#marxist leninist maoist
resistancepartisan · 2 months
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Communist Red Guards in Tiananmen Square in Peking (Beijing), 1967
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eins-corgi-butt · 2 years
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scouse1g · 1 year
Tell me you're a Marxist without telling me you're a Marxist.
"If we analyze the material conditions using the dialectical metho–"
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emergoatlover · 6 months
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safije · 7 months
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A soldier in the Al Alqsa Martyr's Brigades holds a picture of China's leader Mao Zedong.
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chromatica000 · 2 years
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With The Blood of The Martyrs Our Flag is Red
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asteroidtroglodyte · 9 months
The 4 Horsemen of MLM:
Marxist Leninist Maoist
Machine Learning Model
Multi Level Marketing
Men Loving Men
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You can see the moment Battler truly begins to understand Marx
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ptrcbtmn · 4 months
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nando161mando · 8 months
Social democrats, democratic socialists, maoists, leninists, marxists, and other brands of "left" authoritarians can fuck all the way off.
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athena5898 · 6 months
I swear to god, I understand now why various political ideologies get sick and tired of "leftist" now.
If I see one more person call neo liberalism "leftist" I'm going to scream.
I beg of some of you to please do some research, especially on intersectionality!
I'm happy that a lot of you want better policies but "minimum wage should increase and healthcare should be free" is some pretty milquetoast shit tbh. Yall are going to keep getting taken advantage of, including people "on the left" if you don't figure some shit out, kill the cop/oppressor in your head, and disentangle yourself from empires.
Let these events radicalize you, but don't let yourself become ignorant.
Just please at least look into intersectionality and kyriarchy.
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troythecatfish · 10 months
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eins-corgi-butt · 2 years
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scouse1g · 11 months
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shitpost no. 729484859
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syndician · 2 years
“It is right to rebel”
Mao Zedong
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safije · 1 year
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Kim Il-Sung, former leader of North Korea on The Black Panther newspaper.
The Black Panther Party were a Marxist-Leninist organization active in the Civil Rights movement in the 60s-70s. The group advocated for gun rights and Black self-determination. They created social programs, including the Free Breakfast for Children Programs, education programs, and community health clinics too. Eldridge Cleaver (a leader of the party at the time) and a group of Panthers, traveled to North Korea and were welcomed as guests by country's government, believing that Juche, a theory created by Kim Il-Sung, could be fitted for the unique situation of Black America. The organization was later destroyed by the FBI's CoIntel Program which assassinated Chairman of the Illinois Chapter Fred Hampton, only 21 at the time.
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