.
"It's not Gaz anymore."
He snapped his head up, a tear rolling down his face.
"It's Spector."
"He wanted to... separate himself from you. He couldn't be 'Gaz' anymore. He hasn't mentioned it since."
What had he done...?
"What about... them getting married?"
"They got married. Soon after they left. I walked him down the aisle. It was the first time in a long time we saw him smile..."
"That was when you all left for that week."
"Yeah... He changed his last name to Keller, and he rarely talks about you. He... He made it clear that he still loved you and you would always be his dad. But he couldn't be around you... I was hoping you would remember him soon. See if he would want to come to the wedding..."
He drove his child away. He didn't get to be there for the wedding. He didn't walk his boy down the aisle. He didn't get to see him smile.
The bubbly, bright light in his life was gone.
Because of him.
I have a third part planned if anyone wants it, send the ask
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on-wine-dark-seas · 7 months ago
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Summary: Toji Fushiguro, who is in disgrace after having an affair with his boss’ now ex-wife, Akasha Doukas, is now tasked with protecting her as the mercurial grounds of Tokyo’s Underworld begin to shift into uncertainty, putting the entire syndicate and anyone associated with them in peril.
Pairing[s]: Toji x Black OC
Rating: Explicit [smut will make itself known in future installments].
𓆩♡𓆪 AO3 𓆩♡𓆪
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𓃹 001. Fushiguro
    The rain is falling hard enough to sting. Curtains of water stream from the sky, beating against glass, against rooftops, pummeling umbrellas. On nights like this there is virtually no foot traffic, and the streets are empty, illuminating the subtle mist of the summer storm in various shades of neon. The silence of Tokyo in the midst of heavy rain is nothing compared to what goes on inside the cluster of empty shops at this hour of the night.
     In the backroom of a costume jewelry shop, strapped to a metal chair, is Hotsuma Masaki. You see, Masaki was supposed to be in charge of collecting a bi-monthly stipend from his block to make the payments to the Yamaguchi Group in order to ensure their shops remain safe and secure. Lately, Masaki has fallen on some hard times. Not as hard as the time he’s having right now, mind you, but he recently found himself in some financial troubles. Now all these transactions with the Yamaguchi Group are, off the books one might say, so Masaki took it upon himself to skim a little off the top of the stipend, figuring they wouldn’t pursue him for funds they weren’t supposed to be receiving in the first place.
     Unfortunately for Masaki, the Yamaguchi Group has just the individual to deal with such blatant disregard for a formal contract. His name is Toji Fushiguro, and right now he is agitated. To call Toji a dangerous man is to call a jungle cat dangerous when you meet its gaze over the drinking pool. Toji is a mountain of a man, and his name alone is enough to instill fear in anyone who moves in the same circles of the Yamaguchi Group. His specialty is whatever Boss Yamaguchi needs it to be, but he came up as a young yakuza doing wet work. If Boss Yamaguchi needed an enemy, a rival, hell even a nuisance eliminated, he sent Fushiguro. The Problem Solver.
     Right now, Toji has a few questions, chief among them being why the fuck he has been called in to work on his one night off a week. However, he knows why he’s here, and so does Masaki, which is why when he crouches down to peer at the trembling, bloodied mess that is his handiwork, he does not look the least bit sorry. Those frosty, pitiless green eyes seem almost bored.
     Toji Fushiguro is bored, and he emphasizes this by sticking his gloved finger into the wound in Masaki’s thigh, made with a drill. Masaki lets out a strangled sound, breaking into renewed sobs. He knows he’s fucked. Toji has a near 100% clearance rate. You don’t survive interrogations with Toji.
     “Look,” Toji drawls as Masaki’s sobs die down into exhausted whimpers. “I don’t have all fucking night, and neither do you. Just tell me what I want to know and this ends.”
     “P-please…” Masaki croaks, begging. Toji’s expression is impassive. “You’ll kill me.”
     Toji sighs. He really doesn’t have all goddamn night.
     “We already know it was you, Masaki,” Toji says. “This was supposed to be a courtesy in which you come clean. But, if this is how it’s going to be, then…”
     Toji stands up, Masaki’s wild gaze rolls upward to look at him. He really is a large man, seeming to bend all the light in the room around him. His eyes are cold and menacing, and Masaki finds himself focused on the scar on his lip as Toji’s mouth pulls into a sneer.
     He doesn’t even see the silencer as the gunshot rings out, drowned out by the storm outside.
     The silence after is Toji’s favorite part; he is almost meditative, connected to the world beyond the mortal coil as the only other soul in the room with him flees to wherever it is souls go. Toji has done this innumerable times before. At this point he should be asking the damned churches to pay a stipend to him he keeps them so busy on Sundays.
     He pulls out his phone, sending a quick text before leaving the room.
     Outside, a black Bentley waits. Toji doesn’t bother with an umbrella, hurrying as the driver opens the door. Toji squeezes into the luxurious tan backseat, not surprised to see a familiar face across from him.
     “This is pretty small potatoes for you, don’t you think?” Shiu Kong asks with a grin.
     “He was going to the cops,” Toji says. “That would have put a wrinkle in the boss’ plans for this area.”
     Kong sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah, I can see how that would be a problem. So, what’s the old man want now?”
     Toji shrugs. “Hell if I know, but we’ll know soon enough. I don’t get paid to know his mind, just do what needs doing.”
     Kong snorts. “Wish that fucking demon Sukuna had your discipline. You hear about what happened?”
     Toji raises a brow. “If it’s about the chop shop then yeah. If it’s about the fight club then I’m under strict orders to pretend I don’t know anything about it.” He grins then. Kong laughs. Both of them know about it, of course, how Sukuna beat seven shades of shit out of some upstart who dared to question him. Toji knows Sukuna has the temper of a live grenade, but he also knows that he doesn’t discipline without good reason. Whatever that underling said or did, he likely had plenty of warning before being assigned to work under the two-faced demon. Kong’s phone rings. He answers.
     “Yeah? Yeah. Alri—no he’s here with me. Now? Alright, we’re on the way.”
     Kong orders the driver to change the route. Toji leans back in his seat.
     “Old man wants a word, huh?” He asks. Kong grins, lighting a cigarette.
     “You know how it goes, Toji,” he says harshly. “Sorry to keep you so busy on your night off, I know you’ve got such a busy social life outside of work.”
     Toji snorts derisively. “Very funny. Let’s just get this over with.”
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     The meeting with Boss Yamaguchi is for lack of a better word: unorthodox. Toji normally gets his jobs passed along via Shiu, and if things are really ugly, directly from Boss Yamaguchi himself, but things have been relatively calm in the past few years. Of course, that is all subject to change in their lifestyle, and so when Toji rides the penthouse elevator, he does what any other warrior does in peace time: he prepares.
     The penthouse itself is severe and austere in appearance, the elevator opening to a long marble hallway lined with expensive art and sculpture. More importantly, it is a chokepoint should anyone seek to attack the penthouse. Toji can see no viable points of entry outside the elevator, and instead assesses how he’d infiltrate such a stronghold if he were seeking to claim Yamaguchi’s life.
     Not that he would ever betray his boss and mentor, but it is just how his mind works. He’s always considering how efficiently he has to work to kill anyone he meets.
     “Toji Fushiguro,” Boss Yamaguchi greets, pulling from a cigar as he stands by the floor to ceiling windows overlooking Tokyo’s glittering spread of a skyline, wreathed in the storm’s fog and thick clouds. Toji deduces that the windows are reinforced to withstand an explosion, likely shatterproof to prevent defenestration. If he were to kill everyone here, he’d have to be quick and thorough and leave through the elevator…or the roof.
     “To what do I owe the pleasure, Boss?” Toji asks, coming to stand just a pace behind Yamaguchi’s shoulder. There are other yakuza in the large space, posted around looking hard of course, but Toji has nothing to fear from any of them. They are not on his level, and Yamaguchi trusts him intrinsically.
     “Things are getting ugly in some of our international interests,” Yamaguchi says. “Looks like the Kamo Group is making their fucking move.”
     Toji makes a derisive noise, sucking his teeth.
     “Yeah? We got more than enough connections to hem them up. You know I’ve only got a few specialties, Boss. Who needs to go?”
     Yamaguchi is silent. Though Toji towers over him by nearly a head, it is clear which of them holds power in this room. Toji is dangerous, but he is leashed for now, under the strict aegis of Yamaguchi, and therefore not a threat to the man.
     “I’m putting you and Sukuna on a protection detail for Akasha,” he says and Toji’s brows go up. Akasha is Boss Yamaguchi’s ex-wife, and last he heard is currently living abroad in Greece as an artist or photographer or whatever. Why assign him to her?
     Fuck, he hasn’t seen her in two years.
     “You sure that’s necessary? She’s…she’s so far away.”
     “Which makes her vulnerable if Kamo wants to get to me. Just get on the next fucking flight and go keep an eye on her. She doesn’t have to fucking like it. It’s for her own good.”
     Toji sighs. “Whatever you say, Boss. She’s as like to kill me, though.”
     Yamaguchi finally spares Toji a glare, saying nothing.
     “Kong will give you the details. Go and pull that demon Sukuna out of whatever piece of pussy he’s buried in and make sure you do your jobs.”
     Toji snorts. “Got it.”
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     As meetings went, that was relatively short and surprisingly painless. Suspiciously painless, if he’s being honest.
     Toji wants to curse, but instead he keeps his cool on the elevator ride down, keeps his cool as he leaves the lobby, and even keeps his cool on the car ride home. Kong gives him the dossier, complete with boarding passes and a heavy transfer to his private account, as well as an address he assumes to be Akasha’s residence.
     “Does she even know we’re coming?” Toji asks to which Kong shrugs.
     “You know how it is with her and the Boss,” he says. “He probably tried to get one of us to tell her, andcshe probably sent his ass to voicemail as usual.”
     Toji nods. Yeah, that sounds like Akasha. He just wonders why the Boss is worried enough to put him and Sukuna on the same detail. Then, he thinks: he’d do the same thing in Yamaguchi’s shoes. Akasha is worth every bit of protection.
     He shakes off the uncomfortable familiarity and anticipation of seeing her again. The last time he saw her had not been either of their finest hours. He just hopes this paranoia of Yamaguchi’s is unfounded. Still, it’s easy money, and protection details tend to be light work. He doubts Akasha has a schedule that will amount to anything more than a free vacation in Greece for a few months.
     He meets Sukuna at the private airstrip outside of Tokyo. The other man, though not as broad, is still tall. He’s dressed in a crisp black suit, the shirt unbuttoned to show off the cuban link chain around his neck. Even though it’s the middle of the night he’s got on shades.
     “I’m surprised you aren’t running late,” Toji says by way of greeting and Sukuna grins although he always looks like he’s just a tad manic when he does.
     “I could always call her back and tell her we can finish,” Sukuna says by way of suggestion. Toji grumbles and shakes his head as they board the private jet that will take them out of the country. Boss Yamaguchi must want this flight to be direct if he’s lending them the jet. Fine by him, Toji will never turn down exclusive in-flight amenities and the best sleep of his life on a plane one can get. For his part, Sukuna is already reclined in his seat, and Toji is relieved to not see him trying to hit on the stewardess although he knows that can change by the end of the flight.
     Toji pinches the bridge of his nose. He has never been able to refuse Boss Yamaguchi, and he doesn’t even think that’s something one does, but this is a deliberate twisting of the knife. Two years ago, Toji would have leapt at the chance to be Akasha’s shadow, even if all he did was watch her paint and listen to her talk about her love of art all day. He misses listening to her. She was so vibrant and intelligent, so unlike her ex-husband it’s a wonder how they wound up together.
     Especially when Toji knows it should have been him.
     “So,” Sukuna says, nearly startling the assassin. He wasn’t asleep? “Akasha.”
     Toji sighs. “Yeah. Akasha.”
     “Been a long time since we’ve seen her. Think she’s still mad at you?”
     Toji frowns. “Doesn’t matter. We got a job to do.”
     “Not what I asked, Fushiguro.” Sukuna leans forward, those burgundy eyes flickering like rubies in the soft, ambient lighting of the jet.
     Toji leans back, throwing his arm over his eyes.
     “What do you want me to say? That I hope she’s not mad? Akasha was never one to hold a grudge, you know that. And it’s been two years. I’m sure she’s completely moved on.”
     Sukuna snorts. “Yeah, we’ll see how she reacts when you turn up on her doorstep.”
     Toji hasn’t actually thought that far. In fact, he hadn’t planned on actually making himself known to Akasha if he could help it. Now, halfway over the damned continent, he’s suddenly faced with the reality of the situation. What the fuck can he even say? How will he greet her? Should he apologize?
     Sorry for outing our affair in front of your husband and kids because I was drunk and heartbroken you weren’t married to me?
Toji would rather put a fucking pistol in his mouth and eat a round than do that. God, how fucking embarrassing. And even more so when Sukuna was the one who had to carry him out of there. He was lucky Yamaguchi didn’t have him executed and thrown in the damned harbor for that. No, instead, Toji had been further chained to Yamaguchi, doing penance in the form of truly despicable and menial work. Things that were once beneath his station were suddenly his priority.
     For two years Yamaguchi barely spoke to him, and now…well, now he was on a private jet to go and protect the man’s ex-wife, whom he admitted to fucking for at least two years in front of God and his entire damn family. All because Akasha broke things off, and he can’t even be mad at her for it because she had been justified.
     “Maybe I should do the talking on this assignment,” Sukuna says, grinning as he watches Toji’s inner turmoil flit through his features like a frightened pack of rabbits.
     Toji shoots him an incredulous frown.
     “The minute you open your mouth, we’ll have Interpol and NATO on our asses and you’ll have violated at least seven international laws before we even make it to the hotel. Are you even allowed in Greece?”
     Sukuna sits back, looking pleased with this summary of his admittedly earned reputation as a calamity made flesh. “I am! And honestly those fuckers in Ibiza were prudes. It worked itself out, though, remember?”
     Toji chuckles, remembering. Sukuna cemented his loyalty with Yamaguchi by being the most vicious fighter in the ranks. Not only that, but he’s exceedingly perceptive and wickedly intelligent. Most write him off as a wild and untamable bad boy, and Toji wouldn’t hesitate to agree, but when it comes to his work Sukuna is thorough and efficient. He’s just…a tad flashy. He’s also one of the best fighters with an edged weapon outside of Toji himself. The man keeps blades on him at all times, and Toji has seen what quick work he makes of his targets with them. He’s had Toji’s back in more than a few scrapes.
     So he can forgive him for the Ibiza Incident.
     “I guess we’ll have to call her eventually.” Toji mutters to himself. But first, they have to do some reconnaissance.
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     The first thing Toji learns when they touch down in Greece is that Akasha is living on one of the islands, specifically sequestered in a villa on Naxos. He and Sukuna must land on the mainland, and then travel by boat into the Aegean. It’s a pleasant excursion, and the vista of the island is nothing short of idyllic.
     “Tuh,” Sukuna says as they make port and disembark. “She’s been living in paradise. Guess that divorce wasn’t all bad. She’s not even bothered to hide her trail.”
     Toji shoots Sukuna an annoyed look. The man has no tact or couth to speak of, despite his elite level work for the syndicate. He just hopes he can keep his fool mouth shut long enough for them to set up and possibly contact Akasha and let them know what they’re about.
     Part of him hopes he can get through this assignment without grinding his teeth to bits.
     “Well, we know well enough to know it wasn’t all great either. Let’s get this done.”
     They know Akasha’s address and after some heated back and forth, Sukuna manages to convince Toji to grab his fucking cock and talk to the woman before he shoots him and then himself.
     Well, that isn’t quite how the conversation went but the spirit was there, and Toji finally decided to find his fucking courage and march right up to the front gate of her villa.
     It’s disorienting at first. It feels wrong to be announcing himself like this, as if he shouldn’t be here. He remembers this feeling the first time he and Akasha found themselves alone—truly alone.
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© 2024 Hajara Asiri. Do NOT copy, translate, plagiarize, repost anywhere without permission [reblogging posts is okay]. I only upload on Tumblr, AO3, and FFN. Title banner by me. Dividers and banners by @cafekitsune.
Member of the @pixelcafe-network.
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