#marvel's agent carter
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sousa-simps-and-stans · 2 months ago
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ten years of agent carter episode 1x04: "the blitzkrieg button" – air date: january 27, 2015
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ssr-archives · 4 months ago
We Know Her Value
Celebrating Ten Years of Agent Carter
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In January 2015, Peggy Carter did something no other female Marvel characters have done at the time: headlining her own show. She strutted onto our screens, knocked out some bad guys with a stapler, and told us to call her “agent”.
In the years since, Peggy, her friends, and the fandom have gone through a lot. We’ve seen the show get cancelled, and Peggy returning, Jarvis returning, Daniel Sousa returning. We tried to #SaveAgentCarter, we held fic exchanges, we cosplayed and Disneybounded, and we created zines. Despite the show’s premature end, these characters stayed in our hearts, and we made sure no one could forget them.
Agent Carter will turn 10 in January 2025. To mark this milestone, I am super excited to collaborate with @peggynet to launch We Know Her Value: Celebrating Ten Years of Agent Carter. Starting from 6th January 2025, the anniversary of the show’s premiere, we will be hosting ten themed days to celebrate ten years of our favourite show. You can join by picking a theme, making a post on that theme, and post it on the theme day. Tag me (@ssrarchives) or @peggynet, and add the tag #AgentCarterTurns10. Your works can be as simple or as elaborate as you like!
I can’t wait to celebrate this momentous anniversary with all of you! Under ‘Read More’, you will find the themes for the ten different days. Hope to see you all then! And if you have any questions, just drop me a line in the ask box or the DMs. 
Day 1: Favourite Character
The show has presented us with a whole host of amazing characters, from Peggy to lab rats and background agents. So…who is your favourite?
Day 2: Favourite Episode
Agent Carter packed a lot into 18 episodes: fights, spy shenanigans, musical numbers, engagements, kisses. Which episode is your favourite? 
Day 3: Favourite Ship
We cannot talk about Agent Carter without talking about the ships, especially not when the cast happily fanned our fandom flames. Whether you are headcanoning any two or three to be passionately involved, or you have the one true friendship that does it for you, what is your favourite relationship on the show? 
Day 4: Favourite Scene/Arc
From Peggy threatening a fellow diner with a fork, to Daniel flopping his five-episode relationship, Agent Carter packed many interesting scenes and arcs into the overall spy shenanigans. Do any of these scenes or arcs stand out to you? 
Day 5: Favourite Cast/Crew Moment
Time to look behind the scenes! Once the episodes were over, the cast and crew kept the party going, from the Stark Jar to on-set pranks to the legendary Dubsmash War. Do you have a favourite cast/crew moment? 
Day 6: Into the Multiverse
Even though the show was cancelled in 2016, that was not the last we saw of Peggy and her team. Peggy herself returned over and over again, eventually becoming one of the few mortals privy to the knowledge of Loki and the Sacred Timeline tree. Jarvis returned in Avengers: Endgame, becoming the first Marvel character to debut on TV and move on to a movie appearance. Even Daniel made a return in Agents of SHIELD Season 7. Which of these cameos were your favourite? Who do you want to see in future MCU projects?
Day 7: Containment Breach
There is a life for everyone outside of murder gases and space goop. Since the end of Agent Carter, the cast and crew continue to entertain us with excellent projects. From Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning to Resident Alien to The Merry Gentlemen, we have definitely not seen the last of our favourite agents. Have you watched any of these? Do you have a favourite? Do they inspire any AUs? 
Day 8: Favourite Fanfic
What is Agent Carter without its fandom? From SSR Confidential to Agent Carter Zine, from fandom-defining multi-chapter behemoths to short and sweet ficlets, the fic writers have not been resting at all. This is your chance to shout out your favourite fics!
Day 9: Favourite Fanart
Artists we haven’t forgotten you! The Agent Carter fandom is home to many talented artists who have graced our dashboards with everything from sketches to whole comics. Let’s share our appreciation by naming our favourite fanart/artist! (Please do not repost artwork unless you have consent from the artists. Otherwise, please reblog or link to the original artwork. Let’s make sure that the artists get the notes and credits they deserve.)
Day 10: Free Day
There is way more going on in the Agent Carter show and fandom for us to cover in one week, so like the title says, take this day to highlight whatever you want! The show’s costume and makeup? Meta writers? Peggy cosplays and Disneybounds? As long as it is Agent Carter-related, you can post about it!
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spockvarietyhour · 7 months ago
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Marvel's Agent Carter "SNAFU"
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Hayley Atwell in Agent Carter (2015)
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captainsophiestark · 9 months ago
Filed Away
Agent Carter Gen
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for "Do As Peggy Says: An Agent Carter Zine"! If you haven't checked it out yet, find the finished zine here or check us out @agentcarterzine!
Fandom: Agent Carter
Summary: The AC Chaos Trio are looking for leads on the person who shot Jack, but it's a little harder when the New York SSR's file room is such a mess.
Word Count: 2,101
Category: Angst, Fluff, Humor
A/N: Special shoutout and thanks to @ghostofskywalker, both for being the best co-mod I could've asked for and for letting me have fun with her SSR file room headcanon, one of my favorites of all time!
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"Hey!" called Jack, his voice ringing out and shattering the otherwise quiet peace of the office. "Either of you pull the file we had on that European crime syndicate a while back?"
Peggy and Daniel sighed in sync, taking their time bringing their eyes from their work to their friend. Jack still looked a little paler than normal, still recovering from the bullet wound that'd nearly killed him and definitely pushing himself too soon. But his haughty posture and attitude didn't drop for a second as he stared down his friends, hands on his hips.
"No, I haven't pulled it yet," answered Daniel, leaning back in his chair and turning to Peggy. "You?"
"No, although it may be a good lead to follow up on."
"Great," Jack huffed. "I don't suppose there's any way I can convince you to go grab that file for me? Since you think it's a good lead and all."
"Not a chance in this or any other world, Jack."
"Fine. Then I guess I'll be back."
With that, Jack turned and headed for the file room of the New York SSR. Peggy kept a very neutral expression on her face until he'd passed, then turned to Daniel with her mouth quirked up in a smile.
The two shared a knowing look, neither surprised when, a moment later, Jack's voice came shouting from the file room
"What the hell is this?"
A moment later, the blond reappeared, a furious scowl on his face. Peggy and Daniel just watched him calmly, nonplussed.
"Either of you wanna tell me why it looks like a bomb went off in my file room?" Jack asked, crossing his arms as he watched his two friends. Peggy just shrugged.
"I'd say most likely it's because the Chief in this office hasn't set foot in that room once in the past year or more that he's been Chief."
Jack narrowed his eyes at Peggy, but she didn't budge. Finally, he sighed, rolling his eyes and throwing up his hands in defeat.
"Fine. Whatever. You 've made your point, I shouldn't have dumped all my filing on you and Sousa. Congratulations. Now what's the plan for actually finding this information we need to get to start tracking down leads on the guy who shot me?"
Peggy sighed. She looked to Daniel, who gave her a shrug, then finally turned back to Jack.
"I suppose the three of us are just going to have to stay here and keep digging until we find it."
Peggy had been right on the verge of telling Jack that he'd just have to sit in the file room all night looking for their case, since he was the one who'd cause the problem in the first place by refusing to ever do his own filing. But they needed to get the wheels turning on their case sooner rather than later, and the best way to do that was by finding this file, which would simply go faster if they worked together. So, here they were, sprawled around the SSR's file room with papers spread all around them, searching together for what they needed.
"Hey, you remember this?" asked Daniel, holding out the file he'd been scanning through to Peggy. "we caught that guy trying to copy a bunch of Stark's work."
Peggy took the file and scanned it quickly, then huffed.
"Oh yes, I remember him. I didn't tihnk it was possible to build a more unstable version of Howard's muscle relaxer, but somehow he managed."
"I have never been happier to not be on a case with the two of you," Jack chimed in. "And that's saying something."
Peggy scoffed and gave the file one last look before tossing it on the floor beside her. She leaned her back against the filing cabinet she'd been sitting in front of and let out a long sigh. They'd been in here searching for any lead, including the crime syndicate, for so long that the sky was just starting to lighten outside the window.
"This is turning into a massive waste of time," Peggy said, looking between Jack and Daniel. "If we think this case is tied to that nonsense file on me that Jack got in London, then I think it's time we just go to London and do some investgating on our own. There's no guarantee of a lead on whoever shot Thompson in this files anyway, so we may as well go be on the ground following up on things ourselves."
Daniel sighed and set down his own stack of files. "I agree. We're wasting time and resources here, we need to go follow up on leads in person."
"Jack?" asked Peggy, turning to the unusually quiet Thompson. "What do you think?"
Jack didn't respond. Instead, he kept staring holes in the wall just over Peggy's head. She shared a brief, concerned look with Daniel, then turned back to Thompson.
"Jack?" Peggy prompted, leaning forward just enough to give him a light nudge with her foot. He cleared his throat and plastered on a smile that didn't convince either of the experienced agents in the room with him.
"Yeah, I guess we'd better book some plane tickets. Home is calling you, Carter."
Peggy frowned. "Thompson, what's wrong?"
"Nothing," he said with a shrug. "Other than being stuck in this room so long the sun's starting to come up."
"Thompson," Peggy repeated, a sterner, disbelieving tone to her voice. Jack looked between her and Daniel, finding the same steely, not-letting-this-go look on both their faces. He sighed and rolled his eyes, then stood.
"Knock it off, both of you," he said. "I'm fine."
Peggy scoffed, not budging rom her seat on the floor.
"That is clearly not true," she said. Jack rolled his eyes, but Daniel picked up right where Peggy's left off.
"You're not a bad liar, Jack, but I don't think you coulda sold Samberly on that one."
Jack shook his head, but he didn't leave the file room either. If he'd tried, Daniel was ready with his crutch in one hand to trip Jack up and make him stay and talk, if all else failed. Instead, he crossed to the window in the back of the room, looking out at the city as the morning crowd was just starting to wake up, the night owls finally heading for bed. Peggy just watched him, employing her favorite interogation tactic of leaving a silence for the other person to eventually fill.
Jack did not disappoint. He spoke after a moment, his voice quieter and free of the usual bluster.
"You just don't ever expect to come back from the war only to almost bite it at home, you know?"
Peggy glanced over at Daniel. They both knew how that felt.
Peggy got to her feet, moving to stand just a little closer to Jack. Enough for a more serious conversation, but not crowding him. She leaned against one of the now-empty file racks as Daniel also got to his feet behind her.
"None of us like to think about that aspect of our jobs, Jack," Peggy said. "And if we think about it too much, it makes us worse at our jobs. But knowing that doesn't mean much when we're forced to think about it."
"Exactly," Daniel agreed, coming to stand beside her. "I mean, I wasn't Krzeminski's best friend, but losing him hurt for more reasons than one. Being reminded we're still risking our lives on the regular always hurts."
Jack shook his head, still not turning around.
"I think I came closer to dying here than I did over there. Every time somebody knocks on my door I freeze, like it might be that masked son of a bitch coming back to finish the job."
"That's normal, Jack," Peggy said softly. "And it's worse in a way, to know that death can find you here, too, where we're supposed to be safe from the things we faced and fought in the war. But you're not alone in dealing with it, and it will get better."
"And besides, we're around now. Anybody who wants to take another shot at you will have to go through us first."
Jack snorted, but he finally turned away from the window to face Peggy and Daniel.
"Thanks, you two. I'm sure I'll be fine. It's just..."
"We know," Peggy said, stepping in as Jack trailed off. "Out of anyone, Jack, we understand."
He nodded, not quite able to muster a response as he looked between his two friends. They gave him tight smiles and nods back, sharing the rare serious moment between the three of them. Then, Daniel sighed and fixed Jack with a grin.
"You know, if anybody's gonna take a shot at you again, it'll probably be me or Peggy. Nobody else stands a chance, they'll have to get in line."
"Other than perhaps the next agent who needs to find something in here," Peggy added. She turned to scan the room as Jack snorted at them both, his usual swagger and confidence returning to replace the vulnerability. "That agent will likely be comeing for us all, and with good reason."
"Yeah, speaking of which, what do we want to do about all this?" asked Daniel. In their effort to find the file they'd first been looking for, they'd torn the room apart, leaving boxes and files in a more disorganized mess than when they'd started--which was really saying something. "I mean, do we want to do something about it? Like... organize it, finally?"
No one answered right away, the three agents instead standing in silence, shoulder to shoulder as they surveyed the destroyed space around them. Light from outside was just starting to creep through as Peggy and Daniel at last turned to Jack.
"You're the one who still works out of this office," Peggy said with a shrug. "What do you want to do."
Jack sighed, long and heavy, then threw his hands up in defeat.
"Screw it. It's not like it was that much better before, and we got along fine. Besides, if I'm still stuck in this room when the sun comes I'm, I'm gonna lose it. Let's get out of here and get some plane tickets and breakfast. Somebody else can deal with this later."
Peggy grinned. "I think that sounds like an excellent idea. Are you taking orders?"
"You know, Carter, I would, but I'd rather all three of us get the hell out of this office to go somewhere else instead."
"Maybe we can find a place that'll make us beans on toast, or whatever the hell you people eat over there," Daniel added with a look towards Peggy as the three headed out of the file room. She just rolled her eyes.
"Have you ever tried beans on toast, Daniel?"
"No, but-"
"Then I don't think you get to criticize it."
"I can tell you right now I'm not ever eating that," Jack chimed in. "If I've learned one thing from being shot, it's to not waste whatever time I have left on things like beans on toast."
"If the two of you are so determined to dislike everything in the UK, I can just as easily go without you," Peggy said, head high as she walked ahead of the men, the three of them heading straight out the doors of the SSR without looking back. Daniel chuckled and Jack scoffed.
"Just try it, Carter. You couldn't get rid of us if you tried."
Peggy turned to them both with a raised eyebrow as they came to a stop in the elevator. After a beat, Jack sighed.
"Alright, maybe you could get rid of us if you tried. But then we'd just have two investigations running at once, which is a waste of time."
"Luckily for you, Jack, the two of you have somehow convinced me I'd rather work with you than not. Despite the inevitable cracks about my home country."
"Really feeling the love, Peggy," joked Daniel.
"So sweet you gave me a toothache," Jack chimed in. Peggy just rolled her eyes and shook her head as the elevator doors swung open and she headed out into the city without waiting for either of the boys. She knew they'd be right behind her, like they always were lately. A little team that had each other's backs. And despite one memeber of the team being Jack Thompson, Peggy really wouldn't have wished for anyone else.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989 @space-helen
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate @infinetlyforgotten @sagesmells
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xxruinaxxmcu · 2 years ago
Jack Thompson X Reader
What Lies Before Us, Chapter 18
Previous Chapters
A/N: Apologies for the long pause. I actually had this chapter in reserve but never got around to publishing it. What made me publish it today was A) time and B) the lovely, lovely words by @clinicallydepressedreader under one of the previous chapters. Thanks, my dear! It’s people like you that make this more than worth it. I am so honoured to have had that impact on your perception on Jack - truly, it means the world! The characters are actually the most difficult part for me to get right (in terms of the canon timelines and their stories) because the historical background, well... my full-time job is researching the 1930s/1940s in Germany. That certainly helped!
The room hadn’t been made by room service, who had adhered to the sign outside the door asking for privacy.
“Those are the plans Elias had handed over to them”, Y/N pointed to the desk, recognising the blueprints from Peggy’s descriptions.
“Wasn’t one for much private stuff”, Jack commented. They found no pictures, only the absolute necessities. Crouching down next to the bed, Jack saw something buried below the mattress.
“Wannabe spy”, he commented sarcastically, pulling out a notebook.
Projekt Kriegerblut
HYDRA, Abteilung Forschung für Neurologie und Psychoanalytik
BETA-Proband M.C.
Start Behandlung: September 1940
Y/N had noticed him reading something. “You found something?”
“Hard to say, what does ‘Kriegerblut’ mean?”
“Warrior’s blood”, Y/N frowned, “Why?” He handed her the notebook.
“I think that could link to your friend there.”
Y/N’s eyes scanned the pages. “If that refers to Carter, then lord help us, given that he’s only the beta candidate. Means that somewhere out there, they have a more finalised candidate. One that does, whatever the intent is, better than our man”, she stated, flipping through the pages. Most were notes by doctors about the change in brain scans after repeated torture and electroshock ‘therapy’.
“What does it say?”, Jack asked impatiently.
“Shhh”, she hushed, “I gotta first read it!”
Loading all the evidence into their car, Y/N continued her lecture whilst Jack started driving to Sousa’s location.
“Unbelievable”, Y/N eventually whispered, “that is actually unbelievable.”
“What is it?”, Jack’s eyes met hers for a split-second, so he saw her deep concern.
“If whatever they are describing here is factual”, she began, “then they are attempting to manipulate individuals, basically rewiring their brains to become assassins devoid of will.”
“Absolute mind control?”, he asked in disbelief, “that’s impossible. That’s gotta be impossible.” Taking over someone temporarily by creating a momentary delusion as had been the case in Fennhoff’s technique was one thing, rewiring someone’s brain fundamentally an entirely different.
Y/N raised an eyebrow: “I hope so, too, but then again, I guess people in the French Revolution would’ve said the same thing about the atomic bomb falling out of freaking planes.”
“So, what, he doesn’t know who he is? So we’re talking to an empty shell now, lacking the chip on the shoulder with the puppet master dead?”, Jack inquired, still not entirely convinced that whatever they had found could actually be reality.
“Do I look like I have experience with Nazi mind control?”, Y/N asked back with a huff, “All I can say is what they reported here. The candidate was captured in summer of 1940, and is described as a ‘European individual in his mid-20s of healthy status’. Age and time of capture would coincide with Michael’s presumed death, and well, there’s the matching initials. Apparently, he was candidate 19, and the only one not to die in the process. He was tortured for months, Jack.”
“Sorry if my sympathy is not overflowing just yet. The guy tried to kill you not even five hours ago, Y/N!”
“Yes, with an emphasis on tried”, Y/N agreed, “but we’re all alive, the kid’s fine, and I only have a bandage and a nasty gash to remind me. Had a scar there anyways, so never mind.” She exhaled. “What’s my concern now is that we need someone… someone we can trust who has experience with this sorta thing. I know absolutely no one that fits the bill. You?”
“Then let’s hope the old trick of hitting him hard enough on the head works”, Y/N commented dryly, “I’m not betting on getting help from the one mind-control expert we’ve come across in the last two years in the form of Fennhoff.”
Once more, silence returned to their car. Y/N knew he was upset, it was written all across his face.
“Are you angry that I didn’t shoot him, are you pissed I didn’t let him shoot the kid, or are you angry that we’re headed to see a possible mad man right now?”, she asked, tilting her head, “or is it all of the above?”
“I’m not angry.”
“Yes”, Y/N snorted, “you are in a glorious mood.”
“No, I’m not”, he agreed, “but I’m not angry. I’m just waiting for this campaign to be over. It feels like since Stark’s disappearance last year, we’ve been chasing boogiemen across the globe and every time we think we’re done, it just continues.”
“I know”, Y/N said quietly, “I’m tired, too.” She swallowed: “But we can’t just ditch now, can we? I mean, you saw Peggy’s face in there. We can’t just leave her and Sousa with someone – or something – of which we have no idea what he’s capable of.”
“Yeah”, he rubbed the bridge of his nose, “I know.” Clenching his jaw, he accepted his fate, and his mind returned to duty. “How’d you think we interrogate him? If that file is correct, I doubt he’ll react much to the stick.”
Y/N nodded. “Probably he won’t, yeah”, pressing her lips together, “again, I have no knowledge of how to de-programme someone like that. I suppose reconnecting with his past, with his identity would be an avenue. To turn him from Candidate 19 back to Michael Carter.”
“But only Peggy knew him back then”, he interjected, “she can’t interrogate him! That’s bound to fail.”
“Why, because it’s her brother?”, Y/N raised an eyebrow.
Jack looked at her as if asking that question was a crime all by itself. “Yes”, he hissed, “because he’s her brother!”
“You know”, Y/N said with a grin, “Now I know why she always butted heads with you. You and him? You could be related. And from what she told me about him, I think even some of the character traits line up.”
He looked offended: “That’s harsh.”
“You met a monster”, she objected, “I doubt he was like that when they were playing knights in the garden.”
Now, he laughed. “Doesn’t surprise me one bit. Couldn’t imagine Marge being a princess.”
“Rose?”, Y/N asked when they approached the cellar in which Sousa had handcuffed Carter to an interrogation table, “how’s everyone?”
Rose gave her a telling look: “Everyone is just in shock.”
“Is Sousa with him?”, Jack asked and Rose nodded, pointing to the room where they could sit in to the interrogation from behind the one-way mirror.
“Peggy in there?”, Y/N asked, and Rose nodded again.
“Gimme a second”, Y/N said to Jack and left to enter the room. “Peggy?”
The woman sat on the desk, legs crossed. She didn’t look sad, or like she had cried. She looked completely blank as her eyes flickered over to Y/N.
“How’s your arm?”
Y/N sat next to her, looking into the interrogation room.
“What have I missed?”, she asked silently.
“Nothing”, Peggy said bitterly, “he’s said absolutely nothing.”
“I would have guessed so”, Y/N said, deciding to be upfront, “Jack discovered a notebook in Keller’s room. We weren’t sure if it was referring to him, but the evidence all points in that direction. If we are correct, then HYDRA reprogrammed his brain. A sort of mind control. They detailed how they got him to that point, but unfortunately, nothing of how to reverse it.”
“Mind control?”, Peggy asked, forcing herself to look away from Michael, now facing Y/N. Y/N could practically see her trying to pull herself together.
“Yeah, but different than what Fennhoff did with people like Chief Dooley. It’s much more… fundamental”, Y/N tried to explain, “I read it just now on our way here. It was pain-based. Peggy, the details don’t matter that much, but they’ve tortured him for months. It took months for them to drill him into a tool. He became Kandidat 19 – Keller addressed him in that way, too. It would seem that by the time they were done with him, he’d fall into bouts of servitude.” She paused. “But he isn’t perfect. He was referred to as the BETA candidate. In some of the notes, they described how he’d fall out of his trance mid-mission or not act out the actions they wanted him to do in as miniscule detail as they would have liked. I think they decided to make several changes for their next generation of candidates, something with trigger words. I don’t know what they would’ve changed, but they didn’t do that with Michael.”
Peggy remained silent for a while. The door opened and Jack entered, nodding at Peggy.
“Do you think I can get through to him, Y/N?”, Peggy asked. Y/N felt helpless – She had nothing to base this upon. She was forced to answer a question she couldn’t have known the answer to.
“I believe we will not leave any stone unturned”, Y/N spoke eventually. “Dooley got out of his trance somehow. There must be a way to break this, too, even if it takes more than Jack banging against a door.”
“You think it’s some sort of drill, right?”, Jack asked Y/N, to which she only nodded. “Then it’s most likely connected to self-discipline, right? I dunno, maybe some sort of learnt behaviour that was reinforced by HYDRA, disobedience means torture, so self-discipline is a self-protection.”
Y/N remained quiet because she wanted to know where he was headed with this.
“Well, if it is, then we need to break down his ability to self-discipline.�� He said it so matter-of-fact that Y/N had to glance to Peggy, only to see that the brunette also didn’t seem to know what Jack was getting at.
“And how do you suspect we do that, Doctor?”, Y/N asked, crossing her arms.
Jack looked at her with a deadpan look: “It’s my suggestion. It’s gonna involve alcohol. Isn’t that your rationale for hardly touching that stuff?”
“You wanna get him drunk?”, Y/N said, not knowing if he was kidding.
“You got a better idea? It’s probably less harmful than some of the harder drugs out there”, he shrugged.
Y/N turned to Peggy: “Thoughts?”
“He finds gin repulsive”, she said sarcastically, “you better get whiskey.”
“See?”, Y/N said with a grin looking at Thompson, “I knew you two share similarities!” He shot her a venomous glare.
“You don’t happen to have a bottle in the trunk, do you?”, she asked sarcastically, causing him to open his mouth in offence.
“D’you think I’m an alcoholic over here?”
“Nah, I told you before, it’s gotten much better”, she shrugged with a smile, “but I was just checking. I’ll get us the goods.”
When they informed Daniel about the plan, he looked at Thompson and L/N as if they were from outer space.
“That’s your plan?”, he asked, just to be sure he didn’t miss a part, “You’ll get him drunk?”
“Yes”, Thompson confirmed.
“My bad”, Sousa’s tone was mocking, “Here I thought we were the Strategic Scientific Reserve, not the college fraternity admitting another member into our ranks of crazy.”
“If you happened to have gathered some intel about German mind control techniques in the trenches of Bastogne, by all means, dogface”, Thompson huffed, “Speak up.”
Sousa rolled his eyes at the insult. “You know, if there’s one thing the likes of you have in common – it’s that they will go above and beyond to remind the rest of the servicemen that they’re Marines.”
Jack slapped him on the shoulder: “Naturally. We did the legwork for it. Don’t worry, we made even more fun of the swab-jockeys than your kind.”
Y/N scoffed, shaking her head. “I guess that referred to the poor sailors that had to work beside you.”
“How’d you guess?”, Jack asked, knowing that she’d probably not have had contact with many members from the Navy during her time in the European theatre.
“Believe it or not, but the distain you had on your face when you spoke to Luke who has been in the Navy was a clear indicator that you don’t hold them in the highest of regards”, she replied, “might have just been Luke, though, and just a lucky guess this time around.”
He winked: “To us, the US Navy was the Marine’s taxi service.”
“Oh my God, way to boast about your choice of branch”, she rolled her eyes amusedly, “C’mon, warrior of God, we’re off to meet Rose and the kid. They left for another safehouse an hour ago.”
“What, we’re not leaving Carter with Sousa and Carter!”, he objected, “besides, last time I checked, I’m the most senior interrogator.”
“Yeah”, she raised an eyebrow at him, “and I’ve seen my share of drunk people for this month. What’s your point?” That remark gave her the reaction she had intended for it to generate – slight embarrassment – as she added: “Besides, he’s cuffed to a table, and we tied down his feet. We’ll put the bunker on lockdown and you’ll need a password to unlock it, so he can’t get out.” She grabbed him by the arm: “Now get going or I swear I will always and forever refer to as a soldier.”
“We’re not leaving just to check on the other two, are we?”, Jack asked in the car.
Y/N took notice that he had correctly deducted that from her previous behaviour.
“I think that we shouldn’t be listening in on whatever Peggy has to say to possibly get through to him”, she confirmed quietly, “Peggy’s usually very quiet when it’s about her private life, particularly the one she had before the war.”
“She told you about Michael”, he pointed out, “you’re sure it’s about us listening in, and not just about me listening in?” He shot her a side-glance before returning to the road.
Y/N studied his face. He didn’t seem hurt by the implication, but that didn’t mean that he wasn’t.
“No”, she disagreed, “I knew very little about her life, despite having lived with her. I knew that she had a brother and she showed me a few pictures, and she told me that she didn’t have a particularly cordial relationship to her mother. Found her too boyish. I guess the problematic family relations were a point for us to bond over.” She sighed: “I’m sure she would’ve told you if… well. It’s always harder to say these things to people who come from a family that’s intact. It makes you mourn your losses all over again.” Once she had uttered the words, she realised how utterly sad they had sounded, which was reflected on Jack’s concerned face.
“I don’t feel that way when I’m with your family”, she added quickly, “I have known them for what seems like my entire life.”
He cleared his throat, taking his hand off the clutch for a moment to grab her left hand and grazing the ring on her finger: “They’ll be your family, too.”
Entering the other safehouse, which was an unused office building formerly used by the SSR, Elias and Rose were chatting in one of the rooms, evidently about how American and German pies were nothing alike.
Y/N shot Jack a glance. He raised an eyebrow and remarked: “Didn’t take the kid to be a baker.”
Hearing their voices, Rose and Elias watched them enter.
“Agent L/N, how is your arm?”
“Don’t worry”, she waved her hand, “Unlike the SSR men, I used my arm to take it, not my sternum.”
“And you accuse me of bragging”, Jack complained with a grin that he couldn’t quite wipe off his face.
“Oh please”, Y/N rolled her eyes, “I’m actually surprised you didn’t get one of those dodgy tattoos during service. Well, I suppose you make up for it verbally.”
She could see the thoughts spinning in Elias’ face, when she realised that to him, they were Chief Thompson of the NY SSR, and Agent L/N from the NY SSR. Peggy and Daniel had probably seen no need to mention the fact that there was a private dimension to their relationship, hence, her remarks must have come across as incredibly rude for a simple subordinate.
“Don’t worry”, she said in German with a grin, “he’s my fiancé. I’m the one person in this agency that’s allowed to be honest with him.”
“What?”, Jack asked when Elias started laughing.
“Nothing”, Y/N said in a sing-song-voice, “Asked him if he enjoyed his experience in the field today.”
Jack didn’t believe a word of what she was saying and eyed her suspiciously. “Sure.”
“Chief Sousa called a moment ago, something about a report”, Rose spoke up, “He said you two will know what to do.”
“Yeah, that’s a nice term for filing duty”, Y/N remarked dryly, “About the mission.”
She looked around, searching for a desk. “How about this, I’ll do the filing, you”, she turned to Jack, “find us something to eat. I’m starving.”
“You volunteer to do the filing?”, he asked, acting shocked.
“I can be nice from time to time”, she grinned, “Deal?”
“You bet!”
“So you two are headed back to New York soon?”, Elias asked over dinner, which were burgers, because, as Jack had explained, that was the most convenient to get into the car.
Y/N looked over to Jack. “Yes, at least for a while.”
“We’re leaving the SSR”, Jack shared, causing Rose to almost drop her food.
“WHAT?”, she exclaimed, “Who’s going to take care of the east, then?!”
Y/N chuckled at her panic. “Don’t worry, Rose. The SSR will be in the best of hands. Perhaps the most capable hands it could ever want. Isn’t that right, Thompson?”
He rolled his eyes at the teasing tone in her voice. “Yeah, yeah.”
“Carter’s going to be in charge”, Y/N said to explain, “she, Colonel Philips and Howard Stark will restructure the SSR.”
Rose pursed her lips, before smiling brightly: “That sounds exciting!”
“Yes, for your sake, I hope Stark’s not too involved”, Jack scoffed, “otherwise, the new offices might explode. Or implode. It’s concerning both happened before.”
“Oh, come on”, Y/N shook her head, “He was involved in almost all the biggest scientific developments of the last decades. And those functioned as intended. At least most of them.”
“I am also very confident that his rocket programme will turn out to be a success”, Elias said with a small smile, “who knows, Stark tech might just be the first man-made thing to land on the moon.”
“The moon?”, Jack asked, not convinced. “Yeah, sure. Why not.”
“Yes, he intends to send a manned rocket to the moon”, Elias nodded, “that’s why he hired me, amongst others.”
“Great”, Thompson scoffed, “make it a one-way ticket and I’ll support it.”
Y/N laughed: “I said to Peggy that you’d say that.”
“If you’re leaving the SSR, what’s next for Chief Thompson and Agent L/N?”, Rose asked curiously.
“The CIA is looking for people with experience to build up their rows”, Jack said, “they were quick to offer us a position.”
“With the new division of responsibility amongst the intelligence services, the SSR won’t be able to act with the level of freedom it was able to in the war and up until September”, Y/N added, “and things in Europe and Asia only seem to become more volatile again. Might be of use to work for the agency that’ll be able to work on the ground.”
She saw Elias’ concerned face. “Do you still have family there?”
“In Germany?”, he shrugged, “I have no idea. Parts of them lived in East Prussia. I haven’t heard from them since late 1944 – so I assume, no. I don’t anymore.”
Y/N’s face fell at the mention of that, again conflicted by the fact that enemies were human, too. She had taught herself to see them primarily as targets, as inherently different to her, to her friends, and therefore, killing them became easier. Was sympathy with a people that had committed atrocities too horrible to even comprehend even possible? Was it morally wrong? It felt nearly impossible to her to reconcile these seemingly juxtaposed positions.
“Y/N, did you come across HYDRA when working in Germany?”, Rose asked to change the topic.
The woman shook her head: “No, fortunately not. I was preoccupied with more – well – normal Nazis, though that is an oxymoron in my opinion.”
“I remind you that you didn’t get to experience the joy of searching for snakes in your foxhole”, Jack interjected, and Y/N knew he did only to redirect the conversation away from her service, for which she was grateful. She had no interest in sharing war stories with the brother of the guy she killed.
“You did not serve in Europe?”, Elias asked, seemingly confused.
“Nah”, Jack pulled a face, “someone had to fight the good fight in the Pacific, too.”
Once they had finished their meal, Jack began to organise for Rose and Elias to get onto the next plane back to L.A., which resulted in them heading to the airport just a short while later. Y/N accompanied the two of them outside to the taxi, followed by Thompson. She hugged Rose goodbye before turning to the scientist.
“Thank you, Elias”, she said, shaking his hand. “You’re a good kid.”
“Madame, I love my brother. Perhaps, I loved him more than any other person in the world. But if one thing was taught to us since our earliest youth, it is that war is brutal. It was the brutality we were taught to idolise. I suppose that means accepting the reality that others will wage war upon us, too.”
She watched him enter the car, wondering where his path would lead him to. She sincerely hoped that, wherever it would, the destination would be more peaceful than his youth had been.
“That’s why you wanted to be the one to escort him”, Jack stated quietly, standing next to her. “To amend.”
“I cannot amend it”, she said, watching the car leave. “But it would seem that he has given me all I can ask for. Acceptance.”
Jack followed her gaze. If that kid was able to accept her decisions, accept her actions – then for God’s sake, why would her father not be capable of doing the same? He would marry Y/N. And despite their relationship being distant, he at least wanted them to not hate each other.
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agentcarterzine · 1 year ago
All of our contributor spotlights have officially been posted! They're all hard at work getting their pieces into final form, so stay tuned for more updates and submission previews coming soon!
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ladyorlandodream · 2 years ago
Geez, I love how deep is Frost voice in Agent Carter
Like...yes, ma'am
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fulcrums501st · 1 month ago
people are always mad about Steve’s endgame ending cuz he left Bucky. I’m mad about it cuz Steve literally already had visited Peggy, asked her about her life, and was happy for her when she said she lived a good life. Now he selfishly undos the happy life she loved with time travel, THAT is more ooc to me. Plus, it erases Agent Carter from canon. And I fucking love Agent Carter.
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critter-of-habit · 10 months ago
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"What's your name, darling?" "Agent."
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sousa-simps-and-stans · 1 month ago
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ten years of agent carter episode 1x06: "a sin to err" – air date: february 10, 2015
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miss-carter · 5 months ago
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MARVEL ONE SHOT: AGENT CARTER (2013) dir. Louis D'Esposito CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER (2014) dir. The Russo Brothers CAPTAIN MARVEL (2019) dir. Anna Boden, Ryan Fleck
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visually-corrupted · 1 year ago
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by Maca [jayh.sketch]
[based on this book cover]
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Hayley Atwell in Agent Carter (2015)
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captaincartertv · 2 months ago
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Peggy wasn't a movie fan, but Natasha made her watch several movies
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xxruinaxxmcu · 2 years ago
Jack Thompson x Reader
Previous Chapters 
What Lies Before US
Chapter 19
A/N: once again thank you @clinicallydepressedreader for the lovely reblog of the last chapter! I do appreciate every like/feedback a great deal. 
The next morning, before the sun had made its way above the horizon, the two of them packed up their things in the office before making their way back to the bunker. It was still locked, so Jack entered the code to gain access.
“Seems like no one broke out”, he commented sarcastically.
They were greeted by silence as they made their way back towards the interrogation chamber. The first person they came across was Sousa, who looked like he hadn’t slept much.
“You look a bit under the weather”, Y/N said with a small smile, “Everything alright?”
The brunet nodded. “Yeah. Peggy’s asleep. So is her brother.”
“Did you get anything?”, Jack asked, pointing towards the interrogation room with his chin.
“Yeah”, he huffed, “seems like you really are our best interrogator, Jack. What a pity you’ll switch agencies.” He paused: “Apparently, he was captured in 1940 and brought to a facility in East Prussia, where he underwent torture for several years. After the war, HYDRA found new allies in the Soviet Union interested in their research, so the base continued in Kaliningrad.”
“So the Soviets know about that entire mind control stuff?”, Thompson asked, crossing his arms with a scowl. This was bad. HYDRA was a rogue organisation without a state to back it, but the Soviet Union had an entire apparatus behind it.
“Yeah”, Daniel confirmed, “he mentioned that they continued to work on their technique, improve the compliance of their subjects.”
“That’s why he’s only the BETA candidate”, Y/N threw in, “There must be an ALPHA, too. Someone who’s been trained better. That’s what they outlined in that booklet, too. Does he have details on that person?”
Daniel shook his head: “They made sure for candidates not to meet.”
“And do we know if he’s stable without a handler? Or is he just going to revert back into mad-mode?”, Jack questioned.
“I give no guarantees”, Daniel scoffed, “but I think without Keller’s orders, it should be fine. We’ll still send him to see a psychiatrist to look into possible de-programming, in case we were to ever run into another HYDRA scientist again.” His head turned to Y/N. “Thank you, Y/N. I know you could’ve shot him to get our mission done with less personal risk.”
She waved her hand: “Daniel. I’ve pulled the trigger too quick too often. I suppose I can try the other way once in a while.” Feeling Jack’s gaze upon her, she knew that he knew what she felt, even if he disagreed with her feeling that sense of guilt.
“We’ll take him back to L.A. with us”, Daniel said, nudging his head in the direction of where Michael was still locked up, “probably we’ll leave in about ten hours. Peggy organised private means of transportation.”
“You mean she called Stark.”
“I mean she called Stark”, Sousa confirmed Jack’s guess. “Are you coming with us?”
The two exchanged a quick glance.
“I think we have to get our affairs sorted in New York. I have to talk to McKinley to make him interim Chief”, Jack pulled a face, “and yes, I vetted him as thoroughly as I could, and though he doesn’t have my charm, he’s sure as hell not gonna turn out a Communist or HYDRA agent.”
Daniel and Y/N scoffed simultaneously.
“I described you in a great many ways, Thompson, but charming?”, Daniel grinned.
“If you need backup”, Y/N said, not having to say more than that to clarify her offer. Sousa nodded.
“We will.”
“I’ll organise our fights back to New York”, Y/N said to Jack before marching off to one of the offices to call the airline.
When she had left, Jack turned to Sousa.
“I need Carter to spend a weekend with Y/N, get her out of New York.”
“What?”, Sousa raised an eyebrow, “Are you double-crossing someone again?” It was a clearly a joke, but Jack still rolled his eyes.
“No, you jackass”, he huffed, “but there’s something I need to do, and I can’t have her knowing just yet. Come on, it’s awful keeping a secret from a spy, so I need a spy to help me!”
Daniel had his suspicions where this was headed, so he nodded without further question.
A few hours later, Y/N and Jack got ready to leave Miami behind.
“Tell Peggy I wish her all the best”, Y/N said to Sousa when they got ready to enter the taxi, “I think she’s quite busy with everything that’s happened.”
“I will”, Sousa said with a smile, “Thank you for the help.”
“Don’t mention it”, she said, “You two have saved our asses more than enough, too.”
Just when they were about to climb into the cab, the door flew open again and Peggy stormed out to hug Y/N. “You didn’t think I would not say goodbye to you, did you?”
“I’m sure you’ve got bigger things on your mind then waving at me”, Y/N laughed, “especially since I’m sure we’ll speak on the phone before you know it.”
“You can count on it!”, Peggy looked over to Jack, nodding at him. “Thank you, Jack. I even relinquish the desire to shoot you.”
Jack snorted. “Yeah? Thanks, Marge.”
“See you around, you two”, Peggy said with a smile as they departed. For once, despite the entire Michael-situation wasn’t yet resolved completely, their case was closed. Keller was dead. The Arena Club dismantled.
Jack Thompson’s and Y/N L/N’s tenue at the SSR was coming to a close.
They decided to remain at the SSR for four more weeks to wrap things up, then take a few days off with the vacation days that they had, in theory, accumulated but had been unable to ever use because the world wouldn’t stop ending before starting at the CIA in March of 1948. That meant that they had a few weeks of mostly filing and other desk duties, which came to Y/N’s advantage as it gave her wound time to heal without feeling like she was missing out on anything that would’ve needed her skillset. A definite downside to that was, however, that it provided time to think. And as good as they were when dealing with criminals, from mobster to mad scientist, they were equally terrible at handling domestic issues.
And there was a rather big one that they had to take care of one way or another. Their own wedding.
‘Why the hell are you worrying about this, Thompson? You’ve seen how it goes at Carter and Sousa’s. Just don’t fall flat on your face and you’ll be fine’, Jack thought to himself, though he knew he was only kidding himself. There were a million things that could go wrong. Family was a blessing, but it was also a can of worms. And his friends from university and from his time in the Marine Corps didn’t know each other, so they might hate each other. And there was the miniscule thing around Y/N’s family. Or, more precisely, her father.
Their wedding would take place in February, which meant that it would most likely be cold as hell, but there wasn’t much they could do about it, it was one of the only moments – perhaps of their entire lives – where they could be fairly sure that they had time for such an event.
Y/N was a bit confused by the no-discussion-allowed tone Peggy had when she called her one day to inform her that they’d spend a weekend together back in Boston where Peggy knew a childhood friend who was selling wedding dresses. Y/N wasn’t that thrilled to return to that city again so soon – but after being threatened to have to fly to L.A. to meet with her instead, she agreed.
“You sure you don’t want to come?”, Y/N asked when packing her suitcase, looking over to her fiancé. “We don’t really do things traditionally, so I don’t mind if you see the dress before day X.”
“You’re right”, he pushed himself off the wall with a grin, “we did everything up until this moment in an unorthodox manner. Let’s do this one thing the old-fashion way. I’m sure my ma would be livid if we didn’t.” He gave her a quick kiss, causing Y/N to laugh.
“Your ma would be livid if she knew half the crap we’ve done together”, Y/N informed him, “And I don’t even mean just our work now, I doubt she’d be happy with all the stuff that happened before the war, either.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, we were practically saints at university”, he said with a wink, making her scoff.
“Yeah. I hope Nick bites his tongue if he’s around on our wedding day. Don’t want your parents’ image of their saintly son to be destroyed.”
Y/N was greeted by her friend at the airport. “You really didn’t have to fly all across the country just for this silly thing”, Y/N said after giving her a hug, “I’m sure Jack wouldn’t have walked off the altar just because I was wearing a normal dress. With that temper of his, he can’t afford to be picky.”
Peggy laughed at her jab at her fiancé. “You know, Y/N, I have to agree with you on this one! Doesn’t mean you should not do it, still. Maybe I just want to see that airhead speechless once.”
Y/N grinned. “He does have a tendency to want the last word. That, and he doesn’t have the best of filters. Should’ve seen him when we met again after the war. I wasn’t sure if he was about to jump at me to hug me, or slap me, and he just ended up accidentally insulting me.”
“What?”, Peggy looked offended on Y/N’s behalf when she heard that, and Y/N only waved.
“I’m pretty sure he had a rough night before”, she said with a lopsided smile, “and he’s never been good at personal diplomacy. Trust me, you eventually learn to handle and to interpret his insults. Most of them aren’t meant to be taken literally, or even figuratively, they’re just an expression of Thompson-doesn’t-know-what-to-say.”
As they made their way through the city, Y/N sighed. “Didn’t expect to be back here so soon, I have to say. But I guess I can’t hate every city for what happened in it, otherwise, sooner or later, I won’t be able to live in the US entirely.”
“So you’ve gotten over your hatred for L.A.?”, Peggy asked with raised eyebrows.
“No?” The brunette laughed.
“No, but for a whole host of reasons. First”, Y/N raised a finger, “I don’t like the climate. Way to hot. I prefer more moderate weather, and New York’s summers are hot enough. Second, I am deeply weirded out by Hollywood. Feels like throwing a glittering blanket over a pile of dirty laundry.” Peggy laughed at her description of most people’s idolised part of America, but Y/N continued. “Third, I have to be a bit considerate towards Jack. And I doubt he can live in the same city as Howard Stark without accidentally murdering him.”
“Yes, some days, I share that sentiment”, Peggy agreed, “By all his brilliance, he is a nuisance, too.”
Y/N pressed her lips together, wondering if asking about Michael was appropriate. She decided, after having taken a bullet in order to save the man, she had the right to inquire. “How is your brother?”
“I think he is getting better. It is really hard, though, for him to – you know – figure out who he is, again. Who he really is, without mind control, without the programme that they had drilled into him”, Peggy replied, her tone calm and relatively collected. “But I know he’ll get through this. Michael taught me what it means to fight to get what no one thought possible. He survived all they’ve done to him – he’ll get back.”
“We’ll have to look into that programming, though”, Y/N muttered, clenching her jaw, “it doesn’t sound from the notebook that they’re thinking about scaling back their experiments. Chances are, we’ve got several other American or British POWs that underwent similar procedures and are being reintroduced into the country to do their bidding.”
“Yes”, Peggy agreed, frowning at the thought. Then, she shook her head. “But not today. Today, you’re going to find the perfect dress!”
The quaint house stood in the middle of a large plot of land, and if Jack had to ever point to the definition of a house with a white picket fence, it would have been this house. It had everything one would draw on such a picture – trees in the garden, well-maintained flowers. A swing.
A swing? He looked at the wooden contraption. Yes, a swing. But Y/N was an only child – at least, she had been when she left for Europe. Oh well. ‘Here goes nothing’. He fought the urge to abort the mission, to just go home and get married to the girl he wanted to marry without pulling this stunt – he knew she wouldn’t have been mad at him for not doing it. But, once again, his stubborn self could not accept that her father was mad at her decision to leave for Europe. Even if it had taken Jack himself a minute to get around on that decision.
He sighed, and went to ring the doorbell.
First, no one answered the door. Looking through the window next to it, he saw that there was light burning in one of the rooms, so he assumed someone was in there. Then, through the window, he saw a kid walking towards him – maybe fifteen. Dark hair and dark eyes, he looked confused when he opened the door.
“Yes? Can I help you?”, the boy asked.
“I’m looking for Mr. L/N”, Jack replied, “is he here?”
“He’s upstairs”, the boy replied, “who’s asking? I can get him.”
“Jack Thompson”, Jack pulled out his SSR ID, “He might remember me from when he lived in New York. I went to school with his daughter.”
“Dad?”, the boy turned around and yelled upstairs, “someone here to see you! A federal agent!”
Jack heard the footsteps of Y/N’s father descending the stairs. When he saw Jack in the doorframe, his face froze.
“You’re the boy Y/N went to school and university with”, he stated.
“Yes”, Jack nodded, shaking the man’s hand, “Jack Thompson. I’ve worked with your daughter at the SSR after the war, too.”
An aura of darkness, perhaps of sorrow or nostalgia coated the man’s face. “Seems like she couldn’t let it go.”
Jack’s eyebrows twitched upwards. “Sir, her work saved countless lives. During her time in Germany, as well as during her time at the SSR. Most men would be happy settling for half of her record.”
Mr. L/N pressed his lips together. “And you came here to bring me the notice of her passing? Is that it? Your sworn duty as her commanding officer?”
“What?”, Jack frowned, “No. Y/N’s alive and well, sir. I came here to ask you to give your daughter the right to choose. She didn’t have to serve. And yet, she did. And when she came back, she didn’t have to work for an intelligence agency. And yet, she did. Hell, I didn’t task her with half the crap she ended up pursuing at the SSR, and in hindsight, I should thank the Lord that she did. If it hadn’t been for her, I’d be dead.”
Mr. L/N looked over his shoulder, at the boy still standing there. “Give us a moment, Rich.” Then, he stepped outside, alone, to face Jack.
“Mr. Thompson, when Y/N decided to head to England, her mother already knew that she was sick. She just didn’t tell Y/N right away. We didn’t want her to go, because we already knew we’d lose someone within the next years. Before she could tell Y/N, she was on her way to England.” He sounded bitter, angry, because that meant that his only child had left him alone.
“Sir, I get that this must’ve hurt, I do”, Jack clenched his jaw, “but we were all asked to make a sacrifice. We were asked to take up arms and run head first into enemy lines if need be. So yes, your family was ruined by war, even though Y/N came back, and for that, I am sorry. But how many families lost multiple children to the war, how many families were torn apart? She tried to do what was right, and she did a fine job.” He paused. “So I ask, is that resentment really worth ruining the chance of salvaging the relationship you could still have to your daughter? Because she left you in order to serve her country?” For once, he managed not to raise his voice to a hostile level, but he nonetheless stared down Mr. L/N.
“Mr. Thompson”, he said slowly, carefully, “Why did you come here?”
Jack huffed. “I came here to tell you that on February 19th, Y/N L/N will become Misses Y/N Thompson. She was convinced that you would not want to be at her wedding. I came here to ask you myself. And you can say no, but I wanted to give you the chance to not lose your daughter. Yes, she went to war, and yes, she came back different. But she came back. And if you let her, you can have her back, too.”
February 19th was the date Jack had suggested. Y/N knew why that date meant something to him. It was the day he went to hell – February 19th, 1945, had been the day he landed on Iwo Jima. That day would always remain a black mark in his calendar, but this way, he took it back. It would no longer be the worst day of his life, it would be the best day of his life, too. Simply put, it would become the most meaningful day, good and bad, in his life.
Y/N had eventually found a dress – its long sleeves made up by a delicate lace, a deep v-neckline that, nonetheless, was modest, albeit a bit a different cut from the standard dresses. The A-line skirt allowed for easy movement, but did not consist of so much fabric that it would turn into a tripping hazard. Looking in the mirror, she saw Peggy smile at her from behind. Y/N herself didn’t manage to smile. She felt like she was staring at someone else entirely.
“You look stunning, Y/N. Absolutely gorgeous!”, Peggy stated and added with a smile, “What exactly Jack Thompson did to deserve you, I shall never know.”
Y/N couldn’t help but to grin at that remark. She knew that Peggy and Jack had started off – and continued for a long while – on the wrong foot.
“He really was a prick after the war, huh”, Y/N huffed, pulling the fabric around her neckline into place.
“The worst part is – at least he had somewhat of an explanation for it”, Peggy lamented, “But how many others are just as bad as he was and aren’t as marked by the years we spent abroad?”
“Peg, I am sorry to inform you, but if you want to live in a world without being degraded by our wonderful male co-workers”, Y/N said, turning to face the brunette with a cynical smile, “Then you were born at least two hundred years too early.”
“Well, someone has to pave the way, and I suppose, for the time being, that’ll have to be the two of us – and in all fairness, we have come a long way within the SSR”, Peggy replied, and Y/N nodded with one eyebrow raised.
“I suppose we have. Though you’ve had it significantly worse than I did. I was never accused of treason, or kicked out, or blackmailed with another person’s file”, Y/N said dryly.
“Indeed, the accusation of treason mostly came from my now-husband, I was kicked out by Chief Dooley, and blackmailed by Chief Thompson”, she recounted, laughing, “I suppose now I’ve gotten a beating from all the Chiefs, so maybe I am good now.”
“You better be, considering you’ll be heading a new organisation soon”, Y/N winked, “unless you go against yourself – you’ve got only Howard Stark to fear, and I think he has better things to do than to go after you. A suggestion from me – he should invest in a better vault. And security system.”
“Mr. Thompson!”, Jack looked over his shoulder as he was walking back to his car when he saw the kid from before running towards him.
“Can I help you, kid?”, he asked, turning around with an eyebrow raised.
“Dad never mentioned that Y/N was still alive”, the boy said, “He also never said that she was dead, now that I think about it. I guess, I just explained it away, given that she was never here.” He held out his hand: “I’m Rich. I’m Y/N’s stepbrother.”
Stepbrother. That made sense. A son from a previous marriage, whose father either had died, or was so absent that he had started to call Mr. L/N dad.
“Pleasure to meet you, Rich.”
“What is she like?”
Jack knew that he meant it as a completely innocent question, but to him, it was loaded with the memories of about fifteen years that he had, in one way or another, spent with Y/N. He didn’t even know where to begin with. How should he explain to this kid what a person Y/N was?
“Y/N”, he eventually said, elongating her name in the search for words, “She’s, uhm, probably the bravest, kindest, and strongest person I’ve ever met. Words don’t do her justice.”
“Dad hardly ever mentioned her – you said that she served… where did she serve? Dad didn’t seem thrilled about it.”
Jack knew that it wasn’t his story to tell – the spying, the entire tale of Y/N’s time in Germany, but he also wanted to convey to this boy that his ‘dad’ was dead-wrong for having been upset at his daughter, so he decided to rub it right in his face. “She fought against the Nazis. She spent the war in Europe. That’s why she left.”
It had the effect he had wanted – Rich’s mouth fell open as he stared at Jack in disbelief. “What? That’s awesome!”
“Yeah, well”, Jack gave him a lopsided grin and nodded towards the house behind them, “tell that to your dad, will ya, kid?”
“I will, sir!” Jack almost pulled a face at the kid calling him ‘sir’. Only the pencil pushers in the SSR called him that, and even they only rarely did. Most of them just called him ‘Chief’. The last time he was called ‘sir’ right, left and centre was back in the military.
“See you around, Rich.”
When Y/N returned, she wasn’t surprised when Jack was not at either her or his place – though their time at the SSR was coming to an end, he still didn’t like to let go off the wheel entirely just yet. So she headed to the office, where her search was indeed successful.
Entering the office, she felt the eyes of the men inside it on her.
Raising an eyebrow and putting her hands on her hips, she paused. “Is something the matter, gentlemen?”
“We knew about you leaving the SSR together with the Chief, but he only now mentioned that you’ll soon be married”, Goldberg eventually said, causing Y/N to raise her other eyebrow as she laughed.
“Yes, I’m sorry for myself, too.”
“Hey!” She grinned at Jack whose head popped out of the bullpen as he shook his head: “Unbelievable.”
“Congratulations, Y/N. Can’t say I saw that coming when you had your first day here, I thought you’d be more likely his murderer than his wife, but I stand corrected.”
Y/N laughed at Goldberg’s not entirely wrong analysis of hers and Jack’s first meeting post-war.
“What can I say”, she said, “we’ve never done things traditionally. That applies professionally as well as privately, it would seem.”
“I swear, if you now start telling them about our yesteryears, I’ll fire you on the spot”, Jack warned jokingly, “I want to upkeep my reputation for my next job.”
Y/N huffed: “I have no idea what you’re getting at, Jack. Your drinking escapades aside, and your unbelievable ability to make enemies, you were a straight-A student all your life.” And both of these aspects of his personality weren’t all that well-hidden, though, perhaps, his subordinates merely got to see the surface of both.
In fact, that was perhaps one of Jack Thompson’s most proficient traits. He had the capability to adapt to his environment, mould himself into whatever people expected from a person in his situation, put his own personality on the backburner in order to climb the ladder. He had always wanted to be the best – the best at maths, the best at sports, the best at anything he ever did, and he’d do anything to succeed. That didn’t necessarily mean to push others out the way, it certainly meant he fought hard to be better than the next guy, but as harsh as he was to others, he was at least ten times harsher with himself. He was able to build up a wall to reinforce himself to be ready to take on a world that had been incredibly hostile in their lifetime. They had experienced an economic crash and an economic recovery, they had experienced the worst war the world had ever seen. Not only that, but they had fought in it. And then they had come back to a country where they felt like strangers, only to realise that they had to second-guess every person around them. His wall of anger and of sarcasm and rudeness, it was also a wall of hard work, of doubt and of a deep conviction to want to serve this country. It was the wall that only very few got to ever climb, and Y/N was perhaps the one person who knew every brick in the wall.
To understand Jack Thompson was to understand the environment he operated in. That’s how it’s always been – he had been a different person when they were surrounded by other students as he was when he was with his family. He was different when being the SSR Chief, or her fiancé. Essentially, he grew up in a society that valued first and foremost the outcome, rather than the means. And the outcome society valued most was success. That might come across as greedy or selfish, but Y/N knew – at heart, he still did it all with good intentions. He wouldn’t ever back out of a fight in fear over his own life. He was willing to die for his job. And he didn’t trust many others to do a better job than he did himself. Again, this might sound selfish and arrogant to many, but Y/N had seen ‘the others’. Men like Vernon Masters, Calvin Chadwick and so on. They were just as ambitious, but they were cowards. They were willing to sacrifice others for their own success. He was willing to sacrifice himself.
And that, Y/N thought to herself, is why I’m going to marry him – to keep that part of him controlled. Because as much as she admired him for his willingness to give his all for cause and country – she really didn’t want him to become a martyr. She didn’t need for him to become the next Captain America. She was fine with him just being a good man, a man with a long list of flaws and a record of mistakes.
She could not ever imagine being with someone as literally flawless as Steve Rogers – then, she would feel like an absolute imposter. She had just as long a list of flaws and mistakes.
That’s why it worked. They needed each other – and in a sense, they always had.
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