#marvel x kpop
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mydayinthebuilding · 8 months ago
Make Me A Different Person (spiderman!jongseob x gn mutate!reader)
You as The Experiment… Y/N (unknown last name)
Kim Jongseob as Peter Parker… Jongseob Parker
Hwang Intak as Harry Osborn… Intak H. Osborn
Haku Shota as Ned Leeds… “Soul” Leeds
Choi Taeyang as Michelle Jones… Taeyang M. Jones
Choi Jiung as Harley Keener… Jiung Keener-Stark
Yoon Keeho as President of the Anti-Spiderman Club… Yoon “Pres” Keeho
"Watch it, loser!"
The door had opened right into your outstretched hand, and your knuckles screamed in pain, but you desperately tried to control your breathing as Eugene Thompson--aka Flash--scrambled past you. You glanced back at his burly figure and spiky blond hair thudding down the hall, bumping into everyone he could and blaming it on them. You shook your head, and carefully reached for the door again, quickly pulling it open.
You headed to the back of the classroom, holding your hand tenderly.
"Well, Y/N," started the teacher, and you looked up to see that no one else was in there. "Almost all the other kids just left to go on that field trip." He noticed you were in the back of the room. "Have a seat up here. I'm surprised you didn't go--after all, you're one of my top students."
You took a seat in the front, unzipping your backpack. "Yeah, well, I'm fine in your class, Mr. Kang, but science class is a different story."
He chuckled. Then he shrugged into his words: "I didn't have much planned today, so you're free to work on another class... science, perhaps?"
You nodded. "Will do."
You looked down at your hand that Flash had smashed the door into. It was still throbbing and red around the knuckles, but luckily didn't break open any skin. Then you checked the faint Light underneath the skin on your wrist, and took a calming breath when the energy dial was low. It will be fine, you reminded yourself. You shook out your arm, then pulled out your laptop.
The tab currently open was a few of your photography club pictures. You'd had them done for days, but thinking about showing them to anyone gave you goosebumps. You closed the tab, and opened the class site.
Your science teacher had posted an assignment for people not going on the field trip; that included you and only you. As you looked through it, you knew she'd done it simply to irk you, because you were learning about plant biology, not the chemistry behind a spider's venom. Of course, it was clear that the field trip was also useless, since your peers that went weren't required to take notes.
But you weren't about to go on that field trip. They were touring Oscorp, the second best robotics and chemical manufacturing company in the States.
Oscorp was also home to many of your fears. Sure, spiders were freaky, and their robots were always a little creepy to you, but they weren't even half of what truly scared you.
Suddenly, you noticed you'd been pressing the keys down hard, and the screen in front of you was full of the home row letters. You blinked, and put your head in your hands. Palms pressing on your eyes, you tried to focus on the shapes in your mind so you could stop thinking. But every flash of color was like memory lurking just below the surface.
It's going to be fine.
The door opened, and you looked up, eyes readjusting to the light through a squint, and met eyes with a couple students whose pleasant smiles quickly turned to upturned noses.
Your stomach lurched.
A batch of juniors that just so happened to hang with Flash--apparently they'd grown up with him, and kept hanging with him even when he got held back. So, of course, they loved to bully whoever he decided wasn't worth his time.
And that included you.
You felt your muscles tense up, and your heart rate was increasing ever so slowly, but you knew that you'd be fine with Mr. Kang in here--
"Oh, good! You just needed those copies for your project, right?" Mr. Kang said, getting up. "You can stay here and keep an eye on Y/N, though they probably don't need it, and I'll go print those for you."
"Yes, sir," said Julie. She cast you a nasty smile. "Thanks."
And soon enough, you were alone with a gang of bullies. Your hands squeezed into fists as your thoughts turned dark.
There were four of them in total. A tall football boy with greasy blond hair past his ears folded his arms and flexed his chest over them. You thought his name was Connor. A girl holding a phone in front of her face ruffled her coffee-brown hair so she had an extreme side part, and then stuck out her tongue and its piercing for a picture. You didn't remember her name, but knew her follower count was impressive. Then there was Julie's boyfriend, Riley, who had his arm across her shoulders and his chin held high in the air.
But Julie was the clear leader when Flash wasn't around. She held herself so confidently, and twirled her long red hair with one finger in a way that almost seemed like a threat. You swallowed, and gave the best smile you could muster, then glanced back down at your screen. With tense muscles, you sat there praying.
It's fine, you're fine, you're calm, you're normal, you're fine!
She marched over to your desk, but you were glued to your seat in fear. When you met her eyes again, they were livid.
"Good morning," you said. But maybe you really should have stayed quiet this time.
"Does anyone want to take a guess at what percentage of the work done here began in Mr. Osborn’s notebook?”
“Probably one percent, tops,” said Flash, snickering. “If his straight-C's son took after him, that is.”
“Anyone else?” Liz said, shaking her head. She was technically supposed to be learning with the rest of the sophomores, but she was an intern there. They asked her to take the group on a tour, and thanks to her confident smile, Jongseob couldn't take his eyes off of her.
She tucked her dark wavy hair behind her ear, and he watched her bright eyes search the group. He didn’t notice that she’d focused on him. “Jongseob?”
“Sorry?” His face heated up as he glanced away. “Um, seventy percent?”
She grinned. “That’s more like it.” He felt his heart skip a beat when she smiled especially brightly in his direction.
Soul leaned over his shoulder and whispered, “Dude, do you think she’s into you? That was-“
“Shut up, Leeds.” Jongseob nudged in the side. Soul leaned away, laughing.
Liz shook her head once more at another kid, and then Intak raised his hand.
“90 percent.”
“That is correct! Mr. Norman Osborn is the main mastermind behind this company’s projects. Of course, Intak would know more about it than me, but…” She gave a close-lipped smile. “If you’ll look here…”
Soul patted Intak on his shoulder. “Flash just shot you the nastiest look. Should I fight him to defend your honor?”
Jongseob and Intak blinked at him. He hunched over.
“Yeah, who am I kidding? I’m not street smart. I can’t give up my perfect school report to defend you.”
Intak shook his head in a chuckle. “Either way, my father doesn’t reflect what I’m like in school. Flash has a point. I get B’s in my first language, and my dad comes up with all the latest ground-breaking technology.”
"Yeah, I'm not so sure about that," Jongseob said with a laugh. "How could your dad have come up with all of this? He's just a guy."
Intak shoved his hands in his pockets. "You'd be surprised."
“Now, if you follow me to the next room,” Liz announced, opening a door that Flash immediately strutted through, “you’ll be able to see work on the neutralization of deadly spider venom.”
The class gasped a little at the sight of webs strung across the entire room. Flash tensed, and froze in the doorway.
“These spiders live the average amount of time and can eat the same things as usual, but their venom is engineered not to hurt humans in any way.”
“L-let’s go to the next room,” Flash said, backing away.
“Not yet. Are there any volunteers to hold one of these little spiders?”
Jongseob glanced at his friends, but Soul shook his head hard. Intak crossed his arms and smiled sweetly. “Jongseob will!” he called.
His heart dropped. “No, dude, what?”
“Don’t you think it would impress Liz?”
“Come on, Jongseob!” she said.
And then he found himself pushed to the front of the group, presented with a spindly arachnid hanging by a string. Its beady eyes stared down at him, legs wiggling as it lowered itself. It was like it knew what was happening. He held a shaking hand below it, every part in his body already tingling in anticipation and, honestly, fear. He knew it wouldn't hurt him, but he couldn't get over the thought of eight legs crawling all over him.
And then it hit his skin. The whole class seemed to shiver in excitement, watching the nerd hold a bug half the size of his palm. But it did nothing. They just stared at each other.
"See?" Liz offered. "It's entirely harmless."
Jongseob allowed himself a calming breath, and then laughed. It inched down to his wrist. "This isn't so ba- Ow!"
The spider went flying through the air as Jongseob looked down at his wrist in shock. It bit him! It wasn't supposed to injure him in the long run, but the bite was right beside the Light. He shifted his sleeve a little and watched his veins pulse strangely, before reverting back to normal.
"Hey--Jong-" Liz rushed toward him, reaching for his hand, but he flinched away.
"I'm fine! Haha, don't worry. It's not like it'll kill me."
Her brows furrowed, but then she nodded, and turned to the screaming group trying to get away from the rampant spider. Flash was nowhere to be seen.
He looked back down at his wrist. Sweat beaded on his forehead. He swallowed, hard. Then he rushed out the door, knocking into Intak's shoulder on the way. Where were the restrooms? He barely made it to his own stall before collapsing over the toilet, gagging.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid." You patted down the entirety of your backpack and quickly realized your chip wasn't in there. It was like an inhaler for your "episodes", and every time you got too confident in yourself, you let it go missing. And right now wasn't a good time for it to be.
A shudder passed through your body, and your jaw clenched so hard, you thought you might crack a tooth. You glanced at the juniors, and knew immediately that this would be bad. You just had to leave--
"So, Y/N, I hear you got a perfect score on the science homework," Julie started with a smirk. "Oh, wait, you didn't even turn it in. Thanks, by the way, for lending it to me."
She sat on your desk, and you immediately stood up, accidentally pushing your notebook off the desk. The juniors gasped. All you could feel was your blood rushing in your ears. She scoffed, and her friends stepped closer to you.
"It's not like you needed it. Are you going somewhere?"
You tried to take a slow, calm breath, but it sounded angry.
"Got--to--go," you managed, before shoving past a couple of them. They reached out to grab you, but recoiled from your skin. Your arms were rock hard--not because of any muscles, but because of the episode that was beginning. You had to get out of there, before you exploded.
You pushed open the door in a hurry, revealing a shocked Mr. Kang and a stack of papers going everywhere. You couldn't even squeak an apology, and instead tears began to stream down your cheeks as you ran.
"Julie? We need to talk," you heard him say, and then you rounded a corner and slammed into the fire retardant box on the wall.
Its door went flying, and you didn't even bat an eye until you reached the restroom and could splash your face with cold water. You couldn't even feel it, which was a really bad sign. But you kept doing it, hoping that it would reverse the effects. When you started feeling the chill, you stopped, and ripped a paper towel from the dispenser to dry off. You hadn't even noticed the water had splashed all over your front side until then.
"Great." You grabbed another paper towel and tried to pat off the wet splotches on your shirt, but it didn't help. You caught yourself in the mirror and laughed. You were a sight to behold, for sure.
Your eyebags were the biggest thing on your face. Your eyebrows were drawn in a permanent scowl. Worst of all, you could still see the uncontrollable fear of yourself in your eyes. You were disgusting--horrible. You could imagine the headline: "UNDERCOVER FREAK OF NATURE INFILTRATED HIGH SCHOOL." Thanks to Julie and her gang, you were always on edge, wondering which day would be your last at this school. Sometimes you resented her for the fear. Today you found yourself wishing she had won this time. Maybe then you wouldn't have to hide. Maybe then someone would hear you out.
Maybe then you'd get help.
But as you stared into your own soul, you knew there would always be something wrong. You couldn't be fixed. A monster that hid under its own bed was better than a monster running free.
There was a knock at the door, and your head flung toward the sound. "Y/N? It's Mr. Kang."
Your voice stuck in your throat. Glancing down to your wrist, the dial seemed to be cooling down. You shuffled your feet to the door, opening it shakily.
When he saw you, he sighed in relief. "I'm glad you're okay. I had my suspicions about Julie and her friends, but I didn't know they had a problem with you."
All you could do was nod.
He pursed his lips. "Let's go talk to the principal."
You followed him, the sound of shoes on the floor echoing in your ears, but all the while you wondered how you weren't spotted yet. How did he not realize you were the freak? If anyone deserved to be bullied, it was you.
"No one deserves to be bullied, Y/N," he said suddenly. You blinked, and he chuckled. "That must be why you stayed quiet about it, right? Well, you're wrong. You are a great student and a good person."
"Thanks, Mr. Kang." There was really nothing else to say.
"So, you're being bullied? Homework stolen, a couple of sharp words, and you've been physically hurt before?"
"Yes, sir." You looked down at your hands, tugging your sleeve further over your wrist. Mr. Kang had gotten you a dress code sweatshirt to replace your soaked one. It gave you little comfort when speaking to the principal like this.
"I'm thankful for the report." The principal cleared his throat, and finished typing. "However, Y/N, I can't let your own behavior slide. Not fully."
You snapped your eyes upward, suddenly feeling a tingling in your body. You struggled through a calming breath, but your eyes clouded up anyway. "Sir?"
It's fine, it's fine.
"You broke school property today. The fire retardant case is completely smashed on the floor. I'm afraid you'll have to pay if off. Since you're a great student and I don't totally blame you, only worry about two hundred bucks of it."
You released a shaky breath, nodded, and reminded yourself that they really couldn't know anything was different about you. Hardly anything really went wrong, and accidents happen. You could pay this off, and then no one would have to pry further. If only you had the money.
“Hey, Jongseob?”
Jongseob squeezed his eyes shut, tears wetting his lashes. He clutched his stomach gently, leaning a little bit more over the toilet. He was on his knees, keeled over in a public stall, and he’d forgotten to close the door. Well, it was too late now.
“Jongseob, are you in here?”
It was Intak. He wanted to sigh in relief, but every movement he took made him more aware of the nausea building up. He glanced at his wrist again, but the bite was still very prominent.
Can’t harm him? Yeah, right. Stupid, stupid, stupid! He’d always pretended to be the same as everyone else. But the light on his wrist was proof of otherwise. He suddenly gagged, and ripped his hand from his stomach to the toilet seat to brace himself.
The episode came and went, but then he saw that the entire front of his shirt had come off with his hand now on the cool ceramic. Fresh air met his sweaty chest, and he took a steady breath.
Footsteps approached quickly, then, and he knew immediately that Intak was there.
“Oh, man, are you okay?”
Jongseob’s cheeks burned in embarrassment. He wasn’t necessarily a cool guy in front of his friends, but this was sort of humiliating. The son of the creator of these spiders witnessed him basically overreact.
“I’m sorry,” he managed, hanging his head.
No answer. He heard paper rip and water run, and then Intak came back over and pressed a damp towel to his forehead.
“Don’t be sorry. A lot of times the placebo effect really does affect you like this. You know it’s not gonna hurt you, but some part of you still fears it, so your body reacts.”
Jongseob tensed, and finally looked up at his friend. He was shocked to see a kind smile, where there normally sat a reserved frown.
“It’s totally normal, it’ll be fine.”
“I want to go home.”
Intak nodded. “Let’s go. Where’d your shirt go?” Then he spotted it. “Ah.”
“I don’t even know.”
Somehow Intak snuck him out of the crowded building, and got him an extra lab coat to cover up with, no problem at all. He was starting to feel much better, and wondered if he should say he’s fine to go back.
But they were already in a taxi headed to his Aunt May’s house, so he let himself recover. He pressed his palms against the leather beneath him, and stared out the window at the city flashing by.
Oh no—Aunt May! That would not end well. If she saw him come home early looking so sick, she’d ask questions. He knew logically, it wouldn’t be a big deal to lie a little bit, but he also knew he was a terrible liar.
“My dad will pay for any healthcare you need, if you do.”
He sucked in a breath. “No, no, it’s not a big deal. I feel much better by now.”
Intak laughed, “Good! Because explaining this to him would honestly suck.”
Jongseob believed that. Mr. Osborn was a stern man, and he could guess that he wouldn’t be too happy to hear his project was having negative effects. He’d probably care more about silencing this incident than Jongseob himself.
But that wasn’t a big deal.
“Woah, you can’t even see the bite anymore!”
Jongseob jumped and looked down, and realized it really was gone. Like nothing happened. Maybe he really had imagined it. He sighed, looking out the window once more. Intak patted his shoulder with a similar sigh.
The taxi stopped, and Jongseob realized he was staring right at his house. He started, and thanked Intak sincerely, offering to pay him back. As always, that wasn’t an option. Intak waved goodbye and Jongseob turned to face his front door alone.
Unfortunately for him, Aunt May spotted him through the glass of the door almost immediately.
“Jongseob!” she exclaimed when he opened the door. “What- what are you doing back here so early?” She threw down a pile of folded towels—it was laundry day—and reached out to caress his face with soft, cool hands. “You‘ve got a fever.”
“Just a small one, but I guess it was enough to leave early.”
Her forehead creased and her worry lines grew deeper. Before she could say anything, he continued.
“Honestly, I just wanted to leave. It was boring and had nothing to do with class. I have homework to do.”
She stepped back, eyeing him with suspicion. “Alright. Well, help me carry these up to the bathroom and then you can get on with that schoolwork.” She wagged a bony finger in the air, and a smile began to form on her lips again. “You’ve got to keep your scholarship, or you’ll be getting a job!”
Jongseob relaxed, and took the towels with a forced smile, hurrying up the stairs. “Love you, Aunt May!”
“Oh, get on with it!”
But once he’d ducked into the bathroom, he realized there really was something wrong. The towels wouldn’t drop. It was like he was… sticky.
part one out of six.
taglist (let me know if you want to continue being tagged): @foggypkryptonite @thecarnivaloflies @zendieya-8 @harmonys-bunny @fullsunstrawberry @marleymade @hw4ngss @chuuswifereal @horangipoweryummyyummy @the-kpop-simp @blue-lumiere @yereneee @hrts4seobie
14 notes · View notes
kylopen · 1 month ago
Me looking for fan fictions but instead I get flashed by sex bot ads under the same tag
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3K notes · View notes
gyuuberryy · 4 months ago
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pairing: venom!jay x reader
genre: venom au, one sided rivalry, loser!jay, office coworkers, superhero
synopsis: when a geeky coworker’s transformation catches your eye, curiosity leads to a discovery far darker—and more thrilling—than you ever imagined. now, blackmail has you entangled with jay and his possessive alter ego, venom, in a dangerous game neither of you wants to end.
warnings: kissing, fighting, venom??
note: where are my marvel girlies at whoo hoo! venom is so pookie and my biggest "hear me out" hehe he got me sobbing in the theatre. jay as venom would be SO hot kjvfbvnjb >< so i wrote this to make up for me going mia for a while, i have too much school work so writing will be slow. anyway enjoyyy reading!!
word count: 2.5k
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your office life was a balancing act between emails, deadlines, and… keeping your one-sided rivalry with park jongseong alive. jay(as everyone else called him), with his slightly too-short ties and endearing but tragic fashion sense, was the clueless office geek. he was awkward, quiet, and too nice for his own good. yet, no matter how awkward he was, jay always managed to excel in everything he did, effortlessly snagging the praise you thought should have been yours.
what irritated you most was that jay never seemed to notice your rivalry. he was too busy offering you help or giving you his signature polite, bumbling smile. and sometimes, you’d even catch yourself watching him a little too closely, feeling a reluctant warmth for his harmless, good-guy charm.
one afternoon, you wandered over to his desk, smirking as you noticed his usual setup: notebooks organised to the millimetre, a stack of neatly sharpened pencils, and a sticky note that read “be confident!” in his looping handwriting.
he looked up as you approached, adjusting his slightly crooked glasses and giving you a shy smile.
“hey, park,” you began, leaning casually against his desk. “did you remember to double-check the new client report? i know how thorough you like to be.”
jay blinked, his cheeks turning pink. “y-yeah, i went over it twice… just to make sure everything was right.”
“of course you did,” you replied with a playful eye roll. “wouldn’t want our employee of the month slipping up, now would we?”
he smiled, looking down at his notebook. “just doing my best.”
you shook your head, laughing softly. for some reason, you loved seeing him blush, getting him all flustered with a few well-placed jabs. jay was sweet, awkward, and, despite your constant teasing, he never seemed to hold it against you.
but the next week, everything changed.
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jay showed up to work that monday looking like a different person. gone were the slightly wrinkled shirts and too-short ties. instead, he wore a fitted, charcoal button-down with the top few buttons undone, revealing a silver chain against his collarbone. his sleeves were rolled up, showing his forearms in a way that made you do a double-take. and he’d traded his old glasses for sleek, dark-rimmed ones that suited him way too well, giving him a smouldering look.
you did a double take as he walked by, giving you a casual, confident nod. “morning,” he said, his voice low and smooth. the bumbling, endearing jay you knew was nowhere to be found.
you shook it off, convincing yourself it was just a fluke. but over the next few days, you couldn’t ignore the transformation.
he traded in his ill-fitting clothes for tailored shirts, stylish watches, and a few artfully unbuttoned collars that showed off his neck and a hint of muscle. it seemed like his glasses had now permanently changed, now sleek and sophisticated, accentuating his jawline in a way that made you, against your better judgement, find yourself staring a little too long.
and it wasn’t just his style—jay’s entire demeanour was different. instead of blushing and stuttering, he’d catch you looking, smirking with a confidence that left you flustered.
one afternoon, you approached him, determined to regain some control of the dynamic. “wow, park,” you said, crossing your arms. “fancy new look. trying to impress someone?”
he looked up, a slow smile spreading across his face. “why? is it working?”
your cheeks heated, but you forced a laugh. “don’t flatter yourself.”
“oh, i don’t need to,” he replied smoothly, leaning back in his chair. “you do a pretty good job of that.”
his words left you speechless, your usual comebacks fizzling as he held your gaze with a smirk. flustered, you turned away, cursing under your breath.
when had park jongseong become… hot?
over the next week, his flirtations continued, growing bolder and more direct. every time you tried to tease him, he’d have a response that left you stumbling. gone was the stammering, geeky coworker you used to playfully bully; in his place was someone who knew exactly how to get under your skin, his newfound confidence throwing you off balance.
but one night after work, things took an unexpected turn.
you’d noticed him acting strange, glancing at his arms as though trying to keep something in check. he slipped out of the office quickly that evening, his face tense, and curiosity got the best of you. you followed him, keeping your distance as he made his way down the street, eventually ducking into a dark alleyway.
hiding behind the corner, you peeked around, pulling out your phone and hitting “record” just in case. what you saw left you speechless.
jay was standing in the middle of the alley, his body tense, his hands clutching his head. dark, inky shadows pulsed along his arms, twisting and curling like tendrils wrapping around him. his posture shifted, his shoulders straightening as the shadows coiled around his body, transforming him into something that was equal parts terrifying and mesmerising.
suddenly, jay let out a deep, guttural growl, his face contorting as sharp, gleaming fangs appeared, his once-soft eyes turning pitch black.
“finally,” a rough, raspy voice rumbled, oozing from jay’s mouth with a sinister excitement. “let’s go for a little… snack.”
a cold chill shot through you as you held up your phone, capturing the whole transformation on video. your heart was racing, but you couldn’t look away. whatever was happening to jay was unlike anything you’d ever seen.
as he turned, his gaze fell on the man who’d appeared in the alley, a figure holding a crowbar, his face twisted in anger. jay’s lips twisted into a wicked grin as he stalked toward the man, his voice dropping into a dark, predatory tone.
“ohhh, you picked the wrong guy to mess with tonight,” the voice sneered, dripping with a twisted glee. “i am going to enjoy this.”
the man froze, his face paling as jay’s shadows coiled around him, binding him in place. jay’s grin widened, his fangs gleaming as he leaned in close.
“run along, before i decide you’d make a nice little snack,” he growled, his voice a terrifying blend of jay’s and something far darker.
the man didn’t hesitate, stumbling away into the shadows. but as jay straightened, his gaze flickered over to you, and his eyes narrowed. in a heartbeat, he was in front of you, his inky black tendrils stretching out to trap you, pinning you against the wall.
you swallowed, trying to keep your breathing steady as he loomed over you, his dark, twisted grin sending a thrill of both fear and fascination through you.
“you… got that on video?” he murmured, his voice back to normal but tinged with a rough edge.
you held up your phone, smirking. “every second of it.”
his eyes flashed with a dangerous glint, and he leaned closer, his face inches from yours. “we could just… eat you, you know. save ourselves a lot of trouble.”
you raised an eyebrow, refusing to back down. “please. you didn’t even eat that guy. there’s no way you’d hurt me.”
he chuckled, the sound low and dark, his gaze flicking over your face. “hmm, true… i like you too much for that.”
the words left you breathless, your heart skipping a beat as you stared up at him, stunned. his face softened, a small, genuine smile replacing the sinister grin.
“so… about that video,” he murmured, his voice laced with amusement.
regaining your composure, you smirked, crossing your arms as best you could with his tendrils pinning you to the wall. “i think i’ll keep it… as insurance. you know, just in case you feel like getting hungry again.”
he tilted his head, his expression thoughtful. “so… what, you’re blackmailing me now?”
“exactly,” you replied, your grin widening. “you’re going to help me out with a few things, and i’m going to keep my mouth shut about your… secret.”
jay sighed, the shadows retracting as he released you, though he kept his gaze locked on yours. “fine. but don’t push it.”
you grinned, savouring the thrill of having the upper hand. “deal.”
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over the next few weeks, you took full advantage of your “arrangement.” you had him running errands, fixing things around your apartment, and even carrying your heavy boxes at work. gone was the bumbling, geeky jay you’d known, replaced with someone who wielded both power and confidence—and didn’t hesitate to let you know it.
curiosity getting the best of you one day, you found yourself pulling him aside. “so… about your little… transformation,” you began, eyeing him carefully. “is he, like, a shadow monster or something?”
jay’s eyes widened, and he looked genuinely affronted. “shadow monster?” he repeated, crossing his arms. “he’s a symbiote. and he’s got a name, thank you very much.”
you raised an eyebrow. “a symbiote? i mean, he looks pretty shadowy to me.”
jay sighed, clearly unimpressed with your description. “no, he’s not ‘shadowy.’ he’s a sentient being that forms a bond with his host—me. he’s venom,” jay clarified, the name coming out almost reverently, and with a slight glint in his eye.
“oh, i see. so, he’s a person?”
“well, he has his own… opinions,” jay replied, wincing as he paused. “we’re a package deal, so to speak.”
“damn right, a package deal,” a deep, gravelly voice suddenly rumbled from within jay, and you felt a slight chill as the symbiote made its presence known.
you stared, both amazed and slightly unnerved. “oh… hey there, venom.”
venom chuckled, the sound reverberating low and menacing. “hello, sweetheart. i hear you think i’m a 'shadow monster.' "
jay rubbed the back of his neck, looking slightly exasperated, but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes as he said, “see? he doesn’t like being called that.”
you smirked, glancing at jay and then back at venom. “got it, venom,” you replied, a teasing lilt to your voice. “no shadow monster remarks. i’ll be sure to remember that.”
that evening, you called him over to help fix a squeaky window in your apartment. when he arrived, his sleeves were rolled up, and those dark tendrils emerged, forming into tools as he worked. you couldn’t help but watch, fascinated as he tightened the screws effortlessly, his movements precise and fluid.
he glanced over his shoulder, catching you staring. “see something you like, darling?” he teased, his voice low, laced with that familiar dark humour.
you scoffed, crossing your arms. “keep dreaming, park.”
jay smirked, his gaze flicking over you with a look that was anything but innocent. “oh, i don’t have to dream.”
your face heated, but before you could respond, he leaned closer, his breath warm against your ear. “you know, all you have to do is say the word.”
flustered, you quickly turned away, ignoring the smug grin on his face.
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one night, as you were heading home from work, you felt someone following you. before you could react, a man grabbed your arm, yanking you into a dark alley. panic surged through you, your heart hammering as you struggled against his grip. but before you could scream, a low, guttural growl echoed from the shadows.
jay emerged from the darkness, his face twisted into a terrifying, fanged grin, his body wrapped in shadows that made him look both monstrous and mesmerising. he moved faster than you’d ever seen, dark tendrils coiling around the man’s arms, pinning him against the wall with a force that made your would-be attacker whimper.
“didn’t anyone tell you?” he snarled, his voice laced with dark satisfaction, his grin widening to show those gleaming fangs. “not to mess with what's ours.”
the man’s face turned ghostly white as he struggled against jay’s grip, terror flooding his eyes. jay’s smirk only grew, his shadowed form tightening its hold as he leaned in close, as if savouring every second of the man’s fear.
“i should just eat you,” jay’s voice growled, laced with menace and barely-concealed delight. “but you’re too pathetic for even a snack.” with a dismissive sneer, he released the man, letting him stumble away in blind terror, tripping over himself as he fled into the night.
when you looked back at jay, his inky tendrils had retracted, his monstrous form dissolving into something closer to the man you knew. yet his eyes still held that dangerous, possessive glint, and his breathing was still heavy, his gaze locked onto you with an intensity that made your pulse race.
“you okay?” he asked, his voice softer now, but with an edge of something raw and wild. his hand moved to rest on your arm, fingers lingering as if to reassure himself you were safe.
you nodded, swallowing as you tried to steady your breathing. “thanks to you…”
a wicked chuckle escaped him, his head tilting as his eyes darkened with a new, eerie glow. you could feel the presence of that “other” entity in him, lurking just beneath the surface. “oh, she’s safe with us,” it rumbled, making your skin prickle. “but i think she owes us something, don’t you, jay?”
jay’s gaze softened for a moment before that twisted smile took over again, his features shifting, the shadows flickering as he allowed his alter ego to take control.
“you really think i owe you?” you asked, trying to keep your voice steady despite the thrill that coursed through you.
“absolutely,” jay, or rather venom replied, his grin widening. “we didn’t just save you. we protected what’s ours. and i think a little… reward is in order.”
you arched an eyebrow, unwilling to back down. “and what kind of reward does a shadow monster want?”
jay leaned closer, his breath warm and tinged with something dark. “i have a few ideas.” he chuckled, his sharp fangs glinting in the low light. “but don’t worry, sweetheart. we won’t bite… unless you ask nicely.”
your cheeks flushed despite yourself, but you kept your cool. “i don’t think you’re as scary as you want me to believe,” you teased, meeting his dark gaze. “you wouldn’t hurt me.”
his eyes gleamed with amusement. “oh, i could… but where’s the fun in that?” he tilted his head, observing you with a dark curiosity. “besides… jay likes you too much. and, maybe… so do i.”
the admission left you momentarily breathless, your heart pounding as you stared up at him. just as you were about to respond, his face softened, his gaze flicking to your lips before he leaned in.
without waiting another second, jay captured your mouth in a fierce, consuming kiss. the roughness in his embrace was offset by a possessive tenderness that made you melt, your hands gripping his shirt as he pulled you closer.
when he finally pulled back, his eyes flickered between jay’s gentle warmth and venom’s dark amusement. “so, boss,” he murmured, his voice laced with that familiar, playful edge, “any other tasks?”
with a grin, you pulled him closer, “i think i can come up with a few.”
jay chuckled approvingly, his voice a husky whisper against your ear. “good… because we’re just getting started.”
and with that, he leaned in once more, his mouth claiming yours in a kiss that promised this was only the beginning of a thrilling, dangerous new game.
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justalittlegirl27 · 4 months ago
Y'all Tumblr has been dull for few months now every time I try to find a good fic i can't seem to find it all I get is smut it's not that i don't like it I do like it but I feel like it's all I get maybe it's my searching problem and i don't really have time to sit and find fic that has good plot and good writing. I have to say some of the smut fics are good beacuse I feel like there is more depth to it more story to it that it doesn't feel like I'm reading the same thing and most of the smut writers can write very well and i would love to see a full fic because they can write .
So guys if have any recommendations please lmk
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prettiinpinkk · 2 months ago
my ballerina 🩰. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
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arlecchino x fem! reader(nsfw)MDNI!!
synopsis; you are a ballerina, dancing on the stage under the hot spotlights, the crowd watching you perform. after, arlecchino decides to praise you for your performance in a way she’d rather prefer.
a/n: hihi! first story up! (I don’t know much about ballet so im sorry if this is wrong and first time ever writing smut so 😓) step on me arle :3 anyways send requests i love youu . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
; tying up, nicknames, strap on, semi-public sex, slight overstimulation, wlw.
wc; 2.5k
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It was currently a few moments after your performance, sweat dripping over your forehead, the lights beating down like a rapid storm. you danced like a beautiful swan on a lake, gaining applause from the crowd infront. perfecting executing your routine, the tutu flowing as you twirled.
you were approaching the other, wrapping your arms around the white haired female, the woman congratulating you on the magnificent performance.
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you were tied up, your arms and legs tied with some pretty pink ribbon, bare, in front of arlecchino. “you did so good out there, doll. your like my pretty little ballerina.” she said, speaking low and sultry. her one hand landing on your neck, the other on your breast. her eyes met yours as she lifted your head to match her gaze, her thumb slowly rubbing over your tit. “sweetheart, you’ll be a good girl and stay quiet, won’t you? don’t want people hearing..as much as I love your little moans and whimpers.” You managed to get out a small “mhm.” but before you could finish, two of arles fingers were inside your pussy, moving at an agonizingly slow speed. “f,fuck-“ you mumble, trying to muffle a groan.
arlecchino began to move her hands quicker, pushing them deeper inside you, curling them slowly, you felt feverish, almost letting out a whimper. you ached for more friction, it wasn’t enough, she was going so slow on purpose, as if to tease you.
you pulled against the restraints, starting to feel suffocated with the amount of pleasure mixed with overwhelming need. “ah-ah- you stay there, baby. don’t want to be a bad girl for me hm?” you responded with just a small whimper, her hands moving faster and faster inside your aching pussy, your fluids dripping all over her hand, making a ring around her palm.
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arlecchino pounded into your soaked pussy, you were about to hit your limit, you’ve came many times, but she isn’t stopping any time soon, you whimpered, holding onto the wall while she pushed into you, muffling your moans with her hand “you look s’so pretty like this- all a mess for me’ mm-f’fuck-“
your eyes rolled back, the endless pleasure continuing, “a’arle-mmph-p’peruere-“ It was like that sent her over the edge, she pushed into you one last time, panting, reaching both her limit and yours, tears of overstimulation falling down your face, being pushed to your limit. “did so good f’me- fuck- such a good girl.” both of you panted softly, her thumb wiping away your tears, giving you a soft kiss, her hand making sure not to put too much pressure on the marks she made on your neck.
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sanakimohara · 7 months ago
Felix cosplaying Deadpool or an AU where he’s a version of Deadpool and Y/N as Lady Death, and every time he’s on the brink of Death, he literally can’t stop himself from sleeping with you before his immortality kicks in. It’s so sick, and he gets so eager and rough because he knows a short fuck will get him through till the next time. Just Felix as Deadpool in any sense would be so far removed from his usual gentle demeanor. He’s bolder. More brazen. He is less affectionate with his words and even less forgiving when he handles you. Brb, I need to write smth about this…
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the-ravenist · 3 months ago
Hello everyone, I come with a question that requires the opinion of the people!
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w-intersage · 2 years ago
All of my favorite authors (I LOVE YALL SM) and their masterlist 🤩🤩🤩
(Also I do ask to respect them in terms of reading their work and over all interacting with them. I also recommend to follow them as their work is 😍😍)
- I13
- sunflowersteves
- buryustogether
- Oreo-creampie
- lemonlover1110
- laraleafs
- witchy-scribblings
- mrskokushibo
- saetoshis
- kleftiko
- dudeandduchess
- flametrashiraarchive
- Kimetsu-no-yaiba-writings
- sujikuna
- sugurizz
- 6gumi
- Muzanswaifu
- rlvsmegumi
- holylulusworld
- peachdues
- damn-stark
- noroi1000
- yuujispinkhair
- miguelswifey
- perzawa
- sugurini
*My intentions are not to copy their work only to share my liking and appreciation, if anyone listed feels uncomfortable with their work being displayed please say so and I will remove it*
@l13 @sunflowersteves @buryustogether @oreo-creampie @lemonlover1110 @laraleafs @witchy-scribblings @mrskokushibo @saetoshis @kleftiko @dudeandduchess @flametrashiraarchive @kimetsu-no-yaiba-writings @sujikuna @sugurizz @6gumi @muzanswaifu @rlvsmegumi @holylulusworld @peachdues @damn-stark @noroi1000 @yuujispinkhair @miguelswifey04 @perzawa @sugurini
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hobicakess · 1 year ago
when i read mafia fics i get so pissed off at MC because let me have a murderous , sexy , RICH bf/husband whos very much willing to live AND die for me.. IM SHOWIN TF OUT!! but nooo y/n gotta be so humble abt it 🙄🙄 like bae why r u not maxing out that credit card when he tell u too? and most importantly WHYY ARE YOU LETTING PEOPLE TALK TO YOU CRAZY???
yall know tht tiktok sound " my man kill people." that would be me all day LMAO and im beating btches up because who's going to jail when my man has the whole police force by the neck??? not me
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mlm-writer · 3 months ago
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flowerbitz · 5 months ago
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it's their song brb i'm gonna cry bring my families back PLEASE!!!??????
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mostly-imagines · 11 months ago
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iconsgeek · 4 months ago
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Headers NewJeans x X-men, Nightwing, Flash and Spider-gwen
Like please!
© minjiwolfie on X
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idkdudethisisntpermanent · 6 months ago
I love looking through my supporter’s reading lists on Wattpad and seeing the Clexa, to Camila Cabello, to some MCU character, to CW show character, to Kpop, to now Jenna Ortega pipeline. Like we all just the same mfs💀
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prettiinpinkk · 2 months ago
private lesson ₊ ⊹ ₊ ⊹
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lisa x fem reader (nsfw)
synopsis; your wife, lisa, decides to try something new, pleasuring you with her electro, while your over stressed for a upcoming exam.
a/n; im so sleepy but I gotta write more :3 (I need her so bad oh my gosh)
; vision usage, mommy kink, dom!lisa, fucking on a table, fingering, library sex, eating out, cunnilingus, sub!fem reader
wc; 0.7k words
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the light shined through the library’s curtains, the scent of decaying books cascading through the air, leaving a soft, comforting aura filling the room. lisa sat on one of the nearby tables, her hands held a book, a dark mauve color leathered the cover, the brunettes head peaked up when the large oak door opened, revealing you, her wife.
you walked over to her, stress crossing your expression as you sat down in her lap, speaking softly “m’so anxious about this next exam..” your voice seemed unsteady, laced with stress and feelings of nervousness. “you want me to help with that..my sweetheart?” lisas voice echoed softly, a seductive and sultry ring to it. “mmph..please..” you groaned, anything to take away anxiety.
lisa smirked, bringing you closer to her and laying you softly down onto the table, climbing over you, her breath warm against your ear “gonna make my sweet girl feel all better..m’kay..?” you nodded, as she began to unclothe you, taking off your already short skirt, and stuffing two fingers inside your already soaked pussy.
“mmph- lisa-“ you let out a soft whimper, as if you were protesting, but it failed as she spoke seductively again in your ear “you gonna be a good girl for mommy hm?” she left a trail of soft kisses and marks all over your neck, biting softly, her fingers still dug into your swollen pussy, pushing them deeper and deeper into your tight walls.
“m’mommy-“ you managed to whimper out, as she went faster, curling her fingers inside your tight, dripping wet hole. but as soon as you were about to hit your max, she pulled her fingers out, your liquids coating her digits, she made eye contact with you as she wrapped her tongue around them, sucking your fluids off.
“you taste so good, my baby.” she spoke as she kept eye contact and pushed her lips down into your pussy, her tongue lapping at your clit. your eyes rolled back as all you could do was moan and whimper,your hand found its way to her hair, pushing her head down deeper into your heat, as she continued to lick and kiss your folds. “ngh- m’mommy- p’please- mmph- f’fuck-“ you spoke louder then planned, your voice weak, too focused on pleasure to think of anything else but her name.
then lisa suddenly used her vision, zapping your puffy pussy, while continuing to eat you up like she hasn’t been fed in months. “m’mommy-c’close-“ you moan, she continued to use her vision, making small electric shocks hit your core, it didn’t hurt, instead you were very overwhelmed with pleasure.
“yeah honey? be a good girl for mommy and show me how close you truly are..” it was like that made you snap, you immediately came, tears falling down your face, panting as lisa got up, kissing you and cleaning you up a bit. after a few minutes she spoke softly “you okay baby? did I do too much?” she spoke as her thumb traced your hair, petting it softly, as to comfort you.
you nodded, biting your lip, you definitely weren’t stressed anymore, but all you could think about was how you were gonna get her back, maybe a remote controlled vibrator during a meeting? or eating her out while she’s trying to focus on work? you’d figure it out. for now, you needed to calm down.
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nino-rox · 1 year ago
DISCLAIMER: Please be of the appropriate age ( i.e, Adult as per your country’s stipulations and regulations) before interacting with this post.
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Hope you’re doing well. I’m just getting into writing - mainly K-POP/Anime/Celebrity x Gender Neutral/Male Reader SMUT - any requests/suggestions of any kind would be highly appreciated!
S.Coups (Choi Seungcheol) x Male Reader | S
Choi San x Male Bottom Reader | S
Cha Eunwoo x Male Bottom Reader | S
Jung Wooyoung x Male Reader | S
Jeon Jungkook x Male Reader | S
Choi Yeonjun x Male Bottom Reader | S.M
Keeho (Stephen Yoon) x Male Bottom Reader | S
ADDICTED | Byeon Woo Seok x Male Reader | M.A
Choi Beomgyu x Top Male Reader | S
Library + Fascination | Sim Jaeyun x Male Reader | M
TASM Spider-Man x Male Bottom Reader | S
Shadows of Betrayal Part 1 Grant Ward x Male Reader | M.A.O | SPOILER ALERT
Peter Parker | Tom Holland | Boyfriend Headcanons | Gender Neutral Reader | M
Ghost x Male Bottom Reader | S.O
Akaza (Soyoma Hakuji) x Human Male Bottom Reader | S
Cookies and Cuddles | Stiles Stilinski x Male Reader | F
We Just Fucked | Stiles Stilinski x Bottom Male Reader | S
ANOMALY Part 1 | Stiles Stilinski x Male Reader | O
ANOMALY Part 2 | Stiles Stilinski x Male Reader | M.O
ANOMALY Part 3 | Stiles Stilinski x Male Reader | M.O
Thank You <3 Please Send Requests
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